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CDEFJMI-KNLPOQ"http://www.opengis.net/ows" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> urn:uuid:19887a8a-f6b0-4a63-ae56-7fba0e17801f http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image image/svg+xml Lorem ipsum GR-22 Tourism--Greece Quisque lacus diam, placerat mollis, pharetra in, commodo sed, augue. Duis iaculis arcu vel arcu. urn:uuid:19887a8a-f6b0-4a63-ae56-7fba0e17801f http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image image/svg+xml Lorem ipsum GR-22 Tourism--Greece Quisque lacus diam, placerat mollis, pharetra in, commodo sed, augue. Duis iaculis arcu vel arcu. http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/ImageLorem ipsumQuisque lacus diam, placerat mollis, pharetra in, commodo sed, augue. Duis iaculis arcu vel arcu.Tourism--Greeceimage/svg+xml/2.0.2local2015-06-26T14:59:45Z urn:uuid:1ef30a8b-876d-4828-9246-c37ab4510bbd http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service Proin sit amet justo. In justo. Aenean adipiscing nulla id tellus. 60.042 13.754 68.410 17.920 urn:uuid:1ef30a8b-876d-4828-9246-c37ab4510bbd http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service Proin sit amet justo. In justo. Aenean adipiscing nulla id tellus. 60.042 13.754 68.410 17.920 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/ServiceProin sit amet justo. In justo. Aenean adipiscing nulla id tellus.POLYGON((13.75 60.04, 13.75 68.41, 17.92 68.41, 17.92 60.04, 13.75 60.04))3csw:Recordhttp://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2local2015-06-26T14:59:45Z urn:uuid:66ae76b7-54ba-489b-a582-0f0633d96493 Maecenas enim http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text application/xhtml+xml Marine sediments Pellentesque tempus magna non sapien fringilla blandit. urn:uuid:66ae76b7-54ba-489b-a582-0f0633d96493 Maecenas enim http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text application/xhtml+xml Marine sediments Pellentesque tempus magna non sapien fringilla blandit. http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/TextMaecenas enimPellentesque tempus magna non sapien fringilla blandit.Marine sedimentsapplication/xhtml+xml4csw:Recordhttp://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2local2015-06-26T14:59:46Z urn:uuid:6a3de50b-fa66-4b58-a0e6-ca146fdd18d4 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service Ut facilisis justo ut lacus Vegetation urn:uuid:94bc9c83-97f6-4b40-9eb8-a8e8787a5c63 urn:uuid:6a3de50b-fa66-4b58-a0e6-ca146fdd18d4 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service Ut facilisis justo ut lacus Vegetation urn:uuid:94bc9c83-97f6-4b40-9eb8-a8e8787a5c63 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/ServiceUt facilisis justo ut lacusVegetationurn:uuid:94bc9c83-97f6-4b40-9eb8-a8e8787a5c63c/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> urn:uuid:784e2afd-a9fd-44a6-9a92-a3848371c8ec Aliquam fermentum purus quis arcu http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text Hydrography--Dictionaries application/pdf 2006-05-12 Vestibulum quis ipsum sit amet metus imperdiet vehicula. Nulla scelerisque cursus mi. urn:uuid:784e2afd-a9fd-44a6-9a92-a3848371c8ec Aliquam fermentum purus quis arcu http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text Hydrography--Dictionaries application/pdf 2006-05-12 Vestibulum quis ipsum sit amet metus imperdiet vehicula. Nulla scelerisque cursus mi. http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/TextAliquam fermentum purus quis arcuVestibulum quis ipsum sit amet metus imperdiet vehicula. Nulla scelerisque cursus mi.Hydrography--Dictionaries2006-05-12application/pdf NNNNg!U5uS]%gurn:uuid:ab42a8c4-95e8-4630-bf79-33e59241605acsw:Recordhttp://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2local2015-06-26T14:59:47Z urn:uuid:88247b56-4cbc-4df9-9860-db3f8042e357 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset Physiography-Landforms FI-ES Donec scelerisque pede ut nisl luctus accumsan. Quisque ultrices, lorem eget feugiat fringilla, lorem dui porttitor ante, cursus ultrices magna odio eu neque. urn:uuid:88247b56-4cbc-4df9-9860-db3f8042e357 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset Physiography-Landforms FI-ES Donec scelerisque pede ut nisl luctus accumsan. Quisque ultrices, lorem eget feugiat fringilla, lorem dui porttitor ante, cursus ultrices magna odio eu neque. http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/DatasetDonec scelerisque pede ut nisl luctus accumsan. Quisque ultrices, lorem eget feugiat fringilla, lorem dui porttitor ante, cursus ultrices magna odio eu neque.Physiography-Landforms =g!U5Q!S-Q3!urn:uuid:94bc9c83-97f6-4b40-9eb8-a8e8787a5c63csw:Recordhttp://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2local2015-06-26T14:59:46Z urn:uuid:94bc9c83-97f6-4b40-9eb8-a8e8787a5c63 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/DatasetVegetation-Cropland Curabitur lacinia, ante non porta tempus, mi lorem feugiat odio, eget suscipit eros pede ac velit. 2006-03-26 47.595 -4.097 51.217 0.889 urn:uuid:94bc9c83-97f6-4b40-9eb8-a8e8787a5c63 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset Mauris sed neque Vegetation-Cropland Curabitur lacinia, ante non porta tempus, mi lorem feugiat odio, eget suscipit eros pede ac velit. 2006-03-26 47.595 -4.097 51.217 0.889 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/DatasetMauris sed nequeCurabitur lacinia, ante non porta tempus, mi lorem feugiat odio, eget suscipit eros pede ac velit.Vegetation-Cropland2006-03-26POLYGON((-4.10 47.59, -4.10 51.22, 0.89 51.22, 0.89 47.59, -4.10 47.59))mlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> urn:uuid:9a669547-b69b-469f-a11f-2d875366bbdc http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset Ñunç elementum Hydrography-Oceanographic 2005-10-24 44.792 -6.171 51.126 -2.228 urn:uuid:9a669547-b69b-469f-a11f-2d875366bbdc http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset Ñunç elementum Hydrography-Oceanographic 2005-10-24 44.792 -6.171 51.126 -2.228 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/DatasetÑunç elementumHydrography-Oceanographic2005-10-24POLYGON((-6.17 44.79, -6.17 51.13, -2.23 51.13, -2.23 44.79, -6.17 44.79))   j urn:uuid:a06af396-3105-442d-8b40-22b57a90d2f2 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet image/jpeg IT-FI urn:uuid:a06af396-3105-442d-8b40-22b57a90d2f2 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet image/jpeg IT-FI http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/ImageLorem ipsum dolor sit ametimage/jpeg.0.2" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"> urn:uuid:ab42a8c4-95e8-4630-bf79-33e59241605a http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service Physiography Suspendisse accumsan molestie lorem. Nullam velit turpis, mattis ut, varius bibendum, laoreet non, quam. urn:uuid:88247b56-4cbc-4df9-9860-db3f8042e357 urn:uuid:ab42a8c4-95e8-4630-bf79-33e59241605a http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service Physiography Suspendisse accumsan molestie lorem. Nullam velit turpis, mattis ut, varius bibendum, laoreet non, quam. urn:uuid:88247b56-4cbc-4df9-9860-db3f8042e357 http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/ServiceSuspendisse accumsan molestie lorem. Nullam velit turpis, mattis ut, varius bibendum, laoreet non, quam.Physiographyurn:uuid:88247b56-4cbc-4df9-9860-db3f8042e357 ((: =1+M5-s%C9 !!% [)doi:10.7284/901645gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z urn:uuid:e9330592-0932-474b-be34-c3a3bb67c7db http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text Fuscé vitae ligulä 2003-05-09 Land titles text/rtf Morbi ultriçes, dui suscipit vestibulum prètium, velit ante pretium tortor, egët tincidunt pede odio ac nulla. urn:uuid:e9330592-0932-474b-be34-c3a3bb67c7db http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text Fuscé vitae ligulä 2003-05-09 Land titles text/rtf Morbi ultriçes, dui suscipit vestibulum prètium, velit ante pretium tortor, egët tincidunt pede odio ac nulla. http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/TextFuscé vitae liguläMorbi ultriçes, dui suscipit vestibulum prètium, velit ante pretium tortor, egët tincidunt pede odio ac nulla.Land titles2003-05-09text/rtfSgis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901645 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdatUa.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0201 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0201 Mission Demo/Science Trials Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords Y NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -85.16201 -76.01981 9.34778 30.80310 coordinates of ship track -81.41426 30.39284 -81.36045 30.39607 -81.29377 30.35468 -81.12577 30.29616 -81.13261 30.28376 -81.14747 30.32314 -80.92636 30.24757 -80.91732 30.25871 -81.04119 30.38015 -80.90718 30.34188 -80.92952 29.93115 -80.91563 29.92429 -80.81404 30.4384 -80.76024 30.48798 -80.74674 30.79429 -80.96624 30.79782 -80.97536 30.38854 -81.19904 30.39773 -81.21179 30.44663 -81.31283 30.40416 -81.30446 30.415 -81.24606 30.37823 -81.09049 30.25059 -80.68284 29.98872 -80.\24586 29.72458 -79.9978 29.60292 -79.22926 29.07715 -78.74375 28.7998 -77.7211 28.14709 -77.10819 27.78365 -76.79216 27.50519 -76.62684 27.33201 -76.49672 27.3378 -76.63219 27.33106 -76.51028 27.33817 -76.63309 27.33499 -76.50147 27.33485 -76.30602 27.29829 -76.2563 27.25868 -76.33664 27.29891 -76.11075 27.29957 -76.28957 27.29662 -76.12306 27.30111 -76.27775 27.29782 -76.17301 27.30606 -76.30077 27.30886 -76.31164 27.32019 -76.06773 27.31907 -76.01981 27.28227 -76.05844 27.26394 -76.328 27.26241 -76.27578 27.22832 -76.32024 27.29248 -76.07736 27.29164 -76.05477 27.2514 -76.06371 27.23656 -76.33469 27.23105 -76.31038 27.20669 -76.07397 27.20682 -76.04859 27.08366 -76.02703 27.0829 -76.06152 27.07701 -76.04945 27.09732 -76.06158 27.07763 -76.14035 27.13256 -76.1444 27.3807 -76.20656 27.38506 -76.19561 27.12516 -76.1743 27.14028 -76.17449 27.38361 -76.23529 27.40021 -76.24193 27.3307 -76.24043 27.39813 -76.23665 27.13752 -76.20843 27.13119 -76.20929 27.20849 -76.19714 27.11084 -76.20904 27.17365 -76.20209 2]7.12937 -76.20139 27.39584 -76.17482 27.38038 -76.17307 27.13954 -76.0502 27.26131 -76.3175 27.2603 -76.17588 27.2618 -76.19613 27.2682 -76.1814 27.28911 -76.18711 27.42939 -76.19008 27.28823 -76.15804 27.23154 -76.13256 27.223 -76.12864 27.25055 -76.05301 27.2535 -76.10295 27.23183 -76.0935 27.19027 -76.10087 27.2639 -76.44645 27.26405 -76.61496 27.32143 -76.51244 27.28368 -76.5115 27.23271 -76.53184 27.22577 -76.53332 27.40372 -76.58405 27.40646 -76.58347 27.15327 -76.68722 26.66031 -76.73175 26.35536 -77.07721 25.71971 -77.2283 25.71784 -78.42554 26.33486 -78.73349 26.33435 -78.9505 26.37245 -79.10284 26.35652 -79.194 26.32742 -79.22959 26.28146 -79.94605 24.93637 -80.99914 24.35357 -81.03555 24.31533 -81.73225 24.26259 -81.77974 24.26097 -81.82752 24.28349 -81.82189 24.21246 -81.81296 24.265 -81.81458 24.2015 -81.81294 24.27226 -81.81564 24.16035 -81.83182 24.17582 -81.81029 24.38403 -81.79298 24.41833 -81.80933 24.55581 -81.80509 24.44258 -82.04084 24.33367 -82.42015 24.32099 -82.83145 24.33407 -82.8^7357 24.34866 -83.15271 24.57028 -83.26026 24.62816 -83.28255 24.62476 -83.23788 24.62721 -83.28351 24.62279 -83.23373 24.62381 -83.28482 24.6255 -83.26486 24.64477 -83.26468 24.59368 -83.25692 24.65174 -83.23 24.65458 -83.21276 24.62085 -83.2699 24.63031 -83.25589 24.6254 -83.25955 24.59888 -83.25823 24.63668 -83.27323 24.63583 -83.28356 24.62395 -83.21067 24.62351 -83.30216 24.62935 -83.22797 24.62345 -83.27996 24.62307 -83.23674 24.62415 -83.26979 24.62719 -83.26832 24.64117 -83.26169 24.60485 -83.25892 24.64678 -83.26323 24.60463 -83.25704 24.64755 -83.25531 24.6045 -83.25662 24.64685 -83.26112 24.61128 -83.26759 24.62712 -83.30251 24.62516 -83.22993 24.62524 -83.27852 24.62355 -83.3614 24.53612 -83.36123 24.41166 -83.43021 24.30973 -83.47902 24.24973 -83.56521 24.19501 -83.76361 23.94006 -83.79377 23.89519 -83.77027 23.84929 -83.79938 23.79465 -84.02118 23.60071 -84.29417 23.24152 -85.13584 22.09421 -85.15269 22.03143 -85.162 21.90642 -85.15793 21.73176 -85.14627 21.71363 -85.045 21.60878 -84.91244 2_1.53764 -84.46776 21.08779 -84.35662 21.04234 -84.06586 20.71469 -84.06689 20.63626 -84.05228 20.62075 -84.04944 20.66593 -84.01656 20.63895 -84.01769 20.80024 -84.05048 20.7971 -84.05185 20.61115 -84.08209 20.61539 -84.09078 20.79872 -84.1161 20.79642 -84.11657 20.64024 -84.14618 20.63952 -84.1501 20.78741 -84.17921 20.79008 -84.18454 20.75641 -84.17354 20.75044 -83.97902 20.74999 -83.97321 20.7315 -83.99633 20.71598 -84.17969 20.7167 -84.17968 20.68314 -83.97646 20.6828 -83.62482 20.57944 -83.50291 20.52476 -82.48434 20.23328 -81.08867 19.79717 -81.01363 19.76205 -80.43333 19.61935 -80.32515 18.96634 -80.43396 19.59601 -80.31876 18.96972 -79.8021 19.04978 -79.83488 19.1908 -80.27391 19.11014 -80.2153 19.1125 -80.24891 19.28071 -79.87283 19.33252 -79.88799 19.43348 -80.26902 19.38626 -80.34431 19.33868 -80.29037 19.42603 -80.39496 19.65402 -80.4965 19.64682 -80.54727 19.3814 -80.51258 18.99773 -81.40278 19.00007 -81.41755 19.26329 -81.41448 19.29108 -81.39394 19.29416 -81.41162 19.29729 -81.41879 19.2721`7 -81.49297 19.26997 -81.50102 18.92686 -80.67644 18.8511 -80.27423 18.96679 -79.53557 15.99877 -79.75226 12.30598 -79.76974 12.23182 -79.75307 12.19345 -79.74095 12.20041 -79.75821 12.20342 -79.91967 9.43275 -79.90927 9.45072 -79.9192 9.3862 -79.93306 9.37598 -79.9063 9.3479 Cruise Start and End 2002-07-25 a University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Jacksonville 2002-08-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Balboa c http://doi.org/10.7284/901645 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.e multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901645 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0201 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0201 Mission Demo/Science Trials Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans themie NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -85.16201 -76.01981 9.34778 30.80310 coordinates of ship track -81.41426 30.39284 -81.36045 30.39607 -81.29377 30.35468 -81.12577 30.29616 -81.13261 30.28376 -81.14747 30.32314 -80.92636 30.24757 -80.91732 30.25871 -81.04119 30.38015 -80.90718 30.34188 -80.92952 29.93115 -80.91563 29.92429 -80.81404 30.4384 -80.76024 30.48798 -80.74674 30.79429 -80.96624 30.79782 -80.97536 30.38854 -81.19904 30.39773 -81.21179 30.44663 -81.31283 30.40416 -81.30446 30.415 -81.24606 30.37823 -81.09049 30.25059 -80.68284 29.98872 -80.24586 29.72458 -79.9978 29.60292 -79.22926 29.07715 -78.74375 28.7998 -77.7211 28.14709 -77.10819 27.78365 -76.79216 27.50519 -76.62684 27.33201 -76.49672 27.3378 -76.63219 27.33106 -76.51028 27.33817 -76.63309 27.33499 -76.50147 27.33485 -76.30602 27.2982j9 -76.2563 27.25868 -76.33664 27.29891 -76.11075 27.29957 -76.28957 27.29662 -76.12306 27.30111 -76.27775 27.29782 -76.17301 27.30606 -76.30077 27.30886 -76.31164 27.32019 -76.06773 27.31907 -76.01981 27.28227 -76.05844 27.26394 -76.328 27.26241 -76.27578 27.22832 -76.32024 27.29248 -76.07736 27.29164 -76.05477 27.2514 -76.06371 27.23656 -76.33469 27.23105 -76.31038 27.20669 -76.07397 27.20682 -76.04859 27.08366 -76.02703 27.0829 -76.06152 27.07701 -76.04945 27.09732 -76.06158 27.07763 -76.14035 27.13256 -76.1444 27.3807 -76.20656 27.38506 -76.19561 27.12516 -76.1743 27.14028 -76.17449 27.38361 -76.23529 27.40021 -76.24193 27.3307 -76.24043 27.39813 -76.23665 27.13752 -76.20843 27.13119 -76.20929 27.20849 -76.19714 27.11084 -76.20904 27.17365 -76.20209 27.12937 -76.20139 27.39584 -76.17482 27.38038 -76.17307 27.13954 -76.0502 27.26131 -76.3175 27.2603 -76.17588 27.2618 -76.19613 27.2682 -76.1814 27.28911 -76.18711 27.42939 -76.19008 27.28823 -76.15804 27.23154 -76.13256 27.223 -76.12864 27.25055 -76.05301k 27.2535 -76.10295 27.23183 -76.0935 27.19027 -76.10087 27.2639 -76.44645 27.26405 -76.61496 27.32143 -76.51244 27.28368 -76.5115 27.23271 -76.53184 27.22577 -76.53332 27.40372 -76.58405 27.40646 -76.58347 27.15327 -76.68722 26.66031 -76.73175 26.35536 -77.07721 25.71971 -77.2283 25.71784 -78.42554 26.33486 -78.73349 26.33435 -78.9505 26.37245 -79.10284 26.35652 -79.194 26.32742 -79.22959 26.28146 -79.94605 24.93637 -80.99914 24.35357 -81.03555 24.31533 -81.73225 24.26259 -81.77974 24.26097 -81.82752 24.28349 -81.82189 24.21246 -81.81296 24.265 -81.81458 24.2015 -81.81294 24.27226 -81.81564 24.16035 -81.83182 24.17582 -81.81029 24.38403 -81.79298 24.41833 -81.80933 24.55581 -81.80509 24.44258 -82.04084 24.33367 -82.42015 24.32099 -82.83145 24.33407 -82.87357 24.34866 -83.15271 24.57028 -83.26026 24.62816 -83.28255 24.62476 -83.23788 24.62721 -83.28351 24.62279 -83.23373 24.62381 -83.28482 24.6255 -83.26486 24.64477 -83.26468 24.59368 -83.25692 24.65174 -83.23 24.65458 -83.21276 24.62085 -83.2699 24.63031 l-83.25589 24.6254 -83.25955 24.59888 -83.25823 24.63668 -83.27323 24.63583 -83.28356 24.62395 -83.21067 24.62351 -83.30216 24.62935 -83.22797 24.62345 -83.27996 24.62307 -83.23674 24.62415 -83.26979 24.62719 -83.26832 24.64117 -83.26169 24.60485 -83.25892 24.64678 -83.26323 24.60463 -83.25704 24.64755 -83.25531 24.6045 -83.25662 24.64685 -83.26112 24.61128 -83.26759 24.62712 -83.30251 24.62516 -83.22993 24.62524 -83.27852 24.62355 -83.3614 24.53612 -83.36123 24.41166 -83.43021 24.30973 -83.47902 24.24973 -83.56521 24.19501 -83.76361 23.94006 -83.79377 23.89519 -83.77027 23.84929 -83.79938 23.79465 -84.02118 23.60071 -84.29417 23.24152 -85.13584 22.09421 -85.15269 22.03143 -85.162 21.90642 -85.15793 21.73176 -85.14627 21.71363 -85.045 21.60878 -84.91244 21.53764 -84.46776 21.08779 -84.35662 21.04234 -84.06586 20.71469 -84.06689 20.63626 -84.05228 20.62075 -84.04944 20.66593 -84.01656 20.63895 -84.01769 20.80024 -84.05048 20.7971 -84.05185 20.61115 -84.08209 20.61539 -84.09078 20.79872 -84.1161 20.79642 -84m.11657 20.64024 -84.14618 20.63952 -84.1501 20.78741 -84.17921 20.79008 -84.18454 20.75641 -84.17354 20.75044 -83.97902 20.74999 -83.97321 20.7315 -83.99633 20.71598 -84.17969 20.7167 -84.17968 20.68314 -83.97646 20.6828 -83.62482 20.57944 -83.50291 20.52476 -82.48434 20.23328 -81.08867 19.79717 -81.01363 19.76205 -80.43333 19.61935 -80.32515 18.96634 -80.43396 19.59601 -80.31876 18.96972 -79.8021 19.04978 -79.83488 19.1908 -80.27391 19.11014 -80.2153 19.1125 -80.24891 19.28071 -79.87283 19.33252 -79.88799 19.43348 -80.26902 19.38626 -80.34431 19.33868 -80.29037 19.42603 -80.39496 19.65402 -80.4965 19.64682 -80.54727 19.3814 -80.51258 18.99773 -81.40278 19.00007 -81.41755 19.26329 -81.41448 19.29108 -81.39394 19.29416 -81.41162 19.29729 -81.41879 19.27217 -81.49297 19.26997 -81.50102 18.92686 -80.67644 18.8511 -80.27423 18.96679 -79.53557 15.99877 -79.75226 12.30598 -79.76974 12.23182 -79.75307 12.19345 -79.74095 12.20041 -79.75821 12.20342 -79.91967 9.43275 -79.90927 9.45072 -79.9192 9.3862 -79.93306 9.37598 -79.9063 9.3479 Cruise Start and End 2002-07-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Jacksonville 2002-08-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Balboa http://doi.org/10.7284/901645 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMission Demo/Science TrialsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-85.16 9.35, -85.16 30.80, -76.02 30.80, -76.02 9.35, -85.16 9.35))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactoorg/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901646 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) r Cruise KM0202 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0202 s Mission Demo/Science Trials Firing, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords u NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.03232 -79.47701 6.95465 21.31636 coordinates of ship track -79.90625 9.34794 -79.91891 9.34036 -79.925 9.26451 -79.90604 9.25798 -79.92219 9.24225 -79.92136 9.2098 -79.86815 9.18019 -79.84165 9.18287 -79.80004 9.11898 -79.69186 9.10768 -79.51721 8.89695 -79.47705 8.80991 -79.62724 8.03641 -79.70548 7.73318 -79.73848 7.5193 -79.72288 7.46x011 -79.78132 7.30652 -80.37395 6.98783 -81.07701 6.95492 -81.81568 6.96007 -82.5154 7.22762 -83.19341 7.46387 -83.77355 7.70162 -84.68199 8.04013 -85.38858 8.26667 -85.96839 8.51178 -88.81451 9.53597 -89.14547 9.67166 -89.66743 9.84258 -89.69649 9.82987 -90.21221 10.04133 -91.55447 10.4882 -91.58338 10.51267 -92.093 10.68981 -92.12046 10.6913 -92.12029 10.65863 -92.14083 10.64626 -92.42243 10.79729 -92.69342 10.89682 -93.5697 11.18462 -94.19702 11.36318 -98.43881 12.87871 -99.24482 13.1958 -101.68436 14.07418 -102.73122 14.39794 -103.26559 14.58261 -103.89498 14.75557 -104.52162 14.96076 -104.95758 15.08077 -105.31782 15.33502 -105.41796 15.5822 -105.99978 15.6671 -107.00706 16.00018 -106.9714 16.01164 -106.96378 16.0291 -106.60292 17.1788 -106.35938 17.12038 -105.41146 16.83225 -105.38796 16.80334 -105.35275 16.57643 -105.31569 16.19287 -105.4792 16.18619 -105.4221 15.43983 -105.90291 15.9434 -106.70042 16.73799 -107.24169 17.25964 -108.38278 18.40736 -108.92421 18.92066 -109.98034 19.41503 -110.04917 1y9.48174 -110.24821 19.57821 -110.80479 19.81654 -111.73985 19.98727 -111.64356 19.93682 -111.66466 19.74526 -112.3262 19.74927 -112.33266 19.84839 -111.79224 19.84552 -111.84158 19.78224 -112.19993 19.46035 -113.26455 18.55041 -113.67005 18.15442 -114.3774 17.55746 -114.7661 17.17484 -114.94947 17.02199 -115.3293 16.90517 -117.58044 16.50185 -118.23406 16.49937 -120.33445 18.58423 -121.99589 18.5836 -122.35811 18.41319 -124.31695 18.16811 -126.65799 18.00036 -127.91564 18.00013 -129.05675 17.81227 -130.93152 17.47256 -131.90131 17.32064 -132.75598 17.15825 -132.96225 17.04938 -137.74579 16.11996 -142.54403 15.07497 -147.00705 14.24955 -151.51202 13.75161 -154.99112 13.91686 -155.00255 14.23033 -155.00576 17.46606 -156.115 18.43495 -156.11835 18.99661 -155.97995 19.33377 -156.0118 19.47138 -156.11665 19.67424 -156.09075 19.66176 -156.11304 19.68255 -156.12014 19.73597 -156.11063 19.7721 -156.09522 19.76126 -156.09588 19.81495 -156.06922 19.8658 -156.10216 19.8188 -156.10832 19.77238 -156.08062 19.84961 -15z6.11376 19.7758 -156.31537 19.97152 -157.14986 20.55734 -157.94474 21.16628 -158.0321 21.25829 -158.01911 21.27119 -157.87042 21.27132 -157.84967 21.24825 -157.88792 21.26876 -157.86772 21.30275 -157.88614 21.31611 Cruise Start and End 2002-08-14 { University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Balboa | 2002-09-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901646 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901646 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0202 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0202 Mission Demo/Science Trials Firing, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.03232 -79.47701 6.95465 21.31636 coordinates of ship track -79.90625 9.34794 -79.91891 9.34036 -79.925 9.26451 -79.90604 9.25798 -79.92219 9.24225 -79.92136 9.2098 -79.86815 9.18019 -79.84165 9.18287 -79.80004 9.11898 -79.69186 9.10768 -79.51721 8.89695 -79.47705 8.80991 -79.62724 8.03641 -79.70548 7.73318 -79.73848 7.5193 -79.72288 7.46011 -79.78132 7.30652 -80.37395 6.98783 -81.07701 6.95492 -81.81568 6.96007 -82.5154 7.22762 -83.19341 7.46387 -83.77355 7.70162 -84.68199 8.04013 -85.38858 8.26667 -85.96839 8.51178 -88.81451 9.53597 -89.14547 9.67166 -89.66743 9.84258 -89.69649 9.82987 -90.21221 10.04133 -91.55447 10.4882 -91.58338 10.51267 -92.093 10.68981 -92.12046 10.6913 -92.12029 10.65863 -92.14083 10.64626 -92.42243 10.79729 -92.69342 10.89682 -93.5697 11.18462 -94.19702 11.36318 -98.43881 12.87871 -99.24482 13.1958 -101.68436 14.07418 -102.73122 14.39794 -103.26559 14.58261 -103.89498 14.75557 -104.52162 14.96076 -104.95758 15.08077 -105.31782 15.33502 -105.41796 15.5822 -105.99978 15.6671 -107.00706 16.00018 -106.9714 16.01164 -106.96378 16.0291 -106.60292 17.1788 -106.35938 17.12038 -105.41146 16.83225 -105.38796 16.80334 -105.35275 16.57643 -105.31569 16.19287 -105.4792 16.18619 -105.4221 15.43983 -105.90291 15.9434 -106.70042 16.73799 -107.24169 17.25964 -108.38278 18.40736 -108.92421 18.92066 -109.98034 19.41503 -110.04917 19.48174 -110.24821 19.57821 -110.80479 19.81654 -111.73985 19.98727 -111.64356 19.93682 -111.66466 19.74526 -112.3262 19.74927 -112.33266 19.84839 -111.79224 19.84552 -111.84158 19.78224 -112.19993 19.46035 -113.26455 18.55041 -113.67005 18.15442 -114.3774 17.55746 -114.7661 17.17484 -114.94947 17.02199 -115.3293 16.90517 -117.58044 16.50185 -118.23406 16.49937 -120.33445 18.58423 -121.99589 18.5836 -122.35811 18.41319 -124.31695 18.16811 -126.65799 18.00036 -127.91564 18.00013 -129.05675 17.81227 -130.93152 17.47256 -131.90131 17.32064 -132.75598 17.15825 -132.96225 17.04938 -137.74579 16.11996 -142.54403 15.07497 -147.00705 14.24955 -151.51202 13.75161 -154.99112 13.91686 -155.00255 14.23033 -155.00576 17.46606 -156.115 18.43495 -156.11835 18.99661 -155.97995 19.33377 -156.0118 19.47138 -156.11665 19.67424 -156.09075 19.66176 -156.11304 19.68255 -156.12014 19.73597 -156.11063 19.7721 -156.09522 19.76126 -156.09588 19.81495 -156.06922 19.8658 -156.10216 19.8188 -156.10832 19.77238 -156.08062 19.84961 -156.11376 19.7758 -156.31537 19.97152 -157.14986 20.55734 -157.94474 21.16628 -158.0321 21.25829 -158.01911 21.27119 -157.87042 21.27132 -157.84967 21.24825 -157.88792 21.26876 -157.86772 21.30275 -157.88614 21.31611 Cruise Start and End 2002-08-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Balboa 2002-09-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901646 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMission Demo/Science TrialsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.03 6.95, -158.03 21.32, -79.48 21.32, -79.48 6.95, -158.03 6.95))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact =1+M5-%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903092gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.iso=1+M51%C9 !!+ [)doi:10.7284/901646gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/903092 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0203 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0203 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) McMurtry, Gary University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.34886 -157.64723 20.89590 21.31671 coordinates of ship track -157.8665 21.30589 -157.90533 21.2603 -158.01013 21.25773 -157.8963 21.24554 -158.05444 21.12795 -158.12973 21.09147 -158.34821 20.89794 -158.32513 20.92972 -157.78247 21.21211 -157.66756 21.22261 -157.769 21.22579 -157.76239 21.23656 -157.65581 21.24648 -157.75047 21.25064 -157.64731 21.26643 -157.71693 21.25464 -157.7175 21.23083 -157.75066 21.20184 -157.87308 21.23549 -157.86714 21.3032 -157.88619 21.31615 Cruise Start and End 2002-09-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-09-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903092 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903092 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0203 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0203 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) McMurtry, Gary University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.34886 -157.64723 20.89590 21.31671 coordinates of ship track -157.8665 21.30589 -157.90533 21.2603 -158.01013 21.25773 -157.8963 21.24554 -158.05444 21.12795 -158.12973 21.09147 -158.34821 20.89794 -158.32513 20.92972 -157.78247 21.21211 -157.66756 21.22261 -157.769 21.22579 -157.76239 21.23656 -157.65581 21.24648 -157.75047 21.25064 -157.64731 21.26643 -157.71693 21.25464 -157.7175 21.23083 -157.75066 21.20184 -157.87308 21.23549 -157.86714 21.3032 -157.88619 21.31615 Cruise Start and End 2002-09-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-09-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903092 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.35 20.90, -158.35 21.32, -157.65 21.32, -157.65 20.90, -158.35 20.90))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactk to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/901647 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0204 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0204 Equipment Tests McGovern, Timothy University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.18861 -157.86726 20.77900 21.31623 coordinates of ship track -157.88487 21.31499 -157.8674 21.30385 -157.87457 21.28973 -158.07008 21.05041 -158.18245 20.77913 -158.17383 20.79206 -158.18535 20.78231 -158.18774 20.8168 -158.18361 20.79169 -158.18152 20.80333 -158.17061 20.79569 -158.00111 21.01511 -157.86769 21.30099 -157.88619 21.31609 Cruise Start and End 2002-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901647 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator </gmi:sponsor> Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901647 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0204 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0204 Equipment Tests McGovern, Timothy University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.18861 -157.86726 20.77900 21.31623 coordinates of ship track -157.88487 21.31499 -157.8674 21.30385 -157.87457 21.28973 -158.07008 21.05041 -158.18245 20.77913 -158.17383 20.79206 -158.18535 20.78231 -158.18774 20.8168 -158.18361 20.79169 -158.18152 20.80333 -158.17061 20.79569 -158.00111 21.01511 -157.86769 21.30099 -157.88619 21.31609 Cruise Start and End 2002-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901647 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionEquipment TestsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.19 20.78, -158.19 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 20.78, -158.19 20.78))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact b=1+M5 o%+9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901647gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/901648 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0205 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0205 MANTRA/PIRANA - Pacific Cruise MP06 Michaels, Anthony University of Southern California Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88619 -157.88619 21.31596 21.31596 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31596 -157.88619 21.31596 Cruise Start and End 2002-09-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901648 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901648 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0205 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0205 MANTRA/PIRANA - Pacific Cruise MP06 Michaels, Anthony University of Southern California Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88619 -157.88619 21.31596 21.31596 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31596 -157.88619 21.31596 Cruise Start and End 2002-09-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901648 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMANTRA/PIRANA - Pacific Cruise MP06EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 21.32, -157.89 21.32, -157.89 21.32, -157.89 21.32, -157.89 21.32))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact K|>1+M5}c%u9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901649gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/901649 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0206 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0206 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Habitat Mapping Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -174.61265 -157.82864 21.16049 26.42534 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31601 -157.86742 21.30363 -157.87628 21.27871 -157.84629 21.25418 -157.85598 21.25958 -157.85869 21.21636 -157.82864 21.19384 -157.90683 21.1605 -157.89196 21.17148 -157.86649 21.3062 -157.92835 21.23659 -158.1102 21.24005 -158.69872 21.44429 -159.16928 21.63082 -159.60752 21.77206 -159.83262 21.86641 -160.00078 22.08469 -161.00143 22.48376 -161.61783 22.96229 -161.67906 22.91693 -161.86483 22.91952 -161.8948 22.96233 -161.7574 23.02074 -161.71511 23.07431 -161.7114 23.1277 -161.74207 23.20658 -161.79476 23.21699 -161.90366 23.18541 -161.93196 23.14235 -162.00325 23.11831 -162.03062 23.06951 -162.11317 23.04421 -162.16374 23.0614 -162.30911 23.06465 -162.34912 23.03138 -162.36321 22.97574 -162.18652 22.88407 -162.1183 22.96389 -162.12096 23.02735 -162.16897 23.06498 -162.0504 23.18102 -162.12145 23.15488 -162.05146 23.16194 -162.03474 23.13452 -162.0498 23.13926 -162.01961 23.13864 -162.01204 23.11093 -162.04138 23.05295 -162.03636 23.03308 -162.02519 23.06576 -162.00638 23.01905 -161.94347 23.00252 -161.88407 23.01088 -161.86257 23.0355 -161.85856 23.07829 -161.90628 23.11483 -161.94678 23.11618 -161.98277 23.09267 -161.98378 23.0282 -161.91619 23.01403 -161.90006 22.99 -161.84085 22.98573 -161.75519 23.02725 -161.71785 23.09154 -161.67911 23.10746 -161.70915 23.20004 -161.74586 23.23426 -161.84798 23.2277 -161.88546 23.17432 -161.89906 23.17523 -161.89406 23.21201 -161.92398 23.21884 -162.11757 23.0603 -162.10163 23.0007 -162.16026 22.94276 -162.1794 22.90178 -162.20254 22.89284 -162.21328 22.90851 -162.27826 22.88108 -162.4937 22.93594 -162.91669 23.00603 -163.23526 23.08439 -163.5748 23.1436 -164.04602 23.26132 -164.22125 23.29062 -164.29539 23.44719 -164.3355 23.47207 -164.41855 23.48769 -164.47173 23.52202 -164.5047 23.58398 -164.51714 23.64863 -164.58789 23.68453 -164.65137 23.6806 -164.76622 23.63207 -164.82513 23.6384 -164.87057 23.57992 -164.86193 23.54879 -164.78635 23.49741 -164.77232 23.47208 -164.73145 23.49228 -164.66702 23.48919 -164.58655 23.43856 -164.65582 23.28975 -164.5755 23.30634 -164.51929 23.30024 -164.45896 23.2535 -164.39591 23.24924 -164.32898 23.22342 -164.28649 23.23064 -164.2317 23.30573 -164.28236 23.4583 -164.45676 23.52461 -164.51044 23.65951 -164.58145 23.7008 -164.6667 23.68824 -164.72859 23.63907 -164.81878 23.61935 -164.84561 23.58796 -164.84345 23.55047 -164.76901 23.48413 -164.72356 23.49912 -164.66562 23.49373 -164.57954 23.44501 -164.6447 23.29855 -164.51857 23.30853 -164.46278 23.26366 -164.393 23.25582 -164.3322 23.22827 -164.29419 23.24072 -164.25082 23.30619 -164.30665 23.43576 -164.35081 23.46121 -164.40269 23.46616 -164.51174 23.52676 -164.5294 23.55642 -164.53296 23.61476 -164.56293 23.65534 -164.59134 23.66112 -164.66643 23.66963 -164.77069 23.62097 -166.20439 23.59493 -166.20169 23.62524 -166.10189 23.60891 -166.04931 23.65225 -166.0219 23.72591 -166.04389 23.82759 -166.17132 23.90215 -166.26161 23.90637 -166.36432 23.87603 -166.38617 23.82269 -166.34034 23.78183 -166.32106 23.79213 -166.3162 23.77058 -166.34233 23.74944 -166.40398 23.80792 -166.39434 23.83324 -166.38705 23.74125 -166.25815 23.63201 -166.20234 23.62382 -166.26561 23.62534 -166.39814 23.73614 -166.8825 24.0021 -166.88484 24.01895 -166.77477 24.0721 -166.77212 24.16138 -166.79697 24.20339 -166.83914 24.20511 -166.84628 24.1579 -166.88484 24.09863 -166.85482 24.05989 -166.8219 24.05182 -166.87859 24.05934 -166.91871 24.14471 -166.89942 24.20351 -166.92056 24.289 -166.98251 24.27824 -167.01193 24.22358 -167.01428 24.18377 -166.9936 24.14757 -166.90228 24.15146 -166.97744 24.1349 -167.09212 24.19733 -167.09619 24.21925 -167.02856 24.30624 -167.04357 24.39745 -167.07954 24.44284 -167.16893 24.44259 -167.20257 24.40201 -167.21928 24.29989 -167.17502 24.26017 -167.16331 24.21529 -167.1328 24.20389 -167.08142 24.21884 -166.9688 24.33043 -167.00457 24.28619 -166.95045 24.31588 -167.01965 24.2699 -167.06894 24.21133 -167.13706 24.19287 -167.1776 24.21762 -167.18715 24.2626 -167.22435 24.28259 -167.22761 24.34878 -167.71362 24.44191 -167.78572 24.46765 -167.78434 24.4924 -167.85651 24.50432 -167.86153 24.63708 -167.88886 24.75096 -167.87451 24.88019 -167.91016 24.99123 -167.895 25.06585 -167.96364 25.15697 -168.05425 25.21149 -168.1444 25.21973 -168.23299 25.19161 -168.29889 25.11381 -168.31352 25.05272 -168.27129 24.97025 -168.16476 24.8799 -168.14122 24.69431 -168.09962 24.59151 -168.05879 24.56955 -168.03185 24.52922 -168.00683 24.41262 -167.911 24.40451 -167.86501 24.47784 -167.87159 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-166.84065 24.06451 -166.78859 24.07699 -166.79835 24.15901 -166.80258 24.14224 -166.84582 24.14207 -166.8713 24.11487 -167.00641 24.11514 -167.90131 24.32469 -168.16164 24.41163 -168.69106 24.62433 -168.9905 24.72282 -169.63383 24.83564 -170.16635 25.0157 -170.33385 25.12835 -170.40794 25.25796 -170.36196 25.34103 -170.35473 25.38411 -170.42648 25.48813 -170.49255 25.53792 -170.49867 25.5599 -170.7315 25.63813 -170.82339 25.61934 -170.88723 25.57343 -170.90253 25.53018 -170.87336 25.39914 -170.75688 25.31237 -170.67475 25.30728 -170.53847 25.25695 -170.42708 25.25084 -170.38333 25.27366 -170.33572 25.37917 -170.40862 25.49559 -170.50944 25.60137 -170.66603 25.64929 -170.76173 25.66183 -170.83976 25.65063 -170.90926 25.60232 -170.96043 25.5215 -170.91353 25.39579 -170.88085 25.36892 -170.82208 25.35881 -170.77983 25.30524 -170.67028 25.29578 -170.53418 25.24347 -170.41993 25.24015 -170.38182 25.27487 -170.38988 25.24578 -170.43147 25.22982 -170.53831 25.2336 -170.67386 25.28545 -170.78869 25.29817 -170.83035 25.35153 -170.91049 25.37436 -170.97488 25.51612 -171.5307 25.75535 -171.53953 25.7931 -171.58905 25.805 -171.59783 25.85088 -171.65209 25.88311 -171.81931 25.91001 -171.87625 25.86708 -171.88831 25.79689 -171.79006 25.68485 -171.67131 25.69046 -171.59151 25.76897 -171.58889 25.80991 -171.62903 25.86792 -171.8074 25.9004 -171.85317 25.87281 -171.87426 25.82881 -171.87127 25.78904 -171.83483 25.72966 -171.7863 25.68539 -171.73189 25.70049 -171.69383 25.69056 -171.66539 25.69779 -171.59753 25.76788 -171.59535 25.86263 -171.6275 25.88674 -171.71427 25.90954 -171.81815 25.9209 -171.88829 25.87449 -171.90594 25.83368 -171.92432 25.83371 -172.57342 25.90256 -173.24224 25.95222 -173.30076 26.00557 -173.29924 26.08763 -173.3752 26.10767 -173.50801 26.07925 -173.53449 26.05775 -173.54182 25.9998 -173.47862 25.86979 -173.43455 25.88488 -173.4041 25.9271 -173.34446 25.93421 -173.30628 25.99429 -173.3048 26.03662 -173.32811 26.06617 -173.37823 26.0827 -173.46083 26.07492 -173.51617 26.04742 -173.52236 25.99727 -173.49641 25.9027 -173.46517 25.88432 -173.41131 25.93315 -173.35177 25.95402 -173.31604 26.02612 -173.31538 26.00912 -173.31933 26.05169 -173.29805 26.05311 -173.3007 26.09125 -173.37445 26.1185 -173.45192 26.10742 -173.5357 26.07812 -173.55859 25.98921 -173.72596 25.99123 -173.78601 26.04106 -173.82198 26.11116 -173.89234 26.15617 -173.96124 26.22925 -174.0926 26.24391 -174.16694 26.16161 -174.16143 26.01402 -174.11816 25.95648 -174.05778 25.92865 -174.05306 25.90801 -174.02604 25.91185 -173.94534 25.86227 -173.89287 25.87251 -173.83571 25.859 -173.82904 25.88089 -173.77949 25.89851 -173.78444 25.93937 -173.73102 25.96543 -173.73976 26.00208 -173.72556 26.00691 -173.78307 26.06002 -173.80746 26.11269 -173.97175 26.24972 -173.99755 26.24543 -174.01264 26.21866 -174.07301 26.22094 -174.13026 26.18331 -174.15849 26.11728 -174.15586 26.02709 -174.10959 25.96276 -174.04223 25.92423 -173.94015 25.87805 -173.84763 25.87212 -173.80017 25.90659 -173.793 25.94248 -173.7517 25.97769 -173.75728 25.99828 -173.82937 26.09406 -173.91913 26.17318 -173.97341 26.21147 -174.01648 26.21774 -173.99454 26.24636 -174.09504 26.25454 -174.18159 26.16405 -174.22969 26.17732 -174.47987 26.27533 -174.50097 26.34685 -174.53462 26.35552 -174.51257 26.42512 -174.48902 26.4137 -174.49422 26.36985 -174.56893 26.34182 -174.59616 26.28262 -174.51501 26.22648 -174.48677 26.27884 -174.45005 26.30166 -174.47527 26.36385 -174.51342 26.36339 -174.57685 26.34042 -174.61233 26.29442 -174.59301 26.23751 -174.55746 26.20909 -174.49761 26.20725 -174.4458 26.25819 -174.39965 26.33894 -174.10111 26.23641 -173.9667 26.21658 -173.84688 26.11079 -173.98774 26.21443 -174.06704 26.22012 -174.12313 26.18759 -174.14559 26.1564 -174.15771 26.05246 -174.11518 25.96009 -173.94395 25.88218 -173.85039 25.87383 -173.79019 25.91683 -173.52915 25.91335 -173.48882 25.84256 -173.57799 25.4329 -173.48465 25.44236 -173.45384 25.85863 -173.39797 25.91746 -173.33426 25.92831 -173.29403 25.98131 -173.01226 25.64853 -172.52604 25.6299 -172.46698 25.52552 -172.42312 25.406 -172.4813 25.39864 -172.48426 25.38297 -172.44176 25.38468 -172.43143 25.40584 -172.40799 25.39519 -172.38907 25.44689 -172.31703 25.45946 -172.27234 25.52199 -172.24074 25.63341 -172.40031 25.54615 -172.44049 25.56532 -172.49729 25.62486 -172.52629 25.61248 -172.52398 25.66048 -172.50405 25.65956 -172.43844 25.60315 -172.37554 25.60286 -172.21705 25.69495 -172.0757 25.42997 -172.12121 25.37986 -172.12335 25.34423 -172.16752 25.34686 -172.15988 25.35866 -172.12631 25.35105 -172.11435 25.32097 -172.07954 25.30204 -172.06526 25.26278 -171.993 25.27302 -171.98792 25.30884 -171.96721 25.31784 -171.97367 25.41035 -172.0234 25.42735 -172.08277 25.42287 -172.06893 25.44123 -171.7967 25.59318 -171.54929 25.65323 -171.20826 25.56177 -171.10708 25.54942 -170.99021 25.49942 -170.96909 25.4584 -170.93292 25.46316 -170.96326 25.54249 -170.92701 25.58237 -170.9332 25.6017 -170.88253 25.64369 -170.76981 25.66703 -170.68954 25.66611 -170.50854 25.61123 -170.39395 25.53281 -170.30616 25.3935 -170.33534 25.25494 -170.11409 25.13101 -169.87235 25.12027 -169.59195 25.03467 -169.66898 24.73988 -169.92272 24.69192 -170.10093 24.88793 -170.26002 24.96748 -170.3328 25.07411 -170.12824 25.20499 -169.8758 25.21791 -169.70557 25.17431 -169.65028 25.31956 -169.45204 25.41652 -169.41648 25.24261 -169.41951 25.07778 -169.3118 25.25319 -169.37273 25.50489 -169.33678 25.65981 -169.41063 25.6958 -169.47099 25.70139 -169.58061 25.60493 -169.58242 25.56182 -169.60614 25.52343 -169.6913 25.47652 -169.69564 25.4335 -169.62353 25.34381 -169.58864 25.34522 -169.55102 25.37433 -169.53252 25.41955 -169.39653 25.47587 -169.35496 25.52452 -169.12442 25.55992 -168.69902 25.45009 -168.44511 25.21464 -167.74603 25.55495 -167.52436 25.50649 -167.22006 25.48634 -167.20662 24.96223 -167.21646 24.70005 -167.24624 24.54747 -167.18177 24.49247 -167.05758 24.46381 -167.02958 24.4372 -166.99928 24.30991 -167.03312 24.14044 -166.91498 24.126 -166.86674 24.15061 -166.85852 24.20439 -166.81662 24.22239 -166.77862 24.20333 -166.75262 24.11779 -166.76131 23.96512 -166.68596 23.9133 -166.63206 23.94191 -166.40772 23.84041 -166.38527 23.84372 -166.37624 23.74485 -166.25844 23.64356 -166.13432 23.61673 -166.09853 23.62373 -166.04666 23.69705 -166.04727 23.78307 -166.13442 23.85254 -166.2115 23.88597 -166.27625 23.89031 -166.35586 23.87046 -166.38994 23.82232 -166.31408 23.73256 -166.37829 23.79491 -166.37867 23.81283 -166.33681 23.77556 -166.32225 23.78801 -166.33265 23.76031 -166.37573 23.8079 -166.34452 23.77976 -166.32732 23.78974 -166.32297 23.77319 -166.34289 23.75638 -166.37612 23.79456 -166.34282 23.76562 -166.32828 23.77696 -166.3455 23.75575 -166.39671 23.80668 -166.38762 23.8703 -166.35273 23.90438 -166.26659 23.92189 -165.8098 23.92161 -165.68744 23.93617 -165.59549 23.88408 -165.20322 23.91023 -164.9351 23.82288 -164.84578 23.63351 -164.84565 23.5647 -164.82532 23.53561 -164.76695 23.48865 -164.72439 23.50209 -164.64756 23.49266 -164.58113 23.44951 -164.63817 23.30279 -164.526 23.31057 -164.45691 23.26517 -164.39409 23.26037 -164.33347 23.23434 -164.28942 23.24727 -164.25705 23.29852 -164.28662 23.40293 -164.31402 23.44097 -164.40073 23.46428 -164.51103 23.52451 -164.55555 23.64651 -164.66476 23.66588 -164.7619 23.62149 -164.81245 23.61923 -164.84003 23.59381 -164.83706 23.61084 -164.7786 23.65782 -164.70422 23.68454 -164.66052 23.67007 -164.70634 23.64448 -164.65876 23.66272 -164.71761 23.63921 -164.6429 23.66127 -164.68236 23.6533 -164.64443 23.71471 -164.58002 23.7233 -164.50721 23.80806 -164.47365 23.81124 -164.4834 23.83164 -164.49881 23.81338 -164.47493 23.82008 -164.30386 23.68557 -163.91641 23.51163 -163.74314 23.66559 -163.82593 23.74297 -163.96597 23.61417 -163.85152 23.42281 -163.6992 23.56522 -163.64211 23.25943 -163.62414 23.26316 -163.61131 23.34549 -163.62126 23.4025 -163.58866 23.35249 -163.60375 23.23928 -163.56923 23.31166 -163.2385 23.23356 -163.22198 23.19761 -163.1479 23.15147 -163.1185 23.18895 -163.12045 23.21934 -163.19339 23.24035 -163.22737 23.22079 -163.22417 23.23371 -163.18365 23.25025 -163.06017 23.23363 -163.01759 23.27476 -163.01682 23.28838 -163.03594 23.29326 -163.0437 23.28311 -162.98694 23.20957 -162.92634 23.21326 -162.88087 23.25292 -162.92701 23.28275 -162.98872 23.25348 -163.01296 23.21831 -162.99079 23.19721 -162.92883 23.19087 -162.84612 23.23613 -162.59304 23.27336 -162.33431 23.08053 -162.26717 23.09045 -162.20807 23.07687 -162.20661 23.06083 -162.20949 23.07747 -162.15445 23.07563 -162.09864 23.04489 -161.9562 22.924 -161.91453 22.85307 -161.60869 22.77055 -160.49867 22.31409 -160.30677 22.27613 -160.04357 22.11417 -159.87251 21.89749 -159.77487 21.83393 -159.65919 21.78421 -158.1754 21.20266 -157.91262 21.19672 -157.91291 21.22798 -157.86735 21.30254 -157.88617 21.31604 Cruise Start and End 2002-10-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-11-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901649 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List</gco:CharacterString> Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901649 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0206 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0206 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Habitat Mapping Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -174.61265 -157.82864 21.16049 26.42534 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31601 -157.86742 21.30363 -157.87628 21.27871 -157.84629 21.25418 -157.85598 21.25958 -157.85869 21.21636 -157.82864 21.19384 -157.90683 21.1605 -157.89196 21.17148 -157.86649 21.3062 -157.92835 21.23659 -158.1102 21.24005 -158.69872 21.44429 -159.16928 21.63082 -159.60752 21.77206 -159.83262 21.86641 -160.00078 22.08469 -161.00143 22.48376 -161.61783 22.96229 -161.67906 22.91693 -161.86483 22.91952 -161.8948 22.96233 -161.7574 23.02074 -161.71511 23.07431 -161.7114 23.1277 -161.74207 23.20658 -161.79476 23.21699 -161.90366 23.18541 -161.93196 23.14235 -162.00325 23.11831 -162.03062 23.06951 -162.11317 23.04421 -162.16374 23.0614 -162.30911 23.06465 -162.34912 23.03138 -162.36321 22.97574 -162.18652 22.88407 -162.1183 22.96389 -162.12096 23.02735 -162.16897 23.06498 -162.0504 23.18102 -162.12145 23.15488 -162.05146 23.16194 -162.03474 23.13452 -162.0498 23.13926 -162.01961 23.13864 -162.01204 23.11093 -162.04138 23.05295 -162.03636 23.03308 -162.02519 23.06576 -162.00638 23.01905 -161.94347 23.00252 -161.88407 23.01088 -161.86257 23.0355 -161.85856 23.07829 -161.90628 23.11483 -161.94678 23.11618 -161.98277 23.09267 -161.98378 23.0282 -161.91619 23.01403 -161.90006 22.99 -161.84085 22.98573 -161.75519 23.02725 -161.71785 23.09154 -161.67911 23.10746 -161.70915 23.20004 -161.74586 23.23426 -161.84798 23.2277 -161.88546 23.17432 -161.89906 23.17523 -161.89406 23.21201 -161.92398 23.21884 -162.11757 23.0603 -162.10163 23.0007 -162.16026 22.94276 -162.1794 22.90178 -162.20254 22.89284 -162.21328 22.90851 -162.27826 22.88108 -162.4937 22.93594 -162.91669 23.00603 -163.23526 23.08439 -163.5748 23.1436 -164.04602 23.26132 -164.22125 23.29062 -164.29539 23.44719 -164.3355 23.47207 -164.41855 23.48769 -164.47173 23.52202 -164.5047 23.58398 -164.51714 23.64863 -164.58789 23.68453 -164.65137 23.6806 -164.76622 23.63207 -164.82513 23.6384 -164.87057 23.57992 -164.86193 23.54879 -164.78635 23.49741 -164.77232 23.47208 -164.73145 23.49228 -164.66702 23.48919 -164.58655 23.43856 -164.65582 23.28975 -164.5755 23.30634 -164.51929 23.30024 -164.45896 23.2535 -164.39591 23.24924 -164.32898 23.22342 -164.28649 23.23064 -164.2317 23.30573 -164.28236 23.4583 -164.45676 23.52461 -164.51044 23.65951 -164.58145 23.7008 -164.6667 23.68824 -164.72859 23.63907 -164.81878 23.61935 -164.84561 23.58796 -164.84345 23.55047 -164.76901 23.48413 -164.72356 23.49912 -164.66562 23.49373 -164.57954 23.44501 -164.6447 23.29855 -164.51857 23.30853 -164.46278 23.26366 -164.393 23.25582 -164.3322 23.22827 -164.29419 23.24072 -164.25082 23.30619 -164.30665 23.43576 -164.35081 23.46121 -164.40269 23.46616 -164.51174 23.52676 -164.5294 23.55642 -164.53296 23.61476 -164.56293 23.65534 -164.59134 23.66112 -164.66643 23.66963 -164.77069 23.62097 -166.20439 23.59493 -166.20169 23.62524 -166.10189 23.60891 -166.04931 23.65225 -166.0219 23.72591 -166.04389 23.82759 -166.17132 23.90215 -166.26161 23.90637 -166.36432 23.87603 -166.38617 23.82269 -166.34034 23.78183 -166.32106 23.79213 -166.3162 23.77058 -166.34233 23.74944 -166.40398 23.80792 -166.39434 23.83324 -166.38705 23.74125 -166.25815 23.63201 -166.20234 23.62382 -166.26561 23.62534 -166.39814 23.73614 -166.8825 24.0021 -166.88484 24.01895 -166.77477 24.0721 -166.77212 24.16138 -166.79697 24.20339 -166.83914 24.20511 -166.84628 24.1579 -166.88484 24.09863 -166.85482 24.05989 -166.8219 24.05182 -166.87859 24.05934 -166.91871 24.14471 -166.89942 24.20351 -166.92056 24.289 -166.98251 24.27824 -167.01193 24.22358 -167.01428 24.18377 -166.9936 24.14757 -166.90228 24.15146 -166.97744 24.1349 -167.09212 24.19733 -167.09619 24.21925 -167.02856 24.30624 -167.04357 24.39745 -167.07954 24.44284 -167.16893 24.44259 -167.20257 24.40201 -167.21928 24.29989 -167.17502 24.26017 -167.16331 24.21529 -167.1328 24.20389 -167.08142 24.21884 -166.9688 24.33043 -167.00457 24.28619 -166.95045 24.31588 -167.01965 24.2699 -167.06894 24.21133 -167.13706 24.19287 -167.1776 24.21762 -167.18715 24.2626 -167.22435 24.28259 -167.22761 24.34878 -167.71362 24.44191 -167.78572 24.46765 -167.78434 24.4924 -167.85651 24.50432 -167.86153 24.63708 -167.88886 24.75096 -167.87451 24.88019 -167.91016 24.99123 -167.895 25.06585 -167.96364 25.15697 -168.05425 25.21149 -168.1444 25.21973 -168.23299 25.19161 -168.29889 25.11381 -168.31352 25.05272 -168.27129 24.97025 -168.16476 24.8799 -168.14122 24.69431 -168.09962 24.59151 -168.05879 24.56955 -168.03185 24.52922 -168.00683 24.41262 -167.911 24.40451 -167.86501 24.47784 -167.87159 24.62524 -167.89972 24.75126 -167.89388 24.85605 -167.94386 24.95449 -167.9266 25.05404 -167.9636 25.10759 -168.05297 25.18331 -168.1011 25.19766 -168.18336 25.18864 -168.2375 25.15667 -168.28118 25.05239 -168.24019 24.96961 -168.15289 24.88959 -168.11281 24.66072 -168.08544 24.59957 -168.05348 24.58424 -168.01739 24.53068 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25.38411 -170.42648 25.48813 -170.49255 25.53792 -170.49867 25.5599 -170.7315 25.63813 -170.82339 25.61934 -170.88723 25.57343 -170.90253 25.53018 -170.87336 25.39914 -170.75688 25.31237 -170.67475 25.30728 -170.53847 25.25695 -170.42708 25.25084 -170.38333 25.27366 -170.33572 25.37917 -170.40862 25.49559 -170.50944 25.60137 -170.66603 25.64929 -170.76173 25.66183 -170.83976 25.65063 -170.90926 25.60232 -170.96043 25.5215 -170.91353 25.39579 -170.88085 25.36892 -170.82208 25.35881 -170.77983 25.30524 -170.67028 25.29578 -170.53418 25.24347 -170.41993 25.24015 -170.38182 25.27487 -170.38988 25.24578 -170.43147 25.22982 -170.53831 25.2336 -170.67386 25.28545 -170.78869 25.29817 -170.83035 25.35153 -170.91049 25.37436 -170.97488 25.51612 -171.5307 25.75535 -171.53953 25.7931 -171.58905 25.805 -171.59783 25.85088 -171.65209 25.88311 -171.81931 25.91001 -171.87625 25.86708 -171.88831 25.79689 -171.79006 25.68485 -171.67131 25.69046 -171.59151 25.76897 -171.58889 25.80991 -171.62903 25.86792 -171.8074 25.9004 -171.85317 25.87281 -171.87426 25.82881 -171.87127 25.78904 -171.83483 25.72966 -171.7863 25.68539 -171.73189 25.70049 -171.69383 25.69056 -171.66539 25.69779 -171.59753 25.76788 -171.59535 25.86263 -171.6275 25.88674 -171.71427 25.90954 -171.81815 25.9209 -171.88829 25.87449 -171.90594 25.83368 -171.92432 25.83371 -172.57342 25.90256 -173.24224 25.95222 -173.30076 26.00557 -173.29924 26.08763 -173.3752 26.10767 -173.50801 26.07925 -173.53449 26.05775 -173.54182 25.9998 -173.47862 25.86979 -173.43455 25.88488 -173.4041 25.9271 -173.34446 25.93421 -173.30628 25.99429 -173.3048 26.03662 -173.32811 26.06617 -173.37823 26.0827 -173.46083 26.07492 -173.51617 26.04742 -173.52236 25.99727 -173.49641 25.9027 -173.46517 25.88432 -173.41131 25.93315 -173.35177 25.95402 -173.31604 26.02612 -173.31538 26.00912 -173.31933 26.05169 -173.29805 26.05311 -173.3007 26.09125 -173.37445 26.1185 -173.45192 26.10742 -173.5357 26.07812 -173.55859 25.98921 -173.72596 25.99123 -173.78601 26.04106 -173.82198 26.11116 -173.89234 26.15617 -173.96124 26.22925 -174.0926 26.24391 -174.16694 26.16161 -174.16143 26.01402 -174.11816 25.95648 -174.05778 25.92865 -174.05306 25.90801 -174.02604 25.91185 -173.94534 25.86227 -173.89287 25.87251 -173.83571 25.859 -173.82904 25.88089 -173.77949 25.89851 -173.78444 25.93937 -173.73102 25.96543 -173.73976 26.00208 -173.72556 26.00691 -173.78307 26.06002 -173.80746 26.11269 -173.97175 26.24972 -173.99755 26.24543 -174.01264 26.21866 -174.07301 26.22094 -174.13026 26.18331 -174.15849 26.11728 -174.15586 26.02709 -174.10959 25.96276 -174.04223 25.92423 -173.94015 25.87805 -173.84763 25.87212 -173.80017 25.90659 -173.793 25.94248 -173.7517 25.97769 -173.75728 25.99828 -173.82937 26.09406 -173.91913 26.17318 -173.97341 26.21147 -174.01648 26.21774 -173.99454 26.24636 -174.09504 26.25454 -174.18159 26.16405 -174.22969 26.17732 -174.47987 26.27533 -174.50097 26.34685 -174.53462 26.35552 -174.51257 26.42512 -174.48902 26.4137 -174.49422 26.36985 -174.56893 26.34182 -174.59616 26.28262 -174.51501 26.22648 -174.48677 26.27884 -174.45005 26.30166 -174.47527 26.36385 -174.51342 26.36339 -174.57685 26.34042 -174.61233 26.29442 -174.59301 26.23751 -174.55746 26.20909 -174.49761 26.20725 -174.4458 26.25819 -174.39965 26.33894 -174.10111 26.23641 -173.9667 26.21658 -173.84688 26.11079 -173.98774 26.21443 -174.06704 26.22012 -174.12313 26.18759 -174.14559 26.1564 -174.15771 26.05246 -174.11518 25.96009 -173.94395 25.88218 -173.85039 25.87383 -173.79019 25.91683 -173.52915 25.91335 -173.48882 25.84256 -173.57799 25.4329 -173.48465 25.44236 -173.45384 25.85863 -173.39797 25.91746 -173.33426 25.92831 -173.29403 25.98131 -173.01226 25.64853 -172.52604 25.6299 -172.46698 25.52552 -172.42312 25.406 -172.4813 25.39864 -172.48426 25.38297 -172.44176 25.38468 -172.43143 25.40584 -172.40799 25.39519 -172.38907 25.44689 -172.31703 25.45946 -172.27234 25.52199 -172.24074 25.63341 -172.40031 25.54615 -172.44049 25.56532 -172.49729 25.62486 -172.52629 25.61248 -172.52398 25.66048 -172.50405 25.65956 -172.43844 25.60315 -172.37554 25.60286 -172.21705 25.69495 -172.0757 25.42997 -172.12121 25.37986 -172.12335 25.34423 -172.16752 25.34686 -172.15988 25.35866 -172.12631 25.35105 -172.11435 25.32097 -172.07954 25.30204 -172.06526 25.26278 -171.993 25.27302 -171.98792 25.30884 -171.96721 25.31784 -171.97367 25.41035 -172.0234 25.42735 -172.08277 25.42287 -172.06893 25.44123 -171.7967 25.59318 -171.54929 25.65323 -171.20826 25.56177 -171.10708 25.54942 -170.99021 25.49942 -170.96909 25.4584 -170.93292 25.46316 -170.96326 25.54249 -170.92701 25.58237 -170.9332 25.6017 -170.88253 25.64369 -170.76981 25.66703 -170.68954 25.66611 -170.50854 25.61123 -170.39395 25.53281 -170.30616 25.3935 -170.33534 25.25494 -170.11409 25.13101 -169.87235 25.12027 -169.59195 25.03467 -169.66898 24.73988 -169.92272 24.69192 -170.10093 24.88793 -170.26002 24.96748 -170.3328 25.07411 -170.12824 25.20499 -169.8758 25.21791 -169.70557 25.17431 -169.65028 25.31956 -169.45204 25.41652 -169.41648 25.24261 -169.41951 25.07778 -169.3118 25.25319 -169.37273 25.50489 -169.33678 25.65981 -169.41063 25.6958 -169.47099 25.70139 -169.58061 25.60493 -169.58242 25.56182 -169.60614 25.52343 -169.6913 25.47652 -169.69564 25.4335 -169.62353 25.34381 -169.58864 25.34522 -169.55102 25.37433 -169.53252 25.41955 -169.39653 25.47587 -169.35496 25.52452 -169.12442 25.55992 -168.69902 25.45009 -168.44511 25.21464 -167.74603 25.55495 -167.52436 25.50649 -167.22006 25.48634 -167.20662 24.96223 -167.21646 24.70005 -167.24624 24.54747 -167.18177 24.49247 -167.05758 24.46381 -167.02958 24.4372 -166.99928 24.30991 -167.03312 24.14044 -166.91498 24.126 -166.86674 24.15061 -166.85852 24.20439 -166.81662 24.22239 -166.77862 24.20333 -166.75262 24.11779 -166.76131 23.96512 -166.68596 23.9133 -166.63206 23.94191 -166.40772 23.84041 -166.38527 23.84372 -166.37624 23.74485 -166.25844 23.64356 -166.13432 23.61673 -166.09853 23.62373 -166.04666 23.69705 -166.04727 23.78307 -166.13442 23.85254 -166.2115 23.88597 -166.27625 23.89031 -166.35586 23.87046 -166.38994 23.82232 -166.31408 23.73256 -166.37829 23.79491 -166.37867 23.81283 -166.33681 23.77556 -166.32225 23.78801 -166.33265 23.76031 -166.37573 23.8079 -166.34452 23.77976 -166.32732 23.78974 -166.32297 23.77319 -166.34289 23.75638 -166.37612 23.79456 -166.34282 23.76562 -166.32828 23.77696 -166.3455 23.75575 -166.39671 23.80668 -166.38762 23.8703 -166.35273 23.90438 -166.26659 23.92189 -165.8098 23.92161 -165.68744 23.93617 -165.59549 23.88408 -165.20322 23.91023 -164.9351 23.82288 -164.84578 23.63351 -164.84565 23.5647 -164.82532 23.53561 -164.76695 23.48865 -164.72439 23.50209 -164.64756 23.49266 -164.58113 23.44951 -164.63817 23.30279 -164.526 23.31057 -164.45691 23.26517 -164.39409 23.26037 -164.33347 23.23434 -164.28942 23.24727 -164.25705 23.29852 -164.28662 23.40293 -164.31402 23.44097 -164.40073 23.46428 -164.51103 23.52451 -164.55555 23.64651 -164.66476 23.66588 -164.7619 23.62149 -164.81245 23.61923 -164.84003 23.59381 -164.83706 23.61084 -164.7786 23.65782 -164.70422 23.68454 -164.66052 23.67007 -164.70634 23.64448 -164.65876 23.66272 -164.71761 23.63921 -164.6429 23.66127 -164.68236 23.6533 -164.64443 23.71471 -164.58002 23.7233 -164.50721 23.80806 -164.47365 23.81124 -164.4834 23.83164 -164.49881 23.81338 -164.47493 23.82008 -164.30386 23.68557 -163.91641 23.51163 -163.74314 23.66559 -163.82593 23.74297 -163.96597 23.61417 -163.85152 23.42281 -163.6992 23.56522 -163.64211 23.25943 -163.62414 23.26316 -163.61131 23.34549 -163.62126 23.4025 -163.58866 23.35249 -163.60375 23.23928 -163.56923 23.31166 -163.2385 23.23356 -163.22198 23.19761 -163.1479 23.15147 -163.1185 23.18895 -163.12045 23.21934 -163.19339 23.24035 -163.22737 23.22079 -163.22417 23.23371 -163.18365 23.25025 -163.06017 23.23363 -163.01759 23.27476 -163.01682 23.28838 -163.03594 23.29326 -163.0437 23.28311 -162.98694 23.20957 -162.92634 23.21326 -162.88087 23.25292 -162.92701 23.28275 -162.98872 23.25348 -163.01296 23.21831 -162.99079 23.19721 -162.92883 23.19087 -162.84612 23.23613 -162.59304 23.27336 -162.33431 23.08053 -162.26717 23.09045 -162.20807 23.07687 -162.20661 23.06083 -162.20949 23.07747 -162.15445 23.07563 -162.09864 23.04489 -161.9562 22.924 -161.91453 22.85307 -161.60869 22.77055 -160.49867 22.31409 -160.30677 22.27613 -160.04357 22.11417 -159.87251 21.89749 -159.77487 21.83393 -159.65919 21.78421 -158.1754 21.20266 -157.91262 21.19672 -157.91291 21.22798 -157.86735 21.30254 -157.88617 21.31604 Cruise Start and End 2002-10-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-11-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901649 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionNorthwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Habitat MappingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-174.61 21.16, -174.61 26.43, -157.83 26.43, -157.83 21.16, -174.61 21.16))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact March 23, 2011--> doi:10.7284/901650 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0207 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0207 Hawaii Undersea Geo-Observatory (HUGO) Duennebier, Fred University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.64030 -155.86109 21.22606 25.99001 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31602 -157.86684 21.30219 -157.89833 21.2727 -158.13156 21.22634 -158.33424 21.58171 -158.00102 22.74425 -158.0134 22.75852 -157.99213 22.75861 -157.93099 22.65519 -158.26649 22.86067 -158.22778 22.8193 -158.20205 22.8255 -157.9173 23.17677 -157.67106 23.44916 -157.46097 23.75137 -157.31482 23.91064 -157.27168 24.16183 -157.26764 24.27113 -156.99469 24.52321 -156.658 24.90907 -156.51012 25.19826 -156.36612 25.39828 -156.20079 25.59859 -155.93919 25.84067 -155.86215 25.94057 -155.91002 25.98743 -155.93774 25.98527 -156.01024 25.89134 -156.26377 25.65718 -156.42435 25.4641 -156.58927 25.23621 -156.73672 24.94908 -157.00001 25.00008 -158.03149 24.99973 -158.02504 24.87532 -156.99954 24.87498 -156.813 24.85738 -156.97926 24.6602 -157.35666 24.29983 -157.38546 23.96122 -157.5335 23.79804 -157.74293 23.49643 -158.15058 23.03099 -158.51457 22.55534 -158.64019 22.43067 -158.59088 22.37871 -158.57143 22.38043 -158.44553 22.50445 -158.20005 22.83006 -157.99907 22.9008 -157.73372 23.19944 -157.66631 23.14692 -157.94775 22.831 -158.14605 22.76027 -158.40028 22.43166 -158.35615 22.37341 -158.33636 22.37677 -158.08691 22.6961 -157.8932 22.76403 -157.59675 23.0974 -157.52921 23.03467 -157.52684 23.04658 -157.84246 22.69424 -158.02979 22.6283 -158.2191 22.38087 -158.24297 22.17831 -158.39781 21.57986 -158.16512 21.23105 -158.05456 21.24954 -157.9755 21.23682 -157.89824 21.2552 -157.87339 21.26469 -157.86758 21.30344 -157.8862 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2002-11-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2002-11-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901650 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Ko ngsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901650 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0207 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0207 Hawaii Undersea Geo-Observatory (HUGO) Duennebier, Fred University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.64030 -155.86109 21.22606 25.99001 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31602 -157.86684 21.30219 -157.89833 21.2727 -158.13156 21.22634 -158.33424 21.58171 -158.00102 22.74425 -158.0134 22.75852 -157.99213 22.75861 -157.93099 22.65519 -158.26649 22.86067 -158.22778 22.8193 -158.20205 22.8255 -157.9173 23.17677 -157.67106 23.44916 -157.46097 23.75137 -157.31482 23.91064 -157.27168 24.16183 -157.26764 24.27113 -156.99469 24.52321 -156.658 24.90907 -156.51012 25.19826 -156.36612 25.39828 -156.20079 25.59859 -155.93919 25.84067 -155.86215 25.94057 -155.91002 25.98743 -155.93774 25.98527 -156.01024 25.89134 -156.26377 25.65718 -156.42435 25.4641 -156.58927 25.23621 -156.73672 24.94908 -157.00001 25.00008 -158.03149 24.99973 -158.02504 24.87532 -156.99954 24.87498 -156.813 24.85738 -156.97926 24.6602 -157.35666 24.29983 -157.38546 23.96122 -157.5335 23.79804 -157.74293 23.49643 -158.15058 23.03099 -158.51457 22.55534 -158.64019 22.43067 -158.59088 22.37871 -158.57143 22.38043 -158.44553 22.50445 -158.20005 22.83006 -157.99907 22.9008 -157.73372 23.19944 -157.66631 23.14692 -157.94775 22.831 -158.14605 22.76027 -158.40028 22.43166 -158.35615 22.37341 -158.33636 22.37677 -158.08691 22.6961 -157.8932 22.76403 -157.59675 23.0974 -157.52921 23.03467 -157.52684 23.04658 -157.84246 22.69424 -158.02979 22.6283 -158.2191 22.38087 -158.24297 22.17831 -158.39781 21.57986 -158.16512 21.23105 -158.05456 21.24954 -157.9755 21.23682 -157.89824 21.2552 -157.87339 21.26469 -157.86758 21.30344 -157.8862 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2002-11-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-11-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901650 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Undersea Geo-Observatory (HUGO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.64 21.23, -158.64 25.99, -155.86 25.99, -155.86 21.23, -158.64 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ss1=1+M5W%Y9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901650gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/903093 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0208 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0208 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.46403 -157.86766 21.23029  22.84672 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.316 -157.86784 21.30057 -157.91402 21.23267 -158.16919 21.23532 -158.28128 21.34962 -158.27015 21.36413 -158.34264 21.57024 -158.16784 22.23746 -158.00232 22.74142 -158.0288 22.75951 -158.12367 22.76868 -158.02394 22.74156 -157.99939 22.75222 -158.00874 22.76037 -158.02007 22.74646 -158.00008 22.75099 -158.02962 22.75393 -158.00089 22.74704 -158.02043 22.75102 -158.02368 22.80164 -157.97434 22.84418 -158.00159 22.74949 -158.02733 22.74247 -158.00243 22.75152 -158.02789 22.80077 -158.04389 22.79528 -157.99689 22.75254 -158.00605 22.74816 -157.99992 22.77326 -158.02973 22.76391 -157.99877 22.75268 -158.01041 22.71689 -158.03464 22.71062 -158.01086 22.75755 -158.04802 22.73458 -158.10016 22.73337 -158.02751 22.74328 -158.04058 22.71499 -157.98395 22.75742 -158.02696 22.7081 -158.01207 22.73653 -158.03603 22.72456 -158.24863 22.80137 -158.35796 22.79541 -158.26928 22.81206 -157.99091 22.7511 -158.00285 22.72337 -157.97856 22.71699 -157.99726 22.716 -158.38818 21.81306 -158.46358 21.62467 -158.45421 21.58416 -158.32309 21.40983 -158.22128 21.33709 -158.12925 21.23636 -157.90555 21.23316 -157.86841 21.3004 -157.88617 21.31605 Cruise Start and End 2002-11-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2002-11-28 ! University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903093 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. # Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam $ raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List % Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) ' doi:10.7284/903093 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0208 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0208 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.46403 -157.86766 21.23029 22.84672 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.316 -157.86784 21.30057 -157.91402 21.23267 -158.16919 21.23532 -158.28128 21.34962 -158.27015 21.36413 -(158.34264 21.57024 -158.16784 22.23746 -158.00232 22.74142 -158.0288 22.75951 -158.12367 22.76868 -158.02394 22.74156 -157.99939 22.75222 -158.00874 22.76037 -158.02007 22.74646 -158.00008 22.75099 -158.02962 22.75393 -158.00089 22.74704 -158.02043 22.75102 -158.02368 22.80164 -157.97434 22.84418 -158.00159 22.74949 -158.02733 22.74247 -158.00243 22.75152 -158.02789 22.80077 -158.04389 22.79528 -157.99689 22.75254 -158.00605 22.74816 -157.99992 22.77326 -158.02973 22.76391 -157.99877 22.75268 -158.01041 22.71689 -158.03464 22.71062 -158.01086 22.75755 -158.04802 22.73458 -158.10016 22.73337 -158.02751 22.74328 -158.04058 22.71499 -157.98395 22.75742 -158.02696 22.7081 -158.01207 22.73653 -158.03603 22.72456 -158.24863 22.80137 -158.35796 22.79541 -158.26928 22.81206 -157.99091 22.7511 -158.00285 22.72337 -157.97856 22.71699 -157.99726 22.716 -158.38818 21.81306 -158.46358 21.62467 -158.45421 21.58416 -158.32309 21.40983 -158.22128 21.33709 -158.12925 21.23636 -157.90555 21.23316 -157.86841 21.3004 -157.88617 21.31605 Cruise Start and End 2002-11-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-11-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903093 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.46 21.23, -158.46 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.23, -158.46 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact @=1+M5Y?%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903094gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/903094 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us - pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0209 on RV Kilo M.oana 2015-09-30 published KM0209 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lukas, Roger University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.49915 -157.86722 21.21259 21.68958 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31606 -157.86846 21.30235 -157.87878 21.28341 -157.94105 21.23328 -158.11992 21.23566 -158.32211 21.58437 -158.49167 21.67014 -158.49389 21.68948 -158.483 21.64574 -158.46205 21.67213 -158.47029 21.65397 -158.49309 21.66868 -158.47683 21.65965 -158.48605 21.51073 -158.47278 21.5158 -158.49871 21.50508 -158.4746 21.51168 -158.4885 21.51959 -158.48066 21.67549 -158.47717 21.66308 -158.49239 21.6653 -158.47013 21.67098 -158.48784 21.50911 -158.47491 21.51714 -158.49291 21.5195 -158.4725 21.51991 -158.11697 21.23251 -157.98873 21.23374 -157.94993 421.21376 -157.89781 21.2476 -157.86725 21.30248 -157.88623 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2002-12-03 5 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-12-09 6 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 7 http://doi.org/10.7284/903094 collectionSession 8 Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 : Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw ; International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana < University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam > multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903094 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0209 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0209 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lukas, Roger University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support? Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.49915 -157.86722 21.21259 21.68958 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31606 -157.86846 21.30235 -157.87878 21.28341 -157.94105 21.23328 -158.11992 21.23566 -158.32211 21.58437 -158.49167 21.67014 -158.49389 21.68948 -158.483 21.64574 -158.46205 21.67213 -158.47029 21.65397 -158.49309 21.66868 -158.47683 21.65965 -158.48605 21.51073 -158.47278 21.5158 -158.49871 21.50508 -158.4746 21.51168 -158.4885 21.51959 -158.48066 21.67549 -158.47717 21.66308 -158.49239 21.6653 -158.47013 21.67098 -158.48784 21.50911 -158.47491 21.51714 -158.49291 21.5195 -158.4725 21.51991 -158.11697 21.23251 -157.98873 21.23374 -157.94993 21.21376 -157.89781 21.2476 -157.86725 21.30248 -157.88623 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2002-12-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-12-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903094 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.50 21.21, -158.50 21.69, -157.87 21.69, -157.87 21.21, -158.50 21.21))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactAtp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903095 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0210 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0210 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Bidigare, Robert University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contFributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33475 -157.86744 21.23315 22.78896 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.316 -157.86863 21.30008 -157.91263 21.26389 -158.01892 21.235 -158.13927 21.23401 -158.33222 21.59071 -157.99862 22.7509 -158.00114 22.73085 -158.05555 22.72228 -158.09982 22.68599 -158.00673 22.7503 -157.98624 22.74036 -158.00581 22.75092 -158.01344 22.70286 -158.05007 22.74285 -158.0172 22.74965 -158.14973 22.59613 -158.02866 22.72873 -158.00165 22.72949 -158.1224 22.68898 -158.13332 22.78891 -158.01294 22.75156 -158.04397 22.7396 -158.0367 22.727 -158.00774 22.74715 -157.99428 22.70495 -157.99997 22.74199 -157.98997 22.72359 -158.00463 22.60272 -J158.01469 22.64948 -158.0512 22.65005 -158.11285 22.69956 -158.1191 22.74943 -158.10361 22.7639 -158.00993 22.74628 -158.0582 22.65974 -158.06935 22.65533 -158.00742 22.74361 -158.13441 22.65307 -158.02638 22.65594 -157.99871 22.75041 -158.01429 22.75051 -158.06548 22.706 -158.00493 22.74758 -158.01417 22.73402 -158.07813 22.6787 -158.10149 22.68522 -158.0028 22.74927 -157.98454 22.70988 -158.01989 22.68145 -158.08082 22.50052 -158.30465 21.65956 -158.33475 21.59279 -158.28677 21.54364 -158.12057 21.24929 -157.90171 21.24148 -157.86756 21.30108 -157.88615 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2002-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu L 2002-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903095 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List R Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) T Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903095 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program U info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0210 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0210 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Bidigare, Robert University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33475 -157.86744 21.23315 22.78896 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.316 -157.86863 21.30008 -157.91263 21.26389 -158.01892 21.235 -158.13927 21.23401 -158.33222 21.59071 -157.99862 22.7509 -158.00114 22.73085 -158.05555 22.72228 -158.09982 22.68599 -158.00673 22.7503 -157.98624 22.74036 -158.00581 22.75092 -158.01344 22.70286 -158.05007 22.74285 -1V58.0172 22.74965 -158.14973 22.59613 -158.02866 22.72873 -158.00165 22.72949 -158.1224 22.68898 -158.13332 22.78891 -158.01294 22.75156 -158.04397 22.7396 -158.0367 22.727 -158.00774 22.74715 -157.99428 22.70495 -157.99997 22.74199 -157.98997 22.72359 -158.00463 22.60272 -158.01469 22.64948 -158.0512 22.65005 -158.11285 22.69956 -158.1191 22.74943 -158.10361 22.7639 -158.00993 22.74628 -158.0582 22.65974 -158.06935 22.65533 -158.00742 22.74361 -158.13441 22.65307 -158.02638 22.65594 -157.99871 22.75041 -158.01429 22.75051 -158.06548 22.706 -158.00493 22.74758 -158.01417 22.73402 -158.07813 22.6787 -158.10149 22.68522 -158.0028 22.74927 -157.98454 22.70988 -158.01989 22.68145 -158.08082 22.50052 -158.30465 21.65956 -158.33475 21.59279 -158.28677 21.54364 -158.12057 21.24929 -157.90171 21.24148 -157.86756 21.30108 -157.88615 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2002-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903095 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.23, -158.33 22.79, -157.87 22.79, -157.87 21.23, -158.33 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact F=1+M5_E%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903095gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata <Zgmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0211 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0211 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation <`gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox id="boundingGeographicBoundingBox"> -158.52863 -157.86766 21.21270 22.88205 coordinates of ship track <agml:MultiCurve gml:id="segid_1" srsName="EPSG:4326">-157.88614 21.31605 -157.86848 21.30047 -157.91837 21.23587 -158.11357 21.23237 -158.27778 21.34672 -158.27109 21.3291 -158.33474 21.57795 -158.0136 22.68631 -158.00859 22.75149 -157.9938 22.75632 -158.11054 22.70005 -158.0615 22.69736 -157.98595 22.74961 -158.06318 22.7277 -157.98991 22.74881 -158.11748 22.75187 -157.99822 22.75094 -157.99542 22.63527 -157.97204 22.63247 -158.0029 22.74748 -157.97868 22.88205 -157.99745 22.77138 -157.94087 22.76782 -158.02681 22.72255 -158.00552 22.74197 -157.99641 22.72833 -158.04675 22.65758 -158.02854 22.65589 -158.00269 22.7416 -157.9789 22.745 -157.99365 22.74209 -157.95691 22.72782 -158.00425 22.72103 -157.97638 22.7064 -157.98203 22.65365 -157.98665 22.7309 -157.98493 22.68832 -158.01802 22.65495 -158.01613 22.6386 -157.99948 22.67295 -157.99902 22.64337 -157.98456 22.63648 -157.99973 22.74947 -157.9756b3 22.84192 -157.99858 22.74185 -158.12909 22.67246 -158.19193 22.59442 -158.26472 22.67161 -158.25301 22.65716 -158.00133 22.7451 -158.01875 22.73905 -158.36383 21.84417 -158.31031 21.58566 -158.52863 21.57879 -158.17849 21.21284 -158.35879 21.58255 -158.32965 21.58182 -158.27467 21.50651 -158.14585 21.2774 -158.09118 21.2474 -157.97716 21.26607 -157.91798 21.26397 -157.90463 21.24414 -157.86772 21.30151 -157.88606 21.31605 Cruise Start and End c 2002-12-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-12-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List e Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903096 f collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw h Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903096 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridmded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0211 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0211 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.52863 -157.86766 21.21270 22.88205 coordinates of ship track -157.88614 21.31605 -157.86848 21.30047 -157.91837 21.23587 -158.11357 21.23237 -158.27778 21.34672 -158.27109 21.3291 -158.33474 21.57795 -158.0136 22.68631 -158.00859 22.75149 -157.9938 22.75632 -158.11054 22.70005 -158.0615 22.69736 -157.98595 22.74961 -158.06318 22.7277 -157.98991 22.74881 -158.11748 22.75187 -157.99822 22.75094 -157.99542 22.63527 -157.97204 22.63247 -158.0029 22.74748 -157.97868 22.88205 -157.99745 22.77138 -157.9n4087 22.76782 -158.02681 22.72255 -158.00552 22.74197 -157.99641 22.72833 -158.04675 22.65758 -158.02854 22.65589 -158.00269 22.7416 -157.9789 22.745 -157.99365 22.74209 -157.95691 22.72782 -158.00425 22.72103 -157.97638 22.7064 -157.98203 22.65365 -157.98665 22.7309 -157.98493 22.68832 -158.01802 22.65495 -158.01613 22.6386 -157.99948 22.67295 -157.99902 22.64337 -157.98456 22.63648 -157.99973 22.74947 -157.97563 22.84192 -157.99858 22.74185 -158.12909 22.67246 -158.19193 22.59442 -158.26472 22.67161 -158.25301 22.65716 -158.00133 22.7451 -158.01875 22.73905 -158.36383 21.84417 -158.31031 21.58566 -158.52863 21.57879 -158.17849 21.21284 -158.35879 21.58255 -158.32965 21.58182 -158.27467 21.50651 -158.14585 21.2774 -158.09118 21.2474 -157.97716 21.26607 -157.91798 21.26397 -157.90463 21.24414 -157.86772 21.30151 -157.88606 21.31605 Cruise Start and End 2002-12-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2002-12-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903096 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.53 21.21, -158.53 22.88, -157.87 22.88, -157.87 21.21, -158.53 21.21))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact d=1+M5}c%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903096gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/901633 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0301 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM03u01 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme v NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.18652 -157.66350 20.82676 21.31610 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31598 -157.86687 21.30337 -157.88268 21.27128 -157.76245 21.11336 -157.68 21.11654 -157.6784 21.08509 -157.7492 21.10051 -157.75002 21.13773 -157.75245 21.11738 -157.68493 21.1048 y-157.75309 21.11851 -157.66385 21.15919 -157.70413 21.16368 -157.72886 21.1486 -157.73508 20.83088 -158.03905 20.8321 -158.03928 20.88148 -157.81315 20.88922 -157.8184 20.93933 -158.18648 20.9343 -158.14878 20.95188 -158.12202 21.0063 -157.88444 21.27323 -157.86746 21.3022 -157.87653 21.31212 Cruise Start and End 2003-01-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu { 2003-01-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu<|/gmx:Anchor> http://doi.org/10.7284/901633 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901633 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0301 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0301 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.18652 -157.66350 20.82676 21.31610 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31598 -157.86687 21.30337 -157.88268 21.27128 -157.76245 21.11336 -157.68 21.11654 -157.6784 21.08509 -157.7492 21.10051 -157.75002 21.13773 -157.75245 21.11738 -157.68493 21.1048 -157.75309 21.11851 -157.66385 21.15919 -157.70413 21.16368 -157.72886 21.1486 -157.73508 20.83088 -158.03905 20.8321 -158.03928 20.88148 -157.81315 20.88922 -157.8184 20.93933 -158.18648 20.9343 -158.14878 20.95188 -158.12202 21.0063 -157.88444 21.27323 -157.86746 21.3022 -157.87653 21.31212 Cruise Start and End 2003-01-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-01-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901633 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-DP CalibrationEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.19 20.83, -158.19 21.32, -157.66 21.32, -157.66 20.83, -158.19 20.83))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact =1+M5=%?9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901633gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/901651 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0302 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0302 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33984 -157.60507 21.19394 21.81099 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.31608 -157.87042 21.30719 -157.88207 21.28294 -157.94342 21.29688 -158.05862 21.27444 -158.09315 21.24805 -158.13414 21.24885 -158.2892 21.39805 -158.28986 21.37439 -158.30228 21.37562 -158.30351 21.43484 -158.32904 21.42174 -158.2695 21.37462 -158.19338 21.34094 -158.1534 21.33605 -158.14504 21.35315 -158.16823 21.38518 -158.19282 21.38781 -158.21407 21.44251 -158.24431 21.47295 -158.24567 21.5304 -158.28947 21.55622 -158.25124 21.52837 -158.24847 21.46953 -158.19533 21.38472 -158.15617 21.36525 -158.14961 21.32297 -158.18274 21.29303 -158.30093 21.50339 -158.28204 21.39214 -158.29677 21.40554 -158.33945 21.60074 -158.19559 21.6013 -158.20375 21.80584 -158.23979 21.80622 -158.20468 21.77044 -158.20373 21.80326 -158.22488 21.80843 -158.20647 21.77262 -158.20358 21.60052 -158.14123 21.6003 -157.99944 21.72937 -158.1432 21.60401 -158.17758 21.61047 -158.14143 21.60966 -158.00021 21.73193 -157.94641 21.72488 -157.91452 21.69832 -157.87686 21.61321 -157.81033 21.57276 -157.76776 21.48188 -157.71642 21.49331 -157.68918 21.4623 -157.66774 21.46594 -157.61696 21.43597 -157.68547 21.46887 -157.70688 21.43405 -157.61787 21.28769 -157.60515 21.24094 -157.62811 21.22782 -157.70989 21.19398 -157.8522 21.19889 -157.9008 21.25426 -157.8674 21.30242 -157.88608 21.31614 Cruise Start and End  2003-03-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901651 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901651 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30  ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0302 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0302 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33984 -157.60507 21.19394 21.81099 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.31608 -157.87042 21.30719 -157.88207 21.28294 -157.94342 21.29688 -158.05862 21.27444 -158.09315 21.24805 -158.13414 21.24885 -158.2892 21.39805 -158.28986 21.37439 -158.30228 21.37562 -158.30351 21.43484 -158.32904 21.42174 -158.2695 21.37462 -158.19338 21.34094 -158.1534 21.33605 -158.14504 21.35315 -158.16823 21.38518 -158.19282 21.38781 -158.21407 21.44251 -158.24431 21.47295 -158.24567 21.5304 -158.28947 21.55622 -158.25124 21.52837 -158.24847 21.46953 -158.19533 21.38472 -158.15617 21.36525 -158.14961 21.32297 -158.18274 21.29303 -158.30093 21.50339 -158.28204 21.39214 -158.29677 21.40554 -158.33945 21.60074 -158.19559 21.6013 -158.20375 21.80584 -158.23979 21.80622 -158.20468 21.77044 -158.20373 21.80326 -158.22488 21.80843 -158.20647 21.77262 -158.20358 21.60052 -158.14123 21.6003 -157.99944 21.72937 -158.1432 21.60401 -158.17758 21.61047 -158.14143 21.60966 -158.00021 21.73193 -157.94641 21.72488 -157.91452 21.69832 -157.87686 21.61321 -157.81033 21.57276 -157.76776 21.48188 -157.71642 21.49331 -157.68918 21.4623 -157.66774 21.46594 -157.61696 21.43597 -157.68547 21.46887 -157.70688 21.43405 -157.61787 21.28769 -157.60515 21.24094 -157.62811 21.22782 -157.70989 21.19398 -157.8522 21.19889 -157.9008 21.25426 -157.8674 21.30242 -157.88608 21.31614 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901651 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-DP CalibrationEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 21.19, -158.34 21.81, -157.61 21.81, -157.61 21.19, -158.34 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact P=1+M5A%?9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901651gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/901652 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0303 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM0303 Sea Trials-Winch Test EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88635 -157.15312 20.90281 21.31693 coordinates of ship track -157.88614 21.31622 -157.86743 21.30323 -157.87633 21.25748 -157.82996 21.16451 -157.66185 21.06151 -157.56581 20.96623 -157.54283 20.97281 -157.53323 20.95881 -157.52774 20.97554 -157.57274 20.94145 -157.44897 20.99314 -157.17065 21.06018 -157.1534 21.02799 -157.18886 21.052 -157.32011 20.99561 -157.56799 20.92995 -157.44707 20.98725 -157.23425 21.04061 -157.15892 21.04193 -157.33917 20.99337 -157.33502 20.98419 -157.15536 21.03355 -157.16898 21.04444 -157.44066 20.97664 -157.55519 20.93655 -157.55275 20.91904 -157.32384 20.98224 -157.55264 20.90289 -157.5569 20.93855 -157.44002 20.98283 -157.43649 20.97245 -157.75047 21.11238 -157.70485 21.1325 -157.82297 21.20867 -157.88001 21.27309 -157.86748 21.30357 -157.88615 21.3163 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-15  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901652 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901652 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0303 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0303 Sea Trials-Winch Test EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88635 -157.15312 20.90281 21.31693 coordinates of ship track -157.88614 21.31622 -157.86743 21.30323 -157.87633 21.25748 -157.82996 21.16451 -157.66185 21.06151 -157.56581 20.96623 -157.54283 20.97281 -157.53323 20.95881 -157.52774 20.97554 -157.57274 20.94145 -157.44897 20.99314 -157.17065 21.06018 -157.1534 21.02799 -157.18886 21.052 -157.32011 20.99561 -157.56799 20.92995 -157.44707 20.98725 -157.23425 21.04061 -157.15892 21.04193 -157.33917 20.99337 -157.33502 20.98419 -157.15536 21.03355 -157.16898 21.04444 -157.44066 20.97664 -157.55519 20.93655 -157.55275 20.91904 -157.32384 20.98224 -157.55264 20.90289 -157.5569 20.93855 -157.44002 20.98283 -157.43649 20.97245 -157.75047 21.11238 -157.70485 21.1325 -157.82297 21.20867 -157.88001 21.27309 -157.86748 21.30357 -157.88615 21.3163 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901652 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-Winch TestEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 20.90, -157.89 21.32, -157.15 21.32, -157.15 20.90, -157.89 20.90))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 66n=1+M5!c%79!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901652gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:16Z doi:10.7284/901653 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0304 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0304 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.92688 -156.75336 21.05024 21.49419 coordinates of ship track -157.88615 21.31627 -157.86726 21.30345 -157.8746 21.27614 -157.86562 21.3024 -157.86444 21.23172 -157.66229 21.21122 -157.45749 21.26409 -157.24236 21.37605 -157.07277 21.49383 -157.00903 21.45814 -156.98029 21.48922 -156.75336 21.46148 -157.02028 21.4277 -157.04097 21.43343 -157.02991 21.44303 -157.04628 21.43883 -157.51369 21.16773 -157.62743 21.08253 -157.70209 21.0548 -157.68957 21.07155 -157.7075 21.05032 -157.6582 21.09135 -157.91141 21.26188 -157.9257 21.29165 -157.9267 21.27195 -157.87994 21.28245 -157.86768 21.303 -157.88612 21.3161 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/901653 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901653 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0304 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0304 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.92688 -156.75336 21.05024 21.49419 coordinates of ship track -157.88615 21.31627 -157.86726 21.30345 -157.8746 21.27614 -157.86562 21.3024 -157.86444 21.23172 -157.66229 21.21122 -157.45749 21.26409 -157.24236 21.37605 -157.07277 21.49383 -157.00903 21.45814 -156.98029 21.48922 -156.75336 21.46148 -157.02028 21.4277 -157.04097 21.43343 -157.02991 21.44303 -157.04628 21.43883 -157.51369 21.16773 -157.62743 21.08253 -157.70209 21.0548 -157.68957 21.07155 -157.7075 21.05032 -157.6582 21.09135 -157.91141 21.26188 -157.9257 21.29165 -157.9267 21.27195 -157.87994 21.28245 -157.86768 21.303 -157.88612 21.3161 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901653 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-DP CalibrationEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.93 21.05, -157.93 21.49, -156.75 21.49, -156.75 21.05, -157.93 21.05))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact &-&I=1+M5A%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901656gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww4=1+M5M3%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901680gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901654 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0305 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0305 IMI-30 Test Cruise Bjorkman, Karin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90218 -157.17082  20.65207 21.31632 coordinates of ship track -157.88611 21.3161 -157.86711 21.30348 -157.88368 21.27813 -157.8667 21.23806 -157.6942 21.05295 -157.63089 21.1135 -157.56429 21.14283 -157.62355 21.10751 -157.7068 21.02514 -157.77365 20.90805 -157.65759 20.65214 -157.64903 20.71815 -157.70406 20.80147 -157.7119 20.84761 -157.4435 20.98188 -157.17096 21.05183 -157.34352 21.06755 -157.61052 21.14835 -157.87251 21.24576 -157.8806 21.27488 -157.86758 21.30343 -157.88615 21.31628 -157.86745 21.30408 -157.87053 21.26336 -157.77031 21.17263 -157.64533 21.18984 -157.56467 21.16062 -157.5504 21.13771 -157.61653 21.10242 -157.71678 20.99976 -157.76419 20.9057 -157.72684 20.85126 -157.52447 20.93578 -157.73793 20.85167 -157.522 20.93889 -157.53477 20.94512 -157.73856 20.8575 -157.52808 20.94367 -157.53798 20.94678 -157.74596 20.86376 -157.53226 20.95472 -157.74181 20.86675 -157.90216 21.2496 -157.86768 21.30195 -157.88612 21.31618 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-24  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/901654 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901654 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0305 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0305 IMI-30 Test Cruise Bjorkman, Karin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90218 -157.17082 20.65207 21.31632 coordinates of ship track -157.88611 21.3161 -157.86711 21.30348 -157.88368 21.27813 -157.8667 21.23806 -157.6942 21.05295 -157.63089 21.1135 -157.56429 21.14283 -157.62355 21.10751 -157.7068 21.02514 -157.77365 20.90805 -157.65759 20.65214 -157.64903 20.71815 -157.70406 20.80147 -157.7119 20.84761 -157.4435 20.98188 -157.17096 21.05183 -157.34352 21.06755 -157.61052 21.14835 -157.87251 21.24576 -157.8806 21.27488 -157.86758 21.30343 -157.88615 21.31628 -157.86745 21.30408 -157.87053 21.26336 -157.77031 21.17263 -157.64533 21.18984 -157.56467 21.16062 -157.5504 21.13771 -157.61653 21.10242 -157.71678 20.99976 -157.76419 20.9057 -157.72684 20.85126 -157.52447 20.93578 -157.73793 20.85167 -157.522 20.93889 -157.53477 20.94512 -157.73856 20.8575 -157.52808 20.94367 -157.53798 20.94678 -157.74596 20.86376 -157.53226 20.95472 -157.74181 20.86675 -157.90216 21.2496 -157.86768 21.30195 -157.88612 21.31618 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901654 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIMI-30 Test CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 20.65, -157.90 21.32, -157.17 21.32, -157.17 20.65, -157.90 20.65))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactxmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901680 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0306 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0306  Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36583 -157.86752 21.22690 22.85143 coordinates of ship track -157.88614 21.31603 -157.86778 21.30158 -157.9081 21.25376 -158.11783 21.24484 -158.27719 21.34296 -158.33461 21.50494 -158.33655 21.58314 -158.26965 21.80233 -158.17031 22.23376 -158.11535 22.34103 -158.00036 22.74726 -157.9922 22.75817 -157.97135 22.7481 -157.9809 22.85143 -158.0004 22.75143 -157.98836 22.74364 -157.98075 22.7555 -158.11286 22.76122 -158.11469 22.7459 -157.98496 22.75532 -158.00098 22.74845 -157.9785 22.73572 -157.99843 22.75284 -157.94239 22.84397 -157.99849 22.7491 -157.98338 22.72983 -157.94939 22.72443 -158.00744 22.72352 -157.99521 22.71287 -157.99742 22.64518 -157.97796 22.64916 -157.99624 22.69927 -157.96343 22.71036 -157.99939 22.75878 -157.97303 22.76496 -158.00075 22.74969 -157.971 22.74468 -157.87894 22.74741 -158.01023 22.69416 -158.01972 22.57796 -157.9897 22.57006 -158.02008 22.57841 -158.00316 22.57768 -157.99802 22.74048 -157.98651 22.73147 -158.00119 22.73168 -158.00072 22.75205 -158.01033 22.69205 -158.20382 22.26268 -158.36583 21.84197 -158.34074 21.49931 -158.16344 21.24141 -158.01272 21.22691 -157.89184 21.25837 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901680  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901680 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0306 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0306 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36583 -157.86752 21.22690 22.85143 coordinates of ship track -157.88614 21.31603 -157.86778 21.30158 -157.9081 21.25376 -158.11783 21.24484 -158.27719 21.34296 -158.33461 21.50494 -158.33655 21.58314 -158.26965 21.80233 -158.17031 22.23376 -158.11535 22.34103 -158.00036 22.74726 -157.9922 22.75817 -157.97135 22.7481 -157.9809 22.85143 -158.0004 22.75143 -157.98836 22.74364 -157.98075 22.7555 -158.11286 22.76122 -158.11469 22.7459 -157.98496 22.75532 -158.00098 22.74845 -157.9785 22.73572 -157.99843 22.75284 -157.94239 22.84397 -157.99849 22.7491 -157.98338 22.72983 -157.94939 22.72443 -158.00744 22.72352 -157.99521 22.71287 -157.99742 22.64518 -157.97796 22.64916 -157.99624 22.69927 -157.96343 22.71036 -157.99939 22.75878 -157.97303 22.76496 -158.00075 22.74969 -157.971 22.74468 -157.87894 22.74741 -158.01023 22.69416 -158.01972 22.57796 -157.9897 22.57006 -158.02008 22.57841 -158.00316 22.57768 -157.99802 22.74048 -157.98651 22.73147 -158.00119 22.73168 -158.00072 22.75205 -158.01033 22.69205 -158.20382 22.26268 -158.36583 21.84197 -158.34074 21.49931 -158.16344 21.24141 -158.01272 21.22691 -157.89184 21.25837 Cruise Start and End 2003-03-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-03-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901680 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.23, -158.37 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.23, -158.37 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901656 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0307 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0307 Bottom Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.91551 -156.63953  20.96931 21.31655 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.31616 -157.86723 21.30318 -157.87741 21.23577 -157.7708 21.05312 -157.76939 20.97374 -157.76199 21.06212 -157.75136 21.05653 -157.7531 20.96936 -157.68422 21.05849 -157.71258 21.06304 -157.72032 20.99358 -157.61699 21.10615 -157.51784 21.16313 -157.39008 21.16332 -157.32059 21.20586 -157.30733 21.27567 -157.28381 21.28286 -156.96693 21.23327 -156.64887 21.21421 -156.64122 21.22565 -157.26648 21.27931 -157.00096 21.2302 -156.64253 21.19534 -156.93222 21.21036 -156.92691 21.19969 -156.769 21.19283 -156.90482 21.1909 -156.92931 21.22948 -156.97691 21.24199 -156.64861 21.22158 -156.63953 21.21068 -156.75745 21.21312 -156.77675 21.19738 -156.96602 21.22539 -157.00203 21.20868 -157.09561 21.22204 -156.99564 21.21772 -157.11655 21.24167 -157.26211 21.31044 -157.20534 21.30276 -157.31311 21.28009 -157.32387 21.21188 -157.39075 21.17006 -157.52408 21.17741 -157.54628 21.13434 -157.61322 21.1011 -157.66165 21.05061 -157.70546 21.04952 -157.78375 20.99102 -157.8355 21.15624 -157.91539 21.25367 -157.86836 21.30001 -157.88606 21.31607 Cruise Start and End 2003-04-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-04-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901656 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) </gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation> doi:10.7284/901656 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0307 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0307 Bottom Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.91551 -156.63953 20.96931 21.31655 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.31616 -157.86723 21.30318 -157.87741 21.23577 -157.7708 21.05312 -157.76939 20.97374 -157.76199 21.06212 -157.75136 21.05653 -157.7531 20.96936 -157.68422 21.05849 -157.71258 21.06304 -157.72032 20.99358 -157.61699 21.10615 -157.51784 21.16313 -157.39008 21.16332 -157.32059 21.20586 -157.30733 21.27567 -157.28381 21.28286 -156.96693 21.23327 -156.64887 21.21421 -156.64122 21.22565 -157.26648 21.27931 -157.00096 21.2302 -156.64253 21.19534 -156.93222 21.21036 -156.92691 21.19969 -156.769 21.19283 -156.90482 21.1909 -156.92931 21.22948 -156.97691 21.24199 -156.64861 21.22158 -156.63953 21.21068 -156.75745 21.21312 -156.77675 21.19738 -156.96602 21.22539 -157.00203 21.20868 -157.09561 21.22204 -156.99564 21.21772 -157.11655 21.24167 -157.26211 21.31044 -157.20534 21.30276 -157.31311 21.28009 -157.32387 21.21188 -157.39075 21.17006 -157.52408 21.17741 -157.54628 21.13434 -157.61322 21.1011 -157.66165 21.05061 -157.70546 21.04952 -157.78375 20.99102 -157.8355 21.15624 -157.91539 21.25367 -157.86836 21.30001 -157.88606 21.31607 Cruise Start and End 2003-04-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-04-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901656 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionBottom MappingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.92 20.97, -157.92 21.32, -156.64 21.32, -156.64 20.97, -157.92 20.97))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901657 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0308 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0308 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.87906 -151.74741 21.22743 57.68987  coordinates of ship track -157.87378 21.31033 -157.87593 21.26784 -157.82892 21.23154 -157.63257 21.24145 -157.09499 25.30811 -157.00775 25.8012 -156.95931 26.17426 -156.93553 26.50887 -156.66455 28.364 -156.4467 30.01576 -156.32542 30.82784 -156.29048 30.96092 -156.26654 31.23449 -156.14227 32.10788 -156.12537 32.13213 -156.10324 32.27067 -156.03693 32.83931 -155.84433 34.06176 -155.66869 35.35609 -155.49892 36.3741 -155.47935 36.59761 -155.41689 36.92005 -155.19745 38.43216 -154.94301 39.98172 -154.91775 40.15389 -154.92714 40.16923 -154.47412 42.80047 -154.34163 43.69078 -154.10822 45.01262 -154.0853 45.05994 -154.00014 45.66246 -153.88768 46.25283 -153.90855 46.35445 -153.85294 46.47005 -153.81081 46.66449 -153.71576 47.27295 -153.58022 47.98584 -153.59427 47.99894 -153.5593 48.08804 -153.42314 48.75748 -153.37679 49.07671 -153.34055 49.21005 -152.93584 51.40579 -152.85655 51.72583 -152.74321 52.35943 -152.47937 53.63493 -152.49674 53.63318 -152.43489 53.83672 -152.24837 54.69215 -152.18823 55.04137 -152.11896 55.28973 -151.99414 55.93414 -151.9518 56.08069 -151.93532 56.21116 -151.8512 56.48551 -151.8261 56.69107 -151.75282 56.95994 -151.74884 57.4892 -151.9957 57.68017 -152.03891 57.68986 Cruise Start and End 2003-04-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-04-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak http://doi.org/10.7284/901657  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Explor!ation of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901657 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise$ level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0308 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0308 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.87906 -151.74741 21.22743 57.68987 coordinates of ship track -157.87378 21.31033 -157.87593 21.26784 -157.82892 21.23154 -157.63257 21.24145 -157.09499 25.30811 -157.00775 25.8012 -156.95931 26.17426 -156.93553 26.50887 -156.66455 28.364 -156.4467 30.01576 -156.32542 30.82784 -156.29048 30.96092 -156.26654 31.23449 -156.14227 32.10788 -156.12537 32.13213 -156.10324 32.27067 -156%.03693 32.83931 -155.84433 34.06176 -155.66869 35.35609 -155.49892 36.3741 -155.47935 36.59761 -155.41689 36.92005 -155.19745 38.43216 -154.94301 39.98172 -154.91775 40.15389 -154.92714 40.16923 -154.47412 42.80047 -154.34163 43.69078 -154.10822 45.01262 -154.0853 45.05994 -154.00014 45.66246 -153.88768 46.25283 -153.90855 46.35445 -153.85294 46.47005 -153.81081 46.66449 -153.71576 47.27295 -153.58022 47.98584 -153.59427 47.99894 -153.5593 48.08804 -153.42314 48.75748 -153.37679 49.07671 -153.34055 49.21005 -152.93584 51.40579 -152.85655 51.72583 -152.74321 52.35943 -152.47937 53.63493 -152.49674 53.63318 -152.43489 53.83672 -152.24837 54.69215 -152.18823 55.04137 -152.11896 55.28973 -151.99414 55.93414 -151.9518 56.08069 -151.93532 56.21116 -151.8512 56.48551 -151.8261 56.69107 -151.75282 56.95994 -151.74884 57.4892 -151.9957 57.68017 -152.03891 57.68986 Cruise Start and End 2003-04-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-04-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak http://doi.org/10.7284/901657 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.88 21.23, -157.88 57.69, -151.75 57.69, -151.75 21.23, -157.88 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact %">1+M5kQ%q9 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/903030gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wn!=1+M5=%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901659gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wwQ: >1+M5ki%}9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901658gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901658 eng ) utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:+2009(E) Cruise KM0309 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0309 Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) Floering, William NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -152.53789 -143.63402 56.94878 60.09745 coordinates of ship track -152.14871 57.70954 -152.44583 57.74549 -152.51239 57.71263 -152.53789 57.71872 -152.51465 57.73048 -152.53365 57.71651 -152.5116 57.71359 -152.45352 57.74459 -152.40913 57.73768 -152.317174 57.77106 -152.38692 57.74638 -152.36377 57.7298 -152.26872 57.72294 -152.30814 57.72897 -152.30695 57.71065 -152.29028 57.71163 -152.30293 57.7057 -152.29869 57.73121 -152.2121 57.72916 -151.94055 57.68415 -150.9995 56.94898 -147.66991 58.26648 -147.73241 58.25225 -147.76706 58.26051 -147.56456 58.25967 -147.52736 58.23931 -147.97002 58.37442 -148.88167 58.69025 -148.83652 58.6725 -148.82449 58.6807 -148.71141 58.80382 -148.62875 58.9149 -148.64323 58.9312 -148.62483 58.93632 -148.70311 59.04959 -148.68213 59.04553 -148.72051 59.05615 -148.67712 59.03254 -148.78468 59.13396 -148.72043 59.07825 -148.66449 59.0015 -148.7753 59.07908 -148.90797 59.20977 -148.74666 59.11802 -148.79724 59.13269 -148.79488 59.14536 -148.77515 59.12251 -148.97636 59.30118 -148.96178 59.30555 -148.9823 59.30328 -148.79996 59.30779 -149.00101 59.28995 -148.64008 59.20429 -148.30756 59.1964 -148.83913 59.12664 -148.72261 59.12974 -148.80707 59.12525 -148.72675 59.13839 -148.87537 59.28007 -148.86124 59.29047 -148.88117 59.337024 -148.69539 59.57696 -149.16795 59.64228 -149.30437 59.58998 -149.11542 59.74294 -149.27594 59.71883 -149.39438 59.75989 -149.358 59.69142 -149.3694 59.69244 -149.30621 59.69293 -149.39192 59.69413 -149.3148 59.69196 -149.22168 59.5719 -149.20091 59.56871 -149.21431 59.56705 -149.2178 59.53348 -149.14659 59.53322 -149.23665 59.53122 -149.16981 59.53102 -149.02599 59.35703 -149.06358 59.32238 -149.05272 59.31878 -149.06494 59.32132 -148.9512 59.29486 -148.96402 59.2906 -148.77066 59.12919 -150.08717 59.11277 -150.09093 59.09243 -150.87343 58.75381 -150.86414 58.74465 -150.88654 58.76497 -150.85483 58.74477 -150.93515 58.96486 -150.91656 58.96769 -151.00459 59.09479 -150.99271 59.10237 -151.04051 59.10228 -150.98282 59.10392 -150.9957 59.09743 -150.99156 59.06921 -150.9426 58.97974 -150.97986 58.98229 -150.91734 58.9565 -148.75383 59.12924 -148.77873 59.1205 -148.71338 59.13614 -148.79306 59.12828 -148.94977 59.29484 -148.96378 59.29439 -148.94548 59.30534 -148.99083 59.35842 -149.34735 59.69356 -149.351753 59.68442 -149.3305 59.6912 -149.33977 59.69598 -149.33398 59.67608 -149.3324 59.69538 -149.20143 59.56807 -149.22542 59.57107 -149.20418 59.57042 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-149.99829 57.90336 -150.01978 57.89829 -150.14038 57.78091 -150.17539 57.77776 -150.23924 57.70399 -150.20102 57.72618 -150.11791 57.73585 -150.13734 57.74807 -150.10295 57.75986 -149.88203 57.80526 -149.91438 57.80431 -149.57468 57.91569 -149.60042 57.92379 -149.46956 57.94915 -149.41093 57.97979 -149.42349 57.98694 -149.28383 58.01848 -149.32169 58.02618 -149.07103 58.09873 -149.08215 58.10101 -148.97639 58.35075 -149.10651 58.35064 -148.96199 58.34567 -148.99703 58.35296 -148.93086 58.47259 -148.96042 58.48263 -148.87666 58.60764 -148.89 58.61391 -148.77733 58.88071 -148.81831 58.89835 -148.73236 58.96536 -148.75301 58.97301 -148.6944 59.0151 -148.75029 59.02085 -148.64154 59.11471 -148.6561 59.11929 -148.59859 59.19164 -148.7854 58.89098 -148.92839 58.47341 -148.94963 58.47792 -148.87634 58.61091 -148.89552 58.61411 -148.84757 58.69869 -148.85608 58.70641 -148.82165 58.79972 -148.79852 58.81122 -148.78575 58.89348 -1748.76531 58.90501 -148.73994 58.96703 -148.68262 59.01336 -148.70316 59.0163 -148.6687 59.05745 -148.68301 59.06619 -148.60101 59.19181 -149.64447 59.16163 -149.5862 59.03171 -149.54066 58.85192 -149.46768 58.71612 -149.44714 58.63196 -149.44199 58.65082 -149.4532 58.64741 -149.42297 58.55679 -149.46083 58.64995 -149.47081 58.70897 -149.45897 58.71005 -149.50247 58.78439 -149.4707 58.77197 -149.52707 58.85596 -149.54481 58.85819 -149.57277 58.93928 -149.5593 58.92731 -149.5835 59.03046 -149.59613 59.03295 -149.62248 59.11431 -149.59345 59.11765 -149.64816 59.16085 -149.63318 59.1645 -149.66946 59.23437 -149.64453 59.23674 -149.64696 59.16357 -149.62814 59.16456 -149.62576 59.11184 -149.56981 58.94405 -149.47368 58.71553 -149.27946 58.5686 -149.85825 58.71115 -150.15904 58.76077 -150.12015 58.71812 -150.01434 58.69154 -150.05862 58.75853 -150.14708 58.83296 -150.15926 58.75713 -150.19005 58.72208 -150.12883 58.84914 -150.14629 58.84639 -150.13493 58.83579 -150.12775 58.84763 -150.13013 58.9054 -150.08079 588.973 -150.1161 58.93461 -150.06876 59.1213 -149.84329 59.15897 -149.36021 59.3075 -149.31838 59.29236 -149.15437 59.36631 -149.12096 59.3525 -148.90495 59.44969 -148.65082 59.51647 -149.32829 59.74691 -149.4682 59.83232 -149.46867 59.85376 -149.35294 59.98006 -149.37669 60.06201 -149.42194 60.09736 -149.38829 60.07458 -149.35496 59.98643 -149.44083 59.91428 -149.49681 59.91575 -149.44232 59.82533 -149.33234 59.75138 -148.32457 59.58498 -147.00072 59.58646 -145.26309 59.3853 -145.30727 59.37758 -145.2406 59.22622 -145.24159 59.20931 -145.27766 59.21124 -145.24724 59.03237 -145.28111 59.01669 -145.24577 58.86096 -145.25609 58.84893 -145.24587 58.68379 -145.27029 58.6635 -145.24744 58.50814 -145.27983 58.499768 -145.25117 58.49923 -145.25423 58.36408 -145.23137 58.36399 -145.24368 58.36942 -145.25073 58.35258 -145.24104 58.22162 -145.28311 58.21622 -145.24464 58.07306 -145.28532 58.07889 -145.25275 57.93168 -145.23967 57.92679 -145.24759 57.78376 -145.28346 57.76704 -145.27756 57.70556 -145.24107 57.65097 -145.26 57.63862 -143.63402 58.6406 -143.69945 58.65462 -143.6796 58.65258 -143.95857 58.64035 -143.95035 58.63182 -144.90883 58.64317 -144.94867 58.64162 -144.95575 58.62309 -145.2975 58.64168 -145.93634 58.64216 -145.96248 58.62857 -146.3429 58.64755 -146.6109 58.63462 -147.28136 58.64965 -147.56746 58.64068 -147.67285 58.6561 -147.93658 58.62834 -148.28732 58.62126 -148.34672 58.60627 -148.45692 58.62207 -148.88998 58.60975 -149.34999 58.62794 -150.07375 58.63039 -150.63287 58.66257 -152.02371 58.69673 -152.19376 58.69321 -152.41281 58.66499 -152.33928 58.82723 -152.43791 58.87626 -152.43816 58.96593 -152.38825 58.98534 -152.29625 58.98187 -152.23891 59.01737 -152.12425 59.13818 -152.13869 59.13999 -152.:03508 59.23568 -152.0598 59.16481 -152.05571 59.09094 -151.67403 59.01465 -151.33784 59.01511 -150.99602 59.16101 -150.9908 59.09979 -150.87749 58.81726 -150.87328 58.73952 -150.825 58.66926 -150.78503 58.54231 -150.70189 58.38026 -150.9456 58.46936 -151.72815 58.41674 -151.49861 58.24149 -151.46825 58.00627 -152.28636 57.72499 -152.45189 57.74594 -152.42778 57.78171 Cruise Start and End 2003-04-18 ; University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak < 2003-05-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak http://doi.org/10.7284/901658 > collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 ? Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw <A/gmd:code> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator C Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) KongsberDg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901658 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0309 on RV KilEo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0309 Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) Floering, William NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -152.53789 -143.63402 56.94878 60.09745 coordinates of ship track -152.14871 57.70954 -152.44583 57.74549 -152.51239 57.71263 -152.53789 57.71872 -152.51465 57.73048 -152.53365 57.71651 -152.5116 57.71359 -152.45352 57.74459 -152.40913 57.73768 -152.37174 57.77106 -152.38692 57.74638 -152.36377 57.7298 -152.26872 57.72294 -152.30814 57.72897 -152.30695 57.71065 -152.29028 57.71163 -152.30293 57.7057 -152.29869 57.73121 -152.2121 57.72916 -151.94055 57.68415 -150.9995 56.94898 -147.66991 58.26648 -147.73241 58.F25225 -147.76706 58.26051 -147.56456 58.25967 -147.52736 58.23931 -147.97002 58.37442 -148.88167 58.69025 -148.83652 58.6725 -148.82449 58.6807 -148.71141 58.80382 -148.62875 58.9149 -148.64323 58.9312 -148.62483 58.93632 -148.70311 59.04959 -148.68213 59.04553 -148.72051 59.05615 -148.67712 59.03254 -148.78468 59.13396 -148.72043 59.07825 -148.66449 59.0015 -148.7753 59.07908 -148.90797 59.20977 -148.74666 59.11802 -148.79724 59.13269 -148.79488 59.14536 -148.77515 59.12251 -148.97636 59.30118 -148.96178 59.30555 -148.9823 59.30328 -148.79996 59.30779 -149.00101 59.28995 -148.64008 59.20429 -148.30756 59.1964 -148.83913 59.12664 -148.72261 59.12974 -148.80707 59.12525 -148.72675 59.13839 -148.87537 59.28007 -148.86124 59.29047 -148.88117 59.33704 -148.69539 59.57696 -149.16795 59.64228 -149.30437 59.58998 -149.11542 59.74294 -149.27594 59.71883 -149.39438 59.75989 -149.358 59.69142 -149.3694 59.69244 -149.30621 59.69293 -149.39192 59.69413 -149.3148 59.69196 -149.22168 59.5719 -149.20091 59.56871 -149.21G431 59.56705 -149.2178 59.53348 -149.14659 59.53322 -149.23665 59.53122 -149.16981 59.53102 -149.02599 59.35703 -149.06358 59.32238 -149.05272 59.31878 -149.06494 59.32132 -148.9512 59.29486 -148.96402 59.2906 -148.77066 59.12919 -150.08717 59.11277 -150.09093 59.09243 -150.87343 58.75381 -150.86414 58.74465 -150.88654 58.76497 -150.85483 58.74477 -150.93515 58.96486 -150.91656 58.96769 -151.00459 59.09479 -150.99271 59.10237 -151.04051 59.10228 -150.98282 59.10392 -150.9957 59.09743 -150.99156 59.06921 -150.9426 58.97974 -150.97986 58.98229 -150.91734 58.9565 -148.75383 59.12924 -148.77873 59.1205 -148.71338 59.13614 -148.79306 59.12828 -148.94977 59.29484 -148.96378 59.29439 -148.94548 59.30534 -148.99083 59.35842 -149.34735 59.69356 -149.35175 59.68442 -149.3305 59.6912 -149.33977 59.69598 -149.33398 59.67608 -149.3324 59.69538 -149.20143 59.56807 -149.22542 59.57107 -149.20418 59.57042 -150.58675 58.67473 -150.95323 58.41518 -151.50433 58.06844 -151.98879 57.73803 -152.06485 57.72471 -152.51788 57.727H13 -152.53098 57.71408 -152.45097 57.74518 -152.33334 57.72476 -152.15685 57.72642 -151.96001 57.66366 -151.76134 57.88952 -151.65295 58.04977 -151.56406 58.23962 -151.72696 58.41672 -151.13976 58.45474 -151.15053 58.46421 -150.74895 58.47954 -150.83107 58.66965 -150.85989 58.67269 -150.8595 58.74532 -150.88699 58.81994 -150.87485 58.81912 -150.91797 58.82597 -150.89679 58.88084 -150.91179 58.88382 -150.92284 58.94883 -150.94043 58.95022 -150.94887 59.00875 -151.00177 59.00929 -150.98875 59.09846 -151.01027 59.15923 -150.99049 59.16147 -151.09235 59.12181 -151.16037 59.11295 -151.21658 59.06792 -151.33049 59.01671 -151.66313 59.01691 -152.03212 59.06984 -152.04173 59.23642 -152.03023 59.23246 -152.16321 59.11408 -152.15724 59.10157 -152.23566 59.01842 -152.29584 58.98156 -152.38884 58.98467 -152.42059 58.97091 -152.42123 58.89925 -152.40129 58.85889 -152.32388 58.82554 -152.37311 58.77794 -152.39233 58.7036 -152.42323 58.70395 -152.3965 58.69649 -152.40909 58.66327 -152.42758 58.66781 -152.40239 58.68302 I-152.01735 58.68282 -151.51456 58.34996 -151.35303 58.0743 -151.19704 57.85653 -151.0318 57.54548 -151.18324 57.5019 -151.62204 57.27699 -151.64856 57.32264 -151.71939 57.37926 -151.28621 57.60424 -151.58685 57.72677 -151.57272 57.71811 -151.56342 57.72963 -151.57552 57.71695 -151.62567 57.72723 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57.71454 -150.66269 57.62934 -150.47562 57.65434 -150.49353 57.81024 -150.51291 57.80126 -150.45032 57.87504 -150.47981 57.86888 -150.39478 58.01737 -150.42653 58.00612 -150.36572 58.1116 -150.37793 58.11975 -150.35365 58.14955 -150.37053 58.15995 -150.32643 58.21647 -150.34442 58.22926 -150.29462 58.29234 -150.28038 58.36463 -149.88147 58.26898 -149.60388 58.22393 -149.62515 58.22086 -149.66569 58.17228 -149.69606 58.17003 -149.74565 58.12083 -149.73434 58.1173 -149.79668 58.11511 -149.81261 58.05073 -149.83617 58.04905 -149.89877 57.9806 -149.96556 57.99028 -149.99829 57.90336 -150.01978 57.89829 -150.14038 57.78091 -150.17539 57.77776 -150.23924 57.70399 -150.20102 57.72618 -150.11791 57.73585 -150.13734 57.74807 -150.10295 57.75986K -149.88203 57.80526 -149.91438 57.80431 -149.57468 57.91569 -149.60042 57.92379 -149.46956 57.94915 -149.41093 57.97979 -149.42349 57.98694 -149.28383 58.01848 -149.32169 58.02618 -149.07103 58.09873 -149.08215 58.10101 -148.97639 58.35075 -149.10651 58.35064 -148.96199 58.34567 -148.99703 58.35296 -148.93086 58.47259 -148.96042 58.48263 -148.87666 58.60764 -148.89 58.61391 -148.77733 58.88071 -148.81831 58.89835 -148.73236 58.96536 -148.75301 58.97301 -148.6944 59.0151 -148.75029 59.02085 -148.64154 59.11471 -148.6561 59.11929 -148.59859 59.19164 -148.7854 58.89098 -148.92839 58.47341 -148.94963 58.47792 -148.87634 58.61091 -148.89552 58.61411 -148.84757 58.69869 -148.85608 58.70641 -148.82165 58.79972 -148.79852 58.81122 -148.78575 58.89348 -148.76531 58.90501 -148.73994 58.96703 -148.68262 59.01336 -148.70316 59.0163 -148.6687 59.05745 -148.68301 59.06619 -148.60101 59.19181 -149.64447 59.16163 -149.5862 59.03171 -149.54066 58.85192 -149.46768 58.71612 -149.44714 58.63196 -149.44199 58.65082 -149.4532L 58.64741 -149.42297 58.55679 -149.46083 58.64995 -149.47081 58.70897 -149.45897 58.71005 -149.50247 58.78439 -149.4707 58.77197 -149.52707 58.85596 -149.54481 58.85819 -149.57277 58.93928 -149.5593 58.92731 -149.5835 59.03046 -149.59613 59.03295 -149.62248 59.11431 -149.59345 59.11765 -149.64816 59.16085 -149.63318 59.1645 -149.66946 59.23437 -149.64453 59.23674 -149.64696 59.16357 -149.62814 59.16456 -149.62576 59.11184 -149.56981 58.94405 -149.47368 58.71553 -149.27946 58.5686 -149.85825 58.71115 -150.15904 58.76077 -150.12015 58.71812 -150.01434 58.69154 -150.05862 58.75853 -150.14708 58.83296 -150.15926 58.75713 -150.19005 58.72208 -150.12883 58.84914 -150.14629 58.84639 -150.13493 58.83579 -150.12775 58.84763 -150.13013 58.9054 -150.08079 58.973 -150.1161 58.93461 -150.06876 59.1213 -149.84329 59.15897 -149.36021 59.3075 -149.31838 59.29236 -149.15437 59.36631 -149.12096 59.3525 -148.90495 59.44969 -148.65082 59.51647 -149.32829 59.74691 -149.4682 59.83232 -149.46867 59.85376 -149.35294 59.98006 -14M9.37669 60.06201 -149.42194 60.09736 -149.38829 60.07458 -149.35496 59.98643 -149.44083 59.91428 -149.49681 59.91575 -149.44232 59.82533 -149.33234 59.75138 -148.32457 59.58498 -147.00072 59.58646 -145.26309 59.3853 -145.30727 59.37758 -145.2406 59.22622 -145.24159 59.20931 -145.27766 59.21124 -145.24724 59.03237 -145.28111 59.01669 -145.24577 58.86096 -145.25609 58.84893 -145.24587 58.68379 -145.27029 58.6635 -145.24744 58.50814 -145.27983 58.49768 -145.25117 58.49923 -145.25423 58.36408 -145.23137 58.36399 -145.24368 58.36942 -145.25073 58.35258 -145.24104 58.22162 -145.28311 58.21622 -145.24464 58.07306 -145.28532 58.07889 -145.25275 57.93168 -145.23967 57.92679 -145.24759 57.78376 -145.28346 57.76704 -145.27756 57.70556 -145.24107 57.65097 -145.26 57.63862 -143.63402 58.6406 -143.69945 58.65462 -143.6796 58.65258 -143.95857 58.64035 -143.95035 58.63182 -144.90883 58.64317 -144.94867 58.64162 -144.95575 58.62309 -145.2975 58.64168 -145.93634 58.64216 -145.96248 58.62857 -146.3429 58.64755 -146.6109 58N.63462 -147.28136 58.64965 -147.56746 58.64068 -147.67285 58.6561 -147.93658 58.62834 -148.28732 58.62126 -148.34672 58.60627 -148.45692 58.62207 -148.88998 58.60975 -149.34999 58.62794 -150.07375 58.63039 -150.63287 58.66257 -152.02371 58.69673 -152.19376 58.69321 -152.41281 58.66499 -152.33928 58.82723 -152.43791 58.87626 -152.43816 58.96593 -152.38825 58.98534 -152.29625 58.98187 -152.23891 59.01737 -152.12425 59.13818 -152.13869 59.13999 -152.03508 59.23568 -152.0598 59.16481 -152.05571 59.09094 -151.67403 59.01465 -151.33784 59.01511 -150.99602 59.16101 -150.9908 59.09979 -150.87749 58.81726 -150.87328 58.73952 -150.825 58.66926 -150.78503 58.54231 -150.70189 58.38026 -150.9456 58.46936 -151.72815 58.41674 -151.49861 58.24149 -151.46825 58.00627 -152.28636 57.72499 -152.45189 57.74594 -152.42778 57.78171 Cruise Start and End 2003-04-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak 2003-05-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak http://doi.org/10.7284/901658 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionFisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-152.54 56.95, -152.54 60.10, -143.63 60.10, -143.63 56.95, -152.54 56.95))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact @lHt$P|     +[Data are not to be used f    +[Data are not to be used for navigation. +[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation.+[Data are not to be used for navigation. @lHt$P|+[Data are not to be used for navigation. +[Data are not to be used for navigation.!+[Data are not to be used for navigation. +[Data are not to be used for navigation.!+[Data are not to be used for navigation."+[Data are not to be used for navigation.#+[Data are not to be used for navigation.$+[Data are not to be used for navigation.%+[Data are not to be used for navigation.&+[Data are not to be used for navigation.'+[Data are not to be used for navigation.(+[Data are not to be used for navigation.)+[Data are not to be used for navigation.*+[Data are not to be used for navigation.++[Data are not to be used for navigation.,+[Data are not to be used for navigation.-+[Data are not to be used for navigation..+[Data are not to be used for navigation./+[Data are not to be used for navigation.0+[Data are not to be used for navigation.1+[Data are not to be used for navigation.2+[Data are not to be used for navigation.3Rw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901659 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0310 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published V KM0310 Mooring Recovery Eble, Marie NOAA Pacific Marine EWnvironmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -165.04298 -122.34776 42.89043 57.74556 coordinates of ship track -152.51804 57.72684 -152.53352 57.7152 -152.4521 57.74554 -152.38048 57.72956 -152.16791 57.72421 -151.99898 57.66283[ -152.00299 56.67101 -152.01874 56.40559 -152.10504 55.79322 -152.14441 55.38695 -152.32921 54.12756 -152.34941 53.84257 -152.65225 51.38031 -152.67244 51.19659 -152.66008 51.19697 -153.65581 51.53049 -154.21606 51.73837 -154.7744 51.91061 -155.38582 52.13249 -155.77629 52.24816 -156.95094 52.65376 -157.45694 52.63659 -157.44055 52.63436 -161.02322 51.61264 -165.02202 50.43659 -165.04288 50.45189 -164.50542 50.18603 -163.52379 49.73394 -162.36406 49.16449 -159.49991 49.17186 -158.48221 51.29073 -158.20084 51.83633 -158.13036 51.9959 -158.15971 52.01152 -158.18764 52.05706 -157.94948 52.34813 -157.19354 53.82151 -157.0441 54.07599 -156.89684 54.39619 -156.70741 54.70959 -156.47145 55.15894 -156.26018 55.50606 -156.08713 55.85463 -155.97928 56.02162 -155.40112 56.5901 -155.16957 56.84169 -155.01097 56.99708 -154.68701 57.2426 -154.74536 57.24751 -154.73312 57.23198 -154.69142 57.22838 -154.61995 57.07885 -154.66951 57.22577 -154.69347 57.24858 -154.65541 57.12374 -154.66289 57.14684 -154.6396 57.15876 -154.\63742 57.18413 -154.68755 57.23282 -154.68387 57.21101 -154.67206 57.23124 -154.64911 57.16443 -154.62942 57.18304 -154.68957 57.24301 -154.79831 57.24741 -154.677 57.23169 -154.66164 57.21157 -154.67284 57.14722 -154.99989 57.00039 -155.11551 56.83734 -155.32457 56.48447 -155.49632 56.25463 -155.00008 55.99906 -154.98816 54.87094 -155.00789 54.29835 -154.9987 52.33398 -154.80289 51.95756 -154.52672 51.48722 -154.49364 51.39034 -154.34994 51.15816 -153.88757 50.70567 -153.39752 50.28451 -152.34306 49.75347 -150.22603 49.12145 -149.34044 48.83661 -148.59149 48.62149 -146.64592 48.01386 -146.57663 47.99315 -146.54703 48.0124 -145.69887 47.71466 -143.93022 47.17956 -142.84894 46.81911 -140.0015 45.9234 -134.82745 44.22596 -133.65651 43.82238 -132.30585 43.38222 -131.79553 43.1966 -131.00302 42.93735 -130.91504 42.89046 -130.92395 42.89766 -130.87868 42.92061 -130.85185 42.96285 -130.89099 43.33228 -130.88931 43.89317 -130.86214 44.69571 -130.77426 45.05006 -130.67731 45.56182 -130.57951 46.36231 -130.51645 4]6.70592 -130.80272 46.85709 -130.79895 46.89037 -130.67357 46.79453 -130.2066 46.15848 -130.01025 45.93063 -129.99631 46.0346 -130.0304 45.85786 -130.10979 45.64985 -130.1299 45.9028 -130.07901 45.90384 -129.97951 46.02478 -130.00342 45.99273 -130.0098 45.90857 -130.01326 46.00606 -129.45869 45.90152 -129.2464 45.89602 -129.32556 45.94949 -129.49193 45.95115 -129.49377 46.05174 -128.13535 46.10165 -128.13463 46.19875 -128.3 46.20113 -128.30736 46.30439 -128.69725 45.93931 -128.72484 46.0006 -128.76614 45.84957 -128.78036 45.84842 -128.7896 45.89406 -128.82867 45.93005 -128.57591 46.09931 -128.323 46.29903 -127.83169 46.29837 -127.83496 46.1665 -128.1375 46.15686 -128.13107 46.03573 -127.83408 46.03168 -127.83447 45.9007 -128.32176 45.90156 -128.33949 46.0485 -128.35075 46.0356 -128.31302 46.00056 -128.1651 45.9992 -128.16153 45.93522 -128.20979 46.54746 -128.23892 46.51124 -128.13965 46.40296 -128.21341 46.27184 -128.20697 45.75952 -128.18768 45.67952 -128.1732 45.66627 -128.03302 45.66863 -128.03391 45.8^4388 -128.05518 45.84679 -128.05655 45.83371 -127.89984 45.83229 -127.90225 45.37483 -127.97444 45.38162 -128.03271 45.412 -128.03711 45.6318 -127.99673 45.90413 -127.95085 45.83431 -127.99586 45.88566 -127.9732 45.86029 -127.99172 45.86234 -128.01901 45.90776 -127.72675 46.18698 -127.44568 46.41351 -126.83439 46.95396 -126.48224 47.28988 -126.1272 47.57104 -126.19638 47.62942 -125.90681 47.76676 -125.63171 48.00139 -125.16334 48.12266 -125.0645 48.3851 -124.97417 48.4725 -124.73516 48.47145 -123.92027 48.21812 -123.47427 48.22407 -122.78776 48.17387 -122.67161 48.11134 -122.64269 48.02496 -122.60605 47.97533 -122.49931 47.91886 -122.44935 47.76443 -122.47289 47.66245 -122.43521 47.63234 -122.34778 47.60977 -122.50735 47.5622 -122.48898 47.56546 Cruise Start and End 2003-05-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak 2003-06-10 a University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle http://doi.org/10.7284/901659 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. c Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw f International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901659 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0310 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0310 Mooring Recovery Eble, Marie NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -165.04298 -122.34776 42.89043 57.74556 coordinates of ship track -152.51804 57.72684 -152.53352 57.7152 -152.4521 57.74554 -152.38048 57.72956 -152.16791 57.72421 -151.99898j 57.66283 -152.00299 56.67101 -152.01874 56.40559 -152.10504 55.79322 -152.14441 55.38695 -152.32921 54.12756 -152.34941 53.84257 -152.65225 51.38031 -152.67244 51.19659 -152.66008 51.19697 -153.65581 51.53049 -154.21606 51.73837 -154.7744 51.91061 -155.38582 52.13249 -155.77629 52.24816 -156.95094 52.65376 -157.45694 52.63659 -157.44055 52.63436 -161.02322 51.61264 -165.02202 50.43659 -165.04288 50.45189 -164.50542 50.18603 -163.52379 49.73394 -162.36406 49.16449 -159.49991 49.17186 -158.48221 51.29073 -158.20084 51.83633 -158.13036 51.9959 -158.15971 52.01152 -158.18764 52.05706 -157.94948 52.34813 -157.19354 53.82151 -157.0441 54.07599 -156.89684 54.39619 -156.70741 54.70959 -156.47145 55.15894 -156.26018 55.50606 -156.08713 55.85463 -155.97928 56.02162 -155.40112 56.5901 -155.16957 56.84169 -155.01097 56.99708 -154.68701 57.2426 -154.74536 57.24751 -154.73312 57.23198 -154.69142 57.22838 -154.61995 57.07885 -154.66951 57.22577 -154.69347 57.24858 -154.65541 57.12374 -154.66289 57.14684 -154.6396 57.15k876 -154.63742 57.18413 -154.68755 57.23282 -154.68387 57.21101 -154.67206 57.23124 -154.64911 57.16443 -154.62942 57.18304 -154.68957 57.24301 -154.79831 57.24741 -154.677 57.23169 -154.66164 57.21157 -154.67284 57.14722 -154.99989 57.00039 -155.11551 56.83734 -155.32457 56.48447 -155.49632 56.25463 -155.00008 55.99906 -154.98816 54.87094 -155.00789 54.29835 -154.9987 52.33398 -154.80289 51.95756 -154.52672 51.48722 -154.49364 51.39034 -154.34994 51.15816 -153.88757 50.70567 -153.39752 50.28451 -152.34306 49.75347 -150.22603 49.12145 -149.34044 48.83661 -148.59149 48.62149 -146.64592 48.01386 -146.57663 47.99315 -146.54703 48.0124 -145.69887 47.71466 -143.93022 47.17956 -142.84894 46.81911 -140.0015 45.9234 -134.82745 44.22596 -133.65651 43.82238 -132.30585 43.38222 -131.79553 43.1966 -131.00302 42.93735 -130.91504 42.89046 -130.92395 42.89766 -130.87868 42.92061 -130.85185 42.96285 -130.89099 43.33228 -130.88931 43.89317 -130.86214 44.69571 -130.77426 45.05006 -130.67731 45.56182 -130.57951 46.36231 -13l0.51645 46.70592 -130.80272 46.85709 -130.79895 46.89037 -130.67357 46.79453 -130.2066 46.15848 -130.01025 45.93063 -129.99631 46.0346 -130.0304 45.85786 -130.10979 45.64985 -130.1299 45.9028 -130.07901 45.90384 -129.97951 46.02478 -130.00342 45.99273 -130.0098 45.90857 -130.01326 46.00606 -129.45869 45.90152 -129.2464 45.89602 -129.32556 45.94949 -129.49193 45.95115 -129.49377 46.05174 -128.13535 46.10165 -128.13463 46.19875 -128.3 46.20113 -128.30736 46.30439 -128.69725 45.93931 -128.72484 46.0006 -128.76614 45.84957 -128.78036 45.84842 -128.7896 45.89406 -128.82867 45.93005 -128.57591 46.09931 -128.323 46.29903 -127.83169 46.29837 -127.83496 46.1665 -128.1375 46.15686 -128.13107 46.03573 -127.83408 46.03168 -127.83447 45.9007 -128.32176 45.90156 -128.33949 46.0485 -128.35075 46.0356 -128.31302 46.00056 -128.1651 45.9992 -128.16153 45.93522 -128.20979 46.54746 -128.23892 46.51124 -128.13965 46.40296 -128.21341 46.27184 -128.20697 45.75952 -128.18768 45.67952 -128.1732 45.66627 -128.03302 45.66863 -128.0m3391 45.84388 -128.05518 45.84679 -128.05655 45.83371 -127.89984 45.83229 -127.90225 45.37483 -127.97444 45.38162 -128.03271 45.412 -128.03711 45.6318 -127.99673 45.90413 -127.95085 45.83431 -127.99586 45.88566 -127.9732 45.86029 -127.99172 45.86234 -128.01901 45.90776 -127.72675 46.18698 -127.44568 46.41351 -126.83439 46.95396 -126.48224 47.28988 -126.1272 47.57104 -126.19638 47.62942 -125.90681 47.76676 -125.63171 48.00139 -125.16334 48.12266 -125.0645 48.3851 -124.97417 48.4725 -124.73516 48.47145 -123.92027 48.21812 -123.47427 48.22407 -122.78776 48.17387 -122.67161 48.11134 -122.64269 48.02496 -122.60605 47.97533 -122.49931 47.91886 -122.44935 47.76443 -122.47289 47.66245 -122.43521 47.63234 -122.34778 47.60977 -122.50735 47.5622 -122.48898 47.56546 Cruise Start and End 2003-05-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak 2003-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle http://doi.org/10.7284/901659 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMooring RecoveryEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-165.04 42.89, -165.04 57.75, -122.35 57.75, -122.35 42.89, -165.04 42.89))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactoww.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/903030 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0311 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published s KM0311 Carbon Isotopic Fractionation in Emiliania Huxleyi Popp, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme u NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian v Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 169.76700 -122.347w76 41.97274 57.59187 coordinates of ship track -122.34801 47.60963 -122.45019 47.6352 -122.42271 47.76461 -122.47967 47.92684 -122.57304 47.97083 -122.62448 x48.03394 -122.65349 48.11953 -122.78826 48.19372 -123.93394 48.30082 -124.72137 48.51643 -125.09598 48.51872 -125.16531 48.47195 -125.31601 48.3064 -125.56091 48.20768 -125.6741 48.17954 -126.0005 48.02818 -127.04822 47.6101 -128.60837 46.95972 -129.05342 46.78318 -129.07433 46.7902 -129.26814 46.68002 -130.83421 46.0236 -131.32385 45.80033 -132.31838 45.40316 -133.35997 44.91869 -135.23225 44.13603 -136.25777 43.66765 -138.74326 42.57297 -140.01222 41.99105 -139.88564 42.05064 -140.00717 41.99345 -140.01074 42.00632 -139.98084 42.03204 -139.99957 42.01367 -139.98344 42.01414 -139.97835 42.0289 -140.00583 42.00588 -139.99696 41.98063 -139.99028 42.00123 -139.93428 42.02992 -139.99574 42.03033 -139.98383 42.08114 -140.00472 42.08423 -140.00235 42.0513 -139.9727 42.03639 -140.00742 42.06388 -140.00305 42.00015 -139.96332 41.98862 -140.01028 41.9976 -140.01816 42.02738 -139.99854 42.0535 -140.00037 42.00373 -140.04034 42.01163 -140.039 42.02318 -140.03696 41.99872 -140.02605 42.03087 -140.05354 42.01856 -140y.06873 42.03036 -140.05075 42.06598 -140.14552 42.06748 -140.14259 42.11441 -140.08694 42.11253 -140.05801 42.07066 -140.06383 42.01114 -140.04118 42.02923 -140.03383 42.01818 -140.05341 41.9967 -140.018 41.97275 -140.04439 42.03486 -140.05914 42.03291 -140.04242 42.02322 -140.04521 42.00076 -140.03755 42.01992 -140.02318 41.98882 -140.03986 42.01496 -140.05353 41.98087 -140.08234 42.00586 -140.3087 42.02833 -141.12439 42.0859 -141.14575 42.10007 -141.71011 42.12448 -142.17404 42.1798 -143.37337 42.28315 -144.24779 42.32176 -145.50198 42.46677 -147.83903 42.63615 -148.37184 42.70785 -149.41974 42.79335 -150.50915 42.85607 -151.43663 42.97224 -152.01813 42.99161 -152.01933 43.01141 -152.02612 42.99856 -152.00284 42.97715 -152.0486 43.00821 -152.05507 42.97901 -151.99525 42.96545 -152.01355 42.97093 -152.01305 42.95805 -152.01469 42.98271 -151.9891 42.95879 -152.00998 42.93856 -151.97407 42.94278 -151.99899 42.94257 -151.99915 42.93013 -152.00124 42.99838 -152.08218 43.01055 -154.44405 43.31646 -158.00026 4z3.7446 -158.97218 43.87953 -159.99858 44.00212 -159.98691 43.99315 -159.99622 43.9802 -160.0014 44.00486 -159.97343 44.00961 -159.94463 43.97921 -159.95227 44.00915 -159.96057 43.99831 -159.93707 43.99902 -159.96368 43.96569 -159.91943 44.00016 -159.91695 44.02817 -159.93955 44.00105 -159.931 43.99221 -159.90617 44.01408 -159.9314 43.92581 -159.90071 44.00542 -159.87424 44.01269 -159.89862 44.00223 -159.88069 44.00833 -159.89162 44.00285 -159.88127 43.99729 -159.85442 44.02494 -159.80713 43.99332 -160.41762 44.16179 -161.23398 44.35964 -164.05843 45.19653 -164.56317 45.3232 -166.97984 46.01642 -169.159 46.61474 -169.89941 46.84107 -170.49583 47.00227 -170.4864 46.96592 -170.55464 46.9583 -170.49464 47.02081 -170.50023 46.95084 -170.52251 46.90255 -170.48122 47.03544 -170.50894 46.99701 -170.47681 46.99774 -170.47025 46.97609 -170.47748 46.99337 -170.55426 47.00702 -170.48875 46.97814 -170.51527 46.97029 -170.48759 46.94851 -170.47655 46.98301 -170.43697 46.98464 -170.44774 46.9879 -170.44704 46.96788 -170{.42857 46.99112 -170.47238 46.98515 -170.50102 46.99814 -170.53084 46.97983 -170.5423 46.93747 -170.49359 46.91679 -170.43845 46.94244 -170.49477 46.99654 -170.51619 46.98067 -170.51958 46.95233 -171.53197 47.0003 -172.6046 46.99959 -172.67697 47.02746 -172.74011 47.0294 -173.00589 47.00169 -179.99968 46.99894 179.99965 46.99903 179.99999 46.99819 -180 46.99818 -180 46.99816 -180 46.99815 -179.99999 46.99815 -179.99997 46.99744 180 46.99744 180 46.99739} -180 46.99737 180 46.99735 -179.99999 46.99732 179.99999 46.9973 -179.99999 46.99726 -179.99999 46.99661 180 46.99658 180 46.99655 -180 46.99653 -179.99997 46.99648 -180 46.99608 179.99999 46.99606 179.99999 46.9952 -179.99999 46.99519 -179.99997 46.99486 179.99999 46.99484 179.99999 46.99472 -179.99999 46.9947 -179.99999 46.99432 180 46.9943 180 46.99426 179.99999 46.99426 179.99997 46.99417 <gml:MultiCurve gml:id="segid_22" srsName="EPSG:4326">180 46.99418 180 46.9939 -179.99999 46.9939 -179.99999 46.99122 179.99999 46.99119 179.95769 46.92842 179.9997 46.96269  -179.99995 46.96297 -179.96921 47.03377 -179.9579 47.0272 -179.97073 47.0219 -179.96794 46.98679 -179.95471 47.00932 -179.93195 47.00742 -179.93817 47.02029 -179.96529 46.98888 -179.96938 47.02821 -179.9998 47.03372 179.99957 47.03375 179.99129 47.04886 179.9037 47.06385 179.99965 47.04419 -179.99986 47.04407 -179.97641 47.03852 -179.95218 47.07327 -179.96098 47.04642 -179.93974 47.03218 -179.99933 47.0079 179.99988 47.00771 179.19258 47.00237 179.05515 47.04639 178.76697 47.00385 178.42925 46.98937 177.75072 47.00288 176.46004 46.99141 175.71974 47.00713 170.00215 47.0018 169.98622 46.97724 169.94179 46.96413 170.02145 47.01569 170.02127 46.98885 170.04244 46.99926 170.02792 46.94598 170.01183 46.97331 170.04018 46.98101 170.01605 46.93932 170.02714 46.9691 170.04677 46.96481 170.03722 46.94758 170.01025 46.9483 170.02664 47.01636 170.01561 46.95354 169.97719 46.95234 170.01335 46.94784 170.00336 46.93212 170.02972 46.97231 169.9906 46.90044 169.96313 46.90861 169.96152 46.92748 169.97328 46.92611 169.95367 46.90475 169.97859 46.92657 169.9973 46.9143 169.97569 46.90712 169.99428 46.90439 169.83398 46.85892 169.76732 46.86343 169.85164 46.87055 170.01102 46.99925 169.99307 46.94975 169.98872 46.96161 170.02641 46.99699 169.97975 46.97065 169.95726 46.9361 169.90283 46.93794 170.03346 47.00141 169.98161 47.03119 169.97342 47.04495 169.99394 47.0383 169.97217 47.05328 169.96513 47.03386 169.92326 47.05336 169.97949 47.02436 169.95973 47.02246 169.97714 46.99996 169.95618 47.0306 169.91708 47.00931 169.94557 46.9698 169.92667 46.97505 169.92903 46.99825 169.88188 46.97907 169.8873 46.99445 169.90228 46.95316 169.95386 46.95933 169.88167 46.94699 169.86273 46.91831 169.97917 47.11972 170.24115 47.47156 170.95879 48.88665 171.4231 49.72079 171.74759 50.40067 172.01776 50.86789 172.40694 51.61808 172.63892 51.9975 172.85323 52.4201 173.00133 52.66524 173.157 52.73269 173.24312 52.82905 173.15863 52.73842 173.15675 52.65058 173.63592 52.65266 173.75301 52.83551 174.30179 53.34983 174.68391 53.66542 175.01172 53.99207 175.41893 54.34505 176.00285 54.81772 176.4274 55.24428 176.50194 55.30201 176.51038 55.25531 176.52563 55.25322 176.52974 55.33042 176.47687 55.27772 176.49226 55.27421 176.50459 55.34972 176.48836 55.37792 176.40639 55.37039 176.39703 55.35553 176.52528 55.29299 176.49561 55.29852 176.5425 55.29432 176.47476 55.29068 176.49229 55.28847 176.39838 55.33035 176.60519 55.24593 176.49304 55.29259 176.50914 55.27918 176.44237 55.2752 176.41975 55.28903 176.49942 55.27119 176.48585 55.28562 176.50917 55.29166 176.523 55.27099 176.47487 55.24099 177.04686 55.35893 177.26413 55.38739 179.99905 55.68795 -179.99892 55.68821 -175.29198 56.20239 -175.3165 56.21361 -175.30093 56.19964 -174.59779 56.27532 -174.64499 56.29487 -174.55669 56.28084 -174.24245 56.31256 -174.35223 56.32386 -174.23231 56.31159 -173.02316 56.44901 -173.03476 56.44497 -173.06465 56.46007 -173.06178 56.47518 -173.009 56.46537 -172.61528 56.56492 -172.17906 56.46079 -171.24854 56.79848 -171.22855 56.84233 -171.2928 56.84831 -171.30565 56.84472 -170.71695 56.77166 -170.15335 56.74404 -170.16783 56.75021 -170.14716 56.73289 -170.26991 56.80091 -170.08411 56.74855 -168.49045 56.71282 -167.83031 56.7223 -167.83783 56.66237 -167.8344 56.69895 -167.4987 56.71633 -167.48328 56.70512 -166.26424 56.73875 -164.82896 56.74939 -164.99896 56.75308 -164.92764 56.73864 -164.99889 56.75114 -165.04217 56.70795 -165.00189 56.74817 -165.07355 56.70174 -165.05173 56.74234 -165.07655 56.73753 -165.00464 56.77913 -164.96162 56.78781 -165.03424 56.7582 -165.01025 56.74753 -164.9716 56.76013 -164.92998 56.74549 -164.94096 56.74284 -164.93262 56.76034 -166.57692 56.70875 -167.05696 56.7251 -167.83171 56.71582 -167.80762 56.82304 -167.80255 56.65037 -167.79336 56.74737 -167.81686 56.78266 -167.83273 56.72358 -167.85756 56.72504 -167.91376 56.77845 -167.84291 56.73187 -167.83525 56.71576 -167.86839 56.71967 -167.84843 56.69891 -167.92009 56.69943 -167.90894 56.7257 -167.93228 56.71733 -167.92213 56.73434 -167.86047 56.73212 -167.88963 56.71612 -167.93404 56.72348 -167.9149 56.7352 -167.9306 56.74297 -167.88017 56.73427 -167.86302 56.70603 -167.86327 56.77194 -167.86427 56.71226 -167.89494 56.68267 -167.83275 56.71719 -167.93292 57.166 -168.0029 57.58222 -168.09827 57.59153 -168.48868 57.47654 -169.78262 57.03977 -170.33653 56.87799 -171.60736 56.68576 -171.81136 56.61996 -172.03304 56.61095 -172.71457 56.51549 -173.34193 56.39479 -173.02881 56.44756 -173.01482 56.46931 -173.00127 56.45908 -173.01285 56.44901 -172.87083 56.46292 -172.88904 56.48743 -172.68277 56.52411 -172.25169 56.66993 -171.99655 56.68888 -170.60663 56.72033 -170.16455 56.75223 -169.48172 56.74233 -169.25854 56.71535 -169.05688 56.71064 -168.02173 56.73154 -167.79765 56.71243 -167.74071 56.7409 -167.83812 56.71657 -167.85417 56.6995 -167.89601 56.69977 -167.87059 56.70131 -167.8885 56.70262 -167.88759 56.7185 -167.82848 56.76379 -167.90144 56.70573 -167.88405 56.70518 -167.96523 56.71441 -167.99087 56.73511 -167.93953 56.75149 -167.931 56.81411 -167.92882 56.76892 -167.90866 56.74437 -167.96677 56.71586 -167.9391 56.71607 -167.96594 56.72175 -167.95297 56.73798 -167.85399 56.71402 -167.82899 56.72109 -167.8172 56.71491 -167.84464 56.71751 -167.78554 56.69986 -167.65866 56.43266 -167.47137 56.09658 -167.27449 55.60909 -167.01352 55.04128 -166.7074 54.49794 -166.61108 54.36064 -166.57312 54.18494 -166.49898 54.03308 -166.5733 53.85194 Cruise Start and End 2003-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle 2003-08-04  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Dutch Harbor  http://doi.org/10.7284/903030 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Sippican MK21 Data was collected from this device. expendableprobe raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana  University of Hawaii operator Sippican MK21  expendableprobe hand/deck-launched single-use depth probes - XBT, XCTD, XSV, XCP, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  doi:10.7284/903030 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0311 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0311 Carbon Isotopic Fractionation in Emiliania Huxleyi Popp, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 169.76700 -122.34776 41.97274 57.59187 coordinates of ship track -122.34801 47.60963 -122.45019 47.6352 -122.42271 47.76461 -122.47967 47.92684 -122.57304 47.97083 -122.62448 48.03394 -122.65349 48.11953 -122.78826 48.19372 -123.93394 48.30082 -124.72137 48.51643 -125.09598 48.51872 -125.16531 48.47195 -125.31601 48.3064 -125.56091 48.20768 -125.6741 48.17954 -126.0005 48.02818 -127.04822 47.6101 -128.60837 46.95972 -129.05342 46.78318 -129.07433 46.7902 -129.26814 46.68002 -130.83421 46.0236 -131.32385 45.80033 -132.31838 45.40316 -133.35997 44.91869 -135.23225 44.13603 -136.25777 43.66765 -138.74326 42.57297 -140.01222 41.99105 -139.88564 42.05064 -140.00717 41.99345 -140.01074 42.00632 -139.98084 42.03204 -139.99957 42.01367 -139.98344 42.01414 -139.97835 42.0289 -140.00583 42.00588 -139.99696 41.98063 -139.99028 42.00123 -139.93428 42.02992 -139.99574 42.03033 -139.98383 42.08114 -140.00472 42.08423 -140.00235 42.0513 -139.9727 42.03639 -140.00742 42.06388 -140.00305 42.00015 -139.96332 41.98862 -140.01028 41.9976 -140.01816 42.02738 -139.99854 42.0535 -140.00037 42.00373 -140.04034 42.01163 -140.039 42.02318 -140.03696 41.99872 -140.02605 42.03087 -140.05354 42.01856 -140.06873 42.03036 -140.05075 42.06598 -140.14552 42.06748 -140.14259 42.11441 -140.08694 42.11253 -140.05801 42.07066 -140.06383 42.01114 -140.04118 42.02923 -140.03383 42.01818 -140.05341 41.9967 -140.018 41.97275 -140.04439 42.03486 -140.05914 42.03291 -140.04242 42.02322 -140.04521 42.00076 -140.03755 42.01992 -140.02318 41.98882 -140.03986 42.01496 -140.05353 41.98087 -140.08234 42.00586 -140.3087 42.02833 -141.12439 42.0859 -141.14575 42.10007 -141.71011 42.12448 -142.17404 42.1798 -143.37337 42.28315 -144.24779 42.32176 -145.50198 42.46677 -147.83903 42.63615 -148.37184 42.70785 -149.41974 42.79335 -150.50915 42.85607 -151.43663 42.97224 -152.01813 42.99161 -152.01933 43.01141 -152.02612 42.99856 -152.00284 42.97715 -152.0486 43.00821 -152.05507 42.97901 -151.99525 42.96545 -152.01355 42.97093 -152.01305 42.95805 -152.01469 42.98271 -151.9891 42.95879 -152.00998 42.93856 -151.97407 42.94278 -151.99899 42.94257 -151.99915 42.93013 -152.00124 42.99838 -152.08218 43.01055 -154.44405 43.31646 -158.00026 43.7446 -158.97218 43.87953 -159.99858 44.00212 -159.98691 43.99315 -159.99622 43.9802 -160.0014 44.00486 -159.97343 44.00961 -159.94463 43.97921 -159.95227 44.00915 -159.96057 43.99831 -159.93707 43.99902 -159.96368 43.96569 -159.91943 44.00016 -159.91695 44.02817 -159.93955 44.00105 -159.931 43.99221 -159.90617 44.01408 -159.9314 43.92581 -159.90071 44.00542 -159.87424 44.01269 -159.89862 44.00223 -159.88069 44.00833 -159.89162 44.00285 -159.88127 43.99729 -159.85442 44.02494 -159.80713 43.99332 -160.41762 44.16179 -161.23398 44.35964 -164.05843 45.19653 -164.56317 45.3232 -166.97984 46.01642 -169.159 46.61474 -169.89941 46.84107 -170.49583 47.00227 -170.4864 46.96592 -170.55464 46.9583 -170.49464 47.02081 -170.50023 46.95084 -170.52251 46.90255 -170.48122 47.03544 -170.50894 46.99701 -170.47681 46.99774 -170.47025 46.97609 -170.47748 46.99337 -170.55426 47.00702 -170.48875 46.97814 -170.51527 46.97029 -170.48759 46.94851 -170.47655 46.98301 -170.43697 46.98464 -170.44774 46.9879 -170.44704 46.96788 -170.42857 46.99112 -170.47238 46.98515 -170.50102 46.99814 -170.53084 46.97983 -170.5423 46.93747 -170.49359 46.91679 -170.43845 46.94244 -170.49477 46.99654 -170.51619 46.98067 -170.51958 46.95233 -171.53197 47.0003 -172.6046 46.99959 -172.67697 47.02746 -172.74011 47.0294 -173.00589 47.00169 -179.99968 46.99894 179.99965 46.99903 179.99999 46.99819 -180 46.99818 -180 46.99816 -180 46.99815 -179.99999 46.99815 -179.99997 46.99744 180 46.99744 180 46.99739 -180 46.99737 180 46.99735 -179.99999 46.99732 179.99999 46.9973 -179.99999 46.99726 -179.99999 46.99661 180 46.99658 180 46.99655 -180 46.99653 -179.99997 46.99648 -180 46.99608 179.99999 46.99606 179.99999 46.9952 -179.99999 46.99519 -179.99997 46.99486 179.99999 46.99484 179.99999 46.99472 -179.99999 46.9947 -179.99999 46.99432 180 46.9943 180 46.99426 179.99999 46.99426 179.99997 46.99417 180 46.99418 180 46.9939 -179.99999 46.9939 -179.99999 46.99122 179.99999 46.99119 179.95769 46.92842 179.9997 46.96269 -179.99995 46.96297 -179.96921 47.03377 -179.9579 47.0272 -179.97073 47.0219 -179.96794 46.98679 -179.95471 47.00932 -179.93195 47.00742 -179.93817 47.02029 -179.96529 46.98888 -179.96938 47.02821 -179.9998 47.03372 179.99957 47.03375 179.99129 47.04886 179.9037 47.06385 179.99965 47.04419 -179.99986 47.04407 -179.97641 47.03852 -179.95218 47.07327 -179.96098 47.04642 -179.93974 47.03218 -179.99933 47.0079 179.99988 47.00771 179.19258 47.00237 179.05515 47.04639 178.76697 47.00385 178.42925 46.98937 177.75072 47.00288 176.46004 46.99141 175.71974 47.00713 170.00215 47.0018 169.98622 46.97724 169.94179 46.96413 170.02145 47.01569 170.02127 46.98885 170.04244 46.99926 170.02792 46.94598 170.01183 46.97331 170.04018 46.98101 170.01605 46.93932 170.02714 46.9691 170.04677 46.96481 170.03722 46.94758 170.01025 46.9483 170.02664 47.01636 170.01561 46.95354 169.97719 46.95234 170.01335 46.94784 170.00336 46.93212 170.02972 46.97231 169.9906 46.90044 169.96313 46.90861 169.96152 46.92748 169.97328 46.92611 169.95367 46.90475 169.97859 46.92657 169.9973 46.9143 169.97569 46.90712 169.99428 46.90439 169.83398 46.85892 169.76732 46.86343 169.85164 46.87055 170.01102 46.99925 169.99307 46.94975 169.98872 46.96161 170.02641 46.99699 169.97975 46.97065 169.95726 46.9361 169.90283 46.93794 170.03346 47.00141 169.98161 47.03119 169.97342 47.04495 169.99394 47.0383 169.97217 47.05328 169.96513 47.03386 169.92326 47.05336 169.97949 47.02436 169.95973 47.02246 169.97714 46.99996 169.95618 47.0306 169.91708 47.00931 169.94557 46.9698 169.92667 46.97505 169.92903 46.99825 169.88188 46.97907 169.8873 46.99445 169.90228 46.95316 169.95386 46.95933 169.88167 46.94699 169.86273 46.91831 169.97917 47.11972 170.24115 47.47156 170.95879 48.88665 171.4231 49.72079 171.74759 50.40067 172.01776 50.86789 172.40694 51.61808 172.63892 51.9975 172.85323 52.4201 173.00133 52.66524 173.157 52.73269 173.24312 52.82905 173.15863 52.73842 173.15675 52.65058 173.63592 52.65266 173.75301 52.83551 174.30179 53.34983 174.68391 53.66542 175.01172 53.99207 175.41893 54.34505 176.00285 54.81772 176.4274 55.24428 176.50194 55.30201 176.51038 55.25531 176.52563 55.25322 176.52974 55.33042 176.47687 55.27772 176.49226 55.27421 176.50459 55.34972 176.48836 55.37792 176.40639 55.37039 176.39703 55.35553 176.52528 55.29299 176.49561 55.29852 176.5425 55.29432 176.47476 55.29068 176.49229 55.28847 176.39838 55.33035 176.60519 55.24593 176.49304 55.29259 176.50914 55.27918 176.44237 55.2752 176.41975 55.28903 176.49942 55.27119 176.48585 55.28562 176.50917 55.29166 176.523 55.27099 176.47487 55.24099 177.04686 55.35893 177.26413 55.38739 179.99905 55.68795 -179.99892 55.68821 -175.29198 56.20239 -175.3165 56.21361 -175.30093 56.19964 -174.59779 56.27532 -174.64499 56.29487 -174.55669 56.28084 -174.24245 56.31256 -174.35223 56.32386 -174.23231 56.31159 -173.02316 56.44901 -173.03476 56.44497 -173.06465 56.46007 -173.06178 56.47518 -173.009 56.46537 -172.61528 56.56492 -172.17906 56.46079 -171.24854 56.79848 -171.22855 56.84233 -171.2928 56.84831 -171.30565 56.84472 -170.71695 56.77166 -170.15335 56.74404 -170.16783 56.75021 -170.14716 56.73289 -170.26991 56.80091 -170.08411 56.74855 -168.49045 56.71282 -167.83031 56.7223 -167.83783 56.66237 -167.8344 56.69895 -167.4987 56.71633 -167.48328 56.70512 -166.26424 56.73875 -164.82896 56.74939 -164.99896 56.75308 -164.92764 56.73864 -164.99889 56.75114 -165.04217 56.70795 -165.00189 56.74817 -165.07355 56.70174 -165.05173 56.74234 -165.07655 56.73753 -165.00464 56.77913 -164.96162 56.78781 -165.03424 56.7582 -165.01025 56.74753 -164.9716 56.76013 -164.92998 56.74549 -164.94096 56.74284 -164.93262 56.76034 -166.57692 56.70875 -167.05696 56.7251 -167.83171 56.71582 -167.80762 56.82304 -167.80255 56.65037 -167.79336 56.74737 -167.81686 56.78266 -167.83273 56.72358 -167.85756 56.72504 -167.91376 56.77845 -167.84291 56.73187 -167.83525 56.71576 -167.86839 56.71967 -167.84843 56.69891 -167.92009 56.69943 -167.90894 56.7257 -167.93228 56.71733 -167.92213 56.73434 -167.86047 56.73212 -167.88963 56.71612 -167.93404 56.72348 -167.9149 56.7352 -167.9306 56.74297 -167.88017 56.73427 -167.86302 56.70603 -167.86327 56.77194 -167.86427 56.71226 -167.89494 56.68267 -167.83275 56.71719 -167.93292 57.166 -168.0029 57.58222 -168.09827 57.59153 -168.48868 57.47654 -169.78262 57.03977 -170.33653 56.87799 -171.60736 56.68576 -171.81136 56.61996 -172.03304 56.61095 -172.71457 56.51549 -173.34193 56.39479 -173.02881 56.44756 -173.01482 56.46931 -173.00127 56.45908 -173.01285 56.44901 -172.87083 56.46292 -172.88904 56.48743 -172.68277 56.52411 -172.25169 56.66993 -171.99655 56.68888 -170.60663 56.72033 -170.16455 56.75223 -169.48172 56.74233 -169.25854 56.71535 -169.05688 56.71064 -168.02173 56.73154 -167.79765 56.71243 -167.74071 56.7409 -167.83812 56.71657 -167.85417 56.6995 -167.89601 56.69977 -167.87059 56.70131 -167.8885 56.70262 -167.88759 56.7185 -167.82848 56.76379 -167.90144 56.70573 -167.88405 56.70518 -167.96523 56.71441 -167.99087 56.73511 -167.93953 56.75149 -167.931 56.81411 -167.92882 56.76892 -167.90866 56.74437 -167.96677 56.71586 -167.9391 56.71607 -167.96594 56.72175 -167.95297 56.73798 -167.85399 56.71402 -167.82899 56.72109 -167.8172 56.71491 -167.84464 56.71751 -167.78554 56.69986 -167.65866 56.43266 -167.47137 56.09658 -167.27449 55.60909 -167.01352 55.04128 -166.7074 54.49794 -166.61108 54.36064 -166.57312 54.18494 -166.49898 54.03308 -166.5733 53.85194 Cruise Start and End 2003-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle 2003-08-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Dutch Harbor http://doi.org/10.7284/903030 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Sippican MK21 Data was collected from this device. expendableprobe raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Sippican MK21 expendableprobe hand/deck-launched single-use depth probes - XBT, XCTD, XSV, XCP, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionCarbon Isotopic Fractionation in Emiliania HuxleyiEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((169.77 41.97, 169.77 57.59, -122.35 57.59, -122.35 41.97, 169.77 41.97))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactww.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/902359 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0312 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0312 Trace Metals and Phytoplankton Dynamics Bruland, Kenneth University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -179.11301 -159.54517 52.46757 59.59504 coordinates of ship track -166.57335 53.85197 -166.56644 53.88018 -166.58484 53.89125 -166.5847 53.91837 -166.49658 53.93316 -166.49214 53.90733 -166.52916 53.88209 -166.48413 53.91729 -166.485 53.9446 -166.55695 54.01934 -166.61534 54.04007 -166.99757 54.08085 -167.6778 54.1123 -169.35561 54.22989 -169.84871 54.27963 -170.76535 54.32925 -171.67676 54.40872 -175.11824 54.64621 -175.61879 54.68788 -175.66751 54.74232 -175.78058 54.75145 -176.45058 54.74887 -177.34109 54.80689 -178.81474 54.98859 -179.01192 54.99587 -178.86603 55.05996 -179.03473 54.96554 -178.97119 55.02953 -178.99652 55.01025 -179.05589 55.00823 -178.98268 54.99852 -179.11301 55.00265 -179.05295 55.01202 -178.92964 54.98557 -179.0713 55.00074 -178.97038 55.0088 -178.99026 55.0235 -178.99802 54.99453 -179.01166 54.99407 -178.99203 55.00995 -179.00569 55.06103 -179.00957 55.00527 -178.99561 55.00124 -179.07718 55.01807 -179.10965 55.0082 -178.99951 54.99993 -179.00407 54.98881 -179.03796 55.02671 -179.093 54.98205 -179.05074 54.98014 -179.01094 55.00864 -179.03911 55.03917 -178.99068 54.99086 -178.0332 55.05393 -176.81859 55.09074 -176.61858 55.10449 -176.58443 55.12313 -176.57285 55.11328 -176.61015 55.13268 -176.63631 55.1299 -176.63615 55.11411 -176.61977 55.12167 -176.62811 55.13909 -176.65428 55.12548 -176.65022 55.10123 -176.66391 55.11296 -176.7305 55.09775 -176.60077 55.09922 -176.6283 55.11253 -176.62077 55.10065 -176.446 55.1175 -175.97392 55.20024 -176.00017 55.21114 -175.82497 55.23815 -175.83913 55.25199 -175.7105 55.27044 -175.71628 55.28014 -175.58911 55.29611 -175.60023 55.30435 -175.47372 55.31706 -175.48308 55.32327 -175.34924 55.33952 -175.33273 55.30902 -174.98276 55.36916 -174.96124 55.33662 -174.8777 55.37882 -174.86188 55.35965 -174.80101 55.4045 -174.74268 55.31711 -174.78432 55.44758 -174.82842 55.5261 -174.83252 55.42595 -174.80669 55.39763 -173.80893 55.57837 -174.16463 55.51302 -173.89175 55.5653 -173.86334 55.5416 -173.60437 55.59684 -173.58809 55.56356 -173.37415 55.63157 -173.36188 55.60225 -173.31322 55.63761 -173.18526 55.67727 -173.1591 55.56456 -173.13684 55.55849 -171.6046 56.3357 -171.55179 56.27425 -171.60023 56.33297 -171.6884 56.35684 -171.59697 56.33422 -171.62155 56.34993 -171.5341 56.31543 -171.603 56.33882 -171.58491 56.33225 -171.99802 56.13227 -172.44908 55.96993 -172.54123 55.9046 -171.85056 56.26376 -171.58069 56.36272 -170.77234 56.76098 -170.81453 56.69851 -170.93727 56.64162 -170.86574 56.67302 -170.7814 56.73785 -170.78024 56.75074 -170.80745 56.75518 -170.77689 56.75331 -170.51045 57.02676 -170.50363 57.0541 -170.36819 57.05561 -170.21097 57.13364 -169.94797 57.18876 -169.92731 57.18554 -169.95454 57.17098 -169.86081 57.18075 -169.69125 57.24017 -169.33211 57.33328 -169.03044 57.35856 -169.33569 57.30091 -169.32794 57.32552 -169.28474 57.34636 -169.33585 57.35388 -169.25172 57.39601 -169.28197 57.40487 -169.19142 57.43731 -169.21362 57.44726 -169.09981 57.48521 -169.12251 57.49343 -168.99175 57.53197 -169.01453 57.53992 -168.92683 57.56938 -168.91327 57.5782 -168.93333 57.58469 -168.84674 57.6202 -168.81807 57.63685 -168.83603 57.64287 -168.72026 57.70193 -168.72345 57.69199 -168.685 57.68131 -168.74062 57.69442 -168.79092 57.67265 -168.72278 57.69935 -168.79359 57.67794 -168.65643 57.71308 -168.77298 57.68822 -168.6611 57.71411 -168.78352 57.67395 -168.69977 57.69282 -168.73122 57.69337 -168.7457 57.66731 -168.70454 57.70286 -168.71802 57.7001 -168.73064 57.64944 -168.71814 57.70356 -168.00413 58.17861 -167.28418 58.69552 -167.30931 58.66875 -167.31418 58.67771 -167.29901 58.66003 -167.31036 58.64931 -167.30823 58.6741 -167.38132 58.70462 -167.34712 58.65707 -167.30179 58.6705 -166.957 58.91524 -166.89099 58.94049 -165.90077 59.59504 -165.5829 59.54035 -165.42763 59.45467 -165.40665 59.35994 -164.96699 59.22668 -164.6471 59.17059 -164.27788 59.03789 -162.37846 58.42809 -162.0459 58.3008 -160.41202 58.23397 -159.88623 58.30053 -159.90021 58.32767 -159.89772 58.57922 -159.95288 58.60622 -159.90289 58.5714 -159.90704 58.31953 -161.10629 57.86613 -161.06924 57.8825 -161.17128 57.88634 -160.99547 57.88594 -161.12508 57.86521 -162.69289 57.27267 -163.19055 57.06858 -163.88124 56.82395 -163.68533 56.86873 -163.84286 56.848 -163.71738 56.87476 -164.65852 56.51737 -164.70065 56.49998 -164.70171 56.48045 -164.70328 56.51657 -164.66943 56.46956 -164.71095 56.53474 -164.63942 56.48749 -164.75339 56.5243 -164.61972 56.48193 -164.65898 56.49981 -164.75326 56.5205 -164.60901 56.46406 -164.70656 56.51649 -164.61742 56.48121 -164.64261 56.30532 -164.67892 56.22245 -164.70447 56.50218 -164.71094 56.49354 -164.69161 56.50055 -164.8058 56.46193 -164.82996 56.42849 -165.00981 56.38628 -165.23207 56.30704 -165.26981 56.26987 -165.42354 56.22454 -165.44833 56.20083 -165.54477 56.18321 -165.71826 56.10951 -165.73155 56.05691 -165.8157 56.03031 -165.82111 56.0085 -165.98848 55.97171 -166.00017 55.95147 -166.16925 55.91005 -166.17654 55.88157 -166.34256 55.8394 -166.32123 55.80273 -166.43224 55.77624 -166.46884 55.70415 -166.34384 55.83772 -166.39067 55.78046 -166.4971 55.75116 -166.49356 55.72983 -166.61098 55.70076 -166.61175 55.67772 -166.74568 55.65014 -166.74834 55.62108 -166.87732 55.59546 -166.88794 55.57242 -167.05615 55.5337 -167.2751 55.50923 -166.96994 55.54139 -167.05846 55.62791 -167.06233 55.61659 -166.89273 55.45078 -166.97012 55.5249 -167.07185 55.67163 -166.97864 55.54451 -166.93445 55.52457 -166.99695 55.55396 -167.1382 55.5254 -167.69566 55.30138 -168.1273 55.19368 -168.15863 55.1996 -168.56654 55.08267 -168.54887 55.10162 -168.32045 55.14918 -168.38193 55.16558 -167.9966 55.22979 -167.80896 55.22326 -167.89784 55.27621 -168.03206 55.22546 -168.07773 55.26015 -168.17523 55.29479 -168.16812 55.24201 -168.03288 55.22586 -168.18097 55.2703 -168.16971 55.24128 -168.02977 55.22271 -168.08514 55.24906 -168.33694 55.16639 -168.51823 55.36044 -168.2448 55.0447 -168.33392 55.17193 -168.61699 55.07883 -169.26199 54.93297 -169.29286 54.94016 -170.62962 54.60877 -170.66728 54.62348 -171.0426 54.5376 -171.35265 54.44104 -171.2267 54.46595 -171.30655 54.44061 -171.08202 54.49918 -172.90663 54.0645 -172.91721 54.0666 -172.91086 54.11196 -172.92419 54.11023 -172.92221 54.06343 -172.95694 54.10507 -172.90037 54.07007 -172.94778 54.12082 -172.91289 54.06555 -172.96399 54.10068 -172.91092 54.06751 -172.92213 54.08907 -172.95615 54.11451 -172.91621 54.03701 -172.93399 54.06658 -172.55902 54.13044 -171.6207 54.23339 -168.79831 54.60802 -167.45723 54.75164 -167.00787 54.82934 -166.01044 54.95005 -165.67397 55.10637 -165.46205 55.15488 -164.95143 55.12837 -164.82333 55.08747 -164.8244 55.10093 -164.86548 55.10692 -164.92819 55.07541 -164.92442 55.09043 -164.94663 55.0893 -164.96434 55.06034 -165.01038 55.04015 -165.64528 54.78517 -166.04952 54.6048 -166.32752 54.50733 -166.46956 54.44705 -166.49739 54.41802 -166.69702 54.34501 -166.71686 54.34932 -166.74045 54.39337 -166.69544 54.32298 -166.68652 54.38029 -166.67401 54.32721 -166.62888 54.39318 -166.62585 54.34384 -166.64185 54.33208 -166.68927 54.34861 -167.19882 54.13962 -167.7285 54.00952 -167.86667 53.93671 -168.50592 53.77285 -168.4886 53.78144 -168.45692 53.78312 -168.91475 53.5961 -169.53688 53.40019 -169.89027 53.27169 -169.99681 53.25264 -170.00093 53.16551 -169.92969 53.09553 -169.81448 53.0592 -169.79483 53.02101 -169.79698 52.95358 -169.57761 52.87518 -169.56322 52.71814 -169.57307 52.46759 -169.68082 52.53581 -169.80067 52.65602 -170.01538 52.78073 -170.05164 52.84701 -170.10602 52.86472 -170.13866 52.90635 -170.09691 52.93966 -170.06259 52.94074 -169.97591 52.91977 -169.992 52.92052 -169.9776 52.8916 -169.90849 52.89726 -169.87402 52.92273 -169.8856 52.98373 -169.90858 52.96532 -169.88875 52.98518 -169.8609 52.95887 -169.71831 52.93515 -169.5482 52.94551 -169.38358 52.93048 -169.36838 52.93274 -169.38057 52.95272 -169.37009 52.95635 -169.16055 52.95101 -168.96629 53.00496 -168.81615 53.17262 -168.62576 53.30296 -168.43216 53.29829 -168.3869 53.28014 -168.47087 53.30981 -168.48318 53.32715 -168.45627 53.3676 -168.48908 53.3979 -168.44325 53.41534 -168.31972 53.53849 -168.19066 53.59722 -168.23099 53.58636 -168.21071 53.60112 -168.1519 53.60744 -168.16092 53.62685 -168.23871 53.58429 -168.23399 53.80466 -168.29857 53.82722 -168.28754 53.83375 -168.35904 53.84761 -168.28429 54.01646 -168.2373 54.17865 -168.23291 54.33201 -168.22148 54.33696 -167.58093 54.35609 -167.01225 54.31113 -166.91226 54.28067 -166.51343 54.27753 -166.35248 54.25429 -165.84311 54.25367 -165.81593 54.20009 -165.84477 54.17936 -165.78569 54.19692 -165.71739 54.16215 -165.69867 54.13555 -165.80795 54.13044 -165.74141 54.12453 -165.71504 54.13732 -165.71175 54.16496 -165.79002 54.19733 -165.85053 54.18416 -165.82921 54.19516 -165.8412 54.18491 -165.83164 54.21527 -165.88803 54.24989 -165.87842 54.26576 -165.90102 54.28516 -165.99945 54.28015 -166.08968 54.23566 -166.25342 54.09178 -166.57248 53.93041 -166.59183 53.9123 -166.58661 53.88991 -166.56299 53.88456 -166.57457 53.85106 -166.5672 53.88018 -166.58791 53.89215 -166.5887 53.91749 -166.37158 54.03423 -165.49262 53.98773 -163.51773 54.14077 -162.60312 54.11121 -161.95485 54.18685 -161.58798 54.19494 -160.14607 54.4023 -159.54568 54.45981  Cruise Start and End 2003-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Dutch Harbor 2003-09-07  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Dutch Harbor  http://doi.org/10.7284/902359 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Sippican MK21 Data was collected from this device.  expendableprobe raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Sippican MK21 expendableprobe hand/deck-launched single-use depth probes - XBT, XCTD, XSV, XCP, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902359 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0312 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0312 Trace Metals and Phytoplankton Dynamics Bruland, Kenneth University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -179.11301 -159.54517 52.46757 59.59504 coordinates of ship track -166.57335 53.85197 -166.56644 53.88018 -166.58484 53.89125 -166.5847 53.91837 -166.49658 53.93316 -166.49214 53.90733 -166.52916 53.88209 -166.48413 53.91729 -166.485 53.9446 -166.55695 54.01934 -166.61534 54.04007 -166.99757 54.08085 -167.6778 54.1123 -169.35561 54.22989 -169.84871 54.27963 -170.76535 54.32925 -171.67676 54.40872 -175.11824 54.64621 -175.61879 54.68788 -175.66751 54.74232 -175.78058 54.75145 -176.45058 54.74887 -177.34109 54.80689 -178.81474 54.98859 -179.01192 54.99587 -178.86603 55.05996 -179.03473 54.96554 -178.97119 55.02953 -178.99652 55.01025 -179.05589 55.00823 -178.98268 54.99852 -179.11301 55.00265 -179.05295 55.01202 -178.92964 54.98557 -179.0713 55.00074 -178.97038 55.0088 -178.99026 55.0235 -178.99802 54.99453 -179.01166 54.99407 -178.99203 55.00995 -179.00569 55.06103 -179.00957 55.00527 -178.99561 55.00124 -179.07718 55.01807 -179.10965 55.0082 -178.99951 54.99993 -179.00407 54.98881 -179.03796 55.02671 -179.093 54.98205 -179.05074 54.98014 -179.01094 55.00864 -179.03911 55.03917 -178.99068 54.99086 -178.0332 55.05393 -176.81859 55.09074 -176.61858 55.10449 -176.58443 55.12313 -176.57285 55.11328 -176.61015 55.13268 -176.63631 55.1299 -176.63615 55.11411 -176.61977 55.12167 -176.62811 55.13909 -176.65428 55.12548 -176.65022 55.10123 -176.66391 55.11296 -176.7305 55.09775 -176.60077 55.09922 -176.6283 55.11253 -176.62077 55.10065 -176.446 55.1175 -175.97392 55.20024 -176.00017 55.21114 -175.82497 55.23815 -175.83913 55.25199 -175.7105 55.27044 -175.71628 55.28014 -175.58911 55.29611 -175.60023 55.30435 -175.47372 55.31706 -175.48308 55.32327 -175.34924 55.33952 -175.33273 55.30902 -174.98276 55.36916 -174.96124 55.33662 -174.8777 55.37882 -174.86188 55.35965 -174.80101 55.4045 -174.74268 55.31711 -174.78432 55.44758 -174.82842 55.5261 -174.83252 55.42595 -174.80669 55.39763 -173.80893 55.57837 -174.16463 55.51302 -173.89175 55.5653 -173.86334 55.5416 -173.60437 55.59684 -173.58809 55.56356 -173.37415 55.63157 -173.36188 55.60225 -173.31322 55.63761 -173.18526 55.67727 -173.1591 55.56456 -173.13684 55.55849 -171.6046 56.3357 -171.55179 56.27425 -171.60023 56.33297 -171.6884 56.35684 -171.59697 56.33422 -171.62155 56.34993 -171.5341 56.31543 -171.603 56.33882 -171.58491 56.33225 -171.99802 56.13227 -172.44908 55.96993 -172.54123 55.9046 -171.85056 56.26376 -171.58069 56.36272 -170.77234 56.76098 -170.81453 56.69851 -170.93727 56.64162 -170.86574 56.67302 -170.7814 56.73785 -170.78024 56.75074 -170.80745 56.75518 -170.77689 56.75331 -170.51045 57.02676 -170.50363 57.0541 -170.36819 57.05561 -170.21097 57.13364 -169.94797 57.18876 -169.92731 57.18554 -169.95454 57.17098 -169.86081 57.18075 -169.69125 57.24017 -169.33211 57.33328 -169.03044 57.35856 -169.33569 57.30091 -169.32794 57.32552 -169.28474 57.34636 -169.33585 57.35388 -169.25172 57.39601 -169.28197 57.40487 -169.19142 57.43731 -169.21362 57.44726 -169.09981 57.48521 -169.12251 57.49343 -168.99175 57.53197 -169.01453 57.53992 -168.92683 57.56938 -168.91327 57.5782 -168.93333 57.58469 -168.84674 57.6202 -168.81807 57.63685 -168.83603 57.64287 -168.72026 57.70193 -168.72345 57.69199 -168.685 57.68131 -168.74062 57.69442 -168.79092 57.67265 -168.72278 57.69935 -168.79359 57.67794 -168.65643 57.71308 -168.77298 57.68822 -168.6611 57.71411 -168.78352 57.67395 -168.69977 57.69282 -168.73122 57.69337 -168.7457 57.66731 -168.70454 57.70286 -168.71802 57.7001 -168.73064 57.64944 -168.71814 57.70356 -168.00413 58.17861 -167.28418 58.69552 -167.30931 58.66875 -167.31418 58.67771 -167.29901 58.66003 -167.31036 58.64931 -167.30823 58.6741 -167.38132 58.70462 -167.34712 58.65707 -167.30179 58.6705 -166.957 58.91524 -166.89099 58.94049 -165.90077 59.59504 -165.5829 59.54035 -165.42763 59.45467 -165.40665 59.35994 -164.96699 59.22668 -164.6471 59.17059 -164.27788 59.03789 -162.37846 58.42809 -162.0459 58.3008 -160.41202 58.23397 -159.88623 58.30053 -159.90021 58.32767 -159.89772 58.57922 -159.95288 58.60622 -159.90289 58.5714 -159.90704 58.31953 -161.10629 57.86613 -161.06924 57.8825 -161.17128 57.88634 -160.99547 57.88594 -161.12508 57.86521 -162.69289 57.27267 -163.19055 57.06858 -163.88124 56.82395 -163.68533 56.86873 -163.84286 56.848 -163.71738 56.87476 -164.65852 56.51737 -164.70065 56.49998 -164.70171 56.48045 -164.70328 56.51657 -164.66943 56.46956 -164.71095 56.53474 -164.63942 56.48749 -164.75339 56.5243 -164.61972 56.48193 -164.65898 56.49981 -164.75326 56.5205 -164.60901 56.46406 -164.70656 56.51649 -164.61742 56.48121 -164.64261 56.30532 -164.67892 56.22245 -164.70447 56.50218 -164.71094 56.49354 -164.69161 56.50055 -164.8058 56.46193 -164.82996 56.42849 -165.00981 56.38628 -165.23207 56.30704 -165.26981 56.26987 -165.42354 56.22454 -165.44833 56.20083 -165.54477 56.18321 -165.71826 56.10951 -165.73155 56.05691 -165.8157 56.03031 -165.82111 56.0085 -165.98848 55.97171 -166.00017 55.95147 -166.16925 55.91005 -166.17654 55.88157 -166.34256 55.8394 -166.32123 55.80273 -166.43224 55.77624 -166.46884 55.70415 -166.34384 55.83772 -166.39067 55.78046 -166.4971 55.75116 -166.49356 55.72983 -166.61098 55.70076 -166.61175 55.67772 -166.74568 55.65014 -166.74834 55.62108 -166.87732 55.59546 -166.88794 55.57242 -167.05615 55.5337 -167.2751 55.50923 -166.96994 55.54139 -167.05846 55.62791 -167.06233 55.61659 -166.89273 55.45078 -166.97012 55.5249 -167.07185 55.67163 -166.97864 55.54451 -166.93445 55.52457 -166.99695 55.55396 -167.1382 55.5254 -167.69566 55.30138 -168.1273 55.19368 -168.15863 55.1996 -168.56654 55.08267 -168.54887 55.10162 -168.32045 55.14918 -168.38193 55.16558 -167.9966 55.22979 -167.80896 55.22326 -167.89784 55.27621 -168.03206 55.22546 -168.07773 55.26015 -168.17523 55.29479 -168.16812 55.24201 -168.03288 55.22586 -168.18097 55.2703 -168.16971 55.24128 -168.02977 55.22271 -168.08514 55.24906 -168.33694 55.16639 -168.51823 55.36044 -168.2448 55.0447 -168.33392 55.17193 -168.61699 55.07883 -169.26199 54.93297 -169.29286 54.94016 -170.62962 54.60877 -170.66728 54.62348 -171.0426 54.5376 -171.35265 54.44104 -171.2267 54.46595 -171.30655 54.44061 -171.08202 54.49918 -172.90663 54.0645 -172.91721 54.0666 -172.91086 54.11196 -172.92419 54.11023 -172.92221 54.06343 -172.95694 54.10507 -172.90037 54.07007 -172.94778 54.12082 -172.91289 54.06555 -172.96399 54.10068 -172.91092 54.06751 -172.92213 54.08907 -172.95615 54.11451 -172.91621 54.03701 -172.93399 54.06658 -172.55902 54.13044 -171.6207 54.23339 -168.79831 54.60802 -167.45723 54.75164 -167.00787 54.82934 -166.01044 54.95005 -165.67397 55.10637 -165.46205 55.15488 -164.95143 55.12837 -164.82333 55.08747 -164.8244 55.10093 -164.86548 55.10692 -164.92819 55.07541 -164.92442 55.09043 -164.94663 55.0893 -164.96434 55.06034 -165.01038 55.04015 -165.64528 54.78517 -166.04952 54.6048 -166.32752 54.50733 -166.46956 54.44705 -166.49739 54.41802 -166.69702 54.34501 -166.71686 54.34932 -166.74045 54.39337 -166.69544 54.32298 -166.68652 54.38029 -166.67401 54.32721 -166.62888 54.39318 -166.62585 54.34384 -166.64185 54.33208 -166.68927 54.34861 -167.19882 54.13962 -167.7285 54.00952 -167.86667 53.93671 -168.50592 53.77285 -168.4886 53.78144 -168.45692 53.78312 -168.91475 53.5961 -169.53688 53.40019 -169.89027 53.27169 -169.99681 53.25264 -170.00093 53.16551 -169.92969 53.09553 -169.81448 53.0592 -169.79483 53.02101 -169.79698 52.95358 -169.57761 52.87518 -169.56322 52.71814 -169.57307 52.46759 -169.68082 52.53581 -169.80067 52.65602 -170.01538 52.78073 -170.05164 52.84701 -170.10602 52.86472 -170.13866 52.90635 -170.09691 52.93966 -170.06259 52.94074 -169.97591 52.91977 -169.992 52.92052 -169.9776 52.8916 -169.90849 52.89726 -169.87402 52.92273 -169.8856 52.98373 -169.90858 52.96532 -169.88875 52.98518 -169.8609 52.95887 -169.71831 52.93515 -169.5482 52.94551 -169.38358 52.93048 -169.36838 52.93274 -169.38057 52.95272 -169.37009 52.95635 -169.16055 52.95101 -168.96629 53.00496 -168.81615 53.17262 -168.62576 53.30296 -168.43216 53.29829 -168.3869 53.28014 -168.47087 53.30981 -168.48318 53.32715 -168.45627 53.3676 -168.48908 53.3979 -168.44325 53.41534 -168.31972 53.53849 -168.19066 53.59722 -168.23099 53.58636 -168.21071 53.60112 -168.1519 53.60744 -168.16092 53.62685 -168.23871 53.58429 -168.23399 53.80466 -168.29857 53.82722 -168.28754 53.83375 -168.35904 53.84761 -168.28429 54.01646 -168.2373 54.17865 -168.23291 54.33201 -168.22148 54.33696 -167.58093 54.35609 -167.01225 54.31113 -166.91226 54.28067 -166.51343 54.27753 -166.35248 54.25429 -165.84311 54.25367 -165.81593 54.20009 -165.84477 54.17936 -165.78569 54.19692 -165.71739 54.16215 -165.69867 54.13555 -165.80795 54.13044 -165.74141 54.12453 -165.71504 54.13732 -165.71175 54.16496 -165.79002 54.19733 -165.85053 54.18416 -165.82921 54.19516 -165.8412 54.18491 -165.83164 54.21527 -165.88803 54.24989 -165.87842 54.26576 -165.90102 54.28516 -165.99945 54.28015 -166.08968 54.23566 -166.25342 54.09178 -166.57248 53.93041 -166.59183 53.9123 -166.58661 53.88991 -166.56299 53.88456 -166.57457 53.85106 -166.5672 53.88018 -166.58791 53.89215 -166.5887 53.91749 -166.37158 54.03423 -165.49262 53.98773 -163.51773 54.14077 -162.60312 54.11121 -161.95485 54.18685 -161.58798 54.19494 -160.14607 54.4023 -159.54568 54.45981 Cruise Start and End 2003-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Dutch Harbor 2003-09-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Dutch Harbor http://doi.org/10.7284/902359 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Sippican MK21 Data was collected from this device. expendableprobe raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Sippican MK21 expendableprobe hand/deck-launched single-use depth probes - XBT, XCTD, XSV, XCP, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTrace Metals and Phytoplankton DynamicsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-179.11 52.47, -179.11 59.60, -159.55 59.60, -159.55 52.47, -179.11 52.47))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact JIJj&=1+M5S%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903098gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww(%=1+M5W=%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903097gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-L$=1+M5 m%}9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902360gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/902360 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0313 on RV Kilo Moana  2015-09-30 published KM0313 Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) Kachel, Nancy NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.54422 -145.68329 54.45993 60.10906 coordinates of ship track -159.54327 54.45999 -158.99928 54.49893 -157.46915 55.02118 -157.12924 55.12371 -155.7924 55.60007 -154.01616 56.16235 -152.68574 56.93776 -152.00217 57.35513 -152.01502 57.47472 -151.99483 57.65126 -152.02202 57.67395 -152.1721 57.72571 -152.32515 57.72448 -152.45279 57.74467 -152.51099 57.71299 -152.53319 57.72 -152.51764 57.72706 -152.53271 57.7148 -152.51178 57.71292 -152.45314 57.74492 -152.23846 57.72684 -151.52986 58.08513 -151.52573 58.32581 -151.72578 58.4163 -150.74857 58.48102 -150.81209 58.58582 -150.86327 58.7482 -150.88368 58.75075 -150.89558 58.77314 -150.96272 59.04626 -151.00058 59.09934 -150.98814 59.10416 -151.02226 59.10484 -150.96793 59.07616 -150.99026 59.10207 -150.98741 59.06226 -150.92375 58.959 -150.9852 58.95468 -151.01805 58.93639 -150.88765 58.75349 -150.85774 58.73338 -150.9021 58.87187 -150.89795 58.94265 -150.93709 58.96679 -151.60753 59.00855 -151.93427 59.06351 -152.00459 59.10267 -152.03181 59.14206 -152.03401 59.23604 -152.06804 59.19036 -152.09218 59.2071 -152.13092 59.13944 -152.11989 59.13599 -152.13547 59.1367 -152.16167 59.11001 -152.14845 59.10612 -152.20792 59.0669 -152.19391 59.05282 -152.23206 59.02961 -152.23535 59.00933 -152.41757 58.95122 -152.41631 58.90256 -152.34006 58.82796 -152.37346 58.76856 -152.37158 58.74152 -152.42226 58.6689 -152.3804 58.71314 -152.14381 58.87752 -152.15492 58.90626 -152.19389 58.91796 -152.25005 58.90019 -152.13803 58.91943 -152.10016 58.94871 -152.09726 58.99519 -151.85083 59.00548 -148.85927 58.67954 -148.69363 59.04725 -148.66923 59.04806 -148.75888 59.12734 -148.74179 59.13307 -148.95837 59.28216 -148.94879 59.27419 -148.95659 59.29805 -148.99046 59.28754 -149.05362 59.3054 -149.02187 59.31682 -148.95418 59.29182 -149.04274 59.29429 -149.02304 59.31662 -149.00017 59.30459 -149.02365 59.2807 -148.94987 59.28368 -148.9666 59.2752 -148.95371 59.26273 -148.60065 59.19168 -148.69278 59.0423 -148.68314 59.03921 -148.73703 58.97461 -148.72554 58.9672 -148.78451 58.8977 -148.85251 58.71305 -148.84404 58.70003 -148.88568 58.61306 -148.87059 58.61743 -148.85933 58.66319 -148.8943 58.67867 -148.83162 58.69445 -148.87354 58.65845 -148.88333 58.66135 -148.84441 58.68812 -148.94847 58.67096 -148.69617 59.04304 -148.73543 59.04479 -148.72246 59.04751 -148.76811 59.12608 -148.73958 59.14977 -148.78043 59.1492 -148.76672 59.15384 -148.69386 59.04235 -148.66437 59.03719 -148.90446 59.26313 -148.93117 59.26546 -148.94852 59.30916 -149.05296 59.42578 -149.29074 59.65408 -149.17561 59.53364 -149.22195 59.5384 -149.17473 59.53041 -149.23274 59.53088 -149.13925 59.52065 -149.13394 59.53336 -149.18311 59.53372 -149.3448 59.69878 -149.33441 59.65649 -149.32602 59.69426 -149.35144 59.68904 -149.32239 59.67915 -149.36632 59.69546 -149.32606 59.6743 -149.3092 59.69801 -149.36642 59.69668 -149.33447 59.6787 -149.30948 59.68361 -149.30939 59.69747 -149.35107 59.70532 -149.37019 59.67928 -149.34587 59.66576 -149.30151 59.69834 -149.35675 59.72743 -149.3228 59.70524 -149.27712 59.70113 -149.37148 59.71749 -149.33414 59.70222 -149.37944 59.71333 -149.35034 59.69264 -149.28322 59.67864 -149.36316 59.68856 -149.32875 59.6909 -149.44897 59.82684 -149.45143 59.85533 -149.35751 59.98091 -149.37686 60.05668 -149.41908 60.10906 -149.38295 60.07586 -149.34822 59.98135 -149.46942 59.84396 -149.37282 59.73821 -149.31497 59.69704 -149.18762 59.53764 -149.20752 59.53916 -149.11716 59.48484 -149.05153 59.40659 -148.93761 59.33133 -148.9127 59.25951 -148.9014 59.27738 -149.4977 59.21779 -150.70666 59.15362 -151.01068 59.16048 -150.98921 59.09951 -151.0085 59.09576 -150.97467 59.05658 -150.99867 59.04228 -150.95798 59.01244 -150.97613 59.00134 -150.92012 58.95133 -150.94879 58.93693 -150.90871 58.89333 -150.82912 58.87021 -150.99886 58.90048 -150.78944 59.0102 -150.70366 59.08865 -150.66533 59.16393 -150.47876 59.41382 -150.54843 59.42545 -150.46881 59.42058 -150.52487 59.41826 -150.5621 59.30973 -150.50913 59.41905 -150.53865 59.32397 -150.522 59.3419 -150.71081 59.14559 -150.88373 58.87853 -150.98872 58.86924 -150.75902 58.88128 -150.51477 58.78857 -150.65626 58.76458 -149.99959 58.51334 -149.49631 58.27462 -149.06384 58.10321 -149.27245 58.02237 -149.42891 57.98736 -149.46474 57.94922 -149.48619 57.95329 -149.77121 57.8425 -149.79465 57.84626 -149.86682 57.80679 -150.24319 57.70509 -150.00056 57.90213 -150.00877 57.90945 -149.81303 58.05071 -149.826 58.05964 -149.73296 58.11986 -149.74812 58.12434 -149.60007 58.22352 -149.62207 58.22586 -148.97736 58.35314 -148.74764 58.26197 -148.75821 58.25825 -148.69606 58.24562 -148.62491 58.19361 -148.48781 58.1542 -149.19344 58.53586 -149.45488 58.70107 -150.4846 59.27271 -150.51129 59.29375 -150.52046 59.33983 -150.49039 59.3956 -150.55098 59.46849 -150.55058 59.4466 -150.45439 59.42834 -150.47411 59.3831 -150.43231 59.44786 -150.47855 59.38618 -150.44931 59.44425 -150.48924 59.38369 -150.43749 59.45112 -150.49184 59.37995 -150.43655 59.45003 -150.47038 59.38414 -150.43416 59.44797 -150.4812 59.37717 -150.45802 59.44407 -150.48665 59.37016 -150.46231 59.43821 -150.48704 59.3774 -150.44665 59.45197 -150.50098 59.34961 -150.48221 59.41714 -150.45052 59.44717 -150.48865 59.39125 -150.50235 59.31719 -150.48625 59.29452 -150.31268 59.17287 -149.96384 58.99197 -150.39409 59.15181 -150.56696 59.24983 -150.50137 59.31861 -150.5097 59.34878 -150.46739 59.40292 -150.46751 59.44081 -150.4433 59.45145 -150.47426 59.3846 -150.46831 59.44123 -150.47696 59.39736 -150.53548 59.37727 -150.43996 59.44973 -150.47655 59.37425 -150.44844 59.44916 -150.49738 59.3715 -150.48874 59.41981 -150.46524 59.4401 -150.51483 59.35586 -150.51038 59.28702 -148.94664 58.33434 -148.97185 58.33115 -148.7484 58.26129 -148.75923 58.25393 -148.70373 58.25563 -148.72896 58.22008 -148.66985 58.22483 -148.66797 58.20263 -148.60585 58.19968 -148.62112 58.19859 -148.61465 58.17636 -148.64003 58.16788 -148.49507 58.15139 -148.50224 58.13319 -148.26071 58.05563 -148.27431 58.04415 -147.49907 57.70849 -147.49641 57.6859 -147.25801 57.63735 -147.23413 57.58765 -147.00308 57.51241 -146.98155 57.52403 -146.79901 57.41673 -146.49867 57.28737 -146.55681 57.28078 -146.27896 57.17775 -146.22714 57.18643 -146.00273 57.0489 -145.97417 57.07195 -145.73317 56.91277 -145.68329 56.91031 -147.00401 57.51174 -146.98297 57.53056 -147.41367 57.24923 -147.40175 57.24514 -147.62833 57.13305 -147.61572 57.12881 -148.00598 56.84967 -147.98381 56.84769 -152.16507 57.72529 -152.3204 57.72509 -152.4523 57.74399 -152.53361 57.71499 -152.51628 57.72975  Cruise Start and End 2003-09-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Dutch Harbor 2003-09-28  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak  http://doi.org/10.7284/902360 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/902360 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata  R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0313 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0313 Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) Kachel, Nancy NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.54422 -145.68329 54.45993 60.10906 coordinates of ship track -159.54327 54.45999 -158.99928 54.49893 -157.46915 55.02118 -157.12924 55.12371 -155.7924 55.60007 -154.01616 56.16235 -152.68574 56.93776 -152.00217 57.35513 -152.01502 57.47472 -151.99483 57.65126 -152.02202 57.67395 -152.1721 57.72571 -152.32515 57.72448 -152.45279 57.74467 -152.51099 57.71299 -152.53319 57.72 -152.51764 57.72706 -152.53271 57.7148 -152.51178 57.71292 -152.45314 57.74492 -152.23846 57.72684 -151.52986 58.08513 -151.52573 58.32581 -151.72578 58.4163 -150.74857 58.48102 -150.81209 58.58582 -150.86327 58.7482 -150.88368 58.75075 -150.89558 58.77314 -150.96272 59.04626 -151.00058 59.09934 -150.98814 59.10416 -151.02226 59.10484 -150.96793 59.07616 -150.99026 59.10207 -150.98741 59.06226 -150.92375 58.959 -150.9852 58.95468 -151.01805 58.93639 -150.88765 58.75349 -150.85774 58.73338 -150.9021 58.87187 -150.89795 58.94265 -150.93709 58.96679 -151.60753 59.00855 -151.93427 59.06351 -152.00459 59.10267 -152.03181 59.14206 -152.03401 59.23604 -152.06804 59.19036 -152.09218 59.2071 -152.13092 59.13944 -152.11989 59.13599 -152.13547 59.1367 -152.16167 59.11001 -152.14845 59.10612 -152.20792 59.0669 -152.19391 59.05282 -152.23206 59.02961 -152.23535 59.00933 -152.41757 58.95122 -152.41631 58.90256 -152.34006 58.82796 -152.37346 58.76856 -152.37158 58.74152 -152.42226 58.6689 -152.3804 58.71314 -152.14381 58.87752 -152.15492 58.90626 -152.19389 58.91796 -152.25005 58.90019 -152.13803 58.91943 -152.10016 58.94871 -152.09726 58.99519 -151.85083 59.00548 -148.85927 58.67954 -148.69363 59.04725 -148.66923 59.04806 -148.75888 59.12734 -148.74179 59.13307 -148.95837 59.28216 -148.94879 59.27419 -148.95659 59.29805 -148.99046 59.28754 -149.05362 59.3054 -149.02187 59.31682 -148.95418 59.29182 -149.04274 59.29429 -149.02304 59.31662 -149.00017 59.30459 -149.02365 59.2807 -148.94987 59.28368 -148.9666 59.2752 -148.95371 59.26273 -148.60065 59.19168 -148.69278 59.0423 -148.68314 59.03921 -148.73703 58.97461 -148.72554 58.9672 -148.78451 58.8977 -148.85251 58.71305 -148.84404 58.70003 -148.88568 58.61306 -148.87059 58.61743 -148.85933 58.66319 -148.8943 58.67867 -148.83162 58.69445 -148.87354 58.65845 -148.88333 58.66135 -148.84441 58.68812 -148.94847 58.67096 -148.69617 59.04304 -148.73543 59.04479 -148.72246 59.04751 -148.76811 59.12608 -148.73958 59.14977 -148.78043 59.1492 -148.76672 59.15384 -148.69386 59.04235 -148.66437 59.03719 -148.90446 59.26313 -148.93117 59.26546 -148.94852 59.30916 -149.05296 59.42578 -149.29074 59.65408 -149.17561 59.53364 -149.22195 59.5384 -149.17473 59.53041 -149.23274 59.53088 -149.13925 59.52065 -149.13394 59.53336 -149.18311 59.53372 -149.3448 59.69878 -149.33441 59.65649 -149.32602 59.69426 -149.35144 59.68904 -149.32239 59.67915 -149.36632 59.69546 -149.32606 59.6743 -149.3092 59.69801 -149.36642 59.69668 -149.33447 59.6787 -149.30948 59.68361 -149.30939 59.69747 -149.35107 59.70532 -149.37019 59.67928 -149.34587 59.66576 -149.30151 59.69834 -149.35675 59.72743 -149.3228 59.70524 -149.27712 59.70113 -149.37148 59.71749 -149.33414 59.70222 -149.37944 59.71333 -149.35034 59.69264 -149.28322 59.67864 -149.36316 59.68856 -149.32875 59.6909 -149.44897 59.82684 -149.45143 59.85533 -149.35751 59.98091 -149.37686 60.05668 -149.41908 60.10906 -149.38295 60.07586 -149.34822 59.98135 -149.46942 59.84396 -149.37282 59.73821 -149.31497 59.69704 -149.18762 59.53764 -149.20752 59.53916 -149.11716 59.48484 -149.05153 59.40659 -148.93761 59.33133 -148.9127 59.25951 -148.9014 59.27738 -149.4977 59.21779 -150.70666 59.15362 -151.01068 59.16048 -150.98921 59.09951 -151.0085 59.09576 -150.97467 59.05658 -150.99867 59.04228 -150.95798 59.01244 -150.97613 59.00134 -150.92012 58.95133 -150.94879 58.93693 -150.90871 58.89333 -150.82912 58.87021 -150.99886 58.90048 -150.78944 59.0102 -150.70366 59.08865 -150.66533 59.16393 -150.47876 59.41382 -150.54843 59.42545 -150.46881 59.42058 -150.52487 59.41826 -150.5621 59.30973 -150.50913 59.41905 -150.53865 59.32397 -150.522 59.3419 -150.71081 59.14559 -150.88373 58.87853 -150.98872 58.86924 -150.75902 58.88128 -150.51477 58.78857 -150.65626 58.76458 -149.99959 58.51334 -149.49631 58.27462 -149.06384 58.10321 -149.27245 58.02237 -149.42891 57.98736 -149.46474 57.94922 -149.48619 57.95329 -149.77121 57.8425 -149.79465 57.84626 -149.86682 57.80679 -150.24319 57.70509 -150.00056 57.90213 -150.00877 57.90945 -149.81303 58.05071 -149.826 58.05964 -149.73296 58.11986 -149.74812 58.12434 -149.60007 58.22352 -149.62207 58.22586 -148.97736 58.35314 -148.74764 58.26197 -148.75821 58.25825 -148.69606 58.24562 -148.62491 58.19361 -148.48781 58.1542 -149.19344 58.53586 -149.45488 58.70107 -150.4846 59.27271 -150.51129 59.29375 -150.52046 59.33983 -150.49039 59.3956 -150.55098 59.46849 -150.55058 59.4466 -150.45439 59.42834 -150.47411 59.3831 -150.43231 59.44786 -150.47855 59.38618 -150.44931 59.44425 -150.48924 59.38369 -150.43749 59.45112 -150.49184 59.37995 -150.43655 59.45003 -150.47038 59.38414 -150.43416 59.44797 -150.4812 59.37717 -150.45802 59.44407 -150.48665 59.37016 -150.46231 59.43821 -150.48704 59.3774 -150.44665 59.45197 -150.50098 59.34961 -150.48221 59.41714 -150.45052 59.44717 -150.48865 59.39125 -150.50235 59.31719 -150.48625 59.29452 -150.31268 59.17287 -149.96384 58.99197 -150.39409 59.15181 -150.56696 59.24983 -150.50137 59.31861 -150.5097 59.34878 -150.46739 59.40292 -150.46751 59.44081 -150.4433 59.45145 -150.47426 59.3846 -150.46831 59.44123 -150.47696 59.39736 -150.53548 59.37727 -150.43996 59.44973 -150.47655 59.37425 -150.44844 59.44916 -150.49738 59.3715 -150.48874 59.41981 -150.46524 59.4401 -150.51483 59.35586 -150.51038 59.28702 -148.94664 58.33434 -148.97185 58.33115 -148.7484 58.26129 -148.75923 58.25393 -148.70373 58.25563 -148.72896 58.22008 -148.66985 58.22483 -148.66797 58.20263 -148.60585 58.19968 -148.62112 58.19859 -148.61465 58.17636 -148.64003 58.16788 -148.49507 58.15139 -148.50224 58.13319 -148.26071 58.05563 -148.27431 58.04415 -147.49907 57.70849 -147.49641 57.6859 -147.25801 57.63735 -147.23413 57.58765 -147.00308 57.51241 -146.98155 57.52403 -146.79901 57.41673 -146.49867 57.28737 -146.55681 57.28078 -146.27896 57.17775 -146.22714 57.18643 -146.00273 57.0489 -145.97417 57.07195 -145.73317 56.91277 -145.68329 56.91031 -147.00401 57.51174 -146.98297 57.53056 -147.41367 57.24923 -147.40175 57.24514 -147.62833 57.13305 -147.61572 57.12881 -148.00598 56.84967 -147.98381 56.84769 -152.16507 57.72529 -152.3204 57.72509 -152.4523 57.74399 -152.53361 57.71499 -152.51628 57.72975 Cruise Start and End 2003-09-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Dutch Harbor 2003-09-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak http://doi.org/10.7284/902360 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionFisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.54 54.46, -159.54 60.11, -145.68 60.11, -145.68 54.46, -159.54 54.46))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/903097 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0314 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0314 Transit Bjorkman, Karin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.72006 -151.88182 <gmd:southBoundLatitude> 21.21169 57.74535 coordinates of ship track -152.51646 57.72963 -152.53276 57.71524 -152.45288 57.7453 -152.3876 57.72497 -152.17203 57.72652 -152.00105 57.66378 -151.99689 55.21761 -152.01854 54.85489 -152.00006 54.45138 -151.98909 54.44115 -152.00272 54.33215 -152.00385 52.39594 -152.01704 52.40671 -152.00005 52.3163 -151.99147 51.41083 -152.00696 49.87867 -152.0197 49.87064 -151.9997 49.7738 -151.99689 48.30783 -152.01074 47.63905 -151.99648 47.48283 -152.00549 46.35273 -151.99083 45.62741 -152.00185 45.11338 -152.02892 45.0433 -151.88188 45.09321 -152.01802 44.53165 -152.09627 44.32841 -152.2135 44.09234 -152.33668 43.74254 -152.49521 43.44888 -152.7175 43.17271 -152.87918 42.81579 -152.97597 42.64603 -153.14294 42.40654 -153.36511 42.15646 -153.4581 42.01829 -153.56303 41.81371 -153.68167 41.40266 -154.09238 39.55289 -154.16386 39.17088 -154.17331 39.18821 -154.31384 38.46191 -154.33302 38.47303 -154.33858 38.34086 -154.60385 37.07567 -154.56474 37.04897 -154.69743 36.62287 -155.00868 35.14359 -155.08449 34.71148 -155.0975 34.71644 -155.12138 34.53502 -155.51485 32.55677 -155.56622 32.26746 -155.55031 32.26727 -155.59668 32.12468 -155.96541 30.23925 -156.02295 29.88162 -156.00143 29.88755 -156.00389 29.8652 -156.0856 29.58245 -156.32873 28.26951 -156.45152 27.7021 -156.46562 27.58911 -156.45178 27.59135 -156.73904 26.06907 -156.81329 25.74213 -156.88338 25.28788 -156.86818 25.28039 -157.03742 24.47458 -157.2885 23.06784 -157.398 22.34499 -157.4861 21.95722 -157.61408 21.22163 -157.71965 21.2117 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-01  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak 2003-10-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903097 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903097 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0314 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0314 Transit Bjorkman, Karin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.72006 -151.88182 21.21169 57.74535 coordinates of ship track -152.51646 57.72963 -152.53276 57.71524 -152.45288 57.7453 -152.3876 57.72497 -152.17203 57.72652 -152.00105 57.66378 -151.99689 55.21761 -152.01854 54.85489 -152.00006 54.45138 -151.98909 54.44115 -152.00272 54.33215 -152.00385 52.39594 -152.01704 52.40671 -152.00005 52.3163 -151.99147 51.41083 -152.00696 49.87867 -152.0197 49.87064 -151.9997 49.7738 -151.99689 48.30783 -152.01074 47.63905 -151.99648 47.48283 -152.00549 46.35273 -151.99083 45.62741 -152.00185 45.11338 -152.02892 45.0433 -151.88188 45.09321 -152.01802 44.53165 -152.09627 44.32841 -152.2135 44.09234 -152.33668 43.74254 -152.49521 43.44888 -152.7175 43.17271 -152.87918 42.81579 -152.97597 42.64603 -153.14294 42.40654 -153.36511 42.15646 -153.4581 42.01829 -153.56303 41.81371 -153.68167 41.40266 -154.09238 39.55289 -154.16386 39.17088 -154.17331 39.18821 -154.31384 38.46191 -154.33302 38.47303 -154.33858 38.34086 -154.60385 37.07567 -154.56474 37.04897 -154.69743 36.62287 -155.00868 35.14359 -155.08449 34.71148 -155.0975 34.71644 -155.12138 34.53502 -155.51485 32.55677 -155.56622 32.26746 -155.55031 32.26727 -155.59668 32.12468 -155.96541 30.23925 -156.02295 29.88162 -156.00143 29.88755 -156.00389 29.8652 -156.0856 29.58245 -156.32873 28.26951 -156.45152 27.7021 -156.46562 27.58911 -156.45178 27.59135 -156.73904 26.06907 -156.81329 25.74213 -156.88338 25.28788 -156.86818 25.28039 -157.03742 24.47458 -157.2885 23.06784 -157.398 22.34499 -157.4861 21.95722 -157.61408 21.22163 -157.71965 21.2117 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kodiak 2003-10-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903097 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.72 21.21, -157.72 57.75, -151.88 57.75, -151.88 21.21, -157.72 21.21))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  %>Wp8Qj5 2015-06-26T14:59:45Z52015-06-26T14:59:45Z52015-06-26T14:59:45Z52015-06-26T14:59:46Z2015-06-26T14:59:45Z2015-06-26T14:59:45Z2015-06-26T14:59:45Z2015-06-26T14:59:46Z2015-06-26T14:59:46Z2015-06-26T14:59:46Z2015-06-26T14:59:46Z2015-06-26T14:59:46Z2015-06-26T14:59:47Z 2015-06-26T14:59:47Z 2015-06-26T14:59:47Z 2015-06-26T14:59:47Z 52016-10-26T02:48:16Z 52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:16Z52016-10-26T02:48:17Z52016-10-26T02:48:17Z52016-10-26T02:48:17Z52016-10-26T02:48:17Z52016-10-26T02:48:17Z52016-10-26T02:48:17Z 52016-10-26T02:48:17Z! !+D]v %>Wp8Qj52016-10-26T02:48:17Z#52016-10-26T02:48:17Z$52016-10-26T02:48:17Z%52016-10-26T02:48:17Z&52016-10-26T02:48:17Z#52016-10-26T02:48:17Z$52016-10-26T02:48:17Z%52016-10-26T02:48:17Z&52016-10-26T02:48:17Z'52016-10-26T02:48:17Z(52016-10-26T02:48:17Z)52016-10-26T02:48:17Z*52016-10-26T02:48:17Z+52016-10-26T02:48:17Z,52016-10-26T02:48:17Z-52016-10-26T02:48:17Z.52016-10-26T02:48:17Z/52016-10-26T02:48:17Z052016-10-26T02:48:17Z152016-10-26T02:48:17Z252016-10-26T02:48:17Z352016-10-26T02:48:17Z452016-10-26T02:48:17Z552016-10-26T02:48:17Z652016-10-26T02:48:17Z752016-10-26T02:48:17Z852016-10-26T02:48:18Z952016-10-26T02:48:18Z:52016-10-26T02:48:18Z;52016-10-26T02:48:18Z<52016-10-26T02:48:18Z=52016-10-26T02:48:18Z>52016-10-26T02:48:18Z?52016-10-26T02:48:18Z@52016-10-26T02:48:18ZA52016-10-26T02:48:18ZB52016-10-26T02:48:18ZCw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/903098 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0315 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0315 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas Univers ity of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36803 -157.86736  21.23324 22.83044 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31602 -157.86737 21.30197 -157.88923 21.27449 -158.05916 21.23735 -158.10063 21.23408 -158.16695 21.26679 -158.28319 21.3416 -158.36486 21.58468 -158.30081 21.83071 -158.00075 22.75069 -157.98342 22.7569 -158.00251 22.74646 -157.99951 22.75919 -157.92937 22.80113 -157.90899 22.83044 -157.98957 22.77608 -157.96899 22.78926 -158.00616 22.74735 -157.99063 22.76435 -157.8781 22.71865 -157.97523 22.75257 -157.92706 22.78331 -157.97726 22.75947 -157.95877 22.77013 -157.98487 22.77674 -158.00743 22.74692 -157.89074 22.77961 -157.95908 22.75462 -157.94587 22.75414 -158.02376 22.74942 -157.97478 22.76048 -157.99968 22.74595 -157.96175 22.76896 -157.977 22.75797 -157.88716 22.76198 -157.97192 22.74952 -157.88055 22.77579 -158.01033 22.7505 -157.89783 22.8254 -157.97362 22.78991 -157.87865 22.79407 -157.96819 22.76153 -158.07085 22.76763 -157.94706 22.74999 -158.13831 22.30712 -158.36462 21.84993 -158.35328 21.85784 -158.36803 21.58428 -158.26843 21.33944 -158.10384 21.23706 -157.90166 21.24342 -157.86771 21.30183 -157.88575 21.31549 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-10-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903098 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903098 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0315 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0315 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36803 -157.86736 21.23324 22.83044 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31602 -157.86737 21.30197 -157.88923 21.27449 -158.05916 21.23735 -158.10063 21.23408 -158.16695 21.26679 -158.28319 21.3416 -158.36486 21.58468 -158.30081 21.83071 -158.00075 22.75069 -157.98342 22.7569 -158.00251 22.74646 -157.99951 22.75919 -157.92937 22.80113 -157.90899 22.83044 -157.98957 22.77608 -157.96899 22.78926 -158.00616 22.74735 -157.99063 22.76435 -157.8781 22.71865 -157.97523 22.75257 -157.92706 22.78331 -157.97726 22.75947 -157.95877 22.77013 -157.98487 22.77674 -158.00743 22.74692 -157.89074 22.77961 -157.95908 22.75462 -157.94587 22.75414 -158.02376 22.74942 -157.97478 22.76048 -157.99968 22.74595 -157.96175 22.76896 -157.977 22.75797 -157.88716 22.76198 -157.97192 22.74952 -157.88055 22.77579 -158.01033 22.7505 -157.89783 22.8254 -157.97362 22.78991 -157.87865 22.79407 -157.96819 22.76153 -158.07085 22.76763 -157.94706 22.74999 -158.13831 22.30712 -158.36462 21.84993 -158.35328 21.85784 -158.36803 21.58428 -158.26843 21.33944 -158.10384 21.23706 -157.90166 21.24342 -157.86771 21.30183 -157.88575 21.31549 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-10-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903098 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.23, -158.37 22.83, -157.87 22.83, -157.87 21.23, -158.37 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  'B]x5Pk (C^yn 9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans 9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SC 9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans 9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans 9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans!9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans"9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans#9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans$9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans%9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans&9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans'9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans(9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans)9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans*9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans+  'B]x5Pk (C^y9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans-9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans.9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans/9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans09EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans-9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans.9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans/9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans09EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans19EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans29EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans39EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans49EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans59EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans69EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans79EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans89EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans99EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans:9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans;9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans<9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans=9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans>9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans?9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans@9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansA9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansB9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansC9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansD9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansE9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansF9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansG9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansH9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansI9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansJ9EARTH SCIENCE > OceansKv--> doi:10.7284/901660 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 </gmd:dateStamp> ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0316 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0316 Student Cruise Measures, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33510 -157.86735 21.23243 21.38374 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31605 -157.86749 21.30162 -157.90211 21.25626 -158.0984 21.23265 -158.1722 21.28532 -158.16538 21.37848 -158.17608 21.37203 -158.16431 21.36824 -158.20486 21.37745 -158.17583 21.33516 -158.16194 21.3564 -158.19834 21.3466 -158.17436 21.30995 -158.15043 21.34977 -158.16607 21.3823 -158.21796 21.38331 -158.19648 21.34207 -158.16425 21.37014 -158.16105 21.35944 -158.3351 21.25639 -158.32971 21.26949 -158.33185 21.24735 -158.10142 21.23355 -157.90621 21.24734 -157.88959 21.26021 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ' 2003-10-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ( Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901660 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120<*/gmx:Anchor> Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw + International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana , SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901660 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 1.9115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0316 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0316 Student Cruise Measures, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33510 -157.86735 21.23243 21.38374 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31605 -157.86749 21.30162 -157.90211 21.25626 -158.0984 21.23265 -158.1722 21.28532 -158.16538 21.37848 -158.17608 21.37203 -158.16431 21.36824 -158.20486 21.37745 -158.17583 21.33516 -158.16194 21.3564 -158.19834 21.3466 -158.17436 21.30995 -158.15043 21.34977 -158.16607 21.3823 -158.21796 21.38331 -158.19648 21.34207 -158.16425 21.37014 -158.16105 21.35944 -158.3351 21.25639 -158.32971 21.26949 -158.33185 21.24735 -158.10142 21.23355 -157.90621 21.24734 -157.88959 21.26021 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-10-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901660 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 21.23, -158.34 21.38, -157.87 21.38, -157.87 21.23, -158.34 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ??m'=1+M5e+%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901660gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901661 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0317 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0317 Student Cruise Sinton, John 7 University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88641 -155.89452 20.44950 21.31606 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31605 -157.86702 21.30287 -157.87832 21.26619 -157.84271 21.23162 -157.1666 20.91635 -156.78171 20.45013 -156.49667 20.45144 -156.44861 20.52304 -156.53934 20.6362 -156.42976 20.51706 -156.33936 20.51635 -156.33565 20.52854 -156.42863 20.52854 -156.51748 20.62992 -156.42613 20.53843 -156.34224 20.53893 -156.42639 20.54894 -156.49164 20.6248 -156.42505 20.55725 -156.26053 20.56204 -156.42276 20.5621 -156.48037 20.62944 -156.42021 20.56642 -156.26215 20.56333 -156.42321 20.56028 -156.4658 20.60869 -156.42039 20.56454 -156.32962 20.56121 -156.42302 20.55029 -156.26576 20.55191 -156.27212 20.5806 -156.21134 20.60667 -156.13519 20.60864 -156.05038 20.63816 -155.98203 20.68848 -155.8947 20.69083 -155.94275 20.69714 -156.05083 20.62918 -156.13344 20.60109 -156.20716 20.60016 -156.27109 20.57316 -156.2694 20.55904 -156.20104 20.58742 -156.12699 20.5878 -156.04226 20.61779 -155.98643 20.65743 -155.97602 20.64619 -156.03687 20.60077 -156.12197 20.57094 -156.20012 20.57046 -156.2695 <20.53851 -156.26682 20.52052 -156.19329 20.55238 -156.12049 20.55172 -156.03072 20.58328 -155.95279 20.63608 -155.94254 20.61113 -156.01855 20.55761 -156.11237 20.52598 -156.18687 20.52629 -156.26923 20.49079 -156.28139 20.57282 -156.21072 20.60369 -156.13385 20.60512 -156.05026 20.6343 -155.97434 20.68976 -156.05013 20.6247 -156.12957 20.59632 -156.20525 20.59445 -156.36963 20.52419 -156.35964 20.53239 -156.36415 20.51003 -156.36927 20.53359 -156.35838 20.53304 -156.40725 20.54799 -156.36407 20.54444 -156.44783 20.50949 -156.27443 20.50862 -156.33923 20.52034 -156.27209 20.53277 -156.34743 20.53689 -156.26468 20.54235 -156.33656 20.5484 -156.26919 20.56324 -156.40659 20.5537 -156.44387 20.58846 -156.28004 20.46974 -156.44924 20.48004 -156.45656 20.52426 -156.55015 20.63124 -156.99922 20.70869 -157.14998 20.94587 -157.75003 21.22152 -157.8447 21.2335 -157.87375 21.2659 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List > Honolulu 2003-10-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901661 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. A Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam B raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. C multibeam raw D International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) G doi:10.7284/901661 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0317 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0317 Student Cruise Sinton, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88641 -155.89452 20.44950 21.31606 coordinates of ship track -157H.88621 21.31605 -157.86702 21.30287 -157.87832 21.26619 -157.84271 21.23162 -157.1666 20.91635 -156.78171 20.45013 -156.49667 20.45144 -156.44861 20.52304 -156.53934 20.6362 -156.42976 20.51706 -156.33936 20.51635 -156.33565 20.52854 -156.42863 20.52854 -156.51748 20.62992 -156.42613 20.53843 -156.34224 20.53893 -156.42639 20.54894 -156.49164 20.6248 -156.42505 20.55725 -156.26053 20.56204 -156.42276 20.5621 -156.48037 20.62944 -156.42021 20.56642 -156.26215 20.56333 -156.42321 20.56028 -156.4658 20.60869 -156.42039 20.56454 -156.32962 20.56121 -156.42302 20.55029 -156.26576 20.55191 -156.27212 20.5806 -156.21134 20.60667 -156.13519 20.60864 -156.05038 20.63816 -155.98203 20.68848 -155.8947 20.69083 -155.94275 20.69714 -156.05083 20.62918 -156.13344 20.60109 -156.20716 20.60016 -156.27109 20.57316 -156.2694 20.55904 -156.20104 20.58742 -156.12699 20.5878 -156.04226 20.61779 -155.98643 20.65743 -155.97602 20.64619 -156.03687 20.60077 -156.12197 20.57094 -156.20012 20.57046 -156.2695 20.53851 -156.26682 20.I52052 -156.19329 20.55238 -156.12049 20.55172 -156.03072 20.58328 -155.95279 20.63608 -155.94254 20.61113 -156.01855 20.55761 -156.11237 20.52598 -156.18687 20.52629 -156.26923 20.49079 -156.28139 20.57282 -156.21072 20.60369 -156.13385 20.60512 -156.05026 20.6343 -155.97434 20.68976 -156.05013 20.6247 -156.12957 20.59632 -156.20525 20.59445 -156.36963 20.52419 -156.35964 20.53239 -156.36415 20.51003 -156.36927 20.53359 -156.35838 20.53304 -156.40725 20.54799 -156.36407 20.54444 -156.44783 20.50949 -156.27443 20.50862 -156.33923 20.52034 -156.27209 20.53277 -156.34743 20.53689 -156.26468 20.54235 -156.33656 20.5484 -156.26919 20.56324 -156.40659 20.5537 -156.44387 20.58846 -156.28004 20.46974 -156.44924 20.48004 -156.45656 20.52426 -156.55015 20.63124 -156.99922 20.70869 -157.14998 20.94587 -157.75003 21.22152 -157.8447 21.2335 -157.87375 21.2659 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-10-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901661 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 20.45, -157.89 21.32, -155.89 21.32, -155.89 20.45, -157.89 20.45))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 99_(=1+M5m%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901661gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z 2La.gov--> doi:10.7284/901662 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30N ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0318 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 publisheOd KM0318 Student Cruise Aucan, Jérôme University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.78565 -157.86717 21.23219 21.72226 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31605 -157.86748 21.3015 -157.91214 21.25987 -158.1347 21.23306 -158.55039 21.56855 -158.55422 21.55642 -158.54362 21.56371 -158.66038 21.55442 -158.66102 21.57603 -158.66272 21.5527 -158.776 21.71057 -158.76755 21.72173 -158.78554 21.71603 -158.73378 21.68798 -158.71226 21.59821 -158.67889 21.58617 -158.65778 21.55508 -158.55023 21.56704 -158.49008 21.53663 -158.40431 21.58179 -158.37247 21.51637 -158.19408 21.27406 -158.10063 21.23573 -157.92244 21.23857 -157.88132 21.27713 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu V 2003-10-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901662 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg YEM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901662 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ] ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0318 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0318 Student Cruise Aucan, Jérôme University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.78565 -157.86717 21.23219 21.72226 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31605 -157.86748 21.3015 -157.91214 21.25987 -158.1347 21.23306 -158.55039 21.56855 -158.55422 21.55642 -158.54362 21.56371 -158.66038 21.55442 -158.66102 21.57603 -158.66272 21.5527 -158.776 21.71057 -158.76755 21.72173 -158.78554 21.71603 -158.73378 21.68798 -158.71226 21.59821 -158.67889 21.58617 -158.65778 21.55508 -158.55023 21.56704 -158.49008 21.53663 -158.40431 21.58179 -158.37247 21.51637 -158.19408 21.27406 -158.10063 21.23573 -157.92244 21.23857 -157.88132 21.27713 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-10-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901662 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.79 21.23, -158.79 21.72, -157.87 21.72, -157.87 21.23, -158.79 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact CCi)=1+M5i%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901662gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901663 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0319 on RV Kilo Moana c 2015-09-30 published KM0319 ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) Duennebier, Fred University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor e EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office f custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.13274 -154.95104 21.16698 24.49881 h coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31607 -157.86779 21.30123 -157.912 21.26666 -158.09904 21.23903 -158.14153 21.31682 -158.1431 21.35914 -158.16307 21.38521 -158.18924 21.39112 -158.23319 21.47459 -158.24511 21.53846 -158.33641 21.59147 -158.66675 21.66502 -158.66502 21.77301 -158.64988 21.7716 -158.64767 21.67612 -158.63118 21.67823 -158.63062 21.77411 -158.61447 21.77125 -158.61956 21.67266 -158.62725 21.7425 -158.63573 21.73068 -158.46464 21.73458 -158.32466 22.25042 -158.04895 22.25218 -157.94982 22.58487 -157.94955 23.06874 -157.81079 23.19355 -157.81895 23.0774 -157.8294 23.08571 -157.78865 23.17646 -157.81987 23.16671 -157.811i33 23.14856 -157.98597 22.93142 -157.9699 22.92657 -157.94133 22.8696 -157.83187 22.59975 -157.45033 23.049 -156.96841 23.23322 -156.80822 23.41681 -156.36701 23.55001 -155.93338 23.82787 -155.01452 24.4982 -154.95163 24.43248 -155.85925 23.77469 -155.80286 23.8686 -155.76769 23.9661 -155.73125 23.98657 -155.77229 23.96916 -155.85942 23.77403 -156.29388 23.4894 -156.74964 23.34181 -156.90061 23.16607 -157.35015 22.99995 -157.76653 22.54179 -158.76526 22.50124 -158.91921 22.19856 -159.13249 21.93492 -158.33252 21.16733 -157.87207 21.25963 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-10-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List l Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901663 <m/srv:containsOperations> collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. nKongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw o Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam p raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List q Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) s Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901663 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us potintOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0319 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0319 ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) Duennebier, Fred University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.13274 -154.95104 21.16698 24.49881 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31607 -157.86779 21.30123 -157.912 21.26666 -158.09904 21.23903 -158.14153 21.31682 -158.1431 21.35914 -158.16307 21.38521 -158.18924 21.39112 -158.23319 21.47459 -158.24511 21.53846 -158.33641 21.59147 -158.66675 21.66502 -158.66502 21.77301 -158.64988 21.7716 -158.64767 21.67612 -158.63118 21.67823 -158.6u3062 21.77411 -158.61447 21.77125 -158.61956 21.67266 -158.62725 21.7425 -158.63573 21.73068 -158.46464 21.73458 -158.32466 22.25042 -158.04895 22.25218 -157.94982 22.58487 -157.94955 23.06874 -157.81079 23.19355 -157.81895 23.0774 -157.8294 23.08571 -157.78865 23.17646 -157.81987 23.16671 -157.81133 23.14856 -157.98597 22.93142 -157.9699 22.92657 -157.94133 22.8696 -157.83187 22.59975 -157.45033 23.049 -156.96841 23.23322 -156.80822 23.41681 -156.36701 23.55001 -155.93338 23.82787 -155.01452 24.4982 -154.95163 24.43248 -155.85925 23.77469 -155.80286 23.8686 -155.76769 23.9661 -155.73125 23.98657 -155.77229 23.96916 -155.85942 23.77403 -156.29388 23.4894 -156.74964 23.34181 -156.90061 23.16607 -157.35015 22.99995 -157.76653 22.54179 -158.76526 22.50124 -158.91921 22.19856 -159.13249 21.93492 -158.33252 21.16733 -157.87207 21.25963 Cruise Start and End 2003-10-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-10-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901663 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.13 21.17, -159.13 24.50, -154.95 24.50, -154.95 21.17, -159.13 21.17))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact {*=1+M5y%I9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901663gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901664 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0320 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0320 Stude|nt Cruise Aucan, Jérôme University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords ~ NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng  oceans geoscientificInformation -158.71590 -157.86718 21.23243 21.76926 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31605 -157.86721 21.30234 -157.89775 21.26546 -158.03049 21.2328 -158.11498 21.23599 -158.34216 21.59936 -158.14979 21.60831 -158.08369 21.67237 -158.16602 21.6705 -158.55027 21.60191 -158.55908 21.63981 -158.66645 21.58095 -158.65337 21.66221 -158.6623 21.61314 -158.6375 21.63917 -158.6828 21.59925 -158.68505 21.57227 -158.71582 21.55975 -158.69934 21.55455 -158.51816 21.6942 -158.19071 21.65045 -158.14962 21.65918 -158.00691 21.76918 -158.13242 21.68373 -158.3356 21.58769 -158.11719 21.23425 -157.87658 21.25249 -157.91034 21.24577 -157.87857 21.28033 -157.87629 21.31192 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-03  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2003-11-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901664 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901664 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0320 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0320 Student Cruise Aucan, Jérôme University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.71590 -157.86718 21.23243 21.76926 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31605 -157.86721 21.30234 -157.89775 21.26546 -158.03049 21.2328 -158.11498 21.23599 -158.34216 21.59936 -158.14979 21.60831 -158.08369 21.67237 -158.16602 21.6705 -158.55027 21.60191 -158.55908 21.63981 -158.66645 21.58095 -158.65337 21.66221 -158.6623 21.61314 -158.6375 21.63917 -158.6828 21.59925 -158.68505 21.57227 -158.71582 21.55975 -158.69934 21.55455 -158.51816 21.6942 -158.19071 21.65045 -158.14962 21.65918 -158.00691 21.76918 -158.13242 21.68373 -158.3356 21.58769 -158.11719 21.23425 -157.87658 21.25249 -157.91034 21.24577 -157.87857 21.28033 -157.87629 21.31192 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-11-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901664 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.72 21.23, -158.72 21.77, -157.87 21.77, -157.87 21.23, -158.72 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact GZ-=1+M537%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901665gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/903036 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0321 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0321 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36469 -157.84645  21.23852 22.86089 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.31617 -157.86772 21.30314 -157.88171 21.28336 -158.09006 21.23858 -158.2784 21.34378 -158.33041 21.58649 -158.0003 22.74948 -157.98337 22.74541 -158.00146 22.75284 -157.96635 22.75457 -157.99286 22.76442 -157.9852 22.85098 -157.93378 22.84932 -157.97754 22.84337 -157.98 22.85923 -158.01241 22.75904 -157.96755 22.72818 -158.00102 22.75075 -157.98955 22.73852 -157.97743 22.74685 -157.98084 22.76688 -157.99869 22.7492 -157.95091 22.75371 -157.99283 22.74677 -157.99262 22.77749 -157.97759 22.78545 -157.97955 22.85485 -158.00661 22.85077 -158.0081 22.82602 -158.0069 22.75153 -157.95776 22.76488 -158.00069 22.75168 -157.98114 22.73826 -158.00383 22.75278 -157.96092 22.76468 -158.06802 22.80497 -158.06833 22.83122 -158.05565 22.80415 -157.97948 22.78962 -158.01872 22.79085 -157.98927 22.79166 -158.01141 22.79789 -158.01006 22.86089 -157.99399 22.83535 -158.01723 22.80262 -158.00186 22.80465 -158.01453 22.85897 -158.0152 22.83347 -157.97833 22.79974 -158.01381 22.75802 -157.97855 22.75058 -157.90999 22.76939 -158.12164 22.83742 -158.06488 22.82533 -157.957 22.85093 -157.96258 22.81533 -157.85051 22.83895 -157.86391 22.82317 -157.88753 22.83867 -157.86897 22.85806 -157.84645 22.84049 -157.87305 22.82845 -157.84801 22.82861 -158.36467 21.84579 -158.31599 21.84339 -158.33093 21.59126 -158.15846 21.28945 -158.17837 21.30348 -158.18045 21.29132 -158.12978 21.24897 -157.93535 21.23891 -157.89754 21.25258 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-11-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903036 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903036 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0321 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0321 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36469 -157.84645 21.23852 22.86089 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.31617 -157.86772 21.30314 -157.88171 21.28336 -158.09006 21.23858 -158.2784 21.34378 -158.33041 21.58649 -158.0003 22.74948 -157.98337 22.74541 -158.00146 22.75284 -157.96635 22.75457 -157.99286 22.76442 -157.9852 22.85098 -157.93378 22.84932 -157.97754 22.84337 -157.98 22.85923 -158.01241 22.75904 -157.96755 22.72818 -158.00102 22.75075 -157.98955 22.73852 -157.97743 22.74685 -157.98084 22.76688 -157.99869 22.7492 -157.95091 22.75371 -157.99283 22.74677 -157.99262 22.77749 -157.97759 22.78545 -157.97955 22.85485 -158.00661 22.85077 -158.0081 22.82602 -158.0069 22.75153 -157.95776 22.76488 -158.00069 22.75168 -157.98114 22.73826 -158.00383 22.75278 -157.96092 22.76468 -158.06802 22.80497 -158.06833 22.83122 -158.05565 22.80415 -157.97948 22.78962 -158.01872 22.79085 -157.98927 22.79166 -158.01141 22.79789 -158.01006 22.86089 -157.99399 22.83535 -158.01723 22.80262 -158.00186 22.80465 -158.01453 22.85897 -158.0152 22.83347 -157.97833 22.79974 -158.01381 22.75802 -157.97855 22.75058 -157.90999 22.76939 -158.12164 22.83742 -158.06488 22.82533 -157.957 22.85093 -157.96258 22.81533 -157.85051 22.83895 -157.86391 22.82317 -157.88753 22.83867 -157.86897 22.85806 -157.84645 22.84049 -157.87305 22.82845 -157.84801 22.82861 -158.36467 21.84579 -158.31599 21.84339 -158.33093 21.59126 -158.15846 21.28945 -158.17837 21.30348 -158.18045 21.29132 -158.12978 21.24897 -157.93535 21.23891 -157.89754 21.25258 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-11-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903036 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.86, -157.85 22.86, -157.85 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactw.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901665 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0322 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0322  Bottom Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88625 -155.13333 20.46741 21.31657 coordinates of ship track -157.88617 21.31609 -157.8674 21.30321 -157.87813 21.22994 -157.86018 21.20947 -157.43604 20.94502 -157.36385 20.95501 -157.43309 20.93426 -157.365 20.9526 -157.16788 21.06964 -157.06383 21.06223 -156.94287 21.00165 -156.84837 21.02603 -156.94293 20.9977 -157.06528 21.0554 -157.16739 21.06383 -157.18117 21.03108 -157.06959 21.03877 -156.94324 20.99394 -156.85467 21.01332 -156.94438 20.99037 -157.07492 21.02833 -157.1618 21.02393 -156.94238 20.9859 -156.84845 21.0012 -156.94495 20.98304 -157.13187 21.00563 -156.94647 20.97955 -156.8553 20.98585 -156.95212 20.9753 -156.85266 20.9718 -156.91628 20.96936 -156.85709 20.95546 -157.1199 20.98954 -157.17021 21.05342 -157.22086 21.058 -157.0681 21.04775 -156.98819 21.01694 -157.00928 20.98648 -156.98263 20.98023 -157.07758 20.91922 -157.08264 20.90027 -157.06804 20.86966 -157.00807 20.82794 -157.00056 20.77013 -156.96707 20.72448 -156.89082 20.71764 -156.85693 20.73713 -156.88553 20.71401 -156.95697 20.71526 -156.99274 20.73932 -157.0132 20.82716 -157.0725 20.86743 -157.08182 20.92229 -156.9861 20.98341 -156.85702 20.95205 -156.64545 21.06693 -156.21297 20.98546 -156.03777 20.85444 -155.96532 20.78331 -155.94714 20.73869 -155.985 20.79684 -156.07552 20.84273 -156.11826 20.88412 -156.17223 20.89827 -156.2307 20.9525 -156.33035 20.97092 -156.22844 20.95686 -156.17026 20.90262 -156.11467 20.88802 -156.07335 20.84658 -155.98698 20.80534 -155.98346 20.81598 -156.02985 20.8299 -156.10898 20.89429 -156.16594 20.90795 -156.22498 20.96274 -156.31148 20.98111 -156.27029 21.045 -156.30774 20.9869 -156.22211 20.96913 -156.16179 20.91477 -156.10121 20.90512 -156.15546 20.92208 -156.21776 20.97736 -156.30534 20.99497 -156.29944 21.00999 -156.20895 20.99594 -156.16725 20.96252 -156.20227 21.00652 -156.28839 21.02161 -156.19797 21.01752 -156.27272 21.04202 -156.21835 21.04878 -156.6282 21.09762 -156.85822 20.97806 -157.00917 20.97528 -157.0872 20.92499 -157.09364 20.89937 -157.07693 20.86417 -157.01704 20.82384 -156.9969 20.73509 -156.95798 20.70967 -156.89406 20.70784 -156.84976 20.73256 -156.88922 20.70085 -156.96011 20.70317 -157.00282 20.73082 -157.02483 20.82248 -157.08186 20.85911 -157.10094 20.89889 -157.09364 20.92985 -157.02002 20.97812 -157.125 20.92625 -157.05342 20.98265 -157.10519 20.96628 -157.08426 20.98793 -157.10214 20.98122 -157.11336 20.89756 -157.09323 20.85343 -157.0358 20.81671 -157.01257 20.72338 -156.95593 20.69148 -156.88718 20.69007 -156.84749 20.71856 -156.84828 20.69635 -156.7198 20.4739 -156.78879 20.56706 -156.83203 20.67139 -156.87132 20.69 -156.86774 20.65517 -156.80701 20.5506 -156.73965 20.47409 -156.86598 20.67934 -156.85667 20.68732 -156.83517 20.63268 -156.8546 20.63739 -156.89182 20.68714 -156.76532 20.46894 -156.78552 20.48063 -156.80144 20.52136 -156.77455 20.54639 -156.74503 20.50879 -156.74452 20.48611 -156.78799 20.5325 -156.76833 20.48812 -156.78488 20.49158 -156.84763 20.54978 -156.79561 20.47336 -156.80872 20.4735 -156.85037 20.52419 -156.82863 20.5387 -156.91502 20.68869 -156.92679 20.68508 -156.89317 20.60742 -156.94568 20.69174 -156.95319 20.68055 -156.84076 20.49213 -156.90474 20.61942 -156.89282 20.62442 -156.84219 20.53483 -156.87843 20.5157 -156.96751 20.68278 -157.02338 20.71594 -157.0489 20.80828 -157.1046 20.8465 -157.12671 20.89742 -157.11293 20.98474 -157.61478 21.15541 -157.85664 21.21303 -157.88541 21.23566 -157.86774 21.30247 -157.88586 21.31526 -157.88594 21.31534 -157.88621 21.3 -157.8862 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-15  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2003-11-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901665 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901665 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0322 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0322 Bottom Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88625 -155.13333 20.46741 21.31657 coordinates of ship track -157.88617 21.31609 -157.8674 21.30321 -157.87813 21.22994 -157.86018 21.20947 -157.43604 20.94502 -157.36385 20.95501 -157.43309 20.93426 -157.365 20.9526 -157.16788 21.06964 -157.06383 21.06223 -156.94287 21.00165 -156.84837 21.02603 -156.94293 20.9977 -157.06528 21.0554 -157.16739 21.06383 -157.18117 21.03108 -157.06959 21.03877 -156.94324 20.99394 -156.85467 21.01332 -156.94438 20.99037 -157.07492 21.02833 -157.1618 21.02393 -156.94238 20.9859 -156.84845 21.0012 -156.94495 20.98304 -157.13187 21.00563 -156.94647 20.97955 -156.8553 20.98585 -156.95212 20.9753 -156.85266 20.9718 -156.91628 20.96936 -156.85709 20.95546 -157.1199 20.98954 -157.17021 21.05342 -157.22086 21.058 -157.0681 21.04775 -156.98819 21.01694 -157.00928 20.98648 -156.98263 20.98023 -157.07758 20.91922 -157.08264 20.90027 -157.06804 20.86966 -157.00807 20.82794 -157.00056 20.77013 -156.96707 20.72448 -156.89082 20.71764 -156.85693 20.73713 -156.88553 20.71401 -156.95697 20.71526 -156.99274 20.73932 -157.0132 20.82716 -157.0725 20.86743 -157.08182 20.92229 -156.9861 20.98341 -156.85702 20.95205 -156.64545 21.06693 -156.21297 20.98546 -156.03777 20.85444 -155.96532 20.78331 -155.94714 20.73869 -155.985 20.79684 -156.07552 20.84273 -156.11826 20.88412 -156.17223 20.89827 -156.2307 20.9525 -156.33035 20.97092 -156.22844 20.95686 -156.17026 20.90262 -156.11467 20.88802 -156.07335 20.84658 -155.98698 20.80534 -155.98346 20.81598 -156.02985 20.8299 -156.10898 20.89429 -156.16594 20.90795 -156.22498 20.96274 -156.31148 20.98111 -156.27029 21.045 -156.30774 20.9869 -156.22211 20.96913 -156.16179 20.91477 -156.10121 20.90512 -156.15546 20.92208 -156.21776 20.97736 -156.30534 20.99497 -156.29944 21.00999 -156.20895 20.99594 -156.16725 20.96252 -156.20227 21.00652 -156.28839 21.02161 -156.19797 21.01752 -156.27272 21.04202 -156.21835 21.04878 -156.6282 21.09762 -156.85822 20.97806 -157.00917 20.97528 -157.0872 20.92499 -157.09364 20.89937 -157.07693 20.86417 -157.01704 20.82384 -156.9969 20.73509 -156.95798 20.70967 -156.89406 20.70784 -156.84976 20.73256 -156.88922 20.70085 -156.96011 20.70317 -157.00282 20.73082 -157.02483 20.82248 -157.08186 20.85911 -157.10094 20.89889 -157.09364 20.92985 -157.02002 20.97812 -157.125 20.92625 -157.05342 20.98265 -157.10519 20.96628 -157.08426 20.98793 -157.10214 20.98122 -157.11336 20.89756 -157.09323 20.85343 -157.0358 20.81671 -157.01257 20.72338 -156.95593 20.69148 -156.88718 20.69007 -156.84749 20.71856 -156.84828 20.69635 -156.7198 20.4739 -156.78879 20.56706 -156.83203 20.67139 -156.87132 20.69 -156.86774 20.65517 -156.80701 20.5506 -156.73965 20.47409 -156.86598 20.67934 -156.85667 20.68732 -156.83517 20.63268 -156.8546 20.63739 -156.89182 20.68714 -156.76532 20.46894 -156.78552 20.48063 -156.80144 20.52136 -156.77455 20.54639 -156.74503 20.50879 -156.74452 20.48611 -156.78799 20.5325 -156.76833 20.48812 -156.78488 20.49158 -156.84763 20.54978 -156.79561 20.47336 -156.80872 20.4735 -156.85037 20.52419 -156.82863 20.5387 -156.91502 20.68869 -156.92679 20.68508 -156.89317 20.60742 -156.94568 20.69174 -156.95319 20.68055 -156.84076 20.49213 -156.90474 20.61942 -156.89282 20.62442 -156.84219 20.53483 -156.87843 20.5157 -156.96751 20.68278 -157.02338 20.71594 -157.0489 20.80828 -157.1046 20.8465 -157.12671 20.89742 -157.11293 20.98474 -157.61478 21.15541 -157.85664 21.21303 -157.88541 21.23566 -157.86774 21.30247 -157.88586 21.31526 -157.88594 21.31534 -157.88621 21.3 -157.8862 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-11-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901665 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionBottom MappingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 20.47, -157.89 21.32, -155.13 21.32, -155.13 20.47, -157.89 20.47))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact doi:10.7284/901668 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0323 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0323 IMI-30 Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.15648 -156.77199 20.32936 21.31605 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31602 -157.86728 21.30277 -157.88272 21.26829 -158.1563 21.0987 -157.12167 21.01907 -157.13956 20.89761 -157.11472 20.84031 -157.05017 20.74417 -157.10458 20.8441 -157.05747 20.80218 -157.05151 20.74964 -156.83585 20.35855 -156.82599 20.3659 -156.99309 20.69574 -156.81645 20.37206 -156.80591 20.37873 -156.91777 20.60238 -156.78508 20.37375 -156.86169 20.53036 -156.85158 20.53724 -156.77306 20.37831 -156.84317 20.35331 -157.00468 20.66103 -157.10739 20.81917 -157.14784 20.77989 -157.10617 20.8072 -157.15356 20.89803 -157.13397 21.02063 -157.14574 21.01646 -157.16956 20.87469 -157.03174 20.66313 -156.87079 20.34419 -156.89175 20.34869 -157.05328 20.65455 -157.16728 20.81825 -157.24565 20.98403 -157.26172 20.98463 -157.18814 20.80738 -157.07742 20.64596 -156.91194 20.33934 -156.94173 20.33726 -157.10098 20.63369 -157.21028 20.7939 -157.28969 20.96929 -157.22488 20.99215 -157.17778 20.8829 -157.15929 21.01859 -157.19047 20.9117 -157.18498 21.01683 -157.20799 20.94894 -157.20764 21.01015 -157.30598 20.99244 -157.31957 20.97473 -157.1954 20.72417 -157.00023 20.75035 -157.0697 20.74019 -157.10783 20.79007 -157.12711 20.77946 -156.99196 20.57017 -156.97771 20.58343 -157.0703 20.73653 -156.99866 20.7502 -157.03761 20.75353 -157.04485 20.79493 -157.34405 20.87454 -157.89545 21.24559 -157.88008 21.27821 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-11-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901668 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901668 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0323 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0323 IMI-30 Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.15648 -156.77199 20.32936 21.31605 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31602 -157.86728 21.30277 -157.88272 21.26829 -158.1563 21.0987 -157.12167 21.01907 -157.13956 20.89761 -157.11472 20.84031 -157.05017 20.74417 -157.10458 20.8441 -157.05747 20.80218 -157.05151 20.74964 -156.83585 20.35855 -156.82599 20.3659 -156.99309 20.69574 -156.81645 20.37206 -156.80591 20.37873 -156.91777 20.60238 -156.78508 20.37375 -156.86169 20.53036 -156.85158 20.53724 -156.77306 20.37831 -156.84317 20.35331 -157.00468 20.66103 -157.10739 20.81917 -157.14784 20.77989 -157.10617 20.8072 -157.15356 20.89803 -157.13397 21.02063 -157.14574 21.01646 -157.16956 20.87469 -157.03174 20.66313 -156.87079 20.34419 -156.89175 20.34869 -157.05328 20.65455 -157.16728 20.81825 -157.24565 20.98403 -157.26172 20.98463 -157.18814 20.80738 -157.07742 20.64596 -156.91194 20.33934 -156.94173 20.33726 -157.10098 20.63369 -157.21028 20.7939 -157.28969 20.96929 -157.22488 20.99215 -157.17778 20.8829 -157.15929 21.01859 -157.19047 20.9117 -157.18498 21.01683 -157.20799 20.94894 -157.20764 21.01015 -157.30598 20.99244 -157.31957 20.97473 -157.1954 20.72417 -157.00023 20.75035 -157.0697 20.74019 -157.10783 20.79007 -157.12711 20.77946 -156.99196 20.57017 -156.97771 20.58343 -157.0703 20.73653 -156.99866 20.7502 -157.03761 20.75353 -157.04485 20.79493 -157.34405 20.87454 -157.89545 21.24559 -157.88008 21.27821 Cruise Start and End 2003-11-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-11-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901668 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIMI-30 Test CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.16 20.33, -158.16 21.32, -156.77 21.32, -156.77 20.33, -158.16 20.33))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact //=1+M5E+%M9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901669gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wwځ.=1+M59%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901668gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901669 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0324 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0324 Sea Trials-DP, Bridge Wing, ADCP Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.27766 -157.57045 21.00196 21.74031 coordinates of ship track -158.1171 21.3218 -158.20329 21.25155 -158.16215 21.24462 -158.19579 21.22203 -158.222 21.24479 -158.276 21.42336 -158.30844 21.43132 -158.27335 21.4494 -158.20084 21.36049 -158.24737 21.42844 -158.20972 21.36643 -158.24509 21.40639 -158.25013 21.44366 -158.30612 21.40012 -158.12547 21.24351 -157.90778 21.24436 -157.8681 21.301 -157.87447 21.31146 -157.86726 21.30302 -157.92319 21.24699 -158.05565 21.22649 -158.12175 21.24201 -158.21534 21.36966 -158.26272 21.47986 -158.36036 21.48779 -158.25976 21.4979 -158.32024 21.53722 -158.32774 21.58792 -158.62288 21.73794 -158.3292 21.59042 -158.62694 21.73781 -158.30051 21.56161 -158.29153 21.54072 -158.31298 21.54892 -158.30802 21.53754 -158.28058 21.51729 -158.29064 21.53723 -158.28754 21.52323 -158.41596 21.54235 -158.38683 21.4729 -158.40079 21.44494 -158.37909 21.47425 -158.25453 21.44537 -158.33228 21.59082 -158.62195 21.74029 -158.32496 21.58434 -158.62985 21.73234 -158.31 21.57196 -158.33124 21.5251 -158.29991 21.48224 -158.29777 21.44513 -158.30958 21.42592 -158.34675 21.41518 -158.4659 21.45125 -158.53597 21.51459 -158.54932 21.50209 -158.56933 21.5792 -158.54063 21.60284 -158.42972 21.56536 -158.3765 21.52836 -158.32442 21.5195 -158.32415 21.48772 -158.45204 21.42377 -158.39363 21.42497 -158.33188 21.27821 -158.41865 21.50589 -158.38406 21.4219 -158.18088 21.24627 -158.00404 21.24151 -157.94188 21.25021 -157.90389 21.28305 -157.90729 21.25242 -158.40173 21.21342 -158.62226 21.25049 -158.73539 21.20576 -158.80314 21.15952 -159.06312 21.14724 -158.9667 21.19767 -158.92167 21.18219 -158.90475 21.13376 -158.9325 21.05385 -158.96138 21.10247 -158.9897 21.11969 -158.92079 21.19143 -158.9166 21.01546 -158.94319 21.0135 -158.94132 21.19049 -158.9629 21.18924 -158.9709 21.00207 -158.9916 21.01322 -158.99176 21.19052 -159.01281 21.19437 -159.02309 21.01264 -159.05732 21.0465 -158.77474 21.0442 -158.75597 21.05097 -158.75582 21.07633 -158.78942 21.09828 -158.88125 21.07498 -159.27765 21.08353 -159.15949 21.09999 -158.86825 21.10018 -158.85457 21.12114 -159.09796 21.12503 -159.08716 21.15013 -158.87488 21.148 -158.96705 21.09948 -158.94501 21.11472 -158.8157 21.11959 -158.08474 21.22184 -158.03923 21.22646 -157.98202 21.20387 -157.89838 21.28168 -157.89813 21.24691 -157.947 21.24856 -157.93992 21.23739 -157.86863 21.28341 -157.80594 21.24217 -157.69229 21.25491 -157.74574 21.25003 -157.69083 21.24339 -157.74671 21.24303 -157.69603 21.23749 -157.69953 21.17999 -157.7847 21.13734 -157.84816 21.15834 -157.90209 21.28226 -157.90095 21.22792 -157.69687 21.23158 -157.74271 21.22308 -157.7434 21.2089 -157.66666 21.20156 -157.74981 21.21744 -157.72017 21.22912 -157.72701 21.23783 -157.8333 21.23843 -157.89919 21.27959 -157.87456 21.28374 -157.80034 21.23652 -157.79799 21.20915 -157.58457 21.26523 -157.58916 21.29794 -157.57062 21.30553 -157.58061 21.50684 -157.5934 21.50359 -157.6007 21.25434 -157.60335 21.33402 -157.60862 21.25649 -157.61797 21.33542 -157.61937 21.25969 -157.61818 21.29728 -157.59415 21.2952 -157.58455 21.27308 -157.59795 21.24349 -157.87857 21.20881 -157.86714 21.23908 -157.87909 21.2375 -157.90244 21.28208 -157.91199 21.21825 -157.92336 21.21609 -157.90063 21.27916 -157.89309 21.19576 -157.96622 21.19852 -157.9646 21.21608 -157.98349 21.19461 -157.96701 21.24002 -157.9947 21.25963 -158.02833 21.23647 -158.10242 21.2228 -158.10523 21.20508 -158.0551 21.19951 -157.90538 21.23241 -157.86787 21.30147 -157.88615 21.31605 Cruise Start and End 2003-12-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/901669 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw </gmi:LE_Source> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana </gmd:code> SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901669 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0324 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0324 Sea Trials-DP, Bridge Wing, ADCP Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.27766 -157.57045 21.00196 21.74031 coordinates of ship track -158.1171 21.3218 -158.20329 21.25155 -158.16215 21.24462 -158.19579 21.22203 -158.222 21.24479 -158.276 21.42336 -158.30844 21.43132 -158.27335 21.4494 -158.20084 21.36049 -158.24737 21.42844 -158.20972 21.36643 -158.24509 21.40639 -158.25013 21.44366 -158.30612 21.40012 -158.12547 21.24351 -157.90778 21.24436 -157.8681 21.301 -157.87447 21.31146 -157.86726 21.30302 -157.92319 21.24699 -158.05565 21.22649 -158.12175 21.24201 -158.21534 21.36966 -158.26272 21.47986 -158.36036 21.48779 -158.25976 21.4979 -158.32024 21.53722 -158.32774 21.58792 -158.62288 21.73794 -158.3292 21.59042 -158.62694 21.73781 -158.30051 21.56161 -158.29153 21.54072 -158.31298 21.54892 -158.30802 21.53754 -158.28058 21.51729 -158.29064 21.53723 -158.28754 21.52323 -158.41596 21.54235 -158.38683 21.4729 -158.40079 21.44494 -158.37909 21.47425 -158.25453 21.44537 -158.33228 21.59082 -158.62195 21.74029 -158.32496 21.58434 -158.62985 21.73234 -158.31 21.57196 -158.33124 21.5251 -158.29991 21.48224 -158.29777 21.44513 -158.30958 21.42592 -158.34675 21.41518 -158.4659 21.45125 -158.53597 21.51459 -158.54932 21.50209 -158.56933 21.5792 -158.54063 21.60284 -158.42972 21.56536 -158.3765 21.52836 -158.32442 21.5195 -158.32415 21.48772 -158.45204 21.42377 -158.39363 21.42497 -158.33188 21.27821 -158.41865 21.50589 -158.38406 21.4219 -158.18088 21.24627 -158.00404 21.24151 -157.94188 21.25021 -157.90389 21.28305 -157.90729 21.25242 -158.40173 21.21342 -158.62226 21.25049 -158.73539 21.20576 -158.80314 21.15952 -159.06312 21.14724 -158.9667 21.19767 -158.92167 21.18219 -158.90475 21.13376 -158.9325 21.05385 -158.96138 21.10247 -158.9897 21.11969 -158.92079 21.19143 -158.9166 21.01546 -158.94319 21.0135 -158.94132 21.19049 -158.9629 21.18924 -158.9709 21.00207 -158.9916 21.01322 -158.99176 21.19052 -159.01281 21.19437 -159.02309 21.01264 -159.05732 21.0465 -158.77474 21.0442 -158.75597 21.05097 -158.75582 21.07633 -158.78942 21.09828 -158.88125 21.07498 -159.27765 21.08353 -159.15949 21.09999 -158.86825 21.10018 -158.85457 21.12114 -159.09796 21.12503 -159.08716 21.15013 -158.87488 21.148 -158.96705 21.09948 -158.94501 21.11472 -158.8157 21.11959 -158.08474 21.22184 -158.03923 21.22646 -157.98202 21.20387 -157.89838 21.28168 -157.89813 21.24691 -157.947 21.24856 -157.93992 21.23739 -157.86863 21.28341 -157.80594 21.24217 -157.69229 21.25491 -157.74574 21.25003 -157.69083 21.24339 -157.74671 21.24303 -157.69603 21.23749 -157.69953 21.17999 -157.7847 21.13734 -157.84816 21.15834 -157.90209 21.28226 -157.90095 21.22792 -157.69687 21.23158 -157.74271 21.22308 -157.7434 21.2089 -157.66666 21.20156 -157.74981 21.21744 -157.72017 21.22912 -157.72701 21.23783 -157.8333 21.23843 -157.89919 21.27959 -157.87456 21.28374 -157.80034 21.23652 -157.79799 21.20915 -157.58457 21.26523 -157.58916 21.29794 -157.57062 21.30553 -157.58061 21.50684 -157.5934 21.50359 -157.6007 21.25434 -157.60335 21.33402 -157.60862 21.25649 -157.61797 21.33542 -157.61937 21.25969 -157.61818 21.29728 -157.59415 21.2952 -157.58455 21.27308 -157.59795 21.24349 -157.87857 21.20881 -157.86714 21.23908 -157.87909 21.2375 -157.90244 21.28208 -157.91199 21.21825 -157.92336 21.21609 -157.90063 21.27916 -157.89309 21.19576 -157.96622 21.19852 -157.9646 21.21608 -157.98349 21.19461 -157.96701 21.24002 -157.9947 21.25963 -158.02833 21.23647 -158.10242 21.2228 -158.10523 21.20508 -158.0551 21.19951 -157.90538 21.23241 -157.86787 21.30147 -157.88615 21.31605 Cruise Start and End 2003-12-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901669 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-DP, Bridge Wing, ADCPEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.28 21.00, -159.28 21.74, -157.57 21.74, -157.57 21.00, -159.28 21.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact wFFc $/lxm[Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light angQCurabitur lacinia, ante non porta tempus, mi lorem feugiat odio, eget suscipit eros pede ac velit.D Depth Distribution of Anisotropic Fabric in the Oceanic Mantle"GDiazotrophs in the Open Ocean#IDonec sceler;Chemical Weapons SurveyCComparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO)Y3Connecting Trace Elements and Metalloenzymes Across Marine Biogeochemical Gradients CoringiSCrustal Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the Subduction-Influenced Eastern Lau Spreading CenterGhCurabitur lacinia, ante non porta tempus, mi lorem feugiat odio, eget suscipit eros pede ac velit.D Depth Distribution of Anisotropic Fabric in the Oceanic Mantle"GDiazotrophs in the Open OceanIDonec scelerisque pede ut nisl luctus accumsan. Quisque ultrices, lorem eget feugiat fringilla, lorem dui porttitor ante, cursus ultrices magna odio eu neque.)Drifting Buoysw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/903037 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0325 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0325 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33163 -157.71197 21.24813 22.85317 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.31604 -157.86738 21.30234 -157.9008 21.25842 -158.15328 21.25145 -158.27388 21.35019 -158.26953 21.33042 -158.33158 21.59517 -158.26263 21.87386 -158.21514 21.98812 -158.00029 22.75153 -157.96625 22.74943 -157.9173 22.672 -157.97724 22.74582 -157.87206 22.72624 -157.92833 22.74122 -157.93993 22.72586 -158.00265 22.75016 -157.97439 22.75478 -157.9753 22.70157 -157.99901 22.67898 -158.01009 22.72962 -157.97494 22.74434 -157.9991 22.75143 -157.96654 22.75042 -158.00195 22.75079 -157.97951 22.74845 -157.98974 22.74783 -157.97612 22.64512 -157.98943 22.64029 -157.9736 22.7446 -157.89288 22.72687 -157.88254 22.76328 -157.94247 22.73267 -157.88374 22.70728 -157.87508 22.72023 -157.97834 22.74414 -157.97592 22.76077 -157.97992 22.74961 -157.93925 22.72941 -157.99949 22.74909 -158.01114 22.77685 -157.99773 22.85317 -157.99676 22.81095 -158.03932 22.75646 -157.81642 22.71284 -157.712 22.65135 -158.00392 22.74759 -158.33001 21.59567 -158.16388 21.27548 -158.10281 21.24966 -157.95419 21.24978  Cruise Start and End 2003-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2003-12-22  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903037 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903037 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0325 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0325 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33163 -157.71197 21.24813 22.85317 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.31604 -157.86738 21.30234 -157.9008 21.25842 -158.15328 21.251 45 -158.27388 21.35019 -158.26953 21.33042 -158.33158 21.59517 -158.26263 21.87386 -158.21514 21.98812 -158.00029 22.75153 -157.96625 22.74943 -157.9173 22.672 -157.97724 22.74582 -157.87206 22.72624 -157.92833 22.74122 -157.93993 22.72586 -158.00265 22.75016 -157.97439 22.75478 -157.9753 22.70157 -157.99901 22.67898 -158.01009 22.72962 -157.97494 22.74434 -157.9991 22.75143 -157.96654 22.75042 -158.00195 22.75079 -157.97951 22.74845 -157.98974 22.74783 -157.97612 22.64512 -157.98943 22.64029 -157.9736 22.7446 -157.89288 22.72687 -157.88254 22.76328 -157.94247 22.73267 -157.88374 22.70728 -157.87508 22.72023 -157.97834 22.74414 -157.97592 22.76077 -157.97992 22.74961 -157.93925 22.72941 -157.99949 22.74909 -158.01114 22.77685 -157.99773 22.85317 -157.99676 22.81095 -158.03932 22.75646 -157.81642 22.71284 -157.712 22.65135 -158.00392 22.74759 -158.33001 21.59567 -158.16388 21.27548 -158.10281 21.24966 -157.95419 21.24978 Cruise Start and End 2003-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-12-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903037 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.85, -157.71 22.85, -157.71 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ff31=1+M5[A%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901670gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901670 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0326 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0326 Student Cruise  Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans  theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -160.18197 -157.86760 21.16614 22.50020 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31598 -157.86787 21.30145 -157.91705 21.23974 -158.16713 21.25015 -158.82023 21.4552 -159.58221 21.66627 -159.76667 21.73985 -159.79444 21.75317 -160.00846 22.18279 -160.04986 22.14074 -159.8911 21.89904 -159.86669 21.7498 -159.93268 21.75121 -159.91691 21.89994 -160.08584 22.11517 -160.10757 22.09886 -159.94229 21.89889 -159.99966 21.75131 -160.04742 21.75055 -159.96672 21.90001 -160.02601 21.98162 -159.98434 21.90072 -160.0814 21.75283 -160.10822 21.75219 -160.00014 21.89997 -160.03767 21.96652 -160.01662 21.89876 -160.12998 21.75455 -160.14804 21.75076 -160.02658 21.9003 -160.05095 21.96209 -160.03503 21.89984 -160.16476 21.752 -160.18093 21.75064 -160.04312 21.90004 -159.84425 21.90428 -160.0402 22.41544 -159.91626 22.45574 -159.91651 22.2006 -159.85827 21.99994 -159.81611 21.8741 -159.71634 21.783 -159.58337 21.74358 -159.5851 21.80041 -159.68359 21.83323 -159.77378 21.88758 -159.84193 22.00066 -159.88146 22.20852 -159.78703 22.49992 -159.66835 22.49862 -159.85478 22.20714 -159.82658 22.00021 -159.77286 21.91818 -159.66715 21.8667 -159.58415 21.84766 -159.58521 21.86339 -159.75797 21.93356 -159.81556 22.00091 -159.81072 22.02482 -159.77755 21.98177 -159.67929 21.94621 -159.65985 21.91041 -159.6119 21.88722 -159.45732 21.86577 -159.61443 21.88792 -159.66072 21.90865 -159.6812 21.94345 -159.7502 21.96279 -159.8189 22.01209 -159.83094 22.20848 -159.58277 22.45656 -159.52891 22.41503 -159.81337 22.19846 -159.81984 22.04106 -159.80735 21.99857 -159.7512 21.94598 -159.68856 21.92953 -159.66563 21.89755 -159.58544 21.87064 -159.45407 21.85848 -159.61836 21.88326 -159.66677 21.90391 -159.68551 21.93529 -159.78022 21.97175 -159.81506 22.04207 -159.79679 22.19055 -159.72224 22.22755 -159.53984 22.36714 -159.49669 22.37386 -159.25249 22.30879 -159.25038 22.28477 -159.26934 22.28518 -159.41631 22.29996 -159.54214 22.33742 -159.73358 22.20708 -159.71102 22.18463 -159.77422 22.16543 -159.71401 22.18935 -159.58098 22.28215 -159.70766 22.18244 -159.57279 22.27672 -159.69979 22.1807 -159.57172 22.27154 -159.69538 22.17818 -159.56565 22.26191 -159.68758 22.17334 -159.72637 22.17494 -159.77375 22.15406 -159.7192 22.17318 -159.72467 22.2064 -159.78774 22.18764 -159.81003 22.11474 -159.80015 22.00043 -159.76601 21.96611 -159.68585 21.94018 -159.66312 21.90524 -159.61536 21.88442 -159.45518 21.86314 -159.61434 21.88659 -159.66383 21.90817 -159.68589 21.94341 -159.77993 21.97855 -159.80815 22.04187 -159.80653 22.11557 -159.78192 22.18279 -159.7168 22.19468 -159.7729 22.17311 -159.79966 22.11547 -159.79173 21.99652 -159.80323 22.11556 -159.77828 22.17791 -159.71539 22.19581 -159.57349 22.29815 -159.51731 22.32403 -159.46059 22.27524 -159.25115 22.26328 -159.25188 22.23727 -159.46034 22.25673 -159.52574 22.30458 -159.58332 22.2816 -159.56173 22.25426 -159.4973 22.23873 -159.52477 22.23645 -159.56444 22.25983 -159.4837 22.24273 -159.56368 22.25652 -159.68446 22.17355 -159.56228 22.26066 -159.56392 22.30178 -159.56251 22.26214 -159.39745 22.23845 -159.32714 22.21507 -159.29833 22.18759 -159.27185 22.14781 -159.29996 22.04175 -159.32548 22.02187 -159.31651 21.94974 -159.3957 21.87495 -159.45331 21.85786 -159.4408 21.85056 -159.40564 21.87291 -159.31355 21.94897 -159.31641 22.02208 -159.29525 22.04176 -159.26694 22.14831 -159.32726 22.21842 -159.5219 22.25261 -159.57923 22.28044 -159.53083 22.29114 -159.46082 22.25323 -159.33347 22.24582 -159.25026 22.20991 -159.24887 22.18449 -159.3265 22.23703 -159.45769 22.2501 -159.54419 22.28366 -159.57499 22.27309 -159.32611 22.23026 -159.28352 22.19686 -159.2308 22.14738 -159.25153 22.11937 -159.27606 22.17938 -159.32662 22.22644 -159.5696 22.26909 -159.36901 22.23388 -159.29019 22.19116 -159.26211 22.14437 -159.30662 22.00016 -159.30587 21.93423 -159.13132 21.93132 -158.33302 21.16654 -157.9155 21.2538 -157.86789 21.30116 -157.88612 21.31603 Cruise Start and End 2003-12-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-12-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901670 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets colle cted by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam ! raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. " multibeam raw <#gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana $ University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901670 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0326 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0326 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.18197 ' -157.86760 21.16614 22.50020 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31598 -157.86787 21.30145 -157.91705 21.23974 -158.16713 21.25015 -158.82023 21.4552 -159.58221 21.66627 -159.76667 21.73985 -159.79444 21.75317 -160.00846 22.18279 -160.04986 22.14074 -159.8911 21.89904 -159.86669 21.7498 -159.93268 21.75121 -159.91691 21.89994 -160.08584 22.11517 -160.10757 22.09886 -159.94229 21.89889 -159.99966 21.75131 -160.04742 21.75055 -159.96672 21.90001 -160.02601 21.98162 -159.98434 21.90072 -160.0814 21.75283 -160.10822 21.75219 -160.00014 21.89997 -160.03767 21.96652 -160.01662 21.89876 -160.12998 21.75455 -160.14804 21.75076 -160.02658 21.9003 -160.05095 21.96209 -160.03503 21.89984 -160.16476 21.752 -160.18093 21.75064 -160.04312 21.90004 -159.84425 21.90428 -160.0402 22.41544 -159.91626 22.45574 -159.91651 22.2006 -159.85827 21.99994 -159.81611 21.8741 -159.71634 21.783 -159.58337 21.74358 -159.5851 21.80041 -159.68359 21.83323 -159.77378 21.88758 -159.84193 22.00066 -159.88146 22.2085(2 -159.78703 22.49992 -159.66835 22.49862 -159.85478 22.20714 -159.82658 22.00021 -159.77286 21.91818 -159.66715 21.8667 -159.58415 21.84766 -159.58521 21.86339 -159.75797 21.93356 -159.81556 22.00091 -159.81072 22.02482 -159.77755 21.98177 -159.67929 21.94621 -159.65985 21.91041 -159.6119 21.88722 -159.45732 21.86577 -159.61443 21.88792 -159.66072 21.90865 -159.6812 21.94345 -159.7502 21.96279 -159.8189 22.01209 -159.83094 22.20848 -159.58277 22.45656 -159.52891 22.41503 -159.81337 22.19846 -159.81984 22.04106 -159.80735 21.99857 -159.7512 21.94598 -159.68856 21.92953 -159.66563 21.89755 -159.58544 21.87064 -159.45407 21.85848 -159.61836 21.88326 -159.66677 21.90391 -159.68551 21.93529 -159.78022 21.97175 -159.81506 22.04207 -159.79679 22.19055 -159.72224 22.22755 -159.53984 22.36714 -159.49669 22.37386 -159.25249 22.30879 -159.25038 22.28477 -159.26934 22.28518 -159.41631 22.29996 -159.54214 22.33742 -159.73358 22.20708 -159.71102 22.18463 -159.77422 22.16543 -159.71401 22.18935 -159.58098 22.28215 -159).70766 22.18244 -159.57279 22.27672 -159.69979 22.1807 -159.57172 22.27154 -159.69538 22.17818 -159.56565 22.26191 -159.68758 22.17334 -159.72637 22.17494 -159.77375 22.15406 -159.7192 22.17318 -159.72467 22.2064 -159.78774 22.18764 -159.81003 22.11474 -159.80015 22.00043 -159.76601 21.96611 -159.68585 21.94018 -159.66312 21.90524 -159.61536 21.88442 -159.45518 21.86314 -159.61434 21.88659 -159.66383 21.90817 -159.68589 21.94341 -159.77993 21.97855 -159.80815 22.04187 -159.80653 22.11557 -159.78192 22.18279 -159.7168 22.19468 -159.7729 22.17311 -159.79966 22.11547 -159.79173 21.99652 -159.80323 22.11556 -159.77828 22.17791 -159.71539 22.19581 -159.57349 22.29815 -159.51731 22.32403 -159.46059 22.27524 -159.25115 22.26328 -159.25188 22.23727 -159.46034 22.25673 -159.52574 22.30458 -159.58332 22.2816 -159.56173 22.25426 -159.4973 22.23873 -159.52477 22.23645 -159.56444 22.25983 -159.4837 22.24273 -159.56368 22.25652 -159.68446 22.17355 -159.56228 22.26066 -159.56392 22.30178 -159.56251 22.26214 -159.39745 2*2.23845 -159.32714 22.21507 -159.29833 22.18759 -159.27185 22.14781 -159.29996 22.04175 -159.32548 22.02187 -159.31651 21.94974 -159.3957 21.87495 -159.45331 21.85786 -159.4408 21.85056 -159.40564 21.87291 -159.31355 21.94897 -159.31641 22.02208 -159.29525 22.04176 -159.26694 22.14831 -159.32726 22.21842 -159.5219 22.25261 -159.57923 22.28044 -159.53083 22.29114 -159.46082 22.25323 -159.33347 22.24582 -159.25026 22.20991 -159.24887 22.18449 -159.3265 22.23703 -159.45769 22.2501 -159.54419 22.28366 -159.57499 22.27309 -159.32611 22.23026 -159.28352 22.19686 -159.2308 22.14738 -159.25153 22.11937 -159.27606 22.17938 -159.32662 22.22644 -159.5696 22.26909 -159.36901 22.23388 -159.29019 22.19116 -159.26211 22.14437 -159.30662 22.00016 -159.30587 21.93423 -159.13132 21.93132 -158.33302 21.16654 -157.9155 21.2538 -157.86789 21.30116 -157.88612 21.31603 Cruise Start and End 2003-12-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2003-12-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901670 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.18 21.17, -160.18 22.50, -157.87 22.50, -157.87 21.17, -160.18 21.17))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact,, 2011--> doi:10.7284/901674 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact .2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0401 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0401 VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) Equipment Test Buesseler, Kenneth Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38324 -157.31089 21.24705 23.73694 coordinates of ship track -157.8861 21.31603 -157.86744 21.30226 -157.89443 21.26584 -157.94413 21.24985 -158.15127 21.25177 -158.32989 21.59409 -158.16714 22.16449 -157.90717 22.67057 -157.84083 22.72302 -157.50028 23.49851 -157.5508 23.45535 -157.44941 23.45503 -157.44892 23.54491 -157.55157 23.54429 -157.49905 23.4991 -157.49322 23.51182 -157.49798 23.4945 -157.50209 23.52049 -157.50942 23.51235 -157.49849 23.60543 -157.49794 23.50052 -157.57141 23.41312 -157.49963 23.5008 -157.46217 23.49594 -157.50549 23.50145 -157.4874 23.49217 -157.59914 23.41621 -157.39995 23.41824 -157.40068 23.58362 -157.59934 23.58381 -157.51248 23.49623 -157.45261 23.52985 -157.46053 23.51789 -157.45576 23.52852 -157.33954 23.44211 -157.311 23.44416 -157.45236 23.51339 -157.46956 23.56447 -157.51589 23.53097 -157.52019 23.49634 -157.47583 23.5236 -157.48066 23.54614 -157.4859 23.51216 -157.47706 23.54586 -157.48898 235.57415 -157.4613 23.56854 -157.49436 23.52622 -157.48281 23.52005 -157.44951 23.55993 -157.43791 23.55034 -157.46838 23.51423 -157.45466 23.50229 -157.4418 23.51738 -157.48414 23.56013 -157.47025 23.59836 -157.48464 23.56369 -157.49294 23.5797 -157.48988 23.68475 -157.49958 23.58415 -157.59925 23.58329 -157.59819 23.41645 -157.4005 23.41702 -157.40095 23.58423 -157.49967 23.50061 -157.49258 23.39514 -157.47747 23.52553 -157.58273 23.4293 -157.47717 23.52834 -157.46952 23.51304 -157.52722 23.45411 -157.54914 23.38315 -157.46386 23.54159 -157.51367 23.5498 -157.43803 23.59615 -157.45729 23.73658 -157.50648 23.55649 -157.60462 23.55025 -157.61508 23.5372 -157.49904 23.50105 -157.51973 23.55965 -157.57761 23.61687 -157.61713 23.68884 -157.59921 23.58295 -157.60386 23.5978 -157.39266 23.57743 -157.49717 23.50265 -157.49235 23.46648 -157.50169 23.50572 -157.499 23.48869 -157.7354 23.1598 -158.28334 22.45014 -158.38324 22.26605 -158.33007 21.59622 -158.22678 21.39661 -158.20372 21.3189 -158.14201 21.25206 -157.868242 21.25164 Cruise Start and End 2004-01-07 7 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-01-14 8 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901674 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibe;am raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii = operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) n> doi:10.7284/901674 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0401 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0401 VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) Equipment Test Buesseler, Kenneth Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInfor?mation -158.38324 -157.31089 21.24705 23.73694 coordinates of ship track -157.8861 21.31603 -157.86744 21.30226 -157.89443 21.26584 -157.94413 21.24985 -158.15127 21.25177 -158.32989 21.59409 -158.16714 22.16449 -157.90717 22.67057 -157.84083 22.72302 -157.50028 23.49851 -157.5508 23.45535 -157.44941 23.45503 -157.44892 23.54491 -157.55157 23.54429 -157.49905 23.4991 -157.49322 23.51182 -157.49798 23.4945 -157.50209 23.52049 -157.50942 23.51235 -157.49849 23.60543 -157.49794 23.50052 -157.57141 23.41312 -157.49963 23.5008 -157.46217 23.49594 -157.50549 23.50145 -157.4874 23.49217 -157.59914 23.41621 -157.39995 23.41824 -157.40068 23.58362 -157.59934 23.58381 -157.51248 23.49623 -157.45261 23.52985 -157.46053 23.51789 -157.45576 23.52852 -157.33954 23.44211 -157.311 23.44416 -157.45236 23.51339 -157.46956 23.56447 -157.51589 23.53097 -157.52019 23.49634 -157.47583 23.5236 -157.48066 23.54614 -157.4859 23.51216 -157.47706 23.54586 -157.48898 23.57415 -157.4613 23.56854 -157.4943@6 23.52622 -157.48281 23.52005 -157.44951 23.55993 -157.43791 23.55034 -157.46838 23.51423 -157.45466 23.50229 -157.4418 23.51738 -157.48414 23.56013 -157.47025 23.59836 -157.48464 23.56369 -157.49294 23.5797 -157.48988 23.68475 -157.49958 23.58415 -157.59925 23.58329 -157.59819 23.41645 -157.4005 23.41702 -157.40095 23.58423 -157.49967 23.50061 -157.49258 23.39514 -157.47747 23.52553 -157.58273 23.4293 -157.47717 23.52834 -157.46952 23.51304 -157.52722 23.45411 -157.54914 23.38315 -157.46386 23.54159 -157.51367 23.5498 -157.43803 23.59615 -157.45729 23.73658 -157.50648 23.55649 -157.60462 23.55025 -157.61508 23.5372 -157.49904 23.50105 -157.51973 23.55965 -157.57761 23.61687 -157.61713 23.68884 -157.59921 23.58295 -157.60386 23.5978 -157.39266 23.57743 -157.49717 23.50265 -157.49235 23.46648 -157.50169 23.50572 -157.499 23.48869 -157.7354 23.1598 -158.28334 22.45014 -158.38324 22.26605 -158.33007 21.59622 -158.22678 21.39661 -158.20372 21.3189 -158.14201 21.25206 -157.88242 21.25164 Cruise Start and End 2004-01-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-01-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901674 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionVERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) Equipment TestEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.38 21.25, -158.38 23.74, -157.31 23.74, -157.31 21.25, -158.38 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ii72>1+M5{E% 9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901674gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901671 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30E ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0402 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 publisheFd KM0402 Sea Trials EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian H Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track <I/gmd:description> Cruise Start and End 2004-01-14 University-National Oceanographic LaboratJory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-01-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901671 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collectMed by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam N raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. O multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana Q University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901671 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0402 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0402 Sea Trials EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2004-01-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-01-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901671 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea TrialsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact DDl3<1+M5+%!9!! [)doi:10.7284/901671gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901672 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0403 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published Z KM0403 Sea Trials EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian \ Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation ] -157.90420 -157.51535 20.90339 21.31606 coordinates of ship track -157.8861 21.31605 -157.86751 21.30236 -157.90395 21.25164 -157.89659 21.1887 -157.60336 21.17984 -157.51536 21.14116 -157.59503 21.17434 -157.64421 21.17448 -157.63049 21.17134 -157.65886 21.15361 -157.71606 20.99223 -157.76646 20.90375 -157.82064 20.94202 -157.86054 21.02006 -157.89214 21.23874 -157.89314 21.2873 -157.88837 21.25051 -157.86764 21.30314 -157.88619 21.31602 Cruise Start and End _ 2004-02-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-02-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List a Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901672 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 c Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List f Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901672 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery aind gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0403 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0403 Sea Trials EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90420 -157.51535 20.90339 21.31606 coordinates of ship track -157.8861 21.31605 -157.86751 21.30236 -157.90395 21.25164 -157.89659 21.1887 -157.60336 21.17984 -157.51536 21.14116 -157.59503 21.17434 -157.64421 21.17448 -157.63049 21.17134 -157.65886 21.15361 -157.71606 20.99223 -157.76646 20.90375 -157.82064 20.94202 -157.86054 21.02006 -157.89214 21.23874 -157.89314 21.2873 -157.88837 21.25051 -157.86764 21.30314 -157.88619 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2004-02-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-02-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901672 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea TrialsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 20.90, -157.90 21.32, -157.52 21.32, -157.52 20.90, -157.90 20.90))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact %%4=1+M5A%!9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901672gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901673 eng utf8 fieldSessimon cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0404 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0404 IMI-30 Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientifsicInformation -158.38640 -157.86705 21.24429 21.39878 coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31612 -157.86726 21.30402 -157.87514 21.28784 -157.92667 21.24971 -158.15004 21.24939 -158.20225 21.39291 -158.21564 21.38395 -158.17607 21.32962 -158.19845 21.29071 -158.19418 21.38593 -158.32742 21.38723 -158.1944 21.38439 -158.20518 21.39327 -158.19619 21.38577 -158.36524 21.38314 -158.19514 21.38289 -158.16781 21.3647 -158.21214 21.38233 -158.20587 21.39637 -158.25683 21.39475 -158.2517 21.35218 -158.22733 21.33116 -158.21964 21.34561 -158.26291 21.38479 -158.21513 21.38136 -158.38638 21.37797 -158.19971 21.37699 -158.19715 21.39061 -158.25051 21.37837 -158.13771 21.25014 -157.90886 21.25338 -157.92174 21.25473 -157.88177 21.27435 -157.86776 21.30141 -u157.88617 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2004-02-19 v University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-02-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901673 collectionSession y Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. mzultibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 ~ multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901673 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0404 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0404 IMI-30 Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38640 -157.86705 21.24429 21.39878 coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31612 -157.86726 21.30402 -157.87514 21.28784 -157.92667 21.24971 -158.15004 21.24939 -158.20225 21.39291 -158.21564 21.38395 -158.17607 21.32962 -158.19845 21.29071 -158.19418 21.38593 -158.32742 21.38723 -158.1944 21.38439 -158.20518 21.39327 -158.19619 21.38577 -158.36524 21.38314 -158.19514 21.38289 -158.16781 21.3647 -158.21214 21.38233 -158.20587 21.39637 -158.25683 21.39475 -158.2517 21.35218 -158.22733 21.33116 -158.21964 21.34561 -158.26291 21.38479 -158.21513 21.38136 -158.38638 21.37797 -158.19971 21.37699 -158.19715 21.39061 -158.25051 21.37837 -158.13771 21.25014 -157.90886 21.25338 -157.92174 21.25473 -157.88177 21.27435 -157.86776 21.30141 -157.88617 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2004-02-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-02-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901673 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIMI-30 Test CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.39 21.24, -158.39 21.40, -157.87 21.40, -157.87 21.24, -158.39 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ww)5=1+M5M3%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901673gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0405 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0405 Marine Cyanobacteria Saito, Mak Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.02010 -157.86720 7.99762 21.31642 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31612 -157.86722 21.30296 -157.89156 21.26913 -157.98059 21.22503 -157.99701 21.15348 -158.00052 20.24797 -158.02008 20.2666 -158.00011 20.21596 -158.00017 18.97164 -157.98045 18.97333 -157.99049 18.96649 -157.96974 18.85533 -157.98369 18.5283 -157.95697 18.51592 -157.99918 18.19585 -158.00641 17.42264 -158.00188 14.97534 -158.00011 14.88565 -157.98454 14.90257 -157.98003 14.88218 -158.00148 14.42146 -157.99983 8.01995 -157.97082 8.01014 -158.00104 8.0001 -157.98782 8.00948 -157.95523 7.99762 -158.00366 8.00361 -157.9829 8.01532 -158.0002 8.11957 -158.00682 8.68871 -157.9942 15.44808 -158.00571 17.24438 -157.99019 17.8129 -158.00063 18.59079 -157.99979 18.68903 -157.99046 18.69719 -157.97612 18.68234 -157.96382 19.41075 -157.97708 20.06522 -157.90971 20.68697 -157.89775 21.23274 Cruise Start and End 2004-02-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-03-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901675 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901675 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0405 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0405 Marine Cyanobacteria Saito, Mak Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.02010 -157.86720 7.99762 21.31642 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31612 -157.86722 21.30296 -157.89156 21.26913 -157.98059 21.22503 -157.99701 21.15348 -158.00052 20.24797 -158.02008 20.2666 -158.00011 20.21596 -158.00017 18.97164 -157.98045 18.97333 -157.99049 18.96649 -157.96974 18.85533 -157.98369 18.5283 -157.95697 18.51592 -157.99918 18.19585 -158.00641 17.42264 -158.00188 14.97534 -158.00011 14.88565 -157.98454 14.90257 -157.98003 14.88218 -158.00148 14.42146 -157.99983 8.01995 -157.97082 8.01014 -158.00104 8.0001 -157.98782 8.00948 -157.95523 7.99762 -158.00366 8.00361 -157.9829 8.01532 -158.0002 8.11957 -158.00682 8.68871 -157.9942 15.44808 -158.00571 17.24438 -157.99019 17.8129 -158.00063 18.59079 -157.99979 18.68903 -157.99046 18.69719 -157.97612 18.68234 -157.96382 19.41075 -157.97708 20.06522 -157.90971 20.68697 -157.89775 21.23274 Cruise Start and End 2004-02-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-03-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901675 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMarine CyanobacteriaEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.02 8.00, -158.02 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 8.00, -158.02 8.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 6=1+M5;%%59 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/901675gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/901676 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0406 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0406 Seawater Gels-Global Element Cycles Verdugo, Pedro University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.40266 -157.86742 21.24513 22.88716 coordinates of ship track -157.88609 21.31615 -157.86786 21.30431 -157.87462 21.28976 -157.92889 21.25372 -158.15001 21.25125 -158.27508 21.34386 -158.32638 21.55592 -158.2023 22.05623 -158.00076 22.75075 -157.96483 22.74616 -158.00362 22.74849 -157.99355 22.74955 -158.0108 22.88715 -158.0011 22.7505 -157.979 22.74925 -158.01161 22.74874 -157.98831 22.74595 -158.00359 22.76528 -158.05955 22.75736 -157.98141 22.75352 -158.00095 22.74875 -158.00851 22.85925 -158.04343 22.80987 -158.0336 22.74263 -158.00166 22.74688 -157.97533 22.79605 -158.00119 22.75108 -157.99077 22.74951 -157.961 22.79118 -157.98352 22.73355 -158.02153 22.7485 -158.02043 22.7615 -157.99434 22.72936 -157.98222 22.81764 -158.09187 22.44607 -158.08363 22.53115 -158.10536 22.49479 -158.11261 22.42825 -158.08194 22.46225 -158.08298 22.44602 -158.07336 22.4786 -158.10513 22.37825 -158.06415 22.50896 -158.10153 22.43939 -158.08783 22.44121 -158.09813 22.44474 -158.09412 22.42395 -158.0887 22.45802 -158.13121 22.42143 -158.0972 22.50155 -158.16685 22.41135 -158.13245 22.48121 -158.15843 22.43499 -158.14771 22.4829 -158.08525 22.44985 -158.16951 22.20937 -158.16925 22.16108 -158.14102 22.20408 -158.15894 22.06749 -158.16557 22.27237 -158.19495 22.03087 -158.21301 22.1007 -158.20692 22.1872 -158.19119 22.23382 -158.18001 22.17473 -158.21625 21.99765 -158.22034 21.87456 -158.22781 21.86289 -158.24542 21.88036 -158.2236 21.9006 -158.20487 22.04808 -158.24432 21.82266 -158.24023 21.84957 -158.21112 21.86302 -158.1852 21.97045 -158.24011 21.91549 -158.27229 21.85529 -158.18042 21.92777 -158.24153 21.87169 -158.30392 21.87103 -158.35329 21.89518 -158.27626 21.89416 -158.23445 21.87563 -158.33164 21.59084 -158.2816 21.35913 -158.27339 21.34011 -158.26482 21.34956 -158.27508 21.33617 -158.40265 21.34008 -158.27949 21.33765 -158.24902 21.30616 -158.27321 21.34135 -158.24252 21.32352 -158.35388 21.25495 -158.26825 21.33528 -158.3152 21.40423 -158.28307 21.37711 -158.27122 21.34028 -158.39151 21.33294 -158.29303 21.37738 -158.2597 21.34056 -158.40054 21.33755 -158.25851 21.34287 -158.24744 21.31597 -158.23949 21.33084 -158.14659 21.24796 -157.95399 21.24521 -157.89381 21.26351 -157.87424 21.28995  Cruise Start and End 2004-03-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2004-03-14  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901676 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam <gmd:code> raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901676 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0406 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0406 Seawater Gels-Global Element Cycles Verdugo, Pedro University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.40266 -157.86742 21.24513 22.88716 coordinates of ship track -157.88609 21.31615 -157.86786 21.30431 -157.87462 21.28976 -157.92889 21.25372 -158.15001 21.25125 -158.27508 21.34386 -158.32638 21.55592 -158.2023 22.05623 -158.00076 22.75075 -157.96483 22.74616 -158.00362 22.74849 -157.99355 22.74955 -158.0108 22.88715 -158.0011 22.7505 -157.979 22.74925 -158.01161 22.74874 -157.98831 22.74595 -158.00359 22.76528 -158.05955 22.75736 -157.98141 22.75352 -158.00095 22.74875 -158.00851 22.85925 -158.04343 22.80987 -158.0336 22.74263 -158.00166 22.74688 -157.97533 22.79605 -158.00119 22.75108 -157.99077 22.74951 -157.961 22.79118 -157.98352 22.73355 -158.02153 22.7485 -158.02043 22.7615 -157.99434 22.72936 -157.98222 22.81764 -158.09187 22.44607 -158.08363 22.53115 -158.10536 22.49479 -158.11261 22.42825 -158.08194 22.46225 -158.08298 22.44602 -158.07336 22.4786 -158.10513 22.37825 -158.06415 22.50896 -158.10153 22.43939 -158.08783 22.44121 -158.09813 22.44474 -158.09412 22.42395 -158.0887 22.45802 -158.13121 22.42143 -158.0972 22.50155 -158.16685 22.41135 -158.13245 22.48121 -158.15843 22.43499 -158.14771 22.4829 -158.08525 22.44985 -158.16951 22.20937 -158.16925 22.16108 -158.14102 22.20408 -158.15894 22.06749 -158.16557 22.27237 -158.19495 22.03087 -158.21301 22.1007 -158.20692 22.1872 -158.19119 22.23382 -158.18001 22.17473 -158.21625 21.99765 -158.22034 21.87456 -158.22781 21.86289 -158.24542 21.88036 -158.2236 21.9006 -158.20487 22.04808 -158.24432 21.82266 -158.24023 21.84957 -158.21112 21.86302 -158.1852 21.97045 -158.24011 21.91549 -158.27229 21.85529 -158.18042 21.92777 -158.24153 21.87169 -158.30392 21.87103 -158.35329 21.89518 -158.27626 21.89416 -158.23445 21.87563 -158.33164 21.59084 -158.2816 21.35913 -158.27339 21.34011 -158.26482 21.34956 -158.27508 21.33617 -158.40265 21.34008 -158.27949 21.33765 -158.24902 21.30616 -158.27321 21.34135 -158.24252 21.32352 -158.35388 21.25495 -158.26825 21.33528 -158.3152 21.40423 -158.28307 21.37711 -158.27122 21.34028 -158.39151 21.33294 -158.29303 21.37738 -158.2597 21.34056 -158.40054 21.33755 -158.25851 21.34287 -158.24744 21.31597 -158.23949 21.33084 -158.14659 21.24796 -157.95399 21.24521 -157.89381 21.26351 -157.87424 21.28995 Cruise Start and End 2004-03-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-03-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901676 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSeawater Gels-Global Element CyclesEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.40 21.25, -158.40 22.89, -157.87 22.89, -157.87 21.25, -158.40 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ,7=1+M5Q%S9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901676gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z+[Data are not to be used for navigation.?+[Data are not to be used for navigation.@+[Data are not to be used for navigation.A+[Data are not to be used for navigation.B+[Data are not to be used for navigation.C+[Data are not to be used for navigation.D+[Data are not to be used for navigation.E+[Data are not to be used for navigation.F+[Data are not to be used for navigation.G+[Data are not to be used for navigation.He: March 23, 2011--> doi:10.7284/901677 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0407 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0407 IMI-30 Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation <gmd:westBoundLongitude> -158.31495 -157.86728 21.23286 21.39283 coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31607 -157.86773 21.30471 -157.87342 21.29164 -157.92679 21.2508 -158.14659 21.24939 -158.18588 21.38588 -158.31491 21.38491 -158.19847 21.37743 -158.20022 21.39141 -158.29366 21.3594 -158.15484 21.25534 -158.10159 21.24343 -157.91652 21.2389 -157.89551 21.24831 -157.86792 21.30169 -157.8862 21.31604 Cruise Start and End 2004-03-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2004-03-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901677  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901677 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0407 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0407 IMI-30 Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.31495 -157.86728 21.23286 21.39283 coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31607 -157.86773 21.30471 -157.87342 21.29164 -157.92679 21.2508 -158.14659 21.24939 -158.18588 21.38588 -158.31491 21.38491 -158.19847 21.37743 -158.20022 21.39141 -158.29366 21.3594 -158.15484 21.25534 -158.10159 21.24343 -157.91652 21.2389 -157.89551 21.24831 -157.86792 21.30169 -157.8862 21.31604 Cruise Start and End 2004-03-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-03-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901677 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIMI-30 Test CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.31 21.23, -158.31 21.39, -157.87 21.39, -157.87 21.23, -158.31 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact uu/8=1+M5S9%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901677gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:17Z doi:10.7284/903038 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0408 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0408 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33215 -157.61616 20.71644 22.85930 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31603 -157.86717 21.30334 -157.87989 21.28181 -157.96408 21.25006 -158.1463 21.24719 -158.27337 21.34161 -158.33213 21.582 -157.99098 22.75361 -158.00101 22.75424 -157.95626 22.77036 -157.89249 22.7075 -158.00336 22.75602 -158.02788 22.68163 -158.02474 22.64371 -157.99335 22.64212 -158.00018 22.8593 -158.00104 22.7494 -157.98181 22.75995 -157.99386 22.74728 -157.97984 22.743 -157.96722 22.76901 -157.91105 22.71012 -157.92796 22.66889 -157.95415 22.71609 -157.91003 22.70819 -157.8951 22.72411 -157.85573 22.7194 -157.67979 22.76003 -157.66095 22.57251 -157.66257 22.22431 -157.6162 21.28663 -157.66883 21.23392 -157.82091 21.21824 -157.90166 21.28056 -158.06338 21.01496 -158.2004 20.76323 -158.1961 20.74791 -158.25244 20.71656 -157.88807 21.27332 Cruise Start and End 2004-03-18  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2004-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903038 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903038 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0408 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0408 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33215 -157.61616 20.71644 22.85930 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31603 -157.86717 21.30334 -157.87989 21.28181 -157.96408 21.25006 -158.1463 21.24719 -158.27337 21.34161 -158.33213 21.582 -157.99098 22.75361 -158.00101 22.75424 -157.95626 22.77036 -157.89249 22.7075 -158.00336 22.75602 -158.02788 22.68163 -158.02474 22.64371 -157.99335 22.64212 -158.00018 22.8593 -158.00104 22.7494 -157.98181 22.75995 -157.99386 22.74728 -157.97984 22.743 -157.96722 22.76901 -157.91105 22.71012 -157.92796 22.66889 -157.95415 22.71609 -157.91003 22.70819 -157.8951 22.72411 -157.85573 22.7194 -157.67979 22.76003 -157.66095 22.57251 -157.66257 22.22431 -157.6162 21.28663 -157.66883 21.23392 -157.82091 21.21824 -157.90166 21.28056 -158.06338 21.01496 -158.2004 20.76323 -158.1961 20.74791 -158.25244 20.71656 -157.88807 21.27332 Cruise Start and End 2004-03-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903038 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 20.72, -158.33 22.86, -157.62 22.86, -157.62 20.72, -158.33 20.72))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact [[%:=1+M5w%9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901678gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901678 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0409 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0409  Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38700 -157.94150 -18.30074 21.36564 coordinates of ship track -157.9416 21.36525 -157.96893 21.35055 -157.95529 21.29059 -158.22949 20.7531 -158.35924 20.45341 -158.95387 19.33063 -159.25139 18.66564 -159.728 17.71096 -162.0833 12.8203 -163.42043 9.99698 -163.72788 9.30978 -164.67922 7.3611 -164.77676 7.10301 -165.30024 6.00104 -165.49843 5.54324 -166.44234 3.52521 -167.06892 2.2386 -167.59548 1.04428 -168.55568 -1.03082 -171.92559 -8.23991 -173.58084 -12.15673 -173.66837 -12.38233 -173.63575 -12.40335 -173.72762 -12.5235 -173.76334 -12.6003 -174.49947 -14.33242 -175.33088 -14.33404 -175.99887 -14.63532 -175.99822 -14.66698 -175.3341 -14.6667 -175.33511 -14.835 -176.74748 -14.83412 -176.74796 -15.1664 -175.33657 -15.16421 -175.33377 -15.33217 -176.9992 -15.33339 -177.6991 -16.33174 -177.70177 -16.76501 -178.82837 -16.76657 -178.83598 -16.89989 -179.33205 -16.90001 -179.99997 -17.41755 179.9991 -17.41846 179.35366 -18.30005 178.48513 -18.25857 178.38772 -18.20349 178.399 -18.13538 178.42319 -18.13473 Cruise Start and End 2004-03-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2004-04-03  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901678 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901678 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0409 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0409 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38700 -157.94150 -18.30074 21.36564 coordinates of ship track -157.9416 21.36525 -157.96893 21.35055 -157.95529 21.29059 -158.22949 20.7531 -158.35924 20.45341 -158.95387 19.33063 -159.25139 18.66564 -159.728 17.71096 -162.0833 12.8203 -163.42043 9.99698 -163.72788 9.30978 -164.67922 7.3611 -164.77676 7.10301 -165.30024 6.00104 -165.49843 5.54324 -166.44234 3.52521 -167.06892 2.2386 -167.59548 1.04428 -168.55568 -1.03082 -171.92559 -8.23991 -173.58084 -12.15673 -173.66837 -12.38233 -173.63575 -12.40335 -173.72762 -12.5235 -173.76334 -12.6003 -174.49947 -14.33242 -175.33088 -14.33404 -175.99887 -14.63532 -175.99822 -14.66698 -175.3341 -14.6667 -175.33511 -14.835 -176.74748 -14.83412 -176.74796 -15.1664 -175.33657 -15.16421 -175.33377 -15.33217 -176.9992 -15.33339 -177.6991 -16.33174 -177.70177 -16.76501 -178.82837 -16.76657 -178.83598 -16.89989 -179.33205 -16.90001 -179.99997 -17.41755 179.9991 -17.41846 179.35366 -18.30005 178.48513 -18.25857 178.38772 -18.20349 178.399 -18.13538 178.42319 -18.13473 Cruise Start and End 2004-03-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-04-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901678 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((178.39 -18.30, 178.39 21.37, -157.94 21.37, -157.94 -18.30, 178.39 -18.30))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901679 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0410 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0410 Interrelationships Between Crustal Structure, Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity Along the Backarc East Lau Spreading Center Martinez, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.37500 -175.74975 -22.93339 -18.12961 coordinates of ship track 178.42316 -18.13471 178.40013 -18.13161 178.37504 -18.17619 178.37872 -18.20351 179.04904 -18.57444 179.36499 -18.70778 179.99768 -19.03927 -179.99693 -19.04206 -179.4961 -19.29886 -176.32812 -19.30784 -175.92032 -19.30277 -175.91768 -19.29255 -175.9445 -19.3149 -175.94115 -19.35835 -175.96004 -19.30392 -175.94832 -19.27971 -175.9631 -19.48849 -175.94704 -19.3816 -175.95994 -19.30076 -175.74989 -19.29823 -175.75232 -19.20058 -176.24915 -19.2021 -176.24839 -19.39898 -175.9983 -19.39841 -175.95284 -19.28982 -175.96875 -19.29504 -175.93587 -19.29168 -175.95924 -19.34215 -175.96564 -19.53169 -175.99725 -19.68668 -175.96543 -19.5324 -175.95346 -19.5343 -176.14487 -20.10129 -176.08649 -20.15757 -176.16574 -20.38999 -176.13636 -20.46582 -176.18107 -20.66177 -176.17634 -20.73034 -176.27109 -21.05744 -176.36605 -21.31936 -176.37714 -21.37275 -176.36634 -21.41855 -176.41466 -21.6106 -176.44784 -21.67225 -176.48651 -21.83503 -176.57143 -21.99983 -176.61169 -22.11715 -176.60309 -22.18504 -176.61766 -22.25798 -176.67377 -22.36638 -176.71249 -22.52515 -176.71503 -22.61993 -176.76028 -22.74718 -176.78651 -22.77391 -176.76981 -22.78813 -176.75346 -22.77682 -176.72942 -22.66697 -176.74086 -22.62769 -176.67941 -22.38971 -176.6207 -22.27949 -176.62824 -22.21659 -176.60921 -22.1253 -176.582 -22.10822 -176.57586 -22.12052 -176.60201 -22.15302 -176.61198 -22.2605 -176.63083 -22.29978 -176.64827 -22.30021 -176.61598 -22.12929 -176.57781 -22.02153 -176.58859 -22.02713 -176.58011 -22.03954 -176.57299 -22.02675 -176.5978 -22.02539 -176.6023 -22.19121 -176.60944 -22.12563 -176.62876 -22.29087 -176.57349 -22.0464 -176.62724 -22.16668 -176.6747 -22.08108 -176.45747 -21.45242 -176.4663 -21.41507 -176.29184 -20.85067 -176.21024 -20.84705 -176.22082 -20.89389 -176.23421 -20.89525 -176.18282 -20.74432 -176.27312 -21.06918 -176.32687 -21.16052 -176.31049 -20.92376 -176.24263 -20.5692 -176.2659 -20.49679 -176.20041 -20.26678 -176.19968 -20.21824 -176.23351 -20.14512 -176.20333 -19.99911 -176.10371 -19.99799 -176.15342 -20.13609 -176.20433 -20.02055 -176.11226 -19.73852 -176.08317 -19.4996 -176.08364 -19.24772 -176.05904 -19.2667 -175.90608 -19.26317 -175.9224 -19.25663 -175.90967 -19.28565 -175.934 -19.29562 -175.95654 -19.34359 -175.96427 -19.53961 -176.08491 -19.98436 -176.04178 -19.83144 -176.035 -19.8409 -176.14026 -20.1054 -176.15448 -20.20055 -176.11917 -20.27183 -176.2084 -20.55235 -176.16405 -20.62243 -176.19331 -20.72365 -176.17899 -20.75423 -176.37445 -21.37691 -176.37885 -21.43564 -176.36474 -21.44492 -176.33879 -21.42835 -176.41593 -21.41098 -176.40562 -21.44144 -176.35638 -21.46213 -176.35369 -21.30088 -176.36451 -21.3052 -176.3476 -21.27425 -176.38074 -21.38092 -176.38684 -21.42827 -176.3688 -21.44753 -176.409 -21.61138 -176.48096 -21.83636 -176.58339 -22.0421 -176.62672 -22.29768 -176.66903 -22.38096 -176.70532 -22.51937 -176.70895 -22.61632 -176.73176 -22.67826 -176.75 -22.68956 -176.77185 -22.66059 -176.7439 -22.62938 -176.67707 -22.36162 -176.62631 -22.26318 -176.60253 -22.1236 -176.60865 -21.9964 -176.59816 -21.99909 -176.61767 -21.99746 -176.56737 -21.99971 -176.47769 -21.81326 -176.68678 -21.82489 -176.74755 -21.99214 -176.75037 -22.24919 -176.85011 -22.58932 -176.84912 -22.81646 -176.75739 -22.86895 -176.69112 -22.83258 -176.61824 -22.67005 -176.56809 -22.42356 -176.45272 -22.00704 -176.33292 -21.71471 -176.46533 -21.753 -176.44348 -21.67713 -176.33574 -21.71774 -176.27623 -21.50464 -176.23362 -21.2516 -176.33665 -21.24827 -176.37286 -21.36837 -176.30323 -21.133 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-536.84912 -22.81646 -536.75739 -22.86895 -536.69112 -22.83258 -536.61824 -22.67005 -536.56809 -22.42356 -536.45272 -22.00704 -536.33292 -21.71471 -536.46533 -21.753 -536.44348 -21.67713 -536.33574 -21.71774 -536.27623 -21.50464 -536.23362 -21.2516 -536.33665 -21.24827 -536.37286 -21.36837 -536.30323 -21.133 -536.26006 -21.03818 -536.3041 -21.07843 -536.28891 -21.08041 -536.24347 -20.96886 -536.2559 -21.04463 -536.00057 -21.00304 -536.08311 -21.24875 -536.22673 -21.24697 -536.10061 -20.87554 -536.06825 -20.57667 -536.16898 -20.61587 -536.18723 -20.69552 -536.18952 -20.73915 -536.06987 -20.61216 -536.05812 -20.41483 -536.1039 -20.3393 -536.13987 -20.31565 -536.19389 -20.53605 -536.27875 -20.3709 -536.05752 -20.4176 -535.98384 -20.16661 -536.13816 -20.09043 -536.1464 -20.19167 -536.03772 -20.11103 -535.91676 -19.77479 -535.92659 -19.75639 -536.01131 -19.73117 -536.03928 -19.84363 -536.01382 -19.79597 -536.05789 -19.72463 -535.99035 -19.62225 -536.01028 -19.75656 -535.94166 -19.78538 -535.91623 -19.78042 -535.83378 -19.33516 -535.83387 -19.00305 -536.24762 -19.00397 -536.24208 -19.09926 -535.91679 -19.10144 -535.91628 -19.22878 -535.95948 -19.34606 -535.9673 -19.51878 -536.022 -19.7475 -536.13993 -20.06698 -536.08815 -20.14108 -536.10805 -20.23893 -536.21221 -20.52767 -536.17224 -20.60504 -536.20205 -20.71878 -536.19585 -20.76646 -536.382 -21.36645 -536.38635 -21.47348 -536.42637 -21.63239 -536.49816 -21.84162 -536.59452 -22.04423 -536.6177 -22.12792 -536.60218 -22.16643 -536.60711 -22.21225 -536.66967 -22.33812 -536.73312 -22.57313 -536.73097 -22.64216 -536.7712 -22.77229 -536.71695 -22.81574 -536.71306 -22.80063 -536.72888 -22.80505 -536.62803 -22.87287 -536.66599 -22.93189 -536.82924 -22.93334 -536.94643 -22.83652 -536.9497 -22.66326 -536.93226 -22.4971 -536.85787 -22.24881 -536.85839 -22.08599 -536.5968 -22.08335 -536.61156 -22.14421 -536.85873 -22.08879 -536.85688 -21.99728 -536.77217 -21.83179 -537.25606 -21.83306 -537.33286 -21.73804 -536.76911 -21.73318 -536.76617 -21.63578 -538.19016 -21.63336 -538.19978 -21.62294 -538.19285 -21.5333 -536.76967 -21.53218 -536.77454 -21.43296 -538.12816 -21.43329 -538.13328 -21.33927 -536.77435 -21.33325 -536.7668 -21.23607 -538.16772 -21.23202 -538.61333 -20.84157 -538.84634 -20.66132 -539.16242 -20.35798 -539.99651 -19.62221 -180.00076 -19.61832 -181.41622 -18.36164 -181.4779 -18.29175 -181.61095 -18.18765 -181.6012 -18.13564 -181.57688 -18.13461 Cruise Start and End 2004-04-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2004-05-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901679 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) </gmi:description> doi:10.7284/901679 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0410 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0410 Interrelationships Between Crustal Structure, Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity Along the Backarc East Lau Spreading Center Martinez, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.37500 -175.74975 -22.93339 -18.12961 coordinates of ship track 178.42316 -18.13471 178.40013 -18.13161 178.37504 -18.17619 178.37872 -18.20351 179.04904 -18.57444 179.36499 -18.70778 179.99768 -19.03927 -179.99693 -19.04206 -179.4961 -19.29886 -176.32812 -19.30784 -175.92032 -19.30277 -175.91768 -19.29255 -175.9445 -19.3149 -175.94115 -19.35835 -175.96004 -19.30392 -175.94832 -19.27971 -175.9631 -19.48849 -175.94704 -19.3816 -175.95994 -19.30076 -175.74989 -19.29823 -175.75232 -19.20058 -176.24915 -19.2021 -176.24839 -19.39898 -175.9983 -19.39841 -175.95284 -19.28982 -175.96875 -19.29504 -175.93587 -19.29168 -175.95924 -19.34215 -175.96564 -19.53169 -175.99725 -19.68668 -175.96543 -19.5324 -175.95346 -19.5343 -176.14487 -20.10129 -176.08649 -20.15757 -176.16574 -20.38999 -176.13636 -20.46582 -176.18107 -20.66177 -176.17634 -20.73034 -176.27109 -21.05744 -176.36605 -21.31936 -176.37714 -21.37275 -176.36634 -21.41855 -176.41466 -21.6106 -176.44784 -21.67225 -176.48651 -21.83503 -176.57143 -21.99983 -176.61169 -22.11715 -176.60309 -22.18504 -176.61766 -22.25798 -176.67377 -22.36638 -176.71249 -22.52515 -176.71503 -22.61993 -176.76028 -22.74718 -176.78651 -22.77391 -176.76981 -22.78813 -176.75346 -22.77682 -176.72942 -22.66697 -176.74086 -22.62769 -176.67941 -22.38971 -176.6207 -22.27949 -176.62824 -22.21659 -176.60921 -22.1253 -176.582 -22.10822 -176.57586 -22.12052 -176.60201 -22.15302 -176.61198 -22.2605 -176.63083 -22.29978 -176.64827 -22.30021 -176.61598 -22.12929 -176.57781 -22.02153 -176.58859 -22.02713 -176.58011 -22.03954 -176.57299 -22.02675 -176.5978 -22.02539 -176.6023 -22.19121 -176.60944 -22.12563 -176.62876 -22.29087 -176.57349 -22.0464 -176.62724 -22.16668 -176.6747 -22.08108 -176.45747 -21.45242 -176.4663 -21.41507 -176.29184 -20.85067 -176.21024 -20.84705 -176.22082 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-536.58859 -22.02713 -536.58011 -22.03954 -536.57299 -22.02675 -536.5978 -22.02539 -536.6023 -22.19121 -536.60944 -22.12563 -536.62876 -22.29087 -536.57349 -22.0464 -536.62724 -22.16668 -536.6747 -22.08108 -536.45747 -21.45242 -536.46629 -21.41507 -536.29184 -20.85067 -536.21024 -20.84705 -536.22082 -20.89389 -536.23421 -20.89525 -536.18282 -20.74432 -536.27312 -21.06918 -*536.32687 -21.16052 -536.31049 -20.92376 -536.24263 -20.5692 -536.2659 -20.49679 -536.20041 -20.26678 -536.19968 -20.21824 -536.23351 -20.14512 -536.20332 -19.99911 -536.10371 -19.99799 -536.15342 -20.13609 -536.20433 -20.02055 -536.11226 -19.73852 -536.08317 -19.4996 -536.08364 -19.24772 -536.05904 -19.2667 -535.90608 -19.26317 -535.9224 -19.25663 -535.90967 -19.28565 -535.934 -19.29562 -535.95654 -19.34359 -535.96427 -19.53961 -536.08491 -19.98436 -536.04178 -19.83144 -536.035 -19.8409 -536.14026 -20.1054 -536.15448 -20.20055 -536.11917 -20.27183 -536.2084 -20.55235 -536.16405 -20.62243 -536.19331 -20.72365 -536.17899 -20.75423 -536.37445 -21.37691 -536.37885 -21.43564 -536.36474 -21.44492 -536.33879 -21.42835 -536.41593 -21.41098 -536.40562 -21.44144 -536.35638 -21.46213 -536.35369 -21.30088 -536.36451 -21.3052 -536.3476 -21.27425 -536.38074 -21.38092 -536.38684 -21.42827 -536.3688 -21.44753 -536.409 -21.61138 -536.48096 -21.83636 -536.58339 -22.0421 -536.62672 -22.29768 -536.66903 -22.38096 -536.70532+ -22.51937 -536.70895 -22.61632 -536.73176 -22.67826 -536.75 -22.68956 -536.77185 -22.66059 -536.7439 -22.62938 -536.67707 -22.36162 -536.62631 -22.26318 -536.60253 -22.1236 -536.60865 -21.9964 -536.59816 -21.99909 -536.61767 -21.99746 -536.56737 -21.99971 -536.47769 -21.81326 -536.68678 -21.82489 -536.74755 -21.99214 -536.75037 -22.24919 -536.85011 -22.58932 -536.84912 -22.81646 -536.75739 -22.86895 -536.69112 -22.83258 -536.61824 -22.67005 -536.56809 -22.42356 -536.45272 -22.00704 -536.33292 -21.71471 -536.46533 -21.753 -536.44348 -21.67713 -536.33574 -21.71774 -536.27623 -21.50464 -536.23362 -21.2516 -536.33665 -21.24827 -536.37286 -21.36837 -536.30323 -21.133 -536.26006 -21.03818 -536.3041 -21.07843 -536.28891 -21.08041 -536.24347 -20.96886 -536.2559 -21.04463 -536.00057 -21.00304 -536.08311 -21.24875 -536.22673 -21.24697 -536.10061 -20.87554 -536.06825 -20.57667 -536.16898 -20.61587 -536.18723 -20.69552 -536.18952 -20.73915 -536.06987 -20.61216 -536.05812 -20.41483 -536.1039 -20.3393 -536.13987 -20.3,1565 -536.19389 -20.53605 -536.27875 -20.3709 -536.05752 -20.4176 -535.98384 -20.16661 -536.13816 -20.09043 -536.1464 -20.19167 -536.03772 -20.11103 -535.91676 -19.77479 -535.92659 -19.75639 -536.01131 -19.73117 -536.03928 -19.84363 -536.01382 -19.79597 -536.05789 -19.72463 -535.99035 -19.62225 -536.01028 -19.75656 -535.94166 -19.78538 -535.91623 -19.78042 -535.83378 -19.33516 -535.83387 -19.00305 -536.24762 -19.00397 -536.24208 -19.09926 -535.91679 -19.10144 -535.91628 -19.22878 -535.95948 -19.34606 -535.9673 -19.51878 -536.022 -19.7475 -536.13993 -20.06698 -536.08815 -20.14108 -536.10805 -20.23893 -536.21221 -20.52767 -536.17224 -20.60504 -536.20205 -20.71878 -536.19585 -20.76646 -536.382 -21.36645 -536.38635 -21.47348 -536.42637 -21.63239 -536.49816 -21.84162 -536.59452 -22.04423 -536.6177 -22.12792 -536.60218 -22.16643 -536.60711 -22.21225 -536.66967 -22.33812 -536.73312 -22.57313 -536.73097 -22.64216 -536.7712 -22.77229 -536.71695 -22.81574 -536.71306 -22.80063 -536.72888 -22.80505 -536.62803 -22.872-87 -536.66599 -22.93189 -536.82924 -22.93334 -536.94643 -22.83652 -536.9497 -22.66326 -536.93226 -22.4971 -536.85787 -22.24881 -536.85839 -22.08599 -536.5968 -22.08335 -536.61156 -22.14421 -536.85873 -22.08879 -536.85688 -21.99728 -536.77217 -21.83179 -537.25606 -21.83306 -537.33286 -21.73804 -536.76911 -21.73318 -536.76617 -21.63578 -538.19016 -21.63336 -538.19978 -21.62294 -538.19285 -21.5333 -536.76967 -21.53218 -536.77454 -21.43296 -538.12816 -21.43329 -538.13328 -21.33927 -536.77435 -21.33325 -536.7668 -21.23607 -538.16772 -21.23202 -538.61333 -20.84157 -538.84634 -20.66132 -539.16242 -20.35798 -539.99651 -19.62221 -180.00076 -19.61832 -181.41622 -18.36164 -181.4779 -18.29175 -181.61095 -18.18765 -181.6012 -18.13564 -181.57688 -18.13461 Cruise Start and End 2004-04-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2004-05-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901679 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionInterrelationships Between Crustal Structure, Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity Along the Backarc East Lau Spreading CenterEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((178.38 -22.93, 178.38 -18.13, -175.75 -18.13, -175.75 -22.93, 178.38 -22.93))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact yy;?1+M5W-% 9 !!9 [)doi:10.7284/901679gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gm0aa.gov/mgg/ecs/metadata/cruise/--> doi:10.7284/901681 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata 1R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0411 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published 3 KM0411 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian 5 Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 6 174.78000 -178.33030 -41.74889 -18.13013 coordinates of ship track 7178.42609 -18.13169 178.40014 -18.13367 178.37673 -18.19615 178.43576 -18.27112 178.5688 -18.54165 178.63197 -18.59633 178.69758 -18.81798 178.87269 -19.23238 179.9998 -21.67715 -179.99995 -21.6777 -179.0021 -23.8334 -178.33032 -26.49972 -179.0675 -28.79825 -179.39508 -29.78712 -179.41625 -29.79953 -179.48161 -30.0589 -179.85703 -31.18651 -179.99992 -32.00451 179.99998 -32.0051 179.86512 -32.77182 178.22437 -35.42419 178.7624 -37.51483 178.65401 -38.0348 178.61155 -38.12741 178.61421 -38.21191 178.49904 -38.75593 178.46757 -38.82168 177.99328 -39.40894 176.24746 -41.23873 175.64175 -41.65052 175.56925 -41.68067 175.28578 -41.74471 175.16593 -41.68045 174.81207 -41.43763 174.85771 -41.28606 174.83618 -41.27015 174.78051 -41.28491 Cruise Start and End 2004-05-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2004-05-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901681 < collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw ge> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 @ multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901681 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0411 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0411 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans tAheme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78000 -178.33030 -41.74889 -18.13013 coordinates of ship track 178.42609 -18.13169 178.40014 -18.13367 178.37673 -18.19615 178.43576 -18.27112 178.5688 -18.54165 178.63197 -18.59633 178.69758 -18.81798 178.87269 -19.23238 179.9998 -21.67715 -179.99995 -21.6777 -179.0021 -23.8334 -178.33032 -26.49972 -179.0675 -28.79825 -179.39508 -29.78712 -179.41625 -29.79953 -179.48161 -30.0589 -179.85703 -31.18651 -179.99992 -32.00451 179.99998 -32.0051 179.86512 -32.77182 178.22437 -35.42419 178.7624 -37.51483 178.65401 -38.0348 178.61155 -38.12741 178.61421 -38.21191 178.49904 -38.75593 178.46757 -38.82168 177.99328 -39.40894 176.24746 -41.23873 175.64175 -41.65052 175.56925 -41.68067 175.28578 -41.74471 175.16593 -41.68045 174.81207 -41.43763 174.85771 -41.28606 174.83618 -41.27015 174.78051 -41.28491 Cruise Start and End 2004-05-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2004-05-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901681 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((174.78 -41.75, 174.78 -18.13, -178.33 -18.13, -178.33 -41.75, 174.78 -41.75))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact "" <=1+M5{Y%9!!9 [)doi:10.7284/901681gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901682 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadatEa R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0412 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 G published KM0412 Sediment Dispersal-Waiapu River, New Zealand H Kuehl, Steven Virginia Institute of Marine Science Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78019 178.84842 -41.75126 -37.68265 coordinates of ship track L 174.78047 -41.28489 174.83 -41.27903 174.84993 -41.30083 174.81944 -41.4141 174.84806 -41.46521 175.3071 -41.75104 175.61658 -41.66495 175.72919 -41.59208 175.80825 -41.56995 175.88423 -41.4791 176.2507 -41.23563 176.64912 -40.83089 176.86581 -40.58764 176.88479 -40.529 177.17255 -40.28153 178.01325 -39.38826 178.07478 -39.27598 178.1816 -39.18492 178.37588 -38.95196 178.49199 -38.78793 178.63693 -38.10739 178.53297 -37.80677 178.54709 -37.7927 178.53084 -37.81008 178.54602 -37.79232 178.54118 -37.81545 178.56543 -37.7971 178.55022 -37.81802 178.55882 -37.8067 178.53659 -37.79935 178.75322 -37.84376 178.82964 -37.73409 178.80924 -37.73961 178.75471 -37.8246 178.82174 -37.73794 178.79943 -37.7324 178.74286 -37.82027 178.80919 -37.73245 178.79948 -M37.72937 178.73937 -37.81717 178.8219 -37.72231 178.84002 -37.84025 178.80692 -37.77473 178.8017 -37.72826 178.73591 -37.81927 178.8021 -37.73986 178.79142 -37.74336 178.79417 -37.72864 178.73611 -37.81773 178.79714 -37.72498 178.74169 -37.81834 178.79955 -37.73076 178.73234 -37.81367 178.78153 -37.82834 178.77678 -37.80706 178.72333 -37.78734 178.70565 -37.80896 178.72044 -37.81098 178.77901 -37.71563 178.71261 -37.80744 178.7327 -37.80792 178.78669 -37.7222 178.73739 -37.75316 178.81947 -37.78693 178.74166 -37.7424 178.73351 -37.76908 178.76614 -37.78532 178.80316 -37.79092 178.74579 -37.74432 178.71899 -37.74509 178.71781 -37.76757 178.73255 -37.77069 178.56597 -37.87322 178.58844 -37.84393 178.59062 -37.80237 178.62448 -37.76995 178.66538 -37.77444 178.6452 -37.73756 178.71453 -37.74284 178.54263 -37.97531 178.72652 -37.74807 178.68886 -37.73584 178.5157 -37.95957 178.70424 -37.73603 178.6673 -37.72152 178.62877 -37.77169 178.72226 -37.77233 178.76133 -37.79684 178.63971 -37.75847 178.49332 -37.94933 N178.67964 -37.72511 178.64173 -37.71331 178.47247 -37.93617 178.65803 -37.71188 178.62173 -37.702 178.58649 -37.77031 178.54986 -37.79397 178.46356 -37.90611 178.62879 -37.70769 178.5901 -37.71281 178.53408 -37.78486 178.49458 -37.80078 178.55095 -37.79773 178.58278 -37.75751 178.64281 -37.82327 178.69145 -37.76019 178.68461 -37.81459 178.73586 -37.7959 178.77182 -37.83727 178.68186 -37.95028 178.76871 -37.82428 178.66582 -37.94309 178.74965 -37.81826 178.65604 -37.92966 178.73544 -37.81062 178.63711 -37.92335 178.45723 -37.9119 178.56344 -37.7604 178.63815 -37.68292 178.55809 -37.74303 178.53212 -37.7869 178.49477 -37.80066 178.50476 -37.78889 178.51763 -37.80263 178.50501 -37.8204 178.7777 -37.75887 178.80675 -37.77318 178.78969 -37.76097 178.78387 -37.80224 178.73019 -37.81076 178.63647 -37.92587 178.72123 -37.80421 178.61795 -37.91167 178.70842 -37.79343 178.61155 -37.91283 178.64601 -37.87427 178.47903 -37.8666 178.51254 -37.86626 178.47389 -37.88912 178.43216 -37.98457 178.39575 -38.01335 178.74778 O-38.02708 178.78626 -37.98039 178.6064 -37.99141 178.62104 -37.9626 178.53612 -37.987 178.69972 -37.78028 178.72422 -37.74117 178.7149 -37.73713 178.52725 -37.96908 178.60587 -37.98622 178.49661 -37.98427 178.53315 -37.93257 178.70706 -37.93386 178.69363 -37.8935 178.60426 -37.88404 178.51977 -37.82648 178.70669 -37.87459 178.7202 -37.86388 178.68394 -37.82893 178.72482 -37.84256 178.75671 -37.7779 178.73101 -37.76541 178.75084 -37.73643 178.65776 -37.70577 178.50671 -37.8199 178.49386 -37.79774 178.56241 -37.80663 178.5666 -37.75317 178.53807 -37.80634 178.53151 -37.78874 178.73838 -37.86917 178.79194 -37.80122 178.58118 -37.75531 178.52857 -37.79948 178.76102 -37.79695 178.77865 -37.75602 178.79012 -37.76357 178.71051 -37.86611 178.83596 -37.90966 178.70542 -37.9368 178.45353 -37.88265 178.4709 -37.88356 178.51048 -37.84593 178.53797 -37.78529 178.60837 -37.70922 178.46156 -37.90942 178.63253 -37.69845 178.63825 -37.70771 178.47375 -37.91497 178.47521 -37.9356 178.64738 -37.71733 178.65928 -37.71997 178P.48059 -37.94342 178.45109 -37.89145 178.57978 -37.72509 178.55755 -37.74278 178.73035 -37.87918 178.77486 -37.78892 178.73967 -37.77259 178.72202 -37.7812 178.7908 -37.80412 178.75097 -37.77553 178.84838 -37.78716 178.55475 -37.93811 178.52272 -37.8629 178.67546 -37.71733 178.49635 -37.94874 178.50526 -37.95361 178.69153 -37.72326 178.70314 -37.72694 178.51988 -37.9619 178.4597 -38.4464 178.4213 -38.53988 178.43368 -38.64005 178.41684 -38.7656 178.00157 -39.36501 176.00089 -41.39892 175.33688 -41.68128 175.2534 -41.68311 174.81103 -41.44049 174.85527 -41.28618 174.83524 -41.2718 174.78043 -41.285 Cruise Start and End 2004-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2004-06-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List S Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901682 T collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo WMoana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901682 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 GeographYic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0412 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0412 Sediment Dispersal-Waiapu River, New Zealand Kuehl, Steven Virginia Institute of Marine Science Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78019 178.84842 -41.75126 -37.68265 coordinates of ship track 174.78047 -41.28489 174.83 -41.27903 174.84993 -41.30083 174.81944 -41.4141 174.84806 -41.46521 175.3071 -41.75104 175.61658 -41.66495 175.72919 -41.59208 175.80825 -41.56995 175.88423 -41.4791 176.2507 -41.23563 176.64912 -40.83089 176.86581 -40.58764 176.88479 -40.529 177.17255 -40.28153 178.01325 -39.38826 178.07478 -39.27598 178.1816 -39.184Z92 178.37588 -38.95196 178.49199 -38.78793 178.63693 -38.10739 178.53297 -37.80677 178.54709 -37.7927 178.53084 -37.81008 178.54602 -37.79232 178.54118 -37.81545 178.56543 -37.7971 178.55022 -37.81802 178.55882 -37.8067 178.53659 -37.79935 178.75322 -37.84376 178.82964 -37.73409 178.80924 -37.73961 178.75471 -37.8246 178.82174 -37.73794 178.79943 -37.7324 178.74286 -37.82027 178.80919 -37.73245 178.79948 -37.72937 178.73937 -37.81717 178.8219 -37.72231 178.84002 -37.84025 178.80692 -37.77473 178.8017 -37.72826 178.73591 -37.81927 178.8021 -37.73986 178.79142 -37.74336 178.79417 -37.72864 178.73611 -37.81773 178.79714 -37.72498 178.74169 -37.81834 178.79955 -37.73076 178.73234 -37.81367 178.78153 -37.82834 178.77678 -37.80706 178.72333 -37.78734 178.70565 -37.80896 178.72044 -37.81098 178.77901 -37.71563 178.71261 -37.80744 178.7327 -37.80792 178.78669 -37.7222 178.73739 -37.75316 178.81947 -37.78693 178.74166 -37.7424 178.73351 -37.76908 178.76614 -37.78532 178.80316 -37.79092 178.74579 -37.74432 178.7189[9 -37.74509 178.71781 -37.76757 178.73255 -37.77069 178.56597 -37.87322 178.58844 -37.84393 178.59062 -37.80237 178.62448 -37.76995 178.66538 -37.77444 178.6452 -37.73756 178.71453 -37.74284 178.54263 -37.97531 178.72652 -37.74807 178.68886 -37.73584 178.5157 -37.95957 178.70424 -37.73603 178.6673 -37.72152 178.62877 -37.77169 178.72226 -37.77233 178.76133 -37.79684 178.63971 -37.75847 178.49332 -37.94933 178.67964 -37.72511 178.64173 -37.71331 178.47247 -37.93617 178.65803 -37.71188 178.62173 -37.702 178.58649 -37.77031 178.54986 -37.79397 178.46356 -37.90611 178.62879 -37.70769 178.5901 -37.71281 178.53408 -37.78486 178.49458 -37.80078 178.55095 -37.79773 178.58278 -37.75751 178.64281 -37.82327 178.69145 -37.76019 178.68461 -37.81459 178.73586 -37.7959 178.77182 -37.83727 178.68186 -37.95028 178.76871 -37.82428 178.66582 -37.94309 178.74965 -37.81826 178.65604 -37.92966 178.73544 -37.81062 178.63711 -37.92335 178.45723 -37.9119 178.56344 -37.7604 178.63815 -37.68292 178.55809 -37.74303 178.53212 -37.786\9 178.49477 -37.80066 178.50476 -37.78889 178.51763 -37.80263 178.50501 -37.8204 178.7777 -37.75887 178.80675 -37.77318 178.78969 -37.76097 178.78387 -37.80224 178.73019 -37.81076 178.63647 -37.92587 178.72123 -37.80421 178.61795 -37.91167 178.70842 -37.79343 178.61155 -37.91283 178.64601 -37.87427 178.47903 -37.8666 178.51254 -37.86626 178.47389 -37.88912 178.43216 -37.98457 178.39575 -38.01335 178.74778 -38.02708 178.78626 -37.98039 178.6064 -37.99141 178.62104 -37.9626 178.53612 -37.987 178.69972 -37.78028 178.72422 -37.74117 178.7149 -37.73713 178.52725 -37.96908 178.60587 -37.98622 178.49661 -37.98427 178.53315 -37.93257 178.70706 -37.93386 178.69363 -37.8935 178.60426 -37.88404 178.51977 -37.82648 178.70669 -37.87459 178.7202 -37.86388 178.68394 -37.82893 178.72482 -37.84256 178.75671 -37.7779 178.73101 -37.76541 178.75084 -37.73643 178.65776 -37.70577 178.50671 -37.8199 178.49386 -37.79774 178.56241 -37.80663 178.5666 -37.75317 178.53807 -37.80634 178.53151 -37.78874 178.73838 -37.86917 178.79194 -]37.80122 178.58118 -37.75531 178.52857 -37.79948 178.76102 -37.79695 178.77865 -37.75602 178.79012 -37.76357 178.71051 -37.86611 178.83596 -37.90966 178.70542 -37.9368 178.45353 -37.88265 178.4709 -37.88356 178.51048 -37.84593 178.53797 -37.78529 178.60837 -37.70922 178.46156 -37.90942 178.63253 -37.69845 178.63825 -37.70771 178.47375 -37.91497 178.47521 -37.9356 178.64738 -37.71733 178.65928 -37.71997 178.48059 -37.94342 178.45109 -37.89145 178.57978 -37.72509 178.55755 -37.74278 178.73035 -37.87918 178.77486 -37.78892 178.73967 -37.77259 178.72202 -37.7812 178.7908 -37.80412 178.75097 -37.77553 178.84838 -37.78716 178.55475 -37.93811 178.52272 -37.8629 178.67546 -37.71733 178.49635 -37.94874 178.50526 -37.95361 178.69153 -37.72326 178.70314 -37.72694 178.51988 -37.9619 178.4597 -38.4464 178.4213 -38.53988 178.43368 -38.64005 178.41684 -38.7656 178.00157 -39.36501 176.00089 -41.39892 175.33688 -41.68128 175.2534 -41.68311 174.81103 -41.44049 174.85527 -41.28618 174.83524 -41.2718 174.78043 -41.285 Cruise Start and End 2004-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2004-06-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901682 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSediment Dispersal-Waiapu River, New ZealandEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((174.78 -41.75, 174.78 -37.68, 178.85 -37.68, 178.85 -41.75, 174.78 -41.75))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  ==1+M5c-%e9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901682gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901683 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdatab.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0413 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0413 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords e NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. f eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78000 -157.88987 -41.66688 21.26174 coordinates of ship track 174.78038 -41.28501 174.8291 -41.2786 174.85007 -41.29985 174.82511 -41.42436 175.23235 -41.66644 175.48177 -41.61686 175.98406 -41.39935 177.34571 -40.11831 177.71121 -39.78254 177.80136 -39.72767 177.81539 -39.68309 179.02312 -38.52567 179.10244 -38.49767 179.22463 -38.33335 179.67027 -37.90116 179.99795 -37.66916 -179.99623 -37.66577 -179.56165 -37.46006 -179.37702 -37.34873 -179.1793 -37.2088 -178.92945 -36.9981 -178.43253 -36.46714 -177.95597 -35.84682 -177.57261 -35.30841 -177.40268 -34.99093 -176.57692 -33.15821 -175.94442 -31.98698 -175.65167 -31.29841 -175.63361 -31.25556 -175.69704 -31.0428 -174.60197 -28.30451 -173.59108 -27.49742 -172.03491 -23.5168 -171.11423 -19.99802 -170.00031 -17.83572 -169.27972 -15.48135 -167.95275 -12.00313 -166.68384 -2.2087 -166.41735 -0.0056 -166.11443 1.00779 -165.70845 1.75403 -165.55923 2.76943 -165.5303 2.87802 -163.79993 7.99964 -162.86345 9.01892 -161.1897 13.63358 -160.4985 15.48689 -160.41854 15.59032 -160.36463 15.61221 -160.26674 16.09131 -160.21143 16.25377 -159.30473 18.69266 -159.28186 18.71829 -158.79976 19.99959 -158.11069 21.16521 -157.89121 21.25882 Cruise Start and End 2004-06-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2004-06-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu l http://doi.org/10.7284/901683 collectionSession m Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam n raw oInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) <q/gmi:MI_Instrument> doi:10.7284/901683 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0413 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0413 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78000 -157.88987 -41.66688 21.26174 coordinates of ship track 174.78038 -41.28501 174.8291 -41.2786 174.85007 -41.29985 174.82511 -41r.42436 175.23235 -41.66644 175.48177 -41.61686 175.98406 -41.39935 177.34571 -40.11831 177.71121 -39.78254 177.80136 -39.72767 177.81539 -39.68309 179.02312 -38.52567 179.10244 -38.49767 179.22463 -38.33335 179.67027 -37.90116 179.99795 -37.66916 -179.99623 -37.66577 -179.56165 -37.46006 -179.37702 -37.34873 -179.1793 -37.2088 -178.92945 -36.9981 -178.43253 -36.46714 -177.95597 -35.84682 -177.57261 -35.30841 -177.40268 -34.99093 -176.57692 -33.15821 -175.94442 -31.98698 -175.65167 -31.29841 -175.63361 -31.25556 -175.69704 -31.0428 -174.60197 -28.30451 -173.59108 -27.49742 -172.03491 -23.5168 -171.11423 -19.99802 -170.00031 -17.83572 -169.27972 -15.48135 -167.95275 -12.00313 -166.68384 -2.2087 -166.41735 -0.0056 -166.11443 1.00779 -165.70845 1.75403 -165.55923 2.76943 -165.5303 2.87802 -163.79993 7.99964 -162.86345 9.01892 -161.1897 13.63358 -160.4985 15.48689 -160.41854 15.59032 -160.36463 15.61221 -160.26674 16.09131 -160.21143 16.25377 -159.30473 18.69266 -159.28186 18.71829 -158.79976 19.99959 -158.11069 21.16521 -157.89121 21.25882 Cruise Start and End 2004-06-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2004-06-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901683 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((174.78 -41.67, 174.78 21.26, -157.89 21.26, -157.89 -41.67, 174.78 -41.67))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact MM[>=1+M5]%9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901683gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901685 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0414 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 x published KM0414 VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) y Buesseler, Kenneth Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation | -159.08385 -156.90877 21.20210 23.75404 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31601 -157.86795 21.30013 -157.91505 21.24111 -158.07709 21.22288 -158.13738 21.23535 -158.19879 21.2798 -158.2393 21.42147 -158.33434 21.58195 -158.0018 22.75271 -158.00111 22.48095 -157.70085 22.48039 -157.70326 22.61566 -157.85094 22.74483 -157.84689 22.75788 -158.00956 22.757 -157.85586 22.90244 -158.15588 22.90351 -158.14525 22.89531 -158.2994 22.76542 -158.28043 22.76571 -158.1414 22.63149 -157.9983 22.76679 -158.14908 22.90031 -158.07432 22.97801 -158.05356 22.98199 -158.01531 22.77702 -157.99099 22.7683 -157.87896 22.79985 -158.00311 22.76725 -157.97109 22.79005 -157.91172 22.78663 -157.91449 22.69716 -157.93316 22.68704 -157.99467 22.74506 -158.00109 22.75977 -157.98682 22.76518 -158.00069 22.7~5548 -157.99318 22.76538 -158.01663 22.76686 -157.98401 22.80414 -157.8952 22.85092 -157.89744 22.66848 -158.10028 22.66922 -158.09789 22.85012 -158.03948 22.7766 -157.98744 22.75982 -158.00191 22.69979 -157.99658 22.79087 -157.95963 22.7274 -157.80745 22.77103 -157.99558 22.75376 -157.98581 22.75757 -158.02444 22.77754 -158.03855 22.82989 -157.96382 22.73216 -157.81251 22.75078 -157.79563 22.71399 -157.80696 22.6902 -157.95362 22.7328 -158.00152 22.75604 -157.9885 22.76822 -158.05554 22.77382 -158.07549 22.76372 -158.07848 22.70391 -158.04048 22.72338 -158.10293 22.70046 -158.07947 22.70033 -158.04595 22.78151 -158.04761 22.82158 -158.07289 22.80351 -158.03617 22.80777 -158.06838 22.82018 -158.01853 22.87269 -157.99737 22.87315 -158.17177 22.84891 -158.18559 22.85456 -158.1772 22.8621 -158.18144 22.83958 -158.24155 22.89171 -158.22168 22.89597 -158.16501 22.86546 -157.99984 22.75861 -157.96945 22.76417 -158.11001 22.84307 -158.09051 22.88819 -158.06936 22.89201 -157.95888 22.83083 -157.95211 22.79994 -158.08334 22.79281 -158.03985 22.81039 -157.97903 22.67127 -158.05703 22.8095 -157.90209 22.85035 -157.90337 22.66787 -158.10049 22.66941 -158.09889 22.85166 -158.07299 22.85461 -157.99843 22.74888 -158.0699 22.69919 -157.91382 22.69645 -157.92981 22.71072 -157.92929 22.74675 -157.95113 22.66341 -158.06882 22.79746 -158.10487 22.81873 -158.09112 22.68567 -157.94011 22.69878 -157.75282 22.97752 -158.00647 22.96756 -158.24343 22.98043 -158.03994 22.80479 -158.02797 22.75429 -157.99105 22.75311 -158.07186 22.85348 -158.07335 22.92966 -158.04351 22.95185 -158.24454 22.7513 -158.25201 22.52929 -157.75353 22.52585 -157.75107 22.75406 -158.00755 22.74897 -158.00144 23.41172 -157.98428 23.43765 -158.00237 23.75215 -157.99126 23.75392 -159.08385 22.74947 -158.36293 22.75024 -158.18773 22.81445 -158.10351 22.87389 -157.9992 22.74966 -156.90911 22.74795 -157.27737 22.41863 -157.27081 22.40928 -158.00117 22.08366 -158.00897 22.71963 -158.00041 22.75071 -157.98291 22.74307 -157.89524 22.8425 -157.90627 22.65188 -158.0996 22.65733 -158.09968 22.83973 -158.0006 22.75006 -157.99601 22.80466 -158.00104 22.78117 -157.98032 22.77266 -158.04648 22.74083 -157.97076 22.75289 -158.04894 22.74863 -157.99144 22.7509 -157.90478 22.72194 -158.00041 22.75143 -158.19872 22.73894 -158.20616 22.78903 -158.2386 22.83945 -158.25303 22.83141 -158.11824 22.79501 -157.95227 22.80328 -157.90392 22.84124 -157.9018 22.66028 -158.11246 22.66107 -158.09808 22.69388 -158.09672 22.83608 -157.99037 22.74835 -157.99258 22.65587 -158.08794 22.74816 -158.20016 22.75269 -157.98792 22.74996 -158.26111 22.85046 -158.19899 22.69706 -158.35076 22.69915 -158.35412 22.9312 -158.30271 22.99695 -158.21555 22.99657 -158.24633 22.93163 -158.22527 22.94334 -158.22769 22.88205 -158.27011 22.83483 -158.26744 22.80687 -158.29685 22.80423 -158.32048 22.73848 -158.21044 22.94555 -158.04146 23.09841 -158.25224 22.75011 -158.16197 22.74902 -158.25242 22.75176 -158.24153 22.75031 -158.30107 22.60236 -157.99434 22.60297 -157.999 22.74983 -158.1504 22.79843 -158.20064 22.83213 -158.1939 22.74083 -158.1329 22.66603 -158.17589 22.65502 -157.94955 22.61619 -157.93028 22.64928 -158.05261 22.71947 -158.24876 22.74903 -158.26918 22.80823 -158.24496 22.74978 -158.2451 22.81215 -158.24748 22.75322 -158.15149 22.61856 -158.06967 22.61831 -158.24009 22.80076 -158.14926 22.65376 -158.10985 22.62256 -158.11998 22.62074 -158.06791 22.62092 -158.13001 22.638 -157.95209 22.64439 -157.93617 22.68653 -157.96631 22.58463 -158.27272 22.76891 -158.32747 22.7693 -158.19494 22.73532 -158.27946 22.75947 -158.13468 22.75237 -157.96577 23.08064 -157.90063 23.13817 -157.86789 23.14323 -158.07501 22.94436 -158.04091 22.94565 -158.16511 22.81336 -158.51692 22.81807 -158.25041 22.74902 -158.2419 22.80859 -158.25388 22.75276 -158.00496 21.98607 -158.01593 21.87714 -158.00058 21.87689 -157.9954 21.84218 -157.73115 21.58589 -157.63914 21.50305 -157.61771 21.50622 -157.55184 21.34048 -157.55626 21.24673 -157.75618 21.20442 -157.80817 21.20286 -157.85089 21.22224 Cruise Start and End 2004-06-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/901685 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901685 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0414 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0414 VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) Buesseler, Kenneth Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.08385 -156.90877 21.20210 23.75404 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31601 -157.86795 21.30013 -157.91505 21.24111 -158.07709 21.22288 -158.13738 21.23535 -158.19879 21.2798 -158.2393 21.42147 -158.33434 21.58195 -158.0018 22.75271 -158.00111 22.48095 -157.70085 22.48039 -157.70326 22.61566 -157.85094 22.74483 -157.84689 22.75788 -158.00956 22.757 -157.85586 22.90244 -158.15588 22.90351 -158.14525 22.89531 -158.2994 22.76542 -158.28043 22.76571 -158.1414 22.63149 -157.9983 22.76679 -158.14908 22.90031 -158.07432 22.97801 -158.05356 22.98199 -158.01531 22.77702 -157.99099 22.7683 -157.87896 22.79985 -158.00311 22.76725 -157.97109 22.79005 -157.91172 22.78663 -157.91449 22.69716 -157.93316 22.68704 -157.99467 22.74506 -158.00109 22.75977 -157.98682 22.76518 -158.00069 22.75548 -157.99318 22.76538 -158.01663 22.76686 -157.98401 22.80414 -157.8952 22.85092 -157.89744 22.66848 -158.10028 22.66922 -158.09789 22.85012 -158.03948 22.7766 -157.98744 22.75982 -158.00191 22.69979 -157.99658 22.79087 -157.95963 22.7274 -157.80745 22.77103 -157.99558 22.75376 -157.98581 22.75757 -158.02444 22.77754 -158.03855 22.82989 -157.96382 22.73216 -157.81251 22.75078 -157.79563 22.71399 -157.80696 22.6902 -157.95362 22.7328 -158.00152 22.75604 -157.9885 22.76822 -158.05554 22.77382 -158.07549 22.76372 -158.07848 22.70391 -158.04048 22.72338 -158.10293 22.70046 -158.07947 22.70033 -158.04595 22.78151 -158.04761 22.82158 -158.07289 22.80351 -158.03617 22.80777 -158.06838 22.82018 -158.01853 22.87269 -157.99737 22.87315 -158.17177 22.84891 -158.18559 22.85456 -158.1772 22.8621 -158.18144 22.83958 -158.24155 22.89171 -158.22168 22.89597 -158.16501 22.86546 -157.99984 22.75861 -157.96945 22.76417 -158.11001 22.84307 -158.09051 22.88819 -158.06936 22.89201 -157.95888 22.83083 -157.95211 22.79994 -158.08334 22.79281 -158.03985 22.81039 -157.97903 22.67127 -158.05703 22.8095 -157.90209 22.85035 -157.90337 22.66787 -158.10049 22.66941 -158.09889 22.85166 -158.07299 22.85461 -157.99843 22.74888 -158.0699 22.69919 -157.91382 22.69645 -157.92981 22.71072 -157.92929 22.74675 -157.95113 22.66341 -158.06882 22.79746 -158.10487 22.81873 -158.09112 22.68567 -157.94011 22.69878 -157.75282 22.97752 -158.00647 22.96756 -158.24343 22.98043 -158.03994 22.80479 -158.02797 22.75429 -157.99105 22.75311 -158.07186 22.85348 -158.07335 22.92966 -158.04351 22.95185 -158.24454 22.7513 -158.25201 22.52929 -157.75353 22.52585 -157.75107 22.75406 -158.00755 22.74897 -158.00144 23.41172 -157.98428 23.43765 -158.00237 23.75215 -157.99126 23.75392 -159.08385 22.74947 -158.36293 22.75024 -158.18773 22.81445 -158.10351 22.87389 -157.9992 22.74966 -156.90911 22.74795 -157.27737 22.41863 -157.27081 22.40928 -158.00117 22.08366 -158.00897 22.71963 -158.00041 22.75071 -157.98291 22.74307 -157.89524 22.8425 -157.90627 22.65188 -158.0996 22.65733 -158.09968 22.83973 -158.0006 22.75006 -157.99601 22.80466 -158.00104 22.78117 -157.98032 22.77266 -158.04648 22.74083 -157.97076 22.75289 -158.04894 22.74863 -157.99144 22.7509 -157.90478 22.72194 -158.00041 22.75143 -158.19872 22.73894 -158.20616 22.78903 -158.2386 22.83945 -158.25303 22.83141 -158.11824 22.79501 -157.95227 22.80328 -157.90392 22.84124 -157.9018 22.66028 -158.11246 22.66107 -158.09808 22.69388 -158.09672 22.83608 -157.99037 22.74835 -157.99258 22.65587 -158.08794 22.74816 -158.20016 22.75269 -157.98792 22.74996 -158.26111 22.85046 -158.19899 22.69706 -158.35076 22.69915 -158.35412 22.9312 -158.30271 22.99695 -158.21555 22.99657 -158.24633 22.93163 -158.22527 22.94334 -158.22769 22.88205 -158.27011 22.83483 -158.26744 22.80687 -158.29685 22.80423 -158.32048 22.73848 -158.21044 22.94555 -158.04146 23.09841 -158.25224 22.75011 -158.16197 22.74902 -158.25242 22.75176 -158.24153 22.75031 -158.30107 22.60236 -157.99434 22.60297 -157.999 22.74983 -158.1504 22.79843 -158.20064 22.83213 -158.1939 22.74083 -158.1329 22.66603 -158.17589 22.65502 -157.94955 22.61619 -157.93028 22.64928 -158.05261 22.71947 -158.24876 22.74903 -158.26918 22.80823 -158.24496 22.74978 -158.2451 22.81215 -158.24748 22.75322 -158.15149 22.61856 -158.06967 22.61831 -158.24009 22.80076 -158.14926 22.65376 -158.10985 22.62256 -158.11998 22.62074 -158.06791 22.62092 -158.13001 22.638 -157.95209 22.64439 -157.93617 22.68653 -157.96631 22.58463 -158.27272 22.76891 -158.32747 22.7693 -158.19494 22.73532 -158.27946 22.75947 -158.13468 22.75237 -157.96577 23.08064 -157.90063 23.13817 -157.86789 23.14323 -158.07501 22.94436 -158.04091 22.94565 -158.16511 22.81336 -158.51692 22.81807 -158.25041 22.74902 -158.2419 22.80859 -158.25388 22.75276 -158.00496 21.98607 -158.01593 21.87714 -158.00058 21.87689 -157.9954 21.84218 -157.73115 21.58589 -157.63914 21.50305 -157.61771 21.50622 -157.55184 21.34048 -157.55626 21.24673 -157.75618 21.20442 -157.80817 21.20286 -157.85089 21.22224 Cruise Start and End 2004-06-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901685 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionVERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.08 21.20, -159.08 23.75, -156.91 23.75, -156.91 21.20, -159.08 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact i?=1+M5mW%m9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901685gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901686 eng utf8  fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0415 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0415 Iron-Complexing Ligands-Subarctic Pacific Ocean Wells, Mark University of Maine Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 165.20800 -157.86604 21.23109 48.18156 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.316 -157.86611 21.3076 -157.90253 21.25972 -157.89187 21.25179 -157.89098 21.2832 -157.90794 21.28135 -157.89107 21.27847 -157.8962 21.24166 -158.15946 21.24388 -159.00198 22.26443 -160.02397 23.14522 -160.30701 23.36774 -160.32415 23.35849 -160.47951 23.50736 -161.84319 24.62583 -163.15732 25.73163 -163.54743 26.01792 -164.98582 27.20493 -165.54875 27.64145 -166.35346 28.33016 -169.46445 30.81583 -169.45427 30.822 -171.70331 32.57808 -171.9634 32.76662 -172.29257 33.04578 -173.19517 33.75406 -173.68192 34.10168 -174.15231 34.47313 -177.24281 36.79993 -179.54351 38.49051 -179.9984 38.80685 179.99616 38.81079 178.66221 39.77097 178.41579 39.92777 178.02102 40.22636 176.38239 41.37459 174.38237 42.74418 173.51212 43.30567 172.37518 44.09064 171.53748 44.62057 171.01611 44.97965 169.99137 45.645 170.02807 45.67797 169.87767 45.78416 169.53728 45.97543 169.35924 45.94512 169.32574 45.95328 168.52801 46.50584 167.99368 46.91725 167.61882 47.17011 166.24666 48.00501 166.04347 47.99653 165.85802 47.95071 165.76517 47.97173 165.75528 47.95761 165.81017 47.96435 165.73541 47.97811 165.73496 47.96607 165.81278 47.9612 165.83118 47.83708 165.81884 47.83112 165.87722 47.84255 165.86083 47.84627 165.87465 47.84586 165.81469 47.79066 165.82642 47.78371 165.91995 47.85032 165.68795 47.96672 165.62168 47.96155 165.63711 47.95175 166.06405 47.99402 166.05888 47.90875 166.02301 47.88843 165.87269 47.85627 165.75868 47.87152 165.68898 47.89739 165.8753 47.81811 165.89874 47.793 165.86129 47.7807 165.9777 47.78417 166.01736 47.83359 166.00338 47.78482 166.03342 47.84373 165.96534 47.7588 165.95851 47.76909 166.04322 47.85721 165.97994 47.78818 165.9564 47.8075 165.86225 47.77537 165.92838 47.7932 165.81552 47.78187 165.74121 47.85227 165.79322 47.90312 165.78458 47.95305 165.7606 47.93982 165.78706 47.96012 165.99913 47.95977 165.71919 47.96894 165.70332 47.98341 165.76652 47.98764 165.68014 47.99698 165.97415 47.99835 165.9852 47.80765 165.96946 47.7941 166.28081 47.78956 166.28773 47.86944 166.28496 47.796 166.07166 47.798 166.0427 47.81678 166.06052 47.82048 166.04561 47.82469 166.05641 47.83323 166.06828 47.80599 166.05296 47.78693 166.01965 47.85246 165.84757 47.80835 165.83477 47.82116 165.77187 47.78379 165.70683 48.03858 165.20968 48.02602 165.28358 48.02831 165.71613 47.85304 165.87449 47.65783 165.88333 47.57492 165.87618 47.65278 165.80571 47.63866 165.66999 47.64818 165.88351 47.6623 165.69174 47.67483 165.91462 47.74299 165.84958 47.87134 165.82273 47.88257 165.83894 47.90946 165.88926 47.89977 166.07973 47.9772 165.78947 48.10208 165.80203 48.09229 165.83214 47.89944 165.72096 47.77632 165.77268 47.81669 165.93058 47.81813 165.87008 47.81655 165.81887 47.78683 165.7868 47.78983 165.7826 47.82805 165.79925 47.84237 165.67679 47.89915 165.6693 47.88876 165.6848 47.87697 165.89955 47.80873 165.70874 47.8869 165.56661 47.81374 165.58451 47.74041 165.68687 47.71003 165.58915 47.70745 165.55613 47.77269 165.6778 47.81732 165.68382 47.80871 165.50899 47.74101 165.70206 47.84369 165.58143 47.77399 165.64429 47.81835 165.75236 47.83899 165.73176 47.84126 165.71865 47.81916 165.74171 47.76872 165.69921 47.78287 165.70718 47.82966 165.72843 47.83122 165.7231 47.79813 165.69458 47.83539 165.72339 47.84107 165.74531 47.80024 165.82367 47.75046 165.83015 47.76174 165.77725 47.75979 165.83239 47.77037 165.73565 47.77433 165.78343 47.77945 165.78268 47.72012 165.81925 47.62864 165.88379 47.76181 165.75922 47.68867 165.57321 47.6844 165.73461 47.77285 165.74833 47.77226 165.71938 47.74553 165.77343 47.78349 165.84067 47.77711 165.75001 47.63316 165.73681 47.73819 165.74705 47.77174 166.04928 47.60141 166.05349 47.4888 166.12215 47.6682 165.85137 47.65958 166.01175 47.8515 165.70648 47.67655 165.83764 47.84177 165.67978 47.73268 165.7147 47.76884 165.74284 47.89856 165.5774 47.90182 165.84042 48.08817 165.60869 48.18146 165.80347 47.76922 165.7873 47.76078 165.81018 47.76081 165.81374 47.77402 165.79045 47.77419 165.78848 47.76008 165.80979 47.75938 165.81176 47.77352 165.79025 47.77384 165.79075 47.76246 165.81676 47.76272 165.80976 47.72928 165.8262 47.7066 165.79814 47.76705 166.09112 47.54366 166.08644 47.53236 166.07336 47.55718 166.12587 47.8464 166.11231 47.84667 165.97911 47.66434 165.87055 47.82101 165.72063 47.66007 165.75345 47.84162 165.60589 47.79831 165.65186 47.8312 165.78197 47.98854 165.51765 47.998 165.72794 48.13901 165.87533 47.76035 165.88377 47.60062 165.97801 47.59707 165.97848 47.61269 165.98024 47.58904 165.99123 47.60717 165.97823 47.59022 165.98772 47.58324 165.87497 47.70378 165.84173 47.70926 165.89725 47.70875 165.84715 47.71614 165.89468 47.70651 165.61461 48.0432 165.81787 47.96879 165.54718 47.96285 165.70671 47.82397 165.62412 47.73668 165.81131 47.68669 165.81221 47.61599 165.9902 47.80522 166.03186 47.5566 166.04358 47.55182 166.16778 47.80605 165.93434 47.61621 165.86362 47.66305 165.86523 47.67327 165.87974 47.66325 165.85954 47.67046 165.87663 47.67088 165.86369 47.66976 165.8571 47.69963 165.86481 47.65897 165.86517 47.69659 165.85973 47.6674 166.01831 47.68699 165.86732 47.66187 166.29716 47.79904 166.16872 47.54998 166.05984 47.7936 165.92067 47.53977 165.90587 47.53809 165.86783 47.66938 165.85672 47.66156 165.85408 47.74294 165.64626 47.74591 165.65114 47.81057 165.81392 47.92417 165.68705 47.95704 165.97081 47.64349 166.06385 47.64802 165.97109 47.64008 165.80539 47.79743 165.77928 47.78751 165.73807 47.86201 165.71228 47.85356 165.75404 47.8715 165.71689 47.85438 165.7391 47.85898 165.80085 47.65214 165.96139 47.65152 166.24379 47.55516 166.41272 47.82916 166.42864 47.83047 166.36871 47.61267 166.28298 47.61851 166.12833 47.78787 166.06542 47.53057 165.85639 47.71827 165.71665 47.62919 165.63675 47.72476 165.77383 47.88804 165.68915 47.81631 165.87595 47.89837 165.87285 47.79398 165.85956 47.78834 165.87793 47.79216 165.83182 47.82393 165.86605 47.80874 165.85929 47.79921 165.87837 47.80989 165.87423 47.79907 165.85022 47.81606 165.88458 47.7758 165.87238 47.79195 165.86241 47.77978 165.77673 47.87465 165.65515 47.7109 165.8889 47.73557 165.89343 47.55641 166.00622 47.76544 166.19497 47.54617 166.28183 47.83163 166.41715 47.61254 166.45869 47.66917 166.23068 47.66279 166.28975 47.66233 166.26631 47.66649 166.26441 47.72553 166.09987 47.6271 166.23744 47.66828 166.18815 47.66075 166.54601 47.62192 166.45653 47.77918 166.34395 47.60932 166.28209 47.74199 166.17374 47.66495 166.16166 47.52085 166.27821 47.60059 166.05069 47.74383 165.92013 47.48629 166.09775 47.57248 166.3028 47.6179 166.21957 47.67313 166.23566 47.68338 166.20724 47.70874 166.26573 47.6434 166.20772 47.65306 166.26375 47.65507 166.2269 47.66075 166.59958 47.79489 166.51324 47.72296 166.28509 47.87001 166.22283 47.70549 166.24831 47.65787 166.15541 47.5807 166.04919 47.62904 165.9021 47.49137 165.74491 47.62118 165.85763 47.72313 165.75951 47.78668 165.68542 47.73703 165.9086 47.65329 165.88902 47.5785 166.28161 47.68479 166.33488 47.67522 166.28526 47.67806 166.30782 47.66785 166.31212 47.68583 166.40888 47.62184 166.43402 47.62223 166.28821 47.67444 166.29893 47.6978 166.26327 47.70131 166.31571 47.7063 166.2799 47.71524 166.64663 47.73772 166.55641 47.80149 166.32475 47.8022 166.39371 47.64671 166.38163 47.64243 166.16806 47.74714 166.16331 47.54846 165.94427 47.60316 166.00475 47.59613 165.91084 47.47726 165.89783 47.62323 165.8145 47.76007 165.84631 47.54635 166.31612 47.70383 166.29968 47.72119 166.36717 47.70024 166.35149 47.68215 166.53993 47.9429 166.40767 47.94466 166.50052 47.87182 166.65044 47.86636 166.5207 47.81619 166.32446 47.90022 166.28227 47.8354 166.39908 47.78594 166.36461 47.74555 166.18735 47.80471 166.18849 47.70142 166.51248 47.70241 166.51376 47.58933 166.0644 47.69545 166.06091 47.62937 166.26023 47.55182 166.37568 47.55239 166.30114 47.60506 166.19608 47.56488 165.89832 47.57162 165.94204 47.60143 165.92079 47.51939 165.85338 47.70385 166.40715 47.9351 166.59793 47.99944 166.50657 47.9776 166.33604 47.83268 166.37218 47.87154 166.4823 47.95071 166.27604 47.73385 166.2787 47.77071 166.23067 47.79959 166.23828 47.69807 166.22132 47.77251 166.23693 47.73584 166.23553 47.76735 166.2189 47.79905 166.26405 47.63557 166.23294 47.75071 166.13758 47.92759 166.20118 47.9213 166.22285 47.89645 166.16208 47.90817 166.04407 47.98653 166.06796 47.98634 166.06453 47.84742 166.15559 47.8873 166.2195 47.75227 166.24229 47.73442 166.28405 47.75704 166.2876 47.73713 166.30872 47.74933 166.28043 47.74151 166.28062 47.72247 166.29357 47.7402 166.22236 47.80208 166.25539 47.85273 166.21822 47.80352 166.25554 47.85321 166.26039 47.99618 165.96655 48.01349 166.30969 47.9705 166.25531 47.85513 166.25727 47.8672 166.35556 47.8683 166.35805 47.81522 166.19643 47.73086 166.14909 47.75034 166.16225 47.7377 166.20586 47.75593 166.28067 47.75658 166.28703 47.77366 166.22943 47.70432 166.23614 47.71552 166.23451 47.70246 166.41427 47.57778 166.1164 47.70041 166.42093 47.75534 166.25426 47.91775 166.78352 47.91928 166.82854 47.86696 167.35462 47.53258 167.97265 47.08963 170.09508 45.73472 171.04997 45.10284 171.52747 44.81987 172.0631 44.47708 174.61483 42.7806 176.98982 41.13422 179.99802 38.98912 -179.99667 38.98517 -178.15657 37.6421 -177.11514 36.84642 -176.10294 36.11444 -174.00797 34.52246 -172.06072 33.01344 -170.99813 31.05666 -170.27844 30.55016 -170.32398 30.5204 -170.09636 30.35151 -166.89262 28.0912 -166.90215 28.10399 -166.69751 27.93518 -164.72891 26.51554 -161.95508 24.47161 -161.47639 24.09442 -160.78071 23.60158 -159.22465 22.42959 -158.14731 21.25345 -157.93772 21.23118 -157.87769 21.28105 Cruise Start and End 2004-07-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2004-08-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901686 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901686 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0415 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0415 Iron-Complexing Ligands-Subarctic Pacific Ocean Wells, Mark University of Maine Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 165.20800 -157.86604 21.23109 48.18156 coordinates of ship track -157.88612 21.316 -157.86611 21.3076 -157.90253 21.25972 -157.89187 21.25179 -157.89098 21.2832 -157.90794 21.28135 -157.89107 21.27847 -157.8962 21.24166 -158.15946 21.24388 -159.00198 22.26443 -160.02397 23.14522 -160.30701 23.36774 -160.32415 23.35849 -160.47951 23.50736 -161.84319 24.62583 -163.15732 25.73163 -163.54743 26.01792 -164.98582 27.20493 -165.54875 27.64145 -166.35346 28.33016 -169.46445 30.81583 -169.45427 30.822 -171.70331 32.57808 -171.9634 32.76662 -172.29257 33.04578 -173.19517 33.75406 -173.68192 34.10168 -174.15231 34.47313 -177.24281 36.79993 -179.54351 38.49051 -179.9984 38.80685 179.99616 38.81079 178.66221 39.77097 178.41579 39.92777 178.02102 40.22636 176.38239 41.37459 174.38237 42.74418 173.51212 43.30567 172.37518 44.09064 171.53748 44.62057 171.01611 44.97965 169.99137 45.645 170.02807 45.67797 169.87767 45.78416 169.53728 45.97543 169.35924 45.94512 169.32574 45.95328 168.52801 46.50584 167.99368 46.91725 167.61882 47.17011 166.24666 48.00501 166.04347 47.99653 165.85802 47.95071 165.76517 47.97173 165.75528 47.95761 165.81017 47.96435 165.73541 47.97811 165.73496 47.96607 165.81278 47.9612 165.83118 47.83708 165.81884 47.83112 165.87722 47.84255 165.86083 47.84627 165.87465 47.84586 165.81469 47.79066 165.82642 47.78371 165.91995 47.85032 165.68795 47.96672 165.62168 47.96155 165.63711 47.95175 166.06405 47.99402 166.05888 47.90875 166.02301 47.88843 165.87269 47.85627 165.75868 47.87152 165.68898 47.89739 165.8753 47.81811 165.89874 47.793 165.86129 47.7807 165.9777 47.78417 166.01736 47.83359 166.00338 47.78482 166.03342 47.84373 165.96534 47.7588 165.95851 47.76909 166.04322 47.85721 165.97994 47.78818 165.9564 47.8075 165.86225 47.77537 165.92838 47.7932 165.81552 47.78187 165.74121 47.85227 165.79322 47.90312 165.78458 47.95305 165.7606 47.93982 165.78706 47.96012 165.99913 47.95977 165.71919 47.96894 165.70332 47.98341 165.76652 47.98764 165.68014 47.99698 165.97415 47.99835 165.9852 47.80765 165.96946 47.7941 166.28081 47.78956 166.28773 47.86944 166.28496 47.796 166.07166 47.798 166.0427 47.81678 166.06052 47.82048 166.04561 47.82469 166.05641 47.83323 166.06828 47.80599 166.05296 47.78693 166.01965 47.85246 165.84757 47.80835 165.83477 47.82116 165.77187 47.78379 165.70683 48.03858 165.20968 48.02602 165.28358 48.02831 165.71613 47.85304 165.87449 47.65783 165.88333 47.57492 165.87618 47.65278 165.80571 47.63866 165.66999 47.64818 165.88351 47.6623 165.69174 47.67483 165.91462 47.74299 165.84958 47.87134 165.82273 47.88257 165.83894 47.90946 165.88926 47.89977 166.07973 47.9772 165.78947 48.10208 165.80203 48.09229 165.83214 47.89944 165.72096 47.77632 165.77268 47.81669 165.93058 47.81813 165.87008 47.81655 165.81887 47.78683 165.7868 47.78983 165.7826 47.82805 165.79925 47.84237 165.67679 47.89915 165.6693 47.88876 165.6848 47.87697 165.89955 47.80873 165.70874 47.8869 165.56661 47.81374 165.58451 47.74041 165.68687 47.71003 165.58915 47.70745 165.55613 47.77269 165.6778 47.81732 165.68382 47.80871 165.50899 47.74101 165.70206 47.84369 165.58143 47.77399 165.64429 47.81835 165.75236 47.83899 165.73176 47.84126 165.71865 47.81916 165.74171 47.76872 165.69921 47.78287 165.70718 47.82966 165.72843 47.83122 165.7231 47.79813 165.69458 47.83539 165.72339 47.84107 165.74531 47.80024 165.82367 47.75046 165.83015 47.76174 165.77725 47.75979 165.83239 47.77037 165.73565 47.77433 165.78343 47.77945 165.78268 47.72012 165.81925 47.62864 165.88379 47.76181 165.75922 47.68867 165.57321 47.6844 165.73461 47.77285 165.74833 47.77226 165.71938 47.74553 165.77343 47.78349 165.84067 47.77711 165.75001 47.63316 165.73681 47.73819 165.74705 47.77174 166.04928 47.60141 166.05349 47.4888 166.12215 47.6682 165.85137 47.65958 166.01175 47.8515 165.70648 47.67655 165.83764 47.84177 165.67978 47.73268 165.7147 47.76884 165.74284 47.89856 165.5774 47.90182 165.84042 48.08817 165.60869 48.18146 165.80347 47.76922 165.7873 47.76078 165.81018 47.76081 165.81374 47.77402 165.79045 47.77419 165.78848 47.76008 165.80979 47.75938 165.81176 47.77352 165.79025 47.77384 165.79075 47.76246 165.81676 47.76272 165.80976 47.72928 165.8262 47.7066 165.79814 47.76705 166.09112 47.54366 166.08644 47.53236 166.07336 47.55718 166.12587 47.8464 166.11231 47.84667 165.97911 47.66434 165.87055 47.82101 165.72063 47.66007 165.75345 47.84162 165.60589 47.79831 165.65186 47.8312 165.78197 47.98854 165.51765 47.998 165.72794 48.13901 165.87533 47.76035 165.88377 47.60062 165.97801 47.59707 165.97848 47.61269 165.98024 47.58904 165.99123 47.60717 165.97823 47.59022 165.98772 47.58324 165.87497 47.70378 165.84173 47.70926 165.89725 47.70875 165.84715 47.71614 165.89468 47.70651 165.61461 48.0432 165.81787 47.96879 165.54718 47.96285 165.70671 47.82397 165.62412 47.73668 165.81131 47.68669 165.81221 47.61599 165.9902 47.80522 166.03186 47.5566 166.04358 47.55182 166.16778 47.80605 165.93434 47.61621 165.86362 47.66305 165.86523 47.67327 165.87974 47.66325 165.85954 47.67046 165.87663 47.67088 165.86369 47.66976 165.8571 47.69963 165.86481 47.65897 165.86517 47.69659 165.85973 47.6674 166.01831 47.68699 165.86732 47.66187 166.29716 47.79904 166.16872 47.54998 166.05984 47.7936 165.92067 47.53977 165.90587 47.53809 165.86783 47.66938 165.85672 47.66156 165.85408 47.74294 165.64626 47.74591 165.65114 47.81057 165.81392 47.92417 165.68705 47.95704 165.97081 47.64349 166.06385 47.64802 165.97109 47.64008 165.80539 47.79743 165.77928 47.78751 165.73807 47.86201 165.71228 47.85356 165.75404 47.8715 165.71689 47.85438 165.7391 47.85898 165.80085 47.65214 165.96139 47.65152 166.24379 47.55516 166.41272 47.82916 166.42864 47.83047 166.36871 47.61267 166.28298 47.61851 166.12833 47.78787 166.06542 47.53057 165.85639 47.71827 165.71665 47.62919 165.63675 47.72476 165.77383 47.88804 165.68915 47.81631 165.87595 47.89837 165.87285 47.79398 165.85956 47.78834 165.87793 47.79216 165.83182 47.82393 165.86605 47.80874 165.85929 47.79921 165.87837 47.80989 165.87423 47.79907 165.85022 47.81606 165.88458 47.7758 165.87238 47.79195 165.86241 47.77978 165.77673 47.87465 165.65515 47.7109 165.8889 47.73557 165.89343 47.55641 166.00622 47.76544 166.19497 47.54617 166.28183 47.83163 166.41715 47.61254 166.45869 47.66917 166.23068 47.66279 166.28975 47.66233 166.26631 47.66649 166.26441 47.72553 166.09987 47.6271 166.23744 47.66828 166.18815 47.66075 166.54601 47.62192 166.45653 47.77918 166.34395 47.60932 166.28209 47.74199 166.17374 47.66495 166.16166 47.52085 166.27821 47.60059 166.05069 47.74383 165.92013 47.48629 166.09775 47.57248 166.3028 47.6179 166.21957 47.67313 166.23566 47.68338 166.20724 47.70874 166.26573 47.6434 166.20772 47.65306 166.26375 47.65507 166.2269 47.66075 166.59958 47.79489 166.51324 47.72296 166.28509 47.87001 166.22283 47.70549 166.24831 47.65787 166.15541 47.5807 166.04919 47.62904 165.9021 47.49137 165.74491 47.62118 165.85763 47.72313 165.75951 47.78668 165.68542 47.73703 165.9086 47.65329 165.88902 47.5785 166.28161 47.68479 166.33488 47.67522 166.28526 47.67806 166.30782 47.66785 166.31212 47.68583 166.40888 47.62184 166.43402 47.62223 166.28821 47.67444 166.29893 47.6978 166.26327 47.70131 166.31571 47.7063 166.2799 47.71524 166.64663 47.73772 166.55641 47.80149 166.32475 47.8022 166.39371 47.64671 166.38163 47.64243 166.16806 47.74714 166.16331 47.54846 165.94427 47.60316 166.00475 47.59613 165.91084 47.47726 165.89783 47.62323 165.8145 47.76007 165.84631 47.54635 166.31612 47.70383 166.29968 47.72119 166.36717 47.70024 166.35149 47.68215 166.53993 47.9429 166.40767 47.94466 166.50052 47.87182 166.65044 47.86636 166.5207 47.81619 166.32446 47.90022 166.28227 47.8354 166.39908 47.78594 166.36461 47.74555 166.18735 47.80471 166.18849 47.70142 166.51248 47.70241 166.51376 47.58933 166.0644 47.69545 166.06091 47.62937 166.26023 47.55182 166.37568 47.55239 166.30114 47.60506 166.19608 47.56488 165.89832 47.57162 165.94204 47.60143 165.92079 47.51939 165.85338 47.70385 166.40715 47.9351 166.59793 47.99944 166.50657 47.9776 166.33604 47.83268 166.37218 47.87154 166.4823 47.95071 166.27604 47.73385 166.2787 47.77071 166.23067 47.79959 166.23828 47.69807 166.22132 47.77251 166.23693 47.73584 166.23553 47.76735 166.2189 47.79905 166.26405 47.63557 166.23294 47.75071 166.13758 47.92759 166.20118 47.9213 166.22285 47.89645 166.16208 47.90817 166.04407 47.98653 166.06796 47.98634 166.06453 47.84742 166.15559 47.8873 166.2195 47.75227 166.24229 47.73442 166.28405 47.75704 166.2876 47.73713 166.30872 47.74933 166.28043 47.74151 166.28062 47.72247 166.29357 47.7402 166.22236 47.80208 166.25539 47.85273 166.21822 47.80352 166.25554 47.85321 166.26039 47.99618 165.96655 48.01349 166.30969 47.9705 166.25531 47.85513 166.25727 47.8672 166.35556 47.8683 166.35805 47.81522 166.19643 47.73086 166.14909 47.75034 166.16225 47.7377 166.20586 47.75593 166.28067 47.75658 166.28703 47.77366 166.22943 47.70432 166.23614 47.71552 166.23451 47.70246 166.41427 47.57778 166.1164 47.70041 166.42093 47.75534 166.25426 47.91775 166.78352 47.91928 166.82854 47.86696 167.35462 47.53258 167.97265 47.08963 170.09508 45.73472 171.04997 45.10284 171.52747 44.81987 172.0631 44.47708 174.61483 42.7806 176.98982 41.13422 179.99802 38.98912 -179.99667 38.98517 -178.15657 37.6421 -177.11514 36.84642 -176.10294 36.11444 -174.00797 34.52246 -172.06072 33.01344 -170.99813 31.05666 -170.27844 30.55016 -170.32398 30.5204 -170.09636 30.35151 -166.89262 28.0912 -166.90215 28.10399 -166.69751 27.93518 -164.72891 26.51554 -161.95508 24.47161 -161.47639 24.09442 -160.78071 23.60158 -159.22465 22.42959 -158.14731 21.25345 -157.93772 21.23118 -157.87769 21.28105 Cruise Start and End 2004-07-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-08-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901686 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIron-Complexing Ligands-Subarctic Pacific OceanEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((165.21 21.23, 165.21 48.18, -157.87 48.18, -157.87 21.23, 165.21 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact >>"@>1+M5]_%k9 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/901686gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18ZM\kz.=L[jy!2015-09-30;!2015-09-30<!2015-09-30=!2015-09-30>!2015-09-30?!2015-09-30@!2015-09-30A!2015-09-30;!2015-09-30<!2015-09-30=!2015-09-30>!2015-09-30?!2015-09-30@!2015-09-30A!2015-09-30B!2015-09-30C!2015-09-30D!2015-09-30E!2015-09-30F!2015-09-30G!2015-09-30H!2015-09-30I!2015-09-30J!2015-09-30K!2015-09-30L!2015-09-30M!2015-09-30N!2015-09-30O!2015-09-30P!2015-09-30Q!2015-09-30R!2015-09-30S!2015-09-30T!2015-09-30U!2015-09-30V!2015-09-30W!2015-09-30X!2015-09-30Y!2015-09-30Z!2015-09-30[!2015-09-30\!2015-09-30]!2015-09-30^!2015-09-30_!2015-09-30`!2015-09-30a!2015-09-30b!2015-09-30c!2015-09-30d!2015-09-30e!2015-09-30f!2015-09-30g!2015-09-30h!2015-09-30i!2015-09-30j!2015-09-30k!2015-09-30l!2015-09-30m!2015-09-30non date: March 23, 2011--> doi:10.7284/901687 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://data.rvdata.us/id/person/100001" xlink:actuate="onRequest">R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0416 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0416 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans <gmd:type> theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.37900 -157.86709 -18.25008 21.36425 coordinates of ship track -157.88623 21.316 -157.86728 21.30205 -157.91891 21.24158 -157.97008 21.33025 -157.96822 21.35102 -157.94304 21.36425 -157.96828 21.35118 -157.95448 21.2947 -157.97034 21.25688 -158.22729 21.04359 -158.1918 21.08303 -157.90004 21.28417 -158.23523 20.91974 -158.34795 20.77175 -159.23293 18.98454 -159.79827 17.89678 -160.01961 17.37794 -161.97671 13.34934 -162.16856 12.91841 -163.8168 9.46316 -164.27525 8.45202 -164.38025 8.25859 -165.09631 6.74811 -166.27393 4.22449 -169.54877 -2.9043 -172.14461 -8.48718 -174.96156 -14.98787 -175.11314 -15.00057 -176.92051 -15.00398 -177.99708 -16.59481 -179.00427 -16.60265 -179.99969 -17.30033 179.99921 -17.3011 179.5025 -17.6478 179.30117 -17.69674 179.22984 -17.83133 178.66597 -18.21588 178.50356 -18.25005 178.46894 -18.23018 178.42641 -18.24263 178.37883 -18.16409 178.40098 -18.13257 178.42187 -18.13314 Cruise Start and End 2004-08-28  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-09-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva  http://doi.org/10.7284/901687 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901687 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0416 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0416 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office  custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.37900 -157.86709 -18.25008 21.36425 coordinates of ship track -157.88623 21.316 -157.86728 21.30205 -157.91891 21.24158 -157.97008 21.33025 -157.96822 21.35102 -157.94304 21.36425 -157.96828 21.35118 -157.95448 21.2947 -157.97034 21.25688 -158.22729 21.04359 -158.1918 21.08303 -157.90004 21.28417 -158.23523 20.91974 -158.34795 20.77175 -159.23293 18.98454 -159.79827 17.89678 -160.01961 17.37794 -161.97671 13.34934 -162.16856 12.91841 -163.8168 9.46316 -164.27525 8.45202 -164.38025 8.25859 -165.09631 6.74811 -166.27393 4.22449 -169.54877 -2.9043 -172.14461 -8.48718 -174.96156 -14.98787 -175.11314 -15.00057 -176.92051 -15.00398 -177.99708 -16.59481 -179.00427 -16.60265 -179.99969 -17.30033 179.99921 -17.3011 179.5025 -17.6478 179.30117 -17.69674 179.22984 -17.83133 178.66597 -18.21588 178.50356 -18.25005 178.46894 -18.23018 178.42641 -18.24263 178.37883 -18.16409 178.40098 -18.13257 178.42187 -18.13314 Cruise Start and End 2004-08-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2004-09-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901687 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((178.38 -18.25, 178.38 21.36, -157.87 21.36, -157.87 -18.25, 178.38 -18.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact {{1A=1+M5s3%9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901687gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901688 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata  R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0417 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0417 Integrated Hydrothermal and Petrological Studies of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center Langmuir, Charles Harvard University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38100 -174.00200 -22.32118 -14.85533 coordinates of ship track 178.4229 -18.13535 178.40103 -18.13156 178.38113 -18.16682 178.42792 -18.2357 178.47438 -18.2724 178.5482 -18.29203 179.99747 -18.42828 -179.9973 -18.42946 -179.92867 -18.44573 -179.92368 -18.42711 -179.92929 -18.43796 -179.89224 -18.45699 -179.78173 -18.47732 -179.80508 -18.48216 -178.79301 -18.74126 -178.58625 -18.74136 -178.39039 -18.81371 -177.62546 -18.89876 -177.60496 -18.91163 -176.80756 -18.98013 -176.77422 -18.99425 -176.56681 -18.98967 -176.56437 -19.05577 -176.15349 -20.00855 -176.11706 -20.05899 -176.1405 -20.04792 -176.11844 -20.06764 -176.13882 -20.06215 -176.11166 -20.08543 -176.12773 -20.05744 -176.13858 -20.07725 -176.14396 -19.80105 -176.06885 -19.07623 -176.14163 -19.16556 -176.16729 -19.33269 -175.95839 -19.38031 -175.9577 -19.45277 -175.98393 -19.63082 -176.0343 -19.78198 -176.02572 -19.80487 -176.09512 -19.97339 -176.05674 -20.12449 -176.14635 -20.15523 -176.13917 -20.10396 -176.16041 -20.08018 -176.14522 -20.049 -176.14312 -20.09581 -176.16567 -20.07739 -176.13012 -20.05214 -176.16699 -20.04969 -176.13961 -20.08618 -176.13392 -20.05925 -176.11532 -20.0675 -176.1356 -20.06361 -176.12166 -20.04301 -176.14885 -20.08664 -176.13842 -20.14211 -176.15538 -20.30897 -176.12316 -20.34951 -176.16282 -20.38448 -176.15385 -20.37939 -176.17754 -20.34003 -176.16109 -20.30862 -176.16533 -20.34984 -176.18565 -20.334 -176.15098 -20.30638 -176.17614 -20.30008 -176.13922 -20.32546 -176.14507 -20.33829 -176.15433 -20.32105 -176.14794 -20.34975 -176.09629 -20.20433 -176.15634 -20.32594 -176.13177 -20.31074 -176.15781 -20.3418 -176.13956 -20.34935 -176.15428 -20.54196 -176.19558 -20.79445 -176.1891 -20.73224 -176.17947 -20.78492 -176.16549 -20.7557 -176.17512 -20.79416 -176.18744 -20.79312 -176.18804 -20.77441 -176.15592 -20.76126 -176.16616 -20.74668 -176.19212 -20.75343 -176.18335 -20.7431 -176.23461 -20.93592 -176.21381 -20.88252 -176.20969 -20.78813 -176.19528 -20.80729 -176.19235 -20.7507 -176.29279 -21.11296 -176.27111 -21.11458 -176.26718 -21.09417 -176.27187 -21.12696 -176.28705 -21.10862 -176.25538 -21.09949 -176.27069 -21.08477 -176.29223 -21.10042 -176.25268 -20.99469 -176.34097 -21.24004 -176.33814 -21.25013 -176.31309 -21.15527 -176.27979 -21.10469 -176.36523 -21.33968 -176.38679 -21.50324 -176.42858 -21.6625 -176.61789 -22.22255 -176.58135 -22.14213 -176.59749 -22.17461 -176.6219 -22.17615 -176.59727 -22.18555 -176.63206 -22.17485 -176.61996 -22.16553 -176.60815 -22.19221 -176.58875 -22.18789 -176.59789 -22.14347 -176.62211 -22.16019 -176.59538 -22.16928 -176.61462 -22.1462 -176.61586 -22.11035 -176.59243 -22.108 -176.62145 -22.11048 -176.59501 -22.16954 -176.62617 -22.19748 -176.60622 -22.11724 -176.61878 -22.1113 -176.58215 -22.11576 -176.60364 -22.10108 -176.56391 -22.09821 -176.56486 -21.99979 -176.56887 -22.02306 -176.58376 -22.02127 -176.59382 -22.14915 -176.60921 -22.1521 -176.59731 -22.32022 -176.60876 -22.31898 -176.56781 -22.26937 -176.5494 -22.27896 -176.57239 -22.14351 -176.61627 -22.13524 -176.57965 -22.12137 -176.617 -22.14241 -176.62377 -22.12855 -176.57619 -22.13168 -176.5674 -22.11828 -176.57363 -22.10872 -176.59877 -22.13471 -176.60868 -22.11852 -176.60414 -22.17416 -176.5995 -22.13477 -176.5805 -22.13173 -176.62311 -22.12037 -176.59661 -22.11243 -176.4096 -21.75076 -176.29237 -21.74284 -176.27652 -21.75401 -176.48351 -22.02279 -176.58903 -22.07902 -176.60569 -22.13038 -176.59653 -22.17253 -176.61061 -22.10913 -176.61074 -22.1246 -176.55399 -22.11189 -176.53972 -22.1232 -176.57946 -22.1543 -176.61064 -22.1568 -176.48204 -21.78431 -176.47046 -21.78374 -176.54064 -21.94258 -176.60542 -22.17295 -176.57817 -22.15408 -176.57767 -22.16411 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-176.59773 -22.14368 -176.62213 -22.15974 -176.59543 -22.16948 -176.61463 -22.14628 -176.6159 -22.10918 -176.59242 -22.10794 -176.62085 -22.10951 -176.5951 -22.17099 -176.62584 -22.19753 -176.60614 -22.1167 -176.61907 -22.1117 -176.58221 -22.1158 -176.60379 -22.10231 -176.56427 -22.09983 -176.56555 -21.99949 -176.56826 -22.02128 -176.58372 -22.02125 -176.59378 -22.14889 -176.6092 -22.1521 -176.59706 -22.32006 -176.60908 -22.32021 -176.5682 -22.26949 -176.54919 -22.28048 -176.57199 -22.14431 -176.61671 -22.13424 -176.57979 -22.12095 -176.61636 -22.14239 -176.62421 -22.13174 -176.57543 -22.13155 -176.5673 -22.11895 -176.57411 -22.10889 -176.59998 -22.13433 -176.60862 -22.11844 -176.6051 -22.1741 -176.59949 -22.13477 -176.58066 -22.13152 -176.62321 -22.12056 -176.59752 -22.11399 -176.40854 -21.74973 -176.29235 -21.74282 -176.27713 -21.75503 -176.48138 -22.0207 -176.59013 -22.07997 -176.60589 -22.13185 -176.59768 -22.17224 -176.61052 -22.10904 -176.61075 -22.1246 -176.55167 -22.11189 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-18.47732 -539.80508 -18.48216 -538.79301 -18.74126 -538.58625 -18.74136 -538.39039 -18.81371 -537.62546 -18.89876 -537.60496 -18.91163 -536.80756 -18.98013 -536.77422 -18.99425 -536.56682 -18.98967 -536.56437 -19.05577 -536.15349 -20.00855 -536.11706 -20.05899 -536.1405 -20.04792 -536.11844 -20.06764 -536.13882 -20.06215 -536.11166 -20.08543 -536.12773 -20.05744 -536.13858 -20.07725 -536.14396 -19.80105 -536.06885 -19.07623 -536.14163 -19.16556 -536.16729 -19.33269 -535.95839 -19.38031 -535.9577 -19.45277 -535.98393 -19.63082 -536.0343 -19.78198 -536.02572 -19.80487 -536.09512 -19.97339 -536.05674 -20.12449 -536.14635 -20.15523 -536.13917 -20.10396 -536.16041 -20.08018 -536.14522 -20.049 -536.14313 -20.09581 -536.16567 -20.07739 -536.13012 -20.05214 -536.167 -20.04969 -536.13961 -20.08618 -536.13392 -20.05925 -536.11532 -20.0675 -536.1356 -20.06361 -536.12166 -20.04301 -536.14885 -20.08664 -536.13842 -20.14211 -536.15538 -20.30897 -536.12316 -20.34951 -536.16282 -20.38448 -536.15385 -20.37939 -536.17754 -20.34003 -536.1611 -20.30862 -536.16533 -20.34984 -536.18565 -20.334 -536.15098 -20.30638 -536.17615 -20.30008 -536.13922 -20.32546 -536.14507 -20.33829 -536.15433 -20.32105 -536.14794 -20.34975 -536.09629 -20.20433 -536.15634 -20.32594 -536.13177 -20.31074 -536.15781 -20.3418 -536.13956 -20.34935 -536.15428 -20.54196 -536.19558 -20.79445 -536.1891 -20.73224 -536.17947 -20.78492 -536.16549 -20.7557 -536.17512 -20.79416 -536.18744 -20.79312 -536.18804 -20.77441 -536.15593 -20.76126 -536.16616 -20.74668 -536.19212 -20.75343 -536.18335 -20.7431 -536.23461 -20.93592 -536.21381 -20.88252 -536.20969 -20.78813 -536.19528 -20.80729 -536.19235 -20.7507 -536.29279 -21.11296 -536.27111 -21.11458 -536.26718 -21.09417 -536.27187 -21.12696 -536.28705 -21.10862 -536.25538 -21.09949 -536.27069 -21.08477 -536.29223 -21.10042 -536.25268 -20.99469 -536.34097 -21.24004 -536.33815 -21.25013 -536.31309 -21.15527 -536.27979 -21.10469 -536.36523 -21.33968 -536.38679 -21.50324 -536.42858 -21.6625 -536.61789 -22.22255 -536.58135 -22.14213 -536.59749 -22.17461 -536.6219 -22.17615 -536.59727 -22.18555 -536.63206 -22.17485 -536.61996 -22.16553 -536.60815 -22.19221 -536.58875 -22.18789 -536.59789 -22.14347 -536.62211 -22.16019 -536.59538 -22.16928 -536.61462 -22.1462 -536.61586 -22.11035 -536.59243 -22.108 -536.62145 -22.11048 -536.59501 -22.16954 -536.62617 -22.19748 -536.60622 -22.11724 -536.61878 -22.1113 -536.58215 -22.11576 -536.60364 -22.10108 -536.56391 -22.09821 -536.56486 -21.99979 -536.56887 -22.02306 -536.58376 -22.02127 -536.59382 -22.14915 -536.60921 -22.1521 -536.59731 -22.32022 -536.60876 -22.31898 -536.56781 -22.26937 -536.5494 -22.27896 -536.57239 -22.14351 -536.61627 -22.13524 -536.57965 -22.12137 -536.617 -22.14241 -536.62377 -22.12855 -536.57619 -22.13168 -536.5674 -22.11828 -536.57363 -22.10872 -536.59877 -22.13471 -536.60868 -22.11852 -536.60414 -22.17416 -536.5995 -22.13477 -536.5805 -22.13173 -536.62311 -22.12037 -536.59661 -22.11243 -536.4096 -21.75076 -536.29237 -21.74284 -536.27652 -21.75401 -536.48351 -22.02279 -536.58903 -22.07902 -536.60569 -22.13038 -536.59653 -22.17253 -536.61061 -22.10913 -536.61074 -22.1246 -536.55399 -22.11189 -536.53972 -22.1232 -536.57946 -22.1543 -536.61064 -22.1568 -536.48204 -21.78431 -536.47046 -21.78374 -536.54064 -21.94258 -536.60542 -22.17295 -536.57817 -22.15408 -536.57767 -22.16411 -536.60639 -22.09964 -536.58079 -22.1187 -536.61628 -22.1306 -536.60991 -22.17819 -536.56858 -22.11274 -536.51056 -22.07362 -536.51905 -22.08609 -536.43629 -22.08246 -536.43294 -22.09312 -536.59957 -22.16516 -536.59611 -22.18643 -536.61869 -22.17725 -536.62694 -22.14296 -536.38337 -21.81437 -536.38967 -21.82375 -536.4592 -21.74179 -536.41438 -21.60076 -536.31385 -21.57516 -536.40812 -21.57792 -536.37842 -21.45752 -536.28009 -21.47026 -536.28537 -21.48298 -536.38534 -21.4043 -536.3529 -21.28505 -536.20348 -21.2847 -536.09271 -21.01319 -536.08612 -21.02267 -536.10034 -20.89932 -535.98265 -20.82932 -535.95019 -20.50132 -535.91684 -20.32902 -536.00032 -20.34112 -536.1335 -20.31531 -536.15508 -20.32604 -536.11806 -20.33531 -536.16644 -20.32998 -536.16486 -20.31641 -536.14463 -20.31556 -536.12565 -20.34644 -536.10626 -20.33791 -536.13147 -20.2973 -536.15008 -20.31465 -536.1472 -20.3455 -536.13591 -20.32233 -536.1539 -20.40251 -536.15089 -20.33422 -536.13757 -20.32257 -536.18915 -20.48153 -536.15914 -20.54279 -536.20153 -20.52675 -536.20694 -20.53649 -536.20214 -20.52579 -536.34993 -20.33441 -536.49932 -20.33412 -536.56445 -20.43018 -536.59628 -20.7499 -536.48329 -20.74775 -536.4827 -20.50084 -536.35202 -20.50115 -536.35527 -20.58868 -536.16296 -20.59225 -536.19481 -20.77774 -536.18136 -20.74979 -535.99694 -20.65955 -536.00413 -20.67528 -536.1686 -20.63343 -536.19385 -20.77556 -535.9962 -20.58919 -535.86814 -20.61998 -535.86016 -20.41225 -535.9408 -20.40267 -535.93386 -20.41011 -536.00369 -20.29155 -535.99077 -20.29362 -535.88174 -20.10043 -536.12159 -20.04578 -536.13447 -20.06093 -536.08787 -19.89397 -535.98963 -20.18084 -536.12231 -20.26664 -536.19434 -20.51303 -536.15307 -20.5136 -536.14261 -20.47956 -536.17598 -20.34501 -536.17012 -20.31041 -536.11807 -20.28484 -536.13899 -20.31077 -536.04467 -20.42151 -536.05783 -20.42411 -536.19736 -20.77468 -536.18634 -20.75568 -536.1872 -20.77668 -536.19072 -20.76117 -536.19823 -20.76806 -536.13632 -20.05038 -536.11675 -20.0331 -536.13968 -20.32367 -536.13054 -20.30815 -536.1537 -20.18255 -536.12533 -20.04916 -536.13963 -20.05068 -535.84396 -19.82526 -535.72672 -19.74899 -535.72217 -19.75929 -535.68906 -19.52247 -535.6778 -19.48922 -535.6534 -19.50022 -535.76498 -19.45875 -535.7555 -19.47118 -535.87649 -19.64979 -535.86786 -19.65988 -536.07589 -19.94712 -536.13221 -20.05274 -536.10508 -19.98536 -536.09858 -19.97708 -536.13534 -20.09641 -536.13996 -20.04985 -536.01022 -19.7401 -535.85804 -19.30884 -535.82745 -19.28234 -535.63593 -18.65019 -534.62885 -17.92456 -534.53224 -17.82566 -534.58033 -17.67237 -534.56584 -17.65403 -534.56213 -17.68761 -534.56266 -17.59576 -534.58486 -17.58255 -534.59404 -17.42572 -534.5579 -17.20771 -534.50006 -17.02455 -534.58344 -16.91702 -534.54867 -16.73306 -534.46655 -16.73906 -534.46688 -16.92017 -534.50229 -17.02497 -534.53385 -16.85297 -534.51798 -16.74017 -534.52855 -16.60677 -534.5067 -16.60605 -534.50775 -16.52318 -534.53365 -16.51531 -534.53551 -16.47063 -534.54578 -16.49176 -534.55881 -16.3486 -534.5754 -16.35919 -534.54262 -16.25439 -534.54991 -16.26672 -534.54404 -16.12734 -534.57457 -16.13293 -534.60605 -15.92711 -534.59684 -15.94217 -534.36905 -15.53074 -534.23639 -15.33731 -534.00279 -14.85561 -534.01061 -14.91636 -534.04851 -14.9625 -534.08439 -15.05409 -534.13005 -15.09088 -534.11567 -15.11683 -534.1624 -15.15728 -534.16146 -15.20048 -534.25293 -15.3929 -534.34872 -15.49432 -534.94269 -15.83947 -538.26102 -17.69414 -539.2107 -18.20561 -539.99953 -18.25728 -180.00563 -18.25781 -180.68411 -18.3007 -181.4469 -18.2486 Cruise Start and End 2004-09-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Suva 2004-10-16  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva  http://doi.org/10.7284/901688 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901688 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0417 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0417 Integrated Hydrothermal and Petrological Studies of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center Langmuir, Charles Harvard University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38100 -174.00200 -22.32118 -14.85533 coordinates of ship track 178.4229 -18.13535 178.40103 -18.13156 178.38113 -18.16682 178.42792 -18.2357 178.47438 -18.2724 178.5482 -18.29203 179.99747 -18.42828 -179.9973 -18.42946 -179.92867 -18.44573 -179.92368 -18.42711 -179.92929 -18.43796 -179.89224 -18.45699 -179.78173 -18.47732 -179.80508 -18.48216 -178.79301 -18.74126 -178.58625 -18.74136 -178.39039 -18.81371 -177.62546 -18.89876 -177.60496 -18.91163 -176.80756 -18.98013 -176.77422 -18.99425 -176.56681 -18.98967 -176.56437 -19.05577 -176.15349 -20.00855 -176.11706 -20.05899 -176.1405 -20.04792 -176.11844 -20.06764 -176.13882 -20.06215 -176.11166 -20.08543 -176.12773 -20.05744 -176.13858 -20.07725 -176.14396 -19.80105 -176.06885 -19.07623 -176.14163 -19.16556 -176.16729 -19.33269 -175.95839 -19.38031 -175.9577 -19.45277 -175.98393 -19.63082 -176.0343 -19.78198 -176.02572 -19.80487 -176.09512 -19.97339 -176.05674 -20.12449 -176.14635 -20.15523 -176.13917 -20.10396 -176.16041 -20.08018 -176.14522 -20.049 -176.14312 -20.09581 -176.16567 -20.07739 -176.13012 -20.05214 -176.16699 -20.04969 -176.13961 -20.08618 -176.13392 -20.05925 -176.11532 -20.0675 -176.1356 -20.06361 -176.12166 -20.04301 -176.14885 -20.08664 -176.13842 -20.14211 -176.15538 -20.30897 -176.12316 -20.34951 -176.16282 -20.38448 -176.15385 -20.37939 -176.17754 -20.34003 -176.16109 -20.30862 -176.16533 -20.34984 -176.18565 -20.334 -176.15098 -20.30638 -176.17614 -20.30008 -176.13922 -20.32546 -176.14507 -20.33829 -176.15433 -20.32105 -176.14794 -20.34975 -176.09629 -20.20433 -176.15634 -20.32594 -176.13177 -20.31074 -176.15781 -20.3418 -176.13956 -20.34935 -176.15428 -20.54196 -176.19558 -20.79445 -176.1891 -20.73224 -176.17947 -20.78492 -176.16549 -20.7557 -176.17512 -20.79416 -176.18744 -20.79312 -176.18804 -20.77441 -176.15592 -20.76126 -176.16616 -20.74668 -176.19212 -20.75343 -176.18335 -20.7431 -176.23461 -20.93592 -176.21381 -20.88252 -176.20969 -20.78813 -176.19528 -20.80729 -176.19235 -20.7507 -176.29279 -21.11296 -176.27111 -21.11458 -176.26718 -21.09417 -176.27187 -21.12696 -176.28705 -21.10862 -176.25538 -21.09949 -176.27069 -21.08477 -176.29223 -21.10042 -176.25268 -20.99469 -176.34097 -21.24004 -176.33814 -21.25013 -176.31309 -21.15527 -176.27979 -21.10469 -176.36523 -21.33968 -176.38679 -21.50324 -176.42858 -21.6625 -176.61789 -22.22255 -176.58135 -22.14213 -176.59749 -22.17461 -176.6219 -22.17615 -176.59727 -22.18555 -176.63206 -22.17485 -176.61996 -22.16553 -176.60815 -22.19221 -176.58875 -22.18789 -176.59789 -22.14347 -176.62211 -22.16019 -176.59538 -22.16928 -176.61462 -22.1462 -176.61586 -22.11035 -176.59243 -22.108 -176.62145 -22.11048 -176.59501 -22.16954 -176.62617 -22.19748 -176.60622 -22.11724 -176.61878 -22.1113 -176.58215 -22.11576 -176.60364 -22.10108 -176.56391 -22.09821 -176.56486 -21.99979 -176.56887 -22.02306 -176.58376 -22.02127 -176.59382 -22.14915 -176.60921 -22.1521 -176.59731 -22.32022 -176.60876 -22.31898 -176.56781 -22.26937 -176.5494 -22.27896 -176.57239 -22.14351 -176.61627 -22.13524 -176.57965 -22.12137 -176.617 -22.14241 -176.62377 -22.12855 -176.57619 -22.13168 -176.5674 -22.11828 -176.57363 -22.10872 -176.59877 -22.13471 -176.60868 -22.11852 -176.60414 -22.17416 -176.5995 -22.13477 -176.5805 -22.13173 -176.62311 -22.12037 -176.59661 -22.11243 -176.4096 -21.75076 -176.29237 -21.74284 -176.27652 -21.75401 -176.48351 -22.02279 -176.58903 -22.07902 -176.60569 -22.13038 -176.59653 -22.17253 -176.61061 -22.10913 -176.61074 -22.1246 -176.55399 -22.11189 -176.53972 -22.1232 -176.57946 -22.1543 -176.61064 -22.1568 -176.48204 -21.78431 -176.47046 -21.78374 -176.54064 -21.94258 -176.60542 -22.17295 -176.57817 -22.15408 -176.57767 -22.16411 -176.60639 -22.09964 -176.58079 -22.1187 -176.61629 -22.1306 -176.60991 -22.17819 -176.56858 -22.11274 -176.51056 -22.07362 -176.51905 -22.08609 -176.43629 -22.08246 -176.43294 -22.09312 -176.59957 -22.16516 -176.59611 -22.18643 -176.61869 -22.17725 -176.62694 -22.14296 -176.38337 -21.81437 -176.38967 -21.82375 -176.4592 -21.74179 -176.41438 -21.60076 -176.31385 -21.57516 -176.40812 -21.57792 -176.37842 -21.45752 -176.28009 -21.47026 -176.28537 -21.48298 -176.38534 -21.4043 -176.3529 -21.28505 -176.20347 -21.2847 -176.09271 -21.01319 -176.08612 -21.02267 -176.10034 -20.89932 -175.98265 -20.82932 -175.95019 -20.50132 -175.91684 -20.32902 -176.00032 -20.34112 -176.1335 -20.31531 -176.15508 -20.32604 -176.11806 -20.33531 -176.16644 -20.32998 -176.16486 -20.31641 -176.14462 -20.31556 -176.12565 -20.34644 -176.10626 -20.33791 -176.13147 -20.2973 -176.15008 -20.31465 -176.1472 -20.3455 -176.13591 -20.32233 -176.1539 -20.40251 -176.15089 -20.33422 -176.13757 -20.32257 -176.18915 -20.48153 -176.15914 -20.54279 -176.20153 -20.52675 -176.20694 -20.53649 -176.20214 -20.52579 -176.34993 -20.33441 -176.49932 -20.33412 -176.56445 -20.43018 -176.59628 -20.7499 -176.48329 -20.74775 -176.4827 -20.50084 -176.35202 -20.50115 -176.35527 -20.58868 -176.16296 -20.59225 -176.19481 -20.77774 -176.18136 -20.74979 -175.99694 -20.65955 -176.00412 -20.67528 -176.1686 -20.63343 -176.19385 -20.77556 -175.9962 -20.58919 -175.86814 -20.61998 -175.86016 -20.41225 -175.9408 -20.40267 -175.93386 -20.41011 -176.00369 -20.29155 -175.99077 -20.29362 -175.88174 -20.10043 -176.1216 -20.04578 -176.13447 -20.06093 -176.08787 -19.89397 -175.98963 -20.18084 -176.12231 -20.26664 -176.19434 -20.51303 -176.15307 -20.5136 -176.14261 -20.47956 -176.17598 -20.34501 -176.17012 -20.31041 -176.11807 -20.28484 -176.13899 -20.31077 -176.04467 -20.42151 -176.05783 -20.42411 -176.19736 -20.77468 -176.18634 -20.75568 -176.1872 -20.77668 -176.19072 -20.76117 -176.19823 -20.76806 -176.13632 -20.05038 -176.11675 -20.0331 -176.13968 -20.32367 -176.13054 -20.30815 -176.1537 -20.18255 -176.12533 -20.04916 -176.13963 -20.05068 -175.84395 -19.82526 -175.72672 -19.74899 -175.72217 -19.75929 -175.68906 -19.52247 -175.6778 -19.48922 -175.6534 -19.50022 -175.76498 -19.45875 -175.7555 -19.47118 -175.87649 -19.64979 -175.86786 -19.65988 -176.07589 -19.94712 -176.13221 -20.05274 -176.10508 -19.98536 -176.09858 -19.97708 -176.13534 -20.09641 -176.13996 -20.04985 -176.01022 -19.7401 -175.85804 -19.30884 -175.82745 -19.28234 -175.63593 -18.65019 -174.62885 -17.92456 -174.53224 -17.82566 -174.58033 -17.67237 -174.56584 -17.65403 -174.56213 -17.68761 -174.56266 -17.59576 -174.58486 -17.58255 -174.59404 -17.42572 -174.5579 -17.20771 -174.50006 -17.02455 -174.58344 -16.91702 -174.54867 -16.73306 -174.46655 -16.73906 -174.46688 -16.92017 -174.50229 -17.02497 -174.53385 -16.85297 -174.51798 -16.74017 -174.52855 -16.60677 -174.5067 -16.60605 -174.50775 -16.52318 -174.53365 -16.51531 -174.53551 -16.47063 -174.54578 -16.49176 -174.55882 -16.3486 -174.5754 -16.35919 -174.54262 -16.25439 -174.54991 -16.26672 -174.54404 -16.12734 -174.57457 -16.13293 -174.60605 -15.92711 -174.59684 -15.94217 -174.36905 -15.53074 -174.23639 -15.33731 -174.00279 -14.85561 -174.01061 -14.91636 -174.04851 -14.9625 -174.08439 -15.05409 -174.13005 -15.09088 -174.11567 -15.11683 -174.1624 -15.15728 -174.16145 -15.20048 -174.25293 -15.3929 -174.34872 -15.49432 -174.94269 -15.83947 -178.26102 -17.69414 -179.2107 -18.20561 -179.99953 -18.25728 179.99437 -18.25781 179.31589 -18.3007 178.5531 -18.2486 178.42291 -18.13535 178.39952 -18.13323 178.38144 -18.16865 178.38622 -18.1596 178.42053 -18.2264 178.4625 -18.26631 178.54546 -18.29163 180 -18.42854 -179.99467 -18.43012 -179.93138 -18.44584 -179.92091 -18.42803 -179.92727 -18.43978 -179.89837 -18.44309 -179.91714 -18.43979 -179.89474 -18.45611 -179.78121 -18.47996 -179.80222 -18.48293 -178.7957 -18.74071 -178.58363 -18.74192 -178.38772 -18.81407 -177.62824 -18.8984 -177.60224 -18.91199 -176.80471 -18.98023 -176.77144 -18.99436 -176.56907 -18.98888 -176.56464 -19.05515 -176.15455 -20.00619 -176.11704 -20.05907 -176.13945 -20.04792 -176.11841 -20.06761 -176.13885 -20.06208 -176.11055 -20.08579 -176.12679 -20.05749 -176.1387 -20.07461 -176.144 -19.80385 -176.06853 -19.0765 -176.14147 -19.16476 -176.16731 -19.33266 -175.9585 -19.38025 -175.95771 -19.45288 -175.98351 -19.62893 -176.03413 -19.78132 -176.02514 -19.80353 -176.09497 -19.97215 -176.05647 -20.12347 -176.14618 -20.15539 -176.13908 -20.10429 -176.15963 -20.07919 -176.14434 -20.04999 -176.14317 -20.09584 -176.16581 -20.0781 -176.13021 -20.05151 -176.16701 -20.04914 -176.14035 -20.0857 -176.13428 -20.05948 -176.11529 -20.06707 -176.13563 -20.06367 -176.12182 -20.04306 -176.14884 -20.08636 -176.13841 -20.14419 -176.15517 -20.3067 -176.12282 -20.34822 -176.16219 -20.38465 -176.17753 -20.3404 -176.1619 -20.30804 -176.16525 -20.34961 -176.18571 -20.33463 -176.15093 -20.30687 -176.17622 -20.30061 -176.13953 -20.32501 -176.14499 -20.33826 -176.1546 -20.32134 -176.14798 -20.34976 -176.0961 -20.20559 -176.15605 -20.3238 -176.13167 -20.3109 -176.15787 -20.34151 -176.13954 -20.34942 -176.15407 -20.53881 -176.19601 -20.79415 -176.18836 -20.73162 -176.18025 -20.78451 -176.16551 -20.75569 -176.17533 -20.79458 -176.18689 -20.79366 -176.18857 -20.77492 -176.15602 -20.76194 -176.16569 -20.74675 -176.1921 -20.75343 -176.18384 -20.74261 -176.23346 -20.93626 -176.21365 -20.88437 -176.21011 -20.7893 -176.19623 -20.80839 -176.19229 -20.75085 -176.29282 -21.11287 -176.27207 -21.11538 -176.2666 -21.09463 -176.27212 -21.12709 -176.28727 -21.10917 -176.25523 -21.09892 -176.27384 -21.08481 -176.29207 -21.10012 -176.25261 -20.99462 -176.34138 -21.24138 -176.27993 -21.10462 -176.36525 -21.33978 -176.38629 -21.50167 -176.42882 -21.6633 -176.61798 -22.22259 -176.58134 -22.14168 -176.59726 -22.17419 -176.62169 -22.17553 -176.59645 -22.18497 -176.63162 -22.17509 -176.61943 -22.16567 -176.60762 -22.19252 -176.58865 -22.18737 -176.59773 -22.14368 -176.62213 -22.15974 -176.59543 -22.16948 -176.61463 -22.14628 -176.6159 -22.10918 -176.59242 -22.10794 -176.62085 -22.10951 -176.5951 -22.17099 -176.62584 -22.19753 -176.60614 -22.1167 -176.61907 -22.1117 -176.58221 -22.1158 -176.60379 -22.10231 -176.56427 -22.09983 -176.56555 -21.99949 -176.56826 -22.02128 -176.58372 -22.02125 -176.59378 -22.14889 -176.6092 -22.1521 -176.59706 -22.32006 -176.60908 -22.32021 -176.5682 -22.26949 -176.54919 -22.28048 -176.57199 -22.14431 -176.61671 -22.13424 -176.57979 -22.12095 -176.61636 -22.14239 -176.62421 -22.13174 -176.57543 -22.13155 -176.5673 -22.11895 -176.57411 -22.10889 -176.59998 -22.13433 -176.60862 -22.11844 -176.6051 -22.1741 -176.59949 -22.13477 -176.58066 -22.13152 -176.62321 -22.12056 -176.59752 -22.11399 -176.40854 -21.74973 -176.29235 -21.74282 -176.27713 -21.75503 -176.48138 -22.0207 -176.59013 -22.07997 -176.60589 -22.13185 -176.59768 -22.17224 -176.61052 -22.10904 -176.61075 -22.1246 -176.55167 -22.11189 -176.53973 -22.12326 -176.57914 -22.15419 -176.6102 -22.15792 -176.48239 -21.7847 -176.47047 -21.78367 -176.54031 -21.94199 -176.60477 -22.17358 -176.57815 -22.15407 -176.57769 -22.1642 -176.60623 -22.09961 -176.58083 -22.11857 -176.61619 -22.13036 -176.60977 -22.17851 -176.56712 -22.11112 -176.50957 -22.07305 -176.51903 -22.08612 -176.43502 -22.08255 -176.43293 -22.09312 -176.59974 -22.16525 -176.59609 -22.18635 -176.61993 -22.17613 -176.62531 -22.14054 -176.3835 -21.81476 -176.39087 -21.82263 -176.4592 -21.74201 -176.41361 -21.59979 -176.31386 -21.57499 -176.40813 -21.57791 -176.37903 -21.45885 -176.28006 -21.47018 -176.28521 -21.48306 -176.38554 -21.40329 -176.35289 -21.28502 -176.20277 -21.28321 -176.09313 -21.0135 -176.08605 -21.02253 -176.10033 -20.89927 -175.98307 -20.83223 -175.95055 -20.50414 -175.91633 -20.33174 -175.99723 -20.34126 -176.1348 -20.31526 -176.15524 -20.32641 -176.11829 -20.3353 -176.16578 -20.33025 -176.16438 -20.31597 -176.14507 -20.31526 -176.12507 -20.34673 -176.1064 -20.33723 -176.13164 -20.29727 -176.14983 -20.31414 -176.1472 -20.3455 -176.13607 -20.32192 -176.1541 -20.40392 -176.15065 -20.33334 -176.13763 -20.32254 -176.18911 -20.48076 -176.15916 -20.54279 -176.20038 -20.52677 -176.20693 -20.53652 -176.35265 -20.33359 -176.5017 -20.33551 -176.56525 -20.43273 -176.5989 -20.7497 -176.48476 -20.7498 -176.47996 -20.50026 -176.35449 -20.5 -176.35234 -20.58941 -176.16297 -20.59218 -176.19479 -20.77775 -176.18025 -20.74914 -175.9969 -20.65953 -176.0062 -20.675 -176.16868 -20.63355 -176.19386 -20.77555 -175.99828 -20.58995 -175.867 -20.61748 -175.85852 -20.41454 -175.9407 -20.40258 -175.93387 -20.41012 -176.00363 -20.2916 -175.99024 -20.29247 -175.88009 -20.10248 -176.12139 -20.04572 -176.13446 -20.06086 -176.08815 -19.89403 -175.98972 -20.18135 -176.12232 -20.26663 -176.19499 -20.51297 -176.15397 -20.51375 -176.14251 -20.47875 -176.17624 -20.3428 -176.17001 -20.30978 -176.11809 -20.28482 -176.13909 -20.3106 -176.0448 -20.42316 -176.05783 -20.42413 -176.19732 -20.77476 -176.18631 -20.75568 -176.18738 -20.77732 -176.19072 -20.76117 -176.1982 -20.76824 -176.13618 -20.04955 -176.13238 -20.05895 -176.11677 -20.0331 -176.13967 -20.32367 -176.13045 -20.30662 -176.1537 -20.18248 -176.12529 -20.04929 -176.13958 -20.05052 -175.84147 -19.82354 -175.72684 -19.7491 -175.72164 -19.75873 -175.68993 -19.52531 -175.67838 -19.48951 -175.65342 -19.49951 -175.76448 -19.45859 -175.7558 -19.47177 -175.87733 -19.65123 -175.86848 -19.66102 -176.0743 -19.94484 -176.13233 -20.0527 -176.10495 -19.98509 -176.09863 -19.97701 -176.13581 -20.09582 -176.13929 -20.04862 -176.01126 -19.74291 -175.85906 -19.31153 -175.82837 -19.28509 -175.63592 -18.65013 -174.6264 -17.92276 -174.53246 -17.82607 -174.58072 -17.67011 -174.56666 -17.65278 -174.56265 -17.68869 -174.56259 -17.59809 -174.58467 -17.58307 -174.59404 -17.42474 -174.55841 -17.20998 -174.49994 -17.02312 -174.58283 -16.91416 -174.5505 -16.73505 -174.46652 -16.73651 -174.46741 -16.92281 -174.50243 -17.02496 -174.53391 -16.85076 -174.51839 -16.74122 -174.52858 -16.60888 -174.50698 -16.60686 -174.50743 -16.52536 -174.53246 -16.51688 -174.53733 -16.47022 -174.54581 -16.49169 -174.56002 -16.34707 -174.5754 -16.35911 -174.54267 -16.25341 -174.55023 -16.26654 -174.54396 -16.12523 -174.57472 -16.1328 -174.60587 -15.92671 -174.59682 -15.94218 -174.36764 -15.52841 -174.23771 -15.33964 -174.00211 -14.85784 -174.00999 -14.91511 -174.04863 -14.96269 -174.08413 -15.05365 -174.12953 -15.08914 -174.11667 -15.11859 -174.16338 -15.15897 -174.16225 -15.2023 -174.25277 -15.3926 -174.34934 -15.49526 -174.94545 -15.8409 -178.25844 -17.69266 -179.21332 -18.20702 -179.99654 -18.25701 179.99736 -18.25752 179.31859 -18.30074 178.55084 -18.24854 -181.5771 -18.13535 -181.59897 -18.13156 -181.61887 -18.16682 -181.57208 -18.2357 -181.52562 -18.2724 -181.4518 -18.29203 -180.00253 -18.42828 -539.9973 -18.42946 -539.92867 -18.44573 -539.92368 -18.42711 -539.92929 -18.43796 -539.89224 -18.45699 -539.78173 -18.47732 -539.80508 -18.48216 -538.79301 -18.74126 -538.58625 -18.74136 -538.39039 -18.81371 -537.62546 -18.89876 -537.60496 -18.91163 -536.80756 -18.98013 -536.77422 -18.99425 -536.56682 -18.98967 -536.56437 -19.05577 -536.15349 -20.00855 -536.11706 -20.05899 -536.1405 -20.04792 -536.11844 -20.06764 -536.13882 -20.06215 -536.11166 -20.08543 -536.12773 -20.05744 -536.13858 -20.07725 -536.14396 -19.80105 -536.06885 -19.07623 -536.14163 -19.16556 -536.16729 -19.33269 -535.95839 -19.38031 -535.9577 -19.45277 -535.98393 -19.63082 -536.0343 -19.78198 -536.02572 -19.80487 -536.09512 -19.97339 -536.05674 -20.12449 -536.14635 -20.15523 -536.13917 -20.10396 -536.16041 -20.08018 -536.14522 -20.049 -536.14313 -20.09581 -536.16567 -20.07739 -536.13012 -20.05214 -536.167 -20.04969 -536.13961 -20.08618 -536.13392 -20.05925 -536.11532 -20.0675 -536.135 6 -20.06361 -536.12166 -20.04301 -536.14885 -20.08664 -536.13842 -20.14211 -536.15538 -20.30897 -536.12316 -20.34951 -536.16282 -20.38448 -536.15385 -20.37939 -536.17754 -20.34003 -536.1611 -20.30862 -536.16533 -20.34984 -536.18565 -20.334 -536.15098 -20.30638 -536.17615 -20.30008 -536.13922 -20.32546 -536.14507 -20.33829 -536.15433 -20.32105 -536.14794 -20.34975 -536.09629 -20.20433 -536.15634 -20.32594 -536.13177 -20.31074 -536.15781 -20.3418 -536.13956 -20.34935 -536.15428 -20.54196 -536.19558 -20.79445 -536.1891 -20.73224 -536.17947 -20.78492 -536.16549 -20.7557 -536.17512 -20.79416 -536.18744 -20.79312 -536.18804 -20.77441 -536.15593 -20.76126 -536.16616 -20.74668 -536.19212 -20.75343 -536.18335 -20.7431 -536.23461 -20.93592 -536.21381 -20.88252 -536.20969 -20.78813 -536.19528 -20.80729 -536.19235 -20.7507 -536.29279 -21.11296 -536.27111 -21.11458 -536.26718 -21.09417 -536.27187 -21.12696 -536.28705 -21.10862 -536.25538 -21.09949 -536.27069 -21.08477 -536.29223 -21.10042 -536.25268 -20.99469 -536.340 97 -21.24004 -536.33815 -21.25013 -536.31309 -21.15527 -536.27979 -21.10469 -536.36523 -21.33968 -536.38679 -21.50324 -536.42858 -21.6625 -536.61789 -22.22255 -536.58135 -22.14213 -536.59749 -22.17461 -536.6219 -22.17615 -536.59727 -22.18555 -536.63206 -22.17485 -536.61996 -22.16553 -536.60815 -22.19221 -536.58875 -22.18789 -536.59789 -22.14347 -536.62211 -22.16019 -536.59538 -22.16928 -536.61462 -22.1462 -536.61586 -22.11035 -536.59243 -22.108 -536.62145 -22.11048 -536.59501 -22.16954 -536.62617 -22.19748 -536.60622 -22.11724 -536.61878 -22.1113 -536.58215 -22.11576 -536.60364 -22.10108 -536.56391 -22.09821 -536.56486 -21.99979 -536.56887 -22.02306 -536.58376 -22.02127 -536.59382 -22.14915 -536.60921 -22.1521 -536.59731 -22.32022 -536.60876 -22.31898 -536.56781 -22.26937 -536.5494 -22.27896 -536.57239 -22.14351 -536.61627 -22.13524 -536.57965 -22.12137 -536.617 -22.14241 -536.62377 -22.12855 -536.57619 -22.13168 -536.5674 -22.11828 -536.57363 -22.10872 -536.59877 -22.13471 -536.60868 -22.11852 -536.60414 -22.17416 -536.5995 -22.13477 -536.5805 -22.13173 -536.62311 -22.12037 -536.59661 -22.11243 -536.4096 -21.75076 -536.29237 -21.74284 -536.27652 -21.75401 -536.48351 -22.02279 -536.58903 -22.07902 -536.60569 -22.13038 -536.59653 -22.17253 -536.61061 -22.10913 -536.61074 -22.1246 -536.55399 -22.11189 -536.53972 -22.1232 -536.57946 -22.1543 -536.61064 -22.1568 -536.48204 -21.78431 -536.47046 -21.78374 -536.54064 -21.94258 -536.60542 -22.17295 -536.57817 -22.15408 -536.57767 -22.16411 -536.60639 -22.09964 -536.58079 -22.1187 -536.61628 -22.1306 -536.60991 -22.17819 -536.56858 -22.11274 -536.51056 -22.07362 -536.51905 -22.08609 -536.43629 -22.08246 -536.43294 -22.09312 -536.59957 -22.16516 -536.59611 -22.18643 -536.61869 -22.17725 -536.62694 -22.14296 -536.38337 -21.81437 -536.38967 -21.82375 -536.4592 -21.74179 -536.41438 -21.60076 -536.31385 -21.57516 -536.40812 -21.57792 -536.37842 -21.45752 -536.28009 -21.47026 -536.28537 -21.48298 -536.38534 -21.4043 -536.3529 -21.28505 -536.20348 -21.2847 -536.09271 -21 .01319 -536.08612 -21.02267 -536.10034 -20.89932 -535.98265 -20.82932 -535.95019 -20.50132 -535.91684 -20.32902 -536.00032 -20.34112 -536.1335 -20.31531 -536.15508 -20.32604 -536.11806 -20.33531 -536.16644 -20.32998 -536.16486 -20.31641 -536.14463 -20.31556 -536.12565 -20.34644 -536.10626 -20.33791 -536.13147 -20.2973 -536.15008 -20.31465 -536.1472 -20.3455 -536.13591 -20.32233 -536.1539 -20.40251 -536.15089 -20.33422 -536.13757 -20.32257 -536.18915 -20.48153 -536.15914 -20.54279 -536.20153 -20.52675 -536.20694 -20.53649 -536.20214 -20.52579 -536.34993 -20.33441 -536.49932 -20.33412 -536.56445 -20.43018 -536.59628 -20.7499 -536.48329 -20.74775 -536.4827 -20.50084 -536.35202 -20.50115 -536.35527 -20.58868 -536.16296 -20.59225 -536.19481 -20.77774 -536.18136 -20.74979 -535.99694 -20.65955 -536.00413 -20.67528 -536.1686 -20.63343 -536.19385 -20.77556 -535.9962 -20.58919 -535.86814 -20.61998 -535.86016 -20.41225 -535.9408 -20.40267 -535.93386 -20.41011 -536.00369 -20.29155 -535.99077 -20.29362 -535.88174 -20. 10043 -536.12159 -20.04578 -536.13447 -20.06093 -536.08787 -19.89397 -535.98963 -20.18084 -536.12231 -20.26664 -536.19434 -20.51303 -536.15307 -20.5136 -536.14261 -20.47956 -536.17598 -20.34501 -536.17012 -20.31041 -536.11807 -20.28484 -536.13899 -20.31077 -536.04467 -20.42151 -536.05783 -20.42411 -536.19736 -20.77468 -536.18634 -20.75568 -536.1872 -20.77668 -536.19072 -20.76117 -536.19823 -20.76806 -536.13632 -20.05038 -536.11675 -20.0331 -536.13968 -20.32367 -536.13054 -20.30815 -536.1537 -20.18255 -536.12533 -20.04916 -536.13963 -20.05068 -535.84396 -19.82526 -535.72672 -19.74899 -535.72217 -19.75929 -535.68906 -19.52247 -535.6778 -19.48922 -535.6534 -19.50022 -535.76498 -19.45875 -535.7555 -19.47118 -535.87649 -19.64979 -535.86786 -19.65988 -536.07589 -19.94712 -536.13221 -20.05274 -536.10508 -19.98536 -536.09858 -19.97708 -536.13534 -20.09641 -536.13996 -20.04985 -536.01022 -19.7401 -535.85804 -19.30884 -535.82745 -19.28234 -535.63593 -18.65019 -534.62885 -17.92456 -534.53224 -17.82566 -534.58033 -17.67237 -534.56584 -17.65403 -534.56213 -17.68761 -534.56266 -17.59576 -534.58486 -17.58255 -534.59404 -17.42572 -534.5579 -17.20771 -534.50006 -17.02455 -534.58344 -16.91702 -534.54867 -16.73306 -534.46655 -16.73906 -534.46688 -16.92017 -534.50229 -17.02497 -534.53385 -16.85297 -534.51798 -16.74017 -534.52855 -16.60677 -534.5067 -16.60605 -534.50775 -16.52318 -534.53365 -16.51531 -534.53551 -16.47063 -534.54578 -16.49176 -534.55881 -16.3486 -534.5754 -16.35919 -534.54262 -16.25439 -534.54991 -16.26672 -534.54404 -16.12734 -534.57457 -16.13293 -534.60605 -15.92711 -534.59684 -15.94217 -534.36905 -15.53074 -534.23639 -15.33731 -534.00279 -14.85561 -534.01061 -14.91636 -534.04851 -14.9625 -534.08439 -15.05409 -534.13005 -15.09088 -534.11567 -15.11683 -534.1624 -15.15728 -534.16146 -15.20048 -534.25293 -15.3929 -534.34872 -15.49432 -534.94269 -15.83947 -538.26102 -17.69414 -539.2107 -18.20561 -539.99953 -18.25728 -180.00563 -18.25781 -180.68411 -18.3007 -181.4469 -18.2486 Cruise Start and End 2004-09-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2004-10-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901688 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIntegrated Hydrothermal and Petrological Studies of the Eastern Lau Spreading CenterEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((178.38 -22.32, 178.38 -14.86, -174.00 -14.86, -174.00 -22.32, 178.38 -22.32))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 2B?1+M5i%59 !!9 [)doi:10.7284/901688gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/903620 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM0418 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0418 Transit/Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng</gco:CharacterString> oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End  2004-10-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2004-11-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae http://doi.org/10.7284/903620 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/903620 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0418 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0418 Transit/Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2004-10-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2004-11-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae http://doi.org/10.7284/903620 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionTransit/Student CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact aa\C<1+M5=K%99 !! [)doi:10.7284/903620gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901690 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata $ R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0419 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0419 Stratovolcano Lateral Collapses-North New Guinea Arc Silver, Eli University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans ( theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation * 144.13415 151.57349 -7.10071 -3.17502 coordinates of ship track +146.98976 -6.75971 147.21527 -6.87159 147.75124 -7.09776 147.96678 -7.09877 148.01843 -6.80109 148.01587 -6.50009 147.82946 -6.11476 147.47008 -5.81421 147.47077 -5.26511 147.57885 -5.25534 147.70234 -5.29151 148.51441 -5.29126 148.53274 -5.2769 148.51863 -5.2267 147.67459 -5.22835 147.65879 -5.21453 147.6593 -5.16998 147.68557 -5.16175 148.50613 -5.16149 148.5208 -5.18791 148.50639 -5.30221 148.52176 -5.31266 148.53423 -5.30138 148.51253 -5.28792 148.48863 -5.34085 148.31608 -5.35128 148.17874 -5.57911 148.16072 -5.58484 148.11393 -5.56504 147.88952 -5.33654 147.89973 -5.3261 147.98924 -5.33529 148.00263 -5.40831 148.09756 -5.50573 148.13842 -5.48018 148.17677 -5.33838 147.99817 -5.32911 147.83389 -5.11597 147.8427 -5.09667 148.34392 -5.10519 148.15704 -5.56571 148.05188 -5.54542 147.83558 -5.35255 147.6991 -5.35008 147.47977 -5.58182 147.407,77 -5.5862 147.39656 -5.57223 147.3973 -5.23637 147.64503 -5.2282 147.6584 -5.17589 147.63796 -5.16246 147.40154 -5.15791 147.40287 -4.96648 148.52138 -4.96605 148.52483 -5.02226 148.51204 -5.03405 147.39733 -5.03742 147.40606 -5.09632 147.94408 -5.10788 147.83999 -5.12877 147.81541 -5.03081 147.83621 -5.1352 147.84731 -5.12942 147.80611 -4.99336 147.76052 -5.07901 147.94546 -5.05755 147.95303 -5.07106 147.77165 -5.14448 147.76793 -5.16401 147.98253 -5.1829 147.99799 -5.22778 147.92138 -5.22623 147.83397 -4.96928 147.81944 -5.06683 147.81679 -4.96929 147.80059 -4.97084 147.7961 -5.06537 147.79164 -4.96876 147.77552 -4.96799 147.77525 -5.06307 147.84917 -5.2475 148.04504 -5.2588 147.87992 -5.39186 147.96918 -5.37604 147.99557 -5.3907 148.00288 -5.39979 147.94786 -5.44052 147.96024 -5.44873 148.02422 -5.42715 148.02979 -5.4373 147.96301 -5.46444 148.07211 -5.47014 148.07411 -5.52182 147.98442 -5.42607 147.90989 -5.39431 147.90845 -5.31051 147.87443 -5.18429 147.79175 -5.03381 147.79277 -4.98334 147.79106 -5-.02062 147.89253 -5.15212 147.77616 -5.08817 147.62237 -5.05702 147.6631 -4.94101 147.69044 -4.95833 147.66556 -5.12906 147.61626 -5.21246 147.54625 -5.20411 147.57716 -5.12122 147.70598 -5.11618 147.78844 -5.05979 147.96244 -5.33353 148.00142 -5.42638 148.04952 -5.47129 148.11457 -5.4908 148.09396 -5.53641 148.10536 -5.56226 148.13653 -5.49887 148.05515 -5.48136 148.01334 -5.52035 147.99922 -5.47677 147.90418 -5.40466 148.31553 -5.12169 148.52536 -5.11257 148.51683 -5.09492 148.33397 -5.09454 148.32273 -5.08213 148.33208 -5.06745 148.53799 -5.05992 148.52922 -5.0074 148.24246 -4.99819 148.23511 -4.90814 148.24565 -4.89569 148.54722 -4.89992 149.01129 -4.78316 151.5588 -4.78318 151.57255 -4.77386 151.57229 -4.71499 149.67102 -4.70826 149.5384 -4.7455 149.35794 -4.7451 149.08629 -4.70418 149.08979 -4.66671 149.30715 -4.52733 149.49908 -4.52651 149.80216 -4.64142 151.46347 -4.64149 151.47456 -4.79333 151.06282 -4.81643 150.87983 -4.85674 149.25312 -4.8565 149.18324 -4.81549 148.99968 -4.82205 149.00028 -4.9.884 149.01644 -4.99896 149.17961 -4.99954 149.25898 -4.92662 149.89938 -4.92826 149.90814 -5.22703 149.86818 -5.23647 149.85678 -5.22013 149.8512 -4.97847 149.50055 -4.98265 149.49944 -5.01713 149.51902 -5.0291 149.84866 -5.02962 149.95979 -4.92741 150.7877 -4.92703 150.82502 -4.96345 150.82046 -4.98223 150.28128 -4.98002 150.26714 -4.99044 150.26714 -5.03444 150.2905 -5.04672 150.81414 -5.04652 150.99567 -4.97196 151.06819 -5.04232 151.06719 -5.05915 150.83387 -5.09185 150.30891 -5.08931 150.28182 -5.03717 150.45206 -4.56707 150.38121 -4.53993 150.20118 -4.98468 150.10594 -4.96173 150.10707 -4.71192 150.57423 -4.71309 150.57277 -4.64152 150.25119 -4.64215 150.14207 -4.92765 150.39489 -4.72481 150.34185 -4.64117 150.36454 -4.65216 150.50337 -4.86765 150.80211 -4.92668 150.79208 -4.96032 150.54591 -5.02435 150.68061 -5.09733 150.62505 -4.75075 150.58088 -4.67501 150.21684 -4.71182 151.19681 -4.81669 151.38781 -4.65331 151.37679 -4.64167 151.18626 -4.80385 151.1869 -4.78619 151.36581 -4.63305 151.29168 -4.6/3749 151.4074 -4.82946 151.42766 -4.81434 151.36338 -4.7434 151.36356 -4.61702 151.48601 -4.64531 151.30409 -4.77224 151.3635 -4.64993 151.3631 -4.68205 149.90476 -4.71694 149.72684 -4.95754 149.46541 -4.7589 149.51896 -4.73275 149.48405 -4.66636 149.47877 -4.67956 149.49539 -4.67265 149.50958 -4.72379 149.50351 -4.86174 149.24406 -4.87983 149.2409 -4.85865 149.37032 -4.73107 149.33167 -4.7071 149.20584 -4.82858 149.1785 -4.83048 149.06893 -4.63775 149.30633 -4.79716 149.00018 -4.7073 148.77031 -4.89557 148.78638 -4.9141 148.86652 -4.91496 148.86363 -4.72241 148.86968 -4.82698 148.48218 -5.22625 148.35919 -5.29698 148.40771 -5.20631 148.45562 -5.24028 148.42854 -5.25655 147.86492 -5.07484 147.78866 -5.07344 147.86531 -5.07226 147.81737 -5.07926 146.06213 -4.88787 146.18175 -4.71035 146.31765 -4.58495 147.33217 -4.81487 147.33229 -4.87069 147.31547 -4.8806 146.30605 -4.66129 146.27973 -4.66867 146.26041 -4.69711 146.26762 -4.7097 146.62074 -4.79203 146.58725 -4.83435 146.34198 -4.79381 146.33118 -4.8374 1406.34124 -4.85044 146.56464 -4.88871 146.70503 -4.80526 147.3249 -4.94721 147.31665 -4.97694 147.28916 -4.98034 146.84748 -4.91048 146.79069 -5.02449 146.71303 -5.03066 146.71186 -5.06851 146.78227 -5.07316 146.9243 -5.04758 147.36191 -5.09037 147.4139 -4.53745 147.40501 -4.49979 147.3616 -4.51101 147.31454 -4.72457 145.93968 -4.4284 145.91586 -4.43769 145.73454 -4.67779 146.05544 -4.95552 146.62433 -5.02284 146.66111 -5.145 146.79674 -5.13404 146.98043 -5.07326 147.02952 -5.0961 147.34 -5.1354 147.34893 -5.14744 147.34638 -5.17598 147.31633 -5.18488 146.57205 -5.19312 146.56258 -5.17841 146.6286 -4.87951 146.71044 -4.846 146.81109 -4.86612 146.78182 -4.92871 146.65463 -4.92382 146.47301 -5.06863 146.04098 -5.00139 145.71399 -4.70063 145.41207 -4.33432 144.97465 -4.15783 144.92157 -3.99731 144.91444 -3.37612 144.88031 -3.37433 144.86945 -3.40674 144.86907 -3.99739 144.85734 -4.00759 144.81681 -3.97584 144.80976 -3.65005 144.77494 -3.66175 144.77412 -3.92441 144.7603 -3.93456 144.71383 -3.9217 144.71532 -3.129478 144.69096 -3.29489 144.68172 -3.31759 144.68063 -3.81369 144.64273 -3.82423 144.63094 -3.8104 144.63085 -3.30412 144.555 -3.29991 144.54171 -3.31162 144.54218 -3.62567 144.60424 -3.63378 144.61427 -3.64929 144.51174 -3.66572 144.4993 -3.63982 144.49704 -3.2373 144.45632 -3.24538 144.45645 -3.60257 144.44116 -3.61594 144.40501 -3.60056 144.41163 -3.45868 144.39741 -3.44733 144.36663 -3.4555 144.36485 -3.60168 144.33014 -3.59835 144.32841 -3.41032 144.31633 -3.39478 144.27191 -3.44095 144.26454 -3.53862 144.23362 -3.53505 144.2338 -3.40497 144.22066 -3.39093 144.1847 -3.40128 144.18283 -3.53801 144.13727 -3.53162 144.13875 -3.27448 144.1682 -3.21725 144.18449 -3.22123 144.20271 -3.26217 144.18011 -3.30762 144.18343 -3.21202 144.18529 -3.37872 144.23338 -3.37839 144.23332 -3.17753 144.26806 -3.17557 144.27143 -3.19653 144.36777 -3.2826 144.61823 -3.46245 145.14755 -4.07197 145.24149 -4.09061 146.12894 -4.4372 146.13866 -4.64767 145.86043 -5.23328 145.90333 -5.17333 145.92335 -4.84952 145.82444 -4.731062 145.72449 -4.46903 145.69297 -4.4204 145.01035 -3.51337 144.99966 -3.31765 144.82452 -3.3193 144.82451 -3.56897 144.77223 -3.592 144.77285 -3.23785 144.37941 -3.37441 144.27469 -3.29712 144.27546 -3.33347 144.36607 -3.36992 144.35799 -3.38596 144.25538 -3.38201 144.28975 -3.49916 144.23579 -3.49616 144.51517 -3.55775 144.65959 -3.56008 144.83576 -3.67882 145.49088 -3.6794 146.00335 -4.36736 146.84717 -4.54924 147.75868 -5.26594 147.90872 -5.26078 147.87554 -5.23776 147.87031 -5.30198 147.80265 -5.26544 147.85347 -5.26168 147.95192 -5.30052 147.86838 -5.32631 147.88275 -5.33681 147.87121 -5.29551 147.90357 -5.29226 147.88627 -5.34935 147.92228 -5.34816 147.91849 -5.28771 147.90381 -5.31465 147.94917 -5.30191 147.85498 -5.26112 147.87747 -5.26107 147.87435 -5.32382 147.89676 -5.31984 147.90364 -5.30326 147.8398 -5.31075 147.71504 -5.3508 147.68422 -5.38399 147.55144 -5.38262 147.50923 -5.33294 147.52991 -5.31562 147.51674 -5.3602 147.57389 -5.71595 147.92918 -6.42454 148.01624 -6.65111 148.01589 -6.78438 1347.91508 -6.86656 147.27904 -6.86022 147.22739 -6.84183 Cruise Start and End 2004-11-11 4 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae 2004-12-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae http://doi.org/10.7284/901690 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii : operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901690 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0419 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0419 Stratovolcano Lateral Collapses-North New Guinea Arc Silver, Eli University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geos237 -5.05702 147.6631 -4.94101 147.69044 -4.95833 147.66556 -5.12906 147.61626 -5.21246 147.54625 -5.20411 147.57716 -5.12122 147.70598 -5.11618 147.78844 -5.05979 147.96244 -5.33353 148.00142 -5.42638 148.04952 -5.47129 148.11457 -5.4908 148.09396 -5.53641 148.10536 -5.56226 148.13653 -5.49887 148.05515 -5.48136 148.01334 -5.52035 147.99922 -5.47677 147.90418 -5.40466 148.31553 -5.12169 148.52536 -5.11257 148.51683 -5.09492 148.33397 -5.09454 148.32273 -5.08213 148.33208 -5.06745 148.53799 -5.05992 148.52922 -5.0074 148.24246 -4.99819 148.23511 -4.90814 148.24565 -4.89569 148.54722 -4.89992 149.01129 -4.78316 151.5588 -4.78318 151.57255 -4.77386 151.57229 -4.71499 149.67102 -4.70826 149.5384 -4.7455 149.35794 -4.7451 149.08629 -4.70418 149.08979 -4.66671 149.30715 -4.52733 149.49908 -4.52651 149.80216 -4.64142 151.46347 -4.64149 151.47456 -4.79333 151.06282 -4.81643 150.87983 -4.85674 149.25312 -4.8565 149.18324 -4.81549 148.99968 -4.82205 149.00028 -4.9884 149.01644 -4.99896 149.17961 -4.99954 149.25898? -4.92662 149.89938 -4.92826 149.90814 -5.22703 149.86818 -5.23647 149.85678 -5.22013 149.8512 -4.97847 149.50055 -4.98265 149.49944 -5.01713 149.51902 -5.0291 149.84866 -5.02962 149.95979 -4.92741 150.7877 -4.92703 150.82502 -4.96345 150.82046 -4.98223 150.28128 -4.98002 150.26714 -4.99044 150.26714 -5.03444 150.2905 -5.04672 150.81414 -5.04652 150.99567 -4.97196 151.06819 -5.04232 151.06719 -5.05915 150.83387 -5.09185 150.30891 -5.08931 150.28182 -5.03717 150.45206 -4.56707 150.38121 -4.53993 150.20118 -4.98468 150.10594 -4.96173 150.10707 -4.71192 150.57423 -4.71309 150.57277 -4.64152 150.25119 -4.64215 150.14207 -4.92765 150.39489 -4.72481 150.34185 -4.64117 150.36454 -4.65216 150.50337 -4.86765 150.80211 -4.92668 150.79208 -4.96032 150.54591 -5.02435 150.68061 -5.09733 150.62505 -4.75075 150.58088 -4.67501 150.21684 -4.71182 151.19681 -4.81669 151.38781 -4.65331 151.37679 -4.64167 151.18626 -4.80385 151.1869 -4.78619 151.36581 -4.63305 151.29168 -4.63749 151.4074 -4.82946 151.42766 -4.81434 151.36338@ -4.7434 151.36356 -4.61702 151.48601 -4.64531 151.30409 -4.77224 151.3635 -4.64993 151.3631 -4.68205 149.90476 -4.71694 149.72684 -4.95754 149.46541 -4.7589 149.51896 -4.73275 149.48405 -4.66636 149.47877 -4.67956 149.49539 -4.67265 149.50958 -4.72379 149.50351 -4.86174 149.24406 -4.87983 149.2409 -4.85865 149.37032 -4.73107 149.33167 -4.7071 149.20584 -4.82858 149.1785 -4.83048 149.06893 -4.63775 149.30633 -4.79716 149.00018 -4.7073 148.77031 -4.89557 148.78638 -4.9141 148.86652 -4.91496 148.86363 -4.72241 148.86968 -4.82698 148.48218 -5.22625 148.35919 -5.29698 148.40771 -5.20631 148.45562 -5.24028 148.42854 -5.25655 147.86492 -5.07484 147.78866 -5.07344 147.86531 -5.07226 147.81737 -5.07926 146.06213 -4.88787 146.18175 -4.71035 146.31765 -4.58495 147.33217 -4.81487 147.33229 -4.87069 147.31547 -4.8806 146.30605 -4.66129 146.27973 -4.66867 146.26041 -4.69711 146.26762 -4.7097 146.62074 -4.79203 146.58725 -4.83435 146.34198 -4.79381 146.33118 -4.8374 146.34124 -4.85044 146.56464 -4.88871 146.70503 -4.80A526 147.3249 -4.94721 147.31665 -4.97694 147.28916 -4.98034 146.84748 -4.91048 146.79069 -5.02449 146.71303 -5.03066 146.71186 -5.06851 146.78227 -5.07316 146.9243 -5.04758 147.36191 -5.09037 147.4139 -4.53745 147.40501 -4.49979 147.3616 -4.51101 147.31454 -4.72457 145.93968 -4.4284 145.91586 -4.43769 145.73454 -4.67779 146.05544 -4.95552 146.62433 -5.02284 146.66111 -5.145 146.79674 -5.13404 146.98043 -5.07326 147.02952 -5.0961 147.34 -5.1354 147.34893 -5.14744 147.34638 -5.17598 147.31633 -5.18488 146.57205 -5.19312 146.56258 -5.17841 146.6286 -4.87951 146.71044 -4.846 146.81109 -4.86612 146.78182 -4.92871 146.65463 -4.92382 146.47301 -5.06863 146.04098 -5.00139 145.71399 -4.70063 145.41207 -4.33432 144.97465 -4.15783 144.92157 -3.99731 144.91444 -3.37612 144.88031 -3.37433 144.86945 -3.40674 144.86907 -3.99739 144.85734 -4.00759 144.81681 -3.97584 144.80976 -3.65005 144.77494 -3.66175 144.77412 -3.92441 144.7603 -3.93456 144.71383 -3.9217 144.71532 -3.29478 144.69096 -3.29489 144.68172 -3.31759 144.680B63 -3.81369 144.64273 -3.82423 144.63094 -3.8104 144.63085 -3.30412 144.555 -3.29991 144.54171 -3.31162 144.54218 -3.62567 144.60424 -3.63378 144.61427 -3.64929 144.51174 -3.66572 144.4993 -3.63982 144.49704 -3.2373 144.45632 -3.24538 144.45645 -3.60257 144.44116 -3.61594 144.40501 -3.60056 144.41163 -3.45868 144.39741 -3.44733 144.36663 -3.4555 144.36485 -3.60168 144.33014 -3.59835 144.32841 -3.41032 144.31633 -3.39478 144.27191 -3.44095 144.26454 -3.53862 144.23362 -3.53505 144.2338 -3.40497 144.22066 -3.39093 144.1847 -3.40128 144.18283 -3.53801 144.13727 -3.53162 144.13875 -3.27448 144.1682 -3.21725 144.18449 -3.22123 144.20271 -3.26217 144.18011 -3.30762 144.18343 -3.21202 144.18529 -3.37872 144.23338 -3.37839 144.23332 -3.17753 144.26806 -3.17557 144.27143 -3.19653 144.36777 -3.2826 144.61823 -3.46245 145.14755 -4.07197 145.24149 -4.09061 146.12894 -4.4372 146.13866 -4.64767 145.86043 -5.23328 145.90333 -5.17333 145.92335 -4.84952 145.82444 -4.73106 145.72449 -4.46903 145.69297 -4.4204 145.01035 -3.C51337 144.99966 -3.31765 144.82452 -3.3193 144.82451 -3.56897 144.77223 -3.592 144.77285 -3.23785 144.37941 -3.37441 144.27469 -3.29712 144.27546 -3.33347 144.36607 -3.36992 144.35799 -3.38596 144.25538 -3.38201 144.28975 -3.49916 144.23579 -3.49616 144.51517 -3.55775 144.65959 -3.56008 144.83576 -3.67882 145.49088 -3.6794 146.00335 -4.36736 146.84717 -4.54924 147.75868 -5.26594 147.90872 -5.26078 147.87554 -5.23776 147.87031 -5.30198 147.80265 -5.26544 147.85347 -5.26168 147.95192 -5.30052 147.86838 -5.32631 147.88275 -5.33681 147.87121 -5.29551 147.90357 -5.29226 147.88627 -5.34935 147.92228 -5.34816 147.91849 -5.28771 147.90381 -5.31465 147.94917 -5.30191 147.85498 -5.26112 147.87747 -5.26107 147.87435 -5.32382 147.89676 -5.31984 147.90364 -5.30326 147.8398 -5.31075 147.71504 -5.3508 147.68422 -5.38399 147.55144 -5.38262 147.50923 -5.33294 147.52991 -5.31562 147.51674 -5.3602 147.57389 -5.71595 147.92918 -6.42454 148.01624 -6.65111 148.01589 -6.78438 147.91508 -6.86656 147.27904 -6.86022 147.22739 -6.84183 Cruise Start and End 2004-11-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae 2004-12-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae http://doi.org/10.7284/901690 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStratovolcano Lateral Collapses-North New Guinea ArcEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((144.13 -7.10, 144.13 -3.18, 151.57 -3.18, 151.57 -7.10, 144.13 -7.10))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact **E=1+M5)K%9!!1 [)doi:10.7284/901691gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wwFWD>1+M5+u%u9 !!+ [)doi:10.7284/901690gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901691 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0420 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published K KM0420 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme L NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 146.98552 <Ngco:Decimal>174.99124 -36.84119 -6.74181 coordinates of ship track 146.98552 -6.74182 146.99892 -6.75807 153.20089 -8.97066 153.24373 -8.98437 153.55953 -8.9O8315 153.73812 -9.16357 153.84055 -9.28306 157.45705 -14.19285 158.79922 -15.96464 159.94792 -17.51683 161.47631 -19.51263 162.04895 -20.25599 162.75344 -20.92652 162.98636 -21.29631 163.11126 -21.60133 163.22857 -21.80422 163.40015 -21.98544 164.4232 -23.28745 165.71413 -24.88096 165.94073 -25.18916 166.13077 -25.39994 167.48347 -27.06349 169.49589 -29.48437 172.62062 -33.12576 174.41412 -35.14099 174.85274 -35.89349 174.99108 -36.42919 174.9823 -36.60527 174.80775 -36.77517 174.82619 -36.82784 174.76569 -36.84114 Cruise Start and End 2004-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae 2004-12-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List R Auckland http://doi.org/10.7284/901691 S collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120T Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw U International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901691 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(XE) Cruise KM0420 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0420 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 146.98552 174.99124 -36.84119 -6.74181 coordinates of ship track 146.98552 -6.74182 146.99892 -6.75807 153.20089 -8.97066 153.24373 -8.98437 153.55953 -8.98315 153.73812 -9.16357 153.84055 -9.28306 157.45705 -14.19285 158.79922 -15.96464 159.94792 -17.51683 161.47631 -19.51263 162.04895 -20.25599 162.75344 -20.92652 162.98636 -21.29631 163.11126 -21.60133 163.22857 -21.80422 163.40015 -21.98544 164.4232 -23.28745 165.71413 -24.88096 165.94073 -25.18916 166.13077 -25.39994 167.48347 -27.06349 169.49589 -29.48437 172.62062 -33.12576 174.41412 -35.14099 174.85274 -35.89349 174.99108 -36.42919 174.9823 -36.60527 174.80775 -36.77517 174.82619 -36.82784 174.76569 -36.84114 Cruise Start and End 2004-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Lae 2004-12-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Auckland http://doi.org/10.7284/901691 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((146.99 -36.84, 146.99 -6.74, 174.99 -6.74, 174.99 -36.84, 146.99 -36.84))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactZw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901692 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0501 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published ^ KM0501 Transit/Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian ` Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.76565 a 178.70358 -41.71158 -36.39048 coordinates of ship track 174.76567 -36.8411 174.82703 -36.82762 174.81063 -36.77198 174.89194 -36.6913b 175.05756 -36.57067 175.31178 -36.39435 175.40104 -36.39118 175.90599 -36.52109 176.12308 -36.59349 176.25472 -36.65685 176.45811 -36.72277 178.52501 -37.52692 178.69305 -37.59903 178.70358 -37.62086 178.59802 -38.20987 178.50947 -38.39762 178.41641 -38.767 178.00028 -39.40303 176.65458 -40.77862 176.00063 -41.42469 175.38418 -41.70997 175.25462 -41.70813 174.85399 -41.45316 174.82234 -41.40987 174.85927 -41.28161 174.82899 -41.26745 174.78038 -41.28497 Cruise Start and End 2005-01-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Auckland 2005-01-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901692 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 j multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901692 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0501 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-3k0 published KM0501 Transit/Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.76565 178.70358 -41.71158 -36.39048 coordinates of ship track 174.76567 -36.8411 174.82703 -36.82762 174.81063 -36.77198 174.89194 -36.6913 175.05756 -36.57067 175.31178 -36.39435 175.40104 -36.39118 175.90599 -36.52109 176.12308 -36.59349 176.25472 -36.65685 176.45811 -36.72277 178.52501 -37.52692 178.69305 -37.59903 178.70358 -37.62086 178.59802 -38.20987 178.50947 -38.39762 178.41641 -38.767 178.00028 -39.40303 176.65458 -40.77862 176.00063 -41.42469 175.38418 -41.70997 175.25462 -41.70813 174.85399 -41.45316 174.82234 -41.40987 174.85927 -41.28161 174.82899 -41.26745 174.78038 -41.28497 Cruise Start and End 2005-01-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Auckland 2005-01-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901692 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransit/MaintenanceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((174.77 -41.71, 174.77 -36.39, 178.70 -36.39, 178.70 -41.71, 174.77 -41.71))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact HHMH=1+M5)s%]9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901694gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z1+M5[E%]9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901693gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901693 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program p info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0502 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0502 MARGINS (S2S)-Waipaoa River, New Zealand Kuehl, Steven Virginia Institute of Marine Science Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Sciencte Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data areu not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78035 178.64940 -41.706v67 -37.79692 coordinates of ship track 174.7804 -41.28498 174.79292 -41.28348 174.78798 -41.27149 174.81844 -41.27298 174.85209 -41.30552 174.8354 -41.36645 174.79863 -41.38386 174.7965 -41.42442 175.20526 -41.68106 175.39267 -41.7055 176.12314 -41.30494 177.44424 -40.43704 178.w33407 -39.51423 178.33199 -39.07415 178.36595 -39.05528 178.34852 -39.07465 177.95699 -39.07484 177.91839 -38.99593 178.21515 -38.99112 178.27856 -38.91387 177.93769 -38.90791 177.95087 -38.82742 178.3769 -38.82377 178.03958 -38.75155 178.05016 -38.72067 178.349 -38.80615 178.46375 -38.70002 178.12412 -38.69692 178.35003 -38.61704 178.49116 -38.63506 178.49338 -38.62457 178.20656 -38.65339 177.94402 -38.85824 177.933 -38.98389 178.16961 -38.77605 178.17006 -38.85086 178.21394 -38.80814 178.11995 -38.81598 178.35064 -38.6251 178.48008 -38.62797 177.97998 -39.07219 178.06577 -39.07488 178.15172 -38.94852 178.50147 -38.6355 178.45783 -38.62962 178.45875 -38.61879 178.46853 -38.62204 178.3678 -38.78154 178.30714 -38.8176 178.16735 -38.94952 178.16869 -39.09353 178.19241 -39.10233 178.20181 -39.09231 178.15742 -39.0648 178.17579 -39.08028 177.98327 -39.07297 178.01601 -38.91081 178.00108 -38.78427 178.11638 -38.71766 178.13661 -38.72543 178.00903 -38.79856 178.0087 -38.8115 178.16235 -38.73313 178.18641 -38.73x995 178.03113 -38.82733 178.03916 -38.84186 178.21509 -38.74619 178.23654 -38.75056 178.05113 -38.8564 178.05875 -38.87023 178.26167 -38.76213 178.2843 -38.7642 178.073 -38.88498 178.08546 -38.89715 178.30568 -38.77967 178.32933 -38.78591 178.08671 -38.91712 178.18404 -39.11282 178.24386 -38.99937 178.17082 -39.10847 178.15885 -39.10524 178.2257 -38.98517 178.14922 -39.10087 178.14103 -39.09465 178.24678 -38.88955 178.27398 -38.88089 178.24518 -38.92772 178.26608 -38.89619 178.29181 -38.88998 178.26191 -38.92993 178.27565 -38.91042 178.2714 -38.87325 178.2373 -38.88821 178.1916 -38.99263 178.12451 -39.08648 178.22991 -38.88495 178.39618 -38.78314 178.40833 -38.72894 178.38947 -38.78043 178.22103 -38.8815 178.17346 -38.99064 178.10936 -39.08501 178.21542 -38.87544 178.38048 -38.77615 178.39197 -38.73134 178.37394 -38.77258 178.21095 -38.87248 178.10349 -39.08066 178.12999 -39.09453 178.19956 -38.99771 178.16393 -38.99922 178.1115 -39.08765 178.17075 -39.01573 178.12623 -39.09232 178.09537 -39.08053 178.204y8 -38.87154 178.36701 -38.77045 178.37697 -38.72995 178.32356 -38.75285 178.31675 -38.79229 178.20023 -38.86783 178.09197 -39.07955 178.19595 -38.86627 178.31047 -38.79194 178.31202 -38.75614 178.30815 -38.78973 178.19347 -38.86071 178.14244 -38.98421 178.08233 -39.07762 178.19066 -38.8571 178.30288 -38.78814 178.30345 -38.75693 178.2973 -38.78742 178.18675 -38.85531 178.07725 -39.07419 178.18073 -38.85686 178.29463 -38.78394 178.29338 -38.75657 178.28721 -38.78468 178.17714 -38.85425 178.12663 -38.97836 178.06634 -39.07195 178.17489 -38.84928 178.28669 -38.78041 178.28606 -38.75733 178.28156 -38.78023 178.1697 -38.84984 178.13928 -38.91944 178.07754 -38.90916 178.32361 -38.77665 178.29641 -38.77405 178.07576 -38.89027 178.07115 -38.87655 178.26917 -38.76471 178.24152 -38.76295 178.06214 -38.85965 178.05055 -38.84637 178.22606 -38.74692 178.19871 -38.74411 178.03572 -38.8341 178.02606 -38.81934 178.17658 -38.73262 178.14818 -38.73046 178.03633 -38.7902 178.01128 -38.71002 178.04193 -38.75289 178.21174 -38z.79273 178.08229 -38.7633 178.09883 -38.735 178.20837 -38.65263 178.35443 -38.64292 178.35074 -38.61734 178.28992 -38.67265 178.28347 -38.7037 178.20586 -38.70183 178.21144 -38.76708 178.16565 -38.74556 178.03744 -38.75557 178.10098 -38.73489 178.20831 -38.65313 178.3549 -38.64322 178.35069 -38.6165 178.5886 -38.50527 178.63151 -38.33818 178.6494 -38.00328 178.53621 -37.80098 178.55858 -37.80676 178.34872 -38.61224 178.28387 -38.70412 178.20486 -38.70108 178.21196 -38.76623 178.15414 -38.74795 178.00545 -38.77963 178.00591 -38.8257 178.07374 -38.82538 178.08548 -38.78544 178.12102 -38.82547 178.23975 -38.81423 178.31811 -38.82432 178.23864 -38.81531 178.19961 -38.8295 178.12157 -38.82709 178.08307 -38.78714 178.0732 -38.82544 178.00567 -38.82505 178.00829 -38.77838 178.03144 -38.76516 178.00503 -38.82444 178.00665 -38.78909 178.12605 -38.72154 178.27534 -38.72025 178.30131 -38.68386 178.16783 -38.68371 178.16647 -38.66298 178.33128 -38.66274 178.35053 -38.65079 178.40365 -38.66419 178.29569 -38.76689 178.{34081 -38.79122 178.08552 -38.92615 178.10022 -38.9014 178.03651 -38.89802 178.01154 -38.8785 178.04799 -38.8613 178.05676 -38.87213 178.09123 -38.84748 178.12485 -38.86847 178.13341 -38.84125 178.15595 -38.84967 178.15057 -38.88357 178.17713 -38.86866 178.23519 -38.88182 178.27469 -38.83934 178.2216 -38.81791 178.21927 -38.80451 178.27501 -38.84463 178.23268 -38.8807 178.0947 -38.84778 178.01231 -38.87859 178.0365 -38.89843 178.09028 -38.90289 178.0736 -38.94754 178.36622 -38.79855 178.11187 -38.93337 178.01063 -38.88005 177.94245 -38.90827 177.94856 -38.83166 178.01162 -38.91044 178.01314 -38.88179 178.01285 -38.9135 178.14255 -38.90766 178.01114 -38.93843 178.00393 -38.92544 177.93523 -38.93279 177.94981 -38.9067 177.99563 -38.98598 177.94839 -38.99168 178.0212 -38.99051 178.03883 -39.01749 178.07089 -38.9915 178.04764 -39.0228 178.01764 -38.99098 177.94877 -38.99166 177.9344 -38.93234 178.00429 -38.92565 178.01324 -38.93755 178.01575 -38.88428 178.01033 -38.90719 177.94973 -38.83039 177.95231 -38.9064|9 177.93046 -38.97138 178.08985 -39.14442 178.12661 -39.11469 177.93953 -38.90102 178.01519 -38.83957 178.18221 -39.0199 178.14547 -39.05643 177.94662 -38.83229 177.96084 -38.79814 177.95179 -38.83269 177.97483 -38.87193 178.03179 -38.85761 178.05083 -38.87588 177.96602 -38.93456 177.98311 -38.95462 177.93639 -39.04504 177.98948 -39.03802 178.0262 -39.00128 178.04878 -39.00903 177.98248 -39.07438 178.02976 -39.08833 178.07682 -39.0577 178.16613 -39.07226 178.1172 -38.98628 178.16683 -38.98681 178.20192 -38.90965 178.16644 -38.98623 178.16642 -39.06561 178.07554 -39.05664 178.05513 -39.07921 178.04853 -39.00858 178.02412 -39.00422 177.966 -38.93446 177.98876 -38.93928 178.04262 -39.01915 177.98617 -39.06505 178.0604 -39.12659 178.14929 -39.07616 178.16809 -39.0359 178.2462 -38.99691 178.22054 -38.98073 178.05191 -38.95675 178.03239 -38.93316 178.049 -38.87625 177.97458 -38.87167 178.07545 -38.83281 178.04597 -38.77748 178.09328 -38.82376 178.097 -38.80004 178.14229 -38.77517 178.16735 -38.78166 178.15843 -}38.80498 178.23544 -38.86321 178.21352 -38.88092 178.16542 -38.80629 178.1686 -38.78105 178.13921 -38.77402 178.07521 -38.8334 178.048 -38.80718 178.04656 -38.77694 178.14074 -38.91217 178.11575 -38.98057 178.16757 -38.847 178.28639 -38.77213 178.16667 -38.84383 178.10848 -38.97181 178.16107 -38.84411 178.28448 -38.76411 178.15828 -38.84209 178.10865 -38.96345 178.15435 -38.84258 178.28189 -38.75992 178.15275 -38.83908 178.10385 -38.95651 178.1486 -38.83927 178.27807 -38.75909 178.14563 -38.83733 178.09545 -38.94916 178.14536 -38.83311 178.26949 -38.75726 178.13928 -38.83504 178.09546 -38.94207 178.13723 -38.83183 178.25981 -38.75518 178.32359 -38.74416 178.36301 -38.70385 178.27055 -38.71985 178.28943 -38.68234 178.15813 -38.68287 178.14468 -38.68806 178.14564 -38.7434 178.10085 -38.74541 178.26524 -38.7369 178.27779 -38.71841 178.27107 -38.64253 178.24946 -38.64708 178.24682 -38.75663 178.21953 -38.75322 178.21892 -38.65002 178.19134 -38.66295 178.18824 -38.75982 178.16272 -38.75837 178.16157 -38.6814 1~78.14227 -38.68224 178.12887 -38.73994 178.13945 -38.71639 178.18819 -38.7088 178.19106 -38.73848 178.23349 -38.71085 178.26944 -38.71473 178.29745 -38.749 178.38965 -38.745 178.29031 -38.68132 178.19193 -38.68421 178.1913 -38.66079 178.14467 -38.68832 178.18806 -38.66137 178.19114 -38.68387 178.23889 -38.66791 178.24902 -38.6841 178.28973 -38.68445 178.23908 -38.71961 178.22867 -38.70159 178.1922 -38.71829 178.18831 -38.73786 178.13924 -38.71854 178.25589 -38.75021 178.136 -38.82928 178.0934 -38.93425 178.13133 -38.82997 178.25019 -38.75356 178.12851 -38.82858 178.08536 -38.92928 178.1288 -38.82357 178.24689 -38.75092 178.12317 -38.82466 178.08365 -38.92115 178.12071 -38.8213 178.04058 -38.75066 178.00548 -38.82469 178.05499 -38.95832 178.0478 -39.02446 177.96175 -39.05392 178.1352 -38.89338 178.02787 -38.75531 177.9635 -38.81932 178.118 -38.99281 178.07902 -39.02385 177.94344 -38.86978 178.04168 -38.86048 177.93452 -38.94479 177.96046 -39.00266 178.08043 -38.91204 178.06673 -38.90923 178.10051 -38.8802 178.06788 -38.87128 178.12481 -38.7954 177.98218 -38.79818 178.01804 -38.9542 178.24551 -39.13657 178.15164 -39.2772 178.23808 -39.13301 178.12867 -39.26873 178.20959 -39.12591 178.11616 -39.26477 178.20534 -39.12114 178.10175 -39.25875 178.19316 -39.11436 178.09104 -39.25355 178.17997 -39.11018 178.07511 -39.24621 178.1603 -39.10262 178.06745 -39.2424 178.14772 -39.09789 178.05398 -39.23691 178.13684 -39.09176 178.04276 -39.23442 178.121 -39.08657 178.03188 -39.23043 178.11384 -39.0843 178.02175 -39.22986 178.10964 -39.08451 178.05473 -39.16544 178.10251 -39.07949 178.04621 -39.16214 178.09198 -39.075 178.03698 -39.15645 178.07604 -39.07473 178.02708 -39.1544 178.07186 -39.07107 178.01408 -39.14835 178.05784 -39.06687 178.00678 -39.14696 178.11665 -38.97187 178.04387 -39.07628 178.11372 -38.96395 178.03894 -39.07081 178.10609 -38.95658 178.03353 -39.06856 178.1049 -38.94836 178.02811 -39.06555 178.10037 -38.9365 178.01844 -39.05712 178.06246 -38.98808 178.33203 -39.16648 178.33326 -39.5172 177.44889 -40.43429 176.15515 -41.28185 175.42739 -41.68542 175.28682 -41.70152 175.23809 -41.68506 175.12251 -41.59503 174.93902 -41.5088 174.81621 -41.42711 174.85535 -41.28453 174.84057 -41.2737 174.78043 -41.28508 Cruise Start and End 2005-01-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington  2005-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901693 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901693 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0502 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0502 MARGINS (S2S)-Waipaoa River, New Zealand Kuehl, Steven Virginia Institute of Marine Science Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78035 178.64940 -41.70667 -37.79692 coordinates of ship track 174.7804 -41.28498 174.79292 -41.28348 174.78798 -41.27149 174.81844 -41.27298 174.85209 -41.30552 174.8354 -41.36645 174.79863 -41.38386 174.7965 -41.42442 175.20526 -41.68106 175.39267 -41.7055 176.12314 -41.30494 177.44424 -40.43704 178.33407 -39.51423 178.33199 -39.07415 178.36595 -39.05528 178.34852 -39.07465 177.95699 -39.07484 177.91839 -38.99593 178.21515 -38.99112 178.27856 -38.91387 177.93769 -38.90791 177.95087 -38.82742 178.3769 -38.82377 178.03958 -38.75155 178.05016 -38.72067 178.349 -38.80615 178.46375 -38.70002 178.12412 -38.69692 178.35003 -38.61704 178.49116 -38.63506 178.49338 -38.62457 178.20656 -38.65339 177.94402 -38.85824 177.933 -38.98389 178.16961 -38.77605 178.17006 -38.85086 178.21394 -38.80814 178.11995 -38.81598 178.35064 -38.6251 178.48008 -38.62797 177.97998 -39.07219 178.06577 -39.07488 178.15172 -38.94852 178.50147 -38.6355 178.45783 -38.62962 178.45875 -38.61879 178.46853 -38.62204 178.3678 -38.78154 178.30714 -38.8176 178.16735 -38.94952 178.16869 -39.09353 178.19241 -39.10233 178.20181 -39.09231 178.15742 -39.0648 178.17579 -39.08028 177.98327 -39.07297 178.01601 -38.91081 178.00108 -38.78427 178.11638 -38.71766 178.13661 -38.72543 178.00903 -38.79856 178.0087 -38.8115 178.16235 -38.73313 178.18641 -38.73995 178.03113 -38.82733 178.03916 -38.84186 178.21509 -38.74619 178.23654 -38.75056 178.05113 -38.8564 178.05875 -38.87023 178.26167 -38.76213 178.2843 -38.7642 178.073 -38.88498 178.08546 -38.89715 178.30568 -38.77967 178.32933 -38.78591 178.08671 -38.91712 178.18404 -39.11282 178.24386 -38.99937 178.17082 -39.10847 178.15885 -39.10524 178.2257 -38.98517 178.14922 -39.10087 178.14103 -39.09465 178.24678 -38.88955 178.27398 -38.88089 178.24518 -38.92772 178.26608 -38.89619 178.29181 -38.88998 178.26191 -38.92993 178.27565 -38.91042 178.2714 -38.87325 178.2373 -38.88821 178.1916 -38.99263 178.12451 -39.08648 178.22991 -38.88495 178.39618 -38.78314 178.40833 -38.72894 178.38947 -38.78043 178.22103 -38.8815 178.17346 -38.99064 178.10936 -39.08501 178.21542 -38.87544 178.38048 -38.77615 178.39197 -38.73134 178.37394 -38.77258 178.21095 -38.87248 178.10349 -39.08066 178.12999 -39.09453 178.19956 -38.99771 178.16393 -38.99922 178.1115 -39.08765 178.17075 -39.01573 178.12623 -39.09232 178.09537 -39.08053 178.2048 -38.87154 178.36701 -38.77045 178.37697 -38.72995 178.32356 -38.75285 178.31675 -38.79229 178.20023 -38.86783 178.09197 -39.07955 178.19595 -38.86627 178.31047 -38.79194 178.31202 -38.75614 178.30815 -38.78973 178.19347 -38.86071 178.14244 -38.98421 178.08233 -39.07762 178.19066 -38.8571 178.30288 -38.78814 178.30345 -38.75693 178.2973 -38.78742 178.18675 -38.85531 178.07725 -39.07419 178.18073 -38.85686 178.29463 -38.78394 178.29338 -38.75657 178.28721 -38.78468 178.17714 -38.85425 178.12663 -38.97836 178.06634 -39.07195 178.17489 -38.84928 178.28669 -38.78041 178.28606 -38.75733 178.28156 -38.78023 178.1697 -38.84984 178.13928 -38.91944 178.07754 -38.90916 178.32361 -38.77665 178.29641 -38.77405 178.07576 -38.89027 178.07115 -38.87655 178.26917 -38.76471 178.24152 -38.76295 178.06214 -38.85965 178.05055 -38.84637 178.22606 -38.74692 178.19871 -38.74411 178.03572 -38.8341 178.02606 -38.81934 178.17658 -38.73262 178.14818 -38.73046 178.03633 -38.7902 178.01128 -38.71002 178.04193 -38.75289 178.21174 -38.79273 178.08229 -38.7633 178.09883 -38.735 178.20837 -38.65263 178.35443 -38.64292 178.35074 -38.61734 178.28992 -38.67265 178.28347 -38.7037 178.20586 -38.70183 178.21144 -38.76708 178.16565 -38.74556 178.03744 -38.75557 178.10098 -38.73489 178.20831 -38.65313 178.3549 -38.64322 178.35069 -38.6165 178.5886 -38.50527 178.63151 -38.33818 178.6494 -38.00328 178.53621 -37.80098 178.55858 -37.80676 178.34872 -38.61224 178.28387 -38.70412 178.20486 -38.70108 178.21196 -38.76623 178.15414 -38.74795 178.00545 -38.77963 178.00591 -38.8257 178.07374 -38.82538 178.08548 -38.78544 178.12102 -38.82547 178.23975 -38.81423 178.31811 -38.82432 178.23864 -38.81531 178.19961 -38.8295 178.12157 -38.82709 178.08307 -38.78714 178.0732 -38.82544 178.00567 -38.82505 178.00829 -38.77838 178.03144 -38.76516 178.00503 -38.82444 178.00665 -38.78909 178.12605 -38.72154 178.27534 -38.72025 178.30131 -38.68386 178.16783 -38.68371 178.16647 -38.66298 178.33128 -38.66274 178.35053 -38.65079 178.40365 -38.66419 178.29569 -38.76689 178.34081 -38.79122 178.08552 -38.92615 178.10022 -38.9014 178.03651 -38.89802 178.01154 -38.8785 178.04799 -38.8613 178.05676 -38.87213 178.09123 -38.84748 178.12485 -38.86847 178.13341 -38.84125 178.15595 -38.84967 178.15057 -38.88357 178.17713 -38.86866 178.23519 -38.88182 178.27469 -38.83934 178.2216 -38.81791 178.21927 -38.80451 178.27501 -38.84463 178.23268 -38.8807 178.0947 -38.84778 178.01231 -38.87859 178.0365 -38.89843 178.09028 -38.90289 178.0736 -38.94754 178.36622 -38.79855 178.11187 -38.93337 178.01063 -38.88005 177.94245 -38.90827 177.94856 -38.83166 178.01162 -38.91044 178.01314 -38.88179 178.01285 -38.9135 178.14255 -38.90766 178.01114 -38.93843 178.00393 -38.92544 177.93523 -38.93279 177.94981 -38.9067 177.99563 -38.98598 177.94839 -38.99168 178.0212 -38.99051 178.03883 -39.01749 178.07089 -38.9915 178.04764 -39.0228 178.01764 -38.99098 177.94877 -38.99166 177.9344 -38.93234 178.00429 -38.92565 178.01324 -38.93755 178.01575 -38.88428 178.01033 -38.90719 177.94973 -38.83039 177.95231 -38.90649 177.93046 -38.97138 178.08985 -39.14442 178.12661 -39.11469 177.93953 -38.90102 178.01519 -38.83957 178.18221 -39.0199 178.14547 -39.05643 177.94662 -38.83229 177.96084 -38.79814 177.95179 -38.83269 177.97483 -38.87193 178.03179 -38.85761 178.05083 -38.87588 177.96602 -38.93456 177.98311 -38.95462 177.93639 -39.04504 177.98948 -39.03802 178.0262 -39.00128 178.04878 -39.00903 177.98248 -39.07438 178.02976 -39.08833 178.07682 -39.0577 178.16613 -39.07226 178.1172 -38.98628 178.16683 -38.98681 178.20192 -38.90965 178.16644 -38.98623 178.16642 -39.06561 178.07554 -39.05664 178.05513 -39.07921 178.04853 -39.00858 178.02412 -39.00422 177.966 -38.93446 177.98876 -38.93928 178.04262 -39.01915 177.98617 -39.06505 178.0604 -39.12659 178.14929 -39.07616 178.16809 -39.0359 178.2462 -38.99691 178.22054 -38.98073 178.05191 -38.95675 178.03239 -38.93316 178.049 -38.87625 177.97458 -38.87167 178.07545 -38.83281 178.04597 -38.77748 178.09328 -38.82376 178.097 -38.80004 178.14229 -38.77517 178.16735 -38.78166 178.15843 -38.80498 178.23544 -38.86321 178.21352 -38.88092 178.16542 -38.80629 178.1686 -38.78105 178.13921 -38.77402 178.07521 -38.8334 178.048 -38.80718 178.04656 -38.77694 178.14074 -38.91217 178.11575 -38.98057 178.16757 -38.847 178.28639 -38.77213 178.16667 -38.84383 178.10848 -38.97181 178.16107 -38.84411 178.28448 -38.76411 178.15828 -38.84209 178.10865 -38.96345 178.15435 -38.84258 178.28189 -38.75992 178.15275 -38.83908 178.10385 -38.95651 178.1486 -38.83927 178.27807 -38.75909 178.14563 -38.83733 178.09545 -38.94916 178.14536 -38.83311 178.26949 -38.75726 178.13928 -38.83504 178.09546 -38.94207 178.13723 -38.83183 178.25981 -38.75518 178.32359 -38.74416 178.36301 -38.70385 178.27055 -38.71985 178.28943 -38.68234 178.15813 -38.68287 178.14468 -38.68806 178.14564 -38.7434 178.10085 -38.74541 178.26524 -38.7369 178.27779 -38.71841 178.27107 -38.64253 178.24946 -38.64708 178.24682 -38.75663 178.21953 -38.75322 178.21892 -38.65002 178.19134 -38.66295 178.18824 -38.75982 178.16272 -38.75837 178.16157 -38.6814 178.14227 -38.68224 178.12887 -38.73994 178.13945 -38.71639 178.18819 -38.7088 178.19106 -38.73848 178.23349 -38.71085 178.26944 -38.71473 178.29745 -38.749 178.38965 -38.745 178.29031 -38.68132 178.19193 -38.68421 178.1913 -38.66079 178.14467 -38.68832 178.18806 -38.66137 178.19114 -38.68387 178.23889 -38.66791 178.24902 -38.6841 178.28973 -38.68445 178.23908 -38.71961 178.22867 -38.70159 178.1922 -38.71829 178.18831 -38.73786 178.13924 -38.71854 178.25589 -38.75021 178.136 -38.82928 178.0934 -38.93425 178.13133 -38.82997 178.25019 -38.75356 178.12851 -38.82858 178.08536 -38.92928 178.1288 -38.82357 178.24689 -38.75092 178.12317 -38.82466 178.08365 -38.92115 178.12071 -38.8213 178.04058 -38.75066 178.00548 -38.82469 178.05499 -38.95832 178.0478 -39.02446 177.96175 -39.05392 178.1352 -38.89338 178.02787 -38.75531 177.9635 -38.81932 178.118 -38.99281 178.07902 -39.02385 177.94344 -38.86978 178.04168 -38.86048 177.93452 -38.94479 177.96046 -39.00266 178.08043 -38.91204 178.06673 -38.90923 178.10051 -38.8802 178.06788 -38.87128 178.12481 -38.7954 177.98218 -38.79818 178.01804 -38.9542 178.24551 -39.13657 178.15164 -39.2772 178.23808 -39.13301 178.12867 -39.26873 178.20959 -39.12591 178.11616 -39.26477 178.20534 -39.12114 178.10175 -39.25875 178.19316 -39.11436 178.09104 -39.25355 178.17997 -39.11018 178.07511 -39.24621 178.1603 -39.10262 178.06745 -39.2424 178.14772 -39.09789 178.05398 -39.23691 178.13684 -39.09176 178.04276 -39.23442 178.121 -39.08657 178.03188 -39.23043 178.11384 -39.0843 178.02175 -39.22986 178.10964 -39.08451 178.05473 -39.16544 178.10251 -39.07949 178.04621 -39.16214 178.09198 -39.075 178.03698 -39.15645 178.07604 -39.07473 178.02708 -39.1544 178.07186 -39.07107 178.01408 -39.14835 178.05784 -39.06687 178.00678 -39.14696 178.11665 -38.97187 178.04387 -39.07628 178.11372 -38.96395 178.03894 -39.07081 178.10609 -38.95658 178.03353 -39.06856 178.1049 -38.94836 178.02811 -39.06555 178.10037 -38.9365 178.01844 -39.05712 178.06246 -38.98808 178.33203 -39.16648 178.33326 -39.5172 177.44889 -40.43429 176.15515 -41.28185 175.42739 -41.68542 175.28682 -41.70152 175.23809 -41.68506 175.12251 -41.59503 174.93902 -41.5088 174.81621 -41.42711 174.85535 -41.28453 174.84057 -41.2737 174.78043 -41.28508 Cruise Start and End 2005-01-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2005-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901693 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMARGINS (S2S)-Waipaoa River, New ZealandEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((174.78 -41.71, 174.78 -37.80, 178.65 -37.80, 178.65 -41.71, 174.78 -41.71))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901694 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0503 on RV Kilo Moana  2015-09-30 published KM0503 MARGINS (S2S)-Waipaoa River, New Zealand Alexander, Clark Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office  custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans  geoscientificInformation 174.78035 178.78942 -41.70936 -38.62419 <gmd:EX_Extent id="cruiseCoordinates"> coordinates of ship track 174.78041 -41.28505 174.82854 -41.27664 174.85166 -41.30102 174.8131 -41.41795 174.83182 -41.43746 175.25187 -41.70288 175.38525 -41.70815 176.14938 -41.28475 176.75547 -40.9024 177.44734 -40.4345 178.25388 -39.59454 178.32746 -39.1766 178.21357 -38.90237 178.30039 -38.8236 178.20837 -38.826 178.68933 -39.14334 178.78906 -39.04096 178.36493 -38.76324 178.36441 -38.78813 178.37655 -38.78323 178.45993 -38.84526 178.43689 -38.77449 178.38638 -38.76925 178.40471 -38.71526 178.07059 -39.11774 178.06674 -39.32374 178.03654 -39.36552 176.91929 -39.42498 176.9206 -39.43634 176.96206 -39.4223 177.93037 -39.3731 178.11894 -39.22371 178.30373 -39.1209 178.24963 -39.12036 178.32476 -39.06364 178.29482 -39.05389 178.27792 -39.07452 178.26972 -39.06376 178.52732 -38.7681 178.51114 -38.75487 178.26641 -39.0357 178.24994 -39.02147 178.43277 -38.81094 178.37935 -38.78967 178.36367 -38.87065 178.37976 -38.89236 178.39591 -38.88724 178.36032 -38.87935 178.37328 -38.917 178.35237 -38.94064 178.33805 -38.79762 178.16482 -38.9989 178.33117 -38.81607 178.30899 -38.81341 178.16353 -38.9819 178.21461 -38.98314 178.23343 -38.96056 178.19218 -38.93358 178.30251 -38.82434 178.22507 -38.9441 178.17812 -38.9834 178.2587 -39.02623 178.28867 -39.13745 178.54859 -38.83267 178.53339 -38.87425 178.55784 -38.92374 178.43243 -39.07238 178.19533 -38.91845 178.23164 -38.93657 178.22458 -38.95431 178.16148 -38.97676 178.30584 -38.94674 178.34897 -39.02002 178.25419 -39.04518 178.14898 -38.97248 178.22595 -38.96149 178.23996 -38.94272 178.22572 -38.93534 178.22597 -38.90125 178.28443 -38.89191 178.34977 -38.81484 178.44464 -38.87503 178.4279 -38.95841 178.49843 -38.99106 178.67479 -39.02413 178.69313 -39.04433 178.64891 -38.97803 178.65309 -38.99085 178.59062 -39.01547 178.48542 -38.99008 178.48837 -38.90794 178.36475 -38.82471 178.46989 -38.62476 178.54858 -38.68246 178.42321 -38.82344 178.50797 -38.73614 178.21964 -39.05759 178.17876 -38.98212 178.19948 -38.95756 178.22548 -38.95425 178.19935 -38.93576 178.27009 -38.90511 178.37847 -38.8997 178.3497 -39.02123 178.25681 -39.02636 178.21375 -38.96368 178.281 -38.99813 178.2917 -38.97227 178.26632 -38.96262 178.30636 -38.89631 178.2858 -38.85653 178.28761 -38.79516 178.2679 -38.81343 178.32504 -38.8517 178.31564 -38.86519 178.25106 -38.83406 178.21834 -38.86694 178.28223 -38.90778 178.26987 -38.92923 178.1996 -38.89099 178.17559 -38.91649 178.24524 -38.96655 178.21473 -38.9855 178.15103 -38.94624 178.11907 -38.98234 178.17451 -39.01684 178.351 -38.81215 178.35368 -38.8963 178.30286 -38.94652 178.2721 -39.00709 178.21168 -38.9868 178.21443 -39.64297 177.45189 -40.43233 176.08958 -41.3194 175.38904 -41.70798 175.26844 -41.70927 175.1664 -41.70126 175.05363 -41.61113 175.02327 -41.61018 174.93421 -41.5156 174.8234 -41.43688 174.81124 -41.42475 174.85516 -41.28508 174.83426 -41.27444 174.78038 -41.28495 Cruise Start and End 2005-02-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2005-02-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington  http://doi.org/10.7284/901694 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901694 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0503 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0503 MARGINS (S2S)-Waipaoa River, New Zealand Alexander, Clark Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 174.78035 178.78942 -41.70936 -38.62419 coordinates of ship track 174.78041 -41.28505 174.82854 -41.27664 174.85166 -41.30102 174.8131 -41.41795 174.83182 -41.43746 175.25187 -41.70288 175.38525 -41.70815 176.14938 -41.28475 176.75547 -40.9024 177.44734 -40.4345 178.25388 -39.59454 178.32746 -39.1766 178.21357 -38.90237 178.30039 -38.8236 178.20837 -38.826 178.68933 -39.14334 178.78906 -39.04096 178.36493 -38.76324 178.36441 -38.78813 178.37655 -38.78323 178.45993 -38.84526 178.43689 -38.77449 178.38638 -38.76925 178.40471 -38.71526 178.07059 -39.11774 178.06674 -39.32374 178.03654 -39.36552 176.91929 -39.42498 176.9206 -39.43634 176.96206 -39.4223 177.93037 -39.3731 178.11894 -39.22371 178.30373 -39.1209 178.24963 -39.12036 178.32476 -39.06364 178.29482 -39.05389 178.27792 -39.07452 178.26972 -39.06376 178.52732 -38.7681 178.51114 -38.75487 178.26641 -39.0357 178.24994 -39.02147 178.43277 -38.81094 178.37935 -38.78967 178.36367 -38.87065 178.37976 -38.89236 178.39591 -38.88724 178.36032 -38.87935 178.37328 -38.917 178.35237 -38.94064 178.33805 -38.79762 178.16482 -38.9989 178.33117 -38.81607 178.30899 -38.81341 178.16353 -38.9819 178.21461 -38.98314 178.23343 -38.96056 178.19218 -38.93358 178.30251 -38.82434 178.22507 -38.9441 178.17812 -38.9834 178.2587 -39.02623 178.28867 -39.13745 178.54859 -38.83267 178.53339 -38.87425 178.55784 -38.92374 178.43243 -39.07238 178.19533 -38.91845 178.23164 -38.93657 178.22458 -38.95431 178.16148 -38.97676 178.30584 -38.94674 178.34897 -39.02002 178.25419 -39.04518 178.14898 -38.97248 178.22595 -38.96149 178.23996 -38.94272 178.22572 -38.93534 178.22597 -38.90125 178.28443 -38.89191 178.34977 -38.81484 178.44464 -38.87503 178.4279 -38.95841 178.49843 -38.99106 178.67479 -39.02413 178.69313 -39.04433 178.64891 -38.97803 178.65309 -38.99085 178.59062 -39.01547 178.48542 -38.99008 178.48837 -38.90794 178.36475 -38.82471 178.46989 -38.62476 178.54858 -38.68246 178.42321 -38.82344 178.50797 -38.73614 178.21964 -39.05759 178.17876 -38.98212 178.19948 -38.95756 178.22548 -38.95425 178.19935 -38.93576 178.27009 -38.90511 178.37847 -38.8997 178.3497 -39.02123 178.25681 -39.02636 178.21375 -38.96368 178.281 -38.99813 178.2917 -38.97227 178.26632 -38.96262 178.30636 -38.89631 178.2858 -38.85653 178.28761 -38.79516 178.2679 -38.81343 178.32504 -38.8517 178.31564 -38.86519 178.25106 -38.83406 178.21834 -38.86694 178.28223 -38.90778 178.26987 -38.92923 178.1996 -38.89099 178.17559 -38.91649 178.24524 -38.96655 178.21473 -38.9855 178.15103 -38.94624 178.11907 -38.98234 178.17451 -39.01684 178.351 -38.81215 178.35368 -38.8963 178.30286 -38.94652 178.2721 -39.00709 178.21168 -38.9868 178.21443 -39.64297 177.45189 -40.43233 176.08958 -41.3194 175.38904 -41.70798 175.26844 -41.70927 175.1664 -41.70126 175.05363 -41.61113 175.02327 -41.61018 174.93421 -41.5156 174.8234 -41.43688 174.81124 -41.42475 174.85516 -41.28508 174.83426 -41.27444 174.78038 -41.28495 Cruise Start and End 2005-02-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2005-02-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington http://doi.org/10.7284/901694 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMARGINS (S2S)-Waipaoa River, New ZealandEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((174.78 -41.71, 174.78 -38.62, 178.79 -38.62, 178.79 -41.71, 174.78 -41.71))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact/www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/900816 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0504 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0504 Transit/Drydock EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 153.07811 174.85198 -41.40302 -26.71773  coordinates of ship track 174.7804 -41.28495 174.82794 -41.27734 174.85196 -41.30213 174.84135 -41.3486 174.8107 -41.35299 174.81071 -41.38575 174.79572 -41.39807 174.6666 -41.40157 174.54975 -41.33376 174.54972 -40.90621 173.57044 -40.0023 172.31838 -39.25262 170.19976 -37.94549 166.44251 -35.56284 166.41076 -35.50136 166.22931 -35.42126 163.96345 -33.95039 161.24887 -32.15629 159.60728 -31.04967 157.61726 -29.68969 157.24539 -29.41808 157.05351 -29.30956 154.33606 -27.41544 154.34384 -27.43495 154.32396 -27.42642 153.75025 -27.00062 153.18311 -26.718 153.20204 -26.74862 153.17966 -26.80647 153.14787 -26.82913 153.15262 -26.85787 153.22485 -26.96264 153.25581 -27.03822 153.29766 -27.05273 153.34995 -27.13892 153.28089 -27.20207 153.26229 -27.2503 153.14158 -27.41955 153.07819 -27.4468 Cruise Start and End 2005-02-17  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2005-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane http://doi.org/10.7284/900816  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana  University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/900816 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0504 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0504 Transit/Drydock EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 153.07811 174.85198 -41.40302 -26.71773 coordinates of ship track 174.7804 -41.28495 174.82794 -41.27734 174.85196 -41.30213 174.84135 -41.3486 174.8107 -41.35299 174.81071 -41.38575 174.79572 -41.39807 174.6666 -41.40157 174.54975 -41.33376 174.54972 -40.90621 173.57044 -40.0023 172.31838 -39.25262 170.19976 -37.94549 166.44251 -35.56284 166.41076 -35.50136 166.22931 -35.42126 163.96345 -33.95039 161.24887 -32.15629 159.60728 -31.04967 157.61726 -29.68969 157.24539 -29.41808 157.05351 -29.30956 154.33606 -27.41544 154.34384 -27.43495 154.32396 -27.42642 153.75025 -27.00062 153.18311 -26.718 153.20204 -26.74862 153.17966 -26.80647 153.14787 -26.82913 153.15262 -26.85787 153.22485 -26.96264 153.25581 -27.03822 153.29766 -27.05273 153.34995 -27.13892 153.28089 -27.20207 153.26229 -27.2503 153.14158 -27.41955 153.07819 -27.4468 Cruise Start and End 2005-02-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Wellington 2005-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane http://doi.org/10.7284/900816 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransit/DrydockEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((153.08 -41.40, 153.08 -26.72, 174.85 -26.72, 174.85 -41.40, 153.08 -41.40))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact a,agJ=1+M5W7%9!!9 [)doi:10.7284/901695gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901695 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0505 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0505 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 153.14800 -170.48293 -27.33435 -14.19522  coordinates of ship track 153.19251 -27.33385 153.26117 -27.25082 153.28027 -27.20463 153.34933 -27.13519 153.29938 -27.0543 153.25466 -27.03637 153.22513 -26.96322 153.15407 -26.86227 153.14838 -26.82848 153.17615 -26.80513 153.17624 -26.72158 153.21322 -26.72429 153.46262 -26.61535 159.49802 -24.58451 164.66518 -23.78471 166.49656 -23.25054 168.66159 -23.24868 173.85019 -20.72461 178.00886 -18.66465 179.13216 -18.00076 179.36683 -17.58277 179.99977 -17.17835 -179.9992 -17.17775 -179.29462 -16.732 -177.79292 -16.32327 -175.82765 -15.86008 -174.09162 -15.40494 -173.11345 -15.1684 -173.22046 -15.06989 -170.78588 -14.37883 -170.82751 -14.36578 -170.91128 -14.37665 -170.92926 -14.3284 -170.88412 -14.2771 -170.73379 -14.25141 -170.71885 -14.21867 -170.58444 -14.21726 -170.53499 -14.19709 -170.48482 -14.2781 -170.56562 -14.3115 -170.61631 -14.30577 -170.76245 -14.38423 -170.8264 -14.36835 -170.90126 -14.37618 -170.81461 -14.36877 -170.7813 -14.38116 -170.81534 -14.37034 -170.9939 -14.50694 -170.8923 -14.41391 -170.81634 -14.37011 -170.7428 -14.38713 -170.91979 -14.37468 -170.93245 -14.32519 -170.8906 -14.27645 -170.76879 -14.2513 -170.68568 -14.20403 -170.58856 -14.21357 -170.53739 -14.19533 -170.49009 -14.25541 -170.48324 -14.27981 -170.50962 -14.29385 -170.54886 -14.3102 -170.61636 -14.30803 -170.7255 -14.35675 -170.76237 -14.39077 -170.72868 -14.40258 -170.76789 -14.43157 -170.56737 -14.5285 -170.61984 -14.44021 -170.69308 -14.36251 -170.62595 -14.36889 -170.69691 -14.36126 -170.6826 -14.27614 Cruise Start and End 2005-03-24  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane 2005-04-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago http://doi.org/10.7284/901695  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901695 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0505 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM0505 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 153.14800 -170.48293 -27.33435 -14.19522 coordinates of ship track 153.19251 -27.33385 153.26117 -27.25082 153.28027 -27.20463 153.34933 -27.13519 153.29938 -27.0543 153.25466 -27.03637 153.22513 -26.96322 153.15407 -26.86227 153.14838 -26.82848 153.17615 -26.80513 153.17624 -26.72158 153.21322 -26.72429 153.46262 -26.61535 159.49802 -24.58451 164.66518 -23.78471 166.49656 -23.25054 168.66159 -23.24868 173.85019 -20.72461 178.00886 -18.66465 179.13216 -18.00076 179.36683 -17.58277 179.99977 -17.17835 -179.9992 -17.17775 -179.29462 -16.732 -177.79292 -16.32327 -175.82765 -15.86008 -174.09162 -15.40494 -173.11345 -15.1684 -173.22046 -15.06989 -170.78588 -14.37883 -170.82751 -14.36578 -170.91128 -14.37665 -170.92926 -14.3284 -170.88412 -14.2771 -170.73379 -14.25141 -170.71885 -14.21867 -170.58444 -14.21726 -170.53499 -14.19709 -170.48482 -14.2781 -170.56562 -14.3115 -170.61631 -14.30577 -170.76245 -14.38423 -170.8264 -14.36835 -170.90126 -14.37618 -170.81461 -14.36877 -170.7813 -14.38116 -170.81534 -14.37034 -170.9939 -14.50694 -170.8923 -14.41391 -170.81634 -14.37011 -170.7428 -14.38713 -170.91979 -14.37468 -170.93245 -14.32519 -170.8906 -14.27645 -170.76879 -14.2513 -170.68568 -14.20403 -170.58856 -14.21357 -170.53739 -14.19533 -170.49009 -14.25541 -170.48324 -14.27981 -170.50962 -14.29385 -170.54886 -14.3102 -170.61636 -14.30803 -170.7255 -14.35675 -170.76237 -14.39077 -170.72868 -14.40258 -170.76789 -14.43157 -170.56737 -14.5285 -170.61984 -14.44021 -170.69308 -14.36251 -170.62595 -14.36889 -170.69691 -14.36126 -170.6826 -14.27614 Cruise Start and End 2005-03-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane 2005-04-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago http://doi.org/10.7284/901695 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((153.15 -27.33, 153.15 -14.20, -170.48 -14.20, -170.48 -27.33, 153.15 -27.33))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 6Xz$Fh4VxqcHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) XI/ Sea Water Air ConditioninqcHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) XI/ Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC-1)!GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)!GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)!GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)!GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)!GHawaii Ocean 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OceansZ9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans[9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans\9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans]9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans^9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans_9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans`9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansa9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansb9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansc9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansd9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceanse9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansf9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansg9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansh9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansi9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansj9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansk" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/902915 eng  utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0506 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0506 The Samoan Hotspot, Past and Present (ALIA Expedition) Hart, Stanley Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -179.50845 -168.63025  -15.03370 -11.73055 coordinates of ship track -170.68671 -14.2763 -170.66817 -14.28646 -170.67966 -14.34011 -170.58865 -14.33696 -170.40022 -14.25019 -170.11991 -14.33234 -169.90098 -14.53138 -169.73031 -14.20059 -169.58234 -14.23285 -169.53294 -14.29812 -169.16567 -14.2139 -168.91866 -14.20009 -168.77622 -14.14419 -169.05584 -14.15002 -169.0587 -14.27848 -168.99772 -14.25225 -169.0585 -14.20701 -169.10905 -14.20566 -169.0685 -14.20669 -169.17417 -14.00439 -168.83196 -14.00007 -168.6304 -13.80602 -169.07161 -14.20789 -169.05387 -14.22088 -169.06337 -14.21433 -168.99341 -14.21174 -169.1442 -14.08201 -169.07277 -14.12228 -169.37888 -14.27236 -169.3999 -14.26589 -169.4016 -14.20256 -169.54788 -14.19976 -169.58866 -14.12524 -169.73392 -14.13268 -169.9034 -14.07356 -169.94171 -14.10004 -169.89345 -14.10329 -169.89395 -14.11476 -170.11156 -14.11335 -170.22043 -14.03472 -170.2298 -14.01032 -169.72542 -14.04869 -169.67639 -14.09158 -169.65865 -14.12312 -169.71734 -14.16553 -169.69151 -14.33206 -169.6084 -14.58442 -169.61784 -14.69335 -169.67712 -14.72027 -169.60662 -14.65631 -169.77321 -14.36695 -169.71325 -14.33477 -169.99659 -14.62161 -170.13383 -14.5435 -170.33629 -14.46828 -170.33145 -14.50421 -170.28473 -14.45658 -170.10987 -14.67406 -170.02289 -14.65162 -170.46878 -13.80477 -170.5114 -13.75015 -170.53981 -13.65743 -170.56246 -13.76707 -170.33544 -13.78316 -170.23813 -13.76753 -170.60644 -13.75517 -170.53391 -13.75501 -170.56606 -13.74561 -170.56663 -13.92929 -170.50669 -14.0898 -170.52058 -14.07916 -170.47195 -14.11854 -170.71836 -14.11831 -170.8346 -14.18004 -170.92977 -14.32184 -170.91918 -14.37185 -170.73142 -14.38464 -170.69291 -14.35207 -170.6676 -14.30294 -170.67803 -14.27434 -170.6689 -14.30235 -170.70034 -14.35801 -170.73761 -14.38721 -171.15139 -14.43256 -171.34729 -14.43666 -171.31189 -14.53673 -171.26574 -14.50043 -171.34717 -14.43655 -171.27525 -14.42512 -171.22187 -14.19642 -172.36629 -14.19828 -172.89865 -14.26579 -172.89951 -14.09178 -172.60167 -13.88863 -172.66 -13.82218 -172.59896 -13.80098 -172.45002 -13.88415 -172.48656 -13.96895 -172.63276 -14.06608 -172.74937 -14.00012 -172.75292 -13.98505 -172.72293 -13.97653 -172.75278 -13.98361 -172.72137 -13.97424 -172.73693 -13.95377 -172.96385 -14.09437 -172.89657 -14.08968 -172.73489 -13.74944 -173.01786 -13.45602 -172.95864 -13.58666 -172.89455 -13.59122 -173.25767 -13.21656 -173.33433 -13.21916 -173.33501 -13.11861 -173.15205 -13.21403 -173.05111 -13.29888 -173.14606 -13.46443 -173.13351 -13.35881 -173.46402 -13.30092 -173.63423 -13.32334 -173.62957 -13.28884 -173.47716 -13.30602 -173.38893 -13.34393 -173.448 -13.31759 -173.43091 -13.325 -173.4985 -13.2713 -173.60043 -13.26526 -173.60024 -13.13485 -173.9474 -12.80521 -173.95272 -12.74332 -174.21263 -12.55479 -174.24083 -12.55367 -174.31769 -12.60186 -174.37794 -12.59651 -174.41018 -12.53998 -174.39513 -12.49915 -174.34979 -12.47218 -174.29116 -12.4869 -174.26409 -12.50972 -174.25877 -12.53774 -174.29847 -12.54682 -174.33179 -12.70049 -174.34661 -12.64326 -174.3113 -12.64545 -174.29942 -12.69999 -174.33702 -12.69613 -174.35036 -12.62322 -174.77325 -12.98225 -174.77111 -13.17215 -174.84014 -13.24243 -174.84597 -13.27584 -174.81149 -13.30592 -174.76015 -13.30812 -174.58378 -13.17545 -174.58622 -13.11481 -174.71602 -13.14932 -174.81254 -13.38079 -174.82406 -13.31724 -175.18277 -13.29966 -175.31721 -12.87084 -175.27051 -12.8001 -175.41772 -12.66506 -175.58899 -12.2434 -175.58946 -12.21208 -175.65428 -12.27402 -175.78696 -12.35046 -175.87544 -12.3406 -175.98407 -12.30048 -176.09879 -12.33407 -176.18326 -12.32559 -176.20988 -12.28223 -176.17365 -12.25076 -176.05754 -12.27469 -176.04679 -12.29206 -175.83433 -12.36611 -175.74828 -12.38239 -175.70528 -12.36544 -175.6935 -12.38639 -175.70777 -12.40385 -175.74907 -12.38559 -175.75666 -12.30625 -175.83632 -12.37457 -176.45428 -12.31069 -176.59462 -12.4463 -176.58602 -12.63298 -176.61086 -12.69403 -176.63771 -12.71146 -176.7719 -12.72239 -176.79452 -12.75791 -176.77702 -12.79555 -176.6043 -12.83796 -176.54165 -12.82527 -176.46559 -12.67485 -176.47636 -12.48438 -176.69082 -12.95485 -176.49224 -12.93299 -176.46538 -12.95464 -176.47868 -12.97959 -176.53285 -12.83307 -177.00186 -12.84829 -177.096 -12.44772 -177.1145 -12.42665 -177.18302 -12.42847 -177.23618 -12.61638 -177.4392 -12.77489 -177.63103 -12.72959 -177.63443 -12.70236 -177.34804 -12.70089 -177.32417 -12.72549 -177.33723 -12.77342 -177.38653 -12.73211 -177.37138 -12.74518 -177.36842 -12.64048 -177.38704 -12.61817 -177.49753 -12.61745 -177.60189 -12.66505 -177.79091 -12.63181 -177.83155 -12.51701 -177.73791 -12.24484 -177.62069 -12.15395 -177.68546 -11.75334 -177.70787 -11.73058 -177.74392 -11.76564 -177.76637 -11.84552 -177.79751 -11.87383 -177.90775 -11.89656 -178.08012 -11.89395 -178.17987 -11.93673 -178.25779 -11.94472 -178.39268 -11.99221 -178.46358 -12.05499 -178.46932 -12.11352 -178.48734 -12.1307 -178.61603 -12.13306 -178.87198 -12.05429 -178.88921 -12.0781 -178.87858 -12.11768 -178.78561 -12.22421 -178.902 -12.2727 -178.91366 -12.45749 -178.94435 -12.46415 -179.08572 -12.41193 -179.24609 -12.41555 -179.26965 -12.45981 -179.26078 -12.52694 -179.28992 -12.59108 -179.2954 -12.75147 -179.31701 -12.77542 -179.49492 -12.71994 -179.50793 -12.69505 -179.50351 -12.62525 -179.45776 -12.55397 -179.25603 -12.52489 -179.27943 -12.57383 -179.24979 -12.57471 -179.16651 -12.71644 -179.0669 -12.78419 -179.00221 -12.88108 -179.00755 -12.98948 -179.03025 -13.00148 -179.10559 -12.9965 -179.10587 -12.92415 -179.21915 -12.76763 -179.1587 -12.6949 -179.13897 -12.70771 -179.17196 -12.66155 -179.16474 -12.67138 -179.24689 -12.79822 -179.26457 -12.79854 -179.24762 -12.79921 -179.23815 -12.78097 -179.3581 -12.7764 -179.4007 -12.80892 -179.38206 -12.87065 -179.26523 -12.92401 -179.23955 -12.96216 -179.26743 -13.25591 -179.32443 -13.35317 -179.3283 -13.40371 -179.29453 -13.43274 -179.28561 -13.47218 -179.25857 -13.48731 -179.23702 -13.55218 -179.14427 -13.59023 -179.1247 -13.58016 -179.1263 -13.46075 -179.14029 -13.42828 -179.21589 -13.35261 -179.24371 -13.35051 -179.29382 -13.37793 -179.29734 -13.42492 -179.26742 -13.53054 -179.24078 -13.48761 -179.18877 -13.55076 -177.26391 -13.5325 -177.0762 -13.52139 -176.93016 -13.46679 -176.80797 -13.5217 -176.349 -13.51657 -176.3265 -13.49455 -176.33286 -13.44373 -176.49132 -13.26486 -176.43188 -13.1508 -176.39447 -13.14542 -176.37174 -13.16124 -176.36901 -13.23568 -176.52068 -13.37963 -176.50613 -13.30248 -176.51057 -13.32478 -176.50292 -13.30178 -176.24885 -13.05134 -175.63159 -13.02791 -175.37435 -12.87614 -175.30356 -12.85143 -174.62993 -12.93894 -173.00167 -13.09951 -172.47666 -13.2962 -172.36631 -13.2701 -172.2379 -13.32897 -172.04953 -13.24341 -172.04243 -13.22591 -172.0574 -13.21227 -172.13092 -13.23297 -172.15994 -13.26445 -172.06429 -13.2667 -172.04372 -13.23686 -172.10185 -13.20923 -171.21845 -13.91577 -170.96763 -14.49751 -170.70745 -14.69995 -170.54423 -14.76349 -170.53018 -14.83401 -170.54899 -15.00751 -170.60067 -14.96053 -170.58849 -15.00001 -170.60214 -15.03345 -170.71586 -15.0247 -170.74976 -14.88278 -170.73319 -14.59372 -170.68147 -14.57339 -170.6648 -14.36421 -170.73304 -14.38706 -170.66987 -14.34764 -170.6943 -14.35535 -170.66657 -14.29881 -170.68668 -14.27632  Cruise Start and End 2005-04-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago 2005-04-26  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago  http://doi.org/10.7284/902915 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902915 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0506 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0506 The Samoan Hotspot, Past and Present (ALIA Expedition) Hart, Stanley Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -179.50845 -168.63025 -15.03370 -11.73055 coordinates of ship track -170.68671 -14.2763 -170.66817 -14.28646 -170.67966 -14.34011 -170.58865 -14.33696 -170.40022 -14.25019 -170.11991 -14.33234 -169.90098 -14.53138 -169.73031 -14.20059 -169.58234 -14.23285 -169.53294 -14.29812 -169.16567 -14.2139 -168.91866 -14.20009 -168.77622 -14.14419 -169.05584 -14.15002 -169.0587 -14.27848 -168.99772 -14.25225 -169.0585 -14.20701 -169.10905 -14.20566 -169.0685 -14.20669 -169.17417 -14.00439 -168.83196 -14.00007 -168.6304 -13.80602 -169.07161 -14.20789 -169.05387 -14.22088 -169.06337 -14.21433 -168.99341 -14.21174 -169.1442 -14.08201 -169.07277 -14.12228 -169.37888 -14.27236 -169.3999 -14.26589 -169.4016 -14.20256 -169.54788 -14.19976 -169.58866 -14.12524 -169.73392 -14.13268 -169.9034 -14.07356 -169.94171 -14.10004 -169.89345 -14.10329 -169.89395 -14.11476 -170.11156 -14.11335 -170.22043 -14.03472 -170.2298 -14.01032 -169.72542 -14.04869 -169.67639 -14.09158 -169.65865 -14.12312 -169.71734 -14.16553 -169.69151 -14.33206 -169.6084 -14.58442 -169.61784 -14.69335 -169.67712 -14.72027 -169.60662 -14.65631 -169.77321 -14.36695 -169.71325 -14.33477 -169.99659 -14.62161 -170.13383 -14.5435 -170.33629 -14.46828 -170.33145 -14.50421 -170.28473 -14.45658 -170.10987 -14.67406 -170.02289 -14.65162 -170.46878 -13.80477 -170.5114 -13.75015 -170.53981 -13.65743 -170.56246 -13.76707 -170.33544 -13.78316 -170.23813 -13.76753 -170.60644 -13.75517 -170.53391 -13.75501 -170.56606 -13.74561 -170.56663 -13.92929 -170.50669 -14.0898 -170.52058 -14.07916 -170.47195 -14.11854 -170.71836 -14.11831 -170.8346 -14.18004 -170.92977 -14.32184 -170.91918 -14.37185 -170.73142 -14.38464 -170.69291 -14.35207 -170.6676 -14.30294 -170.67803 -14.27434 -170.6689 -14.30235 -170.70034 -14.35801 -170.73761 -14.38721 -171.15139 -14.43256 -171.34729 -14.43666 -171.31189 -14.53673 -171.26574 -14.50043 -171.34717 -14.43655 -171.27525 -14.42512 -171.22187 -14.19642 -172.36629 -14.19828 -172.89865 -14.26579 -172.89951 -14.09178 -172.60167 -13.88863 -172.66 -13.82218 -172.59896 -13.80098 -172.45002 -13.88415 -172.48656 -13.96895 -172.63276 -14.06608 -172.74937 -14.00012 -172.75292 -13.98505 -172.72293 -13.97653 -172.75278 -13.98361 -172.72137 -13.97424 -172.73693 -13.95377 -172.96385 -14.09437 -172.89657 -14.08968 -172.73489 -13.74944 -173.01786 -13.45602 -172.95864 -13.58666 -172.89455 -13.59122 -173.25767 -13.21656 -173.33433 -13.21916 -173.33501 -13.11861 -173.15205 -13.21403 -173.05111 -13.29888 -173.14606 -13.46443 -173.13351 -13.35881 -173.46402 -13.30092 -173.63423 -13.32334 -173.62957 -13.28884 -173.47716 -13.30602 -173.38893 -13.34393 -173.448 -13.31759 -173.43091 -13.325 -173.4985 -13.2713 -173.60043 -13.26526 -173.60024 -13.13485 -173.9474 -12.80521 -173.95272 -12.74332 -174.21263 -12.55479 -174.24083 -12.55367 -174.31769 -12.60186 -174.37794 -12.59651 -174.41018 -12.53998 -174.39513 -12.49915 -174.34979 -12.47218 -174.29116 -12.4869 -174.26409 -12.50972 -174.25877 -12.53774 -174.29847 -12.54682 -174.33179 -12.70049 -174.34661 -12.64326 -174.3113 -12.64545 -174.29942 -12.69999 -174.33702 -12.69613 -174.35036 -12.62322 -174.77325 -12.98225 -174.77111 -13.17215 -174.84014 -13.24243 -174.84597 -13.27584 -174.81149 -13.30592 -174.76015 -13.30812 -174.58378 -13.17545 -174.58622 -13.11481 -174.71602 -13.14932 -174.81254 -13.38079 -174.82406 -13.31724 -175.18277 -13.29966 -175.31721 -12.87084 -175.27051 -12.8001 -175.41772 -12.66506 -175.58899 -12.2434 -175.58946 -12.21208 -175.65428 -12.27402 -175.78696 -12.35046 -175.87544 -12.3406 -175.98407 -12.30048 -176.09879 -12.33407 -176.18326 -12.32559 -176.20988 -12.28223 -176.17365 -12.25076 -176.05754 -12.27469 -176.04679 -12.29206 -175.83433 -12.36611 -175.74828 -12.38239 -175.70528 -12.36544 -175.6935 -12.38639 -175.70777 -12.40385 -175.74907 -12.38559 -175.75666 -12.30625 -175.83632 -12.37457 -176.45428 -12.31069 -176.59462 -12.4463 -176.58602 -12.63298 -176.61086 -12.69403 -176.63771 -12.71146 -176.7719 -12.72239 -176.79452 -12.75791 -176.77702 -12.79555 -176.6043 -12.83796 -176.54165 -12.82527 -176.46559 -12.67485 -176.47636 -12.48438 -176.69082 -12.95485 -176.49224 -12.93299 -176.46538 -12.95464 -176.47868 -12.97959 -176.53285 -12.83307 -177.00186 -12.84829 -177.096 -12.44772 -177.1145 -12.42665 -177.18302 -12.42847 -177.23618 -12.61638 -177.4392 -12.77489 -177.63103 -12.72959 -177.63443 -12.70236 -177.34804 -12.70089 -177.32417 -12.72549 -177.33723 -12.77342 -177.38653 -12.73211 -177.37138 -12.74518 -177.36842 -12.64048 -177.38704 -12.61817 -177.49753 -12.61745 -177.60189 -12.66505 -177.79091 -12.63181 -177.83155 -12.51701 -177.73791 -12.24484 -177.62069 -12.15395 -177.68546 -11.75334 -177.70787 -11.73058 -177.74392 -11.76564 -177.76637 -11.84552 -177.79751 -11.87383 -177.90775 -11.89656 -178.08012 -11.89395 -178.17987 -11.93673 -178.25779 -11.94472 -178.39268 -11.99221 -178.46358 -12.05499 -178.46932 -12.11352 -178.48734 -12.1307 -178.61603 -12.13306 -178.87198 -12.05429 -178.88921 -12.0781 -178.87858 -12.11768 -178.78561 -12.22421 -178.902 -12.2727 -178.91366 -12.45749 -178.94435 -12.46415 -179.08572 -12.41193 -179.24609 -12.41555 -179.26965 -12.45981 -179.26078 -12.52694 -179.28992 -12.59108 -179.2954 -12.75147 -179.31701 -12.77542 -179.49492 -12.71994 -179.50793 -12.69505 -179.50351 -12.62525 -179.45776 -12.55397 -179.25603 -12.52489 -179.27943 -12.57383 -179.24979 -12.57471 -179.16651 -12.71644 -179.0669 -12.78419 -179.00221 -12.88108 -179.00755 -12.98948 -179.03025 -13.00148 -179.10559 -12.9965 -179.10587 -12.92415 -179.21915 -12.76763 -179.1587 -12.6949 -179.13897 -12.70771 -179.17196 -12.66155 -179.16474 -12.67138 -179.24689 -12.79822 -179.26457 -12.79854 -179.24762 -12.79921 -179.23815 -12.78097 -179.3581 -12.7764 -179.4007 -12.80892 -179.38206 -12.87065 -179.26523 -12.92401 -179.23955 -12.96216 -179.26743 -13.25591 -179.32443 -13.35317 -179.3283 -13.40371 -179.29453 -13.43274 -179.28561 -13.47218 -179.25857 -13.48731 -179.23702 -13.55218 -179.14427 -13.59023 -179.1247 -13.58016 -179.1263 -13.46075 -179.14029 -13.42828 -179.21589 -13.35261 -179.24371 -13.35051 -179.29382 -13.37793 -179.29734 -13.42492 -179.26742 -13.53054 -179.24078 -13.48761 -179.18877 -13.55076 -177.26391 -13.5325 -177.0762 -13.52139 -176.93016 -13.46679 -176.80797 -13.5217 -176.349 -13.51657 -176.3265 -13.49455 -176.33286 -13.44373 -176.49132 -13.26486 -176.43188 -13.1508 -176.39447 -13.14542 -176.37174 -13.16124 -176.36901 -13.23568 -176.52068 -13.37963 -176.50613 -13.30248 -176.51057 -13.32478 -176.50292 -13.30178 -176.24885 -13.05134 -175.63159 -13.02791 -175.37435 -12.87614 -175.30356 -12.85143 -174.62993 -12.93894 -173.00167 -13.09951 -172.47666 -13.2962 -172.36631 -13.2701 -172.2379 -13.32897 -172.04953 -13.24341 -172.04243 -13.22591 -172.0574 -13.21227 -172.13092 -13.23297 -172.15994 -13.26445 -172.06429 -13.2667 -172.04372 -13.23686 -172.10185 -13.20923 -171.21845 -13.91577 -170.96763 -14.49751 -170.70745 -14.69995 -170.54423 -14.76349 -170.53018 -14.83401 -170.54899 -15.00751 -170.60067 -14.96053 -170.58849 -15.00001 -170.60214 -15.03345 -170.71586 -15.0247 -170.74976 -14.88278 -170.73319 -14.59372 -170.68147 -14.57339 -170.6648 -14.36421 -170.73304 -14.38706 -170.66987 -14.34764 -170.6943 -14.35535 -170.66657 -14.29881 -170.68668 -14.27632 Cruise Start and End 2005-04-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago 2005-04-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago http://doi.org/10.7284/902915 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionThe Samoan Hotspot, Past and Present (ALIA Expedition)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-179.51 -15.03, -179.51 -11.73, -168.63 -11.73, -168.63 -15.03, -179.51 -15.03))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ccnM=1+M5G-%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903039gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wwuL=1+M5%%9!!; [)doi:10.7284/901696gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z1+M5!k%y9 !!? [)doi:10.7284/902915gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901696 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0507 on RV Kilo Moana  2015-09-30 published KM0507 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -170.68681 -157.86747 -14.33803 21.31601 coordinates of ship track -170.68668 -14.27631 -170.66836 -14.28671 -170.6847 -14.33368 -170.6734 -14.33803 -170.58601 -14.33361 -170.47468 -14.28415 -170.25683 -4.02979 -168.99787 -1.31271 -168.69062 -1.54534 -168.656 -1.55153 -168.39417 -1.43203 -168.12019 -1.26739 -168.17006 -1.24563 -168.16426 -1.26194 -168.31661 -1.33119 -168.30495 -1.35813 -168.51718 -1.40018 -168.51294 -1.42746 -168.67564 -1.51622 -168.66081 -1.52949 -169.02477 -1.61666 -169.03739 -1.59204 -168.38982 -0.98492 -167.6451 0.62829 -167.63054 0.63063 -167.62946 0.66352 -167.25993 1.4627 -167.24461 1.46349 -167.24 347 1.5047 -166.57806 2.93953 -166.56607 2.9387 -166.55101 2.99819 -165.88054 4.44828 -165.86438 4.48216 -165.84442 4.48223 -165.79764 4.62833 -165.16148 6.00017 -165.14408 6.01237 -165.12664 6.07702 -162.63085 11.42008 -160.36155 16.19675 -157.86813 21.30063 -157.88621 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2005-04-29  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago 2005-05-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/901696 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901696 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0507 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0507 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -170.68681 -157.86747 -14.33803 21.31601 coordinates of ship track -170.68668 -14.27631 -170.66836 -14.28671 -170.6847 -14.33368 -170.6734 -14.33803 -170.58601 -14.33361 -170.47468 -14.28415 -170.25683 -4.02979 -168.99787 -1.31271 -168.69062 -1.54534 -168.656 -1.55153 -168.39417 -1.43203 -168.12019 -1.26739 -168.17006 -1.24563 -168.16426 -1.26194 -168.31661 -1.33119 -168.30495 -1.35813 -168.51718 -1.40018 -168.51294 -1.42746 -168.67564 -1.51622 -168.66081 -1.52949 -169.02477 -1.61666 -169.03739 -1.59204 -168.38982 -0.98492 -167.6451 0.62829 -167.63054 0.63063 -167.62946 0.66352 -167.25993 1.4627 -167.24461 1.46349 -167.24347 1.5047 -166.57806 2.93953 -166.56607 2.9387 -166.55101 2.99819 -165.88054 4.44828 -165.86438 4.48216 -165.84442 4.48223 -165.79764 4.62833 -165.16148 6.00017 -165.14408 6.01237 -165.12664 6.07702 -162.63085 11.42008 -160.36155 16.19675 -157.86813 21.30063 -157.88621 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2005-04-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago 2005-05-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901696 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-170.69 -14.34, -170.69 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 -14.34, -170.69 -14.34))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/903039 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0508 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0508 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33186 -157.70086  21.24610 22.83753 coordinates of ship track -157.96502 21.35332 -157.95126 21.28954 -157.98085 21.24736 -158.16608 21.2473 -158.272 21.34401 -158.33186 21.59714 -157.94899! 22.61918 -157.87608 22.77858 -158.00061 22.78511 -158.0004 22.7498 -157.97527 22.75888 -157.97613 22.79318 -157.99734 22.79765 -157.99332 22.75168 -158.12372 22.75105 -157.98671 22.7502 -157.94207 22.78162 -157.94626 22.83711 -157.95796 22.82886 -157.91001 22.75591 -157.90038 22.80879 -157.99971 22.74995 -157.77714 22.75146 -157.74954 22.73334 -157.74052 22.70521 -157.86671 22.73915 -157.87386 22.75271 -157.95959 22.74892 -157.82281 22.72447 -157.71742 22.69295 -157.71075 22.68228 -157.7251 22.68329 -157.70131 22.67256 -158.26631 21.69947 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List $ Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903039 % collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. & International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/903039 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0508 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09(-30 published KM0508 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33186 -157.70086 21.24610 22.83753 coordinates of ship track -157.96502 21.35332 -157.95126 21.28954 -157.98085 21.24736 -158.16608 21.2473 -158.272 21.34401 -158.33186 21.59714 -157.94899 22.61918 -157.87608 22.77858 -158.00061 22.78511 -158.0004 22.7498 -157.97527 22.75888 -157.97613 22.79318 -157.99734 22.79765 -157.99332 22.75168 -158.12372 22.75105 -157.98671 22.7502 -157.94207 22.78162 -157.94626 22.83711 -157.95796 22.82886 -157.91001 22.75591 -157.90038 22.80879 -157.99971 22.74995 -157.77714 22.75146 -157.74954 22.73334 -157.74052 22.70521 -157.86671 22.73915 -157.87386 22.75271 -157.95959 22.74892 -157.82281 22.72447 -157.71742 22.69295 -157.71075 22.68228 -157.7251 22.68329 -157.70131 22.67256 -158.26631 21.69947 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903039 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.84, -157.70 22.84, -157.70 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact*/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901698 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program , info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0509 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0509 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords 0 NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33037 -157.86751 21.24607 2 22.78520 coordinates of ship track -158.17777 21.30006 -158.32891 21.5995 -158.25462 21.97295 -158.03203 22.77153 -157.9641 22.78505 -157.95101 22.78015 -158.33037 21.59166 -158.14855 21.24752 -157.89972 21.24633 -157.86758 21.30194 -157.88621 21.31601 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Cod4e List Honolulu 2005-05-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901698 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana 8 SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/901698 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0509 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0509 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33037 -157.86751 21.24607 22.78520 coordinates of ship track -158.17777 21.30006 -158.32891 21.5995 -158.25462 21.97295 -158.03203 22.77153 -157.9641 22.78505 -157.95101 22.78015 -158.33037 21.59166 -158.14855 21.24752 -157.89972 21.24633 -157.86758 21.30194 -157.88621 21.31601 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-05-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901698 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.79, -157.87 22.79, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact O+O|P>1+M5_I%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901700gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Zw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901699 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0510 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published B KM0510 EM120 Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme C NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian D Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.05212 E -157.86723 20.99713 21.34691 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31602 -157.86734 21.30131 -157.90293 21.24491 -158.06366 21.25529F -158.07171 21.22877 -158.04736 21.27102 -158.09785 21.25458 -158.13604 21.30837 -158.88217 21.09946 -159.04385 21.09985 -159.05212 21.066 -158.84685 21.06183 -158.84567 21.13979 -159.04215 21.13811 -159.04781 21.02734 -158.84825 21.01759 -158.8681 21.00373 -158.86627 21.19712 -158.84802 21.17691 -159.04448 21.17908 -159.02216 21.19518 -159.02159 21.00407 -158.98598 21.00311 -158.98307 21.19584 -158.94528 21.19662 -158.94485 21.0034 -158.91 21.00197 -158.90771 21.19864 -158.9448 21.19494 -158.9441 20.99761 -158.94999 21.20193 -158.93535 21.21124 -158.94598 21.21409 -158.9372 20.99968 -159.04505 21.09563 -158.83632 21.10072 -158.8672 21.23766 -158.48505 21.30312 -158.35115 21.34691 -158.17261 21.32131 -158.12071 21.23931 -157.95142 21.23116 -157.87833 21.28459 -157.86814 21.30376 -157.88622 21.31603 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List H Honolulu 2005-05-26 I University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu J http://doi.org/10.7284/901699 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. M multibeam raw N International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii O operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901699 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0510 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0510 EM120 Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.05212 -157.86723 20.99713 21.34691 coordinates of ship track -157.88621 21.31602 -157.86734 21.30131 -157.90293 21.24491 -158.06366 21.25529 -158.07171 21.22877 -158.04736 21.27102 -158.09785 21.25458 -158.13604 2R1.30837 -158.88217 21.09946 -159.04385 21.09985 -159.05212 21.066 -158.84685 21.06183 -158.84567 21.13979 -159.04215 21.13811 -159.04781 21.02734 -158.84825 21.01759 -158.8681 21.00373 -158.86627 21.19712 -158.84802 21.17691 -159.04448 21.17908 -159.02216 21.19518 -159.02159 21.00407 -158.98598 21.00311 -158.98307 21.19584 -158.94528 21.19662 -158.94485 21.0034 -158.91 21.00197 -158.90771 21.19864 -158.9448 21.19494 -158.9441 20.99761 -158.94999 21.20193 -158.93535 21.21124 -158.94598 21.21409 -158.9372 20.99968 -159.04505 21.09563 -158.83632 21.10072 -158.8672 21.23766 -158.48505 21.30312 -158.35115 21.34691 -158.17261 21.32131 -158.12071 21.23931 -157.95142 21.23116 -157.87833 21.28459 -157.86814 21.30376 -157.88622 21.31603 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-05-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901699 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionEM120 CalibrationEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.05 21.00, -159.05 21.35, -157.87 21.35, -157.87 21.00, -159.05 21.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactT-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901700 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program V info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19W115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0511 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0511 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme Z NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian [ Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33139 -157.86731 \ 21.24632 22.77572 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.316 -157.86745 21.302 -157.90506 21.2469 -158.14955 21.24804 -158.32956 21.59106 -158.09304 22.76779 -158.2844 22.76707 -158.08376 22.7685 -158.12953 22.775]71 -158.13207 22.76016 -158.0793 22.76187 -158.11517 22.75798 -158.10054 22.74387 -158.10407 22.71624 -158.33123 21.59253 -158.14856 21.24901 -157.92155 21.24684 -157.86824 21.30072 -157.88621 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ` http://doi.org/10.7284/901700 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. b multibeam raw Kongsberg EMc120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana e SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901700 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0511 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0511 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy hUniversity of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33139 -157.86731 21.24632 22.77572 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.316 -157.86745 21.302 -157.90506 21.2469 -158.14955 21.24804 -158.32956 21.59106 -158.09304 22.76779 -158.2844 22.76707 -158.08376 22.7685 -158.12953 22.77571 -158.13207 22.76016 -158.0793 22.76187 -158.11517 22.75798 -158.10054 22.74387 -158.10407 22.71624 -158.33123 21.59253 -158.14856 21.24901 -157.92155 21.24684 -157.86824 21.30072 -157.88621 21.31602 Cruise Start and End 2005-05-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901700 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.78, -157.87 22.78, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactjnal Data Centers/Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/901702 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointlOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0512 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0512 Improvement of Bottomfish Stocks: Phase III n Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTHo SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -161.11879 -157.71391 20.11370 22.79399 coordinates of ship track r -157.88564 21.31545 -157.86807 21.30138 -157.90153 21.2608 -157.95614 21.24601 -158.09147 21.24677 -158.14933 21.34024 -158.20088 21.38054 -158.21188 21.44651 -158.29549 21.54922 -158.37822 21.5813 -158.37922 21.62944 -158.35938 21.63795 -158.35562 21.56546 -158.36802 21.57371 -158.36489 21.63955 -158.35342 21.56809 -158.35178 21.61491 -159.33213 21.45892 -159.86815 21.68613 -160.1071 21.73304 -160.01798 21.86512 -160.02014 21.89542 -160.09872 21.78254 -160.08418 21.80951 -160.10776 21.79134 -160.09215 21.81542 -160.10678 21.80776 -160.09262 21.78458 -160.12182 21.73944 -160.19547 21.75134 -160.20805 21.72895 -160.16394 21.78958 -160.17036 21.81127 -160.11833 21.83417 -160.17806 21.76778 -160.16729 21.79974 -160.05652 21.85895 -160.02791 21.89255 -160.05499 21.92467 -160.03726 21.99645 -16s0.07834 22.04823 -160.05262 22.05231 -160.02115 22.01441 -160.01594 21.99865 -160.03188 21.99683 -160.06536 22.04615 -160.10484 22.06164 -160.10933 22.0294 -160.18938 21.96821 -160.28161 20.1137 -160.53422 21.631 -160.527 21.62267 -160.51472 21.66907 -160.51685 21.65717 -160.55318 21.6981 -160.60399 21.69277 -160.61402 21.66078 -160.63476 21.6666 -160.62175 21.68636 -160.55174 21.68361 -160.50954 21.63173 -160.50948 21.58496 -160.49708 21.62116 -160.28594 21.72015 -160.27058 21.82729 -160.28819 21.84961 -160.08809 21.99356 -160.10981 22.28365 -160.7116 22.4763 -160.87181 22.59216 -160.8933 22.64736 -160.96509 22.67392 -161.01496 22.66447 -161.04918 22.62308 -161.02277 22.51705 -160.99885 22.50513 -160.96515 22.52534 -160.90403 22.53262 -160.88751 22.55469 -160.90139 22.55455 -160.94793 22.62055 -161.02822 22.6209 -161.05389 22.58603 -161.02165 22.51683 -161.02981 22.49314 -160.99966 22.48685 -160.96561 22.51193 -160.8945 22.52122 -160.88198 22.53807 -160.91097 22.5789 -160.96323 22.60409 -160.99884 22.594t83 -161.02635 22.55449 -160.96342 22.46201 -160.93209 22.48247 -161.01865 22.66591 -160.95859 22.67505 -160.96105 22.69918 -160.98616 22.7367 -161.03472 22.75877 -161.07435 22.76263 -161.11869 22.73657 -161.10858 22.69101 -161.04361 22.64153 -161.05384 22.60574 -161.06066 22.62829 -160.98961 22.65124 -160.98897 22.67979 -160.96967 22.69462 -160.98345 22.72152 -160.97415 22.69442 -160.99345 22.68086 -160.9718 22.69876 -160.92037 22.68564 -160.9488 22.75074 -160.97991 22.77845 -161.0304 22.79398 -161.08822 22.78425 -160.98298 22.77278 -160.91217 22.67785 -160.93905 22.75494 -160.97378 22.78857 -160.93156 22.75823 -160.52474 22.03828 -160.30963 21.92479 -160.09639 22.08654 -160.09666 22.10799 -160.04734 22.04487 -160.0336 21.98436 -160.0345 22.01797 -160.09365 22.06697 -160.11311 22.041 -160.10607 22.05138 -160.10957 22.01772 -160.19403 21.96899 -160.26159 21.89625 -160.27338 21.83695 -160.2433 21.74267 -160.1308 21.7352 -160.16402 21.75868 -160.17067 21.80873 -160.14348 21.80277 -160.19772 21.74462 -160.236u91 21.74233 -160.21294 21.71598 -160.25951 21.73028 -160.27912 21.7853 -160.26706 21.79337 -160.26958 21.78248 -160.28947 21.79211 -160.29887 21.81555 -160.28113 21.90707 -160.07909 22.07487 -160.19855 21.9865 -160.18578 21.98384 -160.13025 22.02523 -160.13774 22.03998 -160.22196 21.98031 -160.20835 21.96559 -160.19183 21.98931 -160.30047 21.91632 -160.26459 21.93406 -160.30155 21.89944 -160.28206 21.68352 -160.23829 21.68353 -160.09595 21.73459 -160.05068 21.80835 -159.99112 21.86744 -159.98813 21.88971 -159.84428 21.78478 -159.63816 21.83661 -159.43743 21.8488 -159.4051 21.86914 -158.32349 21.61729 -158.15461 21.61528 -158.05171 21.72703 -157.98132 21.75048 -157.90579 21.7263 -157.8673 21.62145 -157.8029 21.56327 -157.85481 21.6305 -157.89806 21.73439 -157.98164 21.76612 -158.05748 21.7386 -158.16298 21.6237 -158.32645 21.6318 -158.33854 21.78906 -158.34604 21.72574 -158.33042 21.66135 -158.18465 21.64148 -158.0694 21.76115 -157.9808 21.79414 -157.87982 21.75208 -157.83256 21.64625 -157.78499 21.58423 -v157.80515 21.56159 -157.85937 21.60392 -157.88197 21.65345 -157.87181 21.6228 -157.88481 21.62931 -157.89103 21.70749 -157.88986 21.68848 -157.90839 21.72405 -157.98109 21.74538 -158.05092 21.72089 -158.15141 21.61124 -158.3364 21.62008 -158.34569 21.60371 -158.32804 21.64459 -158.17075 21.63274 -158.0598 21.73672 -158.06879 21.76583 -158.19787 21.63776 -158.07008 21.77227 -158.06301 21.7963 -158.09506 21.87796 -158.07773 21.8943 -158.06019 21.8115 -158.06357 21.77143 -158.08252 21.7524 -158.05604 21.76175 -158.05704 21.73244 -157.96937 21.76482 -157.87951 21.73167 -157.83622 21.63245 -157.78476 21.56427 -157.84965 21.62523 -157.88048 21.72205 -157.95344 21.74689 -158.02409 21.72281 -158.12762 21.61355 -158.27678 21.6264 -158.27552 21.6411 -158.08526 21.63898 -158.12212 21.64408 -158.08989 21.65741 -157.99637 21.74916 -157.91325 21.77278 -157.82259 21.73068 -157.77869 21.62556 -157.71423 21.55281 -157.76825 21.62791 -157.78448 21.62677 -157.77792 21.59127 -157.74901 21.5683 -157.7882 21.65723 -157.77644 2w1.68225 -157.75127 21.60831 -157.77901 21.6632 -157.86945 21.72066 -157.88288 21.74818 -157.99519 21.78536 -157.98922 21.80004 -158.06198 21.77293 -158.0214 21.79425 -157.98697 21.79121 -157.99757 21.80417 -158.08602 21.78192 -158.10472 21.73576 -158.12679 21.7314 -158.22131 21.641 -158.32897 21.652 -158.34045 21.57384 -158.11714 21.26356 -158.16254 21.31236 -158.12497 21.22906 -158.1249 21.1644 -158.13149 21.2306 -158.1371 21.15887 -157.99023 21.07636 -158.01946 21.08767 -157.9603 20.99782 -157.98513 21.03805 -157.87865 21.061 -157.89936 21.0652 -157.86138 21.10971 -157.88185 21.26488 Cruise Start and End x 2005-06-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolyulu 2005-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List z Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901702 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw } International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901702 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0512 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0512 Improvement of Bottomfish Stocks: Phase III Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -161.11879 -157.71391 20.11370 22.79399 coordinates of ship track -157.88564 21.31545 -157.86807 21.30138 -157.90153 21.2608 -157.95614 21.24601 -158.09147 21.24677 -158.14933 21.34024 -158.20088 21.38054 -158.21188 21.44651 -158.29549 21.54922 -158.37822 21.5813 -158.37922 21.62944 -158.35938 21.63795 -158.35562 21.56546 -158.36802 21.57371 -158.36489 21.63955 -158.35342 21.56809 -158.35178 21.61491 -159.33213 21.45892 -159.86815 21.68613 -160.1071 21.73304 -160.01798 21.86512 -160.02014 21.89542 -160.09872 21.78254 -160.08418 21.80951 -160.10776 21.79134 -160.09215 21.81542 -160.10678 21.80776 -160.09262 21.78458 -160.12182 21.73944 -160.19547 21.75134 -160.20805 21.72895 -160.16394 21.78958 -160.17036 21.81127 -160.11833 21.83417 -160.17806 21.76778 -160.16729 21.79974 -160.05652 21.85895 -160.02791 21.89255 -160.05499 21.92467 -160.03726 21.99645 -160.07834 22.04823 -160.05262 22.05231 -160.02115 22.01441 -160.01594 21.99865 -160.03188 21.99683 -160.06536 22.04615 -160.10484 22.06164 -160.10933 22.0294 -160.18938 21.96821 -160.28161 20.1137 -160.53422 21.631 -160.527 21.62267 -160.51472 21.66907 -160.51685 21.65717 -160.55318 21.6981 -160.60399 21.69277 -160.61402 21.66078 -160.63476 21.6666 -160.62175 21.68636 -160.55174 21.68361 -160.50954 21.63173 -160.50948 21.58496 -160.49708 21.62116 -160.28594 21.72015 -160.27058 21.82729 -160.28819 21.84961 -160.08809 21.99356 -160.10981 22.28365 -160.7116 22.4763 -160.87181 22.59216 -160.8933 22.64736 -160.96509 22.67392 -161.01496 22.66447 -161.04918 22.62308 -161.02277 22.51705 -160.99885 22.50513 -160.96515 22.52534 -160.90403 22.53262 -160.88751 22.55469 -160.90139 22.55455 -160.94793 22.62055 -161.02822 22.6209 -161.05389 22.58603 -161.02165 22.51683 -161.02981 22.49314 -160.99966 22.48685 -160.96561 22.51193 -160.8945 22.52122 -160.88198 22.53807 -160.91097 22.5789 -160.96323 22.60409 -160.99884 22.59483 -161.02635 22.55449 -160.96342 22.46201 -160.93209 22.48247 -161.01865 22.66591 -160.95859 22.67505 -160.96105 22.69918 -160.98616 22.7367 -161.03472 22.75877 -161.07435 22.76263 -161.11869 22.73657 -161.10858 22.69101 -161.04361 22.64153 -161.05384 22.60574 -161.06066 22.62829 -160.98961 22.65124 -160.98897 22.67979 -160.96967 22.69462 -160.98345 22.72152 -160.97415 22.69442 -160.99345 22.68086 -160.9718 22.69876 -160.92037 22.68564 -160.9488 22.75074 -160.97991 22.77845 -161.0304 22.79398 -161.08822 22.78425 -160.98298 22.77278 -160.91217 22.67785 -160.93905 22.75494 -160.97378 22.78857 -160.93156 22.75823 -160.52474 22.03828 -160.30963 21.92479 -160.09639 22.08654 -160.09666 22.10799 -160.04734 22.04487 -160.0336 21.98436 -160.0345 22.01797 -160.09365 22.06697 -160.11311 22.041 -160.10607 22.05138 -160.10957 22.01772 -160.19403 21.96899 -160.26159 21.89625 -160.27338 21.83695 -160.2433 21.74267 -160.1308 21.7352 -160.16402 21.75868 -160.17067 21.80873 -160.14348 21.80277 -160.19772 21.74462 -160.23691 21.74233 -160.21294 21.71598 -160.25951 21.73028 -160.27912 21.7853 -160.26706 21.79337 -160.26958 21.78248 -160.28947 21.79211 -160.29887 21.81555 -160.28113 21.90707 -160.07909 22.07487 -160.19855 21.9865 -160.18578 21.98384 -160.13025 22.02523 -160.13774 22.03998 -160.22196 21.98031 -160.20835 21.96559 -160.19183 21.98931 -160.30047 21.91632 -160.26459 21.93406 -160.30155 21.89944 -160.28206 21.68352 -160.23829 21.68353 -160.09595 21.73459 -160.05068 21.80835 -159.99112 21.86744 -159.98813 21.88971 -159.84428 21.78478 -159.63816 21.83661 -159.43743 21.8488 -159.4051 21.86914 -158.32349 21.61729 -158.15461 21.61528 -158.05171 21.72703 -157.98132 21.75048 -157.90579 21.7263 -157.8673 21.62145 -157.8029 21.56327 -157.85481 21.6305 -157.89806 21.73439 -157.98164 21.76612 -158.05748 21.7386 -158.16298 21.6237 -158.32645 21.6318 -158.33854 21.78906 -158.34604 21.72574 -158.33042 21.66135 -158.18465 21.64148 -158.0694 21.76115 -157.9808 21.79414 -157.87982 21.75208 -157.83256 21.64625 -157.78499 21.58423 -157.80515 21.56159 -157.85937 21.60392 -157.88197 21.65345 -157.87181 21.6228 -157.88481 21.62931 -157.89103 21.70749 -157.88986 21.68848 -157.90839 21.72405 -157.98109 21.74538 -158.05092 21.72089 -158.15141 21.61124 -158.3364 21.62008 -158.34569 21.60371 -158.32804 21.64459 -158.17075 21.63274 -158.0598 21.73672 -158.06879 21.76583 -158.19787 21.63776 -158.07008 21.77227 -158.06301 21.7963 -158.09506 21.87796 -158.07773 21.8943 -158.06019 21.8115 -158.06357 21.77143 -158.08252 21.7524 -158.05604 21.76175 -158.05704 21.73244 -157.96937 21.76482 -157.87951 21.73167 -157.83622 21.63245 -157.78476 21.56427 -157.84965 21.62523 -157.88048 21.72205 -157.95344 21.74689 -158.02409 21.72281 -158.12762 21.61355 -158.27678 21.6264 -158.27552 21.6411 -158.08526 21.63898 -158.12212 21.64408 -158.08989 21.65741 -157.99637 21.74916 -157.91325 21.77278 -157.82259 21.73068 -157.77869 21.62556 -157.71423 21.55281 -157.76825 21.62791 -157.78448 21.62677 -157.77792 21.59127 -157.74901 21.5683 -157.7882 21.65723 -157.77644 21.68225 -157.75127 21.60831 -157.77901 21.6632 -157.86945 21.72066 -157.88288 21.74818 -157.99519 21.78536 -157.98922 21.80004 -158.06198 21.77293 -158.0214 21.79425 -157.98697 21.79121 -157.99757 21.80417 -158.08602 21.78192 -158.10472 21.73576 -158.12679 21.7314 -158.22131 21.641 -158.32897 21.652 -158.34045 21.57384 -158.11714 21.26356 -158.16254 21.31236 -158.12497 21.22906 -158.1249 21.1644 -158.13149 21.2306 -158.1371 21.15887 -157.99023 21.07636 -158.01946 21.08767 -157.9603 20.99782 -157.98513 21.03805 -157.87865 21.061 -157.89936 21.0652 -157.86138 21.10971 -157.88185 21.26488 Cruise Start and End 2005-06-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901702 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionImprovement of Bottomfish Stocks: Phase IIIEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-161.12 20.11, -161.12 22.79, -157.71 22.79, -157.71 20.11, -161.12 20.11))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact &Q=1+M5G%c9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901702gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/903040 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program <gmd:contactInfo> info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0513 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0513  Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36415 -157.86772 21.24235 22.85605 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31601 -157.86822 21.30084 -157.90177 21.24508 -158.1289 21.24237 -158.15686 21.25513 -158.27671 21.34645 -158.32942 21.58523 -158.14625 22.23929 -158.00196 22.69871 -157.98149 22.70428 -157.99999 22.74989 -158.00519 22.73998 -158.00811 22.7968 -158.00354 22.74894 -157.97892 22.74985 -157.99861 22.85603 -158.00651 22.75548 -157.98134 22.71379 -158.02042 22.66691 -157.99516 22.66695 -158.03759 22.65662 -158.03721 22.61993 -158.01811 22.61021 -158.03964 22.61271 -158.02894 22.65894 -158.04232 22.60705 -158.02942 22.60045 -158.04686 22.58787 -158.00008 22.75035 -157.98827 22.74673 -158.02121 22.66799 -158.03347 22.56405 -158.06423 22.52332 -158.04859 22.52812 -158.03506 22.6474 -158.00016 22.75011 -158.02649 22.50023 -158.02064 22.4698 -158.0015 22.46428 -158.08679 22.67546 -158.125 22.72201 -158.12895 22.76458 -158.12259 22.74125 -158.12465 22.76466 -158.1262 22.74346 -158.11176 22.76265 -157.98728 22.74822 -157.92536 22.74931 -157.92831 22.76435 -157.91543 22.73777 -158.13931 22.10392 -158.36415 21.84664 -158.32997 21.59206 -158.15147 21.25067 -157.91831 21.24434 -157.86805 21.30016 -157.88621 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2005-06-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2005-06-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903040 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903040 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0513 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0513 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36415 -157.86772 21.24235 22.85605 coordinates of ship track -157.8862 21.31601 -157.86822 21.30084 -157.90177 21.24508 -158.1289 21.24237 -158.15686 21.25513 -158.27671 21.34645 -158.32942 21.58523 -158.14625 22.23929 -158.00196 22.69871 -157.98149 22.70428 -157.99999 22.74989 -158.00519 22.73998 -158.00811 22.7968 -158.00354 22.74894 -157.97892 22.74985 -157.99861 22.85603 -158.00651 22.75548 -157.98134 22.71379 -158.02042 22.66691 -157.99516 22.66695 -158.03759 22.65662 -158.03721 22.61993 -158.01811 22.61021 -158.03964 22.61271 -158.02894 22.65894 -158.04232 22.60705 -158.02942 22.60045 -158.04686 22.58787 -158.00008 22.75035 -157.98827 22.74673 -158.02121 22.66799 -158.03347 22.56405 -158.06423 22.52332 -158.04859 22.52812 -158.03506 22.6474 -158.00016 22.75011 -158.02649 22.50023 -158.02064 22.4698 -158.0015 22.46428 -158.08679 22.67546 -158.125 22.72201 -158.12895 22.76458 -158.12259 22.74125 -158.12465 22.76466 -158.1262 22.74346 -158.11176 22.76265 -157.98728 22.74822 -157.92536 22.74931 -157.92831 22.76435 -157.91543 22.73777 -158.13931 22.10392 -158.36415 21.84664 -158.32997 21.59206 -158.15147 21.25067 -157.91831 21.24434 -157.86805 21.30016 -157.88621 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2005-06-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-06-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903040 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact S>1+M5]%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901733gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901733 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us </gmd:CI_Address> pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0514 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0514 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Gulf of Alaska Armstrong, Andrew UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.97037 -134.24066 21.18767 58.76570  coordinates of ship track -157.94331 21.36413 -157.97036 21.33453 -157.9469 21.26435 -157.84543 21.2176 -157.73799 21.18778 -157.68588 21.19287 -157.55081 21.25087 -155.6532 24.78109 -153.77776 28.17156 -153.38203 28.86622 -153.29198 28.97145 -153.08049 29.39886 -151.92363 31.41801 -149.72485 35.1183 -147.78698 38.2493 -145.85126 41.24712 -144.34909 43.48542 -143.19808 45.14035 -142.21292 46.52234 -141.24592 47.84523 -138.66646 51.28483 -138.27865 51.78973 -138.1181 51.84188 -137.97559 52.18259 -136.91159 53.52708 -136.92729 53.52859 -136.91326 53.52776 -136.78759 53.69737 -136.7561 53.67602 -136.87998 53.51458 -136.95973 53.47856 -136.91798 53.47257 -137.02833 53.42978 -137.05141 53.46407 -137.02791 53.42477 -137.0426 53.46242 -134.34239 54.60095 -134.24127 54.21157 -135.96107 55.71255 -136.02613 55.63827 -134.40613 54.21899 -134.42021 54.18966 -134.46458 54.16393 -134.51734 54.17593 -136.07201 55.5339 -136.14429 55.44631 -134.67541 54.15268 -134.82976 54.11425 -136.20407 55.3194 -136.29379 55.20431 -135.02482 54.08635 -135.17162 54.04531 -135.21197 54.05261 -135.20426 54.03152 -135.16411 54.03656 -136.35172 55.06422 -136.41323 54.95819 -135.36095 54.02954 -135.43355 53.99421 -135.51826 53.99588 -136.41807 54.78992 -136.48046 54.83071 -136.5272 54.73674 -135.66398 53.97665 -135.80784 53.90533 -135.7866 53.89532 -135.78701 53.91361 -135.82228 53.897 -135.81514 53.90477 -135.83164 53.90202 -135.83628 53.9354 -135.86879 53.96969 -136.55335 54.56834 -136.62925 54.61724 -136.59168 54.61197 -136.61406 54.61065 -136.61522 54.62259 -136.65259 54.61134 -136.64693 54.62058 -136.54187 54.55792 -135.82191 53.93567 -135.83306 53.93101 -136.79044 54.77214 -135.91568 56.27686 -135.20767 55.38134 -135.25957 55.35152 -135.28087 55.35601 -136.03509 56.32178 -137.12203 57.66206 -137.21624 57.7241 -137.26765 57.69693 -137.24845 57.67585 -137.14974 57.6676 -137.14175 57.7321 -137.26713 57.69557 -136.18524 56.36155 -135.39503 55.34851 -135.46161 55.32742 -135.51844 55.35218 -136.4674 56.54647 -137.41205 57.69796 -137.54555 57.68483 -135.89593 55.64838 -135.97859 55.57845 -135.99733 55.57974 -136.85303 56.65873 -137.80593 57.82051 -137.96953 57.85947 -137.14623 56.86254 -136.06219 55.50154 -136.07703 55.36493 -136.06575 55.36354 -136.96443 56.48881 -138.0744 57.84346 -138.22789 57.88593 -137.14814 56.563 -136.15355 55.31022 -136.20494 55.19713 -137.32294 56.60774 -138.4676 57.99134 -138.57365 57.91583 -137.51623 56.62866 -136.28584 55.07539 -136.2911 54.97454 -136.31639 54.9155 -137.55039 56.50562 -138.58566 57.73667 -138.60242 57.73542 -138.6425 57.61867 -137.3703 56.05205 -136.39803 54.80994 -136.43943 54.6742 -137.63379 56.18776 -138.66582 57.44991 -138.71614 57.32505 -137.47476 55.78689 -136.55499 54.59733 -136.62611 54.52047 -136.66056 54.53347 -137.66652 55.82795 -138.74341 57.16171 -138.7937 57.03428 -137.71894 55.69589 -136.87128 54.60325 -137.06414 54.6499 -138.0717 55.94164 -138.82087 56.87144 -138.87306 56.74632 -137.28587 54.73228 -137.47478 54.7754 -138.9024 56.57956 -138.95151 56.45059 -137.70466 54.86668 -137.90068 54.916 -138.97562 56.28272 -139.03255 56.16583 -139.02683 56.14978 -138.12484 54.99143 -138.31876 55.04852 -139.06084 55.99143 -139.10947 55.85704 -138.5414 55.12248 -138.72842 55.17183 -139.1388 55.68356 -139.12178 55.69311 -139.7764 55.53415 -138.99797 58.19209 -139.0064 58.20175 -138.44075 57.97969 -140.92338 58.76544 -141.04367 58.66642 -141.00336 58.69862 -140.97517 58.70083 -140.98806 58.67601 -141.00681 58.67853 -140.98234 58.6893 -140.96872 58.66867 -140.99221 58.66337 -141.00196 58.6823 -140.97634 58.701 -138.4695 57.91463 -138.41777 57.82225 -140.95185 58.6181 -140.96986 58.61835 -141.02061 58.55754 -138.49977 57.75194 -138.48322 57.66272 -141.00727 58.46711 -141.06559 58.40911 -138.54401 57.59464 -138.5179 57.49948 -139.89175 57.95115 -141.05108 58.31233 -141.0688 58.31291 -141.12076 58.25235 -138.59415 57.43663 -138.56049 57.3273 -141.11029 58.15079 -141.16783 58.08617 -138.6752 57.27173 -138.62474 57.17615 -141.13912 57.9893 -141.20908 57.92669 -138.68893 57.10938 -138.66825 57.02477 -138.70784 57.02588 -141.20747 57.84027 -141.25207 57.76846 -138.7371 56.94738 -138.70992 56.85007 -141.25115 57.68556 -152.14114 57.7786 -152.12761 57.77434 -152.24803 57.7288 -152.44951 57.74856 -152.4242 57.78385 Cruise Start and End 2005-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2005-09-01  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901733 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List <gmd:code> Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901733 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0514 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0514 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Gulf of Alaska Armstrong, Andrew UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.97037 -134.24066 21.18767 58.76570 coordinates of ship track -157.94331 21.36413 -157.97036 21.33453 -157.9469 21.26435 -157.84543 21.2176 -157.73799 21.18778 -157.68588 21.19287 -157.55081 21.25087 -155.6532 24.78109 -153.77776 28.17156 -153.38203 28.86622 -153.29198 28.97145 -153.08049 29.39886 -151.92363 31.41801 -149.72485 35.1183 -147.78698 38.2493 -145.85126 41.24712 -144.34909 43.48542 -143.19808 45.14035 -142.21292 46.52234 -141.24592 47.84523 -138.66646 51.28483 -138.27865 51.78973 -138.1181 51.84188 -137.97559 52.18259 -136.91159 53.52708 -136.92729 53.52859 -136.91326 53.52776 -136.78759 53.69737 -136.7561 53.67602 -136.87998 53.51458 -136.95973 53.47856 -136.91798 53.47257 -137.02833 53.42978 -137.05141 53.46407 -137.02791 53.42477 -137.0426 53.46242 -134.34239 54.60095 -134.24127 54.21157 -135.96107 55.71255 -136.02613 55.63827 -134.40613 54.21899 -134.42021 54.18966 -134.46458 54.16393 -134.51734 54.17593 -136.07201 55.5339 -136.14429 55.44631 -134.67541 54.15268 -134.82976 54.11425 -136.20407 55.3194 -136.29379 55.20431 -135.02482 54.08635 -135.17162 54.04531 -135.21197 54.05261 -135.20426 54.03152 -135.16411 54.03656 -136.35172 55.06422 -136.41323 54.95819 -135.36095 54.02954 -135.43355 53.99421 -135.51826 53.99588 -136.41807 54.78992 -136.48046 54.83071 -136.5272 54.73674 -135.66398 53.97665 -135.80784 53.90533 -135.7866 53.89532 -135.78701 53.91361 -135.82228 53.897 -135.81514 53.90477 -135.83164 53.90202 -135.83628 53.9354 -135.86879 53.96969 -136.55335 54.56834 -136.62925 54.61724 -136.59168 54.61197 -136.61406 54.61065 -136.61522 54.62259 -136.65259 54.61134 -136.64693 54.62058 -136.54187 54.55792 -135.82191 53.93567 -135.83306 53.93101 -136.79044 54.77214 -135.91568 56.27686 -135.20767 55.38134 -135.25957 55.35152 -135.28087 55.35601 -136.03509 56.32178 -137.12203 57.66206 -137.21624 57.7241 -137.26765 57.69693 -137.24845 57.67585 -137.14974 57.6676 -137.14175 57.7321 -137.26713 57.69557 -136.18524 56.36155 -135.39503 55.34851 -135.46161 55.32742 -135.51844 55.35218 -136.4674 56.54647 -137.41205 57.69796 -137.54555 57.68483 -135.89593 55.64838 -135.97859 55.57845 -135.99733 55.57974 -136.85303 56.65873 -137.80593 57.82051 -137.96953 57.85947 -137.14623 56.86254 -136.06219 55.50154 -136.07703 55.36493 -136.06575 55.36354 -136.96443 56.48881 -138.0744 57.84346 -138.22789 57.88593 -137.14814 56.563 -136.15355 55.31022 -136.20494 55.19713 -137.32294 56.60774 -138.4676 57.99134 -138.57365 57.91583 -137.51623 56.62866 -136.28584 55.07539 -136.2911 54.97454 -136.31639 54.9155 -137.55039 56.50562 -138.58566 57.73667 -138.60242 57.73542 -138.6425 57.61867 -137.3703 56.05205 -136.39803 54.80994 -136.43943 54.6742 -137.63379 56.18776 -138.66582 57.44991 -138.71614 57.32505 -137.47476 55.78689 -136.55499 54.59733 -136.62611 54.52047 -136.66056 54.53347 -137.66652 55.82795 -138.74341 57.16171 -138.7937 57.03428 -137.71894 55.69589 -136.87128 54.60325 -137.06414 54.6499 -138.0717 55.94164 -138.82087 56.87144 -138.87306 56.74632 -137.28587 54.73228 -137.47478 54.7754 -138.9024 56.57956 -138.95151 56.45059 -137.70466 54.86668 -137.90068 54.916 -138.97562 56.28272 -139.03255 56.16583 -139.02683 56.14978 -138.12484 54.99143 -138.31876 55.04852 -139.06084 55.99143 -139.10947 55.85704 -138.5414 55.12248 -138.72842 55.17183 -139.1388 55.68356 -139.12178 55.69311 -139.7764 55.53415 -138.99797 58.19209 -139.0064 58.20175 -138.44075 57.97969 -140.92338 58.76544 -141.04367 58.66642 -141.00336 58.69862 -140.97517 58.70083 -140.98806 58.67601 -141.00681 58.67853 -140.98234 58.6893 -140.96872 58.66867 -140.99221 58.66337 -141.00196 58.6823 -140.97634 58.701 -138.4695 57.91463 -138.41777 57.82225 -140.95185 58.6181 -140.96986 58.61835 -141.02061 58.55754 -138.49977 57.75194 -138.48322 57.66272 -141.00727 58.46711 -141.06559 58.40911 -138.54401 57.59464 -138.5179 57.49948 -139.89175 57.95115 -141.05108 58.31233 -141.0688 58.31291 -141.12076 58.25235 -138.59415 57.43663 -138.56049 57.3273 -141.11029 58.15079 -141.16783 58.08617 -138.6752 57.27173 -138.62474 57.17615 -141.13912 57.9893 -141.20908 57.92669 -138.68893 57.10938 -138.66825 57.02477 -138.70784 57.02588 -141.20747 57.84027 -141.25207 57.76846 -138.7371 56.94738 -138.70992 56.85007 -141.25115 57.68556 -152.14114 57.7786 -152.12761 57.77434 -152.24803 57.7288 -152.44951 57.74856 -152.4242 57.78385 Cruise Start and End 2005-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-09-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901733 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionU.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Gulf of AlaskaEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.97 21.19, -157.97 58.77, -134.24 58.77, -134.24 21.19, -157.97 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact >VValw'2=HS^it$/:EP[fq|     oceans oceans oceans oce    oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans! oceans" oceans# oceans$ oceans% oceans& oceans' oceans( oceans) oceans* oceans+ oceans, oceans- oceans. oceans/ oceans0 oceans1 oceans2 oceans3 oceans4 oceans5 oceans6 oceans7 oceans8 oceans9 oceans: oceans; oceans< oceans= oceans> oceans? oceans@ oceansA oceansB oceansC oceansD oceansE oceansF oceansG oceansH oceansI oceansJ C&1<GR]hs~ #.9DOZep{  +6ALXdp| oceansL oceansM oceansN oceansO oceansP oceansQ oceansR oceansS oceansT ocean oceansL oceansM oceansN oceansO oceansP oceansQ oceansR oceansS oceansT oceansU oceansV oceansW oceansX oceansY oceansZ oceans[ oceans\ oceans] oceans^ oceans_ oceans` oceansa oceansb oceansc oceansd oceanse oceansf oceansg oceansh oceansi oceansj oceansk oceansl oceansm oceansn oceanso oceansp oceansq oceansr oceanss oceanst oceansu oceansv oceansw oceansx oceansy oceansz oceans{ oceans| oceans} oceans~ oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceanstc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903049 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0515 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0515 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36445 -157.86752 21.24431 22.84615 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31599 -157.86759 21.30174 -157.90901 21.24566 -158.15063 21.24844 -158.28106 21.3499 -158.27106 21.34498 -158.3183 21.54417 -158.33038 21.58549 -158.34036 21.57838 -157.999 22.78274 -158.00452 22.74964 -157.98703 22.75054 -158.1251 22.75118 -158.0777 22.75618 -158.12643 22.78353 -157.99985 22.75019 -158.12826 22.74764 -157.99531 22.75199 -158.08105 22.80423 -158.14008 22.79869 -158.02949 22.76956 -158.02899 22.7856 -158.08842 22.82894 -157.99675 22.75213 -158.14091 22.84615 -158.07932 22.82615 -158.09599 22.82836 -158.11956 22.76984 -158.13803 22.77805 -158.11032 22.77708 -158.13401 22.78704 -158.12018 22.7744 -157.91748 22.78008 -158.0006 22.75024 -158.13039 22.77528 -158.11902 22.77455 -158.13104 22.77278 -158.36443 21.8484 -158.33123 21.60011 -158.14542 21.24561 -157.90201 21.24435 -157.86794 21.30158 -157.8862 21.31601 Cruise Start and End 2005-09-08  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2005-09-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903049 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903049 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0515 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0515 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36445 -157.86752 21.24431 22.84615 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31599 -157.86759 21.30174 -157.90901 21.24566 -158.15063 21.24844 -158.28106 21.3499 -158.27106 21.34498 -158.3183 21.54417 -158.33038 21.58549 -158.34036 21.57838 -157.999 22.78274 -158.00452 22.74964 -157.98703 22.75054 -158.1251 22.75118 -158.0777 22.75618 -158.12643 22.78353 -157.99985 22.75019 -158.12826 22.74764 -157.99531 22.75199 -158.08105 22.80423 -158.14008 22.79869 -158.02949 22.76956 -158.02899 22.7856 -158.08842 22.82894 -157.99675 22.75213 -158.14091 22.84615 -158.07932 22.82615 -158.09599 22.82836 -158.11956 22.76984 -158.13803 22.77805 -158.11032 22.77708 -158.13401 22.78704 -158.12018 22.7744 -157.91748 22.78008 -158.0006 22.75024 -158.13039 22.77528 -158.11902 22.77455 -158.13104 22.77278 -158.36443 21.8484 -158.33123 21.60011 -158.14542 21.24561 -157.90201 21.24435 -157.86794 21.30158 -157.8862 21.31601 Cruise Start and End 2005-09-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-09-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903049 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact :BU=1+M5]%k9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901703gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wwсnT=1+M5W%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903049gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z local? local@ localA localB localC localD localE localF localG localH localI localJ I%/9CMWaku )3=GQ[eoy$/:EP[fq| localL localM localN localO localP localQ localR localS localT local localL localM localN localO localP localQ localR localS localT localU localV localW localX localY localZ local[ local\ local] local^ local_ local` locala localb localc locald locale localf localg localh locali localj localk locall localm localn localo localp localq localr locals localt localu localv localw localx localy localz local{ local| local} local~ local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local localw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901703 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0516 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0516 MAKAI05 - Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) Porter, Michael Office of Naval Research Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.02837 -157.86793 21.24527 22.31022 coordinates of ship track -157.88615 21.31607 -157.86824 21.30048 -157.90528 21.24564 -158.15637 21.25042 -159.75578 21.9152 -159.86492 22.04313 -159.77739 22.17369 -159.8064 22.15897 -159.79654 22.17675 -159.80971 22.19071 -159.81216 22.15655 -159.78118 22.17884 -159.94354 22.26577 -159.79538 22.17344 -159.81485 22.17482 -159.79873 22.17728 -159.79287 22.15879 -159.80666 22.18837 -159.81553 22.15485 -159.78776 22.1634 -159.79456 22.18008 -159.77256 22.17845 -159.80609 22.2 -159.77567 22.17308 -159.8073 22.15493 -159.91982 22.2986 -159.83867 22.22196 -159.80113 22.21091 -159.80016 22.17717 -159.77988 22.16513 -159.80871 22.16571 -159.7771 22.1678 -159.80136 22.18989 -159.79041 22.17913 -159.78688 22.19221 -159.81891 22.16244 -159.80657 22.16913 -159.79601 22.15433 -159.78115 22.17293 -159.79674 22.18 -159.79036 22.1626 -159.79622 22.17567 -159.82827 22.17254 -159.92995 22.27088 -159.80245 22.16839 -159.78136 22.1729 -159.79438 22.15358 -159.8068 22.22203 -159.80033 22.17974 -159.82107 22.18931 -159.79036 22.17448 -159.81407 22.1865 -159.79179 22.1746 -159.81388 22.1707 -159.79348 22.17419 -159.80934 22.17856 -159.79666 22.16198 -159.77889 22.17293 -159.79788 22.16896 -159.78524 22.1671 -159.79554 22.18859 -159.75673 22.20714 -159.78719 22.16077 -159.79869 22.20012 -159.84459 22.16051 -159.80047 22.16431 -159.78158 22.18542 -159.80002 22.15771 -159.95265 22.30759 -159.79834 22.15232 -159.7838 22.19394 -159.83334 22.19319 -159.95128 22.2839 -159.96778 22.26154 -159.96049 22.13254 -159.88924 22.13169 -159.80668 22.17776 -159.81531 22.18531 -159.78725 22.16853 -159.79989 22.17037 -159.80976 22.11423 -159.79118 22.17749 -159.8208 22.1187 -159.82167 22.0134 -159.75603 21.95196 -159.70336 21.93911 -159.74337 21.9414 -159.82558 22.0223 -159.81582 22.14938 -159.78763 22.15445 -159.78447 22.1726 -159.79995 22.16403 -159.77208 22.19319 -159.78668 22.16585 -159.80077 22.16633 -159.78684 22.16622 -159.79629 22.18892 -159.81965 22.16243 -159.7956 22.14746 -159.76689 22.18345 -159.79254 22.1924 -159.82008 22.16208 -159.7939 22.14732 -159.773 22.18436 -159.79136 22.19043 -159.82036 22.16089 -159.79461 22.14723 -159.78621 22.15807 -159.79907 22.16743 -159.78944 22.15981 -159.76842 22.17926 -159.79447 22.1889 -159.81946 22.15744 -159.7295 22.20661 -159.77889 22.1744 -159.76033 22.18201 -159.80111 22.2322 -159.92391 22.27499 -159.92246 22.28806 -159.90819 22.28197 -159.9206 22.27662 -159.92283 22.29087 -159.92961 22.27783 -159.88966 22.2686 -159.79241 22.16107 -159.74979 22.19189 -159.79238 22.15136 -159.84305 22.14443 -159.81854 22.14743 -159.82104 22.16684 -159.79176 22.15941 -159.81035 22.11496 -159.78664 22.16415 -159.8159 22.11087 -159.8336 22.12633 -159.74979 22.19178 -159.7822 22.1623 -159.98032 22.23414 -159.96533 22.23819 -159.82276 22.14815 -159.77427 22.17507 -159.79828 22.15241 -159.84493 22.15476 -159.80038 22.14331 -159.84731 22.14437 -159.82158 22.12387 -159.82243 22.14074 -159.81566 22.12183 -159.82111 22.01127 -159.74167 21.93971 -159.6951 21.9442 -159.74396 21.94055 -159.82052 22.01043 -159.83096 22.11726 -159.84844 22.10299 -159.84078 22.14889 -159.78572 22.16918 -159.83289 22.11469 -159.81676 22.10943 -159.83679 22.07945 -159.77732 22.17751 -159.80215 22.14204 -159.78223 22.17252 -159.77148 22.15757 -159.81214 22.17633 -159.77726 22.15201 -159.81173 22.17061 -159.82163 22.01213 -159.74564 21.94174 -159.69536 21.943 -159.74179 21.94004 -159.84243 22.00294 -159.82498 21.97902 -159.83195 22.01404 -159.85245 22.00132 -159.82276 22.14954 -159.811 22.10339 -159.76713 22.16076 -159.7105 22.18625 -159.76832 22.16072 -159.80185 22.10516 -159.76703 22.15952 -159.71279 22.18707 -159.77084 22.15971 -159.80334 22.10618 -159.77012 22.16213 -159.70897 22.18998 -159.77036 22.16265 -159.80469 22.1054 -159.77255 22.16253 -159.7121 22.19129 -159.77172 22.16391 -159.80659 22.10554 -159.77289 22.16439 -159.71342 22.19348 -159.77551 22.16567 -159.81076 22.11052 -159.77856 22.16716 -159.71413 22.19889 -159.78221 22.16696 -159.82143 22.09849 -159.80959 21.98046 -159.82688 21.99501 -159.84014 21.98069 -159.82721 21.99392 -159.83902 21.98348 -159.81503 22.1671 -159.80307 22.16146 -159.81325 22.10975 -159.77364 22.16563 -159.71393 22.19448 -159.77607 22.16706 -159.81075 22.11072 -159.77826 22.16905 -159.71653 22.20125 -159.78093 22.17049 -159.81564 22.10999 -159.78393 22.16979 -159.71649 22.20379 -159.78503 22.17056 -159.81984 22.11418 -159.78465 22.17279 -159.7157 22.20653 -159.78708 22.17278 -159.82289 22.11376 -159.78791 22.17392 -159.7164 22.20951 -159.78724 22.17605 -159.82362 22.11749 -159.88847 22.11723 -160.01382 22.26438 -160.0282 22.2615 -159.80288 22.17598 -159.82157 22.10756 -159.82465 22.00026 -159.82299 22.01761 -159.81067 21.99256 -159.82214 22.11725 -159.78594 22.17807 -159.83221 22.11406 -159.83349 22.00626 -159.8223 22.00264 -159.8314 22.03494 -159.84479 21.99897 -159.81084 22.03166 -159.80965 22.16518 -159.78907 22.16151 -159.78543 22.18144 -159.76992 22.15739 -159.71 22.18405 -159.709 22.21597 -159.78938 22.17791 -159.82503 22.1186 -159.82293 22.04588 -159.75438 21.91422 -158.50137 21.38449 -158.16383 21.24858 -158.11899 21.24595 Cruise Start and End 2005-09-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-10-02  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901703 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901703 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0516 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0516 MAKAI05 - Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) Porter, Michael Office of Naval Research Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.02837 -157.86793 21.24527 22.31022 coordinates of ship track -157.88615 21.31607 -157.86824 21.30048 -157.90528 21.24564 -158.15637 21.25042 -159.75578 21.9152 -159.86492 22.04313 -159.77739 22.17369 -159.8064 22.15897 -159.79654 22.17675 -159.80971 22.19071 -159.81216 22.15655 -159.78118 22.17884 -159.94354 22.26577 -159.79538 22.17344 -159.81485 22.17482 -159.79873 22.17728 -159.79287 22.15879 -159.80666 22.18837 -159.81553 22.15485 -159.78776 22.1634 -159.79456 22.18008 -159.77256 22.17845 -159.80609 22.2 -159.77567 22.17308 -159.8073 22.15493 -159.91982 22.2986 -159.83867 22.22196 -159.80113 22.21091 -159.80016 22.17717 -159.77988 22.16513 -159.80871 22.16571 -159.7771 22.1678 -159.80136 22.18989 -159.79041 22.17913 -159.78688 22.19221 -159.81891 22.16244 -159.80657 22.16913 -159.79601 22.15433 -159.78115 22.17293 -159.79674 22.18 -159.79036 22.1626 -159.79622 22.17567 -159.82827 22.17254 -159.92995 22.27088 -159.80245 22.16839 -159.78136 22.1729 -159.79438 22.15358 -159.8068 22.22203 -159.80033 22.17974 -159.82107 22.18931 -159.79036 22.17448 -159.81407 22.1865 -159.79179 22.1746 -159.81388 22.1707 -159.79348 22.17419 -159.80934 22.17856 -159.79666 22.16198 -159.77889 22.17293 -159.79788 22.16896 -159.78524 22.1671 -159.79554 22.18859 -159.75673 22.20714 -159.78719 22.16077 -159.79869 22.20012 -159.84459 22.16051 -159.80047 22.16431 -159.78158 22.18542 -159.80002 22.15771 -159.95265 22.30759 -159.79834 22.15232 -159.7838 22.19394 -159.83334 22.19319 -159.95128 22.2839 -159.96778 22.26154 -159.96049 22.13254 -159.88924 22.13169 -159.80668 22.17776 -159.81531 22.18531 -159.78725 22.16853 -159.79989 22.17037 -159.80976 22.11423 -159.79118 22.17749 -159.8208 22.1187 -159.82167 22.0134 -159.75603 21.95196 -159.70336 21.93911 -159.74337 21.9414 -159.82558 22.0223 -159.81582 22.14938 -159.78763 22.15445 -159.78447 22.1726 -159.79995 22.16403 -159.77208 22.19319 -159.78668 22.16585 -159.80077 22.16633 -159.78684 22.16622 -159.79629 22.18892 -159.81965 22.16243 -159.7956 22.14746 -159.76689 22.18345 -159.79254 22.1924 -159.82008 22.16208 -159.7939 22.14732 -159.773 22.18436 -159.79136 22.19043 -159.82036 22.16089 -159.79461 22.14723 -159.78621 22.15807 -159.79907 22.16743 -159.78944 22.15981 -159.76842 22.17926 -159.79447 22.1889 -159.81946 22.15744 -159.7295 22.20661 -159.77889 22.1744 -159.76033 22.18201 -159.80111 22.2322 -159.92391 22.27499 -159.92246 22.28806 -159.90819 22.28197 -159.9206 22.27662 -159.92283 22.29087 -159.92961 22.27783 -159.88966 22.2686 -159.79241 22.16107 -159.74979 22.19189 -159.79238 22.15136 -159.84305 22.14443 -159.81854 22.14743 -159.82104 22.16684 -159.79176 22.15941 -159.81035 22.11496 -159.78664 22.16415 -159.8159 22.11087 -159.8336 22.12633 -159.74979 22.19178 -159.7822 22.1623 -159.98032 22.23414 -159.96533 22.23819 -159.82276 22.14815 -159.77427 22.17507 -159.79828 22.15241 -159.84493 22.15476 -159.80038 22.14331 -159.84731 22.14437 -159.82158 22.12387 -159.82243 22.14074 -159.81566 22.12183 -159.82111 22.01127 -159.74167 21.93971 -159.6951 21.9442 -159.74396 21.94055 -159.82052 22.01043 -159.83096 22.11726 -159.84844 22.10299 -159.84078 22.14889 -159.78572 22.16918 -159.83289 22.11469 -159.81676 22.10943 -159.83679 22.07945 -159.77732 22.17751 -159.80215 22.14204 -159.78223 22.17252 -159.77148 22.15757 -159.81214 22.17633 -159.77726 22.15201 -159.81173 22.17061 -159.82163 22.01213 -159.74564 21.94174 -159.69536 21.943 -159.74179 21.94004 -159.84243 22.00294 -159.82498 21.97902 -159.83195 22.01404 -159.85245 22.00132 -159.82276 22.14954 -159.811 22.10339 -159.76713 22.16076 -159.7105 22.18625 -159.76832 22.16072 -159.80185 22.10516 -159.76703 22.15952 -159.71279 22.18707 -159.77084 22.15971 -159.80334 22.10618 -159.77012 22.16213 -159.70897 22.18998 -159.77036 22.16265 -159.80469 22.1054 -159.77255 22.16253 -159.7121 22.19129 -159.77172 22.16391 -159.80659 22.10554 -159.77289 22.16439 -159.71342 22.19348 -159.77551 22.16567 -159.81076 22.11052 -159.77856 22.16716 -159.71413 22.19889 -159.78221 22.16696 -159.82143 22.09849 -159.80959 21.98046 -159.82688 21.99501 -159.84014 21.98069 -159.82721 21.99392 -159.83902 21.98348 -159.81503 22.1671 -159.80307 22.16146 -159.81325 22.10975 -159.77364 22.16563 -159.71393 22.19448 -159.77607 22.16706 -159.81075 22.11072 -159.77826 22.16905 -159.71653 22.20125 -159.78093 22.17049 -159.81564 22.10999 -159.78393 22.16979 -159.71649 22.20379 -159.78503 22.17056 -159.81984 22.11418 -159.78465 22.17279 -159.7157 22.20653 -159.78708 22.17278 -159.82289 22.11376 -159.78791 22.17392 -159.7164 22.20951 -159.78724 22.17605 -159.82362 22.11749 -159.88847 22.11723 -160.01382 22.26438 -160.0282 22.2615 -159.80288 22.17598 -159.82157 22.10756 -159.82465 22.00026 -159.82299 22.01761 -159.81067 21.99256 -159.82214 22.11725 -159.78594 22.17807 -159.83221 22.11406 -159.83349 22.00626 -159.8223 22.00264 -159.8314 22.03494 -159.84479 21.99897 -159.81084 22.03166 -159.80965 22.16518 -159.78907 22.16151 -159.78543 22.18144 -159.76992 22.15739 -159.71 22.18405 -159.709 22.21597 -159.78938 22.17791 -159.82503 22.1186 -159.82293 22.04588 -159.75438 21.91422 -158.50137 21.38449 -158.16383 21.24858 -158.11899 21.24595 Cruise Start and End 2005-09-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-10-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901703 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMAKAI05 - Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.03 21.25, -160.03 22.31, -157.87 22.31, -157.87 21.25, -160.03 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactory (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903102 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0517 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0517 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37091 -157.86724 21.23924 22.78765 coordinates of ship track -157.88617 21.31604 -157.86798 21.30099 -157.90841 21.24562 -158.1392 21.24117 -158.27199 21.34021 -158.32913 21.58098 -158.0005 22.7503 -157.87237 22.77278 -158.00163 22.74955 -157.87905 22.7373 -158.00133 22.7501 -158.00316 22.73275 -158.14327 22.67269 -158.14309 22.68516 -158.01503 22.74706 -157.87569 22.75094 -158.01085 22.75379 -157.89312 22.77307 -157.89665 22.78765 -158.00224 22.7501 -157.88213 22.76566 -158.0111 22.74924 -157.92697 22.78667 -158.05433 22.72708 -158.11173 22.77438 -158.1072 22.78577 -157.99506 22.74856 -158.08039 22.65314 -158.15775 22.59851 -158.27749 22.60622 -158.15412 22.71528 -158.12473 22.76507 -158.12126 22.75276 -158.12962 22.76292 -158.11979 22.7555 -158.13337 22.76153 -157.92355 22.75509 -157.94136 22.75708 -157.92523 22.75834 -158.0993 22.44063 -158.37091 21.84502 -158.33017 21.59444 -158.16798 21.26149 -158.14593 21.2464 -157.8981 21.24506 -157.86727 21.30275 -157.88612 21.31589 Cruise Start and End 2005-10-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-10-11  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903102 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903102 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0517 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0517 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37091 -157.86724 21.23924 22.78765 coordinates of ship track -157.88617 21.31604 -157.86798 21.30099 -157.90841 21.24562 -158.1392 21.24117 -158.27199 21.34021 -158.32913 21.58098 -158.0005 22.7503 -157.87237 22.77278 -158.00163 22.74955 -157.87905 22.7373 -158.00133 22.7501 -158.00316 22.73275 -158.14327 22.67269 -158.14309 22.68516 -158.01503 22.74706 -157.87569 22.75094 -158.01085 22.75379 -157.89312 22.77307 -157.89665 22.78765 -158.00224 22.7501 -157.88213 22.76566 -158.0111 22.74924 -157.92697 22.78667 -158.05433 22.72708 -158.11173 22.77438 -158.1072 22.78577 -157.99506 22.74856 -158.08039 22.65314 -158.15775 22.59851 -158.27749 22.60622 -158.15412 22.71528 -158.12473 22.76507 -158.12126 22.75276 -158.12962 22.76292 -158.11979 22.7555 -158.13337 22.76153 -157.92355 22.75509 -157.94136 22.75708 -157.92523 22.75834 -158.0993 22.44063 -158.37091 21.84502 -158.33017 21.59444 -158.16798 21.26149 -158.14593 21.2464 -157.8981 21.24506 -157.86727 21.30275 -157.88612 21.31589 Cruise Start and End 2005-10-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-10-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903102 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.79, -157.87 22.79, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact rV=1+M5[!%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903102gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:18Z doi:10.7284/901704 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0518 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0518 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -160.15897 -154.31835 17.96859 21.79365 coordinates of ship track  -157.88618 21.31603 -157.86759 21.30123 -157.90576 21.2503 -158.00837 21.23657 -158.1466 21.24678 -158.19561 21.32969 -158.32254 21.32915 -158.21046 21.33621 -158.17072 21.25015 -158.10039 21.24418 -158.09591 21.22401 -158.05231 21.20374 -157.92156 21.28158 -157.88082 21.27614 -155.90944 18.9993 -155.66452 18.83551 -155.14643 19.17405 -155.03137 18.93834 -154.96416 18.97944 -155.0719 19.21341 -155.0024 19.24562 -154.89643 19.00983 -154.95856 19.04872 -155.06774 19.16209 -155.04879 19.15507 -155.06066 19.14781 -155.04808 19.14504 -155.07084 19.15124 -155.07373 19.16547 -155.04341 19.15475 -154.90059 19.27618 -154.74746 19.46684 -154.31916 18.83058 -154.38379 18.77516 -154.83798 19.43086 -154.89837 19.37156 -154.44263 18.72001 -154.51104 18.67024 -154.9758 1 19.33173 -155.03982 19.28805 -155.03583 19.26686 -154.58501 18.62724 -154.66302 18.59159 -155.04721 19.1625 -155.06251 19.15931 -155.04915 19.13923 -155.14847 19.15378 -154.95422 18.63017 -154.84776 18.41799 -154.98478 18.36798 -155.31571 19.21681 -155.43767 19.13621 -155.43678 19.12271 -155.09104 18.29126 -155.24856 18.18987 -155.51883 19.04705 -155.57154 18.97308 -155.36558 18.10113 -155.58897 18.03998 -155.62275 18.92038 -155.66277 18.89722 -155.69709 18.84557 -155.76116 17.96965 -156.01282 18.06306 -155.75435 18.94565 -155.82091 18.9816 -156.18948 18.14364 -156.37883 18.26691 -155.93494 19.03409 -155.94015 19.25951 -156.52811 18.36941 -156.69189 18.47321 -156.02147 19.33915 -156.00689 19.356 -155.99866 19.32649 -155.98321 19.33431 -156.00308 19.34538 -156.02285 19.33397 -155.95959 19.42225 -156.00243 19.50016 -156.12107 19.37081 -156.14718 19.38865 -156.31709 19.54275 -156.48056 19.66513 -156.75902 19.98818 -157.77661 20.8733 -157.88809 21.27733 -157.87916 21.2672 -157.86702 21.30271 -157.88618 21.31604 -157.86777 21.30273 -157.87955 21.27368 -157.72512 21.21565 -157.75069 21.21264 -157.73247 21.21688 -157.7516 21.23524 -158.02707 21.07253 -157.85289 20.77219 -157.97473 21.00094 -157.83106 20.7714 -157.9536 21.00873 -157.79314 20.74287 -157.89425 20.91944 -157.79495 21.05401 -157.76412 21.12316 -157.61577 21.2826 -157.61083 21.4661 -157.60121 21.44548 -157.59356 21.46618 -157.59421 21.44447 -157.62517 21.44005 -157.56584 21.48188 -157.61616 21.50384 -157.62278 21.32712 -157.63339 21.49949 -157.63359 21.36361 -157.58259 21.33175 -157.58378 21.22447 -157.8934 20.91897 -157.96694 21.04644 -157.78373 20.74743 -157.99133 21.11798 -157.94252 21.04473 -157.8677 21.30173 -157.88123 21.31469 -157.86774 21.30167 -157.88281 21.28011 -157.94286 21.24816 -158.08732 21.2461 -159.28033 21.32203 -159.40211 21.75003 -160.00251 21.75004 -160.00854 21.65481 -159.09785 21.64995 -159.09263 21.55234 -160.15158 21.55005 -160.15701 21.53178 -160.15044 21.44999 -158.9932 21.44934 -158.99124 21.35019 -160.1553 21.34809 -160.15129 21.2501 -158.98893 21.24546 -158.99345 21.15031 -159.92282 21.14791 -159.92002 21.05001 -158.98311 21.04951 -158.99071 20.95025 -159.39682 20.9499 -159.52613 21.44027 -159.19192 21.654 -159.70328 21.56484 -159.66395 21.57354 -159.66896 21.32734 -159.36445 21.4166 -159.36442 21.42913 -159.51319 21.37675 -159.31432 21.34588 -158.1558 21.24715 -157.92367 21.24682 -157.86767 21.30085 -157.88614 21.31606 -157.86777 21.30269 -157.88267 21.27433 -157.94899 21.24959 -158.14894 21.24775 -158.65268 21.73913 -158.6329 21.74927 -158.83428 21.62459 -158.80278 21.60508 -158.63161 21.72649 -158.64971 21.74358 -158.75427 21.6744 -158.70586 21.67468 -158.67424 21.6964 -158.65341 21.75888 -158.66151 21.74308 -158.6445 21.73567 -158.66908 21.75489 -158.67694 21.7085 -158.56053 21.77659 -158.56312 21.79364 -158.83434 21.62469 -158.63983 21.7273 -158.60083 21.71801 -158.63818 21.7158 -158.63916 21.7363 -158.61856 21.73093 -158.65915 21.75537 -158.63804 21.71978 -158.64013 21.72999 -158.61051 21.72877 -158.33022 21.5919 -158.23753 21.45514 -158.23408 21.4264 -158.2287 21.44497 -158.20547 21.43954 -158.2475 21.46324 -158.33642 21.6013 -158.64291 21.74337 -158.83452 21.62348 -158.80098 21.60684 -158.63243 21.72501 -158.64296 21.74383 -158.83437 21.62618 -158.7989 21.6077 -158.63095 21.72907 -158.64749 21.74287 -158.83472 21.62623 -158.80078 21.60511 -158.63144 21.73046 -158.6497 21.74194 -158.83343 21.62715 -158.80348 21.60514 -158.63141 21.73264 -158.65323 21.73931 -158.83702 21.62471 -158.80275 21.60571 -158.63117 21.72993 -158.64983 21.7423 -158.83825 21.62242 -158.79947 21.60741 -158.63146 21.72988 -158.64676 21.74294 -158.83472 21.62638 -158.80498 21.60466 -158.63176 21.73501 -158.64984 21.74228 -158.83515 21.62585 -158.80072 21.60627 -158.62944 21.73253 -158.64901 21.74209 -158.83515 21.62573 -158.79988 21.60694 -158.63137 21.72672 -158.63853 21.74134 -158.83445 21.62625 -158.79945 21.60676 -158.62951 21.72666 -158.63997 21.74564 -158.8347 21.62625 -158.80135 21.6063 -158.63114 21.72946 -158.64757 21.74336 -158.83454 21.62628 -158.80334 21.60466 -158.63115 21.729 -158.64698 21.74356 -158.83449 21.62662 -158.80045 21.60679 -158.63184 21.73257 -158.64822 21.74393 -158.83565 21.62596 -158.80548 21.60406 -158.63066 21.73206 -158.64756 21.74376 -158.83562 21.62271 -158.8 21.60717 -158.63167 21.7262 -158.64634 21.74674 -158.83563 21.62504 -158.80428 21.60421 -158.63118 21.73171 -158.64745 21.74347 -158.83446 21.62573 -158.80723 21.60737 -158.78544 21.61613 -158.63159 21.73066 -158.64927 21.74224 -158.83517 21.62546 -158.80398 21.60515 -158.63121 21.72967 -158.64675 21.74391 -158.83464 21.62644 -158.80263 21.60489 -158.6315 21.73155 -158.64679 21.74394 -158.83533 21.62282 -158.80111 21.60688 -158.6309 21.73157 -158.64747 21.74386 -158.83431 21.62636 -158.80156 21.60525 -158.63067 21.72703 -158.64258 21.7449 -158.83297 21.62692 -158.79945 21.60765 -158.63106 21.73027 -158.64634 21.74496 -158.83348 21.62543 -158.15384 21.25053 -157.94027 21.24682 -157.88793 21.26656 -157.86753 21.30213 -157.88655 21.31554 Cruise Start and End 2005-10-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-11-05  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901704 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901704 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0518 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0518 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.15897 -154.31835 17.96859 21.79365 coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31603 -157.86759 21.30123 -157.90576 21.2503 -158.00837 21.23657 -158.1466 21.24678 -158.19561 21.32969 -158.32254 21.32915 -158.21046 21.33621 -158.17072 21.25015 -158.10039 21.24418 -158.09591 21.22401 -158.05231 21.20374 -157.92156 21.28158 -157.88082 21.27614 -155.90944 18.9993 -155.66452 18.83551 -155.14643 19.17405 -155.03137 18.93834 -154.96416 18.97944 -155.0719 19.21341 -155.0024 19.24562 -154.89643 19.00983 -154.95856 19.04872 -155.06774 19.16209 -155.04879 19.15507 -155.06066 19.14781 -155.04808 19.14504 -155.07084 19.15124 -155.07373 19.16547 -155.04341 19.15475 -154.90059 19.27618 -154.74746 19.46684 -154.31916 18.83058 -154.38379 18.77516 -154.83798 19.43086 -154.89837 19.37156 -154.44263 18.72001 -154.51104 18.67024 -154.97581 19.33173 -155.03982 19.28805 -155.03583 19.26686 -154.58501 18.62724 -154.66302 18.59159 -155.04721 19.1625 -155.06251 19.15931 -155.04915 19.13923 -155.14847 19.15378 -154.95422 18.63017 -154.84776 18.41799 -154.98478 18.36798 -155.31571 19.21681 -155.43767 19.13621 -155.43678 19.12271 -155.09104 18.29126 -155.24856 18.18987 -155.51883 19.04705 -155.57154 18.97308 -155.36558 18.10113 -155.58897 18.03998 -155.62275 18.92038 -155.66277 18.89722 -155.69709 18.84557 -155.76116 17.96965 -156.01282 18.06306 -155.75435 18.94565 -155.82091 18.9816 -156.18948 18.14364 -156.37883 18.26691 -155.93494 19.03409 -155.94015 19.25951 -156.52811 18.36941 -156.69189 18.47321 -156.02147 19.33915 -156.00689 19.356 -155.99866 19.32649 -155.98321 19.33431 -156.00308 19.34538 -156.02285 19.33397 -155.95959 19.42225 -156.00243 19.50016 -156.12107 19.37081 -156.14718 19.38865 -156.31709 19.54275 -156.48056 19.66513 -156.75902 19.98818 -157.77661 20.8733 -157.88809 21.27733 -157.87916 21.2672 -157.86702 21.30271 -157.88618 21.31604 -157.86777 21.30273 -157.87955 21.27368 -157.72512 21.21565 -157.75069 21.21264 -157.73247 21.21688 -157.7516 21.23524 -158.02707 21.07253 -157.85289 20.77219 -157.97473 21.00094 -157.83106 20.7714 -157.9536 21.00873 -157.79314 20.74287 -157.89425 20.91944 -157.79495 21.05401 -157.76412 21.12316 -157.61577 21.2826 -157.61083 21.4661 -157.60121 21.44548 -157.59356 21.46618 -157.59421 21.44447 -157.62517 21.44005 -157.56584 21.48188 -157.61616 21.50384 -157.62278 21.32712 -157.63339 21.49949 -157.63359 21.36361 -157.58259 21.33175 -157.58378 21.22447 -157.8934 20.91897 -157.96694 21.04644 -157.78373 20.74743 -157.99133 21.11798 -157.94252 21.04473 -157.8677 21.30173 -157.88123 21.31469 -157.86774 21.30167 -157.88281 21.28011 -157.94286 21.24816 -158.08732 21.2461 -159.28033 21.32203 -159.40211 21.75003 -160.00251 21.75004 -160.00854 21.65481 -159.09785 21.64995 -159.09263 21.55234 -160.15158 21.55005 -160.15701 21.53178 -160.15044 21.44999 -158.9932 21.44934 -158.99124 21.35019 -160.1553 21.34809 -160.15129 21.2501 -158.98893 21.24546 -158.99345 21.15031 -159.92282 21.14791 -159.92002 21.05001 -158.98311 21.04951 -158.99071 20.95025 -159.39 682 20.9499 -159.52613 21.44027 -159.19192 21.654 -159.70328 21.56484 -159.66395 21.57354 -159.66896 21.32734 -159.36445 21.4166 -159.36442 21.42913 -159.51319 21.37675 -159.31432 21.34588 -158.1558 21.24715 -157.92367 21.24682 -157.86767 21.30085 -157.88614 21.31606 -157.86777 21.30269 -157.88267 21.27433 -157.94899 21.24959 -158.14894 21.24775 -158.65268 21.73913 -158.6329 21.74927 -158.83428 21.62459 -158.80278 21.60508 -158.63161 21.72649 -158.64971 21.74358 -158.75427 21.6744 -158.70586 21.67468 -158.67424 21.6964 -158.65341 21.75888 -158.66151 21.74308 -158.6445 21.73567 -158.66908 21.75489 -158.67694 21.7085 -158.56053 21.77659 -158.56312 21.79364 -158.83434 21.62469 -158.63983 21.7273 -158.60083 21.71801 -158.63818 21.7158 -158.63916 21.7363 -158.61856 21.73093 -158.65915 21.75537 -158.63804 21.71978 -158.64013 21.72999 -158.61051 21.72877 -158.33022 21.5919 -158.23753 21.45514 -158.23408 21.4264 -158.2287 21.44497 -158.20547 21.43954 -158.2475 21.46324 -158.33642 21.6013 -158.64291 21.74337 -158.!83452 21.62348 -158.80098 21.60684 -158.63243 21.72501 -158.64296 21.74383 -158.83437 21.62618 -158.7989 21.6077 -158.63095 21.72907 -158.64749 21.74287 -158.83472 21.62623 -158.80078 21.60511 -158.63144 21.73046 -158.6497 21.74194 -158.83343 21.62715 -158.80348 21.60514 -158.63141 21.73264 -158.65323 21.73931 -158.83702 21.62471 -158.80275 21.60571 -158.63117 21.72993 -158.64983 21.7423 -158.83825 21.62242 -158.79947 21.60741 -158.63146 21.72988 -158.64676 21.74294 -158.83472 21.62638 -158.80498 21.60466 -158.63176 21.73501 -158.64984 21.74228 -158.83515 21.62585 -158.80072 21.60627 -158.62944 21.73253 -158.64901 21.74209 -158.83515 21.62573 -158.79988 21.60694 -158.63137 21.72672 -158.63853 21.74134 -158.83445 21.62625 -158.79945 21.60676 -158.62951 21.72666 -158.63997 21.74564 -158.8347 21.62625 -158.80135 21.6063 -158.63114 21.72946 -158.64757 21.74336 -158.83454 21.62628 -158.80334 21.60466 -158.63115 21.729 -158.64698 21.74356 -158.83449 21.62662 -158.80045 21.60679 -158.63184 21.73257 -158.64822 21".74393 -158.83565 21.62596 -158.80548 21.60406 -158.63066 21.73206 -158.64756 21.74376 -158.83562 21.62271 -158.8 21.60717 -158.63167 21.7262 -158.64634 21.74674 -158.83563 21.62504 -158.80428 21.60421 -158.63118 21.73171 -158.64745 21.74347 -158.83446 21.62573 -158.80723 21.60737 -158.78544 21.61613 -158.63159 21.73066 -158.64927 21.74224 -158.83517 21.62546 -158.80398 21.60515 -158.63121 21.72967 -158.64675 21.74391 -158.83464 21.62644 -158.80263 21.60489 -158.6315 21.73155 -158.64679 21.74394 -158.83533 21.62282 -158.80111 21.60688 -158.6309 21.73157 -158.64747 21.74386 -158.83431 21.62636 -158.80156 21.60525 -158.63067 21.72703 -158.64258 21.7449 -158.83297 21.62692 -158.79945 21.60765 -158.63106 21.73027 -158.64634 21.74496 -158.83348 21.62543 -158.15384 21.25053 -157.94027 21.24682 -157.88793 21.26656 -157.86753 21.30213 -157.88655 21.31554 Cruise Start and End 2005-10-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-11-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901704 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.16 17.97, -160.16 21.79, -154.32 21.79, -154.32 17.97, -160.16 17.97))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact %%SW=1+M5{a%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901704gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903103 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us <'/gmd:CI_Contact> pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0519 on RV Kilo Moana ( 2015-09-30 published KM0519 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contri*butor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36371 -157.86761 21.23517 22.82936 - coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31543 -157.868 21.30166 -157.89965 21.24897 -158.14492 21.24747 -158.27474 21.34379 -158.32986 21.5911 -158.00419 22.74891 -157.91401 22.78661 -158.00627 22.74819 -157.87202 22.72696 -158.05554 22.75474 -158.09041 22.77644 -158.01989 22.77116 -157.98944 22.74653 -158.07524 22.77848 -158.11153 22.82604 -158.09521 22.81446 -158.08427 22.82908 -157.99965 22.74975 -157.90559 22.76732 -157.91752 22.79338 -157.9075 22.78248 -157.91421 22.79207 -157.91016 22.78117 -158.0048 22.76935 -158.11903 22.79334 -158.09466 22.78046 -158.10895 22.79524 -158.36363 21.84.652 -158.35216 21.74286 -158.32792 21.587 -158.14992 21.24766 -157.94662 21.24715 -157.88466 21.27177 -157.86762 21.30237 -157.88302 21.31545 -157.86799 21.3015 -157.89402 21.25638 -158.14822 21.2478 -158.32883 21.58935 -158.01861 22.69057 -158.0174 22.73767 -157.98291 22.74232 -158.01576 22.75826 -157.97276 22.75196 -158.01501 22.74137 -157.91625 22.74849 -158.01015 22.75685 -157.99533 22.74398 -158.00486 22.70155 -157.99682 22.75057 -158.02803 22.77305 -158.07654 22.76308 -157.99259 22.75301 -158.13244 22.76853 -158.1218 22.77723 -158.12699 22.76277 -158.15173 22.76411 -158.12145 22.58801 -158.12475 22.36625 -158.14903 22.22835 -158.3298 21.59124 -158.14904 21.24819 -158.00541 21.23521 -157.90168 21.26592 / Cruise Start and End 2005-11-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-11-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http:/2/doi.org/10.7284/903103 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw 4 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List 5 Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator 6 Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903103 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to 7Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0519 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0519 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36371 -157.86761 21.23517 22.82936 coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31543 -157.868 21.30166 -157.89965 21.24897 -158.14492 21.24747 -158.27474 21.34379 -158.32986 21.5911 -158.00419 22.74891 -157.91401 22.78661 -158.00627 22.74819 -157.87202 22.72696 -158.05554 22.75474 -158.09041 22.77644 -158.01989 22.771186 -157.98944 22.74653 -158.07524 22.77848 -158.11153 22.82604 -158.09521 22.81446 -158.08427 22.82908 -157.99965 22.74975 -157.90559 22.76732 -157.91752 22.79338 -157.9075 22.78248 -157.91421 22.79207 -157.91016 22.78117 -158.0048 22.76935 -158.11903 22.79334 -158.09466 22.78046 -158.10895 22.79524 -158.36363 21.84652 -158.35216 21.74286 -158.32792 21.587 -158.14992 21.24766 -157.94662 21.24715 -157.88466 21.27177 -157.86762 21.30237 -157.88302 21.31545 -157.86799 21.3015 -157.89402 21.25638 -158.14822 21.2478 -158.32883 21.58935 -158.01861 22.69057 -158.0174 22.73767 -157.98291 22.74232 -158.01576 22.75826 -157.97276 22.75196 -158.01501 22.74137 -157.91625 22.74849 -158.01015 22.75685 -157.99533 22.74398 -158.00486 22.70155 -157.99682 22.75057 -158.02803 22.77305 -158.07654 22.76308 -157.99259 22.75301 -158.13244 22.76853 -158.1218 22.77723 -158.12699 22.76277 -158.15173 22.76411 -158.12145 22.58801 -158.12475 22.36625 -158.14903 22.22835 -158.3298 21.59124 -158.14904 21.24819 -158.00541 21.23521 -157.90168 21.26592 Cruise Start and End 2005-11-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-11-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903103 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.83, -157.87 22.83, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact \X=1+M5E %G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903103gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901705 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0520 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30Time> published KM0520 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor @ EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office A custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89862 -157.15847 20.80598 21.31677 C coordinates of ship track -157.88613 21.31664 -157.86814 21.30265 -157.87671 21.276 -157.8115 21.22532 -157.65035 21.13294 -157.19267 20.82169 -157.16534 20.81681 -157.20795 20.81014 -157.22975 20.83432 -157.19765 20.8388 -157.20232 20.85061 -157.18075 20.81896 -157.185 20.86271 -157.18277 20.83474 -157.15868 20.86267 -157.18027 20.82163 -157.16621 20.83457 -157.57043 21.00325 -157.70639 21.04413 -157.89524 21.1379 Cruise Start and End 2005-12-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-12-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901705 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. H International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/901705 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.Jus pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0520 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0520 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89862 -157.15847 20.80598 21.31677 coordinates of ship track -157.88613 21.31664 -157.86814 21.30265 -157.87671 21.276 -157.8115 21.22532 -157.65035 21.13294 -157.19267 20.82169 -157.16534 20.81681 -157.20795 20.81014 -157.22975 20.83432 -157.19765 20.8388 -157.20232 20.85061 -157.18075 20.81896 -157.185 20.86271 -157.18277 20.83474 -157.15868 20.86267 -157.18027 20.82163 -157.16621 20.83457 -157.57043 21.00325 -157.70639 21.04413 -157.89524 21.1379 Cruise Start and End 2005-12-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2005-12-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901705 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 20.81, -157.90 21.32, -157.16 21.32, -157.16 20.81, -157.90 20.81))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact <<xY>1+M5%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901705gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z theme? theme@ themeA themeB themeC themeD themeE themeF themeG themeH themeI themeJ themeK themeL themeM themeN themeO themeP H *4>HR\fpz$.8BLV`jt~$/:EP[fq| theme themeR themeS themeT themeU themeV themeW themeX themeY themeZ theme themeR themeS themeT themeU themeV themeW themeX themeY themeZ theme[ theme\ theme] theme^ theme_ theme` themea themeb themec themed themee themef themeg themeh themei themej themek themel themem themen themeo themep themeq themer themes themet themeu themev themew themex themey themez theme{ theme| theme} theme~ theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme theme themeO:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903050 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0601 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0601 Hawaii Ocean TimeserSies (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords <Ugco:CharacterString>NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33030 -157.86744 21.23845 22.77615 W coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31554 -157.86809 21.30504 -157.87518 21.28891 -157.96718 21.23967 -158.15076 21.24773 -158.27462 21.34194 -158.32306 21.53733 -158.32762 21.60132 -158.26592 21.81507 -158.17543 21.88591 -158.08737 22.30447 -158.07815 22.26087 -158.23222 21.93534 -158.32929 21.59773 -158.3088 21.50264 -158.211 21.44364 -158.3067 21.49983 -158.32946 21.59229 -158.02838 22.65199 -158.00708 22.6754 -158.0044 22.75286 -157.98606 22.75242 -158.01687 22.74521 -157.97773 22.7510X7 -158.02057 22.75647 -158.03723 22.73087 -158.08067 22.72817 -158.10143 22.75212 -158.09431 22.76388 -157.98017 22.74714 -158.01227 22.74721 -158.05944 22.69925 -158.06972 22.70974 -158.05707 22.71852 -158.07813 22.71272 -157.99265 22.74812 -158.12502 22.68682 -158.26957 22.68092 -158.2581 22.71716 -158.08761 22.73005 -158.12976 22.75627 -158.10218 22.75899 -158.13751 22.7629 -158.06693 22.74979 -157.88937 22.76968 -157.91143 22.76162 -157.91801 22.74066 -157.93229 22.74469 -157.92011 22.72546 -158.04819 22.58187 -158.32936 21.59147 -158.14813 21.24796 -157.93989 21.24705 -157.88276 21.27329 -157.87442 21.31135 Cruise Start and End Y 2006-01-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-01-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903050 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw ^ Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform` Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903050 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Managerc Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0601 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0601 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33030 -157.86744 21.23845 22.77615 coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31554 -157.86809 21.30504 -157.87518 21.28891 -157.96718 21.23967 -158.15076 21.24773 -158.27462 21.34194 -158.32306 21.53733 -158.32762 21.60132 -158.26592 21.81507 -158.17543 21.88591 -158.08737 22.30447 -158.07815 22.26087 -158.232d22 21.93534 -158.32929 21.59773 -158.3088 21.50264 -158.211 21.44364 -158.3067 21.49983 -158.32946 21.59229 -158.02838 22.65199 -158.00708 22.6754 -158.0044 22.75286 -157.98606 22.75242 -158.01687 22.74521 -157.97773 22.75107 -158.02057 22.75647 -158.03723 22.73087 -158.08067 22.72817 -158.10143 22.75212 -158.09431 22.76388 -157.98017 22.74714 -158.01227 22.74721 -158.05944 22.69925 -158.06972 22.70974 -158.05707 22.71852 -158.07813 22.71272 -157.99265 22.74812 -158.12502 22.68682 -158.26957 22.68092 -158.2581 22.71716 -158.08761 22.73005 -158.12976 22.75627 -158.10218 22.75899 -158.13751 22.7629 -158.06693 22.74979 -157.88937 22.76968 -157.91143 22.76162 -157.91801 22.74066 -157.93229 22.74469 -157.92011 22.72546 -158.04819 22.58187 -158.32936 21.59147 -158.14813 21.24796 -157.93989 21.24705 -157.88276 21.27329 -157.87442 21.31135 Cruise Start and End 2006-01-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-01-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903050 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.78, -157.87 22.78, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact s8si[=1+M5a'%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901706gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901706 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Progriam info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0602 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0602 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii <lgmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/role/100002" xlink:actuate="onRequest">Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GmCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.90292 -157.86726 21.03260 22.29652 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.316 -157.86742 21.30392 -157.87748 21.28141 -157.95079 21.21986 -158.55019 21.14844 -158.32829 22.29566 -158.24185 22.28154 -158.29638 22.01128 -158.31867 22.01197 -158.30289 21.99869 -158.29097 22.0351 -158.31438 21p.92419 -158.33552 21.91667 -158.32495 21.86884 -158.3054 21.88518 -158.3129 21.92871 -158.33877 21.7971 -158.27521 21.78015 -158.2675 21.7607 -158.3375 21.80506 -158.49146 21.03477 -158.66187 21.03482 -158.56207 21.56077 -158.5916 21.56541 -158.57613 21.58594 -158.56196 21.55847 -158.50042 21.88693 -158.45008 21.883 -158.46264 21.83215 -158.5027 21.87395 -158.4258 22.28198 -158.51127 22.29644 -158.73298 21.15203 -158.83697 21.17049 -158.73647 21.66718 -158.6952 21.67761 -158.74177 21.65685 -158.61213 22.27475 -158.69879 22.29537 -158.73917 22.08766 -158.75282 22.08806 -158.72745 22.07677 -158.74135 22.11244 -158.7607 21.9737 -158.83419 21.97069 -158.82738 21.95441 -158.82956 21.97087 -158.76052 21.9756 -158.78742 21.82988 -158.90291 21.79881 -158.78725 21.83682 -158.85704 21.45058 -158.35569 21.37061 -158.14636 21.24676 -157.93921 21.24685 -157.87704 21.28561 -157.86781 21.30229 -157.88617 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2006-01-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-01 s University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901706 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. u Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam v raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List w Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901706 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0602 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0602 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.90292 -157.86726 21.03260 22.29652 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.316 -157.86742 21.30392 -157.87748 21.28141 -157.95079 21.21986 -158.55019 21.z14844 -158.32829 22.29566 -158.24185 22.28154 -158.29638 22.01128 -158.31867 22.01197 -158.30289 21.99869 -158.29097 22.0351 -158.31438 21.92419 -158.33552 21.91667 -158.32495 21.86884 -158.3054 21.88518 -158.3129 21.92871 -158.33877 21.7971 -158.27521 21.78015 -158.2675 21.7607 -158.3375 21.80506 -158.49146 21.03477 -158.66187 21.03482 -158.56207 21.56077 -158.5916 21.56541 -158.57613 21.58594 -158.56196 21.55847 -158.50042 21.88693 -158.45008 21.883 -158.46264 21.83215 -158.5027 21.87395 -158.4258 22.28198 -158.51127 22.29644 -158.73298 21.15203 -158.83697 21.17049 -158.73647 21.66718 -158.6952 21.67761 -158.74177 21.65685 -158.61213 22.27475 -158.69879 22.29537 -158.73917 22.08766 -158.75282 22.08806 -158.72745 22.07677 -158.74135 22.11244 -158.7607 21.9737 -158.83419 21.97069 -158.82738 21.95441 -158.82956 21.97087 -158.76052 21.9756 -158.78742 21.82988 -158.90291 21.79881 -158.78725 21.83682 -158.85704 21.45058 -158.35569 21.37061 -158.14636 21.24676 -157.93921 21.24685 -157.87704 21.28561 -157.86781 21.30229 -157.88617 21.316 Cruise Start and End 2006-01-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901706 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.90 21.03, -158.90 22.30, -157.87 22.30, -157.87 21.03, -158.90 21.03))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact|"http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901708 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0603 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0603 IMI-30 Test Cruise Edwards, Margo University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office  custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.23336 -157.86721 21.24474 21.38845  coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31599 -157.86785 21.3041 -157.8739 21.29103 -157.94071 21.24507 -158.14715 21.24601 -158.23329 21.3498 -158.20041 21.38767 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901708 </srv:SV_OperationMetadata> collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901708 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0603 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0603 IMI-30 Test Cruise Edwards, Margo University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.23336 -157.86721 21.24474 21.38845 coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31599 -157.86785 21.3041 -157.8739 21.29103 -157.94071 21.24507 -158.14715 21.24601 -158.23329 21.3498 -158.20041 21.38767 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901708 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIMI-30 Test CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.23 21.24, -158.23 21.39, -157.87 21.39, -157.87 21.24, -158.23 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact K\=1+M5oU%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901708gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901709 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0604 on RV Kilo Moana  2015-09-30 published KM0604 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)  Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32986 -157.86745 21.21954 22.75486  coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31601 -157.86781 21.30392 -157.87475 21.28916 -157.96663 21.23199 -158.05022 21.21957 -158.1417 21.24516 -158.3298 21.59188 -158.1806 22.21776 -158.10912 22.75486 -158.09609 22.72159 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901709  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator <gmi:identifier> Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901709 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0604 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0604 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32986 -157.86745 21.21954 22.75486 coordinates of ship track -157.88618 21.31601 -157.86781 21.30392 -157.87475 21.28916 -157.96663 21.23199 -158.05022 21.21957 -158.1417 21.24516 -158.3298 21.59188 -158.1806 22.21776 -158.10912 22.75486 -158.09609 22.72159 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901709 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.22, -158.33 22.75, -157.87 22.75, -157.87 21.22, -158.33 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact v]>1+M5)s%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901709gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19ZO`q ,>Pbt(:L^pssiony%%fi%fieldSessionm%fieldSessionn%fieldSessiono%fieldSessionp%fieldSessionq%fieldSessionr%fi%fieldSessionm%fieldSessionn%fieldSessiono%fieldSessionp%fieldSessionq%fieldSessionr%fieldSessions%fieldSessiont%fieldSessionu%fieldSessionv%fieldSessionw%fieldSessionx%fieldSessiony%fieldSessionz%fieldSession{%fieldSession|%fieldSession}%fieldSession~%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession%fieldSession2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901729 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0605 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0605 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33052 -157.75024 21.22266 22.81233 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.31601 -157.86805 21.3011 -157.90169 21.27053 -158.09208 21.22314 -158.12922 21.22668 -158.17351 21.26624 -158.33051 21.59208 -158.17949 22.0799 -158.15794 22.20474 -158.00068 22.74985 -157.97072 22.78142 -157.96798 22.75744 -157.98558 22.75691 -157.90014 22.79409 -157.9674 22.76993 -157.95099 22.81233 -157.98269 22.76741 -157.94613 22.80261 -157.97806 22.77216 -157.96121 22.77582 -157.98609 22.75923 -157.97457 22.75951 -157.93845 22.6676 -157.92165 22.67414 -157.9143 22.65783 -157.86496 22.45713 -157.84828 22.49383 -157.84549 22.59644 -157.83539 22.62085 -157.81295 22.62365 -157.92583 22.70017 -157.91631 22.7098 -157.93142 22.69423 -157.92437 22.71314 -157.88383 22.71101 -157.89261 22.72839 -157.85976 22.70023 -158.004 22.74865 -157.98605 22.75166 -157.77729 22.56763 -157.7503 22.57267 -157.86664 22.69947 -157.8777 22.73544 -157.90491 22.73758 -157.86623 22.75962 -157.9076 22.75085 -157.88286 22.76361 -157.94246 22.76403 -157.93548 22.775 -157.96681 22.68129 -158.07147 22.49946 -158.33033 21.59066 -158.27418 21.34124 -158.15037 21.24811 -157.89249 21.24862 -157.86866 21.30634 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901729 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901729 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0605 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0605 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33052 -157.75024 21.22266 22.81233 coordinates of ship track -157.88616 21.31601 -157.86805 21.3011 -157.90169 21.27053 -158.09208 21.22314 -158.12922 21.22668 -158.17351 21.26624 -158.33051 21.59208 -158.17949 22.0799 -158.15794 22.20474 -158.00068 22.74985 -157.97072 22.78142 -157.96798 22.75744 -157.98558 22.75691 -157.90014 22.79409 -157.9674 22.76993 -157.95099 22.81233 -157.98269 22.76741 -157.94613 22.80261 -157.97806 22.77216 -157.96121 22.77582 -157.98609 22.75923 -157.97457 22.75951 -157.93845 22.6676 -157.92165 22.67414 -157.9143 22.65783 -157.86496 22.45713 -157.84828 22.49383 -157.84549 22.59644 -157.83539 22.62085 -157.81295 22.62365 -157.92583 22.70017 -157.91631 22.7098 -157.93142 22.69423 -157.92437 22.71314 -157.88383 22.71101 -157.89261 22.72839 -157.85976 22.70023 -158.004 22.74865 -157.98605 22.75166 -157.77729 22.56763 -157.7503 22.57267 -157.86664 22.69947 -157.8777 22.73544 -157.90491 22.73758 -157.86623 22.75962 -157.9076 22.75085 -157.88286 22.76361 -157.94246 22.76403 -157.93548 22.775 -157.96681 22.68129 -158.07147 22.49946 -158.33033 21.59066 -158.27418 21.34124 -158.15037 21.24811 -157.89249 21.24862 -157.86866 21.30634 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901729 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.22, -158.33 22.81, -157.75 22.81, -157.75 21.22, -158.33 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact <<`=1+M57%79 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901712gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wwӁX_>1+M5 U%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901711gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://w^=1+M5%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901729gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901711 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0606 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0606 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33073 -157.86728 21.23707 22.78244 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31604 -157.86783 21.30459 -157.87379 21.29105 -157.93726 21.23765 -158.14617 21.25454 -158.3305 21.59127 -158.09434 22.76747 -158.28412 22.71146 -158.08066 22.77498 -158.1398 22.76248 -158.10929 22.75451 -158.08903 22.76678 -158.09103 22.78244 -158.29769 21.72313 -158.32672 21.72416 -158.30935 21.69914 -158.31908 21.71196 -158.32937 21.58824 -158.14732 21.25152 -157.92275 21.24846 -157.86806 21.30081 -157.88655 21.31552 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901711 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901711 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0606 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0606 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33073 -157.86728 21.23707 22.78244 coordinates of ship track -157.88619 21.31604 -157.86783 21.30459 -157.87379 21.29105 -157.93726 21.23765 -158.14617 21.25454 -158.3305 21.59127 -158.09434 22.76747 -158.28412 22.71146 -158.08066 22.77498 -158.1398 22.76248 -158.10929 22.75451 -158.08903 22.76678 -158.09103 22.78244 -158.29769 21.72313 -158.32672 21.72416 -158.30935 21.69914 -158.31908 21.71196 -158.32937 21.58824 -158.14732 21.25152 -157.92275 21.24846 -157.86806 21.30081 -157.88655 21.31552 Cruise Start and End 2006-02-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-02-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901711 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.78, -157.87 22.78, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact (0DXl  4H\p$8L`td+gmd:MD+g+g+gmd:MD_MetadataW+gmd:MD_MetadataX+gmd:MD_MetadataY+gmd:MD_MetadataZ+gmd:MD_Metadata[++gmd:MD_MetadataW+gmd:MD_MetadataX+gmd:MD_MetadataY+gmd:MD_MetadataZ+gmd:MD_Metadata[+gmd:MD_Metadata\+gmd:MD_Metadata]+gmd:MD_Metadata^+gmd:MD_Metadata_+gmd:MD_Metadata`+gmd:MD_Metadataa+gmd:MD_Metadatab+gmd:MD_Metadatac+gmd:MD_Metadatad+gmd:MD_Metadatae+gmd:MD_Metadataf+gmd:MD_Metadatag+gmd:MD_Metadatah+gmd:MD_Metadatai+gmd:MD_Metadataj+gmd:MD_Metadatak+gmd:MD_Metadatal+gmd:MD_Metadatam+gmd:MD_Metadatan+gmd:MD_Metadatao+gmd:MD_Metadatap+gmd:MD_Metadataq+gmd:MD_Metadatar+gmd:MD_Metadatas+gmd:MD_Metadatat+gmd:MD_Metadatau+gmd:MD_Metadatav+gmd:MD_Metadataw+gmd:MD_Metadatax+gmd:MD_Metadatay+gmd:MD_Metadataz+gmd:MD_Metadata{+gmd:MD_Metadata|+gmd:MD_Metadata}+gmd:MD_Metadata~w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901712 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0607 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0607 POS/MV-Multibeam Test Appelgate, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.09884 -157.86730  21.05044 21.50596 coordinates of ship track -157.88653 21.31555 -157.86774 21.30135 -157.91176 21.24223 -158.16532 21.24509 -158.16504 21.26957 -158.23991 21.3867 -158.22031 21.36933 -158.23922 21.3849 -158.21917 21.36583 -158.23672 21.38253 -158.24247 21.37182 -158.19715 21.40018 -158.21637 21.38463 -158.19716 21.39928 -158.21752 21.38585 -158.27207 21.39457 -158.35216 21.36608 -158.26808 21.38715 -158.45946 21.2963 -158.4958 21.29241 -158.80201 21.10021 -159.0988 21.10216 -158.81117 21.09981 -159.09635 21.09687 -158.83024 21.10103 -158.83023 21.21817 -158.82531 21.05053 -158.82435 21.09952 -159.0871 21.10179 -158.79182 21.10113 -158.38643 21.29209 -158.18221 21.36784 -158.21988 21.41599 -158.19206 21.36732 -158.28679 21.37126 -158.35269 21.50596 -158.2506 21.30482 -158.32631 21.45029 -158.26063 21.30248 -158.20779 21.24966 -157.93998 21.24676 -157.88424 21.27288 -157.8673 21.30209 -157.88619 21.31605 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2006-03-07  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/901712 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901712 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0607 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0607 POS/MV-Multibeam Test Appelgate, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.09884 -157.86730 21.05044 21.50596 coordinates of ship track -157.88653 21.31555 -157.86774 21.30135 -157.91176 21.24223 -158.16532 21.24509 -158.16504 21.26957 -158.23991 21.3867 -158.22031 21.36933 -158.23922 21.3849 -158.21917 21.36583 -158.23672 21.38253 -158.24247 21.37182 -158.19715 21.40018 -158.21637 21.38463 -158.19716 21.39928 -158.21752 21.38585 -158.27207 21.39457 -158.35216 21.36608 -158.26808 21.38715 -158.45946 21.2963 -158.4958 21.29241 -158.80201 21.10021 -159.0988 21.10216 -158.81117 21.09981 -159.09635 21.09687 -158.83024 21.10103 -158.83023 21.21817 -158.82531 21.05053 -158.82435 21.09952 -159.0871 21.10179 -158.79182 21.10113 -158.38643 21.29209 -158.18221 21.36784 -158.21988 21.41599 -158.19206 21.36732 -158.28679 21.37126 -158.35269 21.50596 -158.2506 21.30482 -158.32631 21.45029 -158.26063 21.30248 -158.20779 21.24966 -157.93998 21.24676 -157.88424 21.27288 -157.8673 21.30209 -157.88619 21.31605 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-03-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901712 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionPOS/MV-Multibeam TestEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.10 21.05, -159.10 21.51, -157.87 21.51, -157.87 21.05, -159.10 21.05))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact uu!Dg9\ .Qt,]MARGINS (S2S)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"G!GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)t!GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)w!GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)z"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)tc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903051 eng utf8  fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us </gmd:electronicMailAddress> pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0608 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0608 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38605 -157.86751 21.24035 23.28878  coordinates of ship track -157.88623 21.31615 -157.86843 21.30021 -157.92123 21.24222 -158.15065 21.24617 -158.27499 21.34397 -158.32372 21.52598 -158.3316 21.58989 -158.17595 22.16927 -158.00503 22.75462 -157.98834 22.74594 -158.01002 22.80428 -158.00559 22.75657 -157.98239 22.75587 -158.13213 22.89182 -158.17159 23.05932 -158.2368 23.07395 -158.04889 22.8271 -158.03288 22.82592 -158.09045 22.89288 -158.08061 22.91155 -158.01461 22.81841 -158.00059 22.74434 -158.03053 22.7657 -158.24865 23.10135 -158.37512 23.26085 -158.38084 23.28875 -158.12533 22.795 -158.0932 22.76938 -158.11515 22.79722 -158.12585 22.79177 -158.20817 22.32062 -158.25505 21.89426 -158.32864 21.60461 -158.15586 21.24945 -157.93886 21.24618 -157.88475 21.2769 -157.86779 21.30428 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2006-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903051 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903051 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0608 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0608 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38605 -157.86751 21.24035 23.28878 coordinates of ship track -157.88623 21.31615 -157.86843 21.30021 -157.92123 21.24222 -158.15065 21.24617 -158.27499 21.34397 -158.32372 21.52598 -158.3316 21.58989 -158.17595 22.16927 -158.00503 22.75462 -157.98834 22.74594 -158.01002 22.80428 -158.00559 22.75657 -157.98239 22.75587 -158.13213 22.89182 -158.17159 23.05932 -158.2368 23.07395 -158.04889 22.8271 -158.03288 22.82592 -158.09045 22.89288 -158.08061 22.91155 -158.01461 22.81841 -158.00059 22.74434 -158.03053 22.7657 -158.24865 23.10135 -158.37512 23.26085 -158.38084 23.28875 -158.12533 22.795 -158.0932 22.76938 -158.11515 22.79722 -158.12585 22.79177 -158.20817 22.32062 -158.25505 21.89426 -158.32864 21.60461 -158.15586 21.24945 -157.93886 21.24618 -157.88475 21.2769 -157.86779 21.30428 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903051 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.39 21.24, -158.39 23.29, -157.87 23.29, -157.87 21.24, -158.39 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact $$a=1+M5m3%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903051gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901713 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0609 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM0609 Sea Trials/Maintenance  Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCI ENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.23613 -157.86108 21.19715 21.34265 coordinates of ship track < gmd:EX_BoundingPolygon> -157.88623 21.31611 -157.86831 21.30076 -157.90862 21.24599 -157.95151 21.22108 -158.00206 21.21745 -158.14352 21.24667 -158.19476 21.33532 -158.18562 21.34265 -158.19005 21.25002 -158.1621 21.28443 -158.23613 21.31926 -158.16853 21.26149 -158.04319 21.22315 -157.87017 21.23171 -157.89298 21.21369 -157.88269 21.23983 -157.86652 21.19732 -157.88307 21.27045 -157.86773 21.30321 -157.88625 21.31611 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-03-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901713 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901713 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Ge ographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0609 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0609 Sea Trials/Maintenance Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.23613 -157.86108 21.19715 21.34265 coordinates of ship track -157.88623 21.31611 -157.86831 21.30076 -157.90862 21.24599 -157.95151 21.22108 -158.00206 21.21745 -158.14352 21.24667 -158.19476 21.33532 -158.18562 21.34265 -158.19005 21.25002 -158.1621 21.28443 -158.23613 21.31926 -158.16853 21.26149 -158.04319 21.22315 -157.87017 21.23171 -157.89298 21.21369 -157.88269 21.23983 -157.86652 21.19732 -157.88307 21.27045 -157.86773 21.30321 -157.88625 21.31611 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-03-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901713 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials/MaintenanceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.24 21.20, -158.24 21.34, -157.86 21.34, -157.86 21.20, -158.24 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 7b=1+M5'm%99 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901713gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0610 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0610 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.48712  -157.86782 21.09937 21.50372 coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21.31612 -157.86797 21.3012 -157.91353 21.24054 -158.35607 21.1814 -158.35927 21.21724 -158.33183 21.19746 -158.26931 21.21209 -158.29886 21.20969 -158.34647 21.26236 -158.2515 21.18684 -158.36291 21.19022 -158.34739 21.17492 -158.33201 21.18095 -158.34314 21.17974 -158.33758 21.09948 -158.35238 21.10937 -158.34575 21.22493 -158.31983 21.19774 -158.38535 21.4945 -158.36706 21.45401 -158.45341 21.45897 -158.21559 21.4342 -158.23086 21.43302 -158.24252 21.46994 -158.36833 21.48651 -158.47183 21.4762 -158.38197 21.48012 -158.38455 21.49037 -158.38185 21.47909 -158.36587 21.49711 -158.35336 21.4642 -158.44466 21.46931 -158.37961 21.49798 -158.36533 21.48378 -158.38725 21.47752 -158.37751 21.48947 -158.36784 21.45245 -158.30905 21.49251 -158.48699 21.4992 -158.36634 21.50078 -158.32775 21.43135 -158.14869 21.24863 -157.93696 21.24708 -157.87821 21.28137 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-03-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ! http://doi.org/10.7284/901714 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam # raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw % International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam ' multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) ( doi:10.7284/901714 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0610 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0610 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.48712 -157.86782 21.09937 21.50372 coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21 ).31612 -157.86797 21.3012 -157.91353 21.24054 -158.35607 21.1814 -158.35927 21.21724 -158.33183 21.19746 -158.26931 21.21209 -158.29886 21.20969 -158.34647 21.26236 -158.2515 21.18684 -158.36291 21.19022 -158.34739 21.17492 -158.33201 21.18095 -158.34314 21.17974 -158.33758 21.09948 -158.35238 21.10937 -158.34575 21.22493 -158.31983 21.19774 -158.38535 21.4945 -158.36706 21.45401 -158.45341 21.45897 -158.21559 21.4342 -158.23086 21.43302 -158.24252 21.46994 -158.36833 21.48651 -158.47183 21.4762 -158.38197 21.48012 -158.38455 21.49037 -158.38185 21.47909 -158.36587 21.49711 -158.35336 21.4642 -158.44466 21.46931 -158.37961 21.49798 -158.36533 21.48378 -158.38725 21.47752 -158.37751 21.48947 -158.36784 21.45245 -158.30905 21.49251 -158.48699 21.4992 -158.36634 21.50078 -158.32775 21.43135 -158.14869 21.24863 -157.93696 21.24708 -157.87821 21.28137 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-03-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901714 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.49 21.10, -158.49 21.50, -157.87 21.50, -157.87 21.10, -158.49 21.10))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact %%{c=1+M5# %)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901714gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903052 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program / info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0611 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0611 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navi 4gation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37741 -157.86778 21.23979 5 23.04309 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.86814 21.30364 -157.87523 21.28857 -157.93805 21.24177 -158.14804 21.24081 -158.27848 21.33622 -158.32962 21.58903 -157.99699 22.74903 -158.02049 22.74232 -158.0092 22.752 -157.9869 22.7389 -158.07772 22.73161 -158.04291 22.78003 -158.0281 66 22.76834 -158.05112 22.86633 -158.09229 22.92763 -158.06612 22.81861 -158.04688 22.82596 -158.04125 22.79686 -158.04877 22.82083 -158.03532 22.83203 -158.0523 22.84037 -158.12327 22.78761 -158.04628 22.82765 -158.04861 22.84668 -158.03314 22.85305 -157.99602 22.80229 -157.90211 22.7625 -157.92744 22.75388 -157.91739 22.74882 -158.01167 22.74865 -157.99975 22.75573 -158.13131 23.00878 -158.12378 23.04308 -157.92537 22.81031 -157.91762 22.78302 -157.92251 22.79944 -157.90641 22.78712 -157.93162 22.7888 -157.90786 22.79067 -157.93385 22.78237 -158.00732 22.66536 -158.37741 21.8568 -158.35834 21.83133 -158.33691 21.59838 -158.1515 21.24787 -157.93437 21.24639 -157.8811 21.27597 -157.86839 21.3025 -157.88625 21.31608 7 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List 8 Honolulu 2006-04-04 < 9gco:CharacterString>University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903052 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. ; Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw > International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) @ Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903052 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0611 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0611 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Gregory, Thomas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37741 -157.86778 21.23979 23.04309 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.86814 21.30364 -157.87523 21.28857 -157.93805 21.24177 -158.14804 21.24081 -158.27848 21.33622 -158.32962 21.58903 -157 B.99699 22.74903 -158.02049 22.74232 -158.0092 22.752 -157.9869 22.7389 -158.07772 22.73161 -158.04291 22.78003 -158.02816 22.76834 -158.05112 22.86633 -158.09229 22.92763 -158.06612 22.81861 -158.04688 22.82596 -158.04125 22.79686 -158.04877 22.82083 -158.03532 22.83203 -158.0523 22.84037 -158.12327 22.78761 -158.04628 22.82765 -158.04861 22.84668 -158.03314 22.85305 -157.99602 22.80229 -157.90211 22.7625 -157.92744 22.75388 -157.91739 22.74882 -158.01167 22.74865 -157.99975 22.75573 -158.13131 23.00878 -158.12378 23.04308 -157.92537 22.81031 -157.91762 22.78302 -157.92251 22.79944 -157.90641 22.78712 -157.93162 22.7888 -157.90786 22.79067 -157.93385 22.78237 -158.00732 22.66536 -158.37741 21.8568 -158.35834 21.83133 -158.33691 21.59838 -158.1515 21.24787 -157.93437 21.24639 -157.8811 21.27597 -157.86839 21.3025 -157.88625 21.31608 Cruise Start and End 2006-03-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-04-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903052 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.38 21.24, -158.38 23.04, -157.87 23.04, -157.87 21.24, -158.38 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact =N=fg=1+M5e%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903053gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww f=1+M5G-%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902362gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z1+M5' %q9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902361gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/902361 eng F utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository G (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0612 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0612 Plume-Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment (PLUME) Laske, Gabriele Scripps Institution of Oceanography J Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme K NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -162.03944 -148.98741 14.01387 26.79127 coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21.31609 -157.86799 21.30091 -157.90996 21.24581 -158.16282 21.24675 -158.90205 21.30023 -158.90208 21.27962 -158.90996 21.30464 -158.88659 21.2954 -158 N.90771 21.29683 -159.02468 21.14671 -159.94387 19.91985 -160.06338 19.75226 -160.05533 19.72227 -160.04141 19.8211 -160.04653 19.80528 -160.05845 19.82103 -160.04432 19.8357 -160.02898 19.82066 -160.07185 19.8298 -160.16586 19.71793 -161.01725 18.31592 -161.28218 17.90542 -161.37022 17.73144 -161.3852 17.74875 -161.36652 17.76411 -161.35086 17.74882 -161.36961 17.74866 -161.35828 17.75088 -161.80089 19.33048 -161.95776 19.94346 -161.97464 19.99468 -162.02587 19.98963 -162.02546 19.97207 -162.03943 19.98617 -162.02493 20.00061 -162.0096 19.98723 -162.0334 19.98742 -161.7586 20.76921 -161.31412 21.95557 -161.31276 21.93998 -161.32797 21.95249 -161.31408 21.96673 -161.29807 21.95242 -161.32572 21.95643 -161.29267 22.29524 -161.12251 23.86614 -161.0916 23.99166 -161.09717 23.97742 -161.10885 23.99408 -161.0936 24.00706 -161.07846 23.99299 -161.10882 23.99633 -160.16775 24.00022 -159.36072 24.2461 -158.93052 24.57699 -158.9313 24.56272 -158.93977 24.58427 -158.91638 24.57461 -158.94899 24.58034 -158.89908 24.5 O9878 -158.99801 25.12891 -158.52172 25.44641 -158.30457 25.61149 -158.16593 25.61516 -157.99962 25.8765 -158.99817 26.0825 -158.81269 26.42584 -158.81209 26.4106 -158.8281 26.42758 -158.81628 26.43517 -158.73043 26.36931 -158.81379 26.42667 -158.81444 26.41175 -158.82787 26.4261 -158.81231 26.43908 -158.79715 26.42515 -158.8172 26.42645 -158.58304 26.26699 -157.25542 26.18055 -156.56803 26.53327 -155.76545 26.77865 -155.76529 26.76367 -155.78108 26.77824 -155.76449 26.79126 -155.75003 26.77675 -155.77324 26.77701 -152.76308 25.5931 -152.76697 25.57741 -152.78036 25.59386 -152.76289 25.60697 -152.74904 25.59082 -152.7717 25.59992 -152.79657 25.57476 -152.7335 25.18198 -153.51124 24.55382 -153.61155 24.51255 -154.08921 24.33513 -154.81006 24.20086 -154.81206 24.18539 -154.82487 24.19923 -154.81101 24.21498 -154.79554 24.1953 -154.8214 24.20164 -155.26543 24.03218 -155.4718 24.20166 -156.48334 24.05102 -156.9629 24.28145 -156.96558 24.308 -156.96693 24.29393 -156.9819 24.31002 -156.96545 24.32239 -156.95006 P24.3074 -156.97943 24.31275 -157.00157 24.29612 -157.30029 23.53654 -158.49671 23.36583 -158.50133 23.31697 -158.16187 23.3146 -158.44498 23.23083 -158.18116 22.65813 -158.18612 22.60538 -158.20166 22.62172 -158.18394 22.63692 -158.17181 22.61731 -158.18803 22.62216 -155.84543 22.32988 -155.6335 22.29861 -155.63465 22.28427 -155.64854 22.29986 -155.63286 22.31273 -155.61886 22.29746 -155.64496 22.29827 -155.41866 22.30014 -155.16723 22.04235 -154.71052 21.47766 -154.16878 21.47358 -154.24958 21.15074 -154.26682 21.16823 -154.24879 21.18208 -154.23245 21.1651 -154.24787 21.17086 -154.29086 21.08493 -154.15054 21.0814 -154.1506 20.91671 -154.00003 20.51475 -153.93385 20.7493 -153.25089 20.80086 -153.19895 20.88288 -152.83336 20.91344 -152.83473 21.63403 -153.49819 21.88326 -153.71342 21.88404 -153.71708 21.96273 -153.28836 21.96772 -153.10303 22.14654 -152.87848 22.15281 -152.71296 22.29045 -152.71955 22.32111 -152.74246 22.32121 -152.74544 22.30351 -152.75591 22.31731 -152.74205 22.3348 -152.72697 22.31716 Q -152.74604 22.3235 -152.70072 22.29922 -152.6318 22.20028 -152.15733 22.34696 -152.00903 22.36787 -151.71625 23.64137 -151.70776 23.67376 -151.69245 23.67291 -151.70895 23.68274 -151.69241 23.6963 -151.67857 23.68042 -151.72301 23.6804 -151.69528 23.62032 -151.66343 23.44248 -151.49937 22.16726 -151.08344 21.96711 -150.74869 22.21542 -150.50108 22.00131 -150.40399 21.33228 -150.42121 21.34909 -150.40291 21.36379 -150.38715 21.34786 -150.41169 21.34907 -150.40349 21.29793 -150.71635 20.90084 -151.28167 21.23556 -151.97166 21.05997 -152.13267 20.85218 -152.19008 20.63755 -152.15695 20.63059 -152.17713 20.60107 -152.19557 20.59951 -152.17797 20.60335 -152.17953 20.58688 -152.19343 20.60261 -152.17937 20.61528 -152.16466 20.60058 -152.20481 20.60088 -152.15194 20.55282 -151.86467 20.03573 -151.79997 19.93358 -151.36953 20.04934 -151.30163 19.94942 -151.86741 19.80014 -152.27036 19.99948 -153.50057 19.73316 -153.96139 19.52724 -153.97411 19.50456 -153.98649 19.51877 -153.97118 19.53366 -153.95848 19.51888 -15 R3.97784 19.50841 -153.78582 19.25152 -153.82454 19.16403 -153.81882 19.18013 -153.73793 19.10164 -153.86733 19.07235 -153.93307 18.95125 -153.88267 18.86661 -153.80137 18.94854 -153.79825 19.00247 -153.40061 18.99934 -153.18499 18.40149 -152.83254 18.16673 -152.66578 17.88602 -152.56928 17.96845 -152.73269 18.2504 -152.83012 18.30721 -152.98271 18.31679 -152.98546 18.28608 -152.99629 18.30335 -152.98269 18.31515 -152.96954 18.30224 -153.0019 18.30485 -152.81622 18.52505 -152.8276 18.52236 -152.84182 18.49498 -152.49978 18.88445 -150.87453 18.9147 -150.91649 18.91399 -150.91551 18.8993 -150.92912 18.91569 -150.91385 18.92781 -150.90045 18.91461 -150.92758 18.91913 -150.7642 19.0196 -150.05315 19.53138 -149.32929 19.1167 -149.29756 19.11232 -149.29871 19.09771 -149.31266 19.11372 -149.29656 19.12597 -149.28358 19.11238 -149.30313 19.1054 -149.02036 17.1921 -149.00192 16.97338 -149.01698 16.98834 -149.00148 17.00184 -148.98742 16.98716 -149.02197 16.98622 -149.24992 16.50155 -149.61777 16.49821 -149.72858 15 S.70702 -149.76869 15.70474 -149.79073 15.72326 -149.77503 15.73682 -149.76141 15.72141 -149.77423 15.72432 -149.76222 15.8955 -149.8343 16.48254 -151.44816 16.46478 -151.57871 16.75258 -151.6198 16.75216 -151.63905 16.72389 -151.65265 16.73973 -151.63675 16.75266 -151.62363 16.73642 -151.66425 16.7363 -151.60938 16.69123 -151.70037 15.67236 -151.69374 14.6686 -151.68784 14.70465 -151.67197 14.69053 -151.70728 14.69287 -152.26689 14.03456 -152.81707 14.4325 -153.59965 14.01622 -153.6376 14.11606 -153.98017 14.77749 -153.96495 14.71749 -153.97953 14.73086 -153.96639 14.74443 -153.95198 14.73065 -153.97845 14.73318 -154.00064 14.80183 -154.03922 15.86412 -154.01656 16.0663 -154.03413 17.064 -154.1807 17.1345 -153.86841 17.31488 -153.8694 17.2995 -153.88375 17.31476 -153.86997 17.32812 -153.85366 17.31207 -153.87894 17.32066 -153.89349 17.48526 -153.93038 17.59412 -154.2335 17.46834 -155.21804 18.50194 -155.29921 18.45 -155.18505 18.43513 -155.17966 18.4144 -156.29163 17.68316 -156.38655 17.61915 -156.38746 1 T7.60092 -156.40178 17.61705 -156.38778 17.63058 -156.37216 17.6149 -156.40321 17.61518 -157.702 16.34926 -156.81192 18.07108 -156.76166 18.23084 -156.35995 19.02297 -156.22187 19.19363 -155.9996 19.63481 -156.02191 19.5347 -156.23111 16.15818 -156.2199 16.14532 -156.20698 16.16319 -156.20737 16.14862 -156.22204 16.1628 -156.20723 16.1759 -156.19337 16.16048 -156.21611 16.16647 -156.23915 16.10388 -156.28691 16.04538 -156.52473 15.85719 -156.67027 15.70059 -156.94295 15.45183 -157.86231 14.64491 -157.87337 14.65966 -157.85914 14.67333 -157.84604 14.65807 -157.87006 14.66035 -158.39724 15.09993 -158.98891 15.55591 -158.97889 15.57246 -158.98298 15.55832 -158.99553 15.57342 -158.97918 15.58523 -158.96734 15.57169 -159.03763 15.59559 -159.06608 15.69247 -159.20589 15.96293 -159.66696 16.83279 -159.67156 16.81768 -159.6907 16.83798 -159.66913 16.83385 -159.44256 17.25625 -158.76022 18.56313 -158.7594 18.54965 -158.77464 18.56388 -158.76082 18.57628 -158.74666 18.56286 -158.7758 18.56739 -158.73286 18.61865 -15 U8.55554 19.16228 -158.33011 19.93861 -158.17184 20.37687 -158.17782 20.36203 -158.1919 20.37727 -158.17674 20.38873 -158.16255 20.37379 -158.18853 20.37949 -158.12498 20.52284 -157.92833 21.15308 -157.86782 21.30163 -157.88625 21.31609 Cruise Start and End 2006-04-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-05-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu X http://doi.org/10.7284/902361 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. Z multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 _ multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902361 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0612 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0612 Plume-Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment (PLUME) Laske, Gabrie `le Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -162.03944 -148.98741 14.01387 26.79127 coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21.31609 -157.86799 21.30091 -157.90996 21.24581 -158.16282 21.24675 -158.90205 21.30023 -158.90208 21.27962 -158.90996 21.30464 -158.88659 21.2954 -158.90771 21.29683 -159.02468 21.14671 -159.94387 19.91985 -160.06338 19.75226 -160.05533 19.72227 -160.04141 19.8211 -160.04653 19.80528 -160.05845 19.82103 -160.04432 19.8357 -160.02898 19.82066 -160.07185 19.8298 -160.16586 19.71793 -161.01725 18.31592 -161.28218 17.90542 -161.37022 17.73144 -161.3852 17.74875 -161.36652 17.76411 -161.35086 17.74882 -161.36961 17.74866 -161.35828 17.75088 -161.80089 19.33048 -161.95776 19.94346 - a161.97464 19.99468 -162.02587 19.98963 -162.02546 19.97207 -162.03943 19.98617 -162.02493 20.00061 -162.0096 19.98723 -162.0334 19.98742 -161.7586 20.76921 -161.31412 21.95557 -161.31276 21.93998 -161.32797 21.95249 -161.31408 21.96673 -161.29807 21.95242 -161.32572 21.95643 -161.29267 22.29524 -161.12251 23.86614 -161.0916 23.99166 -161.09717 23.97742 -161.10885 23.99408 -161.0936 24.00706 -161.07846 23.99299 -161.10882 23.99633 -160.16775 24.00022 -159.36072 24.2461 -158.93052 24.57699 -158.9313 24.56272 -158.93977 24.58427 -158.91638 24.57461 -158.94899 24.58034 -158.89908 24.59878 -158.99801 25.12891 -158.52172 25.44641 -158.30457 25.61149 -158.16593 25.61516 -157.99962 25.8765 -158.99817 26.0825 -158.81269 26.42584 -158.81209 26.4106 -158.8281 26.42758 -158.81628 26.43517 -158.73043 26.36931 -158.81379 26.42667 -158.81444 26.41175 -158.82787 26.4261 -158.81231 26.43908 -158.79715 26.42515 -158.8172 26.42645 -158.58304 26.26699 -157.25542 26.18055 -156.56803 26.53327 -155.76545 26.77865 -155.76529 26. b76367 -155.78108 26.77824 -155.76449 26.79126 -155.75003 26.77675 -155.77324 26.77701 -152.76308 25.5931 -152.76697 25.57741 -152.78036 25.59386 -152.76289 25.60697 -152.74904 25.59082 -152.7717 25.59992 -152.79657 25.57476 -152.7335 25.18198 -153.51124 24.55382 -153.61155 24.51255 -154.08921 24.33513 -154.81006 24.20086 -154.81206 24.18539 -154.82487 24.19923 -154.81101 24.21498 -154.79554 24.1953 -154.8214 24.20164 -155.26543 24.03218 -155.4718 24.20166 -156.48334 24.05102 -156.9629 24.28145 -156.96558 24.308 -156.96693 24.29393 -156.9819 24.31002 -156.96545 24.32239 -156.95006 24.3074 -156.97943 24.31275 -157.00157 24.29612 -157.30029 23.53654 -158.49671 23.36583 -158.50133 23.31697 -158.16187 23.3146 -158.44498 23.23083 -158.18116 22.65813 -158.18612 22.60538 -158.20166 22.62172 -158.18394 22.63692 -158.17181 22.61731 -158.18803 22.62216 -155.84543 22.32988 -155.6335 22.29861 -155.63465 22.28427 -155.64854 22.29986 -155.63286 22.31273 -155.61886 22.29746 -155.64496 22.29827 -155.41866 22.30014 -155.16 c723 22.04235 -154.71052 21.47766 -154.16878 21.47358 -154.24958 21.15074 -154.26682 21.16823 -154.24879 21.18208 -154.23245 21.1651 -154.24787 21.17086 -154.29086 21.08493 -154.15054 21.0814 -154.1506 20.91671 -154.00003 20.51475 -153.93385 20.7493 -153.25089 20.80086 -153.19895 20.88288 -152.83336 20.91344 -152.83473 21.63403 -153.49819 21.88326 -153.71342 21.88404 -153.71708 21.96273 -153.28836 21.96772 -153.10303 22.14654 -152.87848 22.15281 -152.71296 22.29045 -152.71955 22.32111 -152.74246 22.32121 -152.74544 22.30351 -152.75591 22.31731 -152.74205 22.3348 -152.72697 22.31716 -152.74604 22.3235 -152.70072 22.29922 -152.6318 22.20028 -152.15733 22.34696 -152.00903 22.36787 -151.71625 23.64137 -151.70776 23.67376 -151.69245 23.67291 -151.70895 23.68274 -151.69241 23.6963 -151.67857 23.68042 -151.72301 23.6804 -151.69528 23.62032 -151.66343 23.44248 -151.49937 22.16726 -151.08344 21.96711 -150.74869 22.21542 -150.50108 22.00131 -150.40399 21.33228 -150.42121 21.34909 -150.40291 21.36379 -150.38715 21.34 d786 -150.41169 21.34907 -150.40349 21.29793 -150.71635 20.90084 -151.28167 21.23556 -151.97166 21.05997 -152.13267 20.85218 -152.19008 20.63755 -152.15695 20.63059 -152.17713 20.60107 -152.19557 20.59951 -152.17797 20.60335 -152.17953 20.58688 -152.19343 20.60261 -152.17937 20.61528 -152.16466 20.60058 -152.20481 20.60088 -152.15194 20.55282 -151.86467 20.03573 -151.79997 19.93358 -151.36953 20.04934 -151.30163 19.94942 -151.86741 19.80014 -152.27036 19.99948 -153.50057 19.73316 -153.96139 19.52724 -153.97411 19.50456 -153.98649 19.51877 -153.97118 19.53366 -153.95848 19.51888 -153.97784 19.50841 -153.78582 19.25152 -153.82454 19.16403 -153.81882 19.18013 -153.73793 19.10164 -153.86733 19.07235 -153.93307 18.95125 -153.88267 18.86661 -153.80137 18.94854 -153.79825 19.00247 -153.40061 18.99934 -153.18499 18.40149 -152.83254 18.16673 -152.66578 17.88602 -152.56928 17.96845 -152.73269 18.2504 -152.83012 18.30721 -152.98271 18.31679 -152.98546 18.28608 -152.99629 18.30335 -152.98269 18.31515 -152.96954 18.302 e24 -153.0019 18.30485 -152.81622 18.52505 -152.8276 18.52236 -152.84182 18.49498 -152.49978 18.88445 -150.87453 18.9147 -150.91649 18.91399 -150.91551 18.8993 -150.92912 18.91569 -150.91385 18.92781 -150.90045 18.91461 -150.92758 18.91913 -150.7642 19.0196 -150.05315 19.53138 -149.32929 19.1167 -149.29756 19.11232 -149.29871 19.09771 -149.31266 19.11372 -149.29656 19.12597 -149.28358 19.11238 -149.30313 19.1054 -149.02036 17.1921 -149.00192 16.97338 -149.01698 16.98834 -149.00148 17.00184 -148.98742 16.98716 -149.02197 16.98622 -149.24992 16.50155 -149.61777 16.49821 -149.72858 15.70702 -149.76869 15.70474 -149.79073 15.72326 -149.77503 15.73682 -149.76141 15.72141 -149.77423 15.72432 -149.76222 15.8955 -149.8343 16.48254 -151.44816 16.46478 -151.57871 16.75258 -151.6198 16.75216 -151.63905 16.72389 -151.65265 16.73973 -151.63675 16.75266 -151.62363 16.73642 -151.66425 16.7363 -151.60938 16.69123 -151.70037 15.67236 -151.69374 14.6686 -151.68784 14.70465 -151.67197 14.69053 -151.70728 14.69287 -152.26689 f14.03456 -152.81707 14.4325 -153.59965 14.01622 -153.6376 14.11606 -153.98017 14.77749 -153.96495 14.71749 -153.97953 14.73086 -153.96639 14.74443 -153.95198 14.73065 -153.97845 14.73318 -154.00064 14.80183 -154.03922 15.86412 -154.01656 16.0663 -154.03413 17.064 -154.1807 17.1345 -153.86841 17.31488 -153.8694 17.2995 -153.88375 17.31476 -153.86997 17.32812 -153.85366 17.31207 -153.87894 17.32066 -153.89349 17.48526 -153.93038 17.59412 -154.2335 17.46834 -155.21804 18.50194 -155.29921 18.45 -155.18505 18.43513 -155.17966 18.4144 -156.29163 17.68316 -156.38655 17.61915 -156.38746 17.60092 -156.40178 17.61705 -156.38778 17.63058 -156.37216 17.6149 -156.40321 17.61518 -157.702 16.34926 -156.81192 18.07108 -156.76166 18.23084 -156.35995 19.02297 -156.22187 19.19363 -155.9996 19.63481 -156.02191 19.5347 -156.23111 16.15818 -156.2199 16.14532 -156.20698 16.16319 -156.20737 16.14862 -156.22204 16.1628 -156.20723 16.1759 -156.19337 16.16048 -156.21611 16.16647 -156.23915 16.10388 -156.28691 16.04538 -156.52473 15 g.85719 -156.67027 15.70059 -156.94295 15.45183 -157.86231 14.64491 -157.87337 14.65966 -157.85914 14.67333 -157.84604 14.65807 -157.87006 14.66035 -158.39724 15.09993 -158.98891 15.55591 -158.97889 15.57246 -158.98298 15.55832 -158.99553 15.57342 -158.97918 15.58523 -158.96734 15.57169 -159.03763 15.59559 -159.06608 15.69247 -159.20589 15.96293 -159.66696 16.83279 -159.67156 16.81768 -159.6907 16.83798 -159.66913 16.83385 -159.44256 17.25625 -158.76022 18.56313 -158.7594 18.54965 -158.77464 18.56388 -158.76082 18.57628 -158.74666 18.56286 -158.7758 18.56739 -158.73286 18.61865 -158.55554 19.16228 -158.33011 19.93861 -158.17184 20.37687 -158.17782 20.36203 -158.1919 20.37727 -158.17674 20.38873 -158.16255 20.37379 -158.18853 20.37949 -158.12498 20.52284 -157.92833 21.15308 -157.86782 21.30163 -157.88625 21.31609 Cruise Start and End 2006-04-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-05-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902361 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionPlume-Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment (PLUME)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-162.04 14.01, -162.04 26.79, -148.99 26.79, -148.99 14.01, -162.04 14.01))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact i"http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/902362 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) l Cruise KM0613 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0613 Zircon II Weingart, John JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.02428 -157.86787 21.24606 22.43344 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31609 -157.86815 21.30367 -157.87422 21.29077 -157.93734 21.24689 -158.15313 21.24841 -158.78644 21.51722 -158.93198 21.56958 -159.12514 21.61238 -159.2892 21.74388 -159.36215 21.75838 -159.59272 21.75237 -159.65405 21.764 -159.86323 21.9227 -159.93869 21.9023 -159.93239 21.93438 -159.96394 21.92704 -159.94076 21.96418 -159.93882 21.93348 -159.92455 21.92611 -159.83026 21.95008 -159.84508 21.91658 -159.79894 21.92198 -159.80882 r 21.91259 -159.79651 21.89326 -159.84435 21.91631 -159.91819 21.91924 -159.91071 21.94173 -159.93026 21.94453 -159.90368 21.96016 -159.9066 21.98365 -159.9007 21.96512 -159.82175 21.96497 -159.83395 21.92313 -159.79832 21.92575 -159.82698 21.91263 -159.90037 21.9516 -159.84931 21.73147 -159.88721 21.85717 -159.76108 21.84823 -159.73618 21.88536 -159.72294 21.87506 -159.68927 21.91537 -159.70113 21.91757 -159.69598 21.94835 -159.71308 21.90924 -159.78261 21.90214 -159.81087 21.91858 -159.7949 21.8872 -160.00088 21.88092 -160.01879 21.90021 -159.74472 21.92199 -159.71332 21.89911 -159.72384 21.86068 -159.69451 21.94857 -159.71068 21.92475 -159.98173 22.03289 -159.93915 22.0401 -159.87953 22.08348 -159.88037 22.05576 -159.84866 22.04045 -159.87827 22.03693 -159.94436 21.99289 -159.94337 22.02814 -159.96747 22.03855 -159.94018 22.04032 -159.88524 22.08351 -159.86837 22.04649 -159.95163 22.12651 -159.9002 22.14693 -159.90209 22.13243 -159.88955 22.1353 -159.85153 22.08916 -159.83347 22.09055 -159.82806 22.0677 s6 -159.88708 22.09868 -159.86605 22.03785 -159.90887 22.06532 -159.98474 22.06843 -159.95008 22.10082 -160.00198 22.11451 -159.91654 22.17725 -159.91383 22.16398 -159.87447 22.1701 -159.86788 22.15822 -159.81185 22.16515 -159.84049 22.12717 -159.83393 22.11474 -159.79155 22.12073 -159.87361 22.0365 -159.871 22.05286 -159.89954 22.06523 -159.96221 22.06616 -159.93846 22.09529 -159.98093 22.10409 -159.96595 22.11613 -159.98934 22.12999 -159.91803 22.18057 -159.91414 22.16443 -159.88426 22.16872 -159.87743 22.15702 -159.82971 22.16355 -159.85044 22.13039 -159.81525 22.12593 -159.82173 22.10592 -159.80338 22.10175 -159.85269 22.06392 -159.8727 21.99771 -159.86912 22.05243 -159.84772 22.05929 -159.85261 22.03555 -159.82016 21.94255 -159.87072 21.93651 -159.88657 22.02603 -159.90255 22.03325 -159.89963 22.05277 -159.8896 22.04015 -159.88036 22.05811 -159.89261 22.06335 -159.88949 22.11919 -159.90547 22.12438 -159.88566 22.16252 -159.87686 22.0681 -159.91309 22.10791 -159.83954 22.04281 -159.89283 22.03697 -159. t96949 21.99955 -159.93517 21.99837 -159.86426 21.93782 -159.86209 21.9656 -159.90446 22.03443 -159.89227 22.00796 -159.90474 21.92116 -159.8259 21.94965 -159.85534 21.9842 -159.91158 21.99444 -159.84924 22.04087 -159.86809 22.03993 -159.90313 21.97549 -159.9124 21.99548 -159.93164 21.97452 -159.94908 22.00623 -159.9739 21.97292 -159.98735 22.02839 -160.00455 22.03248 -159.98596 22.0326 -159.95809 22.0958 -159.94598 22.08139 -159.92908 22.09802 -159.89907 22.06802 -159.88595 22.10152 -159.86915 22.06353 -159.92469 22.07567 -159.87671 22.08382 -159.90454 22.09261 -159.90049 22.11643 -159.90997 22.09004 -159.89644 22.07588 -159.88778 22.09055 -159.8892 22.0251 -159.91157 22.01258 -159.92943 22.03264 -159.91346 22.00677 -159.89091 22.0099 -159.92748 22.03304 -159.91403 22.00728 -159.84444 22.04307 -159.86663 22.04116 -159.90762 21.95765 -159.9282 21.99104 -159.95083 21.95486 -159.96189 21.9718 -159.98054 21.9531 -159.98693 22.01452 -160.00367 22.03084 -159.98628 22.03264 -159.9593 22.09782 -159.94537 22.08138 u -159.9282 22.09722 -159.90527 22.06736 -159.88522 22.10065 -159.86987 22.0695 -159.88852 22.04279 -159.88059 22.05849 -159.93256 22.09673 -159.90731 22.11563 -159.92216 22.12628 -159.87498 22.15093 -159.90637 22.16963 -159.88098 22.17036 -159.86791 22.1934 -159.87872 22.18553 -159.86403 22.16376 -159.83086 22.14266 -159.85171 22.13167 -159.83983 22.11654 -159.88305 22.10078 -159.85529 22.07682 -159.90981 22.06674 -159.8777 22.03662 -159.97361 22.21212 -159.90471 22.15455 -159.88337 22.16227 -159.90213 22.13375 -159.82778 22.07477 -159.86638 22.04299 -159.92616 22.10796 -159.94557 22.1099 -159.95165 22.1253 -159.93911 22.12955 -159.88209 22.1043 -159.81937 22.03165 -159.86286 21.99782 -159.86447 22.01279 -159.93637 22.03946 -159.91309 22.05798 -159.94265 22.07405 -159.89673 22.09248 -159.84609 22.04129 -159.86699 22.03891 -159.88955 22.01012 -159.90733 21.95839 -159.92803 21.99075 -159.95173 21.95636 -159.96216 21.97207 -159.98016 21.95485 -160.00432 22.02919 -159.98597 22.03291 -159.9603 22.09471 -159.93 v779 22.082 -159.92887 22.09792 -159.89929 22.06805 -159.88469 22.10083 -159.85959 22.04576 -159.86444 22.06218 -159.90058 22.07621 -159.91939 22.14045 -159.96019 22.15638 -159.94003 22.18181 -159.95852 22.24496 -159.98913 22.25707 -159.96263 22.29002 -159.97511 22.33588 -159.98096 22.35456 -160.0231 22.37195 -159.98107 22.43317 -159.83302 21.98476 -159.85082 22.04261 -159.91879 22.01238 -159.92374 21.99438 -159.94948 21.99567 -159.96753 22.03929 -159.92064 22.05179 -159.89474 22.08256 -159.87912 22.0833 -159.8729 22.04665 -159.85992 22.04714 -159.93542 22.19682 -159.95639 22.20502 -159.9655 22.30154 -159.98661 22.31 -159.99817 22.3501 -160.02324 22.36049 -159.91528 22.16481 -159.84338 22.16034 -159.85503 22.1434 -159.83411 22.13323 -159.85753 22.10141 -159.81781 22.0933 -159.84603 22.07079 -159.85241 22.03482 -159.79463 21.98621 -159.81446 21.97564 -159.79991 21.96005 -159.838 21.94969 -159.80796 21.91906 -159.84715 21.91543 -159.78818 21.87822 -159.64063 21.82783 -159.57328 21.78988 -159.58589 21.78498 - w159.34218 21.80039 -159.22918 21.75668 -158.28192 21.48904 -158.24433 21.45059 -158.25419 21.44449 -158.14891 21.24726 -158.04787 21.24653 Cruise Start and End 2006-05-14 x University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu y 2006-05-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902362 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 } Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902362 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0613 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0613 Zircon II Weingart, John JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywo rds NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.02428 -157.86787 21.24606 22.43344 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31609 -157.86815 21.30367 -157.87422 21.29077 -157.93734 21.24689 -158.15313 21.24841 -158.78644 21.51722 -158.93198 21.56958 -159.12514 21.61238 -159.2892 21.74388 -159.36215 21.75838 -159.59272 21.75237 -159.65405 21.764 -159.86323 21.9227 -159.93869 21.9023 -159.93239 21.93438 -159.96394 21.92704 -159.94076 21.96418 -159.93882 21.93348 -159.92455 21.92611 -159.83026 21.95008 -159.84508 21.91658 -159.79894 21.92198 -159.80882 21.91259 -159.79651 21.89326 -159.84435 21.91631 -159.91819 21.91924 -159.91071 21.94173 -159.93026 21.94453 -159.90368 21.96016 -159.9066 21.98365 -159.9007 21.96512 -159.82175 21.96497 -159.83395 21.92313 -159.79832 21.92575 -159.82698 21.91263 -159.90037 21.9516 -159.84931 21.73147 -159.887 21 21.85717 -159.76108 21.84823 -159.73618 21.88536 -159.72294 21.87506 -159.68927 21.91537 -159.70113 21.91757 -159.69598 21.94835 -159.71308 21.90924 -159.78261 21.90214 -159.81087 21.91858 -159.7949 21.8872 -160.00088 21.88092 -160.01879 21.90021 -159.74472 21.92199 -159.71332 21.89911 -159.72384 21.86068 -159.69451 21.94857 -159.71068 21.92475 -159.98173 22.03289 -159.93915 22.0401 -159.87953 22.08348 -159.88037 22.05576 -159.84866 22.04045 -159.87827 22.03693 -159.94436 21.99289 -159.94337 22.02814 -159.96747 22.03855 -159.94018 22.04032 -159.88524 22.08351 -159.86837 22.04649 -159.95163 22.12651 -159.9002 22.14693 -159.90209 22.13243 -159.88955 22.1353 -159.85153 22.08916 -159.83347 22.09055 -159.82806 22.06776 -159.88708 22.09868 -159.86605 22.03785 -159.90887 22.06532 -159.98474 22.06843 -159.95008 22.10082 -160.00198 22.11451 -159.91654 22.17725 -159.91383 22.16398 -159.87447 22.1701 -159.86788 22.15822 -159.81185 22.16515 -159.84049 22.12717 -159.83393 22.11474 -159.79155 22.12073 -159.87361 22. 0365 -159.871 22.05286 -159.89954 22.06523 -159.96221 22.06616 -159.93846 22.09529 -159.98093 22.10409 -159.96595 22.11613 -159.98934 22.12999 -159.91803 22.18057 -159.91414 22.16443 -159.88426 22.16872 -159.87743 22.15702 -159.82971 22.16355 -159.85044 22.13039 -159.81525 22.12593 -159.82173 22.10592 -159.80338 22.10175 -159.85269 22.06392 -159.8727 21.99771 -159.86912 22.05243 -159.84772 22.05929 -159.85261 22.03555 -159.82016 21.94255 -159.87072 21.93651 -159.88657 22.02603 -159.90255 22.03325 -159.89963 22.05277 -159.8896 22.04015 -159.88036 22.05811 -159.89261 22.06335 -159.88949 22.11919 -159.90547 22.12438 -159.88566 22.16252 -159.87686 22.0681 -159.91309 22.10791 -159.83954 22.04281 -159.89283 22.03697 -159.96949 21.99955 -159.93517 21.99837 -159.86426 21.93782 -159.86209 21.9656 -159.90446 22.03443 -159.89227 22.00796 -159.90474 21.92116 -159.8259 21.94965 -159.85534 21.9842 -159.91158 21.99444 -159.84924 22.04087 -159.86809 22.03993 -159.90313 21.97549 -159.9124 21.99548 -159.93164 21.97452 -159 .94908 22.00623 -159.9739 21.97292 -159.98735 22.02839 -160.00455 22.03248 -159.98596 22.0326 -159.95809 22.0958 -159.94598 22.08139 -159.92908 22.09802 -159.89907 22.06802 -159.88595 22.10152 -159.86915 22.06353 -159.92469 22.07567 -159.87671 22.08382 -159.90454 22.09261 -159.90049 22.11643 -159.90997 22.09004 -159.89644 22.07588 -159.88778 22.09055 -159.8892 22.0251 -159.91157 22.01258 -159.92943 22.03264 -159.91346 22.00677 -159.89091 22.0099 -159.92748 22.03304 -159.91403 22.00728 -159.84444 22.04307 -159.86663 22.04116 -159.90762 21.95765 -159.9282 21.99104 -159.95083 21.95486 -159.96189 21.9718 -159.98054 21.9531 -159.98693 22.01452 -160.00367 22.03084 -159.98628 22.03264 -159.9593 22.09782 -159.94537 22.08138 -159.9282 22.09722 -159.90527 22.06736 -159.88522 22.10065 -159.86987 22.0695 -159.88852 22.04279 -159.88059 22.05849 -159.93256 22.09673 -159.90731 22.11563 -159.92216 22.12628 -159.87498 22.15093 -159.90637 22.16963 -159.88098 22.17036 -159.86791 22.1934 -159.87872 22.18553 -159.86403 22.163 76 -159.83086 22.14266 -159.85171 22.13167 -159.83983 22.11654 -159.88305 22.10078 -159.85529 22.07682 -159.90981 22.06674 -159.8777 22.03662 -159.97361 22.21212 -159.90471 22.15455 -159.88337 22.16227 -159.90213 22.13375 -159.82778 22.07477 -159.86638 22.04299 -159.92616 22.10796 -159.94557 22.1099 -159.95165 22.1253 -159.93911 22.12955 -159.88209 22.1043 -159.81937 22.03165 -159.86286 21.99782 -159.86447 22.01279 -159.93637 22.03946 -159.91309 22.05798 -159.94265 22.07405 -159.89673 22.09248 -159.84609 22.04129 -159.86699 22.03891 -159.88955 22.01012 -159.90733 21.95839 -159.92803 21.99075 -159.95173 21.95636 -159.96216 21.97207 -159.98016 21.95485 -160.00432 22.02919 -159.98597 22.03291 -159.9603 22.09471 -159.93779 22.082 -159.92887 22.09792 -159.89929 22.06805 -159.88469 22.10083 -159.85959 22.04576 -159.86444 22.06218 -159.90058 22.07621 -159.91939 22.14045 -159.96019 22.15638 -159.94003 22.18181 -159.95852 22.24496 -159.98913 22.25707 -159.96263 22.29002 -159.97511 22.33588 -159.98096 22.35456 -160 .0231 22.37195 -159.98107 22.43317 -159.83302 21.98476 -159.85082 22.04261 -159.91879 22.01238 -159.92374 21.99438 -159.94948 21.99567 -159.96753 22.03929 -159.92064 22.05179 -159.89474 22.08256 -159.87912 22.0833 -159.8729 22.04665 -159.85992 22.04714 -159.93542 22.19682 -159.95639 22.20502 -159.9655 22.30154 -159.98661 22.31 -159.99817 22.3501 -160.02324 22.36049 -159.91528 22.16481 -159.84338 22.16034 -159.85503 22.1434 -159.83411 22.13323 -159.85753 22.10141 -159.81781 22.0933 -159.84603 22.07079 -159.85241 22.03482 -159.79463 21.98621 -159.81446 21.97564 -159.79991 21.96005 -159.838 21.94969 -159.80796 21.91906 -159.84715 21.91543 -159.78818 21.87822 -159.64063 21.82783 -159.57328 21.78988 -159.58589 21.78498 -159.34218 21.80039 -159.22918 21.75668 -158.28192 21.48904 -158.24433 21.45059 -158.25419 21.44449 -158.14891 21.24726 -158.04787 21.24653 Cruise Start and End 2006-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-05-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902362 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionZircon IIEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.02 21.25, -160.02 22.43, -157.87 22.43, -157.87 21.25, -160.02 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact <a?dBh$$$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdn$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdo$$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdn$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdo$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdp$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdq$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdr$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmds$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdt$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdu$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdv$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdw$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdx$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdy$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdz$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd{$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd|$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd~$Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903053 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0614 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0614 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33078 -157.86763 21.24052 22.92664 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.8679 21.30084 -157.91973 21.24065 -158.1503 21.24698 -158.27345 21.33962 -158.33062 21.59 144 -158.27551 21.90007 -158.24288 21.95147 -158.14765 22.22833 -158.01594 22.69287 -158.02042 22.75251 -157.89627 22.70477 -158.00187 22.75321 -157.88516 22.7603 -157.87154 22.77417 -157.87472 22.78916 -157.9201 22.78883 -158.00032 22.75066 -157.99 22.74513 -158.07438 22.82269 -158.11178 22.83638 -157.99118 22.74463 -157.99627 22.87317 -158.03098 22.80731 -157.9993 22.75127 -158.05635 22.79568 -158.04517 22.80278 -157.99046 22.74661 -158.22384 22.91589 -158.21947 22.92663 -158.1191 22.77082 -158.11827 22.79747 -158.12468 22.77187 -158.11202 22.79242 -157.92847 22.76515 -157.9202 22.78417 -157.93269 22.76548 -157.97176 22.75822 -158.26552 21.89277 -158.27163 21.90776 -158.2693 21.80569 -158.33011 21.59283 -158.14936 21.24959 -157.93771 21.2472 -157.90227 21.26879 Cruise Start and End 2006-05-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-05-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903053 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosound er (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903053 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0614 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0614 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33078 -157.86763 21.24052 22.92664 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.8679 21.30084 -157.91973 21.24065 -158.1503 21.24698 -15 8.27345 21.33962 -158.33062 21.59144 -158.27551 21.90007 -158.24288 21.95147 -158.14765 22.22833 -158.01594 22.69287 -158.02042 22.75251 -157.89627 22.70477 -158.00187 22.75321 -157.88516 22.7603 -157.87154 22.77417 -157.87472 22.78916 -157.9201 22.78883 -158.00032 22.75066 -157.99 22.74513 -158.07438 22.82269 -158.11178 22.83638 -157.99118 22.74463 -157.99627 22.87317 -158.03098 22.80731 -157.9993 22.75127 -158.05635 22.79568 -158.04517 22.80278 -157.99046 22.74661 -158.22384 22.91589 -158.21947 22.92663 -158.1191 22.77082 -158.11827 22.79747 -158.12468 22.77187 -158.11202 22.79242 -157.92847 22.76515 -157.9202 22.78417 -157.93269 22.76548 -157.97176 22.75822 -158.26552 21.89277 -158.27163 21.90776 -158.2693 21.80569 -158.33011 21.59283 -158.14936 21.24959 -157.93771 21.2472 -157.90227 21.26879 Cruise Start and End 2006-05-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-05-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903053 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.93, -157.87 22.93, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact .org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901715 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise K M0615 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0615 IMI-30 Sea Trials/Student Cruises Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88625 -154.75901 18.84167 21.31611 < /gmd:extent> coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.86814 21.30281 -157.87724 21.25808 -156.87862 20.92351 -156.7883 20.83154 -156.46693 20.6252 -156.42685 20.56683 -156.28135 20.56572 -155.18356 20.00032 -155.0833 19.90848 -154.88345 19.60037 -154.75909 19.51613 -155.0711 19.15128 -155.06217 19.15805 -155.04892 19.13932 -155.06328 19.14727 -155.04823 19.15647 -155.06362 19.29146 -154.97074 19.32876 -155.12512 19.24669 -155.06367 19.157 -155.017 19.12107 -155.02963 19.11838 -155.14868 19.2386 -155.14034 19.13398 -155.12277 19.11161 -155.09465 19.11252 -155.0288 9 19.15262 -155.03809 19.16469 -155.08728 19.14662 -154.98181 19.21138 -155.00082 19.18421 -155.06409 19.15924 -155.04817 19.05051 -155.32663 18.96791 -155.65732 18.84167 -155.99761 18.9988 -156.142 19.37418 -156.1624 19.87224 -156.19085 19.88012 -156.45535 20.1011 -156.63166 19.88646 -156.40425 19.81878 -156.45664 20.09729 -156.45798 20.20611 -156.47165 20.19921 -156.47199 20.0952 -156.49094 20.10193 -156.49598 20.20572 -156.50569 20.09852 -156.52184 20.09859 -156.52564 20.2039 -156.52923 20.08344 -156.55404 20.09217 -157.57152 21.00257 -157.70731 21.0996 -157.87526 21.28829 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901715 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901715 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0615 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0615 IMI-30 Sea Trials/Student Cruises Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88625 -154.75901 18.84167 21.31611 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.86814 21.30281 -157.87724 21.25808 -156.87862 20.92351 -156.7883 20.83154 -156.46693 20.6252 -156.42685 20.56683 -156.28135 20.56572 -155.18356 20.00032 -155.0833 19.90848 -154.88345 19.60037 -154.75909 19.51613 -155.0711 19.15128 -155.06217 19.15805 -155.04 892 19.13932 -155.06328 19.14727 -155.04823 19.15647 -155.06362 19.29146 -154.97074 19.32876 -155.12512 19.24669 -155.06367 19.157 -155.017 19.12107 -155.02963 19.11838 -155.14868 19.2386 -155.14034 19.13398 -155.12277 19.11161 -155.09465 19.11252 -155.02889 19.15262 -155.03809 19.16469 -155.08728 19.14662 -154.98181 19.21138 -155.00082 19.18421 -155.06409 19.15924 -155.04817 19.05051 -155.32663 18.96791 -155.65732 18.84167 -155.99761 18.9988 -156.142 19.37418 -156.1624 19.87224 -156.19085 19.88012 -156.45535 20.1011 -156.63166 19.88646 -156.40425 19.81878 -156.45664 20.09729 -156.45798 20.20611 -156.47165 20.19921 -156.47199 20.0952 -156.49094 20.10193 -156.49598 20.20572 -156.50569 20.09852 -156.52184 20.09859 -156.52564 20.2039 -156.52923 20.08344 -156.55404 20.09217 -157.57152 21.00257 -157.70731 21.0996 -157.87526 21.28829 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901715 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIMI-30 Sea Trials/Student CruisesEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 18.84, -157.89 21.32, -154.76 21.32, -154.76 18.84, -157.89 18.84))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact k>1+M5}g%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901717gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://w 職6j=1+M5O5%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903054gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww сi>1+M5s]%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901716gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww *h=1+M5?%%O9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901715gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901716 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0616 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0616 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33066 -157.86825 21.24552 22.80610 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.86868 21.30006 -157.91789 21.24655 - 158.14911 21.24782 -158.21973 21.34342 -158.23095 21.40438 -158.32746 21.58937 -158.10274 22.72142 -158.13184 22.77911 -158.11156 22.79519 -158.12024 22.8061 -158.06465 22.72311 -158.1206 22.63587 -158.33066 21.59085 -158.14765 21.2471 -157.97878 21.24683 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901716 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901716 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0616 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0616 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental An alyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33066 -157.86825 21.24552 22.80610 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31608 -157.86868 21.30006 -157.91789 21.24655 -158.14911 21.24782 -158.21973 21.34342 -158.23095 21.40438 -158.32746 21.58937 -158.10274 22.72142 -158.13184 22.77911 -158.11156 22.79519 -158.12024 22.8061 -158.06465 22.72311 -158.1206 22.63587 -158.33066 21.59085 -158.14765 21.2471 -157.97878 21.24683 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901716 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.81, -157.87 22.81, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Qxx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx     eng engengenge    eng engengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengeng eng!eng"eng#eng$eng%eng&eng'eng(eng)eng*eng+eng,eng-eng.eng/eng0eng1eng2eng3eng4eng5eng6eng7eng8eng9eng:eng;eng<eng=eng>eng?eng@engAengBengCengDengEengFengGengHengIengJengKengLengMengNengOengPengQengRengSengTengUengVengWengXengYengZeng[eng\eng] [&.6>FNV^fnv~#,5>GPYbkt} (1:CLU^gpyengkenglengmengnengeng_eng`engaengbengcengdengeengfenggenghengiengjengkenglengmengnengoengpengqengrengsengtenguengvengwengxengyengzeng{eng|eng}eng~engengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengengeng *#6I\o-@Sfy$8L`tm)p)p)pointOfContacta)pointOfContactb)pointOfContactc)pointOfContactd)pointOfContacte)p)pointOfContacta)pointOfContactb)pointOfContactc)pointOfContactd)pointOfContacte)pointOfContactf)pointOfContactg)pointOfContacth)pointOfContacti)pointOfContactj)pointOfContactk)pointOfContactl)pointOfContactm)pointOfContactn)pointOfContacto)pointOfContactp)pointOfContactq)pointOfContactr)pointOfContacts)pointOfContactt)pointOfContactu)pointOfContactv)pointOfContactw)pointOfContactx)pointOfContacty)pointOfContactz)pointOfContact{)pointOfContact|)pointOfContact})pointOfContact~)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact)pointOfContact w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903054 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0617 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0617 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.66499 -157.86810 21.21153 23.11743 coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21.3161 -157.8685 21.30017 -157.91409 21.24624 -158.14911 21.24695 -158.27266 21.34064 -158.32993 21.58 94 -158.00487 22.7454 -157.98214 22.77537 -157.99482 22.78406 -157.98094 22.77337 -157.99977 22.75051 -157.89352 22.80426 -157.95475 22.77367 -157.95187 22.7623 -157.999 22.74941 -157.88433 22.80121 -157.99917 22.75062 -157.98561 22.73443 -158.00469 22.75376 -157.9112 23.02525 -157.96101 22.83242 -157.96815 22.88076 -157.99902 22.85068 -157.98441 22.7708 -158.00012 22.75056 -157.9529 23.10807 -157.92844 23.11743 -157.9111 22.86236 -157.92009 22.81556 -157.89012 22.78892 -157.90832 22.8023 -157.99169 22.72509 -158.03979 22.65219 -158.36211 21.84754 -158.66499 21.75246 -158.39383 21.49048 -158.39841 21.47099 -158.41613 21.47557 -158.40563 21.48973 -158.37884 21.47456 -158.116 21.22137 -158.08655 21.2116 -157.97463 21.23117 -157.8981 21.27338 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903054 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903054 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0617 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0617 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.66499 -157.86810 21.21153 23.11743 coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21.3161 -157.8685 21.30017 -157.91409 21.24624 -158.14911 21.24695 -158.27266 21.34064 -158.32 993 21.5894 -158.00487 22.7454 -157.98214 22.77537 -157.99482 22.78406 -157.98094 22.77337 -157.99977 22.75051 -157.89352 22.80426 -157.95475 22.77367 -157.95187 22.7623 -157.999 22.74941 -157.88433 22.80121 -157.99917 22.75062 -157.98561 22.73443 -158.00469 22.75376 -157.9112 23.02525 -157.96101 22.83242 -157.96815 22.88076 -157.99902 22.85068 -157.98441 22.7708 -158.00012 22.75056 -157.9529 23.10807 -157.92844 23.11743 -157.9111 22.86236 -157.92009 22.81556 -157.89012 22.78892 -157.90832 22.8023 -157.99169 22.72509 -158.03979 22.65219 -158.36211 21.84754 -158.66499 21.75246 -158.39383 21.49048 -158.39841 21.47099 -158.41613 21.47557 -158.40563 21.48973 -158.37884 21.47456 -158.116 21.22137 -158.08655 21.2116 -157.97463 21.23117 -157.8981 21.27338 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903054 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.66 21.21, -158.66 23.12, -157.87 23.12, -157.87 21.21, -158.66 21.21))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ww.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901717 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0618 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0618 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33042 -157.86821 21.24263 22.81804 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31601 -157.8684 21.30085 -157.90862 21.24761 - 158.14667 21.24325 -158.33013 21.58914 -158.08734 22.76969 -158.26815 22.81803 -158.0824 22.76591 -158.11451 22.78436 -158.15637 22.44192 -158.33008 21.59156 -158.14975 21.24817 -158.01904 21.24669 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901717 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120< /gmx:Anchor> Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901717 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0618 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0618 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy Univ ersity of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33042 -157.86821 21.24263 22.81804 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31601 -157.8684 21.30085 -157.90862 21.24761 -158.14667 21.24325 -158.33013 21.58914 -158.08734 22.76969 -158.26815 22.81803 -158.0824 22.76591 -158.11451 22.78436 -158.15637 22.44192 -158.33008 21.59156 -158.14975 21.24817 -158.01904 21.24669 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901717 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.82, -157.87 22.82, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact w.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901719 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Prog ram info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0619 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0619 Sea Trials-Winch Test EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39814 -157.86729 20.80689 21.31612 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31611 -157.8686 21.30328 -157.87581 21.28868 -158.39814 20.80689 -157.88733 21.2705 -157.86785 21.30482 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-28 University-National O ceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901719 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploratio n of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901719 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0619 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0619 Sea Trials-Winch Test EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39814 -157.86729 20.80689 21.31612 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31611 -157.8686 21.30328 -157.87581 21.28868 -158.39814 20.80689 -157.88733 21.2705 -157.86785 21.30482 Cruise Start and End 2006-06-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-06-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901719 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-Winch TestEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.40 20.81, -158.40 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 20.81, -158.40 20.81))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact <%m=1+M5/%e9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903621gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903621 eng utf8 fieldSessi on cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0620 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0620 C-MORE 2006 Summer Course, Leg 1 (Agouron-1) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33033 -156.55450 19.66733 22.76068  coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31611 -157.86768 21.30115 -157.92053 21.2478 -158.15079 21.24824 -158.275 21.34317 -158.32952 21.59033 -157.27882 22.75468 -158.00203 22.75207 -158.07582 22.49278 -158.0798 22.39391 -158.12709 22.30772 -158.32932 21.59345 -158.15063 21.24787 -157.92817 21.24811 -157.8985 21.26663 -157.9141 21.05772 -157.89733 20.99095 -157.92514 20.92453 -157.95258 20.43713 -157.94276 20.41092 -157.96395 20.28372 -158.00044 19.66733 -157.9997 20.33492 -158.18024 20.67154 -158.16652 20.64979 -157.74503 21.02213 -157.62777 21.09483 -157.50029 21.19975 -157.49837 21.38756 -157.48347 21.3799 -157.47943 21.195 -157.46678 21.20376 -157.46303 21.38802 -157.44971 21.38407 -157.44622 21.19562 -157.43226 21.19822 -157.42993 21.38775 -157.41655 21.38466 -157.41422 21.25397 -157.00156 21.20354 -156.97106 21.22493 -156.91901 21.1939 -156.72762 21.18759 -156.62412 21.24612 -156.63763 21.24904 -156.62726 21.23484 -156.63745 21.24523 -156.62463 21.28521 -156.5545 21.35016 -156.67712 21.22642 -156.6255 21.24211 -156.71056 21.09867 -156.79066 21.04308 -156.88037 21.01156 -157.05828 21.05449 -157.34787 21.05868 -157.89074 21.2686 -157.86761 21.30183 -157.88659 21.31538 Cruise Start and End  2006-07-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903621  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw ! Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam " raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List # Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator $ Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903621 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 & ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0620 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0620 C-MORE 2006 Summer Course, Leg 1 (Agouron-1) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33033 -156.55450 19.66733 22.76068 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31611 -157.86768 21.30115 -157.92053 21.2478 -158.15079 21.24824 -158.275 21.34317 -158.32952 21.59033 -157.27882 22.75468 -158.00203 22.75207 -158.07582 22.49278 -158.0798 22.39391 -158.12709 22.30772 -158.32932 21.59345 -158.15063 21.24787 -157.92817 21.24811 -157.8985 21.26663 -157.9141 21.05772 -157.89733 20.99095 -15 '7.92514 20.92453 -157.95258 20.43713 -157.94276 20.41092 -157.96395 20.28372 -158.00044 19.66733 -157.9997 20.33492 -158.18024 20.67154 -158.16652 20.64979 -157.74503 21.02213 -157.62777 21.09483 -157.50029 21.19975 -157.49837 21.38756 -157.48347 21.3799 -157.47943 21.195 -157.46678 21.20376 -157.46303 21.38802 -157.44971 21.38407 -157.44622 21.19562 -157.43226 21.19822 -157.42993 21.38775 -157.41655 21.38466 -157.41422 21.25397 -157.00156 21.20354 -156.97106 21.22493 -156.91901 21.1939 -156.72762 21.18759 -156.62412 21.24612 -156.63763 21.24904 -156.62726 21.23484 -156.63745 21.24523 -156.62463 21.28521 -156.5545 21.35016 -156.67712 21.22642 -156.6255 21.24211 -156.71056 21.09867 -156.79066 21.04308 -156.88037 21.01156 -157.05828 21.05449 -157.34787 21.05868 -157.89074 21.2686 -157.86761 21.30183 -157.88659 21.31538 Cruise Start and End 2006-07-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903621 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2006 Summer Course, Leg 1 (Agouron-1)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 19.67, -158.33 22.76, -156.55 22.76, -156.55 19.67, -158.33 19.67))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact &vv6Md{ ":Rj)AYq1doi:1doi:10.7284/9018221doi:10.7284/901823W1doi:10.7284/901803Q1doi:10.7284/901813P1doi:10.7284/901814R1doi:10.7284/901819T1doi:10.7284/901820V1doi:10.7284/901822U1doi:10.7284/902179L1doi:10.7284/902359#1doi:10.7284/902360$1doi:10.7284/902361e1doi:10.7284/902362f1doi:10.7284/9023751doi:10.7284/9023761doi:10.7284/902642@1doi:10.7284/902643E1doi:10.7284/902644A1doi:10.7284/902656C1doi:10.7284/9026821doi:10.7284/9028911doi:10.7284/9028921doi:10.7284/9028931doi:10.7284/902915K1doi:10.7284/902919-1doi:10.7284/902922!1doi:10.7284/902926(1doi:10.7284/9029351doi:10.7284/902936$1doi:10.7284/902938+1doi:10.7284/902939%1doi:10.7284/902946"1doi:10.7284/902962)1doi:10.7284/902963'1doi:10.7284/90299931doi:10.7284/903006>1doi:10.7284/903007?1doi:10.7284/903010=1doi:10.7284/903030" *-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903055 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0621 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0621 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office cus 0todian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38149 -157.86780 21.24342 22.75747 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31539 -157.86825 21.30048 -157.91358 21.2495 -158.14839 21.24672 -158.27341 21.33952 -158.32966 21.54288 -158.32853 21.60525 -158.14612 22.25409 -158.00674 22.74304 -157.98637 22.74752 -158.00703 22.74943 -157.90652 22.69155 -157.90242 22.67351 -157.9188 22.65993 -157.98753 22.74267 -157.894 22.6886 -158.00286 22.74994 -157.99056 22.75345 -158.20538 22.66071 -158.08708 22.71156 -158.11832 22.75582 -158.12342 22.74555 -158.08165 22.71981 -157.99932 22.74755 -158.38145 22.61328 -158.11096 22.75746 -158.13412 22.74755 -157.91321 22.75208 -157.94419 22.7524 -157.93818 22.74178 -157.92035 22.75195 -157.94849 22.68611 -158.3642 21.84905 -158.33136 21.59929 -158.14905 21.24788 -157.94732 21.24453 -157.88064 21.27867 -157.86816 21.30388 -157.8866 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2006-07-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code Li 4st Honolulu 2006-07-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903055 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam 8 raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. 9 multibeam raw : International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903055 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0621 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0621 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38149 -1 >57.86780 21.24342 22.75747 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31539 -157.86825 21.30048 -157.91358 21.2495 -158.14839 21.24672 -158.27341 21.33952 -158.32966 21.54288 -158.32853 21.60525 -158.14612 22.25409 -158.00674 22.74304 -157.98637 22.74752 -158.00703 22.74943 -157.90652 22.69155 -157.90242 22.67351 -157.9188 22.65993 -157.98753 22.74267 -157.894 22.6886 -158.00286 22.74994 -157.99056 22.75345 -158.20538 22.66071 -158.08708 22.71156 -158.11832 22.75582 -158.12342 22.74555 -158.08165 22.71981 -157.99932 22.74755 -158.38145 22.61328 -158.11096 22.75746 -158.13412 22.74755 -157.91321 22.75208 -157.94419 22.7524 -157.93818 22.74178 -157.92035 22.75195 -157.94849 22.68611 -158.3642 21.84905 -158.33136 21.59929 -158.14905 21.24788 -157.94732 21.24453 -157.88064 21.27867 -157.86816 21.30388 -157.8866 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2006-07-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-07-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903055 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.38 21.24, -158.38 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.24, -158.38 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact #o=1+M5-%e9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903622gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdl A~n=1+M5}%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903055gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903622 C eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0622 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published F KM0622 C-MORE 2006 Summer Course, Leg 2 (Agouron-2) Church, Matthew University of Ha Gwaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme H NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.10830 -157.86785 J 19.49868 22.27380 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86821 21.30428 -157.87383 21.29079 -157.92657 21.26027 -158.83333 21.00054 -158.83423 19.49886 -159.00027 20.108 K6 -159.02005 20.13106 -159.19654 20.13058 -159.23702 20.1705 -159.19439 20.1305 -159.45819 20.13169 -159.26333 20.17544 -159.29272 20.18324 -159.84623 20.06183 -159.96316 20.06187 -159.96719 20.0514 -159.96768 20.06642 -159.96867 20.04534 -159.96828 20.06174 -159.81834 19.84848 -159.60203 19.77835 -159.41651 19.76356 -159.15963 19.66458 -158.87583 19.58492 -158.76191 19.57818 -158.75136 19.58997 -158.97286 19.93995 -159.22406 20.29656 -159.50112 20.74414 -160.03457 21.9989 -160.07181 22.03941 -160.10665 22.0499 -159.78515 22.19151 -159.67194 22.18877 -159.5801 22.26206 -159.38944 22.25103 -159.30544 22.22295 -159.11027 22.27359 -159.08726 22.25355 -159.24128 22.13312 -159.22793 22.00607 -158.4763 21.50249 -158.15008 21.24716 -157.976 21.23792 -157.89194 21.27208 Cruise Start and End 2006-07-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List M Honolulu 2006-07-21 N University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu O http://doi.org/10.7284/903622 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. P Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii T operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounde Ur (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903622 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0622 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0622 C-MORE 2006 Summer Course, Leg 2 (Agouron-2) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.10830 -157.86785 19.49868 22.27380 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86821 21.30428 -157.87383 21.29079 -157.92657 21.26027 - W158.83333 21.00054 -158.83423 19.49886 -159.00027 20.1086 -159.02005 20.13106 -159.19654 20.13058 -159.23702 20.1705 -159.19439 20.1305 -159.45819 20.13169 -159.26333 20.17544 -159.29272 20.18324 -159.84623 20.06183 -159.96316 20.06187 -159.96719 20.0514 -159.96768 20.06642 -159.96867 20.04534 -159.96828 20.06174 -159.81834 19.84848 -159.60203 19.77835 -159.41651 19.76356 -159.15963 19.66458 -158.87583 19.58492 -158.76191 19.57818 -158.75136 19.58997 -158.97286 19.93995 -159.22406 20.29656 -159.50112 20.74414 -160.03457 21.9989 -160.07181 22.03941 -160.10665 22.0499 -159.78515 22.19151 -159.67194 22.18877 -159.5801 22.26206 -159.38944 22.25103 -159.30544 22.22295 -159.11027 22.27359 -159.08726 22.25355 -159.24128 22.13312 -159.22793 22.00607 -158.4763 21.50249 -158.15008 21.24716 -157.976 21.23792 -157.89194 21.27208 Cruise Start and End 2006-07-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-07-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903622 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2006 Summer Course, Leg 2 (Agouron-2)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.11 19.50, -160.11 22.27, -157.87 22.27, -157.87 19.50, -160.11 19.50))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Y" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901720 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0623 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0623 ] Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89961 -157.47901 21.22240 `21.31541 coordinates of ship track -157.88656 21.3154 -157.86738 21.30242 -157.88269 21.27935 -157.89961 21.28375 -157.88667 21.25779 -157.82558 21.23469 -157.47905 21.2229 -157.82175 21.23378 -157.87608 21.27255 -157.86756 21.30302 -157.88661 21.3154 Cruise Start and End 2006-07-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-07-27 c University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu d http://doi.org/10.7284/901720 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam f raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List g Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii op herator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901720 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0623 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0623 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89961 -157.47901 21.22240 21.31541 coordinates of ship track -157.88656 21.3154 -157.86738 21.30242 -157.88269 21.27935 -157.89961 21.28375 -157.88667 21.25779 -157.82558 21.23469 -157.47905 21.2229 -157.82175 21.23378 -157.87608 21.27255 -157.86756 21.30302 -157.88661 21.3154 Cruise Start and End 2006-07-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-07-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901720 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-DP CalibrationEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 21.22, -157.90 21.32, -157.48 21.32, -157.48 21.22, -157.90 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact jjFp=1+M5Eg%?9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901720gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903115 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0624 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0624 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office s custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.85798 -157.86728 21.22528 23.00104 coordinates o uf ship track -157.88663 21.31539 -157.86769 21.30065 -157.92955 21.24053 -158.02687 21.24525 -158.12491 21.22626 -158.27546 21.34379 -158.33147 21.58761 -158.00134 22.74725 -157.98079 22.7546 -158.01849 22.74894 -157.87858 22.77764 -157.92875 22.76743 -157.93587 22.778 -157.91305 22.78124 -157.93098 22.78739 -157.97496 22.76627 -157.89145 22.76871 -157.88668 22.75529 -158.00528 22.73981 -157.97006 22.74685 -157.97791 22.77391 -157.87441 22.7776 -157.91575 22.77892 -157.98976 22.74866 -157.87671 22.77329 -157.96578 22.76174 -157.92224 22.76744 -157.93891 22.78746 -157.92925 22.7843 -157.99928 22.74612 -158.85774 23.00097 -158.32987 21.59139 -158.154 21.25596 -157.90237 21.24627 -157.86795 21.30083< v/gml:posList> Cruise Start and End 2006-08-07 wUniversity-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-08-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu y http://doi.org/10.7284/903115 collectionSession z Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data wa |s collected from this device. multibeam raw } International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903115 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0624 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0624 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for nav igation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.85798 -157.86728 21.22528 23.00104 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31539 -157.86769 21.30065 -157.92955 21.24053 -158.02687 21.24525 -158.12491 21.22626 -158.27546 21.34379 -158.33147 21.58761 -158.00134 22.74725 -157.98079 22.7546 -158.01849 22.74894 -157.87858 22.77764 -157.92875 22.76743 -157.93587 22.778 -157.91305 22.78124 -157.93098 22.78739 -157.97496 22.76627 -157.89145 22.76871 -157.88668 22.75529 -158.00528 22.73981 -157.97006 22.74685 -157.97791 22.77391 -157.87441 22.7776 -157.91575 22.77892 -157.98976 22.74866 -157.87671 22.77329 -157.96578 22.76174 -157.92224 22.76744 -157.93891 22.78746 -157.92925 22.7843 -157.99928 22.74612 -158.85774 23.00097 -158.32987 21.59139 -158.154 21.25596 -157.90237 21.24627 -157.86795 21.30083 Cruise Start and End 2006-08-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-08-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903115 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.86 21.23, -158.86 23.00, -157.87 23.00, -157.87 21.23, -158.86 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact \r=1+M5)%e9 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/903031gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www Dq=1+M5]C%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903115gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903031 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0625 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0625 Iron in the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC Fe) Murray, James W. University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 143.83400 -13 9.99411 -6.01986 21.31545 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31541 -157.86829 21.30389 -157.88344 21.27321 -157.76437 20.8328 -155.25691 18.26126 -155.1 0094 18.11248 -155.07214 18.13312 -155.04734 18.04844 -152.58759 15.49654 -149.51383 12.25159 -146.83609 9.39374 -144.92346 7.32698 -144.47887 6.86994 -144.0868 6.42545 -142.64159 4.86134 -142.31796 4.53134 -141.9555 4.11306 -141.69962 3.85332 -140.16225 2.17383 -140.00966 2.01065 -139.99805 2.01925 -140.02485 2.02671 -140.00013 2.00059 -139.9942 1.35518 -140.00228 -0.09962 -140.00766 -0.08588 -140.00485 0.00152 -139.99852 -2.00306 -144.00833 -0.9241 -154.99696 1.99202 -154.9965 2.03012 -155.0002 0.00509 -154.97177 -0.01413 -154.99975 -0.07966 -155.00545 -1.98272 -155.01174 -1.9678 -154.9999 -2.00022 -155.01691 -2.01073 -155.02671 -1.9931 -155.48042 -1.86878 -169.37319 1.82882 -170.04279 2.02196 -170.01789 1.98586 -169.99767 1.07747 -170.00002 -2.00016 -175.00045 -0.00008 -176.49081 0.18382 -176.65322 0.82026 -179.99978 1.99809 179.99929 2.00046 179.99998 2.0012 -179.99998 2.00129 -179.99998 2.00129 179.99998 2.0012 179.99998 2.00109 -179.99996 2.00096 -179.99995 2.00002 179.99993 2.00003 179.99975 2.00001 -179.99987 2.00007 -179.99987 1.99854 179.99929 1.99687 -179.99987 1.98944 -179.99999 1.95236 179.99994 1.94705 179.99997 1.8251 -179.99987 1.81981 -179.99995 1.77721 179.99994 1.77182 179.99996 1.71278 -179.99999 1.70777 -179.99995 1.32488 179.99998 1.31948 179.99989 0.59224 -179.99997 0.58725 -179.99993 0.55994 179.99998 0.55456 179.99997 0.38839 -179.99999 0.38309 -179.99985 0.07079 -179.99983 0.06547 -180 0.03883 179.99999 0.03348 179.99975 0.00006 -179.99988 0.00001 179.99998 0.0001 179.99997 0.00011 -179.99994 0.00007 179.99999 0.00006 -179.99999 0.00006 180 0.00007 -180 0.00006 180 0.00007 180 0.00006 179.99999 0.00006 180 0.00006 179.99999 0.00007 -180 0.00006 180 0.00006 179.99999 0.00007 -180 0.00007 -179.99989 -0.00001 -179.9999 -0.00002 180 0.00005 179.99999 0.00005 179.99998 0.00006 179.99998 0.00005 -179.99999 0.00008 -179.99991 0.00006 -179.99999 0.0001 -179.99999 0.00012 -179.99998 0.00009 -179.99998 0.00005 179.99997 0.0001 179.99977 0.00019 -179.99971 0.00042 -179.9988 0.02753 179.99945 0.03165 179.98898 0.04409 179.99337 0.01861 179.98337 0.02009 179.9995 0.00075 -179.99993 0.00042 -179.99989 0.00005 179.99995 0.00006 179.99997 -0 179.99996 0.00002 179.99998 0.00004 -180 0.00009 179.99999 0.00004 180 0.00003 179.99998 0.00002 179.99999 0.00003 179.99999 0.00004 179.99999 0.00004 -179.99999 0.00004 179.99998 0.00003 179.99998 0.00004 -179.99992 0.00001 179.99998 0.00002 179.99998 0.00003 -179.99994 -0.00003 -179.99963 0.00514 179.99878 0.00908 179.98291 0.0406 179.99994 0.00014 -179.9999 0 -179.99989 0.00005 179.99992 -0.00007 179.99995 -0.11161 -179.99998 -0.12236 -179.99998 -0.12771 179.99997 -0.13308 179.99999 -0.16524 -179.99997 -0.17067 -179.99997 -0.43085 179.99987 -0.43611 179.99999 -0.67168 -179.99998 -0.67708 -179.99997 -0.86755 179.99994 -0.87296 179.99996 -0.98769 -179.99993 -0.9932 -179.99997 -1.39444 179.99992 -1.39982 179.99975 -2.00009 -179.99997 -2.00011 179.99987 -2.00001 -179.99979 -1.99998 -179.99911 -2.00164 179.99712 -2.00393 178.72483 -1.40496 178.076 -1.36618 176.00559 -1.1978 175.14868 -1.17407 175.11407 -1.19166 174.77698 -1.16673 174.45588 -0.59131 174.25312 -0.37363 174.1262 -0.08765 174.10617 -0.07368 173.96791 0.28008 173.96398 0.37995 173.96545 0.00018 173.09441 1.07934 172.88555 1.17735 172.88583 1.40052 172.91038 1.4095 172.88708 1.41583 169.44413 1.66688 168.86059 1.72534 167.98752 1.77731 167.96805 1.80208 167.92306 1.78327 167.73006 1.79796 167.70285 1.8136 167.44551 1.81763 164.99887 2.00214 164.99053 0.29187 165.00201 0.00023 164.9 6227 -0.00896 165.00092 -0.00119 165.02551 0.02654 165.0004 -0.13048 164.99868 -2.0022 155.99948 2.00046 155.99975 0.09093 155.98349 0.08827 156.00255 0.35823 156.00096 -1.35997 155.99492 -1.34836 155.37891 -1.7188 152.86886 -3.14607 152.32621 -3.4737 152.4856 -3.37631 152.22523 -3.14506 152.00033 -3.01707 149.50039 0.00043 145.00004 1.99993 145.00178 0.60011 144.61329 -1.28741 144.58278 -1.41818 144.4895 -1.67908 143.8351 -3.45932 143.87037 -3.35497 144.83093 -3.64906 145.15894 -4.14553 145.4741 -4.14181 146.10472 -4.46421 146.27901 -4.69387 146.59603 -5.04418 146.66648 -5.10047 146.94533 -5.43257 147.63111 -6.01975 147.84539 -5.90867 147.70093 -5.94929 147.69264 -5.98789 147.66888 -5.98267 147.67143 -5.9344 147.61551 -5.77072 147.61006 -5.42886 147.69327 -5.38625 148.18552 -5.1963 148.32094 -5.1738 148.44974 -5.09186 149.26662 -4.77246 149.68158 -4.69447 151.50063 -4.00015 152.10277 -3.99796 152.2345 -4.16875 152.25877 -4.20938 152.25805 -4.24988 152.23247 -4.26531 152.18428 -4.25637 152.16661 -4.20232< /gml:posList> Cruise Start and End 2006-08-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-10-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Rabaul http://doi.org/10.7284/903031 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw < /gmd:dataQualityInfo> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903031 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0625 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0625 Iron in the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC Fe) Murray, James W. University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 143.83400 -139.99411 -6.01986 21.31545 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31541 -157.86829 21.30389 -157.88344 21.27321 -157.76437 20.8328 -155.25691 18.26126 -155.10094 18.11248 -155.07214 18.13312 -155.04734 18.04844 -152.58759 15.49654 -149.51383 12.25159 -146.83609 9.39374 -144.92346 7.32698 -144.47887 6.86994 -144.0868 6.42545 -142.64159 4.86134 -142.31796 4.53134 -141.9555 4.11306 -141.69962 3.85332 -140.16225 2.17383 -140.00966 2.01065 -139.99805 2.01925 -140.02485 2.02671 -140.00013 2.00059 -139.9942 1.35518 -140.00228 -0.09962 -140.00766 -0.08588 -140.00485 0.00152 -139.99852 -2.00306 -144.00833 -0.9241 -154.99696 1.99202 -154.9965 2.03012 -155.0002 0.00509 -154.97177 -0.01413 -154.99975 -0.07966 -155.00545 -1.98272 -155.01174 -1.9678 -154.9999 -2.00022 -155.01691 -2.01073 -155.02671 -1.9931 -155.48042 -1.86878 -169.37319 1.82882 -170.04279 2.02196 -170.01789 1.98586 -169.99767 1.07747 -17 0.00002 -2.00016 -175.00045 -0.00008 -176.49081 0.18382 -176.65322 0.82026 -179.99978 1.99809 179.99929 2.00046 179.99998 2.0012 -179.99998 2.00129 -179.99998 2.00129 179.99998 2.0012 179.99998 2.00109 -179.99996 2.00096 -179.99995 2.00002 179.99993 2.00003 179.99975 2.00001 -179.99987 2.00007 -179.99987 1.99854 179.99929 1.99687 -179.99987 1.98944 -179.99999 1.95236 179.99994 1.94705 179.99997 1.8251 -179.99987 1.81981 -179.99995 1.77721 179.99994 1.77182 179.99996 1.71278 -179.99999 1.70777 -179.99995 1.32488 179.99998 1.31948 179.99989 0.59224 -179.99997 0.58725 -179.99993 0.55994 179.99998 0.55456 179.99997 0.38839 -179.99999 0.38309 -179.99985 0.07079 -179.99983 0.06547 -180 0.03883 179.99999 0.03348 179.99975 0.00006 -179.99988 0.00001 179.99998 0.0001 179.99997 0.00011 -179.99994 0.00007 179.99999 0.00006 -179.99999 0.00006 180 0.00007 -180 0.00006 180 0.00007 180 0.00006 179.99999 0.00006 180 0.00006 179.99999 0.00007 -180 0.00006 180 0.00006 179.99999 0.00007 -180 0.00007 -179.99989 -0.00001 -179.9999 -0.00002 180 0.00005 179.99999 0.00005 179.99998 0.00006 179.99998 0.00005 -179.99999 0.00008 -179.99991 0.00006 -179.99999 0.0001 -179.99999 0.00012 -179.99998 0.00009 -179.99998 0.00005 179.99997 0.0001 179.99977 0.00019 -179.99971 0.00042 -179.9988 0.02753 179.99945 0.03165 179.98898 0.04409 179.99337 0.01861 179.98337 0.02009 179.9995 0.00075 -179.99993 0.00042 -179.99989 0.00005 179.99995 0.00006 179.99997 -0 179.99996 0.00002 179.99998 0.00004 -180 0.00009 179.99999 0.00004 180 0.00003 179.99998 0.00002 179.99999 0.00003 179.99999 0.00004 179.99999 0.00004 -179.99999 0.00004 179.99998 0.00003 179.99998 0.00004 -179.99992 0.00001 179.99998 0.00002 179.99998 0.00003 -179.99994 -0.00003 -179.99963 0.00514 179.99878 0.00908 179.98291 0.0406 179.99994 0.00014 -179.9999 0 -179.99989 0.00005 179.99992 -0.00007 179.99995 -0.11161 -179.99998 -0.12236 -179.99998 -0.12771 179.99997 -0.13308 179.99999 -0.16524 -179.99997 -0.17067 -179.99997 -0.430 85 179.99987 -0.43611 179.99999 -0.67168 -179.99998 -0.67708 -179.99997 -0.86755 179.99994 -0.87296 179.99996 -0.98769 -179.99993 -0.9932 -179.99997 -1.39444 179.99992 -1.39982 179.99975 -2.00009 -179.99997 -2.00011 179.99987 -2.00001 -179.99979 -1.99998 -179.99911 -2.00164 179.99712 -2.00393 178.72483 -1.40496 178.076 -1.36618 176.00559 -1.1978 175.14868 -1.17407 175.11407 -1.19166 174.77698 -1.16673 174.45588 -0.59131 174.25312 -0.37363 174.1262 -0.08765 174.10617 -0.07368 173.96791 0.28008 173.96398 0.37995 173.96545 0.00018 173.09441 1.07934 172.88555 1.17735 172.88583 1.40052 172.91038 1.4095 172.88708 1.41583 169.44413 1.66688 168.86059 1.72534 167.98752 1.77731 167.96805 1.80208 167.92306 1.78327 167.73006 1.79796 167.70285 1.8136 167.44551 1.81763 164.99887 2.00214 164.99053 0.29187 165.00201 0.00023 164.96227 -0.00896 165.00092 -0.00119 165.02551 0.02654 165.0004 -0.13048 164.99868 -2.0022 155.99948 2.00046 155.99975 0.09093 155.98349 0.08827 156.00255 0.35823 156.00096 -1.35997 155.9949 2 -1.34836 155.37891 -1.7188 152.86886 -3.14607 152.32621 -3.4737 152.4856 -3.37631 152.22523 -3.14506 152.00033 -3.01707 149.50039 0.00043 145.00004 1.99993 145.00178 0.60011 144.61329 -1.28741 144.58278 -1.41818 144.4895 -1.67908 143.8351 -3.45932 143.87037 -3.35497 144.83093 -3.64906 145.15894 -4.14553 145.4741 -4.14181 146.10472 -4.46421 146.27901 -4.69387 146.59603 -5.04418 146.66648 -5.10047 146.94533 -5.43257 147.63111 -6.01975 147.84539 -5.90867 147.70093 -5.94929 147.69264 -5.98789 147.66888 -5.98267 147.67143 -5.9344 147.61551 -5.77072 147.61006 -5.42886 147.69327 -5.38625 148.18552 -5.1963 148.32094 -5.1738 148.44974 -5.09186 149.26662 -4.77246 149.68158 -4.69447 151.50063 -4.00015 152.10277 -3.99796 152.2345 -4.16875 152.25877 -4.20938 152.25805 -4.24988 152.23247 -4.26531 152.18428 -4.25637 152.16661 -4.20232 Cruise Start and End 2006-08-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-10-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Rabaul http://doi.org/10.7284/903031 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIron in the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC Fe)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((143.83 -6.02, 143.83 21.32, -139.99 21.32, -139.99 -6.02, 143.83 -6.02))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact rg/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901721 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0626 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0626 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office < /gmd:organisationName> custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 152.16700 -157.86780 -4.91528 21.31611 coordinates of ship track 152.16661 -4.20233 152.17716 -4.2513 152.20035 -4.26388 152.43184 -4.30867 152.6623 -4.69378 152.8216 -4.87623 152.90439 -4.91268 155.16792 -3.59346 165.00055 2.24718 172.25071 5.73393 174.99822 8.06369 179.99999 10.83959 -179.99529 10.84255 -175.01842 13.47748 -171.60269 15.18428 -170.4637 7 15.9926 -169.63017 16.55026 -169.54803 16.61092 -169.54967 16.6579 -169.43706 16.68612 -169.35488 16.64229 -168.58813 16.93492 -160.12584 20.38506 -158.54067 20.99815 -158.2812 21.12931 -157.91965 21.2279 -157.88022 21.26644 -157.86782 21.30344 -157.88625 21.31611 Cruise Start and End 2006-10-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Rabaul 2006-10-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901721 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901721 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0626 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0626 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans t heme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 152.16700 -157.86780 -4.91528 21.31611 coordinates of ship track 152.16661 -4.20233 152.17716 -4.2513 152.20035 -4.26388 152.43184 -4.30867 152.6623 -4.69378 152.8216 -4.87623 152.90439 -4.91268 155.16792 -3.59346 165.00055 2.24718 172.25071 5.73393 174.99822 8.06369 179.99999 10.83959 -179.99529 10.84255 -175.01842 13.47748 -171.60269 15.18428 -170.46377 15.9926 -169.63017 16.55026 -169.54803 16.61092 -169.54967 16.6579 -169.43706 16.68612 -169.35488 16.64229 -168.58813 16.93492 -160.12584 20.38506 -158.54067 20.99815 -158.2812 21.12931 -157.91965 21.2279 -157.88022 21.26644 -157.86782 21.30344 -157.88625 21.31611 Cruise Start and End 2006-10-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Rabaul 2006-10-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901721 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((152.17 -4.92, 152.17 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 -4.92, 152.17 -4.92))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact s=1+M5c%9!!/ [)doi:10.7284/901721gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903056 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0627 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0627 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36599 -157.86023 21.23706 22.84238 < /gmd:extent> coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31611 -157.8676 21.30129 -157.90689 21.24305 -158.1464 21.24661 -158.2739 21.34306 -158.27552 21.45134 -158.3298 21.57942 -158.00005 22.74957 -158.03747 22.73818 -158.04578 22.74698 -158.01385 22.74824 -158.09083 22.81391 -157.99476 22.75156 -158.0396 22.77915 -158.14715 22.75625 -158.01878 22.74648 -158.12459 22.75224 -158.00042 22.7488 -157.99258 22.76558 -158.1633 22.67598 -158.05205 22.74297 -157.98995 22.7594 -158.01364 22.77176 -157.88035 22.71804 -157.93737 22.74827 -157.88249 22.752 -157.99927 22.75535 -157.97479 22.75234 -157.94382 22.7741 -157.91768 22.74222 -157.88719 22.73757 -157.96324 22.7582 -157.94107 22.76377 -158.01091 22.66696 -157.98839 22.63642 -157.99895 22.75077 -157.9911 22.74411 -158.31676 22.58735 -158.12745 22.72703 -158.13114 22.7521 -158.11436 22.75146 -158.00012 22.84238 -157.94005 22.80101 -158.05179 22.79811 -157.96594 22.78891 -157.93478 22.74634 -157.86035 22.74512 -157.93637 22.74583 -157.92489 22.74774 -158.36599 21.84724 -158.32939 21.59024 -158.14471 21.24179 -157.89951 21.24605 -157.87848 21.27287 -157.90045 21.27091 -157.86761 21.30188 -157.88663 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2006-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-10-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903056 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903056 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2 R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0627 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0627 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36599 -157.86023 21.23706 22.84238 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31611 -157.8676 21.30129 -157.90689 21.24305 -158.1464 21.24661 -158.2739 21.34306 -158.27552 21.45134 -158.3298 21.57942 -158.00005 22.74957 -158.03747 22.73818 -158.04578 22.74698 -158.01385 22.74824 -158.09083 22.81391 -157.99476 22.75156 -158.0396 22.77915 -158.14 715 22.75625 -158.01878 22.74648 -158.12459 22.75224 -158.00042 22.7488 -157.99258 22.76558 -158.1633 22.67598 -158.05205 22.74297 -157.98995 22.7594 -158.01364 22.77176 -157.88035 22.71804 -157.93737 22.74827 -157.88249 22.752 -157.99927 22.75535 -157.97479 22.75234 -157.94382 22.7741 -157.91768 22.74222 -157.88719 22.73757 -157.96324 22.7582 -157.94107 22.76377 -158.01091 22.66696 -157.98839 22.63642 -157.99895 22.75077 -157.9911 22.74411 -158.31676 22.58735 -158.12745 22.72703 -158.13114 22.7521 -158.11436 22.75146 -158.00012 22.84238 -157.94005 22.80101 -158.05179 22.79811 -157.96594 22.78891 -157.93478 22.74634 -157.86035 22.74512 -157.93637 22.74583 -157.92489 22.74774 -158.36599 21.84724 -158.32939 21.59024 -158.14471 21.24179 -157.89951 21.24605 -157.87848 21.27287 -157.90045 21.27091 -157.86761 21.30188 -157.88663 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2006-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-10-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903056 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.84, -157.86 22.84, -157.86 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact u=1+M55%?9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/901722gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901722 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0628 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0628 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88658 -157.55045 21.04678 21.31567 coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31544 -157.86802 21.30294 -157.87803 21.27238 -157.83208 21.23296 -157.7438 21.2045 -157.55657 21.18235 -157.55113 21.1929 -157.55359 21.13697 -157.72824 21.04752 -157.72119 21.06007 -157.87721 21.2801 -157.86806 21.30374 -157.88636 21.31567 Cruise Start and End 2006-10-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-10-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901722 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901722 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0628 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0628 Sea Trials-DP Calibration EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88658 -157.55045 21.04678 21.31567 coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31544 -157.86802 21.30294 -157.87803 21.27238 -157.83208 21.23296 -157.7438 21.2045 -157.55657 21.18235 -157.55113 21.1929 -157.55359 21.13697 -157.72824 21.04752 -157.72119 21.06007 -157.87721 21.2801 -157.86806 21.30374 -157.88636 21.31567 Cruise Start and End 2006-10-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-10-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901722 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea Trials-DP CalibrationEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 21.05, -157.89 21.32, -157.55 21.32, -157.55 21.05, -157.89 21.05))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ional Data Centers/Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/901723 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us poi ntOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0629 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0629 Western Pacific Warm Pool (WP2)-Test Cruise Johnson, Zackary University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88417 -156.91571 21.03991 21.77774 coordinates of ship track -157.88403 21.31504 -157.86763 21.30272 -157.87776 21.27222 -157.80925 21.22232 -157.67957 21.23053 -157.57645 21.31222 -157.69566 21.47903 -157.76997 21.501 -157.49979 21.77752 -156.99978 21.70133 -157.00174 21.22794 -156.98713 21.2174 -156.9709 21.22733 -156.91884 21.19562 -156.95666 21.22758 -157.2814 21.26829 -157.55735 21.16098 -157.79345 21.03994 -157.86531 21.27486 Cruise Start and End 2006-11-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Hono lulu 2006-11-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901723 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901723 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0629 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0629 Western Pacific Warm Pool (WP2)-Test Cruise Johnson, Zackary University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88417 -156.91571 21.03991 21.77774 coordinates of ship track -157.88403 21.31504 -157.86763 21.30272 -157.87776 21.27222 -157.80925 21.22232 -157.67957 21.23053 -157.57645 21.31222 -157.69566 21.47903 -157.76997 21.501 -157.49979 21.77752 -156.99978 21.70133 -157.00174 21.22794 -156.98713 21.2174 -156.9709 21.22733 -156.91884 21.19562 -156.95666 21.22758 -157.2814 21.26829 -157.55735 21.16098 -157.79345 21.03994 -157.86531 21.27486 Cruise Start and End 2006-11-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-11-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901723 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionWestern Pacific Warm Pool (WP2)-Test CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.88 21.04, -157.88 21.78, -156.92 21.78, -156.92 21.04, -157.88 21.04))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Lv=1+M5'm%c9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901723gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/903057 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0630 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 publish ed KM0630 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -158.36390 -157.86749 21.24462 22.77038 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31542 -157.86759 21.30172 -157.9041 21.24478 -158.15475 21.25277 -158.27686 21.34309 -158.27708 21.46136 -158.33009 21.58428 -158.00205 22.74841 -157.99876 22.73422 -158.00115 22.74906 -157.98923 22.74813 -158.14401 22.75395 -158.08804 22.75037 -158.11749 22.71352 -157.9843 22.74833 -158.09675 22.61482 -158.05435 22.66817 -158.02616 22.66463 -158.03358 22.63246 -158.05275 22.63655 -158.04882 22.70605 -158.02935 22.70609 -157.99049 22.75071 -158.18284 22.54842 -158.17436 22.53692 -158.1642 22.61684 -158.10518 22.75345 -158.13116 22.74694 -158.10344 22.75397 -158.13079 22.77023 -158.13489 22.7571 -158.11625 22.7536 -157.92167 22.76466 -157.93031 22.75731 -157.9272 22.76994 -157.90512 22.75791 -157.93351 22.76248 -158.27245 21.90401 -158.25954 21.91606 -158.28385 21.91814 -158.27159 21.89233 -158.26933 21.90744 -158.36388 21.84704 -158.33063 21.59264 -158.14729 21.24694 -157.94461 21.24628 -157.88044 21.2791 -157.86756 21.30305 -157.8 855 21.31527 Cruise Start and End 2006-11-07  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-11-11  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903057 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibea m raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903057 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0630 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0630 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36390 -157.86749  21.24462 22.77038 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31542 -157.86759 21.30172 -157.9041 21.24478 -158.15475 21.25277 -158.27686 21.34309 -158.27708 21.46136 -158.33009 21.58428 -158.00205 22.74841 -157.99876 22.73422 -158.00115 22.74906 -157.98923 22.74813 -158.14401 22.75395 -158.08804 22.75037 -158.11749 22.71352 -157.9843 22.74833 -158.09675 22.61482 -158.05435 22.66817 -158.02616 22.66463 -158.03358 22.63246 -158.05275 22.63655 -158.04882 22.70605 -158.02935 22.70609 -157.99049 22.75071 -158.18284 22.54842 -158.17436 22.53692 -158.1642 22.61684 -158.10518 22.75345 -158.13116 22.74694 -158.10344 22.75397 -158.13079 22.77023 -158.13489 22.7571 -158.11625 22.7536 -157.92167 22.76466 -157.93031 22.75731 -157.9272 22.76994 -157.90512 22.75791 -157.93351 22.76248 -158.27245 21.90401 -158.25954 21.91606 -158.28385 21.91814 -158.27159 21.89233 -158.26933 21.90744 -158.36388 21.84704 -158.33063 21.59264 -158.14729 21.24694 -157.94461 21.24628 -157.88044 21.2791 -157.86756 21.30305 -157.8855 21.31527 Cruise Start and End 2006-11-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-11-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903057 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.77, -157.87 22.77, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact DDdw=1+M5M%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903057gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:19Z doi:10.7284/901724 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0631 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0631 ROV Jason Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme ) NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian * Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.40690 -157.86751 + 21.24543 22.76139 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31542 -157.86766 21.30115 -157.90483 21.24716 -158.15095 21.2468 -158.26824 21.38244 -158.28282 21.42274 -158.28604 21.39977 -158.33136 21.59164 -158.0247 ,5 22.73013 -157.97577 22.7356 -158.03974 22.72784 -158.0393 22.74025 -158.01063 22.74988 -157.98362 22.71518 -157.96042 22.72921 -157.97 22.74917 -158.01147 22.76139 -157.98323 22.73374 -158.02318 22.73155 -157.98201 22.73284 -158.27565 21.90899 -158.24799 21.9208 -159.37458 21.33804 -159.4069 21.33426 -158.74595 21.28479 -158.39501 21.27508 -158.19911 21.24654 -157.94673 21.24582 -157.88179 21.27358 -157.87101 21.29574 Cruise Start and End - 2006-11-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-11-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901724 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw 2 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moa 3na University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 4 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901724 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0631 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0631 R 5OV Jason Test Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.40690 -157.86751 21.24543 22.76139 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31542 -157.86766 21.30115 -157.90483 21.24716 -158.15095 21.2468 -158.26824 21.38244 -158.28282 21.42274 -158.28604 21.39977 -158.33136 21.59164 -158.02475 22.73013 -157.97577 22.7356 -158.03974 22.72784 -158.0393 22.74025 -158.01063 22.74988 -157.98362 22.71518 -157.96042 22.72921 -157.97 22.74917 -158.01147 22.76139 -157.98323 22.73374 -158.02318 22.73155 -157.98201 22.73284 -158.27565 21.90899 -158.24799 21.9208 -159.37458 21.33804 -159.4069 21.33426 -158.74595 21.28479 -158.39501 21.27508 -158.19911 21.24654 -157.94673 21.24582 -157.88179 21.27358 -157.87101 21.29574 Cruise Start and End 2006-11-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-11-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901724 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionROV Jason Test CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.41 21.25, -159.41 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.25, -159.41 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact r1:z=1+M5y%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903058gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal201 [-y=1+M5q%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901725gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901725 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0632 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0632 Student Cruise Appelgate, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor gmd:role> EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans @ geoscientificInformation -157.98681 -154.78239 18.67801 21.31548 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86767 21.30196 -157.90563 21.12495 -157.84887 20.63947 -157.76205 20.48909 -156.71493 20.55883 -156.73001 20.51008 -156.68383 20.47025 -156.52504 20.48529 -156.49738 20.5273 -156.50891 20.57966 -155.9301 20.13288 -156.08806 19.88412 -156.08945 19.75841 -156.0021 19.58026 -156.01042 19.59288 -155.98879 19.5185 -155.95066 19.4665 -155.98368 19.49992 -155.93472 19.46817 -155.94092 19.44952 -155.9489 19.46474 -155.93721 19.44955 -155.93814 19.46565 -155.89494 19.34744 -155.92697 19.14921 -155.8867 19.03307 -155.80425 19.00143 -155.69331 18.93228 -155.69464 18.87573 -155.59543 18.9 B5827 -155.61692 18.92737 -155.69307 18.87803 -155.6971 18.9072 -155.68614 18.69194 -155.70549 18.68054 -155.68839 18.86748 -155.62297 18.91202 -155.67773 18.86662 -155.65163 18.87795 -155.68824 18.87348 -155.60676 18.93284 -155.51588 19.10873 -155.43568 19.14158 -155.52395 19.08883 -155.52921 19.0448 -155.50547 19.09902 -155.41049 19.17824 -155.34935 19.20433 -155.3337 19.22929 -155.22632 19.22799 -155.15102 19.25513 -155.21979 19.2181 -155.29616 19.21631 -155.22357 19.20529 -155.33495 19.2137 -155.29658 19.25429 -155.19195 19.24656 -155.2979 19.23767 -155.2201 19.24644 -155.29264 19.25743 -155.29492 19.2435 -155.25756 19.24347 -155.14554 19.25992 -154.96929 19.34424 -154.90086 19.40017 -154.96146 19.33572 -154.81693 19.47401 -154.80119 19.51529 -154.79686 19.48928 -154.81275 19.46457 -154.78293 19.50447 -154.80506 19.53683 -154.79837 19.51886 -154.92537 19.59996 -155.06803 19.85643 -155.06021 19.89506 -155.02278 19.93095 -154.99714 19.92671 -155.01161 19.95456 -154.89959 19.98899 -154.87502 19.98391 -154 C.87182 19.97038 -155.00501 19.9484 -155.11712 20.00283 -155.02941 19.92362 -155.16456 20.02129 -155.04762 19.92137 -155.12147 19.98262 -155.11785 19.94781 -155.06497 19.90078 -155.08395 19.88107 -155.04626 19.79307 -155.06488 19.84095 -155.05385 19.90213 -155.31847 20.11796 -155.08262 19.89083 -155.04263 19.77978 -155.06876 19.80982 -155.06977 19.83661 -155.07127 19.80293 -155.06738 19.85383 -155.10707 19.90254 -155.27437 20.02771 -155.43131 20.10112 -155.54974 20.13924 -155.59204 20.13706 -155.76294 20.25988 -155.87584 20.2836 -155.90731 20.26632 -155.92304 20.23242 -155.91072 20.27223 -155.87766 20.28975 -155.8296 20.28674 -155.71472 20.24129 -155.74668 20.27019 -155.87837 20.2994 -155.9171 20.27708 -155.94892 20.20808 -155.98043 20.2432 -156.16599 20.25256 -156.11563 20.30706 -155.94912 20.25459 -155.88306 20.30899 -155.82954 20.30949 -155.69276 20.24822 -155.73042 20.28911 -155.83451 20.32308 -155.88671 20.32152 -155.93141 20.29704 -155.98552 20.13066 -155.98224 20.07746 -156.09654 19.88779 -156.09567 D 19.75275 -156.04092 19.6342 -156.01315 19.62977 -156.04209 19.66848 -155.96957 19.49826 -155.93354 19.47038 -155.92574 19.44312 -155.94765 19.437 -155.99785 19.52231 -156.04134 19.63739 -156.03913 19.67559 -156.07341 19.737 -156.10511 19.7606 -156.10452 19.88028 -156.12165 19.87501 -156.12618 19.79159 -156.13107 19.82848 -156.09509 19.85157 -155.91568 20.13885 -155.92237 20.26135 -155.85059 20.28168 -155.73047 20.24641 -155.6839 20.1996 -155.58293 20.14195 -155.50394 20.34079 -155.51764 20.37391 -155.53243 20.34685 -155.52323 20.31299 -155.58781 20.14447 -155.54762 20.14619 -155.43685 20.11053 -155.26953 20.03388 -155.17137 19.96648 -155.07978 19.87584 -155.06456 19.88746 -155.16499 19.98039 -155.26656 20.03859 -155.43103 20.11475 -155.5672 20.15801 -155.42588 20.12294 -155.56054 20.17414 -155.4401 20.14279 -155.21614 20.02831 -155.35181 20.1073 -155.26958 20.07522 -155.34206 20.12324 -155.5885 20.13511 -155.56104 20.17297 -155.54389 20.16913 -155.58692 20.15127 -155.6784 20.20431 -155.70982 20.23059 -15 E5.6836 20.25233 -155.73239 20.30095 -155.83365 20.33429 -155.88871 20.33356 -155.94805 20.29511 -155.98439 20.20891 -155.99535 20.2106 -155.95753 20.30078 -155.87678 20.34605 -155.82612 20.34438 -155.71989 20.30764 -155.67024 20.2542 -155.70249 20.31382 -155.76589 20.32471 -155.82672 20.35714 -155.69172 20.31825 -155.76182 20.33856 -155.68688 20.34129 -155.71201 20.35302 -155.76793 20.34649 -155.81292 20.37432 -155.82056 20.35312 -155.88935 20.35488 -155.93223 20.33945 -155.97895 20.28747 -155.999 20.19708 -155.97381 20.20119 -155.94449 20.28142 -155.98251 20.27619 -155.98453 20.30262 -155.99909 20.23639 -156.01661 20.21936 -155.99281 20.30585 -156.02948 20.23015 -156.00439 20.30869 -156.0439 20.2391 -156.01358 20.31339 -156.40141 20.50628 -156.46721 20.51705 -156.4977 20.58529 -156.4893 20.5227 -156.53617 20.47738 -156.68733 20.46476 -156.73285 20.50584 -156.72179 20.56706 -156.76439 20.52587 -156.80796 20.55611 -157.07986 20.54043 -157.12333 20.52396 -157.04817 20.46191 -157.13514 20.51318 -156.98587 20 F.39897 -157.11004 20.46798 -156.99159 20.37277 -157.11783 20.4587 -157.27965 20.53648 -157.27411 20.55725 -157.53842 20.68704 -157.72814 20.75353 -157.82927 21.0694 -157.73738 20.74648 -157.8437 21.06377 -157.79745 20.86594 -157.78083 20.83182 -157.79297 20.87843 -157.75192 20.74504 -157.809 20.87097 -157.85884 21.05877 -157.85644 20.99961 -157.77047 20.73592 -157.83323 20.87269 -157.83524 20.93657 -157.87444 21.05411 -157.87939 21.00945 -157.84256 20.93584 -157.84075 20.8655 -157.82309 20.86467 -157.82089 20.89219 -157.83549 20.85933 -157.78496 20.72948 -157.80171 20.74086 -157.80526 20.7885 -157.84935 20.86531 -157.84971 20.93368 -157.88548 20.99853 -157.88899 21.05341 -157.89807 21.00846 -157.85939 20.93552 -157.85799 20.8614 -157.81168 20.78251 -157.80606 20.72308 -157.81906 20.78308 -157.86395 20.85335 -157.86809 20.93339 -157.89804 20.97676 -157.91022 21.04673 -157.91807 21.00932 -157.8779 20.92833 -157.87607 20.85453 -157.81973 20.76856 -157.8139 20.72217 -157.88232 20.84787 -157.88705 20.92615 -15 G7.91771 20.97439 -157.92905 21.04189 -157.93749 21.01383 -157.89602 20.92329 -157.89021 20.83303 -157.83461 20.73135 -157.89717 20.81803 -157.90516 20.92314 -157.94201 20.97739 -157.94552 21.03993 -157.95462 20.98005 -157.91114 20.909 -157.91575 20.84706 -157.92058 20.90635 -157.96445 20.97001 -157.96408 21.04102 -157.98138 20.97994 -157.9868 21.01687 -157.97898 21.04362 -157.95578 21.04697 -157.86505 21.26949 Cruise Start and End 2006-11-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List J Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901725 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 L Data was collected from this device. adcp raw M RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw N Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw P International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii Q operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities R RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901725 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015- T09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0632 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0632 Student Cruise Appelgate, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.98681 -154.78239 18.67801 21.31548 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86767 21.30196 -157.90563 21.12495 -157.84887 20.63947 -157.76205 20.48909 -156.71493 20.55883 -156.73001 20.51008 -156.68383 20.47025 -156.52504 20.48529 -156.49738 20.5273 -156.50891 20.57966 -155.9301 20.13288 -156.08806 19.88412 -156.08945 19.75841 -156.0021 19.58026 -156.01042 19.59288 -155.98879 19.5185 -155.95066 19.4665 -155.98 U368 19.49992 -155.93472 19.46817 -155.94092 19.44952 -155.9489 19.46474 -155.93721 19.44955 -155.93814 19.46565 -155.89494 19.34744 -155.92697 19.14921 -155.8867 19.03307 -155.80425 19.00143 -155.69331 18.93228 -155.69464 18.87573 -155.59543 18.95827 -155.61692 18.92737 -155.69307 18.87803 -155.6971 18.9072 -155.68614 18.69194 -155.70549 18.68054 -155.68839 18.86748 -155.62297 18.91202 -155.67773 18.86662 -155.65163 18.87795 -155.68824 18.87348 -155.60676 18.93284 -155.51588 19.10873 -155.43568 19.14158 -155.52395 19.08883 -155.52921 19.0448 -155.50547 19.09902 -155.41049 19.17824 -155.34935 19.20433 -155.3337 19.22929 -155.22632 19.22799 -155.15102 19.25513 -155.21979 19.2181 -155.29616 19.21631 -155.22357 19.20529 -155.33495 19.2137 -155.29658 19.25429 -155.19195 19.24656 -155.2979 19.23767 -155.2201 19.24644 -155.29264 19.25743 -155.29492 19.2435 -155.25756 19.24347 -155.14554 19.25992 -154.96929 19.34424 -154.90086 19.40017 -154.96146 19.33572 -154.81693 19.47401 -154.80119 19.51529 -154.79686 19.4892 V8 -154.81275 19.46457 -154.78293 19.50447 -154.80506 19.53683 -154.79837 19.51886 -154.92537 19.59996 -155.06803 19.85643 -155.06021 19.89506 -155.02278 19.93095 -154.99714 19.92671 -155.01161 19.95456 -154.89959 19.98899 -154.87502 19.98391 -154.87182 19.97038 -155.00501 19.9484 -155.11712 20.00283 -155.02941 19.92362 -155.16456 20.02129 -155.04762 19.92137 -155.12147 19.98262 -155.11785 19.94781 -155.06497 19.90078 -155.08395 19.88107 -155.04626 19.79307 -155.06488 19.84095 -155.05385 19.90213 -155.31847 20.11796 -155.08262 19.89083 -155.04263 19.77978 -155.06876 19.80982 -155.06977 19.83661 -155.07127 19.80293 -155.06738 19.85383 -155.10707 19.90254 -155.27437 20.02771 -155.43131 20.10112 -155.54974 20.13924 -155.59204 20.13706 -155.76294 20.25988 -155.87584 20.2836 -155.90731 20.26632 -155.92304 20.23242 -155.91072 20.27223 -155.87766 20.28975 -155.8296 20.28674 -155.71472 20.24129 -155.74668 20.27019 -155.87837 20.2994 -155.9171 20.27708 -155.94892 20.20808 -155.98043 20.2432 -156.16599 20.25256 -156 W.11563 20.30706 -155.94912 20.25459 -155.88306 20.30899 -155.82954 20.30949 -155.69276 20.24822 -155.73042 20.28911 -155.83451 20.32308 -155.88671 20.32152 -155.93141 20.29704 -155.98552 20.13066 -155.98224 20.07746 -156.09654 19.88779 -156.09567 19.75275 -156.04092 19.6342 -156.01315 19.62977 -156.04209 19.66848 -155.96957 19.49826 -155.93354 19.47038 -155.92574 19.44312 -155.94765 19.437 -155.99785 19.52231 -156.04134 19.63739 -156.03913 19.67559 -156.07341 19.737 -156.10511 19.7606 -156.10452 19.88028 -156.12165 19.87501 -156.12618 19.79159 -156.13107 19.82848 -156.09509 19.85157 -155.91568 20.13885 -155.92237 20.26135 -155.85059 20.28168 -155.73047 20.24641 -155.6839 20.1996 -155.58293 20.14195 -155.50394 20.34079 -155.51764 20.37391 -155.53243 20.34685 -155.52323 20.31299 -155.58781 20.14447 -155.54762 20.14619 -155.43685 20.11053 -155.26953 20.03388 -155.17137 19.96648 -155.07978 19.87584 -155.06456 19.88746 -155.16499 19.98039 -155.26656 20.03859 -155.43103 20.11475 -155.5672 20.15801 -155.42588 20 X.12294 -155.56054 20.17414 -155.4401 20.14279 -155.21614 20.02831 -155.35181 20.1073 -155.26958 20.07522 -155.34206 20.12324 -155.5885 20.13511 -155.56104 20.17297 -155.54389 20.16913 -155.58692 20.15127 -155.6784 20.20431 -155.70982 20.23059 -155.6836 20.25233 -155.73239 20.30095 -155.83365 20.33429 -155.88871 20.33356 -155.94805 20.29511 -155.98439 20.20891 -155.99535 20.2106 -155.95753 20.30078 -155.87678 20.34605 -155.82612 20.34438 -155.71989 20.30764 -155.67024 20.2542 -155.70249 20.31382 -155.76589 20.32471 -155.82672 20.35714 -155.69172 20.31825 -155.76182 20.33856 -155.68688 20.34129 -155.71201 20.35302 -155.76793 20.34649 -155.81292 20.37432 -155.82056 20.35312 -155.88935 20.35488 -155.93223 20.33945 -155.97895 20.28747 -155.999 20.19708 -155.97381 20.20119 -155.94449 20.28142 -155.98251 20.27619 -155.98453 20.30262 -155.99909 20.23639 -156.01661 20.21936 -155.99281 20.30585 -156.02948 20.23015 -156.00439 20.30869 -156.0439 20.2391 -156.01358 20.31339 -156.40141 20.50628 -156.46721 20.51705 -156 Y.4977 20.58529 -156.4893 20.5227 -156.53617 20.47738 -156.68733 20.46476 -156.73285 20.50584 -156.72179 20.56706 -156.76439 20.52587 -156.80796 20.55611 -157.07986 20.54043 -157.12333 20.52396 -157.04817 20.46191 -157.13514 20.51318 -156.98587 20.39897 -157.11004 20.46798 -156.99159 20.37277 -157.11783 20.4587 -157.27965 20.53648 -157.27411 20.55725 -157.53842 20.68704 -157.72814 20.75353 -157.82927 21.0694 -157.73738 20.74648 -157.8437 21.06377 -157.79745 20.86594 -157.78083 20.83182 -157.79297 20.87843 -157.75192 20.74504 -157.809 20.87097 -157.85884 21.05877 -157.85644 20.99961 -157.77047 20.73592 -157.83323 20.87269 -157.83524 20.93657 -157.87444 21.05411 -157.87939 21.00945 -157.84256 20.93584 -157.84075 20.8655 -157.82309 20.86467 -157.82089 20.89219 -157.83549 20.85933 -157.78496 20.72948 -157.80171 20.74086 -157.80526 20.7885 -157.84935 20.86531 -157.84971 20.93368 -157.88548 20.99853 -157.88899 21.05341 -157.89807 21.00846 -157.85939 20.93552 -157.85799 20.8614 -157.81168 20.78251 -157.80606 20.7 Z2308 -157.81906 20.78308 -157.86395 20.85335 -157.86809 20.93339 -157.89804 20.97676 -157.91022 21.04673 -157.91807 21.00932 -157.8779 20.92833 -157.87607 20.85453 -157.81973 20.76856 -157.8139 20.72217 -157.88232 20.84787 -157.88705 20.92615 -157.91771 20.97439 -157.92905 21.04189 -157.93749 21.01383 -157.89602 20.92329 -157.89021 20.83303 -157.83461 20.73135 -157.89717 20.81803 -157.90516 20.92314 -157.94201 20.97739 -157.94552 21.03993 -157.95462 20.98005 -157.91114 20.909 -157.91575 20.84706 -157.92058 20.90635 -157.96445 20.97001 -157.96408 21.04102 -157.98138 20.97994 -157.9868 21.01687 -157.97898 21.04362 -157.95578 21.04697 -157.86505 21.26949 Cruise Start and End 2006-11-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901725 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.99 18.68, -157.99 21.32, -154.78 21.32, -154.78 18.68, -157.99 18.68))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact \6-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/903058 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0633 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0633 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii a Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37247 -157.86781 21.24645 22.85678 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31542 -157.86816 21.30305 -157.87477 21.28954 -157.94078 21.25032 -158.16047 21.2555 -158.27605 21.34116 -158.33134 21.58413 -157.9988 22.76736 e-157.94598 22.77287 -157.99581 22.71939 -158.00954 22.72447 -157.99859 22.75167 -157.98687 22.74222 -157.99532 22.75331 -158.08927 22.76518 -158.06063 22.76868 -158.13494 22.76388 -157.99665 22.75126 -157.95298 22.73195 -157.939 22.78786 -157.88782 22.76424 -157.8885 22.74836 -157.90959 22.75083 -157.90633 22.79252 -157.92604 22.7918 -157.88213 22.77073 -157.90739 22.76516 -157.92171 22.76866 -157.88334 22.7901 -157.92732 22.7975 -157.9537 22.7802 -157.93954 22.77227 -158.00196 22.75199 -157.98712 22.74568 -157.92443 22.83692 -157.89181 22.85678 -157.87034 22.84679 -157.93059 22.85246 -158.03435 22.81734 -158.10101 22.78266 -158.10774 22.75675 -158.11916 22.77863 -158.10299 22.76338 -157.97905 22.76756 -157.90356 22.79661 -157.91387 22.78407 -157.90511 22.80356 -157.9183 22.79569 -157.90399 22.78388 -157.93797 22.81086 -157.90837 22.7995 -157.91182 22.78062 -157.9022 22.79762 -157.89972 22.78623 -158.13915 22.27872 -158.1867 22.27726 -158.37246 21.85282 -158.35895 21.84216 -158.3296 21.5911 -158.14943 21. f24853 -157.95095 21.24678 -157.8764 21.28779 Cruise Start and End 2006-12-08 g University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-12 h University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903058 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List k Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/903058 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0633 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0633 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37247 -157.86781 21.24645 22.85678 coordinates of ship track -15 m7.88663 21.31542 -157.86816 21.30305 -157.87477 21.28954 -157.94078 21.25032 -158.16047 21.2555 -158.27605 21.34116 -158.33134 21.58413 -157.9988 22.76736 -157.94598 22.77287 -157.99581 22.71939 -158.00954 22.72447 -157.99859 22.75167 -157.98687 22.74222 -157.99532 22.75331 -158.08927 22.76518 -158.06063 22.76868 -158.13494 22.76388 -157.99665 22.75126 -157.95298 22.73195 -157.939 22.78786 -157.88782 22.76424 -157.8885 22.74836 -157.90959 22.75083 -157.90633 22.79252 -157.92604 22.7918 -157.88213 22.77073 -157.90739 22.76516 -157.92171 22.76866 -157.88334 22.7901 -157.92732 22.7975 -157.9537 22.7802 -157.93954 22.77227 -158.00196 22.75199 -157.98712 22.74568 -157.92443 22.83692 -157.89181 22.85678 -157.87034 22.84679 -157.93059 22.85246 -158.03435 22.81734 -158.10101 22.78266 -158.10774 22.75675 -158.11916 22.77863 -158.10299 22.76338 -157.97905 22.76756 -157.90356 22.79661 -157.91387 22.78407 -157.90511 22.80356 -157.9183 22.79569 -157.90399 22.78388 -157.93797 22.81086 -157.90837 22.7995 -157.91182 22.78062 -157.9022 22.79762 -157.89972 22.78623 -158.13915 22.27872 -158.1867 22.27726 -158.37246 21.85282 -158.35895 21.84216 -158.3296 21.5911 -158.14943 21.24853 -157.95095 21.24678 -157.8764 21.28779 Cruise Start and End 2006-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903058 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.25, -158.37 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.25, -158.37 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact oe: March 23, 2011--> doi:10.7284/901726 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0634 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0634 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32985 -157.86775 21.23222 22.78065 coordinates of ship track -157.88667 21.31544 -157.86792 21.30203 -157.8836 21.27133 -157.94388 21.24995 -158.15155 21.24903 -158.32928 21.59122 -158.1057 22.71641 -158.1211 22.74108 -158.09562 22.76481 -158.12176 22.77197 -158.16669 22.7528 -158.12501 22.77839 -158.11313 22.75965 -158.12709 22.77061 -158.11206 22.76322 -158.11973 22.78061 -158.19599 22.25537 -158.2991 21.79842 -158.32978 21.59261 -158.1458 21.24389 -158.12079 21.23223 -157.9751 21.23272 -157.88075 21.28188 -157.86781 21.30221 -157.88665 21.31547 Cruise S xtart and End 2006-12-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory Sys ztem (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901726 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana } University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/901726 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Ext ~ensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0634 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0634 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32985 -157.86775 21.23222 22.78065 coordinates of ship track -157.88667 21.31544 -157.86792 21.30203 -157.8836 21.27133 -157.94388 21.24995 -158.15155 21.24903 -158.32928 21.59122 -158.1057 22.71641 -158.1211 22.74108 -158.09562 22.76481 -158.12176 22.77197 -158.16669 22.7528 -158.12501 22.77839 -158.11313 22.75965 -158.12709 22.77061 -158.11206 22.76322 -158.11973 22.78061 -158.19599 22.25537 -158.2991 21.79842 -158.32978 21.59261 -158.1458 21.24389 -158.12079 21.23223 -157.9751 21.23272 -157.88075 21.28188 -157.86781 21.30221 -157.88665 21.31547 Cruise Start and End 2006-12-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901726 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.23, -158.33 22.78, -157.87 22.78, -157.87 21.23, -158.33 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact tt@{>1+M5cM%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901726gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901727 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0635 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0635 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Da ta are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89711 -157.60562 21.22306 21.54211 coordinates of ship track -157.88673 21.31545 -157.86832 21.30137 -157.89594 21.26089 -157.85042 21.26442 -157.8626 21.26247 -157.80333 21.2413 -157.83327 21.24235 -157.81363 21.22306 -157.66382 21.2425 -157.60668 21.30687 -157.68111 21.42874 -157.69098 21.476 31 -157.75825 21.54209 Cruise Start and End 2006-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901727 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/901727 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0635 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0635 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89711 -157.60562 21.22306 21.54211 coordinates of ship track -157.88673 21.31545 -157.86832 21.30137 -157.89594 21.26089 -157.85042 21.26442 -157.8626 21.26247 -157.80333 21.2413 -157.83327 21.24235 -157.81363 21.22306 -157.66382 21.2425 -157.60668 21.30687 -157.68111 21.42874 -157.69098 21.47631 -157.75825 21.54209 Cruise Start and End 2006-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901727 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 21.22, -157.90 21.54, -157.61 21.54, -157.61 21.22, -157.90 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 7 -~=1+M5E)%K9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901730gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww ^}>1+M5k%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901728gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901728 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0636 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0636 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32930 -157.86779 21.24132 22.81416 coordinates of ship track -157.87757 21.28873 -157.94831 21.24838 -158.14527 21.24655 -158.32821 21.592 -158.1211 22.79295 -158.10677 22.80298 -158.09443 22.7721 -158.08798 22.81416 -158.09498 22.77774 -158.03933 22.73743 -158.32916 21.59127 -158.14811 21.25074 -157.95401 21.24405 -157.88022 21.28178 -157.86788 21.30314 -157.88659 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2006-12-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901728 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/901728 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0636 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0636 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32930 -157.86779 21.24132 22.81416 coordinates of ship track -157.87757 21.28873 -157.94831 21.24838 -158.14527 21.24655 -158.32821 21.592 -158.1211 22.79295 -158.10677 22.80298 -158.09443 22.7721 -158.08798 22.81416 -158.09498 22.77774 -158.03933 22.73743 -158.32916 21.59127 -158.14811 21.25074 -157.95401 21.24405 -157.88022 21.28178 -157.86788 21.30314 -157.88659 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2006-12-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2006-12-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901728 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.81, -157.87 22.81, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901730 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0701 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0701 Western Pacific Warm Pool (WP2) Johnson, Zackary Univ ersity of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 153.07700 -157.86746 -36.28812 21.31140 coordinates of ship track -157.87429 21.31139 -157.87383 21.29079 -157.92719 21.23934 -158.08015 21.14347 -158.46877 20.79242 -159.82622 19.67347 -159 .92033 19.5723 -160.04003 19.49419 -159.85544 19.546 -159.92067 19.52534 -160.15443 19.37594 -160.22387 19.34842 -160.57653 19.05022 -162.44705 17.37956 -162.37951 17.37811 -163.04687 16.8448 -165.07753 14.96462 -165.02119 14.97844 -165.64346 14.43823 -167.71772 12.45279 -167.73641 12.43186 -167.67514 12.47884 -168.34738 11.84411 -170.1394 10.07848 -170.12145 10.1024 -170.09516 10.11695 -172.33953 7.8787 -172.2846 7.95114 -172.90903 7.30304 -172.92633 7.23933 -172.95299 7.20886 -173.1491 7.05902 -174.5435 5.64076 -174.46605 5.6845 -174.48874 5.69285 -175.60795 4.5457 -175.63272 4.54041 -176.02977 4.10556 -176.88294 3.23314 -176.83407 3.28063 -176.83336 3.26644 -177.39425 2.70317 -179.64655 0.3636 -179.6368 0.39065 -179.62691 0.39779 -179.99874 0.00123 179.99699 -0.00299 177.44534 -2.29874 177.3323 -2.31715 176.8519 -2.68855 176.80078 -2.65215 176.46639 -3.05828 174.9893 -4.49678 174.73769 -4.72027 174.67571 -4.72537 174.33527 -5.0928 173.30758 -6.11521 172.31053 -7.06736 172.23208 -7.07032 172.15734 -7.17342 171.90539 -7.45235 170.00025 -9.25041 169.94436 -9.24421 170.01721 -9.21908 169.9522 -9.24636 170.00128 -9.25247 170.00305 -9.1727 170.00125 -9.25247 170.01239 -9.21192 169.99708 -9.2505 169.98157 -9.19139 169.99347 -9.24869 170.00499 -9.20825 170.03641 -9.22888 169.99634 -9.25406 170.03703 -9.27334 170.00038 -9.29045 170.00228 -9.24397 169.96082 -9.26993 169.96042 -9.23234 170.00058 -9.25001 169.70035 -11.62422 169.86974 -12.59589 169.77361 -14.53975 169.78679 -14.58474 169.71598 -15.87499 169.71599 -15.89365 169.76182 -15.9231 169.75623 -16.01559 169.77227 -16.00048 169.6999 -16.31739 169.60622 -19.15939 169.56838 -19.25392 169.58451 -19.3295 169.60202 -19.34711 170.04587 -19.48696 170.2157 -19.4970 4 170.20648 -19.48385 170.16415 -19.50531 170.10656 -19.55935 169.62908 -20.15109 169.46479 -20.3991 169.37463 -20.49321 169.26663 -20.70128 168.6536 -21.62305 168.67209 -21.61981 168.62907 -21.66823 168.62941 -21.68944 168.54278 -21.78414 167.73922 -22.89254 167.05024 -23.06493 166.94861 -23.06514 166.36282 -22.5468 166.22758 -22.37705 166.29891 -22.31682 166.40354 -22.29641 166.43445 -22.26864 166.42719 -22.28452 166.29674 -22.31971 166.22892 -22.38637 165.50805 -25.38573 165.41551 -25.67284 165.45723 -25.65766 165.3103 -26.01736 164.5161 -28.51586 164.34096 -29.04099 164.3201 -29.02468 164.32361 -29.06397 164.27528 -29.23746 163.83203 -30.55586 163.80531 -30.62937 163.70061 -30.71208 163.68222 -30.97295 163.46526 -31.65427 163.36367 -31.91935 163.33953 -31.90792 163.31012 -32.07057 162.55073 -34.15829 162.56756 -34.15857 162.51592 -34.15603 162.27437 -34.92621 161.79121 -36.16644 161.7466 -36.16323 161.81364 -36.13023 161.77193 -36.16079 161.82071 -36.1868 161.7712 -36.20847 161.7671 -36.16168 161.7175 1 -36.18349 161.71697 -36.13703 161.7691 -36.15951 161.77891 -36.22552 161.77414 -36.15653 161.70692 -36.13181 161.77407 -36.16045 161.8211 -36.13958 161.7749 -36.15673 161.78493 -36.16019 161.7789 -36.15052 161.8231 -36.10593 161.78363 -36.15701 161.77768 -36.13099 161.80276 -36.14103 161.77751 -36.15299 161.80255 -36.16738 161.7797 -36.17641 161.78017 -36.15078 161.75266 -36.16139 161.755 -36.14213 161.7842 -36.14698 161.76782 -36.14374 161.61167 -35.93623 160.35337 -34.23685 159.08627 -32.42109 159.12861 -32.42884 159.03269 -32.40526 159.08989 -32.42208 159.03455 -32.42512 159.09098 -32.42342 159.01372 -32.42878 159.0925 -32.42428 158.9866 -32.40416 159.09346 -32.42594 159.03525 -32.38456 159.09422 -32.42138 159.04989 -32.37007 159.08856 -32.423 159.01923 -32.36307 158.92897 -32.31629 158.92906 -32.33617 158.98395 -32.38549 159.0925 -32.4189 159.21015 -31.81172 159.07867 -31.75797 158.75603 -31.5673 159.01124 -31.56728 159.03448 -31.54994 157.94106 -30.72507 157.94772 -30.70339 157.83791 -30.64906 157. 30066 -30.26048 157.28622 -30.17936 157.30485 -30.26062 157.3814 -30.25924 157.30331 -30.26271 156.62004 -29.7585 156.64116 -29.75433 156.55641 -29.74655 156.6312 -29.76267 156.57263 -29.73881 156.35351 -29.56624 156.06436 -29.31361 155.36555 -28.75914 155.3738 -28.77594 153.62504 -26.99614 153.62284 -26.87138 153.40147 -26.81738 153.17906 -26.71803 153.18195 -26.79748 153.14954 -26.82731 153.15264 -26.85772 153.22538 -26.96314 153.25544 -27.03771 153.29912 -27.05425 153.34929 -27.13914 153.28627 -27.1976 153.14213 -27.41895 153.07825 -27.4469 Cruise Start and End 2007-01-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-02-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane http://doi.org/10.7284/901730 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901730 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0701 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0701 Western Pacific Warm Pool (WP2) Johnson, Zackary University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 153.07700 -157.86746 -36.28812 21.31140 coordinates of ship track -157.87429 21.31139 -157.87383 21.29079 -157.92719 21.23934 -158.08015 21.14347 -158.46877 20.79242 -159.82622 19.67347 -159.92033 19.5723 -160.04003 19.49419 -159.85544 19.546 -159.92067 19.52534 -160.15443 19.37594 -160.22387 19.34842 -160.57653 19.05022 -162.44705 17.37956 -162.37951 17.37811 -163.04687 16.8448 -165.07753 14.96462 -165.02119 14.97844 -165.64346 14.43823 -167.71772 12.45279 -167.73641 12.43186 -167.67514 12.47 884 -168.34738 11.84411 -170.1394 10.07848 -170.12145 10.1024 -170.09516 10.11695 -172.33953 7.8787 -172.2846 7.95114 -172.90903 7.30304 -172.92633 7.23933 -172.95299 7.20886 -173.1491 7.05902 -174.5435 5.64076 -174.46605 5.6845 -174.48874 5.69285 -175.60795 4.5457 -175.63272 4.54041 -176.02977 4.10556 -176.88294 3.23314 -176.83407 3.28063 -176.83336 3.26644 -177.39425 2.70317 -179.64655 0.3636 -179.6368 0.39065 -179.62691 0.39779 -179.99874 0.00123 179.99699 -0.00299 177.44534 -2.29874 177.3323 -2.31715 176.8519 -2.68855 176.80078 -2.65215 176.46639 -3.05828 174.9893 -4.49678 174.73769 -4.72027 174.67571 -4.72537 174.33527 -5.0928 173.30758 -6.11521 172.31053 -7.06736 172.23208 -7.07032 172.15734 -7.17342 171.90539 -7.45235 170.00025 -9.25041 169.94436 -9.24421 170.01721 -9.21908 169.9522 -9.24636 170.00128 -9.25247 170.00305 -9.1727 170.00125 -9.25247 170.01239 -9.21192 169.99708 -9.2505 169.98157 -9.19139 169.99347 -9.24869 170.00499 -9.20825 170.03641 -9.22888 169.99634 -9.25406 170.03703 -9.27334 17 0.00038 -9.29045 170.00228 -9.24397 169.96082 -9.26993 169.96042 -9.23234 170.00058 -9.25001 169.70035 -11.62422 169.86974 -12.59589 169.77361 -14.53975 169.78679 -14.58474 169.71598 -15.87499 169.71599 -15.89365 169.76182 -15.9231 169.75623 -16.01559 169.77227 -16.00048 169.6999 -16.31739 169.60622 -19.15939 169.56838 -19.25392 169.58451 -19.3295 169.60202 -19.34711 170.04587 -19.48696 170.2157 -19.49704 170.20648 -19.48385 170.16415 -19.50531 170.10656 -19.55935 169.62908 -20.15109 169.46479 -20.3991 169.37463 -20.49321 169.26663 -20.70128 168.6536 -21.62305 168.67209 -21.61981 168.62907 -21.66823 168.62941 -21.68944 168.54278 -21.78414 167.73922 -22.89254 167.05024 -23.06493 166.94861 -23.06514 166.36282 -22.5468 166.22758 -22.37705 166.29891 -22.31682 166.40354 -22.29641 166.43445 -22.26864 166.42719 -22.28452 166.29674 -22.31971 166.22892 -22.38637 165.50805 -25.38573 165.41551 -25.67284 165.45723 -25.65766 165.3103 -26.01736 164.5161 -28.51586 164.34096 -29.04099 164.3201 -29.02468 164.32361 -29.063 97 164.27528 -29.23746 163.83203 -30.55586 163.80531 -30.62937 163.70061 -30.71208 163.68222 -30.97295 163.46526 -31.65427 163.36367 -31.91935 163.33953 -31.90792 163.31012 -32.07057 162.55073 -34.15829 162.56756 -34.15857 162.51592 -34.15603 162.27437 -34.92621 161.79121 -36.16644 161.7466 -36.16323 161.81364 -36.13023 161.77193 -36.16079 161.82071 -36.1868 161.7712 -36.20847 161.7671 -36.16168 161.71751 -36.18349 161.71697 -36.13703 161.7691 -36.15951 161.77891 -36.22552 161.77414 -36.15653 161.70692 -36.13181 161.77407 -36.16045 161.8211 -36.13958 161.7749 -36.15673 161.78493 -36.16019 161.7789 -36.15052 161.8231 -36.10593 161.78363 -36.15701 161.77768 -36.13099 161.80276 -36.14103 161.77751 -36.15299 161.80255 -36.16738 161.7797 -36.17641 161.78017 -36.15078 161.75266 -36.16139 161.755 -36.14213 161.7842 -36.14698 161.76782 -36.14374 161.61167 -35.93623 160.35337 -34.23685 159.08627 -32.42109 159.12861 -32.42884 159.03269 -32.40526 159.08989 -32.42208 159.03455 -32.42512 159.09098 -32.42342 159.01372 -32.42878 159.0925 -32.42428 158.9866 -32.40416 159.09346 -32.42594 159.03525 -32.38456 159.09422 -32.42138 159.04989 -32.37007 159.08856 -32.423 159.01923 -32.36307 158.92897 -32.31629 158.92906 -32.33617 158.98395 -32.38549 159.0925 -32.4189 159.21015 -31.81172 159.07867 -31.75797 158.75603 -31.5673 159.01124 -31.56728 159.03448 -31.54994 157.94106 -30.72507 157.94772 -30.70339 157.83791 -30.64906 157.30066 -30.26048 157.28622 -30.17936 157.30485 -30.26062 157.3814 -30.25924 157.30331 -30.26271 156.62004 -29.7585 156.64116 -29.75433 156.55641 -29.74655 156.6312 -29.76267 156.57263 -29.73881 156.35351 -29.56624 156.06436 -29.31361 155.36555 -28.75914 155.3738 -28.77594 153.62504 -26.99614 153.62284 -26.87138 153.40147 -26.81738 153.17906 -26.71803 153.18195 -26.79748 153.14954 -26.82731 153.15264 -26.85772 153.22538 -26.96314 153.25544 -27.03771 153.29912 -27.05425 153.34929 -27.13914 153.28627 -27.1976 153.14213 -27.41895 153.07825 -27.4469 Cruise Start and End 2007-01-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-02-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane http://doi.org/10.7284/901730 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionWestern Pacific Warm Pool (WP2)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((153.08 -36.29, 153.08 21.31, -157.87 21.31, -157.87 -36.29, 153.08 -36.29))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 2 (7FUds 0@P`p 0@P`p}!2015-09-30t!2015-09-30u!2015-09-30v!2015-09-30w!2015-09-30x!2015-09-30y!2015-09-30z!201!2015-09-30t!2015-09-30u!2015-09-30v!2015-09-30w!2015-09-30x!2015-09-30y!2015-09-30z!2015-09-30{!2015-09-30|!2015-09-30}!2015-09-30~!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30 ~ $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}x        !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ w66<BHNTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| .Tz8^Bh%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd " xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901564 eng utf8 fieldSession < /gmd:hierarchyLevel> cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0702 on RV Kilo Moana < gco:DateTime>2015-09-30 published KM0702 Transit/Drydock EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2007-02-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane 2007-03-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Townsville http://doi.org/10.7284/901564 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 mul tibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901564 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0702 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0702 Transit/Drydock EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2007-02-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Brisbane 2007-03-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Townsville http://doi.org/10.7284/901564 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransit/DrydockEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact _B=1+M5'q%G9 !!9 [)doi:10.7284/901731gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww ՁY<1+M5c-%+9!! [)doi:10.7284/901564gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901731 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0703 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0703 Diazotrophs in the Open Ocean Zehr, Jonathan University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor Montoya, Joseph Georgia Institute of Technology Scientist, Co-Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 146.80900 -169.92306 -30.00232 -14.98576 coordinates of ship track 153.27718 -27.21588 153.34802 -27.1362 153.30163 -27.05709 153.25828 -27.03999 153.14811 -26.82984 153.17865 -26.80504 153.17303 -26.71129 153.24865 -26.64773 153.75772 -24.79349 152.16884 -22.91284 151.35182 -22.37675 150.61428 -21.73657 149.13019 -20.07151 148.58535 -19.80274 148.4689 -19.71678 148.21222 -19.62246 147.28483 -19.16002 146.91386 -19.09704 146.8329 -19.2511 146.90141 -19.09974 146.80949 -18.56029 146.83005 -18.47999 147.18517 -18.21129 147.41528 -18.16515 147.46729 -18.17679 147.59862 -18.15995 149.99495 -18.16645 151.04996 -17.79016 151.40497 -17.2575 152.36905 -16.39983 152.39077 -16.40246 152.50899 -16.32596 154.99972 -14.99916 155.01634 -15.05709 155.05379 -15.0529 155.05721 -15.18243 155.79625 -17.51019 156.60939 -20.00017 156.63903 -20.0313 156.6387 -20.04245 156.60588 -19.99946 156.85874 -21.14895 156.96579 -21.32502 157.03265 -21.54965 157.12985 -21.78848 157.42908 -22.50088 157.45603 -22.50353 157.42944 -22.50023 158.26732 -25.00022 158.32857 -25.01171 158.3069 -25.00827 159.2929 -28.00029 159.55777 -28.75062 159.62817 -28.83201 159.6147 -28.91481 159.99888 -30.00174 160.05909 -29.98971 159.99532 -30.00231 162.02966 -27.68929 162.04541 -27.70856 162.02983 -27.68948 163.8254 -25.59683 163.88863 -25.57663 163.82521 -25.59176 163.86908 -25.63033 163.91447 -25.58021 164.02059 -25.4283 164.14779 -25.19563 166.20206 -22.40881 166.38467 -22.24396 166.43696 -22.26509 166.38232 -22.24247 166.22888 -22.38394 166.21792 -23.05835 167.41651 -23.8158 169.72681 -22.96875 169.97169 -22.81487 169.98802 -22.82605 169.95851 -22.81083 170.02478 -22.84136 170.18874 -22.7947 172.48044 -22.45034 174.36087 -22.05247 174.34816 -22.03346 174.36307 -22.05386 178.46125 -21.53239 179.53116 -21.37101 179.99624 -21.31702 -179.99784 -21.31645 -177.7463 -21.05264 -177.76879 -21.05068 -175.12976 -20.62116 -174.73822 -20.7431 -173.24735 -20.46873 -173.18046 -20.46958 -17 3.2476 -20.46669 -173.30901 -20.48335 -173.30284 -20.46749 -173.24003 -20.4744 -173.28307 -20.43367 -173.04142 -20.44043 -170.00001 -20.00042 -170.00366 -19.97971 -169.97784 -20.01515 -169.92321 -20.02274 -170.00051 -19.9999 -170.05107 -19.05937 -170.00063 -17.4994 -169.97872 -17.50966 -169.99943 -17.50037 -170.00105 -17.39543 -170.00369 -14.99658 -169.97638 -15.00096 -173.75461 -15.00348 -173.72431 -15.02385 -173.91909 -15.00034 -177.49972 -14.99922 -177.54375 -15.05646 -177.4953 -14.9985 -179.99734 -15.00022 179.9969 -15.00028 174.99989 -15.00033 175.0141 -14.98584 171.75083 -16.74851 171.77603 -16.76663 171.74613 -16.75415 177.85177 -18.73073 178.30138 -18.38415 178.39817 -18.13804 Cruise Start and End 2007-03-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Townsville 2007-04-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901731 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901731 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0703 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0703 Diazotrophs in the Open Ocean Zehr, Jonathan University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor Montoya, Joseph Georgia Institute of Technology Scientist, Co-Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Dir ectory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 146.80900 -169.92306 -30.00232 -14.98576 coordinates of ship track 153.27718 -27.21588 153.34802 -27.1362 153.30163 -27.05709 153.25828 -27.03999 153.14811 -26.82984 153.17865 -26.80504 153.17303 -26.71129 153.24865 -26.64773 153.75772 -24.79349 152.16884 -22.91284 151.35182 -22.37675 150.61428 -21.73657 149.13019 -20.07151 148.58535 -19.80274 148.4689 -19.71678 148.21222 -19.62246 147.28483 -19.16002 146.91386 -19.09704 146.8329 -19.2511 146.90141 -19.09974 146.80949 -18.56029 146.83005 -18.47999 147.18517 -18.21129 147.41528 -18.16515 147.46729 -18.17679 147.59862 -18.15995 149.99495 -18.16645 151.04996 -17.79016 151.40497 -17.2575 152.36905 -16.39983 152.39077 -16.40246 152.50899 -16.32596 154.99972 -14.99916 155.01634 -15.05709 155.05379 -15.0529 155.05721 -15.18243 155.79625 -17.51019 156.60939 -20.00017 156.63903 -20.0313 156.6 387 -20.04245 156.60588 -19.99946 156.85874 -21.14895 156.96579 -21.32502 157.03265 -21.54965 157.12985 -21.78848 157.42908 -22.50088 157.45603 -22.50353 157.42944 -22.50023 158.26732 -25.00022 158.32857 -25.01171 158.3069 -25.00827 159.2929 -28.00029 159.55777 -28.75062 159.62817 -28.83201 159.6147 -28.91481 159.99888 -30.00174 160.05909 -29.98971 159.99532 -30.00231 162.02966 -27.68929 162.04541 -27.70856 162.02983 -27.68948 163.8254 -25.59683 163.88863 -25.57663 163.82521 -25.59176 163.86908 -25.63033 163.91447 -25.58021 164.02059 -25.4283 164.14779 -25.19563 166.20206 -22.40881 166.38467 -22.24396 166.43696 -22.26509 166.38232 -22.24247 166.22888 -22.38394 166.21792 -23.05835 167.41651 -23.8158 169.72681 -22.96875 169.97169 -22.81487 169.98802 -22.82605 169.95851 -22.81083 170.02478 -22.84136 170.18874 -22.7947 172.48044 -22.45034 174.36087 -22.05247 174.34816 -22.03346 174.36307 -22.05386 178.46125 -21.53239 179.53116 -21.37101 179.99624 -21.31702 -179.99784 -21.31645 -177.7463 -21.05264 -177.76879 -21.05068 -175.12976 -20.62116 -174.73822 -20.7431 -173.24735 -20.46873 -173.18046 -20.46958 -173.2476 -20.46669 -173.30901 -20.48335 -173.30284 -20.46749 -173.24003 -20.4744 -173.28307 -20.43367 -173.04142 -20.44043 -170.00001 -20.00042 -170.00366 -19.97971 -169.97784 -20.01515 -169.92321 -20.02274 -170.00051 -19.9999 -170.05107 -19.05937 -170.00063 -17.4994 -169.97872 -17.50966 -169.99943 -17.50037 -170.00105 -17.39543 -170.00369 -14.99658 -169.97638 -15.00096 -173.75461 -15.00348 -173.72431 -15.02385 -173.91909 -15.00034 -177.49972 -14.99922 -177.54375 -15.05646 -177.4953 -14.9985 -179.99734 -15.00022 179.9969 -15.00028 174.99989 -15.00033 175.0141 -14.98584 171.75083 -16.74851 171.77603 -16.76663 171.74613 -16.75415 177.85177 -18.73073 178.30138 -18.38415 178.39817 -18.13804 Cruise Start and End 2007-03-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Townsville 2007-04-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/901731 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionDiazotrophs in the Open OceanEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((146.81 -30.00, 146.81 -14.99, -169.92 -14.99, -169.92 -30.00, 146.81 -30.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Centers/Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/901771 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0704 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0704 C-MORE: Biogeochemistry of the Upper ocean: Latitudinal Assessment (CMORE-BULA) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38800 -157.86816 -18.29977 21.31523 coordinates of ship track 178.42295 -18.1354 178.40007 -18.13424 178.392 -18.18997 179.29925 -18.29935 179.99821 -18.26054 -179.99605 -18.2602 -179.2077 -18.21349 -178.39923 -17.78348 -173.98251 -16.55279 -170.0633 -16.00794 -170.00087 -15.99966 -169.98011 -16.0128 -169.96952 -15.91758 -169.85568 -15.59695 -169.31967 -14.28824 -169.24757 -14.02456 -167.00613 -7.51558 -166.97296 -7.51151 -166.95218 -7.28611 -166.01088 -3.04346 -165.98533 -3.01929 -165.96731 -2.93429 -164.94315 -0.8847 -164.715 74 -0.46361 -163.64324 1.66353 -163.57192 1.66882 -163.50292 1.75396 -163.48897 1.94138 -163.4571 2.04988 -163.11591 2.73904 -163.09668 2.75346 -163.02428 2.92695 -161.96822 5.07845 -161.93696 5.08226 -161.10264 8.54378 -161.08212 8.62602 -161.04827 8.64561 -161.02701 8.85262 -160.11136 12.57485 -159.88461 13.48133 -159.86713 13.49674 -159.81972 13.74131 -159.16287 16.32998 -159.02221 16.85625 -158.97854 16.89876 -158.9237 17.21305 -158.13492 20.15279 -158.00351 20.72031 -157.94523 21.0711 -157.89021 21.27573 -157.90158 21.26872 -157.86821 21.30114 -157.8851 21.31515 Cruise Start and End 2007-04-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2007-04-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901771 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901771 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0704 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0704 C-MORE: Biogeochemistry of the Upper ocean: Latitudinal Assessment (CMORE-BULA) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38800 -157.86816 -18.29977 21.31523 coordinates of ship track 178.42295 -18.1354 178.40007 -18.13424 178.392 -18.18997 179.29925 -18.29935 179.99821 -18.26054 -179.99605 -18.2602 -179.2077 -18.21349 -178.39923 -17.78348 -173.98251 -16.55279 -170.0633 -16.00794 -170.00087 -15.99966 -169.98011 -16.0128 -169.96 952 -15.91758 -169.85568 -15.59695 -169.31967 -14.28824 -169.24757 -14.02456 -167.00613 -7.51558 -166.97296 -7.51151 -166.95218 -7.28611 -166.01088 -3.04346 -165.98533 -3.01929 -165.96731 -2.93429 -164.94315 -0.8847 -164.71574 -0.46361 -163.64324 1.66353 -163.57192 1.66882 -163.50292 1.75396 -163.48897 1.94138 -163.4571 2.04988 -163.11591 2.73904 -163.09668 2.75346 -163.02428 2.92695 -161.96822 5.07845 -161.93696 5.08226 -161.10264 8.54378 -161.08212 8.62602 -161.04827 8.64561 -161.02701 8.85262 -160.11136 12.57485 -159.88461 13.48133 -159.86713 13.49674 -159.81972 13.74131 -159.16287 16.32998 -159.02221 16.85625 -158.97854 16.89876 -158.9237 17.21305 -158.13492 20.15279 -158.00351 20.72031 -157.94523 21.0711 -157.89021 21.27573 -157.90158 21.26872 -157.86821 21.30114 -157.8851 21.31515 Cruise Start and End 2007-04-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2007-04-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901771 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE: Biogeochemistry of the Upper ocean: Latitudinal Assessment (CMORE-BULA)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((178.39 -18.30, 178.39 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 -18.30, 178.39 -18.30))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact H>1+M5_c%+9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901771gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/903059 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0705 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0705 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sa dler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian < /gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36364 -157.86733 21.24034 22.97352 coordinates of ship track -157.88611 21.31552 -157.86793 21.30047 -157.92104 21.2406 -158.14979 21.24632 -158.28144 21.33889 -158.32914 21.58622 -157.99977 22.76697 -157.96103 22.76071 -157.98877 22.73155 -158.00378 22.74582 -158.01322 22.64734 -158.0044 22.73812 -157.99293 22.6875 -158.02873 22.68503 -157.9944 22.68728 -157.99995 22.83589 -157.98762 22.8667 -157.97252 22.8529 -157.98732 22.80024 -157.97777 22.79341 -157.99779 22.75774 -157.9738 22.75682 -157.99799 22.91045 -157.9798 22.79121 -157.96338 22.77372 -157.97482 22.76492 -157.95253 22.85849 -157.97306 22.86239 -157.98494 22.80621 -157.99445 22.82688 -157.99178 22.73688 -157.97754 22.74459 -158.00474 22.92901 -158.04332 22.97352 -158.03035 22.95654 -158.07952 22.80608 -158.11045 22.78888 -158.1118 22.80511 -158.10607 22.78103 -158.03761 22.76354 -157.89085 22.77043 -157.9192 22.8033 -157.91225 22.78538 -157.89769 22.79226 -157.917 22.79113 -158.00022 22.68467 -158.01703 22.69 -158.00448 22 .70347 -158.36363 21.8462 -158.33688 21.58657 -158.23463 21.33766 -158.15216 21.25496 -158.12163 21.24809 -157.90387 21.25105 -157.86831 21.30068 -157.88626 21.31534 Cruise Start and End 2007-05-03  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-05-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903059 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  doi:10.7284/903059 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0705 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0705 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geo scientificInformation -158.36364 -157.86733 21.24034 22.97352 coordinates of ship track -157.88611 21.31552 -157.86793 21.30047 -157.92104 21.2406 -158.14979 21.24632 -158.28144 21.33889 -158.32914 21.58622 -157.99977 22.76697 -157.96103 22.76071 -157.98877 22.73155 -158.00378 22.74582 -158.01322 22.64734 -158.0044 22.73812 -157.99293 22.6875 -158.02873 22.68503 -157.9944 22.68728 -157.99995 22.83589 -157.98762 22.8667 -157.97252 22.8529 -157.98732 22.80024 -157.97777 22.79341 -157.99779 22.75774 -157.9738 22.75682 -157.99799 22.91045 -157.9798 22.79121 -157.96338 22.77372 -157.97482 22.76492 -157.95253 22.85849 -157.97306 22.86239 -157.98494 22.80621 -157.99445 22.82688 -157.99178 22.73688 -157.97754 22.74459 -158.00474 22.92901 -158.04332 22.97352 -158.03035 22.95654 -158.07952 22.80608 -158.11045 22.78888 -158.1118 22.80511 -158.10607 22.78103 -158.03761 22.76354 -157.89085 22.77043 -157.9192 22.8033 -157.91225 22.78538 -157.89769 22.79226 -157.917 22.79113 -158.00022 22.68467 -158.01703 22.69 -158.00448 22.70347 -158.36363 21.8462 -158.33688 21.58657 -158.23463 21.33766 -158.15216 21.25496 -158.12163 21.24809 -157.90387 21.25105 -157.86831 21.30068 -157.88626 21.31534 Cruise Start and End 2007-05-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-05-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903059 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.97, -157.87 22.97, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ggH=1+M5!%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903059gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901741 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) ! Cruise KM0706 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0706 < "gmd:abstract> Plume-Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment (PLUME) Laske, Gabriele Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords $ NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -162.94493 -148.99348 14.16633 26.78 &672 coordinates of ship track -157.88482 21.31518 -157.86817 21.30329 -157.88168 21.27537 -157.92902 21.24741 -158.17488 21.24785 -158.91219 21.29831 -159.61613 21.50303 -161.3119 21.95524 -161.32884 21.94383 -161.31301 21.95628 -161.09095 23.99526 -161.10309 23.98092 -160.8971 24.22381 -160.85064 24.2553 -159.999 24.45069 -158.92525 24.5734 -158.94032 24.57976 -158.70219 24.92249 -158.42953 25.807 '55 -158.701 25.88806 -158.81344 26.43247 -158.80971 26.4184 -158.8282 26.42494 -158.81044 26.42457 -158.71264 26.61953 -157.73438 26.71865 -156.58828 26.76889 -155.76518 26.77881 -155.77486 26.78671 -155.33121 26.33281 -153.37915 25.66774 -152.76673 25.59776 -153.87539 24.86628 -154.05441 24.66402 -154.80988 24.20007 -156.98477 24.30822 -156.97017 24.31326 -157.29887 24.24979 -157.5361 24.13634 -157.45314 23.9077 -158.18247 22.6244 -158.19395 22.62664 -157.17129 22.36805 -156.73257 22.33243 -156.0028 22.16727 -155.63424 22.2982 -155.65506 22.29468 -155.63572 22.29761 -155.62567 22.27466 -155.52559 22.19637 -154.66681 21.37578 -154.24997 21.16671 -153.92175 21.9265 -153.75014 22.08303 -153.38288 22.16564 -153.37187 22.11389 -153.55886 22.04917 -153.3193 22.04228 -153.16604 22.23341 -152.74215 22.32137 -152.76204 22.33606 -152.74192 22.32091 -152.75064 22.32681 -151.69198 23.68184 -151.70075 23.68835 -151.48403 22.5026 -150.66909 22.66519 -150.61588 22.1205 -150.18334 22.20726 -150.04169 21.74998 -150.41171 ( 21.34405 -150.40714 21.36066 -150.3901 21.34728 -150.40781 21.33419 -150.40545 21.35045 -152.19524 20.60395 -152.17148 20.60252 -153.98305 19.50371 -153.96262 19.51813 -153.9823 19.52562 -152.9833 18.30153 -153.00206 18.29482 -152.98442 18.30042 -152.83996 18.49402 -152.85109 18.49821 -153.86605 17.31593 -153.88866 17.31058 -153.87159 17.31416 -153.82235 17.27659 -152.6698 16.33535 -151.71723 16.418 -151.63757 16.73795 -151.64882 16.73718 -151.63421 16.73721 -151.08464 18.06397 -150.9142 18.91439 -150.93913 18.91001 -149.28038 19.11272 -149.31222 19.12771 -149.31041 19.1023 -149.29649 19.10804 -149.49874 18.33718 -149.00197 16.98841 -149.02326 16.98272 -148.9936 16.98974 -149.02084 16.98388 -148.99355 16.98904 -149.00847 16.98505 -148.99901 16.58385 -149.2823 16.28575 -149.51463 16.2822 -149.77829 15.72159 -149.77886 15.73317 -149.77272 15.71165 -149.779 15.72225 -150.13361 15.53432 -151.68824 14.68732 -152.02084 14.66313 -152.04705 14.61993 -152.25156 14.41565 -152.66538 14.1674 -152.99967 14.16675 -153 ).32886 14.28164 -153.58128 14.28354 -153.66818 14.66547 -153.97425 14.73048 -155.1681 15.61715 -156.22139 16.16546 -156.20832 16.16366 -156.22681 16.33371 -156.39592 17.62217 -156.90168 17.49898 -157.45822 17.30248 -157.50053 17.08159 -157.61339 16.90406 -157.8838 16.86405 -157.87912 16.78224 -157.6158 16.76142 -157.70171 16.33889 -157.7156 16.35087 -157.70144 16.3633 -157.68781 16.34856 -157.70736 16.35044 -158.2316 15.99775 -158.05025 15.76719 -157.50045 15.50008 -157.33446 15.20281 -157.85886 14.66024 -157.87547 14.65854 -157.85065 14.66114 -157.86688 14.65879 -157.97281 14.75483 -157.89914 14.78953 -158.16517 15.62921 -158.99259 15.5684 -159.03684 15.67591 -159.33625 16.22612 -159.33484 16.29311 -159.35949 16.34428 -159.44139 16.39558 -159.66861 16.83383 -159.79475 16.71172 -161.38522 17.75823 -161.36248 17.74684 -161.3776 17.75407 -158.332 18.26842 -158.33469 18.30996 -158.58271 18.30838 -158.58278 18.33461 -158.36616 18.4179 -158.33323 18.63359 -158.26494 18.80065 -158.13336 18.76666 -158.15172 18.7 *1516 -158.25248 18.71485 -158.17191 18.64452 -158.35184 18.60195 -158.45434 18.60666 -158.76788 18.55898 -158.75362 18.56615 -159.20908 18.78422 -159.14098 18.83374 -158.96545 18.75 -159.06495 18.90478 -158.73298 18.90241 -158.66563 19.25221 -158.17656 20.37448 -159.50046 20.00053 -160.05602 19.81445 -160.04934 19.82246 -160.16652 19.83311 -160.99654 19.66736 -161.10287 19.73303 -161.6194 19.58326 -161.92052 19.59983 -161.93128 19.56196 -161.81679 19.39647 -162.2799 19.33361 -162.49733 19.28365 -162.49653 19.58529 -161.78367 19.83376 -161.66778 19.99939 -161.969 19.90058 -162.02359 19.98859 -162.94376 20.34778 -162.58387 20.41667 -161.75395 20.61595 -161.75003 20.66261 -162.57891 20.567 -162.61094 20.60243 -161.26427 20.90043 -158.21945 21.2396 -157.89884 21.24753 -157.86793 21.30304 Cruise Start and End 2007-05-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-06-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901741 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. / Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List 1 Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901741 eng utf8 3 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0706 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0706 Plume-Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment (PLUME) Laske, Gabriele Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -162.94493 -148.99348 14.16633 26.78672 coordinates of ship track -157.88482 21.31518 -157.86817 21.30329 -157.88168 21.27537 -157.92902 21.24741 -158.17488 21.24785 -158.91219 21.29831 -159.61613 21.50303 -161.3119 21.9 45524 -161.32884 21.94383 -161.31301 21.95628 -161.09095 23.99526 -161.10309 23.98092 -160.8971 24.22381 -160.85064 24.2553 -159.999 24.45069 -158.92525 24.5734 -158.94032 24.57976 -158.70219 24.92249 -158.42953 25.80755 -158.701 25.88806 -158.81344 26.43247 -158.80971 26.4184 -158.8282 26.42494 -158.81044 26.42457 -158.71264 26.61953 -157.73438 26.71865 -156.58828 26.76889 -155.76518 26.77881 -155.77486 26.78671 -155.33121 26.33281 -153.37915 25.66774 -152.76673 25.59776 -153.87539 24.86628 -154.05441 24.66402 -154.80988 24.20007 -156.98477 24.30822 -156.97017 24.31326 -157.29887 24.24979 -157.5361 24.13634 -157.45314 23.9077 -158.18247 22.6244 -158.19395 22.62664 -157.17129 22.36805 -156.73257 22.33243 -156.0028 22.16727 -155.63424 22.2982 -155.65506 22.29468 -155.63572 22.29761 -155.62567 22.27466 -155.52559 22.19637 -154.66681 21.37578 -154.24997 21.16671 -153.92175 21.9265 -153.75014 22.08303 -153.38288 22.16564 -153.37187 22.11389 -153.55886 22.04917 -153.3193 22.04228 -153.16604 22.23341 -152.74215 522.32137 -152.76204 22.33606 -152.74192 22.32091 -152.75064 22.32681 -151.69198 23.68184 -151.70075 23.68835 -151.48403 22.5026 -150.66909 22.66519 -150.61588 22.1205 -150.18334 22.20726 -150.04169 21.74998 -150.41171 21.34405 -150.40714 21.36066 -150.3901 21.34728 -150.40781 21.33419 -150.40545 21.35045 -152.19524 20.60395 -152.17148 20.60252 -153.98305 19.50371 -153.96262 19.51813 -153.9823 19.52562 -152.9833 18.30153 -153.00206 18.29482 -152.98442 18.30042 -152.83996 18.49402 -152.85109 18.49821 -153.86605 17.31593 -153.88866 17.31058 -153.87159 17.31416 -153.82235 17.27659 -152.6698 16.33535 -151.71723 16.418 -151.63757 16.73795 -151.64882 16.73718 -151.63421 16.73721 -151.08464 18.06397 -150.9142 18.91439 -150.93913 18.91001 -149.28038 19.11272 -149.31222 19.12771 -149.31041 19.1023 -149.29649 19.10804 -149.49874 18.33718 -149.00197 16.98841 -149.02326 16.98272 -148.9936 16.98974 -149.02084 16.98388 -148.99355 16.98904 -149.00847 16.98505 -148.99901 16.58385 -149.2823 16.28575 -149.51463 16.2822 -149 6.77829 15.72159 -149.77886 15.73317 -149.77272 15.71165 -149.779 15.72225 -150.13361 15.53432 -151.68824 14.68732 -152.02084 14.66313 -152.04705 14.61993 -152.25156 14.41565 -152.66538 14.1674 -152.99967 14.16675 -153.32886 14.28164 -153.58128 14.28354 -153.66818 14.66547 -153.97425 14.73048 -155.1681 15.61715 -156.22139 16.16546 -156.20832 16.16366 -156.22681 16.33371 -156.39592 17.62217 -156.90168 17.49898 -157.45822 17.30248 -157.50053 17.08159 -157.61339 16.90406 -157.8838 16.86405 -157.87912 16.78224 -157.6158 16.76142 -157.70171 16.33889 -157.7156 16.35087 -157.70144 16.3633 -157.68781 16.34856 -157.70736 16.35044 -158.2316 15.99775 -158.05025 15.76719 -157.50045 15.50008 -157.33446 15.20281 -157.85886 14.66024 -157.87547 14.65854 -157.85065 14.66114 -157.86688 14.65879 -157.97281 14.75483 -157.89914 14.78953 -158.16517 15.62921 -158.99259 15.5684 -159.03684 15.67591 -159.33625 16.22612 -159.33484 16.29311 -159.35949 16.34428 -159.44139 16.39558 -159.66861 16.83383 -159.79475 16.71172 -161.38522 17. 775823 -161.36248 17.74684 -161.3776 17.75407 -158.332 18.26842 -158.33469 18.30996 -158.58271 18.30838 -158.58278 18.33461 -158.36616 18.4179 -158.33323 18.63359 -158.26494 18.80065 -158.13336 18.76666 -158.15172 18.71516 -158.25248 18.71485 -158.17191 18.64452 -158.35184 18.60195 -158.45434 18.60666 -158.76788 18.55898 -158.75362 18.56615 -159.20908 18.78422 -159.14098 18.83374 -158.96545 18.75 -159.06495 18.90478 -158.73298 18.90241 -158.66563 19.25221 -158.17656 20.37448 -159.50046 20.00053 -160.05602 19.81445 -160.04934 19.82246 -160.16652 19.83311 -160.99654 19.66736 -161.10287 19.73303 -161.6194 19.58326 -161.92052 19.59983 -161.93128 19.56196 -161.81679 19.39647 -162.2799 19.33361 -162.49733 19.28365 -162.49653 19.58529 -161.78367 19.83376 -161.66778 19.99939 -161.969 19.90058 -162.02359 19.98859 -162.94376 20.34778 -162.58387 20.41667 -161.75395 20.61595 -161.75003 20.66261 -162.57891 20.567 -162.61094 20.60243 -161.26427 20.90043 -158.21945 21.2396 -157.89884 21.24753 -157.86793 21.30304 Cruise Start and End 2007-05-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-06-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901741 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionPlume-Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment (PLUME)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-162.94 14.17, -162.94 26.79, -148.99 26.79, -148.99 14.17, -162.94 14.17))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact vX=1+M5 ;%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902375gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww 9=1+M5k-%q9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901741gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/902375 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0707 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published > KM0707 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan Universi ?ty of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33299 -157.86761 B 21.23589 22.93525 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31571 -157.86797 21.3009 -157.90186 21.24638 -158.0945 21.23589 -158.15397 21.24898 -158.27715 21.34244 -158.33294 C 21.58012 -158.00097 22.76761 -157.99987 22.74945 -157.93071 22.78746 -157.89044 22.78445 -157.90544 22.805 -158.00045 22.74988 -157.88092 22.7106 -158.00077 22.74906 -157.96109 22.73895 -158.00134 22.74969 -158.10826 22.91094 -158.06623 22.8445 -158.11114 22.81806 -158.07624 22.80091 -158.11288 22.80694 -158.12384 22.77313 -158.11271 22.79911 -158.12178 22.77895 -158.11719 22.7914 -158.10542 22.78364 -158.14151 22.93525 -158.10329 22.79349 -158.113 22.78928 -158.10226 22.7907 -158.3327 21.57829 -158.27431 21.34327 -158.15101 21.25027 -157.89912 21.24629 -157.89651 21.27594 -157.86763 21.3017 -157.88616 21.31559 Cruise Start and End D 2007-06-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902375 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp J raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. K multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp N (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities O Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902375 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0707 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0707 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33299 -157.86761 21.23589 22.93525 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31571 -157.86797 21.3009 -157.90186 21.24638 -158.0945 21.23589 -158.15397 21.24898 -158.27715 21.34244 -158.33294 21.58012 -158.0 Q0097 22.76761 -157.99987 22.74945 -157.93071 22.78746 -157.89044 22.78445 -157.90544 22.805 -158.00045 22.74988 -157.88092 22.7106 -158.00077 22.74906 -157.96109 22.73895 -158.00134 22.74969 -158.10826 22.91094 -158.06623 22.8445 -158.11114 22.81806 -158.07624 22.80091 -158.11288 22.80694 -158.12384 22.77313 -158.11271 22.79911 -158.12178 22.77895 -158.11719 22.7914 -158.10542 22.78364 -158.14151 22.93525 -158.10329 22.79349 -158.113 22.78928 -158.10226 22.7907 -158.3327 21.57829 -158.27431 21.34327 -158.15101 21.25027 -157.89912 21.24629 -157.89651 21.27594 -157.86763 21.3017 -157.88616 21.31559 Cruise Start and End 2007-06-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902375 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.94, -157.87 22.94, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Sp://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/902376 eng utf8 fieldS Tession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0708 on RV Kilo Moana V 2015-09-30 published KM0708 WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-4) Plueddemann, Albert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor < X/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office Y custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32952 -157.86761 21.23941 22.76010 [ coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31541 -157.86794 21.30059 -157.91551 21.24838 -158.15302 21.24809 -158.3287 21.59153 -158.28342 21.79764 -158.00257 22.66872 -157.89126 22.67071 -158.05837 22.65027 -158.00764 22.66675 -157.90533 22.66935 -157.98235 22.63425 -157.97749 22.70762 -158.10721 22.74659 -158.10675 22.73263 -157.98154 22.6688 -157.98323 22.63287 -157.97302 22.67527 -158.01584 22.67439 -157.98127 22.67484 -157.98883 22.63619 -157.98333 22.67236 -157.97009 22.64501 -157.99149 22.67467 -157.93996 22.75557 -157.87624 22.72242 -157.93005 22.75357 -157.88992 22.7601 -158.01032 22.72535 -158.03512 22.62306 -157.98628 22.66695 -157.9861 \3 22.65058 -157.99937 22.6185 -158.00041 22.75105 -158.00011 22.64324 -158.02209 22.65406 -158.00055 22.66871 -157.9786 22.6568 -158.00234 22.44055 -158.00086 22.33269 -157.97495 22.31466 -158.00481 22.1932 -157.99863 21.99814 -158.09755 21.83537 -158.32943 21.5886 -158.15176 21.2611 -158.12277 21.24575 -157.90121 21.24708 -157.86773 21.30205 -157.88628 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2007-06-24 ] University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ^ 2007-07-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902376 ` collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 a Data was collected from this device. adcp raw b RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw c Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for ethe Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities h Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902376 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metad iata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0708 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0708 WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-4) Plueddemann, Albert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.32952 -157.86761 21.23941 22.76010 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31541 -157.86794 21.30059 -157.91551 21.24838 -158.15302 21.24809 -158.3287 21.59153 -158.28342 21.79764 -158.00257 22.66872 -157.89126 22.67071 -158.05837 22.65027 -158.00764 22.66675 -157.90533 22.66935 -157.98235 22.63425 -157.97749 22.70762 -158.10721 22.74659 -158.10675 22.73263 -157.98154 22.6688 -157.98323 22.63287 -157.97302 22.67527 -15 j8.01584 22.67439 -157.98127 22.67484 -157.98883 22.63619 -157.98333 22.67236 -157.97009 22.64501 -157.99149 22.67467 -157.93996 22.75557 -157.87624 22.72242 -157.93005 22.75357 -157.88992 22.7601 -158.01032 22.72535 -158.03512 22.62306 -157.98628 22.66695 -157.98613 22.65058 -157.99937 22.6185 -158.00041 22.75105 -158.00011 22.64324 -158.02209 22.65406 -158.00055 22.66871 -157.9786 22.6568 -158.00234 22.44055 -158.00086 22.33269 -157.97495 22.31466 -158.00481 22.1932 -157.99863 21.99814 -158.09755 21.83537 -158.32943 21.5886 -158.15176 21.2611 -158.12277 21.24575 -157.90121 21.24708 -157.86773 21.30205 -157.88628 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2007-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-07-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902376 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-4)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact z=1+M5oU%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903061gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ w66<BHNTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| ogmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903061 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program q info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0709 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0709 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. v eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33677 -157.86744 21.23613 22.87936 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31544 -157.8681 21.30081 -157.90916 21.24613 -158.14499 21.24563 -158.2757 21.34319 -158.27227 21.4284 -158.33677 21.56129 -158.24085 21.94495 -157.99723 22.76925 -158.00017 22.74433 -158.08134 22.68725 -158.00003 22.75045 -157.97684 22.75062 -158.085 22.66187 -158.10791 22.73976 -158.09728 22.72856 -158.10858 22.73703 -157.99491 22.74398 -158.0 x772 22.72783 -158.11643 22.73637 -158.02642 22.7259 -158.07292 22.6631 -158.0319 22.69222 -158.03005 22.66917 -158.01628 22.74321 -157.99995 22.74997 -158.15707 22.4712 -158.14991 22.51901 -157.97087 22.64646 -157.98003 22.85233 -157.92327 22.84901 -157.90447 22.87936 -157.9345 22.86248 -157.90758 22.84059 -157.98837 22.63889 -158.0036 22.55687 -158.32284 21.58478 -158.20761 21.34057 -158.14489 21.24483 -157.90288 21.24572 -157.86803 21.30502 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu z 2007-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List { Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903061 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. } International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/903061 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0709 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0709 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fer nando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33677 -157.86744 21.23613 22.87936 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31544 -157.8681 21.30081 -157.90916 21.24613 -158.14499 21.24563 -158.2757 21.34319 -158.27227 21.4284 -158.33677 21.56129 -158.24085 21.94495 -157.99723 22.76925 -158.00017 22.74433 -158.08134 22.68725 -158.00003 22.75045 -157.97684 22.75062 -158.085 22.66187 -158.10791 22.73976 -158.09728 22.72856 -158.10858 22.73703 -157.99491 22.74398 -158.0772 22.72783 -158.11643 22.73637 -158.02642 22.7259 -158.07292 22.6631 -158.0319 22.69222 -158.03005 22.66917 -158.01628 22.74321 -157.99995 22.74997 -158.15707 22.4712 -158.14991 22.51901 -157.97087 22.64646 -157.98003 22.85233 -157.92327 22.84901 -157.90447 22.87936 -157.9345 22.86248 -157.90758 22.84059 -157.98837 22.63889 -158.0036 22.55687 -158.32284 21.58478 -158.20761 21.34057 -158.14489 21.24483 -157.90288 21.24572 -157.86803 21.30502 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903061 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 21.24, -158.34 22.88, -157.87 22.88, -157.87 21.24, -158.34 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903623 eng < gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode codeList="http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_CharacterSetCode" codeListValue="utf8">utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009( E) Cruise KM0710 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0710 C-MORE 2007 Summer Course (Agouron-3) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Scie nce Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data a re not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.10745 -156.99999 19. 86194 22.25589 coordinates of ship track -157.88674 21.31527 -157.86782 21.30185 -157.89896 21.24653 -157.99933 20.33624 -158.10094 20.39654 -158.05743 20.38291 -158.02904 20.35299 -158.4643 19.86203 -158.27387 20.06701 -158.56449 20.06987 -158.57045 20.19853 -158.55775 20.20651 -158.88586 20.77463 -159.00127 21.00168 -158.98432 20.99675 -158.69103 20.43819 -158.55456 20.20236 -158.53808 20.2093 -158.52632 20.08458 -158.53287 20.17303 -158.54769 20.20439 -158.57175 20.20601 -158.5708 20.22641 -158.65205 20.14004 -158.55841 20.25069 -158.85977 20.76286 -159.15562 20.92079 -159.20769 20.91893 -159.23474 20.87961 -159.11433 20.87595 -159.23075 20.88419 -159.22159 20.8707 -159.24693 20.86685 -159.25434 20.73833 -159.29139 20.84443 -159.32185 20.81946 -159.35384 20.82737 -158.04148 21.20406 -157.96926 21.22707 -157.92834 21.26466 -157.90042 21.26709 -157.89612 21.28701 -158.43616 20.67442 -156.99999 20.31797 -158.82834 20.30373 -158.88582 20.24774 -158.9233 20.23767 -158.93092 20.25008 -158.92981 20.09794 -158.95639 20.17926 -158.95584 20.23927 -158.9851 20.21447 -158.96452 20.20222 -158.98417 20.19797 -158.97862 20.18681 -158.97609 20.74367 -158.99484 20.7379 -159.00026 20.75523 -159.29379 20.74234 -159.66088 20.71179 -159.66834 20.63081 -159.69379 20.70866 -159.82838 20.71513 -159. 75481 20.71775 -159.74812 20.73602 -160.10745 20.73846 -159.45533 21.82973 -159.64819 21.8653 -159.85608 22.02438 -159.85584 22.10871 -159.59393 22.24716 -159.39547 22.25184 -159.30375 22.20062 -159.27528 22.15264 -159.27966 21.99594 -159.30612 21.93331 -159.39048 21.8527 -159.4469 21.82862 -158.14594 21.24753 -157.90314 21.24678 -157.86783 21.30157 -157.88645 21.31534 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-07-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903623 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903623 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0710 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0710 C-MORE 2007 Summer Course (Agouron-3) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.10745 -156.99999 19.86194 22.25589 coordinates of ship track -157.88674 21.31527 -157.86782 21.30185 -157.89896 21.24653 -157.99933 20.33624 -158.10094 20.39654 -158.05743 20.38291 -158.02904 20.35299 -158.4643 19.86203 -158.27387 20.06701 -158.56449 20.06987 -158.57045 20.19853 -158.55775 20.20651 -158.88586 20.77463 -159.00127 21.00168 -158.98432 20.99675 -158.69103 20.43819 -158.55456 20.20236 -158.53808 20.2093 -158.52632 20.08458 -158.53287 20.17303 -158.54769 20.20439 -158.57175 20.20601 -158.5708 20.22641 -158.65205 20.14004 -158.55841 20.25069 -158.85977 20.76286 -159.15562 20.92079 -159.20769 20.91893 -159.23474 20.87961 -159.11433 20.87595 -159.230 75 20.88419 -159.22159 20.8707 -159.24693 20.86685 -159.25434 20.73833 -159.29139 20.84443 -159.32185 20.81946 -159.35384 20.82737 -158.04148 21.20406 -157.96926 21.22707 -157.92834 21.26466 -157.90042 21.26709 -157.89612 21.28701 -158.43616 20.67442 -156.99999 20.31797 -158.82834 20.30373 -158.88582 20.24774 -158.9233 20.23767 -158.93092 20.25008 -158.92981 20.09794 -158.95639 20.17926 -158.95584 20.23927 -158.9851 20.21447 -158.96452 20.20222 -158.98417 20.19797 -158.97862 20.18681 -158.97609 20.74367 -158.99484 20.7379 -159.00026 20.75523 -159.29379 20.74234 -159.66088 20.71179 -159.66834 20.63081 -159.69379 20.70866 -159.82838 20.71513 -159.75481 20.71775 -159.74812 20.73602 -160.10745 20.73846 -159.45533 21.82973 -159.64819 21.8653 -159.85608 22.02438 -159.85584 22.10871 -159.59393 22.24716 -159.39547 22.25184 -159.30375 22.20062 -159.27528 22.15264 -159.27966 21.99594 -159.30612 21.93331 -159.39048 21.8527 -159.4469 21.82862 -158.14594 21.24753 -157.90314 21.24678 -157.86783 21.30157 -157.88645 21.31534 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-07-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903623 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2007 Summer Course (Agouron-3)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.11 19.86, -160.11 22.26, -157.00 22.26, -157.00 19.86, -160.11 19.86))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact A4 >1+M5%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901744gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10- o=1+M5}%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901742gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901742 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data IS O 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0712 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0712 Bottom Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are n ot to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.07964 -157.14614 17.9846 9 21.31543 coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31543 -157.8681 21.30225 -157.89805 21.22322 -157.97832 21.07824 -158.27223 20.41852 -158.45447 19.93556 -158.7677 19.19803 -158.69343 18.99338 -158.75774 18.88968 -159.03849 18.81862 -159.0529 18.7856 -159.04414 18.82124 -159.0 3076 18.81608 -159.07964 18.74675 -159.04939 18.63397 -158.9829 18.79856 -158.42591 18.81048 -158.04076 19.0676 -158.04072 18.98343 -158.46294 18.69933 -158.48368 18.63967 -158.041 18.89461 -158.04122 18.83781 -158.13668 18.80478 -158.36658 18.65601 -158.35998 18.67638 -158.23696 18.75674 -158.3037 18.72343 -158.27788 18.75254 -158.27413 18.74073 -158.31185 18.71891 -158.3132 18.68257 -158.2574 18.70921 -158.22637 18.74388 -158.22075 18.72493 -158.30881 18.6668 -158.30515 18.6533 -158.13183 18.76463 -158.02345 18.75672 -158.14874 18.6832 -158.33933 18.60064 -158.5171 18.48525 -158.52533 18.38268 -158.48823 18.38296 -158.04697 18.65359 -158.031 18.57824 -158.59241 18.24717 -158.55337 18.19473 -158.55971 18.20362 -158.42172 18.27753 -158.33443 18.29706 -158.32928 18.25241 -158.47218 18.15216 -158.46502 18.17155 -158.22469 18.14785 -157.76253 18.07737 -157.1471 18.33937 -157.15335 18.24574 -157.44663 18.13142 -157.75283 17.98469 -157.79843 18.15866 -157.31514 18.36121 -157.30031 18.32995 -157.35776 18.28489 -157.31033 18.29334 -157.33403 18.27177 -157.33951 18.2926 -157.31527 18.30389 -157.32053 18.35897 -157.14614 18.42863 -157.15676 18.42511 -157.20327 19.49315 -157.70023 19.75899 -157.70009 20.03625 -157.89687 21.22274 -157.88487 21.2678 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-07-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901742 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901742 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0712 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0712 Bottom Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.07964 -157.14614 17.98469 21.31543 coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31543 -157.8681 21.30225 -157.89805 21.22322 -157.97832 21.07824 -158.27223 20.41852 -158.45447 19.93556 -158.7677 19.19803 -158.69343 18.99338 -158.75774 18.88968 -159.03849 18.81862 -159.0529 18.7856 -159.04414 18.82124 -159.03076 18.81608 -159.07964 18.74675 -159.04939 18.63397 -158.9829 18.79856 -158.42591 18.81048 -158.04076 19.0676 -158.04072 18.98343 -158.46294 18.69933 -158.48368 18.63967 -158.041 18.89461 -158.04122 18.83781 -158.13668 18.80478 -158.36658 18.65601 -158.35998 18.67638 -158.23696 18.75674 -158.3037 18.72343 -158.27788 18.75254 -158.27413 18.74073 -158.31185 18.71891 -158.3132 18.68257 -158.2574 1 8.70921 -158.22637 18.74388 -158.22075 18.72493 -158.30881 18.6668 -158.30515 18.6533 -158.13183 18.76463 -158.02345 18.75672 -158.14874 18.6832 -158.33933 18.60064 -158.5171 18.48525 -158.52533 18.38268 -158.48823 18.38296 -158.04697 18.65359 -158.031 18.57824 -158.59241 18.24717 -158.55337 18.19473 -158.55971 18.20362 -158.42172 18.27753 -158.33443 18.29706 -158.32928 18.25241 -158.47218 18.15216 -158.46502 18.17155 -158.22469 18.14785 -157.76253 18.07737 -157.1471 18.33937 -157.15335 18.24574 -157.44663 18.13142 -157.75283 17.98469 -157.79843 18.15866 -157.31514 18.36121 -157.30031 18.32995 -157.35776 18.28489 -157.31033 18.29334 -157.33403 18.27177 -157.33951 18.2926 -157.31527 18.30389 -157.32053 18.35897 -157.14614 18.42863 -157.15676 18.42511 -157.20327 19.49315 -157.70023 19.75899 -157.70009 20.03625 -157.89687 21.22274 -157.88487 21.2678 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-07-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901742 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionBottom MappingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.08 17.98, -159.08 21.32, -157.15 21.32, -157.15 17.98, -159.08 17.98))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901744 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0713 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0713 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33162 -157.86796 21.23803 22.83451 coordinates of ship track -157.88564 21.31546 -157.86818 21.3005 -157.90967 21.24456 -158.14502 21.24732 -158.20966 21.3325 5 -158.32915 21.58875 -158.11289 22.71356 -158.13406 22.75292 -158.22086 22.7649 -158.10347 22.7663 -158.06496 22.80047 -158.09571 22.83334 -158.15239 22.8322 -158.21322 22.19969 -158.33111 21.57593 -158.14504 21.2464 -157.91507 21.23803 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901744 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901744 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0713 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0713 Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Network s (MOSEAN) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33162 -157.86796 21.23803 22.83451 coordinates of ship track -157.88564 21.31546 -157.86818 21.3005 -157.90967 21.24456 -158.14502 21.24732 -158.20966 21.33255 -158.32915 21.58875 -158.11289 22.71356 -158.13406 22.75292 -158.22086 22.7649 -158.10347 22.7663 -158.06496 22.80047 -158.09571 22.83334 -158.15239 22.8322 -158.21322 22.19969 -158.33111 21.57593 -158.14504 21.2464 -157.91507 21.23803 Cruise Start and End 2007-07-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901744 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMultidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.83, -157.87 22.83, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact el Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903062 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0714 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0714 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.56911 -157.86816 21.22836 22.94106 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86841 21.30057 -157.90929 21.24611 -158.14556 21.25158 -158.27234 21.34231 -158.2804 21.36441 -158.32728 21.5993 -158.00015 22.75191 -157.99696 22.73491 -158.01296 22.7502 -158.00512 22.76227 -157.96826 22.65292 -157.99111 22.65287 -158.00001 22.72882 -157.95709 22.64854 -157.99001 22.69616 -157.98501 22.73525 -158.00289 22.75214 -157.98777 22.7543 -158.00459 22.74893 -157.98147 22.75798 -158.35538 22.924 -158.03759 22.77663 -158.07537 22.78587 -158.09826 22.81993 -158.07423 22.80712 -158.12195 22.82808 -158.01804 22.7618 -157.96232 22.75062 -158.00763 22.74289 -158.48663 22.9364 -158.56169 22.9379 -158.0816 22.78342 -157.97511 22.68419 -158.03914 22.55879 -158.10843 22.36451 -158.33039 21.5915 -158.15236 21.25365 -158.08143 21.23625 -157.89091 21.2339 Cruise Start and End 2007-08-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903062 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903062 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0714 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0714 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.56911 -157.86816 21.2 2836 22.94106 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86841 21.30057 -157.90929 21.24611 -158.14556 21.25158 -158.27234 21.34231 -158.2804 21.36441 -158.32728 21.5993 -158.00015 22.75191 -157.99696 22.73491 -158.01296 22.7502 -158.00512 22.76227 -157.96826 22.65292 -157.99111 22.65287 -158.00001 22.72882 -157.95709 22.64854 -157.99001 22.69616 -157.98501 22.73525 -158.00289 22.75214 -157.98777 22.7543 -158.00459 22.74893 -157.98147 22.75798 -158.35538 22.924 -158.03759 22.77663 -158.07537 22.78587 -158.09826 22.81993 -158.07423 22.80712 -158.12195 22.82808 -158.01804 22.7618 -157.96232 22.75062 -158.00763 22.74289 -158.48663 22.9364 -158.56169 22.9379 -158.0816 22.78342 -157.97511 22.68419 -158.03914 22.55879 -158.10843 22.36451 -158.33039 21.5915 -158.15236 21.25365 -158.08143 21.23625 -157.89091 21.2339 Cruise Start and End 2007-08-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903062 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.57 21.23, -158.57 22.94, -157.87 22.94, -157.87 21.23, -158.57 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  =1+M5%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903062gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/902891 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0715 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0715 C-MORE: BLOOM Ecological Reconnaisance (CMORE-BLOOMER) Letelier, Ricardo Oregon State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.65450 -155.99842 21.19985 24.53243 coordinates of ship track -157.88614 21.3152 -157.86883 21.30569 -157.87349 21.29117 -157.93847 21.24453 -158.15487 21.24864 -158.33217 21.59571 -157.99105 22.76374 -158.10761 22.8568 -158.99109 23.74532 -159.35059 23.75005 -159.19016 23.75024 -159.1727 23.73647 -159.17741 23.78725 -159.20972 23.79884 -159.3123 23.71271 -159.38138 23.63087 -159.27781 23.69764 -159.22775 23.78884 -159.20512 23.79209 -159.18928 23.76632 -159.22745 23.77325 -159.23129 23.78801 -159.32528 23.63852 -159.29261 23.64045 -159.26178 23.69431 -159.23495 23.77165 -159.25194 23.80389 -159.23893 23.78804 -159.23874 23.82929 -159.22009 23.81199 -159.20778 23.6 3454 -159.24035 23.85977 -159.2566 23.8588 -159.32352 23.71333 -159.19035 24.07704 -159.2423 23.9469 -159.27496 23.94513 -159.0011 24.00005 -155.99847 24.00149 -158.65769 23.22676 -159.05959 23.18689 -159.06795 23.00404 -159.06743 23.17006 -159.1352 23.21961 -159.23944 23.21696 -159.25245 23.03971 -159.24263 23.20654 -159.28312 23.22218 -159.17641 23.21737 -159.17203 23.03052 -159.17751 23.21361 -159.2748 23.17365 -159.37126 23.16482 -159.38479 22.99247 -159.39301 23.155 -159.39893 23.17091 -159.43787 23.16371 -159.4528 22.97688 -159.4985 23.10814 -159.51882 23.10012 -159.53747 23.11276 -159.52899 23.11902 -159.61896 23.10704 -159.65422 23.08336 -159.33354 23.95039 -159.12888 24.43308 -159.11484 24.42716 -159.05398 24.52992 -159.03248 24.52647 -158.92823 24.36928 -158.50083 24.00078 -158.62393 23.86518 -158.64635 23.86202 -158.49878 23.99928 -158.45284 23.10747 -158.33115 21.59159 -158.21194 21.44336 -158.21037 21.39588 -158.1103 21.23864 -158.10243 21.20176 -157.92939 21.24314 -157.89399 21.25707 -157.87 412 21.28995 Cruise Start and End 2007-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902891 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibe am raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902891 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0715 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0715 C-MORE: BLOOM Ecological Reconnaisance (CMORE-BLOOMER) Letelier, Ricardo Oregon State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodia n Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.65450 -155.99842 21.19985 24.53243 coordinates of ship track -157.88614 21.3152 -157.86883 21.30569 -157.87349 21.29117 -157.93847 21.24453 -158.15487 21.24864 -158.33217 21.59571 -157.99105 22.76374 -158.10761 22.8568 -158.99109 23.74532 -159.35059 23.75005 -159.19016 23.75024 -159.1727 23.73647 -159.17741 23.78725 -159.20972 23.79884 -159.3123 23.71271 -159.38138 23.63087 -159.27781 23.69764 -159.22775 23.78884 -159.20512 23.79209 -159.18928 23.76632 -159.22745 23.77325 -159.23129 23.78801 -159.32528 23.63852 -159.29261 23.64045 -159.26178 23.69431 -159.23495 23.77165 -159.25194 23.80389 -159.23893 23.78804 -159.23874 23.82929 -159.22009 23.81199 -159.20778 23.63454 -159.24035 23.85977 -159.2566 23.8588 -159.32352 23.71333 -159.19035 24.07704 -159.2423 23.9469 -159.27496 23.94513 -159.0011 24.00005 -155.99847 24.00149 -158.65769 23.22676 -159.05959 23.18689 -159.06795 23. 00404 -159.06743 23.17006 -159.1352 23.21961 -159.23944 23.21696 -159.25245 23.03971 -159.24263 23.20654 -159.28312 23.22218 -159.17641 23.21737 -159.17203 23.03052 -159.17751 23.21361 -159.2748 23.17365 -159.37126 23.16482 -159.38479 22.99247 -159.39301 23.155 -159.39893 23.17091 -159.43787 23.16371 -159.4528 22.97688 -159.4985 23.10814 -159.51882 23.10012 -159.53747 23.11276 -159.52899 23.11902 -159.61896 23.10704 -159.65422 23.08336 -159.33354 23.95039 -159.12888 24.43308 -159.11484 24.42716 -159.05398 24.52992 -159.03248 24.52647 -158.92823 24.36928 -158.50083 24.00078 -158.62393 23.86518 -158.64635 23.86202 -158.49878 23.99928 -158.45284 23.10747 -158.33115 21.59159 -158.21194 21.44336 -158.21037 21.39588 -158.1103 21.23864 -158.10243 21.20176 -157.92939 21.24314 -157.89399 21.25707 -157.87412 21.28995 Cruise Start and End 2007-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902891 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE: BLOOM Ecological Reconnaisance (CMORE-BLOOMER)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.65 21.20, -159.65 24.53, -156.00 24.53, -156.00 21.20, -159.65 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  =1+M5o%y9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902891gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901745 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0716 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0716 Chemical Weapons Survey Wilkens, Roy University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian < /gmd:CI_Citation> Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.15316 -157.77548 20.87991 21.31569 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86693 21.30237 -157.89195 21.24273 -157.88178 21.26796 -158.01628 21.26836 -157.88257 21.26094 -158.02082 21.25402 -157.88863 21.24375 -158.06297 21.24139 -157.8874 21.2369 -158.0624 21.22792 -157.88745 21.21799 -158.07737 21.21267 -157.8857 21.21051 -157.88201 21.17494 -157.90919 21.10182 -157.90996 20.89411 -157.89698 20.89501 -157.89648 21.08757 -157.88748 20.89457 -157.87623 20.89614 -157.86848 21.08833 -157.8558 20.89237 -157.84712 21.09086 -157.84451 20.89379 -157.83421 20.89399 -157.8324 21.08974 -157.8253 20.8946 -157.8145 20.8935 -157.80745 21.08839 -157.79226 20.87997 -157.79484 21.09601 -157.77733 20.88662 -157.77554 21.11671 -157.89938 21.28246 -157.90766 21.27032 -157.89256 21.28174 -157.8987 21.26669 -157.99229 21.24553 -158.09294 21.25583 -158.14092 21.29895 -158.11085 21.26607 -158.00427 21.23364 -158.11254 21.25791 -158.15316 21.28756 -158.11755 21.2471 -158.04481 21.23523 -158.11299 21.23697 -158.06051 21.20593 -157.87983 21.20371 -158.05848 21.19735 -157.87881 2 1.19063 -158.06026 21.18501 -157.87585 21.17885 -158.05857 21.17218 -157.88005 21.1657 -158.05722 21.15896 -157.87817 21.15206 -158.05624 21.1413 -157.87569 21.14051 -158.06059 21.1336 -157.87672 21.12702 -158.01458 21.12189 -157.94218 21.24064 -157.94152 21.27006 -157.93862 21.23966 -157.93677 21.26953 -157.93341 21.24016 -157.93186 21.27009 -157.92892 21.24019 -157.91996 21.2693 -157.91842 21.24001 -157.91521 21.27152 -157.91588 21.24101 -158.01983 21.2483 -157.91217 21.24788 -158.0051 21.25154 -157.91241 21.25312 -158.00529 21.26057 -157.91388 21.26888 -157.99945 21.2687 -158.11744 21.19608 -158.14705 21.2274 -158.10681 21.19218 -158.10051 21.21023 -158.13537 21.24067 -158.10278 21.20022 -158.14021 21.23804 -158.0933 21.18533 -158.1425 21.23597 -158.10796 21.19658 -158.04509 21.21153 -157.89837 21.21031 -157.98396 21.21735 -157.89785 21.22031 -157.97896 21.22314 -157.89961 21.22395 -157.97752 21.23299 -157.89837 21.23567 -157.9449 21.23541 -157.93723 21.20646 -157.93951 21.236 -157.90453 21.26892 Cruise Start and End 2007-08-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/901745 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw In ternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901745 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0716 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0716 Chemical Weapons Survey Wilkens, Roy University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.15316 -157.77548 20.87991 21.31569 coordin ates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86693 21.30237 -157.89195 21.24273 -157.88178 21.26796 -158.01628 21.26836 -157.88257 21.26094 -158.02082 21.25402 -157.88863 21.24375 -158.06297 21.24139 -157.8874 21.2369 -158.0624 21.22792 -157.88745 21.21799 -158.07737 21.21267 -157.8857 21.21051 -157.88201 21.17494 -157.90919 21.10182 -157.90996 20.89411 -157.89698 20.89501 -157.89648 21.08757 -157.88748 20.89457 -157.87623 20.89614 -157.86848 21.08833 -157.8558 20.89237 -157.84712 21.09086 -157.84451 20.89379 -157.83421 20.89399 -157.8324 21.08974 -157.8253 20.8946 -157.8145 20.8935 -157.80745 21.08839 -157.79226 20.87997 -157.79484 21.09601 -157.77733 20.88662 -157.77554 21.11671 -157.89938 21.28246 -157.90766 21.27032 -157.89256 21.28174 -157.8987 21.26669 -157.99229 21.24553 -158.09294 21.25583 -158.14092 21.29895 -158.11085 21.26607 -158.00427 21.23364 -158.11254 21.25791 -158.15316 21.28756 -158.11755 21.2471 -158.04481 21.23523 -158.11299 21.23697 -158.06051 21.20593 -157.87983 21.20371 -158.05848 21.19735 -157.87881 21.19063 -158.06026 21.18501 -157.87585 21.17885 -158.05857 21.17218 -157.88005 21.1657 -158.05722 21.15896 -157.87817 21.15206 -158.05624 21.1413 -157.87569 21.14051 -158.06059 21.1336 -157.87672 21.12702 -158.01458 21.12189 -157.94218 21.24064 -157.94152 21.27006 -157.93862 21.23966 -157.93677 21.26953 -157.93341 21.24016 -157.93186 21.27009 -157.92892 21.24019 -157.91996 21.2693 -157.91842 21.24001 -157.91521 21.27152 -157.91588 21.24101 -158.01983 21.2483 -157.91217 21.24788 -158.0051 21.25154 -157.91241 21.25312 -158.00529 21.26057 -157.91388 21.26888 -157.99945 21.2687 -158.11744 21.19608 -158.14705 21.2274 -158.10681 21.19218 -158.10051 21.21023 -158.13537 21.24067 -158.10278 21.20022 -158.14021 21.23804 -158.0933 21.18533 -158.1425 21.23597 -158.10796 21.19658 -158.04509 21.21153 -157.89837 21.21031 -157.98396 21.21735 -157.89785 21.22031 -157.97896 21.22314 -157.89961 21.22395 -157.97752 21.23299 -157.89837 21.23567 -157.9449 21.23541 -157.93723 21.20646 -157.93951 21.236 -157.90453 21.26892 Cruise Start and End 2007-08-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-08-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901745 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionChemical Weapons SurveyEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.15 20.88, -158.15 21.32, -157.78 21.32, -157.78 20.88, -158.15 20.88))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  =1+M5q7%;9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901745gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/903063 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 1 9115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0717 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0717 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Sc ience Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data  are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36456 -157.86750 2 1.24358 22.82042 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31568 -157.86861 21.30494 -157.87404 21.29086 -157.94097 21.24694 -158.15085 21.2475 -158.27643 21.34429 -158.32971 21.5915 -158.00291 22.73999 -157.93886 22.75482 -158.00281 22.75183 -157.99713 22.68049 -157.96282 22.6376 5 -157.99328 22.64674 -157.99573 22.7578 -158.00493 22.58097 -157.9976 22.73854 -158.00789 22.74644 -157.99545 22.75823 -157.99825 22.78643 -158.00866 22.78321 -158.05055 22.5592 -158.08906 22.50019 -158.07615 22.50151 -158.0188 22.66958 -158.03284 22.70608 -158.02294 22.68715 -157.93071 22.66034 -157.92624 22.62399 -158.01883 22.6741 -158.04949 22.66729 -158.06127 22.63538 -158.02688 22.69092 -158.03521 22.71139 -157.99934 22.74994 -157.98673 22.73733 -158.0107 22.63041 -158.0892 22.3665 -157.96555 22.64753 -157.95946 22.63032 -157.96574 22.65505 -157.91884 22.68338 -157.8943 22.72696 -157.89619 22.77902 -157.92314 22.82019 -158.07587 22.81774 -158.10531 22.77784 -158.11017 22.73699 -158.08507 22.68637 -158.01058 22.65047 -157.92845 22.66689 -157.93614 22.68073 -157.97437 22.64066 -157.95877 22.64348 -157.98171 22.64513 -157.9608 22.6518 -157.99023 22.61669 -158.36456 21.84772 -158.33124 21.54103 -158.25119 21.35417 -158.1518 21.24831 -157.93377 21.24675 -157.87818 21.2823 -157.8676 21.30378 -157.8862 21 .31567 Cruise Start and End 2007-09-01  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-09-05  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903063 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  doi:10.7284/903063 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0717 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0717 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36456 -157.86750 21.24358 22.82042 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31568 -157.86861 21.30494 -15 7.87404 21.29086 -157.94097 21.24694 -158.15085 21.2475 -158.27643 21.34429 -158.32971 21.5915 -158.00291 22.73999 -157.93886 22.75482 -158.00281 22.75183 -157.99713 22.68049 -157.96282 22.63765 -157.99328 22.64674 -157.99573 22.7578 -158.00493 22.58097 -157.9976 22.73854 -158.00789 22.74644 -157.99545 22.75823 -157.99825 22.78643 -158.00866 22.78321 -158.05055 22.5592 -158.08906 22.50019 -158.07615 22.50151 -158.0188 22.66958 -158.03284 22.70608 -158.02294 22.68715 -157.93071 22.66034 -157.92624 22.62399 -158.01883 22.6741 -158.04949 22.66729 -158.06127 22.63538 -158.02688 22.69092 -158.03521 22.71139 -157.99934 22.74994 -157.98673 22.73733 -158.0107 22.63041 -158.0892 22.3665 -157.96555 22.64753 -157.95946 22.63032 -157.96574 22.65505 -157.91884 22.68338 -157.8943 22.72696 -157.89619 22.77902 -157.92314 22.82019 -158.07587 22.81774 -158.10531 22.77784 -158.11017 22.73699 -158.08507 22.68637 -158.01058 22.65047 -157.92845 22.66689 -157.93614 22.68073 -157.97437 22.64066 -157.95877 22.64348 -157.98171 22.64513 -157.9608 22.6518 -157.99023 22.61669 -158.36456 21.84772 -158.33124 21.54103 -158.25119 21.35417 -158.1518 21.24831 -157.93377 21.24675 -157.87818 21.2823 -157.8676 21.30378 -157.8862 21.31567 Cruise Start and End 2007-09-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-09-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903063 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.82, -157.87 22.82, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact %=1+M5!%U9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901749gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901749 eng utf8 fieldSession $ cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0718 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0718 Secondary Hawaiian Hotspot Volcanism Garcia, Michael University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office ) custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -161.11952 -157.86770 20.97375 22.98586 < +gco:CharacterString>coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31544 -157.86786 21.30144 -157.91458 21.244 -158.13548 21.25862 -158.86018 21.58449 -159.19111 21.78037 -160.06942 21.77991 -160.0946 21.7806 -160.0971 21.79391 -160.05039 21.61494 -161.07615 21.01167 -161.11863 21.06431 -161.10459 21.09008 -160.11711 21.67568 -160.13928 21.72929 -160.16841 21.73994 -160.27966 21.68536 -160.42135 21.88633 -160.52789 21.89679 -160.59238 21.92004 -160.69516 22.00809 -160.7416 22.0737 -160.86972 22.35658 -160.96998 22.31404 -160.84817 22.01619 -160.79577 21.95821 -160.6437 21.84251 -160.5457 21.81624 -160.43401 21.81133 -160.25912 21.69437 -160.54118 21.54948 -161.09367 21.22878 -161.09073 21.32334 -161.05707 , 21.36189 -160.61439 21.62424 -160.52301 21.59884 -160.46221 21.64004 -160.43912 21.74609 -160.76684 21.78154 -161.04279 21.61763 -161.03851 21.49266 -160.72993 21.67313 -160.63232 21.66624 -160.84217 21.80317 -160.96127 21.97884 -161.0022 22.06702 -161.09474 22.03393 -161.10211 22.01527 -161.07181 21.93819 -160.94137 21.74248 -160.68668 21.11162 -160.02659 21.50078 -158.96524 21.50013 -158.959 21.39044 -158.75403 21.32067 -158.25412 21.28036 -158.14032 21.24701 -157.92809 21.2479 -157.86777 21.30247 -157.88676 21.31551 -157.86813 21.30114 -157.92826 21.22837 -158.01803 21.23351 -158.48918 21.34156 -158.95233 21.4943 -158.86977 21.76073 -158.91981 21.78299 -159.01155 21.5207 -159.05566 21.52776 -158.97917 21.78591 -159.0014 21.82596 -159.02892 21.80226 -159.12091 21.52898 -159.02226 21.49299 -159.01477 21.52324 -159.04474 21.51427 -159.05554 21.56295 -159.04415 21.64649 -158.9647 21.68752 -159.03978 21.62276 -160.18561 21.62228 -160.19356 21.60968 -160.00465 21.57212 -159.90034 21.493 -159.79432 21.47606 --159.94988 21.57385 -159.93294 21.56457 -159.69902 21.94833 -159.71539 21.93148 -159.70595 21.90879 -159.21372 20.98765 -159.4041 21.04109 -159.14863 21.15346 -159.16571 21.19708 -159.42502 21.08491 -159.40962 21.06128 -159.39542 21.06471 -159.29859 21.12196 -159.17262 21.16939 -159.02522 21.36705 -159.99456 21.36182 -159.63296 21.45125 -159.58094 21.34801 -159.52011 21.50072 -159.46566 21.47725 -159.53053 21.33667 -159.57883 21.35571 -159.54036 21.43915 -159.52051 21.42937 -159.55177 21.35295 -159.56337 21.35734 -159.52944 21.3638 -159.50718 21.41377 -159.52196 21.43555 -159.48166 21.46951 -159.98661 21.40881 -160.70306 20.97472 -160.81614 21.12171 -160.81644 21.83991 -160.79079 21.86063 -160.72817 21.8251 -160.71173 21.84387 -160.65377 21.81872 -160.77488 21.79675 -160.87434 21.92856 -161.05383 22.2269 -160.93472 22.70827 -160.64823 22.65145 -160.62512 22.7424 -160.91121 22.80503 -160.92071 22.75847 -160.56035 22.6813 -160.58511 22.59076 -160.66209 22.59608 -160.63834 22.5967 -160.68221 22.62181 -160.74 .158 22.60674 -160.74402 22.62905 -160.76658 22.63801 -160.58364 22.64573 -159.95142 22.50932 -159.5313 22.50655 -159.40514 22.53329 -159.20989 22.69777 -159.17783 22.66551 -159.3805 22.48715 -159.35074 22.44791 -159.27487 22.51211 -159.30073 22.70628 -159.26393 22.65975 -159.29894 22.65684 -159.31825 22.53671 -159.26411 22.46444 -159.52579 22.5369 -159.53252 22.613 -159.92759 22.61261 -160.56467 22.75733 -160.53808 22.87541 -160.98581 22.98079 -160.98203 22.78946 -160.94828 22.79079 -160.92469 22.89554 -160.63477 22.82193 -160.71103 22.77705 -160.74518 22.80068 -160.79267 22.75916 -160.81186 22.77377 -160.58793 22.5913 -160.0117 22.40332 -160.34767 22.33524 -160.55191 21.9698 -160.48243 21.65999 -160.50276 21.55386 -160.36956 21.48155 -160.45093 21.50898 -160.42591 21.53358 -160.44669 21.56648 -160.47752 21.57669 -160.41989 21.59341 -160.18366 21.76587 -160.11507 21.83312 -159.8584 21.8321 -159.57994 21.14208 -159.56039 21.20022 -158.87763 21.91439 -158.96087 22.04864 -158.92311 22.05019 -158.89607 22.003 /03 -158.9052 21.98177 -158.88775 21.95517 -158.87542 21.96049 -158.92074 21.98388 -158.92726 22.3749 -159.02901 22.37127 -159.03218 21.98193 -159.13394 21.98609 -159.13353 22.18509 -159.09961 21.94337 -159.03754 21.75891 -158.98003 21.67909 -159.00208 21.66822 -159.01246 21.69859 -158.98581 21.72428 -159.01277 21.75636 -158.94607 21.77038 -158.84001 21.93463 -158.84142 21.72352 -158.85554 21.6862 -158.32981 21.45261 -158.08058 21.22208 -157.97305 21.2264 -157.87932 21.28111 -157.86815 21.30447 -157.88658 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2007-09-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-10-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List 2 Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901749 3 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw 5 Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam 6 raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List 7 Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901749 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09 :-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0718 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0718 Secondary Hawaiian Hotspot Volcanism Garcia, Michael University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -161.11952 -157.86770 20.97375 22.98586 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31544 -157.86786 21.30144 -157.91458 21.244 -158.13548 21.25862 -158.86018 21.58449 -159.19111 21.78037 -160.06942 21.77991 -160.0946 21.7806 -160.0971 21.79391 -160.05039 21.61494 -161.07615 21.01167 -161.11863 21.06431 -161.10459 21.09008 -160.11711 21.67568 -160.13928 21.72929 -160.16841 21.73994 -160.27966 21.68536 -160.421 ;35 21.88633 -160.52789 21.89679 -160.59238 21.92004 -160.69516 22.00809 -160.7416 22.0737 -160.86972 22.35658 -160.96998 22.31404 -160.84817 22.01619 -160.79577 21.95821 -160.6437 21.84251 -160.5457 21.81624 -160.43401 21.81133 -160.25912 21.69437 -160.54118 21.54948 -161.09367 21.22878 -161.09073 21.32334 -161.05707 21.36189 -160.61439 21.62424 -160.52301 21.59884 -160.46221 21.64004 -160.43912 21.74609 -160.76684 21.78154 -161.04279 21.61763 -161.03851 21.49266 -160.72993 21.67313 -160.63232 21.66624 -160.84217 21.80317 -160.96127 21.97884 -161.0022 22.06702 -161.09474 22.03393 -161.10211 22.01527 -161.07181 21.93819 -160.94137 21.74248 -160.68668 21.11162 -160.02659 21.50078 -158.96524 21.50013 -158.959 21.39044 -158.75403 21.32067 -158.25412 21.28036 -158.14032 21.24701 -157.92809 21.2479 -157.86777 21.30247 -157.88676 21.31551 -157.86813 21.30114 -157.92826 21.22837 -158.01803 21.23351 -158.48918 21.34156 -158.95233 21.4943 -158.86977 21.76073 -158.91981 21.78299 -159.01155 21.5207 -159.05566 21.5277 <6 -158.97917 21.78591 -159.0014 21.82596 -159.02892 21.80226 -159.12091 21.52898 -159.02226 21.49299 -159.01477 21.52324 -159.04474 21.51427 -159.05554 21.56295 -159.04415 21.64649 -158.9647 21.68752 -159.03978 21.62276 -160.18561 21.62228 -160.19356 21.60968 -160.00465 21.57212 -159.90034 21.493 -159.79432 21.47606 -159.94988 21.57385 -159.93294 21.56457 -159.69902 21.94833 -159.71539 21.93148 -159.70595 21.90879 -159.21372 20.98765 -159.4041 21.04109 -159.14863 21.15346 -159.16571 21.19708 -159.42502 21.08491 -159.40962 21.06128 -159.39542 21.06471 -159.29859 21.12196 -159.17262 21.16939 -159.02522 21.36705 -159.99456 21.36182 -159.63296 21.45125 -159.58094 21.34801 -159.52011 21.50072 -159.46566 21.47725 -159.53053 21.33667 -159.57883 21.35571 -159.54036 21.43915 -159.52051 21.42937 -159.55177 21.35295 -159.56337 21.35734 -159.52944 21.3638 -159.50718 21.41377 -159.52196 21.43555 -159.48166 21.46951 -159.98661 21.40881 -160.70306 20.97472 -160.81614 21.12171 -160.81644 21.83991 -160.79079 21.86063 -160 =.72817 21.8251 -160.71173 21.84387 -160.65377 21.81872 -160.77488 21.79675 -160.87434 21.92856 -161.05383 22.2269 -160.93472 22.70827 -160.64823 22.65145 -160.62512 22.7424 -160.91121 22.80503 -160.92071 22.75847 -160.56035 22.6813 -160.58511 22.59076 -160.66209 22.59608 -160.63834 22.5967 -160.68221 22.62181 -160.74158 22.60674 -160.74402 22.62905 -160.76658 22.63801 -160.58364 22.64573 -159.95142 22.50932 -159.5313 22.50655 -159.40514 22.53329 -159.20989 22.69777 -159.17783 22.66551 -159.3805 22.48715 -159.35074 22.44791 -159.27487 22.51211 -159.30073 22.70628 -159.26393 22.65975 -159.29894 22.65684 -159.31825 22.53671 -159.26411 22.46444 -159.52579 22.5369 -159.53252 22.613 -159.92759 22.61261 -160.56467 22.75733 -160.53808 22.87541 -160.98581 22.98079 -160.98203 22.78946 -160.94828 22.79079 -160.92469 22.89554 -160.63477 22.82193 -160.71103 22.77705 -160.74518 22.80068 -160.79267 22.75916 -160.81186 22.77377 -160.58793 22.5913 -160.0117 22.40332 -160.34767 22.33524 -160.55191 21.9698 -160.48243 21.659 >99 -160.50276 21.55386 -160.36956 21.48155 -160.45093 21.50898 -160.42591 21.53358 -160.44669 21.56648 -160.47752 21.57669 -160.41989 21.59341 -160.18366 21.76587 -160.11507 21.83312 -159.8584 21.8321 -159.57994 21.14208 -159.56039 21.20022 -158.87763 21.91439 -158.96087 22.04864 -158.92311 22.05019 -158.89607 22.00303 -158.9052 21.98177 -158.88775 21.95517 -158.87542 21.96049 -158.92074 21.98388 -158.92726 22.3749 -159.02901 22.37127 -159.03218 21.98193 -159.13394 21.98609 -159.13353 22.18509 -159.09961 21.94337 -159.03754 21.75891 -158.98003 21.67909 -159.00208 21.66822 -159.01246 21.69859 -158.98581 21.72428 -159.01277 21.75636 -158.94607 21.77038 -158.84001 21.93463 -158.84142 21.72352 -158.85554 21.6862 -158.32981 21.45261 -158.08058 21.22208 -157.97305 21.2264 -157.87932 21.28111 -157.86815 21.30447 -157.88658 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2007-09-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-10-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901749 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSecondary Hawaiian Hotspot VolcanismEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-161.12 20.97, -161.12 22.99, -157.87 22.99, -157.87 20.97, -161.12 20.97))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact @5/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901750 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program B info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0719 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0719 Iron-Oxidizing Microbial Observatory (FeMO-2) - Loihi Seamount Moyer, Craig Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords F NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.87804 -155.00144 18.64489 H 21.31102 coordinates of ship track -157.87317 21.31001 -157.874 21.25461 -157.84502 21.19748 -157.59292 20.94469 -155.83131 18.87099 -155.68477 18.85078 -155.25216 18.93957 -155.2559 18.89521 -155.18625 18.70233 -155.21252 18.68751 -155.1573 18.69114 -155.16423 18.66258 -155.19826 18.64604 -155.24984 18.66974 -155.25127 18.70993 -155.21999 18.73548 -155.1772 18.72739 - I155.15679 18.6873 -155.12496 18.68316 -155.12425 18.70731 -155.15773 18.73579 -155.20189 18.72502 -155.21627 18.68289 -155.18455 18.64897 -155.14338 18.65425 -155.10957 18.69942 -155.19241 18.70701 -155.17456 18.71213 -155.26635 18.90269 -155.25134 18.91636 -155.26844 18.91997 -155.27367 18.906 -155.25186 18.90248 -155.26356 18.92215 -155.26575 18.90496 -155.24692 18.90368 -155.25074 18.92403 -155.26723 18.91198 -155.24626 18.90446 -155.25085 18.92397 -155.26725 18.90935 -155.2406 18.8985 -155.24862 18.91816 -155.26272 18.90904 -155.25229 18.8945 -155.25741 18.91598 -155.27285 18.90189 -155.25899 18.89289 -155.25436 18.90426 -155.1783 18.70201 -155.18811 18.70641 -155.15524 18.72088 -155.17859 18.71166 -155.25325 18.91768 -155.68436 18.85073 -155.98215 19.06194 -156.00555 19.62409 -156.00522 19.09935 -155.99319 19.0589 -155.94002 18.98909 -155.81673 18.8994 -155.68779 18.85126 -155.24056 18.90679 -155.26515 18.90424 -155.25918 18.91877 -155.11971 18.91792 -155.00197 18.66646 -155.17192 18.66253 -155.18411 J 18.70802 -155.1682 18.69241 -155.31817 18.67186 -155.41458 18.99506 -155.17734 19.03916 -155.17045 19.00701 -155.26114 18.91066 -155.25367 18.90313 -155.27824 18.91013 -155.29934 18.96543 -155.16629 18.9996 -155.13241 18.79095 -155.13509 18.72164 -155.25124 18.72088 -155.26468 18.76847 -155.26119 18.90652 -155.25396 18.89101 -155.26591 18.91305 -155.26077 18.87084 -155.20533 18.79834 -155.21297 18.65706 -155.21744 18.67123 -155.15084 18.68576 -155.15043 18.76493 -155.26053 18.89783 -155.26442 18.9173 -155.26471 18.90617 -155.25216 18.91884 -155.26246 18.90306 -155.26144 18.91469 -155.70171 18.85597 -156.09766 18.99904 -156.19298 19.23837 -156.10061 18.99275 -156.18972 19.23989 -156.10599 19.0058 -156.00615 19.63445 -156.49423 19.73232 -156.5902 19.80752 -156.69612 19.95387 -157.86065 21.25749 K Cruise Start and End 2007-10-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List L Honolulu 2007-10-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu N http://doi.org/10.7284/901750 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Q Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901750 e Sng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0719 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0719 Iron-Oxidizing Microbial Observatory (FeMO-2) - Loihi Seamount Moyer, Craig Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.87804 -155.00144 18.64489 21.31102 coordinates of ship track -157.87317 21.31001 -157.874 21.25461 -157.84502 21.19748 -157.59292 20.94469 -155.83131 18.87099 -155.68477 18.85078 -155.25216 18.93957 -15 T5.2559 18.89521 -155.18625 18.70233 -155.21252 18.68751 -155.1573 18.69114 -155.16423 18.66258 -155.19826 18.64604 -155.24984 18.66974 -155.25127 18.70993 -155.21999 18.73548 -155.1772 18.72739 -155.15679 18.6873 -155.12496 18.68316 -155.12425 18.70731 -155.15773 18.73579 -155.20189 18.72502 -155.21627 18.68289 -155.18455 18.64897 -155.14338 18.65425 -155.10957 18.69942 -155.19241 18.70701 -155.17456 18.71213 -155.26635 18.90269 -155.25134 18.91636 -155.26844 18.91997 -155.27367 18.906 -155.25186 18.90248 -155.26356 18.92215 -155.26575 18.90496 -155.24692 18.90368 -155.25074 18.92403 -155.26723 18.91198 -155.24626 18.90446 -155.25085 18.92397 -155.26725 18.90935 -155.2406 18.8985 -155.24862 18.91816 -155.26272 18.90904 -155.25229 18.8945 -155.25741 18.91598 -155.27285 18.90189 -155.25899 18.89289 -155.25436 18.90426 -155.1783 18.70201 -155.18811 18.70641 -155.15524 18.72088 -155.17859 18.71166 -155.25325 18.91768 -155.68436 18.85073 -155.98215 19.06194 -156.00555 19.62409 -156.00522 19.09935 -155.99319 19 U.0589 -155.94002 18.98909 -155.81673 18.8994 -155.68779 18.85126 -155.24056 18.90679 -155.26515 18.90424 -155.25918 18.91877 -155.11971 18.91792 -155.00197 18.66646 -155.17192 18.66253 -155.18411 18.70802 -155.1682 18.69241 -155.31817 18.67186 -155.41458 18.99506 -155.17734 19.03916 -155.17045 19.00701 -155.26114 18.91066 -155.25367 18.90313 -155.27824 18.91013 -155.29934 18.96543 -155.16629 18.9996 -155.13241 18.79095 -155.13509 18.72164 -155.25124 18.72088 -155.26468 18.76847 -155.26119 18.90652 -155.25396 18.89101 -155.26591 18.91305 -155.26077 18.87084 -155.20533 18.79834 -155.21297 18.65706 -155.21744 18.67123 -155.15084 18.68576 -155.15043 18.76493 -155.26053 18.89783 -155.26442 18.9173 -155.26471 18.90617 -155.25216 18.91884 -155.26246 18.90306 -155.26144 18.91469 -155.70171 18.85597 -156.09766 18.99904 -156.19298 19.23837 -156.10061 18.99275 -156.18972 19.23989 -156.10599 19.0058 -156.00615 19.63445 -156.49423 19.73232 -156.5902 19.80752 -156.69612 19.95387 -157.86065 21.25749 Cruise Start and End 2007-10-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-10-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901750 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIron-Oxidizing Microbial Observatory (FeMO-2) - Loihi SeamountEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.88 18.64, -157.88 21.31, -155.00 21.31, -155.00 18.64, -157.88 18.64))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact X=1+M55%[9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901751gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| ltf !'-39?EKQW]ciou{f $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~&      b;    34:<>AEFIJLOlpsu!(BPQ                  ! 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" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~   offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|                                                                                                                                t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| t $).38=BGLQV[`ejoty~ #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx}            !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ offlrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| engis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901751 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvd ata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0720 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0720 Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) Recovery Wooding, Beecher Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88658 -148.98675 15.72041 21.31548 coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31535 -157.86816 21.30249 -157.87787 21.25772 -157.82634 21.21822 -155.82445 18.88532 -149.78479 15.72198 -149.76294 15.7241 -149.00406 16.98775 -148.98691 16.99392 -149.01297 17.07097 -149.2921 19.06763 -149.3142 19.09138 -149.29014 19.10985 -150.9184 18.9131 -150.90114 18.91334 -151.05996 19.13545 -152.18862 20.61197 -152.17062 20.59516 -152.17605 20.57098 -152.25435 20.37505 -152.82731 18.52713 -152.853 66 18.49919 -152.81798 18.49435 -152.81995 18.51791 -153.04358 18.67968 -153.9743 19.52084 -153.96219 19.51851 -154.3872 19.14304 -154.5773 19.03414 -155.04989 18.53711 -155.18706 18.41604 -155.16717 18.42292 -155.27469 18.48479 -155.82614 18.88655 -157.83006 21.21926 Cruise Start and End 2007-10-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-11-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901751 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901751 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0720 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0720 Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) Recovery Wooding, Beecher Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCI ENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88658 -148.98675 15.72041 21.31548 coordinates of ship track -157.88657 21.31535 -157.86816 21.30249 -157.87787 21.25772 -157.82634 21.21822 -155.82445 18.88532 -149.78479 15.72198 -149.76294 15.7241 -149.00406 16.98775 -148.98691 16.99392 -149.01297 17.07097 -149.2921 19.06763 -149.3142 19.09138 -149.29014 19.10985 -150.9184 18.9131 -150.90114 18.91334 -151.05996 19.13545 -152.18862 20.61197 -152.17062 20.59516 -152.17605 20.57098 -152.25435 20.37505 -152.82731 18.52713 -152.85366 18.49919 -152.81798 18.49435 -152.81995 18.51791 -153.04358 18.67968 -153.9743 19.52084 -153.96219 19.51851 -154.3872 19.14304 -154.5773 19.03414 -155.04989 18.53711 -155.18706 18.41604 -155.16717 18.42292 -155.27469 18.48479 -155.82614 18.88655 -157.83006 21.21926 Cruise Start and End 2007-10-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-11-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901751 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionOcean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) RecoveryEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 15.72, -157.89 21.32, -148.99 21.32, -148.99 15.72, -157.89 15.72))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact p://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901754 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0721 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0721 HROV Nereus Tests Bowen, Andrew Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for na vigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.48060 -157.86793 21.24538 21.45165 coordinates of ship track -157.88658 21.31543 -157.86812 21.30091 -157.90927 21.25076 -158.16092 21.24842 -158.29962 21.44012 -158.26721 21.35482 -158.32109 21.41795 -158.26926 21.34857 -158.29649 21.38823 -158.27171 21.35357 -158.3782 21.31239 -158.4121 21.33596 -158.33455 21.3977 -158. 21061 21.45165 -158.3963 21.33887 -158.42058 21.34825 -158.32044 21.38378 -158.20976 21.45145 -158.40065 21.33779 -158.46407 21.41463 -158.43736 21.38214 -158.26486 21.4106 -158.20876 21.45099 -158.27152 21.41712 -158.32194 21.43546 -158.39516 21.27221 -158.38365 21.26003 -158.30826 21.39212 -158.2152 21.44692 -158.40086 21.33567 -158.39486 21.31468 -158.37013 21.34653 -158.22502 21.44201 -158.41127 21.33132 -158.42725 21.33788 -158.43911 21.37798 -158.45777 21.38115 -158.45225 21.31734 -158.43524 21.32366 -158.41399 21.40095 -158.46566 21.31599 -158.4806 21.33283 -158.22885 21.44851 -158.34473 21.38873 -158.44639 21.31032 -158.21284 21.44833 -158.40846 21.33392 -158.15121 21.24634 -157.94131 21.24725 -157.8904 21.27537 Cruise Start and End 2007-11-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-11-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901754 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901754 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0721 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0721 HROV Nereus Tests Bowen, Andrew Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.48060 -157.86793 21.24538 21.45165 coordinates of ship track -157.88658 21.31543 -157.86812 21.30091 -157.90927 21.25076 -158.16092 21.24842 -158.29962 21.44012 -158.26721 21.35482 -158.32109 21.41 795 -158.26926 21.34857 -158.29649 21.38823 -158.27171 21.35357 -158.3782 21.31239 -158.4121 21.33596 -158.33455 21.3977 -158.21061 21.45165 -158.3963 21.33887 -158.42058 21.34825 -158.32044 21.38378 -158.20976 21.45145 -158.40065 21.33779 -158.46407 21.41463 -158.43736 21.38214 -158.26486 21.4106 -158.20876 21.45099 -158.27152 21.41712 -158.32194 21.43546 -158.39516 21.27221 -158.38365 21.26003 -158.30826 21.39212 -158.2152 21.44692 -158.40086 21.33567 -158.39486 21.31468 -158.37013 21.34653 -158.22502 21.44201 -158.41127 21.33132 -158.42725 21.33788 -158.43911 21.37798 -158.45777 21.38115 -158.45225 21.31734 -158.43524 21.32366 -158.41399 21.40095 -158.46566 21.31599 -158.4806 21.33283 -158.22885 21.44851 -158.34473 21.38873 -158.44639 21.31032 -158.21284 21.44833 -158.40846 21.33392 -158.15121 21.24634 -157.94131 21.24725 -157.8904 21.27537 Cruise Start and End 2007-11-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-11-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901754 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHROV Nereus TestsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.48 21.25, -158.48 21.45, -157.87 21.45, -157.87 21.25, -158.48 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact   =1+M55%/9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901754gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0722 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0722 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santia go-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36561 -157.86765 21.23874 22.86832 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31541 -157.8681 21.30145 -157.89775 21.25917 -158.08075 21.24953 -158.27218 21.34351 -158.33268 21.58247 -158.17522 22.09614 -158.03022 22.64544 -158.04158 22.74595 -157.99966 22.74968 -157.99392 22.86046 -157.97762 22.84785 -157.99163 22.76901 -158.00375 22.73961 -157.99889 22.86777 -157.98753 22.84575 -158.02324 22.80304 -157.98499 22.86728 -157.99938 22.74989 -157.92601 22.82778 -157.90955 22.80468 -157.94084 22.79303 -157.95747 22.80908 -157.97855 22.85654 -157.96137 22.86725 -157.95654 22.84504 -157.99936 22.75011 -158.17966 22.80953 -158.08504 22.79732 -158.08596 22.81494 -157.97697 22.70529 -157.93631 22.6916 -157.95226 22.70457 -157.94156 22.68813 -157.96805 22.6892 -157.88937 22.69143 -157.95916 22.69946 -157.94431 22.70066 -157.95651 22.70249 -158.15669 22.25646 -158.3656 21.84848 -158.33346 21.58443 -158.15337 21.25599 -158.11931 21.24028 -157.96052 21.24174 -157.87929 21.27377 -157.86769 21.30299 -157.88631 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2007-11-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-12-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903064 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) < /gmi:description> doi:10.7284/903064 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0722 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0722 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36561 -157.86765 21.23874 22.86832 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31541 -157.8681 21.30145 -157.89775 21.25917 -158.08075 21.24953 -158.27218 21.34351 -158.33268 21.58247 -158.17522 22.09614 -158.03022 22.64544 -158.04158 22.74595 -157.99966 22.74968 -157.99392 22.86046 -157.97762 22.84785 -157.99163 22.76901 -158.00375 22.73961 -157.99889 22.86777 -157.98753 22.84575 -158.02324 22.80304 -157.98499 22.86728 -157.99938 22.74989 -157.92601 22.82778 -157.90955 22.80468 -157.94084 22.79303 -157.95747 22.80908 -157.97855 22.85654 -157.96137 22.86725 -157.95654 22.84504 -157.99936 22.75011 -158.17966 22.80953 -158.08504 22.79732 -158.08596 22.81494 -157.97697 22.70529 -157.93631 22.6916 -157.95226 22.70457 -157.94156 22.68813 -157.96805 22.6892 -157.88937 22.69143 -157.95916 22.69946 -157.94431 22.70066 -157.95651 22.70249 -158.15669 22.25646 -158.3656 21.84848 -158.33346 21.58443 -158.15337 21.25599 -158.11931 21.24028 -157.96052 21.24174 -157.87929 21.27377 -157.86769 21.30299 -157.88631 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2007-11-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-12-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903064 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.87, -157.87 22.87, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ccD=1+M5-s%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903064gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901755 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0723 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0723 Thermohaline Fine Structure Rudnick, Daniel Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.50074 -157.86734 21.24561 35.05005 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86789 21.30066 -157.91347 21.24679 -158.17297 21.24964 -158.22082 21.37713 -158.33264 21.58447 -158.03934 22.61346 -157.99909 22.72717 -157.96177 22.75906 -158.02356 22.65828 -158.01203 22.63238 -157.99081 22.6345 -157.97987 22.65433 -158.00002 22.71084 -158.00531 23.60762 -158.00031 34.99286 -157.99732 35.02636 -157.98131 35.03699 -157.86734 35.00906 -157.92056 35.01684 -157.98523 35.04991 -158.0003 34.99726 -158.00045 22.75076 -158.48614 22.74986 -158.50057 22.76746 -158.49978 25.73222 -158.47869 25.7515 -158.27465 25.75032 -158.25427 25.74015 -158.24971 25.70924 -158.2 4983 22.7549 -158.26217 22.57871 -158.24709 22.55935 -158.18612 22.56142 -158.21918 22.44551 -158.35012 21.58327 -158.27423 21.34619 -158.14918 21.24734 -157.94513 21.24723 -157.89253 21.2771 Cruise Start and End 2007-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901755 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901755 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0723 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0723 Thermohaline Fine Structure Rudnick, Daniel Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Dire ctory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.50074 -157.86734 21.24561 35.05005 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86789 21.30066 -157.91347 21.24679 -158.17297 21.24964 -158.22082 21.37713 -158.33264 21.58447 -158.03934 22.61346 -157.99909 22.72717 -157.96177 22.75906 -158.02356 22.65828 -158.01203 22.63238 -157.99081 22.6345 -157.97987 22.65433 -158.00002 22.71084 -158.00531 23.60762 -158.00031 34.99286 -157.99732 35.02636 -157.98131 35.03699 -157.86734 35.00906 -157.92056 35.01684 -157.98523 35.04991 -158.0003 34.99726 -158.00045 22.75076 -158.48614 22.74986 -158.50057 22.76746 -158.49978 25.73222 -158.47869 25.7515 -158.27465 25.75032 -158.25427 25.74015 -158.24971 25.70924 -158.24983 22.7549 -158.26217 22.57871 -158.24709 22.55935 -158.18612 22.56142 -158.21918 22.44551 -158.35012 21.58327 -158.27423 21.34619 -158.14918 21.24734 -157.94513 21.24723 -157.89253 21.2771 Cruise Start and End 2007-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901755 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionThermohaline Fine StructureEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.50 21.25, -158.50 35.05, -157.87 35.05, -157.87 21.25, -158.50 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact vv^=1+M57%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903065gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/903065 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0724 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0724 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scient ist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36298 -157.86800 21.19727 23.11836 coordinates of ship track -157.87111 21.30777 -157.87449 21.29036 -157.93679 21.24605 -158.1555 21.25231 -158.2731 21.34208 -158.26078 21.33978 -158.33221 21.57996 -158.06611 22.51985 -158.0187 22.74953 -157.88895 22.74533 -157.90041 22.78666 -157.97488 22.76143 -157.97236 22.74916 -157.97369 22.87529 -158.00013 22.87084 -158.00403 22.84216 -158.01075 22.85895 -157.99436 22.89291 -158.00514 22.64126 -157.97629 22.64537 -157.93271 22.70184 -157.9882 22.70949 -157.89844 22.68286 -157.88676 22.69184 -157.96206 22.70166 -158.00025 22.75165 -157.91279 22.94687 -157.88736 23.05322 -158.10552 23.09243 -158.15539 23.11833 -158.00284 22.76099 -157.93645 22.69721 -157.94482 22.71447 -157.94387 22.68907 -158.3626 21.84776 -158.3339 21.58148 -158.12448 21.21781 -158.08729 21.19795 -158.02366 21.20028 -157.89439 21.27356 Cruise Start and End  2007-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-12-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903065 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator doi:10.7284/903065 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0724 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0724 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36298 -157.86800 21.19727 23.11836 coordinates of ship track -157.87111 21.30777 -157.87449 21.29036 -157.93679 21.24605 -158.1555 21.25231 -158.2731 21.34208 -158.26078 21.33978 -158.33221 21.57996 -158.06611 22.51985 -158.0187 22.74953 -157.88895 22.74533 -157.90041 22.78666 -157.97488 22.76143 -157.97236 22.74916 -157.97369 22.87529 -158.00013 22.87084 -158.00403 22.84216 -158.01075 22.85895 -157.99436 22.89291 -158.00514 22.64126 -157.97629 22.64537 -157.93271 22.70184 -157.9882 22.70949 -157.89844 22.68286 -157.88676 22.69184 -157.96206 22.70166 -158.00025 22.75165 -157.91279 22.94687 -157.88736 23.05322 -158.10552 23.09243 -158.15539 23.11833 -158.00284 22.76099 -157.93645 22.69721 -157.94482 22.71447 -157.94387 22.68907 -158.3626 21.84776 -158.3339 21.58148 -158.12448 21.21781 -158.08729 21.19795 -158.02366 21.20028 -157.89439 21.27356 Cruise Start and End 2007-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2007-12-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903065 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.20, -158.36 23.12, -157.87 23.12, -157.87 21.20, -158.36 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903066 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0801 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM0801 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36445 -157.86792 21.24444 22.78437 coordinates of ship track  -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86805 21.30109 -157.90098 21.2457 -158.15241 21.24821 -158.27221 21.34042 -158.33315 21.58289 -157.9986 22.78436 -157.99704 22.75102 -158.11544 22.69779 -158.01991 22.74002 -158.03829 22.74001 -158.05106 22.70372 -158.09311 22.67747 -158.04549 22.71965 -158.01115 22.72583 -157.97586 22.67802 -157.99047 22.63188 -157.97481 22.68786 -157.95793 22.6924 -157.94687 22.66754 -157.92042 22.65658 -157.92353 22.64328 -157.99215 22.66505 -157.96335 22.68353 -157.94173 22.64354 -157.92972 22.64648 -158.007 22.75207 -158.01969 22.74884 -157.99741 22.74991 -158.0074 22.73773 -158.2012 22.63429 -158.06477 22.64628 -157.9689 22.67498 -157.99512 22.67511 -157.97537 22.6653 -158.02427 22.589 -158.36445 21.84639 -158.33407 21.58771 -158.27142 21.34283 -158.13683 21.2468 -157.91141 21.24631 -157.92325 21.25009 -157.88384 21.27489 -157.87432 21.31139 Cruise Start and End 2008-01-28  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2008-02-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903066 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903066 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0801 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0801 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36445 -157.86792 21.24444 22.78437 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86805 21.30109 -157.90098 21.2457 -158.15241 21.24821 -158.27221 21.34042 -158.33315 21.58289 -157.9986 22.78436 -157.99704 22.75102 -158.11544 22.69779 -158.01991 22.74002 -158.03829 22.74001 -158.05106 22.70372 -158.09311 22.67747 -158.04549 22.71965 -158.01115 22.72583 -157.97586 22.67802 -157.99047 22.63188 -157.97481 22.68786 -157.95793 22.6924 -157.94687 22.66754 -157.92042 22.65658 -157.92353 22.64328 -157.99215 22.66505 -157.96335 22.68353 -157.94173 22.64354 -157.92972 22.64648 -158.007 22.75207 -158.01969 22.74884 -157.99741 22.74991 -158.0074 22.73773 -158.2012 22.63429 -158.06477 22.64628 -157.9689 22.67498 -157.99512 22.67511 -157.97537 22.6653 -158.02427 22.589 -158.36445 21.84639 -158.33407 21.58771 -158.27142 21.34283 -158.13683 21.2468 -157.91141 21.24631 -157.92325 21.25009 -157.88384 21.27489 -157.87432 21.31139 Cruise Start and End 2008-01-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-02-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903066 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.78, -157.87 22.78, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact //x=1+M5a'%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903066gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/903067 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program " info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) # Cruise KM0802 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0802 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36651 -157.82733 21.24280 22.86675 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86753 21.30178 -157.90246 21.24317 -158.14708 21.24734 -158.27729 21.3427 -158.3336 21.58369 -158.01703 22.69548 -157.99962 22.74786 -157.97175 22.75675 -158.03973 22.76825 -158.02954 22.85648 -158.00224 22.7525 -158.00226 22.77001 -157.92309 22.66373 -157.95611 22.66041 -158.0018 22.76366 -157.96896 22.86675 -157.97085 22.81181 -158.0016 )22.75007 -157.90773 22.67624 -157.99888 22.74904 -158.01499 22.7382 -157.91338 22.66092 -157.98106 22.73424 -157.86731 22.66241 -157.82819 22.66315 -157.84398 22.68393 -157.99857 22.75093 -157.84222 22.83389 -157.92837 22.78705 -157.94047 22.7934 -157.92023 22.6708 -157.93531 22.68173 -157.92051 22.67098 -157.9335 22.69262 -157.91956 22.66655 -157.93714 22.68849 -157.91725 22.64739 -158.36644 21.8436 -158.36258 21.85309 -158.33368 21.5842 -158.27267 21.34314 -158.14691 21.24684 -157.89388 21.24514 -157.87089 21.29596 Cruise Start and End 2008-02-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu + 2008-02-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List , Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903067 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. 1 multibeam raw 2 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (4acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities <5gmi:instrument> Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903067 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R6 Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0802 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0802 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36651 -157.82733 21.24280 22.86675 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86753 21.30178 -157.90246 21.24317 -158.14708 21.24734 -158.27729 21.3427 -158.3336 21.58369 -158.01703 22.69548 -157.99962 22.74786 -157.97175 22.75675 -158.03973 22.76825 -158.02954 22.85648 -158.00224 22.7525 -158.700226 22.77001 -157.92309 22.66373 -157.95611 22.66041 -158.0018 22.76366 -157.96896 22.86675 -157.97085 22.81181 -158.0016 22.75007 -157.90773 22.67624 -157.99888 22.74904 -158.01499 22.7382 -157.91338 22.66092 -157.98106 22.73424 -157.86731 22.66241 -157.82819 22.66315 -157.84398 22.68393 -157.99857 22.75093 -157.84222 22.83389 -157.92837 22.78705 -157.94047 22.7934 -157.92023 22.6708 -157.93531 22.68173 -157.92051 22.67098 -157.9335 22.69262 -157.91956 22.66655 -157.93714 22.68849 -157.91725 22.64739 -158.36644 21.8436 -158.36258 21.85309 -158.33368 21.5842 -158.27267 21.34314 -158.14691 21.24684 -157.89388 21.24514 -157.87089 21.29596 Cruise Start and End 2008-02-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-02-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903067 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.87, -157.83 22.87, -157.83 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact >1+M5g %}9 !!? [)doi:10.7284/901732gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/901625 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program < info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0803 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0803 e> Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords<?/gco:CharacterString> NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be @used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -175.26581 -157.86827 -21.13516 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86834 21.30149 -158.41706 18.00112 -160.25803 14.7745 -162.08771 11.51993 -165.36256 5.60176 -167.7172 1.30286 -168.25405 0.30141 -168.39714 -0.0562 -169.00612 -1.36647 -168.67216 -1.61198 -168.85083 -2.07302 -169.08112 -2.5482B1 -169.3007 -3.05477 -170.09283 -4.62657 -170.11288 -4.70843 -170.12405 -5.29274 -170.00123 -5.5707 -170.14887 -6.01077 -170.13369 -7.7531 -170.36289 -12.19725 -170.38779 -12.62458 -170.39984 -12.64146 -170.40133 -12.8987 -170.41114 -13.05451 -170.43189 -13.11011 -170.43105 -13.42433 -170.46928 -14.2777 -170.5742 -14.33037 -170.67491 -14.33576 -170.68321 -14.32083 -170.66717 -14.29354 -170.68492 -14.27632 -170.66779 -14.28699 -170.68539 -14.33442 -171.31852 -15.37936 -173.06461 -18.22984 -174.62899 -20.74733 -175.19221 -20.62468 -175.26581 -20.84924 -175.1613 -20.99237 -175.21872 -21.05334 -175.21835 -21.07798 -175.17854 -21.13507 Cruise Start and End 2008-03-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port ECode List Nuku'alofa http://doi.org/10.7284/901625 <F/gmd:CI_OnlineResource> collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. G RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw H RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901625 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0803 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0803 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -175.26581 -157.86827 -21.13516 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86834 21.30149 -158.41706 18.00112 -160.25803 14.7745 -162.08771 11.51993 -165.36256 5.60176 -167.7172 1.30286 -168.25405 0.30141 -168.39714 -0.0562 -169.00612 -1.36647 -168.67216 -1.61198 -168.85083 -2P.07302 -169.08112 -2.54821 -169.3007 -3.05477 -170.09283 -4.62657 -170.11288 -4.70843 -170.12405 -5.29274 -170.00123 -5.5707 -170.14887 -6.01077 -170.13369 -7.7531 -170.36289 -12.19725 -170.38779 -12.62458 -170.39984 -12.64146 -170.40133 -12.8987 -170.41114 -13.05451 -170.43189 -13.11011 -170.43105 -13.42433 -170.46928 -14.2777 -170.5742 -14.33037 -170.67491 -14.33576 -170.68321 -14.32083 -170.66717 -14.29354 -170.68492 -14.27632 -170.66779 -14.28699 -170.68539 -14.33442 -171.31852 -15.37936 -173.06461 -18.22984 -174.62899 -20.74733 -175.19221 -20.62468 -175.26581 -20.84924 -175.1613 -20.99237 -175.21872 -21.05334 -175.21835 -21.07798 -175.17854 -21.13507 Cruise Start and End 2008-03-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa http://doi.org/10.7284/901625 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-175.27 -21.14, -175.27 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 -21.14, -175.27 -21.14))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact r 1~ 0Nl:bSQuorum-Sensing and the3ROV Lu'ukai Testing83ROV Lu'ukai Science73ROV Lu'ukai Science63HPacific Acoustic Laboratory / Integrated Philippine Sea Experiment@Pelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North Pacific:@Pelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North PacificE doi:10.7284/901732 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program U info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data IVSO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0804 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0804 Hydrothermal Activity at the Lau Integrated Studies Site Martinez, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme Y NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Z Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -177.55234 -175.14197 -22.48651 -18.69643 coordinates of ship track -175.17952 -21.13588 -175.22733 -21.0657 -175.16189 -20.99107 -175.21448 -20.9251 -176.21741 -21.06522 -176.20946 -21.04525 -176.19909 -21.05708 -176.21116 -21.05804 -176.20865 -21.03653 -176.1185 -\20.64334 -176.13286 -20.51113 -176.06271 -20.24754 -176.09699 -20.10267 -176.03135 -19.91848 -175.97327 -19.8798 -175.98169 -19.86285 -176.00822 -19.86198 -176.04862 -19.90772 -176.11678 -20.10147 -176.0823 -20.24828 -176.12754 -20.41789 -176.173 -20.40864 -176.16436 -20.3687 -176.11292 -20.37427 -176.08239 -20.33511 -176.1047 -20.32258 -176.1264 -20.38012 -176.1435 -20.36823 -176.13958 -20.3431 -176.12691 -20.32132 -176.10313 -20.33273 -176.1518 -20.51156 -176.13752 -20.64352 -176.21796 -20.99596 -176.24475 -21.00208 -176.25335 -20.99144 -176.23044 -20.96908 -176.15734 -20.64261 -176.17128 -20.50954 -176.15349 -20.46147 -176.12748 -20.47857 -176.19173 -20.62727 -176.18692 -20.66369 -176.15857 -20.65898 -176.16561 -20.67025 -176.14994 -20.6779 -176.16784 -20.67357 -176.15541 -20.65592 -176.17153 -20.51052 -176.10203 -20.24666 -176.13646 -20.10131 -176.05201 -19.85983 -176.0643 -19.84366 -176.15667 -20.10053 -176.12157 -20.24623 -176.19058 -20.50869 -176.17703 -20.64445 -176.26205 -21.01593 -176.2799 -21.0]2608 -176.29331 -21.00877 -176.27411 -20.98207 -176.19597 -20.64067 -176.21042 -20.50863 -176.14741 -20.28745 -176.24508 -21.08333 -176.2048 -20.97757 -176.18004 -20.95119 -176.15038 -20.79909 -176.20304 -20.94514 -176.19245 -20.66705 -176.18011 -20.64101 -176.19203 -20.63683 -176.17871 -20.64972 -176.19073 -20.65554 -176.17796 -20.6516 -176.19598 -20.66056 -176.21797 -20.48139 -176.19191 -20.6663 -176.17965 -20.63488 -176.1947 -20.63408 -176.19098 -20.64959 -176.17736 -20.63985 -176.1964 -20.63318 -176.21021 -20.50793 -176.14126 -20.24645 -176.17674 -20.09859 -176.0922 -19.85865 -176.11015 -19.84382 -176.12083 -19.85999 -176.11106 -19.88629 -176.18625 -20.09837 -176.15086 -20.2473 -176.21968 -20.50641 -176.20535 -20.63969 -176.28618 -20.99405 -176.27469 -21.00586 -176.26122 -20.99655 -176.18616 -20.64057 -176.20042 -20.50855 -176.13148 -20.24698 -176.16669 -20.10004 -176.08098 -19.88289 -176.06768 -19.9047 -176.1467 -20.10052 -176.11181 -20.24655 -176.18116 -20.51017 -176.16678 -20.64136 -176.24999 -21.0^0757 -176.23426 -21.02255 -176.20634 -21.00553 -176.12765 -20.64155 -176.14217 -20.5112 -176.07276 -20.24866 -176.10728 -20.10297 -176.03557 -19.89796 -176.04599 -19.88443 -176.12682 -20.10139 -176.09189 -20.24777 -176.16165 -20.51078 -176.14915 -20.65205 -176.23101 -21.0095 -176.24423 -21.01862 -176.25231 -21.00773 -176.22547 -20.96791 -176.16155 -20.63978 -176.166 -20.55979 -176.18476 -20.55068 -176.17155 -20.64077 -176.18034 -20.72272 -176.20681 -20.84377 -176.24033 -20.85775 -176.25491 -20.83525 -176.21027 -20.80831 -176.18128 -20.64369 -176.18958 -20.58599 -176.17371 -20.55269 -176.19191 -20.53896 -176.21118 -20.55165 -176.19101 -20.64018 -176.23563 -20.83771 -176.26122 -20.87008 -176.2364 -20.89149 -176.21684 -20.87474 -176.22683 -20.84198 -176.19836 -20.71568 -176.21025 -20.6826 -176.11959 -20.31715 -176.00912 -20.35884 -176.17311 -20.05108 -176.06114 -20.07381 -176.13607 -20.03961 -176.15059 -20.05115 -176.09756 -19.95775 -176.15028 -20.11628 -176.13357 -20.05388 -176.15634 -20.10007 -176.12143 -2_0.24681 -176.19049 -20.50896 -176.17465 -20.65498 -176.22097 -20.92823 -176.22923 -20.76983 -176.21452 -20.7088 -176.18774 -20.72108 -176.15185 -20.58145 -176.2 -20.65111 -176.23945 -20.65853 -176.19305 -20.65086 -176.10737 -20.66609 -176.16517 -20.32781 -176.10931 -20.35315 -176.18869 -20.70378 -176.20358 -20.83654 -176.54035 -21.84839 -176.51943 -21.85008 -176.53549 -21.85579 -176.5317 -21.83324 -176.54391 -21.83099 -176.54228 -21.87014 -176.63219 -22.11479 -176.66314 -22.30132 -176.7357 -22.41244 -176.70848 -22.41705 -176.65615 -22.30191 -176.62566 -22.11575 -176.5412 -21.8866 -176.5448 -21.86152 -176.52892 -21.85376 -176.51334 -21.87251 -176.54178 -21.9081 -176.61866 -22.11738 -176.65015 -22.30557 -176.71372 -22.40501 -176.69951 -22.42191 -176.67841 -22.41025 -176.68436 -22.38449 -176.64272 -22.30484 -176.61224 -22.11898 -176.52826 -21.8909 -176.53327 -21.86262 -176.51415 -21.85255 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-176.68004 -22.42569 -176.56448 -21.94989 -176.5947 -22.04856 -176.58094 -21.97946 -176.55017 -21.94982 -176.59775 -22.04236 -176.58661 -22.166a56 -176.59784 -22.24815 -176.60618 -22.1486 -176.62443 -22.25962 -176.66667 -22.19101 -176.68318 -22.2742 -176.61 -22.11985 -176.50114 -22.37834 -176.29932 -22.48536 -176.22559 -22.3779 -176.08376 -22.2837 -175.39849 -21.02182 -175.24567 -20.94332 -175.19991 -20.95081 -175.16111 -20.99257 -175.2269 -21.06793 -175.17743 -21.13472 -175.22682 -21.07022 -175.16307 -20.99683 -175.19323 -20.94718 -175.16884 -20.91385 -175.36969 -20.58826 -175.42353 -20.56722 -175.44087 -20.48997 -175.51257 -20.37226 -175.36781 -19.43975 -175.51334 -19.29337 -175.32269 -18.90412 -176.3355 -18.89166 -176.32941 -18.83413 -175.24087 -18.83249 -175.20353 -18.77163 -176.32755 -18.76784 -176.33151 -18.70276 -175.16417 -18.69732 -175.76371 -18.83127 -175.75322 -18.84531 -175.74034 -18.83534 -175.75636 -18.83272 -175.74132 -18.85329 -175.75392 -18.8608 -175.75535 -18.84628 -175.72707 -18.8513 -175.70831 -18.81212 -175.72883 -18.79951 -175.91494 -19.2017 -175.93155 -19.2083 -175.93912 -19.19012 -175.74691 -18.81769 -175.75104 -18.80122 -b175.76812 -18.8006 -175.97058 -19.22788 -175.98991 -19.23607 -175.9977 -19.21961 -175.77492 -18.78794 -175.78372 -18.77309 -175.79982 -18.77934 -175.98174 -19.16597 -176.00883 -19.19136 -176.01713 -19.17338 -175.81745 -18.78992 -175.83625 -18.77431 -176.01848 -19.15469 -176.03757 -19.15944 -176.04529 -19.14298 -176.02412 -19.12369 -175.88958 -18.83054 -175.90828 -18.83511 -176.04587 -19.12788 -176.0676 -19.12128 -175.9003 -18.78881 -175.8802 -18.80065 -175.90332 -18.81416 -176.0124 -19.0372 -176.00609 -19.05329 -175.98957 -19.04802 -175.88436 -18.82032 -175.86062 -18.83199 -175.94643 -18.98747 -175.93795 -19.00379 -175.92288 -18.99738 -175.8159 -18.76858 -175.79024 -18.77994 -175.89628 -18.97188 -175.88797 -18.9881 -175.87022 -18.98011 -175.755 -18.72893 -175.7379 -18.7257 -175.73163 -18.74004 -175.8291 -18.92116 -175.80638 -18.92101 -175.74661 -18.79627 -175.73343 -18.79424 -175.7991 -18.94573 -175.79289 -18.96004 -175.77363 -18.9549 -175.70819 -18.80352 -175.68603 -18.78532 -175.67782 -18.80114 -175.744c2 -18.91539 -175.7363 -18.92917 -175.71916 -18.92348 -175.66837 -18.76956 -175.728 -18.78395 -175.85553 -18.86299 -175.63309 -18.93776 -175.69134 -19.16571 -175.76586 -19.36281 -175.33392 -19.52662 -175.47982 -20.34824 -175.40407 -20.4698 -175.33788 -20.53062 -175.32781 -20.59009 -175.14197 -20.88312 -175.1936 -20.94568 -175.16278 -20.99616 -175.22699 -21.0664 -175.18107 -21.13663 Cruise Start and End 2008-03-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa 2008-05-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa http://doi.org/10.7284/901732 g collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw i RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw j L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter k raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data wals collected from this device. ins raw m Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana <rgmd:organisationName> University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonatr measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field u Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 w multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam x multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901732 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0804 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0804 Hydrothermal Activity at the Lau Integrated Studies Site Martinez, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Officye custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -177.55234 -175.14197 -22.48651 -18.69643 coordinates of ship track -175.17952 -21.13588 -175.22733 -21.0657 -175.16189 -20.99107 -175.21448 -20.9251 -176.21741 -21.06522 -176.20946 -21.04525 -176.19909 -21.05708 -176.21116 -21.05804 -176.20865 -21.03653 -176.1185 -20.64334 -176.13286 -20.51113 -176.06271 -20.24754 -176.09699 -20.10267 -176.03135 -19.91848 -175.97327 -19.8798 -175.98169 -19.86285 -176.00822 -19.86198 -176.04862 -19.90772 -176.11678 -20.10147 -176.0823 -20.24828 -176.12754 -20.41789 -176.173 -20.40864 -176.16436 -20.3687 -176.11292 -20.37427 -176.08239 -20.33511 -176.1047 -20.32258 -176.1264 -20.38012 -176.1435 -20.36823 -176.13958 -20.3431 -176.12691 -20.32132 -176.10313 -20.33273 -176.1518 -20.51156 -176.13752 -20.64352 -176.21796 -20.99596 -176.24475 -21.00208 -176.25335 -20.99144 -176.23044 -20.96908 -176.15734 -20.64261 -176.17128 -20.50954 -17z6.15349 -20.46147 -176.12748 -20.47857 -176.19173 -20.62727 -176.18692 -20.66369 -176.15857 -20.65898 -176.16561 -20.67025 -176.14994 -20.6779 -176.16784 -20.67357 -176.15541 -20.65592 -176.17153 -20.51052 -176.10203 -20.24666 -176.13646 -20.10131 -176.05201 -19.85983 -176.0643 -19.84366 -176.15667 -20.10053 -176.12157 -20.24623 -176.19058 -20.50869 -176.17703 -20.64445 -176.26205 -21.01593 -176.2799 -21.02608 -176.29331 -21.00877 -176.27411 -20.98207 -176.19597 -20.64067 -176.21042 -20.50863 -176.14741 -20.28745 -176.24508 -21.08333 -176.2048 -20.97757 -176.18004 -20.95119 -176.15038 -20.79909 -176.20304 -20.94514 -176.19245 -20.66705 -176.18011 -20.64101 -176.19203 -20.63683 -176.17871 -20.64972 -176.19073 -20.65554 -176.17796 -20.6516 -176.19598 -20.66056 -176.21797 -20.48139 -176.19191 -20.6663 -176.17965 -20.63488 -176.1947 -20.63408 -176.19098 -20.64959 -176.17736 -20.63985 -176.1964 -20.63318 -176.21021 -20.50793 -176.14126 -20.24645 -176.17674 -20.09859 -176.0922 -19.85865 -176.11015 -19.84382 -17{6.12083 -19.85999 -176.11106 -19.88629 -176.18625 -20.09837 -176.15086 -20.2473 -176.21968 -20.50641 -176.20535 -20.63969 -176.28618 -20.99405 -176.27469 -21.00586 -176.26122 -20.99655 -176.18616 -20.64057 -176.20042 -20.50855 -176.13148 -20.24698 -176.16669 -20.10004 -176.08098 -19.88289 -176.06768 -19.9047 -176.1467 -20.10052 -176.11181 -20.24655 -176.18116 -20.51017 -176.16678 -20.64136 -176.24999 -21.00757 -176.23426 -21.02255 -176.20634 -21.00553 -176.12765 -20.64155 -176.14217 -20.5112 -176.07276 -20.24866 -176.10728 -20.10297 -176.03557 -19.89796 -176.04599 -19.88443 -176.12682 -20.10139 -176.09189 -20.24777 -176.16165 -20.51078 -176.14915 -20.65205 -176.23101 -21.0095 -176.24423 -21.01862 -176.25231 -21.00773 -176.22547 -20.96791 -176.16155 -20.63978 -176.166 -20.55979 -176.18476 -20.55068 -176.17155 -20.64077 -176.18034 -20.72272 -176.20681 -20.84377 -176.24033 -20.85775 -176.25491 -20.83525 -176.21027 -20.80831 -176.18128 -20.64369 -176.18958 -20.58599 -176.17371 -20.55269 -176.19191 -20.53896 -|176.21118 -20.55165 -176.19101 -20.64018 -176.23563 -20.83771 -176.26122 -20.87008 -176.2364 -20.89149 -176.21684 -20.87474 -176.22683 -20.84198 -176.19836 -20.71568 -176.21025 -20.6826 -176.11959 -20.31715 -176.00912 -20.35884 -176.17311 -20.05108 -176.06114 -20.07381 -176.13607 -20.03961 -176.15059 -20.05115 -176.09756 -19.95775 -176.15028 -20.11628 -176.13357 -20.05388 -176.15634 -20.10007 -176.12143 -20.24681 -176.19049 -20.50896 -176.17465 -20.65498 -176.22097 -20.92823 -176.22923 -20.76983 -176.21452 -20.7088 -176.18774 -20.72108 -176.15185 -20.58145 -176.2 -20.65111 -176.23945 -20.65853 -176.19305 -20.65086 -176.10737 -20.66609 -176.16517 -20.32781 -176.10931 -20.35315 -176.18869 -20.70378 -176.20358 -20.83654 -176.54035 -21.84839 -176.51943 -21.85008 -176.53549 -21.85579 -176.5317 -21.83324 -176.54391 -21.83099 -176.54228 -21.87014 -176.63219 -22.11479 -176.66314 -22.30132 -176.7357 -22.41244 -176.70848 -22.41705 -176.65615 -22.30191 -176.62566 -22.11575 -176.5412 -21.8866 -176.5448 -21.86152 -176}.52892 -21.85376 -176.51334 -21.87251 -176.54178 -21.9081 -176.61866 -22.11738 -176.65015 -22.30557 -176.71372 -22.40501 -176.69951 -22.42191 -176.67841 -22.41025 -176.68436 -22.38449 -176.64272 -22.30484 -176.61224 -22.11898 -176.52826 -21.8909 -176.53327 -21.86262 -176.51415 -21.85255 -176.50347 -21.86952 -176.60522 -22.1198 -176.63721 -22.30969 -176.68401 -22.3963 -176.70827 -22.41223 -176.69633 -22.43086 -176.67301 -22.42477 -176.67345 -22.39042 -176.6373 -22.32985 -176.62507 -22.35003 -176.64397 -22.42662 -176.66923 -22.43558 -176.68401 -22.41061 -176.63013 -22.30991 -176.59881 -22.12161 -176.51079 -21.8819 -176.51811 -21.8502 -176.50096 -21.83888 -176.47993 -21.86334 -176.50631 -21.88582 -176.59221 -22.12317 -176.62925 -22.34469 -176.64758 -22.36729 -176.63508 -22.38331 -176.61739 -22.37155 -176.58757 -22.13785 -176.61373 -22.12606 -176.59472 -22.12506 -176.59964 -22.10565 -176.58064 -22.09575 -176.56401 -22.11936 -176.58444 -22.15443 -176.61399 -22.3392 -176.55915 -22.38728 -176.61178 -22.3181 -177~.55113 -21.82134 -177.46292 -21.68172 -176.6624 -22.12935 -176.59661 -22.11665 -176.63116 -22.26876 -176.61454 -22.12713 -176.60966 -22.11666 -176.63626 -22.29286 -176.64264 -22.15076 -176.65948 -22.28559 -176.58061 -22.12074 -176.64854 -22.345 -176.68837 -22.41813 -176.68004 -22.42569 -176.56448 -21.94989 -176.5947 -22.04856 -176.58094 -21.97946 -176.55017 -21.94982 -176.59775 -22.04236 -176.58661 -22.16656 -176.59784 -22.24815 -176.60618 -22.1486 -176.62443 -22.25962 -176.66667 -22.19101 -176.68318 -22.2742 -176.61 -22.11985 -176.50114 -22.37834 -176.29932 -22.48536 -176.22559 -22.3779 -176.08376 -22.2837 -175.39849 -21.02182 -175.24567 -20.94332 -175.19991 -20.95081 -175.16111 -20.99257 -175.2269 -21.06793 -175.17743 -21.13472 -175.22682 -21.07022 -175.16307 -20.99683 -175.19323 -20.94718 -175.16884 -20.91385 -175.36969 -20.58826 -175.42353 -20.56722 -175.44087 -20.48997 -175.51257 -20.37226 -175.36781 -19.43975 -175.51334 -19.29337 -175.32269 -18.90412 -176.3355 -18.89166 -176.32941 -18.83413 -175.24087 -18.83249 -175.20353 -18.77163 -176.32755 -18.76784 -176.33151 -18.70276 -175.16417 -18.69732 -175.76371 -18.83127 -175.75322 -18.84531 -175.74034 -18.83534 -175.75636 -18.83272 -175.74132 -18.85329 -175.75392 -18.8608 -175.75535 -18.84628 -175.72707 -18.8513 -175.70831 -18.81212 -175.72883 -18.79951 -175.91494 -19.2017 -175.93155 -19.2083 -175.93912 -19.19012 -175.74691 -18.81769 -175.75104 -18.80122 -175.76812 -18.8006 -175.97058 -19.22788 -175.98991 -19.23607 -175.9977 -19.21961 -175.77492 -18.78794 -175.78372 -18.77309 -175.79982 -18.77934 -175.98174 -19.16597 -176.00883 -19.19136 -176.01713 -19.17338 -175.81745 -18.78992 -175.83625 -18.77431 -176.01848 -19.15469 -176.03757 -19.15944 -176.04529 -19.14298 -176.02412 -19.12369 -175.88958 -18.83054 -175.90828 -18.83511 -176.04587 -19.12788 -176.0676 -19.12128 -175.9003 -18.78881 -175.8802 -18.80065 -175.90332 -18.81416 -176.0124 -19.0372 -176.00609 -19.05329 -175.98957 -19.04802 -175.88436 -18.82032 -175.86062 -18.83199 -175.94643 -18.98747 -175.93795 -19.00379 -175.92288 -18.99738 -175.8159 -18.76858 -175.79024 -18.77994 -175.89628 -18.97188 -175.88797 -18.9881 -175.87022 -18.98011 -175.755 -18.72893 -175.7379 -18.7257 -175.73163 -18.74004 -175.8291 -18.92116 -175.80638 -18.92101 -175.74661 -18.79627 -175.73343 -18.79424 -175.7991 -18.94573 -175.79289 -18.96004 -175.77363 -18.9549 -175.70819 -18.80352 -175.68603 -18.78532 -175.67782 -18.80114 -175.7442 -18.91539 -175.7363 -18.92917 -175.71916 -18.92348 -175.66837 -18.76956 -175.728 -18.78395 -175.85553 -18.86299 -175.63309 -18.93776 -175.69134 -19.16571 -175.76586 -19.36281 -175.33392 -19.52662 -175.47982 -20.34824 -175.40407 -20.4698 -175.33788 -20.53062 -175.32781 -20.59009 -175.14197 -20.88312 -175.1936 -20.94568 -175.16278 -20.99616 -175.22699 -21.0664 -175.18107 -21.13663 Cruise Start and End 2008-03-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa 2008-05-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa http://doi.org/10.7284/901732 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHydrothermal Activity at the Lau Integrated Studies SiteEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-177.55 -22.49, -177.55 -18.70, -175.14 -18.70, -175.14 -22.49, -177.55 -22.49))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactgmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901684 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM0805 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0805  Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -175.22822 -157.86785 -21.13667  21.36424 coordinates of ship track -175.18103 -21.13663 -175.22757 -21.06689 -175.16133 -20.99477 -175.19468 -20.94529 -175.11692 -20.84479 -175.22806 -20.65244 -174.69944 -19.29395 -174.49724 -18.89729 -174.14275 -18.35349 -173.95692 -17.70656 -173.61972 -17.02974 -173.56379 -16.48929 -173.39547 -16.19588 -173.27066 -15.82204 -173.1414 -15.58055 -172.25214 -15.00554 -172.2027 -14.78139 -171.06885 -14.1488 -171.05696 -14.12691 -169.57408 -10.41654 -167.83414 -6.00195 -165.56235 0.99817 -161.55157 10.43741 -159.66835 14.7838 -158.25006 17.99976 -158.08534 19.98134 -157.95512 21.15826 -157.92846 21.2652 -157.9418 21.2658 -157.97044 21.33193 -157.96795 21.35193 -157.9432 21.36422 -157.96869 21.35105 -157.93927 21.27188 -157.87991 21.28049 -157.86791 21.30375 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2008-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa  2008-05-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901684  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901684 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0805 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0805 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -175.22822 -157.86785 -21.13667 21.36424 coordinates of ship track -175.18103 -21.13663 -175.22757 -21.06689 -175.16133 -20.99477 -175.19468 -20.94529 -175.11692 -20.84479 -175.22806 -20.65244 -174.69944 -19.29395 -174.49724 -18.89729 -174.14275 -18.35349 -173.95692 -17.70656 -173.61972 -17.02974 -173.56379 -16.48929 -173.39547 -16.19588 -173.27066 -15.82204 -173.1414 -15.58055 -172.25214 -15.00554 -172.2027 -14.78139 -171.06885 -14.1488 -171.05696 -14.12691 -169.57408 -10.41654 -167.83414 -6.00195 -165.56235 0.99817 -161.55157 10.43741 -159.66835 14.7838 -158.25006 17.99976 -158.08534 19.98134 -157.95512 21.15826 -157.92846 21.2652 -157.9418 21.2658 -157.97044 21.33193 -157.96795 21.35193 -157.9432 21.36422 -157.96869 21.35105 -157.93927 21.27188 -157.87991 21.28049 -157.86791 21.30375 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2008-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa 2008-05-23  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901684 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-175.23 -21.14, -175.23 21.36, -157.87 21.36, -157.87 -21.14, -175.23 -21.14))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact r=1+M55G%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903068gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:20Z doi:10.7284/903068 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0806 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0806 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36454 -157.86744 21.24587 22.87724  coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31573 -157.8676 21.30325 -157.87523 21.28871 -157.93326 21.24794 -158.14709 21.24732 -158.27546 21.34522 -158.33564 21.5868 -158.00075 22.7489 -158.02563 22.75133 -157.98485 22.74786 -158.13647 22.75088 -158.14408 22.76391 -158.08588 22.76005 -158.12683 22.76958 -158.06899 22.76559 -158.07171 22.77996 -158.11517 22.75121 -158.06077 22.73098 -157.99327 22.74743 -157.96535 22.62855 -157.9822 22.62805 -157.9938 22.73285 -157.97921 22.72009 -157.98336 22.62709 -157.97533 22.68069 -157.99968 22.7508 -157.96422 22.64159 -157.97947 22.63709 -157.99786 22.74878 -158.03343 22.74629 -158.00017 22.75255 -158.08771 22.77114 -158.18643 22.8772 -158.09873 22.78242 -158.10157 22.7686 -157.96675 22.65762 -157.99019 22.66266 -157.96935 22.66025 -157.98627 22.66157 -157.97416 22.64488 -157.9872 22.64373 -157.98678 22.66379 -158.36448 21.84773 -158.33316 21.58195 -158.27326 21.34394 -158.15053 21.24872 -157.95295 21.24827 -157.88041 21.27671 Cruise Start and End  2008-05-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2008-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903068 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam</gmx:Anchor> raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903068 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0806 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0806 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -158.36454 -157.86744 21.24587 22.87724 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31573 -157.8676 21.30325 -157.87523 21.28871 -157.93326 21.24794 -158.14709 21.24732 -158.27546 21.34522 -158.33564 21.5868 -158.00075 22.7489 -158.02563 22.75133 -157.98485 22.74786 -158.13647 22.75088 -158.14408 22.76391 -158.08588 22.76005 -158.12683 22.76958 -158.06899 22.76559 -158.07171 22.77996 -158.11517 22.75121 -158.06077 22.73098 -157.99327 22.74743 -157.96535 22.62855 -157.9822 22.62805 -157.9938 22.73285 -157.97921 22.72009 -157.98336 22.62709 -157.97533 22.68069 -157.99968 22.7508 -157.96422 22.64159 -157.97947 22.63709 -157.99786 22.74878 -158.03343 22.74629 -158.00017 22.75255 -158.08771 22.77114 -158.18643 22.8772 -158.09873 22.78242 -158.10157 22.7686 -157.96675 22.65762 -157.99019 22.66266 -157.96935 22.66025 -157.98627 22.66157 -157.97416 22.64488 -157.9872 22.64373 -157.98678 22.66379 -158.36448 21.84773 -158.33316 21.58195 -158.27326 21.34394 -158.15053 21.24872 -157.95295 21.24827 -157.88041 21.27671 Cruise Start and End 2008-05-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903068 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.88, -157.87 22.88, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact--Contact: Anna.Milan@noaa.gov--> doi:10.7284/901756 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0807 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0807 Ocean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - Deploy Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88665 -157.26030 21.20405 22.24625 coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31542 -157.86812 21.3017 -157.88103 21.27278 -157.80692 21.20505 -157.66913 21.20537 -157.52563 21.28274 -157.39233 22.22214 -157.29617 22.2264 -157.35316 22.19514 -157.34885 22.18526 -157.29766 22.22552 -157.26256 22.23081 -157.26279 22.17384 -157.26225 22.23232 -157.30716 22.24169 -157.27502 22.23648 -157.2721 22.20137 -157.52513 21.28438 -157.66515 21.20575 -157.80595 21.20511 -157.87781 21.27077 -157.86758 21.30298 -157.88661 21.31532 Cruise Start and End  2008-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2008-06-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901756 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device.  ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901756 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0807 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0807 Ocean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - Deploy Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88665 -157.26030 21.20405 22.24625 coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31542 -157.86812 21.3017 -157.88103 21.27278 -157.80692 21.20505 -157.66913 21.20537 -157.52563 21.28274 -157.39233 22.22214 -157.29617 22.2264 -157.35316 22.19514 -157.34885 22.18526 -157.29766 22.22552 -157.26256 22.23081 -157.26279 22.17384 -157.26225 22.23232 -157.30716 22.24169 -157.27502 22.23648 -157.2721 22.20137 -157.52513 21.28438 -157.66515 21.20575 -157.80595 21.20511 -157.87781 21.27077 -157.86758 21.30298 -157.88661 21.31532 Cruise Start and End 2008-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-06-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901756 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionOcean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - DeployEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 21.20, -157.89 22.25, -157.26 22.25, -157.26 21.20, -157.89 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ZZ>1+M5_)%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901756gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/901774 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0808 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0808  WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-5) Weller, Robert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33453 -157.83590 21.24249 22.79566 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31544 -157.86815 21.30099 -157.91208 21.24703 -158.16018 21.25638 -158.27592 21.34499 -158.33301 21.58347 -158.01812 22.77951 -158.01547 22.79557 -158.02706 22.79544 -158.01747 22.76681 -157.83593 22.76799 -158.01901 22.76709 -157.90059 22.77461 -157.89265 22.76103 -157.93901 22.77633 -157.98502 22.68227 -157.96776 22.66412 -157.9728 22.61028 -157.99059 22.64748 -157.98061 22.66119 -158.03883 22.62886 -158.01277 22.66057 -157.98115 22.65708 -158.02256 22.65433 -157.97787 22.66284 -157.94018 22.76616 -157.92903 22.75492 -157.9364 22.7617 -157.95263 22.72092 -157.95358 22.66518 -157.94081 22.67476 -157.95218 22.68602 -157.84774 22.68309 -157.91863 22.76482 -157.99218 22.77935 -157.93472 22.7662 -157.96057 22.72571 -157.97244 22.73742 -157.96387 22.75827 -157.93232 22.76763 -157.97692 22.72983 -157.93627 22.76733 -157.99145 22.75697 -157.99614 22.77584 -157.94113 22.7633 -157.97105 22.79066 -157.9775 22.77872 -157.93533 22.76358 -157.99202 22.79295 -157.9411 22.76519 -157.98616 22.75943 -157.93909 22.76187 -157.96331 22.7934 -157.97329 22.78531 -157.93972 22.75665 -158.32692 21.60409 -158.33301 21.50226 -158.14939 21.24725 -157.94984 21.24529 -157.89162 21.27386  Cruise Start and End 2008-06-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2008-06-11  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901774 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus  Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus  ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter  measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901774 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0808 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0808 WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-5) Weller, Robert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33453 -157.83590 21.24249 22.79566 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31544 -157.86815 21.30099 -157.91208 21.24703 -158.16018 21.25638 -158.27592 21.34499 -158.33301 21.58347 -158.01812 22.77951 -158.01547 22.79557 -158.02706 22.79544 -158.01747 22.76681 -157.83593 22.76799 -158.01901 22.76709 -157.90059 22.77461 -157.89265 22.76103 -157.93901 22.77633 -157.98502 22.68227 -157.96776 22.66412 -157.9728 22.61028 -157.99059 22.64748 -157.98061 22.66119 -158.03883 22.62886 -158.01277 22.66057 -157.98115 22.65708 -158.02256 22.65433 -157.97787 22.66284 -157.94018 22.76616 -157.92903 22.75492 -157.9364 22.7617 -157.95263 22.72092 -157.95358 22.66518 -157.94081 22.67476 -157.95218 22.68602 -157.84774 22.68309 -157.91863 22.76482 -157.99218 22.77935 -157.93472 22.7662 -157.96057 22.72571 -157.97244 22.73742 -157.96387 22.75827 -157.93232 22.76763 -157.97692 22.72983 -157.93627 22.76733 -157.99145 22.75697 -157.99614 22.77584 -157.94113 22.7633 -157.97105 22.79066 -157.9775 22.77872 -157.93533 22.76358 -157.99202 22.79295 -157.9411 22.76519 -157.98616 22.75943 -157.93909 22.76187 -157.96331 22.7934 -157.97329 22.78531 -157.93972 22.75665 -158.32692 21.60409 -158.33301 21.50226 -158.14939 21.24725 -157.94984 21.24529 -157.89162 21.27386 Cruise Start and End 2008-06-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-06-11 University-Natio nal Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901774 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-5)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.80, -157.84 22.80, -157.84 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact #>1+M5 %9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901757gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/901757 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM0809 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0809 Ocean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - Return Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33262 -157.36078 21.20459 22.87805 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31542 -157.86782 21.30167 -157.90213 21.24591 -158.14751 21.24783 -158.27419 21.34154 -158.3326 21.58225 -157.63576 22.3137 -157.55014 22.36503 -157.51971 22.34165 -157.54725 22.3766 -157.59687 22.32608 -157.59257 22.41028 -157.49384 22.42858 -157.48 22.52817 -157.36088 22.567 -157.39208 22.62551 -157.4632 22.60942 -157.39642 22.4872 -157.5328 22.46571 -157.53484 22.47853 -157.49972 22.48376 -157.50051 22.43747 -157.54975 22.39129 -157.53409 22.44785 -157.63275 22.83647 -157.67759 22.87799 -157.69081 22.87368 -157.55225 22.47116 -157.51548 22.44969 -157.49694 22.46966 -157.52753 22.48762 -157.52911 22.51274 -157.5048 22.51884 -157.5002 22.49972 -157.49381 22.52492 -157.44385 22.53745 -157.45645 22.55637 -157.45237 22.54548 -157.43967 22.56098 -157.50689 22.56974 -157.52366 22.58869 -157.50263 22.48053 -157.50562 22.34252 -157.52227 22.2902 -157.50815 22.18778 -157.52477 21.28683 -157.66856 21.20557 -157.80506 21.20509 -157.91562 21.24486 -157.90531 21.24127 -157.86831 21.3002 Cruise Start and End 2008-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2008-06-15  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu <gmd:URL>http://doi.org/10.7284/901757 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for th!e Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities $ Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 % multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam & multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901757 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0809 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0809 Ocean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - Return Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directo'ry (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33262 -157.36078 21.20459 22.87805 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31542 -157.86782 21.30167 -157.90213 21.24591 -158.14751 21.24783 -158.27419 21.34154 -158.3326 21.58225 -157.63576 22.3137 -157.55014 22.36503 -157.51971 22.34165 -157.54725 22.3766 -157.59687 22.32608 -157.59257 22.41028 -157.49384 22.42858 -157.48 22.52817 -157.36088 22.567 -157.39208 22.62551 -157.4632 22.60942 -157.39642 22.4872 -157.5328 22.46571 -157.53484 22.47853 -157.49972 22.48376 -157.50051 22.43747 -157.54975 22.39129 -157.53409 22.44785 -157.63275 22.83647 -157.67759 22.87799 -157.69081 22.87368 -157.55225 22.47116 -157.51548 22.44969 -157.49694 22.46966 -157.52753 22.48762 -157.52911 22.51274 -157.5048 22.51884 -157.5002 22.49972 -157.49381 22.52492 -157.44385 22.53745 -157.45645 22.55637 -157.45237 22.54548 -157.43967 22.56098 -157.50689 22.56(974 -157.52366 22.58869 -157.50263 22.48053 -157.50562 22.34252 -157.52227 22.2902 -157.50815 22.18778 -157.52477 21.28683 -157.66856 21.20557 -157.80506 21.20509 -157.91562 21.24486 -157.90531 21.24127 -157.86831 21.3002 Cruise Start and End 2008-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-06-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901757 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionOcean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - ReturnEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.20, -158.33 22.88, -157.36 22.88, -157.36 21.20, -158.33 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact*005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903625 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0810 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0810 C-MORE 2008 Summer Course (Agouron-4) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office 0 custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.22926 -157.86732 21.24470 24.14994 <2gmd:description> coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31541 -157.86738 21.3019 -157.90152 21.24714 -158.14847 21.24728 -158.27384 21.34448 -158.33282 21.58333 -157.99558 24.00333 -159.29935 24.00081 -159.35754 23.97116 -159.99852 23.79904 -159.99905 23.81708 -159.94283 23.81251 -159.98711 23.81054 -159.99847 23.83639 -159.9881 23.82711 -160.01986 23.84373 -160.00951 23.85497 -160.12555 23.93119 -160.00091 23.86237 -160.01172 23.8934 -160.13674 23.89076 -160.02643 23.90029 -160.0076 23.92151 -158.8134 23.90963 -158.09874 23.88457 -157.98591 23.86183 -158.06927 23.7588 -158.06086 23.74765 -157.99237 23.84557 -158.09201 23.76001 -158.09765 23.78362 -158.01122 23.833493 -158.00984 23.79741 -158.13442 23.77734 -158.13359 23.76535 -158.01027 23.79035 -159.98996 24.05453 -160.09509 24.09245 -160.12482 24.12055 -160.10853 24.12297 -160.11364 24.14701 -160.22756 24.11419 -160.1141 24.1497 -159.80268 23.85823 -159.56463 23.55997 -159.29471 23.17989 -158.98594 22.65183 -158.98812 22.61691 -159.02652 22.63228 -159.08367 22.60375 -159.71379 22.19081 -159.57197 22.26134 -159.369 22.26094 -159.32169 22.2422 -158.81277 21.8172 -158.77463 21.75352 -158.67415 21.6967 -158.15052 21.24882 -157.90321 21.24486 -157.86748 21.30241 -157.88563 21.31546 Cruise Start and End 2008-06-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu5 2008-06-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903625 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp : raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. <;gmi:LE_Source> ctd raw Kongsberg EM1002 < Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam > raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator @ RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 mulCtibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903625 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0810 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0810 C-MORE 2008 Summer Course (Agouron-4) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.22926 -157.86732 2E1.24470 24.14994 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31541 -157.86738 21.3019 -157.90152 21.24714 -158.14847 21.24728 -158.27384 21.34448 -158.33282 21.58333 -157.99558 24.00333 -159.29935 24.00081 -159.35754 23.97116 -159.99852 23.79904 -159.99905 23.81708 -159.94283 23.81251 -159.98711 23.81054 -159.99847 23.83639 -159.9881 23.82711 -160.01986 23.84373 -160.00951 23.85497 -160.12555 23.93119 -160.00091 23.86237 -160.01172 23.8934 -160.13674 23.89076 -160.02643 23.90029 -160.0076 23.92151 -158.8134 23.90963 -158.09874 23.88457 -157.98591 23.86183 -158.06927 23.7588 -158.06086 23.74765 -157.99237 23.84557 -158.09201 23.76001 -158.09765 23.78362 -158.01122 23.83493 -158.00984 23.79741 -158.13442 23.77734 -158.13359 23.76535 -158.01027 23.79035 -159.98996 24.05453 -160.09509 24.09245 -160.12482 24.12055 -160.10853 24.12297 -160.11364 24.14701 -160.22756 24.11419 -160.1141 24.1497 -159.80268 23.85823 -159.56463 23.55997 -159.29471 23.17989 -158.98594 22.65183 -158.98812 22.61691 -159.0265F2 22.63228 -159.08367 22.60375 -159.71379 22.19081 -159.57197 22.26134 -159.369 22.26094 -159.32169 22.2422 -158.81277 21.8172 -158.77463 21.75352 -158.67415 21.6967 -158.15052 21.24882 -157.90321 21.24486 -157.86748 21.30241 -157.88563 21.31546 Cruise Start and End 2008-06-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-06-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903625 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2008 Summer Course (Agouron-4)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.23 21.24, -160.23 24.15, -157.87 24.15, -157.87 21.24, -160.23 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact n=1+M5ou%W9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903625gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0811 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0811 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian O Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36411 -157.86727 21.22572 22.98715 coordinates of ship track -157.87619 21.3119 -157.86743 21.30137 -157.90108 21.24661 -158.14756 21.24788 -158.27315 21.34368 -158.33321 21.58096 -158.00044 22.77761 -157.99988 22.75037 -157.90114 22.79753 -157.91727 22.81263 -157.95216 22.78571 -157.94081 22.77866 -157.9985 22.75084 -157.98175 22.75 -158.03252 22.86964 -157.9991 22.86643 -158.0106 22.83787 -158.04181 22.84377 -158.00805 22.84938 -158.00415 22.7931 -157.98198 22.78607 -158.00024 22.75033 -158.00926 22.79905 -157.98477 22.82872 -157.98167 22.86324 -157.96895 22.85307 -158.00441 22.77019 -157.94601 22.84921 -157.93283 22.84644 -158.00232 22.7542 -157.99941 22.72922 -157.99981 22.75153 -158.13376 22.93587 -158.19189 22.9871 -158.13869 22.94474 -158.06319 22.91407 -157.92288 22.78162 -157.93026 22.80202 -157.93286 22.79063 -157.90499 22.7962 -157.92066 22.79743 -158.36401 21.84802 -158.34153 21.59886 -158.2877 21.40465 -158.32152 21.40153 -158.3277 21.38666 R-158.29375 21.33313 -158.21341 21.2689 -158.12088 21.23114 -158.01049 21.23411 -157.96502 21.25545 Cruise Start and End 2008-06-24 S University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-06-28<T/gml:timePosition> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu U http://doi.org/10.7284/903069 collectionSession V Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 X Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Y Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw \ International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii ] operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities _ Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903069 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0811 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KaM0811 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36411 -157.86727 21.22572 22.98715 coordinates of ship track -157.87619 21.3119 -157.86743 21.30137 -157.90108 21.24661 -158.14756 21.24788 -158.27315 21.34368 -158.33321 21.58096 -158.00044 22.77761 -157.99988 22.75037 -157.90114 22.79753 -157.91727 22.81263 -157.95216 22.78571 -157.94081 22.77866 -157.9985 22.75084 -157.98175 22.75 -158.03252 22.86964 -157.9991 22.86643 -158.0106 22.83787 -158.04181 22.84377 -158.00805 22.84938 -158.00415 22.7931 -157.98198 22.78607 -158.00024 22.75033 -158.00926 22.79905 -157.98477 22.82872 -157.98167 22.86324 -157.96895 22.85307 -158.00441 22.77019 -157.94601 22.84b921 -157.93283 22.84644 -158.00232 22.7542 -157.99941 22.72922 -157.99981 22.75153 -158.13376 22.93587 -158.19189 22.9871 -158.13869 22.94474 -158.06319 22.91407 -157.92288 22.78162 -157.93026 22.80202 -157.93286 22.79063 -157.90499 22.7962 -157.92066 22.79743 -158.36401 21.84802 -158.34153 21.59886 -158.2877 21.40465 -158.32152 21.40153 -158.3277 21.38666 -158.29375 21.33313 -158.21341 21.2689 -158.12088 21.23114 -158.01049 21.23411 -157.96502 21.25545 Cruise Start and End 2008-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-06-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903069 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.23, -158.36 22.99, -157.87 22.99, -157.87 21.23, -158.36 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact =1+M5k9%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903069gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z H H $0<HT`lx ,8DP\ht(4@LXdp| oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceansfgsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901758 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0812 on RV Kilo Moania 2015-09-30 published KM0812 North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica Cycling Brzezinski, Mark University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Direlctory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.98350 -138.73951 21.20478 32.99940 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86746 21.30344 -157.89107 21.24452 -157.8148 21.20815 -157.61532 21.20979 -157.52704 21.28129 -156.77389 22.0752 -152.93245 26.62961 -150.00026 29.99945 -150.00357 30.01573 -150.00007 29.99987 -146.49841 29.99969 -146.49101 30.02541 -146.49975 30.0009 -145.68499 30.38791 -144.73649 30.9342 -141.00113 32.99916 -140.86286 32.35092 -140.83418 32.34121 -140.67386 32.06204 -139.32192 31.93219 -140.47128 31.77001 -140.46021 31.78419 -140.47042 31.76999 -140.46154 31.78042 -140.46986 31.77004 -140.2o8193 31.47915 -140.829 31.77437 -141.68364 31.77072 -141.67936 31.75984 -141.01008 31.76175 -140.85054 31.76531 -140.82257 31.77958 -140.91931 31.66875 -141.36805 31.28488 -140.06602 31.19045 -140.08216 31.18972 -138.74034 30.99711 -139.91088 30.90185 -139.89434 30.90598 -139.89382 30.88808 -139.93071 30.24958 -139.91535 30.2595 -140.60895 30.26198 -139.70217 30.60902 -139.69578 30.62266 -139.70109 30.60852 -139.68959 30.62795 -139.50804 30.31741 -141.25077 28.74845 -140.58238 31.53186 -140.58798 31.51213 -138.98633 32.00881 -139.00396 31.00792 -139.99905 31.00439 -139.34064 31.6684 -140.67165 30.32963 -140.43835 30.32267 -140.31704 30.2882 -141.13428 30.99954 -140.36307 30.30103 -140.50648 30.04637 -141.12667 28.82229 -141.16979 28.70367 -141.15765 28.70383 -144.18875 27.36493 -144.29294 27.29133 -145.07866 26.96792 -147.70523 25.79068 -147.6782 25.79014 -149.54194 24.95526 -154.844 22.51939 -154.96739 22.47509 -155.13139 22.38598 -157.65341 21.21708 -157.80496 21.20548 -157.888 21.24067 -157.98222 21.22p56 -157.89761 21.24815 -157.86752 21.30281 -157.88662 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2008-07-01 q University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-07-22 <r/gml:TimeInstant> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901758 collectionSession t Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 v Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw x L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter y raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was czollected from this device. ins raw { Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882  magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901758 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0812 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0812 North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica Cycling Brzezinski, Mark University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.98350 -138.73951 21.20478 32.99940 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86746 21.30344 -157.89107 21.24452 -157.8148 21.20815 -157.61532 21.20979 -157.52704 21.28129 -156.77389 22.0752 -152.93245 26.62961 -150.00026 29.99945 -150.00357 30.01573 -150.00007 29.99987 -146.49841 29.99969 -146.49101 30.02541 -146.49975 30.0009 -145.68499 30.38791 -144.73649 30.9342 -141.00113 32.99916 -140.86286 32.35092 -140.83418 32.34121 -140.67386 32.06204 -139.32192 31.93219 -140.47128 31.77001 -140.46021 31.78419 -140.47042 31.76999 -140.46154 31.78042 -140.46986 31.77004 -140.28193 31.47915 -140.829 31.77437 -141.68364 31.77072 -141.67936 31.75984 -141.01008 31.76175 -140.85054 31.76531 -140.82257 31.77958 -140.91931 31.66875 -141.36805 31.28488 -140.06602 31.19045 -140.08216 31.18972 -138.74034 30.99711 -139.91088 30.90185 -139.89434 30.90598 -139.89382 30.88808 -139.93071 30.24958 -139.91535 30.2595 -140.60895 30.26198 -139.70217 30.60902 -139.69578 30.62266 -139.70109 30.60852 -139.68959 30.62795 -139.50804 30.31741 -141.25077 28.74845 -140.58238 31.53186 -140.58798 31.51213 -138.98633 32.00881 -139.00396 31.00792 -139.99905 31.00439 -139.34064 31.6684 -140.67165 30.32963 -140.43835 30.32267 -140.31704 30.2882 -141.13428 30.99954 -140.36307 30.30103 -140.50648 30.04637 -141.12667 28.82229 -141.16979 28.70367 -141.15765 28.70383 -144.18875 27.36493 -144.29294 27.29133 -145.07866 26.96792 -147.70523 25.79068 -147.6782 25.79014 -149.54194 24.95526 -154.844 22.51939 -154.96739 22.47509 -155.13139 22.38598 -157.65341 21.21708 -157.80496 21.20548 -157.888 21.24067 -157.98222 21.2256 -157.89761 21.24815 -157.86752 21.30281 -157.88662 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2008-07-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-07-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901758 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionNorth Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica CyclingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.98 21.20, -157.98 33.00, -138.74 33.00, -138.74 21.20, -157.98 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact P!=1+M53%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903070gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21ZkLy,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation." xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903070 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM0813 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0813  Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33336 -157.86756 21.24558 22.94479 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31543 -157.86766 21.30218 -157.90222 21.2474 -158.14852 21.24773 -158.27572 21.34384 -158.33332 21.57999 -158.05574 22.55725 -158.03277 22.70841 -158.02032 22.74808 -157.99817 22.74761 -158.1166 22.74085 -157.99393 22.74425 -158.02327 22.73199 -158.11106 22.73397 -158.1207 22.74673 -158.07897 22.76053 -158.03761 22.81593 -158.0649 22.84599 -158.05159 22.82988 -158.01534 22.82682 -158.00616 22.74997 -158.131 22.74475 -157.98868 22.74873 -157.92401 22.7944 -157.88716 22.79974 -157.90509 22.80627 -158.01741 22.74759 -157.98244 22.75617 -158.00276 22.74693 -158.06831 22.84271 -158.06206 22.88142 -158.15117 22.94474 -158.06922 22.88218 -158.03044 22.87232 -157.97843 22.81754 -157.90724 22.79392 -157.92584 22.7919 -157.87663 22.81128 -157.92702 22.80301 -158.33281 21.58374 -158.26756 21.34159 -158.15023 21.24789 -157.90017 21.24558 -157.89103 21.25808 Cruise Start and End 2008-07-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2008-07-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903070 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903070 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0813 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0813 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33336 -157.86756 21.24558 22.94479 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31543 -157.86766 21.30218 -157.90222 21.2474 -158.14852 21.24773 -158.27572 21.34384 -158.33332 21.57999 -158.05574 22.55725 -158.03277 22.70841 -158.02032 22.74808 -157.99817 22.74761 -158.1166 22.74085 -157.99393 22.74425 -158.02327 22.73199 -158.11106 22.73397 -158.1207 22.74673 -158.07897 22.76053 -158.03761 22.81593 -158.0649 22.84599 -158.05159 22.82988 -158.01534 22.82682 -158.00616 22.74997 -158.131 22.74475 -157.98868 22.74873 -157.92401 22.7944 -157.88716 22.79974 -157.90509 22.80627 -158.01741 22.74759 -157.98244 22.75617 -158.00276 22.74693 -158.06831 22.84271 -158.06206 22.88142 -158.15117 22.94474 -158.06922 22.88218 -158.03044 22.87232 -157.97843 22.81754 -157.90724 22.79392 -157.92584 22.7919 -157.87663 22.81128 -157.92702 22.80301 -158.33281 21.58374 -158.26756 21.34159 -158.15023 21.24789 -157.90017 21.24558 -157.89103 21.25808 Cruise Start and End 2008-07-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-07-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903070 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.94, -157.87 22.94, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact doi:10.7284/902892 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0814 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0814 C-MORE: Ocean Perturbation Experiment (CMORE-OPEREX) Kolber, Zbigniew University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.66950 -156.08943 21.20475 25.75004 coordinates of ship track -157.88389 21.31367 -157.86777 21.30425 -157.88752 21.26294 -157.8806 21.24203 -157.8085 21.2053 -157.66661 21.20552 -157.54129 21.28832 -157.54159 21.66648 -157.49984 22.49941 -157.51685 22.45982 -157.53176 22.46684 -157.49879 22.50356 -157.76366 22.89249 -157.77471 22.91448 -157.75509 22.93571 -156.7768 22.50864 -156.67723 22.48005 -156.67855 22.20061 -156.57253 22.20184 -156.57061 22.36281 -156.59284 22.39233 -156.70246 22.40235 -156.66632 22.39588 -156.70419 22.34607 -156.66824 22.39862 -156.61827 22.41897 -156.41421 22.34243 -156.42823 22.33835 -156.41574 22.33373 -156.42587 22.31823 -156.39901 22.30143 -156.24954 22.33254 -156.08945 22.40105 -156.56297 22.39378 -156.6237 22.37114 -156.74769 22.22449 -156.7548 22.23624 -156.82381 22.20559 -156.797 22.23558 -156.79561 22.22549 -156.75373 22.2371 -156.80841 22.1923 -156.83761 22.19564 -156.80392 22.24768 -156.75629 22.26472 -156.73889 22.25339 -157.0001 22.58463 -157.50024 23.08321 -157.49984 23.73481 -157.48856 23.74772 -157.50178 23.75373 -157.49127 23.86731 -157.50439 24.13363 -157.5001 25.75003 -157.66797 25.41856 -157.66644 25.25062 -157.62375 25.24986 -157.33353 25.25058 -157.3334 25.41706 -157.50115 25.41655 -157.49979 24.00654 -158.00171 24.00689 -157.94146 23.96853 -157.96694 23.97066 -158.00031 24.00035 -157.99247 23.90407 -157.9912 23.9976 -158.00785 23.99837 -157.98575 23.98816 -158.00085 24.001 -158.00022 23.76771 -158.00115 24.34784 -157.93623 24.22269 -157.92199 24.02975 -157.89607 24.01532 -157.99604 24.01461 -157.88991 24.01299 -157.88115 24.50067 -157.66381 24.81537 -157.50775 25.07678 -157.42505 25.16797 -157.47754 25.11804 -157.50098 25.08458 -157.44251 25.03435 -157.50037 25.08505 -156.64698 25.60225 -157.1156 25.31493 -157.41404 25.15733 -157.46426 25.14334 -157.4691 25.15792 -157.44943 25.15472 -157.75177 24.16608 -158.83197 24.02078 -159.18249 23.94989 -159.50101 23.91839 -159.47976 23.91465 -159.5029 23.91553 -160.18968 22.98707 -160.33177 22.83388 -160.66921 22.99928 -160.50165 23.16628 -160.15097 23.42918 -160.17347 23.43284 -160.16207 23.4435 -159.9986 23.54647 -157.89164 25.11812 -157.67241 25.40232 -157.63549 25.49169 -157.549 25.51544 -157.54633 25.25298 -157.39904 24.73656 -157.32037 24.36342 -157.13517 24.36642 -157.13535 24.45127 -157.51015 24.44639 -157.50949 24.26368 -157.1847 24.26091 -157.48396 24.21645 -157.47195 24.22675 -157.45863 24.2219 -157.49837 24.20183 -158.33267 21.58339 -158.27114 21.34121 -158.14821 21.24422 -157.89964 21.24628 -157.86785 21.30169 -157.8866 21.31543 Cruise Start and End  2008-07-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-08-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902892  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device.  ctd raw Kongsberg EM120  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902892 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0814 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0814 C-MORE: Ocean Perturbation Experiment (CMORE-OPEREX) Kolber, Zbigniew University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.66950 -156.08943 21.20475 25.75004 coordinates of ship track -157.88389 21.31367 -157.86777 21.30425 -157.88752 21.26294 -157.8806 21.24203 -157.8085 21.2053 -157.66661 21.20552 -157.54129 21.28832 -157.54159 21.66648 -157.49984 22.49941 -157.51685 22.45982 -157.53176 22.46684 -157.49879 22.50356 -157.76366 22.89249 -157.77471 22.91448 -157.75509 22.93571 -156.7768 22.50864 -156.67723 22.48005 -156.67855 22.20061 -156.57253 22.20184 -156.57061 22.36281 -156.59284 22.39233 -156.70246 22.40235 -156.66632 22.39588 -156.70419 22.34607 -156.66824 22.39862 -156.61827 22.41897 -156.41421 22.34243 -156.42823 22.33835 -156.41574 22.33373 -156.42587 22.31823 -156.39901 22.30143 -156.24954 22.33254 -156.08945 22.40105 -156.56297 22.39378 -156.6237 22.37114 -156.74769 22.22449 -156.7548 22.23624 -156.82381 22.20559 -156.797 22.23558 -156.79561 22.22549 -156.75373 22.2371 -156.80841 22.1923 -156.83761 22.19564 -156.80392 22.24768 -156.75629 22.26472 -156.73889 22.25339 -157.0001 22.58463 -157.50024 23.08321 -157.49984 23.73481 -157.48856 23.74772 -157.50178 23.75373 -157.49127 23.86731 -157.50439 24.13363 -157.5001 25.75003 -157.66797 25.41856 -157.66644 25.25062 -157.62375 25.24986 -157.33353 25.25058 -157.3334 25.41706 -157.50115 25.41655 -157.49979 24.00654 -158.00171 24.00689 -157.94146 23.96853 -157.96694 23.97066 -158.00031 24.00035 -157.99247 23.90407 -157.9912 23.9976 -158.00785 23.99837 -157.98575 23.98816 -158.00085 24.001 -158.00022 23.76771 -158.00115 24.34784 -157.93623 24.22269 -157.92199 24.02975 -157.89607 24.01532 -157.99604 24.01461 -157.88991 24.01299 -157.88115 24.50067 -157.66381 24.81537 -157.50775 25.07678 -157.42505 25.16797 -157.47754 25.11804 -157.50098 25.08458 -157.44251 25.03435 -157.50037 25.08505 -156.64698 25.60225 -157.1156 25.31493 -157.41404 25.15733 -157.46426 25.14334 -157.4691 25.15792 -157.44943 25.15472 -157.75177 24.16608 -158.83197 24.02078 -159.18249 23.94989 -159.50101 23.91839 -159.47976 23.91465 -159.5029 23.91553 -160.18968 22.98707 -160.33177 22.83388 -160.66921 22.99928 -160.50165 23.16628 -160.15097 23.42918 -160.17347 23.43284 -160.16207 23.4435 -159.9986 23.54647 -157.89164 25.11812 -157.67241 25.40232 -157.63549 25.49169 -157.549 25.51544 -157.54633 25.25298 -157.39904 24.73656 -157.32037 24.36342 -157.13517 24.36642 -157.13535 24.45127 -157.51015 24.44639 -157.50949 24.26368 -157.1847 24.26091 -157.48396 24.21645 -157.47195 24.22675 -157.45863 24.2219 -157.49837 24.20183 -158.33267 21.58339 -158.27114 21.34121 -158.14821 21.24422 -157.89964 21.24628 -157.86785 21.30169 -157.8866 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2008-07-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-08-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902892 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE: Ocean Perturbation Experiment (CMORE-OPEREX)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.67 21.20, -160.67 25.75, -156.09 25.75, -156.09 21.20, -160.67 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ::E"=1+M5o%u9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902892gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z 211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903075 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0815 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0815 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36534 -157.86720 21.24471  23.00577 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31543 -157.8677 21.30187 -157.89801 21.24754 -158.15167 21.24892 -158.27335 21.34336 -158.33459 21.57838 -157.99813 22.76646 -158.00287 22.74648 -158.08603 22.6861 -157.99837 22.73604 -158.00092 22.74995 -158.10901 22.76885 -157.99618 22.74927 -158.12026 22.79703 -158.0697 22.80269 -158.07958 22.84124 -158.01725 22.77707 -157.99204 22.77402 -158.11374 22.76938 -158.01732 22.75153 -158.11433 22.74733 -158.07347 22.74181 -158.1388 22.75465 -157.88613 22.74019 -158.00205 22.7495 -158.06465 23.00577 -158.05606 22.97403 -158.06779 22.93645 -158.11469 22.91346 -157.91874 22.77875 -157.93792 22.7819 -157.91369 22.78179 -157.9334 22.78858 -157.9186 22.85816 -157.90869 22.85035 -157.98375 22.7148 -158.36533 21.84794 -158.32977 21.55758 -158.27266 21.34295 -158.15151 21.24616 -157.90071 21.24528 -157.86726 21.30219 -157.88659 21.31543 Cruise Start and End <gmd:EX_SpatialTemporalExtent> 2008-08-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-08-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903075  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp  (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903075 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0815 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0815 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36534 -157.86720 21.24471 23.00577 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31543 -157.8677 21.30187 -157.89801 21.24754 -158.15167 21.24892 -158.27335 21.34336 -158.33459 21.57838 -157.99813 22.76646 -158.00287 22.74648 -158.08603 22.6861 -157.99837 22.73604 -158.00092 22.74995 -158.10901 22.76885 -157.99618 22.74927 -158.12026 22.79703 -158.0697 22.80269 -158.07958 22.84124 -158.01725 22.77707 -157.99204 22.77402 -158.11374 22.76938 -158.01732 22.75153 -158.11433 22.74733 -158.07347 22.74181 -158.1388 22.75465 -157.88613 22.74019 -158.00205 22.7495 -158.06465 23.00577 -158.05606 22.97403 -158.06779 22.93645 -158.11469 22.91346 -157.91874 22.77875 -157.93792 22.7819 -157.91369 22.78179 -157.9334 22.78858 -157.9186 22.85816 -157.90869 22.85035 -157.98375 22.7148 -158.36533 21.84794 -158.32977 21.55758 -158.27266 21.34295 -158.15151 21.24616 -157.90071 21.24528 -157.86726 21.30219 -157.88659 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2008-08-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-08-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903075 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 23.01, -157.87 23.01, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact c\&=1+M5A%S9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901760gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z1+M5qO%Y9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902893gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wT$=1+M5u#%o9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901759gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww߁@#=1+M5u#%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903075gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/901759 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0816 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0816 Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE) Ondrusek, Michael University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90028 -157.01766 20.72956 21.31541 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31541 -157.86763 21.30177 -157.8986 21.24294 -157.18379 20.81435 -157.18189 20.80035 -157.01788 20.73068 -157.18589 20.80823 -157.85558 21.21964 -157.88171 21.25635 -157.87249 21.30876 Cruise Start and End 2008-08-21  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-08-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901759 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901759 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0816 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0816 Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE) Ondrusek, Michael University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90028 -157.01766 20.72956 21.31541 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31541 -157.86763 21.30177 -157.8986 21.24294 -157.18379 20.81435 -157.18189 20.80035 -157.01788 20.73068 -157.18589 20.80823 -157.85558 21.21964 -157.88171 21.25635 -157.87249 21.30876 Cruise Start and End 2008-08-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-08-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901759 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMarine Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 20.73, -157.90 21.32, -157.02 21.32, -157.02 20.73, -157.90 20.73))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactww.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/902893 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0817 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0817 C-MORE: Survey of Underwater Plastic and Ecosystem Response: Hawaii to California (CMORE-SUPER-HI-CAT) Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme</gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode> NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88102 -119.22128 21.20039 35.45135 coordinates of ship track -157.87427 21.31139 -157.88017 21.27043 -157.79547 21.20049 -157.67055 21.205 -157.51939 21.29864 -156.23439 24.49699 -154.74938 28.0842 -153.91493 30.41694 -153.49628 31.20935 -153.40771 31.23799 -153.05878 31.98905 -152.97603 32.01103 -152.74919 32.58359 -151.63307 34.08353 -151.54661 34.10257 -151.32304 34.46748 -151.2103 34.46918 -151.1678 34.49843 -151.09298 34.60108 -149.13643 34.82017 -147.40658 34.9836 -147.32388 35.03472 -147.01972 35.01681 -145.13939 35.16313 -142.72721 35.30631 -140.93934 35.37864 -139.25385 35.4225 -139.17614 35.45135 -139.16271 35.43462 -139.03949 35.42702 -136.74893 35.44884 -135.07555 35.43496 -133.05092 35.38801 -131.18448 35.31526 -128.71994 35.17454 -126.8071 35.02942 -123.87083 34.74782 -120.93397 34.39265 -119.31614 34.03511 -119.22128 34.1144 Cruise Start and End 2008-08-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2008-09-05  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Port Hueneme  http://doi.org/10.7284/902893 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw  L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this devic e. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33  gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins  determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902893 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0817 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0817 C-MORE: Survey of Underwater Plastic and Ecosystem Response: Hawaii to California (CMORE-SUPER-HI-CAT) Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88102 -119.22128 21.20039 35.45135 coordinates of ship track -157.87427 21.31139 -157.88017 21.27043 -157.79547 21.20049 -157.67055 21.205 -157.51939 21.29864 -156.23439 24.49699 -154.74938 28.0842 -153.91493 30.41694 -153.49628 31.20935 -153.40771 31.23799 -153.05878 31.98905 -152.97603 32.01103 -152.74919 32.58359 -151.63307 34.08353 -151.54661 34.10257 -151.32304 34.46748 -151.2103 34.46918 -151.1678 34.49843 -151.09298 34.60108 -149.13643 34.82017 -147.40658 34.9836 -147.32388 35.03472 -147.01972 35.01681 -145.13939 35.16313 -142.72721 35.30631 -140.93934 35.37864 -139.25385 35.4225 -139.17614 35.45135 -139.16271 35.43462 -139.03949 35.42702 -136.74893 35.44884 -135.07555 35.43496 -133.05092 35.38801 -131.18448 35.31526 -128.71994 35.17454 -126.8071 35.02942 -123.87083 34.74782 -120.93397 34.39265 -119.31614 34.03511 -119.22128 34.1144 Cruise Start and End 2008-08-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-09-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Port Hueneme http://doi.org/10.7284/902893 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE: Survey of Underwater Plastic and Ecosystem Response: Hawaii to California (CMORE-SUPER-HI-CAT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.88 21.20, -157.88 35.45, -119.22 35.45, -119.22 21.20, -157.88 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactk="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901760 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0818 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0818 Radiance in a Dynamic Ocean (RaDyO) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD S#cience Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Dat$a are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -119.82641 -119.20511 %33.79178 34.26031 coordinates of ship track -119.20613 34.14774 -119.27481 34.08217 -119.57702 34.15279 -119.61425 34.1775 -119.62714 34.22224 -119.79087 34.25269 -119.68811 34.23555 -119.78525 34.25004 -119.69689 34.23421 -119.69722 34.25183 -119.74832 34.25138 -119.60782 34.21&741 -119.82025 34.2568 -119.62396 34.21557 -119.61924 34.23978 -119.62697 34.22062 -119.82641 34.25829 -119.5951 34.21397 -119.80271 34.25231 -119.62948 34.22306 -119.63392 34.21247 -119.62799 34.22231 -119.79828 34.25312 -119.60836 34.21706 -119.79336 34.25581 -119.62918 34.22103 -119.62365 34.23622 -119.63582 34.22022 -119.61784 34.2387 -119.64149 34.22593 -119.62837 34.22177 -119.79874 34.25461 -119.62838 34.2216 -119.62353 34.23547 -119.63566 34.21948 -119.61976 34.23889 -119.62838 34.22153 -119.61283 34.2273 -119.63237 34.21995 -119.79721 34.25309 -119.62942 34.22198 -119.62389 34.23602 -119.62868 34.22195 -119.63715 34.23022 -119.63212 34.21196 -119.62251 34.23943 -119.63041 34.22078 -119.66122 34.2425 -119.68188 34.14443 -119.66551 34.10903 -119.31512 34.02204 -119.31708 33.80078 -119.33222 33.79193 -119.21745 34.10747 -119.22291 34.13374 -119.20516 34.14872 Cruise Start and End 2008-09-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ( Port Hueneme 2008-09-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Port Hueneme http://doi.org/10.7284/901760 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. + RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp , raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. - adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw / L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. 1 ins raw Geometrics G-882 2 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw 3 Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities 7RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus 8 ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter 9 measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901760 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact < 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0818 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0818 Radiance in a Dynamic Ocean (RaDyO) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -119.82641 -119.20511 33.79178 34.26031 coordinates of ship track -119.20613 34.14774 -119.27481 34.08217 -119.57702 34.15279 -119.61425 34.1775 -119.62714 34.22224 -119.79087 34.25269 -119.68811 34.23555 -119.78525 34.25004 -119.69689 34.23421 -119.69722 34.25183 -119.74832 34.25138 -119.60782 34.21741 -119.82025 34.2568 -119.62396 34.21557 -119.61924 34.23978 -119.62697 34.220=62 -119.82641 34.25829 -119.5951 34.21397 -119.80271 34.25231 -119.62948 34.22306 -119.63392 34.21247 -119.62799 34.22231 -119.79828 34.25312 -119.60836 34.21706 -119.79336 34.25581 -119.62918 34.22103 -119.62365 34.23622 -119.63582 34.22022 -119.61784 34.2387 -119.64149 34.22593 -119.62837 34.22177 -119.79874 34.25461 -119.62838 34.2216 -119.62353 34.23547 -119.63566 34.21948 -119.61976 34.23889 -119.62838 34.22153 -119.61283 34.2273 -119.63237 34.21995 -119.79721 34.25309 -119.62942 34.22198 -119.62389 34.23602 -119.62868 34.22195 -119.63715 34.23022 -119.63212 34.21196 -119.62251 34.23943 -119.63041 34.22078 -119.66122 34.2425 -119.68188 34.14443 -119.66551 34.10903 -119.31512 34.02204 -119.31708 33.80078 -119.33222 33.79193 -119.21745 34.10747 -119.22291 34.13374 -119.20516 34.14872 Cruise Start and End 2008-09-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Port Hueneme 2008-09-22 University-National Oceanographic Labor>atory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Port Hueneme http://doi.org/10.7284/901760 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionRadiance in a Dynamic Ocean (RaDyO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-119.83 33.79, -119.83 34.26, -119.21 34.26, -119.21 33.79, -119.83 33.79))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact G *5@KValw'2=HS^it$/:EP[fq| local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local localA.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/900817 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us C pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0819 on RV Kilo Moana D 2015-09-30 published KM0819 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User FSupport Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90464 -119.20438 21.20467 34.14906 <H/gmd:extent> coordinates of ship track -119.20439 34.14774 -119.2706 34.05145 -119.27026 34.00738 -119.32817 33.95502 -119.5041 33.66125 -119.9389 33.6637 -120.99878 33.50829 -122.98387 32.73561 -130.52846 30.34049 -130.76289 30.26256 -130.83073 30.22316 -130.92258 30.21559 -131.20923 30.12664 -135.11539 28.85093 -135.54048 28.79449 -135.8595 28.60609 -141.49822 26.74504 -148.33399 24.4455 -157.35549 21.34764 -157.5167 21.28657 -157.6653 21.20547 -157.80736 21.20528 -157.9034 21.24429 -157.86773 21.30186 -157.88663 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2008-09-25 University-National OceanogrJaphic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Port Hueneme 2008-10-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu L http://doi.org/10.7284/900817 collectionSession Descriptions ofM datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp N raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. O adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Q Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw U International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter Y measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field [ Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/900817 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geo\graphic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0819 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0819 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90464 -119.20438 21.20467 34.14906 coordinates of ship track -119.20439 34.14774 -119.2706 34.05145 -119.27026 34.00738 -119.32817 33.95502 -119.5041 33.66125 -119.9389 33.6637 -120.99878 33.50829 -122.98387 32.73561 -130.52846 30.34049 -130.76289 30.26256 -130.83073 30.22316 -130.92258 30.21559 -131.20923 30.12664 -135.11539 28.85093 -135.54048 28.79449 -135.8595 28.60609 -141.49822 26.74504 -148.33399 24.4455 -157.35549 21.34764 -157.5167 21.28657 -157.6653 21.20547 -157.80736 21.20528 -157.9034 21.24429 -157.86773 21.30186 -157].88663 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2008-09-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Port Hueneme 2008-10-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900817 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 21.20, -157.90 34.15, -119.20 34.15, -119.20 21.20, -157.90 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact f(=1+M5ky%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903076gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903076 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0820 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0820 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief e contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36180 -157.86750 21.20383 h 22.88371 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.8676 21.30138 -157.90658 21.24466 -157.97733 21.20527 -158.14978 21.24742 -158.27499 21.34365 -158.33367 21.58087 -158.0005 22.76706 -157.98558 22.77437 -157.98696 22.8534 -157.99866 22.74676 -158.06949 22.67045 -158.0023 22.74714 -157.98147 22.73706 -157.99391 22.63951 -158.00728 22.64055 -158.00611 22.72391 -158.05525 2i2.76659 -158.04616 22.78426 -158.07858 22.82231 -158.02128 22.80144 -158.02018 22.84888 -158.0076 22.85049 -157.99756 22.76702 -157.99934 22.85625 -157.98865 22.86021 -158.00079 22.80683 -158.00992 22.82904 -157.97644 22.82228 -157.97672 22.85068 -158.00988 22.85231 -158.03897 22.82028 -158.0327 22.85383 -158.04292 22.85383 -158.04097 22.76993 -157.99847 22.74169 -158.17094 22.76289 -158.07907 22.76068 -158.05007 22.88371 -157.95424 22.8309 -157.92622 22.78356 -157.94211 22.76516 -157.92291 22.7685 -157.94281 22.76579 -158.27126 22.08115 -158.36161 21.84992 -158.35828 21.79836 -158.3338 21.58349 -158.26904 21.34021 -158.14802 21.24604 -157.94507 21.24706 -157.89063 21.27334 Cruise Start and End 2008-10-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-10-13 University-National Olceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903076 m collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. n RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw o RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploraqtion of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities s RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities doi:10.7284/903076 eng utf8 ftieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0820 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0820 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36180 -157.86750 21.20383 22.88371 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.8676 21.30138 -157.90658 21.24466 -157.97733 21.20527 -158.14978 21.24742 -158.27499 21.34365 -158.33367 21.58087 -158.0005 22.76706 -157.98558 22.77437 -157.98696 22.8534 u-157.99866 22.74676 -158.06949 22.67045 -158.0023 22.74714 -157.98147 22.73706 -157.99391 22.63951 -158.00728 22.64055 -158.00611 22.72391 -158.05525 22.76659 -158.04616 22.78426 -158.07858 22.82231 -158.02128 22.80144 -158.02018 22.84888 -158.0076 22.85049 -157.99756 22.76702 -157.99934 22.85625 -157.98865 22.86021 -158.00079 22.80683 -158.00992 22.82904 -157.97644 22.82228 -157.97672 22.85068 -158.00988 22.85231 -158.03897 22.82028 -158.0327 22.85383 -158.04292 22.85383 -158.04097 22.76993 -157.99847 22.74169 -158.17094 22.76289 -158.07907 22.76068 -158.05007 22.88371 -157.95424 22.8309 -157.92622 22.78356 -157.94211 22.76516 -157.92291 22.7685 -157.94281 22.76579 -158.27126 22.08115 -158.36161 21.84992 -158.35828 21.79836 -158.3338 21.58349 -158.26904 21.34021 -158.14802 21.24604 -157.94507 21.24706 -157.89063 21.27334 Cruise Start and End 2008-10-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-10-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903076 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.20, -158.36 22.88, -157.87 22.88, -157.87 21.20, -158.36 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactwc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903626 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program y info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0821 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0821 { Bottom Mapping/Sampling Ruehlemann, Carsten Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Scientist, Chi|ef contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords } NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. ~ eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90377 -116.05478 8.56130 21.31546 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86782 21.30477 -157.87302 21.26522 -156.49319 19.43744 -156.19079 19.00583 -155.98985 18.76165 -154.50899 18.39124 -153.64888 18.072 -145.49128 15.64683 -138.37192 13.42617 -137.9717 13.42549 -137.92653 13.43867 -137.99956 13.37401 -138.17003 13.38443 -138.23501 13.48381 -137.94638 13.42524 -137.5204 13.42252 -137.5156 13.29823 -137.52887 13.28322 -137.97679 13.28609 -137.77979 13.28246 -137.69907 13.35132 -137.91524 13.33273 -137.97071 13.27946 -138.36796 13.28358 -138.37864 13.15441 -137.53418 13.14988 -137.53265 13.08202 -138.03294 13.10917 -138.03347 13.0979 -138.10302 13.08461 -138.36794 13.08324 -138.37464 12.95837 -137.53709 12.95018 -137.5347 12.92048 -137.60042 12.9364 -137.82945 13.09628 -137.80062 13.13366 -135.40752 13.13108 -135.25237 13.14799 -134.77193 13.12858 -119.51103 13.11633 -119.41013 13.11843 -119.4176 13.13319 -119.41816 13.09993 -119.42312 13.11404 -119.4083 13.11083 -119.42153 13.10126 -119.42036 13.11606 -119.39109 13.11741 -117.9849 13.1092 -118.11803 13.11673 -118.14966 13.15447 -118.10475 13.17541 -118.1384 13.23278 -119.41748 13.23315 -119.42292 13.24531 -119.4257 13.34611 -119.41226 13.35046 -119.05815 13.34989 -119.24158 13.31346 -119.36052 13.31847 -119.12486 13.30853 -119.03309 13.3496 -118.00931 13.34995 -118.05848 13.29271 -118.05844 12.9908 -118.10085 12.99976 -118.07072 12.98174 -118.05818 12.87877 -118.05706 11.36423 -118.06155 11.40758 -118.0185 11.42754 -118.02982 11.42295 -117.9926 11.46216 -118.00667 11.38716 -117.95417 11.37511 -116.39208 11.37023 -116.4463 11.37225 -116.49281 11.41912 -116.43259 11.33588 -116.38509 11.37466 -116.1891 11.36747 -116.19987 11.25016 -117.29412 11.24863 -117.32019 11.28164 -117.54238 11.26801 -117.5755 11.24589 -118.05637 11.24618 -118.05461 11.13317 -117.00872 11.12852 -117.14649 11.11626 -118.37397 8.88135 -118.42615 8.79002 -118.44084 8.79706 -118.42721 8.80343 -118.41821 8.78046 -118.40149 8.79854 -118.38305 8.79375 -117.73288 8.56185 -117.48079 8.56153 -117.43162 8.60041 -117.38734 8.59812 -117.10267 8.89515 -117.11148 10.72746 -117.05702 11.16711 -117.12002 11.13621 -116.12781 11.13607 -116.13011 11.40647 -116.11594 11.43218 -116.12876 11.50165 -116.12717 11.4782 -116.16353 11.42632 -116.14414 11.44051 -116.123 11.50024 -117.99779 11.49981 -118.00023 11.62233 -117.50139 11.6244 -117.50302 11.52164 -117.47926 11.48428 -117.52914 11.62468 -116.05483 11.62202 -116.1063 11.61539 -116.12719 11.65466 -116.06275 11.74991 -118.0282 11.75424 -117.99014 11.81485 -118.01156 11.84302 -118.00086 11.83231 -118.01094 11.82865 -118.01161 11.87022 -117.99752 11.87547 -116.06604 11.87477 -116.06076 11.88402 -116.12004 11.92542 -116.11486 11.93896 -116.12588 11.92846 -116.112 11.93872 -116.14017 11.92615 -116.08735 11.93862 -116.06339 11.96145 -116.06697 11.98303 -117.99692 11.98318 -118.01851 12.02335 -118.00141 12.06163 -118.15615 12.01245 -118.18452 11.99798 -118.18533 11.08597 -118.23323 11.14161 -118.84651 11.14111 -118.81719 11.09965 -118.7847 11.10923 -118.85196 11.14119 -119.41545 11.14205 -119.41698 11.26341 -118.23459 11.26727 -118.23361 11.38935 -118.51702 11.39198 -118.49751 11.43394 -118.52276 11.39153 -119.4206 11.39188 -137.47008 12.82068 -138.01276 12.82892 -138.03837 12.85431 -138.05184 12.99852 -137.92596 12.99984 -138.00397 12.82486 -138.36947 12.82395 -138.36551 12.69247 -137.87861 12.69848 -138.05039 12.99993 -138.09705 12.93583 -137.99326 12.79319 -138.3133 12.79337 -149.23933 16.50913 -151.00854 17.09894 -151.06004 17.09911 -151.68133 17.32684 -155.08508 18.4622 -155.2908 18.61218 -155.54476 18.76395 -155.83757 18.88649 -155.95898 19.07802 -155.96333 19.45336 -156.085 19.66721 -157.90357 21.24289 -157.86788 21.30123 -157.8866 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2008-10-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2008-11-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903626 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device.  singlebeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp </gmi:type> (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc.  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped doi:10.7284/903626 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0821 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0821 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Ruehlemann, Carsten Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90377 -116.05478 8.56130 21.31546 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86782 21.30477 -157.87302 21.26522 -156.49319 19.43744 -156.19079 19.00583 -155.98985 18.76165 -154.50899 18.39124 -153.64888 18.072 -145.49128 15.64683 -138.37192 13.42617 -137.9717 13.42549 -137.92653 13.43867 -137.99956 13.37401 -138.17003 13.38443 -138.23501 13.48381 -137.94638 13.42524 -137.5204 13.42252 -137.5156 13.29823 -137.52887 13.28322 -137.97679 13.28609 -137.77979 13.28246 -137.69907 13.35132 -137.91524 13.33273 -137.97071 13.27946 -138.36796 13.28358 -138.37864 13.15441 -137.53418 13.14988 -137.53265 13.08202 -138.03294 13.10917 -138.03347 13.0979 -138.10302 13.08461 -138.36794 13.08324 -138.37464 12.95837 -137.53709 12.95018 -137.5347 12.92048 -137.60042 12.9364 -137.82945 13.09628 -137.80062 13.13366 -135.40752 13.13108 -135.25237 13.14799 -134.77193 13.12858 -119.51103 13.11633 -119.41013 13.11843 -119.4176 13.13319 -119.41816 13.09993 -119.42312 13.11404 -119.4083 13.11083 -119.42153 13.10126 -119.42036 13.11606 -119.39109 13.11741 -117.9849 13.1092 -118.11803 13.11673 -118.14966 13.15447 -118.10475 13.17541 -118.1384 13.23278 -119.41748 13.23315 -119.42292 13.24531 -119.4257 13.34611 -119.41226 13.35046 -119.05815 13.34989 -119.24158 13.31346 -119.36052 13.31847 -119.12486 13.30853 -119.03309 13.3496 -118.00931 13.34995 -118.05848 13.29271 -118.05844 12.9908 -118.10085 12.99976 -118.07072 12.98174 -118.05818 12.87877 -118.05706 11.36423 -118.06155 11.40758 -118.0185 11.42754 -118.02982 11.42295 -117.9926 11.46216 -118.00667 11.38716 -117.95417 11.37511 -116.39208 11.37023 -116.4463 11.37225 -116.49281 11.41912 -116.43259 11.33588 -116.38509 11.37466 -116.1891 11.36747 -116.19987 11.25016 -117.29412 11.24863 -117.32019 11.28164 -117.54238 11.26801 -117.5755 11.24589 -118.05637 11.24618 -118.05461 11.13317 -117.00872 11.12852 -117.14649 11.11626 -118.37397 8.88135 -118.42615 8.79002 -118.44084 8.79706 -118.42721 8.80343 -118.41821 8.78046 -118.40149 8.79854 -118.38305 8.79375 -117.73288 8.56185 -117.48079 8.56153 -117.43162 8.60041 -117.38734 8.59812 -117.10267 8.89515 -117.11148 10.72746 -117.05702 11.16711 -117.12002 11.13621 -116.12781 11.13607 -116.13011 11.40647 -116.11594 11.43218 -116.12876 11.50165 -116.12717 11.4782 -116.16353 11.42632 -116.14414 11.44051 -116.123 11.50024 -117.99779 11.49981 -118.00023 11.62233 -117.50139 11.6244 -117.50302 11.52164 -117.47926 11.48428 -117.52914 11.62468 -116.05483 11.62202 -116.1063 11.61539 -116.12719 11.65466 -116.06275 11.74991 -118.0282 11.75424 -117.99014 11.81485 -118.01156 11.84302 -118.00086 11.83231 -118.01094 11.82865 -118.01161 11.87022 -117.99752 11.87547 -116.06604 11.87477 -116.06076 11.88402 -116.12004 11.92542 -116.11486 11.93896 -116.12588 11.92846 -116.112 11.93872 -116.14017 11.92615 -116.08735 11.93862 -116.06339 11.96145 -116.06697 11.98303 -117.99692 11.98318 -118.01851 12.02335 -118.00141 12.06163 -118.15615 12.01245 -118.18452 11.99798 -118.18533 11.08597 -118.23323 11.14161 -118.84651 11.14111 -118.81719 11.09965 -118.7847 11.10923 -118.85196 11.14119 -119.41545 11.14205 -119.41698 11.26341 -118.23459 11.26727 -118.23361 11.38935 -118.51702 11.39198 -118.49751 11.43394 -118.52276 11.39153 -119.4206 11.39188 -137.47008 12.82068 -138.01276 12.82892 -138.03837 12.85431 -138.05184 12.99852 -137.92596 12.99984 -138.00397 12.82486 -138.36947 12.82395 -138.36551 12.69247 -137.87861 12.69848 -138.05039 12.99993 -138.09705 12.93583 -137.99326 12.79319 -138.3133 12.79337 -149.23933 16.50913 -151.00854 17.09894 -151.06004 17.09911 -151.68133 17.32684 -155.08508 18.4622 -155.2908 18.61218 -155.54476 18.76395 -155.83757 18.88649 -155.95898 19.07802 -155.96333 19.45336 -156.085 19.66721 -157.90357 21.24289 -157.86788 21.30123 -157.8866 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2008-10-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-11-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903626 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 8.56, -157.90 21.32, -116.05 21.32, -116.05 8.56, -157.90 8.56))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact *=1+M5!%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903077gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903077 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0822 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0822 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36617 -157.86799 21.22335  22.95867 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86818 21.30103 -157.90807 21.25145 -158.02688 21.24722 -158.11224 21.2234 -158.27506 21.34547 -158.36592 21.36026 -158.34135 21.56877 -158.0032 22.7661 -157.99446 22.75633 -157.97459 22.77142 -158.00072 22.74869 -158.08317 22.8549 -157.99979 22.75012 -157.99553 22.64652 -158.06066 22.66393 -158.04755 22.68275 -158.05016 22.76449 -158.00699 22.80185 -158.01874 22.86126 -158.01756 22.83752 -157.99609 22.82214 -158.00662 22.70647 -157.96209 22.64362 -157.94189 22.6493 -157.95897 22.68109 -157.969 22.64169 -157.98136 22.68387 -157.95532 22.63867 -157.98377 22.70272 -157.97372 22.6365 -157.99903 22.75029 -158.12976 22.95863 -158.01905 22.87389 -157.99777 22.87907 -157.95319 22.7857 -157.89207 22.80025 -157.91481 22.79453 -157.91014 22.81203 -157.90978 22.7906 -157.89575 22.79387 -157.91404 22.79706 -157.8984 22.79084 -158.36243 21.84754 -158.33292 21.58353 -158.2731 21.3453 -158.13355 21.23418 -157.9404 21.2385 -157.88732 21.26075 -157.87505 21.28805 Cruise Start and End 2008-11-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2008-12-03  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903077 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  doi:10.7284/903077 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0822 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0822 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36617 -157.86799 21.22335 22.95867 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86818 21.30103 -157.90807 21.25145 -158.02688 21.24722 -158.11224 21.2234 -158.27506 21.34547 -158.36592 21.36026 -158.34135 21.56877 -158.0032 22.7661 -157.99446 22.75633 -157.97459 22.77142 -158.00072 22.74869 -158.08317 22.8549 -157.99979 22.75012 -157.99553 22.64652 -158.06066 22.66393 -158.04755 22.68275 -158.05016 22.76449 -158.00699 22.80185 -158.01874 22.86126 -158.01756 22.83752 -157.99609 22.82214 -158.00662 22.70647 -157.96209 22.64362 -157.94189 22.6493 -157.95897 22.68109 -157.969 22.64169 -157.98136 22.68387 -157.95532 22.63867 -157.98377 22.70272 -157.97372 22.6365 -157.99903 22.75029 -158.12976 22.95863 -158.01905 22.87389 -157.99777 22.87907 -157.95319 22.7857 -157.89207 22.80025 -157.91481 22.79453 -157.91014 22.81203 -157.90978 22.7906 -157.89575 22.79387 -157.91404 22.79706 -157.8984 22.79084 -158.36243 21.84754 -158.33292 21.58353 -158.2731 21.3453 -158.13355 21.23418 -157.9404 21.2385 -157.88732 21.26075 -157.87505 21.28805 Cruise Start and End 2008-11-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-12-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903077 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.22, -158.37 22.96, -157.87 22.96, -157.87 21.22, -158.37 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact> doi:10.7284/901761 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0823 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0823 Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE) Ondrusek, Michael University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88667 -157.13880 20.75466 21.31541 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31541 -157.86796 21.30318 -157.879 21.24425 -157.7756 21.1631 -157.22775 20.84077 -157.18722 20.82578 -157.17786 20.8519 -157.13972 20.75793 -157.16095 20.89577 -157.15609 20.76681 -157.1833 20.82672 -157.50748 21.00034 -157.87013 21.22803 -157.88609 21.26192 -157.86784 21.30198 Cruise Start and End 2008-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901761  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities doi:10.7284/901761 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0823 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0823 Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE) Ondrusek, Michael University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88667 -157.13880 20.75466 21.31541 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31541 -157.86796 21.30318 -157.879 21.24425 -157.7756 21.1631 -157.22775 20.84077 -157.18722 20.82578 -157.17786 20.8519 -157.13972 20.75793 -157.16095 20.89577 -157.15609 20.76681 -157.1833 20.82672 -157.50748 21.00034 -157.87013 21.22803 -157.88609 21.26192 -157.86784 21.30198 Cruise Start and End 2008-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901761 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities engfieldSessionMarine Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 20.75, -157.89 21.32, -157.14 21.32, -157.14 20.75, -157.89 20.75))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ;;h+=1+M5Yg%o9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901761gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903078 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0824 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0824 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.34118 -157.86799 21.24311 21.80468 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31542 -157.87018 21.29679 -157.92431 21.24952 -158.1267 21.24751 -158.17495 21.26668 -158.27683 21.34672 -158.34118 21.59999 -158.27026 21.80424 -158.33432 21.58442 -158.27246 21.34427 -158.14902 21.24734 -157.90582 21.24687 Cruise Start and End 2008-12-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2008-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903078  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 <gmd:description> Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) </gmi:MI_Platform> doi:10.7284/903078 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0824 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0824 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Grabowski, Eric University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.34118 -157.86799 21.24311 21.80468 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31542 -157.87018 21.29679 -157.92431 21.24952 -158.1267 21.24751 -158.17495 21.26668 -158.27683 21.34672 -158.34118 21.59999 -158.27026 21.80424 -158.33432 21.58442 -158.27246 21.34427 -158.14902 21.24734 -157.90582 21.24687 Cruise Start and End 2008-12-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2008-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903078 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 21.24, -158.34 21.80, -157.87 21.80, -157.87 21.24, -158.34 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ,=1+M51#%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903078gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903627 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact  2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0901 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0901 Navy Inspection EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.98024 -157.86781 21.13721 21.31573 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86782 21.30325 -157.90021 21.24533 -157.88994 21.25314 -157.97172 21.13774 -157.98021 21.14876 -157.96184 21.17322 Cruise Start and End 2009-01-12  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-01-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903627 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus  ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field  doi:10.7284/903627 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0901 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0901 Navy Inspection EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.98024 -157.86781 21.13721 21.31573 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31542 -157.86782 21.30325 -157.90021 21.24533 -157.88994 21.25314 -157.97172 21.13774 -157.98021 21.14876 -157.96184 21.17322  Cruise Start and End 2009-01-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-01-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903627 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionNavy InspectionEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.98 21.14, -157.98 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 21.14, -157.98 21.14))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact kk-=1+M5uo%+9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/903627gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903628 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0902 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM0902 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36314 -157.86754 21.24594 22.76229 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.8678 21.30224 -157.89923 21.24719 -158.14759 21.24732 -158.27535 21.34253 -158.33249 21.58163 -158.0001 22.75318 -157.99959 22.73373 -157.99992 22.74911 -158.11071 22.74701 -158.11233 22.75909 -158.00111 22.75043 -157.91524 22.6734 -157.99986 22.74904 -158.11094 22.6812 -158.05806 22.68623 -158.05412 22.72537 -158.11198 22.7083 -158.00121 22.75652 -158.01076 22.63822 -158.01051 22.66764 -158.0432 22.65175 -158.01871 22.67982 -158.00196 22.75214 -158.25915 22.59602 -158.30304 22.59454 -158.06629 22.7129 -157.90885 22.76074 -158.36313 21.84778 -158.35171 21.84247 -158.33324 21.58205 -158.2738 21.34522 -158.15011 21.24668 -157.90048 21.24647 -157.86754 21.30256 -157.88627 21.31609 Cruise Start and End 2009-01-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-01-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903628 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer < gmd:code> raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. ! multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 ' magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903628 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0902 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0902 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science K)eywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36314 -157.86754 21.24594 22.76229 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.8678 21.30224 -157.89923 21.24719 -158.14759 21.24732 -158.27535 21.34253 -158.33249 21.58163 -158.0001 22.75318 -157.99959 22.73373 -157.99992 22.74911 -158.11071 22.74701 -158.11233 22.75909 -158.00111 22.75043 -157.91524 22.6734 -157.99986 22.74904 -158.11094 22.6812 -158.05806 22.68623 -158.05412 22.72537 -158.11198 22.7083 -158.00121 22.75652 -158.01076 22.63822 -158.01051 22.66764 -158.0432 22.65175 -158.01871 22.67982 -158.00196 22.75214 -158.25915 22.59602 -158.30304 22.59454 -158.06629 22.7129 -157.90885 22.76074 -158.36313 21.84778 -158.35171 21.84247 -158.33324 21.58205 -158.2738 21.34522 -158.15011 21.24668 -157.90048 21.24647 -157.86754 21.30256 -157.88627 21.31609 Cruise Start and *End 2009-01-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-01-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903628 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact G/=1+M5Ou%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903629gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903629 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0903 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0903 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor 2 EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 4 -157.90015 -155.95362 19.34965 21.31610 coordinates of ship track 5 -157.88626 21.31608 -157.8678 21.30177 -157.89522 21.24314 -156.91858 20.33145 -155.95795 20.18788 -155.95891 20.14796 -156.77882 20.27184 -156.78299 20.24679 -156.75513 20.23675 -155.97358 20.11722 -155.96201 20.0871 -155.98578 20.08062 -156.79071 20.19653 -156.79975 20.17608 -156.78531 20.16372 -155.96957 20.03999 -155.97267 20.01539 -155.98849 20.01125 -156.37865 20.06788 -156.37881 20.04708 -156.35903 20.06218 -156.81188 20.1309 -156.82474 20.09729 -156.8039 20.08711 -156.00302 19.97679 -155.98784 19.9495 -156.00558 19.93267 -156.81352 20.05365 -156.8146 20.02211 -156.11266 19.91595 -156.10357 19.90425 -156.10918 19.88637 -156.13274 19.88647 -156.7589 19.98658 -156.76505 19.95313 -156.17541 19.86557 -156.16373 19.84132 -156.18145 19.83298 -156.66248 619.90965 -156.59461 20.31563 -156.49371 20.30288 -156.57024 19.84242 -156.53955 19.8317 -156.52361 19.85065 -156.44853 20.29874 -156.41093 20.29331 -156.49226 19.79259 -156.459 19.78488 -156.36293 20.32828 -156.32255 20.32445 -156.41227 19.75976 -156.37027 19.74697 -156.26817 20.33955 -156.21713 20.34616 -156.31822 19.72039 -156.27612 19.68493 -156.14728 20.41502 -156.09088 20.40683 -156.20709 19.67919 -156.01082 19.35884 -156.0574 19.34967 -156.07773 19.36404 -156.26746 20.22884 -156.98208 20.31031 -157.26981 20.5378 -157.12201 20.29888 -157.29874 20.4618 -157.24298 20.26802 -157.20103 20.62287 -157.89944 21.24588 -157.86775 21.30167 -157.88629 21.31569 C7ruise Start and End 2009-01-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-04 University-National Oceanographic Laborat9ory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903629 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp = raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. > gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw @ Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer A raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. B multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 G adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) I Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 K multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903629 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0903 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0903 StudenLt Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90015 -155.95362 19.34965 21.31610 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31608 -157.8678 21.30177 -157.89522 21.24314 -156.91858 20.33145 -155.95795 20.18788 -155.95891 20.14796 -156.77882 20.27184 -156.78299 20.24679 -156.75513 20.23675 -155.97358 20.11722 -155.96201 20.0871 -155.98578 20.08062 -156.79071 20.19653 -156.79975 20.17608 -156.78531 20.16372 -155.96957 20.03999 -155.97267 20.01539 -155.98849 20.01125 -156.37865 20.06788 -156.37881 20.04708 -156.35903 20.06218 -156.81188 20.1309 -156.82474 20.09729 -156.8039 20.08711 -156.00302 19.97679 -155.98784 19.9495 -156.00558 19.93267 -156.81352 20.05365 -156.8146 20.02211 -156.1126M6 19.91595 -156.10357 19.90425 -156.10918 19.88637 -156.13274 19.88647 -156.7589 19.98658 -156.76505 19.95313 -156.17541 19.86557 -156.16373 19.84132 -156.18145 19.83298 -156.66248 19.90965 -156.59461 20.31563 -156.49371 20.30288 -156.57024 19.84242 -156.53955 19.8317 -156.52361 19.85065 -156.44853 20.29874 -156.41093 20.29331 -156.49226 19.79259 -156.459 19.78488 -156.36293 20.32828 -156.32255 20.32445 -156.41227 19.75976 -156.37027 19.74697 -156.26817 20.33955 -156.21713 20.34616 -156.31822 19.72039 -156.27612 19.68493 -156.14728 20.41502 -156.09088 20.40683 -156.20709 19.67919 -156.01082 19.35884 -156.0574 19.34967 -156.07773 19.36404 -156.26746 20.22884 -156.98208 20.31031 -157.26981 20.5378 -157.12201 20.29888 -157.29874 20.4618 -157.24298 20.26802 -157.20103 20.62287 -157.89944 21.24588 -157.86775 21.30167 -157.88629 21.31569 Cruise Start and End 2009-01-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-04 N University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903629 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 19.35, -157.90 21.32, -155.95 21.32, -155.95 19.35, -157.90 19.35))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactPgss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903630 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0904 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0904 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master DirectVory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.94475 -155.63002 18.87196 21.31572 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86757 21.30134 -157.89069 21.26265 -157.83457 21.23592 -157.88608 20.90895 -157.94265 20.68819 -157.01883 19.96486 -156.22392 19.29963 -155.99945 19.00019 -155.69177 18.91542 -155.69289 18.87681 -155.63003 18.89092 -155.69474 18.8745 -155.96935 18.99786 -156.00363 19.07609 -156.04644 19.26172 -156.09323 19.31914 -156.11633 19.78511 -156.06425 19.78751 -156.00125 19.89757 -155.85643 20.02347 -155.9265 20.12254 -155.91139 20.20796 -156.28122 20.36437 -156.86983 20.48433 -157.26726 21.06656 -157.33Y851 21.07011 -157.65571 21.25035 -157.78454 21.21899 -157.90304 21.24472 -157.86769 21.3015 -157.88628 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu \ http://doi.org/10.7284/903630 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 c Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw e Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana i University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 j adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. l L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 n magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam o multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903630 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0904 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0904 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.94475 -155.63002 18.87196 21.31572 coordinates of ship trackq -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86757 21.30134 -157.89069 21.26265 -157.83457 21.23592 -157.88608 20.90895 -157.94265 20.68819 -157.01883 19.96486 -156.22392 19.29963 -155.99945 19.00019 -155.69177 18.91542 -155.69289 18.87681 -155.63003 18.89092 -155.69474 18.8745 -155.96935 18.99786 -156.00363 19.07609 -156.04644 19.26172 -156.09323 19.31914 -156.11633 19.78511 -156.06425 19.78751 -156.00125 19.89757 -155.85643 20.02347 -155.9265 20.12254 -155.91139 20.20796 -156.28122 20.36437 -156.86983 20.48433 -157.26726 21.06656 -157.33851 21.07011 -157.65571 21.25035 -157.78454 21.21899 -157.90304 21.24472 -157.86769 21.3015 -157.88628 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903630 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets colrlected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.94 18.87, -157.94 21.32, -155.63 21.32, -155.63 18.87, -157.94 18.87))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact S0=1+M5]%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903630gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 <w/gmd:dateStamp> ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0905 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0905 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian y University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.|87384 -157.54727 21.22042 22.45713 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.3157 -157.8675 21.30203 -157.91089 21.24959 -157.99882 21.24719 -158.01252 21.27348 -158.03512 21.24518 -158.14756 21.24685 -158.83307 21.63424 -159.34286 21.85384 -159.53037 21.8479 -159.67866 21.90265 -159.68302 21.9443 -159.79282 21.93303 -159.87339 22.05667 -159.83844 22.18577 -159.84957 22.17865 -159.54809 22.32299 -159.53794 22.30008 -159.44082 22.4559 -159.45134 22.44874 -159.24487 22.14916 -159.25046 22.16027 -159.27183 21.94233 -159.28033 22.0284 -159.31088 22.02871 -158.94546 22.28476 -158.93852 22.27158 -158.96293 22.25598 -158.9703 22.27733 -158.2422 21.72201 -158.12452 21.67685 -158.04867 21.69992 -158.00122 21.73252 -157.93143 21.73027 -157.75317 21.50955 -157.66806 21.46736 -157.66769 21.41765 -157.54735 21.29658 -157.56314 21.26869 -157.67607 21.22217 -157.81548 21.2216 -157.9037 21.24761 -157.86746 21.30225 -157.88659 21.31543 ~ Cruise Start and End 2009-02-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2009-02-10  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903631 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus  Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/processing/1" xlink:actuate="onRequest">raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903631 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0905 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0905 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.87384 -157.54727 21.22042 22.45713 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.3157 -157.8675 21.30203 -157.91089 21.24959 -157.99882 21.24719 -158.01252 21.27348 -158.03512 21.24518 -158.14756 21.24685 -158.83307 21.63424 -159.34286 21.85384 -159.53037 21.8479 -159.67866 21.90265 -159.68302 21.9443 -159.79282 21.93303 -159.87339 22.05667 -159.83844 22.18577 -159.84957 22.17865 -159.54809 22.32299 -159.53794 22.30008 -159.44082 22.4559 -159.45134 22.44874 -159.24487 22.14916 -159.25046 22.16027 -159.27183 21.94233 -159.28033 22.0284 -159.31088 22.02871 -158.94546 22.28476 -158.93852 22.27158 -158.96293 22.25598 -158.9703 22.27733 -158.2422 21.72201 -158.12452 21.67685 -158.04867 21.69992 -158.00122 21.73252 -157.93143 21.73027 -157.75317 21.50955 -157.66806 21.46736 -157.66769 21.41765 -157.54735 21.29658 -157.56314 21.26869 -157.67607 21.22217 -157.81548 21.2216 -157.9037 21.24761 -157.86746 21.30225 -157.88659 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903631 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.87 21.22, -159.87 22.46, -157.55 22.46, -157.55 21.22, -159.87 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact >>)1=1+M5U3%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903631gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903632 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program <gmd:address> info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0906 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0906 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.45120 -157.86731 21.24623  21.41903 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31541 -157.86732 21.30222 -157.90626 21.24671 -158.14581 21.2465 -158.25925 21.38609 -158.24719 21.32798 -158.33741 21.34065 -158.36397 21.27937 -158.2661 21.38178 -158.24538 21.36818 -158.23473 21.34352 -158.45119 21.41716 -158.27172 21.40258 -158.27046 21.38719 -158.27476 21.40492 -158.24467 21.40768 -158.24622 21.39734 -158.44052 21.39446 -158.26242 21.38929 -158.23639 21.33747 -158.41324 21.36938 -158.42757 21.38503 -158.27131 21.40428 -158.25945 21.38306 -158.24698 21.40982 -158.41923 21.33344 -158.30587 21.34652 -158.37 21.31354 -158.39502 21.32933 -158.2589 21.38545 -158.14616 21.24765 -157.92226 21.24749 -157.89332 21.25689 -157.86901 21.29914 -157.88629 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-12 </gml:TimeInstant> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903632  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903632 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0906 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0906 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.45120 -157.86731 21.24623 21.41903 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31541 -157.86732 21.30222 -157.90626 21.24671 -158.14581 21.2465 -158.25925 21.38609 -158.24719 21.32798 -158.33741 21.34065 -158.36397 21.27937 -158.2661 21.38178 -158.24538 21.36818 -158.23473 21.34352 -158.45119 21.41716 -158.27172 21.40258 -158.27046 21.38719 -158.27476 21.40492 -158.24467 21.40768 -158.24622 21.39734 -158.44052 21.39446 -158.26242 21.38929 -158.23639 21.33747 -158.41324 21.36938 -158.42757 21.38503 -158.27131 21.40428 -158.25945 21.38306 -158.24698 21.40982 -158.41923 21.33344 -158.30587 21.34652 -158.37 21.31354 -158.39502 21.32933 -158.2589 21.38545 -158.14616 21.24765 -157.92226 21.24749 -157.89332 21.25689 -157.86901 21.29914 -157.88629 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903632 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.45 21.25, -158.45 21.42, -157.87 21.42, -157.87 21.25, -158.45 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 2=1+M5Y%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903632gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact  2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0907 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0907 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -158.36424 -157.86772 21.24335 22.85667 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86773 21.30197 -157.9011 21.24706 -158.15121 21.24915 -158.27382 21.34366 -158.25414 21.34476 -158.33091 21.57363 -157.99852 22.76702 -157.99876 22.73509 -158.03167 22.85602 -157.97667 22.85444 -157.93651 22.83206 -157.93955 22.81491 -158.02197 22.73384 -158.05273 22.74855 -158.11271 22.74612 -158.10423 22.71485 -157.99747 22.74789 -158.12556 22.7484 -158.0636 22.77096 -158.0745 22.83747 -158.05609 22.84171 -157.99798 22.74736 -158.09521 22.67724 -157.99008 22.7525 -158.08231 22.77955 -158.15634 22.77058 -158.17246 22.75253 -158.15029 22.77218 -158.12987 22.83907 -158.01984 22.81007 -157.93227 22.76577 -157.93021 22.78141 -157.92479 22.76625 -157.93653 22.77128 -158.36423 21.84735 -158.33205 21.57729 -158.27072 21.34059 -158.14825 21.24683 -157.89929 21.24336 -157.87847 21.28159  Cruise Start and End 2009-02-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2009-02-20  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu <srv:containsOperations> http://doi.org/10.7284/903633 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33  Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903633 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0907 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0907 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36424 -157.86772 21.24335 22.85667 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86773 21.30197 -157.9011 21.24706 -158.15121 21.24915 -158.27382 21.34366 -158.25414 21.34476 -158.33091 21.57363 -157.99852 22.76702 -157.99876 22.73509 -158.03167 22.85602 -157.97667 22.85444 -157.93651 22.83206 -157.93955 22.81491 -158.02197 22.73384 -158.05273 22.74855 -158.11271 22.74612 -158.10423 22.71485 -157.99747 22.74789 -158.12556 22.7484 -158.0636 22.77096 -158.0745 22.83747 -158.05609 22.84171 -157.99798 22.74736 -158.09521 22.67724 -157.99008 22.7525 -158.08231 22.77955 -158.15634 22.77058 -158.17246 22.75253 -158.15029 22.77218 -158.12987 22.83907 -158.01984 22.81007 -157.93227 22.76577 -157.93021 22.78141 -157.92479 22.76625 -157.93653 22.77128 -158.36423 21.84735 -158.33205 21.57729 -158.27072 21.34059 -158.14825 21.24683 -157.89929 21.24336 -157.87847 21.28159 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-02-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903633 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact kk3=1+M5+%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903633gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903634 eng  utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0908 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0908 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 120.08922 -157.86750 21.24667 26.90492 coordinates of ship track -157.8743 21.31138 -157.868 21.30094 -157.90488 21.24796 -158.1468 21.24772 -158.1824 21.33359 -158.24489 21.41703 -159.58582 21.88726 -160.3767 21.42968 -160.49359 21.40939 -160.60334 21.42229 -162.76029 22.00478 -164.99742 22.57763 -166.49863 22.57825 -169.99264 23.73042 -170.64413 23.87015 -173.12942 24.36577 -175.53212 24.80118 -177.7476 25.16766 -179.99954 25.50249179.99685 25.50309 178.20866 25.74464 176.3039 25.97925 173.26023 26.29385 170.48674 26.5252 168.37766 26.66488 166.69038 26.75367 163.96783 26.85358 162.00122 26.89242 160.2552 26.90491 156.79164 26.86832 153.44437 26.74681 150.6667 26.58932 149.06412 26.47126 147.19585 26.31267 145.65895 26.16258 142.5022 25.80228 140.98871 25.74819 135.08025 24.67017 134.69638 24.5752 134.33704 24.41139 133.9243 24.46416 130.82926 23.85635 128.76527 23.40945 126.93982 22.98787 124.78512 22.46163 122.99625 22.00096 121.58719 21.83316 121.11793 21.71465 120.76085 21.58555 120.4353 22.01685 120.39854 22.09689 120.271 22.23552 120.08958 22.49283 120.17647 22.60663 120.19917 22.62098 120.23564 22.61519 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-03-17  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung http://doi.org/10.7284/903634 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw </gmd:MD_Identifier> Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903634 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0908 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0908 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 120.08922 -157.86750 21.24667 26.90492 coordinates of ship track -157.8743 21.31138 -157.868 21.30094 -157.90488 21.24796 -158.1468 21.24772 -158.1824 21.33359 -158.24489 21.41703 -159.58582 21.88726 -160.3767 21.42968 -160.49359 21.40939 -160.60334 21.42229 -162.76029 22.00478 -164.99742 22.57763 -166.49863 22.57825 -169.99264 23.73042 -170.64413 23.87015 -173.12942 24.36577 -175.53212 24.80118 -177.7476 25.16766 -179.99954 25.50249 179.99685 25.50309 178.20866 25.74464 176.3039 25.97925 173.26023 26.29385 170.48674 26.5252 168.37766 26.66488 166.69038 26.75367 163.96783 26.85358 162.00122 26.89242 160.2552 26.90491 156.79164 26.86832 153.44437 26.74681 150.6667 26.58932 149.06412 26.47126 147.19585 26.31267 145.65895 26.16258 142.5022 25.80228 140.98871 25.74819 135.08025 24.67017 134.69638 24.5752 134.33704 24.41139 133.9243 24.46416 130.82926 23.85635 128.76527 23.40945 126.93982 22.98787 124.78512 22.46163 122.99625 22.00096 121.58719 21.83316 121.11793 21.71465 120.76085 21.58555 120.4353 22.01685 120.39854 22.09689 120.271 22.23552 120.08958 22.49283 120.17647 22.60663 120.19917 22.62098 120.23564 22.61519 Cruise Start and End 2009-02-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-03-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung http://doi.org/10.7284/903634 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((120.09 21.25, 120.09 26.90, -157.87 26.90, -157.87 21.25, 120.09 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact PPA5>1+M5 %A9 !!+ [)doi:10.7284/903636gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903636 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0909 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0909 Process Study of Oceanic Responses to Typhoons using Arrays of EM-APEX Floats and Moorings Lien, Ren-Chieh University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief  contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 120.07732 131.01939 12.99811 22.64780 coordinates of ship track 120.2813 22.61664 120.211 22.64355 120.17712 22.63768 120.079 22.48355 120.6943 21.6744 121.6647 21.33391 123.33482 21.13446 123.44648 21.11027 123.58333 21.10503 127.53765 20.63252 127.49873 20.63264 127.61357 20.5671 127.61838 20.54671 127.55406 20.63575 127.83313 20.35645 127.78874 20.31955 127.61451 20.45174 127.86275 20.34268 127.80442 20.35373 127.84593 20.33702 127.83606 20.34721 127.84209 20.33862 127.85117 20.35769 127.84257 20.31058 126.37738 18.36481 126.36751 18.08325 125.95547 18.00281 125.9425 18.16822 126.07741 18.61148 126.18665 18.60965 126.15843 18.42724 126.16954 18.41035 126.25857 18.41874 126.30195 18.6041 126.39656 18.60157 126.31143 18.41203 126.23939 18.16742 126.15387 18.15104 126.21209 18.34054 126.18685 18.36478 126.27555 18.54123 126.28182 18.51866 126.25463 18.52994 126.29058 18.50306 126.28382 18.48963 126.29788 18.51677 126.40621 18.47324 126.42595 18.452 126.41335 18.47883 126.43981 18.46558 126.3718 18.94927 126.35251 18.9598 126.15924 18.95812 126.14862 18.70052 126.12988 18.69466 126.05028 18.69779 126.04842 18.95889 125.96948 18.95848 125.96186 18.64044 125.89751 18.59579 125.88383 18.60019 125.86124 18.95845 125.99887 18.91049 126.06732 18.8571 126.05525 18.89795 126.05795 18.86232 126.04233 18.88752 126.07774 18.89463 126.02658 18.88284 125.99955 18.9525 125.49873 21.33191 123.48302 22.00227 121.58365 21.83311 120.99071 21.65686 120.86716 21.6603 120.77968 21.68483 120.65957 21.75228 120.55995 21.8421 120.2082 22.33093 120.09345 22.45554 120.08376 22.50279 120.18785 22.61866 120.2867 22.6125 120.16985 22.6456 120.09101 22.49373 120.69211 21.66774 121.59268 21.35945 121.6989 21.30047 121.99163 21.23527 123.29713 20.83254 123.35829 20.82922 123.47162 20.74669 124.18187 20.55607 124.13687 20.44944 123.84603 20.53428 123.82205 20.6064 123.85701 20.62568 123.80532 20.60339 123.80871 20.59103 123.86422 20.60493 123.85242 20.56784 123.83147 20.59983 123.78815 20.56035 123.85397 20.56676 123.84016 20.50133 123.85168 20.56769 123.8013 20.54453 123.85267 20.56795 123.79272 20.56298 125.27127 20.45579 125.33045 20.46716 125.52805 20.43419 131.00591 20.00335 130.99759 18.00679 131.01824 18.01113 131.01936 17.95766 130.99893 17.60366 131.00104 13.00087 128.99856 13.00053 129.0144 13.20678 128.99913 13.38055 128.9998 14.56619 129.03528 14.67003 128.99979 14.85754 128.99904 18.66484 128.99993 18.7139 129.01964 18.74192 128.99954 18.8914 128.99999 20.00019 122.74962 20.99988 120.69144 21.66797 120.17157 22.38082 Cruise Start and End 2009-03-20  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung 2009-04-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung </gmd:EX_SpatialTemporalExtent> http://doi.org/10.7284/903636 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc.  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903636 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0909 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0909 Process Study of Oceanic Responses to Typhoons using Arrays of EM-APEX Floats and Moorings Lien, Ren-Chieh University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 120.07732 131.01939 12.99811 22.64780 coordinates of ship track 120.2813 22.61664 120.211 22.64355 120.17712 22.63768 120.079 22.48355 120.6943 21.6744 121.6647 21.33391 123.33482 21.13446 123.44648 21.11027 123.58333 21.10503 127.53765 20.63252 127.49873 20.63264 127.61357 20.5671 127.61838 20.54671 127.55406 20.63575 127.83313 20.35645 127.78874 20.31955 127.61451 20.45174 127.86275 20.34268 127.80442 20.35373 127.84593 20.33702 127.83606 20.34721 127.84209 20.33862 127.85117 20.35769 127.84257 20.31058 126.37738 18.36481 126.36751 18.08325 125.95547 18.00281 125.9425 18.16822 126.07741 18.61148 126.18665 18.60965 126.15843 18.42724 126.16954 18.41035 126.25857 18.41874 126.30195 18.6041 126.39656 18.60157 126.31143 18.41203 126.23939 18.16742 126.15387 18.15104 126.21209 18.34054 126.18685 18.36478 126.27555 18.54123 126.28182 18.51866 126.25463 18.52994 126.29058 18.50306 126.28382 18.48963 126.29788 18.51677 126.40621 18.47324 126.42595 18.452 126.41335 18.47883 126.43981 18.46558 126.3718 18.94927 126.35251 18.9598 126.15924 18.95812 126.14862 18.70052 126.12988 18.69466 126.05028 18.69779 126.04842 18.95889 125.96948 18.95848 125.96186 18.64044 125.89751 18.59579 125.88383 18.60019 125.86124 18.95845 125.99887 18.91049 126.06732 18.8571 126.05525 18.89795 126.05795 18.86232 126.04233 18.88752 126.07774 18.89463 126.02658 18.88284 125.99955 18.9525 125.49873 21.33191 123.48302 22.00227 121.58365 21.83311 120.99071 21.65686 120.86716 21.6603 120.77968 21.68483 120.65957 21.75228 120.55995 21.8421 120.2082 22.33093 120.09345 22.45554 120.08376 22.50279 120.18785 22.61866 120.2867 22.6125 120.16985 22.6456 120.09101 22.49373 120.69211 21.66774 121.59268 21.35945 121.6989 21.30047 121.99163 21.23527 123.29713 20.83254 123.35829 20.82922 123.47162 20.74669 124.18187 20.55607 124.13687 20.44944 123.84603 20.53428 123.82205 20.6064 123.85701 20.62568 123.80532 20.60339 123.80871 20.59103 123.86422 20.60493 123.85242 20.56784 123.83147 20.59983 123.78815 20.56035 123.85397 20.56676 123.84016 20.50133 123.85168 20.56769 123.8013 20.54453 123.85267 20.56795 123.79272 20.56298 125.27127 20.45579 125.33045 20.46716 125.52805 20.43419 131.00591 20.00335 130.99759 18.00679 131.01824 18.01113 131.01936 17.95766 130.99893 17.60366 131.00104 13.00087 128.99856 13.00053 129.0144 13.20678 128.99913 13.38055 128.9998 14.56619 129.03528 14.67003 128.99979 14.85754 128.99904 18.66484 128.99993 18.7139 129.01964 18.74192 128.99954 18.8914 128.99999 20.00019 122.74962 20.99988 120.69144 21.66797 120.17157 22.38082 Cruise Start and End 2009-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung 2009-04-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung http://doi.org/10.7284/903636 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionProcess Study of Oceanic Responses to Typhoons using Arrays of EM-APEX Floats and MooringsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((120.08 13.00, 120.08 22.65, 131.02 22.65, 131.02 13.00, 120.08 13.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 1 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30 ' !6K`u2G\q.CXm+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadatact: Anna.Milan@noaa.gov--> doi:10.7284/903637 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0910 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0910 Pacific Acoustic Laboratory / Integrated Philippine Sea Experiment Baggeroer, Arthur Massachusetts Institute of Technology Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans <!gmd:MD_KeywordTypeCode codeList="http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_KeywordTypeCode" codeListValue="theme">theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian " Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 120.08544 127.04679 21.03654 22.89988 coordinates of ship track 120.27837 22.61552 120.19959 22.636 120.08813 22.49312 120.66855 21.66828 121.02226 21.67264 121.28975 21.74802 121.4723 21.76682 121.58121 21.83286 122.91702 21.67198 123.01806 21.68584 123.04473 21.71151 124.04722 22.01282 124.25099 21.91428 124.04328 22.01065 124.21248 21.94448 124.22463 21.95487 124.18814 21.95872 124.18801 21.97146 124.29712 21.95865 124.2995 21.97707 124.25857 21.98827 124.31305 21.98672 124.28365 22.00075 124.29564 22.01257 124.38304 21.98223 124.42718 21.94447 125.44896 21.52201 125.63334 21.46614 125.98566 21.30168 125.96332 21.21178 125.95605 21.25145 125.96532 21.22143 125.93786 21.14566 125.93363 21.04993 125.8823 21.03657 125.90521 21.03992 125.91328 21.11046 125.84717 21.05655 125.90842 21.08166 125.91563 21.11746 126.23129 21.39774 126.6118 21.27802 126.51878 21.64196 126.82166 21.88999 126.43837 21.9936 126.35631 22.36041 126.06458 22.10347 125.68052 22.22135% 125.77746 21.85902 125.47728 21.61082 125.85907 21.50765 125.91258 21.26251 125.96787 21.23807 126.08507 21.21457 126.21992 21.21579 126.33765 21.28232 126.44648 21.31443 126.35307 21.2762 126.28356 21.09434 126.30844 21.08725 126.24923 21.05452 126.26479 21.04794 126.28546 21.32542 126.2611 21.49908 126.23053 21.58428 126.1799 21.65879 126.11956 21.68166 126.05615 21.65527 125.99716 21.50592 126.54025 21.2726 126.65962 21.42466 126.71537 21.60725 126.71179 21.75086 126.67015 21.88595 126.59223 22.0084 126.47957 22.11114 126.36634 22.17395 126.26783 22.20148 126.19298 21.96528 126.21986 21.96417 126.27839 22.03522 126.27652 22.12585 126.33399 22.19844 126.33141 22.28854 126.38953 22.35989 126.38594 22.44873 126.44408 22.52051 126.4413 22.60969 126.49958 22.68306 126.50019 22.7612 126.48816 22.77152 126.44205 22.7083 126.44444 22.6177 126.38719 22.54729 126.39038 22.45705 126.33206 22.38596 126.33515 22.2973 126.27698 22.22371 126.28025 22.1359 126.2231 22.06377 126.22526 21.97287 126.16755 21.90197 126.1&705 21.81115 126.05534 21.64488 126.06046 21.48908 126.00468 21.42023 125.94134 21.39613 125.94697 21.30337 126.01124 21.30487 126.05516 21.2239 125.99045 21.16099 125.90785 21.19378 125.91758 21.29119 126.01004 21.30515 126.05375 21.22306 125.98931 21.1587 125.85658 21.16105 125.91196 21.28837 126.10745 21.30941 126.34018 21.58214 126.111 22.00715 126.46678 22.34044 126.92757 22.12022 126.84597 21.66066 126.34421 21.58449 126.27814 21.6011 126.23767 21.64526 126.06757 21.50647 125.98295 22.0335 125.61409 22.19551 125.92308 22.43663 125.88681 22.80738 126.27063 22.68587 126.60854 22.89888 126.67752 22.53066 127.04678 22.36792 126.73436 22.12685 126.76602 21.75064 126.3885 21.8812 126.30706 22.0237 126.32691 22.12705 126.25738 22.11129 126.22962 22.23522 126.12703 22.21481 126.21691 22.22762 126.0254 21.56641 125.95325 21.3873 125.89208 21.32869 126.04578 21.45281 126.03797 21.62776 126.15473 21.77355 126.1483 21.95335 126.26455 22.09604 126.25745 22.27546 126.37411 22.4186 126.37032 22.51338 126.40999 22.'59848 126.4305 22.80775 126.58121 22.55371 126.39301 22.46095 126.35624 22.36425 125.41385 22.28073 124.19265 22.13794 124.15635 22.18513 124.0426 22.14686 123.74293 22.08597 123.4448 22.06309 123.17599 22.01836 121.98287 21.87964 121.95095 21.89517 121.88195 21.88064 121.83665 21.88805 121.74644 21.85243 121.56173 21.82964 120.99151 21.66697 120.66596 21.66832 120.36207 22.10253 120.33463 22.1184 120.27783 22.06684 120.52653 21.70927 120.61049 21.74639 120.35778 22.10482 120.29746 22.07039 120.36576 21.93957 120.47994 21.77103 120.52661 21.78733 120.54117 21.81865 120.52286 21.86518 120.39222 22.05259 120.55048 21.83282 120.21315 22.30262 120.18779 22.31845 120.09857 22.48288 120.15241 22.55352 Cruise Start and End 2009-04-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ) Kao-hsiung 2009-05-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung http://doi.org+/10.7284/903637 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. , RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp . raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collect/ed from this device. ctd raw 0 L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw 1 Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins 2 raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. 3 multibeam raw <4gmi:MI_AcquisitionInformation> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana 5 University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water curren7t velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. 8 L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903637 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0910 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0910 Pacific Acoustic Laboratory / Integrated Philippine Sea Experiment Baggeroer, Arthur Massachusett;s Institute of Technology Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 120.08544 127.04679 21.03654 22.89988 coordinates of ship track 120.27837 22.61552 120.19959 22.636 120.08813 22.49312 120.66855 21.66828 121.02226 21.67264 121.28975 21.74802 121.4723 21.76682 121.58121 21.83286 122.91702 21.67198 123.01806 21.68584 123.04473 21.71151 124.04722 22.01282 124.25099 21.91428 124.04328 22.01065 124.21248 21.94448 124.22463 21.95487 124.18814 21.95872 124.18801 21.97146 124.29712 21.95865 124.2995 21.97707 124.25857 21.98827 124.31305 21.98672 124.28365 22.00075 124.29564 22.01257 124.38304 21.98223 124.42718 21.94447 125.44896 21.52201 125.63334 21.46614 125.98566 21.30168 125.96332 21.21178 125.95605 21.25145 125.96532 21.22143 125.93786 <21.14566 125.93363 21.04993 125.8823 21.03657 125.90521 21.03992 125.91328 21.11046 125.84717 21.05655 125.90842 21.08166 125.91563 21.11746 126.23129 21.39774 126.6118 21.27802 126.51878 21.64196 126.82166 21.88999 126.43837 21.9936 126.35631 22.36041 126.06458 22.10347 125.68052 22.22135 125.77746 21.85902 125.47728 21.61082 125.85907 21.50765 125.91258 21.26251 125.96787 21.23807 126.08507 21.21457 126.21992 21.21579 126.33765 21.28232 126.44648 21.31443 126.35307 21.2762 126.28356 21.09434 126.30844 21.08725 126.24923 21.05452 126.26479 21.04794 126.28546 21.32542 126.2611 21.49908 126.23053 21.58428 126.1799 21.65879 126.11956 21.68166 126.05615 21.65527 125.99716 21.50592 126.54025 21.2726 126.65962 21.42466 126.71537 21.60725 126.71179 21.75086 126.67015 21.88595 126.59223 22.0084 126.47957 22.11114 126.36634 22.17395 126.26783 22.20148 126.19298 21.96528 126.21986 21.96417 126.27839 22.03522 126.27652 22.12585 126.33399 22.19844 126.33141 22.28854 126.38953 22.35989 126.38594 22.44873 126.44408 22=.52051 126.4413 22.60969 126.49958 22.68306 126.50019 22.7612 126.48816 22.77152 126.44205 22.7083 126.44444 22.6177 126.38719 22.54729 126.39038 22.45705 126.33206 22.38596 126.33515 22.2973 126.27698 22.22371 126.28025 22.1359 126.2231 22.06377 126.22526 21.97287 126.16755 21.90197 126.1705 21.81115 126.05534 21.64488 126.06046 21.48908 126.00468 21.42023 125.94134 21.39613 125.94697 21.30337 126.01124 21.30487 126.05516 21.2239 125.99045 21.16099 125.90785 21.19378 125.91758 21.29119 126.01004 21.30515 126.05375 21.22306 125.98931 21.1587 125.85658 21.16105 125.91196 21.28837 126.10745 21.30941 126.34018 21.58214 126.111 22.00715 126.46678 22.34044 126.92757 22.12022 126.84597 21.66066 126.34421 21.58449 126.27814 21.6011 126.23767 21.64526 126.06757 21.50647 125.98295 22.0335 125.61409 22.19551 125.92308 22.43663 125.88681 22.80738 126.27063 22.68587 126.60854 22.89888 126.67752 22.53066 127.04678 22.36792 126.73436 22.12685 126.76602 21.75064 126.3885 21.8812 126.30706 22.0237 126.32691 22.12705 126.>25738 22.11129 126.22962 22.23522 126.12703 22.21481 126.21691 22.22762 126.0254 21.56641 125.95325 21.3873 125.89208 21.32869 126.04578 21.45281 126.03797 21.62776 126.15473 21.77355 126.1483 21.95335 126.26455 22.09604 126.25745 22.27546 126.37411 22.4186 126.37032 22.51338 126.40999 22.59848 126.4305 22.80775 126.58121 22.55371 126.39301 22.46095 126.35624 22.36425 125.41385 22.28073 124.19265 22.13794 124.15635 22.18513 124.0426 22.14686 123.74293 22.08597 123.4448 22.06309 123.17599 22.01836 121.98287 21.87964 121.95095 21.89517 121.88195 21.88064 121.83665 21.88805 121.74644 21.85243 121.56173 21.82964 120.99151 21.66697 120.66596 21.66832 120.36207 22.10253 120.33463 22.1184 120.27783 22.06684 120.52653 21.70927 120.61049 21.74639 120.35778 22.10482 120.29746 22.07039 120.36576 21.93957 120.47994 21.77103 120.52661 21.78733 120.54117 21.81865 120.52286 21.86518 120.39222 22.05259 120.55048 21.83282 120.21315 22.30262 120.18779 22.31845 120.09857 22.48288 120.15241 22.55352 Cruise Start and ?End 2009-04-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung 2009-05-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung http://doi.org/10.7284/903637 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionPacific Acoustic Laboratory / Integrated Philippine Sea ExperimentEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((120.09 21.04, 120.09 22.90, 127.05 22.90, 127.05 21.04, 120.09 21.04))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact SS6>1+M5#S%9 !!+ [)doi:10.7284/903637gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903638 engC utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager RollDing Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0911 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0911 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme G NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian H Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 131.19948 144.56829 10.00595 15.00040 coordinates of ship track 131.19993 11.12685 131.2049 14.9994 131.88972 14.99968 131.89966 14.98616 131.90257 10.00608 132.60001 10.70212 132.60191 15.00025 144.5667 13.J44989 Cruise Start and End 2009-05-15 K University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung 2009-05-20 L University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903638 collectionSession N Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp O raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from tPhis device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw R Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins <Sgmi:processedLevel> raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. T magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam W raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Z RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) ^ Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903638 eng utf8 fieldSessio_n cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0911 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0911 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 131.19948 144.56829 10.00595 15.00040 coordinates of ship track 131.19993 11.12685 131.2049 14.9994 131.88972 14.99968 131.89966 14.98616 131.90257 10.00608 132.60001 10.70212 132.60191 15.00025 144.5667 13.44989 Cruise Start and End 2009-05-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Kao-hsiung 20`09-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903638 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((131.20 10.01, 131.20 15.00, 144.57 15.00, 144.57 10.01, 131.20 10.01))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact \F39=1+M5iG%9!!/ [)doi:10.7284/903639gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/901773 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0912 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0912 h Challenger Deep and Trench-related Processes / HROV Tests Fryer, Patricia University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigkation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 141.99419 146.29078 11.24769 l 13.76518 coordinates of ship track 144.66143 13.43063 144.65586 13.45476 144.61342 13.4527 144.61701 13.48315 144.75128 13.64109 144.62839 13.67691 144.75052 13.63269 144.652 13.5627 144.83256 13.76513 145.15004 13.56369 145.1494 13.31782 144.86787 13.29875 144.86016 13.21312 144.53059 13.02832 144.64m919 13.04984 144.88044 13.05029 144.99533 13.13269 144.72465 13.12554 144.89916 13.20804 145.21213 13.20817 145.21686 12.97174 145.17532 12.96806 145.19412 12.98537 145.17258 12.97943 145.51518 12.89975 146.19862 13.30016 146.19641 13.41803 145.90001 13.41906 145.83399 13.71254 146.13017 13.74891 146.02882 13.16528 146.03514 13.20005 146.02245 13.20019 146.03846 13.20017 146.02726 13.19594 146.07528 12.94868 146.11598 12.82827 146.07493 12.95035 146.0852 13.09145 146.25005 13.09065 146.29017 12.91823 145.86677 13.01782 144.613 13.18261 144.59284 13.21355 144.58252 13.28375 144.58245 13.44848 144.63237 13.4528 144.57234 13.44351 143.49165 12.3469 142.62653 11.37648 142.51183 11.36773 142.6308 11.37442 142.57937 11.36865 142.58957 11.35883 142.59139 11.37004 142.56903 11.37424 142.63108 11.28499 141.99419 11.24909 141.99906 11.43089 142.13101 11.43561 142.23246 11.30115 142.2348 11.34795 142.12928 11.2804 142.39954 11.47181 142.47627 11.31405 142.24894 11.3719 142.20062 11.33255 142.21215 11.32597 142.18538n 11.32758 142.26405 11.26407 142.16885 11.2664 142.11734 11.3483 142.20856 11.33786 142.20094 11.32523 142.2036 11.54151 142.54297 11.54293 143.54094 12.71911 143.5362 12.70233 144.55452 13.43022 Cruise Start and End 2009-05-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra p 2009-06-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra q http://doi.org/10.7284/901773 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw u L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. w ins raw Kongsberg EM120 x Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw y International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field } Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) ~ Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901773 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0912 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0912 Challenger Deep and Trench-related Processes / HROV Tests Fryer, Patricia University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 141.99419 146.29078 11.24769 13.76518 coordinates of ship track 144.66143 13.43063 144.65586 13.45476 144.61342 13.4527 144.61701 13.48315 144.75128 13.64109 144.62839 13.67691 144.75052 13.63269 144.652 13.5627 144.83256 13.76513 145.15004 13.56369 145.1494 13.31782 144.86787 13.29875 144.86016 13.21312 144.53059 13.02832 144.64919 13.04984 144.88044 13.05029 144.99533 13.13269 144.72465 13.12554 144.89916 13.20804 145.21213 13.20817 145.21686 12.97174 145.17532 12.96806 145.19412 12.98537 145.17258 12.97943 145.51518 12.89975 146.19862 13.30016 146.19641 13.41803 145.90001 13.41906 145.83399 13.71254 146.13017 13.74891 146.02882 13.16528 146.03514 13.20005 146.02245 13.20019 146.03846 13.20017 146.02726 13.19594 146.07528 12.94868 146.11598 12.82827 146.07493 12.95035 146.0852 13.09145 146.25005 13.09065 146.29017 12.91823 145.86677 13.01782 144.613 13.18261 144.59284 13.21355 144.58252 13.28375 144.58245 13.44848 144.63237 13.4528 144.57234 13.44351 143.49165 12.3469 142.62653 11.37648 142.51183 11.36773 142.6308 11.37442 142.57937 11.36865 142.58957 11.35883 142.59139 11.37004 142.56903 11.37424 142.63108 11.28499 141.99419 11.24909 141.99906 11.43089 142.13101 11.43561 142.23246 11.30115 142.2348 11.34795 142.12928 11.2804 142.39954 11.47181 142.47627 11.31405 142.24894 11.3719 142.20062 11.33255 142.21215 11.32597 142.18538 11.32758 142.26405 11.26407 142.16885 11.2664 142.11734 11.3483 142.20856 11.33786 142.20094 11.32523 142.2036 11.54151 142.54297 11.54293 143.54094 12.71911 143.5362 12.70233 144.55452 13.43022 Cruise Start and End 2009-05-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra 2009-06-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/901773 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionChallenger Deep and Trench-related Processes / HROV TestsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((141.99 11.25, 141.99 13.77, 146.29 13.77, 146.29 11.25, 141.99 11.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact5/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903639 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0913 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0913  Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.24271 -157.94103 11.95205 23.29838 coordinates of ship track 144.66146 13.43063 144.65492 13.45527 144.57953 13.43278 144.59222 13.21538 144.74917 12.25338 144.24434 11.95205 144.83287 12.08333 147.23354 12.93826 149.64448 13.76816 152.17932 14.60964 154.47793 15.34317 156.42297 15.94167 158.72855 16.62389 160.56435 17.14586 162.8592 17.77048 165.22474 18.38172 167.10182 18.84331 169.23721 19.34143 171.29684 19.79678 173.2735 20.20821 175.66774 20.6749 178.32831 21.15112 179.99803 21.4264-179.99849 21.42692 -177.86337 21.75384 -175.41122 22.09429 -172.86016 22.40733 -170.9822 22.61071 -165.23636 22.70051 -165.16691 23.09938 -164.8318 23.29834 -163.99629 22.49932 -161.8978 22.05325 -161.74522 22.03269 -161.51361 21.97123 -158.19658 21.25224 -157.94733 21.24729 -157.9411 21.27107 -157.97008 21.33182 -157.96825 21.35121 -157.94263 21.36446  Cruise Start and End 2009-06-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Apra 2009-06-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903639 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer  raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana  University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903639 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0913 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0913 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.24271 -157.94103 11.95205 23.29838 coordinates of ship track 144.66146 13.43063 144.65492 13.45527 144.57953 13.43278 144.59222 13.21538 144.74917 12.25338 144.24434 11.95205 144.83287 12.08333 147.23354 12.93826 149.64448 13.76816 152.17932 14.60964 154.47793 15.34317 156.42297 15.94167 158.72855 16.62389 160.56435 17.14586 162.8592 17.77048 165.22474 18.38172 167.10182 18.84331 169.23721 19.34143 171.29684 19.79678 173.2735 20.20821 175.66774 20.6749 178.32831 21.15112 179.99803 21.4264 -179.99849 21.42692 -177.86337 21.75384 -175.41122 22.09429 -172.86016 22.40733 -170.9822 22.61071 -165.23636 22.70051 -165.16691 23.09938 -164.8318 23.29834 -163.99629 22.49932 -161.8978 22.05325 -161.74522 22.03269 -161.51361 21.97123 -158.19658 21.25224 -157.94733 21.24729 -157.9411 21.27107 -157.97008 21.33182 -157.96825 21.35121 -157.94263 21.36446 Cruise Start and End 2009-06-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra 2009-06-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903639 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((144.24 11.95, 144.24 23.30, -157.94 23.30, -157.94 11.95, 144.24 11.95))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact/www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/ecs/metadata/cruise/--> doi:10.7284/903640 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30  ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0914 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0914 C-MORE 2009 Summer Course (Agouron-5) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33284 -157.77059 21.21102 32.37345 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86815 21.30046 -157.91923 21.24699 -158.15408 21.25002 -158.28282 21.35107 -158.33211 21.59603 -158.07716 23.91675 -158.07131 23.92915 -158.03915 23.92809 -158.10609 23.91453 -158.02242 23.91351 -158.01767 23.9018 -158.01053 23.92468 -157.99552 25.79323 -157.99649 32.32784 -158.07424 32.37341 -158.02206 32.3384 -158.00766 32.37265 -157.98264 32.35419 -157.99928 32.17705 -158.00378 31.68815 -157.99932 26.75035 -157.8289 24.18775 -157.80373 23.98006 -157.77077 23.93443 -157.8577 23.50068 -158.02654 22.82221 -158.03954 22.82182 -158.03316 22.83221 -157.92351 22.78901 -157.92322 22.77164 -157.91465 22.79043 -158.33277 21.60065 -158.28429 21.35271 -158.1528 21.24919 -158.11209 21.24668 -158.06488 21.21109 -158.00408 21.23318 -157.8965 21.2381 -157.8676 21.30241 -157.88631 21.31569 Cruise Start and End 2009-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2009-06-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903640 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903640 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0914 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0914 C-MORE 2009 Summer Course (Agouron-5) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33284 -157.77059 21.21102 32.37345 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86815 21.30046 -157.91923 21.24699 -158.15408 21.25002 -158.28282 21.35107 -158.33211 21.59603 -158.07716 23.91675 -158.07131 23.92915 -158.03915 23.92809 -158.10609 23.91453 -158.02242 23.91351 -158.01767 23.9018 -158.01053 23.92468 -157.99552 25.79323 -157.99649 32.32784 -158.07424 32.37341 -158.02206 32.3384 -158.00766 32.37265 -157.98264 32.35419 -157.99928 32.17705 -158.00378 31.68815 -157.99932 26.75035 -157.8289 24.18775 -157.80373 23.98006 -157.77077 23.93443 -157.8577 23.50068 -158.02654 22.82221 -158.03954 22.82182 -158.03316 22.83221 -157.92351 22.78901 -157.92322 22.77164 -157.91465 22.79043 -158.33277 21.60065 -158.28429 21.35271 -158.1528 21.24919 -158.11209 21.24668 -158.06488 21.21109 -158.00408 21.23318 -157.8965 21.2381 -157.8676 21.30241 -157.88631 21.31569 Cruise Start and End 2009-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-06-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903640 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2009 Summer Course (Agouron-5)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.21, -158.33 32.37, -157.77 32.37, -157.77 21.21, -158.33 21.21))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact --V:=1+M5Ki%W9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903640gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903641 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0915 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0915 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36238 -157.86736 21.22137 22.85855 coordinates of ship track <gml:posList srsDimension="2">-157.88631 21.31569 -157.86747 21.30167 -157.91551 21.22167 -158.15109 21.249 -158.27455 21.34338 -158.32964 21.5678 -158.00439 22.74721 -158.03389 22.75036 -158.0119 22.75974 -158.10404 22.80554 -158.09279 22.79822 -158.05552 22.83448 -158.00024 22.74992 -157.974 22.74433 -157.9848 22.63723 -157.99983 22.75217 -158.06728 22.83416 -158.08204 22.8287 -158.05111 22.7999 -158.00313 22.79565 -158.0074 22.85849 -158.02823 22.84476 -158.03145 22.80495 -158.03177 22.77974 -158.01012 22.7604 -158.12638 22.75833 -158.08302 22.76207 -158.10632 22.77869 -157.99507 22.75145 -158.10943 22.8356 -158.04259 22.79709 -157.92361 22.77302 -157.93538 22.77912 -157.92959 22.76701 -157.92036 22.83347 -157.90622 22.83224 -157.9183 22.82301 -157.91779 22.8438 -157.90743 22.83758 -157.94735 22.74281 -158.26372 22.06416 -158.3338 21.87943 -158.36193 21.84717 -158.35405 21.72315 -158.33282 21.57174 -158.27223 21.34322 -158.14761 21.24603 -157.89908 21.24697 -157.86751 21.3022 -157.88631 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-07-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903641 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903641 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0915 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0915 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36238 -157.86736 21.22137 22.85855 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86747 21.30167 -157.91551 21.22167 -158.15109 21.249 -158.27455 21.34338 -158.32964 21.5678 -158.00439 22.74721 -158.03389 22.75036 -158.0119 22.75974 -158.10404 22.80554 -158.09279 22.79822 -158.05552 22.83448 -158.00024 22.74992 -157.974 22.74433 -157.9848 22.63723 -157.99983 22.75217 -158.06728 22.83416 -158.08204 22.8287 -158.05111 22.7999 -158.00313 22.79565 -158.0074 22.85849 -158.02823 22.84476 -158.03145 22.80495 -158.03177 22.77974 -158.01012 22.7604 -158.12638 22.75833 -158.08302 22.76207 -158.10632 22.77869 -157.99507 22.75145 -158.10943 22.8356 -158.04259 22.79709 -157.92361 22.77302 -157.93538 22.77912 -157.92959 22.76701 -157.92036 22.83347 -157.90622 22.83224 -157.9183 22.82301 -157.91779 22.8438 -157.90743 22.83758 -157.94735 22.74281 -158.26372 22.06416 -158.3338 21.87943 -158.36193 21.84717 -158.35405 21.72315 -158.33282 21.57174 -158.27223 21.34322 -158.14761 21.24603 -157.89908 21.24697 -157.86751 21.3022 -157.88631 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-07-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903641 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.22, -158.36 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.22, -158.36 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 11Z;=1+M53%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903641gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903642 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0916 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0916 WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-6) Plueddemann, Albert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans  theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33417 -157.38701 21.21528 23.02803 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86755 21.30256 -157.89726 21.24974 -158.14937 21.24712 -158.2801 21.34921 -158.33391 21.58236 -158.21902 21.8969 -158.15592 22.24687 -158.05123 22.66982 -158.06607 22.66898 -158.05802 22.68304 -157.94811 22.66628 -157.92841 22.63233 -157.92837 22.70382 -157.99154 22.66762 -157.95758 22.67686 -157.92734 22.78279 -157.92989 22.76366 -157.90245 22.75913 -157.90859 22.77137 -157.87215 22.74662 -157.47409 23.00857 -157.55607 22.96396 -157.4759 23.00729 -157.54334 22.96952 -157.47866 23.00459 -157.5321 22.97393 -157.38751 23.02767 -157.63161 22.90123 -158.00035 22.75064 -158.03738 22.63065 -158.33403 21.58301 -158.27468 21.34961 -158.18904 21.27528 -158.14581 21.24652 -157.9393 21.21745 -157.91684 21.21571 -157.89839 21.24317 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2009-07-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903642 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes)  Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903642 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0916 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0916 WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-6)  Plueddemann, Albert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33417 -157.38701 21.21528 23.02803 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86755 21.30256 -157.89726 21.24974 -158.14937 21.24712 -158.2801 21.34921 -158.33391 21.58236 -158.21902 21.8969 -158.15592 22.24687 -158.05123 22.66982 -158.06607 22.66898 -158.05802 22.68304 -157.94811 22.66628 -157.92841 22.63233 -157.92837 22.70382 -157.99154 22.66762 -157.95758 22.67686 -157.92734 22.78279 -157.92989 22.76366 -157.90245 22.75913 -157.90859 22.77137 -157.87215 22.74662 -157.47409 23.00857 -157.55607 22.96396 -157.4759 23.00729 -157.54334 22.96952 -157.47866 23.00459 -157.5321 22.97393 -157.38751 23.02767 -157.63161 22.90123 -158.00035 22.75064 -158.03738 22.63065 -158.33403 21.58301 -158.27468 21.34961 -158.18904 21.27528 -158.14581 21.24652 -157.9393 21.21745 -157.91684 21.21571 -157.89839 21.24317 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-07-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903642 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-6)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.22, -158.33 23.03, -157.39 23.03, -157.39 21.22, -158.33 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact pp<=1+M5 %i9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903642gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:21Z doi:10.7284/903643 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0917 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0917 Bottom Mapping Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89819 -155.57532 20.58395 21.49098 </gmd:extent> coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86753 21.30392 -157.88141 21.27255 -157.83456 21.23446 -157.52854 21.18054 -157.50877 21.3471 -157.54793 21.39767 -157.55791 21.48039 -157.54316 21.49094 -157.48397 21.46689 -157.38004 21.33658 -157.32944 21.36664 -157.37514 21.25627 -157.41 21.25368 -157.41048 21.1965 -157.34951 21.2199 -157.31934 21.31678 -157.20174 21.3415 -156.42965 21.31681 -156.17998 21.26779 -156.18808 21.24258 -156.43212 21.29117 -156.65064 21.28444 -156.64791 21.27358 -156.45197 21.27469 -156.18775 21.2258 -156.18078 21.13203 -155.9239 20.89951 -155.59134 20.8224 -155.57534 20.76585 -155.58528 20.74897 -155.72622 20.79987 -155.87565 20.7994 -155.89942 20.7815 -155.88368 20.65002 -155.93508 20.584 -155.94917 20.59588 -155.91826 20.76771 -156.26586 21.06932 -156.24542 21.0796 -155.90515 20.78777 -155.88528 20.80059 -156.23201 21.09814 -156.64865 21.2748 -157.16347 21.29983 -157.21625 21.35712 -157.32303 21.33359 -157.36668 21.23435 -157.44122 21.20138 -157.4344 21.3478 -157.5146 21.46253 -157.54844 21.44692 -157.4715 21.3511 -157.4887 21.20923 -157.87177 21.21094 -157.89579 21.24009 -157.89327 21.2629 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2009-07-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903643 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer  raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins  determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Knudsen 3260 </gmd:code> singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped doi:10.7284/903643 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0917 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0917 Bottom Mapping Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89819 -155.57532 20.58395 21.49098 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86753 21.30392 -157.88141 21.27255 -157.83456 21.23446 -157.52854 21.18054 -157.50877 21.3471 -157.54793 21.39767 -157.55791 21.48039 -157.54316 21.49094 -157.48397 21.46689 -157.38004 21.33658 -157.32944 21.36664 -157.37514 21.25627 -157.41 21.25368 -157.41048 21.1965 -157.34951 21.2199 -157.31934 21.31678 -157.20174 21.3415 -156.42965 21.31681 -156.17998 21.26779 -156.18808 21.24258 -156.43212 21.29117 -156.65064 21.28444 -156.64791 21.27358 -156.45197 21.27469 -156.18775 21.2258 -156.18078 21.13203 -155.9239 20.89951 -155.59134 20.8224 -155.57534 20.76585 -155.58528 20.74897 -155.72622 20.79987 -155.87565 20.7994 -155.89942 20.7815 -155.88368 20.65002 -155.93508 20.584 -155.94917 20.59588 -155.91826 20.76771 -156.26586 21.06932 -156.24542 21.0796 -155.90515 20.78777 -155.88528 20.80059 -156.23201 21.09814 -156.64865 21.2748 -157.16347 21.29983 -157.21625 21.35712 -157.32303 21.33359 -157.36668 21.23435 -157.44122 21.20138 -157.4344 21.3478 -157.5146 21.46253 -157.54844 21.44692 -157.4715 21.3511 -157.4887 21.20923 -157.87177 21.21094 -157.89579 21.24009 -157.89327 21.2629 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-07-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903643 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped engfieldSessionBottom MappingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 20.58, -157.90 21.49, -155.58 21.49, -155.58 20.58, -157.90 20.58))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact _==1+M5[%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903643gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903644 eng utf8 fieldSession" cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0918 on RV Kilo Moana $ 2015-09-30 published KM0918 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor <&gmd:descriptiveKeywords> EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office ' custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInforma(tion -158.33457 -157.86762 21.24577 23.10907 coordin)ates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86784 21.30198 -157.90052 21.24639 -158.15043 21.24734 -158.27281 21.34322 -158.33217 21.57916 -158.01802 22.75071 -158.00617 22.74588 -158.12247 22.74852 -158.00025 22.76062 -157.98029 22.84673 -157.99222 22.85553 -158.01374 22.84832 -157.99713 22.75211 -158.00557 22.90114 -158.00367 22.64479 -158.01731 22.6838 -158.06079 22.66134 -158.07971 22.67609 -158.03639 22.71511 -158.02694 22.70254 -158.07089 22.68313 -158.0921 22.68819 -158.1032 22.71971 -158.0841 22.76331 -158.08376 22.85377 -158.04568 22.81588 -158.0455 22.85488 -157.96028 23.10907 -157.94706 23.0874 -157.94799 23.02044 -157.95198 22.81623 -157.97658 22.68891 -157.96679 22.69405 -157.97855 22.6*9065 -158.03746 22.42129 -158.33456 21.58129 -158.27129 21.34964 -158.15278 21.25292 -157.89899 21.24604 -157.86786 21.30132 -157.88628 21.31572 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-23 + University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu , 2009-07-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu - http://doi.org/10.7284/903644 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii 5 operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures wate6r current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities 7 Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903644 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded9 data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0918 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0918 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33457 -157.86762 21.24577 23.10907 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86784 21.30198 -157.90052 21.24639 -158.15043 21.24734 -158.27281 21.34322 -158.33217 21.57916 -158.01802 22.75071 -158.00617 22.74588 -158.12247 22.74852 -158.00025 22.76062 -157.98029 22.84673 -157.99222 22.85553 -158.01374 22.84832 -157.99713 22.75211 -158.00557 22.90114 -158.00367 22.64479 -158.01731 22.6838 -158.06079 22.66134 -158.07971 22.67609 -158.03639 22.71511 -158.02694 22.70254 -158.07089 22.68313 -158.09:21 22.68819 -158.1032 22.71971 -158.0841 22.76331 -158.08376 22.85377 -158.04568 22.81588 -158.0455 22.85488 -157.96028 23.10907 -157.94706 23.0874 -157.94799 23.02044 -157.95198 22.81623 -157.97658 22.68891 -157.96679 22.69405 -157.97855 22.69065 -158.03746 22.42129 -158.33456 21.58129 -158.27129 21.34964 -158.15278 21.25292 -157.89899 21.24604 -157.86786 21.30132 -157.88628 21.31572 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-07-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903644 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 23.11, -157.87 23.11, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact aa*>=1+M5i%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903644gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata ualName> R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0919 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0919 North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica Cycling Brzezinski, Mark University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90323 -139.96690 20.50029 27.50105 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86747 21.30181 -157.89426 21.24582 -157.83368 21.19011 -157.34249 21.27767 -156.44579 21.2768 -155.95257 21.19851 -155.25362 20.9545 -154.75169 20.82266 -153.69162 20.50132 -150.70565 22.62175 -147.00032 25.19999 -144.69842 26.10004 -144.71251 26.10104 -144.34655 26.10001 -144.34679 25.76805 -143.99804 26.76818 -143.99863 26.10088 -144.00884 26.09676 -143.64927 26.10041 -143.6497 27.10418 -143.29835 26.10068 -143.30755 26.09549 -142.95093 26.10064 -142.99194 25.50268 -143.05291 25.46537 -143.00034 25.50429 -143.00889 25.48629 -142.99095 25.48383 -143.00094 25.50015 -143.00753 25.47693 -142.99521 25.50368 -143.0217 25.43861 -142.97904 25.4763 -142.94595 26.14337 -142.94976 26.73614 -142.95077 26.10011 -141.20147 26.10019 -142.00161 27.50059 -140.00096 24.99984 -139.96718 25.00831 -139.99919 23.8241 -140.00039 23.50182 -139.9F8978 23.50226 -140.01858 23.49584 -139.98607 23.50101 -148.99938 22.65091 -154.7003 25.09928 -154.6008 25.18013 -154.99118 24.71585 -157.50135 21.33253 -157.66823 21.21276 -157.83098 21.19578 -157.90297 21.24841 -157.87759 21.28377 Cruise Start and End 2009-07-29 G University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-08-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu I http://doi.org/10.7284/903645 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. K adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd N raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. O gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Q Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator T RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter W measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903645 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0919 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0919 North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica Cycling Brzezinski, Mark University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90323 -139.96690 20.50029 27.50105 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86747 21.30181 -157.89426 21.24582 -157.83368 21.19011 -157Z.34249 21.27767 -156.44579 21.2768 -155.95257 21.19851 -155.25362 20.9545 -154.75169 20.82266 -153.69162 20.50132 -150.70565 22.62175 -147.00032 25.19999 -144.69842 26.10004 -144.71251 26.10104 -144.34655 26.10001 -144.34679 25.76805 -143.99804 26.76818 -143.99863 26.10088 -144.00884 26.09676 -143.64927 26.10041 -143.6497 27.10418 -143.29835 26.10068 -143.30755 26.09549 -142.95093 26.10064 -142.99194 25.50268 -143.05291 25.46537 -143.00034 25.50429 -143.00889 25.48629 -142.99095 25.48383 -143.00094 25.50015 -143.00753 25.47693 -142.99521 25.50368 -143.0217 25.43861 -142.97904 25.4763 -142.94595 26.14337 -142.94976 26.73614 -142.95077 26.10011 -141.20147 26.10019 -142.00161 27.50059 -140.00096 24.99984 -139.96718 25.00831 -139.99919 23.8241 -140.00039 23.50182 -139.98978 23.50226 -140.01858 23.49584 -139.98607 23.50101 -148.99938 22.65091 -154.7003 25.09928 -154.6008 25.18013 -154.99118 24.71585 -157.50135 21.33253 -157.66823 21.21276 -157.83098 21.19578 -157.90297 21.24841 -157.87759 21.28377 Crui[se Start and End 2009-07-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-08-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903645 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionNorth Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica CyclingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 20.50, -157.90 27.50, -139.97 27.50, -139.97 20.50, -157.90 20.50))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact k?=1+M5 7%u9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903645gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903646 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0920 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0920 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii c Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NAdSA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36553 -157.86750 21.24497 22.79292 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86804 21.30032 -157.91584 21.24789 -158.15041 21.2485 -158.27369 21.3431 -158.33326 21.57626 -158.00023 22.73174 -157.99282 22.74469 -157.90324 22.75723 -157.8768 22.74785 -157.98909 22.74926 -157.89064 g22.7515 -157.89807 22.73614 -158.1048 22.77837 -158.11385 22.766 -158.01508 22.76342 -157.99206 22.77735 -158.02753 22.75027 -158.11252 22.77221 -158.09525 22.79292 -157.99972 22.75048 -157.88411 22.7794 -157.89523 22.78856 -158.00159 22.75124 -158.10002 22.70059 -158.11533 22.71802 -158.0764 22.70831 -158.03545 22.74753 -157.9731 22.64781 -157.9811 22.67612 -157.97565 22.64375 -158.28668 22.03741 -158.35751 21.86783 -158.34982 21.65937 -158.27318 21.34377 -158.16688 21.25948 -158.14492 21.24656 -157.89863 21.24536 -157.86775 21.30152 -157.8863 21.31571 Cruise Start and End h 2009-08-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu i 2009-08-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List j Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903646 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw m RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. o gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 p Data was collected from this device. ins raw q Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer r raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. s multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaiiu operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities w L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 y magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam z multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903646 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0920 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0920 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (G{CMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36553 -157.86750 21.24497 22.79292 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86804 21.30032 -157.91584 21.24789 -158.15041 21.2485 -158.27369 21.3431 -158.33326 21.57626 -158.00023 22.73174 -157.99282 22.74469 -157.90324 22.75723 -157.8768 22.74785 -157.98909 22.74926 -157.89064 22.7515 -157.89807 22.73614 -158.1048 22.77837 -158.11385 22.766 -158.01508 22.76342 -157.99206 22.77735 -158.02753 22.75027 -158.11252 22.77221 -158.09525 22.79292 -157.99972 22.75048 -157.88411 22.7794 -157.89523 22.78856 -158.00159 22.75124 -158.10002 22.70059 -158.11533 22.71802 -158.0764 22.70831 -158.03545 22.74753 -157.9731 22.64781 -157.9811 22.67612 -157.97565 22.64375 -158.28668 22.03741 -158.35751 21.86783 -158.34982 21.65937 -158.27318 21.34377 -158.16688 21.25948 -158.14492 21.24656 -157.89863 21.24536 -157.86775 21.30152 -157.8863 21.31571 | Cruise Start and End 2009-08-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-08-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903646 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.79, -157.87 22.79, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact //H@=1+M5%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903646gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata  R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0921 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0921 Radiance in a Dynamic Ocean (RaDyO) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.74107 -155.32609 17.47459 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31541 -157.86736 21.30275 -157.89168 21.25411 -157.88776 21.23064 -157.13956 20.23765 -157.17063 20.26639 -155.50019 17.99999 -155.67802 18.00041 -155.50087 18.16663 -155.50097 17.83398 -155.49992 17.99921 -155.3261 18.00018 -155.67599 17.99808 -155.50004 18.00053 -155.5839 17.93595 -155.50042 17.99991 -155.57688 17.95852 -155.4985 18.0017 -155.58902 17.941 -155.49986 18.00128 -156.16634 19.24909 -156.01768 19.25099 -155.96383 19.24954 -156.13205 19.2478 -156.13253 19.00266 -155.49937 18.0002 -155.5746 17.97357 -155.61112 17.86718 -155.59838 17.96469 -155.64106 17.95771 -155.66596 17.93891 -155.65108 17.93989 -155.82501 17.87143 -155.87504 17.83524 -156.03658 17.79244 -155.97768 17.80771 -156.05339 17.75823 -156.03215 17.7799 -156.11433 17.73468 -156.26076 17.69153 -156.28788 17.69623 -156.50981 17.63568 -156.3692 17.6954 -156.48295 17.64056 -156.56164 17.64744 -156.61607 17.62237 -156.83022 17.60602 -157.03669 17.53234 -156.91222 17.58782 -157.08141 17.53515 -157.0743 17.54848 -157.14478 17.53722 -157.1277 17.52016 -157.29479 17.51773 -157.25256 17.52388 -157.2961 17.53265 -157.38413 17.5087 -157.45965 17.52986 -157.46652 17.4746 -157.56379 17.53562 -157.44723 17.51888 -157.64176 17.51349 -157.57898 17.51492 -157.79351 17.55794 -157.82801 17.54112 -158.00978 17.54185 -158.02155 17.54585 -157.99812 17.55604 -158.20528 17.56562 -158.16302 17.57577 -158.24892 17.61186 -158.2952 17.61434 -158.25534 17.62698 -158.45368 17.60975 -158.67453 17.65703 -158.66286 17.49251 -158.83624 17.49364 -158.83549 17.82652 -158.48638 17.82532 -158.77646 17.6914 -159.0209 17.75581 -159.1269 17.75403 -159.08268 17.76788 -159.1551 17.81326 -159.18799 17.81055 -159.22896 17.83118 -159.20063 17.66698 -159.19964 18.00043 -159.3745 17.834 -159.0248 17.83249 -159.39403 17.84496 -159.43998 17.86256 -159.45783 17.84642 -159.50112 17.84586 -159.47391 17.85446 -159.5897 17.88127 -159.58344 17.90547 -159.60843 17.87225 -159.73487 17.82405 -159.69314 17.86057 -159.74104 17.85366 -159.70515 17.88631 -159.71792 17.88912 -158.78613 19.62297 -158.08399 20.90732 -157.99631 21.03252 -157.86776 21.30156 -157.8863 21.31569 Cruise Start and End 2009-08-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903647 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus  ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903647 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0921 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0921 Radiance in a Dynamic Ocean (RaDyO) Dickey, Tommy University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.74107 -155.32609 17.47459 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31541 -157.86736 21.30275 -157.89168 21.25411 -157.88776 21.23064 -157.13956 20.23765 -157.17063 20.26639 -155.50019 17.99999 -155.67802 18.00041 -155.50087 18.16663 -155.50097 17.83398 -155.49992 17.99921 -155.3261 18.00018 -155.67599 17.99808 -155.50004 18.00053 -155.5839 17.93595 -155.50042 17.99991 -155.57688 17.95852 -155.4985 18.0017 -155.58902 17.941 -155.49986 18.00128 -156.16634 19.24909 -156.01768 19.25099 -155.96383 19.24954 -156.13205 19.2478 -156.13253 19.00266 -155.49937 18.0002 -155.5746 17.97357 -155.61112 17.86718 -155.59838 17.96469 -155.64106 17.95771 -155.66596 17.93891 -155.65108 17.93989 -155.82501 17.87143 -155.87504 17.83524 -156.03658 17.79244 -155.97768 17.80771 -156.05339 17.75823 -156.03215 17.7799 -156.11433 17.73468 -156.26076 17.69153 -156.28788 17.69623 -156.50981 17.63568 -156.3692 17.6954 -156.48295 17.64056 -156.56164 17.64744 -156.61607 17.62237 -156.83022 17.60602 -157.03669 17.53234 -156.91222 17.58782 -157.08141 17.53515 -157.0743 17.54848 -157.14478 17.53722 -157.1277 17.52016 -157.29479 17.51773 -157.25256 17.52388 -157.2961 17.53265 -157.38413 17.5087 -157.45965 17.52986 -157.46652 17.4746 -157.56379 17.53562 -157.44723 17.51888 -157.64176 17.51349 -157.57898 17.51492 -157.79351 17.55794 -157.82801 17.54112 -158.00978 17.54185 -158.02155 17.54585 -157.99812 17.55604 -158.20528 17.56562 -158.16302 17.57577 -158.24892 17.61186 -158.2952 17.61434 -158.25534 17.62698 -158.45368 17.60975 -158.67453 17.65703 -158.66286 17.49251 -158.83624 17.49364 -158.83549 17.82652 -158.48638 17.82532 -158.77646 17.6914 -159.0209 17.75581 -159.1269 17.75403 -159.08268 17.76788 -159.1551 17.81326 -159.18799 17.81055 -159.22896 17.83118 -159.20063 17.66698 -159.19964 18.00043 -159.3745 17.834 -159.0248 17.83249 -159.39403 17.84496 -159.43998 17.86256 -159.45783 17.84642 -159.50112 17.84586 -159.47391 17.85446 -159.5897 17.88127 -159.58344 17.90547 -159.60843 17.87225 -159.73487 17.82405 -159.69314 17.86057 -159.74104 17.85366 -159.70515 17.88631 -159.71792 17.88912 -158.78613 19.62297 -158.08399 20.90732 -157.99631 21.03252 -157.86776 21.30156 -157.8863 21.31569 Cruise Start and End 2009-08-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903647 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionRadiance in a Dynamic Ocean (RaDyO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.74 17.47, -159.74 21.32, -155.33 21.32, -155.33 17.47, -159.74 17.47))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact VA=1+M53%S9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903647gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/900839 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0922 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0922 Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office  custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33419 -157.86798 21.22994 22.86857 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31571 -157.8681 21.30048 -157.911 21.24921 -158.1496 21.24668 -158.27395 21.34411 -158.33418 21.58261 -158.00228 22.75235 -157.96431 22.76332 -157.88957 22.86857 -157.92847 22.86174 -157.91312 22.85874 -157.92976 22.83161 -157.96728 22.84721 -158.33285 21.58457 -158.27552 21.34434 -158.13649 21.23361 -157.89533 21.24603 -157.87947 21.27873 Cruise Start and End 2009-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-09-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900839  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw  L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33  gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins  determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field doi:10.7284/900839 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0922 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0922 Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33419 -157.86798 21.22994 22.86857 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31571 -157.8681 21.30048 -157.911 21.24921 -158.1496 21.24668 -158.27395 21.34411 -158.33418 21.58261 -158.00228 22.75235 -157.96431 22.76332 -157.88957 22.86857 -157.92847 22.86174 -157.91312 22.85874 -157.92976 22.83161 -157.96728 22.84721 -158.33285 21.58457 -158.27552 21.34434 -158.13649 21.23361 -157.89533 21.24603 -157.87947 21.27873 Cruise Start and End 2009-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-09-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900839 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionMaintenanceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.23, -158.33 22.87, -157.87 22.87, -157.87 21.23, -158.33 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact %%nB=1+M5%#9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/900839gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903648 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0923 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0923 Iron-Oxidizing Microbial Observatory (FeMO-4) - Loihi Seamount Moyer, Craig Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33433 -154.71534 18.43447 21.31571  coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86761 21.30345 -157.88351 21.27132 -157.88071 21.22521 -156.49965 19.5002 -155.99829 18.999 -155.66753 18.83544 -155.26296 18.91254 -155.25904 18.89658 -155.26506 18.91753 -155.24834 18.91864 -155.25851 18.88699 -155.27312 18.90471 -155.2828 18.89117 -155.5732 18.84959 -155.68604 18.86623 -155.75052 18.89252 -155.93132 19.00512 -155.99911 19.07362 -156.00839 19.37165 -155.96687 19.46918 -156.00371 19.39789 -156.11009 19.30819 -156.00676 19.04711 -155.81286 18.9049 -155.66615 18.83518 -155.32868 18.89772 -155.26105 18.89656 -155.24788 18.91051 -155.26464 18.92155 -155.27468 18.9072 -155.25574 18.89399 -155.25065 18.91402 -155.27221 18.9106 -155.26329 18.89449 -155.24625 18.91848 -155.26957 18.91152 -155.25129 18.89194 -155.33547 18.86194 -155.34582 18.86733 -155.25762 18.90166 -155.26459 18.91801 -155.25148 18.90429 -154.71926 19.4972 -154.97098 19.77261 -155.07013 19.77302 -155.06788 19.75974 -155.06534 19.7754 -154.96834 19.77559 -154.85432 19.65452 -154.71545 19.49272 -155.19148 18.70545 -155.16351 18.71129 -155.18371 18.71617 -155.18757 18.70452 -155.25469 18.89117 -155.24542 18.88065 -155.24722 18.86867 -155.26504 18.88955 -155.28235 18.94121 -155.25366 18.89594 -155.26181 18.9104 -155.45854 18.45426 -155.35288 18.4668 -155.59326 18.59655 -155.5951 18.61084 -155.57415 18.6279 -155.31905 18.48955 -155.30099 18.51694 -155.46547 18.60594 -155.4759 18.43448 -155.47768 18.46646 -155.44764 18.49699 -155.44568 18.48162 -155.64124 18.60772 -155.68166 18.71621 -155.49447 18.71841 -155.25851 18.92247 -155.25242 18.90692 -155.27988 18.86961 -155.25125 18.90711 -155.26337 18.90817 -155.43346 18.44972 -155.26197 18.90404 -155.24423 18.91016 -155.26283 18.91556 -155.22973 18.91026 -155.6646 18.86607 -155.90238 18.97913 -155.91975 18.72936 -155.91018 18.55751 -155.92712 18.54734 -155.99433 18.58105 -156.03017 18.62727 -155.99975 18.71695 -155.96485 18.74759 -155.90001 18.66555 -155.89419 18.55825 -156.00075 18.73596 -156.00107 19.46059 -155.98263 19.48792 -155.98627 19.46363 -156.01635 19.4578 -157.20003 19.4 -158.33254 19.55239 -157.90519 21.2224 Cruise Start and End 2009-10-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2009-10-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903648 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device.  ctd raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903648 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0923 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0923 Iron-Oxidizing Microbial Observatory (FeMO-4) - Loihi Seamount Moyer, Craig Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -158.33433 -154.71534 18.43447 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86761 21.30345 -157.88351 21.27132 -157.88071 21.22521 -156.49965 19.5002 -155.99829 18.999 -155.66753 18.83544 -155.26296 18.91254 -155.25904 18.89658 -155.26506 18.91753 -155.24834 18.91864 -155.25851 18.88699 -155.27312 18.90471 -155.2828 18.89117 -155.5732 18.84959 -155.68604 18.86623 -155.75052 18.89252 -155.93132 19.00512 -155.99911 19.07362 -156.00839 19.37165 -155.96687 19.46918 -156.00371 19.39789 -156.11009 19.30819 -156.00676 19.04711 -155.81286 18.9049 -155.66615 18.83518 -155.32868 18.89772 -155.26105 18.89656 -155.24788 18.91051 -155.26464 18.92155 -155.27468 18.9072 -155.25574 18.89399 -155.25065 18.91402 -155.27221 18.9106 -155.26329 18.89449 -155.24625 18.91848 -155.26957 18.91152 -155.25129 18.89194 -155.33547 18.86194 -155.34582 18.86733 -155.25762 18.90166 -155.26459 18.91801 -155.25148 18.90429 -154.71926 19.4972 -154.97098 19.77261 -155.07013 19.77302 -155.06788 19.75974 -155.06534 19.7754 -154.96834 19.77559 -154.85432 19.65452 -154.71545 19.49272 -155.19148 18.70545 -155.16351 18.71129 -155.18371 18.71617 -155.18757 18.70452 -155.25469 18.89117 -155.24542 18.88065 -155.24722 18.86867 -155.26504 18.88955 -155.28235 18.94121 -155.25366 18.89594 -155.26181 18.9104 -155.45854 18.45426 -155.35288 18.4668 -155.59326 18.59655 -155.5951 18.61084 -155.57415 18.6279 -155.31905 18.48955 -155.30099 18.51694 -155.46547 18.60594 -155.4759 18.43448 -155.47768 18.46646 -155.44764 18.49699 -155.44568 18.48162 -155.64124 18.60772 -155.68166 18.71621 -155.49447 18.71841 -155.25851 18.92247 -155.25242 18.90692 -155.27988 18.86961 -155.25125 18.90711 -155.26337 18.90817 -155.43346 18.44972 -155.26197 18.90404 -155.24423 18.91016 -155.26283 18.91556 -155.22973 18.91026 -155.6646 18.86607 -155.90238 18.97913 -155.91975 18.72936 -155.91018 18.55751 -155.92712 18.54734 -155.99433 18.58105 -156.03017 18.62727 -155.99975 18.71695 -155.96485 18.74759 -155.90001 18.66555 -155.89419 18.55825 -156.00075 18.73596 -156.00107 19.46059 -155.98263 19.48792 -155.98627 19.46363 -156.01635 19.4578 -157.20003 19.4 -158.33254 19.55239 -157.90519 21.2224 Cruise Start and End 2009-10-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-10-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903648 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionIron-Oxidizing Microbial Observatory (FeMO-4) - Loihi SeamountEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 18.43, -158.33 21.32, -154.72 21.32, -154.72 18.43, -158.33 18.43))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact %D=1+M5[%;9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903649gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903649 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0924 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0924 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Ruehlemann, Carsten Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89112 -116.15845 11.04931 21.31583 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86761 21.30315 -157.89111 21.25683 -157.86893 21.22532 -155.714 18.56606 -149.57909 16.38096 -143.1625 14.06871 -140.91766 13.25362 -138.38962 12.29468 -137.82535 12.29206 -137.79331 12.40345 -137.82014 12.42395 -138.37974 12.4298 -138.375 12.56645 -137.51388 12.57112 -137.517 12.69259 -137.88707 12.69156 -137.96523 12.67647 -137.9524 12.68191 -137.95091 12.95188 -137.96638 12.9736 -138.10812 13.01928 -138.12842 13.04323 -138.12912 13.30493 -138.1505 13.34208 -138.12697 13.35564 -138.10264 13.3219 -138.10503 13.06365 -138.2297 12.95318 -138.41626 12.53155 -138.3736 12.50017 -137.81421 12.49994 -137.8045 12.38323 -137.8333 12.35813 -138.38379 12.35736 -138.38886 12.18252 -138.36146 12.17177 -137.83309 12.17172 -137.8185 12.13414 -137.82167 12.05515 -138.37996 12.05143 -138.39044 11.94236 -137.82569 11.93159 -137.82025 11.82073 -138.37746 11.81126 -138.38064 11.69288 -137.80548 11.69123 -120.5347 11.30023 -119.43845 12.01506 -118.17429 12.01674 -118.16486 12.00478 -118.21228 11.89185 -119.42733 11.89066 -119.42657 11.76729 -118.22257 11.76683 -118.22052 11.64658 -119.42353 11.64168 -119.43514 11.63186 -119.43482 11.52554 -118.23871 11.51671 -118.13039 11.30714 -117.98619 11.30647 -117.63821 11.2502 -117.24681 11.25488 -116.59566 11.07301 -116.2306 11.31602 -116.15927 11.41985 -116.18116 11.55214 -116.46246 11.73472 -116.59286 11.88688 -116.88693 11.96247 -116.97395 11.95533 -117.04409 11.89842 -117.11189 11.56933 -117.12912 11.54466 -117.6556 11.06502 -117.67751 11.06662 -117.68098 11.08982 -117.64807 11.08705 -117.6583 11.05006 -118.18186 12.06826 -118.18147 12.95029 -118.04742 12.97371 -118.028 12.98665 -118.03562 12.99988 -119.42937 12.99681 -119.42067 12.89151 -118.21864 12.8866 -118.23233 12.76675 -119.43498 12.76188 -119.42878 12.64229 -118.21495 12.63569 -118.21273 12.52915 -118.22427 12.51676 -119.43063 12.51406 -119.42281 12.39067 -118.2191 12.38719 -118.22989 12.26678 -119.43375 12.26085 -119.43416 12.15082 -119.41827 12.14205 -118.22395 12.14191 -118.17766 12.11747 -118.13103 11.37881 -118.52195 11.54036 -118.74726 11.73141 -118.84571 11.7669 -119.10183 11.80054 -119.15131 11.78475 -119.29909 11.53725 -119.30142 11.39854 -119.27303 11.31826 -119.01517 11.22067 -118.62241 11.19786 -118.56489 11.21888 -118.5296 11.30114 -118.54617 11.67081 -118.58424 12.00397 -118.61022 12.11047 -118.66083 12.17763 -118.75941 12.23914 -118.94368 12.40143 -131.71468 12.73645 -137.51098 13.54915 -138.38273 13.55023 -138.38889 13.6653 -138.37502 13.67467 -137.81764 13.68399 -138.37389 14.0618 -150.40964 17.40544 -155.4106 18.77969 -155.67188 18.8274 -155.89585 18.9159 -156.50132 19.08391 -157.88607 21.31537 Cruise Start and End 2009-10-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-11-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903649 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter  raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) doi:10.7284/903649 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0924 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0924 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Ruehlemann, Carsten Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89112 -116.15845 11.04931 21.31583 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86761 21.30315 -157.89111 21.25683 -157.86893 21.22532 -155.714 18.56606 -149.57909 16.38096 -143.1625 14.06871 -140.91766 13.25362 -138.38962 12.29468 -137.82535 12.29206 -137.79331 12.40345 -137.82014 12.42395 -138.37974 12.4298 -138.375 12.56645 -137.51388 12.57112 -137.517 12.69259 -137.88707 12.69156 -137.96523 12.67647 -137.9524 12.68191 -137.95091 12.95188 -137.96638 12.9736 -138.10812 13.01928 -138.12842 13.04323 -138.12912 13.30493 -138.1505 13.34208 -138.12697 13.35564 -138.10264 13.3219 -138.10503 13.06365 -138.2297 12.95318 -138.41626 12.53155 -138.3736 12.50017 -137.81421 12.49994 -137.8045 12.38323 -137.8333 12.35813 -138.38379 12.35736 -138.38886 12.18252 -138.36146 12.17177 -137.83309 12.17172 -137.8185 12.13414 -137.82167 12.05515 -138.37996 12.05143 -138.39044 11.94236 -137.82569 11.93159 -137.82025 11.82073 -138.37746 11.81126 -138.38064 11.69288 -137.80548 11.69123 -120.5347 11.30023 -119.43845 12.01506 -118.17429 12.01674 -118.16486 12.00478 -118.21228 11.89185 -119.42733 11.89066 -119.42657 11.76729 -118.22257 11.76683 -118.22052 11.64658 -119.42353 11.64168 -119.43514 11.63186 -119.43482 11.52554 -118.23871 11.51671 -118.13039 11.30714 -117.98619 11.30647 -117.63821 11.2502 -117.24681 11.25488 -116.59566 11.07301 -116.2306 11.31602 -116.15927 11.41985 -116.18116 11.55214 -116.46246 11.73472 -116.59286 11.88688 -116.88693 11.96247 -116.97395 11.95533 -117.04409 11.89842 -117.11189 11.56933 -117.12912 11.54466 -117.6556 11.06502 -117.67751 11.06662 -117.68098 11.08982 -117.64807 11.08705 -117.6583 11.05006 -118.18186 12.06826 -118.18147 12.95029 -118.04742 12.97371 -118.028 12.98665 -118.03562 12.99988 -119.42937 12.99681 -119.42067 12.89151 -118.21864 12.8866 -118.23233 12.76675 -119.43498 12.76188 -119.42878 12.64229 -118.21495 12.63569 -118.21273 12.52915 -118.22427 12.51676 -119.43063 12.51406 -119.42281 12.39067 -118.2191 12.38719 -118.22989 12.26678 -119.43375 12.26085 -119.43416 12.15082 -119.41827 12.14205 -118.22395 12.14191 -118.17766 12.11747 -118.13103 11.37881 -118.52195 11.54036 -118.74726 11.73141 -118.84571 11.7669 -119.10183 11.80054 -119.15131 11.78475 -119.29909 11.53725 -119.30142 11.39854 -119.27303 11.31826 -119.01517 11.22067 -118.62241 11.19786 -118.56489 11.21888 -118.5296 11.30114 -118.54617 11.67081 -118.58424 12.00397 -118.61022 12.11047 -118.66083 12.17763 -118.75941 12.23914 -118.94368 12.40143 -131.71468 12.73645 -137.51098 13.54915 -138.38273 13.55023 -138.38889 13.6653 -138.37502 13.67467 -137.81764 13.68399 -138.37389 14.0618 -150.40964 17.40544 -155.4106 18.77969 -155.67188 18.8274 -155.89585 18.9159 -156.50132 19.08391 -157.88607 21.31537 Cruise Start and End 2009-10-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-11-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903649 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 11.05, -157.89 21.32, -116.16 21.32, -116.16 11.05, -157.89 11.05))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactsotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903650 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0925 on RV Kilo Moana  2015-09-30 published KM0925 Drifting Buoys Davis, Russ Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office  custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.71807 -157.86735 19.10004 21.44247  coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31542 -157.86792 21.30048 -157.91857 21.24644 -158.14131 21.24963 -158.23681 21.3319 -158.24526 21.44119 -159.71806 19.10165 -157.86992 21.29761 Cruise Start and End  2009-11-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-12-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903650  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins  determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  doi:10.7284/903650 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0925 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0925 Drifting Buoys Davis, Russ Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.71807 -157.86735 19.10004 21.44247 coordinates of ship track -157.88664 21.31542 -157.86792 21.30048 -157.91857 21.24644 -158.14131 21.24963 -158.23681 21.3319 -158.24526 21.44119 -159.71806 19.10165 -157.86992 21.29761 Cruise Start and End 2009-11-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-12-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903650 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionDrifting BuoysEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.72 19.10, -159.72 21.44, -157.87 21.44, -157.87 19.10, -159.72 19.10))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact iE=1+M5 {%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903650gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM0926 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0926 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89707 -122.76275 21.18650 46.27200 coordinates of ship track # -157.88662 21.31542 -157.8674 21.30269 -157.89671 21.24379 -157.832 21.19198 -157.67314 21.18709 -157.52591 21.27298 -154.48192 23.8494 -150.43107 27.17566 -146.80952 30.07492 -143.1211 32.94255 -140.41116 34.99196 -138.33714 36.52663 -135.81951 38.34773 -133.09816 40.26667 -129.6428 42.62644 -126.09651 44.95998 -126.31667 44.83619 -126.77137 44.54268 -126.75159 44.53592 -126.71933 44.55285 -124.47548 45.99869 -124.26338 46.12063 -124.08877 46.24851 -124.0166 46.2551 -123.90729 46.18986 -123.83 46.19523 -123.65622 46.25783 -123.48209 46.27199 -123.43513 46.2443 -123.42941 46.18202 -123.38014 46.1484 -123.2921 46.14476 -123.16858 46.18838 -123.11907 46.18474 -122.88907 46.07168 -122.87844 46.03241 -122.80661 45.94725 -122.80739 45.90233 -122.78404 45.85786 -122.79461 45.80865 -122.763$93 45.77092 Cruise Start and End 2009-12-02 % University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-12-10 & University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland http://doi.org/10.7284/903651 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp ) raw RDI WM-300 Data was collecte*d from this device. adcp raw + L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw , Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins - raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. . multibeam raw / International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana 0 University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water curre2nt velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903651 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:25009(E) Cruise KM0926 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM0926 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89707 -122.76275 21.18650 46.27200 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31542 -157.8674 21.30269 -157.89671 21.24379 -157.832 21.19198 -157.67314 21.18709 -157.52591 21.27298 -154.48192 23.8494 -150.43107 27.17566 -146.80952 30.07492 -143.1211 32.94255 -140.41116 34.99196 -138.33714 36.52663 -135.81951 38.34773 -133.09816 40.26667 -129.6428 42.62644 -126.09651 44.95998 -126.31667 44.83619 -126.77137 44.54268 -126.75159 44.53592 -126.71933 44.55285 -124.47548 45.99869 -124.26338 46.12063 -124.08877 46.24851 -124.0166 46.2551 -123.90729 46.18986 -123.83 46.19523 -123.65622 46.25783 -123.48209 46.27199 -123.43513 46.2443 -6123.42941 46.18202 -123.38014 46.1484 -123.2921 46.14476 -123.16858 46.18838 -123.11907 46.18474 -122.88907 46.07168 -122.87844 46.03241 -122.80661 45.94725 -122.80739 45.90233 -122.78404 45.85786 -122.79461 45.80865 -122.76393 45.77092 Cruise Start and End 2009-12-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2009-12-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland http://doi.org/10.7284/903651 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM120 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM120 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 21.19, -157.90 46.27, -122.76 46.27, -122.76 21.19, -157.90 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 8F=1+M5sA%9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/903651gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903652 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us ; pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1001 on RV Kil 2015-09-30 published KM1001 Sea Trials Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributorgmd:CI_RoleCode> EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office ? custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -125.92435 -122.72176 43.38314 46.27227 A coordinates of ship track -122.72217 45.56335 -122.7695 45.58885 -122.79081 45.6204 -122.76451 45.65695 -122.77572 45.6863 -122.7615 45.76174 -122.79605 45.81735 -122.78398 45.85784 -122.80888 45.90959 -122.80671 45.94803 -122.90612 46.08564 -123.13099 46.18776 -123.17392 46.18712 -123.29995 46.14347 -123.38469 46.14901 -123.42864 46.18089 -123.43109 46.24068 -123.47871 46.27182 -123.65748 46.25794 -123.82794 46.19527 -123.88878 46.19022 -123.92674 46.19545 -124.01621 46.25275 -124.08323 46.25427 -124.1879 46.19987 -124.3473 46.07111 -124.62344 45.58346 -124.6976 45.51516 -124.73618 45.37398 -124.B98445 44.9415 -125.0695 44.76444 -125.11388 44.71369 -125.12351 44.72332 -125.10078 44.73505 -125.10142 44.78429 -125.09693 44.71855 -125.1762 44.51227 -125.28327 44.48576 -125.19328 44.50772 -125.32813 44.48736 -125.46056 44.48976 -125.31723 44.48656 -125.30995 44.42377 -125.24993 44.42221 -125.24948 44.45995 -125.3045 44.46335 -125.22031 44.46771 -125.22007 44.50139 -125.45099 44.48925 -125.45908 44.35202 -125.52783 44.35065 -125.53481 44.48341 -125.52295 44.49303 -125.4967 44.48235 -125.49676 44.35441 -125.56819 44.35213 -125.5808 44.48937 -125.61009 44.48291 -125.61002 44.35583 -125.6269 44.35924 -125.4372 44.36811 -125.43896 44.3908 -125.62981 44.3959 -125.62075 44.41871 -125.43694 44.42134 -125.43651 44.4448 -125.62882 44.44825 -125.62391 44.47252 -125.43507 44.47878 -125.51872 44.49209 -125.53413 44.4825 -125.53431 44.35239 -125.43717 44.3741 -125.63234 44.37999 -125.62346 44.4063 -125.42918 44.41207 -125.64127 44.42338 -125.43063 44.4395 -125.43248 44.45875 -125.63175 44.45902 -125.58729 44.48795 C-125.59559 44.34728 -125.92362 44.34883 -125.54191 44.34731 -125.55339 44.38418 -125.27639 43.94774 -125.11067 43.71823 -124.48822 43.71665 -125.114 43.71231 -124.77331 43.5394 -124.40007 43.38315 Cruise Start and End 2010-01-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland 2010-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Coos Bay F http://doi.org/10.7284/903652 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. H gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320I V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw J Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. L multibeam raw M International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903652 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-3R0 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1001 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1001 Sea Trials Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -125.92435 -122.72176 43.38314 46.27227 coordinates of ship track -122.72217 45.56335 -122.7695 45.58885 -122.79081 45.6204 -122.76451 45.65695 -122.77572 45.6863 -122.7615 45.76174 -122.79605 45.81735 -122.78398 45.85784 -122.80888 45.90959 -122.80671 45.94803 -122.90612 46.08564 -123.13099 46.18776 -123.17392 46.18712 -123.29995 46.14347 -123.38469 46.14901 -123.42864 46.18089 -123.43109 46.24068 -123.47871 46.27182 -123.65748 46.25S794 -123.82794 46.19527 -123.88878 46.19022 -123.92674 46.19545 -124.01621 46.25275 -124.08323 46.25427 -124.1879 46.19987 -124.3473 46.07111 -124.62344 45.58346 -124.6976 45.51516 -124.73618 45.37398 -124.98445 44.9415 -125.0695 44.76444 -125.11388 44.71369 -125.12351 44.72332 -125.10078 44.73505 -125.10142 44.78429 -125.09693 44.71855 -125.1762 44.51227 -125.28327 44.48576 -125.19328 44.50772 -125.32813 44.48736 -125.46056 44.48976 -125.31723 44.48656 -125.30995 44.42377 -125.24993 44.42221 -125.24948 44.45995 -125.3045 44.46335 -125.22031 44.46771 -125.22007 44.50139 -125.45099 44.48925 -125.45908 44.35202 -125.52783 44.35065 -125.53481 44.48341 -125.52295 44.49303 -125.4967 44.48235 -125.49676 44.35441 -125.56819 44.35213 -125.5808 44.48937 -125.61009 44.48291 -125.61002 44.35583 -125.6269 44.35924 -125.4372 44.36811 -125.43896 44.3908 -125.62981 44.3959 -125.62075 44.41871 -125.43694 44.42134 -125.43651 44.4448 -125.62882 44.44825 -125.62391 44.47252 -125.43507 44.47878 -125.51872 44.49209 -125.53413T 44.4825 -125.53431 44.35239 -125.43717 44.3741 -125.63234 44.37999 -125.62346 44.4063 -125.42918 44.41207 -125.64127 44.42338 -125.43063 44.4395 -125.43248 44.45875 -125.63175 44.45902 -125.58729 44.48795 -125.59559 44.34728 -125.92362 44.34883 -125.54191 44.34731 -125.55339 44.38418 -125.27639 43.94774 -125.11067 43.71823 -124.48822 43.71665 -125.114 43.71231 -124.77331 43.5394 -124.40007 43.38315 Cruise Start and End 2010-01-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland 2010-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Coos Bay http://doi.org/10.7284/903652 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSea TrialsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-125.92 43.38, -125.92 46.27, -122.72 46.27, -122.72 43.38, -125.92 43.38))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact !G=1+M51O%!9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903652gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903653 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1002 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1002 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.95762 -124.33367 21.06500 43.37333 coordinates of ship track -124.33433 43.35255 -124.39733 43.37312 -124.44794 43.34736 -125.7879 42.55965 -128.24543 41.08518 -130.96273 39.41502 -134.91813 36.91174 -137.02803 35.54105 -139.46694 33.9211 -139.73613 33.76936 -139.93848 33.60818 -143.26926 31.34602 -146.85499 28.84741 -148.97807 27.33972 -152.86099 24.51941 -152.86847 24.53164 -152.99858 24.41749 -156.81479 23.48325 -157.59919 21.50319 -157.55011 21.2821 -157.62662 21.21451 -157.83517 21.19659 -157.95535 21.06548 -157.90027 21.24737 -157.86775 21.30269 -157.8866 21.31543 Cruise Start and End _ 2010-02-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Coos Bay 2010-02-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List a Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903653 b collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp e raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. f ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw h International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determinles spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903653 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1002 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1002 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.95762 -124.33367 21.06500 43.37333 coordinates of ship track -124.33433 43.35255 -124.39733 43.37312 -124.44794 43.34736 -125.7879 42.55965 -128.24543 41.08518 -130.96n273 39.41502 -134.91813 36.91174 -137.02803 35.54105 -139.46694 33.9211 -139.73613 33.76936 -139.93848 33.60818 -143.26926 31.34602 -146.85499 28.84741 -148.97807 27.33972 -152.86099 24.51941 -152.86847 24.53164 -152.99858 24.41749 -156.81479 23.48325 -157.59919 21.50319 -157.55011 21.2821 -157.62662 21.21451 -157.83517 21.19659 -157.95535 21.06548 -157.90027 21.24737 -157.86775 21.30269 -157.8866 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2010-02-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Coos Bay 2010-02-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903653 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.96 21.07, -157.96 43.37, -124.33 43.37, -124.33 21.07, -157.96 21.07))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 33`H=1+M5a#%9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/903653gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903654 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1003 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1003 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans x theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian y Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89277 -152.98212 21.18150 24.10129 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31542 -157.86723 21.30234 -157.88885 21.23977 -157.80318 21.18154 -157.66082 21.21761 -157.46277 21.34402 -157.35105 21.49588 -156.00281 22.93411 -153.64779 23.50662 -153.64967 23.55923 -153.67482 23.6246 -156.63475 22.89994 -156.67239 23.01721 -152.99302 23.91159 -152.98223 23.92387 -153.00624 24.02019 -153.05537 24.02182 -156.70942 23.13289 -156.74422 23.25001 -153.7649 23.98242 -153.78797 24.099 -156.16349 23.52402 -157.54682 21.28191 -157.66779 21.21068 -157.82153 21.19842 -157.88397 21.24651 -157.89267 21.26329 -157.86808 21.30188 -157.88658 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2010-02-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List } Honolulu 2010-02-25 ~University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903654 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer  raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device.  singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Knudsen 3260  singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped doi:10.7284/903654 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1003 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1003 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89277 -152.98212 21.18150 24.10129 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31542 -157.86723 21.30234 -157.88885 21.23977 -157.80318 21.18154 -157.66082 21.21761 -157.46277 21.34402 -157.35105 21.49588 -156.00281 22.93411 -153.64779 23.50662 -153.64967 23.55923 -153.67482 23.6246 -156.63475 22.89994 -156.67239 23.01721 -152.99302 23.91159 -152.98223 23.92387 -153.00624 24.02019 -153.05537 24.02182 -156.70942 23.13289 -156.74422 23.25001 -153.7649 23.98242 -153.78797 24.099 -156.16349 23.52402 -157.54682 21.28191 -157.66779 21.21068 -157.82153 21.19842 -157.88397 21.24651 -157.89267 21.26329 -157.86808 21.30188 -157.88658 21.31541 Cruise Start and End  2010-02-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-02-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903654 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 21.18, -157.89 24.10, -152.98 24.10, -152.98 21.18, -157.89 21.18))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact WI=1+M513%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903654gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903655 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM1004 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1004 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.55768 -157.86758 13.44335 21.34815 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86762 21.30386 -157.88247 21.27997 -158.09981 21.10711 -157.90066 21.2817 -157.98574 21.23444 -158.89101 21.27157 -161.07553 21.32184 -164.44311 21.34727 -167.254 21.31434 -169.70526 21.24754 -172.38201 21.1338 -175.15251 20.9717 -177.78807 20.77493 -179.99973 20.57813</gml:segments>179.99669 20.57785 177.84113 20.35928 175.20013 20.05327 172.49699 19.70466 170.61937 19.4255 169.07489 19.18727 166.36102 18.73482 163.65582 18.23956 161.5611 17.8294 158.74587 17.24071 156.54474 16.74809 154.03119 16.15465 150.8679 15.35995 147.96048 14.58476 145.81578 13.994 144.83573 13.70407 144.56252 13.49874 144.5579 13.44336 144.66765 13.46046 Cruise Start and End  2010-02-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903655 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 </gmd:description> Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device.  ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp  (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc.  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882  magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903655 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1004 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1004 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.55768 -157.86758 13.44335 21.34815 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86762 21.30386 -157.88247 21.27997 -158.09981 21.10711 -157.90066 21.2817 -157.98574 21.23444 -158.89101 21.27157 -161.07553 21.32184 -164.44311 21.34727 -167.254 21.31434 -169.70526 21.24754 -172.38201 21.1338 -175.15251 20.9717 -177.78807 20.77493 -179.99973 20.57813 179.99669 20.57785 177.84113 20.35928 175.20013 20.05327 172.49699 19.70466 170.61937 19.4255 169.07489 19.18727 166.36102 18.73482 163.65582 18.23956 161.5611 17.8294 158.74587 17.24071 156.54474 16.74809 154.03119 16.15465 150.8679 15.35995 147.96048 14.58476 145.81578 13.994 144.83573 13.70407 144.56252 13.49874 144.5579 13.44336 144.66765 13.46046 Cruise Start and End 2010-02-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-03-11  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903655 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((144.56 13.44, 144.56 21.35, -157.87 21.35, -157.87 13.44, 144.56 13.44))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact UJ=1+M5/E%9!!/ [)doi:10.7284/903655gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact  2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1005 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1005 Strombolian Volcanism, Magma Degassing, and Hydrothermal Discharge at NW Rota-1 Chadwick, William NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  143.98395 145.40773 13.24104 15.10021 coordinates of ship track 144.66701 13.46044 144.58691 13.45645 144.66146 13.51903 144.59991 13.46636 144.60403 13.45131 144.6302 13.45169 144.52128 13.43416 144.01554 13.24127 143.98417 13.39892 144.06624 13.51176 144.27025 13.73562 144.41257 14.02492 144.52137 14.52862 144.78963 14.59781 144.773 14.60038 144.77707 14.61218 144.78289 14.6004 144.76871 14.6041 144.78503 14.60087 144.76771 14.60822 144.76495 14.56688 144.74203 14.57201 144.71475 14.54979 144.78241 14.69583 144.80851 14.67312 144.74374 14.53106 144.77079 14.51427 144.83585 14.64788 144.77265 14.6019 144.53609 14.59568 144.68455 14.81599 144.77291 14.60222 144.7676 14.54132 144.75848 14.57159 144.77005 14.60515 144.74115 14.60367 144.77801 14.60151 145.23869 14.93542 145.23872 14.98723 145.24642 14.93156 145.24975 14.98527 145.25508 14.93145 145.26087 14.98565 145.26025 14.93019 145.25395 14.98771 145.25122 14.93253 145.23825 14.98253 144.77511 14.60048 144.66766 14.78453 144.67697 14.80588 144.85107 15.02185 145.12256 15.03746 145.12219 15.09978 144.75438 15.09229 144.48643 14.71809 144.77882 14.59389 144.77877 14.60705 144.76811 14.5937 144.78116 14.59216 144.76904 14.60621 144.77918 14.60725 144.76934 14.59384 144.78359 14.6066 144.77429 14.58978 144.78353 14.6096 144.76696 14.59539 144.77821 14.61013 144.77655 14.59138 144.77571 14.60979 144.77588 14.59133 144.77408 14.60947 144.7757 14.59166 144.77563 14.60916 144.77601 14.59293 144.77333 14.60542 144.75217 14.59147 144.77865 14.60328 144.74959 14.5795 144.76126 14.56916 144.78324 14.60791 144.77085 14.5972 144.62417 14.61986 144.53064 14.6502 144.43446 14.50557 144.36899 14.3104 144.30855 14.32006 144.29681 14.33938 144.36483 14.54241 144.52201 14.73049 144.69496 14.64523 144.76126 14.57719 144.77164 14.59956 145.22703 14.89437 145.37073 14.97972 145.38887 14.96729 145.28195 14.90102 145.29674 14.88664 145.39052 14.93511 145.40768 14.91859 145.31199 14.87161 145.31331 14.84738 145.16853 14.66876 144.77676 14.59909 144.76985 14.61019 144.77313 14.5924 144.78232 14.60681 144.76696 14.59546 144.77619 14.60595 144.77665 14.58024 144.77559 14.60866 144.77866 14.59359 144.76582 14.59803 144.7509 14.56705 144.77463 14.58509 144.76054 14.5897 144.74559 14.5634 144.77184 14.60206 144.77246 14.57435 144.76756 14.60133 144.77827 14.59982 144.76471 14.60629 144.7782 14.57717 144.77597 14.60119 145.14389 14.63664 145.00796 14.46435 145.03742 14.41029 145.03716 14.32901 145.00012 14.2734 144.61514 13.91073 144.4188 13.48822 144.21787 13.41987 144.3564 13.6427 144.35272 13.63291 144.6058 13.52529 144.56117 13.44289 144.66737 13.46044  Cruise Start and End 2010-03-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Apra 2010-03-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903656 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903656 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1005 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1005 Strombolian Volcanism, Magma Degassing, and Hydrothermal Discharge at NW Rota-1 Chadwick, William NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 143.98395 145.40773 13.24104 15.10021 coordinates of ship track 144.66701 13.46044 144.58691 13.45645 144.66146 13.51903 144.59991 13.46636 144.60403 13.45131 144.6302 13.45169 144.52128 13.43416 144.01554 13.24127 143.98417 13.39892 144.06624 13.51176 144.27025 13.73562 144.41257 14.02492 144.52137 14.52862 144.78963 14.59781 144.773 14.60038 144.77707 14.61218 144.78289 14.6004 144.76871 14.6041 144.78503 14.60087 144.76771 14.60822 144.76495 14.56688 144.74203 14.57201 144.71475 14.54979 144.78241 14.69583 144.80851 14.67312 144.74374 14.53106 144.77079 14.51427 144.83585 14.64788 144.77265 14.6019 144.53609 14.59568 144.68455 14.81599 144.77291 14.60222 144.7676 14.54132 144.75848 14.57159 144.77005 14.60515 144.74115 14.60367 144.77801 14.60151 145.23869 14.93542 145.23872 14.98723 145.24642 14.93156 145.24975 14.98527 145.25508 14.93145 145.26087 14.98565 145.26025 14.93019 145.25395 14.98771 145.25122 14.93253 145.23825 14.98253 144.77511 14.60048 144.66766 14.78453 144.67697 14.80588 144.85107 15.02185 145.12256 15.03746 145.12219 15.09978 144.75438 15.09229 144.48643 14.71809 144.77882 14.59389 144.77877 14.60705 144.76811 14.5937 144.78116 14.59216 144.76904 14.60621 144.77918 14.60725 144.76934 14.59384 144.78359 14.6066 144.77429 14.58978 144.78353 14.6096 144.76696 14.59539 144.77821 14.61013 144.77655 14.59138 144.77571 14.60979 144.77588 14.59133 144.77408 14.60947 144.7757 14.59166 144.77563 14.60916 144.77601 14.59293 144.77333 14.60542 144.75217 14.59147 144.77865 14.60328 144.74959 14.5795 144.76126 14.56916 144.78324 14.60791 144.77085 14.5972 144.62417 14.61986 144.53064 14.6502 144.43446 14.50557 144.36899 14.3104 144.30855 14.32006 144.29681 14.33938 144.36483 14.54241 144.52201 14.73049 144.69496 14.64523 144.76126 14.57719 144.77164 14.59956 145.22703 14.89437 145.37073 14.97972 145.38887 14.96729 145.28195 14.90102 145.29674 14.88664 145.39052 14.93511 145.40768 14.91859 145.31199 14.87161 145.31331 14.84738 145.16853 14.66876 144.77676 14.59909 144.76985 14.61019 144.77313 14.5924 144.78232 14.60681 144.76696 14.59546 144.77619 14.60595 144.77665 14.58024 144.77559 14.60866 144.77866 14.59359 144.76582 14.59803 144.7509 14.56705 144.77463 14.58509 144.76054 14.5897 144.74559 14.5634 144.77184 14.60206 144.77246 14.57435 144.76756 14.60133 144.77827 14.59982 144.76471 14.60629 144.7782 14.57717 144.77597 14.60119 145.14389 14.63664 145.00796 14.46435 145.03742 14.41029 145.03716 14.32901 145.00012 14.2734 144.61514 13.91073 144.4188 13.48822 144.21787 13.41987 144.3564 13.6427 144.35272 13.63291 144.6058 13.52529 144.56117 13.44289 144.66737 13.46044 Cruise Start and End 2010-03-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra 2010-03-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903656 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStrombolian Volcanism, Magma Degassing, and Hydrothermal Discharge at NW Rota-1EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((143.98 13.24, 143.98 15.10, 145.41 15.10, 145.41 13.24, 143.98 13.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact [K>1+M5yy%+9 !!+ [)doi:10.7284/903656gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903657 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1006 on RV Kilo Moana  2015-09-30 published KM1006 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office </gmd:organisationName> custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.03951 178.42512 -18.70028 13.46129 coordinates of ship track 144.17269 13.2091 144.42197 13.37149 144.57696 13.44974 144.64193 13.45426 144.56645 13.43658 144.59284 13.20086 144.61331 13.18064 152.50108 8.99837 155.22655 5.77882 158.98286 1.29289 159.02105 1.20937 159.02084 1.16425 159.25755 0.96103 161.17213 -1.32653 161.20251 -1.38378 161.72852 -1.99149 166.69788 -5.39705 171.99962 -8.99988 173.99869 -10.9987 174.50028 -11.83482 175.41715 -16.00065 177.50103 -18.69909 178.00129 -18.69886 178.17762 -18.52412 178.30548 -18.28699 178.37767 -18.19871 178.3991 -18.13616 178.42507 -18.13152 Cruise Start and End 2010-04-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra 2010-04-14  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/903657 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field  Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903657 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1006 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1006 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.03951 178.42512 -18.70028 13.46129 coordinates of ship track 144.17269 13.2091 144.42197 13.37149 144.57696 13.44974 144.64193 13.45426 144.56645 13.43658 144.59284 13.20086 144.61331 13.18064 152.50108 8.99837 155.22655 5.77882 158.98286 1.29289 159.02105 1.20937 159.02084 1.16425 159.25755 0.96103 161.17213 -1.32653 161.20251 -1.38378 161.72852 -1.99149 166.69788 -5.39705 171.99962 -8.99988 173.99869 -10.9987 174.50028 -11.83482 175.41715 -16.00065 177.50103 -18.69909 178.00129 -18.69886 178.17762 -18.52412 178.30548 -18.28699 178.37767 -18.19871 178.3991 -18.13616 178.42507 -18.13152 Cruise Start and End 2010-04-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra 2010-04-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/903657 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((144.04 -18.70, 144.04 13.46, 178.43 13.46, 178.43 -18.70, 144.04 -18.70))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact jL=1+M5]?%9!!1 [)doi:10.7284/903657gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903658 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1007 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1007 Lau Basin Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone Network Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne North Carolina State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office  custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38927 -171.29911 -23.37241 -13.75039 coordinates of ship track 178.42505 -18.13153 178.39888 -18.13634 178.39415 -18.19358 178.77116 -18.68853 179.99854 -20.03985-179.9991 -20.04245 -177.9204 -22.30457 -177.0234 -23.35674 -177.00342 -23.3583 -176.9998 -23.37227 -177.01782 -23.37219 -177.25771 -22.72784 -176.20524 -21.42206 -176.77452 -20.4537 -176.79348 -20.44938 -176.77253 -20.44294 -176.78215 -20.42243 -176.76605 -20.41407 -176.79777 -20.44108 -176.79582 -20.41227 -176.77745 -20.41732 -176.79532 -20.41984 -175.60338 -19.75621 -175.57889 -19.75742 -175.58972 -19.73311 -175.45744 -18.59932 -175.47007 -18.58714 -175.46377 -18.57611 -175.44676 -18.5883 -177.28738 -17.57827 -177.30539 -17.58323 -177.30788 -17.56349 -174.61741 -18.00297 -174.61672 -16.07815 -174.55729 -16.0692 -174.55 -18.00442 -174.48669 -18.01114 -174.48399 -16.07817 -173.94974 -15.35561 -173.82443 -15.02746 -173.83662 -14.97238 -173.86025 -14.95593 -173.7195 -15.01266 -173.80305 -14.98147 -173.88293 -15.0474 -173.74154 -15.14195 -173.75658 -15.14469 -173.74071 -15.32629 -174.35209 -15.75146 -174.31654 -15.80864 -173.74574 -15.39761 -173.76681 -15.24106 -173.22135 -15.02148 -171.30012 -14.14951 -171.30176 -13.96528 -171.58569 -13.75053 -171.75139 -13.79089 -171.73922 -13.7888 Cruise Start and End 2010-04-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Suva 2010-04-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903658 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data w as collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903658 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1007 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1007 Lau Basin Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone Network Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne North Carolina State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.38927 -171.29911 -23.37241 -13.75039 coordinates of ship track 178.42505 -18.13153 178.39888 -18.13634 178.39415 -18.19358 178.77116 -18.68853 179.99854 -20.03985 -179.9991 -20.04245 -177.9204 -22.30457 -177.0234 -23.35674 -177.00342 -23.3583 -176.9998 -23.37227 -177.01782 -23.37219 -177.25771 -22.72784 -176.20524 -21.42206 -176.77452 -20.4537 -176.79348 -20.44938 -176.77253 -20.44294 -176.78215 -20.42243 -176.76605 -20.41407 -176.79777 -20.44108 -176.79582 -20.41227 -176.77745 -20.41732 -176.79532 -20.41984 -175.60338 -19.75621 -175.57889 -19.75742 -175.58972 -19.73311 -175.45744 -18.59932 -175.47007 -18.58714 -175.46377 -18.57611 -175.44676 -18.5883 -177.28738 -17.57827 -177.30539 -17.58323 -177.30788 -17.56349 -174.61741 -18.00297 -174.61672 -16.07815 -174.55729 -16.0692 -174.55 -18.00442 -174.48669 -18.01114 -174.48399 -16.07817 -173.94974 -15.35561 -173.82443 -15.02746 -173.83662 -14.97238 -173.86025 -14.95593 -173.7195 -15.01266 -173.80305 -14.98147 -173.88293 -15.0474 -173.74154 -15.14195 -173.75658 -15.14469 -173.74071 -15.32629 -174.35209 -15.75146 -174.31654 -15.80864 -173.74574 -15.39761 -173.76681 -15.24106 -173.22135 -15.02148 -171.30012 -14.14951 -171.30176 -13.96528 -171.58569 -13.75053 -171.75139 -13.79089 -171.73922 -13.7888 Cruise Start and End 2010-04-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2010-04-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903658 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionLau Basin Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone NetworkEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((178.39 -23.37, 178.39 -13.75, -171.30 -13.75, -171.30 -23.37, 178.39 -23.37))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ::MM=1+M5s%q9 !!9 [)doi:10.7284/903658gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z TransitA TransitE TransitJ TransitL Transits Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit Transit( TransitB7Transit from Shipyard7Transit from ShipyardQ3Transit to Shipyard3Transit to ShipyardP+Transit/DrydockI+Transit/Drydock;Transit/Glider Recovery3Transit/MaintenanceFss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903659 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1008 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1008 Lau Basin Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone Network Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne North Carolina State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng </gmd:language> oceans geoscientificInformation -174.42039 -171.74767 -15.45391 -13.68972 coordinates of ship track -171.76234 -13.82533 -171.75101 -13.76493 -171.79804 -13.69183 -171.9268 -13.69082 -171.93775 -13.70967 -171.99074 -13.69252 -172.06579 -13.69288 -172.35046 -13.97626 -172.72851 -14.26476 -172.79969 -14.28003 -172.82684 -14.33915 -173.19931 -14.6044 -173.40578 -14.93808 -173.53156 -14.9768 -173.91969 -15.18392 -173.74714 -15.08722 -173.74772 -15.12402 -173.76071 -15.0881 -173.91635 -15.18475 -173.88352 -15.17634 -173.80622 -15.03411 -173.74253 -14.99863 -173.82008  -15.01338 -173.76044 -14.86353 -173.80891 -14.85852 -173.88256 -15.03487 -173.85372 -15.04399 -173.94452 -15.1522 -173.6131 -15.08465 -173.61671 -15.13763 -173.69458 -15.15296 -173.78611 -15.03083 -173.82246 -15.01343 -173.74411 -14.99034 -173.81521 -15.00682 -173.78645 -15.00416 -173.63781 -14.75705 -173.79029 -14.69483 -173.79397 -14.93664 -173.81189 -14.93556 -173.76694 -14.95172 -173.76119 -15.10653 -173.73804 -15.10321 -173.7086 -15.06405 -173.69241 -15.09624 -173.80072 -14.90249 -173.74387 -14.92423 -173.74294 -15.09325 -173.77671 -15.13479 -173.73811 -15.1437 -173.85314 -15.16828 -173.8301 -15.15239 -174.01359 -15.11918 -173.98564 -15.12141 -173.81861 -14.98461 -173.74616 -15.00117 -173.75382 -15.09065 -173.78196 -15.08808 -173.69715 -15.10637 -173.6818 -15.06021 -173.80531 -15.12626 -173.79949 -14.90509 -173.76924 -14.91785 -173.80363 -14.96105 -173.7305 -14.97341 -173.7362 -15.03386 -173.80831 -15.03644 -173.75785 -15.04474 -174.22641 -15.07681 -174.31157 -15.27855 -174.29205 -15.31842 -174.22388! -15.36089 -174.24308 -15.43178 -174.28478 -15.38859 -174.31952 -15.45386 -174.20912 -15.33696 -174.23252 -15.34696 -174.23386 -15.38028 -174.25822 -15.39796 -174.22695 -15.36448 -174.27712 -15.19968 -174.10394 -15.13408 -174.1311 -15.1478 -174.20373 -15.14169 -174.19031 -15.17635 -174.17538 -15.10361 -174.241 -15.09524 -174.25954 -15.06753 -174.28667 -15.06666 -174.41938 -15.31729 -174.4101 -15.35728 -174.3055 -15.38976 -174.32191 -15.3377 -174.28185 -15.42313 -174.16904 -15.35151 -173.98921 -15.38174 -174.00919 -15.36901 -173.99412 -15.3871 -174.02183 -15.37576 -173.94181 -15.37757 -173.82853 -15.00172 -173.76053 -15.03461 -173.69377 -15.04171 -173.67801 -15.08258 -173.7515 -15.09687 -173.78951 -15.01992 " Cruise Start and End 2010-04-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia 2010-05-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/%10.7284/903659 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. & L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw ' Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins<(/gmx:Anchor> raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw * Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw + International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903659 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1008 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1008 Lau Basin Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone Network Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne North Carolina State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office cust1odian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -174.42039 -171.74767 -15.45391 -13.68972 coordinates of ship track -171.76234 -13.82533 -171.75101 -13.76493 -171.79804 -13.69183 -171.9268 -13.69082 -171.93775 -13.70967 -171.99074 -13.69252 -172.06579 -13.69288 -172.35046 -13.97626 -172.72851 -14.26476 -172.79969 -14.28003 -172.82684 -14.33915 -173.19931 -14.6044 -173.40578 -14.93808 -173.53156 -14.9768 -173.91969 -15.18392 -173.74714 -15.08722 -173.74772 -15.12402 -173.76071 -15.0881 -173.91635 -15.18475 -173.88352 -15.17634 -173.80622 -15.03411 -173.74253 -14.99863 -173.82008 -15.01338 -173.76044 -14.86353 -173.80891 -14.85852 -173.88256 -15.03487 -173.85372 -15.04399 -173.94452 -15.1522 -173.6131 -15.08465 -173.61671 -15.13763 -173.69458 -15.15296 -173.78611 -15.03083 -173.82246 -15.01343 -173.74411 -14.99034 -173.81521 -15.00682 -173.78645 -15.00416 -173.63781 -14.75705 -173.79029 -14.69483 -173.79397 -14.93664 -173.821189 -14.93556 -173.76694 -14.95172 -173.76119 -15.10653 -173.73804 -15.10321 -173.7086 -15.06405 -173.69241 -15.09624 -173.80072 -14.90249 -173.74387 -14.92423 -173.74294 -15.09325 -173.77671 -15.13479 -173.73811 -15.1437 -173.85314 -15.16828 -173.8301 -15.15239 -174.01359 -15.11918 -173.98564 -15.12141 -173.81861 -14.98461 -173.74616 -15.00117 -173.75382 -15.09065 -173.78196 -15.08808 -173.69715 -15.10637 -173.6818 -15.06021 -173.80531 -15.12626 -173.79949 -14.90509 -173.76924 -14.91785 -173.80363 -14.96105 -173.7305 -14.97341 -173.7362 -15.03386 -173.80831 -15.03644 -173.75785 -15.04474 -174.22641 -15.07681 -174.31157 -15.27855 -174.29205 -15.31842 -174.22388 -15.36089 -174.24308 -15.43178 -174.28478 -15.38859 -174.31952 -15.45386 -174.20912 -15.33696 -174.23252 -15.34696 -174.23386 -15.38028 -174.25822 -15.39796 -174.22695 -15.36448 -174.27712 -15.19968 -174.10394 -15.13408 -174.1311 -15.1478 -174.20373 -15.14169 -174.19031 -15.17635 -174.17538 -15.10361 -174.241 -15.09524 -174.25954 -15.06753 -174.283667 -15.06666 -174.41938 -15.31729 -174.4101 -15.35728 -174.3055 -15.38976 -174.32191 -15.3377 -174.28185 -15.42313 -174.16904 -15.35151 -173.98921 -15.38174 -174.00919 -15.36901 -173.99412 -15.3871 -174.02183 -15.37576 -173.94181 -15.37757 -173.82853 -15.00172 -173.76053 -15.03461 -173.69377 -15.04171 -173.67801 -15.08258 -173.7515 -15.09687 -173.78951 -15.01992 Cruise Start and End 2010-04-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia 2010-05-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903659 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionLau Basin Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone NetworkEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-174.42 -15.45, -174.42 -13.69, -171.75 -13.69, -171.75 -15.45, -174.42 -15.45))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact O>1+M5_!%9 !!; [)doi:10.7284/903111gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://w5lN=1+M5Mo%q9 !!? [)doi:10.7284/903659gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903111 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1009 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published : KM1009 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line Islands Gardner, James UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian = Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.76409 > -157.86768 -14.42443 21.31573 coordinates of ship track -170.68529 -14.27642 -170.66814 -14.28719 -170.68235 -14.33378 -170.65049 -?14.35732 -170.54919 -14.3577 -170.44943 -14.26439 -168.7236 -8.69513 -165.01414 2.13299 -165.05157 1.92659 -165.02757 1.88486 -165.13912 1.91001 -165.03664 1.87359 -165.15598 1.90629 -165.15549 1.88706 -165.06346 1.85051 -165.16025 1.88823 -165.1647 1.92086 -165.18146 1.90318 -165.05827 1.84832 -165.16474 1.88906 -165.16127 1.91985 -165.04453 1.89868 -165.14786 1.87968 -165.06201 1.8509 -165.05031 1.90834 -165.02171 1.90295 -165.00151 1.92297 -162.07964 6.34407 -161.54117 5.82878 -161.12947 5.48659 -161.1371 5.46803 -161.14998 5.47164 -167.5817 9.23888 -167.63228 9.17472 -167.62345 9.157 -162.19312 5.97774 -162.18685 5.95773 -162.23458 5.89541 -167.66115 9.07317 -167.69541 9.03734 -167.70211 8.9923 -161.32089 5.2687 -161.24346 5.33065 -162.0584 5.80207 -161.97217 5.8526 -161.22388 5.42562 -161.24965 5.34658 -161.35641 5.17519 -167.73044 8.89413 -167.8069 8.83556 -167.77444 8.80438 -161.42772 5.10184 -161.41909 5.07606 -161.46213 5.00667 -167.82358 8.71839 -167.84245 8.71527 -167.88601 8.65459 -167.83715 8@.61145 -161.53161 4.9326 -161.56157 4.85424 -161.58548 4.84971 -165.37521 7.05588 -165.11493 6.88301 -165.08194 6.88932 -167.90138 8.53298 -167.98839 8.47782 -167.93599 8.43852 -167.95425 8.48513 -167.98264 8.46665 -161.64786 4.77061 -161.68036 4.68438 -167.80758 8.24638 -167.84043 8.24403 -167.87478 8.1904 -167.83225 8.15844 -167.82854 8.16802 -167.85329 8.18113 -167.86302 8.16873 -167.83356 8.14683 -161.76331 4.6164 -161.44553 5.06877 -162.3511 5.5849 -162.31646 5.60086 -162.18452 5.59593 -161.4045 5.14525 -161.35 5.2281 -162.0528 5.63932 -161.99195 5.69249 -161.96778 5.69396 -161.31431 5.31699 -161.21641 5.37556 -161.9704 5.79161 -161.96089 5.88859 -161.20807 5.46565 -161.09457 5.52621 -161.47133 5.75056 -159.36256 15.02399 -159.31386 15.225 -159.28429 15.25598 -159.23763 15.55104 -159.14367 15.96391 -157.93491 21.09847 -157.90219 21.23308 -157.86772 21.30228 -157.88663 21.31542 A Cruise Start and End 2010-05-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List B Pago Pago 2010-06-16 C University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903111 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp F raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus H Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter <Jgmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/processing/1" xlink:actuate="onRequest">raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw M Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Q RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus R ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter S measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) U Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped doi:10.7284/903111 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us V pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1009 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1009 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line Islands Gardner, James UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.76409 -157.86768 -14.42443 21.31573 coordinates of ship track -170.68529 -14.27642 -170.66814 -14.28719 -170.68235 -14.33378 -170.65049 -14.35732 -170.54919 -14.3577 -170.44943 -14.26439 -168.7236 -8.69513 -165.01414 2.13299 -165.05157 1.92659 -165.02757 1.88486 -165.13912 1.91001 -165.03664 1.87359 -165.15598 1.90629 -165.15549W 1.88706 -165.06346 1.85051 -165.16025 1.88823 -165.1647 1.92086 -165.18146 1.90318 -165.05827 1.84832 -165.16474 1.88906 -165.16127 1.91985 -165.04453 1.89868 -165.14786 1.87968 -165.06201 1.8509 -165.05031 1.90834 -165.02171 1.90295 -165.00151 1.92297 -162.07964 6.34407 -161.54117 5.82878 -161.12947 5.48659 -161.1371 5.46803 -161.14998 5.47164 -167.5817 9.23888 -167.63228 9.17472 -167.62345 9.157 -162.19312 5.97774 -162.18685 5.95773 -162.23458 5.89541 -167.66115 9.07317 -167.69541 9.03734 -167.70211 8.9923 -161.32089 5.2687 -161.24346 5.33065 -162.0584 5.80207 -161.97217 5.8526 -161.22388 5.42562 -161.24965 5.34658 -161.35641 5.17519 -167.73044 8.89413 -167.8069 8.83556 -167.77444 8.80438 -161.42772 5.10184 -161.41909 5.07606 -161.46213 5.00667 -167.82358 8.71839 -167.84245 8.71527 -167.88601 8.65459 -167.83715 8.61145 -161.53161 4.9326 -161.56157 4.85424 -161.58548 4.84971 -165.37521 7.05588 -165.11493 6.88301 -165.08194 6.88932 -167.90138 8.53298 -167.98839 8.47782 -167.93599 8.43852 -167.95425 8.485X13 -167.98264 8.46665 -161.64786 4.77061 -161.68036 4.68438 -167.80758 8.24638 -167.84043 8.24403 -167.87478 8.1904 -167.83225 8.15844 -167.82854 8.16802 -167.85329 8.18113 -167.86302 8.16873 -167.83356 8.14683 -161.76331 4.6164 -161.44553 5.06877 -162.3511 5.5849 -162.31646 5.60086 -162.18452 5.59593 -161.4045 5.14525 -161.35 5.2281 -162.0528 5.63932 -161.99195 5.69249 -161.96778 5.69396 -161.31431 5.31699 -161.21641 5.37556 -161.9704 5.79161 -161.96089 5.88859 -161.20807 5.46565 -161.09457 5.52621 -161.47133 5.75056 -159.36256 15.02399 -159.31386 15.225 -159.28429 15.25598 -159.23763 15.55104 -159.14367 15.96391 -157.93491 21.09847 -157.90219 21.23308 -157.86772 21.30228 -157.88663 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2010-05-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pago Pago 2010-06-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903111 Y collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped engfieldSessionU.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line IslandsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-171.76 -14.42, -171.76 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 -14.42, -171.76 -14.42))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact[/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903660 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1010 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1010 C-MOR_E 2010, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-6) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng<b/gco:CharacterString> oceans geoscientificInformation -159.64134 -157.86758 19.86322 21.48134 <c/gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox> coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31542 -157.86777 21.30134 -157.90352 21.25176 -158.98718 20.01372 -159.01074 20.07069 -159.43645 20.077 -159.41671 20.04665 -159.35926 20.0739 -159.42292 20.04036 -159.4156 20.05447 -159.31469 20.05584 -159.42961 20.04995 -159.36716 19.94815 -159.2648 19.91873 -159.35119 19.94801 -159.37014 19.94659 -159.35159 19.93391 -159.3799 19.94411 -159.41923 19.92807 -159.34053 19.90323 -159.25677 19.93903 -159.25341 19.95728 -159.323d58 19.90862 -159.35438 19.90992 -159.29539 19.91226 -159.23266 19.86334 -159.22728 19.88329 -158.88347 20.12504 -158.76594 20.16801 -158.64173 20.18047 -158.63072 20.16714 -158.77014 20.16934 -158.77592 20.2452 -158.80854 20.29595 -158.82196 20.35522 -159.1288 20.34167 -159.50074 20.29462 -159.49354 20.30324 -159.41146 20.2496 -159.44885 20.25143 -159.49597 20.30209 -159.49432 20.28652 -159.61014 20.22499 -159.6412 20.18652 -159.20273 20.06022 -159.12069 20.09783 -158.97878 20.12467 -159.11786 20.09619 -159.1779 20.1123 -159.17319 20.14494 -159.18754 20.13829 -159.19201 20.16661 -158.88017 20.34142 -158.60712 20.88248 -158.55501 21.05734 -158.35482 21.48095 -158.3988 21.37164 -158.39938 21.25249 -157.93506 21.24602 -157.87877 21.28079 -157.86782 21.30364 -157.8863 21.31572 e Cruise Start and End 2010-06-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-06-26 g University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903660 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus l Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw n Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw q Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw r International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational fwield Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) x Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903660 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and griddezd data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1010 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1010 C-MORE 2010, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-6) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.64134 -157.86758 19.86322 21.48134 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31542 -157.86777 21.30134 -157.90352 21.25176 -158.98718 20.01372 -159.01074 20.07069 -159.43645 20.077 -159.41671 20.04665 -159.35926 20.0739 -159.42292 20.04036 -159.4156 20.05447 -159.31469 20.05584 -159.42961 20.04995 -159.36716 19.94815 -159.2648 19.91873 -159.35119 19.94801 -159.37014 19.94659 -159.35159 19.93391 -159.3799 19.94411 -159.41923 19.92807 -159.34053 19.90323 -159.25677 19.93903 -159.25341 19{.95728 -159.32358 19.90862 -159.35438 19.90992 -159.29539 19.91226 -159.23266 19.86334 -159.22728 19.88329 -158.88347 20.12504 -158.76594 20.16801 -158.64173 20.18047 -158.63072 20.16714 -158.77014 20.16934 -158.77592 20.2452 -158.80854 20.29595 -158.82196 20.35522 -159.1288 20.34167 -159.50074 20.29462 -159.49354 20.30324 -159.41146 20.2496 -159.44885 20.25143 -159.49597 20.30209 -159.49432 20.28652 -159.61014 20.22499 -159.6412 20.18652 -159.20273 20.06022 -159.12069 20.09783 -158.97878 20.12467 -159.11786 20.09619 -159.1779 20.1123 -159.17319 20.14494 -159.18754 20.13829 -159.19201 20.16661 -158.88017 20.34142 -158.60712 20.88248 -158.55501 21.05734 -158.35482 21.48095 -158.3988 21.37164 -158.39938 21.25249 -157.93506 21.24602 -157.87877 21.28079 -157.86782 21.30364 -157.8863 21.31572 Cruise Start and End 2010-06-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-06-26 University-National Oceanographic Laborato|ry System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903660 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2010, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-6)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.64 19.86, -159.64 21.48, -157.87 21.48, -157.87 19.86, -159.64 19.86))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact aFalR=1+M55;%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903662gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903661 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1011 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1011 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.99381  -156.46647 20.83832 23.80694 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86807 21.30077 -157.92168 21.23373 -158.19563 21.24608 -158.32518 21.39005 -158.27398 21.42268 -158.57957 21.64119 -157.48314 23.80687 -158.99297 20.84086 -158.94551 20.93583 -158.8414 21.06343 -158.77163 21.27231 -157.93645 22.92316 -157.96048 22.89985 -157.97053 22.92689 -158.09688 22.81255 -158.11284 22.78596 -158.10359 22.74812 -158.09796 22.77918 -158.08801 22.76304 -158.10599 22.74512 -158.10109 22.76016 -158.01982 22.74691 -158.02141 22.75907 -158.02414 22.73494 -158.04313 22.74496 -158.01508 22.76875 -158.01678 22.74821 -157.96727 22.73225 -157.91063 22.68817 -156.46668 22.02806 -157.45501 22.47559 -158.01433 22.75451 -158.01414 22.74418 -158.03576 22.74897 -158.2772 22.86075 -158.02509 22.74711 -158.57836 21.6383 -158.12616 21.23069 -157.9642 21.21769 -157.88119 21.27668 -157.86771 21.30236 -157.88628 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2010-06-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2010-07-04  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903661 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw <gco:CharacterString>International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities </gmi:description> RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903661 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1011 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1011 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.99381 -156.46647 20.83832 23.80694 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86807 21.30077 -157.92168 21.23373 -158.19563 21.24608 -158.32518 21.39005 -158.27398 21.42268 -158.57957 21.64119 -157.48314 23.80687 -158.99297 20.84086 -158.94551 20.93583 -158.8414 21.06343 -158.77163 21.27231 -157.93645 22.92316 -157.96048 22.89985 -157.97053 22.92689 -158.09688 22.81255 -158.11284 22.78596 -158.10359 22.74812 -158.09796 22.77918 -158.08801 22.76304 -158.10599 22.74512 -158.10109 22.76016 -158.01982 22.74691 -158.02141 22.75907 -158.02414 22.73494 -158.04313 22.74496 -158.01508 22.76875 -158.01678 22.74821 -157.96727 22.73225 -157.91063 22.68817 -156.46668 22.02806 -157.45501 22.47559 -158.01433 22.75451 -158.01414 22.74418 -158.03576 22.74897 -158.2772 22.86075 -158.02509 22.74711 -158.57836 21.6383 -158.12616 21.23069 -157.9642 21.21769 -157.88119 21.27668 -157.86771 21.30236 -157.88628 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2010-06-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-07-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903661 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionThe Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) ProfilerEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.99 20.84, -158.99 23.81, -156.47 23.81, -156.47 20.84, -158.99 20.84))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903662 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM1012 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1012 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36545 -157.75190 21.24471 23.17802  coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86789 21.30136 -157.90413 21.25268 -158.14965 21.2478 -158.27325 21.34259 -158.33352 21.58221 -158.16123 22.18814 -157.93972 22.74932 -158.00109 22.75085 -157.89415 22.83003 -157.87147 22.8226 -157.87547 22.77647 -158.0009 22.74542 -158.01562 22.75399 -157.90733 22.791 -157.87949 22.90106 -157.86499 22.90031 -157.93248 22.82428 -157.94436 22.74856 -157.96284 22.74902 -157.87781 22.74716 -158.01261 22.75122 -158.02611 22.73504 -158.01548 22.72691 -158.01524 22.75005 -157.98934 22.76013 -157.93721 22.84163 -157.91004 22.81181 -157.99463 22.7443 -158.0068 22.74926 -157.901 22.90215 -157.75351 23.17802 -157.78065 22.98849 -157.83736 22.92892 -157.87711 22.8575 -157.94035 22.68287 -157.91808 22.69763 -158.02978 22.75063 -158.36543 21.84464 -158.33898 21.56408 -158.27246 21.34271 -158.14938 21.24696 -157.90159 21.24472 -157.88401 21.2706 Cruise Start and End  2010-07-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-07-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903662 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903662 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1012 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1012 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36545 -157.75190 21.24471 23.17802 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86789 21.30136 -157.90413 21.25268 -158.14965 21.2478 -158.27325 21.34259 -158.33352 21.58221 -158.16123 22.18814 -157.93972 22.74932 -158.00109 22.75085 -157.89415 22.83003 -157.87147 22.8226 -157.87547 22.77647 -158.0009 22.74542 -158.01562 22.75399 -157.90733 22.791 -157.87949 22.90106 -157.86499 22.90031 -157.93248 22.82428 -157.94436 22.74856 -157.96284 22.74902 -157.87781 22.74716 -158.01261 22.75122 -158.02611 22.73504 -158.01548 22.72691 -158.01524 22.75005 -157.98934 22.76013 -157.93721 22.84163 -157.91004 22.81181 -157.99463 22.7443 -158.0068 22.74926 -157.901 22.90215 -157.75351 23.17802 -157.78065 22.98849 -157.83736 22.92892 -157.87711 22.8575 -157.94035 22.68287 -157.91808 22.69763 -158.02978 22.75063 -158.36543 21.84464 -158.33898 21.56408 -158.27246 21.34271 -158.14938 21.24696 -157.90159 21.24472 -157.88401 21.2706  Cruise Start and End 2010-07-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-07-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903662 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 23.18, -157.75 23.18, -157.75 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContacth 23, 2011--> doi:10.7284/903663 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact  2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1013 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1013 Quorum-Sensing and the Carbon Cycle Van Mooy, Benjamin Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33228 -157.28545 21.19463 24.06809 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.8675 21.30155 -157.922 21.24951 -158.1531 21.25133 -158.27286 21.34426 -158.33168 21.58558 -157.99986 22.75001 -157.91941 22.75114 -157.98818 22.7579 -158.03158 22.70663 -157.97175 22.76266 -157.96457 22.81464 -157.91905 22.80838 -157.97767 22.78165 -158.05359 22.78832 -157.9311 22.81787 -157.98108 22.82078 -157.92508 22.84213 -157.94655 22.88235 -157.90057 22.8651 -157.92129 22.84283 -157.91282 22.90076 -157.8971 22.84741 -157.90027 22.9074 -157.93578 22.87961 -157.88302 22.94197 -157.86441 22.9904 -157.76734 23.03338 -157.79387 23.05366 -157.86824 23.04755 -157.85206 23.07902 -157.79799 23.06675 -157.8315 23.07905 -157.80624 23.06902 -157.86634 23.14783 -157.85681 23.16433 -157.78018 23.16868 -157.83077 23.16927 -157.80258 23.16772 -157.79678 23.18303 -157.81772 23.23514 -157.81834 23.31282 -157.7195 23.32084 -157.80043 23.31576 -157.78824 23.31404 -157.73714 23.43765 -157.68069 23.47019 -157.67287 23.53731 -157.63374 23.53179 -157.65699 23.59151 -157.61092 23.65061 -157.6016 23.64223 -157.61584 23.61459 -157.67117 23.56044 -157.66969 23.57332 -157.58611 23.55932 -157.65435 23.57439 -157.6025 23.57847 -157.56904 23.67514 -157.55715 23.7759 -157.53111 23.80462 -157.53411 23.77545 -157.49465 23.86304 -157.45 23.87264 -157.409 23.93124 -157.3998 23.98484 -157.3687 24.03693 -157.29169 24.06798 -157.28567 23.80632 -157.59303 21.28114 -157.67134 21.21174 -157.83256 21.19483 -157.90909 21.25099 -157.89967 21.24678 Cruise Start and End  2010-07-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-07-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903663  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device.  ctd raw L&R S-33  Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device.  magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903663 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1013 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1013 Quorum-Sensing and the Carbon Cycle Van Mooy, Benjamin Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33228 -157.28545 21.19463 24.06809 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.8675 21.30155 -157.922 21.24951 -158.1531 21.25133 -158.27286 21.34426 -158.33168 21.58558 -157.99986 22.75001 -157.91941 22.75114 -157.98818 22.7579 -158.03158 22.70663 -157.97175 22.76266 -157.96457 22.81464 -157.91905 22.80838 -157.97767 22.78165 -158.05359 22.78832 -157.9311 22.81787 -157.98108 22.82078 -157.92508 22.84213 -157.94655 22.88235 -157.90057 22.8651 -157.92129 22.84283 -157.91282 22.90076 -157.8971 22.84741 -157.90027 22.9074 -157.93578 22.87961 -157.88302 22.94197 -157.86441 22.9904 -157.76734 23.03338 -157.79387 23.05366 -157.86824 23.04755 -157.85206 23.07902 -157.79799 23.06675 -157.8315 23.07905 -157.80624 23.06902 -157.86634 23.14783 -157.85681 23.16433 -157.78018 23.16868 -157.83077 23.16927 -157.80258 23.16772 -157.79678 23.18303 -157.81772 23.23514 -157.81834 23.31282 -157.7195 23.32084 -157.80043 23.31576 -157.78824 23.31404 -157.73714 23.43765 -157.68069 23.47019 -157.67287 23.53731 -157.63374 23.53179 -157.65699 23.59151 -157.61092 23.65061 -157.6016 23.64223 -157.61584 23.61459 -157.67117 23.56044 -157.66969 23.57332 -157.58611 23.55932 -157.65435 23.57439 -157.6025 23.57847 -157.56904 23.67514 -157.55715 23.7759 -157.53111 23.80462 -157.53411 23.77545 -157.49465 23.86304 -157.45 23.87264 -157.409 23.93124 -157.3998 23.98484 -157.3687 24.03693 -157.29169 24.06798 -157.28567 23.80632 -157.59303 21.28114 -157.67134 21.21174 -157.83256 21.19483 -157.90909 21.25099 -157.89967 21.24678 Cruise Start and End 2010-07-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-07-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903663 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionQuorum-Sensing and the Carbon CycleEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.19, -158.33 24.07, -157.29 24.07, -157.29 21.19, -158.33 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact mm~S=1+M5c%%S9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903663gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903664 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1014 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1014 WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-7) Weller, Robert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33430 -157.86069 21.24516 22.86798 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.86764 21.30173 -157.91098 21.24911 -158.12246 21.24751 -158.17081 21.26426 -158.27361 21.34466 -158.33327 21.5773 -157.89982 22.76337 -157.99643 22.76936 -157.8609 22.76807 -157.90032 22.76581 -157.9992 22.81152 -157.96516 22.86798 -157.89703 22.76246 -157.87741 22.78719 -157.92028 22.80671 -157.93532 22.74879 -157.86388 22.74467 -157.89911 22.77034 -157.90257 22.80913 -157.96308 22.80214 -157.86096 22.80559 -157.92267 22.81266 -157.91711 22.80326 -157.90492 22.79925 -157.90505 22.83842 -157.91133 22.80469 -157.92617 22.80037 -157.91273 22.79922 -157.91086 22.77982 -157.97806 22.68939 -157.96021 22.69515 -158.01892 22.70083 -157.95515 22.68822 -157.96934 22.71808 -157.98128 22.70231 -157.96673 22.69421 -157.98898 22.68858 -157.95194 22.69706 -157.99831 22.74775 -158.02879 22.7493 -158.01785 22.73258 -157.9971 22.73701 -158.02375 22.73015 -157.93885 22.7357 -157.94782 22.76501 -157.9165 22.77523 -158.01385 22.70271 -158.00608 22.68677 -157.96199 22.67366 -157.99929 22.67865 -157.96142 22.68202 -157.99996 22.68308 -157.96442 22.67861 -158.0004 22.66997 -157.95146 22.66017 -158.03793 22.6584 -158.00124 22.65395 -157.99429 22.66885 -157.93719 22.67603 -158.01883 22.67134 -157.96121 22.66631 -158.05765 22.654 -157.9682 22.64051 -157.99285 22.65351 -157.93709 22.68456 -157.92228 22.71777 -157.94588 22.72132 -157.87038 22.76544 -157.94575 22.79017 -157.91567 22.78692 -157.95699 22.78662 -157.91183 22.79205 -157.97054 22.79811 -157.91073 22.7943 -157.94674 22.7955 -157.90898 22.78269 -157.94864 22.79683 -157.88701 22.79697 -157.97472 22.80084 -157.87699 22.79525 -157.94192 22.80217 -157.92362 22.79986 -158.3343 21.58288 -158.27291 21.3448 -158.15369 21.24945 -157.89875 21.24535 -157.86882 21.30383 Cruise Start and End 2010-07-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-08-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903664 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes)  Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field  Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903664 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1014 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1014 WHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-7) Weller, Robert Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33430 -157.86069 21.24516 22.86798 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.86764 21.30173 -157.91098 21.24911 -158.12246 21.24751 -158.17081 21.26426 -158.27361 21.34466 -158.33327 21.5773 -157.89982 22.76337 -157.99643 22.76936 -157.8609 22.76807 -157.90032 22.76581 -157.9992 22.81152 -157.96516 22.86798 -157.89703 22.76246 -157.87741 22.78719 -157.92028 22.80671 -157.93532 22.74879 -157.86388 22.74467 -157.89911 22.77034 -157.90257 22.80913 -157.96308 22.80214 -157.86096 22.80559 -157.92267 22.81266 -157.91711 22.80326 -157.90492 22.79925 -157.90505 22.83842 -157.91133 22.80469 -157.92617 22.80037 -157.91273 22.79922 -157.91086 22.77982 -157.97806 22.68939 -157.96021 22.69515 -158.01892 22.70083 -157.95515 22.68822 -157.96934 22.71808 -157.98128 22.70231 -157.96673 22.69421 -157.98898 22.68858 -157.95194 22.69706 -157.99831 22.74775 -158.02879 22.7493 -158.01785 22.73258 -157.9971 22.73701 -158.02375 22.73015 -157.93885 22.7357 -157.94782 22.76501 -157.9165 22.77523 -158.01385 22.70271 -158.00608 22.68677 -157.96199 22.67366 -157.99929 22.67865 -157.96142 22.68202 -157.99996 22.68308 -157.96442 22.67861 -158.0004 22.66997 -157.95146 22.66017 -158.03793 22.6584 -158.00124 22.65395 -157.99429 22.66885 -157.93719 22.67603 -158.01883 22.67134 -157.96121 22.66631 -158.05765 22.654 -157.9682 22.64051 -157.99285 22.65351 -157.93709 22.68456 -157.92228 22.71777 -157.94588 22.72132 -157.87038 22.76544 -157.94575 22.79017 -157.91567 22.78692 -157.95699 22.78662 -157.91183 22.79205 -157.97054 22.79811 -157.91073 22.7943 -157.94674 22.7955 -157.90898 22.78269 -157.94864 22.79683 -157.88701 22.79697 -157.97472 22.80084 -157.87699 22.79525 -157.94192 22.80217 -157.92362 22.79986 -158.3343 21.58288 -158.27291 21.3448 -158.15369 21.24945 -157.89875 21.24535 -157.86882 21.30383 Cruise Start and End 2010-07-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-08-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903664 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-7)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.87, -157.86 22.87, -157.86 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact U=1+M53%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903665gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903665 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1015 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1015 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36435 -157.86773 21.24440 22.97619 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31568 -157.86777 21.30388 -157.87542 21.28809 -157.92602 21.24906 -158.07841 21.24708 -158.13898 21.26427 -158.27985 21.35186 -158.26456 21.33221 -158.33398 21.56361 -158.02895 22.64044 -157.98478 22.76628 -157.97593 22.75979 -157.99115 22.75943 -157.97176 22.76085 -157.99477 22.757 -157.98749 22.7412 -158.08327 22.6781 -158.0444 22.72194 -157.98161 22.75077 -157.99854 22.77966 -157.98398 22.7932 -158.04869 22.8519 -158.025 22.81507 -158.03099 22.84584 -158.00076 22.75094 -157.93777 22.74364 -157.99315 22.75633 -157.94204 22.8472 -158.01148 22.7532 -157.98543 22.74661 -158.01603 22.74601 -157.9855 22.75632 -157.98001 22.84899 -157.96166 22.84656 -157.99323 22.74643 -158.02541 22.84163 -158.01342 22.85417 -158.01197 22.76041 -157.96292 22.75416 -158.09776 22.97616 -158.08945 22.92969 -158.10545 22.89543 -157.91772 22.78251 -157.9264 22.79475 -157.90615 22.79041 -158.02801 22.74767 -158.02998 22.7664 -158.05179 22.75726 -158.0788 22.68973 -158.36434 21.84602 -158.34658 21.84437 -158.33601 21.59202 -158.27414 21.34426 -158.15403 21.24902 -157.8986 21.245 -157.86776 21.30156 -157.8866 21.31542  Cruise Start and End 2010-08-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-08-10  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903665 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter  raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903665 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1015 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1015 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36435 -157.86773 21.24440 22.97619 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31568 -157.86777 21.30388 -157.87542 21.28809 -157.92602 21.24906 -158.07841 21.24708 -158.13898 21.26427 -158.27985 21.35186 -158.26456 21.33221 -158.33398 21.56361 -158.02895 22.64044 -157.98478 22.76628 -157.97593 22.75979 -157.99115 22.75943 -157.97176 22.76085 -157.99477 22.757 -157.98749 22.7412 -158.08327 22.6781 -158.0444 22.72194 -157.98161 22.75077 -157.99854 22.77966 -157.98398 22.7932 -158.04869 22.8519 -158.025 22.81507 -158.03099 22.84584 -158.00076 22.75094 -157.93777 22.74364 -157.99315 22.75633 -157.94204 22.8472 -158.01148 22.7532 -157.98543 22.74661 -158.01603 22.74601 -157.9855 22.75632 -157.98001 22.84899 -157.96166 22.84656 -157.99323 22.74643 -158.02541 22.84163 -158.01342 22.85417 -158.01197 22.76041 -157.96292 22.75416 -158.09776 22.97616 -158.08945 22.92969 -158.10545 22.89543 -157.91772 22.78251 -157.9264 22.79475 -157.90615 22.79041 -158.02801 22.74767 -158.02998 22.7664 -158.05179 22.75726 -158.0788 22.68973 -158.36434 21.84602 -158.34658 21.84437 -158.33601 21.59202 -158.27414 21.34426 -158.15403 21.24902 -157.8986 21.245 -157.86776 21.30156 -157.8866 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2010-08-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-08-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903665 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.98, -157.87 22.98, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact (B\v,F`z0Jd~52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:22Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Z52016-10-26T02:48:23Zta xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903666 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1016 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1016 Oceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2) Church, Matthew Un!iversity of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.95031 -157.79174 21.24319 25.66983 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31567 -157.86793 21.30166 -157.90705 21.24712 -158.14691 21.24354 -158.28757 21.36224 -158.30599 21.4503 -15%8.31525 21.43798 -158.334 21.58653 -157.9997 22.75046 -157.96895 22.74605 -157.98745 22.76054 -157.95673 22.76207 -158.02676 22.72757 -158.00883 22.74798 -157.96343 22.75676 -157.91605 22.80245 -157.9698 22.75855 -158.02431 22.78359 -158.00609 22.78919 -158.00412 22.74946 -157.97423 22.75337 -158.00023 22.7498 -157.98092 22.75106 -158.05058 22.86233 -158.09245 22.79534 -158.02047 22.79425 -157.92092 22.76277 -157.93931 22.76193 -157.94961 22.78195 -157.99993 23.30538 -158.00298 24.00156 -157.94612 24.01144 -158.01012 24.0024 -157.9088 23.96644 -158.00473 23.99793 -157.82672 23.99659 -158.01402 23.99192 -157.93449 24.00882 -157.88724 24.03229 -157.95321 24.01613 -157.88229 24.04596 -157.8952 24.02402 -158.04545 24.00881 -157.97515 23.99959 -157.92281 23.97049 -157.90331 24.01441 -157.84549 24.04166 -157.84906 24.05781 -157.79204 24.06483 -158.11464 24.13607 -159.22519 24.44104 -160.06402 24.62478 -160.75976 24.83307 -160.70906 24.845 -160.6731 24.81664 -160.7246 24.82429 -160.67261 24.84194 -160.6694 24.82&561 -160.7801 24.77546 -160.77683 24.76002 -160.7968 24.74835 -160.76301 24.76098 -160.78551 24.74149 -160.94718 24.68179 -160.90603 24.719 -160.82185 24.73857 -160.87627 24.67276 -160.83636 24.67425 -160.49995 25.667 -160.46172 25.66802 -160.48207 25.66221 -160.52655 25.57965 -160.50624 25.56988 -160.56027 25.51552 -160.53778 25.57174 -160.51439 25.58019 -160.53253 25.58099 -160.58419 25.5296 -160.57479 25.52246 -160.59281 25.52645 -160.57106 25.51747 -160.67475 25.49725 -160.66209 25.49411 -160.72034 25.43801 -160.7151 25.46685 -160.65721 25.50336 -160.6312 25.4812 -160.7833 25.2737 -160.25561 25.51582 -160.72964 25.42232 -160.6828 25.42228 -160.67263 25.42541 -160.74144 25.42706 -160.75923 25.34687 -160.83047 25.33261 -160.80508 25.32721 -160.19426 24.37888 -158.27745 21.35012 -158.13875 21.24702 -157.8996 21.24787 -157.86772 21.30237 -157.88521 21.31552 Cruise Start and End 2010-08-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-08-30 ) University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu * http://doi.org/10.7284/903666 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd <,gmd:code> raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. - gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 . Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam <0gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/processing/1" xlink:actuate="onRequest">raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. 3 L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903666 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1016 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1016 Oceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief c6ontributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.95031 -157.79174 21.24319 25.66983 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31567 -157.86793 21.30166 -157.90705 21.24712 -158.14691 21.24354 -158.28757 21.36224 -158.30599 21.4503 -158.31525 21.43798 -158.334 21.58653 -157.9997 22.75046 -157.96895 22.74605 -157.98745 22.76054 -157.95673 22.76207 -158.02676 22.72757 -158.00883 22.74798 -157.96343 22.75676 -157.91605 22.80245 -157.9698 22.75855 -158.02431 22.78359 -158.00609 22.78919 -158.00412 22.74946 -157.97423 22.75337 -158.00023 22.7498 -157.98092 22.75106 -158.05058 22.86233 -158.09245 22.79534 -158.02047 22.79425 -157.92092 22.76277 -157.93931 22.76193 -157.94961 22.78195 -157.99993 23.30538 -158.00298 24.00156 -157.94612 24.01144 -158.01012 24.0024 -157.90887 23.96644 -158.00473 23.99793 -157.82672 23.99659 -158.01402 23.99192 -157.93449 24.00882 -157.88724 24.03229 -157.95321 24.01613 -157.88229 24.04596 -157.8952 24.02402 -158.04545 24.00881 -157.97515 23.99959 -157.92281 23.97049 -157.90331 24.01441 -157.84549 24.04166 -157.84906 24.05781 -157.79204 24.06483 -158.11464 24.13607 -159.22519 24.44104 -160.06402 24.62478 -160.75976 24.83307 -160.70906 24.845 -160.6731 24.81664 -160.7246 24.82429 -160.67261 24.84194 -160.6694 24.82561 -160.7801 24.77546 -160.77683 24.76002 -160.7968 24.74835 -160.76301 24.76098 -160.78551 24.74149 -160.94718 24.68179 -160.90603 24.719 -160.82185 24.73857 -160.87627 24.67276 -160.83636 24.67425 -160.49995 25.667 -160.46172 25.66802 -160.48207 25.66221 -160.52655 25.57965 -160.50624 25.56988 -160.56027 25.51552 -160.53778 25.57174 -160.51439 25.58019 -160.53253 25.58099 -160.58419 25.5296 -160.57479 25.52246 -160.59281 25.52645 -160.57106 25.51747 -160.67475 25.49725 -160.66209 25.49411 -160.72034 25.43801 -160.7151 25.46685 -1608.65721 25.50336 -160.6312 25.4812 -160.7833 25.2737 -160.25561 25.51582 -160.72964 25.42232 -160.6828 25.42228 -160.67263 25.42541 -160.74144 25.42706 -160.75923 25.34687 -160.83047 25.33261 -160.80508 25.32721 -160.19426 24.37888 -158.27745 21.35012 -158.13875 21.24702 -157.8996 21.24787 -157.86772 21.30237 -157.88521 21.31552 Cruise Start and End 2010-08-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-08-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903666 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionOceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.95 21.24, -160.95 25.67, -157.79 25.67, -157.79 21.24, -160.95 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Q7X>1+M55%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903668gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903667 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program = info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) > Cruise KM1017 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1017 ? Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords A NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. <B/gmd:MD_Constraints> eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36379 -157.86739 21.24344 22.85487 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.8674 21.30219 -157.90169 21.24697 -158.14902 21.24517 -158.28093 21.3374 -158.27409 21.34486 -158.282 21.33768 -158.33378 21.58452 -158.19479 22.07277 -158.07874 22.74147 -158.05924 22.75395 -158.02426 22.74131 -157.98065 22.75021 -157.98244 22.83359 -157.99401 22.81998 -157.97611 22.81323 -158.01148 22.75138D -157.96281 22.74804 -157.9068 22.6932 -157.92329 22.6899 -157.99103 22.75478 -158.12889 22.77055 -157.98849 22.76473 -158.0141 22.78944 -157.996 22.79246 -157.98532 22.85469 -157.99214 22.81801 -157.97988 22.81436 -158.01229 22.7508 -157.95138 22.75359 -157.92103 22.7713 -157.93095 22.76051 -157.88772 22.78282 -157.89255 22.79287 -157.93509 22.76306 -157.99906 22.74919 -157.9314 22.74342 -157.91347 22.72983 -157.9482 22.72629 -157.91626 22.72734 -158.00044 22.74985 -157.97004 22.75445 -157.98175 22.75876 -158.29781 22.7812 -158.17677 22.81709 -157.92318 22.76688 -157.94166 22.75736 -157.91826 22.76972 -157.93931 22.76463 -157.92577 22.75673 -158.36379 21.84683 -158.35064 21.84078 -158.33016 21.55215 -158.27255 21.34232 -158.14719 21.24668 -157.89897 21.24547 -157.86792 21.30129 -157.88661 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2010-09-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List F Honolulu 2010-09-06 G University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu H http://doi.org/10.7284/903667 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. K ins raw Geometrics G-882 L Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw M Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator P L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibSeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903667 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1017 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1017 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Lethaby, Paul University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA GlobaTl Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36379 -157.86739 21.24344 22.85487 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.8674 21.30219 -157.90169 21.24697 -158.14902 21.24517 -158.28093 21.3374 -158.27409 21.34486 -158.282 21.33768 -158.33378 21.58452 -158.19479 22.07277 -158.07874 22.74147 -158.05924 22.75395 -158.02426 22.74131 -157.98065 22.75021 -157.98244 22.83359 -157.99401 22.81998 -157.97611 22.81323 -158.01148 22.75138 -157.96281 22.74804 -157.9068 22.6932 -157.92329 22.6899 -157.99103 22.75478 -158.12889 22.77055 -157.98849 22.76473 -158.0141 22.78944 -157.996 22.79246 -157.98532 22.85469 -157.99214 22.81801 -157.97988 22.81436 -158.01229 22.7508 -157.95138 22.75359 -157.92103 22.7713 -157.93095 22.76051 -157.88772 22.78282 -157.89255 22.79287 -157.93509 22.76306 -157.99906 22.74919 -157.9314 22.74342 -157.91347 22.72983 -157.9482 22.7U2629 -157.91626 22.72734 -158.00044 22.74985 -157.97004 22.75445 -157.98175 22.75876 -158.29781 22.7812 -158.17677 22.81709 -157.92318 22.76688 -157.94166 22.75736 -157.91826 22.76972 -157.93931 22.76463 -157.92577 22.75673 -158.36379 21.84683 -158.35064 21.84078 -158.33016 21.55215 -158.27255 21.34232 -158.14719 21.24668 -157.89897 21.24547 -157.86792 21.30129 -157.88661 21.31542 Cruise Start and End 2010-09-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-09-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903667 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactWco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903668 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Z Cruise KM1018 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1018 [ Seismicity and Velocity Structure of Loihi Submarine Volcano Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords ] NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90132 -154.95146 18.60257 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31544 -157.8671 21.30286 -157.90018 21.25265 -157.89711 21.2234 -157.52873 20.78084 -156.00204 18.83526 -155.42372 18.8336 -155.18 18.96043 -155.15784 18.92127 -155.34644 18.82203 -155.33048 18.79517 -155.30822 18.79388 -155.16238 18.86451 -155.28709 18.75246 -155.28`702 18.76636 -155.2684 18.76153 -155.28547 18.7382 -155.29787 18.74758 -155.30228 18.7637 -155.28649 18.75327 -155.16104 18.84651 -155.14511 18.8421 -155.14915 18.82675 -155.16106 18.81849 -155.17617 18.84389 -155.05533 18.83429 -155.25208 19.17319 -155.28559 19.1638 -155.03249 18.72535 -155.06459 18.71225 -155.31921 19.14904 -155.34468 19.14048 -155.34513 19.12436 -155.15972 18.81155 -155.17838 18.93902 -155.1645 18.93484 -155.17797 18.91475 -155.19183 18.93563 -155.17813 18.93061 -155.20174 18.9228 -155.20362 18.93473 -155.19085 18.93212 -155.20279 18.91049 -155.21253 18.9321 -155.20011 18.92329 -155.25013 18.92447 -155.19558 18.86635 -155.09856 18.69458 -155.13046 18.68203 -155.38151 19.11274 -155.40984 19.09179 -155.1571 18.65171 -155.18865 18.64298 -155.39195 18.99333 -155.25965 18.91998 -155.25474 18.88622 -155.31769 18.91148 -155.3152 18.92244 -155.31995 18.90296 -155.32903 18.91233 -155.31734 18.91832 -155.36436 18.92175 -155.35174 18.91885 -155.36828 18.90097 -155.37248 18.95668 -155.43987 19.072a85 -155.50509 19.04387 -155.2465 18.60398 -155.22104 18.62633 -155.43174 18.99051 -155.41067 18.9848 -155.2875 18.77521 -155.30138 18.75348 -155.28742 18.76746 -155.27072 18.76274 -155.2763 18.74835 -155.29246 18.75383 -155.33673 18.97653 -155.32097 18.9894 -155.33002 18.97636 -155.3403 18.98801 -155.26063 18.96539 -155.26798 18.95576 -155.20635 19.02893 -155.21635 19.01444 -155.22625 19.02718 -155.21361 19.02242 -155.25194 18.98336 -155.42098 18.8942 -155.4909 19.00652 -155.47868 19.05143 -155.20669 19.18422 -155.19683 19.15593 -155.50157 18.99712 -155.481 18.97177 -155.30653 19.05495 -155.30184 18.84135 -155.32029 18.7615 -155.2954 18.7512 -155.28847 18.76611 -155.27097 18.76296 -155.28625 18.73779 -155.30654 18.76251 -155.28545 18.75503 -154.95168 19.32656 -155.01801 19.26197 -155.32754 19.06315 -155.31502 19.057 -155.18654 19.12257 -155.16775 19.09147 -155.46415 18.94004 -155.45137 18.90944 -155.14602 19.06707 -155.1232 19.04562 -155.42795 18.87659 -155.40646 18.8549 -155.11026 19.00598 -155.0942 18.9b7494 -155.38581 18.82232 -155.66623 18.83419 -155.86666 18.94877 -155.96495 19.05939 -155.97319 19.10345 -155.94376 19.30589 -155.98244 19.45043 -156.05192 19.60168 -157.2354 20.66464 -157.26248 20.72953 -157.37378 20.78791 -157.89908 21.24676 -157.86768 21.30264 -157.88662 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2010-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu <dgmd:temporalElement> 2010-09-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903668 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additioonal sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field p Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903668 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deckq to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1018 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1018 Seismicity and Velocity Structure of Loihi Submarine Volcano Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90132 -154.95146 18.60257 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31544 -157.8671 21.30286 -157.90018 21.25265 -157.89711 21.2234 -157.52873 20.78084 -156.00204 18.83526 -155.42372 18.8336 -155.18 18.96043 -155.15784 18.92127 -155.34644 18.82203 -155.33048 18.7951r7 -155.30822 18.79388 -155.16238 18.86451 -155.28709 18.75246 -155.28702 18.76636 -155.2684 18.76153 -155.28547 18.7382 -155.29787 18.74758 -155.30228 18.7637 -155.28649 18.75327 -155.16104 18.84651 -155.14511 18.8421 -155.14915 18.82675 -155.16106 18.81849 -155.17617 18.84389 -155.05533 18.83429 -155.25208 19.17319 -155.28559 19.1638 -155.03249 18.72535 -155.06459 18.71225 -155.31921 19.14904 -155.34468 19.14048 -155.34513 19.12436 -155.15972 18.81155 -155.17838 18.93902 -155.1645 18.93484 -155.17797 18.91475 -155.19183 18.93563 -155.17813 18.93061 -155.20174 18.9228 -155.20362 18.93473 -155.19085 18.93212 -155.20279 18.91049 -155.21253 18.9321 -155.20011 18.92329 -155.25013 18.92447 -155.19558 18.86635 -155.09856 18.69458 -155.13046 18.68203 -155.38151 19.11274 -155.40984 19.09179 -155.1571 18.65171 -155.18865 18.64298 -155.39195 18.99333 -155.25965 18.91998 -155.25474 18.88622 -155.31769 18.91148 -155.3152 18.92244 -155.31995 18.90296 -155.32903 18.91233 -155.31734 18.91832 -155.36436 18.92175 -155.351s74 18.91885 -155.36828 18.90097 -155.37248 18.95668 -155.43987 19.07285 -155.50509 19.04387 -155.2465 18.60398 -155.22104 18.62633 -155.43174 18.99051 -155.41067 18.9848 -155.2875 18.77521 -155.30138 18.75348 -155.28742 18.76746 -155.27072 18.76274 -155.2763 18.74835 -155.29246 18.75383 -155.33673 18.97653 -155.32097 18.9894 -155.33002 18.97636 -155.3403 18.98801 -155.26063 18.96539 -155.26798 18.95576 -155.20635 19.02893 -155.21635 19.01444 -155.22625 19.02718 -155.21361 19.02242 -155.25194 18.98336 -155.42098 18.8942 -155.4909 19.00652 -155.47868 19.05143 -155.20669 19.18422 -155.19683 19.15593 -155.50157 18.99712 -155.481 18.97177 -155.30653 19.05495 -155.30184 18.84135 -155.32029 18.7615 -155.2954 18.7512 -155.28847 18.76611 -155.27097 18.76296 -155.28625 18.73779 -155.30654 18.76251 -155.28545 18.75503 -154.95168 19.32656 -155.01801 19.26197 -155.32754 19.06315 -155.31502 19.057 -155.18654 19.12257 -155.16775 19.09147 -155.46415 18.94004 -155.45137 18.90944 -155.14602 19.06707 -155.1232 19.04562 -155t.42795 18.87659 -155.40646 18.8549 -155.11026 19.00598 -155.0942 18.97494 -155.38581 18.82232 -155.66623 18.83419 -155.86666 18.94877 -155.96495 19.05939 -155.97319 19.10345 -155.94376 19.30589 -155.98244 19.45043 -156.05192 19.60168 -157.2354 20.66464 -157.26248 20.72953 -157.37378 20.78791 -157.89908 21.24676 -157.86768 21.30264 -157.88662 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2010-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-09-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903668 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSeismicity and Velocity Structure of Loihi Submarine VolcanoEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 18.60, -157.90 21.32, -154.95 21.32, -154.95 18.60, -157.90 18.60))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactva Template--> doi:10.7284/903669 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1019 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1019 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans { theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian | Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36989 -157.86755 21.22924 22.76018 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86807 21.30065 -157.92162 21.24171 -158.01122 21.25331 -158.01198 21.24164 -158.07233 21.23068 -158.16141 21.23861 -158.27385 21.34271 -158.33302 21.57582 -158.25719 21.71416 -158.18818 22.03768 -157.96825 22.72688 -158.00114 22.7527 -158.10936 22.75303 -158.10832 22.73201 -158.01827 22.73989 -157.97841 22.75814 -157.88357 22.75163 -157.88222 22.72733 -157.96221 22.68439 -157.97187 22.64957 -157.97324 22.67351 -157.95855 22.65466 -157.96675 22.67256 -157.94642 22.68614 -157.99916 22.75066 -157.88186 22.75581 -157.88468 22.73059 -157.99972 22.75061 -157.87107 22.7356 -157.99553 22.75135 -158.08232 22.69362 -158.07962 22.7107 -157.99389 22.74311 -157.98253 22.49239 -157.94367 22.58667 -157.92395 22.74887 -157.88808 22.74215 -157.92267 22.74348 -158.36986 21.8479 -158.34177 21.60734 -158.27346 21.34536 -158.25043 21.32448 -158.14885 21.24618 -157.92105 21.24772 -157.90559 21.26118 Cruise Start and End 2010-10-02  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-10-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903669 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903669 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1019 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM1019 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36989 -157.86755 21.22924 22.76018 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86807 21.30065 -157.92162 21.24171 -158.01122 21.25331 -158.01198 21.24164 -158.07233 21.23068 -158.16141 21.23861 -158.27385 21.34271 -158.33302 21.57582 -158.25719 21.71416 -158.18818 22.03768 -157.96825 22.72688 -158.00114 22.7527 -158.10936 22.75303 -158.10832 22.73201 -158.01827 22.73989 -157.97841 22.75814 -157.88357 22.75163 -157.88222 22.72733 -157.96221 22.68439 -157.97187 22.64957 -157.97324 22.67351 -157.95855 22.65466 -157.96675 22.67256 -157.94642 22.68614 -157.99916 22.75066 -157.88186 22.75581 -157.88468 22.73059 -157.99972 22.75061 -157.87107 22.7356 -157.99553 22.75135 -158.08232 22.69362 -158.07962 22.7107 -157.99389 22.74311 -157.98253 22.49239 -157.94367 22.58667 -157.92395 22.74887 -157.88808 22.74215 -157.92267 22.74348 -158.36986 21.8479 -158.34177 21.60734 -158.27346 21.34536 -158.25043 21.32448 -158.14885 21.24618 -157.92105 21.24772 -157.90559 21.26118 Cruise Start and End 2010-10-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-10-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903669 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.23, -158.37 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.23, -158.37 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact xY=1+M5u%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903669gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903670 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1020 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1020 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.99331 -157.47543 20.84155 23.81574 coordinates of ship track -157.88665 21.31541 -157.86801 21.30115 -157.9187 21.23849 -157.99069 21.23606 -158.09995 21.20073 -158.2003 21.20938 -158.202 21.19741 -158.20243 21.23987 -158.27566 21.34756 -158.57967 21.63685 -158.02909 22.74132 -157.99567 22.74968 -158.02364 22.7361 -157.9735 22.68748 -157.95431 22.69269 -158.02043 22.75099 -158.99329 20.84291 -157.47601 23.81544 -157.95392 22.8877 -157.93933 22.88986 -157.95303 22.88926 -158.0433 22.71335 -158.02243 22.67559 -158.02695 22.74754 -157.98158 22.7066 -158.03667 22.75841 -157.99138 22.71515 -158.03179 22.73931 -158.0143 22.75084 -158.01538 22.73262 -158.02529 22.75487 -158.33427 21.58007 -158.2737 21.34294 -158.15186 21.24755 -157.95468 21.24576 -157.89052 21.27564 Cruise Start and End 2010-10-09  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-10-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903670 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii</gmx:Anchor> operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903670 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1020 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1020 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.99331 -157.47543 20.84155 23.81574 coordinates of ship track -157.88665 21.31541 -157.86801 21.30115 -157.9187 21.23849 -157.99069 21.23606 -158.09995 21.20073 -158.2003 21.20938 -158.202 21.19741 -158.20243 21.23987 -158.27566 21.34756 -158.57967 21.63685 -158.02909 22.74132 -157.99567 22.74968 -158.02364 22.7361 -157.9735 22.68748 -157.95431 22.69269 -158.02043 22.75099 -158.99329 20.84291 -157.47601 23.81544 -157.95392 22.8877 -157.93933 22.88986 -157.95303 22.88926 -158.0433 22.71335 -158.02243 22.67559 -158.02695 22.74754 -157.98158 22.7066 -158.03667 22.75841 -157.99138 22.71515 -158.03179 22.73931 -158.0143 22.75084 -158.01538 22.73262 -158.02529 22.75487 -158.33427 21.58007 -158.2737 21.34294 -158.15186 21.24755 -157.95468 21.24576 -157.89052 21.27564 Cruise Start and End 2010-10-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-10-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903670 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionThe Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) ProfilerEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.99 20.84, -158.99 23.82, -157.48 23.82, -157.48 20.84, -158.99 20.84))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact LLX[>1+M5w% 9 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/903671gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wOZ=1+M5GU%a9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903670gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903671 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1021 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1021 Depth Distribution of Anisotropic Fabric in the Oceanic Mantle Forsyth, Donald Brown University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.56274 -157.86717 13.44631 29.92303 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31547 -157.86752 21.30107 -157.9093 21.24647 -158.17212 21.24828 -167.00088 22.00002 -170.00535 22.93324 -173.16126 23.84187 -174.93185 24.31408 -176.73169 24.7721 -179.99863 25.54002179.99797 25.54083 178.07258 25.95554 175.59522 26.44663 173.31227 26.85804 171.10466 27.21835 168.96599 27.53405 168.41595 27.58491 167.88102 27.67822 166.53845 27.84679 164.39371 28.0877 162.21988 28.29669 159.51037 28.50772 157.85592 28.60975 156.1057 28.69695 156.12386 28.6942 156.12365 28.71087 156.12799 28.62028 155.39098 27.77029 155.11347 27.80637 155.11075 27.7943 155.09388 27.80796 154.77933 27.77082 154.97569 28.49828 155.2388 28.49241 155.23983 28.50646 155.2402 28.48869 155.245 28.50866 155.44305 28.70833 156.1178 28.70296 155.93048 29.01072 155.5433 29.25075 155.25017 29.34375 155.24892 29.3626 155.2512 29.3474 155.23867 29.35418 155.55433 29.41828 155.56359 29.92295 155.56372 29.89667 155.55589 29.90549 155.36477 29.79974 154.24553 29.75251 154.23108 29.77078 154.49095 28.92037 154.48636 28.94167 154.48765 28.92698 154.00513 28.49813 153.96846 28.46754 153.95267 28.47741 153.97092 28.45828 153.95918 28.44885 153.94293 28.47284 153.96233 28.45632 153.54087 28.4693 151.78233 27.99965 151.48889 27.77196 151.47237 27.77658 151.49583 27.78197 150.33342 27.43919 150.55477 28.26499 150.53616 28.27835 150.55795 28.26912 150.54044 28.27756 150.58278 28.30413 151.0022 28.73216 149.67931 28.935 149.68559 28.9169 149.67538 28.92581 149.69676 28.92703 149.68367 28.94383 149.68875 28.91862 149.67724 28.93488 149.71288 28.92358 149.70107 28.95382 149.10566 27.77041 149.08984 27.76187 149.71545 28.05282 149.98831 26.8314 150.00287 26.8278 149.99031 26.81455 149.97951 26.82794 149.98046 26.8137 149.983 26.8269 149.99906 26.81869 149.98157 26.81872 149.9897 26.83288 150.00504 26.81196 149.98566 26.80585 149.96937 26.82133 149.98708 26.8418 150.00994 26.8266 150.00223 26.80904 149.97568 26.80947 149.9896 26.82128 150.11353 26.8173 151.07097 28.07077 151.10148 28.07022 151.25953 27.91476 151.07469 27.72171 149.80206 28.65667 149.6935 28.91022 149.6942 28.93841 149.67275 28.93242 149.68712 28.91288 149.688 28.9315 149.39889 28.71063 151.02207 27.33341 150.40228 26.88493 149.49077 27.82726 149.07064 27.45292 149.88235 26.58785 148.18789 21.16877 146.33478 15.00452 145.33293 13.99965 144.83363 13.70341 144.56319 13.49699 144.56359 13.45274 144.5924 13.45417 144.57077 13.44697 144.66649 13.46061 Cruise Start and End  2010-10-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-11-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903671 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33  Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw </gmd:sourceStep> Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903671 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1021 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1021 Depth Distribution of Anisotropic Fabric in the Oceanic Mantle Forsyth, Donald Brown University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.56274 -157.86717 13.44631 29.92303 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31547 -157.86752 21.30107 -157.9093 21.24647 -158.17212 21.24828 -167.00088 22.00002 -170.00535 22.93324 -173.16126 23.84187 -174.93185 24.31408 -176.73169 24.7721 -179.99863 25.54002 179.99797 25.54083 178.07258 25.95554 175.59522 26.44663 173.31227 26.85804 171.10466 27.21835 168.96599 27.53405 168.41595 27.58491 167.88102 27.67822 166.53845 27.84679 164.39371 28.0877 162.21988 28.29669 159.51037 28.50772 157.85592 28.60975 156.1057 28.69695 156.12386 28.6942 156.12365 28.71087 156.12799 28.62028 155.39098 27.77029 155.11347 27.80637 155.11075 27.7943 155.09388 27.80796 154.77933 27.77082 154.97569 28.49828 155.2388 28.49241 155.23983 28.50646 155.2402 28.48869 155.245 28.50866 155.44305 28.70833 156.1178 28.70296 155.93048 29.01072 155.5433 29.25075 155.25017 29.34375 155.24892 29.3626 155.2512 29.3474 155.23867 29.35418 155.55433 29.41828 155.56359 29.92295 155.56372 29.89667 155.55589 29.90549 155.36477 29.79974 154.24553 29.75251 154.23108 29.77078 154.49095 28.92037 154.48636 28.94167 154.48765 28.92698 154.00513 28.49813 153.96846 28.46754 153.95267 28.47741 153.97092 28.45828 153.95918 28.44885 153.94293 28.47284 153.96233 28.45632 153.54087 28.4693 151.78233 27.99965 151.48889 27.77196 151.47237 27.77658 151.49583 27.78197 150.33342 27.43919 150.55477 28.26499 150.53616 28.27835 150.55795 28.26912 150.54044 28.27756 150.58278 28.30413 151.0022 28.73216 149.67931 28.935 149.68559 28.9169 149.67538 28.92581 149.69676 28.92703 149.68367 28.94383 149.68875 28.91862 149.67724 28.93488 149.71288 28.92358 149.70107 28.95382 149.10566 27.77041 149.08984 27.76187 149.71545 28.05282 149.98831 26.8314 150.00287 26.8278 149.99031 26.81455 149.97951 26.82794 149.98046 26.8137 149.983 26.8269 149.99906 26.81869 149.98157 26.81872 149.9897 26.83288 150.00504 26.81196 149.98566 26.80585 149.96937 26.82133 149.98708 26.8418 150.00994 26.8266 150.00223 26.80904 149.97568 26.80947 149.9896 26.82128 150.11353 26.8173 151.07097 28.07077 151.10148 28.07022 151.25953 27.91476 151.07469 27.72171 149.80206 28.65667 149.6935 28.91022 149.6942 28.93841 149.67275 28.93242 149.68712 28.91288 149.688 28.9315 149.39889 28.71063 151.02207 27.33341 150.40228 26.88493 149.49077 27.82726 149.07064 27.45292 149.88235 26.58785 148.18789 21.16877 146.33478 15.00452 145.33293 13.99965 144.83363 13.70341 144.56319 13.49699 144.56359 13.45274 144.5924 13.45417 144.57077 13.44697 144.66649 13.46061 Cruise Start and End 2010-10-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2010-11-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra http://doi.org/10.7284/903671 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionDepth Distribution of Anisotropic Fabric in the Oceanic MantleEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((144.56 13.45, 144.56 29.92, -157.87 29.92, -157.87 13.45, 144.56 13.45))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903672 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact  2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1022 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1022 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.56313 178.42363 -18.70043 13.46117 coordinates of ship track  144.66608 13.46117 144.56347 13.44131 144.60221 13.18594 152.37208 9.06791 152.53886 8.8438 152.70072 8.66415 152.79508 8.56209 152.89165 8.49156 162.99987 -4.99963 174.00006 -11.00065 174.50036 -11.83442 174.76389 -13.03582 174.74588 -13.03313 174.73679 -13.0004 174.74971 -12.99128 174.75775 -13.00878 175.41706 -16.00048 177.49931 -18.69892 178.00178 -18.69855 178.20314 -18.49884 178.38859 -18.18859 178.39863 -18.13515 178.42324 -18.13476 Cruise Start and End 2010-11-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra 2010-11-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List</gco:CharacterString> Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/903672 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  doi:10.7284/903672 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1022 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1022 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 144.56313 178.42363 -18.70043 13.46117 coordinates of ship track 144.66608 13.46117 144.56347 13.44131 144.60221 13.18594 152.37208 9.06791 152.53886 8.8438 152.70072 8.66415 152.79508 8.56209 152.89165 8.49156 162.99987 -4.99963 174.00006 -11.00065 174.50036 -11.83442 174.76389 -13.03582 174.74588 -13.03313 174.73679 -13.0004 174.74971 -12.99128 174.75775 -13.00878 175.41706 -16.00048 177.49931 -18.69892 178.00178 -18.69855 178.20314 -18.49884 178.38859 -18.18859 178.39863 -18.13515 178.42324 -18.13476 Cruise Start and End 2010-11-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apra 2010-11-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva http://doi.org/10.7284/903672 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((144.56 -18.70, 144.56 13.46, 178.42 13.46, 178.42 -18.70, 144.56 -18.70))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact h\=1+M5 %9!!1 [)doi:10.7284/903672gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903674 eng </gmd:language> utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data  ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1023 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1023 Crustal Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the Subduction-Influenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center Wiens, Douglas Washington University in St. Louis Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.39057 -173.90967 -22.04411 -18.12954 coordinates of ship track 178.42324 -18.13479 178.39848 -18.13694 178.39967 -18.23395 179.9986 -18.43305-179.99802 -18.43365 -178.79262 -18.74131 -178.59753 -18.74211 -178.33196 -18.83391 -177.98704 -19.04287 -177.98287 -19.02553 -177.98339 -19.04379 -177.26765 -19.29802 -177.27599 -19.28908 -177.04181 -18.39406 -176.40151 -18.75311 -176.41443 -18.75554 -176.69978 -19.50469 -176.7092 -19.49873 -176.47737 -19.58425 -176.48199 -19.57247 -176.33423 -19.60302 -176.1927 -19.65558 -176.20149 -19.64425 -175.97832 -19.74725 -175.48628 -19.02168 -175.83986 -19.79352 -175.85092 -19.78505 -175.70708 -19.84209 -175.01572 -20.05112 -175.02236 -20.04187 -175.43243 -20.23302 -175.64665 -20.4073 -175.21863 -20.53282 -175.22758 -20.52685 -175.21754 -20.53293 -175.24346 -20.52406 -175.21658 -20.53295 -175.24924 -20.52483 -174.74751 -20.74991 -174.52828 -20.76303 -174.51621 -20.79942 -173.90967 -20.79335 -174.43438 -21.35178 -174.45165 -21.34183 -174.44009 -21.34762 -174.46286 -21.36237 -174.88166 -21.55357 -175.62357 -21.53932 -175.79187 -21.4917 -176.03118 -21.3947 -176.0406 -21.9528 -176.16746 -21.34888 -176.31842 -21.30089 -176.32609 -21.32101 -176.32176 -21.30689 -176.39164 -21.27289 -176.39345 -21.28503 -176.52696 -21.22591 -176.51867 -21.24427 -176.52559 -21.22369 -176.53363 -21.23865 -176.66673 -21.17816 -176.89952 -21.79988 -176.80089 -21.1278 -177.02824 -21.03916 -177.25527 -20.98153 -177.2518 -20.96954 -177.26541 -20.97707 -177.52703 -20.88989 -177.51952 -20.88288 -178.15862 -20.6638 -178.15342 -20.67468 -177.25893 -20.12921 -176.71695 -20.04595 -176.82729 -20.57508 -176.43966 -20.83711 -176.45244 -20.8413 -176.44129 -20.83661 -176.25306 -21.03388 -176.19182 -20.76096 -176.05715 -20.94645 -175.71339 -20.9406 -175.9521 -20.60084 -176.14916 -20.55268 -176.36301 -20.45439 -176.11501 -20.25036 -175.91331 -20.1843 -176.09352 -19.98995 -176.2879 -20.06133 -176.27731 -20.05727 -176.37 -20.15817 -176.44731 -20.21686 -176.43058 -20.19209 -176.25205 -20.25017 -176.27051 -20.23707 -176.22534 -20.55291 -176.32186 -20.52882 -176.1955 -20.55356 -176.1984 -20.52352 -176.42136 -20.55716 -176.40092 -20.53924 -176.41789 -20.54962 -176.52378 -20.47648 -176.49968 -20.48106 -176.39646 -20.66618 -176.35268 -20.70879 -176.40095 -20.7407 -176.42714 -20.82418 -176.45158 -20.84149 -176.45213 -21.01265 -176.51807 -21.15827 -176.53037 -21.15744 -176.4605 -21.1739 -176.54395 -21.17934 -176.50926 -21.15924 -176.3598 -21.22417 -176.4491 -21.35584 -176.59024 -21.6167 -176.56002 -21.59945 -176.55017 -21.60813 -176.55321 -21.59484 -176.67343 -21.75942 -176.6698 -21.78348 -176.60258 -21.70682 -176.56327 -21.73546 -176.62239 -21.81124 -176.63267 -21.73397 -176.67411 -21.75544 -176.63144 -21.95237 -176.64153 -21.95565 -176.58332 -21.88812 -176.58105 -21.9023 -176.69086 -21.99991 -176.69024 -22.0431 -176.5171 -21.82449 -176.37762 -21.22307 -175.20519 -20.94906 -175.18795 -20.93508 -175.19751 -20.93045 -175.18035 -20.9663 Cruise Start and End 2010-11-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2010-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa http://doi.org/10.7284/903674 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter  raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903674 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1023 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1023 Crustal Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the Subduction-Influenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center Wiens, Douglas Washington University in St. Louis Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 178.39057 -173.90967 -22.04411 -18.12954 coordinates of ship track 178.42324 -18.13479 178.39848 -18.13694 178.39967 -18.23395 179.9986 -18.43305 -179.99802 -18.43365 -178.79262 -18.74131 -178.59753 -18.74211 -178.33196 -18.83391 -177.98704 -19.04287 -177.98287 -19.02553 -177.98339 -19.04379 -177.26765 -19.29802 -177.27599 -19.28908 -177.04181 -18.39406 -176.40151 -18.75311 -176.41443 -18.75554 -176.69978 -19.50469 -176.7092 -19.49873 -176.47737 -19.58425 -176.48199 -19.57247 -176.33423 -19.60302 -176.1927 -19.65558 -176.20149 -19.64425 -175.97832 -19.74725 -175.48628 -19.02168 -175.83986 -19.79352 -175.85092 -19.78505 -175.70708 -19.84209 -175.01572 -20.05112 -175.02236 -20.04187 -175.43243 -20.23302 -175.64665 -20.4073 -175.21863 -20.53282 -175.22758 -20.52685 -175.21754 -20.53293 -175.24346 -20.52406 -175.21658 -20.53295 -175.24924 -20.52483 -174.74751 -20.74991 -174.52828 -20.76303 -174.51621 -20.79942 -173.90967 -20.79335 -174.43438 -21.35178 -174.45165 -21.34183 -174.44009 -21.34762 -174.46286 -21.36237 -174.88166 -21.55357 -175.62357 -21.53932 -175.79187 -21.4917 -176.03118 -21.3947 -176.0406 -21.9528 -176.16746 -21.34888 -176.31842 -21.30089 -176.32609 -21.32101 -176.32176 -21.30689 -176.39164 -21.27289 -176.39345 -21.28503 -176.52696 -21.22591 -176.51867 -21.24427 -176.52559 -21.22369 -176.53363 -21.23865 -176.66673 -21.17816 -176.89952 -21.79988 -176.80089 -21.1278 -177.02824 -21.03916 -177.25527 -20.98153 -177.2518 -20.96954 -177.26541 -20.97707 -177.52703 -20.88989 -177.51952 -20.88288 -178.15862 -20.6638 -178.15342 -20.67468 -177.25893 -20.12921 -176.71695 -20.04595 -176.82729 -20.57508 -176.43966 -20.83711 -176.45244 -20.8413 -176.44129 -20.83661 -176.25306 -21.03388 -176.19182 -20.76096 -176.05715 -20.94645 -175.71339 -20.9406 -175.9521 -20.60084 -176.14916 -20.55268 -176.36301 -20.45439 -176.11501 -20.25036 -175.91331 -20.1843 -176.09352 -19.98995 -176.2879 -20.06133 -176.27731 -20.05727 -176.37 -20.15817 -176.44731 -20.21686 -176.43058 -20.19209 -176.25205 -20.25017 -176.27051 -20.23707 -176.22534 -20.55291 -176.32186 -20.52882 -176.1955 -20.55356 -176.1984 -20.52352 -176.42136 -20.55716 -176.40092 -20.53924 -176.41789 -20.54962 -176.52378 -20.47648 -176.49968 -20.48106 -176.39646 -20.66618 -176.35268 -20.70879 -176.40095 -20.7407 -176.42714 -20.82418 -176.45158 -20.84149 -176.45213 -21.01265 -176.51807 -21.15827 -176.53037 -21.15744 -176.4605 -21.1739 -176.54395 -21.17934 -176.50926 -21.15924 -176.3598 -21.22417 -176.4491 -21.35584 -176.59024 -21.6167 -176.56002 -21.59945 -176.55017 -21.60813 -176.55321 -21.59484 -176.67343 -21.75942 -176.6698 -21.78348 -176.60258 -21.70682 -176.56327 -21.735 46 -176.62239 -21.81124 -176.63267 -21.73397 -176.67411 -21.75544 -176.63144 -21.95237 -176.64153 -21.95565 -176.58332 -21.88812 -176.58105 -21.9023 -176.69086 -21.99991 -176.69024 -22.0431 -176.5171 -21.82449 -176.37762 -21.22307 -175.20519 -20.94906 -175.18795 -20.93508 -175.19751 -20.93045 -175.18035 -20.9663 Cruise Start and End 2010-11-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Suva 2010-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa http://doi.org/10.7284/903674 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionCrustal Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the Subduction-Influenced Eastern Lau Spreading CenterEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((178.39 -22.04, 178.39 -18.13, -173.91 -18.13, -173.91 -22.04, 178.39 -22.04))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact An_=1+M57=%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903675gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/900840 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1024 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1024 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -175.27559 -157.91508 -21.13592 21.19392 coordinates of ship track -175.17954 -21.13589 -175.22657 -21.06718 -175.16204 -20.99416 -175.19629 -20.93838 -175.27528 -20.27611 -175.03653 -19.97432 -175.04353 -19.94155 -175.01937 -19.92814 -174.80045 -19.34007 -174.29776 -18.38648 -174.29944 -18.07492 -174.25811 -18.0165 -174.30004 -17.96078 -174.30252 -17.55085 -174.25202 -17.49813 -174.30313 -17.45622 -174.31456 -15.46951 -174.21694 -15.35406 -174.20553 -15.35896 -174.2403 -15.3452 -174.22868 -15.35351 -174.03326 -15.27215 -174.00523 -15.11932 -173.96257 -15.07778 -173.92593 -15.15157 -173.89445 -15.17899 -173.86029 -15.16217 -173.88949 -15.22387 -173.80789 -15.21643 -173.81168 -15.18247 -173.76506 -15.10922 -173.78189 -15.11801 -173.69853 -15.07093 -173.70639 -15.11388 -173.75406 -15.11467 -173.74872 -15.0927 -173.79107 -15.04566 -173.78321 -15.01838 -173.71633 -15.00566 -173.80412 -15.00765 -173.7928 -14.90959 -173.95006 -14.88733 -174.00053 -14.98032 -170.8218 -14.4376 -170.74948 -14.42361 -170.68339 -14.33777 -170.66804 -14.28886 -170.68729 -14.27516 -170.66844 -14.28697 -170.68157 -14.33447 -170.65184 -14.35625 -170.55607 -14.3586 -170.4454 -14.2583 -169.55489 -11.64502 -169.5528 -11.57151 -169.48553 -11.44134 -168.00907 -7.06138 -162.84053 8.42888 -159.6286 16.86292 -157.9156 21.19258  Cruise Start and End 2010-12-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa 2010-12-23  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu <srv:connectPoint> http://doi.org/10.7284/900840 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter  raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List ! Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field #Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 $ magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/900840 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1024 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1024 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data& are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -175.27559 -157.91508 -21.13592 21.19392 coordinates of ship track -175.17954 -21.13589 -175.22657 -21.06718 -175.16204 -20.99416 -175.19629 -20.93838 -175.27528 -20.27611 -175.03653 -19.97432 -175.04353 -19.94155 -175.01937 -19.92814 -174.80045 -19.34007 -174.29776 -18.38648 -174.29944 -18.07492 -174.25811 -18.0165 -174.30004 -17.96078 -174.30252 -17.55085 -174.25202 -17.49813 -174.30313 -17.45622 -174.31456 -15.46951 -174.21694 -15.35406 -174.20553 -15.35896 -174.2403 -15.3452 -174.22868 -15.35351 -174.03326 -15.27215 -174.00523 -15.11932 -173.96257 -15.07778 -173.92593 -15.15157 -173.89445 -15.17899 -173.86029 -15.16217 -173.88949 -15.22387 -173.80789 -15.21643 -173.81168 -15.18247 -173.76506 -15.10922 -173.78189 -15.11801 -173.69853 -15.07093 -173.70639 -15.11388 -173.75406 -15.11467 -173.74872 -15.0927 -173.79107 -15.04566 -173.78321 -15.01838 -173.71633 -15.00566 -173.80412 -15.00765 -173.'7928 -14.90959 -173.95006 -14.88733 -174.00053 -14.98032 -170.8218 -14.4376 -170.74948 -14.42361 -170.68339 -14.33777 -170.66804 -14.28886 -170.68729 -14.27516 -170.66844 -14.28697 -170.68157 -14.33447 -170.65184 -14.35625 -170.55607 -14.3586 -170.4454 -14.2583 -169.55489 -11.64502 -169.5528 -11.57151 -169.48553 -11.44134 -168.00907 -7.06138 -162.84053 8.42888 -159.6286 16.86292 -157.9156 21.19258 Cruise Start and End 2010-12-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Nuku'alofa 2010-12-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900840 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-175.28 -21.14, -175.28 21.19, -157.92 21.19, -157.92 -21.14, -175.28 -21.14))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact)mx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903675 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) , Cruise KM1101 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1101 - Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. 0 eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33411 -157.86714 21.24267 22.81739 1 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31573 -157.86727 21.30179 -157.90172 21.24672 -158.15343 21.24716 -158.27381 21.34287 -158.33404 21.58472 -158.07646 22.75782 -157.89536 22.74661 -157.93874 22.77096 -157.95851 22.81739 -158.01138 22.7875 -158.07682 22.70919 -158.10331 22.71692 -158.33279 21.58451 -158.27251 21.34365 -158.15139 21.24768 -157.95563 21.2438 -157.86853 21.29987 Cruise Start and End 2011-01-08 University3-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-01-10 4 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 5 http://doi.org/10.7284/903675 collectionSession D6escriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp 7 raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. 8 adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw : Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins ; raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. < magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw rce> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana ? SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 A adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) C Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field D Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903675 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 IESO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1101 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1101 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33411 -157.86714 21.24267 22.81739 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31573 -157.86727 21.30179 -157.90172 21.24672 -158.15343 21.24716 -158.27381 21.34287 -158.33404 21.58472 -158.07646 22.75782 -157.89536 22.74661 -157.93874 22.77096 -157.95851 22.81739 -158.01138 22.7875 -158.07682 22.70919 -158.10331 22.71692 -158.33279 21.58451 -158.27251 21.34365 -158.15139 21.24768 -157.95563 21.2438 -157.86853 21.29987 F Cruise Start and End 2011-01-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-01-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903675 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.82, -157.87 22.82, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactHon="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/904336 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1102 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-K09-30 published KM1102 EXperiment on Internal Tide Scattering (EXITS), Leg 2 Johnston, Shaun Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office N custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans OgeoscientificInformation -168.78407 -157.86704 16.87362 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86743 21.30147 -157.89241 21.25276 -157.92399 21.23907 -165.84326 18.74689 -165.99954 18.69806 -166.00502 18.71129 -166.57872 18.46153 -167.36814 18.26269 -168.37006 17.95401 -168.39698 17.92991 -168.3588 17.95011 -168.41251 17.92338 -168.49158 17.66945 -168.55954 17.28169 -168.56685 17.26591 -168.60507 17.25841 -168.5593 16.92808 -168.61103 16.91295 -168.74902 16.9611 -168.77806 16.93802 -168.75036 16.96263 -168.784 16.94181 -168.45945 16.94705 -168.64589 16.87424 -168.56022 16.92665 -168.58234 16.91561 -168.55691 16.94105 -168.56201 17.28256 -168.60116 17.27397 -168.5595 17.27347 -168.35399 17.95837 -168.37863 17.94409 -165.02214 18.5Q2455 -164.73953 18.57698 -164.60311 18.61768 -160.34272 19.35873 -160.21152 19.39866 -159.88709 19.45415 -158.04871 21.11115 -157.89078 21.27453 Cruise Start and End 2011-01-14 R University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu S 2011-01-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu T http://doi.org/10.7284/904336 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 [ Data was collected from this device. ins raw \ Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii ` operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities b Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 c gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength aend/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/904336 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1102 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1102 EXperiment on Internal Tide Scattering (EXITS), Leg 2 Johnston, Shaun Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -168.78407 -157.86704 16.87362 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157g.86743 21.30147 -157.89241 21.25276 -157.92399 21.23907 -165.84326 18.74689 -165.99954 18.69806 -166.00502 18.71129 -166.57872 18.46153 -167.36814 18.26269 -168.37006 17.95401 -168.39698 17.92991 -168.3588 17.95011 -168.41251 17.92338 -168.49158 17.66945 -168.55954 17.28169 -168.56685 17.26591 -168.60507 17.25841 -168.5593 16.92808 -168.61103 16.91295 -168.74902 16.9611 -168.77806 16.93802 -168.75036 16.96263 -168.784 16.94181 -168.45945 16.94705 -168.64589 16.87424 -168.56022 16.92665 -168.58234 16.91561 -168.55691 16.94105 -168.56201 17.28256 -168.60116 17.27397 -168.5595 17.27347 -168.35399 17.95837 -168.37863 17.94409 -165.02214 18.52455 -164.73953 18.57698 -164.60311 18.61768 -160.34272 19.35873 -160.21152 19.39866 -159.88709 19.45415 -158.04871 21.11115 -157.89078 21.27453 Cruise Start and End 2011-01-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-01-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory Systemh (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904336 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionEXperiment on Internal Tide Scattering (EXITS), Leg 2EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-168.78 16.87, -168.78 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 16.87, -168.78 16.87))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact KK$`=1+M5{5%w9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/904336gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:22Z doi:10.7284/903676 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1102A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1102A Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation r -158.33384 -157.86182 21.24555 22.78183 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31543 -157.86691 21.30332 -157.87643 21.28806 -157.95402 21.24615 -158.14974 21.24808 -158.27519 21.34506 -158.33383 21.57329 -157.999 22.66779 -158.03504 22.71071 -158 22.75055 -157.88601 22.72628 -157.88299 22.71441 -158.00007 22.74967 -157.8855 22.77054 -157.88769 22.78183 -158.00404 22.74979 -157.97792 22.74968 -157.88872 22.70018 -157.93003 22.7099 -157.95665 22.65383 -157.94588 22.6476 -157.99477 22.66407 -157.9991 22.68358 -157.9871 22.67923 -157.98718 22.64395 -158.00467 22.68428 -157.96963 22.66886 -157.98711 22.66412 -157.95895 22.66353 -157.96089 22.6452 -157.98593 22.6582 -157.96889 22.65071 -157.97428 22.66923 -157.92637 22.75428 -157.90948 22.75405 -157.86266 22.61004 -158.16956 21.98025 -158.33143 21.58299 -158.2t8556 21.39598 -158.13241 21.24862 -157.90885 21.24785 -157.88966 21.25447 -157.86758 21.30239 -157.88639 21.3154 Cruise Start and End 2011-01-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu w http://doi.org/10.7284/903676 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903676 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM1102A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1102A Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33384 -157.86182 21.24555 22.78183 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31543 -157.86691 21.30332 -157.87643 21.28806 -157.95402 21.24615 -158.14974 21.24808 -158.27519 21.34506 -158.33383 21.57329 -157.999 22.66779 -158.03504 22.71071 -158 22.75055 -157.88601 22.72628 -157.88299 22.71441 -158.00007 22.74967 -157.8855 22.77054 -157.88769 22.78183 -158.00404 22.74979 -157.97792 22.74968 -157.88872 22.70018 -157.93003 22.7099 -157.95665 22.65383 -157.94588 22.6476 -157.99477 22.66407 -157.9991 22.68358 -157.9871 22.67923 -157.98718 22.64395 -158.00467 22.68428 -157.96963 22.66886 -157.98711 22.66412 -157.95895 22.66353 -157.96089 22.6452 -157.98593 22.6582 -157.96889 22.65071 -157.97428 22.66923 -157.92637 22.75428 -157.90948 22.75405 -157.86266 22.61004 -158.16956 21.98025 -158.33143 21.58299 -158.28556 21.39598 -158.13241 21.24862 -157.90885 21.24785 -157.88966 21.25447 -157.86758 21.30239 -157.88639 21.3154 Cruise Start and End 2011-01-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903676 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.78, -157.86 22.78, -157.86 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 11Ub=1+M5Q%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903677gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903677 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1103 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1103</gmx:Anchor> Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33895 -154.21231 18.79480  21.76786 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86698 21.30276 -157.89445 21.246 -157.82529 21.19633 -157.67387 21.21394 -157.5509 21.28338 -157.55106 21.33371 -157.68441 21.40885 -157.64579 21.41587 -157.65013 21.52446 -157.72588 21.525 -157.75129 21.51191 -157.72427 21.52489 -157.44923 21.40465 -157.39234 20.98394 -157.07947 20.38536 -156.54966 19.84004 -156.36511 20.26937 -156.00028 20.28758 -155.91943 20.61254 -155.16638 20.59822 -154.45376 20.34849 -154.35975 20.35214 -154.32356 20.28577 -154.22454 20.23319 -154.21328 20.03455 -154.23225 19.89642 -154.3709 19.40966 -154.89373 19.17396 -154.94093 19.15906 -154.96981 19.20436 -154.87992 19.1546 -154.86835 19.16467 -155.00762 19.2587 -155.02239 19.29124 -155.15976 19.22576 -155.00936 19.08936 -155.61068 18.7948 -155.93202 18.9987 -156.10401 19.39973 -156.59785 19.39941 -156.59827 18.99698 -156.10296 19.00039 -156.10115 19.0598 -155.99896 19.1611 -156.12723 19.69262 -156.15422 19.70495 -156.14202 19.72269 -156.14192 20.07816 -156.11316 20.13208 -156.14986 20.29981 -156.34889 20.53232 -156.04883 20.59968 -155.79777 20.50404 -155.99997 20.99526 -156.88526 21.32341 -156.89902 21.19199 -156.88256 21.27807 -156.83455 21.39176 -156.88989 21.24365 -156.86423 21.27321 -156.88747 21.28871 -156.88557 21.30867 -157.72226 21.49035 -157.72875 21.50066 -157.69242 21.53048 -157.73583 21.51808 -157.76 21.4804 -157.72793 21.53359 -157.71789 21.59531 -157.64673 21.69035 -157.71847 21.58663 -157.66702 21.66777 -157.64639 21.6672 -157.77124 21.50452 -157.78437 21.52394 -157.71947 21.58609 -157.66684 21.68116 -157.9485 21.76667 -158.05591 21.76328 -158.33741 21.60327 -158.26861 21.33668 -158.14774 21.24632 -157.89866 21.24667 -157.89232 21.25804 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-02-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903677 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882  magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903677 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1103 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1103 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33895 -154.21231 18.79480 21.76786 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86698 21.30276 -157.89445 21.246 -157.82529 21.19633 -157.67387 21.21394 -157.5509 21.28338 -157.55106 21.33371 -157.68441 21.40885 -157.64579 21.41587 -157.65013 21.52446 -157.72588 21.525 -157.75129 21.51191 -157.72427 21.52489 -157.44923 21.40465 -157.39234 20.98394 -157.07947 20.38536 -156.54966 19.84004 -156.36511 20.26937 -156.00028 20.28758 -155.91943 20.61254 -155.16638 20.59822 -154.45376 20.34849 -154.35975 20.35214 -154.32356 20.28577 -154.22454 20.23319 -154.21328 20.03455 -154.23225 19.89642 -154.3709 19.40966 -154.89373 19.17396 -154.94093 19.15906 -154.96981 19.20436 -154.87992 19.1546 -154.86835 19.16467 -155.00762 19.2587 -155.02239 19.29124 -155.15976 19.22576 -155.00936 19.08936 -155.61068 18.7948 -155.93202 18.9987 -156.10401 19.39973 -156.59785 19.39941 -156.59827 18.99698 -156.10296 19.00039 -156.10115 19.0598 -155.99896 19.1611 -156.12723 19.69262 -156.15422 19.70495 -156.14202 19.72269 -156.14192 20.07816 -156.11316 20.13208 -156.14986 20.29981 -156.34889 20.53232 -156.04883 20.59968 -155.79777 20.50404 -155.99997 20.99526 -156.88526 21.32341 -156.89902 21.19199 -156.88256 21.27807 -156.83455 21.39176 -156.88989 21.24365 -156.86423 21.27321 -156.88747 21.28871 -156.88557 21.30867 -157.72226 21.49035 -157.72875 21.50066 -157.69242 21.53048 -157.73583 21.51808 -157.76 21.4804 -157.72793 21.53359 -157.71789 21.59531 -157.64673 21.69035 -157.71847 21.58663 -157.66702 21.66777 -157.64639 21.6672 -157.77124 21.50452 -157.78437 21.52394 -157.71947 21.58609 -157.66684 21.68116 -157.9485 21.76667 -158.05591 21.76328 -158.33741 21.60327 -158.26861 21.33668 -158.14774 21.24632 -157.89866 21.24667 -157.89232 21.25804 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-02-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903677 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 18.79, -158.34 21.77, -154.21 21.77, -154.21 18.79, -158.34 18.79))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactg/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903678 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1104 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1104  Coring Ericksen, Todd University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.14210 -157.86726 21.14886  21.31577 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31543 -157.86776 21.30115 -157.9283 21.21412 -158.08937 21.14886 -158.13222 21.19703 -158.12186 21.19279 -158.13862 21.1947 -158.12116 21.20256 -158.1418 21.18868 -158.05696 21.19994 -158.09235 21.19952 -158.09372 21.16139 -158.09501 21.19474 -158.07647 21.206 -157.89757 21.24722 -157.86768 21.30216 -157.88633 21.31544 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-02-15  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903678 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field  Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903678 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1104 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1104 Coring Ericksen, Todd University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.14210 -157.86726 21.14886 21.31577 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31543 -157.86776 21.30115 -157.9283 21.21412 -158.08937 21.14886 -158.13222 21.19703 -158.12186 21.19279 -158.13862 21.1947 -158.12116 21.20256 -158.1418 21.18868 -158.05696 21.19994 -158.09235 21.19952 -158.09372 21.16139 -158.09501 21.19474 -158.07647 21.206 -157.89757 21.24722 -157.86768 21.30216 -157.88633 21.31544 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-02-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903678 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionCoringEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.14 21.15, -158.14 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 21.15, -158.14 21.15))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact =d=1+M59w%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903679gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903679 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1106 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1106 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90409 -152.99874 21.19496 23.77533 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31543 -157.86707 21.3024 -157.90406 21.26008 -157.83527 21.19633 -157.665 21.21464 -157.41319 21.33588 -157.22334 21.49501 -157.10794 21.55649 -155.59904 22.25369 -155.41986 22.41361 -155.05008 22.54184 -155.02199 22.57142 -155.66656 22.42159 -156.07445 22.47083 -155.02937 22.68833 -155.05486 22.80845 -156.04993 22.58338 -156.06324 22.70726 -154.4723 23.07559 -153.83292 23.1819 -153.029 23.4506 -153.00172 23.46223 -153.00024 23.77469 -153.61604 23.62852 -153.61315 23.50907 -153.08504 23.63296 -153.08107 23.51499 -153.0962 23.50673 -155.95378 22.85233 -157.21536 21.50172 -157.40264 21.34466 -157.66634 21.21436 -157.82155 21.19601 -157.89435 21.24859 -157.86788 21.3012 -157.88662 21.3154 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-02-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903679  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer  raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc.  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 </gmd:code> ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903679 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1106 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1106 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90409 -152.99874 21.19496 23.77533 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31543 -157.86707 21.3024 -157.90406 21.26008 -157.83527 21.19633 -157.665 21.21464 -157.41319 21.33588 -157.22334 21.49501 -157.10794 21.55649 -155.59904 22.25369 -155.41986 22.41361 -155.05008 22.54184 -155.02199 22.57142 -155.66656 22.42159 -156.07445 22.47083 -155.02937 22.68833 -155.05486 22.80845 -156.04993 22.58338 -156.06324 22.70726 -154.4723 23.07559 -153.83292 23.1819 -153.029 23.4506 -153.00172 23.46223 -153.00024 23.77469 -153.61604 23.62852 -153.61315 23.50907 -153.08504 23.63296 -153.08107 23.51499 -153.0962 23.50673 -155.95378 22.85233 -157.21536 21.50172 -157.40264 21.34466 -157.66634 21.21436 -157.82155 21.19601 -157.89435 21.24859 -157.86788 21.3012 -157.88662 21.3154 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-02-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903679 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 21.19, -157.90 23.78, -153.00 23.78, -153.00 21.19, -157.90 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903680 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1107 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1107 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33223 -157.86711 21.24549 22.75922 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31541 -157.8679 21.30046 -157.9265 21.24854 -158.10391 21.24631 -158.30971 21.57779 -158.09141 21.65737 -157.98522 21.7505 -157.97193 21.87204 -157.99056 22.0879 -158.00059 22.74922 -157.92355 22.75921 -158.00059 22.49608 -158.00104 22.23263 -158.33211 21.58081 -158.27243 21.3457 -158.15388 21.26454 -158.11458 21.24768 -158.00014 21.24672 -157.96009 21.285 -157.89888 21.28413 -157.89355 21.25387 -157.8677 21.30209 -157.88629 21.31569  Cruise Start and End 2011-02-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2011-02-25  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903680 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus  Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter  raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field doi:10.7284/903680 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gri dded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1107 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1107 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33223 -157.86711 21.24549 22.75922 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31541 -157.8679 21.30046 -157.9265 21.24854 -158.10391 21.24631 -158.30971 21.57779 -158.09141 21.65737 -157.98522 21.7505 -157.97193 21.87204 -157.99056 22.0879 -158.00059 22.74922 -157.92355 22.75921 -158.00059 22.49608 -158.00104 22.23263 -158.33211 21.58081 -158.27243 21.3457 -158.15388 21.26454 -158.11458 21.24768 -158.00014 21.24672 -157.96009 21.285 -157.89888 21.28413 -157.89355 21.25387 -157.8677 21.30209 -157.88629 21.31569  Cruise Start and End 2011-02-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-02-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903680 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact e=1+M5a%)9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903680gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903681 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1108 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM1108 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36459 -157.86769 21.24404 22.84690 coordinates of ship track  -157.88662 21.31542 -157.86795 21.30158 -157.90942 21.24538 -158.20453 21.25218 -158.27354 21.34322 -158.33294 21.58166 -158.16691 22.16619 -157.99408 22.68494 -158.00041 22.71738 -158.03689 22.717 -157.99833 22.75644 -158.06223 22.84669 -157.98904 22.74367 -158.00542 22.64329 -158.03946 22.67451 -158.03922 22.6618 -157.99357 22.75223 -157.99729 22.71052 -158.07293 22.66247 -158.00992 22.73789 -158.11186 22.73371 -158.12037 22.74735 -157.98865 22.75478 -158.05788 22.60335 -158.06339 22.62995 -158.12759 22.7063 -157.91195 22.75271 -157.92797 22.7496 -157.91468 22.75408 -158.36412 21.84943 -158.33735 21.56222 -158.27212 21.34484 -158.15069 21.24817 -157.89862 21.25184 -157.86778 21.30162 -157.88495 21.31535 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-03-03  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903681 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. ! multibeam raw " International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongs'berg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903681 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1108 on RV (Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1108 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36459 -157.86769 21.24404 22.84690 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31542 -157.86795 21.30158 -157.90942 21.24538 -158.20453 21.25218 -158.27354 21.34322 -158.33294 21.58166 -158.16691 22.16619 -157.99408 22.68494 -158.00041 22.71738 -158.03689 22.717 -157.99833 22.75644 -158.06223 22.84669 -157.98904 22.74367 -158.00542 22.64329 -158.03946 22.67451 -158.03922 22.6618 -157.99357 22.75223 -157.99729 22.71052 -158.07293 22.66247 -158.00992 22.73789 -158.11186 22.73371 -158.12037 22.74735 -157.98865 22.75478 -158.05788 22.60335 -158.06339 22.62995 -15)8.12759 22.7063 -157.91195 22.75271 -157.92797 22.7496 -157.91468 22.75408 -158.36412 21.84943 -158.33735 21.56222 -158.27212 21.34484 -158.15069 21.24817 -157.89862 21.25184 -157.86778 21.30162 -157.88495 21.31535 Cruise Start and End 2011-02-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-03-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903681 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact //Tf=1+M5gY%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903681gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903682 eng utf8 - fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us . pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1109 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1109 Student Cruise 0 Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Chan2ge Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.58525 -157.86730 21.17298 21.47936 4 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86786 21.30086 -157.93762 21.21732 -158.10862 21.25054 -158.15697 21.23345 -158.1689 21.24524 -158.32777 21.24502 -158.34583 21.26947 -158.30094 21.41392 -158.34115 21.41693 -158.34132 21.24689 -158.09983 21.24519 -158.166 21.22628 -158.26177 21.31755 -158.40443 21.33319 -158.25636 21.4519 -158.26953 21.43081 -158.34044 21.45286 -158.38216 21.44778 -158.44129 21.47893 -158.47375 21.47483 -158.28968 21.39774 -158.25334 21.32719 -158.23621 21.44491 -158.21764 21.44692 -158.25539 251.45588 -158.26615 21.44199 -158.25623 21.45185 -158.22101 21.40387 -158.25626 21.45166 -158.39613 21.29482 -158.4239 21.29014 -158.35365 21.33269 -158.40637 21.31525 -158.47203 21.38331 -158.33577 21.40272 -158.22977 21.44251 -158.21811 21.40348 -158.33907 21.41066 -158.35715 21.43804 -158.46669 21.39278 -158.49635 21.36119 -158.56325 21.39591 -158.58228 21.38058 -158.21902 21.44798 -158.26301 21.44779 -158.2248 21.44265 -158.22091 21.40364 -158.31633 21.40713 -158.3197 21.43486 -158.44809 21.38473 -158.43513 21.43615 -158.58509 21.17345 -158.5536 21.26319 -158.56224 21.28216 -158.30185 21.4152 -158.22118 21.40424 -158.33528 21.42283 -158.35695 21.46853 -158.45532 21.41354 -158.43866 21.47425 -158.15127 21.24874 -157.90257 21.24466 -157.86761 21.30182 -157.8863 21.31567 6 Cruise Start and End 2011-03-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List 7 Honolulu 2011-03-10 8 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903682 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw > L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw ? Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. i@ns raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw B Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw C International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational fieHld Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) I Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903682 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded Kdata ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1109 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1109 Student Cruise Taylor, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.58525 -157.86730 21.17298 21.47936 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86786 21.30086 -157.93762 21.21732 -158.10862 21.25054 -158.15697 21.23345 -158.1689 21.24524 -158.32777 21.24502 -158.34583 21.26947 -158.30094 21.41392 -158.34115 21.41693 -158.34132 21.24689 -158.09983 21.24519 -158.166 21.22628 -158.26177 21.31755 -158.40443 21.33319 -158.25636 21.4519 -158.26953 21.43081 -158.34044 21.45286 -158.38216 21.44778 -158.44129 21.47893 -158.47375 21.47483 -158.28968 21.39774 -158.25334 21.32719 -158.L23621 21.44491 -158.21764 21.44692 -158.25539 21.45588 -158.26615 21.44199 -158.25623 21.45185 -158.22101 21.40387 -158.25626 21.45166 -158.39613 21.29482 -158.4239 21.29014 -158.35365 21.33269 -158.40637 21.31525 -158.47203 21.38331 -158.33577 21.40272 -158.22977 21.44251 -158.21811 21.40348 -158.33907 21.41066 -158.35715 21.43804 -158.46669 21.39278 -158.49635 21.36119 -158.56325 21.39591 -158.58228 21.38058 -158.21902 21.44798 -158.26301 21.44779 -158.2248 21.44265 -158.22091 21.40364 -158.31633 21.40713 -158.3197 21.43486 -158.44809 21.38473 -158.43513 21.43615 -158.58509 21.17345 -158.5536 21.26319 -158.56224 21.28216 -158.30185 21.4152 -158.22118 21.40424 -158.33528 21.42283 -158.35695 21.46853 -158.45532 21.41354 -158.43866 21.47425 -158.15127 21.24874 -157.90257 21.24466 -157.86761 21.30182 -157.8863 21.31567 Cruise Start and End 2011-03-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-03-10 University-NMational Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903682 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionStudent CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.59 21.17, -158.59 21.48, -157.87 21.48, -157.87 21.17, -158.59 21.17))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact #$#Mi<1+M59G%#9 !! [)doi:10.7284/900787gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/904072 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1110 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published U KM1110 Oceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.47147 -157.86223 21.24614 22.91859 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.3154 -157.86771 21.30163 -157.9074 21.25461 -Z158.14698 21.24879 -158.27761 21.35067 -158.33267 21.57895 -157.99717 22.74855 -158.10265 22.78106 -158.10893 22.79474 -157.99852 22.74937 -157.99169 22.83389 -157.99998 22.7498 -157.8846 22.75272 -158.00038 22.7496 -158.02693 22.77185 -158.00214 22.77109 -157.99571 22.87348 -158.00251 22.75542 -158.01577 22.751 -158.03355 22.77553 -158.02713 22.83204 -158.03839 22.84704 -158.04417 22.78587 -158.0152 22.77989 -158.01228 22.84857 -157.98223 22.8502 -158.0025 22.85829 -157.99993 22.74984 -158.04027 22.7977 -158.02181 22.79868 -157.99975 22.75012 -158.00312 22.87709 -158.00106 22.74931 -158.00508 22.85215 -157.99123 22.85361 -158.00053 22.74958 -158.00648 22.86526 -158.05345 22.91852 -158.00165 22.75008 -157.93944 22.74489 -157.96624 22.75325 -157.96066 22.7906 -158.04452 22.88622 -158.02011 22.81501 -157.969 22.74937 -158.12327 22.75121 -157.91756 22.74793 -158.03735 22.70797 -158.02036 22.72688 -157.97242 22.71538 -157.8985 22.6692 -158.00198 22.74811 -157.93813 22.73178 -157.99897 22.74903 -157.8624 22.74[602 -157.90477 22.75331 -158.03227 22.72128 -158.02065 22.72089 -158.02334 22.70396 -158.33477 21.58885 -158.29968 21.45339 -158.22411 21.44288 -158.27973 21.4518 -158.30381 21.47246 -158.33271 21.58446 -158.00108 22.75126 -157.88129 22.75363 -158.10484 22.7347 -158.00006 22.75009 -157.98006 22.73916 -157.8819 22.76455 -158.03182 22.74635 -157.99195 22.75252 -158.01579 22.74863 -158.00004 22.75 -158.02734 22.72661 -157.98864 22.74929 -158.18466 22.63017 -157.99584 22.75013 -158.11492 22.73342 -157.98568 22.74949 -158.1227 22.73772 -158.12593 22.75132 -158.09778 22.74833 -158.26703 22.50697 -158.3448 22.49984 -158.23541 22.50752 -158.28432 22.5055 -158.22935 22.4892 -158.29628 22.48503 -158.26485 22.49718 -158.27203 22.48279 -158.31225 22.49059 -158.39894 22.46705 -158.30358 22.48733 -158.29208 22.46411 -158.23005 22.47497 -158.41637 22.39451 -158.36529 22.4279 -158.25842 22.43412 -158.3362 22.4349 -158.47143 22.37562 -158.32781 22.43532 -158.39571 22.41891 -158.33219 22.43123 -158.33498 22.06274 -158.3751\5 22.00627 -158.35085 21.84498 -158.34283 21.57142 -158.27527 21.34839 -158.14872 21.24767 -157.91959 21.24641 -157.86846 21.30008 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2011-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu _ http://doi.org/10.7284/904072 collectionSes`sion Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw c L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 f Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw <g/gmd:source> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp j (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field k Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) l Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field doi:10.7284/904072 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Progrmam info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1110 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1110 Oceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.47147 -157.86223 21.24614 22.91859 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.3154 -157.86771 21.30163 -157.9074 21.25461 -158.14698 21.24879 -158.27761 21.35067 -158.33267 21.57895 -157.99717 22.74855 -158.10265 22.78106 -158.10893 22.79474 -157.99852 22.74937 -157.99169 22.83389 -157.n99998 22.7498 -157.8846 22.75272 -158.00038 22.7496 -158.02693 22.77185 -158.00214 22.77109 -157.99571 22.87348 -158.00251 22.75542 -158.01577 22.751 -158.03355 22.77553 -158.02713 22.83204 -158.03839 22.84704 -158.04417 22.78587 -158.0152 22.77989 -158.01228 22.84857 -157.98223 22.8502 -158.0025 22.85829 -157.99993 22.74984 -158.04027 22.7977 -158.02181 22.79868 -157.99975 22.75012 -158.00312 22.87709 -158.00106 22.74931 -158.00508 22.85215 -157.99123 22.85361 -158.00053 22.74958 -158.00648 22.86526 -158.05345 22.91852 -158.00165 22.75008 -157.93944 22.74489 -157.96624 22.75325 -157.96066 22.7906 -158.04452 22.88622 -158.02011 22.81501 -157.969 22.74937 -158.12327 22.75121 -157.91756 22.74793 -158.03735 22.70797 -158.02036 22.72688 -157.97242 22.71538 -157.8985 22.6692 -158.00198 22.74811 -157.93813 22.73178 -157.99897 22.74903 -157.8624 22.74602 -157.90477 22.75331 -158.03227 22.72128 -158.02065 22.72089 -158.02334 22.70396 -158.33477 21.58885 -158.29968 21.45339 -158.22411 21.44288 -158.27973 21.4518 -o158.30381 21.47246 -158.33271 21.58446 -158.00108 22.75126 -157.88129 22.75363 -158.10484 22.7347 -158.00006 22.75009 -157.98006 22.73916 -157.8819 22.76455 -158.03182 22.74635 -157.99195 22.75252 -158.01579 22.74863 -158.00004 22.75 -158.02734 22.72661 -157.98864 22.74929 -158.18466 22.63017 -157.99584 22.75013 -158.11492 22.73342 -157.98568 22.74949 -158.1227 22.73772 -158.12593 22.75132 -158.09778 22.74833 -158.26703 22.50697 -158.3448 22.49984 -158.23541 22.50752 -158.28432 22.5055 -158.22935 22.4892 -158.29628 22.48503 -158.26485 22.49718 -158.27203 22.48279 -158.31225 22.49059 -158.39894 22.46705 -158.30358 22.48733 -158.29208 22.46411 -158.23005 22.47497 -158.41637 22.39451 -158.36529 22.4279 -158.25842 22.43412 -158.3362 22.4349 -158.47143 22.37562 -158.32781 22.43532 -158.39571 22.41891 -158.33219 22.43123 -158.33498 22.06274 -158.37515 22.00627 -158.35085 21.84498 -158.34283 21.57142 -158.27527 21.34839 -158.14872 21.24767 -157.91959 21.24641 -157.86846 21.30008 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruispe Start and End 2011-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904072 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionOceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.47 21.25, -158.47 22.92, -157.86 22.92, -157.86 21.25, -158.47 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact H $0<HT`lx ,8DP\ht(4@LXdp| oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans s/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/900787 eng utf8<t/gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode> fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program u info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) v Cruise KM1111 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1111 Maintenance Winslow, Stan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. zeng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End { 2011-03-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-03-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List } Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900787 ~ collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator doi:10.7284/900787 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1111 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1111 Maintenance Winslow, Stan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2011-03-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-03-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900787 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMaintenanceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  (D`|$@\x <Xt99EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903683 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1112 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1112 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.99855  -157.86728 20.84040 22.77512 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31575 -157.86789 21.30096 -157.92044 21.24684 -158.14815 21.24551 -158.58131 21.64026 -158.02036 22.73796 -158.03008 22.77511 -158.02682 22.65249 -158.03818 22.65607 -158.02456 22.74886 -158.61276 21.57388 -158.99854 20.84317 -158.56479 21.66705 -158.01465 22.7661 -158.98769 20.84742 -157.89239 21.25923 Cruise Start and End 2011-04-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-04-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903683 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter  raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882  Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw </gmi:LE_ProcessStep> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field doi:10.7284/903683 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1112 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1112 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.99855 -157.86728 20.84040 22.77512 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31575 -157.86789 21.30096 -157.92044 21.24684 -158.14815 21.24551 -158.58131 21.64026 -158.02036 22.73796 -158.03008 22.77511 -158.02682 22.65249 -158.03818 22.65607 -158.02456 22.74886 -158.61276 21.57388 -158.99854 20.84317 -158.56479 21.66705 -158.01465 22.7661 -158.98769 20.84742 -157.89239 21.25923 Cruise Start and End 2011-04-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-04-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903683 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionThe Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) ProfilerEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.00 20.84, -159.00 22.78, -157.87 22.78, -157.87 20.84, -159.00 20.84))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Nk=1+M5%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903684gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903684 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1113 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1113 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33233 -157.86682 21.24470 23.03106 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86689 21.30375 -157.87424 21.29037 -157.94261 21.24689 -158.11406 21.24679 -158.17292 21.26422 -158.27648 21.34216 -158.33115 21.57512 -158.00539 22.68446 -157.98833 22.6839 -158.00051 22.66679 -158.00226 22.74789 -157.87993 22.7258 -157.99967 22.75359 -158.12067 22.73324 -158.1182 22.75939 -158.08503 22.75667 -158.09948 22.78084 -158.06509 22.77034 -158.09836 22.79867 -158.00015 22.74193 -158.11863 22.74566 -157.99983 22.75031 -157.9218 22.66777 -157.94837 22.68084 -158.11769 23.03104 -158.11084 23.02032 -158.1692 22.93215 -158.19507 22.90213 -158.21746 22.91013 -158.22154 22.89841 -157.99103 22.80237 -157.9068 22.78814 -157.93515 22.782 -158.33226 21.58205 -158.27251 21.34442 -158.15123 21.24774 -157.89036 21.2578 -157.86792 21.30148 -157.87947 21.31395 Cruise Start and End  2011-04-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2011-04-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903684 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882  magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903684 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1113 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1113 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33233 -157.86682 21.24470 23.03106 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86689 21.30375 -157.87424 21.29037 -157.94261 21.24689 -158.11406 21.24679 -158.17292 21.26422 -158.27648 21.34216 -158.33115 21.57512 -158.00539 22.68446 -157.98833 22.6839 -158.00051 22.66679 -158.00226 22.74789 -157.87993 22.7258 -157.99967 22.75359 -158.12067 22.73324 -158.1182 22.75939 -158.08503 22.75667 -158.09948 22.78084 -158.06509 22.77034 -158.09836 22.79867 -158.00015 22.74193 -158.11863 22.74566 -157.99983 22.75031 -157.9218 22.66777 -157.94837 22.68084 -158.11769 23.03104 -158.11084 23.02032 -158.1692 22.93215 -158.19507 22.90213 -158.21746 22.91013 -158.22154 22.89841 -157.99103 22.80237 -157.9068 22.78814 -157.93515 22.782 -158.33226 21.58205 -158.27251 21.34442 -158.15123 21.24774 -157.89036 21.2578 -157.86792 21.30148 -157.87947 21.31395  Cruise Start and End 2011-04-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-04-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903684 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 23.03, -157.87 23.03, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/904112 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1115 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM1115 EXperiment on Internal Tide Scattering (EXITS), Leg 3 Johnston, Shaun Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -168.67162 -157.86704 16.92418 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86705 21.30304 -157.88602 21.27781 -158.00418 21.22208 -159.54388 21.18351 -159.63771 21.13581 -168.31428 17.97051 -168.43189 17.94063 -168.34762 17.95782 -168.58663 17.296 -168.60817 17.29891 -168.56744 17.27448 -168.6249 17.26526 -168.56214 16.94299 -168.61986 16.92471 -168.58746 16.92894 -168.56808 17.12192 -168.59085 17.04638 -168.58172 17.03982 -168.59393 17.06994 -168.58422 17.04764 -168.59623 17.04605 -168.45207 16.9454 -168.48022 16.94781 -168.45605 16.94736 -168.46203 16.95662 -168.46066 16.94515 -168.47922 16.94717 -168.65069 17.06623 -168.67162 17.06593 -168.56272 16.95867 -168.5341 16.95008 -168.5322 16.96238 -168.52853 16.9475 -168.5487 16.94815 -168.49416 17.23948 -168.47769 17.23858 -168.49423 17.24452 -162.29839 19.60312 -158.02898 21.20062 -157.88334 21.2758 -157.86808 21.30237 -157.88599 21.31539 Cruise Start and End 2011-04-26  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/904112 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins </gmi:type> determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/904112 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1115 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1115 EXperiment on Internal Tide Scattering (EXITS), Leg 3 Johnston, Shaun Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -168.67162 -157.86704 16.92418 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86705 21.30304 -157.88602 21.27781 -158.00418 21.22208 -159.54388 21.18351 -159.63771 21.13581 -168.31428 17.97051 -168.43189 17.94063 -168.34762 17.95782 -168.58663 17.296 -168.60817 17.29891 -168.56744 17.27448 -168.6249 17.26526 -168.56214 16.94299 -168.61986 16.92471 -168.58746 16.92894 -168.56808 17.12192 -168.59085 17.04638 -168.58172 17.03982 -168.59393 17.06994 -168.58422 17.04764 -168.59623 17.04605 -168.45207 16.9454 -168.48022 16.94781 -168.45605 16.94736 -168.46203 16.95662 -168.46066 16.94515 -168.47922 16.94717 -168.65069 17.06623 -168.67162 17.06593 -168.56272 16.95867 -168.5341 16.95008 -168.5322 16.96238 -168.52853 16.9475 -168.5487 16.94815 -168.49416 17.23948 -168.47769 17.23858 -168.49423 17.24452 -162.29839 19.60312 -158.02898 21.20062 -157.88334 21.2758 -157.86808 21.30237 -157.88599 21.31539 Cruise Start and End 2011-04-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904112 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionEXperiment on Internal Tide Scattering (EXITS), Leg 3EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-168.67 16.92, -168.67 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 16.92, -168.67 16.92))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact pl=1+M5G%w9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/904112gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903685 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1116 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1116 ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng  oceans geoscientificInformation -158.90278 -157.44157 21.21483 22.80690 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86768 21.30391 -157.87405 21.29003 -157.9228 21.23892 -157.96922 21.21616 -158.13613 21.23943 -158.63174 21.57294 -158.6646 21.6888 -158.68172 21.68802 -158.7002 21.61439 -158.68798 21.63749 -158.63754 21.42799 -158.44311 22.16619 -158.01076 22.73892 -157.44163 22.67968 -157.99402 22.34882 -157.93604 22.63803 -157.92669 22.7587 -157.91637 22.74901 -158.01172 22.73629 -158.00021 22.74249 -158.58219 22.72123 -158.5815 22.56437 -158.00231 22.73725 -158.74785 22.3128 -158.90277 21.5655 -158.83554 21.97254 -158.79347 21.902 -158.65631 22.30956 -158.81519 21.47649 -158.71729 21.53532 -158.7332 21.56846 -158.71274 21.58835 -158.7337 21.42166 -158.5724 22.22584 -158.40901 22.13911 -158.53566 21.45171 -158.47254 21.44001 -158.44281 21.4704 -158.32094 22.13337 -158.01146 22.74066 -157.89455 22.76635 -157.90813 22.79489 -157.92093 22.77695 -157.92419 22.79354 -158.01654 22.74376 -157.99839 22.73783 -158.00999 22.7396 -158.00003 22.73863 -158.18882 22.3067 -158.22951 22.08858 -158.21716 22.0881 -158.36258 21.36314 -158.47177 21.52563 -158.46924 21.54492 -158.05527 22.66075 -158.01175 22.73701 -157.92512 22.77115 -157.9005 22.80009 -157.91271 22.79392 -157.91171 22.80686 -158.01229 22.74443 -157.98887 22.74037 -158.00853 22.74308 -157.99847 22.7372 -158.3329 21.58419 -158.27304 21.34463 -158.15297 21.249 -157.95239 21.24697 -157.88245 21.27678 -157.86766 21.30301 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2011-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-06-07  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903685 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device.  magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes)  Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field  Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903685 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1116 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1116 ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.90278 -157.44157 21.21483 22.80690 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86768 21.30391 -157.87405 21.29003 -157.9228 21.23892 -157.96922 21.21616 -158.13613 21.23943 -158.63174 21.57294 -158.6646 21.6888 -158.68172 21.68802 -158.7002 21.61439 -158.68798 21.63749 -158.63754 21.42799 -158.44311 22.16619 -158.01076 22.73892 -157.44163 22.67968 -157.99402 22.34882 -157.93604 22.63803 -157.92669 22.7587 -157.91637 22.74901 -158.01172 22.73629 -158.00021 22.74249 -158.58219 22.72123 -158.5815 22.56437 -158.00231 22.73725 -158.74785 22.3128 -158.90277 21.5655 -158.83554 21.97254 -158.79347 21.902 -158.65631 22.30956 -158.81519 21.47649 -158.71729 21.53532 -158.7332 21.56846 -158.71274 21.58835 -158.7337 21.42166 -158.5724 22.22584 -158.40901 22.13911 -158.53566 21.45171 -158.47254 21.44001 -158.44281 21.4704 -158.32094 22.13337 -158.01146 22.74066 -157.89455 22.76635 -157.90813 22.79489 -157.92093 22.77695 -157.92419 22.79354 -158.01654 22.74376 -157.99839 22.73783 -158.00999 22.7396 -158.00003 22.73863 -158.18882 22.3067 -158.22951 22.08858 -158.21716 22.0881 -158.36258 21.36314 -158.47177 21.52563 -158.46924 21.54492 -158.05527 22.66075 -158.01175 22.73701 -157.92512 22.77115 -157.9005 22.80009 -157.91271 22.79392 -157.91171 22.80686 -158.01229 22.74443 -157.98887 22.74037 -158.00853 22.74308 -157.99847 22.7372 -158.3329 21.58419 -158.27304 21.34463 -158.15297 21.249 -157.95239 21.24697 -157.88245 21.27678 -157.86766 21.30301 -157.8863 21.3157  Cruise Start and End 2011-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-06-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903685 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.90 21.21, -158.90 22.81, -157.44 22.81, -157.44 21.21, -158.90 21.21))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ,@,o=1+M5C{%W9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903687gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww`n<1+M5KU%)9 !! [)doi:10.7284/903522gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903522 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM1116A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1116A NSF Inspection Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End <gml:timePosition>2011-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903522 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii <gmd:contactInfo/> operator doi:10.7284/903522 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1116A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1116A NSF Inspection Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2011-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903522 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionNSF InspectionEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903687 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1117 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1117 C-MORE 2011 Summer Course (Agouron-7) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.87030 -157.86759 21.17536 22.85400 coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End ! 2011-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu " 2011-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List # Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903687 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw & RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List ( Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities * RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities doi:10.7284/903687 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us + pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1117 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1117 C-MORE 2011 Summer Course (Agouron-7) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.87030 -157.86759 21.17536 22.85400 coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2011-06-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903687 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities engfieldSessionC-MORE 2011 Summer Course (Agouron-7)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.87 21.18, -159.87 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.18, -159.87 21.18))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact-w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903688 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1119 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published 1 KM1119 PMRF Acoustic Comms Hodgkiss, William Scripps Insti2tution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.99010 -157.86736 21.24312 22.32077 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31573 -157.86741 21.30231 -157.90905 21.24773 -158.14244 21.24735 -159.6633 21.7801 -159.83417 21.91844 6-159.83469 22.09909 -159.78426 22.17055 -159.77728 22.16267 -159.8046 22.14159 -159.78751 22.17317 -159.81408 22.13936 -159.80652 22.12826 -159.79607 22.14482 -159.80831 22.13021 -159.8142 22.15639 -159.78527 22.16061 -159.81105 22.13864 -159.83675 22.00499 -159.84259 21.9545 -159.82363 21.92122 -159.83924 21.91613 -159.82016 21.91354 -159.85284 21.90278 -159.79835 21.88798 -159.82396 21.90304 -159.82232 22.14427 -159.76427 22.18941 -159.79957 22.16156 -159.83494 22.0782 -159.83402 22.01428 -159.81425 21.95445 -159.8007 21.95195 -159.80737 21.93353 -159.81778 22.076 -159.80246 22.14069 -159.76938 22.18051 -159.81841 22.14793 -159.82359 22.1098 -159.81283 22.10749 -159.8283 22.10297 -159.81668 22.11479 -159.83098 22.10558 -159.85644 22.16278 -159.94301 22.24577 -159.94235 22.26106 -159.84796 22.16212 -159.80656 22.13858 -159.79987 22.1492 -159.8235 22.10857 -159.83133 22.01072 -159.82084 21.97634 -159.81053 21.99815 -159.7686 21.96425 -159.81244 21.99361 -159.77414 21.96855 -159.80023 21.98908 -159.81752 272.03361 -159.80412 22.12739 -159.81596 22.14004 -159.8002 22.14206 -159.80389 22.12775 -159.78625 22.16655 -159.82475 22.12338 -159.83718 22.05532 -159.82646 22.00466 -159.80682 21.9877 -159.81465 22.12491 -159.81858 22.03362 -159.79875 22.15836 -159.77177 22.1808 -159.79789 22.16378 -159.83479 22.05408 -159.81409 21.99398 -159.77306 21.96826 -159.81057 22.00092 -159.81856 22.06119 -159.79492 22.1529 -159.81112 22.14734 -159.76526 22.18397 -159.81047 22.12501 -159.80334 22.14385 -159.91964 22.30919 -159.81284 22.14879 -159.80269 22.14205 -159.78673 22.1672 -159.81015 22.12517 -159.80224 22.15643 -159.76744 22.18406 -159.79197 22.1705 -159.78625 22.15601 -159.80809 22.15193 -159.77408 22.18336 -159.81062 22.12452 -159.80333 22.15462 -159.77099 22.18048 -159.81032 22.16054 -159.85267 22.09876 -159.86696 21.78252 -159.69475 21.94999 -159.78395 21.94272 -159.81089 21.96854 -159.83381 22.06442 -159.81552 22.13144 -159.80008 22.14764 -159.80838 22.11531 -159.79527 22.14261 -159.81001 22.12508 -159.80293 22.153787 -159.8135 22.15169 -159.80029 22.14475 -159.81399 22.13092 -159.82005 22.04628 -159.79984 21.99167 -159.89279 21.99207 -159.7948 21.98897 -159.8185 22.03862 -159.80298 22.14162 -159.81486 22.12864 -159.7981 22.13896 -159.8134 22.13783 -159.80025 22.15135 -159.83658 22.02432 -159.8313 22.00405 -159.80225 21.98775 -159.82097 22.06248 -159.80913 22.13783 -159.78348 22.16181 -159.80985 22.11144 -159.81213 22.06293 -159.80992 22.11217 -159.78592 22.15893 -159.79733 22.1853 -159.84957 22.10588 -159.8701 21.70912 -159.83211 22.08824 -159.80867 22.14953 -159.77712 22.15963 -159.80964 22.1125 -159.80805 22.06655 -159.78376 22.16247 -159.8124 22.09608 -159.81548 22.03124 -159.80025 21.99109 -159.81817 22.03986 -159.79809 22.15859 -159.81048 22.07681 -159.82243 22.07956 -159.82062 22.11191 -159.78957 22.17557 -159.82205 22.09381 -159.81917 22.15486 -159.76486 22.18259 -159.79615 22.1706 -159.83324 22.09743 -159.841 22.01935 -159.82573 21.9951 -159.7999 21.9917 -159.81589 22.10815 -159.80696 22.15611 -159.79226 22.916049 -159.80689 22.13211 -159.79806 22.1503 -159.81384 22.13802 -159.80083 22.15184 -159.98901 22.32065 -159.80398 22.15011 -159.80846 22.13626 -159.76223 22.18722 -159.77802 22.1596 -159.79018 22.17291 -159.83004 22.10893 -159.83662 22.01318 -159.81194 21.96607 -159.81889 22.08895 -159.7849 22.17149 -159.82539 22.05646 -159.83244 21.91841 -159.66311 21.78344 -158.1546 21.24781 -157.89485 21.25635 -157.86767 21.30182 -157.88339 21.31554 Cruise Start and End : 2011-06-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ; 2011-07-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List < Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903688 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 > Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ? RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp @raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 B Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw C Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana H University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 I adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. K L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 M magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam N multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903688 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1119 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1119 PMRF Acoustic Comms Hodgkiss, William Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master DOirectory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.99010 -157.86736 21.24312 22.32077 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31573 -157.86741 21.30231 -157.90905 21.24773 -158.14244 21.24735 -159.6633 21.7801 -159.83417 21.91844 -159.83469 22.09909 -159.78426 22.17055 -159.77728 22.16267 -159.8046 22.14159 -159.78751 22.17317 -159.81408 22.13936 -159.80652 22.12826 -159.79607 22.14482 -159.80831 22.13021 -159.8142 22.15639 -159.78527 22.16061 -159.81105 22.13864 -159.83675 22.00499 -159.84259 21.9545 -159.82363 21.92122 -159.83924 21.91613 -159.82016 21.91354 -159.85284 21.90278 -159.79835 21.88798 -159.82396 21.90304 -159.82232 22.14427 -159.76427 22.18941 -159.79957 22.16156 -159.83494 22.0782 -159.83402 22.01428 -159.81425 21.95445 -159.8007 21.95195 -159.80737 21.93353 -159.81778 22.076 -159.80246 22.14069 -159.76938 22.18051 -159.81841 22.14793 -159.82359 22.1098 -159.81P283 22.10749 -159.8283 22.10297 -159.81668 22.11479 -159.83098 22.10558 -159.85644 22.16278 -159.94301 22.24577 -159.94235 22.26106 -159.84796 22.16212 -159.80656 22.13858 -159.79987 22.1492 -159.8235 22.10857 -159.83133 22.01072 -159.82084 21.97634 -159.81053 21.99815 -159.7686 21.96425 -159.81244 21.99361 -159.77414 21.96855 -159.80023 21.98908 -159.81752 22.03361 -159.80412 22.12739 -159.81596 22.14004 -159.8002 22.14206 -159.80389 22.12775 -159.78625 22.16655 -159.82475 22.12338 -159.83718 22.05532 -159.82646 22.00466 -159.80682 21.9877 -159.81465 22.12491 -159.81858 22.03362 -159.79875 22.15836 -159.77177 22.1808 -159.79789 22.16378 -159.83479 22.05408 -159.81409 21.99398 -159.77306 21.96826 -159.81057 22.00092 -159.81856 22.06119 -159.79492 22.1529 -159.81112 22.14734 -159.76526 22.18397 -159.81047 22.12501 -159.80334 22.14385 -159.91964 22.30919 -159.81284 22.14879 -159.80269 22.14205 -159.78673 22.1672 -159.81015 22.12517 -159.80224 22.15643 -159.76744 22.18406 -159.79197 22.1705 -159.78625 22.156Q01 -159.80809 22.15193 -159.77408 22.18336 -159.81062 22.12452 -159.80333 22.15462 -159.77099 22.18048 -159.81032 22.16054 -159.85267 22.09876 -159.86696 21.78252 -159.69475 21.94999 -159.78395 21.94272 -159.81089 21.96854 -159.83381 22.06442 -159.81552 22.13144 -159.80008 22.14764 -159.80838 22.11531 -159.79527 22.14261 -159.81001 22.12508 -159.80293 22.15377 -159.8135 22.15169 -159.80029 22.14475 -159.81399 22.13092 -159.82005 22.04628 -159.79984 21.99167 -159.89279 21.99207 -159.7948 21.98897 -159.8185 22.03862 -159.80298 22.14162 -159.81486 22.12864 -159.7981 22.13896 -159.8134 22.13783 -159.80025 22.15135 -159.83658 22.02432 -159.8313 22.00405 -159.80225 21.98775 -159.82097 22.06248 -159.80913 22.13783 -159.78348 22.16181 -159.80985 22.11144 -159.81213 22.06293 -159.80992 22.11217 -159.78592 22.15893 -159.79733 22.1853 -159.84957 22.10588 -159.8701 21.70912 -159.83211 22.08824 -159.80867 22.14953 -159.77712 22.15963 -159.80964 22.1125 -159.80805 22.06655 -159.78376 22.16247 -159.8124 22.09608 -159.81R548 22.03124 -159.80025 21.99109 -159.81817 22.03986 -159.79809 22.15859 -159.81048 22.07681 -159.82243 22.07956 -159.82062 22.11191 -159.78957 22.17557 -159.82205 22.09381 -159.81917 22.15486 -159.76486 22.18259 -159.79615 22.1706 -159.83324 22.09743 -159.841 22.01935 -159.82573 21.9951 -159.7999 21.9917 -159.81589 22.10815 -159.80696 22.15611 -159.79226 22.16049 -159.80689 22.13211 -159.79806 22.1503 -159.81384 22.13802 -159.80083 22.15184 -159.98901 22.32065 -159.80398 22.15011 -159.80846 22.13626 -159.76223 22.18722 -159.77802 22.1596 -159.79018 22.17291 -159.83004 22.10893 -159.83662 22.01318 -159.81194 21.96607 -159.81889 22.08895 -159.7849 22.17149 -159.82539 22.05646 -159.83244 21.91841 -159.66311 21.78344 -158.1546 21.24781 -157.89485 21.25635 -157.86767 21.30182 -157.88339 21.31554 Cruise Start and End 2011-06-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-07-12 University-National Oceanographic LaboSratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903688 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionPMRF Acoustic CommsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.99 21.24, -159.99 22.32, -157.87 22.32, -157.87 21.24, -159.99 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact |q=1+M5EK%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903689gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903689 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadataX R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1120 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 Z published KM1120 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33213 -157.86730 21.24530 22.86682 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86739 21.30222 -157.91504 21.24883 -158.14552 21.24636 -158.27482 21.34319 -158.33151 21.57832 -158.3259 21.61028 -157.99616 22.6841 -157.99998 22.75002 -157.91857 22.8213 -157.90233 22.81697 -157.99129 22.74862 -158.08156 22.75096 -158.10461 22.76992 -158.08794 22.77418 -158.11369 22.77281 -157.99915 22.72725 -158.05874 22.6576 -158.02042 22.72555 -158.05166 22.69897 -158.11118 22.71375 -157.99587 22.75215 -158.07127 22.77637 -158.11709 22.76686 -158.08654 22.76306 -158.28556 22.86677 -157.98577 22.67579 -157.88629 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2011-07-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-07-22 b University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903689 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. <d/gmd:scope> RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw h Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw i Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 k Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana m University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 n adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp o (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) q Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 r multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903689 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1120 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1120 s Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33213 -157.86730 21.24530 22.86682 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86739 21.30222 -157.91504 21.24883 -158.14552 21.24636 -158.27482 21.34319 -158.33151 21.57832 -158.3259 21.61028 -157.99616 22.6841 -157.99998 22.75002 -157.91857 22.8213 -157.90233 22.81697 -157.99129 22.74862 -158.08156 22.75096 -158.10461 22.76992 -158.08794 22.77418 -158.11369 22.77281 -157.99915 22.72725 -158.05874 22.6576 -158.02042 22.72555 -158.05166 22.69897 -158.11118 22.71375 -157.99587 22.75215 -158.07127 22.77637 -158.11709 22.76686 -158.08654 22.76306 -158.28556 22.86677 -157.98577 22.67579 -157.88629 21.3157 t Cruise Start and End 2011-07-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-07-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903689 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.87, -157.87 22.87, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactved/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903690 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadawta R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1120A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1120A Loihi Seismicity Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor { EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation } -157.88886 -155.05137 18.69292 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31566 -157.86739 21.30257 -157.88825 21.23794 -157.85145 21.18735 -156.13444 19.0658 -155.67001 18.83507 -155.28621 18.75165 -155.16101 18.83754 -155.17959 18.93022 -155.25565 18.95578 -155.25418 18.8805 -155.28195 18.92891 -155.16784 18.9257 -155.14541 18.89355 -155.33731 18.89359 -155.3419 18.86999 -155.14321 18.86615 -155.14115 18.83816 -155.33742 18.84136 -155.20089 18.92475 -155.26722 18.91985 -155.25555 18.88807 -155.31651 18.91681 -155.37708 18.91261 -155.27179 18.91132 -155.25127 18.92863 -155.13462 18.81395 -155.33501 18.81074 -155.33289 18.78454 -155.14468 18.78379 -155.13919 18.76288 -155.33573 18.75615 -155.33989 18.72939 -155.14372 18.72882 -155.14008 18.70247 -155.34116 18.70547 -155.33426 18.9792 -155.26608 18.96074 -155.21923 19.02611 -155.18681 19.02741 -155.32969 19.18531 -155.36026 19.16247 -155.3683 18.69293 -155.3912 18.70397 -155.39166 19.1605 -155.41944 19.13484 -155.41952 18.69905 -155.26233 18.90201 -155.26101 18.89034 -155.27544 18.89247 -155.44695 18.69665 -155.44805 19.11397 -155.47506 19.10679 -155.47752 18.70357 -155.50525 18.70168 -155.50547 19.07641 -155.17101 19.05235 -155.07538 19.28206 -155.05326 19.21766 -155.25821 18.90604 -155.53415 19.01906 -155.53527 18.69902 -155.56467 18.69581 -155.5643 18.96604 -155.67441 18.83722 -155.97709 19.08949 -155.9703 19.27832 -156.07922 19.5617 -156.12892 19.64333 -156.16964 19.78282 -157.88628 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2011-07-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-07-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903690 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device.  magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903690 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1120A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1120A Loihi Seismicity Caplan-Auerbach, Jacqueline Western Washington University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88886 -155.05137 18.69292 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31566 -157.86739 21.30257 -157.88825 21.23794 -157.85145 21.18735 -156.13444 19.0658 -155.67001 18.83507 -155.28621 18.75165 -155.16101 18.83754 -155.17959 18.93022 -155.25565 18.95578 -155.25418 18.8805 -155.28195 18.92891 -155.16784 18.9257 -155.14541 18.89355 -155.33731 18.89359 -155.3419 18.86999 -155.14321 18.86615 -155.14115 18.83816 -155.33742 18.84136 -155.20089 18.92475 -155.26722 18.91985 -155.25555 18.88807 -155.31651 18.91681 -155.37708 18.91261 -155.27179 18.91132 -155.25127 18.92863 -155.13462 18.81395 -155.33501 18.81074 -155.33289 18.78454 -155.14468 18.78379 -155.13919 18.76288 -155.33573 18.75615 -155.33989 18.72939 -155.14372 18.72882 -155.14008 18.70247 -155.34116 18.70547 -155.33426 18.9792 -155.26608 18.96074 -155.21923 19.02611 -155.18681 19.02741 -155.32969 19.18531 -155.36026 19.16247 -155.3683 18.69293 -155.3912 18.70397 -155.39166 19.1605 -155.41944 19.13484 -155.41952 18.69905 -155.26233 18.90201 -155.26101 18.89034 -155.27544 18.89247 -155.44695 18.69665 -155.44805 19.11397 -155.47506 19.10679 -155.47752 18.70357 -155.50525 18.70168 -155.50547 19.07641 -155.17101 19.05235 -155.07538 19.28206 -155.05326 19.21766 -155.25821 18.90604 -155.53415 19.01906 -155.53527 18.69902 -155.56467 18.69581 -155.5643 18.96604 -155.67441 18.83722 -155.97709 19.08949 -155.9703 19.27832 -156.07922 19.5617 -156.12892 19.64333 -156.16964 19.78282 -157.88628 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2011-07-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-07-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903690 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionLoihi SeismicityEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 18.69, -157.89 21.32, -155.05 21.32, -155.05 18.69, -157.89 18.69))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact jr=1+M5c#%-9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903690gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903112 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1121 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1121 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Necker Ridge Gardner, James UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -170.79970 -157.86746 19.51048  23.52553 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31569 -157.86786 21.30096 -157.90733 21.24876 -158.12758 21.24604 -160.65562 21.36573 -163.14157 21.85763 -163.8569 22.11625 -164.05156 22.0827 -164.28272 22.29049 -164.13923 22.043 -164.2812 22.28405 -164.14742 22.05856 -164.05056 22.11211 -164.07544 22.14057 -164.04024 22.10145 -163.77223 22.06294 -164.06087 22.10441 -164.0735 22.04995 -163.81396 22.0137 -164.51326 23.05819 -164.58366 23.19124 -164.85203 23.43996 -166.29169 22.71225 -166.3442 22.76469 -166.32049 22.79233 -164.88784 23.5073 -164.91573 23.52501 -164.72039 23.40489 -164.7291 23.4117 -166.25305 22.63327 -166.23536 22.55626 -164.72357 23.32181 -164.67817 23.25258 -166.15987 22.49568 -168.03573 21.14913 -168.00933 21.28946 -170.19442 19.78901 -170.48833 19.58257 -170.48001 19.54188 -170.44866 19.51193 -168.32753 20.97995 -167.97772 21.21927 -167.96431 21.2142 -167.97007 21.18859 -167.98618 21.19189 -168.26848 21.4622 -168.25418 21.48492 -168.24413 21.47143 -168.28098 21.44531 -170.72492 19.74172 -170.74245 19.73305 -170.7991 19.79802 -169.62523 20.61948 -169.62124 20.67103 -169.65913 20.70776 -170.21445 20.32055 -170.27935 20.38612 -169.32984 21.05952 -169.30651 21.06044 -169.26244 20.99315 -169.7201 20.66754 -169.68366 20.59482 -169.64752 20.6062 -167.17444 22.32444 -163.83007 22.32686 -162.85098 21.90333 -160.68849 21.47124 -159.38522 21.38568 -158.05785 21.23902 -157.89686 21.25788 -157.86799 21.30152 -157.88664 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2011-07-31  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2011-08-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903112 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw <gmd:source> Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Knudsen 3260  Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana  University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp  (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc.  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped doi:10.7284/903112 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1121 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1121 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Necker Ridge Gardner, James UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -170.79970 -157.86746 19.51048 23.52553 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31569 -157.86786 21.30096 -157.90733 21.24876 -158.12758 21.24604 -160.65562 21.36573 -163.14157 21.85763 -163.8569 22.11625 -164.05156 22.0827 -164.28272 22.29049 -164.13923 22.043 -164.2812 22.28405 -164.14742 22.05856 -164.05056 22.11211 -164.07544 22.14057 -164.04024 22.10145 -163.77223 22.06294 -164.06087 22.10441 -164.0735 22.04995 -163.81396 22.0137 -164.51326 23.05819 -164.58366 23.19124 -164.85203 23.43996 -166.29169 22.71225 -166.3442 22.76469 -166.32049 22.79233 -164.88784 23.5073 -164.91573 23.52501 -164.72039 23.40489 -164.7291 23.4117 -166.25305 22.63327 -166.23536 22.55626 -164.72357 23.32181 -164.67817 23.25258 -166.15987 22.49568 -168.03573 21.14913 -168.00933 21.28946 -170.19442 19.78901 -170.48833 19.58257 -170.48001 19.54188 -170.44866 19.51193 -168.32753 20.97995 -167.97772 21.21927 -167.96431 21.2142 -167.97007 21.18859 -167.98618 21.19189 -168.26848 21.4622 -168.25418 21.48492 -168.24413 21.47143 -168.28098 21.44531 -170.72492 19.74172 -170.74245 19.73305 -170.7991 19.79802 -169.62523 20.61948 -169.62124 20.67103 -169.65913 20.70776 -170.21445 20.32055 -170.27935 20.38612 -169.32984 21.05952 -169.30651 21.06044 -169.26244 20.99315 -169.7201 20.66754 -169.68366 20.59482 -169.64752 20.6062 -167.17444 22.32444 -163.83007 22.32686 -162.85098 21.90333 -160.68849 21.47124 -159.38522 21.38568 -158.05785 21.23902 -157.89686 21.25788 -157.86799 21.30152 -157.88664 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2011-07-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-08-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903112 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped engfieldSessionU.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Necker RidgeEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-170.80 19.51, -170.80 23.53, -157.87 23.53, -157.87 19.51, -170.80 19.51))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  s>1+M5 c%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903112gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903691 eng utf8 fieldSession  cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1122 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM1122 Maintenance-Control Upgrade  Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2011-08-10  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-08-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903691 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903691 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1122 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1122 Maintenance-Control Upgrade Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2011-08-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-08-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903691 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMaintenance-Control UpgradeEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ,u>1+M5O %9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903692gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:4Ӂt<1+M5sa%C9 !! [)doi:10.7284/903691gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903692 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1123 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1123 Comparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO) Popp, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.35378 -157.64222 </gmd:eastBoundLongitude> 21.24240 22.77201 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31568 -157.86778 21.30081 -157.91814 21.24765 -158.23303 21.24645 -158.29725 21.33442 -158.34536 21.463 -158.32826 21.61478 -158.02351 22.67042 -157.95481 22.67923 -157.9977 22.68745 -157.94598 22.67648 -157.98464 22.64896 -157.97062 22.66673 -158.16283 22.74973 -158.07283 22.77027 -157.88509 22.75574 -157.93474 22.72039 -157.95998 22.68419 -157.94418 22.68121 -157.98524 22.64826 -157.96754 22.65586 -158.00523 22.65595 -158.16117 22.74995 -157.86878 22.75207 -158.00135 22.75094 -157.94449 22.68334 -157.98677 22.64975 -157.96819 22.65615 -157.97861 22.6409 -157.99789 22.75018 -158.03426 22.75353 -157.96468 22.75269 -157.94304 22.68347 -158.01846 22.60826 -157.96982 22.65823 -157.98619 22.65539 -157.96932 22.65327 -157.98619 22.65478 -157.99968 22.73347 -157.9454 22.73818 -157.99255 22.74302 -157.64232 22.74563 -157.93492 22.74953 -157.88296 22.72117 -157.98151 22.64887 -157.97574 22.66602 -157.97535 22.64768 -157.98209 22.6631 -157.96964 22.64961 -157.98337 22.66132 -157.97361 22.65565 -158.01664 22.64949 -158.16931 22.74933 -158.07039 22.69388 -157.94478 22.68306 -157.98604 22.64812 -157.99034 22.68543 -157.93408 22.69396 -157.85927 22.72992 -157.74593 22.7406 -157.95877 22.68285 -157.94349 22.68173 -157.97597 22.64636 -157.97136 22.65829 -158.1801 22.74997 -157.96233 22.62312 -157.97307 22.65886 -157.98229 22.64304 -158.17193 22.74602 -157.99653 22.69628 -157.96549 22.63688 -158.05199 22.58542 -158.35376 21.48446 -158.29724 21.33601 -158.23167 21.25002 -158.06573 21.24255 -157.90245 21.25991 -157.8678 21.30171 -157.88659 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2011-08-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-08-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903692 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw <gmd:source> RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer  raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana  University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc.  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882  magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903692 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1123 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1123 Comparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO) Popp, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.35378 -157.64222 21.24240 22.77201 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31568 -157.86778 21.30081 -157.91814 21.24765 -158.23303 21.24645 -158.29725 21.33442 -158.34536 21.463 -158.32826 21.61478 -158.02351 22.67042 -157.95481 22.67923 -157.9977 22.68745 -157.94598 22.67648 -157.98464 22.64896 -157.97062 22.66673 -158.16283 22.74973 -158.07283 22.77027 -157.88509 22.75574 -157.93474 22.72039 -157.95998 22.68419 -157.94418 22.68121 -157.98524 22.64826 -157.96754 22.65586 -158.00523 22.65595 -158.16117 22.74995 -157.86878 22.75207 -158.00135 22.75094 -157.94449 22.68334 -157.98677 22.64975 -157.96819 22.65615 -157.97861 22.6409 -157.99789 22.75018 -158.03426 22.75353 -157.96468 22.75269 -157.94304 22.68347 -158.01846 22.60826 -157.96982 22.65823 -157.98619 22.65539 -157.96932 22.65327 -157.98619 22.65478 -157.99968 22.73347 -157.9454 22.73818 -157.99255 22.74302 -157.64232 22.74563 -157.93492 22.74953 -157.88296 22.72117 -157.98151 22.64887 -157.97574 22.66602 -157.97535 22.64768 -157.98209 22.6631 -157.96964 22.64961 -157.98337 22.66132 -157.97361 22.65565 -158.01664 22.64949 -158.16931 22.74933 -158.07039 22.69388 -157.94478 22.68306 -157.98604 22.64812 -157.99034 22.68543 -157.93408 22.69396 -157.85927 22.72992 -157.74593 22.7406 -157.95877 22.68285 -157.94349 22.68173 -157.97597 22.64636 -157.97136 22.65829 -158.1801 22.74997 -157.96233 22.62312 -157.97307 22.65886 -157.98229 22.64304 -158.17193 22.74602 -157.99653 22.69628 -157.96549 22.63688 -158.05199 22.58542 -158.35376 21.48446 -158.29724 21.33601 -158.23167 21.25002 -158.06573 21.24255 -157.90245 21.25991 -157.8678 21.30171 -157.88659 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2011-08-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-08-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903692 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionComparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization (CAMEO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.35 21.24, -158.35 22.77, -157.64 22.77, -157.64 21.24, -158.35 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact G *5@KValw'2=HS^it$/:EP[fq| local; local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local local! local" local# local$999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903693 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1124 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1124  Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33347 -157.86735 21.24598 22.81001 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31545 -157.86836 21.30545 -157.87331 21.29137 -157.9315 21.24644 -158.1514 21.25237 -158.27031 21.34334 -158.3323 21.57412 -158.00196 22.67247 -157.9965 22.64828 -158.01601 22.65138 -158.00057 22.7514 -157.88636 22.73935 -157.87509 22.72297 -157.89237 22.70597 -157.92529 22.70738 -158.00082 22.75053 -158.00603 22.63827 -157.98922 22.64533 -157.99166 22.7328 -158.00444 22.73954 -157.97921 22.7424 -157.98076 22.72652 -157.96183 22.72505 -157.97339 22.64923 -157.99115 22.66956 -157.97936 22.66658 -157.98527 22.68961 -158.11748 22.75904 -158.11227 22.77647 -158.06583 22.77574 -157.99421 22.75296 -158.11034 22.80995 -157.99697 22.74883 -158.18938 22.08859 -158.18646 22.04819 -158.33198 21.58392 -158.32393 21.54345 -158.15537 21.26497 -158.07886 21.2474 -157.93947 21.24604 -157.88893 21.26957 Cruise Start and End 2011-08-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2011-09-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903693 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882  magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903693 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1124 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1124 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office  custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33347 -157.86735 21.24598 22.81001 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31545 -157.86836 21.30545 -157.87331 21.29137 -157.9315 21.24644 -158.1514 21.25237 -158.27031 21.34334 -158.3323 21.57412 -158.00196 22.67247 -157.9965 22.64828 -158.01601 22.65138 -158.00057 22.7514 -157.88636 22.73935 -157.87509 22.72297 -157.89237 22.70597 -157.92529 22.70738 -158.00082 22.75053 -158.00603 22.63827 -157.98922 22.64533 -157.99166 22.7328 -158.00444 22.73954 -157.97921 22.7424 -157.98076 22.72652 -157.96183 22.72505 -157.97339 22.64923 -157.99115 22.66956 -157.97936 22.66658 -157.98527 22.68961 -158.11748 22.75904 -158.11227 22.77647 -158.06583 22.77574 -157.99421 22.75296 -158.11034 22.80995 -157.99697 22.74883 -158.18938 22.08859 -158.18646 22.04819 -158.33198 21.58392 -158.32393 21.54345 -158.15537 21.26497 -158.07886 21.2474 -157.93947 21.24604 -157.88893 21.26957  Cruise Start and End 2011-08-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-09-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903693 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.81, -157.87 22.81, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ~v=1+M5GM%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903693gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata  R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1125 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1125 C-MORE: Biosensing Lagrangian Instrumentation and Nitrogen Cycling Systems (BioLINCS) Robidart, Julie University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33367 -157.02249 21.24505 25.39952 coordinates of ship track -157.88286 21.31558 -157.87277 21.29225 -157.92425 21.24522 -158.15352 21.25026 -158.27648 21.36127 -158.33365 21.58831 -158.21345 23.05328 -157.73455 25.39911 -157.82442 24.70928 -157.87416 24.40644 -157.88786 24.39324 -157.85024 24.42936 -157.78657 24.36652 -157.79564 24.41177 -157.77743 24.45583 -157.77821 24.40933 -157.76959 24.45388 -157.74978 24.47332 -157.75336 24.5014 -157.72254 24.44285 -157.6756 24.53155 -157.68494 24.51657 -157.67635 24.61498 -157.6536 24.63278 -157.6576 24.62057 -157.61267 24.58898 -157.6002 24.65767 -157.56361 24.70413 -157.58694 24.73053 -157.55296 24.72227 -157.53767 24.77288 -157.45275 24.75429 -157.51726 24.75873 -157.5364 24.79527 -157.5031 24.83083 -157.51439 24.83955 -157.46641 24.85858 -157.47779 24.86599 -157.45414 24.87972 -157.45838 $24.89935 -157.4221 24.89984 -157.43005 24.94596 -157.41077 24.90629 -157.42191 24.8787 -157.44902 24.85309 -157.4244 24.90839 -157.55953 24.75293 -157.55999 24.68222 -157.87519 24.40509 -157.8495 24.37185 -157.87575 24.40428 -157.8178 24.42879 -157.87664 24.41569 -157.73292 24.56601 -157.69165 24.58913 -157.36903 24.94749 -157.33923 24.98947 -157.35594 25.02312 -157.33547 24.99184 -157.35974 24.98414 -157.34345 25.01245 -157.36864 24.9806 -157.33788 25.01407 -157.34306 25.02737 -157.32169 24.82162 -157.28977 24.77292 -157.29074 24.73764 -157.3023 24.96979 -157.32485 25.02108 -157.35086 25.03152 -157.33676 25.04602 -157.27219 24.94831 -157.06408 24.78149 -157.33983 25.03504 -157.32138 24.99942 -157.38194 25.0289 -157.40639 25.02053 -157.37296 25.04289 -157.42958 24.9977 -157.4391 25.05148 -157.47368 25.05473 -157.4785 25.00489 -157.44548 25.0174 -157.48999 24.99033 -157.49429 24.97048 -157.51292 24.97226 -157.50184 25.00538 -157.52265 24.98563 -157.48251 25.00287 -157.47737 24.99088 -157.53692 24.99062 -15%7.54202 24.97686 -157.58941 24.96654 -157.70511 24.96248 -157.71024 24.97196 -157.6498 24.99702 -157.68939 25.00474 -157.6915 25.02839 -157.7456 25.04918 -157.69823 25.04536 -157.70984 25.02389 -157.72432 25.02188 -157.72525 25.03702 -157.74787 25.01197 -157.83976 25.04923 -157.86499 25.01608 -157.90541 25.03029 -157.0519 24.61583 -157.05007 24.5849 -157.02251 24.58018 -157.80301 25.01402 -157.97962 25.0267 -157.98151 25.10207 -158.07139 25.11509 -158.10681 25.08307 -158.09209 25.1142 -158.2003 25.12802 -158.19448 25.08828 -158.19343 25.12897 -158.22577 25.14317 -157.87008 25.07301 -157.84813 25.05363 -157.88631 25.05692 -157.88661 25.01639 -157.9077 25.08822 -158.25196 24.80005 -158.25247 24.35805 -157.99944 22.75036 -157.88281 21.31529 Cruise Start and End 2011-09-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-09-21 ( University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ) http://doi.org/10.7284/903694 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus - Data was collected from this device. ctd raw . L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw / Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins 0 raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this1 device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana 3 University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler curren5t profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. 6 L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 8 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903694 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1125 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1125 C-MORE: Biosensing Lagrangian Instrumentation and Nitrogen Cycling Sy9stems (BioLINCS) Robidart, Julie University of California, Santa Cruz Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33367 -157.02249 21.24505 25.39952 coordinates of ship track -157.88286 21.31558 -157.87277 21.29225 -157.92425 21.24522 -158.15352 21.25026 -158.27648 21.36127 -158.33365 21.58831 -158.21345 23.05328 -157.73455 25.39911 -157.82442 24.70928 -157.87416 24.40644 -157.88786 24.39324 -157.85024 24.42936 -157.78657 24.36652 -157.79564 24.41177 -157.77743 24.45583 -157.77821 24.40933 -157.76959 24.45388 -157.74978 24.47332 -157.75336 24.5014 -157.72254 24.44285 -157.6756 24.53155 -157.68494 24.51657 -157.67635 24.61498 -157.6536 24.63278 -157.6576 24.62057 -157.61267 24.58898 -157.6002 24.65767 -157.56361 24.70413 -1:57.58694 24.73053 -157.55296 24.72227 -157.53767 24.77288 -157.45275 24.75429 -157.51726 24.75873 -157.5364 24.79527 -157.5031 24.83083 -157.51439 24.83955 -157.46641 24.85858 -157.47779 24.86599 -157.45414 24.87972 -157.45838 24.89935 -157.4221 24.89984 -157.43005 24.94596 -157.41077 24.90629 -157.42191 24.8787 -157.44902 24.85309 -157.4244 24.90839 -157.55953 24.75293 -157.55999 24.68222 -157.87519 24.40509 -157.8495 24.37185 -157.87575 24.40428 -157.8178 24.42879 -157.87664 24.41569 -157.73292 24.56601 -157.69165 24.58913 -157.36903 24.94749 -157.33923 24.98947 -157.35594 25.02312 -157.33547 24.99184 -157.35974 24.98414 -157.34345 25.01245 -157.36864 24.9806 -157.33788 25.01407 -157.34306 25.02737 -157.32169 24.82162 -157.28977 24.77292 -157.29074 24.73764 -157.3023 24.96979 -157.32485 25.02108 -157.35086 25.03152 -157.33676 25.04602 -157.27219 24.94831 -157.06408 24.78149 -157.33983 25.03504 -157.32138 24.99942 -157.38194 25.0289 -157.40639 25.02053 -157.37296 25.04289 -157.42958 24.9977 -157.4391 25.;05148 -157.47368 25.05473 -157.4785 25.00489 -157.44548 25.0174 -157.48999 24.99033 -157.49429 24.97048 -157.51292 24.97226 -157.50184 25.00538 -157.52265 24.98563 -157.48251 25.00287 -157.47737 24.99088 -157.53692 24.99062 -157.54202 24.97686 -157.58941 24.96654 -157.70511 24.96248 -157.71024 24.97196 -157.6498 24.99702 -157.68939 25.00474 -157.6915 25.02839 -157.7456 25.04918 -157.69823 25.04536 -157.70984 25.02389 -157.72432 25.02188 -157.72525 25.03702 -157.74787 25.01197 -157.83976 25.04923 -157.86499 25.01608 -157.90541 25.03029 -157.0519 24.61583 -157.05007 24.5849 -157.02251 24.58018 -157.80301 25.01402 -157.97962 25.0267 -157.98151 25.10207 -158.07139 25.11509 -158.10681 25.08307 -158.09209 25.1142 -158.2003 25.12802 -158.19448 25.08828 -158.19343 25.12897 -158.22577 25.14317 -157.87008 25.07301 -157.84813 25.05363 -157.88631 25.05692 -157.88661 25.01639 -157.9077 25.08822 -158.25196 24.80005 -158.25247 24.35805 -157.99944 22.75036 -157.88281 21.31529 Cruise Start and End 2011-09-06< University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-09-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903694 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE: Biosensing Lagrangian Instrumentation and Nitrogen Cycling Systems (BioLINCS)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 25.40, -157.02 25.40, -157.02 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 3w>1+M5/]%79 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903694gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903604 eng A utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:20C09(E) Cruise KM1126 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1126 Fisheries Research-Kahoolawe Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMFD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian GData are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89398 -156.49427 20.38626 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.3157 -157.86745 21.30203 -157.88627 21.24037 -157.11649 20.54823 -156.75805 20.54598 -156.73441 20.50907 -156.67448 20.49537 -156.54038 20.50808 -156.52047 20.52845 -156.53188 20.56757 -156.51968 20.58416 -156.50821 20I.52836 -156.53399 20.49847 -156.68073 20.48282 -156.72606 20.51283 -156.72876 20.5322 -156.70229 20.55586 -156.57674 20.61923 -156.55466 20.61773 -156.51824 20.58153 -156.55136 20.62057 -156.57623 20.62326 -156.69961 20.56229 -156.74198 20.53584 -156.73937 20.49859 -156.88092 20.38806 -156.72068 20.50949 -156.67942 20.48933 -156.53727 20.50535 -156.5147 20.52932 -156.52764 20.58658 -156.51401 20.52578 -156.53429 20.54324 -156.53319 20.59273 -156.51637 20.5302 -156.53904 20.50689 -156.67689 20.49264 -156.71784 20.50412 -156.68076 20.48649 -156.53644 20.50279 -156.51051 20.53092 -156.53116 20.54353 -156.52251 20.58892 -156.51783 20.54465 -156.49456 20.50991 -156.50307 20.48968 -156.54082 20.47107 -156.70863 20.46795 -156.75352 20.54268 -156.73498 20.50768 -156.73822 20.53285 -156.69997 20.56093 -156.78703 20.50173 -157.10749 20.53916 -157.18861 20.59474 -157.89073 21.24108 -157.87016 21.29739 J Cruise Start and End 2011-09-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-09-04 L University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu M http://doi.org/10.7284/903604 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp O raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. P adcp raw L&R S-33 Q Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw <R/gmi:LE_ProcessStep> Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins S raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 U Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw V Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List X Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Y RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins \ determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field] Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) ^ Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903604 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us poi_ntOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1126 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1126 Fisheries Research-Kahoolawe Mapping Kelley, Christopher University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89398 -156.49427 20.38626 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.3157 -157.86745 21.30203 -157.88627 21.24037 -157.11649 20.54823 -156.75805 20.54598 -156.73441 20.50907 -156.67448 20.49537 -156.54038 20.50808 -156.52047 20.52845 -156.53188 20.56757 -156.51968 20.58416 -156.50821 20.52836 -156.53399 20.49847 -156.68073 20.48282 -156.72606 20.51283 -156.72876 20.5`322 -156.70229 20.55586 -156.57674 20.61923 -156.55466 20.61773 -156.51824 20.58153 -156.55136 20.62057 -156.57623 20.62326 -156.69961 20.56229 -156.74198 20.53584 -156.73937 20.49859 -156.88092 20.38806 -156.72068 20.50949 -156.67942 20.48933 -156.53727 20.50535 -156.5147 20.52932 -156.52764 20.58658 -156.51401 20.52578 -156.53429 20.54324 -156.53319 20.59273 -156.51637 20.5302 -156.53904 20.50689 -156.67689 20.49264 -156.71784 20.50412 -156.68076 20.48649 -156.53644 20.50279 -156.51051 20.53092 -156.53116 20.54353 -156.52251 20.58892 -156.51783 20.54465 -156.49456 20.50991 -156.50307 20.48968 -156.54082 20.47107 -156.70863 20.46795 -156.75352 20.54268 -156.73498 20.50768 -156.73822 20.53285 -156.69997 20.56093 -156.78703 20.50173 -157.10749 20.53916 -157.18861 20.59474 -157.89073 21.24108 -157.87016 21.29739 Cruise Start and End 2011-09-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-09-04 University-Nationala Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903604 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM1002 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM1002 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionFisheries Research-Kahoolawe MappingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 20.39, -157.89 21.32, -156.49 21.32, -156.49 20.39, -157.89 20.39))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact y=1+M5-%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903695gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903695 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1127 on RV Kilo Moana g 2015-09-30 published KM1127 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office <jgmd:role> custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscienktificInformation -158.34090 -157.86698 21.22726 22.76973 coordinates of ship track -158.27301 21.34348 -158.28154 21.38121 -158.26049 21.33033 -158.14415 21.24543 -157.90047 21.24626 -157.86774 21.30213 -157.88269 21.31542 -157.86705 21.3032 -157.87681 21.22916 -157.89472 21.27103 -157.92748 21.24707 -158.15394 21.24734 -158.31624 21.34454 -158.33093 21.46257 -158.33252 21.6211 -158.0066 22.73868 -157.97889 22.76076 -158.14428 22.74205 -158.01892 22.74674 -157.99252 22.76973 -158.02166 22.72818 -158.10666 22.69119 -158.10806 22.70972 -157.99787 22.74997 -158.12646 22.67946 -158.1202 22.32994 -158.3407 21.53975 -158.27651 21.34538 -158.15471 21.24919 -157.9448 21.2479 -157.88342 21.2751 -157.86769 21.30226 -157.88334 21.31562 Cruise Start and End 2011-09-25 Unniversity-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-09-28 o University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903695 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins v raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. w magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 azdcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field doi:10.7284/903695 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:~2009(E) Cruise KM1127 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1127 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.34090 -157.86698 21.22726 22.76973 coordinates of ship track -158.27301 21.34348 -158.28154 21.38121 -158.26049 21.33033 -158.14415 21.24543 -157.90047 21.24626 -157.86774 21.30213 -157.88269 21.31542 -157.86705 21.3032 -157.87681 21.22916 -157.89472 21.27103 -157.92748 21.24707 -158.15394 21.24734 -158.31624 21.34454 -158.33093 21.46257 -158.33252 21.6211 -158.0066 22.73868 -157.97889 22.76076 -158.14428 22.74205 -158.01892 22.74674 -157.99252 22.76973 -158.02166 22.72818 -158.10666 22.69119 -158.10806 22.70972 -157.99787 22.74997 -158.12646 22.67946 -158.1202 22.32994 -158.3407 21.53975 -158.27651 21.34538 -158.15471 21.24919 -157.9448 21.2479 -157.88342 21.2751 -157.86769 21.30226 -157.88334 21.31562 Cruise Start and End 2011-09-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-09-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903695 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 21.23, -158.34 22.77, -157.87 22.77, -157.87 21.23, -158.34 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact I] `ItKx6VktD Iron-Oxidizi)NSF InspectionbU-Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN){U-Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN)}V-Multidisciplinary Ocean Sensors for Environmental Analyses and Networks (MOSEAN))NSF Inspection+Navy Inspection+Navy Inspection!9uNorth Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica Cycling9uNorth Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) Silica Cycling8uNorthwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) Habitat Mapping,[Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) Recovery3Ocean Health XPRIZEVCOcean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - DeployCOcean Productivity Perturbation EXperiment (OPPEX-I) - ReturnfMOceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2)fMOceanic Diazotroph Community Structure and Activities in a High Carbon Dioxide World (N2fix_CO2)3PMRF Acoustic Commslling Deck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903696 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata  R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1128 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1128 Connecting Trace Elements and Metalloenzymes Across Marine Biogeochemical Gradients Lamborg, Carl University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -174.50146 -154.19592 -15.13303 21.31572 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86763 21.30146 -157.90459 21.26504 -157.90821 21.24188 -157.91476 20.43078 -157.9946 20.22836 -157.99483 20.09084 -155.36457 17.10867 -154.42907 17.00016 -154.34864 17.00523 -154.35306 16.9907 -154.40055 17.00036 -154.34057 16.98897 -154.36406 16.97818 -154.40268 16.9981 -154.19881 17.06863 -154.37877 16.99664 -154.45103 16.99087 -154.19595 17.03521 -154.40013 17.00045 -154.70864 16.70678 -155.45247 12.00024 -156.00514 8.0008 -155.96237 8.0176 -155.92267 7.98124 -155.95568 8.01193 -155.88833 8.00764 -155.93777 8.01022 -155.90184 8.01749 -155.91123 8.05569 -155.85797 8.08297 -155.84949 8.12253 -155.8226 8.095 -155.7039 8.08808 -155.70898 8.11345 -157.08369 4.00042 -157.58214 2.10643 -157.58767 2.04841 -157.52836 1.98972 -157.49212 1.97893 -157.60812 1.93011 -158.00046 0.00019 -157.95921 0.00275 -157.87274 0.12729 -157.86928 -0.00505 -157.92262 -0.00144 -157.87655 0.00797 -157.8896 -0.02321 -157.85183 -0.02684 -157.76113 -0.00309 -157.79541 -0.02948 -157.77941 -0.03263 -157.79335 -0.06451 -157.68615 -0.02426 -157.69287 -0.0752 -157.56476 -0.09257 -157.59054 -0.12964 -157.54678 -0.16153 -157.50334 -0.28123 -157.518 -0.25093 -157.47512 -0.24551 -157.51154 -0.18692 -157.45995 -0.24363 -157.46429 -0.34085 -157.60684 -0.34233 -157.68464 -0.14765 -157.43002 -0.27827 -157.40737 -0.27778 -159.19011 -1.49929 -159.1783 -1.49761 -160.77027 -3.50263 -160.80417 -3.51086 -160.76895 -3.50128 -162.75638 -6.00085 -162.59723 -5.9532 -162.62681 -6.00368 -162.71294 -6.08436 -163.24375 -6.70799 -163.8687 -7.40117 -165.34719 -9.25234 -165.38877 -9.23631 -165.39254 -9.25128 -165.38592 -9.23533 -165.26894 -9.23794 -165.25145 -9.25109 -167.55898 -11.99652 -169.16878 -14.05099 -169.21702 -14.1301 -169.2417 -14.42616 -169.99755 -15.00185 -170.64598 -15.13282 -171.50087 -14.99985 -172.74959 -15.00086 -172.81597 -15.02285 -173.09937 -15.00184 -173.07153 -14.96482 -173.0954 -15.00563 -174.50141 -14.99981 -172.3394 -13.96666 -172.06248 -13.69384 -171.80682 -13.69237 -171.76501 -13.7331 -171.75333 -13.78026 Cruise Start and End 2011-10-01  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-10-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903696 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter  raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device.  ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  doi:10.7284/903696 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1128 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1128 Connecting Trace Elements and Metalloenzymes Across Marine Biogeochemical Gradients Lamborg, Carl University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -174.50146 -154.19592 -15.13303 21.31572 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86763 21.30146 -157.90459 21.26504 -157.90821 21.24188 -157.91476 20.43078 -157.9946 20.22836 -157.99483 20.09084 -155.36457 17.10867 -154.42907 17.00016 -154.34864 17.00523 -154.35306 16.9907 -154.40055 17.00036 -154.34057 16.98897 -154.36406 16.97818 -154.40268 16.9981 -154.19881 17.06863 -154.37877 16.99664 -154.45103 16.99087 -154.19595 17.03521 -154.40013 17.00045 -154.70864 16.70678 -155.45247 12.00024 -156.00514 8.0008 -155.96237 8.0176 -155.92267 7.98124 -155.95568 8.01193 -155.88833 8.00764 -155.93777 8.01022 -155.90184 8.01749 -155.91123 8.05569 -155.85797 8.08297 -155.84949 8.12253 -155.8226 8.095 -155.7039 8.08808 -155.70898 8.11345 -157.08369 4.00042 -157.58214 2.10643 -157.58767 2.04841 -157.52836 1.98972 -157.49212 1.97893 -157.60812 1.93011 -158.00046 0.00019 -157.95921 0.00275 -157.87274 0.12729 -157.86928 -0.00505 -157.92262 -0.00144 -157.87655 0.00797 -157.8896 -0.02321 -157.85183 -0.02684 -157.76113 -0.00309 -157.79541 -0.02948 -157.77941 -0.03263 -157.79335 -0.06451 -157.68615 -0.02426 -157.69287 -0.0752 -157.56476 -0.09257 -157.59054 -0.12964 -157.54678 -0.16153 -157.50334 -0.28123 -157.518 -0.25093 -157.47512 -0.24551 -157.51154 -0.18692 -157.45995 -0.24363 -157.46429 -0.34085 -157.60684 -0.34233 -157.68464 -0.14765 -157.43002 -0.27827 -157.40737 -0.27778 -159.19011 -1.49929 -159.1783 -1.49761 -160.77027 -3.50263 -160.80417 -3.51086 -160.76895 -3.50128 -162.75638 -6.00085 -162.59723 -5.9532 -162.62681 -6.00368 -162.71294 -6.08436 -163.24375 -6.70799 -163.8687 -7.40117 -165.34719 -9.25234 -165.38877 -9.23631 -165.39254 -9.25128 -165.38592 -9.23533 -165.26894 -9.23794 -165.25145 -9.25109 -167.55898 -11.99652 -169.16878 -14.05099 -169.21702 -14.1301 -169.2417 -14.42616 -169.99755 -15.00185 -170.64598 -15.13282 -171.50087 -14.99985 -172.74959 -15.00086 -172.81597 -15.02285 -173.09937 -15.00184 -173.07153 -14.96482 -173.0954 -15.00563 -174.50141 -14.99981 -172.3394 -13.96666 -172.06248 -13.69384 -171.80682 -13.69237 -171.76501 -13.7331 -171.75333 -13.78026 Cruise Start and End 2011-10-01  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-10-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903696 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionConnecting Trace Elements and Metalloenzymes Across Marine Biogeochemical GradientsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-174.50 -15.13, -174.50 21.32, -154.20 21.32, -154.20 -15.13, -174.50 -15.13))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact &z>1+M55;%39 !!; [)doi:10.7284/903696gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903697 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1129 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1129 Transport, Internal Waves, and Mixing in the Samoan Passage Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.76425 -168.34890 -13.82581 -7.83585 coordinates of ship track -171.76236 -13.82515 -171.75725 -13.79741 -171.72027 -13.76874 -171.62745 -13.50827 -170.25307 -9.56338 -169.49408 -9.57958 -169.36023 -9.34786 -169.45217 -9.26525 -169.54949 -9.47256 -170.27183 -9.45728 -170.05106 -8.66066 -169.90037 -8.56601 -170.12056 -9.35483 -169.99051 -9.35583 -169.74399 -8.40688 -169.63966 -8.31377 -169.86891 -9.35932 -169.72066 -9.35453 -169.54382 -8.52732 -169.41217 -8.61272 -169.42693 -8.62372 -169.60046 -9.43051 -169.46904 -9.0991 -168.71653 -9.24559 -168.34925 -8.03155 -168.43506 -7.91164 -168.81162 -9.10042 -168.94655 -9.05331 -168.92611 -8.97981 -168.93511 -8.96324 -168.94258 -8.97473 -168.92595 -8.97963 -168.5922 -7.87035 -168.75916 -7.83661 -169.11464 -9.09558 -168.9582 -9.03108 -168.67195 -8.22481 -169.11154 -8.50036 -169.26168 -9.03316 -169.20834 -9.28235 -169.34746 -9.64301 -169.50936 -9.73048 -171.63278 -13.61367 -171.71988 -13.76939 -171.75488 -13.78844 Cruise Start and End 2011-10-28  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia 2011-11-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903697 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities <gmi:instrument> RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer  measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903697 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1129 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1129 Transport, Internal Waves, and Mixing in the Samoan Passage Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.76425 -168.34890 -13.82581 -7.83585 coordinates of ship track -171.76236 -13.82515 -171.75725 -13.79741 -171.72027 -13.76874 -171.62745 -13.50827 -170.25307 -9.56338 -169.49408 -9.57958 -169.36023 -9.34786 -169.45217 -9.26525 -169.54949 -9.47256 -170.27183 -9.45728 -170.05106 -8.66066 -169.90037 -8.56601 -170.12056 -9.35483 -169.99051 -9.35583 -169.74399 -8.40688 -169.63966 -8.31377 -169.86891 -9.35932 -169.72066 -9.35453 -169.54382 -8.52732 -169.41217 -8.61272 -169.42693 -8.62372 -169.60046 -9.43051 -169.46904 -9.0991 -168.71653 -9.24559 -168.34925 -8.03155 -168.43506 -7.91164 -168.81162 -9.10042 -168.94655 -9.05331 -168.92611 -8.97981 -168.93511 -8.96324 -168.94258 -8.97473 -168.92595 -8.97963 -168.5922 -7.87035 -168.75916 -7.83661 -169.11464 -9.09558 -168.9582 -9.03108 -168.67195 -8.22481 -169.11154 -8.50036 -169.26168 -9.03316 -169.20834 -9.28235 -169.34746 -9.64301 -169.50936 -9.73048 -171.63278 -13.61367 -171.71988 -13.76939 -171.75488 -13.78844 Cruise Start and End 2011-10-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia 2011-11-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903697 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransport, Internal Waves, and Mixing in the Samoan PassageEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-171.76 -13.83, -171.76 -7.84, -168.35 -7.84, -168.35 -13.83, -171.76 -13.83))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact {|>1+M5EG%=9 !!? [)doi:10.7284/903698gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z1+M5}s%9 !!; [)doi:10.7284/903697gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903698 eng  utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1129A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1129A Lau Basin Bottom Mapping Martinez, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -174.76492 -171.75333 -17.91696 -13.68780 coordinates of ship track -171.76248 -13.82536 -171.76288 -13.7445 -171.80253 -13.69256 -172.06018 -13.69227 -172.35093 -13.97891 -173.65151 -15.08834 -173.62721 -15.08456 -173.68162 -15.10284 -173.66437 -15.09563 -173.6779 -15.10185 -173.70316 -15.06649 -173.79468 -15.12504 -173.70389 -15.0249 -172.52314 -14.00119 -172.33255 -13.9625 -172.06046 -13.69293 -171.79997 -13.69351 -171.7617 -13.7471 -171.76184 -13.82765 -171.75675 -13.75856 -171.80138 -13.6918 -172.06372 -13.69252 -172.25406 -13.88875 -172.27904 -14.02898 -173.40708 -14.99908 -173.55093 -15.09469 -173.55038 -15.08096 -173.54844 -15.10191 -173.54608 -15.08257 -173.55809 -15.08498 -173.54129 -15.0945 -173.55621 -15.10628 -173.56876 -15.09543 -173.52746 -15.08915 -173.54599 -15.09555 -173.54557 -15.11492 -173.55168 -15.09389 -173.54492 -15.1058 -173.54395 -15.08752 -173.59771 -15.15348 -173.55552 -15.11621 -173.57509 -15.15533 -173.56018 -15.17689 -173.53137 -15.10223 -173.58701 -15.13477 -173.54018 -15.09336 -173.55222 -15.08959 -173.57525 -15.16215 -173.58598 -15.15756 -173.56022 -15.15831 -173.56065 -15.17799 -173.56955 -15.17105 -173.53489 -15.15378 -173.60687 -15.18017 -173.58588 -15.16136 -173.71877 -15.11431 -173.77219 -15.07983 -173.78759 -14.98362 -173.77364 -15.02443 -173.8044 -15.02442 -173.77051 -15.00366 -173.78936 -14.99593 -173.79907 -15.01151 -173.7678 -14.99833 -173.80682 -14.98579 -173.78529 -14.97716 -173.77973 -15.00997 -173.55029 -15.09 -173.55622 -15.07453 -173.55266 -15.1312 -173.57537 -15.15494 -173.56101 -15.1705 -173.56537 -15.10284 -173.55289 -15.08039 -173.75304 -15.02601 -173.79434 -15.02958 -173.79216 -15.0046 -173.78161 -15.0434 -173.75944 -15.06098 -173.77608 -15.05367 -173.7845 -15.0338 -173.75151 -15.05846 -173.78483 -15.06804 -173.74728 -15.0336 -173.5752 -15.10716 -173.57847 -15.14904 -173.5614 -15.14068 -173.80152 -15.0126 -173.78976 -14.98716 -173.78425 -15.04816 -173.75689 -15.03442 -173.78771 -15.06954 -173.76405 -15.04063 -173.75255 -15.04497 -173.81032 -15.00356 -173.78847 -15.00351 -173.77472 -15.02914 -173.76077 -15.02349 -173.80943 -15.00844 -173.77037 -15.02011 -173.78149 -15.01809 -173.7601 -15.05698 -173.77838 -15.03992 -173.97748 -15.34636 -174.00594 -15.35676 -173.97609 -15.33435 -173.98449 -15.35833 -174.00927 -15.35295 -173.97172 -15.37926 -174.00073 -15.34749 -174.02468 -15.34618 -173.96132 -15.35018 -174.03526 -15.35169 -174.04218 -15.43092 -173.97396 -15.40593 -173.9923 -15.41973 -174.00731 -15.40958 -173.99137 -15.40798 -173.98203 -15.36029 -173.99629 -15.3331 -173.97494 -15.38217 -173.98187 -15.40428 -173.95478 -15.412 -174.01439 -15.39689 -174.03664 -15.35079 -173.99277 -15.39474 -174.05055 -15.38973 -174.03342 -15.37943 -173.6584 -15.3879 -173.94526 -15.6164 -173.93153 -15.63517 -173.91494 -15.63246 -173.59035 -15.38109 -173.7554 -15.34676 -173.98012 -15.37424 -173.97401 -15.36051 -174.03632 -15.40594 -174.01148 -15.41418 -173.97869 -15.40053 -174.01168 -15.35863 -173.98981 -15.34322 -174.14823 -15.74049 -174.26871 -15.70842 -173.8113 -15.29862 -173.28797 -14.99967 -172.22468 -14.0906 -172.25292 -13.88649 -172.06247 -13.69334 -171.80434 -13.69205 -171.76236 -13.74542 -171.76299 -13.82568 -171.76207 -13.74578 -171.79973 -13.69437 -172.06467 -13.69487 -172.25726 -13.89139 -173.2829 -14.74772 -173.99542 -15.34098 -174.01657 -15.35455 -174.0434 -15.34324 -174.00707 -15.3603 -174.04708 -15.33206 -174.03964 -15.34589 -174.05987 -15.35795 -173.98703 -15.33193 -174.04777 -15.35458 -173.97549 -15.3735 -173.97793 -15.29002 -173.99358 -15.28958 -174.02514 -15.43806 -174.03056 -15.36435 -174.06061 -15.37639 -174.08223 -15.36521 -174.01252 -15.27687 -174.00374 -15.28429 -174.04766 -15.34339 -174.01823 -15.35295 -174.61942 -15.72364 -174.62239 -15.84708 -174.70778 -15.87151 -174.67014 -16.06242 -174.75832 -16.36207 -174.74304 -16.5185 -174.715 -16.53891 -174.70268 -16.69909 -174.54863 -16.66476 -174.51258 -16.67348 -174.55117 -16.65711 -174.51221 -16.68608 -174.51739 -16.67107 -174.49909 -16.66054 -174.56149 -16.67726 -174.52758 -16.61641 -174.525 -16.69767 -174.5311 -16.65775 -174.51472 -16.64929 -174.53659 -16.66008 -174.51015 -16.65689 -174.54674 -16.65186 -174.52121 -16.64442 -174.53393 -16.59817 -174.54599 -16.59746 -174.54775 -16.73305 -174.53311 -16.72938 -174.53335 -16.62867 -174.54971 -16.62468 -174.54716 -16.66472 -174.52912 -16.66781 -174.50701 -16.64518 -174.52835 -16.64999 -174.54084 -16.69622 -174.51932 -16.66827 -174.54078 -16.67823 -174.533 -16.69801 -174.56436 -16.69983 -174.5066 -16.66891 -174.53404 -16.66927 -174.52368 -16.68958 -174.51138 -16.63091 -174.51864 -16.67478 -174.552 -16.66736 -174.51367 -16.63341 -174.53333 -16.69514 -174.54529 -16.69342 -174.53022 -16.67233 -174.54701 -16.93596 -174.53165 -16.94508 -174.54143 -16.96189 -174.53077 -16.9406 -174.53251 -16.96487 -174.55518 -16.96723 -174.50688 -16.93989 -174.52508 -16.96452 -174.54624 -16.95889 -174.55113 -17.54391 -174.57944 -17.54305 -174.55008 -17.53685 -174.57292 -17.54849 -174.57394 -17.53634 -174.5795 -17.55129 -174.54915 -17.5264 -174.54356 -16.97125 -174.51077 -16.90442 -174.54763 -16.90136 -174.56611 -17.03022 -174.51687 -17.02542 -174.51675 -16.96557 -174.54285 -16.97402 -174.56107 -16.96114 -174.54066 -16.962 -174.53924 -16.94405 -174.58524 -17.52867 -174.56155 -17.52855 -174.46558 -17.60771 -174.46721 -17.91072 -174.53028 -17.91578 -174.53298 -17.73404 -174.60396 -17.69759 -174.56226 -17.51893 -174.59376 -17.53618 -174.5574 -17.54325 -174.38512 -16.96585 -174.38506 -16.66833 -174.4068 -16.55931 -174.41011 -16.29741 -174.51929 -16.32186 -174.55703 -16.30357 -174.53684 -16.3002 -174.51597 -16.32293 -174.55191 -16.31679 -174.54647 -16.29708 -174.57684 -16.30653 -174.50714 -16.30606 -174.50209 -16.29184 -174.56665 -16.11496 -174.57313 -16.31209 -174.54801 -16.32139 -174.59317 -16.0858 -174.5859 -16.1299 -174.57528 -16.12845 -174.59055 -16.127 -174.59038 -16.08327 -174.60123 -16.08572 -174.56862 -16.07291 -174.60731 -16.13198 -174.58057 -16.09199 -174.41447 -16.07548 -174.41368 -16.32623 -174.55085 -16.30482 -174.57177 -16.31861 -174.54722 -16.32137 -174.56565 -16.32271 -174.55513 -16.31316 -174.59354 -16.17156 -174.59561 -16.09223 -174.55088 -16.30426 -174.52866 -16.31929 -174.55775 -16.30169 -174.4647 -15.99339 -174.45839 -15.82473 -174.67916 -15.44516 -174.70272 -15.38336 -174.67901 -15.36885 -174.70919 -15.39989 -174.68395 -15.3788 -174.68914 -15.36591 -174.65565 -15.36291 -174.71894 -15.39489 -174.677 -15.38631 -174.76407 -15.29822 -174.74972 -15.28725 -174.24632 -15.27564 -174.21776 -15.29215 -174.24354 -15.27054 -174.21973 -15.29746 -174.20099 -15.27637 -174.67647 -15.37923 -174.68688 -15.3689 -174.70594 -15.39663 -174.33036 -15.30739 -174.23401 -15.29907 -174.22022 -15.18785 -174.20939 -15.18245 -174.22283 -15.19988 -174.20844 -15.18092 -174.18422 -15.19409 -174.2045 -15.22321 -174.17788 -15.18852 -174.20485 -15.20846 -174.19665 -15.22807 -174.23277 -15.22745 -174.16378 -15.19695 -174.24945 -15.306 -174.23213 -15.30339 -174.22354 -15.29327 -174.24617 -15.27583 -174.18584 -15.16701 -174.21175 -15.22516 -174.24532 -15.13726 -174.32301 -15.06405 -174.51956 -15.32055 -174.68416 -15.36834 -174.69869 -15.39677 -174.67952 -15.3634 -174.67062 -15.36971 -174.69746 -15.38226 -174.69862 -15.40138 -174.68677 -15.40225 -174.71872 -15.3974 -174.66049 -15.36801 -174.69921 -15.37907 -174.66976 -15.3948 -174.67255 -15.4102 -174.65189 -15.32336 -174.41286 -15.04532 -174.50618 -15.0515 -174.68813 -15.39681 -174.67576 -15.42626 -174.70627 -15.39477 -174.68464 -15.36913 -174.52538 -15.39424 -173.98423 -15.35437 -174.0258 -15.37135 -174.01717 -15.35453 -173.97884 -15.35494 -173.98587 -15.36256 -173.98773 -15.34798 -174.01982 -15.38227 -173.98087 -15.33422 -174.01344 -15.33267 -173.98312 -15.384 -174.27444 -15.47312 -174.12409 -15.38968 -174.01475 -15.3784 -174.00689 -15.36574 -174.0243 -15.36197 -173.98694 -15.35263 -173.74177 -15.09013 -173.14856 -14.99751 -172.25631 -14.23101 -172.25419 -13.88926 -172.24104 -13.875 Cruise Start and End 2011-11-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia  2011-12-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903698 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer  raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903698 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1129A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1129A Lau Basin Bottom Mapping Martinez, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -174.76492 -171.75333 -17.91696 -13.68780 coordinates of ship track -171.76248 -13.82536 -171.76288 -13.7445 -171.80253 -13.69256 -172.06018 -13.69227 -172.35093 -13.97891 -173.65151 -15.08834 -173.62721 -15.08456 -173.68162 -15.10284 -173.66437 -15.09563 -173.6779 -15.10185 -173.70316 -15.06649 -173.79468 -15.12504 -173.70389 -15.0249 -172.52314 -14.00119 -172.33255 -13.9625 -172.06046 -13.69293 -171.79997 -13.69351 -171.7617 -13.7471 -171.76184 -13.82765 -171.75675 -13.75856 -171.80138 -13.6918 -172.06372 -13.69252 -172.25406 -13.88875 -172.27904 -14.02898 -173.40708 -14.99908 -173.55093 -15.09469 -173.55038 -15.08096 -173.54844 -15.10191 -173.54608 -15.08257 -173.55809 -15.08498 -173.54129 -15.0945 -173.55621 -15.10628 -173.56876 -15.09543 -173.52746 -15.08915 -173.54599 -15.09555 -173.54557 -15.11492 -173.55168 -15.09389 -173.54492 -15.1058 -173.54395 -15.08752 -173.59771 -15.15348 -173.55552 -15.11621 -173.57509 -15.15533 -173.56018 -15.17689 -173.53137 -15.10223 -173.58701 -15.13477 -173.54018 -15.09336 -173.55222 -15.08959 -173.57525 -15.16215 -173.58598 -15.15756 -173.56022 -15.15831 -173.56065 -15.17799 -173.56955 -15.17105 -173.53489 -15.15378 -173.60687 -15.18017 -173.58588 -15.16136 -173.71877 -15.11431 -173.77219 -15.07983 -173.78759 -14.98362 -173.77364 -15.02443 -173.8044 -15.02442 -173.77051 -15.00366 -173.78936 -14.99593 -173.79907 -15.01151 -173.7678 -14.99833 -173.80682 -14.98579 -173.78529 -14.97716 -173.77973 -15.00997 -173.55029 -15.09 -173.55622 -15.07453 -173.55266 -15.1312 -173.57537 -15.15494 -173.56101 -15.1705 -173.56537 -15.10284 -173.55289 -15.08039 -173.75304 -15.02601 -173.79434 -15.02958 -173.79216 -15.0046 -173.78161 -15.0434 -173.75944 -15.06098 -173.77608 -15.05367 -173.7845 -15.0338 -173.75151 -15.05846 -173.78483 -15.06804 -173.74728 -15.0336 -173.5752 -15.10716 -173.57847 -15.14904 -173.5614 -15.14068 -173.80152 -15.0126 -173.78976 -14.98716 -173.78425 -15.04816 -173.75689 -15.03442 -173.78771 -15.06954 -173.76405 -15.04063 -173.75255 -15.04497 -173.81032 -15.00356 -173.78847 -15.00351 -173.77472 -15.02914 -173.76077 -15.02349 -173.80943 -15.00844 -173.77037 -15.02011 -173.78149 -15.01809 -173.7601 -15.05698 -173.77838 -15.03992 -173.97748 -15.34636 -174.00594 -15.35676 -173.97609 -15.33435 -173.98449 -15.35833 -174.00927 -15.35295 -173.97172 -15.37926 -174.00073 -15.34749 -174.02468 -15.34618 -173.96132 -15.35018 -174.03526 -15.35169 -174.04218 -15.43092 -173.97396 -15.40593 -173.9923 -15.41973 -174.00731 -15.40958 -173.99137 -15.40798 -173.98203 -15.36029 -173.99629 -15.3331 -173.97494 -15.38217 -173.98187 -15.40428 -173.95478 -15.412 -174.01439 -15.39689 -174.03664 -15.35079 -173.99277 -15.39474 -174.05055 -15.38973 -174.03342 -15.37943 -173.6584 -15.3879 -173.94526 -15.6164 -173.93153 -15.63517 -173.91494 -15.63246 -173.59035 -15.38109 -173.7554 -15.34676 -173.98012 -15.37424 -173.97401 -15.36051 -174.03632 -15.40594 -174.01148 -15.41418 -173.97869 -15.40053 -174.01168 -15.35863 -173.98981 -15.34322 -174.14823 -15.74049 -174.26871 -15.70842 -173.8113 -15.29862 -173.28797 -14.99967 -172.22468 -14.0906 -172.25292 -13.88649 -172.06247 -13.69334 -171.80434 -13.69205 -171.76236 -13.74542 -171.76299 -13.82568 -171.76207 -13.74578 -171.79973 -13.69437 -172.06467 -13.69487 -172.25726 -13.89139 -173.2829 -14.74772 -173.99542 -15.34098 -174.01657 -15.35455 -174.0434 -15.34324 -174.00707 -15.3603 -174.04708 -15.33206 -174.03964 -15.34589 -174.05987 -15.35795 -173.98703 -15.33193 -174.04777 -15.35458 -173.97549 -15.3735 -173.97793 -15.29002 -173.99358 -15.28958 -174.02514 -15.43806 -174.03056 -15.36435 -174.06061 -15.37639 -174.08223 -15.36521 -174.01252 -15.27687 -174.00374 -15.28429 -174.04766 -15.34339 -174.01823 -15.35295 -174.61942 -15.72364 -174.62239 -15.84708 -174.70778 -15.87151 -174.67014 -16.06242 -174.75832 -16.36207 -174.74304 -16.5185 -174.715 -16.53891 -174.70268 -16.69909 -174.54863 -16.66476 -174.51258 -16.67348 -174.55117 -16.65711 -174.51221 -16.68608 -174.51739 -16.67107 -174.49909 -16.66054 -174.56149 -16.67726 -174.52758 -16.61641 -174.525 -16.69767 -174.5311 -16.65775 -174.51472 -16.64929 -174.53659 -16.66008 -174.51015 -16.65689 -174.54674 -16.65186 -174.52121 -16.64442 -174.53393 -16.59817 -174.54599 -16.59746 -174.54775 -16.73305 -174.53311 -16.72938 -174.53335 -16.62867 -174.54971 -16.62468 -174.54716 -16.66472 -174.52912 -16.66781 -174.50701 -16.64518 -174.52835 -16.64999 -174.54084 -16.69622 -174.51932 -16.66827 -174.54078 -16.67823 -174.533 -16.69801 -174.56436 -16.69983 -174.5066 -16.66891 -174.53404 -16.66927 -174.52368 -16.68958 -174.51138 -16.63091 -174.51864 -16.67478 -174.552 -16.66736 -174.51367 -16.63341 -174.53333 -16.69514 -174.54529 -16.69342 -174.53022 -16.67233 -174.54701 -16.93596 -174.53165 -16.94508 -174.54143 -16.96189 -174.53077 -16.9406 -174.53251 -16.96487 -174.55518 -16.96723 -174.50688 -16.93989 -174.52508 -16.96452 -174.54624 -16.95889 -174.55113 -17.54391 -174.57944 -17.54305 -174.55008 -17.53685 -174.57292 -17.54849 -174.57394 -17.53634 -174.5795 -17.55129 -174.54915 -17.5264 -174.54356 -16.97125 -174.51077 -16.90442 -174.54763 -16.90136 -174.56611 -17.03022 -174.51687 -17.02542 -174.51675 -16.96557 -174.54285 -16.97402 -174.56107 -16.96114 -174.54066 -16.962 -174.53924 -16.94405 -174.58524 -17.52867 -174.56155 -17.52855 -174.46558 -17.60771 -174.46721 -17.91072 -174.53028 -17.91578 -174.53298 -17.73404 -174.60396 -17.69759 -174.56226 -17.51893 -174.59376 -17.53618 -174.5574 -17.54325 -174.38512 -16.96585 -174.38506 -16.66833 -174.4068 -16.55931 -174.41011 -16.29741 -174.51929 -16.32186 -174.55703 -16.30357 -174.53684 -16.3002 -174.51597 -16.32293 -174.55191 -16.31679 -174.54647 -16.29708 -174.57684 -16.30653 -174.50714 -16.30606 -174.50209 -16.29184 -174.56665 -16.11496 -174.57313 -16.31209 -174.54801 -16.32139 -174.59317 -16.0858 -174.5859 -16.1299 -174.57528 -16.12845 -174.59055 -16.127 -174.59038 -16.08327 -174.60123 -16.08572 -174.56862 -16.07291 -174.60731 -16.13198 -174.58057 -16.09199 -174.41447 -16.07548 -174.41368 -16.32623 -174.55085 -16.30482 -174.57177 -16.31861 -174.54722 -16.32137 -174.56565 -16.32271 -174.55513 -16.31316 -174.59354 -16.17156 -174.59561 -16.09223 -174.55088 -16.30426 -174.52866 -16.31929 -174.55775 -16.30169 -174.4647 -15.99339 -174.45839 -15.82473 -174.67916 -15.44516 -174.70272 -15.38336 -174.67901 -15.36885 -174.70919 -15.39989 -174.68395 -15.3788 -174.68914 -15.36591 -174.65565 -15.36291 -174.71894 -15.39489 -174.677 -15.38631 -174.76407 -15.29822 -174.74972 -15.28725 -174.24632 -15.27564 -174.21776 -15.29215 -174.24354 -15.27054 -174.21973 -15.29746 -174.20099 -15.27637 -174.67647 -15.37923 -174.68688 -15.3689 -174.70594 -15.39663 -174.33036 -15.30739 -174.23401 -15.29907 -174.22022 -15.18785 -174.20939 -15.18245 -174.22283 -15.19988 -174.20844 -15.18092 -174.18422 -15.19409 -174.2045 -15.22321 -174.17788 -15.18852 -174.20485 -15.20846 -174.19665 -15.22807 -174.23277 -15.22745 -174.16378 -15.19695 -174.24945 -15.306 -174.23213 -15.30339 -174.22354 -15.29327 -174.24617 -15.27583 -174.18584 -15.16701 -174.21175 -15.22516 -174.24532 -15.13726 -174.32301 -15.06405 -174.51956 -15.32055 -174.68416 -15.36834 -174.69869 -15.39677 -174.67952 -15.3634 -174.67062 -15.36971 -174.69746 -15.38226 -174.69862 -15.40138 -174.68677 -15.40225 -174.71872 -15.3974 -174.66049 -15.36801 -174.69921 -15.37907 -174.66976 -15.3948 -174.67255 -15.4102 -174.65189 -15.32336 -174.41286 -15.04532 -174.50618 -15.0515 -174.68813 -15.39681 -174.67576 -15.42626 -174.70627 -15.39477 -174.68464 -15.36913 -174.52538 -15.39424 -173.98423 -15.35437 -174.0258 -15.37135 -174.01717 -15.35453 -173.97884 -15.35494 -173.98587 -15.36256 -173.98773 -15.34798 -174.01982 -15.38227 -173.98087 -15.33422 -174.01344 -15.33267 -173.98312 -15.384 -174.27444 -15.47312 -174.12409 -15.38968 -174.01475 -15.3784 -174.00689 -15.36574 -174.0243 -15.36197 -173.98694 -15.35263 -173.74177 -15.09013 -173.14856 -14.99751 -172.25631 -14.23101 -172.25419 -13.88926 -172.24104 -13.875 Cruise Start and End 2011-11-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia 2011-12-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia http://doi.org/10.7284/903698 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionLau Basin Bottom MappingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-174.76 -17.92, -174.76 -13.69, -171.75 -13.69, -171.75 -17.92, -174.76 -17.92))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903699 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1130 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1130 Underwater Salinity Asher, William University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.76436 -157.86769 -13.82744 21.31578 coordinates of ship track -171.76124 -13.82721 -171.75399 -13.78724 -171.72104 -13.77111 -171.49917 -13.21672 -169.35034 -7.76652 -169.23605 -7.60354 -166.56607 -0.70743 -166.53252 -0.62158 -166.50908 -0.62061 -166.1276 0.37744 -165.84453 0.66497 -164.71099 3.68056 -164.67055 3.68449 -164.65447 3.72701 -164.61459 3.72822 -164.60258 3.75767 -164.56631 3.7578 -164.55345 3.78802 -164.51846 3.78973 -164.5041 3.82722 -164.46775 3.82839 -164.45109 3.86371 -164.47151 3.88819 -164.57434 3.89046 -164.58502 3.90815 -163.82404 5.93498 -163.7209 6.18691 -163.6897 6.22225 -163.5172 6.68357 -163.25951 6.78994 -163.17385 6.84877 -162.2063 9.54491 -162.06599 9.52215 -161.85291 9.52048 -161.70475 9.57169 -160.808 12.38372 -159.50695 16.37095 -159.10153 16.5078 -158.54925 18.68967 -158.64588 18.73456 -158.6453 18.74656 -157.86792 21.30151 -157.88613 21.31546 Cruise Start and End 2011-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia  2011-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903699 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38</gmx:Anchor> Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. < gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/device/multibeam" xlink:actuate="onRequest">multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler curr ent profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882  magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903699 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1130 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1130 Underwater Salinity Asher, William University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.76436 -157.86769 -13.82744 21.31578 coordinates of ship track -171.76124 -13.82721 -171.75399 -13.78724 -171.72104 -13.77111 -171.49917 -13.21672 -169.35034 -7.76652 -169.23605 -7.60354 -166.56607 -0.70743 -166.53252 -0.62158 -166.50908 -0.62061 -166.1276 0.37744 -165.84453 0.66497 -164.71099 3.68056 -164.67055 3.68449 -164.65447 3.72701 -164.61459 3.72822 -164.60258 3.75767 -164.56631 3.7578 -164.55345 3.78802 -164.51846 3.78973 -164.5041 3.82722 -164.46775 3.82839 -164.45109 3.86371 -164.47151 3.88819 -164.57434 3.89046 -164.58502 3.90815 -163.82404 5.93498 -163.7209 6.18691 -163.6897 6.22225 -163.5172 6.68357 -163.25951 6.78994 -163.17385 6.84877 -162.2063 9.54491 -162.06599 9.52215 -161.85291 9.52048 -161.70475 9.57169 -160.808 12.38372 -159.50695 16.37095 -159.10153 16.5078 -158.54925 18.68967 -158.64588 18.73456 -158.6453 18.74656 -157.86792 21.30151 -157.88613 21.31546 Cruise Start and End 2011-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Apia 2011-12-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903699 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionUnderwater SalinityEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-171.76 -13.83, -171.76 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 -13.83, -171.76 -13.83))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact MM~=1+M5ci%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903700gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_urn:uuid:88247b56-4cbc-4df9-9860-db3f8042e357 durn:uuid:94bc9c83-97f6-4b40-9eb8-a8e8787a5c632urn:uuid:9a669547-b69b-469f-a11f-2d875366bbdc"http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903700 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E)  Cruise KM1131 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1131 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36822 -157.86753 21.24419 22.84900  coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31544 -157.86798 21.30111 -157.91168 21.24834 -158.15255 21.24896 -158.27428 21.34319 -158.33279 21.5811 -158.10259 22.4238 -158.04113 22.72411 -158.0164 22.77149 -157.9954 22.78151 -158.00601 22.75154 -157.99125 22.75194 -158.11836 22.70475 -158.0033 22.74966 -157.95636 22.74904 -158.03388 22.64557 -158.00248 22.74884 -157.95819 22.75383 -157.89453 22.80559 -157.99941 22.75035 -158.14137 22.74959 -157.97446 22.75188 -1 57.9117 22.84899 -157.99598 22.75281 -158.01738 22.74908 -157.97326 22.75598 -158.00854 22.63878 -158.01968 22.63892 -157.97823 22.68334 -157.97233 22.66684 -157.97772 22.68367 -157.97292 22.66346 -157.98746 22.68809 -157.98441 22.66671 -157.97609 22.67887 -157.98621 22.6732 -157.96677 22.66839 -158.36821 21.85054 -158.3321 21.56775 -158.27282 21.34369 -158.14832 21.24677 -157.93018 21.24805 -157.87784 21.28502 -157.86769 21.30373 -157.88441 21.31574 Cruise Start and End 2011-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu " 2011-12-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903700 $ collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 % Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ) Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw + Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities / RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam 3echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903700 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1131 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1131 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng ocea4ns geoscientificInformation -158.36822 -157.86753 21.24419 22.84900 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31544 -157.86798 21.30111 -157.91168 21.24834 -158.15255 21.24896 -158.27428 21.34319 -158.33279 21.5811 -158.10259 22.4238 -158.04113 22.72411 -158.0164 22.77149 -157.9954 22.78151 -158.00601 22.75154 -157.99125 22.75194 -158.11836 22.70475 -158.0033 22.74966 -157.95636 22.74904 -158.03388 22.64557 -158.00248 22.74884 -157.95819 22.75383 -157.89453 22.80559 -157.99941 22.75035 -158.14137 22.74959 -157.97446 22.75188 -157.9117 22.84899 -157.99598 22.75281 -158.01738 22.74908 -157.97326 22.75598 -158.00854 22.63878 -158.01968 22.63892 -157.97823 22.68334 -157.97233 22.66684 -157.97772 22.68367 -157.97292 22.66346 -157.98746 22.68809 -157.98441 22.66671 -157.97609 22.67887 -157.98621 22.6732 -157.96677 22.66839 -158.36821 21.85054 -158.3321 21.56775 -158.27282 21.34369 -158.14832 21.24677 -157.93018 21.24805 -157.87784 21.28502 -157.86769 21.30373 -157.88441 21.31574 5 Cruise Start and End 2011-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2011-12-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903700 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact7tional Data Centers/Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903701 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us po9intOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1201 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1201 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler ; Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor < EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation > -158.33260 -157.86726 21.24490 22.82607 coordinates of ship track ? -157.88662 21.31546 -157.86786 21.30075 -157.91701 21.24633 -158.14951 21.24641 -158.27371 21.34556 -158.33246 21.58173 -158.02883 22.74335 -158.04535 22.74817 -158.03304 22.74804 -158.09855 22.70982 -158.00023 22.81793 -157.95292 22.81336 -157.9752 22.80892 -157.99137 22.82602 -157.95337 22.81545 -157.96461 22.81418 -157.95531 22.79331 -158.057 22.71896 -158.1014 22.70182 -158.16228 22.73964 -158.32739 21.57311 -158.25257 21.34775 -158.15162 21.25003 -157.92531 21.24793 -157.86959 21.29827 -157.8866 21.31545 Cruise Start and End 2012-01-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List A Honolulu 2012-01-07 B University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu C http://doi.org/10.7284/903701 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. D RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 G Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw H Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw I Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetJometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana M University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field <Pgmi:instrument> Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Q Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903701 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1201 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1201 The Hawaii OceSan Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33260 -157.86726 21.24490 22.82607 coordinates of ship track -157.88662 21.31546 -157.86786 21.30075 -157.91701 21.24633 -158.14951 21.24641 -158.27371 21.34556 -158.33246 21.58173 -158.02883 22.74335 -158.04535 22.74817 -158.03304 22.74804 -158.09855 22.70982 -158.00023 22.81793 -157.95292 22.81336 -157.9752 22.80892 -157.99137 22.82602 -157.95337 22.81545 -157.96461 22.81418 -157.95531 22.79331 -158.057 22.71896 -158.1014 22.70182 -158.16228 22.73964 -158.32739 21.57311 -158.25257 21.34775 -158.15162 21.25003 -157.92531 21.24793 -157.86959 21.29827 -157.8866 21.31545 Cruise TStart and End 2012-01-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-01-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903701 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw L&R S-33 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities L&R S-33 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionThe Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) ProfilerEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.83, -157.87 22.83, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact =1+M5_U%a9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903701gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/902682 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30Y ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1202 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 publisheZd KM1202 Transit to Shipyard Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89037 -122.72768 21.19236 46.27226 coordinates of ship track <_gmd:description> Cruise Start and End 2012-01-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-02-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland http://dobi.org/10.7284/902682 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw d RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp e raw Internfational Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities h RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities doi:10.i7284/902682 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1202 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1202 Transit to Shipyard Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89037 -122.72768 21.19236 46.27226 coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2012-01-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-02-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland http://doi.org/10.7284/902682 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities engfieldSessionTransit to ShipyardEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 21.19, -157.89 46.27, -122.73 46.27, -122.73 21.19, -157.89 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact BBe=1+M5W%39 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902682gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/901494 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1203 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1203 p Shipyard Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords q NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2012-02-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland t 2012-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland http://doi.org/10.7284/901494 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hxawaii operator doi:10.7284/901494 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1203 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1203 Shipyard Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2012-02-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland 2012-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland http://doi.org/10.7284/901494 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionShipyard MaintenanceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact YfYx=1+M5q'%79 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903702gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903702 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program } info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1204 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1204 Transit from Shipyard Ferguson, J. Scott University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90889 -122.72772 21.19150 46.27246 coordinates of ship track -122.72772 45.56624 -122.77105 45.59033 -122.79089 45.62097 -122.7642 45.65504 -122.77536 45.68849 -122.76097 45.75868 -122.79629 45.8152 -122.78482 45.8642 -122.80893 45.90692 -122.8066 45.94812 -122.90664 46.0852 -123.12711 46.18703 -123.1677 46.18871 -123.3011 46.1436 -123.38621 46.14945 -123.42808 46.17998 -123.42979 46.23893 -123.47894 46.27206 -123.64762 46.25984 -123.82011 46.19726 -123.90282 46.1899 -124.01615 46.25272 -124.08289 46.25311 -124.16013 46.20403 -124.22567 46.09105 -124.81922 45.69667 -125.48392 45.30173 -125.85605 45.06097 -126.51534 44.6806 -128.42938 43.45596 -131.51671 41.37267 -133.61217 39.99379 -137.10856 37.61801 -137.83721 37.11151 -137.97821 36.9852 -138.20787 36.85313 -138.80844 36.439 -141.10271 34.81262 -145.21817 31.81353 -146.86011 30.59165 -150.06476 28.15954 -153.09627 25.78889 -153.241 25.68206 -153.26277 25.67998 -153.27466 25.65181 -154.43847 24.74727 -156.86463 22.79676 -156.82402 22.80531 -156.98677 22.70078 -157.18967 22.54043 -157.59585 21.50814 -157.54781 21.46782 -157.28801 21.46551 -157.5316 21.269 -157.66757 21.19282 -157.89509 21.20026 -157.89743 21.24743 -157.90886 21.24939 -157.86764 21.30256 -157.88629 21.31572 </gmd:EX_BoundingPolygon> Cruise Start and End 2012-03-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Portland 2012-03-22  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903702 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device.  magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3  gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903702 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1204 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1204 Transit from Shipyard Ferguson, J. Scott University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90889 -122.72772 21.19150 46.27246 coordinates of ship track -122.72772 45.56624 -122.77105 45.59033 -122.79089 45.62097 -122.7642 45.65504 -122.77536 45.68849 -122.76097 45.75868 -122.79629 45.8152 -122.78482 45.8642 -122.80893 45.90692 -122.8066 45.94812 -122.90664 46.0852 -123.12711 46.18703 -123.1677 46.18871 -123.3011 46.1436 -123.38621 46.14945 -123.42808 46.17998 -123.42979 46.23893 -123.47894 46.27206 -123.64762 46.25984 -123.82011 46.19726 -123.90282 46.1899 -124.01615 46.25272 -124.08289 46.25311 -124.16013 46.20403 -124.22567 46.09105 -124.81922 45.69667 -125.48392 45.30173 -125.85605 45.06097 -126.51534 44.6806 -128.42938 43.45596 -131.51671 41.37267 -133.61217 39.99379 -137.10856 37.61801 -137.83721 37.11151 -137.97821 36.9852 -138.20787 36.85313 -138.80844 36.439 -141.10271 34.81262 -145.21817 31.81353 -146.86011 30.59165 -150.06476 28.15954 -153.09627 25.78889 -153.241 25.68206 -153.26277 25.67998 -153.27466 25.65181 -154.43847 24.74727 -156.86463 22.79676 -156.82402 22.80531 -156.98677 22.70078 -157.18967 22.54043 -157.59585 21.50814 -157.54781 21.46782 -157.28801 21.46551 -157.5316 21.269 -157.66757 21.19282 -157.89509 21.20026 -157.89743 21.24743 -157.90886 21.24939 -157.86764 21.30256 -157.88629 21.31572 Cruise Start and End 2012-03-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland 2012-03-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903702 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransit from ShipyardEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.91 21.19, -157.91 46.27, -122.73 46.27, -122.73 21.19, -157.91 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContacteck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903703 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1205 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1205 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans  theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -158.36372 -157.86711 21.24242 22.77286 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86748 21.30408 -157.87418 21.29011 -157.93078 21.24985 -158.15249 21.24632 -158.27517 21.34173 -158.26366 21.34011 -158.33355 21.57941 -157.9966 22.75104 -158.07752 22.69663 -158.00024 22.75043 -157.96497 22.75297 -157.99343 22.75448 -158.00356 22.74981 -157.86868 22.74159 -158.00376 22.74759 -157.97259 22.75764 -157.886 22.70177 -158.00025 22.75042 -158.10853 22.74775 -158.10156 22.77283 -157.98477 22.75407 -158.10395 22.70887 -158.03872 22.73447 -158.19598 22.58346 -158.04461 22.66477 -157.98346 22.66192 -157.97838 22.64783 -157.99235 22.68072 -158.0285 22.68059 -158.08991 22.4365 -158.3637 21.84736 -158.33712 21.56105 -158.27143 21.33874 -158.14928 21.24589 -157.93743 21.24542 -157.87528 21.28911 -157.86803 21.30456 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2012-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-03-27  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903703 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw <gmi:identifier> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903703 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1205 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1205  Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Nosse, Craig University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36372 -157.86711 21.24242 22.77286 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86748 21.30408 -157.87418 21.29011 -157.93078 21.24985 -158.15249 21.24632 -158.27517 21.34173 -158.26366 21.34011 -158.33355 21.57941 -157.9966 22.75104 -158.07752 22.69663 -158.00024 22.75043 -157.96497 22.75297 -157.99343 22.75448 -158.00356 22.74981 -157.86868 22.74159 -158.00376 22.74759 -157.97259 22.75764 -157.886 22.70177 -158.00025 22.75042 -158.10853 22.74775 -158.10156 22.77283 -157.98477 22.75407 -158.10395 22.70887 -158.03872 22.73447 -158.19598 22.58346 -158.04461 22.66477 -157.98346 22.66192 -157.97838 22.64783 -157.99235 22.68072 -158.0285 22.68059 -158.08991 22.4365 -158.3637 21.84736 -158.33712 21.56105 -158.27143 21.33874 -158.14928 21.24589 -157.93743 21.24542 -157.87528 21.28911 -157.86803 21.30456 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2012-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-03-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903703 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.77, -157.87 22.77, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact @=1+M5KM%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903703gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903704 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1206 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1206  Transit/Return EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.43620 -157.86696 17.63584 21.31577 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86708 21.30216 -157.89494 21.25072 -158.12527 21.18207 -166.98034 18.83601 -170.49666 17.89023 -171.25999 17.68133 -171.34152 17.64642 -171.29334 17.65154 -171.43603 17.63862 -158.85404 20.99712 -158.46365 21.09625 -158.2672 21.10585 -157.88788 21.21067 -157.89218 21.20004 -157.91341 21.20589 -157.9101 21.26624 -157.88577 21.27182 -157.86784 21.30168 -157.88627 21.31576 Cruise Start and End 2012-03-29 <gmd:title> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-04-05  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903704 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field  Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903704 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1206 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1206 Transit/Return EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -171.43620 -157.86696 17.63584 21.31577 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86708 21.30216 -157.89494 21.25072 -158.12527 21.18207 -166.98034 18.83601 -170.49666 17.89023 -171.25999 17.68133 -171.34152 17.64642 -171.29334 17.65154 -171.43603 17.63862 -158.85404 20.99712 -158.46365 21.09625 -158.2672 21.10585 -157.88788 21.21067 -157.89218 21.20004 -157.91341 21.20589 -157.9101 21.26624 -157.88577 21.27182 -157.86784 21.30168 -157.88627 21.31576 Cruise Start and End 2012-03-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-04-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903704 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransit/ReturnEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-171.44 17.64, -171.44 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 17.64, -171.44 17.64))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact |=1+M55%9!!) [)doi:10.7284/903705gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005ہ=1+M5eW%)9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/903704gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:23Z doi:10.7284/903705 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1206A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1206A Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 158.16631 -168.21404 6.97899 18.50064 coordinates of ship track -168.21423 18.50059 -179.00026 15.58369 -179.99939 15.4405179.99709 15.43996 168.66497 13.83235 164.99793 11.9983 158.33342 7.16233 158.17275 7.08632 158.16773 7.019 158.20139 6.97909 Cruise Start and End 2012-04-07  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-04-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei  http://doi.org/10.7284/903705 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3  gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903705 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1206A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1206A Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 158.16631 -168.21404 6.97899 18.50064 coordinates of ship track -168.21423 18.50059 -179.00026 15.58369 -179.99939 15.4405 179.99709 15.43996 168.66497 13.83235 164.99793 11.9983 158.33342 7.16233 158.17275 7.08632 158.16773 7.019 158.20139 6.97909 Cruise Start and End 2012-04-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-04-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei http://doi.org/10.7284/903705 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((158.17 6.98, 158.17 18.50, -168.21 18.50, -168.21 6.98, 158.17 6.98))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact & !6K`u2G\q.CXm+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata +gmd:MD_Metadata +gmd:MD_Metadata +gmd:MD_Metadata +gmd:MD_Metadata +gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata+gmd:MD_Metadata cEQW]ciou{ #)/5;AGMSY_ekqw} %+17=CIOU[agmsyKE fedcba`_^]\[Zih      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgiapplication/pdfapplication/xhtml+xmlimage/jp2image/jpeg image/svg+xml text/rtf  doi:10.7284/903706 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1208 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1208 MIXing in the Equatorial Thermocline (MIXET) Richards, Kelvin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  155.74868 158.20141 -1.00224 7.03556 coordinates of ship track 158.20139 6.97909 158.13719 7.0324 157.9994 6.99819 156.00075 4.99967 155.99958 4.49947 156.03882 4.49725 155.94017 4.48895 156.02471 4.49383 155.99991 4.22018 155.99862 4.0015 156.01672 4.0025 155.99909 3.88292 156.00792 3.10035 156.00216 3.22299 155.94267 3.19872 156.00087 3.21944 156.01067 3.20899 155.99689 3.00205 156.02672 2.99559 155.99999 2.87064 155.99755 2.50794 156.03028 2.49829 156.00071 2.13373 156.00664 1.49761 155.91938 1.4957 156.0123 1.50331 155.99282 1.47555 155.99821 1.00088 156.01362 0.97954 156.00034 0.95568 155.99262 0.49388 156.02972 0.50065 155.99677 0.56905 155.91561 0.59427 156.0034 0.55705 155.99855 0.01153 155.99954 -0.00345 156.02506 -0.01219 155.99917 -0.05709 155.99807 -0.50253 156.04153 -0.52928 156.00021 -0.49976 156.00001 -0.58499 156.0181 -0.62254 155.99969 -0.57065 155.99814 -1.00208 155.99838 0.00234 156.24995 0.00045 155.99926 -0.2502 156.00094 0.25038 155.74941 0.00044 156.25014 0.00023 155.99825 -0.25107 155.99977 0.25009 155.74924 0.00008 156.25055 -0.00041 156.00069 -0.25002 156.00055 0.25084 155.74894 -0.00041 156.02488 0.00166 155.99717 0.0003 155.99695 2.1597 156.00795 1.95522 156.0011 1.1252 155.74871 1.37705 156.00605 1.37208 156.01522 1.37693 155.99236 1.37336 156.02059 1.40359 155.99466 1.37166 156.02195 1.39523 155.99665 1.37287 156.01279 1.38764 155.99796 1.37464 156.01096 1.38159 155.99984 1.37415 156.00078 0.99925 156.00013 3.00177 156.99802 5.99663 157.99866 6.99859 158.1301 7.03552 158.15396 7.02786 Cruise Start and End 2012-04-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Pohnpei http://doi.org/10.7284/903706 < /srv:containsOperations> collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device.  ctd raw Bell BGM-3  Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903706 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1208 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1208 MIXing in the Equatorial Thermocline (MIXET) Richards, Kelvin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 155.74868 158.20141 -1.00224 7.03556 coordinates of ship track 158.20139 6.97909 158.13719 7.0324 157.9994 6.99819 156.00075 4.99967 155.99958 4.49947 156.03882 4.49725 155.94017 4.48895 156.02471 4.49383 155.99991 4.22018 155.99862 4.0015 156.01672 4.0025 155.99909 3.88292 156.00792 3.10035 156.00216 3.22299 155.94267 3.19872 156.00087 3.21944 156.01067 3.20899 155.99689 3.00205 156.02672 2.99559 155.99999 2.87064 155.99755 2.50794 156.03028 2.49829 156.00071 2.13373 156.00664 1.49761 155.91938 1.4957 156.0123 1.50331 155.99282 1.47555 155.99821 1.00088 156.01362 0.97954 156.00034 0.95568 155.99262 0.49388 156.02972 0.50065 155.99677 0.56905 155.91561 0.59427 156.0034 0.55705 155.99855 0.01153 155.99954 -0.00345 156.02506 -0.01219 155.99917 -0.05709 155.99807 -0.50253 156.04153 -0.52928 156.00021 -0.49976 156.00001 -0.58499 156.0181 -0.62254 155.99969 -0.57065 155.99814 -1.00208 155.99838 0.00234 156.24995 0.00045 155.99926 -0.2502 156.00094 0.25038 155.74941 0.00044 156.25014 0.00023 155.99825 -0.25107 155.99977 0.25009 155.74924 0.00008 156.25055 -0.00041 156.00069 -0.25002 156.00055 0.25084 155.74894 -0.00041 156.02488 0.00166 155.99717 0.0003 155.99695 2.1597 156.00795 1.95522 156.0011 1.1252 155.74871 1.37705 156.00605 1.37208 156.01522 1.37693 155.99236 1.37336 156.02059 1.40359 155.99466 1.37166 156.02195 1.39523 155.99665 1.37287 156.01279 1.38764 155.99796 1.37464 156.01096 1.38159 155.99984 1.37415 156.00078 0.99925 156.00013 3.00177 156.99802 5.99663 157.99866 6.99859 158.1301 7.03552 158.15396 7.02786 Cruise Start and End 2012-04-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei http://doi.org/10.7284/903706 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMIXing in the Equatorial Thermocline (MIXET)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((155.75 -1.00, 155.75 7.04, 158.20 7.04, 158.20 -1.00, 155.75 -1.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact __ =1+M5i7%e9 !!' [)doi:10.7284/903706gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z  1/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903707 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1209 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1209 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme % NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 158.16773 -157.90554 6.97835 21.26635 coordinates of ship track 158.20175 6.97874 158.16779 7.01728 158.17088 7.0825 158.33371 7.16664 164.99214 11.99544 168.66314 13.83281 179.99732 15.44178-179.99956 15.44219 -179.00574 15.58199 -167.80393 18.6136 -158.06491 21.20255 -157.90713 21.26569 Cruise Start and End 2012-05-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-05-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu + http://doi.org/10.7284/903707 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. - adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. 1 ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam 4raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities 7 RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 <8/gmd:MD_Identifier> gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins 9 determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local :magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903707 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1209 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1209 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 158.16773 -157.90554 6.97835 21.26635 coordinates of ship track 158.20175 6.97874 158.16779 7.01728 158.17088 7.0825 158.33371 7.16664 164.99214 11.99544 168.66314 13.83281 179.99732 15.44178 -179.99956 15.44219 -179.00574 15.58199 -167.80393 18.6136 -158.06491 21.202<55 -157.90713 21.26569 Cruise Start and End 2012-05-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-05-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903707 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((158.17 6.98, 158.17 21.27, -157.91 21.27, -157.91 6.98, 158.17 6.98))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact //P=1+M5o%9!!) [)doi:10.7284/903707gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact C 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1210 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1210 Dynamic Camouflage in Benthic and Pelagic Cephalopods ESweeney, Alison University of California, Santa Barbara Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89325 -156.24604 19.10282 21.31561 coordinates of ship track I -157.88667 21.31542 -157.86721 21.30282 -157.89315 21.24457 -157.87135 21.22504 -157.12454 20.72886 -157.1297 20.70944 -157.10699 20.7237 -157.17707 20.64562 -157.13962 20.71341 -157.1304 20.67342 -157.14903 20.69364 -157.18075 20.66306 -157.13365 20.67925 -157.16871 20.66159 -157.14707 20.67045 -157.12483 20.64352 -157.07352 20.54152 -156.64015 19.14414 -156.60983 19.12564 -156.6272 19.1276 -156.62241 19.1036 -156.63255 19.13434 -156.61485 19.12648 -156.66259 19.15577 -156.6175 19.15122 -156.5538 19.10949 -156.44409 19.23797 -156.40393 19.34964 -156.37702 19.3522 -156.34318 19.32094 -156.35239 19.30737 -156.39711 19.31799 -156.39169 19.29653 -156.25963 19.37445 -156.24679 19.40607 -156.33405 19.43332 -156.30766 19.41331 -156.33842 19.45646 -156.34131 19.53614 -156.30701 19.70899 -156.31509 19.56604 -156.29753 19.51J204 -156.31047 19.35095 -156.33687 19.47017 -156.34868 19.48272 -156.33196 19.43133 -156.35793 19.46918 -156.36507 19.54805 -156.48688 19.52549 -156.33278 19.4329 -156.39061 19.66252 -156.3314 19.42987 -156.44486 19.54861 -156.29824 19.38633 -156.33609 19.44232 -156.33292 19.43204 -156.44036 19.48048 -156.42726 19.47883 -156.45132 19.51689 -156.81666 19.92786 -157.41788 20.66718 -157.33427 20.65082 -157.81925 20.77521 Cruise Start and End <Kgml:timePosition>2012-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-06-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901079 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Q Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw T Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw U Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer V raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected fWrom this device. multibeam raw X Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field ^ Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) _ Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/901079 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1210 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1210 Dynamic Camouflage in Benthic and Pelagic Cephalopods Sweeney, Alison University of California, Santa Barbara Scientistb, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89325 -156.24604 19.10282 21.31561 coordinates of ship track -157.88667 21.31542 -157.86721 21.30282 -157.89315 21.24457 -157.87135 21.22504 -157.12454 20.72886 -157.1297 20.70944 -157.10699 20.7237 -157.17707 20.64562 -157.13962 20.71341 -157.1304 20.67342 -157.14903 20.69364 -157.18075 20.66306 -157.13365 20.67925 -157.16871 20.66159 -157.14707 20.67045 -157.12483 20.64352 -157.07352 20.54152 -156.64015 19.14414 -156.60983 19.12564 -156.6272 19.1276 -156.62241 19.1036 -156.63255 19.13434 -156.61485 19.12648 -156.66259 19.15577 -156.6175 19.15122 -156.5538 19.10949 -156.44409 19.23797 -156.40393 19.34964 -156.37702 19.3522 -156.34318 19.32094 -156.35239 19.30737 -156.39711 19.31799 -156.39169 19.29653c -156.25963 19.37445 -156.24679 19.40607 -156.33405 19.43332 -156.30766 19.41331 -156.33842 19.45646 -156.34131 19.53614 -156.30701 19.70899 -156.31509 19.56604 -156.29753 19.51204 -156.31047 19.35095 -156.33687 19.47017 -156.34868 19.48272 -156.33196 19.43133 -156.35793 19.46918 -156.36507 19.54805 -156.48688 19.52549 -156.33278 19.4329 -156.39061 19.66252 -156.3314 19.42987 -156.44486 19.54861 -156.29824 19.38633 -156.33609 19.44232 -156.33292 19.43204 -156.44036 19.48048 -156.42726 19.47883 -156.45132 19.51689 -156.81666 19.92786 -157.41788 20.66718 -157.33427 20.65082 -157.81925 20.77521 Cruise Start and End 2012-05-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-06-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901079 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 d Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionDynamic Camouflage in Benthic and Pelagic CephalopodsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 19.10, -157.89 21.32, -156.25 21.32, -156.25 19.10, -157.89 19.10))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 8=1+M53%%w9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901079gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903708 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program i info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) j Cruise KM1211 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1211 <kgmd:abstract> Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) III/ C-MORE 2012, Leg 2/ Summer Course (Agouron-8) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientilst, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33467 -157.68321 21.24651 23.01888 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86769 21.30182 -157.91332 21.24673 -158.14915 21.24739 -158.27356 21.34513 -158.3341 21.58943 -158.25422 21.85938 -158.21185 22.11106 -158.04947 22.80054 -158.09045 22.86345 -158.04708 22.80855 -158.04496 22.86094 -158.05094 22.80126 -158.00502 22.85582 -158.03745 22.8162 -158.05228 22.82822 -15p8.06986 22.81198 -158.05336 22.79403 -158.05781 22.87103 -158.07317 22.83733 -158.06226 22.81883 -158.08496 22.83481 -158.04321 22.84337 -158.02943 22.8688 -158.03248 22.8525 -158.01434 22.8537 -158.02674 22.91583 -158.02136 22.89393 -158.05778 22.7982 -158.03242 22.8555 -158.04227 22.86143 -158.05815 22.80662 -158.0464 22.82674 -158.06782 22.8613 -158.04941 22.84853 -157.9959 22.8629 -158.05114 22.79999 -158.07782 22.85681 -158.04971 22.79996 -158.02759 22.84681 -158.00367 22.85337 -158.0102 22.87119 -158.01487 22.85864 -157.99237 22.85529 -158.06243 22.79036 -158.11495 22.81263 -158.10462 22.79091 -158.0498 22.79992 -158.01503 22.84126 -158.00042 22.83528 -157.99438 22.86794 -158.05148 22.81226 -158.05311 22.79899 -158.04035 22.80172 -157.96311 22.86761 -158.04584 22.79786 -158.025 22.81594 -158.04353 22.87223 -158.05271 22.80178 -158.03081 22.80511 -158.01101 22.85089 -158.01193 22.86558 -158.06037 22.80257 -158.03897 22.79754 -158.04429 22.77277 -158.33423 21.58894 -158.31969 21.52754 -158.2274 21.444q42 -158.2038 21.44204 -158.22577 21.44239 -158.26012 21.47232 -158.32732 21.55681 -158.32887 21.60622 -158.28222 21.79359 -158.07146 22.32951 -157.7943 22.91504 -157.70794 23.01214 -157.68348 23.01887 -158.01975 22.75872 -158.00359 22.76109 -157.88661 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-11 <rgmd:EX_GeographicDescription> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu s 2012-06-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu t http://doi.org/10.7284/903708 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw x Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd y raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw | Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer } raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. ~ multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp  (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer  measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903708 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1211 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1211 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) III/ C-MORE 2012, Leg 2/ Summer Course (Agouron-8) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33467 -157.68321 21.24651 23.01888 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86769 21.30182 -157.91332 21.24673 -158.14915 21.24739 -158.27356 21.34513 -158.3341 21.58943 -158.25422 21.85938 -158.21185 22.11106 -158.04947 22.80054 -158.09045 22.86345 -158.04708 22.80855 -158.04496 22.86094 -158.05094 22.80126 -158.00502 22.85582 -158.03745 22.8162 -158.05228 22.82822 -158.06986 22.81198 -158.05336 22.79403 -158.05781 22.87103 -158.07317 22.83733 -158.06226 22.81883 -158.08496 22.83481 -158.04321 22.84337 -158.02943 22.8688 -158.03248 22.8525 -158.01434 22.8537 -158.02674 22.91583 -158.02136 22.89393 -158.05778 22.7982 -158.03242 22.8555 -158.04227 22.86143 -158.05815 22.80662 -158.0464 22.82674 -158.06782 22.8613 -158.04941 22.84853 -157.9959 22.8629 -158.05114 22.79999 -158.07782 22.85681 -158.04971 22.79996 -158.02759 22.84681 -158.00367 22.85337 -158.0102 22.87119 -158.01487 22.85864 -157.99237 22.85529 -158.06243 22.79036 -158.11495 22.81263 -158.10462 22.79091 -158.0498 22.79992 -158.01503 22.84126 -158.00042 22.83528 -157.99438 22.86794 -158.05148 22.81226 -158.05311 22.79899 -158.04035 22.80172 -157.96311 22.86761 -158.04584 22.79786 -158.025 22.81594 -158.04353 22.87223 -158.05271 22.80178 -158.03081 22.80511 -158.01101 22.85089 -158.01193 22.86558 -158.06037 22.80257 -158.03897 22.79754 -158.04429 22.77277 -158.33423 21.58894 -158.31969 21.52754 -158.2274 21.44442 -158.2038 21.44204 -158.22577 21.44239 -158.26012 21.47232 -158.32732 21.55681 -158.32887 21.60622 -158.28222 21.79359 -158.07146 22.32951 -157.7943 22.91504 -157.70794 23.01214 -157.68348 23.01887 -158.01975 22.75872 -158.00359 22.76109 -157.88661 21.31541 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-06-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903708 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) III/ C-MORE 2012, Leg 2/ Summer Course (Agouron-8)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 23.02, -157.68 23.02, -157.68 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact +ua+ =1+M59%a9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903711gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://wwԂ1 >1+M5Y%W9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903710gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z1+M5}K%y9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903708gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903709 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1212 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1212  Multibeam Sea Acceptance Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.09802 -157.60860 20.47438 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.8678 21.3032 -157.87376 21.29097 -157.93501 21.23439 -158.10181 21.23424 -158.2225 21.26425 -158.14025 21.09327 -157.85098 20.70298 -157.62472 20.53666 -157.63657 20.52916 -157.6089 20.54115 -157.81005 20.48282 -157.6222 20.5361 -157.80371 20.48527 -157.73537 20.50281 -157.70666 20.47559 -157.62144 20.50214 -157.73396 20.53455 -157.63435 20.57142 -157.78284 21.03454 -158.08049 21.11717 -158.16582 21.11634 -158.43727 21.1887 -159.08936 21.17659 -159.09601 21.14087 -158.81864 21.13858 -158.81535 21.10674 -159.0874 21.09993 -159.09765 21.06501 -158.82634 21.06143 -158.82448 21.02471 -159.08754 21.02084 -159.02294 20.99589 -159.02168 21.1951 -158.98685 21.20137 -158.98345 20.98742 -158.9454 20.98671 -158.94426 21.20425 -158.90788 21.20449 -158.90724 20.9922 -158.87006 20.98916 -158.86683 21.25478 -158.94263 21.23937 -157.94506 21.23634 -157.88308 21.1661 -157.92558 21.24326 -157.86848 21.17109 -157.88344 21.17147 -157.93016 21.23956 -157.87599 21.17551 -157.9318 21.1555 -157.85888 21.20731 -157.8613 21.22378 -157.92307 21.1903 -157.93809 21.19693 -157.89611 21.23737 -157.94543 21.20147 -157.99666 21.09503 -157.88713 21.26519 -157.87423 21.31025 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2012-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903709 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device.  magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 </gmi:identifier> gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903709 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1212 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1212 Multibeam Sea Acceptance Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.09802 -157.60860 20.47438 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.8678 21.3032 -157.87376 21.29097 -157.93501 21.23439 -158.10181 21.23424 -158.2225 21.26425 -158.14025 21.09327 -157.85098 20.70298 -157.62472 20.53666 -157.63657 20.52916 -157.6089 20.54115 -157.81005 20.48282 -157.6222 20.5361 -157.80371 20.48527 -157.73537 20.50281 -157.70666 20.47559 -157.62144 20.50214 -157.73396 20.53455 -157.63435 20.57142 -157.78284 21.03454 -158.08049 21.11717 -158.16582 21.11634 -158.43727 21.1887 -159.08936 21.17659 -159.09601 21.14087 -158.81864 21.13858 -158.81535 21.10674 -159.0874 21.09993 -159.09765 21.06501 -158.82634 21.06143 -158.82448 21.02471 -159.08754 21.02084 -159.02294 20.99589 -159.02168 21.1951 -158.98685 21.20137 -158.98345 20.98742 -158.9454 20.98671 -158.94426 21.20425 -158.90788 21.20449 -158.90724 20.9922 -158.87006 20.98916 -158.86683 21.25478 -158.94263 21.23937 -157.94506 21.23634 -157.88308 21.1661 -157.92558 21.24326 -157.86848 21.17109 -157.88344 21.17147 -157.93016 21.23956 -157.87599 21.17551 -157.9318 21.1555 -157.85888 21.20731 -157.8613 21.22378 -157.92307 21.1903 -157.93809 21.19693 -157.89611 21.23737 -157.94543 21.20147 -157.99666 21.09503 -157.88713 21.26519 -157.87423 21.31025 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903709 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMultibeam Sea AcceptanceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.10 20.47, -159.10 21.32, -157.61 21.32, -157.61 20.47, -159.10 20.47))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact .Tz8^Bh%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd %Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd!%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd"%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd#%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd$%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd%w.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903710 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1213 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1213 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) IV/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii</gmx:Anchor> Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36344 -157.59887  21.24406 22.85295 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.86818 21.30042 -157.91513 21.25039 -158.15114 21.24766 -158.27474 21.34331 -158.33406 21.57926 -158.03873 22.61762 -158.00306 22.78918 -157.9757 22.80989 -158.03179 22.80939 -158.00647 22.81462 -158.02963 22.80692 -158.01178 22.81253 -157.99976 22.75143 -157.96752 22.76945 -157.86185 22.76155 -158.00195 22.75138 -157.96495 22.7649 -157.92137 22.80816 -157.8749 22.80344 -157.92777 22.78738 -157.90117 22.80508 -157.92384 22.79013 -157.90841 22.79688 -158.03935 22.80079 -157.9828 22.82199 -157.95271 22.85292 -157.99421 22.8212 -157.94815 22.8498 -157.97942 22.82716 -157.98992 22.78772 -157.88685 22.82082 -157.99322 22.74676 -157.97509 22.76368 -158.00089 22.75079 -157.90375 22.76269 -157.86301 22.80304 -157.82004 22.80491 -157.72983 22.74806 -157.59898 22.7384 -157.87337 22.75367 -157.85504 22.75655 -157.87704 22.7668 -157.94987 22.75702 -157.89674 22.77243 -158.36344 21.84692 -158.33448 21.58763 -158.27148 21.34055 -158.14587 21.24607 -157.90573 21.24748 -157.86814 21.3011 -157.88629 21.31566 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu 2012-06-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903710 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device.  magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3  gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903710 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1213 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1213 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) IV/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36344 -157.59887 21.24406 22.85295 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.86818 21.30042 -157.91513 21.25039 -158.15114 21.24766 -158.27474 21.34331 -158.33406 21.57926 -158.03873 22.61762 -158.00306 22.78918 -157.9757 22.80989 -158.03179 22.80939 -158.00647 22.81462 -158.02963 22.80692 -158.01178 22.81253 -157.99976 22.75143 -157.96752 22.76945 -157.86185 22.76155 -158.00195 22.75138 -157.96495 22.7649 -157.92137 22.80816 -157.8749 22.80344 -157.92777 22.78738 -157.90117 22.80508 -157.92384 22.79013 -157.90841 22.79688 -158.03935 22.80079 -157.9828 22.82199 -157.95271 22.85292 -157.99421 22.8212 -157.94815 22.8498 -157.97942 22.82716 -157.98992 22.78772 -157.88685 22.82082 -157.99322 22.74676 -157.97509 22.76368 -158.00089 22.75079 -157.90375 22.76269 -157.86301 22.80304 -157.82004 22.80491 -157.72983 22.74806 -157.59898 22.7384 -157.87337 22.75367 -157.85504 22.75655 -157.87704 22.7668 -157.94987 22.75702 -157.89674 22.77243 -158.36344 21.84692 -158.33448 21.58763 -158.27148 21.34055 -158.14587 21.24607 -157.90573 21.24748 -157.86814 21.3011 -157.88629 21.31566 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-06-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903710 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) IV/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.85, -157.60 22.85, -157.60 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 0H`x 8Ph(@Xp/906352Z1doi:10.7284/906351Y1doi:10.7284/906350X1doi:10.7284/9047921doi:10.7284/9037071doi:10.7284/903708 1doi:10.7284/903709 1doi:10.7284/903710 1doi:10.7284/903711 1doi:10.7284/9037011doi:10.7284/9037021doi:10.7284/9037031doi:10.7284/9037041doi:10.7284/9037051doi:10.7284/9037061doi:10.7284/9037071doi:10.7284/903708 1doi:10.7284/903709 1doi:10.7284/903710 1doi:10.7284/903711 1doi:10.7284/903712 1doi:10.7284/9037131doi:10.7284/9037141doi:10.7284/9037151doi:10.7284/9037161doi:10.7284/9037171doi:10.7284/9037181doi:10.7284/9037191doi:10.7284/9037201doi:10.7284/9037211doi:10.7284/9037221doi:10.7284/9037241doi:10.7284/9037251doi:10.7284/9040721doi:10.7284/90408291doi:10.7284/904083:1doi:10.7284/904084F1doi:10.7284/9041121doi:10.7284/9043361doi:10.7284/904735N,organization/us.rvdata" xlink:actuate="onRequest">Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-05-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data doi:10.7284/903711 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1214 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1214 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33382 -157.55525 21.18586 23.17606 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31572 -157.86828 21.30059 -157.92324 21.24519 -158.14156 21.24664 -158.19343 21.26515 -158.27271 21.3466 -158.32238 21.53337 -158.3335 21.58584 -158.02247 22.73416 -158.21725 22.69966 -158.02534 22.67064 -157.97976 22.6806 -158.04094 22.73628 -158.00322 22.73489 -158.03058 22.72934 -158.01925 22.72409 -157.91058 22.82027 -157.66034 23.10285 -157.55796 23.17605 -157.57464 23.16105 -157.6249 23.16628 -157.55737 21.33625 -157.66357 21.19508 -157.709 21.18595 -157.83706 21.19026 -157.89578 21.24265 -157.87499 21.31056 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-07-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903711 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam  raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam <gmi:description> multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903711 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1214 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1214 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33382 -157.55525 21.18586 23.17606 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31572 -157.86828 21.30059 -157.92324 21.24519 -158.14156 21.24664 -158.19343 21.26515 -158.27271 21.3466 -158.32238 21.53337 -158.3335 21.58584 -158.02247 22.73416 -158.21725 22.69966 -158.02534 22.67064 -157.97976 22.6806 -158.04094 22.73628 -158.00322 22.73489 -158.03058 22.72934 -158.01925 22.72409 -157.91058 22.82027 -157.66034 23.10285 -157.55796 23.17605 -157.57464 23.16105 -157.6249 23.16628 -157.55737 21.33625 -157.66357 21.19508 -157.709 21.18595 -157.83706 21.19026 -157.89578 21.24265 -157.87499 21.31056 Cruise Start and End 2012-06-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-07-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903711 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionThe Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) ProfilerEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.19, -158.33 23.18, -157.56 23.18, -157.56 21.19, -158.33 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903712 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us  pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1215 on RV Kilo Moana  2015-09-30 published KM1215 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) V Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans  geoscientificInformation -160.27847 -157.86744 21.24371 23.76046 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31541 -157.86787 21.30102 -157.91707 21.24763 -158.15074 21.24762 -158.28445 21.35528 -158.3354 21.56458 -158.19971 22.06194 -158.16937 22.11731 -158.08423 22.61421 -158.03045 22.80763 -158.11431 22.80422 -158.01544 22.8119 -158.06424 22.83712 -158.07407 22.82439 -158.0342 22.80842 -158.1131 22.79358 -158.02009 22.8155 -158.11899 22.82137 -158.12924 22.80459 -158.02373 22.81181 -158.06664 22.83593 -158.08032 22.81568 -158.03497 22.80745 -158.06438 22.83564 -158.03151 22.80954 -158.07537 22.83027 -158.12056 22.82782 -158.11718 22.80845 -158.09064 22.8234 -158.02961 22.80646 -158.07748 22.83688 -158.08371 22.8575 -158.12172 22.86793 -158.0794 22.85531 -158.03098 22.804 -158.11674 22.80324 -158.03333 22.80597 -158.06323 22.83215 -158.07623 22.8269 -158.03387 22.80843 -158.05881 22.83966 -158.0393 22.80642 -158.02564 22.81767 -158.07806 22.85008 -158.02917 22.81037 -158.06422 22.83431 -158.03403 22.80342 -158.10119 22.79423 -158.02334 22.81088 -158.00385 22.88124 -158.03639 22.80459 -158.10639 22.8193 -158.0214 22.81013 -157.99629 22.86404 -158.03701 22.80604 -158.11149 22.81234 -158.02209 22.80957 -158.10848 22.81596 -158.0299 22.80964 -158.04873 22.83353 -158.08417 22.84397 -158.10297 22.8406 -158.02393 22.81145 -158.08005 22.82225 -158.03798 22.80441 -158.07989 22.81986 -158.03746 22.80601 -157.981 22.82134 -157.90803 22.80697 -157.90898 22.78747 -157.94167 22.77324 -157.92729 22.76347 -157.93097 22.77666 -158.01415 22.79688 -158.02503 22.81388 -158.08934 22.82658 -158.09834 22.84232 -158.03401 22.80996 -158.10852 22.81276 -158.02754 22.80577 -158.07406 22.83186 -158.0804 22.82243 -158.03731 22.80569 -158.08052 22.81778 -158.02188 22.80161 -158.08415 22.81566 -158.09122 22.80501 -158.02483 22.81334 -158.08805 22.81173 -158.10927 22.8285 -158.03277 22.80895 -158.10767 22.80778 -158.02984 22.80612 -158.0738 22.8276 -158.08138 22.81585 -158.03761 22.80279 -158.03353 22.81351 -158.07211 22.83019 -158.08001 22.81753 -158.03129 22.80541 -158.03319 22.74122 -158.10303 22.78608 -158.09478 22.79944 -158.03752 22.80551 -158.07596 22.82994 -158.08024 22.81637 -158.03757 22.80582 -157.91514 22.80619 -157.91007 22.78864 -157.93497 22.76227 -157.91009 22.76091 -158.11249 22.78255 -158.0256 22.80296 -158.11968 22.80325 -158.02269 22.81027 -158.05952 22.83524 -158.07098 22.82004 -158.03244 22.80782 -158.60776 23.38614 -158.86135 23.66195 -158.9508 23.73032 -158.9537 23.75787 -158.93479 23.75749 -159.09957 22.89248 -159.22553 22.12825 -159.33329 22.23951 -159.56158 22.27417 -159.66783 22.18682 -159.5657 22.27665 -159.49746 22.2783 -159.52716 22.43285 -159.49926 22.27634 -159.56911 22.28262 -160.10881 22.05024 -160.20257 21.97389 -160.27406 21.88439 -160.27736 21.76578 -160.2019 21.74187 -160.09658 21.84719 -159.66367 21.87692 -159.44875 21.84225 -158.15066 21.24626 -157.9064 21.2446 -157.89258 21.25742 Cruise Start and End 2012-07-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-07-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903712 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw <gmd:CI_Citation> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  doi:10.7284/903712 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1215 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1215 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) V Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.27847 -157.86744 21.24371 23.76046 coordinates of ship track -157.8866 21.31541 -157.86787 21.30102 -157.91707 21.24763 -158.15074 21.24762 -158.28445 21.35528 -158.3354 21.56458 -158.19971 22.06194 -158.16937 22.11731 -158.08423 22.61421 -158.03045 22.80763 -158.11431 22.80422 -158.01544 22.8119 -158.06424 22.83712 -158.07407 22.82439 -158.0342 22.80842 -158.1131 22.79358 -158.02009 22.8155 -158.11899 22.82137 -158.12924 22.80459 -158.02373 22.81181 -158.06664 22.83593 -158.08032 22.81568 -158.03497 22.80745 -158.06438 22.83564 -158.03151 22.80954 -158.07537 22.83027 -158.12056 22.82782 -158.11718 22.80845 -158.09064 22.8234 -158.02961 22.80646 -158.07748 22.83688 -158.08371 22.8575 -158.12172 22.86793 -158.0794 22.85531 -158.03098 22.804 -158.11674 22.80324 -158.03333 22.80597 -158.06323 22.83215 -158.07623 22.8269 -158.03387 22.80843 -158.05881 22.83966 -158.0393 22.80642 -158.02564 22.81767 -158.07806 22.85008 -158.02917 22.81037 -158.06422 22.83431 -158.03403 22.80342 -158.10119 22.79423 -158.02334 22.81088 -158.00385 22.88124 -158.03639 22.80459 -158.10639 22.8193 -158.0214 22.81013 -157.99629 22.86404 -158.03701 22.80604 -158.11149 22.81234 -158.02209 22.80957 -158.10848 22.81596 -158.0299 22.80964 -158.04873 22.83353 -158.08417 22.84397 -158.10297 22.8406 -158.02393 22.81145 -158.08005 22.82225 -158.03798 22.80441 -158.07989 22.81986 -158.03746 22.80601 -157.981 22.82134 -157.90803 22.80697 -157.90898 22.78747 -157.94167 22.77324 -157.92729 22.76347 -157.93097 22.77666 -158.01415 22.79688 -158.02503 22.81388 -158.08934 22.82658 -158.09834 22.84232 -158.03401 22.80996 -158.10852 22.81276 -158.02754 22.80577 -158.07406 22.83186 -158.0804 22.82243 -158.03731 22.80569 -158.08052 22.81778 -158.02188 22.80161 -158.08415 22.81566 -158.09122 22.80501 -158.02483 22.81334 -158.08805 22.81173 -158.10927 22.8285 -158.03277 22.80895 -158.10767 22.80778 -158.02984 22.80612 -158.0738 22.8276 -158.08138 22.81585 -158.03761 22.80279 -158.03353 22.81351 -158.07211 22.83019 -158.08001 22.81753 -158.03129 22.80541 -158.03319 22.74122 -158.10303 22.78608 -158.09478 22.79944 -158.03752 22.80551 -158.07596 22.82994 -158.08024 22.81637 -158.03757 22.80582 -157.91514 22.80619 -157.91007 22.78864 -157.93497 22.76227 -157.91009 22.76091 -158.11249 22.78255 -158.0256 22.80296 -158.11968 22.80325 -158.02269 22.81027 -158.05952 22.83524 -158.07098 22.82004 -158.03244 22.80782 -158.60776 23.38614 -158.86135 23.66195 -158.9508 23.73032 -158.9537 23.75787 -158.93479 23.75749 -159.09957 22.89248 -159.22553 22.12825 -159.33329 22.23951 -159.56158 22.27417 -159.66783 22.18682 -159.5657 22.27665 -159.49746 22.2783 -159.52716 22.43285 -159.49926 22.27634 -159.56911 22.28262 -160.10881 22.05024 -160.20257 21.97389 -160.27406 21.88439 -160.27736 21.76578 -160.2019 21.74187 -160.09658 21.84719 -159.66367 21.87692 -159.44875 21.84225 -158.15066 21.24626 -157.9064 21.2446 -157.89258 21.25742 Cruise Start and End 2012-07-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-07-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903712 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.28 21.24, -160.28 23.76, -157.87 23.76, -157.87 21.24, -160.28 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact **Q>1+M5I_%W9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903713gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903713 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program  info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1216 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1216 " Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VI/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords $ NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36477 -157.86742 21.24522 22.88550 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31544 -157.86771 21.30127 -157.90209 21.24702 -158.14626 21.24653 -158.275 21.34312 -158.3337 21.53393 -158.33372 21.5819 -158.04422 22.59986 -157.98921 22.75898 -157.96979 22.75984 -157.99968 22.7495 -157.96369 22.85263 -158.00007 22.74999 -158.10811 22.7726 -'158.02626 22.75832 -158.01987 22.82305 -157.99564 22.82313 -158.01547 22.85256 -157.99008 22.76186 -157.92625 22.82778 -157.97681 22.77355 -157.89573 22.80362 -157.91953 22.8299 -158.00012 22.74969 -157.98714 22.74656 -158.00023 22.74818 -158.16152 22.88543 -157.92635 22.76918 -158.04272 22.73775 -157.99898 22.73689 -158.36456 21.8491 -158.33106 21.51824 -158.29245 21.40537 -158.15879 21.25438 -157.89892 21.24623 -157.8677 21.30139 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2012-07-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ) 2012-08-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903713 + collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 , Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 0 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw 2 Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw 4 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities 6 RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 8 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam ech:osounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903713 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1216 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1216 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VI/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Off;ice custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36477 -157.86742 21.24522 22.88550 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31544 -157.86771 21.30127 -157.90209 21.24702 -158.14626 21.24653 -158.275 21.34312 -158.3337 21.53393 -158.33372 21.5819 -158.04422 22.59986 -157.98921 22.75898 -157.96979 22.75984 -157.99968 22.7495 -157.96369 22.85263 -158.00007 22.74999 -158.10811 22.7726 -158.02626 22.75832 -158.01987 22.82305 -157.99564 22.82313 -158.01547 22.85256 -157.99008 22.76186 -157.92625 22.82778 -157.97681 22.77355 -157.89573 22.80362 -157.91953 22.8299 -158.00012 22.74969 -157.98714 22.74656 -158.00023 22.74818 -158.16152 22.88543 -157.92635 22.76918 -158.04272 22.73775 -157.99898 22.73689 -158.36456 21.8491 -158.33106 21.51824 -158.29245 21.40537 -158.15879 21.25438 -157.89892 21.24623 -157.8677 21.30139 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2012-07-30 University-National Oc Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VI/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.89, -157.87 22.89, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact sN &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$  W V U T S R O N M L K J i h g f e d c a ` _ ^ ] \ [ Z Y                                                       " # $ % & ' ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A C D E F G H I J K L M N O R S T U V W X?/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903714 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1217 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1217 C Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VII Dyhrman, Sonya Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords E NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33381 -157.86749 21.24396 <G/gmd:southBoundLatitude> 22.88118 coordinates of ship track -157.88656 21.31544 -157.86789 21.30112 -157.91632 21.24432 -158.14553 21.24701 -158.27171 21.34392 -158.3336 21.54087 -158.04208 22.81701 -158.02585 22.8176 -158.09116 22.83942 -158.03822 22.81376 -158.09324 22.81536 -158.08001 22.82781 -158.04057 22.81879 -158.08462 22.8H7392 -158.04274 22.81642 -158.0282 22.82012 -158.04248 22.81679 -158.08002 22.88115 -158.03557 22.81905 -158.08232 22.84575 -158.10127 22.83095 -158.02685 22.81717 -158.11103 22.84756 -158.02713 22.8163 -158.09753 22.83757 -158.03619 22.81615 -158.08959 22.84552 -158.09823 22.83032 -158.02248 22.81834 -158.10097 22.83127 -158.03644 22.81679 -158.15217 22.3397 -158.07264 22.33889 -158.05039 22.7401 -158.04175 22.81707 -158.02514 22.81845 -158.10132 22.82352 -158.03638 22.81668 -158.05745 22.83868 -158.06957 22.82653 -158.04106 22.81635 -158.08416 22.87781 -158.03339 22.81563 -158.08602 22.87711 -158.03606 22.81885 -158.10273 22.82398 -158.03673 22.81671 -158.09739 22.87357 -158.04128 22.8176 -158.03147 22.73861 -157.92408 22.78025 -157.93109 22.77105 -157.94822 22.78533 -157.91903 22.77624 -157.94142 22.77623 -157.93587 22.7598 -158.33088 21.59713 -158.33378 21.53917 -158.2868 21.39422 -158.2082 21.36011 -158.1484 21.24699 -157.92827 21.24962 -157.88102 21.27587 -157.86757 21.30216 Cruise Start and End 2012-08-05 UniJversity-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-08-14 K University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu L http://doi.org/10.7284/903714 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins R raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. S magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 X adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Z Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field [ Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903714 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 \ ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1217 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1217 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VII Dyhrman, Sonya Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33381 -157.86749 21.24396 22.88118 coordinates of ship track -157.88656 21.31544 -157.86789 21.30112 -157.91632 21.24432 -158.14553 21.24701 -158.27171 21.34392 -158.3336 21.54087 -158.04208 22.81701 -158.02585 22.8176 -158.09116 22.83942 -158.03822 22.81376 -158.09324 22.81536 -158.08001 22.82781 -158.04057 22.81879 -158.08462 22.87392 -158.04274 22.81642] -158.0282 22.82012 -158.04248 22.81679 -158.08002 22.88115 -158.03557 22.81905 -158.08232 22.84575 -158.10127 22.83095 -158.02685 22.81717 -158.11103 22.84756 -158.02713 22.8163 -158.09753 22.83757 -158.03619 22.81615 -158.08959 22.84552 -158.09823 22.83032 -158.02248 22.81834 -158.10097 22.83127 -158.03644 22.81679 -158.15217 22.3397 -158.07264 22.33889 -158.05039 22.7401 -158.04175 22.81707 -158.02514 22.81845 -158.10132 22.82352 -158.03638 22.81668 -158.05745 22.83868 -158.06957 22.82653 -158.04106 22.81635 -158.08416 22.87781 -158.03339 22.81563 -158.08602 22.87711 -158.03606 22.81885 -158.10273 22.82398 -158.03673 22.81671 -158.09739 22.87357 -158.04128 22.8176 -158.03147 22.73861 -157.92408 22.78025 -157.93109 22.77105 -157.94822 22.78533 -157.91903 22.77624 -157.94142 22.77623 -157.93587 22.7598 -158.33088 21.59713 -158.33378 21.53917 -158.2868 21.39422 -158.2082 21.36011 -158.1484 21.24699 -157.92827 21.24962 -157.88102 21.27587 -157.86757 21.30216 Cruise Start and End 2012-08-05 ^ University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-08-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903714 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VIIEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.88, -157.87 22.88, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ->1+M5A[%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903714gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$  P O N M L K J i h g f e d c b a ` _ ^ ] \ [ Z Y X W V U T S R                                                      ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ x0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ PONMLKJihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSR      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQMarch 23, 2011--> doi:10.7284/903715 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1218 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1218 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VIII/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans  theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -158.36429 -157.86768 21.24498 22.85557 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86829 21.30053 -157.92122 21.24605 -158.14894 21.24806 -158.27767 21.33892 -158.33352 21.53774 -158.33333 21.58454 -158.1536 22.22184 -157.98419 22.75806 -158.00186 22.74648 -157.98424 22.75786 -158.00037 22.74952 -158.00552 22.85551 -158.01727 22.84574 -158.00095 22.79185 -158.02776 22.76663 -157.99755 22.75115 -158.11993 22.76355 -158.07298 22.76832 -158.10032 22.79472 -158.05984 22.77398 -157.99637 22.76852 -157.99505 22.75168 -158.13487 22.75555 -157.92498 22.76042 -157.91259 22.82641 -158.00043 22.75118 -157.99359 22.65402 -157.98235 22.67984 -157.99908 22.7531 -158.18354 22.75563 -158.33628 22.78295 -158.01152 22.78096 -157.92741 22.7607 -157.93429 22.76942 -158.03222 22.73265 -158.36428 21.8483 -158.33561 21.54146 -158.27882 21.39085 -158.18885 21.3643 -158.14863 21.24797 -157.94738 21.24765 -157.89258 21.26684 -157.87037 21.29686 Cruise Start and End 2012-08-16  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-08-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903715 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer  measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903715 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1218 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1218 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VIII/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36429 -157.86768 21.24498 22.85557 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86829 21.30053 -157.92122 21.24605 -158.14894 21.24806 -158.27767 21.33892 -158.33352 21.53774 -158.33333 21.58454 -158.1536 22.22184 -157.98419 22.75806 -158.00186 22.74648 -157.98424 22.75786 -158.00037 22.74952 -158.00552 22.85551 -158.01727 22.84574 -158.00095 22.79185 -158.02776 22.76663 -157.99755 22.75115 -158.11993 22.76355 -158.07298 22.76832 -158.10032 22.79472 -158.05984 22.77398 -157.99637 22.76852 -157.99505 22.75168 -158.13487 22.75555 -157.92498 22.76042 -157.91259 22.82641 -158.00043 22.75118 -157.99359 22.65402 -157.98235 22.67984 -157.99908 22.7531 -158.18354 22.75563 -158.33628 22.78295 -158.01152 22.78096 -157.92741 22.7607 -157.93429 22.76942 -158.03222 22.73265 -158.36428 21.8483 -158.33561 21.54146 -158.27882 21.39085 -158.18885 21.3643 -158.14863 21.24797 -157.94738 21.24765 -157.89258 21.26684 -157.87037 21.29686 Cruise Start and End 2012-08-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-08-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903715 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VIII/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact pp>1+M5%[%[9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903715gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903716 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1219 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1219 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) IX Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.50689 -157.86734  21.24283 22.94902 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31543 -157.86744 21.30172 -157.92154 21.24486 -158.14086 21.24471 -158.17886 21.36508 -158.2877 21.39716 -158.33588 21.53849 -158.33589 21.58543 -158.19138 22.09297 -158.14544 22.39739 -158.04442 22.80856 -158.13001 22.81115 -158.04507 22.80961 -158.11859 22.82682 -158.04428 22.80854 -158.13172 22.80815 -158.04457 22.80799 -158.12559 22.81891 -158.1259 22.80831 -158.04715 22.80764 -158.10382 22.814 -158.13873 22.78735 -158.04983 22.80791 -158.09316 22.86651 -158.04581 22.80903 -158.11282 22.81009 -158.04827 22.80847 -158.06581 22.84031 -158.04568 22.80985 -158.15837 22.77906 -158.04592 22.81086 -158.11578 22.81771 -158.04902 22.80826 -158.06479 22.83546 -158.07716 22.82147 -158.04548 22.81052 -158.12565 22.81954 -158.04617 22.80861 -158.12023 22.81103 -158.04838 22.80788 -158.08059 22.84303 -158.04663 22.80783 -158.11406 22.81495 -158.04832 22.80795 -158.09236 22.85028 -158.04135 22.80521 -158.11195 22.81044 -158.04548 22.80714 -158.10935 22.82228 -158.05019 22.80789 -158.09651 22.85847 -158.04523 22.80975 -158.11245 22.80735 -158.04741 22.80897 -158.10671 22.82587 -158.05014 22.80821 -158.097 22.85908 -158.04809 22.80785 -158.0994 22.81834 -158.16006 22.78244 -158.18813 22.78822 -158.0445 22.81066 -158.10932 22.81363 -158.04496 22.80741 -158.03733 22.85876 -157.98447 22.83171 -157.92481 22.76386 -157.94546 22.7674 -157.92095 22.76602 -158.04789 22.81258 -158.19258 22.82644 -158.03605 22.805 -158.11232 22.80529 -158.04707 22.80808 -158.08232 22.82265 -158.0914 22.8165 -158.04345 22.80885 -158.10892 22.80916 -158.04494 22.81333 -158.09977 22.80804 -158.10441 22.79271 -158.03629 22.72896 -158.04562 22.81106 -158.10869 22.81122 -158.03168 22.80943 -158.11834 22.82191 -158.09661 22.83616 -158.04914 22.80838 -158.06961 22.84966 -158.04593 22.80034 -159.10325 22.83307 -160.44696 22.92369 -160.50688 22.94541 -159.18357 22.26024 -159.18649 22.23865 -159.25595 22.17983 -159.33488 22.25297 -159.56208 22.27443 -159.66762 22.18971 -159.75575 22.17364 -159.86458 22.08716 -159.86757 22.00259 -159.67131 21.83851 -159.53038 21.81942 -159.3191 21.83374 -158.84588 22.38156 -158.35795 21.62146 -158.29011 21.39833 -158.17515 21.36952 -158.15856 21.32393 -158.18854 21.36941 -158.17797 21.31731 -158.21186 21.36011 -158.19485 21.3128 -158.18203 21.31727 -158.20056 21.36645 -158.27587 21.38878 -158.27268 21.34374 -158.14792 21.24663 -157.95632 21.24677 -157.89082 21.26047 -157.86765 21.30196 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2012-08-22  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-09-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903716 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd  raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903716 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1219 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1219 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) IX Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.50689 -157.86734 21.24283 22.94902 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31543 -157.86744 21.30172 -157.92154 21.24486 -158.14086 21.24471 -158.17886 21.36508 -158.2877 21.39716 -158.33588 21.53849 -158.33589 21.58543 -158.19138 22.09297 -158.14544 22.39739 -158.04442 22.80856 -158.13001 22.81115 -158.04507 22.80961 -158.11859 22.82682 -158.04428 22.80854 -158.13172 22.80815 -158.04457 22.80799 -158.12559 22.81891 -158.1259 22.80831 -158.04715 22.80764 -158.10382 22.814 -158.13873 22.78735 -158.04983 22.80791 -158.09316 22.86651 -158.04581 22.80903 -158.11282 22.81009 -158.04827 22.80847 -158.06581 22.84031 -158.04568 22.80985 -158.15837 22.77906 -158.04592 22.81086 -158.11578 22.81771 -158.04902 22.80826 -158.06479 22.83546 -158.07716 22.82147 -158.04548 22.81052 -158.12565 22.81954 -158.04617 22.80861 -158.12023 22.81103 -158.04838 22.80788 -158.08059 22.84303 -158.04663 22.80783 -158.11406 22.81495 -158.04832 22.80795 -158.09236 22.85028 -158.04135 22.80521 -158.11195 22.81044 -158.04548 22.80714 -158.10935 22.82228 -158.05019 22.80789 -158.09651 22.85847 -158.04523 22.80975 -158.11245 22.80735 -158.04741 22.80897 -158.10671 22.82587 -158.05014 22.80821 -158.097 22.85908 -158.04809 22.80785 -158.0994 22.81834 -158.16006 22.78244 -158.18813 22.78822 -158.0445 22.81066 -158.10932 22.81363 -158.04496 22.80741 -158.03733 22.85876 -157.98447 22.83171 -157.92481 22.76386 -157.94546 22.7674 -157.92095 22.76602 -158.04789 22.81258 -158.19258 22.82644 -158.03605 22.805 -158.11232 22.80529 -158.04707 22.80808 -158.08232 22.82265 -158.0914 22.8165 -158.04345 22.80885 -158.10892 22.80916 -158.04494 22.81333 -158.09977 22.80804 -158.10441 22.79271 -158.03629 22.72896 -158.04562 22.81106 -158.10869 22.81122 -158.03168 22.80943 -158.11834 22.82191 -158.09661 22.83616 -158.04914 22.80838 -158.06961 22.84966 -158.04593 22.80034 -159.10325 22.83307 -160.44696 22.92369 -160.50688 22.94541 -159.18357 22.26024 -159.18649 22.23865 -159.25595 22.17983 -159.33488 22.25297 -159.56208 22.27443 -159.66762 22.18971 -159.75575 22.17364 -159.86458 22.08716 -159.86757 22.00259 -159.67131 21.83851 -159.53038 21.81942 -159.3191 21.83374 -158.84588 22.38156 -158.35795 21.62146 -158.29011 21.39833 -158.17515 21.36952 -158.15856 21.32393 -158.18854 21.36941 -158.17797 21.31731 -158.21186 21.36011 -158.19485 21.3128 -158.18203 21.31727 -158.20056 21.36645 -158.27587 21.38878 -158.27268 21.34374 -158.14792 21.24663 -157.95632 21.24677 -157.89082 21.26047 -157.86765 21.30196 -157.88629 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2012-08-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-09-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903716 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) IXEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.51 21.24, -160.51 22.95, -157.87 22.95, -157.87 21.24, -160.51 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact J9J?<1+M5='%#9!! [)doi:10.7284/903187gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903717 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1220 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1220 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) X/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36412  -157.86710 21.24549 22.85854 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86742 21.30415 -157.87431 21.28976 -157.94624 21.24559 -158.15055 21.24792 -158.27423 21.34325 -158.2303 21.4137 -158.30444 21.46425 -158.33379 21.54211 -158.33302 21.58639 -158.23087 21.9489 -157.95972 22.80007 -158.00005 22.74984 -157.92071 22.67172 -158.00251 22.75104 -157.979 22.85511 -157.96335 22.84484 -157.97624 22.81024 -157.94778 22.80389 -157.94241 22.84157 -157.96837 22.83758 -157.99979 22.7501 -158.00242 22.70089 -157.97834 22.70181 -158.0002 22.73641 -158.03582 22.73807 -157.99731 22.75081 -157.97962 22.77831 -157.97755 22.85131 -157.9927 22.85759 -158.00055 22.75018 -157.98905 22.75093 -158.00124 22.74981 -158.00676 22.85853 -158.0758 22.79853 -158.09875 22.79883 -157.93287 22.78006 -157.92508 22.76483 -157.92495 22.77876 -157.93449 22.76798 -157.92303 22.75674 -158.3641 21.84653 -158.33625 21.59307 -158.35228 21.4007 -158.14973 21.24786 -157.89463 21.25324 -157.86832 21.30158 -157.88651 21.31546  Cruise Start and End 2012-09-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-09-17  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903717 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw Bell BGM-3  Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins  raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122  Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins  determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903717 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1220 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1220 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) X/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36412 -157.86710 21.24549 22.85854 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86742 21.30415 -157.87431 21.28976 -157.94624 21.24559 -158.15055 21.24792 -158.27423 21.34325 -158.2303 21.4137 -158.30444 21.46425 -158.33379 21.54211 -158.33302 21.58639 -158.23087 21.9489 -157.95972 22.80007 -158.00005 22.74984 -157.92071 22.67172 -158.00251 22.75104 -157.979 22.85511 -157.96335 22.84484 -157.97624 22.81024 -157.94778 22.80389 -157.94241 22.84157 -157.96837 22.83758 -157.99979 22.7501 -158.00242 22.70089 -157.97834 22.70181 -158.0002 22.73641 -158.03582 22.73807 -157.99731 22.75081 -157.97962 22.77831 -157.97755 22.85131 -157.9927 22.85759 -158.00055 22.75018 -157.98905 22.75093 -158.00124 22.74981 -158.00676 22.85853 -158.0758 22.79853 -158.09875 22.79883 -157.93287 22.78006 -157.92508 22.76483 -157.92495 22.77876 -157.93449 22.76798 -157.92303 22.75674 -158.3641 21.84653 -158.33625 21.59307 -158.35228 21.4007 -158.14973 21.24786 -157.89463 21.25324 -157.86832 21.30158 -157.88651 21.31546 Cruise Start and End 2012-09-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-09-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903717  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) X/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903187 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1221 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1221 Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End  2012-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-09-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903187 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/903187 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1221 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1221 Maintenance EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2012-09-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-09-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903187 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMaintenanceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903718 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1222 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1222 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) XI/ Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC-1) Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33776 -157.82850 21.22132 22.85449 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31543 -157.86735 21.30414 -157.87811 21.27103 -157.86316 21.22151 -157.87186 21.28076 -157.90163 21.2823 -157.92399 21.24844 -158.1483 21.24645 -158.23158 21.30737 -158.33775 21.54537 -158.03113 22.64022 -157.92054 22.79435 -157.89718 22.84629 -157.91853 22.85448 -157.92941 22.79795 -157.88758 22.76228 -157.89256 22.74697 -157.9289 22.79598 -157.82864 22. 75286 -157.86479 22.77147 -157.93272 22.77032 -157.92565 22.79631 -157.9281 22.76638 -157.92693 22.79796 -157.99981 22.74659 -158.3346 21.60598 -158.3355 21.54695 -158.27248 21.34438 -158.151 21.22584 -157.93259 21.24523 -157.88647 21.26949 -157.8677 21.30272 -157.88627 21.31572 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-10-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903718 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp  (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar)  doi:10.7284/903718 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1222 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1222 Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) XI/ Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC-1) Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33776 -157.82850 21.22132 22.85449 coordinates of ship track -157.88661 21.31543 -157.86735 21.30414 -157.87811 21.27103 -157.86316 21.22151 -157.87186 21.28076 -157.90163 21.2823 -157.92399 21.24844 -158.1483 21.24645 -158.23158 21.30737 -158.33775 21.54537 -158.03113 22.64022 -157.92054 22.79435 -157.89718 22.84629 -157.91853 22.85448 -157.92941 22.79795 -157.88758 22.76228 -157.89256 22.74697 -157.9289 22.79598 -157.82864 22.75286 -157.86479 22.77147 -157.93272 22.77032 -157.92565 22.79631 -157.9281 22.76638 -157.92693 22.79796 -157.99981 22.74659 -158.3346 21.60598 -158.3355 21.54695 -158.27248 21.34438 -158.151 21.22584 -157.93259 21.24523 -157.88647 21.26949 -157.8677 21.30272 -157.88627 21.31572 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-10-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903718 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) XI/ Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC-1)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 21.22, -158.34 22.85, -157.83 22.85, -157.83 21.22, -158.34 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact NN!>1+M51 %c9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903718gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata $ R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1223 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1223 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36554 -157.86715 21.24577 22.84164 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.86726 21.30404 -157.87376 21.29095 -157.94281 21.24944 -158.14497 21.24783 -158.27461 21.34389 -158.32913 21.51228 -158.20278 21.43575 -158.26916 21.47067 -158.32636 21.5288 -158.33381 21.58403 -158.00903 22.71579 -158.00044 22.801 -157.99209 22.79519 -157.99947 22.74845 -158.09616 22.80649 -158.1019 22.79602 -158.01809 22.73936 -157.99951 22.74992 -158.12418 22.75752 -158.08578 22.80035 -158.10206 22.78709 -158.00668 22.75243 -158.11222 22.73222 -158.1113 22.74574 -158.0819 22.74702 -158.07299 22.71919 -158.10323 22.71771 -157.99849 22.78197 -158.01888 22.76657 -158.11797 22.75887 -157.99969 22.74988 -158.01595 22.72164 -158.10446 22.72267 -158.10705 22.75334 -158.03086 22.73571 -157.99956 22.74956 -158.11205 22.75061 -158.10698 22.76223 -158.00382 22.75277 -158.0064 22.73852 -157.99901 22.7497 -158.13827 22.81268 -158.20131 22.81726 -158.21343 ,22.84159 -158.21449 22.83008 -158.04673 22.7798 -157.907 22.79577 -157.92217 22.78825 -158.04597 22.47783 -158.36546 21.8478 -158.33273 21.53795 -158.27597 21.34838 -158.14598 21.25384 -157.93393 21.24679 -157.88466 21.27161 -157.86769 21.30334 -157.88629 21.31574 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-06 - University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-10-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu / http://doi.org/10.7284/903319 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. <1/gmd:description> adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter 4 raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. 5 ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw 7 Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam 8 raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List 9 Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (map>ping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) ? doi:10.7284/903319 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1223 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1223 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36554 -157.86715 21.24577 22.84164 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.86726 21.30404 -157.87376 21.29095 -157.94281 21.24944 -158.14497 21.24783 -158@.27461 21.34389 -158.32913 21.51228 -158.20278 21.43575 -158.26916 21.47067 -158.32636 21.5288 -158.33381 21.58403 -158.00903 22.71579 -158.00044 22.801 -157.99209 22.79519 -157.99947 22.74845 -158.09616 22.80649 -158.1019 22.79602 -158.01809 22.73936 -157.99951 22.74992 -158.12418 22.75752 -158.08578 22.80035 -158.10206 22.78709 -158.00668 22.75243 -158.11222 22.73222 -158.1113 22.74574 -158.0819 22.74702 -158.07299 22.71919 -158.10323 22.71771 -157.99849 22.78197 -158.01888 22.76657 -158.11797 22.75887 -157.99969 22.74988 -158.01595 22.72164 -158.10446 22.72267 -158.10705 22.75334 -158.03086 22.73571 -157.99956 22.74956 -158.11205 22.75061 -158.10698 22.76223 -158.00382 22.75277 -158.0064 22.73852 -157.99901 22.7497 -158.13827 22.81268 -158.20131 22.81726 -158.21343 22.84159 -158.21449 22.83008 -158.04673 22.7798 -157.907 22.79577 -157.92217 22.78825 -158.04597 22.47783 -158.36546 21.8478 -158.33273 21.53795 -158.27597 21.34838 -158.14598 21.25384 -157.93393 21.24679 -157.88466 21.27161 -157.86769 21.30A334 -157.88629 21.31574 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-10-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903319 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.25, -158.37 22.84, -157.87 22.84, -157.87 21.25, -158.37 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact X=1+M55%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903319gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903719 eng utf8 fieldSessionE cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1224 on RV Kilo Moana G 2015-09-30 published KM1224 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 158.15358 -157.79971 6.97963 21.31141 K coordinates of ship track -157.87428 21.31139 -157.88284 21.27528 -157.80034 20.83758 -157.80794 20.54761 -161.88874 19.68335 -164.38686 18.9609 -168.69743 17.65453 -178.99819 15.5833 -179.99965 15.44186179.99695 15.44133 168.66466 13.83269 165.00172 12.00027 158.37532 7.19682 158.16178 7.07848 158.15797 7.03594 158.20084 6.97967 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-10-24 N University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei O http://doi.org/10.7284/903719 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp Q raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. R adcp raw Bell BGM-3 S Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw <T/gmd:sourceStep> Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 W Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Z Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator [ RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 ] gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins ^ determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) ` Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903719 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115a-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1224 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1224 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 158.15358 -157.79971 6.97963 21.31141 coordinates of ship track -157.87428 21.31139 -157.88284 21.27528 -157.80034 20.83758 -157.80794 20.54761 -161.88874 19.68335 -164.38686 18.9609 -168.69743 17.65453 -178.99819 15.5833 -179.99965 15.44186 179.99695 15.44133 168.66466 13.83269 165.00172 12.00027 158.37532 7.19682 158.16178 7.07848 158.15797 7.03594 158.20084 6.97967 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-1b0-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei http://doi.org/10.7284/903719 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((158.15 6.98, 158.15 21.31, -157.80 21.31, -157.80 6.98, 158.15 6.98))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact aa=1+M5w%9!!) [)doi:10.7284/903719gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903720 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) h Cruise KM1225 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1225 i MIXing in the Equatorial Thermocline (MIXET) Richards, Kelvin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords k NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 155.97934 158.20084 -2.00117 7.03m791 coordinates of ship track 158.20084 6.97969 158.13302 7.03245 157.99944 6.99849 155.99888 4.99951 155.99958 0.49959 156.01359 0.50063 155.99967 0.44936 155.99961 -2.00116 155.99903 -0.00019 156.00896 -0.00189 155.97936 -0.00085 156.04162 0.01594 155.98728 -0.00334 156.0045 0.00201 155.99342 0.00142 156.00466 -0.00102 155.99408 0.00174 155.99664 -0.51652 156.00994 -0.5786 155.99983 -0.57444 155.n99474 0.00017 156.01609 1.50315 155.9812 1.50862 156.00809 1.50132 156.0047 2.22174 155.98559 2.35045 156.00275 2.51852 156.00284 3.09783 155.98901 3.21987 156.00159 3.21859 155.99144 3.22183 156.02109 4.49675 156.00511 4.54261 156.01093 4.49909 157.00099 6.00119 157.9978 6.99815 158.14546 7.0379 158.16415 7.02081 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-11-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei http://doi.org/10.7284/903720 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this sdevice. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd v raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. w gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. { multibeam raw <|gmi:MI_Platform> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc.  Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903720 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1225 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1225 MIXing in the Equatorial Thermocline (MIXET) Richards, Kelvin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 155.97934 158.20084 -2.00117 7.03791 coordinates of ship track 158.20084 6.97969 158.13302 7.03245 157.99944 6.99849 155.99888 4.99951 155.99958 0.49959 156.01359 0.50063 155.99967 0.44936 155.99961 -2.00116 155.99903 -0.00019 156.00896 -0.00189 155.97936 -0.00085 156.04162 0.01594 155.98728 -0.00334 156.0045 0.00201 155.99342 0.00142 156.00466 -0.00102 155.99408 0.00174 155.99664 -0.51652 156.00994 -0.5786 155.99983 -0.57444 155.99474 0.00017 156.01609 1.50315 155.9812 1.50862 156.00809 1.50132 156.0047 2.22174 155.98559 2.35045 156.00275 2.51852 156.00284 3.09783 155.98901 3.21987 156.00159 3.21859 155.99144 3.22183 156.02109 4.49675 156.00511 4.54261 156.01093 4.49909 157.00099 6.00119 157.9978 6.99815 158.14546 7.0379 158.16415 7.02081 Cruise Start and End 2012-10-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-11-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei http://doi.org/10.7284/903720 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMIXing in the Equatorial Thermocline (MIXET)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((155.98 -2.00, 155.98 7.04, 158.20 7.04, 158.20 -2.00, 155.98 -2.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ^=1+M5m%;9!!) [)doi:10.7284/903721gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903721 eng utf8 <gmd:MD_ScopeCode codeList="http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#MD_ScopeCode" codeListValue="fieldSession">fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1226 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1226 Transit/Glider Recovery EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 154.13533 -157.90512 6.97832 21.25267 </gmd:EX_GeographicBoundingBox> coordinates of ship track 158.20172 6.97874 158.17789 7.00211 158.18007 7.03727 158.05325 7.51433 157.01271 12.80637 156.80443 13.53202 156.16926 17.49997 154.13886 19.70495 154.14429 19.72944 156.0117 19.73026 158.66699 20.02888 158.98485 20.0374 165.44148 20.70127 171.10107 21.05201 171.35389 21.06481 179.99895 21.11182-179.99728 21.11178 -157.90528 21.25215 Cruise Start and End 2012-11-19  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-11-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903721 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator <gmi:identifier> RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903721 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1226 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1226 Transit/Glider Recovery EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 154.13533 -157.90512 6.97832 21.25267 coordinates of ship track 158.20172 6.97874 158.17789 7.00211 158.18007 7.03727 158.05325 7.51433 157.01271 12.80637 156.80443 13.53202 156.16926 17.49997 154.13886 19.70495 154.14429 19.72944 156.0117 19.73026 158.66699 20.02888 158.98485 20.0374 165.44148 20.70127 171.10107 21.05201 171.35389 21.06481 179.99895 21.11182 -179.99728 21.11178 -157.90528 21.25215 Cruise Start and End 2012-11-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Pohnpei 2012-11-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903721 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransit/Glider RecoveryEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((154.14 6.98, 154.14 21.25, -157.91 21.25, -157.91 6.98, 154.14 6.98))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 0]>kLy,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,[Data are not to be used for navigation. ,[Data are not to be used for navigation.!,[Data are not to be used for navigation.",[Data are not to be used for navigation.#,[Data are not to be used for navigation.$,[Data are not to be used for navigation.%,[Data are not to be used for navigation.&tc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903722 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1227 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1227 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36446 -157.86728 21.24564 22.75383 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86752 21.30183 -157.9148 21.24653 -158.15096 21.24747 -158.27255 21.34098 -158.33269 21.5384 -158.33248 21.58931 -158.03515 22.62843 -157.99338 22.66822 -157.99751 22.68613 -158.01751 22.64544 -158.00195 22.75379 -157.99712 22.65007 -157.97322 22.6515 -158.00047 22.69621 -158.01449 22.68758 -157.99614 22.64912 -157.99417 22.66959 -158.02094 22.67856 -158.02557 22.64172 -158.04219 22.64745 -158.02267 22.67874 -158.10246 22.67837 -158.02364 22.72911 -158.09729 22.68573 -158.0323 22.71447 -158.00333 22.74869 -157.98543 22.73677 -158.00257 22.7509 -158.03749 22.73374 -158.05335 22.67405 -158.09886 22.65625 -158.02653 22.64923 -157.90721 22.74355 -157.9205 22.74935 -157.92765 22.72997 -157.90625 22.74292 -158.36443 21.84729 -158.33369 21.53837 -158.2718 21.34254 -158.15026 21.24708 -157.93662 21.24634 -157.88596 21.26966 -157.87024 21.29697 Cruise Start and End 2012-12-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903722 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903722 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1227 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1227 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36446 -157.86728 21.24564 22.75383 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86752 21.30183 -157.9148 21.24653 -158.15096 21.24747 -158.27255 21.34098 -158.33269 21.5384 -158.33248 21.58931 -158.03515 22.62843 -157.99338 22.66822 -157.99751 22.68613 -158.01751 22.64544 -158.00195 22.75379 -157.99712 22.65007 -157.97322 22.6515 -158.00047 22.69621 -158.01449 22.68758 -157.99614 22.64912 -157.99417 22.66959 -158.02094 22.67856 -158.02557 22.64172 -158.04219 22.64745 -158.02267 22.67874 -158.10246 22.67837 -158.02364 22.72911 -158.09729 22.68573 -158.0323 22.71447 -158.00333 22.74869 -157.98543 22.73677 -158.00257 22.7509 -158.03749 22.73374 -158.05335 22.67405 -158.09886 22.65625 -158.02653 22.64923 -157.90721 22.74355 -157.9205 22.74935 -157.92765 22.72997 -157.90625 22.74292 -158.36443 21.84729 -158.33369 21.53837 -158.2718 21.34254 -158.15026 21.24708 -157.93662 21.24634 -157.88596 21.26966 -157.87024 21.29697 Cruise Start and End 2012-12-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-12-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903722 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.75, -157.87 22.75, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 9q=1+M5yg%a9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903724gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdloc˂6=1+M5']%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903722gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903724  eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1228 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published  KM1228 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme  NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.67545 -157.86736  21.24524 22.74423 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31572 -157.86829 21.30558 -157.87358 21.29128 -157.95531 21.25473 -158.15297 21.24804 -158.27302 21.34504 -158.33351 21.54167 -158.25334 21.89132 -158.04098 22.67943 -158.01523 22.72942 -158.03526 22.73109 -158.00489 22.71523 -157.99029 22.7346 -158.1088 22.69918 -157.99653 22.7381 -157.90376 22.69313 -157.99667 22.74417 -158.67544 21.60663 -158.1495 21.24746 -157.94588 21.24548 -157.89469 21.26521 Cruise Start and End 2012-12-08  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903724 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device.  adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device.  gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device.  multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 </gmd:description> Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana  SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122  multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam  multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903724 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1228 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1228 The Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Profiler Alford, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.67545 -157.86736 21.24524 22.74423 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31572 -157.86829 21.30558 -157.87358 21.29128 -157.95531 21.25473 -158.15297 21.24804 -158.27302 21.34504 -158.33351 21.54167 -158.25334 21.89132 -158.04098 22.67943 -158.01523 22.72942 -158.03526 22.73109 -158.00489 22.71523 -157.99029 22.7346 -158.1088 22.69918 -157.99653 22.7381 -157.90376 22.69313 -157.99667 22.74417 -158.67544 21.60663 -158.1495 21.24746 -157.94588 21.24548 -157.89469 21.26521 Cruise Start and End 2012-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903724 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionThe Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) ProfilerEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.68 21.25, -158.68 22.74, -157.87 22.74, -157.87 21.25, -158.68 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact *``p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30 !2015-09-30!!2015-09-30"!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30 !2015-09-30 !2015-09-30 !2015-09-30 !2015-09-30 !2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30 !2015-09-30!!2015-09-30"!2015-09-30#!2015-09-30$!2015-09-30%!2015-09-30&!2015-09-30'!2015-09-30(!2015-09-30)!2015-09-30*!2015-09-30+!2015-09-30,!2015-09-30-!2015-09-30.!2015-09-30/!2015-09-300 . 0BTfx,>Pbt(:L^pdSessionG%fieldSessionF%fieldSession.%fieldSession/%fieldSession0%fieldSessi%fieldSession$%fieldSession%%fieldSession&%fieldSession'%fieldSession(%fieldSession)%fieldSession*%fieldSession+%fieldSession,%fieldSession-%fieldSession.%fieldSession/%fieldSession0%fieldSession1%fieldSession2%fieldSession3%fieldSession4%fieldSession5%fieldSession6%fieldSession7%fieldSession8%fieldSession9%fieldSession:%fieldSession;%fieldSession<%fieldSession=%fieldSession>%fieldSession?%fieldSession@%fieldSessionA%fieldSessionB%fieldSessionC%fieldSessionD%fieldSessionE%fieldSessionF%fieldSessionG%fieldSessionH%fieldSessionI%fieldSessionJ%fieldSessionK%fieldSessionL%fieldSessionM%fieldSessionN%fieldSessionO%fieldSessionP%fieldSessionQ:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903725 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1229 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1229 Instrument Recovery</gco:CharacterString> Prengaman, Richard JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng  oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2012-12-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2012-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903725  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator doi:10.7284/903725 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1229 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1229 Instrument Recovery Prengaman, Richard JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2012-12-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2012-12-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903725 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionInstrument RecoveryEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 99<1+M5gu%39 !! [)doi:10.7284/903725gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/904848 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1301 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30  published KM1301 Prochlorococcus of Warming Ocean Waters (POWOW), Leg 2  Johnson, Zackary Duke University Scientist, Chief contributor  EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -160.61680 -153.33708 21.24525 41.50057 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.86833 21.30018 -157.91386 21.24759 -158.13864 21.24572 -158.2753 21.34358 -158.33293 21.5388 -158.31727 21.64764 -157.99403 22.76789 -157.9978 30.74905 -158.04518 30.76912 -158.7494 31.32516 -158.72809 31.72904 -159.00077 32.13851 -158.9987 40.47395 -159.29487 39.90327 -159.99525 39.90409 -160.61678 38.53208 -160.60572 38.52531 -160.59632 38.54523 -160.46425 38.89414 -159.98844 40.01846 -159.99835 39.94974 -159.78353 39.00247 -158.44156 35.99764 -156.9629 33.06936 -155.9917 31.08202 -155.00059 28.99948 -155.01292 29.01296 -155.00578 29.0804 -154.95525 29.36274 -154.79812 30.55598 -154.72815 31.21935 -154.42338 33.64955 -153.90983 37.51605 -155.28191 41.50057 -155.29159 41.4906 -155.2113 41.30814 -154.99965 40.6849 -154.0021 39.5013 -154.0 0313 35.05832 -153.99727 34.85665 -153.97812 34.78448 -153.97882 34.44604 -154.00681 33.59008 -154.00016 32.17482 -154.0418 32.17193 -154.04157 32.12763 -153.96224 32.12457 -153.95733 32.17425 -153.95998 32.20784 -154.08115 32.20732 -154.08328 32.09527 -153.91679 32.08749 -153.91964 32.24994 -154.12172 32.24966 -154.12463 32.04576 -154.00261 32.04202 -153.99882 32.06516 -154.002 32.17019 -154.01889 32.15304 -154.01782 32.10091 -154.02943 32.13856 -154.03579 32.10747 -154.02457 32.11949 -154.03706 32.13546 -153.9983 32.47376 -154.00226 34.70058 -154.00047 33.02486 -154.24959 32.41042 -154.64688 32.50091 -154.55313 32.49048 -154.10606 32.37093 -154.49886 32.48006 -154.7497 32.20883 -154.99917 32.12635 -155.25186 32.1016 -155.7484 31.85468 -155.99501 31.79205 -156.24565 31.85358 -156.4915 31.96357 -156.75548 31.89429 -156.99731 31.93722 -157.24796 31.73183 -157.74527 31.68793 -157.99708 31.76613 -158.24598 31.70909 -158.50252 31.3777 -158.84879 31.47415 -158.70052 31.41706 -158.75184 31.44345 -156.20289 30.7 5316 -154.52163 30.01095 -153.33712 28.99847 -155.00487 27.24754 -155.60193 26.2943 -156.13106 25.53467 -157.70005 23.19917 -157.87184 22.85175 -157.93569 22.77063 -157.87498 22.76201 -158.1128 22.75661 -158.51114 22.55539 -159.28648 22.21359 -159.33663 22.25357 -159.56686 22.27437 -159.66697 22.19046 -159.76142 22.17404 -159.86529 22.08732 -159.86523 21.99638 -159.66675 21.74941 -158.15245 21.2474 -157.9262 21.2466 -157.88809 21.26921 -157.86989 21.30624 Cruise Start and End 2013-01-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-02-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904848 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw </gmi:LE_Source> RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational  field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) ! Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 # multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/904848 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1301 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1301 Prochlorococcus of Warming Ocean Waters (POWOW), Leg 2 Johnson, Zackary Duke Univers$ity Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -160.61680 -153.33708 21.24525 41.50057 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.86833 21.30018 -157.91386 21.24759 -158.13864 21.24572 -158.2753 21.34358 -158.33293 21.5388 -158.31727 21.64764 -157.99403 22.76789 -157.9978 30.74905 -158.04518 30.76912 -158.7494 31.32516 -158.72809 31.72904 -159.00077 32.13851 -158.9987 40.47395 -159.29487 39.90327 -159.99525 39.90409 -160.61678 38.53208 -160.60572 38.52531 -160.59632 38.54523 -160.46425 38.89414 -159.98844 40.01846 -159.99835 39.94974 -159.78353 39.00247 -158.44156 35.99764 -156.9629 33.06936 -155.9917 31.08202 -155.00059 28.99948 -155.01292 29.01296 -155.00578 29.0804 -154.95525 29.36274 -154.79812 30.55598 -154.72815 31.21935 -15%4.42338 33.64955 -153.90983 37.51605 -155.28191 41.50057 -155.29159 41.4906 -155.2113 41.30814 -154.99965 40.6849 -154.0021 39.5013 -154.00313 35.05832 -153.99727 34.85665 -153.97812 34.78448 -153.97882 34.44604 -154.00681 33.59008 -154.00016 32.17482 -154.0418 32.17193 -154.04157 32.12763 -153.96224 32.12457 -153.95733 32.17425 -153.95998 32.20784 -154.08115 32.20732 -154.08328 32.09527 -153.91679 32.08749 -153.91964 32.24994 -154.12172 32.24966 -154.12463 32.04576 -154.00261 32.04202 -153.99882 32.06516 -154.002 32.17019 -154.01889 32.15304 -154.01782 32.10091 -154.02943 32.13856 -154.03579 32.10747 -154.02457 32.11949 -154.03706 32.13546 -153.9983 32.47376 -154.00226 34.70058 -154.00047 33.02486 -154.24959 32.41042 -154.64688 32.50091 -154.55313 32.49048 -154.10606 32.37093 -154.49886 32.48006 -154.7497 32.20883 -154.99917 32.12635 -155.25186 32.1016 -155.7484 31.85468 -155.99501 31.79205 -156.24565 31.85358 -156.4915 31.96357 -156.75548 31.89429 -156.99731 31.93722 -157.24796 31.73183 -157.74527 31.68&793 -157.99708 31.76613 -158.24598 31.70909 -158.50252 31.3777 -158.84879 31.47415 -158.70052 31.41706 -158.75184 31.44345 -156.20289 30.75316 -154.52163 30.01095 -153.33712 28.99847 -155.00487 27.24754 -155.60193 26.2943 -156.13106 25.53467 -157.70005 23.19917 -157.87184 22.85175 -157.93569 22.77063 -157.87498 22.76201 -158.1128 22.75661 -158.51114 22.55539 -159.28648 22.21359 -159.33663 22.25357 -159.56686 22.27437 -159.66697 22.19046 -159.76142 22.17404 -159.86529 22.08732 -159.86523 21.99638 -159.66675 21.74941 -158.15245 21.2474 -157.9262 21.2466 -157.88809 21.26921 -157.86989 21.30624 Cruise Start and End 2013-01-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-02-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904848 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 ' Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionProchlorococcus of Warming Ocean Waters (POWOW), Leg 2EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-160.62 21.25, -160.62 41.50, -153.34 41.50, -153.34 21.25, -160.62 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact c=1+M5]O%y9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/904848gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903320 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Crui-se KM1302 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1302 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User0 Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36529 -157.86707 21.24375 22.95522 2 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86734 21.30133 -157.91506 21.24476 -158.15569 21.24791 -158.27112 21.33442 -158.32956 21.53815 -158.32825 21.60116 -158.03728 22.74983 -157.99947 22.75076 -158.11815 22.76798 -158.0738 22.77478 -157.9908 22.75026 -158.07014 22.8299 -158.08192 22.81929 -158.00564 22.8116 -157.99971 22.74975 -157.97261 22.75023 -158.11787 22.74666 -158.01285 22.75201 -158.00636 22.86355 -157.99643 22.8001 -157.98364 22.80245 -157.97179 22.85128 -157.98226 22.85217 -158.00049 22.75086 -157.98572 22.74804 -158.12436 22.85733 -158.303323 22.9552 -157.89583 22.79734 -157.90976 22.7887 -157.91284 22.80568 -157.89908 22.80441 -157.89158 22.78468 -158.36523 21.84917 -158.34004 21.55581 -158.27247 21.34246 -158.1513 21.24803 -157.91607 21.24881 -157.86811 21.30062 -157.88488 21.31552 Cruise Start and End 2013-02-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 5 2013-02-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903320 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw : Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter ; raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. < ins raw Geometrics G-882 = Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw > Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam ? raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. @ multibeam raw A International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana UBniversity of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp C (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) H doi:10.7284/903320 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1302 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1302 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36529 -157.86707 21.24375 22.95522 I coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86734 21.30133 -157.91506 21.24476 -158.15569 21.24791 -158.27112 21.33442 -158.32956 21.53815 -158.32825 21.60116 -158.03728 22.74983 -157.99947 22.75076 -158.11815 22.76798 -158.0738 22.77478 -157.9908 22.75026 -158.07014 22.8299 -158.08192 22.81929 -158.00564 22.8116 -157.99971 22.74975 -157.97261 22.75023 -158.11787 22.74666 -158.01285 22.75201 -158.00636 22.86355 -157.99643 22.8001 -157.98364 22.80245 -157.97179 22.85128 -157.98226 22.85217 -158.00049 22.75086 -157.98572 22.74804 -158.12436 22.85733 -158.03323 22.9552 -157.89583 22.79734 -157.90976 22.7887 -157.91284 22.80568 -157.89908 22.80441 -157.89158 22.78468 -158.36523 21.84917 -158.34004 21.55581 -158.27247 21.34246 -158.1513 21.24803 -157.91607 21.24881 -157.86811 21.30062 -157.88488 21.31552 Cruise Start and End 2013-02-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-02-15 University-NatJional Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903320 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.96, -157.87 22.96, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 77z<1+M5ao%-9 !! [)doi:10.7284/900834gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/900834 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1303 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1303 Mooring RecRovery Prengaman, Richard JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords T NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. engU oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2013-02-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu W 2013-02-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List X Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900834 Y collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Z International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/900834 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1303 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1303 Mooring Recovery Prengaman, Richard JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2013-02-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-02-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900834 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMooring RecoveryEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact *``p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30 !2015-09-30!!2015-09-30"!2015-09-30#!2015-09-30$!2015-09-30%!2015-09-30&!2015-09-30 !2015-09-30 !2015-09-30 !2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30!2015-09-30 !2015-09-30!!2015-09-30"!2015-09-30#!2015-09-30$!2015-09-30%!2015-09-30&!2015-09-30'!2015-09-30(!2015-09-30)!2015-09-30*!2015-09-30+!2015-09-30,!2015-09-30-!2015-09-30.!2015-09-30/!2015-09-300!2015-09-301!2015-09-302!2015-09-303!2015-09-304^w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/902935 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1304 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published b KM1304 Mooring Deployment/Student Cruise Luther, Douglas Unicversity of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.92391 -157.61153 21.04631 21.31572 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.86738 21.30219 -157.90805 21.25361 -157.8707 21.28067 -157.86548 21.2399 -157.92391 21.22699 -157.8g8791 21.23551 -157.89411 21.04633 -157.73176 21.08351 -157.68352 21.19882 -157.68727 21.23058 -157.61172 21.23845 -157.76311 21.04756 -157.6187 21.1793 -157.83203 21.19096 -157.89687 21.24865 -157.90075 21.26949 -157.87762 21.28366 Cruise Start and End 2013-03-01 h University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-03-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu j http://doi.org/10.7284/902935 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. l adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd o raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. p gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw r Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. t multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw v International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 x adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field { Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple form~ed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902935 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1304 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1304 Mooring Deployment/Student Cruise Luther, Douglas University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation.  eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.92391 -157.61153 21.04631 21.31572 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31571 -157.86738 21.30219 -157.90805 21.25361 -157.8707 21.28067 -157.86548 21.2399 -157.92391 21.22699 -157.88791 21.23551 -157.89411 21.04633 -157.73176 21.08351 -157.68352 21.19882 -157.68727 21.23058 -157.61172 21.23845 -157.76311 21.04756 -157.6187 21.1793 -157.83203 21.19096 -157.89687 21.24865 -157.90075 21.26949 -157.87762 21.28366 Cruise Start and End 2013-03-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-03-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902935 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionMooring Deployment/Student CruiseEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.92 21.05, -157.92 21.32, -157.61 21.32, -157.61 21.05, -157.92 21.05))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact [[$ =1+M5K%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903335gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/903335 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata  R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1305 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1305 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37173 -157.86761 21.24501 22.82634 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86761 21.30217 -157.89858 21.26896 -157.98312 21.2479 -158.13702 21.24722 -158.27275 21.33951 -158.33398 21.54006 -158.33247 21.58645 -158.10746 22.37863 -158.03819 22.74826 -158.00048 22.7509 -158.02939 22.7193 -158.0901 22.69291 -158.10233 22.71273 -158.00007 22.7497 -158.11852 22.74367 -158.11828 22.714 -158.09549 22.68232 -158.06079 22.68658 -158.10496 22.67982 -158.11395 22.65392 -158.04497 22.69119 -158.10247 22.70219 -158.11403 22.73553 -157.9992 22.75071 -158.08375 22.81519 -158.09187 22.79633 -158.0727 22.78619 -158.05108 22.8041 -158.08334 22.82629 -158.04753 22.80632 -158.0854 22.82261 -158.00337 22.74435 -158.27622 22.61871 -158.32988 22.54347 -158.3717 22.52325 -158.11075 22.68777 -157.91399 22.73625 -157.92232 22.75394 -157.9308 22.70568 -158.36333 21.84699 -158.33851 21.57736 -158.27176 21.3431 -158.15369 21.24864 -157.94287 21.24624 -157.88208 21.27624 -157.87077 21.30772 Cruise Start and End 2013-03-05  University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-03-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/903335 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300  Data was collected from this device. adcp raw  Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882  Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw </gmd:code> Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities  Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903335 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1305 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1305 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37173 -157.86761 21.24501 22.82634 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86761 21.30217 -157.89858 21.26896 -157.98312 21.2479 -158.13702 21.24722 -158.27275 21.33951 -158.33398 21.54006 -158.33247 21.58645 -158.10746 22.37863 -158.03819 22.74826 -158.00048 22.7509 -158.02939 22.7193 -158.0901 22.69291 -158.10233 22.71273 -158.00007 22.7497 -158.11852 22.74367 -158.11828 22.714 -158.09549 22.68232 -158.06079 22.68658 -158.10496 22.67982 -158.11395 22.65392 -158.04497 22.69119 -158.10247 22.70219 -158.11403 22.73553 -157.9992 22.75071 -158.08375 22.81519 -158.09187 22.79633 -158.0727 22.78619 -158.05108 22.8041 -158.08334 22.82629 -158.04753 22.80632 -158.0854 22.82261 -158.00337 22.74435 -158.27622 22.61871 -158.32988 22.54347 -158.3717 22.52325 -158.11075 22.68777 -157.91399 22.73625 -157.92232 22.75394 -157.9308 22.70568 -158.36333 21.84699 -158.33851 21.57736 -158.27176 21.3431 -158.15369 21.24864 -157.94287 21.24624 -157.88208 21.27624 -157.87077 21.30772 Cruise Start and End 2013-03-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-03-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903335 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.25, -158.37 22.83, -157.87 22.83, -157.87 21.25, -158.37 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactXMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:gco="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/902922 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1306 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1306 Navy Inspection EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian <gmd:useLimitation> Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.95982 -157.84457  20.96723 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.3157 -157.86823 21.30518 -157.87341 21.29139 -157.95981 21.19594 -157.95376 20.99333 -157.86325 20.98057 -157.89398 20.96731 -157.84458 21.00254 -157.87964 21.2585 Cruise Start and End 2013-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  http://doi.org/10.7284/902922 collectionSession  Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp  raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw  Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device.  ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List  Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902922 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1306 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1306 Navy Inspection EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.95982 -157.84457 20.96723 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.3157 -157.86823 21.30518 -157.87341 21.29139 -157.95981 21.19594 -157.95376 20.99333 -157.86325 20.98057 -157.89398 20.96731 -157.84458 21.00254 -157.87964 21.2585 Cruise Start and End 2013-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-03-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902922 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionNavy InspectionEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.96 20.97, -157.96 21.32, -157.84 21.32, -157.84 20.97, -157.96 20.97))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact x-xq"<1+M5Q_%;9 !! [)doi:10.7284/902946gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/902946 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1307 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1307 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Miller, Joyce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords  NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2013-04-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu  2013-05-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902946 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices.  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/902946 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1307 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1307 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Miller, Joyce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2013-04-01 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-05-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902946 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContactAA National Data Centers/Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903333 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata </gmd:hierarchyLevelName> R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1308 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1308 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)  Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE >; Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation  -158.37404 -157.86722 21.24421 22.85650 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86731 21.30176 -157.90891 21.2474 -158.14636 21.24843 -158.27295 21.2886 -158.30189 21.38224 -158.32546 21.32496 -158.3293 21.37752 -158.33298 21.58702 -158.04698 22.58508 -158.03831 22.74824 -157.99866 22.74916 -158.06178 22.65416 -158.02534 22.68286 -157.99306 22.75082 -158.02017 22.75615 -158.08657 22.82622 -158.02821 22.76223 -157.9986 22.76942 -158.01868 22.75238 -158.00026 22.74974 -157.98898 22.85647 -157.97912 22.84565 -158.00097 22.74963 -157.88861 22.78415 -158.00494 22.74594 -158.00174 22.80565 -158.07856 22.83345 -158.04963 22.8236 -158.00494 22.7505 -157.90935 22.76573 -157.93327 22.76924 -157.91034 22.76794 -157.92568 22.75466 -157.91373 22.7692 -157.92804 22.77007 -157.91186 22.76426 -157.9228 22.7751 -157.92578 22.73238 -158.37384 21.84883 -158.36318 21.84672 -158.33226 21.53568 -158.2722 21.34171 -158.14914 21.24846 -157.93831 21.24424 -157.88188 21.2709 -157.86951 21.29842 Cruise Start and End 2013-05-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903333 collectionSession </gmd:level> Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882  Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw  Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw  Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw <gco:CharacterString>International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii  operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities </gmi:description> RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4  ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903333 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1308 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1308 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37404 -157.86722 21.24421 22.85650 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86731 21.30176 -157.90891 21.2474 -158.14636 21.24843 -158.27295 21.2886 -158.30189 21.38224 -158.32546 21.32496 -158.3293 21.37752 -158.33298 21.58702 -158.04698 22.58508 -158.03831 22.74824 -157.99866 22.74916 -158.06178 22.65416 -158.02534 22.68286 -157.99306 22.75082 -158.02017 22.75615 -158.08657 22.82622 -158.02821 22.76223 -157.9986 22.76942 -158.01868 22.75238 -158.00026 22.74974 -157.98898 22.85647 -157.97912 22.84565 -158.00097 22.74963 -157.88861 22.78415 -158.00494 22.74594 -158.00174 22.80565 -158.07856 22.83345 -158.04963 22.8236 -158.00494 22.7505 -157.90935 22.76573 -157.93327 22.76924 -157.91034 22.76794 -157.92568 22.75466 -157.91373 22.7692 -157.92804 22.77007 -157.91186 22.76426 -157.9228 22.7751 -157.92578 22.73238 -158.37384 21.84883 -158.36318 21.84672 -158.33226 21.53568 -158.2722 21.34171 -158.14914 21.24846 -157.93831 21.24424 -157.88188 21.2709 -157.86951 21.29842 Cruise Start and End 2013-05-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903333 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  #=1+M5{1%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903333gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/902936 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1309 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1309 C-MORE 2013, Leg 1 Bjorkman, Karin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans  theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian  Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.13236 -156.77332 21.06819 22.88738 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31572 -157.86756 21.30297 -157.87769 21.26974 -157.8649 21.22156 -157.87146 21.28101 -157.8313 21.21611 -157.66782 21.21659 -157.60015 21.23434 -157.51627 21.33541 -157.92448 22.53058 -158.03884 22.74544 -157.9906 22.75174 -157.9404 22.84659 -157.99738 22.75886 -158.03513 22.65566 -158.05027 22.66003 -157.99955 22.75181 -158.00971 22.64257 -158.02233 22.64597 -158.02726 22.71719 -158.01047 22.73389 -158.0829 22.68018 -157.99645 22.74838 -158.00154 22.75778 -157.92158 22.79343 -157.93307 22.76705 -157.92109 22.78409 -157.92828 22.77224 -157.90445 22.78137 -157.88888 22.7675 -158.00316 22.75141 -157.98597 22.75038 -157.9177 22.83097 -157.97433 22.77117 -157.96819 22.7542 -158.01828 22.7402 -157.93379 22.77321 -157.87761 22.76933 -157.93478 22.77754 -157.92056 22.77488 -157.93396 22.75968 -157.8918 22.74014 -158.00324 22.74967 -157.93497 22.76197 -157.92764 22.77692 -157.9301 22.76138 -157.93338 22.77307 -158.00251 22.75995 -158.00715 22.75068 -157.97708 22.74136 -157.89366 22.78174 -157.8941 22.79471 -157.92982 22.75932 -158.00504 22.74659 -157.88387 22.76248 -157.94382 22.7705 -158.00074 22.75174 -158.06512 22.66236 -158.07838 22.66378 -158.08387 22.6784 -157.99459 22.74906 -158.07527 22.66715 -158.03045 22.74459 -157.88329 22.73742 -158.00047 22.7499 -158.00749 22.86587 -157.9996 22.75042 -158.019 22.75005 -157.93382 22.76166 -157.92545 22.7772 -157.92989 22.75975 -157.92854 22.77922 -157.92988 22.76194 -158.00466 22.74971 -157.92927 22.82447 -157.9568 22.84212 -158.00027 22.74784 -158.11252 22.73349 -158.11017 22.74518 -157.98813 22.75099 -157.8842 22.79098 -158.00252 22.75006 -157.88783 22.74012 -157.88235 22.71879 -158.00175 22.7485 -158.12797 22.88715 -158.00012 22.74956 -157.89364 22.6935 -157.91308 22.68853 -157.93044 22.7021 -157.90192 22.70371 -158.00151 22.75092 -158.08588 22.67607 -158.00889 22.74629 -157.94078 22.7484 -157.93125 22.77013 -157.92763 22.75161 -157. 89165 22.80449 -157.93053 22.79595 -158.0001 22.74922 -158.11526 22.77603 -158.06477 22.7797 -157.88281 22.71741 -158.0078 22.72763 -158.02077 22.73878 -158.00134 22.75443 -158.11491 22.75345 -157.99995 22.75053 -156.77348 21.2073 -156.91215 21.20045 -156.96567 21.23852 -157.01881 21.20927 -157.20447 21.24979 -157.36488 21.25014 -157.61983 21.16785 -157.67889 21.17129 -157.89985 21.0682 -157.89549 21.26424 -157.87027 21.29707 Cruise Start and End  2013-05-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-06-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List  Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902936  collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw  Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer  raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was col lected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator  RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300  adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field  Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902936 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1309 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1309 C-MORE 2013, Leg 1 Bjorkman, Karin University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.13236 -156.77332 21.06819 22.88738 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31572 -157.86756 21.30297 -157.87769 21.26974 -157.8649 21.22156 -157.87146 21.28101 -157.8313 21.21611 -157.66782 21.21659 -157.60015 21.23434 -157.51627 21.33541 -157.92448 22.53058 -158.03884 22.74544 -157.9906 22.75174 -157.9404 22.84659 -157.99738 22.75886 -158.03513 22.65566 -158.05027 22.66003 -157.99955 22.75181 -158.00971 22.64257 -158.02233 22.64597 -158.02726 22.71719 -158.01047 22.73389 -158.0829 22.68018 -157.99645 22.74838 -158.00154 22.75778 -157.92158 22.79343 -157.93307 22.76705 -157.92109 22.78409 -157.92828 22.77224 -157.90445 22.78137 -157.88888 22.7675 -158.00316 22.75141 -157.98597 22.75038 -157.9177 22.83097 -157.97433 22.77117 -157.96819 22.7542 -158 .01828 22.7402 -157.93379 22.77321 -157.87761 22.76933 -157.93478 22.77754 -157.92056 22.77488 -157.93396 22.75968 -157.8918 22.74014 -158.00324 22.74967 -157.93497 22.76197 -157.92764 22.77692 -157.9301 22.76138 -157.93338 22.77307 -158.00251 22.75995 -158.00715 22.75068 -157.97708 22.74136 -157.89366 22.78174 -157.8941 22.79471 -157.92982 22.75932 -158.00504 22.74659 -157.88387 22.76248 -157.94382 22.7705 -158.00074 22.75174 -158.06512 22.66236 -158.07838 22.66378 -158.08387 22.6784 -157.99459 22.74906 -158.07527 22.66715 -158.03045 22.74459 -157.88329 22.73742 -158.00047 22.7499 -158.00749 22.86587 -157.9996 22.75042 -158.019 22.75005 -157.93382 22.76166 -157.92545 22.7772 -157.92989 22.75975 -157.92854 22.77922 -157.92988 22.76194 -158.00466 22.74971 -157.92927 22.82447 -157.9568 22.84212 -158.00027 22.74784 -158.11252 22.73349 -158.11017 22.74518 -157.98813 22.75099 -157.8842 22.79098 -158.00252 22.75006 -157.88783 22.74012 -157.88235 22.71879 -158.00175 22.7485 -158.12797 22.88715 -158.00012 22.7495 6 -157.89364 22.6935 -157.91308 22.68853 -157.93044 22.7021 -157.90192 22.70371 -158.00151 22.75092 -158.08588 22.67607 -158.00889 22.74629 -157.94078 22.7484 -157.93125 22.77013 -157.92763 22.75161 -157.89165 22.80449 -157.93053 22.79595 -158.0001 22.74922 -158.11526 22.77603 -158.06477 22.7797 -157.88281 22.71741 -158.0078 22.72763 -158.02077 22.73878 -158.00134 22.75443 -158.11491 22.75345 -157.99995 22.75053 -156.77348 21.2073 -156.91215 21.20045 -156.96567 21.23852 -157.01881 21.20927 -157.20447 21.24979 -157.36488 21.25014 -157.61983 21.16785 -157.67889 21.17129 -157.89985 21.0682 -157.89549 21.26424 -157.87027 21.29707 Cruise Start and End 2013-05-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-06-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902936 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected  by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2013, Leg 1EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.13 21.07, -158.13 22.89, -156.77 22.89, -156.77 21.07, -158.13 21.07))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact E$=1+M5eS%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902936gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/902939 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1310 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1310 C-MORE 2013, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-9) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian ( Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39168 -156.68315 20.99941 22.86893 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31572 -157.86818 21.30118 -157.92491 21.21943 -158.15806 21.24913 -158.27785 21.34264 -158.33448 21.54375 -158.27149 21.80716 -157.99 *438 22.74806 -158.02079 22.74452 -157.97606 22.75577 -157.98278 22.85854 -157.99919 22.86892 -158.00315 22.76019 -157.98916 22.74639 -158.00117 22.74375 -157.91558 22.78287 -157.92816 22.82273 -158.04029 22.75237 -158.12432 22.76241 -157.98016 22.74001 -158.08274 22.64638 -157.98477 22.74161 -157.92252 22.7792 -157.93635 22.76868 -157.88329 22.77896 -158.13196 22.75136 -158.00006 22.75061 -157.98376 22.7366 -158.02454 22.73096 -158.09541 22.74609 -158.11051 22.77213 -157.91866 22.77278 -158.03338 22.74423 -158.14034 22.78152 -157.99994 22.74958 -158.01842 22.75011 -157.86993 22.79319 -157.93209 22.77716 -157.93168 22.76044 -157.93413 22.78012 -157.93249 22.75908 -157.92584 22.78284 -158.02557 22.7528 -158.12516 22.77483 -158.06617 22.73069 -158.0677 22.69387 -158.04536 22.69687 -158.13159 22.72615 -158.04896 22.69585 -158.1577 22.68381 -158.33443 22.60301 -158.39159 22.55934 -158.37231 22.53199 -158.36144 22.39869 -158.36346 21.98118 -158.34184 21.62215 -158.33284 21.53608 -158.27292 21.344 -158.14791 21. +24528 -157.90203 21.24776 -157.89751 21.28289 -157.87101 21.28065 -157.86979 21.22503 -157.8212 21.21519 -157.61878 21.21798 -157.52927 21.33761 -158.00001 22.75076 -158.01477 22.73402 -158.01012 22.76217 -158.00048 22.74958 -157.87709 22.78359 -157.90125 22.79274 -157.93402 22.76063 -158.03945 22.73065 -158.07983 22.74395 -158.13309 22.7229 -158.07719 22.74063 -158.12467 22.74545 -157.93697 22.76884 -157.89162 22.78797 -157.92751 22.77791 -157.93131 22.76319 -157.93168 22.78065 -157.93366 22.76733 -158.09493 22.74483 -158.09277 22.75656 -158.15834 22.73054 -157.99982 22.75046 -156.99858 21.31379 -156.93683 21.22212 -156.93639 21.1942 -156.73367 21.1913 -156.68539 21.16656 -156.68327 21.13105 -156.76551 21.04171 -156.89228 21.00428 -157.8965 20.99994 -157.88798 21.26885 < ,gmd:extent> Cruise Start and End 2013-06-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List - Honolulu 2013-06-21 . University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902939 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw 4 Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw 5 Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins< 6/gmx:Anchor> raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw 8 Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw 9 Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam : raw International ; Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities > Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 ? gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins @ determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) B Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902939 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfConta Cct 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1310 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1310 C-MORE 2013, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-9) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39168 -156.68315 20.99941 22.86893 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31572 -157.86818 21.30118 -157.92491 21.21943 -158.15806 21.24913 -158.27785 21.34264 -158.33448 21.54375 -158.27149 21.80716 -157.99438 22.74806 -158.02079 22.74452 -157.97606 22.75577 -157.98278 22.85854 -157.99919 22.86892 -158.00315 22.76019 -157.98916 22.74639 -158.00117 22.74375 -157.91558 22.78287 D-157.92816 22.82273 -158.04029 22.75237 -158.12432 22.76241 -157.98016 22.74001 -158.08274 22.64638 -157.98477 22.74161 -157.92252 22.7792 -157.93635 22.76868 -157.88329 22.77896 -158.13196 22.75136 -158.00006 22.75061 -157.98376 22.7366 -158.02454 22.73096 -158.09541 22.74609 -158.11051 22.77213 -157.91866 22.77278 -158.03338 22.74423 -158.14034 22.78152 -157.99994 22.74958 -158.01842 22.75011 -157.86993 22.79319 -157.93209 22.77716 -157.93168 22.76044 -157.93413 22.78012 -157.93249 22.75908 -157.92584 22.78284 -158.02557 22.7528 -158.12516 22.77483 -158.06617 22.73069 -158.0677 22.69387 -158.04536 22.69687 -158.13159 22.72615 -158.04896 22.69585 -158.1577 22.68381 -158.33443 22.60301 -158.39159 22.55934 -158.37231 22.53199 -158.36144 22.39869 -158.36346 21.98118 -158.34184 21.62215 -158.33284 21.53608 -158.27292 21.344 -158.14791 21.24528 -157.90203 21.24776 -157.89751 21.28289 -157.87101 21.28065 -157.86979 21.22503 -157.8212 21.21519 -157.61878 21.21798 -157.52927 21.33761 -158.00001 22.75076 -158.014 E77 22.73402 -158.01012 22.76217 -158.00048 22.74958 -157.87709 22.78359 -157.90125 22.79274 -157.93402 22.76063 -158.03945 22.73065 -158.07983 22.74395 -158.13309 22.7229 -158.07719 22.74063 -158.12467 22.74545 -157.93697 22.76884 -157.89162 22.78797 -157.92751 22.77791 -157.93131 22.76319 -157.93168 22.78065 -157.93366 22.76733 -158.09493 22.74483 -158.09277 22.75656 -158.15834 22.73054 -157.99982 22.75046 -156.99858 21.31379 -156.93683 21.22212 -156.93639 21.1942 -156.73367 21.1913 -156.68539 21.16656 -156.68327 21.13105 -156.76551 21.04171 -156.89228 21.00428 -157.8965 20.99994 -157.88798 21.26885 Cruise Start and End 2013-06-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-06-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902939 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RD FI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2013, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-9)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.39 21.00, -158.39 22.87, -156.68 22.87, -156.68 21.00, -158.39 21.00))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact #n#o'=1+M5i[%y9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902963gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww lJ&=1+M5;q%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903321gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Zeng?eng@engAengBengCengDengEengFengGengHengIengJengKengLengMengNengOengPengQengRengSengTengUengVengWengXengYengZeng[eng\eng]eng^eng_eng`engaengbengcengdengeengfengg  (D`|$@\x <Xt99EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans&9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans'9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans(9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans)9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans"9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans#9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans$9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans%9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans&9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans'9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans(9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans)9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans*9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans+9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans,9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans-9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans.9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans/9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans09EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans19EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans29EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans39EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans49EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans59EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans69EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans79EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans89EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans99EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans:9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans;9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans<9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans=9EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans> Kttp://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903321 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1311 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1311 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) O Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor P EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation R -158.36413 -157.86776 21.24479 22.79010 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86815 21.30111 -157.91161 21.24524 -158.15049 21.24749 -158.27477 21.34431 -158.33235 21.53836 -158.33494 21.59827 -158.25133 21.88148 -158.05526 22.74934 -157.99924 22.75204 -158.09977 22.70375 -157.9958 22.75182 -158.11138 22.75281 -158.12929 22.73792 -158.04459 22.71868 -158.01011 22.72962 -158.03316 22.75413 -158.07492 22.75596 -158.11476 22.75569 -158.11797 22.74274 -157.99924 22.75114 -157.9803 22.73203 -158.11086 22.73079 -158.11035 22.74939 -157.98636 22.74813 -158.04509 22.78332 -158.08545 22.64678 -157.98281 22.71975 -157.92891 22.78551 -157.92418 22.77588 -157.93217 22.7856 -157.92659 22.77565 -157.93003 22.78656 -157.92621 22.77624 -157.92945 22.78696 -157.91382 22.78702 -157.97407 22.69085 -158.36373 T 21.84948 -158.33116 21.5367 -158.27298 21.34399 -158.30401 21.46193 -158.27322 21.34479 -158.15198 21.24883 -157.90438 21.24733 -157.87927 21.2816 Cruise Start and End 2013-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-06-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu W http://doi.org/10.7284/903321 collectionSessio Xn Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw [ Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 ^ Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw < bgmd:title> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii c operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities e Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 f ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam mul htiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) i doi:10.7284/903321 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1311 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1311 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36413 -157.86776 21.24479 22.79010 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86815 21.30111 -157.91161 21.24524 -158.150 j49 21.24749 -158.27477 21.34431 -158.33235 21.53836 -158.33494 21.59827 -158.25133 21.88148 -158.05526 22.74934 -157.99924 22.75204 -158.09977 22.70375 -157.9958 22.75182 -158.11138 22.75281 -158.12929 22.73792 -158.04459 22.71868 -158.01011 22.72962 -158.03316 22.75413 -158.07492 22.75596 -158.11476 22.75569 -158.11797 22.74274 -157.99924 22.75114 -157.9803 22.73203 -158.11086 22.73079 -158.11035 22.74939 -157.98636 22.74813 -158.04509 22.78332 -158.08545 22.64678 -157.98281 22.71975 -157.92891 22.78551 -157.92418 22.77588 -157.93217 22.7856 -157.92659 22.77565 -157.93003 22.78656 -157.92621 22.77624 -157.92945 22.78696 -157.91382 22.78702 -157.97407 22.69085 -158.36373 21.84948 -158.33116 21.5367 -158.27298 21.34399 -158.30401 21.46193 -158.27322 21.34479 -158.15198 21.24883 -157.90438 21.24733 -157.87927 21.2816 Cruise Start and End 2013-06-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-06-28 University-Nat kional Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903321 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.79, -157.87 22.79, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact mw.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/902963 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1312 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published q KM1312 Prochlorococcus of Warming Ocean Waters (POWOW), Leg 3 Johnson, Zackary Duke University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme s NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian t Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33308 -117.2 u4076 21.24631 46.69082 coordinates of ship track -157.8743 21.31137 -157.87529 21.28857 -157.915 21.24813 -158.14953 21.25193 -158.27547 21.34824 -158.33307 v21.54248 -158.32398 21.6158 -158.03002 22.65176 -157.92585 22.76646 -157.92918 22.7764 -157.93231 22.76076 -158.10888 22.72793 -158.00037 22.75089 -158.08983 22.68532 -157.99891 22.76251 -157.9944 39.97183 -157.99946 46.45238 -158.01065 46.66729 -158.00008 46.69052 -155.76251 44.68169 -154.65072 43.6542 -153.25858 42.34538 -151.14171 40.29796 -150.33116 39.49586 -150.24868 39.38068 -150.10336 39.27004 -150.19876 39.19158 -150.10337 39.27052 -147.6747 36.81464 -144.99985 34.00124 -145.09453 33.93657 -144.9927 33.99889 -144.99755 33.89526 -145.00058 34.00129 -141.16948 34.4789 -140.65611 36.67918 -139.70057 40.59097 -138.83788 43.94082 -138.26471 46.02766 -135.99457 43.99824 -135.44768 43.11008 -135.37375 43.01387 -134.19753 41.03953 -133.3819 39.60161 -132.83251 38.59472 -131.998 36.99925 -131.99861 34.16825 -128.74534 31.43679 -126.60893 29.79967 -126.24679 29.58413 -124.00002 29.83417 -122.33228 29.2498 -120.23995 31.79154 -119.68925 32.43924 -119.62122 32.4904 -119.5058 32.66038 -118.66711 33.08347 -118 w.66755 33.51731 -118.62914 33.40739 -118.5224 33.29202 -118.46568 33.27104 -118.31604 33.24863 -117.88403 33.25064 -117.82927 33.23797 -117.80103 33.19323 -117.65016 33.07982 -117.58608 32.98983 -117.49786 32.667 -117.24161 32.61925 Cruise Start and End 2013-07-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-07-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List San Diego z http://doi.org/10.7284/902963 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. | adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd  raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple fo rmed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902963 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1312 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1312 Prochlorococcus of Warming Ocean Waters (POWOW), Leg 3 Johnson, Zackary Duke University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be use d for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33308 -117.24076 21.24631 46.69082 coordinates of ship track -157.8743 21.31137 -157.87529 21.28857 -157.915 21.24813 -158.14953 21.25193 -158.27547 21.34824 -158.33307 21.54248 -158.32398 21.6158 -158.03002 22.65176 -157.92585 22.76646 -157.92918 22.7764 -157.93231 22.76076 -158.10888 22.72793 -158.00037 22.75089 -158.08983 22.68532 -157.99891 22.76251 -157.9944 39.97183 -157.99946 46.45238 -158.01065 46.66729 -158.00008 46.69052 -155.76251 44.68169 -154.65072 43.6542 -153.25858 42.34538 -151.14171 40.29796 -150.33116 39.49586 -150.24868 39.38068 -150.10336 39.27004 -150.19876 39.19158 -150.10337 39.27052 -147.6747 36.81464 -144.99985 34.00124 -145.09453 33.93657 -144.9927 33.99889 -144.99755 33.89526 -145.00058 34.00129 -141.16948 34.4789 -140.65611 36.67918 -139.70057 40.59097 -138.83788 43.94082 -138.26471 46.02766 -135.99457 43.99824 -135.44768 43.11008 -135.37375 43.01387 -134.19753 41.03953 -133.3819 39.60161 -132.83251 38.59472 -131.998 36.99925 -131.99861 34.16825 -128.74534 31.43679 -126.60893 29.79967 -126.24679 29.58413 -124.00002 29.83417 -122.33228 29.2498 -120.23995 31.79154 -119.68925 32.43924 -119.62122 32.4904 -119.5058 32.66038 -118.66711 33.08347 -118.66755 33.51731 -118.62914 33.40739 -118.5224 33.29202 -118.46568 33.27104 -118.31604 33.24863 -117.88403 33.25064 -117.82927 33.23797 -117.80103 33.19323 -117.65016 33.07982 -117.58608 32.98983 -117.49786 32.667 -117.24161 32.61925 Cruise Start and End 2013-07-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-07-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List San Diego http://doi.org/10.7284/902963 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionProchlorococcus of Warming Ocean Waters (POWOW), Leg 3EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 46.69, -117.24 46.69, -117.24 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact w.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:24Z doi:10.7284/902926 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1313 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1313 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -126.05456 -117.15717 32.60350 48.47635 coordinates of ship track -117.15722 32.69789 -117.21504 32.71531 -117.23171 32.69885 -117.22496 32.64285 -117.2418 1 32.62567 -117.36544 32.6035 -117.52161 32.63125 -118.65189 32.66941 -119.63111 33.0343 -120.45683 33.46705 -120.56813 33.55269 -120.77343 33.63322 -121.99917 34.26773 -124.25491 36.9763 -126.00031 39 -126.00509 41.53025 -126.00321 41.62737 -125.96034 41.74831 -126.00029 41.89905 -125.98771 43.31618 -126.00163 43.59349 -125.92724 43.7168 -125.9581 43.96675 -125.91141 44.09922 -125.95484 44.28398 -125.98043 44.56882 -125.9607 44.75202 -125.99959 44.85285 -125.99941 45.43985 -125.98262 45.47421 -125.98023 45.54711 -126.00011 45.92968 -126.05455 46.02584 -125.99375 46.23742 -125.99925 46.99997 -125.43126 47.83771 -125.42117 47.93181 -125.36958 48.04867 -125.32744 48.09427 -125.22756 48.14999 -125.02152 48.44721 -124.97044 48.47428 -124.73506 48.47576 -123.92442 48.22228 -123.54368 48.21967 -123.39727 48.15469 -123.33851 48.17709 -123.10357 48.20303 -122.77583 48.16707 -122.67261 48.10965 -122.64649 48.03397 -122.59885 47.97366 -122.50218 47.9179 -122.44683 47.77084 -122.4586 47.70177 Cruise Start and End 2013-07-29 Un iversity-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List San Diego 2013-08-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle http://doi.org/10.7284/902926 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902926 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R 2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1313 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1313 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -126.05456 -117.15717 32.60350 48.47635 coordinates of ship track -117.15722 32.69789 -117.21504 32.71531 -117.23171 32.69885 -117.22496 32.64285 -117.24181 32.62567 -117.36544 32.6035 -117.52161 32.63125 -118.65189 32.66941 -119.63111 33.0343 -120.45683 33.46705 -120.56813 33.55269 -120.77343 33.63322 -121.99917 34.26773 -124.25491 36.9763 -126.00031 39 -126.00509 41.53025 -126.00321 41.62737 -125.96034 41.74831 -126.00029 41.89905 -125.98771 43.31618 -126.00163 43.59349 -125.92724 43.7168 -125.9581 43.96675 -125.91141 44.09922 -125.95484 44.28398 -125.98043 44.56882 -125.9607 44.75202 -125.99959 44.85285 -125.99941 45.43985 -125.98262 45.47421 -125.98023 45.54711 -126.00011 45.92968 -126.05455 46.02584 -125.99375 46.23742 -125.99925 46.99997 -125.43126 47.83771 -125.42117 47.93181 -125.36958 48.04867 -125.32744 48.09427 -125.22756 48.14999 -125.02152 48.44721 -124.97044 48.47428 -124.73506 48.47576 -123.92442 48.22228 -123.54368 48.21967 -123.39727 48.15469 -123.33851 48.17709 -123.10357 48.20303 -122.77583 48.16707 -122.67261 48.10965 -122.64649 48.03397 -122.59885 47.97366 -122.50218 47.9179 -122.44683 47.77084 -122.4586 47.70177 Cruise Start and End 2013-07-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List San Diego 2013-08-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle http://doi.org/10.7284/902926 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-126.05 32.60, -126.05 48.48, -117.16 48.48, -117.16 32.60, -126.05 32.60))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact  ]+=1+M5su%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902938gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/902962 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1314 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1314 Significance of Nitrification in Shaping Planktonic Biodiversity in the Ocean Ingalls, Anitra University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.52736 -122.37986 21.22899 50.04442 coordinates of ship track -122.38008 47.62634 -122.41212 47.62561 -122.45624 47.66235 -122.43085 47.76359 -122.48685 47.92622 -122.58838 47.98752 -122.62536 48.03227 -122.6569 48.11437 -122.77772 48.18364 -123.1077 48.21185 -123.38005 48.1344 -123.38568 48.16479 -123.47107 48.23731 -123.91772 48.29235 -124.75344 48.51947 -125.18171 48.51953 -125.7246 48.57482 -125.82971 48.60245 -125.99978 48.59868 -126.04558 48.6317 -126.00146 48.5982 -126.00967 48.63147 -125.95855 48.65062 -126.00392 48.62729 -126.00294 48.66611 -125.99498 48.62801 -126.05921 48.66904 -126.01677 48.64622 -126.04299 48.66815 -126.02863 48.73225 -126.0372 48.69578 -126.04499 48.71416 -126.02669 48.74507 -126.07263 48.70723 -126.48141 48.65523 -126.66583 48.65196 -126.63988 48.6099 -126.6635 48.619 -126.66579 48.65075 -127.70862 48.73634 -127.77816 48.75875 -127.9723 48.76109 -128.66824 48.8161 -128.72179 48.8441 -128.67615 48.81778 -128.71943 48.83134 -128.78319 48.82047 -128.73326 48.8325 -128.77245 48.83404 -128.79104 48.86002 -128.84888 48.87259 -128.79846 48.86292 -128.83823 48.88318 -128.85439 48.90977 -128.82758 48.88238 -128. 86414 48.92422 -128.85792 48.88589 -128.87907 48.90721 -130.67004 48.96749 -134.67402 49.29757 -134.63976 49.26319 -134.64789 49.25655 -134.66786 49.29272 -134.68672 49.29064 -134.71513 49.32312 -134.66507 49.29418 -134.66104 49.30388 -134.67425 49.30351 -134.65462 49.25877 -134.64276 49.26199 -134.67102 49.29316 -134.68995 49.24288 -134.67737 49.28522 -135.40302 49.34524 -144.81346 49.98512 -144.73461 49.97579 -144.81097 49.98874 -144.74633 49.99384 -144.81433 49.98514 -144.7514 49.97413 -144.80791 49.98671 -144.79162 50.04442 -144.78948 50.00255 -145.28979 49.98743 -150.00021 50.0003 -150.00476 43.8341 -149.96447 43.87512 -149.99184 43.84565 -149.96643 43.84472 -149.9313 43.81479 -149.97438 43.843 -149.90221 43.85715 -149.90619 43.86696 -149.94957 43.85728 -149.92499 43.86145 -149.88375 43.83198 -149.92075 43.85337 -149.8864 43.8864 -149.86666 43.87766 -149.91078 43.85666 -149.87363 43.86006 -149.88385 43.67604 -149.99529 42.97198 -150.00104 42.85141 -150.00227 39.0043 -149.95896 38.98112 -149.99478 38. 99845 -150.00258 38.96273 -149.9852 38.98049 -149.97944 38.94557 -149.99824 38.94077 -150.00695 38.89113 -149.99044 38.93379 -150.00304 38.88849 -149.98777 38.92404 -149.9744 38.89639 -149.99265 38.812 -150.00214 38.48189 -150.00145 30.00179 -149.95209 29.98018 -149.98634 29.99582 -149.98739 29.94374 -149.98211 29.99293 -149.93124 29.95411 -149.97135 29.97229 -149.95625 29.99204 -149.91482 29.98007 -149.91304 29.96583 -149.95208 29.97635 -149.93578 29.98287 -149.89299 29.94149 -149.93249 29.97256 -149.9175 29.96005 -150.58796 29.41806 -152.92641 27.07686 -152.65466 27.35029 -152.8538 27.35103 -152.65496 27.35022 -152.65481 27.3076 -152.6489 27.35146 -152.66895 27.33885 -152.72777 27.34944 -152.67082 27.34382 -152.70571 27.35084 -153.17548 27.01289 -154.6481 26.05179 -158.4984 24.1687 -158.48866 24.1648 -158.51099 24.11038 -158.49394 24.1399 -158.50666 24.12568 -158.49948 24.14715 -158.5217 24.15005 -158.52446 24.11628 -158.35233 23.7511 -158.00309 22.74388 -157.99062 22.7585 -157.98914 22.85162 -158.00604 22.85828 -157.99778 22.76099 -158.10243 22.70651 -158.09321 22.69205 -158.00245 22.74818 -158.36238 21.8451 -158.33659 21.54774 -158.27465 21.34616 -158.15441 21.25081 -158.01825 21.22907 -157.88801 21.26683 Cruise Start and End 2013-08-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle 2013-09-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902962 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-8 82 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (map ping sonar) doi:10.7284/902962 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1314 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1314 Significance of Nitrification in Shaping Planktonic Biodiversity in the Ocean Ingalls, Anitra University of Washington Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to b e used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.52736 -122.37986 21.22899 50.04442 coordinates of ship track -122.38008 47.62634 -122.41212 47.62561 -122.45624 47.66235 -122.43085 47.76359 -122.48685 47.92622 -122.58838 47.98752 -122.62536 48.03227 -122.6569 48.11437 -122.77772 48.18364 -123.1077 48.21185 -123.38005 48.1344 -123.38568 48.16479 -123.47107 48.23731 -123.91772 48.29235 -124.75344 48.51947 -125.18171 48.51953 -125.7246 48.57482 -125.82971 48.60245 -125.99978 48.59868 -126.04558 48.6317 -126.00146 48.5982 -126.00967 48.63147 -125.95855 48.65062 -126.00392 48.62729 -126.00294 48.66611 -125.99498 48.62801 -126.05921 48.66904 -126.01677 48.64622 -126.04299 48.66815 -126.02863 48.73225 -126.0372 48.69578 -126.04499 48.71416 -126.02669 48.74507 -126.07263 48.70723 -126.48141 48.65523 -126.66583 48.65196 -126.63988 48.6099 -126.6635 48.619 -126.66579 48.65075 -127.70862 48.73634 -127.77816 48.75875 -127.9723 48.76109 -128.66824 48.8161 -128.721 79 48.8441 -128.67615 48.81778 -128.71943 48.83134 -128.78319 48.82047 -128.73326 48.8325 -128.77245 48.83404 -128.79104 48.86002 -128.84888 48.87259 -128.79846 48.86292 -128.83823 48.88318 -128.85439 48.90977 -128.82758 48.88238 -128.86414 48.92422 -128.85792 48.88589 -128.87907 48.90721 -130.67004 48.96749 -134.67402 49.29757 -134.63976 49.26319 -134.64789 49.25655 -134.66786 49.29272 -134.68672 49.29064 -134.71513 49.32312 -134.66507 49.29418 -134.66104 49.30388 -134.67425 49.30351 -134.65462 49.25877 -134.64276 49.26199 -134.67102 49.29316 -134.68995 49.24288 -134.67737 49.28522 -135.40302 49.34524 -144.81346 49.98512 -144.73461 49.97579 -144.81097 49.98874 -144.74633 49.99384 -144.81433 49.98514 -144.7514 49.97413 -144.80791 49.98671 -144.79162 50.04442 -144.78948 50.00255 -145.28979 49.98743 -150.00021 50.0003 -150.00476 43.8341 -149.96447 43.87512 -149.99184 43.84565 -149.96643 43.84472 -149.9313 43.81479 -149.97438 43.843 -149.90221 43.85715 -149.90619 43.86696 -149.94957 43.85728 -149.92499 43.86 145 -149.88375 43.83198 -149.92075 43.85337 -149.8864 43.8864 -149.86666 43.87766 -149.91078 43.85666 -149.87363 43.86006 -149.88385 43.67604 -149.99529 42.97198 -150.00104 42.85141 -150.00227 39.0043 -149.95896 38.98112 -149.99478 38.99845 -150.00258 38.96273 -149.9852 38.98049 -149.97944 38.94557 -149.99824 38.94077 -150.00695 38.89113 -149.99044 38.93379 -150.00304 38.88849 -149.98777 38.92404 -149.9744 38.89639 -149.99265 38.812 -150.00214 38.48189 -150.00145 30.00179 -149.95209 29.98018 -149.98634 29.99582 -149.98739 29.94374 -149.98211 29.99293 -149.93124 29.95411 -149.97135 29.97229 -149.95625 29.99204 -149.91482 29.98007 -149.91304 29.96583 -149.95208 29.97635 -149.93578 29.98287 -149.89299 29.94149 -149.93249 29.97256 -149.9175 29.96005 -150.58796 29.41806 -152.92641 27.07686 -152.65466 27.35029 -152.8538 27.35103 -152.65496 27.35022 -152.65481 27.3076 -152.6489 27.35146 -152.66895 27.33885 -152.72777 27.34944 -152.67082 27.34382 -152.70571 27.35084 -153.17548 27.01289 -154.6481 26.05179 -158.498 4 24.1687 -158.48866 24.1648 -158.51099 24.11038 -158.49394 24.1399 -158.50666 24.12568 -158.49948 24.14715 -158.5217 24.15005 -158.52446 24.11628 -158.35233 23.7511 -158.00309 22.74388 -157.99062 22.7585 -157.98914 22.85162 -158.00604 22.85828 -157.99778 22.76099 -158.10243 22.70651 -158.09321 22.69205 -158.00245 22.74818 -158.36238 21.8451 -158.33659 21.54774 -158.27465 21.34616 -158.15441 21.25081 -158.01825 21.22907 -157.88801 21.26683 Cruise Start and End 2013-08-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Seattle 2013-09-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902962 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionSignificance of Nitrification in Shaping Planktonic Biodiversity in the OceanEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.53 21.23, -158.53 50.04, -122.38 50.04, -122.38 21.23, -158.53 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact H $0<HT`lx ,8DP\ht(4@LXdp| oceansi oceans" oceans# oceans$ oceans% oceans& oceans' oceans( oceans) oceans* oceans+ oceans, oceans- oceans. oceans/ oceans0 oceans1 oceans2 oceans3 oceans4 oceans5 oceans6 oceans7 oceans8 oceans9 oceans: oceans; oceans< oceans= oceans> oceans? oceans@ oceansA oceansB oceansC oceansD oceansE oceansF oceansG oceansH oceansI oceansJ oceansK oceansL oceansM oceansN oceansO oceansP oceansQ oceansR oceansS oceansT oceansU oceansV oceansW oceansX oceansY oceansZ oceans[ oceans\ oceans] oceans^ oceans_ oceans` oceansa oceansb oceansc oceansd oceanse oceansf oceansg oceansh " xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903322 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1315 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1315 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36410 -157.86738 21.24548 22.85557 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86795 21.30077 -157.91354 21.24693 -158.16146 21.24779 -158.27501 21.34249 -158.33452 21.54169 -158.08437 22.51639 -158.03893 22.74948 -157.99866 22.74899 -158.08897 22.68511 -158.05317 22.69519 -157.99733 22.7536 -158.07941 22.6741 -158.09237 22.68414 -158.03538 22.73455 -157.9828 22.75194 -158.04679 22.84123 -158.06183 22.83666 -158.0186 22.74932 -157.99704 22.74836 -158.06853 22.67093 -158.08 486 22.67952 -157.98415 22.75815 -158.0194 22.85557 -158.0017 22.84988 -157.99922 22.74982 -158.08873 22.69765 -158.09368 22.70678 -157.9991 22.75462 -158.06187 22.7297 -158.07482 22.67834 -158.0948 22.67119 -158.01317 22.64812 -157.97445 22.6593 -157.96879 22.64766 -157.97635 22.67071 -157.98254 22.64974 -157.98169 22.68091 -157.97602 22.64573 -158.36409 21.84579 -158.33312 21.54281 -158.27458 21.34591 -158.15 21.24787 -157.9078 21.246 -157.89243 21.26455 Cruise Start and End 2013-09-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-09-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903322 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities < gmd:MD_Identifier> Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed bea m echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903322 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1315 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1315 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36410 -157.86738 21.24548 22.85557 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86795 21.30077 -157.91354 21.24693 -158.16146 21.24779 -158.27501 21.34249 -158.33452 21.54169 -158.08437 22.51639 -158.03893 22.74948 -157.99866 22.74899 -158.08897 22.68511 -158.05317 22.69519 -157.99733 22.7536 -158.07941 22.6741 -158.09237 22.68414 -158.03538 22.73455 -157.9828 22.75194 -158.04679 22.84123 -158.06183 22.83666 -158.0186 22.74932 -157.99704 22.74836 -158.06853 22.67093 -158.08486 22.67952 -157.98415 22.75815 -158.0194 22.85557 -158.0017 22.84988 -157.99922 22.74982 -158.08873 22.69765 -158.09368 22.70678 -157.9991 22.75462 -158.06187 22.7297 -158.07482 22.67834 -158.0948 22.67119 -158.01317 22.64812 -157.97445 22.6593 -157.96879 22.64766 -157.97635 22.67071 -157.98254 22.64974 -157.98169 22.68091 -157.97602 22.64573 -158.36409 21.84579 -158.33312 21.54281 -158.27458 21.34591 -158.15 21.24787 -157.9078 21.246 -157.89243 21.26455 Cruise Start and End 2013-09-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-09-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903322 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ??DLHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) IXKHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) V kWHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VI/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)MHawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VIIm[Hawaii Ocean Experiment-Dynamics of Light and Nutrients (HOE-DYLAN) VIII/ Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)ntifier> eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager doi:10.7284/906677 doi:10.7284/902938 eng !utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009!(E) Cruise KM1316 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1316 C-MORE 2013, Leg 3 Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used f! or navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.70938 -157.86512 21.08697! 23.91431 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86703 21.30299 -157.88974 21.27424 -157.86552 21.22276 -157.87162 21.28088 -157.89883 21.24679 -158.15241 21.24635 -158.34635 21.45015 -158.36791 21.5153 -158.32591 21.67203 -158.28258 22.06743 -159.01571 23.14923 -159.70923 23.91177! -159.67633 23.8753 -159.68784 23.82428 -159.68749 23.85759 -159.67065 23.85089 -159.67938 23.82052 -159.69037 23.81765 -159.69357 23.83732 -159.70602 23.81521 -158.01693 22.75261 -158.03547 22.75026 -157.99077 22.75206 -158.0034 22.64403 -158.02338 22.64854 -157.99924 22.75116 -158.11379 22.75454 -158.10095 22.77812 -158 22.7489 -158.01898 22.77547 -157.99829 22.74209 -158.00103 22.63898 -158.01617 22.63426 -158.00241 22.74821 -157.98965 22.75097 -158.08136 22.67393 -158.06365 22.66224 -157.99443 22.75133 -157.95236 22.84496 -158.00463 22.71983 -158.06031 22.66015 -158.07594 22.66652 -157.99118 22.75059 -158.0615 22.66006 -158.04125 22.65735 -158.00041 22.75093 -158.00285 22.72674 -158.05972 22.66514 -158.08032 22.67977 -157.98934 22.74931 -158.06354 22.6627 -158.02484 22.66768 -157.99718 22.72421 -158.0002 22.75026 -158.33179 22.3356 -158.40409 22.33691 -158.32327 22.33629 -158.39135 22.33637 -158.38736 22.34984 -158.3294 22.33434 -158.65401 22.09533 -158.60221 22.13636 -158.59913 22.08042 -158.58321 22!.0799 -158.60346 22.13721 -157.99978 22.74917 -157.99592 22.77086 -157.89787 22.79239 -157.99827 22.74905 -158.10949 22.78876 -157.9865 22.75276 -158.00024 22.74868 -158.10648 22.79043 -158.09238 22.80547 -157.99017 22.74773 -158.1242 22.74154 -158.03105 22.78106 -157.99867 22.75071 -157.92574 22.89822 -157.8998 22.90552 -157.99999 22.74963 -158.11524 22.74814 -157.99006 22.74903 -158.07761 22.8273 -158.08436 22.8145 -158.00125 22.74855 -157.90398 22.81379 -157.92902 22.85011 -157.99422 22.86284 -157.96391 22.90332 -157.94717 22.90057 -157.95353 22.87148 -157.93998 22.86839 -157.93685 22.84079 -157.97083 22.66481 -158.16825 22.15615 -158.33239 21.58509 -158.33732 21.4765 -158.19737 21.29653 -157.97523 21.08698 -157.8725 21.29324 Cruise Start and End 2013-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ! Honolulu 2013-09-28 ! University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ! http://doi.org/10.7284/902938 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ! RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw ! Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw ! Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam ! raw International Council !for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities ! Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam<!/gmx:Anchor> multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902938 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1316 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1316 C-MORE 2013, Leg 3 Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Maste! r Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.70938 -157.86512 21.08697 23.91431 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86703 21.30299 -157.88974 21.27424 -157.86552 21.22276 -157.87162 21.28088 -157.89883 21.24679 -158.15241 21.24635 -158.34635 21.45015 -158.36791 21.5153 -158.32591 21.67203 -158.28258 22.06743 -159.01571 23.14923 -159.70923 23.91177 -159.67633 23.8753 -159.68784 23.82428 -159.68749 23.85759 -159.67065 23.85089 -159.67938 23.82052 -159.69037 23.81765 -159.69357 23.83732 -159.70602 23.81521 -158.01693 22.75261 -158.03547 22.75026 -157.99077 22.75206 -158.0034 22.64403 -158.02338 22.64854 -157.99924 22.75116 -158.11379 22.75454 -158.10095 22.77812 -158 22.7489 -158.01898 22.77547 -157.99829 22.74209 -158.00103 22.63898 -158.01617 22.63426 -158.00241 22.74821 -157.98965 22.75097 -158.08136 22.67393 -158.06365 22.66224 -157.99443 22.75133 -157.!!95236 22.84496 -158.00463 22.71983 -158.06031 22.66015 -158.07594 22.66652 -157.99118 22.75059 -158.0615 22.66006 -158.04125 22.65735 -158.00041 22.75093 -158.00285 22.72674 -158.05972 22.66514 -158.08032 22.67977 -157.98934 22.74931 -158.06354 22.6627 -158.02484 22.66768 -157.99718 22.72421 -158.0002 22.75026 -158.33179 22.3356 -158.40409 22.33691 -158.32327 22.33629 -158.39135 22.33637 -158.38736 22.34984 -158.3294 22.33434 -158.65401 22.09533 -158.60221 22.13636 -158.59913 22.08042 -158.58321 22.0799 -158.60346 22.13721 -157.99978 22.74917 -157.99592 22.77086 -157.89787 22.79239 -157.99827 22.74905 -158.10949 22.78876 -157.9865 22.75276 -158.00024 22.74868 -158.10648 22.79043 -158.09238 22.80547 -157.99017 22.74773 -158.1242 22.74154 -158.03105 22.78106 -157.99867 22.75071 -157.92574 22.89822 -157.8998 22.90552 -157.99999 22.74963 -158.11524 22.74814 -157.99006 22.74903 -158.07761 22.8273 -158.08436 22.8145 -158.00125 22.74855 -157.90398 22.81379 -157.92902 22.85011 -157.99422 22.86284 -157.96391 22.90!"332 -157.94717 22.90057 -157.95353 22.87148 -157.93998 22.86839 -157.93685 22.84079 -157.97083 22.66481 -158.16825 22.15615 -158.33239 21.58509 -158.33732 21.4765 -158.19737 21.29653 -157.97523 21.08698 -157.8725 21.29324 Cruise Start and End 2013-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-09-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902938 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionC-MORE 2013, Leg 3EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.71 21.09, -159.71 23.91, -157.87 23.91, -157.87 21.09, -159.71 21.09))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact!$="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903334 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) !' Cruise KM1317 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1317 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. !+ eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36494 -157.86725 21.24549 22.92703 !, coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.8686 21.29981 -157.9223 21.2472 -158.15092 21.24772 -158.27448 21.34311 -158.33224 21.54021 -158.33188 21.58877 -158.21566 21.99602 -158.03923 22.74952 -157.99917 22.75089 -158.07525 22.81727 -158.09306 22.80499 -157.99678 22.75069 -157.99277 22.84848 -157.98037 22.8571 -157.98695 22.80533 -158.0025 22.80139 -157.96899 22.80471 -158.06493 22.83683 -158.07334 22.82!-838 -158.01855 22.75024 -157.88191 22.75016 -157.99996 22.74984 -157.97912 22.74892 -158.06662 22.839 -158.07526 22.81704 -157.99888 22.75048 -158.08332 22.8092 -158.10394 22.78475 -157.99461 22.75415 -157.97505 22.87172 -157.96206 22.87499 -157.96997 22.92703 -157.96614 22.82425 -157.94051 22.80301 -157.95512 22.69139 -157.9405 22.70832 -158.3649 21.84778 -158.33687 21.60214 -158.34409 21.5313 -158.24059 21.28642 -158.15837 21.24848 -157.92952 21.24624 -157.87601 21.28634 Cruise Start and End !. 2013-09-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-10-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List !0 Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903334 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 !2 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw !: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii !; operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities != Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 !> ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam mu!@ltiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903334 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1317 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1317 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigati!Aon. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36494 -157.86725 21.24549 22.92703 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.8686 21.29981 -157.9223 21.2472 -158.15092 21.24772 -158.27448 21.34311 -158.33224 21.54021 -158.33188 21.58877 -158.21566 21.99602 -158.03923 22.74952 -157.99917 22.75089 -158.07525 22.81727 -158.09306 22.80499 -157.99678 22.75069 -157.99277 22.84848 -157.98037 22.8571 -157.98695 22.80533 -158.0025 22.80139 -157.96899 22.80471 -158.06493 22.83683 -158.07334 22.82838 -158.01855 22.75024 -157.88191 22.75016 -157.99996 22.74984 -157.97912 22.74892 -158.06662 22.839 -158.07526 22.81704 -157.99888 22.75048 -158.08332 22.8092 -158.10394 22.78475 -157.99461 22.75415 -157.97505 22.87172 -157.96206 22.87499 -157.96997 22.92703 -157.96614 22.82425 -157.94051 22.80301 -157.95512 22.69139 -157.9405 22.70832 -158.3649 21.84778 -158.33687 21.60214 -158.34409 21.5313 -158.24059 21.28642 -158.15837 21.24848 -157.92952 21.24624 -157.87601 21.28634 !B Cruise Start and End 2013-09-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-10-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903334 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.93, -157.87 22.93, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact l,=1+M5-C%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903334gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25ZkLy,[Data are not to be used for navigation.(,[Data are not to be used for navigation.),[Data are not to be used for navigation.(,[Data are not to be used for navigation.),[Data are not to be used for navigation.*,[Data are not to be used for navigation.+,[Data are not to be used for navigation.,,[Data are not to be used for navigation.-,[Data are not to be used for navigation..,[Data are not to be used for navigation./,[Data are not to be used for navigation.0,[Data are not to be used for navigation.1,[Data are not to be used for navigation.2,[Data are not to be used for navigation.3,[Data are not to be used for navigation.4,[Data are not to be used for navigation.5,[Data are not to be used for navigation.6,[Data are not to be used for navigation.7,[Data are not to be used for navigation.8,[Data are not to be used for navigation.9,[Data are not to be used for navigation.:!Frs/Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/902919 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1318 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1318 ROV Lu'ukai Testing !J Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans!K theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation !M -158.37064 -157.86695 20.85492 21.43052 coordinates of ship track !N-157.88627 21.31567 -157.86701 21.30267 -157.8887 21.27581 -157.90944 21.26724 -157.92368 21.28041 -157.91297 21.27761 -157.92391 21.07737 -158.36691 21.07515 -157.92218 21.07678 -157.91595 21.27847 -157.93127 21.07846 -157.94614 21.06392 -157.93292 20.85511 -157.93356 21.06094 -157.97195 21.08088 -157.91847 21.0773 -157.91771 21.27835 -157.93513 21.25565 -157.97837 21.24526 -158.1481 21.24679 -158.35133 21.28341 -158.36342 21.30394 -158.28756 21.43051 -158.31405 21.42 -158.36718 21.29095 -158.3692 21.24565 -157.95562 21.23189 -157.88568 21.27144 -157.86751 21.30205 -157.88626 21.31568 Cruise Start and End 2013-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List !P Honolulu 2013-10-21 !Q University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu !R http://doi.org/10.7284/902919 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. <!Sgmd:lineage> RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 !V Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw !W Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw !X Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetome!Yter raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana !\ University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 !] adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) !` Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/902919 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1318 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1318 ROV Lu'ukai Testing!b Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37064 -157.86695 20.85492 21.43052 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31567 -157.86701 21.30267 -157.8887 21.27581 -157.90944 21.26724 -157.92368 21.28041 -157.91297 21.27761 -157.92391 21.07737 -158.36691 21.07515 -157.92218 21.07678 -157.91595 21.27847 -157.93127 21.07846 -157.94614 21.06392 -157.93292 20.85511 -157.93356 21.06094 -157.97195 21.08088 -157.91847 21.0773 -157.91771 21.27835 -157.93513 21.25565 -157.97837 21.24526 -158.1481 21.24679 -158.35133 21.28341 -158.36342 21.30394 -158.28756 21.43051 -158.31405 21.42 -158.36718 21.29095 -158.3692 21.24565 -157.95562 21.23189 -157.88568 21.27144 -157.86751 21.30205 -157.88626 21.31!c568 Cruise Start and End 2013-10-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-10-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902919 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 20.85, -158.37 21.43, -157.87 21.43, -157.87 20.85, -158.37 20.85))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ,-=1+M5w %39 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902919gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903336 eng utf!h8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program !i info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) !j Cruise KM1319 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1319 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief !l contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36379 -157.86716 21.24378 22.94463 !o coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31576 -157.86737 21.30231 -157.90323 21.2462 -158.14905 21.2447 -158.27492 21.34358 -158.33324 21.53567 -158.33272 21.58562 -158.20991 22.01709 -158.07186 22.63321 -158.03698 22.74837 -157.99727 22.75026 -158.04776 22.8436 -158.02096 22.81536 -157.99733 22.7452 -158.10154 22.812 -158.08409 22.82575 -158.02766 22.77442 -158.01005 22.77444 -158.03242 22.85297 -158.01695 22.74929 -157.9999!p4 22.74995 -158.05447 22.83826 -158.07217 22.83403 -158.05451 22.83774 -158.01967 22.79545 -158.04748 22.85122 -158.04059 22.79964 -158.03134 22.78896 -158.0586 22.84023 -157.99035 22.74932 -158.17954 22.83841 -158.25673 22.94461 -158.02541 22.73933 -157.98789 22.66308 -157.98607 22.67708 -157.99056 22.66148 -157.98207 22.67647 -158.204 22.1643 -158.36375 21.84679 -158.33453 21.53709 -158.27224 21.34254 -158.15117 21.24705 -157.94419 21.246 -157.87729 21.2847 Cruise Start and End 2013-10-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-10-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List <!s/gmd:authority> Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903336 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw !v RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 !y Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw !} International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii !~ operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities ! Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed !beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903336 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1319 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1319 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigat!ion. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36379 -157.86716 21.24378 22.94463 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31576 -157.86737 21.30231 -157.90323 21.2462 -158.14905 21.2447 -158.27492 21.34358 -158.33324 21.53567 -158.33272 21.58562 -158.20991 22.01709 -158.07186 22.63321 -158.03698 22.74837 -157.99727 22.75026 -158.04776 22.8436 -158.02096 22.81536 -157.99733 22.7452 -158.10154 22.812 -158.08409 22.82575 -158.02766 22.77442 -158.01005 22.77444 -158.03242 22.85297 -158.01695 22.74929 -157.99994 22.74995 -158.05447 22.83826 -158.07217 22.83403 -158.05451 22.83774 -158.01967 22.79545 -158.04748 22.85122 -158.04059 22.79964 -158.03134 22.78896 -158.0586 22.84023 -157.99035 22.74932 -158.17954 22.83841 -158.25673 22.94461 -158.02541 22.73933 -157.98789 22.66308 -157.98607 22.67708 -157.99056 22.66148 -157.98207 22.67647 -158.204 22.1643 -158.36375 21.84679 -158.33453 21.53709 -158.27224 21.34254 -158.15117 21.24705 -157.94419 21.246 -157.87729 21.2847 ! Cruise Start and End 2013-10-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-10-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903336 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.94, -157.87 22.94, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact KoKr0=1+M5y%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903312gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.i!m/<1+M5M[%;9 !! [)doi:10.7284/903316gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903316 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdat!a.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1320 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1320 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords ! NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2013-11-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-11-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ! Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903316 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. ! International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/903316 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1320 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1320 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2013-11-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-11-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903316 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Y+Nq|Y K/F]"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)g"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)f"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)e"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)a"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)["GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)A"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)F"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)H"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)L"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)O"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)S"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)W"GHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)Y*YHawaii Undersea Geo-Observatory (HUGO):wHawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment (HUMMA)I=}Hydrothermal Activity at the Lau Integrated Studies Site%OIMI-30 Sea Trials/Student Cruisesh1IMI-30 Test Cruise1IMI-30 Test Cruise.1IMI-30 Test Cruise51IMI-30 Test Cruise81IMI-30 Test Cruise\/cImprovement of Bottomfish Stocks: Phase IIIQ3Instrument RecoveryY5Integrated Hydrothermal and Petrological Studies of the Eastern Lau Spreading CenterB!sotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903312 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1321 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published <!gmd:code> KM1321 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36913 -157.86695 21.24204 22.79978 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31576 -157.86698 21.30281 -157.88714 21.2766 -158.01596 21.24788 -158.14933 21.2449 -158.27759 21.34402! -158.33363 21.53809 -158.33295 21.58748 -158.11898 22.33588 -158.03946 22.74717 -157.99948 22.75146 -158.10599 22.79977 -157.99115 22.74466 -158.00301 22.71302 -157.98775 22.64128 -157.96798 22.63855 -157.99867 22.74963 -158.00552 22.70585 -157.97897 22.70862 -158.01526 22.65371 -158.05178 22.71581 -158.03212 22.71732 -158.11624 22.70206 -158.03485 22.71086 -158.07361 22.66299 -157.98917 22.7577 -158.08621 22.56058 -158.02546 22.56289 -157.95988 22.65652 -157.97889 22.6371 -157.96146 22.65539 -157.97392 22.64745 -157.98413 22.6807 -157.96479 22.64358 -157.98801 22.66943 -158.02027 22.57151 -158.36394 21.88657 -158.33219 21.54315 -158.27066 21.34986 -158.15648 21.25041 -157.94593 21.24549 -157.87814 21.28546 -157.86778 21.30353 -157.88256 21.31503 Cruise Start and End 2013-11-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-11-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903312 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. ! RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 ! Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw ! Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities ! Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field doi:10.7284/903312 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1321 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1321 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE !> Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36913 -157.86695 21.24204 22.79978 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31576 -157.86698 21.30281 -157.88714 21.2766 -158.01596 21.24788 -158.14933 21.2449 -158.27759 21.34402 -158.33363 21.53809 -158.33295 21.58748 -158.11898 22.33588 -158.03946 22.74717 -157.99948 22.75146 -158.10599 22.79977 -157.99115 22.74466 -158.00301 22.71302 -157.98775 22.64128 -157.96798 22.63855 -157.99867 22.74963 -158.00552 22.70585 -157.97897 22.70862 -158.01526 22.65371 -158.05178 22.71581 -158.03212 22.71732 -158.11624 22.70206 -158.03485 22.71086 -158.07361 22.66299 -157.98917 22.7577 -158.08621 22.56058 -158.02546 22.56289 -157.95988 22.65652 -157.97889 22.6371 -157.96146 22.65539 -157.97392 22.64745 -157.98413 22.6807 -157.96479 22.64358 -157.98801 22.66943! -158.02027 22.57151 -158.36394 21.88657 -158.33219 21.54315 -158.27066 21.34986 -158.15648 21.25041 -157.94593 21.24549 -157.87814 21.28546 -157.86778 21.30353 -157.88256 21.31503 Cruise Start and End 2013-11-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-11-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903312 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.80, -157.87 22.80, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact!ns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903304 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1322 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1322 ROV Lu'ukai Testin!g Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.52316 -157.86704 21.04636 21.31575 ! coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31547 -157.86736 21.30181 -157.91182 21.27415 -157.92307 21.15846 -158.02849 21.05092 -158.52295 21.05088 -158.29144 21.0605 -158.06668 21.16882 -157.91737 21.27796 -157.97328 21.09995 -157.93871 21.25218 -157.91842 21.27867 -157.98263 21.09574 -158.15491 21.076 -157.90133 21.21143 -157.90825 21.20321 -157.86803 21.30143 -157.88662 21.31547 ! Cruise Start and End 2013-12-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ! Honolulu 2013-12-11 ! University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903304 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ! ins raw Geometrics G-882<!/gmx:Anchor> Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 !ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer ! measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field doi:10.7284/903304 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1322 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1322 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Shor, Alexander University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Su!pport Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.52316 -157.86704 21.04636 21.31575 coordinates of ship track -157.88659 21.31547 -157.86736 21.30181 -157.91182 21.27415 -157.92307 21.15846 -158.02849 21.05092 -158.52295 21.05088 -158.29144 21.0605 -158.06668 21.16882 -157.91737 21.27796 -157.97328 21.09995 -157.93871 21.25218 -157.91842 21.27867 -157.98263 21.09574 -158.15491 21.076 -157.90133 21.21143 -157.90825 21.20321 -157.86803 21.30143 -157.88662 21.31547 Cruise Start and End 2013-12-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-12-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903304 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.52 21.05, -158.52 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 21.05, -158.52 21.05))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact h9hH2=1+M5 %G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903311gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903311 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1323 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1323 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii ! Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NA!SA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36396 -157.86720 21.23664 22.76922 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.8697 21.29765 -157.92098 21.25362 -158.14112 21.24216 -158.27713 21.3432 -158.26465 21.33121 -158.33316 21.53804 -158.33235 21.5906 -158.22158 21.97419 -158.0569 22.7497 -157.99608 22.74864 -158.115 22!.6854 -158.05711 22.70254 -158.0078 22.74837 -157.98638 22.74973 -158.03665 22.74013 -158.0391 22.71877 -158.10975 22.67886 -158.04641 22.69423 -158.02774 22.75243 -158.14101 22.75867 -158.13191 22.76913 -157.87843 22.7363 -157.91553 22.75459 -158.00047 22.75219 -158.02331 22.69928 -158.06466 22.74508 -158.1324 22.71384 -158.11915 22.697 -158.07257 22.70538 -157.95863 22.65871 -157.97031 22.66041 -157.96265 22.65113 -158.36393 21.84766 -158.33487 21.53933 -158.27055 21.34439 -158.15083 21.24943 -157.91339 21.25349 -157.88615 21.26026 -157.87208 21.29376 Cruise Start and End ! 2013-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ! 2013-12-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ! Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903311 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ! RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. ! gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 <!/gmd:description> Data was collected from this device. ins raw ! Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer <!gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/processing/1" xlink:actuate="onRequest">raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. ! multibeam raw ! International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities ! Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 ! magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM710 multibeam <!/gmi:type> multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) doi:10.7284/903311 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1323 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1323 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)! User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36396 -157.86720 21.23664 22.76922 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.8697 21.29765 -157.92098 21.25362 -158.14112 21.24216 -158.27713 21.3432 -158.26465 21.33121 -158.33316 21.53804 -158.33235 21.5906 -158.22158 21.97419 -158.0569 22.7497 -157.99608 22.74864 -158.115 22.6854 -158.05711 22.70254 -158.0078 22.74837 -157.98638 22.74973 -158.03665 22.74013 -158.0391 22.71877 -158.10975 22.67886 -158.04641 22.69423 -158.02774 22.75243 -158.14101 22.75867 -158.13191 22.76913 -157.87843 22.7363 -157.91553 22.75459 -158.00047 22.75219 -158.02331 22.69928 -158.06466 22.74508 -158.1324 22.71384 -158.11915 22.697 -158.07257 22.70538 -157.95863 22.65871 -157.97031 22.66041 -157.96265 22.65113 -158.36393 21.84766 -158.33487 21.53933 -158.27055 21.34439 -158.15083 21.24943 -157.91339 21.25349 -157.88615 21.26026 -157.87208 21.29376 ! Cruise Start and End 2013-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2013-12-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903311 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.77, -157.87 22.77, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact s??Z^.6j9Transit/Student CruiseCATransport, Internal Waves, and Mixing in the Samoan PassageAU.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Gulf of AlaskaS>U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Kirin RidgeD@U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line Islands@U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line Islandsc@U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Necker Ridge3Underwater Salinity4mVERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO)?D VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) Equipment Test2[Vestibulum quis ipsum sit amet metus imperdiet vehicula. Nulla scelerisque cursus mi.3iWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-4)3iWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-5)3iWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-6)3iWHOI-Hawaii Ocean Timeseries Station (WHOTS-7)#KWestern Pacific Warm Pool (WP2)~/cWestern Pacific Warm Pool (WP2)-Test Cruisev Zircon IIf!211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/902999 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1401 on RV Kilo Moana ! 2015-09-30 published KM1401 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office ! custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformat!ion -158.76920 -157.86736 21.06330 21.31574 coordina!tes of ship track -157.88628 21.31572 -157.86796 21.30106 -157.91326 21.2498 -157.97813 21.2495 -158.76915 21.06678 -158.28782 21.18098 -157.99292 21.23322 -157.93564 21.27547 -157.90134 21.27914 -157.89757 21.22355 -157.90145 21.27799 -157.91995 21.27643 -157.98605 21.20894 -157.97899 21.10569 -157.97677 21.248 -157.89754 21.2795 -157.98344 21.25017 -157.88835 21.27048 ! Cruise Start and End 2014-01-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ! Honolulu 2014-01-11 University-Nation!al Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902999 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ! RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw " WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer " raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. " fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw " Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass " raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. " hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw K" ongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw " Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam " raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR " Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer " raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 " Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw " AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 " Data was collected from this device. tsg raw " Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch ra"w International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List " Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 " anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures at" mospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) "! Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typic"$ally also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam <"(/gmi:type> multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog ", measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam "- RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere ". Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/902999 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1401 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1401 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Smith, John"0 University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.76920 -157.86736 21.06330 21.31574 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31572 -157.86796 21.30106 -157.91326 21.2498 -157.97813 21.2495 -158.76915 21.06678 -158.28782 21.18098 -157.99292 21.23322 -157.93564 21.27547 -157.90134 21.27914 -157.89757 21.22355 -157.90145 21.27799 -157.91995 21.27643 -157.98605 21.20894 -157.97899 21.10569 -157.97677 21.248 -157.89754 21.2795 -157.98344 21.25017 -157.88835 21.27048 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-01-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List "1 Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902999 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 "2Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 4134"32 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter "4 measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.77 21.06, -158.77 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 21.06, -158.77 21.06))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact .m."4=1+M5is%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903318gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903318 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program ": info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) "; Cruise KM1402 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1402 "< Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords "> NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36346 -157.86781 21.24524 22.76149 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86817 21.30447 -157.87733 21.28574 -157.95383 21.24687 -158.1583 21.25046 -158.27563 21.34469 -158.33354 21.54414 -158.07256 22.75216 -157.99954 22.75005 -158.10546 22.75876 -158.10525 22.74325 -158.08172 22.75537 -157.99923 22.75 -158.04646 22.7426 -158.05463 22.64822 -158.0625 22.66174 -158.01289 22.73688 -1"A58.03611 22.72924 -158.01013 22.72945 -158.03871 22.72428 -158.0788 22.67899 -158.07038 22.67046 -158.03795 22.70452 -158.08557 22.68292 -158.06947 22.67331 -158.04391 22.71909 -158.09118 22.69176 -158.07904 22.68042 -158.0017 22.76124 -158.04856 22.66203 -158.12041 22.68927 -158.02306 22.64813 -157.9672 22.66026 -157.95345 22.64207 -157.96694 22.64095 -158.36243 21.84872 -158.33091 21.53339 -158.27231 21.34261 -158.14967 21.24731 -157.94787 21.24764 -157.89231 21.25899 -157.8795 21.2803 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu "C 2014-01-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903318 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw "G RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw "K WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 "N Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw "O Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass ra"Pw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw "S Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw "T Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. me"Utstation raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw "W Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw "X Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer "Y raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected fr"Zom this device. radiometer raw "[ OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog "] raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device."^ ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg "a raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. "b winch raw "c International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp "e (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction "g Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field "j Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 "l ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data fr"nom several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) "o Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) me"rasures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, pa"vyout, etc. doi:10.7284/903318 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1402 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1402 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscient"wificInformation -158.36346 -157.86781 21.24524 22.76149 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.3157 -157.86817 21.30447 -157.87733 21.28574 -157.95383 21.24687 -158.1583 21.25046 -158.27563 21.34469 -158.33354 21.54414 -158.07256 22.75216 -157.99954 22.75005 -158.10546 22.75876 -158.10525 22.74325 -158.08172 22.75537 -157.99923 22.75 -158.04646 22.7426 -158.05463 22.64822 -158.0625 22.66174 -158.01289 22.73688 -158.03611 22.72924 -158.01013 22.72945 -158.03871 22.72428 -158.0788 22.67899 -158.07038 22.67046 -158.03795 22.70452 -158.08557 22.68292 -158.06947 22.67331 -158.04391 22.71909 -158.09118 22.69176 -158.07904 22.68042 -158.0017 22.76124 -158.04856 22.66203 -158.12041 22.68927 -158.02306 22.64813 -157.9672 22.66026 -157.95345 22.64207 -157.96694 22.64095 -158.36243 21.84872 -158.33091 21.53339 -158.27231 21.34261 -158.14967 21.24731 -157.94787 21.24764 -157.89231 21.25899 -157.8795 21.2803 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-14 University-National Ocean"xographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-01-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903318 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from"y this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P "z Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measur"{es fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.25, -158.36 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.25, -158.36 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact"}rch 23, 2011--> doi:10.7284/903305 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1403 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1403 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Smit"h, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39112 -157.80572 21.06691 21.33678 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86782 21.30221 -157.90091 21.24939 -157.97645 21.2472 -157.91807 21.2709 -157.97845 21.24914 -158.03173 21.067 -158.04159 21.0785 -157.97602 21.24941 -157.88438 21.1996 -157.80588 21.1916 -158.09942 21.22761 -158.0474 21.22341 -158.15268 21.24534 -158.39111 21.33357 -158.13278 21.23936 -157.9759 21.24971 -157.97308 21.21861 -157.95547 21.20881 -157.82213 21.19367 -158.09498 21.22971 -158.38628 21.32865 -158.10307 21.23031 -157.97568 21.24888 -157.9766 21.07323 -157.89344 21.23329 -157.90312 21.26429 -157.86837 21.30067 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-01-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903305 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw " Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer " raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. " fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter " raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. " gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw <"/gmi:LE_Source> Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. " magnetometer raw "Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw " Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam " raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR " Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer " raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 " Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw " AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 " Data was collected from this device. tsg raw " International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo M"oana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 " anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer " measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) " Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 " gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes)" Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field " Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranome"ter, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. " OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temp"erature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/903305 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1403 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1403 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39112 -157.80572 21.06691 21.33678 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86782 21.30221 -157.90091 21.24939 -157.97645 21."2472 -157.91807 21.2709 -157.97845 21.24914 -158.03173 21.067 -158.04159 21.0785 -157.97602 21.24941 -157.88438 21.1996 -157.80588 21.1916 -158.09942 21.22761 -158.0474 21.22341 -158.15268 21.24534 -158.39111 21.33357 -158.13278 21.23936 -157.9759 21.24971 -157.97308 21.21861 -157.95547 21.20881 -157.82213 21.19367 -158.09498 21.22971 -158.38628 21.32865 -158.10307 21.23031 -157.97568 21.24888 -157.9766 21.07323 -157.89344 21.23329 -157.90312 21.26429 -157.86837 21.30067 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-01-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903305 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected "from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley" PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures flu"orescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.39 21.07, -158.39 21.34, -157.81 21.34, -157.81 21.07, -158.39 21.07))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact oo5=1+M5qc%39 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903305gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/900920 eng utf8 fieldSession c"ruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1404 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 " published KM1404 ROV Lu'ukai Science " Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90092 -156.71753 20.79328 21.31258 coordinates of ship track -157.87748 21.31258 -157.8466 21.21777 -157.22169 20.99922 -156.74548 20.95185 -156.76055 20.89646 -156.71753 20.7939 -156.8531 20.96475 -157.41913 21.00694 -157.29329 21.02831 -157.2134 21.01621 -157.24563 21.03377 -157.41782 21.00887 -157.36759 21.00524 -157.77124 21.18337 -157.89575 21.2205 -157.89208 21.26355 Cruise Start and End " 2014-01-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu " 2014-01-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List " Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900920 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw " Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer " raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. " fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. " gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A " Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins " raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 " Data was collected from this device. metstation raw " Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. " multibeam raw Eppley PSP " Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 " Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog r"aw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 " Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw " Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw " International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator " RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 " barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluoro"meter measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A " hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength" and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP " radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air " measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/900920 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1404 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1404 ROV Lu'ukai Science Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.90092 -156.71753 20.79328 21.31258 coordinates of ship track -157.87748 21.31258 -157.8"466 21.21777 -157.22169 20.99922 -156.74548 20.95185 -156.76055 20.89646 -156.71753 20.7939 -156.8531 20.96475 -157.41913 21.00694 -157.29329 21.02831 -157.2134 21.01621 -157.24563 21.03377 -157.41782 21.00887 -157.36759 21.00524 -157.77124 21.18337 -157.89575 21.2205 -157.89208 21.26355 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-01-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900920 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collect"ed from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biosphe"rical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures flu"orescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai ScienceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 20.79, -157.90 21.31, -156.72 21.31, -156.72 20.79, -157.90 20.79))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 7=1+M5eW%39 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/900941gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/g"h6=1+M5u%39 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/900920gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/900941 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1405 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published " KM1405 ROV Lu'ukai Science Smith, John University of Hawaii # Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme # NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.67016 -157.86778 21.24055 21.74253 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31571 -157.86796 21.3014 -157.90992 21.24578 -158.14915 21.24666 -158.67015 21.74246 -158.15161 21.25228 -157.90951 21.24589 -157.87649 21.2855 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu # http://doi.org/10.7284/900941 collectionSession # Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer # raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was col# lected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw # Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer # raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw O#SI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog # raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. # ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator ## RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction #$ Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar #% fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer #& measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetom#*eter measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several met#+eorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount #/of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water #0 AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM You#1ng 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/900941 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1405 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1405 ROV Lu'ukai Science Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans#3 theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.67016 -157.86778 21.24055 21.74253 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31571 -157.86796 21.3014 -157.90992 21.24578 -158.14915 21.24666 -158.67015 21.74246 -158.15161 21.25228 -157.90951 21.24589 -157.87649 21.2855 Cruise Start and End 2014-01-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-01-31 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900941 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected #4from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley#5 PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures flu#6orescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai ScienceEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.67 21.24, -158.67 21.74, -157.87 21.74, -157.87 21.24, -158.67 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact#8s:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903439 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1405A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1405A #< ROV Lu'ukai Testing Ferguson, J. Scott University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords d:organisationName> NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.76703 -157.86758 21.06493 21.31571 #@ coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86766 21.30233 -157.89175 21.27268 -157.95799 21.2493 -158.76703 21.0657 -157.96554 21.23322 -157.89415 21.26286 #A Cruise Start and End 2014-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List #B Honolulu 2014-02-09 #C University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903439 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. #E RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar #H Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw #I Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw #J Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw #M Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw #N Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins #O raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this#P device. magnetometer raw #Q Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam #S raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw #Z Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 4134#]2 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List #` Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction #b Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar #c fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field #e Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) #f Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 #g ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware uni#it that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) #j Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer me#masures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation #n Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea s#qurface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/903439 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1405A on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1405A ROV Lu'ukai Testing Ferguson, J. Scott University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for na#rvigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.76703 -157.86758 21.06493 21.31571 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86766 21.30233 -157.89175 21.27268 -157.95799 21.2493 -158.76703 21.0657 -157.96554 21.23322 -157.89415 21.26286 Cruise Start and End 2014-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-02-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903439 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collect#sed from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biosphe#trical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures flu#uorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.77 21.06, -158.77 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 21.06, -158.77 21.06))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact dcdb9=1+M5'5%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/904082gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z52016-10-26T02:48:25Z?52016-10-26T02:48:25Z@52016-10-26T02:48:25ZA52016-10-26T02:48:25ZB52016-10-26T02:48:25ZC52016-10-26T02:48:25ZD52016-10-26T02:48:25ZE52016-10-26T02:48:25ZF52016-10-26T02:48:25ZG pp.Tz8^Bh%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdA%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd>%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd?%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd@%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdA%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdB%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdC%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdD%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdE%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdF%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdG%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdH%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdI%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdJ%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdK%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdL%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdM%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdN%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdO%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdP%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdQ%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdR%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdS%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdT%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdU#zp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/904082 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us #| pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1406 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1406 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) #~ Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory #(GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36384 -157.86742 21.24349 22.80008 coordinates of ship track -157.88627 21.31578 -157.86776 21.30152 -157.92173 21.24433 -158.16244 21.24918 -158.27843 21.34821 -158.33272 21.53027 -158.33456 21.59567 -158.27935 21.84286 -158.12919 22.43454 -158.03865 22.74633 -157.9989 22.75215 -158.09743 22.69624 -158.07605 22.67913 -157.99238 22.75247 -158.03458 22.71334 -158.02502 22.72797 -158.09228 22.69236 -158.10322 22.70812 -158.03792 22.74871 -158.03677 22.76583 -158.10401 22.77756 -158.11754 22.7679 -158.04918 22.76808 -158.01705 22.79273 -158.10331 22.79149 -158.11199 22.77217 -158.08701# 22.76757 -158.11472 22.75267 -157.9979 22.75282 -158.15281 22.75952 -158.10603 22.63696 -158.00291 22.66346 -157.9741 22.68129 -157.98446 22.69142 -157.96972 22.68682 -157.98303 22.68633 -157.9724 22.68768 -158.11247 22.42294 -158.36383 21.84671 -158.34947 21.84736 -158.3333 21.52872 -158.2699 21.33816 -158.15097 21.24822 -158.00808 21.24811 -157.90088 21.26998 Cruise Start and End 2014-02-13 # University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu # 2014-02-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904082 # collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 # Data was collected from this device. adcp raw # RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw # RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device.# barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw # Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer # raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. # gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw # Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation # raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw # Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer # raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 # Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw # OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge # raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. # speedlog raw AML SV&P # Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. <#gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/device/tsg" xlink:actuate="onRequest">tsg raw # International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler#) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala# PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) # Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field # Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A # hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP # radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air # measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/904082 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1406 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1406 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36384 -157.86742 21.24349 22.80008 coordinates of sh#ip track -157.88627 21.31578 -157.86776 21.30152 -157.92173 21.24433 -158.16244 21.24918 -158.27843 21.34821 -158.33272 21.53027 -158.33456 21.59567 -158.27935 21.84286 -158.12919 22.43454 -158.03865 22.74633 -157.9989 22.75215 -158.09743 22.69624 -158.07605 22.67913 -157.99238 22.75247 -158.03458 22.71334 -158.02502 22.72797 -158.09228 22.69236 -158.10322 22.70812 -158.03792 22.74871 -158.03677 22.76583 -158.10401 22.77756 -158.11754 22.7679 -158.04918 22.76808 -158.01705 22.79273 -158.10331 22.79149 -158.11199 22.77217 -158.08701 22.76757 -158.11472 22.75267 -157.9979 22.75282 -158.15281 22.75952 -158.10603 22.63696 -158.00291 22.66346 -157.9741 22.68129 -157.98446 22.69142 -157.96972 22.68682 -157.98303 22.68633 -157.9724 22.68768 -158.11247 22.42294 -158.36383 21.84671 -158.34947 21.84736 -158.3333 21.52872 -158.2699 21.33816 -158.15097 21.24822 -158.00808 21.24811 -157.90088 21.26998 Cruise Start and End 2014-02-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS#) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-02-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904082 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass # raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from# this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usual#ly for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.80, -157.87 22.80, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact#ww.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/904083 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1407 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published # KM1407 Pelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North Pacific Drazen, Jeffrey University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33385 -157.78766 21.24238 22.96993 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.8676 21.30201 -157.91197 21.24992 -158.15528 21.247 -158.2799 21.34722 -1#58.3331 21.56332 -157.93837 22.96992 -157.96312 22.96583 -157.9988 22.78604 -158.0001 22.74567 -157.9642 22.64974 -157.98544 22.70265 -157.97289 22.70862 -157.99925 22.75075 -158.01319 22.64423 -157.99819 22.75112 -157.78778 22.68837 -157.89036 22.69121 -157.92481 22.70852 -157.92828 22.83659 -157.90586 22.93895 -158.0014 22.74384 -157.8864 22.71199 -157.93 22.71597 -157.84586 22.95373 -157.83591 22.69031 -157.86635 22.68972 -157.90181 22.65681 -157.84474 22.90021 -157.9547 22.69616 -157.98188 22.67689 -157.97175 22.64337 -157.98422 22.64392 -157.98179 22.67694 -157.95284 22.66007 -157.97924 22.67931 -157.97265 22.64856 -157.99328 22.69705 -158.04927 22.95087 -158.07876 22.76677 -158.11485 22.68929 -158.29311 22.76463 -158.3103 22.78781 -158.1653 22.74553 -158.04105 22.64997 -157.98512 22.65122 -158.10244 22.75694 -158.17158 22.8827 -158.18336 22.88186 -158.02797 22.7321 -157.97124 22.8473 -157.90227 22.9371 -157.93983 22.73137 -157.97218 22.69531 -157.99412 22.63714 -158.01693 22.62268 -157.9597 22.58093# -157.87877 22.55272 -157.91079 22.54129 -157.98734 22.37852 -158.33384 21.5697 -158.27272 21.34805 -158.14563 21.24413 -157.94968 21.24322 -157.89047 21.28143 -157.87782 21.27554 -157.86797 21.30295 -157.88118 21.31508 Cruise Start and End 2014-02-19 # University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu # 2014-02-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904083 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300<#/gmx:Anchor> Data was collected from this device. adcp raw # RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer # raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. # barometer raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw # WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. # fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 # Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw # Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 <#gmi:LE_ProcessStep> Data was collected from this device. ins raw # Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 # Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw # General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw # Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge # raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was# collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw # RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air # raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw # International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana # SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator # RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 # adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer # measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU # fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation# logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide # Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR # radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water # AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 $ tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. $ doi:10.7284/904083 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1407 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1407 Pelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North Pacific Drazen, Jeffrey University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInforma$tion -158.33385 -157.78766 21.24238 22.96993 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.3157 -157.8676 21.30201 -157.91197 21.24992 -158.15528 21.247 -158.2799 21.34722 -158.3331 21.56332 -157.93837 22.96992 -157.96312 22.96583 -157.9988 22.78604 -158.0001 22.74567 -157.9642 22.64974 -157.98544 22.70265 -157.97289 22.70862 -157.99925 22.75075 -158.01319 22.64423 -157.99819 22.75112 -157.78778 22.68837 -157.89036 22.69121 -157.92481 22.70852 -157.92828 22.83659 -157.90586 22.93895 -158.0014 22.74384 -157.8864 22.71199 -157.93 22.71597 -157.84586 22.95373 -157.83591 22.69031 -157.86635 22.68972 -157.90181 22.65681 -157.84474 22.90021 -157.9547 22.69616 -157.98188 22.67689 -157.97175 22.64337 -157.98422 22.64392 -157.98179 22.67694 -157.95284 22.66007 -157.97924 22.67931 -157.97265 22.64856 -157.99328 22.69705 -158.04927 22.95087 -158.07876 22.76677 -158.11485 22.68929 -158.29311 22.76463 -158.3103 22.78781 -158.1653 22.74553 -158.04105 22.64997 -157.98512 22.65122 -158.10244 22.756$94 -158.17158 22.8827 -158.18336 22.88186 -158.02797 22.7321 -157.97124 22.8473 -157.90227 22.9371 -157.93983 22.73137 -157.97218 22.69531 -157.99412 22.63714 -158.01693 22.62268 -157.9597 22.58093 -157.87877 22.55272 -157.91079 22.54129 -157.98734 22.37852 -158.33384 21.5697 -158.27272 21.34805 -158.14563 21.24413 -157.94968 21.24322 -157.89047 21.28143 -157.87782 21.27554 -157.86797 21.30295 -157.88118 21.31508 Cruise Start and End 2014-02-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-02-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904083 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data$ was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw $ Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw $ International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that t$racks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionPelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North PacificEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.97, -157.79 22.97, -157.79 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact GG$;=1+M5O%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903314gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903314 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us $ pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1408 on RV Kilo Moana $ 2015-09-30 published KM1408 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor $ EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36353 -157.86778 21.20576 22.87482 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31579 -157.86891 21.29922 -157.92185 21.2479 -158.0534 21.23067 -158.14554 21.2444 -158.2742 21.34343 -158.33304 21.53751 -158.3319 21.58955 -158.0367 22.75945 -157.99659 22.75718 -158.09998 22.7987 -158.07697 22.80257 -158.00024 22.74908 -157.98133 22.85821 -157.99177 22.86286 -158.05534 22.78656 -158.08622 22.81474 -158.02314 22.77993 -158.01995 22.74569 -157.99869 22.75007 -158.00176 22.85692 -157.9975 22.73954 -157.99342 22.8567 -157.99997 22.74922 -157.99264 22.85218 -157.99947 22.7493 -158.12601 22.82904 -158.22815 22.85532 -158.23472 22.8748 -158.24309 22.86918 -157.95731 22$.68933 -157.95995 22.69914 -158.36352 21.84696 -158.33317 21.53951 -158.27304 21.34507 -158.19145 21.23318 -158.13237 21.20607 -158.04172 21.22309 -157.88086 21.27884 -157.86804 21.30174 -157.88356 21.31504 Cruise Start and End 2014-03-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu $ 2014-03-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu $ http://doi.org/10.7284/903314 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. $ adcp raw RDI WM-300 $ Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer $ raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar $ Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw $ Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. $! gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 $" Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw $# Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw $' Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 $* Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw $, Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. ra$-diometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw $0 Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog $1 raw AML SV&P Data was collected $2from this device. ssv raw $3 RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg $5 raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. $6 winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana <$8gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://data.rvdata.us/id/organization/edu.hawaii" xlink:actuate="onRequest">University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer $= measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field nt> Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 $@ ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/displa$By hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 $I tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph)$J measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/903314 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1408 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1408 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36353 -157.86778 21.20576 22.87482 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31579 -157.86891 21.29922 -157.92185 21.2479 -158.$L0534 21.23067 -158.14554 21.2444 -158.2742 21.34343 -158.33304 21.53751 -158.3319 21.58955 -158.0367 22.75945 -157.99659 22.75718 -158.09998 22.7987 -158.07697 22.80257 -158.00024 22.74908 -157.98133 22.85821 -157.99177 22.86286 -158.05534 22.78656 -158.08622 22.81474 -158.02314 22.77993 -158.01995 22.74569 -157.99869 22.75007 -158.00176 22.85692 -157.9975 22.73954 -157.99342 22.8567 -157.99997 22.74922 -157.99264 22.85218 -157.99947 22.7493 -158.12601 22.82904 -158.22815 22.85532 -158.23472 22.8748 -158.24309 22.86918 -157.95731 22.68933 -157.95995 22.69914 -158.36352 21.84696 -158.33317 21.53951 -158.27304 21.34507 -158.19145 21.23318 -158.13237 21.20607 -158.04172 21.22309 -157.88086 21.27884 -157.86804 21.30174 -157.88356 21.31504 Cruise Start and End 2014-03-04 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-03-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu $M http://doi.org/10.7284/903314 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collecte$Nd from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was $Ocollected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Ea$Prth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.21, -158.36 22.87, -157.87 22.87, -157.87 21.21, -158.36 21.21))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact DKValw'2=HS^it$/:EP[fq|@5* localc localb locala local` local_ local^ local] local\ local[ localZ locali localh localg localf locale local& local' local( local) local* local+ local, local- local. local/ local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 local8 local9 local: local; local< local= local> local? local@ localA localB localC localD localE localF localG localH localI localJ localK localL localM localN localO localP localQ localR localS localT localU localV localW localX localY localZ local[ local\ local] local^ local_ local` locala localb localc locald$Shema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/903317 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1409 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 $V published KM1409 C-MORE 2014, Leg 1 $W Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SC$XIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.86883 -157.86356 21.22022 22.94795 coordinates of ship track $[ -157.88626 21.31577 -157.86719 21.30308 -157.86539 21.22022 -157.87118 21.28083 -157.93285 21.24873 -158.33589 21.23985 -158.33442 21.58672 -158.17881 22.42772 -157.92859 22.78645 -157.89701 22.84591 -157.91245 22.85885 -157.91404 22.83791 -157.88415 22.84729 -157.88018 22.80824 -157.87558 22.8393 -157.89962 22.84343 -157.89005 22.85944 -157.92371 22.82137 -158.03651 22.75033 -157.99609 22.77065 -158.10558 22.78386 -158.11744 22.77343 -158.0361 22.78487 -157.98854 22.77105 -158.11616 22.78624 -158.11089 22.80103 -158.06378 22.79337 -158.07067 22.82183 -157.9894 22.77024 -158.05428 22.75904 -158.07184 22.78002 -158.12047 22.77255 -158.11803 22.75893 -158.0695 22.78099 -158.13255 22.78467 -158.06835 22.77949 -158.14317 22.77511 -158.08298 22.77853 -158.0927 22.81497 -158.08474 22.77334 -158.078$\85 22.79356 -158.19797 22.65074 -158.18897 22.71157 -158.11907 22.84402 -158.03009 22.94758 -158.08722 22.74983 -158.09738 22.75876 -158.13277 22.72931 -158.09834 22.74638 -158.53333 22.83723 -158.54313 22.91987 -158.53492 22.94107 -158.51712 22.93878 -158.08192 22.78089 -158.11825 22.77509 -158.07681 22.78133 -158.11902 22.78245 -158.07922 22.77712 -158.33337 21.58452 -158.2395 21.46159 -158.20478 21.4408 -158.23585 21.46063 -158.33242 21.58531 -158.07974 22.77968 -158.22732 22.85449 -158.08049 22.77707 -158.12626 22.78542 -158.07858 22.78279 -158.13688 22.78316 -158.07749 22.78347 -158.13736 22.78037 -158.08697 22.77938 -158.08784 22.79425 -158.12527 22.78525 -158.08077 22.77774 -158.08122 22.78836 -158.13129 22.78313 -158.07604 22.784 -158.10661 22.79346 -158.11308 22.78279 -158.06917 22.77778 -158.99651 22.60953 -159.61405 22.54188 -159.59121 22.28395 -159.75014 22.19994 -159.86559 22.0908 -159.86834 22.00058 -159.55818 21.74893 -158.14095 21.24239 -157.90284 21.2427 Cruise Start and End 2014-03-11 University-Na$^tional Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-03-25 <$_gmd:EX_GeographicDescription> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903317 collectionSession Desc$ariptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp $b raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. $c adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw $e Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer $f raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. $g fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. $k gyrocompass raw Rotr$lonic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw $m Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins $n raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 $p Data was collected from this device. metstation raw $q Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam $r raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. <$sgmd:description> multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw $u Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 $x Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw $y OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P $| Data was collected from this device. ssv raw $} RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana $ University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 $ adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction $ Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational fi$eld Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) $ Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 $ magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation $ logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP $ radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air $ measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake $ Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/903317 eng ut$f8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1409 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1409 C-MORE 2014, Leg 1 Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.86883 -157.86356 21.22022 22.94795 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31577 -157.86719 21.30308 -157.86539 21.22022 -157.87118 21.28083 -157.93285 21.24873 -158.33589 21.23985 -158.33442 21.58672 -158.17881 22.42772 -157.92859 22.78645 -157.89701 22.84591 $-157.91245 22.85885 -157.91404 22.83791 -157.88415 22.84729 -157.88018 22.80824 -157.87558 22.8393 -157.89962 22.84343 -157.89005 22.85944 -157.92371 22.82137 -158.03651 22.75033 -157.99609 22.77065 -158.10558 22.78386 -158.11744 22.77343 -158.0361 22.78487 -157.98854 22.77105 -158.11616 22.78624 -158.11089 22.80103 -158.06378 22.79337 -158.07067 22.82183 -157.9894 22.77024 -158.05428 22.75904 -158.07184 22.78002 -158.12047 22.77255 -158.11803 22.75893 -158.0695 22.78099 -158.13255 22.78467 -158.06835 22.77949 -158.14317 22.77511 -158.08298 22.77853 -158.0927 22.81497 -158.08474 22.77334 -158.07885 22.79356 -158.19797 22.65074 -158.18897 22.71157 -158.11907 22.84402 -158.03009 22.94758 -158.08722 22.74983 -158.09738 22.75876 -158.13277 22.72931 -158.09834 22.74638 -158.53333 22.83723 -158.54313 22.91987 -158.53492 22.94107 -158.51712 22.93878 -158.08192 22.78089 -158.11825 22.77509 -158.07681 22.78133 -158.11902 22.78245 -158.07922 22.77712 -158.33337 21.58452 -158.2395 21.46159 -158.20478 21.4408 -158.23$585 21.46063 -158.33242 21.58531 -158.07974 22.77968 -158.22732 22.85449 -158.08049 22.77707 -158.12626 22.78542 -158.07858 22.78279 -158.13688 22.78316 -158.07749 22.78347 -158.13736 22.78037 -158.08697 22.77938 -158.08784 22.79425 -158.12527 22.78525 -158.08077 22.77774 -158.08122 22.78836 -158.13129 22.78313 -158.07604 22.784 -158.10661 22.79346 -158.11308 22.78279 -158.06917 22.77778 -158.99651 22.60953 -159.61405 22.54188 -159.59121 22.28395 -159.75014 22.19994 -159.86559 22.0908 -159.86834 22.00058 -159.55818 21.74893 -158.14095 21.24239 -157.90284 21.2427 Cruise Start and End 2014-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-03-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903317 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from th$is device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data $was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE$-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass $ compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionC-MORE 2014, Leg 1EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.87 21.22, -159.87 22.95, -157.86 22.95, -157.86 21.22, -159.87 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact S<=1+M5{Y%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903317gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903010 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1410 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 $ published KM1410 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor $ EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39903 -157.86775 21.21666 22.82312 coordinates of ship track $ -157.88631 21.31571 -157.86889 21.30559 -157.87421 21.29014 -157.92248 21.23768 -157.97028 21.2186 -158.13628 21.24492 -158.27411 21.3428 -158.33167 21.52403 -158.33001 21.5954 -158.04232 22.60627 -158.03849 22.74957 -157.99621 22.75239 -158.12801 22.75149 -157.99397 22.75309 -158.1126 22.74654 -158.12669 22.76254 -157.99865 22.75585 -158.11675 22.74959 -158.03646 22.76699 -158.1175 22.7943 -158.12067 22.78377 -158.07611 22.76321 -158.0778 22.73528 -158.09711 22.7249 -158.08684 22.73363 -158.11833 22.73887 -157.99931 22.74968 -158.19247 22.71606 -158.2989 22.80316 -158.30294 22.82288 -158.00912 22.67239 -157.94615 22.67036 -157.99241 22.64996 -157.97941 22.66018 -157.97708 22.63993 -158.33283 21.92045 -158.39811 21.86262 -158.39753 21.84834 -158.36276 $21.84383 -158.34002 21.52297 -158.27175 21.34158 -158.14807 21.2456 -157.90221 21.23812 -157.86775 21.30223 -157.8863 21.31569 Cruise Start and End 2014-04-09 $ University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu <$gml:timePosition>2014-04-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903010 collectionSession $ Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. $ adcp raw RDI WM-300 $ Data was collected from this device. adcp raw $ RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw $ Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 $ Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw $ Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw $ Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 $Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw $ Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw $ Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam $ raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected $from this device. pco2 raw $ Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw $ Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer $ raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. $ radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog $ raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. $ ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg $ raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar $ fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 $ ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer $ measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) $ General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP $ radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc.<$/gco:CharacterString> OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation $ Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P $ ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/903010 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1410 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1410 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Updyke, Brett University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.39903 -157.86775 21.21666 22.82312 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31571 -157.86889 21.30559 -157.87421 21.29014 -157.92248 21.23768 -157.97028 21.2186 -158.13628 21.24492 -158.27411 21.3428 -158.3$3167 21.52403 -158.33001 21.5954 -158.04232 22.60627 -158.03849 22.74957 -157.99621 22.75239 -158.12801 22.75149 -157.99397 22.75309 -158.1126 22.74654 -158.12669 22.76254 -157.99865 22.75585 -158.11675 22.74959 -158.03646 22.76699 -158.1175 22.7943 -158.12067 22.78377 -158.07611 22.76321 -158.0778 22.73528 -158.09711 22.7249 -158.08684 22.73363 -158.11833 22.73887 -157.99931 22.74968 -158.19247 22.71606 -158.2989 22.80316 -158.30294 22.82288 -158.00912 22.67239 -157.94615 22.67036 -157.99241 22.64996 -157.97941 22.66018 -157.97708 22.63993 -158.33283 21.92045 -158.39811 21.86262 -158.39753 21.84834 -158.36276 21.84383 -158.34002 21.52297 -158.27175 21.34158 -158.14807 21.2456 -157.90221 21.23812 -157.86775 21.30223 -157.8863 21.31569 Cruise Start and End 2014-04-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-04-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu $ http://doi.org/10.7284/903010 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collecte$d from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was $collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Ea$rth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.40 21.22, -158.40 22.82, -157.87 22.82, -157.87 21.22, -158.40 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact D==1+M51o%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/903010gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903006 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us$ pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1411 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1411 Bo$ttom Mapping/Sampling Miller, Joyce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords $ NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2014-04-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu $ 2014-06-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List $ Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903006 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. $ International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/903006 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1411 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1411 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Miller, Joyce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2014-04-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-06-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903006 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact KKq><1+M5Q_%;9 !! [)doi:10.7284/903006gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/903007 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1412 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1412 C-MORE 2014, Leg 3/Summer Course (Agouron-10) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office $ custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33343 -157.55130 21.06249 22.75553 $ coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31571 -157.86755 21.30172 -157.92297 21.24096 -158.14613 21.24814 -158.27318 21.34321 -158.33203 21.53793 -158.33279 21.59525 -158.05149 22.6738 -158.05586 22.70086 -158.03334 22.75013 -157.99011 22.75174 -158.00178 22.64609 -158.01852 22.64965 -157.99973 22.75039 -158.01399 22.73117 -158.12217 22.685 -158.04484 22.70697 -158.051 22.67964 -158.03727 22.67957 -158.0346 22.65141 -157.99297 22.75553 -157.993 22.64941 -157.97627 22.65154 -157.99759 22.75003 -158.03931 22.67262 -157.97187 22.62936 -157.95737 22.66193 -158.00063 22.75014 -157.99054 22.74993 -157.9%5092 22.64898 -158 22.75051 -158.09607 22.68053 -158.03414 22.69394 -158.02198 22.67835 -158.02758 22.63757 -158.00557 22.7419 -157.98951 22.74862 -157.9562 22.64658 -157.99995 22.75079 -158.10558 22.69163 -158.06769 22.70019 -158.02048 22.68316 -158.00994 22.61866 -158.00279 22.73918 -157.98639 22.74741 -157.98463 22.63496 -157.98302 22.73224 -158.00065 22.75184 -157.98202 22.72639 -157.97421 22.64237 -157.97107 22.65305 -157.95744 22.63633 -158.00336 22.70272 -157.99149 22.68846 -158.01605 22.64778 -158.1928 22.42118 -158.07622 22.43788 -157.86417 22.50689 -157.86226 22.52732 -157.88814 22.52972 -157.88829 22.50668 -157.93117 22.53012 -157.90264 22.54838 -157.89703 22.52105 -157.92506 22.53649 -157.94259 22.49826 -157.89918 21.73934 -157.78879 21.5586 -157.68987 21.49522 -157.55136 21.30004 -157.5563 21.27251 -157.93788 21.06259 -157.89599 21.26343 % Cruise Start and End 2014-06-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List % Honolulu 2014-06-16 % University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903007 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp % raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. <%gmd:description> adcp raw RM Young 85106 % Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. <% gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/device/fluorometer" xlink:actuate="onRequest">fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU % Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw % Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw % Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. r%adiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw % Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw % OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge % raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collect%ed from this device. speedlog raw % AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw % RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air % raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. % tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw %" International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana %# SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator %$RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer %& measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass wi%*th a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature %+ Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) %, Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 %- metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. %0 Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere <%4gmd:MD_Identifier> Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD %5 winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/903007 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1412 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published %6 KM1412 C-MORE 2014, Leg 3/Summer Course (Agouron-10) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33343 -157.55130 21.06249 22.75553 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31571 -157.86755 21.30172 -157.92297 21.24096 -158.14613 21.24814 -158.27318 21.34321 -158.33203 21.53793 -158.33279 21.59525 -158.05149 22.6738 -158.05586 22.70086 -158.03334 22.75013 -157.99011 22.75174 -158.00178 22.64609 -158.01852 22.64965 -157.99973 22.75039 -158.01399 22.73117 -158.12217 22.685 -158.04484 22.70697 -158.051 22.67964 -158.03727 22.67957 -158.0346 22.65141 -157.99297 22.75553 -157.993 22.64941 -157.97627 22.65154 -157.99759 22.75003 -158.03931 22.67262 -157.97187 22.62936 -157.95737 22%7.66193 -158.00063 22.75014 -157.99054 22.74993 -157.95092 22.64898 -158 22.75051 -158.09607 22.68053 -158.03414 22.69394 -158.02198 22.67835 -158.02758 22.63757 -158.00557 22.7419 -157.98951 22.74862 -157.9562 22.64658 -157.99995 22.75079 -158.10558 22.69163 -158.06769 22.70019 -158.02048 22.68316 -158.00994 22.61866 -158.00279 22.73918 -157.98639 22.74741 -157.98463 22.63496 -157.98302 22.73224 -158.00065 22.75184 -157.98202 22.72639 -157.97421 22.64237 -157.97107 22.65305 -157.95744 22.63633 -158.00336 22.70272 -157.99149 22.68846 -158.01605 22.64778 -158.1928 22.42118 -158.07622 22.43788 -157.86417 22.50689 -157.86226 22.52732 -157.88814 22.52972 -157.88829 22.50668 -157.93117 22.53012 -157.90264 22.54838 -157.89703 22.52105 -157.92506 22.53649 -157.94259 22.49826 -157.89918 21.73934 -157.78879 21.5586 -157.68987 21.49522 -157.55136 21.30004 -157.5563 21.27251 -157.93788 21.06259 -157.89599 21.26343 Cruise Start and End 2014-06-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory Sys%8tem (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-06-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/903007 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyro%9compass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected fr%:om this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usual%;ly for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionC-MORE 2014, Leg 3/Summer Course (Agouron-10)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.06, -158.33 22.76, -157.55 22.76, -157.55 21.06, -158.33 21.06))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ==[@=1+M5#A%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902642gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/902642 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1413 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1413 C-MORE 2014, Leg 4 Barone, Benedetto University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. %E eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.44831 -157.86760 21.23773 22.85087 coordinates of ship track -157.88589 21.31556 -157.86849 21.30005 -157.92126 21.24632 -158.15205 21.24935 -158.29764 21.36172 -158.37037 21.76626 -158.44383 21.93873 -158.43045 21.95459 -158.41603 21.89098 -158.4482 21.89169 -158.06575 22.63543 -158.05146 22.79617 -158.02162 22.78572 -158.07064 22.82885 -158.05693 22.84111 -158.01819 22.81414 -158.03016 22.84702 -158.01399 22.85051 -157.99829 22.80617 -157.99853 22.70666 -157.9861%G4 22.70603 -158.00197 22.67224 -157.98965 22.67341 -157.99251 22.6363 -158.0006 22.67446 -157.97623 22.6696 -157.96409 22.63604 -157.96627 22.65455 -158.00583 22.6748 -157.99444 22.66938 -157.99941 22.64074 -158.00464 22.67184 -157.9786 22.67356 -158.00659 22.67984 -158.01001 22.63676 -158.00098 22.67807 -157.99572 22.6417 -158.00822 22.67464 -157.99635 22.68432 -157.95202 22.6372 -157.9908 22.66825 -157.97454 22.67847 -157.97293 22.65104 -158.00214 22.64847 -158.0013 22.67529 -157.97808 22.69266 -157.97442 22.64677 -157.95861 22.6331 -157.9978 22.67708 -157.99467 22.64801 -158.01685 22.64891 -157.99099 22.67027 -157.9652 22.31145 -158.06838 21.75932 -158.12496 21.60757 -158.07395 21.73501 -158.04113 21.91255 -157.98799 21.95159 -157.96724 22.19541 -157.95674 22.2178 -157.91793 22.23442 -158.00071 22.68403 -157.95338 22.62901 -157.99432 22.68325 -157.98885 22.64318 -158.00846 22.64496 -158.0013 22.68199 -157.9942 22.64472 -158.00511 22.64285 -157.9997 22.68161 -157.96168 22.63218 -158.00398 22.671 -157.99%H472 22.67698 -157.99078 22.6436 -157.99803 22.66729 -157.9926 22.64816 -158.01111 22.64797 -157.99939 22.67287 -157.95937 22.63624 -158.00148 22.67441 -157.9979 22.64449 -158.01166 22.64643 -158.00024 22.67433 -158.00037 22.63159 -158.00235 22.67739 -157.96182 22.64044 -158.00255 22.674 -157.96992 22.63915 -158.02864 22.44559 -158.23559 21.84805 -158.32879 21.59971 -158.36243 21.556 -158.26932 21.34359 -158.1528 21.24787 -157.93206 21.2487 -157.89726 21.26393 Cruise Start and End 2014-06-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-06-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List <%K/gmd:authority> Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902642 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw %N RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 %Q Data was collected from this device. barometer raw %R WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 %U Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw %V Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw %W Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hy%Xgrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw %Z Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw %[ Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation %\ raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was co%]llected from this device. pco2 raw %^ Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer %` raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg %h raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. %i winch raw %j International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar %o fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field <%qgmi:MI_Instrument> Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 %s ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer %t measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors%u General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide %v Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR %w radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipit%yation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc.%} doi:10.7284/902642 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1413 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1413 C-MORE 2014, Leg 4 Barone, Benedetto University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.44831 -15%~7.86760 21.23773 22.85087 coordinates of ship track -157.88589 21.31556 -157.86849 21.30005 -157.92126 21.24632 -158.15205 21.24935 -158.29764 21.36172 -158.37037 21.76626 -158.44383 21.93873 -158.43045 21.95459 -158.41603 21.89098 -158.4482 21.89169 -158.06575 22.63543 -158.05146 22.79617 -158.02162 22.78572 -158.07064 22.82885 -158.05693 22.84111 -158.01819 22.81414 -158.03016 22.84702 -158.01399 22.85051 -157.99829 22.80617 -157.99853 22.70666 -157.98614 22.70603 -158.00197 22.67224 -157.98965 22.67341 -157.99251 22.6363 -158.0006 22.67446 -157.97623 22.6696 -157.96409 22.63604 -157.96627 22.65455 -158.00583 22.6748 -157.99444 22.66938 -157.99941 22.64074 -158.00464 22.67184 -157.9786 22.67356 -158.00659 22.67984 -158.01001 22.63676 -158.00098 22.67807 -157.99572 22.6417 -158.00822 22.67464 -157.99635 22.68432 -157.95202 22.6372 -157.9908 22.66825 -157.97454 22.67847 -157.97293 22.65104 -158.00214 22.64847 -158.0013 22.67529 -157.97808 22.69266 -157.97442 22.64677 -157.95861 22.6331 %-157.9978 22.67708 -157.99467 22.64801 -158.01685 22.64891 -157.99099 22.67027 -157.9652 22.31145 -158.06838 21.75932 -158.12496 21.60757 -158.07395 21.73501 -158.04113 21.91255 -157.98799 21.95159 -157.96724 22.19541 -157.95674 22.2178 -157.91793 22.23442 -158.00071 22.68403 -157.95338 22.62901 -157.99432 22.68325 -157.98885 22.64318 -158.00846 22.64496 -158.0013 22.68199 -157.9942 22.64472 -158.00511 22.64285 -157.9997 22.68161 -157.96168 22.63218 -158.00398 22.671 -157.99472 22.67698 -157.99078 22.6436 -157.99803 22.66729 -157.9926 22.64816 -158.01111 22.64797 -157.99939 22.67287 -157.95937 22.63624 -158.00148 22.67441 -157.9979 22.64449 -158.01166 22.64643 -158.00024 22.67433 -158.00037 22.63159 -158.00235 22.67739 -157.96182 22.64044 -158.00255 22.674 -157.96992 22.63915 -158.02864 22.44559 -158.23559 21.84805 -158.32879 21.59971 -158.36243 21.556 -158.26932 21.34359 -158.1528 21.24787 -157.93206 21.2487 -157.89726 21.26393 Cruise Start and End 2014-06-16 University-National O%ceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-06-27 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902642 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected %from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P% Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer m%easures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionC-MORE 2014, Leg 4EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.45 21.24, -158.45 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.24, -158.45 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ?KKValw'2=HS^it$/:EP[fq|@5* themeh themeg themef themee themed themec themeb themea theme` theme_ theme^ theme] theme\ theme[ themeZ theme+ theme, theme- theme. theme/ theme0 theme1 theme2 theme3 theme4 theme5 theme6 theme7 theme8 theme9 theme: theme; theme< theme= theme> theme? theme@ themeA themeB themeC themeD themeE themeF themeG themeH themeI themeJ themeK themeL themeM themeN themeO themeP themeQ themeR themeS themeT themeU themeV themeW themeX themeY themeZ theme[ theme\ theme] theme^ theme_ theme` themea themeb themec themed themee themef themeg themeh themei 0]>kLyy,[Data are not to be used for navigation.>,[Data are not to be used for navigation.?,[Data are not to be used for navigation.@,[Data are not to be used for navigation.<,[Data are not to be used for navigation.=,[Data are not to be used for navigation.>,[Data are not to be used for navigation.?,[Data are not to be used for navigation.@,[Data are not to be used for navigation.A,[Data are not to be used for navigation.B,[Data are not to be used for navigation.C,[Data are not to be used for navigation.D,[Data are not to be used for navigation.E,[Data are not to be used for navigation.F,[Data are not to be used for navigation.G,[Data are not to be used for navigation.H,[Data are not to be used for navigation.I,[Data are not to be used for navigation.J,[Data are not to be used for navigation.K,[Data are not to be used for navigation.L,[Data are not to be used for navigation.M%tion="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/902644 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1414 on RV Kilo Moana 201%5-09-30 published KM1414 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36784 -157.86735 21.24394 22.83816 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.31568 -157.86752 21.30171 -157.91627 21.2482 -158.15085 21.24727 -158.27404 21.33699 -158.33317 21.53692 -158.33501 21.58292 -158.05568 22.74663 -158.00093 22.75155 -158.0693 22.83058 -158.06016 22.83805 -157.99622 22.75114 -158.14564 22.74141 -158.03634 22.74657 -158.11325 22.75917 -158.11634 22.74786 -157.99876 22.74194 -158.11568 22.74471 -158.11679 22.7289 -158.00001 22.75052 -158.11454 22.744 -158.10811 22.722 -158.08029 22.72917 -158.18757 22.7415 -158.21376 22.66817 -158.24452 22.63547 -158.04838 22.64795 -157.99647 22.67656 -157.98658 22.66367 -157.98057 22.67708 -157.98572 22.66346 -157.98318 22.68529 -157.97645 22.6711 -157.98662 22.68334 -158.04804 22.56431 -158.22139 22.13%241 -158.36783 21.84823 -158.33217 21.56778 -158.27018 21.34611 -158.15357 21.24767 -157.90996 21.24844 -157.88451 21.27666 Cruise Start and End 2014-06-29 % University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-07-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902644 collectionSession % Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. % adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw % RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw % Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw% Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 % Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw % Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw % Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Dat%a was collected from this device. magnetometer raw % Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw % Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam % raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this% device. multibeam raw % General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw % Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer % raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. % radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge % raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. % speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw % RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air % raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. % tsg raw % International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp <%gmi:description> (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar % fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field % Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 % ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sens%ors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) % Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 % pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP ra%diometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 % speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere % Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/902644 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1414 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1414 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36784 -157.86735 21.24394 22.83816 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.31568 -157.86752 21.30171 -157.91627 21.2482 -158.15085 21.24727 -158.27404 21.33699 -158.33317 21%.53692 -158.33501 21.58292 -158.05568 22.74663 -158.00093 22.75155 -158.0693 22.83058 -158.06016 22.83805 -157.99622 22.75114 -158.14564 22.74141 -158.03634 22.74657 -158.11325 22.75917 -158.11634 22.74786 -157.99876 22.74194 -158.11568 22.74471 -158.11679 22.7289 -158.00001 22.75052 -158.11454 22.744 -158.10811 22.722 -158.08029 22.72917 -158.18757 22.7415 -158.21376 22.66817 -158.24452 22.63547 -158.04838 22.64795 -157.99647 22.67656 -157.98658 22.66367 -157.98057 22.67708 -157.98572 22.66346 -157.98318 22.68529 -157.97645 22.6711 -157.98662 22.68334 -158.04804 22.56431 -158.22139 22.13241 -158.36783 21.84823 -158.33217 21.56778 -158.27018 21.34611 -158.15357 21.24767 -157.90996 21.24844 -157.88451 21.27666 Cruise Start and End 2014-06-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-07-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/%10.7284/902644 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. i%ns raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this% device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local grav%itational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.84, -157.87 22.84, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact MMA=1+M51%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902644gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z)pointOfContact?)pointOfContact@)pointOfContactA)pointOfContactB)pointOfContactC)pointOfContactD)pointOfContactE)pointOfContactF)pointOfContactG)pointOfContactH)pointOfContactI)pointOfContactJ)pointOfContactK)pointOfContactL)pointOfContactM)pointOfContactN)pointOfContactO)pointOfContactP)pointOfContactQ)pointOfContactR)pointOfContactS)pointOfContactT)pointOfContactU)pointOfContactV)pointOfContactW)pointOfContactX)pointOfContactY)pointOfContactZ)pointOfContact[)pointOfContact\)pointOfContact])pointOfContact^)pointOfContact_)pointOfContact`)pointOfContacta)pointOfContactb)pointOfContactc)pointOfContactd)pointOfContacte)pointOfContactf)pointOfContactg)pointOfContacth)pointOfContacti%R) ISO Cruise-Level Metadata Template--> doi:10.7284/903441 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact % 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1415 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1415 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88650 -149.60300 -17.48967 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86754 21.30304 -157.87829 21.27925 -157.82949 20.90581 -157.53123 19.41245 -157.43383 18.73999 -156.19969 11.99977 -155.90025 9.99807 -155.41933 9.02962 -155.04658 8.40929 -154.95692 8.28665 -154.95036 8.29763 -154.94823 7.99951 -155.02355 7.98639 -154.99612 7.98281 -154.98176 7.25288 -155.00365 5.29964 -155.00011 5.18534 -154.99656 5.20222 -154.90347 5.16398 -154.95289 5.18157 -154.94159 5.16433 -154.93207 5.17069 -154.9483 5.18051 -154.9105 5.16567 -155.00142 3.97594 -155.00043 2.17546 -155.02795 2.16663 -155.00776 2.19499 -155.04635 2.19069 -154.97726 1.99053 -154.69404 1.397 -154.50364 0.94303 -154.17523 -0.46484 -153.90967 -1.68629 -153.36481 -3.92605 -152.39747 -7.47868 -152.09625 -8.56259 -151.8846 -9.25997 -151.41482 -11.04871 -150.21683 -15.34957 -150.12589 -15.62246 -149.6039 -17.4%8965 Cruise Start and End 2014-07-07 % University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-07-17 % University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Papeete http://doi.org/10.7284/903441 collectionSession % Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp % raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from t%his device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw % Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer % raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. % fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter % raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw % Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw % Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam % raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. <%gmi:LE_Source> multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw % Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer % raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 % Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw % OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. % speedlog raw AML SV&P % Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU &fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measu&res the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) & Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP & radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiom& eter measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/903441 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1415 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1415 Transit EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.88650 -149.60300 -17.48967 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31569 -157.86754 21.30304 -157.87829 21.27925 -157.82949 20.90581 -157.53123 19.41245 -157.43383 18.73999 -156.19969 11.99977 -155.90025 9.99807 -155.41933 9.02962 -155.04658 8.40929 -154.95692 8.28665 -154.95036 8.29763 -154.94823 7.99951 &-155.02355 7.98639 -154.99612 7.98281 -154.98176 7.25288 -155.00365 5.29964 -155.00011 5.18534 -154.99656 5.20222 -154.90347 5.16398 -154.95289 5.18157 -154.94159 5.16433 -154.93207 5.17069 -154.9483 5.18051 -154.9105 5.16567 -155.00142 3.97594 -155.00043 2.17546 -155.02795 2.16663 -155.00776 2.19499 -155.04635 2.19069 -154.97726 1.99053 -154.69404 1.397 -154.50364 0.94303 -154.17523 -0.46484 -153.90967 -1.68629 -153.36481 -3.92605 -152.39747 -7.47868 -152.09625 -8.56259 -151.8846 -9.25997 -151.41482 -11.04871 -150.21683 -15.34957 -150.12589 -15.62246 -149.6039 -17.48965 Cruise Start and End 2014-07-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-07-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Papeete http://doi.org/10.7284/903441 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected& from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 & Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-&Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyroc&ompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionTransitEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.89 -17.49, -157.89 21.32, -149.60 21.32, -149.60 -17.49, -157.89 -17.49))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact )B=1+M5k%%9!!; [)doi:10.7284/903441gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/902656 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 & ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1416 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1416 LTER: Long Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem Hench, James Duke University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -150.13150 -148.97957 -18.01500 -16.95921 coordinates of ship track -149.56931 -17.53806 -149.58286 -17.53888 -149.63477 -17.47484 -149.78294 -17.2708 -149.80749 -17.27972 -149.85896 -17.45547 -149.93578 -17.47524 -149.9506 -17.51571 -149.93968 -17.54805 -149.86846 -17.6177 -149.80925 -17.6267 -149.77654 -17.61012 -149.73103 -17.48744 -149.7584 -17.45741 -149.90749 -17.45749 -149.91493 -17.39833 -149.98783 -17.44659 -150.01714 -17.50218 -150.00363 -17.57805 -149.94699 -17.63618 -149.86214 -17.6891 -149.76621 -17.66636 -149.70059 -17.60062 -149.67539 -17.5161 -149.71845 -17.416 -149.78386 -17.40052 -149.88166 -17.4084 -149.91545 -17.3996 -149.93192 -17.36808 -149.87414 -17.32563 -149.72875 -17.33967 -149.72773 -17.3748 -149.79302 -17.45649 -149.9273 -17.47941 -149.93965 -17.49484 -149.93522 -17.53637 -149.86525 -17.6015 -149.80602 -17.61638 -149.7553 -17.55136 -149.74276 -17.49253 -149.76583 -17.46469 -149.81118 -17.46328 -149.84313 -17.25901 -149.65639 -17.54026 -149.60182 -17.77171 -149.45771 -17.81802 -149.34867 -17.79456 -149.3042&"3 -17.87362 -149.16789 -17.92347 -149.11221 -17.89663 -149.08867 -17.85189 -149.10504 -17.76079 -149.15095 -17.71852 -149.26227 -17.69199 -149.27009 -17.57772 -149.29702 -17.5313 -149.3121 -17.50912 -149.35814 -17.49936 -149.40117 -17.46635 -149.49795 -17.46764 -149.66468 -17.54714 -149.67045 -17.67219 -149.65055 -17.77197 -149.61601 -17.81755 -149.44179 -17.86677 -149.36727 -17.84902 -149.33387 -17.9168 -149.22997 -17.95528 -149.23485 -18.00916 -149.23036 -17.95628 -149.15597 -17.96575 -149.06731 -17.91634 -149.0337 -17.85814 -149.02566 -17.80815 -149.13489 -17.62777 -149.13514 -17.08326 -149.34398 -17.08202 -149.34855 -17.42593 -149.55667 -17.43013 -149.57505 -17.42443 -149.57235 -17.07961 -149.93663 -17.07811 -149.93745 -17.51748 -149.87283 -17.59252 -149.81762 -17.61893 -149.9356 -17.67348 -149.94062 -18.00858 -149.57557 -18.00999 -149.58129 -17.92467 -149.76503 -17.92123 -149.76574 -17.73947 -149.84526 -17.62988 -149.84263 -18.00983 -150.03142 -18.01113 -150.03104 -17.08158 -149.96566 -17.07908 -149.𔧑 -17.08123 -149.84485 -17.42991 -149.76735 -17.25826 -149.74766 -17.13489 -149.68948 -17.08034 -149.69001 -18.01024 -149.45811 -18.00817 -149.46025 -17.83971 -149.52921 -17.82906 -149.66055 -17.87005 -149.51716 -17.90057 -149.51336 -17.97036 -149.40427 -17.89434 -149.38446 -17.9673 -149.3001 -18.0097 -149.03427 -18.01037 -149.03446 -17.08015 -149.23487 -17.07964 -149.23584 -17.63185 -149.18943 -17.66818 -149.18137 -17.38117 -149.30135 -17.50992 -149.29496 -17.20179 -149.34915 -17.0867 -149.44534 -17.0796 -149.44428 -17.43045 -149.4995 -17.41023 -149.49945 -17.0838 -149.62971 -17.08266 -149.63406 -17.51195 -149.5673 -17.4611 -149.80031 -17.4505 -149.83727 -17.4581 -149.82155 -17.49244 -149.84577 -17.4296 -149.84462 -17.3595 -149.83311 -17.356 -149.84505 -17.36078 -149.84425 -17.4106 -149.8316 -17.40539 -149.84416 -17.41203 -149.84371 -17.4617 -149.76918 -17.45396 -149.73431 -17.48462 -149.74348 -17.53792 -149.73552 -17.52549 -149.74554 -17.53598 -149.70225 -17.53882 -149.71578 -17.55128 -149.70284 -17&$.53951 -149.65955 -17.54434 -149.6668 -17.55639 -149.65863 -17.54439 -149.78786 -17.82103 -149.83677 -17.70444 -149.83449 -17.67247 -149.88319 -17.58725 -149.97036 -17.63719 -150.04223 -17.40244 -150.1178 -17.07126 -150.12052 -17.35975 -150.10426 -17.36 -150.1199 -17.35954 -150.11927 -17.4523 -150.13146 -17.44341 -150.12015 -17.44979 -150.11753 -17.5588 -150.11548 -17.54086 -150.12088 -17.8204 -150.10667 -17.82806 -150.11939 -17.81924 -150.12239 -18.01478 -150.02831 -17.81918 -150.00949 -17.82922 -150.02867 -17.81422 -150.02761 -17.72823 -150.00916 -17.73984 -150.02836 -17.72852 -150.02956 -17.45363 -150.0151 -17.46009 -150.02741 -17.4538 -150.02795 -17.35927 -150.05105 -17.33188 -150.02752 -17.37403 -150.02837 -17.35941 -149.95879 -17.35944 -150.02236 -17.35891 -149.92334 -17.36929 -149.93637 -17.35889 -149.93607 -17.61546 -149.94442 -17.60723 -149.94157 -17.78119 -149.93082 -17.78293 -149.93414 -17.72683 -149.94955 -17.72918 -149.93375 -17.73561 -149.9431 -17.83096 -149.93576 -17.81983 -149.84468 -17.81&%935 -149.84452 -17.83138 -149.84474 -17.61617 -149.83847 -17.63298 -149.92794 -17.5661 -149.94788 -17.48832 -149.83082 -17.44662 -149.84453 -17.45138 -149.84399 -17.3576 -149.73692 -17.35984 -149.73246 -17.37399 -149.8372 -17.45652 -149.82167 -17.48748 -149.84355 -17.43518 -149.85486 -17.47634 -149.88218 -17.47305 -149.86301 -17.48293 -149.73902 -17.35592 -149.73724 -17.7277 -149.72683 -17.73831 -149.73766 -17.72805 -149.7373 -17.82245 -149.77787 -17.83615 -149.74027 -17.81859 -149.73688 -17.83138 -149.73882 -17.81906 -149.4925 -17.82005 -149.48319 -17.83261 -149.49105 -17.81851 -149.34964 -17.82402 -149.49015 -17.89013 -149.51775 -17.8878 -149.58315 -17.81892 -149.57395 -17.82848 -149.66087 -17.81953 -149.64903 -17.83044 -149.65997 -17.82121 -149.65943 -17.72661 -149.64987 -17.73583 -149.6623 -17.72761 -149.66009 -17.45155 -149.64156 -17.4497 -149.66003 -17.45282 -149.66009 -17.35984 -149.623 -17.32022 -149.66096 -17.35822 -149.64885 -17.36883 -149.6653 -17.36112 -149.56836 -17.36292 -149.58453 -17.35742&& -149.58365 -17.45268 -149.47971 -17.45619 -149.49315 -17.4531 -149.49096 -17.36002 -149.38948 -17.24079 -149.39604 -17.41943 -149.30535 -17.48561 -148.9914 -17.09515 -148.99122 -16.99947 -148.98013 -16.99893 -149.52293 -16.99991 -149.53673 -16.9798 -149.58672 -16.9722 -149.61266 -17.03147 -149.57316 -17.03559 -149.5466 -17.06198 -149.51844 -16.97947 -149.57098 -16.95945 -149.60169 -16.96102 -149.62133 -16.9995 -150.12797 -16.99495 -149.93604 -17.45207 -149.73712 -17.45203 -149.61559 -17.30519 -149.62557 -17.32468 -149.59949 -17.51136 -149.5693 -17.5381 Cruise Start and End &' 2014-07-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Papeete &( 2014-08-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List &) Papeete http://doi.org/10.7284/902656 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw &, Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer &- raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. &. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass &1 raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer &5 raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 &7 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw &8 Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. &: pco2 raw Eppley PSP &; Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 &? Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog r&Aaw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw &D International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer &G measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) &H Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A &J hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins &K determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors &M Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 &N multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. &P Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 &R raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere &T Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/902656 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1416 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1416 LTER: Long Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem Hench, James Duke University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -150.13150 -148.97957 -18.01500 -16.95921 coordinates of ship track -149.56931 -17.53806 -149.58286 -17.53888 -149.63477 -17.47484 -149.78294 -17.2708 -149.80749 -17.2&V7972 -149.85896 -17.45547 -149.93578 -17.47524 -149.9506 -17.51571 -149.93968 -17.54805 -149.86846 -17.6177 -149.80925 -17.6267 -149.77654 -17.61012 -149.73103 -17.48744 -149.7584 -17.45741 -149.90749 -17.45749 -149.91493 -17.39833 -149.98783 -17.44659 -150.01714 -17.50218 -150.00363 -17.57805 -149.94699 -17.63618 -149.86214 -17.6891 -149.76621 -17.66636 -149.70059 -17.60062 -149.67539 -17.5161 -149.71845 -17.416 -149.78386 -17.40052 -149.88166 -17.4084 -149.91545 -17.3996 -149.93192 -17.36808 -149.87414 -17.32563 -149.72875 -17.33967 -149.72773 -17.3748 -149.79302 -17.45649 -149.9273 -17.47941 -149.93965 -17.49484 -149.93522 -17.53637 -149.86525 -17.6015 -149.80602 -17.61638 -149.7553 -17.55136 -149.74276 -17.49253 -149.76583 -17.46469 -149.81118 -17.46328 -149.84313 -17.25901 -149.65639 -17.54026 -149.60182 -17.77171 -149.45771 -17.81802 -149.34867 -17.79456 -149.30423 -17.87362 -149.16789 -17.92347 -149.11221 -17.89663 -149.08867 -17.85189 -149.10504 -17.76079 -149.15095 -17.71852 -149.26227 -17.69199 &W-149.27009 -17.57772 -149.29702 -17.5313 -149.3121 -17.50912 -149.35814 -17.49936 -149.40117 -17.46635 -149.49795 -17.46764 -149.66468 -17.54714 -149.67045 -17.67219 -149.65055 -17.77197 -149.61601 -17.81755 -149.44179 -17.86677 -149.36727 -17.84902 -149.33387 -17.9168 -149.22997 -17.95528 -149.23485 -18.00916 -149.23036 -17.95628 -149.15597 -17.96575 -149.06731 -17.91634 -149.0337 -17.85814 -149.02566 -17.80815 -149.13489 -17.62777 -149.13514 -17.08326 -149.34398 -17.08202 -149.34855 -17.42593 -149.55667 -17.43013 -149.57505 -17.42443 -149.57235 -17.07961 -149.93663 -17.07811 -149.93745 -17.51748 -149.87283 -17.59252 -149.81762 -17.61893 -149.9356 -17.67348 -149.94062 -18.00858 -149.57557 -18.00999 -149.58129 -17.92467 -149.76503 -17.92123 -149.76574 -17.73947 -149.84526 -17.62988 -149.84263 -18.00983 -150.03142 -18.01113 -150.03104 -17.08158 -149.96566 -17.07908 -149.84433 -17.08123 -149.84485 -17.42991 -149.76735 -17.25826 -149.74766 -17.13489 -149.68948 -17.08034 -149.69001 -18.01024 -149.45811 -18.00&X817 -149.46025 -17.83971 -149.52921 -17.82906 -149.66055 -17.87005 -149.51716 -17.90057 -149.51336 -17.97036 -149.40427 -17.89434 -149.38446 -17.9673 -149.3001 -18.0097 -149.03427 -18.01037 -149.03446 -17.08015 -149.23487 -17.07964 -149.23584 -17.63185 -149.18943 -17.66818 -149.18137 -17.38117 -149.30135 -17.50992 -149.29496 -17.20179 -149.34915 -17.0867 -149.44534 -17.0796 -149.44428 -17.43045 -149.4995 -17.41023 -149.49945 -17.0838 -149.62971 -17.08266 -149.63406 -17.51195 -149.5673 -17.4611 -149.80031 -17.4505 -149.83727 -17.4581 -149.82155 -17.49244 -149.84577 -17.4296 -149.84462 -17.3595 -149.83311 -17.356 -149.84505 -17.36078 -149.84425 -17.4106 -149.8316 -17.40539 -149.84416 -17.41203 -149.84371 -17.4617 -149.76918 -17.45396 -149.73431 -17.48462 -149.74348 -17.53792 -149.73552 -17.52549 -149.74554 -17.53598 -149.70225 -17.53882 -149.71578 -17.55128 -149.70284 -17.53951 -149.65955 -17.54434 -149.6668 -17.55639 -149.65863 -17.54439 -149.78786 -17.82103 -149.83677 -17.70444 -149.83449 -17.67247 -149.8&Y8319 -17.58725 -149.97036 -17.63719 -150.04223 -17.40244 -150.1178 -17.07126 -150.12052 -17.35975 -150.10426 -17.36 -150.1199 -17.35954 -150.11927 -17.4523 -150.13146 -17.44341 -150.12015 -17.44979 -150.11753 -17.5588 -150.11548 -17.54086 -150.12088 -17.8204 -150.10667 -17.82806 -150.11939 -17.81924 -150.12239 -18.01478 -150.02831 -17.81918 -150.00949 -17.82922 -150.02867 -17.81422 -150.02761 -17.72823 -150.00916 -17.73984 -150.02836 -17.72852 -150.02956 -17.45363 -150.0151 -17.46009 -150.02741 -17.4538 -150.02795 -17.35927 -150.05105 -17.33188 -150.02752 -17.37403 -150.02837 -17.35941 -149.95879 -17.35944 -150.02236 -17.35891 -149.92334 -17.36929 -149.93637 -17.35889 -149.93607 -17.61546 -149.94442 -17.60723 -149.94157 -17.78119 -149.93082 -17.78293 -149.93414 -17.72683 -149.94955 -17.72918 -149.93375 -17.73561 -149.9431 -17.83096 -149.93576 -17.81983 -149.84468 -17.81935 -149.84452 -17.83138 -149.84474 -17.61617 -149.83847 -17.63298 -149.92794 -17.5661 -149.94788 -17.48832 -149.83082 -17.44662 -149.8445&Z3 -17.45138 -149.84399 -17.3576 -149.73692 -17.35984 -149.73246 -17.37399 -149.8372 -17.45652 -149.82167 -17.48748 -149.84355 -17.43518 -149.85486 -17.47634 -149.88218 -17.47305 -149.86301 -17.48293 -149.73902 -17.35592 -149.73724 -17.7277 -149.72683 -17.73831 -149.73766 -17.72805 -149.7373 -17.82245 -149.77787 -17.83615 -149.74027 -17.81859 -149.73688 -17.83138 -149.73882 -17.81906 -149.4925 -17.82005 -149.48319 -17.83261 -149.49105 -17.81851 -149.34964 -17.82402 -149.49015 -17.89013 -149.51775 -17.8878 -149.58315 -17.81892 -149.57395 -17.82848 -149.66087 -17.81953 -149.64903 -17.83044 -149.65997 -17.82121 -149.65943 -17.72661 -149.64987 -17.73583 -149.6623 -17.72761 -149.66009 -17.45155 -149.64156 -17.4497 -149.66003 -17.45282 -149.66009 -17.35984 -149.623 -17.32022 -149.66096 -17.35822 -149.64885 -17.36883 -149.6653 -17.36112 -149.56836 -17.36292 -149.58453 -17.35742 -149.58365 -17.45268 -149.47971 -17.45619 -149.49315 -17.4531 -149.49096 -17.36002 -149.38948 -17.24079 -149.39604 -17.41943 -149.30535 -&[17.48561 -148.9914 -17.09515 -148.99122 -16.99947 -148.98013 -16.99893 -149.52293 -16.99991 -149.53673 -16.9798 -149.58672 -16.9722 -149.61266 -17.03147 -149.57316 -17.03559 -149.5466 -17.06198 -149.51844 -16.97947 -149.57098 -16.95945 -149.60169 -16.96102 -149.62133 -16.9995 -150.12797 -16.99495 -149.93604 -17.45207 -149.73712 -17.45203 -149.61559 -17.30519 -149.62557 -17.32468 -149.59949 -17.51136 -149.5693 -17.5381 Cruise Start and End 2014-07-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Papeete 2014-08-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Papeete http://doi.org/10.7284/902656 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw W&\ET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw Kongsberg EM710 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. &] radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) &^ Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) Kongsberg EM710 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionLTER: Long Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef EcosystemEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-150.13 -18.02, -150.13 -16.96, -148.98 -16.96, -148.98 -18.02, -150.13 -18.02))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ,,/C>1+M5]c%q9 !!? [)doi:10.7284/902656gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/901459 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1417 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1417 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Kirin Ridge Gardner, James UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans &g theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian<&h/gmd:CI_RoleCode> Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -169.57336 -149.56929 -17.54084 21.26442 coordinates of ship track -149.56931 -17.53808 -149.59279 -17.52675 -150.03005 -16.81577 -152.34252 -12.96321 -153.37113 -11.20476 -153.5835 -10.87191 -153.73849 -10.56976 -154.52675 -9.24305 -154.82751 -8.65178 -155.40643 -7.74492 -155.72544 -7.21053 -162.54516 4.45954 -163.48618 6.07869 -163.68317 6.44327 -163.79043 6.5707 -163.68991 6.44938 -163.77508 6.56173 -163.7184 6.59788 -163.63363 6.50142 -163.72149 6.59887 -163.78306 6.54873 -163.70493 6.44164 -165.97833 10.39266 -168.65837 14.96246 -168.80499 15.96744 -169.3471 17.3878 -168.96802 18.98325 -169.061 19.00412 -169.11894 18.98069 -169.48412 17.41949 -169.573 17.43597 -169.5473 17.52493 -164.22278 19.24026 -158.1138 21.17662 -157.92274 21.23891 -157.89253 21.26438 Cruise Start and End 2014-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List &l Papeete 2014-08-22 &m University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901459 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. &o RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp &p raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A &z Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 &~ Data was collected from this device. metstation raw & Kongsberg EM122 Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw & General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pc&o2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw & Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw & Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer & raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this &device. raingauge raw & Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw & Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog & raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. & ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw & Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg & raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction & Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar & fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 & ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 m&agnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from seve&ral meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) & General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer,& pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation & Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/901459 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repo&sitory (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1417 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1417 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Kirin Ridge Gardner, James UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -169.57336 -149.56929 -17.54084 21.26442 coordinates of ship track -149.56931 -17.53808 -149.59279 -17.52675 -150.03005 -16.81577 -152.34252 -12.96321 -153.37113 -11.20476 -153.5835 -10.87191 -153.73849 -10.56976 -154.52675 -9.24305 -154.82751 -8.65178 -155.40643 -7.74492 -155.72544 -7.2105&3 -162.54516 4.45954 -163.48618 6.07869 -163.68317 6.44327 -163.79043 6.5707 -163.68991 6.44938 -163.77508 6.56173 -163.7184 6.59788 -163.63363 6.50142 -163.72149 6.59887 -163.78306 6.54873 -163.70493 6.44164 -165.97833 10.39266 -168.65837 14.96246 -168.80499 15.96744 -169.3471 17.3878 -168.96802 18.98325 -169.061 19.00412 -169.11894 18.98069 -169.48412 17.41949 -169.573 17.43597 -169.5473 17.52493 -164.22278 19.24026 -158.1138 21.17662 -157.92274 21.23891 -157.89253 21.26438 Cruise Start and End 2014-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Papeete 2014-08-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901459 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this d&evice. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Kongsberg EM122 & Data was collected from this device. multibeam raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Knudsen 3260 Data was collected from this device. singlebeam raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD & Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP1&01A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Kongsberg EM122 multibeam multiple formed beam echosounder (mapping sonar) General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Knudsen 3260 singlebeam single, dual, or split beam echosounder (profiling sonar); may be either fixed frequency or chirped Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionU.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Kirin RidgeEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-169.57 -17.54, -169.57 21.26, -149.57 21.26, -149.57 -17.54, -169.57 -17.54))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact vv]D=1+M5_5%9 !!; [)doi:10.7284/901459gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/902643 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1418 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published & KM1418 Pelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North Pacific Drazen, Jeffrey University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33417 -157.56188 21.24581 22.94269 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86771 21.3015 -157.91702 21.24666 -158.15806 21.2479 -158.27391 21.34516& -158.33312 21.57525 -157.91198 22.7629 -158.176 22.76571 -158.06225 22.76255 -157.98194 22.79855 -157.88966 22.86805 -157.92919 22.73712 -157.87572 22.71612 -157.91486 22.71428 -157.88418 22.73813 -157.91852 22.77512 -157.93201 22.77193 -157.91884 22.77825 -157.94455 22.76941 -157.90814 22.77919 -157.92538 22.78211 -157.88291 22.76833 -157.92188 22.75642 -157.64449 22.72064 -157.70876 22.72972 -157.79628 22.81395 -157.79426 22.94268 -157.91427 22.901 -157.90825 22.86107 -157.93585 22.82193 -157.8887 22.79895 -157.91445 22.78808 -157.89774 22.78452 -157.94283 22.79039 -157.91935 22.82183 -157.93473 22.80043 -157.91029 22.78337 -157.91959 22.79623 -157.9032 22.80378 -157.85664 22.77333 -158.02104 22.63274 -157.96136 22.81338 -157.95526 22.88797 -157.95329 22.79779 -157.91471 22.83258 -157.95068 22.79641 -157.89926 22.78554 -157.91521 22.78082 -157.85341 22.80951 -157.5624 22.84509 -157.91821 22.78704 -157.90185 22.78144 -157.9137 22.79475 -157.88113 22.80282 -157.75951 22.80054 -157.59088 22.82957 -157.910&77 22.78898 -157.75444 22.82279 -157.64325 22.9108 -157.80667 22.87612 -157.942 22.89121 -157.91725 22.87884 -157.97682 22.83852 -158.02363 22.84454 -158.03324 22.86951 -157.88271 22.92653 -157.94752 22.83206 -157.93477 22.8275 -157.99832 22.81458 -157.99927 22.85502 -157.96468 22.85509 -157.98047 22.80266 -157.6915 22.91382 -157.89994 22.77715 -157.85446 22.80617 -157.95767 22.79994 -157.87302 22.80862 -157.69827 22.75903 -157.9158 22.79053 -157.8973 22.81262 -158.00069 22.79771 -158.0012 22.82328 -157.86233 22.80926 -157.71822 22.75546 -157.90393 22.78879 -158.3337 21.57868 -158.33015 21.51859 -158.27414 21.34396 -158.15339 21.24929 -157.94278 21.24845 -157.89795 21.26246 Cruise Start and End 2014-08-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-09-11 University-National O&ceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902643 & collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. & RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw & RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw & WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. <&/gmd:description> fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw & Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass & raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. & hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. & metstation raw Epple&y PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 & Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog & raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii & operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures wate&r current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities & RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 & barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar f&luorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A & hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures str&ength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge & (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water & AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 & tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/902643 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1418 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1418 Pelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North Pacific Drazen, Jeffrey University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Suppor&t Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33417 -157.56188 21.24581 22.94269 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86771 21.3015 -157.91702 21.24666 -158.15806 21.2479 -158.27391 21.34516 -158.33312 21.57525 -157.91198 22.7629 -158.176 22.76571 -158.06225 22.76255 -157.98194 22.79855 -157.88966 22.86805 -157.92919 22.73712 -157.87572 22.71612 -157.91486 22.71428 -157.88418 22.73813 -157.91852 22.77512 -157.93201 22.77193 -157.91884 22.77825 -157.94455 22.76941 -157.90814 22.77919 -157.92538 22.78211 -157.88291 22.76833 -157.92188 22.75642 -157.64449 22.72064 -157.70876 22.72972 -157.79628 22.81395 -157.79426 22.94268 -157.91427 22.901 -157.90825 22.86107 -157.93585 22.82193 -157.8887 22.79895 -157.91445 22.78808 -157.89774 22.78452 -157.94283 22.79039 -157.91935 22.82183 -157.93473 22.80043 -157.91029 22.78337 -157.91959 22.79623 -157.9032 22.80378 -157.85664 22.77333 -158.02104 22&.63274 -157.96136 22.81338 -157.95526 22.88797 -157.95329 22.79779 -157.91471 22.83258 -157.95068 22.79641 -157.89926 22.78554 -157.91521 22.78082 -157.85341 22.80951 -157.5624 22.84509 -157.91821 22.78704 -157.90185 22.78144 -157.9137 22.79475 -157.88113 22.80282 -157.75951 22.80054 -157.59088 22.82957 -157.91077 22.78898 -157.75444 22.82279 -157.64325 22.9108 -157.80667 22.87612 -157.942 22.89121 -157.91725 22.87884 -157.97682 22.83852 -158.02363 22.84454 -158.03324 22.86951 -157.88271 22.92653 -157.94752 22.83206 -157.93477 22.8275 -157.99832 22.81458 -157.99927 22.85502 -157.96468 22.85509 -157.98047 22.80266 -157.6915 22.91382 -157.89994 22.77715 -157.85446 22.80617 -157.95767 22.79994 -157.87302 22.80862 -157.69827 22.75903 -157.9158 22.79053 -157.8973 22.81262 -158.00069 22.79771 -158.0012 22.82328 -157.86233 22.80926 -157.71822 22.75546 -157.90393 22.78879 -158.3337 21.57868 -158.33015 21.51859 -158.27414 21.34396 -158.15339 21.24929 -157.94278 21.24845 -157.89795 21.26246 Cruise Start and& End 2014-08-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-09-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902643 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw & Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. & ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplan&kton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionPelagic Food Web Connectivity in the Central North PacificEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.94, -157.56 22.94, -157.56 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact o omG<1+M5M[%;9 !! [)doi:10.7284/900805gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/904084 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1419 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published & KM1419 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian & Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.10738 -157.88627 21.24610 22.90065 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31574 -158.10421 22.54865 -158.0548 22.74997 -157.99981 22.74988 -158.06291 22.83651 -158.04802 22.8&361 -157.99969 22.7372 -157.98753 22.75769 -158.04586 22.84468 -158.06156 22.84214 -158.00951 22.76418 -157.98474 22.77011 -158.01932 22.75043 -157.99788 22.74182 -158.12171 22.73508 -158.10476 22.71916 -157.99999 22.75069 -157.97244 22.74229 -157.94416 22.8436 -157.96033 22.85094 -157.9662 22.8259 -157.90926 22.78629 -157.91775 22.78051 -157.89627 22.78728 -157.89909 22.7734 -157.98953 22.75672 -157.98675 22.74071 -158.11207 22.81134 -158.11 22.88578 -158.38115 22.90052 -158.70476 22.88624 -158.74139 22.85732 -158.91489 22.86741 -159.10503 22.84107 -158.77788 22.3677 -158.36141 21.8454 -158.33351 21.67294 -158.33804 21.53558 -158.27154 21.3424 -158.14852 21.24638 -157.89829 21.24716 & Cruise Start and End 2014-09-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List & Honolulu 2014-09-17 University-&National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904084<&/gmd:URL> collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ' RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw ' WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer ' raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. ' fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer <'gmd:MD_Identifier> raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ' Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer ' raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 ' Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw ' Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog ' raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw <'/gmd:sourceStep> Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw <'gmd:CI_Citation> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar mea'sures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) '" Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field '# Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer me'&asures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors '' Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 ') radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam ', RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/904084 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1419 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1419 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Offi'/ce custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.10738 -157.88627 21.24610 22.90065 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31574 -158.10421 22.54865 -158.0548 22.74997 -157.99981 22.74988 -158.06291 22.83651 -158.04802 22.8361 -157.99969 22.7372 -157.98753 22.75769 -158.04586 22.84468 -158.06156 22.84214 -158.00951 22.76418 -157.98474 22.77011 -158.01932 22.75043 -157.99788 22.74182 -158.12171 22.73508 -158.10476 22.71916 -157.99999 22.75069 -157.97244 22.74229 -157.94416 22.8436 -157.96033 22.85094 -157.9662 22.8259 -157.90926 22.78629 -157.91775 22.78051 -157.89627 22.78728 -157.89909 22.7734 -157.98953 22.75672 -157.98675 22.74071 -158.11207 22.81134 -158.11 22.88578 -158.38115 22.90052 -158.70476 22.88624 -158.74139 22.85732 -158.91489 22.86741 -159.10503 22.84107 -158.77788 22.3677 -158.36141 21.8454 -158.33351 21.67294 -158.33804 21.53558 -158.27154 21.3424 -158.14852 21.24638 -157.89829 21.24716 '0 Cruise Start and End 2014-09-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-09-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904084 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravi'1meter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collect'2ed from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence ('3usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-159.11 21.25, -159.11 22.90, -157.89 22.90, -157.89 21.25, -159.11 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact'5gis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/900805 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdat'7a.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1420 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1420 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords '; NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2014-09-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu n> 2014-10-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List '? Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900805 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. 'A International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/900805 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1420 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1420 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2014-09-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-10-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900805 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 0"4FXj| %fieldSessionb%fieldSessiona%fieldSession`%fieldSessioni%fieldSessionh%fieldSessiong%fieldSessionf%fieldSessione%fieldSessiond%fieldSessionS%fieldSessionT%fieldSessionU%fieldSessionV%fieldSessionW%fieldSessionX%fieldSessionY%fieldSessionZ%fieldSession[%fieldSession\%fieldSession]%fieldSession^%fieldSession_%fieldSession`%fieldSessiona%fieldSessionb%fieldSessionchttp://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset(http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset(http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset Khttp://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image&http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image&http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image Phttp://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service(http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service(http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Service Jhttp://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text%http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text%http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Text 'E/www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/904791 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1421 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1421 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office 'Kcustodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36440 -157.86748 21.24422 22.86459 coordinates of ship track'M -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86798 21.3046 -157.87518 21.28961 -157.94948 21.2582 -158.15271 21.24744 -158.27423 21.34331 -158.3335 21.53732 -158.33376 21.58474 -158.05744 22.74746 -158.00011 22.74941 -158.10822 22.76699 -158.0189 22.74614 -158.02834 22.78559 -158.01074 22.79463 -158.01274 22.85689 -158.02238 22.81773 -157.98441 22.79841 -158.03978 22.75017 -158.02773 22.74917 -158.11322 22.7553 -158.02693 22.75227 -157.988 22.7246 -158.10048 22.70972 -158.11458 22.73694 -157.99986 22.74981 -157.99568 22.82712 -157.97899 22.82974 -157.99603 22.86457 -157.9642 22.85964 -157.8712 22.77748 -157.91753 22.77045 -157.87865 22.7861 -157.91688 22.78214 -157.97281 22.60242 -158.36439 21.84714 -158.34009 21.53'N646 -158.29342 21.3624 -158.15025 21.24787 -157.89596 21.24639 Cruise Start and End 2014-10-12 'O University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-10-16 <'P/gml:TimeInstant> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904791 collectionSession 'R Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 'T Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer'W raw WET Labs WETStar Data was'X collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw 'Z Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this devi'\ce. gyrocompass raw '] Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw '^ Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins '_ raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. '` magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. 'd radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw 'f OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw A'iML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw 'j RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air 'k raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. 'l tsg raw 'm International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp 'o (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities 'p RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures's fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field 't Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 'v ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. 'y Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 'z radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam '} RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/904791 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1421 on RV Kilo Moana ' 2015-09-30 published KM1421 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36440 -157.86748 21.24422 22.86459 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31571 -157.86798 21.3046 -157.87518 21.28961 -157.94948 21.2582 -158.15271 21.24744 -158.27423 21.34331 -158.3335 21.53732 -158.33376 21.58474 -158.05744 22.74746 -158.00011 22.74941 -158.10822 22.76699 -158.0189 22.74614 -158.02834 22.78559 -158.01074 22.79463 -158.01274 22.85689 -158.02238 22.81773 -157.98441 22.79841 -158.03978 22.75017 -158.02773 22.74917 -158.11322 22.7553 -158.02693 22.75227 -157.988 22.7246 -158.10048 22.70972 -158.11458 22.73694 -157.99986 22.74981 -157.9956'8 22.82712 -157.97899 22.82974 -157.99603 22.86457 -157.9642 22.85964 -157.8712 22.77748 -157.91753 22.77045 -157.87865 22.7861 -157.91688 22.78214 -157.97281 22.60242 -158.36439 21.84714 -158.34009 21.53646 -158.29342 21.3624 -158.15025 21.24787 -157.89596 21.24639 Cruise Start and End 2014-10-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-10-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904791 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer ra'w WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from' this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measur'es atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact pAp\I=1+M5g9%w9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/900890gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:25Z doi:10.7284/900890 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1422 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1422 Hawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment (HUMMA) Edwards, Margo University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme ' NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian ' Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89989 -157.83833 21.18123 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86744 21.30321 -157.88533 21.27525 -157.86314 21.19241 -157.8991 21.28304 -157.89859 21.25665 -157.86659 21.19471 -157.83834 21.1813 -157.88025 21.19193 -157.85243 21.19944 -157.'85208 21.1841 -157.86348 21.19685 -157.8715 21.18352 -157.8428 21.18558 -157.89668 21.24636 Cruise Start and End 2014-10-22 ' University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-10-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900890 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw ' WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ' Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw ' Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation' raw Eppley PSP D'ata was collected from this device. radiometer raw <'gmd:description> Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ' Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer ' raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this de'vice. raingauge raw ' Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw ' AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw ' International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana ' SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator ' RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 ' barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) ' Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors ' Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR ' radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipita'tion Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/900890 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1422 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1422 Hawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment (HUMMA) Edwards, Margo University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EART'H SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89989 -157.83833 21.18123 21.31570 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86744 21.30321 -157.88533 21.27525 -157.86314 21.19241 -157.8991 21.28304 -157.89859 21.25665 -157.86659 21.19471 -157.83834 21.1813 -157.88025 21.19193 -157.85243 21.19944 -157.85208 21.1841 -157.86348 21.19685 -157.8715 21.18352 -157.8428 21.18558 -157.89668 21.24636 Cruise Start and End 2014-10-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-10-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900890 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by d'evices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from' this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure ' WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Undersea Military Munitions Assessment (HUMMA)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-157.90 21.18, -157.90 21.32, -157.84 21.32, -157.84 21.18, -157.90 21.18))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact's:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/900891 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us <'/gmd:address> pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1423 on RV Kilo Mo'ana 2015-09-30 published KM1423 ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33600 -157.86785 21.24402 22.74410 coordinates of ship track -157.92159 21.25951 -157.94832 21.24727 -158.16033 21.25573 -158.27151 21.34342 -158.33318 21.53875 -158.33434 21.58712 -158.26767 21.83377 -158.00204 22.74393 -158.3336 21.59888 -158.3349 21.54125 -158.27376 21.34474 -158.15204 21.24765 -157.89865 21.24546 -157.86785 21.30233 -157.88628 21.31577 Cruise Start and End 2014-10-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-11-03 ' University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900891 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. ' Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw ' Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw ' Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ' Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw ' Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog' raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer ' measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 ' magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for mu'ltibeam Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/900891 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1423 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1423 ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33600 -157.86785 21.24402 22.74410 coordinates of ship track -157.92159 21.25951 -157.94832 21.24727 -158.16033 21.25573 -158.27151 21.34342' -158.33318 21.53875 -158.33434 21.58712 -158.26767 21.83377 -158.00204 22.74393 -158.3336 21.59888 -158.3349 21.54125 -158.27376 21.34474 -158.15204 21.24765 -157.89865 21.24546 -157.86785 21.30233 -157.88628 21.31577 Cruise Start and End 2014-10-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-11-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900891 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT' X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.34 21.24, -158.34 22.74, -157.87 22.74, -157.87 21.24, -158.34 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact --mK<1+M5M[%;9 !! [)doi:10.7284/900892gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/900892 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdat'a.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1424 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1424 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords ' NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2014-11-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-11-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ' Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900892 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. ' International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/900892 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1424 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1424 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2014-11-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-11-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900892 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact'/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/902179 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1425 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1425 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor ' EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33351 -157.86735 21.24551 22.85514 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31545 -157.86742 21.30235 -157.89859 21.24723 -158.15035 21.24776 -158.27425 21.34255 -158.33338 21.54196 -158.05326 22.74213 -157.99893 22.74972 -158.097 22.70557 -158.10834 22.73119 -157.98886 22.75251 -158.12378 22.75893 -158.13682 22.74805 -158.12773 22.73754 -157.98185 22.74776 -158.01731 22.63961 -158.02068 22.74765 -157.99692 22.75352 -158.06436 22.8404 -158.00099 22.75017 -157.973 22.7452 -158.03457 22.64809 -158.03484 22.71073 -158.00564 22.74717 -158.00527 22.77299 -158.05083 22.85487 -157.99965 22.74924 -158.0966 22.75499 -158.1869 22.68156 -158.04972 22.72416 -157.(9267 22.78305 -157.88517 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2014-11-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-11-24 ( University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ( http://doi.org/10.7284/902179 collectionSession ( Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw ( Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device.<( /gco:CharacterString> fluorometer raw <( gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://data.rvdata.us/id/device/100625" xlink:actuate="onRequest">Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw ( Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter ( raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. ( gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins ( raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. ( radiometer raw Biospherical (QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge ( raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P <(/gmd:description> Data was collected from this device. ssv raw ( RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air <(gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/processing/1" xlink:actuate="onRequest">raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. ( tsg raw Caley CTD (! Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP &(#gt; Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 ($ adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure (' WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) (* Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 (, metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrhe(.liometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically in(2stalled in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere (3 Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/902179 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1425 on RV Ki(5lo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1425 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33351 -157.86735 21.24551 22.85514 coordinates of ship track -157.88663 21.31545 -157.86742 21.30235 -157.89859 21.24723 -158.15035 21.24776 -158.27425 21.34255 -158.33338 21.54196 -158.05326 22.74213 -157.99893 22.74972 -158.097 22.70557 -158.10834 22.73119 -157.98886 22.75251 -158.12378 22.75893 -158.13682 22.74805 -158.12773 22.73754 -157.98185 22.74776 -158.01731 22.63961 -158.02068 22.74765 -157.99692 22.75352 -158.06436 22.8404 -158.00099 22.75017 -157.973 22.7452 -158.03457 22.64809 -158.03484 22.71073 -158.00564 22.74717 -158.00527 22.77299 -158.050(683 22.85487 -157.99965 22.74924 -158.0966 22.75499 -158.1869 22.68156 -158.04972 22.72416 -157.9267 22.78305 -157.88517 21.31543 Cruise Start and End 2014-11-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-11-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/902179 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data wa(7s collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw (8 Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar f(9luorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact \M=1+M5I%39 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/900974gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z<(<4L=1+M5;E%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/902179gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/900974 (>eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager R(?olling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1426 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1426 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii (B Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme (C NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.41059 -157.86731 21.24561 21.33944 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31573 -157.86731 21.30276 -157.90165 21.25971 -158.14733 21.24561 -158.41002 21.33853 -158.38428 21.32842 Cruise Start and End 2014-12-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory Syste(Gm (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-12-05 (H University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900974 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by dev(Jices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw (N Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass (O raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. (P hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw (R Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation (S raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. (T radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw (V Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. (X raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air ([ raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction (^ Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure Bell BGM-3 (_ gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) (b Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors E(cppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiat(eion - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere doi:10.7284/900974 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise(h KM1426 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1426 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.41059 -157.86731 21.24561 21.33944 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31573 -157.86731 21.30276 -157.90165 21.25971 -158.14733 21.24561 -158.41002 21.33853 -158.38428 21.32842 Cruise Start and End 2014-12-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-12-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900974 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets col(ilected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected(j from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.41 21.25, -158.41 21.34, -157.87 21.34, -157.87 21.25, -158.41 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact(l5/gco" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns:gmx="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/904735 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1427 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1427 (p C-MORE 2014, Leg 5 Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords (r NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33468 -157.86383 21.22247 (t 22.87248 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86728 21.30299 -157.89342 21.25289 -157.86559 21.22248 -157.87152 21.28047 -157.89689 21.24626 -158.14643 21.24438 -158.27869 21.34918 -158.33462 21.54177 -158.32614 21.61011 -158.00043 22.75044 -157.91145 22.67971 -157.96728 22.72559 -157.8841 22.80115 -157.88572 22.85055 -157.91974 22.85155 -157.97493 22.76565 -(u157.98546 22.87238 -158.00091 22.74917 -157.97931 22.71278 -157.97055 22.64455 -157.99837 22.64394 -157.9902 22.78203 -158.00283 22.81468 -158.04722 22.8493 -158.02584 22.79959 -158.04949 22.86402 -158.00186 22.74922 -158.08263 22.81773 -158.09626 22.80221 -158.03189 22.67455 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2014-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu (w 2014-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu(x http://doi.org/10.7284/904735 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw (| RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer (} raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. (~ barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. ( gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT( X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw <(/gmi:output> Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer ( raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 ( Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 ( raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. ( radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 ( Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU ( fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter mea(sures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. ( Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 ( raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/904735 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us ( pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1427 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1427 C-MORE 2014, Leg 5 Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33468 -157.86383 21.22247 22.87248 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.3157 -157.86728 21.30299 -157.89342 21.25289 -157.86559 21.22248 -157.87152 21.28047 -157.89689 21.24626 -158.14643 21.24438 -158.27869 21.34918 -158.33462 21.54177 -158.32614 21.61011 -158.00043 22.75044 -157.91145 22.67971 -157.96728 22.72559 -157.8841 22.80115 -157.88572 22.85055 -157.91974 22.85155 -157.97493 22.7(6565 -157.98546 22.87238 -158.00091 22.74917 -157.97931 22.71278 -157.97055 22.64455 -157.99837 22.64394 -157.9902 22.78203 -158.00283 22.81468 -158.04722 22.8493 -158.02584 22.79959 -158.04949 22.86402 -158.00186 22.74922 -158.08263 22.81773 -158.09626 22.80221 -158.03189 22.67455 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2014-12-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-12-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904735 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from t(his device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-22(00 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala (PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionC-MORE 2014, Leg 5EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.22, -158.33 22.87, -157.86 22.87, -157.86 21.22, -158.33 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact --O=1+M5qK%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/904792gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/904792 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1428 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1428 ( Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords ( NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33464 -157.86740 21.24510 22.85447 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86832 21.30008 -157.91969 21.2492 -158.15263 21.24721 -158.27499 21.34176 -158.33384 21.53716 -158.08986 22.64693 -158.05586 22.74726 -157.98991 22.75776 -158.03864 22.84426 -158.05136 22.84213 -157.98739 22.74752 -158.07522 22.77258 -158.09736 22.812 -158.08703 22.8198 -158.00001 22.74951 -157.9816 22.75402 -158.00369 22.85381 -158.02935 22.84452 -158.02076 22.75223 -158.00061 22.74942 -157.992 22.(75971 -158.0118 22.78617 -158.06265 22.82446 -158.07176 22.8135 -158.04362 22.80694 -158.09094 22.8388 -158.03881 22.77231 -157.99305 22.74087 -158.16092 22.769 -158.16387 22.78311 -158.28524 22.81916 -157.94484 22.76434 -157.86796 21.3021 Cruise Start and End 2014-12-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ( http://doi.org/10.7284/904792 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. ( adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer ( raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar ( Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw <(/gmi:LE_ProcessStep> Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer ( raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 ( Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw ( Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ( ins raw Campbell CR3000 ( Data was collected from this device. metstation raw ( General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR ( Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw ( AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 <(gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/device/adcp" xlink:actuate="onRequest">adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acous(tic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WE(TStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 ( measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. ( Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere <(gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://data.rvdata.us/id/device/100160" xlink:actuate="onRequest">Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/904792 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geograph(ic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1428 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1428 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33464 -157.86740 21.24510 22.85447 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86832 21.30008 -157.91969 21.2492 -158.15263 21.24721 -158.27499 21.34176 -158.33384 21.53716 -158.08986 22.64693 -158.05586 22.74726 -157.98991 22.75776 -158.03864 22.84426 -158.05136 22.84213 -157.98739 22.74752 -158.07522 22.77258 -158.09736 22.812 -158.08703 22.8198 -158.00001 22.74951 -157.9816 22.75402 -158.00369 22.85381 -158.02935 22.84452 -1(58.02076 22.75223 -158.00061 22.74942 -157.992 22.75971 -158.0118 22.78617 -158.06265 22.82446 -158.07176 22.8135 -158.04362 22.80694 -158.09094 22.8388 -158.03881 22.77231 -157.99305 22.74087 -158.16092 22.769 -158.16387 22.78311 -158.28524 22.81916 -157.94484 22.76434 -157.86796 21.3021 Cruise Start and End 2014-12-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2014-12-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/904792 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device.( barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw General Oceanics 8050 Data was collected from this device. pco2 raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Dat(a was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 ( barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors General Oceanics 8050 pco2 measures partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.25, -158.33 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.25, -158.33 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact \"Hn,Rx6%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd[%Mhttp://www.isotc211%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdW%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdX%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdY%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdZ%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd[%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd\%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd]%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd^%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd_%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd`%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmda%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdb%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdc%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdd%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmde%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdf%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdg%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdh%Mhttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdihttp://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2 )http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2 )http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2 )http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2 (.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901813 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1501 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1501 Transit to Shipyard EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office ( custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geosc(ientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-01-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-01-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland ( http://doi.org/10.7284/901813 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. ( adcp raw RDI WM-300 ( Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer ( raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. ( barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 ) Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 ) Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 ) Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ) OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw ) Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlo) g raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw ) Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw ) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water c)urrent velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction ) Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar ) fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field ) Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) ) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ) ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. ) Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 )! speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/901813 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data )% ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1501 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1501 Transit to Shipyard EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-01-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-01-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland http://doi.org/10.7284/901813 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data)& was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw )' Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current )(velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionTransit to ShipyardEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact >>IP<1+M5G!%39!! [)doi:10.7284/901813gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/901803 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1502 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1502 )0 Transit from Shipyard EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords )1 NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland )4 2015-03-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901803 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Haw)8aii operator doi:10.7284/901803 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1502 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1502 Transit from Shipyard EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Portland 2015-03-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901803 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionTransit from ShipyardEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact ,c,pS=1+M5}{%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/900798gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww)vNR=1+M5?=%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901814gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/901814 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1503 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1503 C-MORE 2015, Leg 1)?/Hawaii Ocean Experiment (HOE)-Legacy 1 Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33396 -157.86710 21.24249 22.85956 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.31569 -157.86767 21.30098 -157.91743 21.2426 -158.15382 21.25214 -158.2726 21.34586 -158.33349 21.54364 -158.33274 21.58879 -158.15215 22.22525 -158.05565 22.74915 -157.99737 22.74688 -158.02751 22.6437 -158.04272 22.65415 -158.00841 22.71783 -158.04129 22.78404 -157.9247 22.8342 -157.92964 22.85159 -157.8984 22.84705 -157.91255 22.85955 -157.91659 22.84508 -157.95767 22.84325 -158.07579 22.74685 -158.06487 22.72741 -157.9977)D9 22.74738 -158.04244 22.65256 -158.06464 22.66298 -157.99937 22.75136 -158.11712 22.75042 -157.99417 22.74762 -158.11558 22.74395 -158.10574 22.72891 -158.0762 22.73325 -158.12142 22.73391 -158.08452 22.7342 -158.11781 22.7339 -158.08427 22.73168 -158.11622 22.71987 -158.08381 22.73676 -158.10735 22.67411 -158.2721 22.51952 -158.29744 22.4727 -158.33386 21.59333 -158.3332 21.53845 -158.2742 21.34555 -158.22199 21.30178 -158.1498 21.24713 -157.89843 21.24627 -157.91775 21.25032 -157.90909 21.25705 Cruise Start and End )E 2015-04-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-04-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901814 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw )J RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. <)Lgmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/device/anemometer" xlink:actuate="onRequest">anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 )M Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 )Q Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 <)Ugmd:description> Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw )W Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. ra)Xdiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw )Z Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw )[ OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge )\ raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collecte)]d from this device. speedlog raw )^ RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg )` raw International Council for the Exploration of th)ae Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 )e barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measur)fes fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry)h NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins )jdetermines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. )l Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water )o RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere )p Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/901814 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfCont)qact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1503 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1503 C-MORE 2015, Leg 1/Hawaii Ocean Experiment (HOE)-Legacy 1 Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33396 -157.86710 21.24249 22.85956 coordinates of ship track -157.88632 21.31569 -157.86767 21.30098 -157.91743 21.2426 -158.15382 21.25214 -158.2726 21.34586 -158.33349 21.54364 -158.33274 21.58879 -158.15215 22.22525 -158.05565 22.74915 -157.99737 22.74688 -158.02751 22.6437 -158.04272 22.65415 -158.00841 22.71783 -158.04129 22.78404 -157.9247 22.8342 -157.92964 )r22.85159 -157.8984 22.84705 -157.91255 22.85955 -157.91659 22.84508 -157.95767 22.84325 -158.07579 22.74685 -158.06487 22.72741 -157.99779 22.74738 -158.04244 22.65256 -158.06464 22.66298 -157.99937 22.75136 -158.11712 22.75042 -157.99417 22.74762 -158.11558 22.74395 -158.10574 22.72891 -158.0762 22.73325 -158.12142 22.73391 -158.08452 22.7342 -158.11781 22.7339 -158.08427 22.73168 -158.11622 22.71987 -158.08381 22.73676 -158.10735 22.67411 -158.2721 22.51952 -158.29744 22.4727 -158.33386 21.59333 -158.3332 21.53845 -158.2742 21.34555 -158.22199 21.30178 -158.1498 21.24713 -157.89843 21.24627 -157.91775 21.25032 -157.90909 21.25705 Cruise Start and End 2015-04-06 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-04-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901814 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets col)slected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this devi)tce. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic)u doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionC-MORE 2015, Leg 1/Hawaii Ocean Experiment (HOE)-Legacy 1EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.33 21.24, -158.33 22.86, -157.87 22.86, -157.87 21.24, -158.33 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact)ww.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/900798 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1504 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published ){ KM1504 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel Universi)|ty of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.50357 -157.86712 ) 21.24418 22.79396 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86768 21.30083 -157.91492 21.24755 -158.15086 21.24721 -158.27989 21.34282 -158.33393 21.52937 -158.3323)8 21.59326 -158.06372 22.71486 -158.05088 22.75026 -158.00073 22.75073 -157.99082 22.73214 -158.05011 22.69881 -158.11706 22.75184 -157.99332 22.74962 -158.09084 22.72196 -158.12854 22.7298 -158.1464 22.71264 -158.04797 22.72761 -158.11269 22.73233 -158.04089 22.75404 -158.12123 22.77052 -158.0495 22.76098 -158.12189 22.76772 -158.12258 22.75494 -158.08508 22.74769 -158.11091 22.74364 -158.10405 22.76748 -157.99956 22.74709 -158.2101 22.69335 -158.31498 22.62399 -158.50355 22.53367 -158.18314 22.67587 -157.96614 22.74956 -157.92039 22.79394 -158.06407 22.5184 -158.16926 22.22317 -158.36644 21.85007 -158.3344 21.54335 -158.27196 21.34174 -158.14616 21.24511 -157.89124 21.24812 )Cruise Start and End 2015-04-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List <)gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://data.rvdata.us/id/port/100027" xlink:actuate="onRequest">Honolulu 2015-04-24 University-National) Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900798 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ) RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw ) WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer ) raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. ) fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw ) Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass ) raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. ) hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. ) radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ) Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer ) raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. ) raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 ) Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air ) raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw ) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities ) RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for p)hytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field ) Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic )MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. ) Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. <)gmd:code> Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 ) raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog ) measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere ) Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake ) doi:10.7284/900798 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1504 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1504 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.50357 -157.86712 21.24418 22.79396 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.31568 -157.86768 21.30083 -157.91492 21.24755 -158.15086 21.24721 -158.27989 21.34282 -158.33393 21.52937 -158.33238 21.59326 -158.06372 22).71486 -158.05088 22.75026 -158.00073 22.75073 -157.99082 22.73214 -158.05011 22.69881 -158.11706 22.75184 -157.99332 22.74962 -158.09084 22.72196 -158.12854 22.7298 -158.1464 22.71264 -158.04797 22.72761 -158.11269 22.73233 -158.04089 22.75404 -158.12123 22.77052 -158.0495 22.76098 -158.12189 22.76772 -158.12258 22.75494 -158.08508 22.74769 -158.11091 22.74364 -158.10405 22.76748 -157.99956 22.74709 -158.2101 22.69335 -158.31498 22.62399 -158.50355 22.53367 -158.18314 22.67587 -157.96614 22.74956 -157.92039 22.79394 -158.06407 22.5184 -158.16926 22.22317 -158.36644 21.85007 -158.3344 21.54335 -158.27196 21.34174 -158.14616 21.24511 -157.89124 21.24812 Cruise Start and End 2015-04-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-04-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/900798 collectionSession Descrip)tions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was col)lected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 ) adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.50 21.24, -158.50 22.79, -157.87 22.79, -157.87 21.24, -158.50 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact)opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901819 eng utf8 ) fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@r)vdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1505 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1505 Multibeam Testing Ferguson, J. Scott University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords ) NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-04-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-04-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ) Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901819 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. ) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/901819 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1505 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1505 Multibeam Testing Ferguson, J. Scott University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-04-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-04-29 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901819 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionMultibeam TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact SIU>1+M5c %9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901822gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/901822 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1506 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1506 ) Meso and Bathypelagic Food Web in the Central North Pacific Close, Hilary University of Hawaii Scientist, )Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. ) eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33597 -157.72809 21.24318 22.84276 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86773 21.30498 -157.87487 21.28921 -157.94692 21.25278 -158.15133 21.24755 -158.26065 21.33454 -158.30538 21.39353 -158.33467 21.5592 -157.9989 22.74797 -158.11261 22.73794 -158.11878 22.75293 -158.08361 22.75379 -158.11395 22.74802 -158.11534 22.77197 -157.94918 22.81672 -157.92537 22.74347 -157.915)54 22.76386 -157.88127 22.77042 -157.93366 22.77566 -158.11904 22.74821 -157.93051 22.74358 -157.84523 22.72629 -157.89877 22.73731 -157.92768 22.7601 -157.92636 22.74809 -157.94583 22.82421 -157.93426 22.83165 -157.94564 22.83916 -157.94618 22.82573 -157.95082 22.8427 -157.94977 22.82731 -157.92515 22.82883 -157.93121 22.74518 -157.92631 22.76543 -158.1266 22.75501 -158.04387 22.75826 -157.97977 22.80271 -157.83849 22.8193 -157.92633 22.80984 -157.93393 22.83059 -157.93012 22.81193 -157.91915 22.82012 -157.93045 22.82899 -157.93037 22.81314 -157.93044 22.82951 -157.93214 22.81316 -158.11233 22.76802 -157.9499 22.78264 -157.83217 22.76341 -157.93115 22.80984 -157.9217 22.82229 -157.93889 22.83141 -157.94506 22.81375 -158.1227 22.74099 -158.00803 22.75002 -157.89412 22.71754 -157.82928 22.71838 -157.92047 22.73102 -157.93146 22.77435 -157.92826 22.75496 -157.92862 22.77009 -157.89389 22.78631 -157.92273 22.79002 -158.04433 22.70803 -158.19187 22.64651 -158.18049 22.6469 -158.19576 22.659 -158.19826 22.6421)5 -157.9739 22.75274 -157.88808 22.76591 -157.88088 22.74933 -157.92326 22.75471 -157.93208 22.77273 -157.92853 22.75722 -158.00407 22.74319 -157.84112 22.74045 -157.72811 22.71525 -157.89672 22.73088 -157.88718 22.74505 -157.90694 22.73535 -158.04077 22.40872 -158.0151 22.4149 -158.14958 22.22696 -158.3322 21.60733 -158.33597 21.54292 -158.27562 21.34803 -158.1844 21.25492 -157.8958 21.24319 -157.87317 21.2919 Cruise Start and End 2015-05-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-05-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List ) Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901822 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 ) Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ) RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw ) RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw ) WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw ) Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer ) raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected) from this device. gravimeter raw ) Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw <)/gmd:MD_Identifier> Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this d)evice. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw ) Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ) OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge ) raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. ) speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw ) RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air ) raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. <)gmi:LE_Source> tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar ) fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ) ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation ) logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. ) Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815) raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/901822 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.u)s pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1506 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1506 Meso and Bathypelagic Food Web in the Central North Pacific Close, Hilary University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33597 -157.72809 21.24318 22.84276 coordinates of ship track -157.8863 21.3157 -157.86773 21.30498 -157.87487 21.28921 -157.94692 21.25278 -158.15133 21.24755 -158.26065 21.33454 -158.30538 21.39353 -158.33467 21.5592 -157.9989 22.74797 -158.11261 22.73794 -158.11878 22.75293 -158.08361 22.75379 -158.11395 22.74802 -158.11534 22.77197 -157.9491)8 22.81672 -157.92537 22.74347 -157.91554 22.76386 -157.88127 22.77042 -157.93366 22.77566 -158.11904 22.74821 -157.93051 22.74358 -157.84523 22.72629 -157.89877 22.73731 -157.92768 22.7601 -157.92636 22.74809 -157.94583 22.82421 -157.93426 22.83165 -157.94564 22.83916 -157.94618 22.82573 -157.95082 22.8427 -157.94977 22.82731 -157.92515 22.82883 -157.93121 22.74518 -157.92631 22.76543 -158.1266 22.75501 -158.04387 22.75826 -157.97977 22.80271 -157.83849 22.8193 -157.92633 22.80984 -157.93393 22.83059 -157.93012 22.81193 -157.91915 22.82012 -157.93045 22.82899 -157.93037 22.81314 -157.93044 22.82951 -157.93214 22.81316 -158.11233 22.76802 -157.9499 22.78264 -157.83217 22.76341 -157.93115 22.80984 -157.9217 22.82229 -157.93889 22.83141 -157.94506 22.81375 -158.1227 22.74099 -158.00803 22.75002 -157.89412 22.71754 -157.82928 22.71838 -157.92047 22.73102 -157.93146 22.77435 -157.92826 22.75496 -157.92862 22.77009 -157.89389 22.78631 -157.92273 22.79002 -158.04433 22.70803 -158.19187 22.64651 -158.18049 22.64)69 -158.19576 22.659 -158.19826 22.64215 -157.9739 22.75274 -157.88808 22.76591 -157.88088 22.74933 -157.92326 22.75471 -157.93208 22.77273 -157.92853 22.75722 -158.00407 22.74319 -157.84112 22.74045 -157.72811 22.71525 -157.89672 22.73088 -157.88718 22.74505 -157.90694 22.73535 -158.04077 22.40872 -158.0151 22.4149 -158.14958 22.22696 -158.3322 21.60733 -158.33597 21.54292 -158.27562 21.34803 -158.1844 21.25492 -157.8958 21.24319 -157.87317 21.2919 Cruise Start and End 2015-05-03 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-05-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901822 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw * RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. * radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemomet*er measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionMeso and Bathypelagic Food Web in the Central North PacificEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-158.34 21.24, -158.34 22.84, -157.73 22.84, -157.73 21.24, -158.34 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact )2G\q.CXmu`K6! +gmd:MD_Metadatai+gmd:MD_Metadatah+gmd:MD_Metadatag+gmd:MD_Metadataf+gmd:MD_Metadatae+gmd:MD_Metadatad+gmd:MD_Metadatac+gmd:MD_Metadatab+gmd:MD_Metadataa+gmd:MD_Metadata`+gmd:MD_Metadata_+gmd:MD_Metadata^+gmd:MD_Metadata]+gmd:MD_Metadata\+gmd:MD_Metadata[+gmd:MD_MetadataZ+gmd:MD_MetadataY+gmd:MD_MetadataX+gmd:MD_MetadataW+gmd:MD_MetadataA+gmd:MD_MetadataB+gmd:MD_MetadataC+gmd:MD_MetadataD+gmd:MD_MetadataE+gmd:MD_MetadataF+gmd:MD_MetadataG+gmd:MD_MetadataH+gmd:MD_MetadataI+gmd:MD_MetadataJ+gmd:MD_MetadataK+gmd:MD_MetadataL+gmd:MD_MetadataM+gmd:MD_MetadataN+gmd:MD_MetadataO+gmd:MD_MetadataP+gmd:MD_MetadataQ+gmd:MD_MetadataR+gmd:MD_MetadataS+gmd:MD_MetadataT+gmd:MD_MetadataU+gmd:MD_MetadataV*l/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/901820 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1507 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1507 Ocean He* alth XPRIZE Virmani, Jyotika Schmidt Ocean Institute Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords * NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List * Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901820 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. * International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/901820 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1507 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1507 Ocean Health XPRIZE Virmani, Jyotika Schmidt Ocean Institute Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-05-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-05-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901820 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionOcean Health XPRIZEEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact nEnVW=1+M55%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/901823gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/901823 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us * pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1508 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1508 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng * oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37130 -157.86730 21.24482 22.86890 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86772 21.30114 -157.91451 21.2474 -158.15217 21.24741 -158.27478 21.34252 -158.33299 21.53698 -158.33306 21.58414 -158.244 21.90884 -158.08657 22.65853 -158.05268 22.74858 -157.99854 22.74945 -157.98487 22.85068 -158.00375 22.85145 -157.99933 22.74909 -157.99423 22.76746 -158.10474 22.69413 -158.06913 22.75895 -158.10913 22.7579 -158.10956 22.74509 -158.07867 22.74875 -158.06508 22.77213 -158.11472 22.75498 -157.99952 22.74959 -157.96345 22.83184 -157.96439 *22.85087 -157.98129 22.8521 -158.00082 22.81072 -158.0139 22.85195 -158.0289 22.85082 -157.99506 22.74681 -158.16235 22.7444 -158.23799 22.86887 -158.10117 22.79972 -157.91073 22.73905 -157.92299 22.75026 -157.92598 22.71269 -158.37084 21.84965 -158.333 21.53852 -158.29252 21.40431 -158.29337 21.35977 -158.15214 21.24856 -157.89264 21.24483 -157.88297 21.27463 Cruise Start and End 2015-05-22 * University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu * 2015-05-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901823 *" collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 <*#gco:CharacterString>Data was collected from this device. adcp raw *$ RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw *% RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw *) Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer ** raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. *+ gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. *3 radiometer raw Biospheri*4cal QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw *5 OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge *6 raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P *8 Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air *: raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw *< International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acous*>tic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplan*Bkton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field *C Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation *F logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog *J measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam *K RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere *L Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/901823 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-09-30 ISO 19115*M-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1508 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-09-30 published KM1508 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.37130 -157.86730 21.24482 22.86890 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86772 21.30114 -157.91451 21.2474 -158.15217 21.24741 -158.27478 21.34252 -158.33299 21.53698 -158.33306 21.58414 -158.244 21.90884 -158.08657 22.65853 -158.05268 22.74858 -157.99854 22.74945 -157.98487 22.85068 -158.00375 22.85145 -157.99933 22.74909 -157.99423 22.76746 -158.10474 22.69413 -158.06913 22.75895 -158.10913 22.7579 -158.10956*N 22.74509 -158.07867 22.74875 -158.06508 22.77213 -158.11472 22.75498 -157.99952 22.74959 -157.96345 22.83184 -157.96439 22.85087 -157.98129 22.8521 -158.00082 22.81072 -158.0139 22.85195 -158.0289 22.85082 -157.99506 22.74681 -158.16235 22.7444 -158.23799 22.86887 -158.10117 22.79972 -157.91073 22.73905 -157.92299 22.75026 -157.92598 22.71269 -158.37084 21.84965 -158.333 21.53852 -158.29252 21.40431 -158.29337 21.35977 -158.15214 21.24856 -157.89264 21.24483 -157.88297 21.27463 Cruise Start and End 2015-05-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-05-26 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/901823 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from th*Ois device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data wa*Ps collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities *Q RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-09-302015-09-30POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.87, -157.87 22.87, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact*Ssotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/906350 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1509 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1509 C-MORE 2015, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-11) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -159.83847 -157.84897 21.24286 22.87665 coordinates of ship track -157.88447 21.31508 -157.86733 21.30209 -157.91986 21.24293 -158.14997 21.24681 -158.27007 21.34829 -158.33284 21.5381 -158.33138 21.59063 -158.03854 22.74664 -157.99829 22.75174 -158.00785 22.87639 -158.02136 22.86773 -158.00185 22.74821 -158.00288 22.84974 -158.02633 22.84731 -157.99713 22.74693 -158.05436 22.69547 -158.12568 22.74245 -157.9965 22.74423 -158.12037 22.7483 -158.00485 22.74642 -158.07347 22.74849 -157.99253 22.75948 -158.12878 22.75389 -157.9996 22.75005 -158.01291 22.85042 -158.02665 22.84731 -158.001 22.75844 -158.02672 22.68767 -158.10619 22.7429 -158.1302 22.74066 -157.99149 22.73886 -157.99351 22.75146 -158.11097 22.74076 -157.98822 22.75389 -158.00242 22.85966 -158.02266 22.84*\889 -158.00048 22.74995 -157.89396 22.73328 -157.89293 22.74384 -157.94049 22.73866 -157.89067 22.75191 -158.00394 22.74815 -158.00966 22.67378 -157.88008 22.75713 -158.03126 22.74631 -157.88758 22.74798 -158.03082 22.7424 -157.8922 22.76748 -157.89318 22.7818 -157.92378 22.7683 -157.89798 22.75262 -157.89833 22.73212 -157.89264 22.74501 -157.89751 22.73401 -157.9848 22.73497 -158.01335 22.67129 -157.88445 22.75271 -157.84898 22.75308 -158.04082 22.74841 -157.97328 22.75318 -158.00124 22.75061 -157.8949 22.79791 -157.97462 22.75069 -157.90273 22.74349 -157.90681 22.72768 -157.89928 22.74758 -157.99067 22.74631 -157.89137 22.76043 -157.94232 22.74952 -158.00992 22.66642 -157.99883 22.64483 -158.02903 22.6239 -158.37743 22.5012 -158.43773 22.50429 -158.34704 22.5025 -158.42388 22.49247 -158.40363 22.49185 -158.4014 22.50456 -158.849 22.42089 -159.54695 22.26821 -159.68519 22.18601 -159.74921 22.16723 -159.8372 22.06293 -159.78466 21.95677 -159.56748 21.78874 -159.40519 21.7092 -158.81065 21.51717 -158.14862*] 21.24683 -157.89906 21.25344 Cruise Start and End 2015-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-06-17 <*_/gmd:extent> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu *` http://doi.org/10.7284/906350 collectionSession *a Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 *c Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was c*gollected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw *i Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer *j raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected fro*km this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw *m Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer *n raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. *o radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge *r raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. *s speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw *u RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air *v raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. *w tsg raw *x International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass c*~ompass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeomete*r, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation * Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P * ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/906350 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1509 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1509 C-MORE 2015, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-11) Church, Matthew University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geos*cientificInformation -159.83847 -157.84897 21.24286 22.87665 coordinates of ship track -157.88447 21.31508 -157.86733 21.30209 -157.91986 21.24293 -158.14997 21.24681 -158.27007 21.34829 -158.33284 21.5381 -158.33138 21.59063 -158.03854 22.74664 -157.99829 22.75174 -158.00785 22.87639 -158.02136 22.86773 -158.00185 22.74821 -158.00288 22.84974 -158.02633 22.84731 -157.99713 22.74693 -158.05436 22.69547 -158.12568 22.74245 -157.9965 22.74423 -158.12037 22.7483 -158.00485 22.74642 -158.07347 22.74849 -157.99253 22.75948 -158.12878 22.75389 -157.9996 22.75005 -158.01291 22.85042 -158.02665 22.84731 -158.001 22.75844 -158.02672 22.68767 -158.10619 22.7429 -158.1302 22.74066 -157.99149 22.73886 -157.99351 22.75146 -158.11097 22.74076 -157.98822 22.75389 -158.00242 22.85966 -158.02266 22.84889 -158.00048 22.74995 -157.89396 22.73328 -157.89293 22.74384 -157.94049 22.73866 -157.89067 22.75191 -158.00394 22.74815 -158.00966 22.67378 -157.88008 22.75713 -158.03126 22.74631 -157.88758 2*2.74798 -158.03082 22.7424 -157.8922 22.76748 -157.89318 22.7818 -157.92378 22.7683 -157.89798 22.75262 -157.89833 22.73212 -157.89264 22.74501 -157.89751 22.73401 -157.9848 22.73497 -158.01335 22.67129 -157.88445 22.75271 -157.84898 22.75308 -158.04082 22.74841 -157.97328 22.75318 -158.00124 22.75061 -157.8949 22.79791 -157.97462 22.75069 -157.90273 22.74349 -157.90681 22.72768 -157.89928 22.74758 -157.99067 22.74631 -157.89137 22.76043 -157.94232 22.74952 -158.00992 22.66642 -157.99883 22.64483 -158.02903 22.6239 -158.37743 22.5012 -158.43773 22.50429 -158.34704 22.5025 -158.42388 22.49247 -158.40363 22.49185 -158.4014 22.50456 -158.849 22.42089 -159.54695 22.26821 -159.68519 22.18601 -159.74921 22.16723 -159.8372 22.06293 -159.78466 21.95677 -159.56748 21.78874 -159.40519 21.7092 -158.81065 21.51717 -158.14862 21.24683 -157.89906 21.25344 Cruise Start and End 2015-06-10 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-06-*17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906350 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell *CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106* anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionC-MORE 2015, Leg 2/Summer Course (Agouron-11)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-159.84 21.24, -159.84 22.88, -157.85 22.88, -157.85 21.24, -159.84 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact v;vLY=1+M5oA%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906351gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906351 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Prog*ram info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1510 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1510 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36697 -157.86759 * 21.24598 22.85489 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86886 21.29916 -157.91972 21.24775 -158.15355 21.24774 -158.27584 21.34465 -158.33568 21.5795 -158.05409 22.74564 -158.00084 22.75059 -157.91075 22.68635 -158.0012 22.74919 -157.98766 22.7*537 -157.98196 22.72377 -157.96319 22.72632 -158.04177 22.60552 -158.00559 22.67322 -158.01956 22.73685 -158.10829 22.73672 -158.00058 22.75935 -157.89216 22.73058 -157.89241 22.74761 -157.91853 22.75527 -157.92966 22.77873 -157.90016 22.85483 -157.95031 22.72493 -157.90295 22.69289 -157.93135 22.72504 -158.00026 22.75051 -158.05297 22.43631 -157.89706 22.74156 -157.89086 22.7224 -157.90904 22.73972 -157.89137 22.73589 -157.90752 22.73942 -157.89564 22.7306 -158.01646 22.57645 -158.24667 22.31892 -158.27356 22.31423 -158.36693 21.85285 -158.33302 21.53596 -158.2731 21.34395 -158.15034 21.2492 -157.94483 21.24767 Cruise Start and End * 2015-06-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906351 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw * Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. <*/gmd:description> fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw * Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter * raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. * gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. * magnetometer raw Campbe*ll CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw <*/gmi:output> Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer * raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. * radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 * Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge * raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P * Data was collected from this device. ssv raw * RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw * International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and* direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure <*gmd:MD_Identifier> WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimet*er measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) * Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature * Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 * metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. * OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 * speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere * Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/906351 *eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1510 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1510 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36697 -157.86759 21.24598 22.85489 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31569 -157.86886 21.29916 -157.91972 21.24775 -158.15355 21.24774 -158.27584 21.34465 -158.33568 21.5795 -158.05409 22.74564 -158.00084 22.75059 -157.91075 22.68635 -*158.0012 22.74919 -157.98766 22.7537 -157.98196 22.72377 -157.96319 22.72632 -158.04177 22.60552 -158.00559 22.67322 -158.01956 22.73685 -158.10829 22.73672 -158.00058 22.75935 -157.89216 22.73058 -157.89241 22.74761 -157.91853 22.75527 -157.92966 22.77873 -157.90016 22.85483 -157.95031 22.72493 -157.90295 22.69289 -157.93135 22.72504 -158.00026 22.75051 -158.05297 22.43631 -157.89706 22.74156 -157.89086 22.7224 -157.90904 22.73972 -157.89137 22.73589 -157.90752 22.73942 -157.89564 22.7306 -158.01646 22.57645 -158.24667 22.31892 -158.27356 22.31423 -158.36693 21.85285 -158.33302 21.53596 -158.2731 21.34395 -158.15034 21.2492 -157.94483 21.24767 Cruise Start and End 2015-06-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-06-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906351 collectionSession Descriptions of* datasets collected by devices. RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP * Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measur*es atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-158.37 21.25, -158.37 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.25, -158.37 21.25))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact !,F`z0Jd~v\B(52016-10-26T02:48:26Zi52016-10-26T02:48:26Zh52016-10-26T02:48:26Zg52016-10-26T02:48:26Zf52016-10-26T02:48:26Ze52016-10-26T02:48:26Zd52016-10-26T02:48:26Zc52016-10-26T02:48:26Zb52016-10-26T02:48:26Za52016-10-26T02:48:26Z`52016-10-26T02:48:26Z_52016-10-26T02:48:26Z^52016-10-26T02:48:26Z]52016-10-26T02:48:26Z\52016-10-26T02:48:26Z[52016-10-26T02:48:25ZI52016-10-26T02:48:25ZJ52016-10-26T02:48:26ZK52016-10-26T02:48:26ZL52016-10-26T02:48:26ZM52016-10-26T02:48:26ZN52016-10-26T02:48:26ZO52016-10-26T02:48:26ZP52016-10-26T02:48:26ZQ52016-10-26T02:48:26ZR52016-10-26T02:48:26ZS52016-10-26T02:48:26ZT52016-10-26T02:48:26ZU52016-10-26T02:48:26ZV52016-10-26T02:48:26ZW52016-10-26T02:48:26ZX52016-10-26T02:48:26ZY52016-10-26T02:48:26ZZ*gis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/906352 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdat*a.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1511 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1511 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords * NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-06-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-07-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List * Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906352 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. * International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/906352 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1511 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1511 Bottom Mapping/Sampling Smith, John University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-06-25 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-07-14 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906352 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionBottom Mapping/SamplingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact OOmZ<1+M5M[%;9 !! [)doi:10.7284/906352gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Zutf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1512 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 publish*ed KM1512 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel * University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian * Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation * -158.36744 -157.86739 21.22226 22.83732 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31568 -157.86803 21.30072 -157.90944 21.25662 -158.03153 21.22369 -158.16077 21.25211 -158.27862 21.34675 -158.33349 21.53304 -158.3363 21.59111 -158.05361 22.76678 -158.05296 22.74913 -157.99971 22.75047 -158.05544 22.83721 -158.06935 22.82492 -158.0076 22.75007 -157.99395 22.75077 -158.1162 22.69254 -158.1285 22.67361 -158.07722 22.70663 -158.11854 22.69866 -158.04488 22.72181 -158.08296 22.69578 -158.09915 22.70476 -158.01462 22.75167 -158.01586 22.77051 -158.05517 22.80418 -158.08705 22.81046 -158.09535 22.79767 -158.0557 22.78903 -158.08778 22.81202 -158.09617 22.79474 -158.05642 22.78929 -158.08774 22.80469 -158.09911 22.79066 -157.9964 22.74876 -158.24063 22.64867 -158.05017 22.66547 -157.97908 22.65314 -157.97711 22.66652 -157.97466 22.65211 -157.98322 22.6669 -157.97174 22.6542 -157.96984 22.69273 -157.91623 22.81508 -158.36741 21.84746 -158.34877 21.65678 -158.33301 21.52988 -158.26844 21.33923 -158.15246 21.24888 -157.89817 21.24901 Cruise Start and End 2015-07-18 <*gco:CharacterString>University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-07-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu * http://doi.org/10.7284/906353 collectionSession * Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp * raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this d*evice. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw * Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer * raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. * fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter * raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. * gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw <*/gmi:LE_Source> Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. * metstation raw Epple*y PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 * Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog * raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii + operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures wate+r current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities + RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 + barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar f+ luorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A + hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator+/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. + Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 + raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog + measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD + winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906353 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1512 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1512 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Sadler, Daniel University of Hawaii Scientis+t, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36744 -157.86739 21.22226 22.83732 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31568 -157.86803 21.30072 -157.90944 21.25662 -158.03153 21.22369 -158.16077 21.25211 -158.27862 21.34675 -158.33349 21.53304 -158.3363 21.59111 -158.05361 22.76678 -158.05296 22.74913 -157.99971 22.75047 -158.05544 22.83721 -158.06935 22.82492 -158.0076 22.75007 -157.99395 22.75077 -158.1162 22.69254 -158.1285 22.67361 -158.07722 22.70663 -158.11854 22.69866 -158.04488 22.72181 -158.08296 22.69578 -158.09915 22.70476 -158.01462 22.75167 -158.01586 22.77051 -158.05517 22.80418 -158.08705 22.81046 -158.09535 22.79767 -158.0557 22.78903 -158.08778 22.81202 -158.09617 22.79474 -158.05642 22.78929 -158.08774 22.80469 -158.09911 22.+79066 -157.9964 22.74876 -158.24063 22.64867 -158.05017 22.66547 -157.97908 22.65314 -157.97711 22.66652 -157.97466 22.65211 -157.98322 22.6669 -157.97174 22.6542 -157.96984 22.69273 -157.91623 22.81508 -158.36741 21.84746 -158.34877 21.65678 -158.33301 21.52988 -158.26844 21.33923 -158.15246 21.24888 -157.89817 21.24901 Cruise Start and End 2015-07-18 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-07-22 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906353 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Dat+a was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw + OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction + Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-158.37 21.22, -158.37 22.84, -157.87 22.84, -157.87 21.22, -158.37 21.22))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact CC4[=1+M5k%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906353gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906354 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact + 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1513 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1513 C-MORE 2015, Leg 3/Hawaii Ocean Experiment (HOE)-Legacy 2A +! Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33321 -156.27559 21.19871 24.62808 coordinates of ship track +% -157.88631 21.31568 -157.86827 21.30535 -157.87392 21.29042 -157.93289 21.24555 -158.15485 21.2513 -158.32882 21.53573 -158.33299 21.58415 -158.28811 21.61019 -158.1416 21.62967 -158.26971 21.63306 -158.12115 21.60822 -156.79497 24.20335 -156.80651 24.24202 -156.83001 24.25025 -156.80638 24.23887 -156.84173 24.30944 -156.81844 24.28663 -156.80726 24.31768 -156.79375 24.31625 -156.79551 24.35235 -156.82328 24.39235 -156.79944 24.36734 -156.76649 24.38642 -156.79424 24.37259 -156.71927 24.47776 -156.71582 24.52623 -156.68571 24.49721 -156.64596 24.5328 -156.64756 24.56455 -156.64068 24.53845 -156.60185 24.52961 -156.5813 24.55226 -156.59968 24.52896 -156.53491 24.57377 -156.50141 24.62799 -156.51045 24.60119 -156.49051 24.59006 -156.46075 24.60127 -156.42267 24.57528 -156.40178 24.59889 -156.43301 24.57022 -156.40937 24.57227+& -156.41339 24.583 -156.40161 24.55401 -156.40238 24.58038 -156.37896 24.57883 -156.40121 24.59828 -156.36361 24.58381 -156.35346 24.55635 -156.31028 24.55235 -156.33749 24.53601 -156.3409 24.55147 -156.32951 24.54632 -156.34241 24.52826 -156.32996 24.55546 -156.30423 24.54513 -156.3315 24.51641 -156.33005 24.53912 -156.29908 24.54383 -156.32813 24.51638 -156.30961 24.53534 -156.29732 24.50754 -156.32001 24.48366 -156.31206 24.50067 -156.27563 24.49971 -156.2845 24.47623 -156.30513 24.49608 -156.27632 24.4722 -156.30101 24.4825 -156.2933 24.38228 -156.3213 24.41601 -156.30914 24.40686 -156.3468 24.3942 -156.35972 24.36823 -156.36286 24.40337 -156.34453 24.39 -156.35553 24.35908 -156.34301 24.3611 -156.34586 24.34377 -156.31217 24.34518 -156.39772 24.26086 -156.41029 24.26491 -156.40925 24.2911 -156.40594 24.27369 -156.42761 24.26393 -156.34858 24.28372 -156.43685 24.2725 -156.35894 24.35148 -156.35377 24.32817 -156.37094 24.2982 -156.47782 24.20775 -156.53974 24.17568 -156.71353 23.47671 -157.54911 21.204+'5 -157.828 21.19941 -157.8945 21.25728 Cruise Start and End 2015-07-24 <+(gmd:title> University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-08-05 +) University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906354 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw +/ Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer <+0/gmd:description> raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this dev+1ice. fluorometer raw +2 Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw +3 Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter +4 raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw +; Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw +? Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog +@ raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. +E winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii +G operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppl+Her current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field +M Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation +P logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. +R Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere +V Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD +W winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906354 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1513 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1513 C-MORE 2015, Leg 3/Hawaii Ocean Experiment (HOE)+X-Legacy 2A Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33321 -156.27559 21.19871 24.62808 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31568 -157.86827 21.30535 -157.87392 21.29042 -157.93289 21.24555 -158.15485 21.2513 -158.32882 21.53573 -158.33299 21.58415 -158.28811 21.61019 -158.1416 21.62967 -158.26971 21.63306 -158.12115 21.60822 -156.79497 24.20335 -156.80651 24.24202 -156.83001 24.25025 -156.80638 24.23887 -156.84173 24.30944 -156.81844 24.28663 -156.80726 24.31768 -156.79375 24.31625 -156.79551 24.35235 -156.82328 24.39235 -156.79944 24.36734 -156.76649 24.38642 -156.79424 24.37259 -156.71927 24.47776 -156.71582 24.52623 -156.68571 24.49721 -156.64596 24.5328 -156.64756 24.56455 -15+Y6.64068 24.53845 -156.60185 24.52961 -156.5813 24.55226 -156.59968 24.52896 -156.53491 24.57377 -156.50141 24.62799 -156.51045 24.60119 -156.49051 24.59006 -156.46075 24.60127 -156.42267 24.57528 -156.40178 24.59889 -156.43301 24.57022 -156.40937 24.57227 -156.41339 24.583 -156.40161 24.55401 -156.40238 24.58038 -156.37896 24.57883 -156.40121 24.59828 -156.36361 24.58381 -156.35346 24.55635 -156.31028 24.55235 -156.33749 24.53601 -156.3409 24.55147 -156.32951 24.54632 -156.34241 24.52826 -156.32996 24.55546 -156.30423 24.54513 -156.3315 24.51641 -156.33005 24.53912 -156.29908 24.54383 -156.32813 24.51638 -156.30961 24.53534 -156.29732 24.50754 -156.32001 24.48366 -156.31206 24.50067 -156.27563 24.49971 -156.2845 24.47623 -156.30513 24.49608 -156.27632 24.4722 -156.30101 24.4825 -156.2933 24.38228 -156.3213 24.41601 -156.30914 24.40686 -156.3468 24.3942 -156.35972 24.36823 -156.36286 24.40337 -156.34453 24.39 -156.35553 24.35908 -156.34301 24.3611 -156.34586 24.34377 -156.31217 24.34518 -156.39772 24.26086+Z -156.41029 24.26491 -156.40925 24.2911 -156.40594 24.27369 -156.42761 24.26393 -156.34858 24.28372 -156.43685 24.2725 -156.35894 24.35148 -156.35377 24.32817 -156.37094 24.2982 -156.47782 24.20775 -156.53974 24.17568 -156.71353 23.47671 -157.54911 21.2045 -157.828 21.19941 -157.8945 21.25728 Cruise Start and End 2015-07-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-08-05 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906354 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this dev+[ice. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Dat+\a was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barome+]ter measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionC-MORE 2015, Leg 3/Hawaii Ocean Experiment (HOE)-Legacy 2AEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-158.33 21.20, -158.33 24.63, -156.28 24.63, -156.28 21.20, -158.33 21.20))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact @\>1+M5Y%9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906354gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906355 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) +c Cruise KM1514 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1514 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords +f NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-08-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906355 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. +l International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator doi:10.7284/906355 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1514 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1514 ROV Lu'ukai Testing Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation coordinates of ship track Cruise Start and End 2015-08-09 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-08-13 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906355 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator engfieldSessionROV Lu'ukai TestingEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact [w^>1+M5!C%m9 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/906356gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906356 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling+r Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1515 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1515 Isotopic Insights to Mercury in Marine Food Webs Popp, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme +v NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89434 -154.01283 +x 4.87196 21.31577 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86764 21.30416 -157.87033 21.21389 -157.82209 21.14483 -156.78761 19.80988 -156.496 19.45462 -154.99996 17.50104 -155.00103 8.49669 -154.99673 +y8.16151 -154.96892 7.94787 -154.96908 7.96223 -154.97134 7.9501 -155.0001 7.96677 -155.00284 7.93325 -155.12815 7.97253 -155.19586 7.97409 -154.95941 7.94152 -154.97505 7.956 -154.95733 7.90907 -154.96201 7.93514 -155.14156 7.96685 -154.96926 7.93309 -154.95551 7.94894 -154.97847 7.95084 -154.96602 7.95168 -155.17414 7.86032 -154.98715 7.92344 -154.93909 7.91808 -154.97299 7.93934 -155.12255 7.80293 -154.95889 7.9273 -154.97473 7.92181 -154.55829 7.83624 -154.36229 7.78439 -154.27289 7.74489 -154.6804 7.86733 -154.92339 7.8673 -155.11645 7.90377 -154.89116 7.91572 -154.92765 7.93784 -154.95609 7.92816 -154.97573 7.95259 -154.88858 7.89856 -155.03705 7.9039 -155.12165 7.92453 -154.89634 7.9231 -154.92382 7.93749 -154.88327 7.91974 -154.93187 7.93447 -154.92246 7.89641 -154.92867 7.92688 -155.06134 7.92553 -155.1496 7.95129 -154.87569 7.91468 -155.08882 7.93245 -155.10133 7.92185 -154.86839 7.91275 -155.1007 7.88332 -155.09677 7.87354 -154.98066 7.89404 -155.16965 7.98663 -154.96499 7.94876 -154.97779 7.942+z49 -154.96731 7.95173 -154.97933 7.94296 -154.96816 7.95119 -154.97688 7.94157 -154.94996 7.91762 -154.85602 7.86331 -155.02934 7.86978 -154.9859 7.19636 -154.9493 5.17666 -154.90206 5.17958 -154.94525 5.09275 -154.92513 5.00111 -154.93852 5.00629 -154.9218 5.00921 -154.93793 5.00609 -154.90872 4.98997 -155.06033 4.9792 -154.90472 4.99119 -154.93427 5.01795 -154.92911 5.00479 -154.93374 5.01626 -154.84526 5.00132 -154.99021 4.92588 -154.83844 4.99502 -154.83371 5.03087 -154.82916 5.00082 -154.96944 4.95449 -154.91501 5.00296 -154.93802 5.00864 -154.9207 5.01333 -154.94402 5.00858 -154.9209 5.01231 -154.93582 5.00791 -154.91589 4.99202 -155.00417 5.02087 -155.30829 5.01669 -155.07279 5.00047 -155.1113 4.95186 -155.20734 4.90709 -154.99928 4.98855 -154.9901 4.97627 -154.93521 4.97713 -155.21144 4.87197 -155.17637 4.89419 -155.16848 4.88367 -155.04988 4.91564 -155.23536 4.87957 -154.92155 5.0087 -154.67765 4.93943 -154.85043 4.89489 -154.04695 4.9578 -154.0166 4.93422 -154.40064 4.97061 -154.40161 4.99508 -1+{54.59883 4.9668 -154.87091 4.95622 -155.08931 4.998 -155.09383 5.02184 -154.92279 5.00658 -155.05061 4.99008 -155.13806 4.92009 -154.92474 5.01624 -154.9355 4.99096 -154.82981 4.99657 -155.00556 4.94825 -155.08901 4.99638 -155.096 5.02091 -155.07884 4.99624 -155.05565 5.00259 -155.06358 5.02431 -154.93061 4.98469 -154.93493 5.00436 -154.92195 5.00785 -154.9366 5.00634 -154.90769 4.97985 -155.16249 4.92564 -154.9773 4.99037 -154.90982 4.99338 -154.93685 5.00559 -154.92027 4.98547 -154.93906 5.00411 -154.92504 4.99574 -154.93803 5.00271 -154.9272 5.00129 -154.91554 5.0549 -154.9137 5.17535 -154.90608 5.16283 -155.13561 6.33563 -155.24683 6.80508 -155.36228 7.20634 -155.53661 8.14806 -155.60281 8.2476 -155.63987 8.64097 -155.75252 9.23396 -155.95772 10.49426 -156.1406 11.45948 -156.33871 12.6315 -156.38896 12.84949 -156.49237 13.51319 -156.86328 15.59489 -156.97938 16.13765 -157.0405 16.58017 -157.30807 18.02408 -157.3491 18.10095 -157.36979 18.21105 -157.44987 18.84754 -157.83486 20.87185 -157.89433 21.2225+|1 -157.86799 21.30058 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2015-08-15 +} University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-09-12 +~ University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906356 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw <+gmd:description> RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw + Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer + raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from thi+s device. ctd raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw + Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer + raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. + gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw + Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation <+gmd:MD_Identifier> raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw +Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw + Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer + raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 + Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw + AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv + raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. + tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 + Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List + Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator + RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer + measures atmospheric pressure Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. + WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a mot+orized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) + Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906356 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact+ 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1515 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1515 Isotopic Insights to Mercury in Marine Food Webs Popp, Brian University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89434 -154.01283 4.87196 21.31577 coordinates of ship track -157.88629 21.31569 -157.86764 21.30416 -157.87033 21.21389 -157.82209 21.14483 -156.78761 19.80988 -156.496 19.45462 -154.99996 17.50104 -155.00103 8.49669 -154.99673 8.16151 -154.96892 7.94787 -154.96908 7.96223 -154.97134 7.9501 -155.0001 7.96677 -155.00284 7.93325 -155.12815 7.97253 -155.19586 7.97409 -154.95941 7.94+152 -154.97505 7.956 -154.95733 7.90907 -154.96201 7.93514 -155.14156 7.96685 -154.96926 7.93309 -154.95551 7.94894 -154.97847 7.95084 -154.96602 7.95168 -155.17414 7.86032 -154.98715 7.92344 -154.93909 7.91808 -154.97299 7.93934 -155.12255 7.80293 -154.95889 7.9273 -154.97473 7.92181 -154.55829 7.83624 -154.36229 7.78439 -154.27289 7.74489 -154.6804 7.86733 -154.92339 7.8673 -155.11645 7.90377 -154.89116 7.91572 -154.92765 7.93784 -154.95609 7.92816 -154.97573 7.95259 -154.88858 7.89856 -155.03705 7.9039 -155.12165 7.92453 -154.89634 7.9231 -154.92382 7.93749 -154.88327 7.91974 -154.93187 7.93447 -154.92246 7.89641 -154.92867 7.92688 -155.06134 7.92553 -155.1496 7.95129 -154.87569 7.91468 -155.08882 7.93245 -155.10133 7.92185 -154.86839 7.91275 -155.1007 7.88332 -155.09677 7.87354 -154.98066 7.89404 -155.16965 7.98663 -154.96499 7.94876 -154.97779 7.94249 -154.96731 7.95173 -154.97933 7.94296 -154.96816 7.95119 -154.97688 7.94157 -154.94996 7.91762 -154.85602 7.86331 -155.02934 7.86978 -154.9859 7.19636 +-154.9493 5.17666 -154.90206 5.17958 -154.94525 5.09275 -154.92513 5.00111 -154.93852 5.00629 -154.9218 5.00921 -154.93793 5.00609 -154.90872 4.98997 -155.06033 4.9792 -154.90472 4.99119 -154.93427 5.01795 -154.92911 5.00479 -154.93374 5.01626 -154.84526 5.00132 -154.99021 4.92588 -154.83844 4.99502 -154.83371 5.03087 -154.82916 5.00082 -154.96944 4.95449 -154.91501 5.00296 -154.93802 5.00864 -154.9207 5.01333 -154.94402 5.00858 -154.9209 5.01231 -154.93582 5.00791 -154.91589 4.99202 -155.00417 5.02087 -155.30829 5.01669 -155.07279 5.00047 -155.1113 4.95186 -155.20734 4.90709 -154.99928 4.98855 -154.9901 4.97627 -154.93521 4.97713 -155.21144 4.87197 -155.17637 4.89419 -155.16848 4.88367 -155.04988 4.91564 -155.23536 4.87957 -154.92155 5.0087 -154.67765 4.93943 -154.85043 4.89489 -154.04695 4.9578 -154.0166 4.93422 -154.40064 4.97061 -154.40161 4.99508 -154.59883 4.9668 -154.87091 4.95622 -155.08931 4.998 -155.09383 5.02184 -154.92279 5.00658 -155.05061 4.99008 -155.13806 4.92009 -154.92474 5.01624 -154.93+55 4.99096 -154.82981 4.99657 -155.00556 4.94825 -155.08901 4.99638 -155.096 5.02091 -155.07884 4.99624 -155.05565 5.00259 -155.06358 5.02431 -154.93061 4.98469 -154.93493 5.00436 -154.92195 5.00785 -154.9366 5.00634 -154.90769 4.97985 -155.16249 4.92564 -154.9773 4.99037 -154.90982 4.99338 -154.93685 5.00559 -154.92027 4.98547 -154.93906 5.00411 -154.92504 4.99574 -154.93803 5.00271 -154.9272 5.00129 -154.91554 5.0549 -154.9137 5.17535 -154.90608 5.16283 -155.13561 6.33563 -155.24683 6.80508 -155.36228 7.20634 -155.53661 8.14806 -155.60281 8.2476 -155.63987 8.64097 -155.75252 9.23396 -155.95772 10.49426 -156.1406 11.45948 -156.33871 12.6315 -156.38896 12.84949 -156.49237 13.51319 -156.86328 15.59489 -156.97938 16.13765 -157.0405 16.58017 -157.30807 18.02408 -157.3491 18.10095 -157.36979 18.21105 -157.44987 18.84754 -157.83486 20.87185 -157.89433 21.22251 -157.86799 21.30058 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2015-08-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS+) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-09-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906356 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw + Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this devi+ce. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence +(usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionIsotopic Insights to Mercury in Marine Food WebsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-157.89 4.87, -157.89 21.32, -154.01 21.32, -154.01 4.87, -157.89 4.87))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact+"http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/906357 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us + pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1516 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1516 ALOHA Cabled Observatory +(ACO) Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33799 -157.86703 21.23948 22.74469 + coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21.31567 -157.8692 21.29871 -157.92503 21.24708 -158.15367 21.24796 -158.27242 21.34089 -158.33298 21.541 -158.32354 21.63302 -158.00467 22.73913 -158.03576 22.74466 -158.16163 22.30641 -158.22349 21.97687 -158.33799 21.55251 -158.27165 21.34042 -158.15304 21.24826 -157.90806 21.23994 -157.86787 21.30165 -157.88544 21.31523 Cruise Start and End 2015-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List + Honolulu 2015-09-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu + http://doi.org/10.7284/906357 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. + adcp raw RM Young 85106 + Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw + Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. + fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw + Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw + Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw + Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 + Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv + raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from+ this device. tempprobe_air raw + Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw + International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 + adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) + Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature + Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) + Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures r+adiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface t+emperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/906357 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1516 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1516 ALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO) Howe, Bruce University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigati+on. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33799 -157.86703 21.23948 22.74469 coordinates of ship track -157.88624 21.31567 -157.8692 21.29871 -157.92503 21.24708 -158.15367 21.24796 -158.27242 21.34089 -158.33298 21.541 -158.32354 21.63302 -158.00467 22.73913 -158.03576 22.74466 -158.16163 22.30641 -158.22349 21.97687 -158.33799 21.55251 -158.27165 21.34042 -158.15304 21.24826 -157.90806 21.23994 -157.86787 21.30165 -157.88544 21.31523 Cruise Start and End 2015-09-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-09-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906357 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from thi+s device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was+ collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities + RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionALOHA Cabled Observatory (ACO)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-158.34 21.24, -158.34 22.74, -157.87 22.74, -157.87 21.24, -158.34 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 2D`>1+M5q%]9 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/906358gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906358 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us + pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1517 on RV K+ilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1517 Recovery of Seamount Precious Coral Beds + Baco-Taylor, Amy Florida State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Su+pport Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 171.69464 -157.86740 21.23118 35.06879 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31572 -157.86754 21.30192 -157.92661 21.23118 -157.97737 21.2537 -158.20185 21.25461 -158.44545 21.31301 -158.6566 21.29994 -160.13193 21.45447 -160.27996 21.80664 -160.28298 22.03452 -160.30647 22.01646 -160.28226 22.04004 -160.27147 22.03122 -160.29055 22.03507 -160.27513 22.02985 -160.28661 22.04024 -160.27757 22.03133 -160.27532 22.05215 -160.7102 22.02243 -162.00608 22.00191 -164.00414 22.37288 -164.28208 23.21842 -164.2224 23.30141 -164.24981 23.21149 -164.21378 23.29268 -164.22513 23.50277 -164.25794 23.49455 -164.23,67 23.33487 -164.28499 23.44405 -164.42194 23.60341 -164.45969 23.68357 -164.47009 23.58522 -164.45408 23.5455 -164.46476 23.54226 -164.55029 23.70139 -164.61326 23.72389 -167.18213 25.75723 -167.49793 25.99454 -167.61202 26.03953 -175.2501 28.58313 -177.68085 29.20942 -178.49647 29.41368 -179.57675 28.94473 -179.49123 28.93011 -179.57553 28.94168 -179.50337 28.8898 -179.50688 28.87634 -179.65835 28.99449 -179.99722 29.203179.99966 29.20489 179.11871 29.74634 179.07314 29.80737 179.05248 29.80643 179.05432 29.78591 179.07641 29.78985 179.07256 29.81525 179.04573 29.80978 179.04653 29.78326 179.08205 29.78536 179.07948 29.81143 179.05427 29.81302 179.05374 29.78149 179.06161 29.81435 179.07362 29.77959 179.0694 29.82007 179.06263 29.77233 179.07877 29.7737 179.09028 29.80937 179.04962 29.83693 178.77987 30.20875 17,8.71425 30.27266 178.70304 30.26406 178.71719 30.26784 178.70855 30.28134 178.69113 30.27342 178.69374 30.25722 178.72363 30.25645 178.71545 30.2831 178.68074 30.27215 178.70497 30.24268 178.73454 30.2561 178.6758 30.25951 178.72988 30.26175 178.68451 30.26925 178.72431 30.27941 178.48361 30.30671 176.98806 30.80576 176.0697 30.96864 175.86537 31.02857 175.88942 31.00701 175.90126 31.01896 175.89057 31.0303 175.87325 31.00292 175.86425 31.0219 175.88465 31.0393 175.9087 31.02761 175.90507 31.00535 175.88831 30.9992 175.88665 31.01942 175.91432 31.05804 175.91739 31.03678 175.89715 31.02489 175.57403 31.05111 173.38696 31.44305 173.13831 31.82809 172.97987 32.13081 172.73407 32.24462 172.87075 32.32581 172.74235 32.24509 172.75781 32.22696 172.73924 32.22373 172.72522 32.24514 172.86445 32.33655 172.71821 32.24799 172.73136 32.21183 172.70681 32.24698 172.84783 32.34906 172.68857 32.24809 172.83044 32.36368 172.65785 32.2389 172.75496 32.24598 172.88038 32.31796 172.85196 32.34486 172.85498 32.39 172.85771, 32.32379 172.8267 32.29899 172.7808 32.30399 172.70691 32.3529 172.64714 32.47163 172.2701 32.70417 172.32914 33.91411 172.09958 33.91212 171.78176 33.93438 171.69464 33.955 171.73246 34.40021 171.8531 34.65278 171.8466 34.59538 171.88396 34.59662 171.88416 34.62432 171.78803 34.69683 171.77183 34.63683 171.76092 34.6371 171.87446 34.73328 171.91166 34.93915 171.85813 34.91899 171.96139 34.90904 171.86038 34.90641 171.95796 34.89206 171.86122 34.88671 171.86119 34.87169 172.02964 34.87104 172.03751 34.85844 171.90806 34.85298 171.91561 34.83415 171.9906 34.83317 171.99875 34.81699 171.89952 34.81354 171.89691 34.87791 171.85139 34.87938 171.85457 34.89188 171.90106 34.89473 171.8575 34.9029 171.90035 34.92099 171.85808 34.93103 171.90032 34.93406 171.90117 34.92076 171.95764 34.91967 171.89426 34.90982 171.97082 34.89842 171.99628 34.84609 172.00209 34.86981 171.9712 34.86575 171.98213 34.88309 171.9573 34.9006 171.95806 34.87687 171.94253 34.91418 171.89239 34.87404 171.94105 34.91878 171.88798 34.9121 ,171.89336 34.92061 171.8441 34.94621 171.96889 35.06253 172.02616 35.01731 171.93177 34.94621 171.83988 34.95445 171.98272 34.95907 171.85296 34.96525 171.96084 34.97602 171.8836 34.9836 171.89185 34.99473 171.99045 34.99596 171.91628 35.00429 171.98902 35.01467 171.91286 35.01779 172.00373 35.03178 171.91802 35.03802 171.86357 35.06318 171.90577 35.03714 171.93495 35.06878 171.90722 35.06794 171.9074 35.00866 171.88251 34.99231 171.97149 34.98448 171.86776 34.97145 171.95242 34.9675 171.93359 34.95284 171.85118 34.95493 171.98264 35.04192 171.97021 35.05269 171.90927 35.0465 171.95423 35.05084 171.9369 35.03248 171.95034 35.02628 171.94412 35.01356 171.98797 35.02644 172.00444 35.01042 171.99874 34.99498 171.97837 34.98707 171.97017 35.00842 171.93267 34.99829 171.91087 34.94466 171.88686 34.94947 172.06106 34.84878 172.27181 32.7009 172.3031 32.68853 172.29648 32.67809 172.27401 32.69505 172.29008 32.67668 172.30534 32.68371 172.25089 32.678 172.23763 32.69243 172.25625 32.70737 172.24334 32.72106 172.2,708 32.72631 172.24551 32.73415 172.21844 32.73278 172.23414 32.69886 172.21504 32.68782 172.23928 32.67407 172.25344 32.63404 172.29341 32.62553 172.26425 32.62437 172.25818 32.60221 172.27755 32.72778 172.3275 32.6841 172.29362 32.71286 172.25302 32.71854 172.26912 32.69307 172.27554 32.70217 172.74779 32.44456 172.88185 32.45848 172.94865 32.43331 172.98673 32.38403 173.04555 32.05939 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-173.29793 26.10885 -173.29925 26.05125 -173.3003 26.08597 -173.28604 26.08106 -173.2784 26.10453 -173.30858 26.09572 -173.29674 26.08502 -173.40356 26.11612 -173.37608 26.11605 -173.40175 26.11853 -173.38444 26.12723 -173.40813 26.12417 -173.36685 26.13903 -173.2991 26.11854 -173.22521 26.07814 -173.16511 26.01984 -172.12631 24.72016 -172.02429 24.65719 -167.80181 23.80119 -166.60611 23.82907 -166.40105 23.84882 -166.38978 23.74362 -166.35228 23.70775 -166.39531 23.74187 -166.39774 23.83504 -166.40212 23., 73824 -166.35595 23.70092 -166.363 23.69326 -166.41269 23.73291 -166.41778 23.83492 -166.43007 23.72555 -166.43219 23.83718 -166.4123 23.83916 -166.40725 23.7334 -166.3237 23.67657 -166.35217 23.71366 -166.30731 23.66498 -166.16987 23.57466 -166.0977 23.58281 -166.02397 23.67982 -166.08695 23.57724 -166.01043 23.67439 -166.00127 23.66661 -166.04724 23.59851 -165.98534 23.64632 -166.04106 23.56204 -166.13394 22.88711 -166.15564 22.89728 -166.38046 23.72486 -166.39905 23.7402 -166.34924 23.71005 -166.36102 23.7186 -166.36584 23.68809 -166.15356 22.89257 -166.08547 22.8853 -166.04129 23.66351 -166.06051 23.6376 -166.04027 23.65884 -166.05073 23.63185 -166.01723 23.65232 -166.01983 23.62369 -166.00381 23.66775 -166.00242 23.62411 -166.01349 23.61242 -166.00243 23.63668 -166.03026 23.61641 -165.93047 23.42817 -165.52772 22.7939 -165.48031 22.79921 -164.99759 23.54612 -164.92102 23.57139 -164.88974 23.65929 -164.96775 23.56527 -164.84833 23.64162 -164.54656 23.73717 -164.45194 23.7921 -164.38815 23.6656 -164.24, 163 23.45495 -164.2048 23.29657 -164.20985 23.18157 -164.32347 23.20542 -164.22878 23.19594 -164.22822 23.21163 -164.26619 23.21962 -164.62437 23.22163 -164.88084 23.56457 -164.86939 23.57523 -164.85977 23.54594 -164.87402 23.57383 -164.86614 23.54496 -164.91825 23.58304 -164.90354 23.55918 -164.92574 23.5798 -164.93385 23.56821 -164.9593 23.582 -164.94961 23.55851 -164.96214 23.58242 -164.9561 23.55953 -164.96529 23.56656 -164.96369 23.58313 -164.66703 23.26577 -164.53302 23.22086 -164.32102 23.21885 -164.27875 23.23841 -164.30491 23.22529 -164.27279 23.2344 -164.29678 23.21079 -164.27377 23.20444 -164.24885 23.22025 -164.24618 23.19493 -164.21061 23.2 -164.22402 23.18335 -164.20629 23.18095 -164.20047 23.19771 -164.20454 23.17581 -164.1885 23.21629 -164.20052 23.36515 -164.28158 23.50069 -164.37067 23.56418 -164.34025 23.57776 -164.34493 23.56519 -164.31913 23.54877 -164.34159 23.55927 -164.32702 23.54933 -164.34221 23.55416 -164.36661 23.52993 -164.3332 23.51933 -164.35365 23.51057 -164.32161 23.4886 -, 164.36363 23.48488 -164.33049 23.4728 -164.36526 23.47992 -164.3085 23.50881 -164.33509 23.52582 -164.38295 23.60522 -164.32133 23.59424 -164.20814 23.53874 -164.18868 23.47497 -164.03478 23.33411 -162.91107 22.4499 -162.48015 22.13284 -160.60811 21.59478 -160.34377 21.55185 -160.31665 21.52498 -160.21448 21.53493 -158.13626 21.24508 -157.89816 21.24539 -157.86792 21.30141 -157.88129 21.31433 Cruise Start and End 2015-09-2, 4 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu , 2015-11-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List , Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906358 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw , RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data ,was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw , Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer , raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device.<,/gco:CharacterString> gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw , Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer , raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer , raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. , radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ," OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML ,%SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw ,& RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. ,( tsg raw Caley CTD ,) Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana ,+ SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure ,/ WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU <,0/gmd:MD_Identifier> fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter ,1 measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP ,5 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ,9 ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air ,: measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake ,; Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906358 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager ,< Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1517 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1517 Recovery of Seamount Precious Coral Beds Baco-Taylor, Amy Florida State University Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation 171.69464 -157.86740 21.23118 35.06879 coordinates of ship track -157.88631 21.31572 -157.86754 21.30192 -157.92661 21.23118 -157.97737 21.2537 -158.20185 21.25461 -158.44545 21.31301 -158.6566 21.29994 -160.13193 21.45447 -160.27996 21.80664 -160.28298 22.03452 -160.30647 22.01646 -160.28226 22.0400,=4 -160.27147 22.03122 -160.29055 22.03507 -160.27513 22.02985 -160.28661 22.04024 -160.27757 22.03133 -160.27532 22.05215 -160.7102 22.02243 -162.00608 22.00191 -164.00414 22.37288 -164.28208 23.21842 -164.2224 23.30141 -164.24981 23.21149 -164.21378 23.29268 -164.22513 23.50277 -164.25794 23.49455 -164.2367 23.33487 -164.28499 23.44405 -164.42194 23.60341 -164.45969 23.68357 -164.47009 23.58522 -164.45408 23.5455 -164.46476 23.54226 -164.55029 23.70139 -164.61326 23.72389 -167.18213 25.75723 -167.49793 25.99454 -167.61202 26.03953 -175.2501 28.58313 -177.68085 29.20942 -178.49647 29.41368 -179.57675 28.94473 -179.49123 28.93011 -179.57553 28.94168 -179.50337 28.8898 -179.50688 28.87634 -179.65835 28.99449 -179.99722 29.203 179.99966 29.20489 179.11871 29.74634 179.07314 29.80737 179.05248 29.80643 179.05432 29.78591 179.07641 29.78985 179.07256 29.81525 179.04573 29.80978 179.04653 29.78326 179.08205 29.78536 179.07948 29.81143 179.05427 29.81302 179.05374 29.78149 179.06161 29.81435 179.07362 29.77959 1,>79.0694 29.82007 179.06263 29.77233 179.07877 29.7737 179.09028 29.80937 179.04962 29.83693 178.77987 30.20875 178.71425 30.27266 178.70304 30.26406 178.71719 30.26784 178.70855 30.28134 178.69113 30.27342 178.69374 30.25722 178.72363 30.25645 178.71545 30.2831 178.68074 30.27215 178.70497 30.24268 178.73454 30.2561 178.6758 30.25951 178.72988 30.26175 178.68451 30.26925 178.72431 30.27941 178.48361 30.30671 176.98806 30.80576 176.0697 30.96864 175.86537 31.02857 175.88942 31.00701 175.90126 31.01896 175.89057 31.0303 175.87325 31.00292 175.86425 31.0219 175.88465 31.0393 175.9087 31.02761 175.90507 31.00535 175.88831 30.9992 175.88665 31.01942 175.91432 31.05804 175.91739 31.03678 175.89715 31.02489 175.57403 31.05111 173.38696 31.44305 173.13831 31.82809 172.97987 32.13081 172.73407 32.24462 172.87075 32.32581 172.74235 32.24509 172.75781 32.22696 172.73924 32.22373 172.72522 32.24514 172.86445 32.33655 172.71821 32.24799 172.73136 32.21183 172.70681 32.24698 172.84783 32.34906 172.68857 32.24809 172.83,?044 32.36368 172.65785 32.2389 172.75496 32.24598 172.88038 32.31796 172.85196 32.34486 172.85498 32.39 172.85771 32.32379 172.8267 32.29899 172.7808 32.30399 172.70691 32.3529 172.64714 32.47163 172.2701 32.70417 172.32914 33.91411 172.09958 33.91212 171.78176 33.93438 171.69464 33.955 171.73246 34.40021 171.8531 34.65278 171.8466 34.59538 171.88396 34.59662 171.88416 34.62432 171.78803 34.69683 171.77183 34.63683 171.76092 34.6371 171.87446 34.73328 171.91166 34.93915 171.85813 34.91899 171.96139 34.90904 171.86038 34.90641 171.95796 34.89206 171.86122 34.88671 171.86119 34.87169 172.02964 34.87104 172.03751 34.85844 171.90806 34.85298 171.91561 34.83415 171.9906 34.83317 171.99875 34.81699 171.89952 34.81354 171.89691 34.87791 171.85139 34.87938 171.85457 34.89188 171.90106 34.89473 171.8575 34.9029 171.90035 34.92099 171.85808 34.93103 171.90032 34.93406 171.90117 34.92076 171.95764 34.91967 171.89426 34.90982 171.97082 34.89842 171.99628 34.84609 172.00209 34.86981 171.9712 34.86575 171.98213 34.8830,@9 171.9573 34.9006 171.95806 34.87687 171.94253 34.91418 171.89239 34.87404 171.94105 34.91878 171.88798 34.9121 171.89336 34.92061 171.8441 34.94621 171.96889 35.06253 172.02616 35.01731 171.93177 34.94621 171.83988 34.95445 171.98272 34.95907 171.85296 34.96525 171.96084 34.97602 171.8836 34.9836 171.89185 34.99473 171.99045 34.99596 171.91628 35.00429 171.98902 35.01467 171.91286 35.01779 172.00373 35.03178 171.91802 35.03802 171.86357 35.06318 171.90577 35.03714 171.93495 35.06878 171.90722 35.06794 171.9074 35.00866 171.88251 34.99231 171.97149 34.98448 171.86776 34.97145 171.95242 34.9675 171.93359 34.95284 171.85118 34.95493 171.98264 35.04192 171.97021 35.05269 171.90927 35.0465 171.95423 35.05084 171.9369 35.03248 171.95034 35.02628 171.94412 35.01356 171.98797 35.02644 172.00444 35.01042 171.99874 34.99498 171.97837 34.98707 171.97017 35.00842 171.93267 34.99829 171.91087 34.94466 171.88686 34.94947 172.06106 34.84878 172.27181 32.7009 172.3031 32.68853 172.29648 32.67809 172.27401 32.69505 172.,A29008 32.67668 172.30534 32.68371 172.25089 32.678 172.23763 32.69243 172.25625 32.70737 172.24334 32.72106 172.2708 32.72631 172.24551 32.73415 172.21844 32.73278 172.23414 32.69886 172.21504 32.68782 172.23928 32.67407 172.25344 32.63404 172.29341 32.62553 172.26425 32.62437 172.25818 32.60221 172.27755 32.72778 172.3275 32.6841 172.29362 32.71286 172.25302 32.71854 172.26912 32.69307 172.27554 32.70217 172.74779 32.44456 172.88185 32.45848 172.94865 32.43331 172.98673 32.38403 173.04555 32.05939 173.25315 32.05531 173.14283 32.06091 173.14695 32.04337 173.23984 32.04045 173.24192 31.9976 173.21492 31.94647 173.19154 31.94556 173.22885 32.01574 173.21943 32.01938 173.17003 31.94131 173.19793 32.02452 173.14866 31.9508 173.1822 32.03338 173.12506 31.93992 173.16368 32.04119 173.10434 31.90276 173.14525 31.94733 173.11346 31.88241 173.12637 31.87984 173.15934 31.94692 173.17259 31.94596 173.13587 31.86444 173.14966 31.8615 173.18228 31.93088 173.16579 32.03026 173.15066 32.02018 173.15416 31.97983 173.137,B72 31.9857 173.15804 31.99363 173.15523 31.96907 173.18793 31.9897 173.17461 31.95604 173.22221 32.01731 173.19195 31.96785 173.0509 31.9653 173.01044 32.04974 172.99717 32.04598 173.03259 31.97853 173.05995 31.98989 173.03039 32.04605 173.03915 32.05215 173.08144 31.97791 173.15478 31.955 173.15158 31.93319 173.14606 31.9441 173.12793 31.93436 173.13917 31.94242 173.14376 31.90328 173.15977 31.90602 173.16004 31.92019 173.13696 31.89469 173.10962 31.90469 173.15438 31.898 173.14933 31.87615 173.13368 31.87369 173.08366 31.91753 173.10803 32.00745 173.13377 32.03821 173.13983 32.07767 173.1132 32.09384 173.08495 32.07678 173.09015 32.05306 173.15753 31.94787 173.15263 31.93346 173.14169 31.94715 173.12463 31.93202 173.14084 31.94548 173.15224 31.92742 173.14163 31.90661 173.16203 31.91588 173.1399 31.89867 173.11345 31.90742 173.15741 31.89909 173.13574 31.87383 173.08847 31.91744 173.65125 31.83462 176.50572 30.93084 178.71722 30.28977 178.71511 30.26191 178.7019 30.27641 178.69527 30.25687 178.71866 30.,C2563 178.7202 30.26827 178.72083 30.2566 178.7222 30.268 178.71357 30.24972 178.75196 30.2304 178.81491 30.16021 179.05697 29.81286 179.03999 29.79538 179.05271 29.81446 179.05135 29.78268 179.04107 29.78823 179.06512 29.78484 179.06499 29.7717 179.05854 29.78126 179.08765 29.79794 179.06561 29.78718 179.06383 29.83924 179.10447 29.7223 179.1178 29.61159 179.06051 29.82492 179.05623 29.78217 179.07004 29.78077 179.06126 29.82083 179.06348 29.77836 179.0753 29.81076 179.07779 29.78202 179.0582 29.78742 179.07676 29.8169 179.08787 29.78932 178.95338 29.72741 179.14232 29.81657 179.06743 29.78579 179.07843 29.79833 179.06454 29.82428 179.04952 29.79401 179.06692 29.79138 179.06953 29.80424 179.05628 29.80318 179.99975 29.16345 -179.99731 29.16134 -179.59606 28.88355 -179.54366 28.95477 -179.54412 28.9679 -179.57123 28.96296 -179.55011 28.97806 -179.57538 28.96665 -179.57052 28.95191 -179.54477 28.95922 -179.54657 28.99038 -179.57914 28.97499 -179.57486 28.94521 -179.55369 28.95335 -179.57286 28.95464 -179.56,D56 28.92594 -179.59788 28.9129 -179.58559 28.92642 -179.59869 28.91638 -179.00415 28.76767 -178.91615 28.84979 -178.93689 28.82944 -178.92516 28.81607 -178.90588 28.82627 -178.92667 28.82353 -178.92127 28.83672 -178.92517 28.82535 -178.89962 28.83913 -178.88957 28.83606 -178.91142 28.8302 -178.84847 28.83611 -178.25176 28.74963 -177.66568 28.03296 -175.51333 27.21842 -175.48755 27.23188 -175.26961 27.1009 -173.2579 26.14052 -173.29793 26.10885 -173.29925 26.05125 -173.3003 26.08597 -173.28604 26.08106 -173.2784 26.10453 -173.30858 26.09572 -173.29674 26.08502 -173.40356 26.11612 -173.37608 26.11605 -173.40175 26.11853 -173.38444 26.12723 -173.40813 26.12417 -173.36685 26.13903 -173.2991 26.11854 -173.22521 26.07814 -173.16511 26.01984 -172.12631 24.72016 -172.02429 24.65719 -167.80181 23.80119 -166.60611 23.82907 -166.40105 23.84882 -166.38978 23.74362 -166.35228 23.70775 -166.39531 23.74187 -166.39774 23.83504 -166.40212 23.73824 -166.35595 23.70092 -166.363 23.69326 -166.41269 23.73291 -166.41778 23.834,E92 -166.43007 23.72555 -166.43219 23.83718 -166.4123 23.83916 -166.40725 23.7334 -166.3237 23.67657 -166.35217 23.71366 -166.30731 23.66498 -166.16987 23.57466 -166.0977 23.58281 -166.02397 23.67982 -166.08695 23.57724 -166.01043 23.67439 -166.00127 23.66661 -166.04724 23.59851 -165.98534 23.64632 -166.04106 23.56204 -166.13394 22.88711 -166.15564 22.89728 -166.38046 23.72486 -166.39905 23.7402 -166.34924 23.71005 -166.36102 23.7186 -166.36584 23.68809 -166.15356 22.89257 -166.08547 22.8853 -166.04129 23.66351 -166.06051 23.6376 -166.04027 23.65884 -166.05073 23.63185 -166.01723 23.65232 -166.01983 23.62369 -166.00381 23.66775 -166.00242 23.62411 -166.01349 23.61242 -166.00243 23.63668 -166.03026 23.61641 -165.93047 23.42817 -165.52772 22.7939 -165.48031 22.79921 -164.99759 23.54612 -164.92102 23.57139 -164.88974 23.65929 -164.96775 23.56527 -164.84833 23.64162 -164.54656 23.73717 -164.45194 23.7921 -164.38815 23.6656 -164.24163 23.45495 -164.2048 23.29657 -164.20985 23.18157 -164.32347 23.20542 -164.2287,F8 23.19594 -164.22822 23.21163 -164.26619 23.21962 -164.62437 23.22163 -164.88084 23.56457 -164.86939 23.57523 -164.85977 23.54594 -164.87402 23.57383 -164.86614 23.54496 -164.91825 23.58304 -164.90354 23.55918 -164.92574 23.5798 -164.93385 23.56821 -164.9593 23.582 -164.94961 23.55851 -164.96214 23.58242 -164.9561 23.55953 -164.96529 23.56656 -164.96369 23.58313 -164.66703 23.26577 -164.53302 23.22086 -164.32102 23.21885 -164.27875 23.23841 -164.30491 23.22529 -164.27279 23.2344 -164.29678 23.21079 -164.27377 23.20444 -164.24885 23.22025 -164.24618 23.19493 -164.21061 23.2 -164.22402 23.18335 -164.20629 23.18095 -164.20047 23.19771 -164.20454 23.17581 -164.1885 23.21629 -164.20052 23.36515 -164.28158 23.50069 -164.37067 23.56418 -164.34025 23.57776 -164.34493 23.56519 -164.31913 23.54877 -164.34159 23.55927 -164.32702 23.54933 -164.34221 23.55416 -164.36661 23.52993 -164.3332 23.51933 -164.35365 23.51057 -164.32161 23.4886 -164.36363 23.48488 -164.33049 23.4728 -164.36526 23.47992 -164.3085 23.50881 -164,G.33509 23.52582 -164.38295 23.60522 -164.32133 23.59424 -164.20814 23.53874 -164.18868 23.47497 -164.03478 23.33411 -162.91107 22.4499 -162.48015 22.13284 -160.60811 21.59478 -160.34377 21.55185 -160.31665 21.52498 -160.21448 21.53493 -158.13626 21.24508 -157.89816 21.24539 -157.86792 21.30141 -157.88129 21.31433 Cruise Start and End 2015-09-24 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-11-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906358 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was co,Hllected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ,I OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisa,Jla PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionRecovery of Seamount Precious Coral BedsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((171.69 21.23, 171.69 35.07, -157.87 35.07, -157.87 21.23, 171.69 21.23))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact,L//www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:gss="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gss" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/906359 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program ,Ninfo@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) ,O Cruise KM1518 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1518 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords ,R NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36670 -157.86718 21.23790 22.80035 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31575 -157.86751 21.30147 -157.907 21.25212 -158.15337 21.24823 -158.28011 21.34107 -158.33202 21.43177 -158.33655 21.5493 -158.15189 22.22089 -158.06188 22.74659 -157.89423 22.77865 -157.87836 22.80018 -158.00418 22.75258 -157.99169 22.74616 -158.13326 22.75996 -158.06004 22.74473 -158.01316 22.75168 -158.11766 22.75651 -157.9998 22.74987 -157.98683 22.76272 -158.12332 22.76103 -158.00109 22.75233 -157.98266 ,U22.72754 -157.99145 22.69098 -157.96654 22.68178 -157.96721 22.69748 -157.96664 22.65047 -157.98137 22.65089 -157.96893 22.70002 -158.11328 22.3442 -158.36666 21.84728 -158.33325 21.54008 -158.2736 21.34338 -158.15204 21.2481 -157.90025 21.23967 -157.8887 21.25821 Cruise Start and End 2015-11-12 ,V University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-11-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu ,X http://doi.org/10.7284/906359 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. <,Z/gmd:description> adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. ,^ barometer raw WET Labs WETSt,_ar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer ,a raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. ,b gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 ,c Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw <,d/gmi:LE_ProcessStep> Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer ,e raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ,f ins raw Campbell CR3000 ,g Data was collected from this device. metstation raw ,h Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 ,k Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw ,l OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P ,o Data was collected from this device. ssv raw ,p RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana ,u University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 ,v adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction ,x Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational fi,{eld Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) ,| Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 ,~ metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer <,/gmi:type> measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 , speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv , sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere , Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake , Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906359 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Inf,ormation - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1518 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1518 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Santiago-Mandujano, Fernando University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36670 -157.86718 21.23790 22.80035 coordinates of ship track -157.88628 21.31575 -157.86751 21.30147 -157.907 21.25212 -158.15337 21.24823 -158.28011 21.34107 -158.33202 21.43177 -158.33655 21.5493 -158.15189 22.22089 -158.06188 22.74659 -157.89423 22.77865 -157.87836 22.80018 -158.00418 22.75258 -157.99169 22.74616 -158.13326 22.75996 -158.06004 22.74473 -158.01316 22.75168 -158.11766 22.75651 -157.9998 22.74987 -157.98683 22,.76272 -158.12332 22.76103 -158.00109 22.75233 -157.98266 22.72754 -157.99145 22.69098 -157.96654 22.68178 -157.96721 22.69748 -157.96664 22.65047 -157.98137 22.65089 -157.96893 22.70002 -158.11328 22.3442 -158.36666 21.84728 -158.33325 21.54008 -158.2736 21.34338 -158.15204 21.2481 -157.90025 21.23967 -157.8887 21.25821 Cruise Start and End 2015-11-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-11-16 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906359 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Dat,a was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw , OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction , Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.80, -157.87 22.80, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact WW a=1+M5W%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906359gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906360 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata , R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1519 on RV Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1519 NSF Inspection EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office ,custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.99950 -157.89132 21.11325 21.27360 coordinates of ship track -157.89287 21.2736 -157.90128 21.19926 -157.96032 21.16374 -157.9961 21.16015 -157.99553 21.11679 Cruise Start and End 2015-11-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu , 2015-11-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906360 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw , RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer , raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. , barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw , Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. , gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer , raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 <,gmi:LE_ProcessStep> Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 , Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw, Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw ,International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii , operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities , RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer , measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins , determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several ,meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. , Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near, surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere , Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906360 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2015-12-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1519 on RV ,Kilo Moana 2015-12-25 published KM1519 NSF Inspection EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.99950 -157.89132 21.11325 21.27360 coordinates of ship track -157.89287 21.2736 -157.90128 21.19926 -157.96032 21.16374 -157.9961 21.16015 -157.99553 21.11679 Cruise Start and End 2015-11-17 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-11-19 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906360 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI ,WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer ra,w Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar ,measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionNSF InspectionEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2015-12-252015-12-25POLYGON((-158.00 21.11, -158.00 21.27, -157.89 21.27, -157.89 21.11, -158.00 21.11))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact Sc?1+M5=I%9 !!/ [)doi:10.7284/906677gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://!b=1+M5]g%)9!!5 [)doi:10.7284/906360gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z ,,CharacterString> ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1520 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-05-25 published , KM1520 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line Islands Calder, Brian UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Chief contributor Masetti, Giuseppe UNH Center f,or Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Co-Chief contributor Arsenault, Roland UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist contributor Keyetieu, Rabine Centre Interdisciplinaire de Développement en Cartographie des Océans , Scientist contributor Neufeld, David NOAA National Geophysical Data Center Scientist contributor Gunning, Kandice University of Southern Mississippi Student, Graduate contributor Klischies, Meike Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften Student, Graduate contributor Graber, Sebastian Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften Student, ,Graduate contributor Lecours, Vincent Memorial University Student, Graduate <,gmd:role> contributor Force, Michael United States Fish & Wildlife Service Technician, PSO contributor Young, Trevor University of Hawaii Technician, Resident, Lead contributor Brugger, Sonia University of Hawaii Technician, Resident contributor Drewry, Gray University of Hawaii Captain contributor Heise, Joachim University of Hawaii Chief Engineer contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office , custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geosc,ientificInformation -168.72727 -157.86711 4.36724 21.31580 coordinates of ship track -157.9942 21.11896 -157.87856 21.28087 -157.87045 21.29694 -157.88632 21.31577 -157.87421 21.31148 -158.20945 20.19091 -158.22586 20.00304 -158.21031 20.19455 -158.22818 20.0088 -158.1886 20.00433 -158.17239 20.18444 -158.23532 20.19397 -158.24894 20.18468 -158.26921 20.00753 -158.24459 20.19869 -158.27265 19.97262 -158.3832 19.82994 -159.00976 18.8153 -161.17627 15.26092 -160.91888 15.49068 -159.39665 18.42076 -157.90906 21.22656 -157.90027 21.28182 -157.90284 21.23972 -158.18099 20.66927 -160.14997 17.34675 -160.18632 17.159 -160.4684 16.66328 -161.28895 15.31869 -162.61423 12.8833 -164.55431 8.61731 -166.43837 4.36833 -166.77997 4.54351 -164.95737 8.56074 -163.0,0091 12.78239 -163.5415 12.55029 -163.5607 12.5192 -165.19772 8.95075 -167.06635 4.78374 -167.24494 4.87251 -167.38611 4.91367 -167.40263 4.93298 -167.28876 5.19046 -167.22528 5.26896 -167.18489 5.42988 -166.07948 7.93072 -163.90163 12.74972 -164.18746 12.97976 -164.2134 12.97279 -165.60013 9.93755 -167.73408 5.16142 -168.06843 5.32642 -166.25508 9.40215 -164.5357 13.1681 -164.81448 13.43615 -166.34446 10.11635 -168.39824 5.52233 -168.72383 5.70615 -167.14825 9.24465 -165.46792 12.91615 -165.60089 12.89637 -165.56113 12.8636 -161.76152 11.01535 -158.41515 9.32638 -158.54657 9.07411 -162.21707 10.91569 -164.45913 12.00643 -165.72114 12.60078 -165.76371 12.49095 -165.88021 12.28595 -162.17529 10.49188 -158.76983 8.78566 -158.90809 8.51703 -163.29731 10.68893 -162.47767 12.84868 -161.17414 15.26769 -160.28942 17.35466 -160.06577 17.73352 -160.06906 17.74957 -160.0262 17.79999 -158.15788 20.93449 -158.07784 21.06287 -157.8802 21.2794 -157.86808 21.30419 -157.8863 21.3157<,/gml:segments> Cruise Start and End 2015-11-20 University-Nation,al Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-12-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906677 collectionSession Descript,ions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp , raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. , adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw , Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer , raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. , fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter , raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. , gyrocompass raw Rotronic, MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. , metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer ,raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 <,gmd:sourceStep> Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw , Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw , International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii , operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities - RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 - barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer - measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A - hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins - determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrate-s data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. <-gmi:MI_Instrument> Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 - raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog m- easures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam - RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906677 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-05-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1520 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-05-25 published KM1520 U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line Islands Calder, Brian UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping - Scientist, Chief contributor Masetti, Giuseppe UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist, Co-Chief contributor Arsenault, Roland UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Scientist contributor Keyetieu, Rabine Centre Interdisciplinaire de Développement en Cartographie des Océans Scientist contributor Neufeld, David NOAA National Geophysical Data Center Scientist contributor Gunning, Kandice University of Southern Mississippi Student, Graduate contributor Klischies, Meike Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften Student, Graduate contributor Graber, Sebastian Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften Student, Graduate contributor Lecours, Vincent Memorial University Student, Graduate contributor Force, Michael United States Fish & Wildlife Service Technician, PSO contributor Young, Trevor University of Hawaii Technician, Resident, Le-ad contributor Brugger, Sonia University of Hawaii Technician, Resident contributor Drewry, Gray University of Hawaii Captain contributor Heise, Joachim University of Hawaii Chief Engineer contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -168.72727 -157.86711 4.36724 21.31580 coordinates of ship track -157.9942 21.11896 -157.87856 21.28087 -157.87045 21.29694 -157.88632 21.31577 -157.87421 21.31148 -158.20945 20.19091 -158.22586 20.00304 -158.21031 20.19455 -158.22818 20.0088 -158.1886 20.00433 -158.17239 20.18444 -158.23532 20.19397 -158.24894 20.18468 -158.26921 20.00753 -158.24459 20.19869 -158.27265 19.97262 -158.3832 19.82994 -159.00976 18.8153 -161.17627 15.26092 -160.91888 15.49068 -159.39665 18.42076 -157.90-906 21.22656 -157.90027 21.28182 -157.90284 21.23972 -158.18099 20.66927 -160.14997 17.34675 -160.18632 17.159 -160.4684 16.66328 -161.28895 15.31869 -162.61423 12.8833 -164.55431 8.61731 -166.43837 4.36833 -166.77997 4.54351 -164.95737 8.56074 -163.00091 12.78239 -163.5415 12.55029 -163.5607 12.5192 -165.19772 8.95075 -167.06635 4.78374 -167.24494 4.87251 -167.38611 4.91367 -167.40263 4.93298 -167.28876 5.19046 -167.22528 5.26896 -167.18489 5.42988 -166.07948 7.93072 -163.90163 12.74972 -164.18746 12.97976 -164.2134 12.97279 -165.60013 9.93755 -167.73408 5.16142 -168.06843 5.32642 -166.25508 9.40215 -164.5357 13.1681 -164.81448 13.43615 -166.34446 10.11635 -168.39824 5.52233 -168.72383 5.70615 -167.14825 9.24465 -165.46792 12.91615 -165.60089 12.89637 -165.56113 12.8636 -161.76152 11.01535 -158.41515 9.32638 -158.54657 9.07411 -162.21707 10.91569 -164.45913 12.00643 -165.72114 12.60078 -165.76371 12.49095 -165.88021 12.28595 -162.17529 10.49188 -158.76983 8.78566 -158.90809 8.51703 -163.29731 10.68893 -1-62.47767 12.84868 -161.17414 15.26769 -160.28942 17.35466 -160.06577 17.73352 -160.06906 17.74957 -160.0262 17.79999 -158.15788 20.93449 -158.07784 21.06287 -157.8802 21.2794 -157.86808 21.30419 -157.8863 21.3157 Cruise Start and End 2015-11-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-12-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906677 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collecte-d from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa E-ML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer - measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionU.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Survey: Line IslandsEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2016-05-252016-05-25POLYGON((-168.73 4.37, -168.73 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 4.37, -168.73 4.37))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact-tc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/906678 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-05-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cru-ise KM1521 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-05-25 published KM1521 C-MORE 2015, Leg 5 - Watkins, Blake University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support O-ffice custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oce-ans geoscientificInformation -158.33552 -157.86784 21.24131 22.85138 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.3157 -157.8687 21.30488 -157.87427 21.29004 -157.937 21.24286 -158.07253 21.2443 -158.18548 21.27487 -158.26676 21.34778 -158.33209 21.53245 -158.3355 21.58614 -158.2653 21.67071 -158.22217 21.76364 -158.24388 21.96555 -158.11279 22.52634 -158.04012 22.67079 -157.99699 22.67311 -157.97226 22.64896 -157.98756 22.64751 -158.00407 22.74749 -157.8916 22.84701 -157.87981 22.84307 -157.91285 22.85138 -157.89146 22.84001 -157.98558 22.67232 -157.96623 22.65765 -157.98566 22.65941 -157.96702 22.66035 -157.98309 22.65822 -157.96774 22.660- 82 -157.98127 22.66097 -158.1511 22.09626 -158.33232 21.58626 -158.33384 21.54011 -158.27288 21.34201 -158.15761 21.25121 -157.90423 21.24398 -157.8679 21.30137 -157.88099 21.31497 Cruise Start and End 2015-12-28 -! University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu -" 2015-12-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906678 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. -% adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw -' RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. -) barometer raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus -* Data was collected from this device. ctd raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 -. Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 <-2gmd:description> Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw -4 Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. ra-5diometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw -7 Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw -8 OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge -9 raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collecte-:d from this device. speedlog raw -; AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw -< RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air -= raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. -> tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana -@ University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current vel-Bocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction -C Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure Sea-Bird SBE-911plus -D ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) -F Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field -G Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 -Iins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hard-Jware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 -M raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog -N measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam -O RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/906678 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-05-25 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for ima-Qgery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1521 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-05-25 published KM1521 C-MORE 2015, Leg 5 Watkins, Blake University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.33552 -157.86784 21.24131 22.85138 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.3157 -157.8687 21.30488 -157.87427 21.29004 -157.937 21.24286 -158.07253 21.2443 -158.18548 21.27487 -158.26676 21.34778 -158.33209 21.53245 -158.3355 21.58614 -158.2653 21.67071 -158.22217 21.76364 -158.24388 21.96555 -158.11279 22.52634 -158.04012 22.67079 -157.99699 22.67311 -157.97226 22.64896 -157.98756 22.64751 -158.00407 22.74749 -157.8916 22.84701 -157.87981 22.84307 -157.91285 22.85138 -157.89146 22.84001 -157.98-R558 22.67232 -157.96623 22.65765 -157.98566 22.65941 -157.96702 22.66035 -157.98309 22.65822 -157.96774 22.66082 -157.98127 22.66097 -158.1511 22.09626 -158.33232 21.58626 -158.33384 21.54011 -158.27288 21.34201 -158.15761 21.25121 -157.90423 21.24398 -157.8679 21.30137 -157.88099 21.31497 Cruise Start and End 2015-12-28 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2015-12-30 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906678 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device-S. barometer raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data-T was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 -Ubarometer measures atmospheric pressure Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionC-MORE 2015, Leg 5EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2016-05-252016-05-25POLYGON((-158.34 21.24, -158.34 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.24, -158.34 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact He=1+M5)%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906869gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://ww-Wd=1+M5iG%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906678gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906869 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1601 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published -\ KM1601 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan Universi-]ty of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36557 -157.86738 -` 21.24134 22.84830 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31577 -157.8676 21.30452 -157.87363 21.29083 -157.93277 21.24319 -158.14853 21.2479 -158.27342 21.3426 -158.3333 2-a1.54462 -158.05572 22.75056 -157.99412 22.75428 -157.89169 22.69737 -157.90462 22.68427 -157.94578 22.7027 -158.00101 22.75037 -157.96507 22.64694 -158.02679 22.72361 -158.01534 22.75162 -158.03926 22.8423 -158.02964 22.84813 -158.01933 22.74952 -157.99597 22.75126 -157.98611 22.68749 -157.96716 22.66217 -157.97729 22.66746 -157.96738 22.64739 -157.99246 22.64715 -157.96756 22.6666 -157.98039 22.66855 -157.97317 22.6907 -157.98104 22.67993 -157.97101 22.68924 -157.96228 22.64858 -158.00025 22.64908 -157.96693 22.67286 -157.99026 22.681 -157.942 22.66653 -157.91406 22.68623 -158.00985 22.75163 -158.03465 22.72112 -158.02863 22.66741 -157.98936 22.68778 -157.91184 22.67167 -157.92797 22.66092 -157.97004 22.68855 -157.95671 22.68278 -157.97072 22.6837 -157.95912 22.67858 -158.36556 21.84485 -158.33451 21.53777 -158.2707 21.34122 -158.14488 21.24701 -157.89888 21.24639 -157.86779 21.30187 -157.87992 21.31423 Cruise Start and End 2016-01-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2016-01-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906869 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. -f RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. -h adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw -j Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer -k raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. -l fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter <-ogmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://voc.rvdata.us/processing/1" xlink:actuate="onRequest">raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A -q Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw <-r/gmd:sourceStep> Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 -y Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw -z Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw - Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch <-/gmd:description> raw International Council f-or the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities - RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 - barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) - Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A - hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins - determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors- Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. - Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 - radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam - RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. doi:10.7284/906869 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1601 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1601 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords -NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36557 -157.86738 21.24134 22.84830 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31577 -157.8676 21.30452 -157.87363 21.29083 -157.93277 21.24319 -158.14853 21.2479 -158.27342 21.3426 -158.3333 21.54462 -158.05572 22.75056 -157.99412 22.75428 -157.89169 22.69737 -157.90462 22.68427 -157.94578 22.7027 -158.00101 22.75037 -157.96507 22.64694 -158.02679 22.72361 -158.01534 22.75162 -158.03926 22.8423 -158.02964 22.84813 -158.01933 22.74952 -157.99597 22.75126 -157.98611 22.68749 -157.96716 22.66217 -157.97729 22.66746 -157.96738 22.64739 -157.99246 22.64715 -157.96756 22.6666 -157.98039 22.66855 -157.97317 22.6907 -157.98104 22.67993 -157.97101 22.68924 -157.96228 22.64858 -158.00025 22.64908 -157.96693 22.67286 -157.99026 22.681 -157.942 22.66653 -157.91406 22.68623 -158.00985 22.75163 -158.03465 22.72112 -1-58.02863 22.66741 -157.98936 22.68778 -157.91184 22.67167 -157.92797 22.66092 -157.97004 22.68855 -157.95671 22.68278 -157.97072 22.6837 -157.95912 22.67858 -158.36556 21.84485 -158.33451 21.53777 -158.2707 21.34122 -158.14488 21.24701 -157.89888 21.24639 -157.86779 21.30187 -157.87992 21.31423 Cruise Start and End 2016-01-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2016-01-15 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906869 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this d-evice. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 D-ata was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw Caley CTD Data was collected from this device. winch raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 baro-meter measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake Caley CTD winch measures wire tension, speed, payout, etc. engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2016-08-012016-08-01POLYGON((-158.37 21.24, -158.37 22.85, -157.87 22.85, -157.87 21.24, -158.37 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact-sr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/906870 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1602 on RV Kilo Moana- 2016-08-01 published KM1602 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief -contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36475 -157.42538 21.24346 22.88049 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31569 -157.86837 21.30005 -157.91899 21.24732 -158.1701 21.25061 -158.27418 21.34329 -158.29979 21.4305 -158.35837 21.54031 -158.32805 21.60364 -158.06613 22.50668 -157.99639 22.70003 -158.00512 22.75597 -157.95876 22.87015 -157.9674 22.79794 -158.00108 22.74941 -157.8859 22.75313 -157.87845 22.77576 -157.90836 22.78792 -157.75321 22.82973 -158.01041 22.73252 -157.87844 22.73355 -157.87923 22.70466 -158.00017 22.75005 -157.93206 22.70081 -157.9153 22.66642 -157.92447 22.6724 -157.90935 22.6754 -157.94332 22.6874 -157.91783 22.67927 -157.89604 22-.71972 -157.99669 22.75432 -157.55826 22.88048 -157.45319 22.84605 -157.42806 22.85131 -157.81792 22.70773 -157.92262 22.68271 -157.90984 22.67645 -157.93938 22.65311 -158.10952 22.34706 -158.36421 21.85245 -158.33311 21.537 -158.27336 21.34416 -158.17408 21.26671 -158.09091 21.25191 -157.91879 21.2486 -157.88007 21.27856 Cruise Start and End 2016-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu - 2016-02-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906870 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected -from this device. adcp raw - RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw - RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. - barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw - Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer - raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. - gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR-3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. - radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 - Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge - raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw - RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw <-gmd:CI_Citation> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar mea-sures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) - Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field - Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/-translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/906870 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Pa-rt 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1602 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1602 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Clemente, Tara University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.36475 -157.42538 21.24346 22.88049 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.31569 -157.86837 21.30005 -157.91899 21.24732 -158.1701 21.25061 -158.27418 21.34329 -158.29979 21.4305 -158.35837 21.54031 -158.32805 21.60364 -158.06613 22.50668 -157.99639 22.70003 -158.00512 22.75597 -157.95876 22.87015 -157.9674 22.79794 -158.00108 22.74941 -157.8859 22.75313 -157.87845 22.77576 -157.90836 22.78792 -157.75321 22.82973 -158.01041 22.73252 -157.87844 22.73355 -157.8792-3 22.70466 -158.00017 22.75005 -157.93206 22.70081 -157.9153 22.66642 -157.92447 22.6724 -157.90935 22.6754 -157.94332 22.6874 -157.91783 22.67927 -157.89604 22.71972 -157.99669 22.75432 -157.55826 22.88048 -157.45319 22.84605 -157.42806 22.85131 -157.81792 22.70773 -157.92262 22.68271 -157.90984 22.67645 -157.93938 22.65311 -158.10952 22.34706 -158.36421 21.85245 -158.33311 21.537 -158.27336 21.34416 -158.17408 21.26671 -158.09091 21.25191 -157.91879 21.2486 -157.88007 21.27856 Cruise Start and End 2016-02-08 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2016-02-12 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906870 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from th-is device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data wa-s collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities - RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2016-08-012016-08-01POLYGON((-158.36 21.24, -158.36 22.88, -157.43 22.88, -157.43 21.24, -158.36 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact 4g=1+M5m%G9 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906871gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906871 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1603 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1603 - Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, C-hief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords - NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. - eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38736 -157.86764 21.24436 22.75601 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.3157 -157.86817 21.30497 -157.87372 21.29072 -157.94619 21.24559 -158.15254 21.24862 -158.27556 21.34447 -158.33399 21.53283 -158.33406 21.58154 -158.20198 22.04593 -158.05489 22.751 -157.99943 22.74873 -157.9818 22.60041 -157.99956 22.75011 -158.0111 22.75564 -158.05932 22.47662 -158.10817 22.38117 -158.06986- 22.5575 -158.02507 22.67105 -158.03903 22.65546 -157.99859 22.64751 -158.00237 22.6756 -158.05635 22.64619 -158.03386 22.67742 -158.04688 22.65037 -158.06897 22.671 -158.05687 22.68878 -158.38718 22.44617 -157.97338 22.64045 -157.97999 22.67269 -157.96786 22.63967 -157.98112 22.64464 -157.96802 22.64112 -157.98762 22.62474 -158.36412 21.84517 -158.33311 21.5379 -158.27233 21.34333 -158.1474 21.24766 -157.89386 21.24439 -157.87194 21.30862 Cruise Start and End 2016-03-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu - 2016-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List - Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906871 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 - Data was collected from this device. adcp raw - RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw - WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw - Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw - Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 D-ata was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw - OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. - speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air <-gmd:MD_Identifier> raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction . Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar . fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer . measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 . ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metsta. tion logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeom. eter, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. . Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seache.st for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/906871 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R). Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1603 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1603 Hawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT) Curless, Susan University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -158.38736 -157.86764 21.24436 22.75601 coordinates of ship track -157.88625 21.3157 -157.86817 21.30497 -157.87372 21.29072 -157.94619 21.24559 -158.15254 21.24862 -158.27556 21.34447 -158.33399 21.53283 -158.33406 21.58154 -158.20198 22.04593 -158.05489 22.751 -157.99943 22.74873 -157.9818 22.60041 -157.99956 22.75011 -158.0111 22.75564 -158.05932. 22.47662 -158.10817 22.38117 -158.06986 22.5575 -158.02507 22.67105 -158.03903 22.65546 -157.99859 22.64751 -158.00237 22.6756 -158.05635 22.64619 -158.03386 22.67742 -158.04688 22.65037 -158.06897 22.671 -158.05687 22.68878 -158.38718 22.44617 -157.97338 22.64045 -157.97999 22.67269 -157.96786 22.63967 -157.98112 22.64464 -157.96802 22.64112 -157.98762 22.62474 -158.36412 21.84517 -158.33311 21.5379 -158.27233 21.34333 -158.1474 21.24766 -157.89386 21.24439 -157.87194 21.30862 Cruise Start and End 2016-03-07 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2016-03-11 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906871 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from th.is device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data wa.s collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities . RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionHawaii Ocean Timeseries (HOT)EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2016-08-012016-08-01POLYGON((-158.39 21.24, -158.39 22.76, -157.87 22.76, -157.87 21.24, -158.39 21.24))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact.s" xmlns:gts="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gts" xmlns:gsr="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr" xmlns:gmi="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi" xmlns:srv="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/srv" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmi http://ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema.xsd"> doi:10.7284/906872 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1604 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1604 Mooring Test . Prengaman, Richard JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Ma.ster Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng . oceans geoscientificInformation -158.58829 -157.86726 20.91233 21.31577 . coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31577 -157.86774 21.30385 -157.87328 21.29199 -157.95576 21.2224 -158.56818 20.93617 -158.58285 20.91654 -158.57151 20.91257 -158.58827 20.91768 -158.56633 20.91983 . Cruise Start and End 2016-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List .!Honolulu 2016-03-21 University-Nationa."l Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906872 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw .% RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw .) WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer .* raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. .+ fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw .- Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass .. raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. ./ hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. .3 metstation raw Ep.4pley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer .6 raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 .8 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog .: raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities .ARDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 barometer .C measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) .D Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer .Gmeasures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) <.H/gmi:MI_Instrument> Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field .I Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP .J radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, p.Lyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater.P intake doi:10.7284/906872 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1604 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1604 Mooring Test Prengaman, Richard JHU Applied Physics Laboratory Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificIn.Qformation -158.58829 -157.86726 20.91233 21.31577 coordinates of ship track -157.88626 21.31577 -157.86774 21.30385 -157.87328 21.29199 -157.95576 21.2224 -158.56818 20.93617 -158.58285 20.91654 -158.57151 20.91257 -158.58827 20.91768 -158.56633 20.91983 Cruise Start and End 2016-03-20 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2016-03-21 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906872 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. .Rbarometer raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Geometrics G-882 Data was collected from this device. magnetometer raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data w.Sas collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 ba.Trometer measures atmospheric pressure WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Geometrics G-882 magnetometer measures strength and/or direction of the Earth's local magnetic field Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionMooring TestEARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2016-08-012016-08-01POLYGON((-158.59 20.91, -158.59 21.32, -157.87 21.32, -157.87 20.91, -158.59 20.91))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact RR/i=1+M5u%19 !!5 [)doi:10.7284/906873gmd:MD_Metadatahttp://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmdlocal2016-10-26T02:48:26Z doi:10.7284/906873 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R).[ Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data .\ ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1605 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1605 C-MORE 2016, Leg 1 Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii .^ Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89705 -156.13429 .a 21.18747 22.64057 coordinates of ship track -157.87973 21.28405 -157.89703 21.26143 -157.89042 21.24279 -157.83278 21.19323 -157.66822 21.19202 -157.08826 21.38546 -157.00343 22.0033 -157.50016 22.60164 -156.67997 22.2712 -156.61408 22.33324 -156.64549 22.36067 -.b156.63458 22.34726 -156.62336 22.36294 -156.61688 22.33094 -156.62652 22.34974 -156.52373 22.34372 -156.52651 22.36166 -156.59875 22.39316 -156.5948 22.40258 -156.60062 22.36801 -156.57144 22.36927 -156.57511 22.38848 -156.61624 22.43837 -156.60913 22.40854 -156.58377 22.41422 -156.57724 22.40034 -156.54437 22.42432 -156.51734 22.48271 -156.54558 22.47139 -156.53759 22.46009 -156.55474 22.47858 -156.53723 22.48311 -156.54977 22.43928 -156.55282 22.47654 -156.56469 22.47323 -156.55423 22.46737 -156.56345 22.42843 -156.58602 22.43233 -156.65303 22.49364 -156.57932 22.4705 -156.53834 22.51085 -156.50272 22.51622 -156.48753 22.57087 -156.55039 22.56031 -156.52731 22.55337 -156.54565 22.55849 -156.50208 22.48083 -156.43695 22.58055 -156.42373 22.5784 -156.4349 22.56111 -156.40078 22.56525 -156.3564 22.61842 -156.38789 22.53594 -156.38115 22.57686 -156.24519 22.59509 -156.31791 22.59889 -156.2729 22.59664 -156.27352 22.61486 -156.2731 22.59956 -156.37142 22.57037 -156.31011 22.57396 -156.25186 22.51197 -156.177.c36 22.56897 -156.13446 22.57201 -156.1918 22.60412 -156.17005 22.60543 -156.40936 22.52764 -156.524 22.59754 -156.39847 22.64056 -156.42778 22.5374 -156.41539 22.48706 -156.42549 22.47393 -157.02489 21.85551 -157.108 21.78817 -157.19915 21.67587 -157.65954 21.19755 -157.79807 21.19483 -157.89522 21.24667 -157.86798 21.30154 -157.88628 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2016-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2016-04-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906873 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer .k raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device. barometer raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass .s raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. <.tgmi:output> hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw .v Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation .w raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR .y Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw .z Biospherical QSR-2200 Data was collected from this device. radiometer .{ raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. .| raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw .~ AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 . Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Ki.lo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 . adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction . Vaisala PTB220 barometer measures atmospheric pressure . Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. WET Labs WETStar . fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer . measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, .pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typical.ly installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere . Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake doi:10.7284/906873 eng utf8 fieldSession cruise level metadata R2R Manager Rolling De.ck to Repository (R2R) Program info@rvdata.us pointOfContact 2016-08-01 ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata Part 2 Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009(E) Cruise KM1605 on RV Kilo Moana 2016-08-01 published KM1605 C-MORE 2016, Leg 1 Wilson, Samuel University of Hawaii Scientist, Chief contributor EARTH SCIENCE > Oceans theme NASA/GCMD Science Keywords NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) User Support Office custodian Data are not to be used for navigation. eng oceans geoscientificInformation -157.89705 -156.13429 21.18747 22.64057 coordinates of ship track -157.87973 21.28405 -157.89703 21.26143 -157.89042 21.24279 -157.83278 21.19323 -157.66822 21.19202 -157.08826 21.38546 -157.00343 22.0033 -157.50016 22.60164 -156.67997 22.2712 -156.61408 22.33324 -156.64549 22.36067 -156.63458 22.34726 -156.62336 22.36294 -156.61688 22.33.094 -156.62652 22.34974 -156.52373 22.34372 -156.52651 22.36166 -156.59875 22.39316 -156.5948 22.40258 -156.60062 22.36801 -156.57144 22.36927 -156.57511 22.38848 -156.61624 22.43837 -156.60913 22.40854 -156.58377 22.41422 -156.57724 22.40034 -156.54437 22.42432 -156.51734 22.48271 -156.54558 22.47139 -156.53759 22.46009 -156.55474 22.47858 -156.53723 22.48311 -156.54977 22.43928 -156.55282 22.47654 -156.56469 22.47323 -156.55423 22.46737 -156.56345 22.42843 -156.58602 22.43233 -156.65303 22.49364 -156.57932 22.4705 -156.53834 22.51085 -156.50272 22.51622 -156.48753 22.57087 -156.55039 22.56031 -156.52731 22.55337 -156.54565 22.55849 -156.50208 22.48083 -156.43695 22.58055 -156.42373 22.5784 -156.4349 22.56111 -156.40078 22.56525 -156.3564 22.61842 -156.38789 22.53594 -156.38115 22.57686 -156.24519 22.59509 -156.31791 22.59889 -156.2729 22.59664 -156.27352 22.61486 -156.2731 22.59956 -156.37142 22.57037 -156.31011 22.57396 -156.25186 22.51197 -156.17736 22.56897 -156.13446 22.57201 -156.1918 22.60412 -156..17005 22.60543 -156.40936 22.52764 -156.524 22.59754 -156.39847 22.64056 -156.42778 22.5374 -156.41539 22.48706 -156.42549 22.47393 -157.02489 21.85551 -157.108 21.78817 -157.19915 21.67587 -157.65954 21.19755 -157.79807 21.19483 -157.89522 21.24667 -157.86798 21.30154 -157.88628 21.31571 Cruise Start and End 2016-03-23 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu 2016-04-02 University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Port Code List Honolulu http://doi.org/10.7284/906873 collectionSession Descriptions of datasets collected by devices. RDI OS-38 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RDI WM-300 Data was collected from this device. adcp raw RM Young 85106 Data was collected from this device. anemometer raw Vaisala PTB220 Data was collected from this device.. barometer raw Sea-Bird SBE-911plus Data was collected from this device. ctd raw WET Labs WETStar Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Turner 10-AU Data was collected from this device. fluorometer raw Bell BGM-3 Data was collected from this device. gravimeter raw Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 Data was collected from this device. gyrocompass raw Rotronic MP101A Data was collected from this device. hygrometer raw Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 Data was collected from this device. ins raw Campbell CR3000 Data was collected from this device. metstation raw Eppley PSP Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Eppley PIR Data was collected from this device. radiometer raw Biospherical QSR-2200 Data. was collected from this device. radiometer raw OSI ORG-815 Data was collected from this device. raingauge raw Yokogawa EML500FA2 Data was collected from this device. speedlog raw AML SV&P Data was collected from this device. ssv raw RM Young 41342 Data was collected from this device. tempprobe_air raw Sea-Bird SBE-45 Data was collected from this device. tsg raw International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Platform Code List Kilo Moana SHIP > Kilo Moana University of Hawaii operator RDI OS-38 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RDI WM-300 adcp (acoustic doppler current profiler) sonar measures water current velocities RM Young 85106 anemometer measures wind speed and direction Vaisala PTB220 .barometer measures atmospheric pressure Sea-Bird SBE-911plus ctd integrated hydro system measures conductivity, temp, pressure, etc. WET Labs WETStar fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Turner 10-AU fluorometer measures fluorescence (usually for phytoplankton) Bell BGM-3 gravimeter measures the Earth's local gravitational field Sperry NAVIGAT X MK 1 gyrocompass compass with a motorized gyroscope that tracks true north (heading) Rotronic MP101A hygrometer measures moisture content in atmosphere, typically also includes air temperature Applanix POS/MV-320 V4 ins determines spatial position and motion using inertial sensors with input from additional sensors (eg. satellite fixes) Campbell CR3000 metstation logger/translator/display hardware unit that integrates data from several meteorological sensors Eppley PSP radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Eppley PIR radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. Biospherical QSR-2200 radiometer measures radiation - pyranometer, pyrheliometer, pyrgeometer, etc. OSI ORG-815 raingauge (udometer) measures amount of liquid precipitation Yokogawa EML500FA2 speedlog measures Doppler near surface vessel speed through water AML SV&P ssv sound velocity profiler - typically installed in seachest for multibeam RM Young 41342 tempprobe_air measures temperature of air/atmosphere Sea-Bird SBE-45 tsg (thermosalinograph) measures sea surface temperature, salinity, etc. near seawater intake engfieldSessionC-MORE 2016, Leg 1EARTH SCIENCE > Oceansthemeoceans2016-08-012016-08-01POLYGON((-157.90 21.19, -157.90 22.64, -156.13 22.64, -156.13 21.19, -157.90 21.19))Data are not to be used for navigation.pointOfContact